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International Journal of Trend in Scientific

Research and Development (IJTSRD)

International Open Access Journal
ISSN No: 2456 - 6470 | | Volume - 2 | Issue – 1

A Review on
n Rasadhyaya: It’s Importance in
n Alchemy

Dr. Kavita Dr. M. K. Dash

PG Scholar,Dept. of RSBK, Govt. Lecturer, PG Dept. of RSBK, Govt.
Ayurved College, Raipur, C.G., India Ayurved College, Raipur, C.G., India

Dr. Gajendra Sahu Dr. S. M. Parhate

PG Scholar,Dept. of RSBK, Govt. Professor & H.O.D., PG Dept. of RSBK, Govt.
Ayurved College, Raipur, C.G., India Ayurved College, Raipur, C.G., India

Dr. K. S. Karbhal
Reader, PG Dept. of RSBK, Govt.
Ayurved College, Raipur, C.G., India

According to the development chronology, the use of authoritative text on Rasashastra and contains all the
Rasa Chikitsa Started from the 7th century to the 10th or details of various procedures involved in drug
11th century. With the use of Rasa-Rasayanadi
Rasayanadi, success purification and preparation. Rasadhyaya is an ancient
in Dehavada & Lohavada began to be successful and and authentic book in its time. It has more importance
the attitude of Acharyas towards Rasa Chikitsa. In the in the contemporary Rasagrantha (Rasa text) Hence its
tradition of Rasa Chikitsa, the Rasadhyaya written by Rasadhyayaa name is meaningful.
Siddha Kankayala and his disciple comes. Rasadhyaya
also comes in the classical treatise in high quality III PREDICTION OF PERIOD
Rasagranthas. Its shaili (style), bhasha (language),
There is no any specific time period is given in the
nirmana prakara (method of drug formulations) &
book. Rasadhyaya Author Kankalaya seems to be
mana nirupana (value representation) etc. keeps its
ancient, because their preaching period is not known. It
own space. In this article, the special description of
can be said that it was contemporary of the Yawan
Rasadhyaya & the contribution of Rasadhyaya in Rasa
rajya. Because he has used Yawan shashan kalik maap
shastra have been described.
(measure) Valla, Gadyad, Man his book.
In Rasashastra , the term rasa is indicative of Parada
In the tradition of Rasa Chikitsa,
Chikitsa the Rasadhyaya
(Mercury). Since the Mercury does, the ‘‘rasana’ or
written by Siddha Kankayala and his disciple comes.
‘aswadana’ (engulf) of ‘Abhrakadi
Abhrakadi rasa dravya’ and
Rasadhyaya nibandhan has been done by Champaka ,
‘Swarnadi dhatu’ it is called ‘Rasa’. Since its judicious
as it appears from the last stanza of the book. Siddha
therapeutic use slows down aging process ((jara), heals
Kankalayan preached his follower whose name is not
many diseases (ruja) and delays death ((mrityu), it is
mentioned, he gave this text a form & Champak
called ‘Rasa’.(1) The ‘Rasaushadhis’’ are known for
essayed it with detail. Champak himself introduced as
smaller dosage. They do not cause any nauseating
the name of Champak, son of Adi in Yadav Vanshiya
sensation during consumption. These medicines
tradition & the history of the treatise has indicated the
provide quick results and they are useful in majority of
14th Century.
ntury. The name of his mentor was Mahendra
difficult to cure disease conditions. These medicines are
prabha.. The commentary of Rasadhyaya is done by
also good appetizers and digestives.(2) Rasadhyaya is an

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Dec 2017 Page: 1071
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470

Merutund Jain in 1386 A.D. Kamsyaraji is good & the Prkashraji is the best. (4)

V MATERIALS & METHODS- 3rd Adhikar – Khapar Satvapatana

After going through the subject matter of Rasadhyaya,  In this Adhikaar Satvapatana of Khapar is
it is found that the whole text is completed in 21 described.
specific chapters known as Adhikar. The whole book is
mainly based on 18 specialized processing techniques  For the Khapar satvapatan, Tumbanali yantra is
of Mercury i.e.Samskar and on affecting other metals described.
by Parada (Mercury). However it is not only a text of
Alchemy but also used as medical treatise.  Also Kacchapakar musa, Vartulakar musa and
Bhudhar yantra are described for Kharpar
1st Adhikar – Shrinkhla rasa, Parada samskar satvapatana. (5)

