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Republic of the Philippines



G.R. No. L-18857 December 11, 1967

THE CAPITAL INSURANCE and SURETY CO., INC., plaintiff-appellant,

ESTEBAN M. SADANG and MARIA LACHICA, defendants-appellees.

Achacoso, Ocampo and Simbulan for plaintiff-appellant.

L. Alba for defendants-appellees.


The following statement of facts, reproduced from the brief for plaintiff-appellant, the
Capital Insurance Surety Co., Inc., is admitted as correct by defendants-appellees:

Plaintiff Capital Insurance & Surety Co., Inc., subscribed on June 21, 1954 to a
bond (Exhibit A) in the amount of P42,000.00 in behalf of Mateo Pinto and in
favor of the Macondray Farms, Inc., the purpose of which was to guarantee the
payment of rentals of the fishpond and other obligations of Mateo Pinto as
contained in the lease agreement marked as Exhibit A-1.

To protect the interest of plaintiff Capital Insurance & Surety Co., Inc. from any
liability that may arise from the above-mentioned bond, Mateo Pinto and the
defendants in this case, Esteban M. Sadang and Maria Lachica, executed an
idemnity agreement (Exhibit B) and a deed of real of real estate mortage (Exhibit
C) on the property of the defendants located in the Province of Nueva Vizcaya
and covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 2216 issued by the Register of
Deeds of Nueva Vizcaya.

Mateo Pinto failed to pay the rentals of the leased fishpond to Macondray Farms,
Inc., in the total amount of P24,668.83.1

Because of the failure of Mateo Pinto to pay the said amount of P24,668.83 to
Macondray Farms, Inc., plaintiff in the instant case as surety had to pay, as it did
pay Macondray Farms, Inc., the amount of P24,668.83 on May 14, 1956 to settle
the obligation of Mateo Pinto with the said Macondray Farms, Inc.

Notwithstanding repeated demands, Mateo Pinto and his indemnitors including

herein defendants failed to reimburse the Capital Insurance & Surety Co., Inc.,
the the said amount of P24,688.83.
Because of such failure to make reimbursement, the Capital Insurance & Surety
Co., Inc., filed Civil Case No. 30061 against Mateo Pinto and his indemnitors
including the defendants in this instant case for the collection of the above-
mentioned amount.

On the strength of the agreement of the parties Civil Case No. 30061 (Exhibit E)
wherein it is agreed among others, that if after the sale of all the said properties,
the judment shall not have been fully satisfied, then plaintiff may file as separate
civil action against the defendants-spouses, Esteban M. Sadang and Maria
Lachica, the other indemnitors, but at the same time dismissed the case against
the herein defendants without prejudice (Exhibit F-1).

Two executions were issued by the court for the enforcement of the above-
mentioned decision in Civil Case No. 30061 and after applying the proceeds of
the sale of the properties in public auction there is still a deficiency in the amount
of P14,456.44 which, in view of the failure of the herein dependants to pay in
spite of plaintiff's repeated demands, had to become the subject of this instant

It is the contention of plaintiff that by virtue of the indemnity agreement (Exhibit B)

and the estate mortgage (exhibit C) of the herein defendants, they are liable for
the said deficiency of P14,456.44, plus interest, plus attorney's feest and costs of
the suit. On the other hand, defendants contend that their liability under the

mortgage contract (Exhibit C) is limited to the first P20,000.00 that might be

incurred under the bond and that since Mateo Pinto actually paid Macondray
Farms, Inc., the amount of P19,700.00, they are liable to pay only amount of
P300.00 which remain after deducting what was paid by Mateo Pinto to
Macondray Farms, Inc. from the first liability of P20,000.00.

After due hearing, the trial court rendered judgment on April 20, 1961 (pp. 93-
101, Record on Appeal) ordering defendants to pay to plaintiff only, the amount
of P300.00 and without costs.

To point on which the parties disagree is the interpretation of the following stipulation in
the mortgage contract executed by defendants-appellees:

This mortgage is constituted to indemnify the mortgagee for any damage, cost,
expenses and charges of whatever kind and nature that it may incur or sustain as
a consequence of having acted as surety on the bond referred to above, and or
its substitution, modification, alteration, change and/or renewals. That liability
secured by the above properties is limited to the first P20,000.00 that might be
incurred under the bond issued in favor of the Macondray Farms, Inc.