 This Adhikar (chapter) starts with Namaskaratmak 4th Adhikar – Manahshila Satvapatana
 Manahshila satvapatana is described in this
 Parada sapt kanchuk dosha (mritika maya, pashan chapter.
maya, jaljata maya, nagaj, vangaj, shyama, kalika),
Parada pancha dosha (mala, vahni, visha, darp,  For the Manahshila satvapatan Kupipakva (kanch
unmatta) & Dosha mukt Parada are described. kupi) is described. (6)

 After Eighteen samskar Parada gets Dehasiddhi & 5th Adhikar – Shadloha marana vidhi
Lohasiddhi.  In this chapter 6 types of Loha marana is described.
 This chapter is called Shrinkhla Rasa due to the  For Naga marana Manahshila is used, for Vang
description of Parada Samskar in a series of ways. marana Hartal is used, for Loha marana Hingula is
The samskar are Patsaran, mardana, shodhan, used, for Tamra marana shuddh gandhak (pure
murchanothapana, rasapatana, rasa utthana, sulpher) is used, For Rajat marana Tilmakshik is
swedana, niyamana, nirodhan, mukhkari, jarana, used and for the Swarna marana Naga is used.
vedhkrut, sarana, marana, pratisarana, kramana,
vedhan & uddhatan.  Marana processes for all metals are same. (7)
 Superiority of Parada over other Rasayana drugs. 6th Adhikar – Tridha Shadloha drutikarana vidhi
Abhraka shodhana, Jirna abhraka jarana vidhi,
Jirna abhraka parada jarana vidhi, Dhanyabhraka  3 types of Shadloha drutikarana vidhi is described
lakshan, Abhra-pisti nirmana vidhi also described in this Adhikar.
in this adhikar.
 Shadloha druti are Hemadruti, Raupyadruti,
 Acharya has also described the opinions of other Tamradruti, Lohadruti, Nagadruti and Vangadruti.
Acharya’s with their views. (3)
 Sphatika, Tankan kshar, Devdali panchang and
2nd Adhikar – Hemaraji, Ghoshraji, Makshikraji, gomutra are described for Shadloha druti. (8)
Nagaraji detail
7th Adhikar – Tridha Annapathkaran vidhi
 In 2 Adhikar Rajiswarup nirupana is mentioned
for the Jarana of Parada (Mercury).  Annapathkaran vidhi for the Heerak jarana.

 In this chapter there is a representation of nature of  3 types of Heerak Annapathkaran (jarana) are
Hemaraji. For Jarana, add 1/64 part of Hemaraji to described by the use of Kukkut puta.(9)
8 times of Parada (Mercury). 8th Adhikar – Panchadha Heerakbhasmikaran vidhi
 Hemaraji, Nagaraji, Prakashraji, Kamsyaraji,  This chapter described the Heerak (diamond)
Makshikraji are described. pariksha and it has been said that Heerak does not
 Nagaraji is common Raji, Makshikraji is medium, burn by fire, does not break on falling and does not

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drown in water, so it is difficult to test. 13th Adhikar – Gandhak Taila dwara

Sahastrabedharasa vidhi
 So for the test of Heerak, take the Heerak in the
hand and rub it on. In which there is no single line  In this chapter Hema nirmana vidhi (with
and whose shine does not decrease, it is called sahastravedhak khot) is described by the use of
natural Heerak. Gandhak taila and Hemaraji jeerna Parada.