Appellant lays stress on the general statement of appellees' liability as it appears in the
contract, to wit; "to indemnify the mortgagee for any damage, cost, expenses and
charges of whatever kind and nature that it may incur or sustain as a consequence of
having acted as surety or the bond. . . ." Similar stress is laid on the fact that because
the principal debtor, Mateo Pinto, paid to Macondray Farms, Inc., the sum of
P19,700.00 before he became in default, no liability ever attached to appellant under its
bond for that amount, and hence it should not be considered as part of, or applied to,
"the first P20,000.00 that might be incurred under the bond . . .," which defined the limit
of appellees' obligation.

At first blush the argument seems logical. But the real intention of the parties is revealed
by the testimony of appellee Esteban Sadang concerning the circumstances which led
to the inclusion of the particular stipulation aforequoted. We quote from the record:

Q. In the course of your testimony in the last hearing you mentioned that
there have been two contracts of mortgage prepared in connection with this
property belonging to you and situated in Nueva Vizcaya and you also stated that
the first draft or first copy of the Deed of contract was not signed by You. Will

you please state to the Court the reason for not signing the first deed of
mortgage that was presented to you for signature?

A. When Mr. Pinto brought me to the Capital Insurance Company I was

permitted to see the written document prepared by Atty. Achacoso with Atty.
Nera as his companion and in the presence of one, the mestizo who was
supposed to be the manager of the Bonding Department. At that time, I was
made to understand that if I would consent to be one of the bondsmen I would
only answer to the first P20,000.00 of the total P42,000.00 bond which the
Capital Insurance was supposed to underwrite to Mateo Pinto in favor of
Macondray Farms and I told Atty. Achacoso in the presence of the mestizo the

then Manager of the Bonding Department that I was only supposed to answer to
the first P20,000.00 of the total bond indebtedness of P42,000.00. That the
moment the first P20,000.00 is paid the bonding company automatically releases
my responsibility to them.

Q. Showing to you again this Exhibit C for the plaintiff, is this the second draft
or second contract that was prepared by Mr. Achacoso after you have made that
interview in clarifying in so far as liability with the bond is concerned?

(Witness looking at Exhibit C)

A. Yes, this last letter was the one inserted, "That the liability secured by the
above properties is limited to the first P20,000.00 that might be incurred under
the bond issued in favor of the Macondray Farms, Inc."

Q. In the first draft of the contract of mortgage that was sought to be signed
by you do you mean then that this last three lines of the second paragraph of
page 2 of Exhibit 3 did not exist?
A. It did not and so I insisted it should be specifically mentioned that I was
answerable only to the first P20,000.00.

Q. Who made you understand that?

A. Atty. Achaeoso in fact Atty. Nera was present including that mestizo.

Q. What did Mr. Achacoso explain to you as to the extend of the liability of
the property on the last three lines of the second page of Exhibit C?

A. He emphatically informed me that when that liability will be paid may free
me to some connected liability with the other bondsmen and he said, it is very
clear. So I consented to sign with my wife.

The foregoing testimony is clear enough. Esteban Sadang agreed to be an indemnitor

only on condition that he would answer for the "first P20,000.00 of the total P42,000.00
bond," and that "the moment the first P20,000.00 is paid the bonding company
automatically releases my responsibility to them." The trial court found the said
testimony to be uncontradicted. If the mortgage contract as actually drafted seems to be
vague or ambiguous, the doubt must be resolved against appellant, whose lawyer
prepared the document, and in accordance with the real intention of the parties as
explained by defendants-appellees.

The trial court correctly held said defendants-appellants liable only for the sum of
P300.00. However, it failed to provide for the stipulated interest thereon at the rate of
12% per annum, which if not paid would be liquidated and added to the capital,
quarterly, and to order foreclosure of the mortgaged properties in case of non-payment.

WHEREFORE, the judgment appealed from is affirmed, with the modification indicated
above concerning interest, the same to begin from the date of the filing of the complaint.
In case of non-payment of the sum thus adjudged, including interest, the mortgaged
properties will be sold as provided in Rule 68. No costs in this instance.

Concepcion, C.J., Reyes, J.B.L., Dizon, Bengzon, J.P., Zaldivar, Sanchez, Castro,
Angeles and Fernando, JJ.,concur.

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