 Five types of Heerak bhasma are described. (10)  For the making of different Hema different metals
(Tamra, Naga, Vanga etc) are used. (15)
9th Adhikar – Dwidha Gandhak shodhana vidhi
14th Adhikar – Gandhak Druti-Pithi nirmana vidhi
 Sthali patra is described for the two types of
Gandhak shodhan vidhi.  In this chapter Ghandhak Druti –Pithi nirmana
vidhi is described by the use of Sajji kshara water,
 In the Rasa karma, the use of shuddh Gandhak Gandhak and Abhraka (in Kumbh kupi). (16)
(pure sulpher) in both these forms is described. (11)
15th Adhikar – Gandhak Druti-Pithi karm vidhi
10 Adhikar – Dwidha Gandhakpithi nirmana vidhi
 In this chapter of Rasadhyaya, the Karma (function)
 Two types of Gandhakpithi is described in this of Gandhak (Sulpher) has been described.
 Gandhak Druti-Pisti is used for Swarna nirmana,
 In first method- in clean Tamra patra (copper for Parada bandha and pota nirman and also used
vessel) keep pure sulpher and pure Mercury and for best Swarna nirmana. (17)
mantle well with finger. with this method, Parad
and Gandhak pithi has been prepared. 16th Adhikar – Talaka shodhana vidhi

 In second method – Make Kajjali from 1 part of  In this chapter Godanti Hartal purification method
pure Mercury and equal part of pure Gandhak. is described. Five types of drugs are essential for
Make pithi by adding Shrikhand rasa/ Hemavalli shodhana (purification) of Godanti Harital- 1)
rasa in Kajjali. After this Kajjali has been kept in Lime water, 2) Kusmand juice, 3) Milk, 4) water of
saravsamput and placed in the Kukkut puta. Vadvai and 5) Kanji (with salt).

 In this chapter, Swarna (gold) nirman vidhi has  Disorders due to the consumption of unclean
been mentioned. Melt 384 grams of Silver and mix Godanti Hartal have been described. (18)
6 grams of Sulpher in it, from this method
Panchdash (fifteen) coloured Swarna (gold) are 17th Adhikar – Tala karm nirupan
produced. This Gandhak pithi is helpful in the work
 In this chapter function of pure Hartal has been
of gold producers (swarna nirman karta). (12)
11th Adhikar – Gandhak Taila nirmana vidhi
 The person who consumes pure Hartal per day in
 Gandhak Taila nirmana (formation of sulpher oil) quantity of 1 Ratti, will became free from 18 types
vidhi is described in this chapter. of Kustas within 6 months. His new teeth comes out
and hair becomes black.(19)
 By the use of 60 kgs Pashan churna (chuna), 40
kgs Gandhak and 40 kgs. Sajji kshara water, the 18th Adhikar – Tridha Abhraka Drutikaran vidhi
method of oil production has been described. (13)
 In this chapter described the three types of Abhraka
12 th
Adhikar – Gandhak Taila dwara Tridha Druti nirmana vidhi. (20)
Hemakarma vidhi
19th Adhikar – Abhraka Drutikaran karya
 In this chapter three types of Hema nirmana vidhi is
 In this chapter three types of Dhanyabhraka Druti
described by the use of Gandhak taila.(14)
Karma has been described.

 The person who consumes 120 mg. of Abhraka

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Druti, has becomes Tejasvi (stunning), Nischal CONCLUSION

(clean) and Akshay (renewable) within 6 months.
Deha siddhi and Loha siddhi are achived through In this text very systematic description of Parada
its intake. (21) Samskar (Astadasha) has been described not only for
the metallic transformation but also for the metabolic
20th Adhikar – Hemavajra Bhasma, Bhunaag-satva- transformation by which body will become strong and
nispanna karma healthy. The features of Rasa therapy is that it works
quickly and gives health immedietly. Rasadhyaya is
 In this chapter Hemavajra bhasma and known for its virtue of practical usefulness. It gives
Bhunaagsatva nirupana karma has been described. contribution to the development of Rasashastra through
various methods of preparations of Rasa-yogas.
 It promotes strengthening and beauty of the body. Chapters and its contents are well arranged.
Rasadhyaya is an important text on Ancient Indian
21th Adhikar – Kilavaalvadini Gutika nirmana vidhi Alchemy and therapeutics. The subject matter of the
text is focused on performance and alternative methods
 In the last Adhikar (chapter) of the Rasadhyaya, of experimentation.
Acharya described the Gutikanjana and Balvadini
gutika and its preparation methods.(23) REFERENCES

DISCUSSION 1. Dattatrey Anant Kulkarni, Rasa ratna samucchaya,

Meharchand Lakshman publication, New Delhi,
Many words and preparation processes in this text Reprint 2010, 1/77, pp:9
differ from other texts. There are some words that are
not known by dictionaries and other texts, like Karpar, 2. Pt. Ramprasad, Rasendra sara samgrah, Khemraj
Kodiyaka, Siddhachakra, Valla, Gadyaan, Mana, ShriKrishnadas Publication, Mumbai, edition
Dugdhpali, Leehalaka, Kumbak etc. which do not have 2009,1/4, pp:2
clear knowledge from the dictionary. Acharya’s unique 3. Dr. Indradeva Tripathi, Rasadhyaya, Chaukhambha
contribution is seen in this text. In this text, the methods Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, second edition-1982,
of Parada Samskar are different from other pp: 1-49
contemporary texts. In the order of the Parada
Samskar, he first described the Patsarana, which is 4. Dr. Indradeva Tripathi, Rasadhyaya, Chaukhambha
their fundamental contribution. In this text Acharya Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, second edition-1982,
explained the process of Heerak (diamond) testing and pp: 49-53
the formation of Gandhak oil. Gold production has
been described by Gandhak oil and Gandhak-Druti- 5. Dr. Indradeva Tripathi, Rasadhyaya, Chaukhambha
Pisti. Description of different types of Druti in the Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, second edition-1982,
maximum chapters, are the speciality of the text. In this pp: 53-54
text Acharya quoted that Dehavada and Lohavada
6. Dr. Indradeva Tripathi, Rasadhyaya, Chaukhambha
will be achived by the consumption of Parada
Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, second edition-1982,
formulations, Khot formulations and Gutika
pp: 54-55
formulations. Acharya has highly praised the treatment
of Rasaaushadhi very effectively. In Rasadhyaya the 7. Dr. Indradeva Tripathi, Rasadhyaya, Chaukhambha
Author has included different types of Druti, Pisti and Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, second edition-1982,
Rasa aushadhies by his own experience. There is no pp: 58-59
any dought that Rasadhyaya is one of the best texts of
its time. In modern era it is also very useful in the 8. Dr. Indradeva Tripathi, Rasadhyaya, Chaukhambha
preparation of various pharmaceutical formulations. Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, second edition-1982,
pp: 55-58
9. Dr. Indradeva Tripathi, Rasadhyaya, Chaukhambha
Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, second edition-1982,
pp: 59-63
10. Dr. Indradeva Tripathi, Rasadhyaya, Chaukhambha

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470

Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, second edition-1982,

pp: 63-68
11. Dr. Indradeva Tripathi, Rasadhyaya, Chaukhambha
Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, second edition-1982,
pp: 68-69
12. Dr. Indradeva Tripathi, Rasadhyaya, Chaukhambha
Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, second edition-1982,
pp: 69-70
13. Dr. Indradeva Tripathi, Rasadhyaya, Chaukhambha
Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, second edition-1982,
pp: 71-72
14. Dr. Indradeva Tripathi, Rasadhyaya, Chaukhambha
Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, second edition-1982,
pp: 72-75
15. Dr. Indradeva Tripathi, Rasadhyaya, Chaukhambha
Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, second edition-1982,
pp: 75-76
16. Dr. Indradeva Tripathi, Rasadhyaya, Chaukhambha
Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, second edition-1982,
pp: 76-77
17. Dr. Indradeva Tripathi, Rasadhyaya, Chaukhambha
Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, second edition-1982,
pp: 77-79
18. Dr. Indradeva Tripathi, Rasadhyaya, Chaukhambha
Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, second edition-1982,
pp: 79-81
19. Dr. Indradeva Tripathi, Rasadhyaya, Chaukhambha
Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, second edition-1982,
pp: 81-84
20. Dr. Indradeva Tripathi, Rasadhyaya, Chaukhambha
Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, second edition-1982,
pp: 85-88
21. Dr. Indradeva Tripathi, Rasadhyaya, Chaukhambha
Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, second edition-1982,
pp: 89-91
22. Dr. Indradeva Tripathi, Rasadhyaya, Chaukhambha
Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, second edition-1982,
pp: 91-94
23. Dr. Indradeva Tripathi, Rasadhyaya, Chaukhambha
Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, second edition-1982,
pp: 94-100

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