MSM Series Brushless Servo Motor Manual: © 2003 Sheffield Automation, LLC. All Rights Reserved

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MSM Series

Brushless Servo
Motor Manual

© 2003 Sheffield Automation, LLC. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents: MSM Motor Manual
Use of Motors ........................................................................................................... 2
Safety Notes .............................................................................................................. 2
MSM Motor And Performance Data ........................................................................ 3
460 Volt Motors .................................................................................................. 3
MSM Standard Motor Dimension ............................................................................ 4
MSM Motor Connector Ordering Information .................................................... 5
MSM Motor Connector Tables ................................................................................. 6
Standard Motor Radial Load Force Ratings For MSM Motors ............................... 7
Motor Installation ..................................................................................................... 8
Couplings and Pulleys .............................................................................................. 8
Preventing Electrical Noise ...................................................................................... 9
Motor Model Name Identification ............................................................................ 10

Use of Motors
Servo motors are intended to drive machinery. As such, they must be part of a controlled system that includes a
transistorized electronic amplifier. They are not intended for direct connection to the power supply or for use
with thyristor drives. Instructions in the amplifier and control system manuals must be observed; this document
does not replace those instructions.
Unless specified otherwise, servo motors are intended for use in a normal industrial environment without expo-
sure to excessive or corrosive moisture or abnormal ambient temperatures. The exact operating conditions may
be established by referring to the date for the motor. The mating of motors to machinery is a skilled operation;
disassembly or repair must not be attempted. In the event that a motor fails to operate correctly, contact the place
of purchase for return instructions.

Safety Notes
There are some possible hazards associated with the use of motors. The following precautions should be
observed. Specific Warnings and Cautions are listed under the heading “Motor Installation.”
Installation and Maintenance: Installation and maintenance or replacement must be carried out by suitably
qualified service personnel, paying particular attention to possible electrical and mechanical hazards.
Weight: Large motors are generally heavy and the center of gravity may be offset. When handling, take appro-
priate precautions and use suitable lifting equipment. Beware of share edges; use protective gloves when han-
dling such assemblies.
Flying leads: Ensure that flying or loose leads are suitably restrained to prevent snagging or entanglement before
carrying motors with such leads.
Generation: If the motor is driven mechanically, it may generate hazardous voltages at its power input termi-
nals. The power connector must be suitably guarded to prevent a possible shock hazard.
Loose motors: When running an unmounted motor, ensure that the rotating shaft is adequately guarded and the
motor is physically restrained to prevent it from moving. Remove the key which otherwise could fly out when
the motor is running.
Damaged cables: Damage to cables or connectors may cause an electrical hazard. Ensure there is no damage
before energizing the system.
Supply: Servo motors must not be directly connected to a power supply; they require an electronic drive system.
Consult the instructions for the drive system before energizing or using the motor.
Brakes: The brakes that are included on motors are holding brakes only and are not to be used as a mechanical
restraining device for safety purposes.
Safety requirements: The safe incorporation of this product into a machine system is the responsibility of the
machine designer, who should comply with the local safety requirements at the place where the machine is to be
used. In Europe, this is likely to be the Machinery Directive.
Mechanical connection: Motors must be connected to the machine with a torsionally rigid coupler or a rein-
forced timing belt. Couplers which are not rigid will cause difficulty in achieving an acceptable response from
the control system. Couplings and pulleys must be tight, as the high dynamic performance of a servo motor can
easily cause couplings to slip and thereby damage the shaft and cause instability. Care must be taken in aligning
couplings and tightening belts so that the motor is not subjected to significant bearing loads or premature bearing
wear will occur. Once connected to a load, tuning will be affected. A system turned without a load will probably
require retuning once a load is applied.
Connectors: Ensure power is removed before making or removing any connection Motor connectors should not
be connected or disconnected while power is applied.

MSM Motor And Performance Data

460 Volt Motors

Motor MSM100- MSM100- MSM115- MSM115- MSM115-89- MSM165-93- MSM165- MSM215- MSM215- MSM215- MSM215-
Model 6-604 14-604 34-404 62-404 404 204 146-304 221-304 319-304 407-304 505-304
In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm In-lb Nm
Continuous 6 0.72 14 1.53 34 3.8 62 7 89 10 93 10.5 146 16.5 221 25 319 36 407 46 505 57
Peak Torque 34 3.8 71 8 106 12 195 22 283 32 301 34 478 54 620 70 885 100 1133 128 1416 160
Winding Data1
Speed (rpm) 6000 6000 4000 4000 4000 2000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Stall Current 2.0 3.4 4.5 7.8 10.9 6.2 13.6 20.5 28.7 36.6 45.5
(amps peak)
Maximum Current 9.3 17.7 15.6 26.9 38.2 24.0 52.3 65.1 93.3 117.4 147.1
(amps peak)
KT (Nm/Amp) .46 .52 .95 .99 1.03 1.86 1.34 1.36 1.36 1.4 1.39
KE Voltage 55 62 115 120 123 225 161 164 164 170 168
Poles 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Winding Resis- 24.4 9.0 8.4 3.4 2.0 5.7 1.56 0.76 0.40 0.28 0.24
Ph to phase @
Winding Induc- 48 22.0 32.0 16.8 12.0 60.0 18.5 15.8 10.6 8.2 6.5
Phase to phase
Mechanical Data
Rotor Moment lb-in-s2 kg-m2 lb-in-s2 kg-m2 lb-in-s2 kg-m2 lb-in-s2 kg-m2 lb-in-s2 kg-m2 lb-in-s2 kg-m2 lb-in-s2 kg-m2 lb-in-s2 kg-m2 lb-in-s2 kg-m2 lb-in-s2 kg-m2 lb-in-s2 kg-m2
of Inertia .0013 .00015 .0019 .00021 .0050 .00057 .0089 .0010 .0142 .0016 .0195 .0022 .0319 .0036 .0655 .0074 .0956 .0108 .1248 .0141 .0175 .1549
Rotor Moment of .0023 .00026 .0028 .00032 .0082 .00093 .0122 .00138 .0171 .00193 .0266 .003 .0386 .0044 .0920 .0104 .1221 .0138 .1513 .0171 .1814 .0205
Inertia With Brake
Motor lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg
Net Weight 10.8 4.9 13.0 5.9 14.6 6.6 18.7 8.5 24.3 11.0 26.5 12.0 35.9 16.3 57.3 26.0 72.8 33.0 88.2 40.0 108 49
Motor Net Weight 12.4 5.6 14.6 6.6 17.0 7.7 21.1 9.6 26.7 12.1 30.6 13.9 40.1 18.2 63.9 29 79.4 36 94.8 43 114.7 52
With Brake
Shaft Material ST-60 ST-60 ST-60 ST-60 ST-60 ST-60 ST-60 ST-60 ST-60 ST-60 ST-60
1 2
Specifications at 25° C ambient 0 to peak value of volts, phase to phase
Storage and Operating Conditions:
Ambient Temperature: 0 to 40° C (32 to 104° F)
Storage Temperature: -30 to 70° C (-22 to 158° F)
Relative Humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing

MSM Standard Motor Dimension

c Shaft End Threaded Hole
Motor Thread Thread Depth

t MSM100-XXX M5 x 0.8 mm 12.5

MSM115-XXX M6 x 1.0 mm 16

MSM165-XXX M8 x 1.25 mm 19

MSM215-XXX M12 x 1.75 mm 28

e Note: Motors manufactured to millimeter dimensions

f g2
i2 s

Flange Shaft Motor
u+d-t k-i21
Model a b c e f i2 s d u (key depth) k1 (length from face) p m g g2
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
MSM100-6-604 90 80 8 100 3 30 7 14 5 3 224 194 81 27 99 120
MSM100-14-604 - - - - - - - - - - 249 219 -
MSM115-34-404 105 95 8 115 3 40 9 19 6 3.5 277 237 90 27 115 150
MSM115-62-404 - - - - - - - - - - 317 277
MSM115-89-404 - - - - - - - - - - 357 317
MSM165-93-204 142 130 12 165 3.5 50 12 24 8 5 316 266 126 32 142 186
MSM165-146-304 - - - - -- - - - - - 366 316
MSM215-221-304 190 180 13 215 4 58 14 32 10 7 367 309 150 45 190 250
MSM215-319-304 - - - - - - - - - - 415 357 -
MSM215-407-304 - - - - - - - - - - 463 405 -
MSM215-505-304 - - - - - - - - - - 511 453 -
Add 3mm for MSM100 motors with Sin/Cos feedback, 0 mm for MSM115 motors with Sin/Cos feedback, 21mm for MSM215 motors with Sin/Cos feedback, 22mm for MSM165 motors with Sin/Cos
Motors manufactured to millimeter dimensions shown. Inch dimensions can be obtained by dividing by 25.4. For further motor detail, engineering specification drawings are available.
Sin/Cos feedback is used with Single turn high reslolution (-S) and Multiturn high resolution (-M) feedback options.
Brake motors are the same length as non-brake motors.
MSM Motor Connector Ordering Information
Ordering options include the following:
• 24 VDC Brake (Consult factory for brake motor availability)
• Single turn high resolution
• Multi-turn high resolution
Consult the factory for information on any of these items.

Note: Optional configurations or encoder line counts have extended lead times and additional

Note: All options are not available.

Connector Part Number

Power Connectors
Size 1, 16AWG M.1302.0479
Size 1.5, 8-16AWG M.1302.1998
Size 1.5, 6-10AWG M.1302.1999
Encoder Feedback Connector
17 Pin M.1302.0510

MSM Motor Connector Tables
Feedback Connector
Pin 2000 Line Encoder High Resolution Absolute Encoder
Encoder (SRS 50) (SRM 50)
1 A+ Sine + Sine + 1 11
2 A- Sine - Sine - 2 10
3 B+ Cos + Cos +
3 13 16 9
4 B- Cos - Cos - 17
5 I+ 485 + 485 + 14 15 8
6 I- 485 - 485 -
5 7
8 Reserved Reserved Reserved
9 No connection 8-12 VDC 8-12 VDC
10 +5VDC No Connection No Connection
11 Common Common Common
12 Reserved Reserved Reserved
13 Temp + Temp + Temp +
14 Temp - Temp - Temp -
15 Hall A No Connection No Connection
16 Hall B No Connection No Connection
17 Hall C No Connection No Connection

Motor Power Connector

Size 1 Power Connector Size 2 Power Size 3 Power
Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal
1 U U U U U
3 V W V V V
4 W V W W W
A Brake + + Brake + + Brake +
B Brake - - Brake - - Brake -
C 1 1
D 2 2

B C + +
4 W U W U
1 3
2 1 2 1

Size 1; I < 13.5 Amps RMS Size 1.5; I < 44 Amps RMS Size 3; I < 97 Amps RMS

Standard Motor Radial Load Force Ratings For MSM Motors
Motors are capable of operating with the maximum radial or maximum axial shaft loads listed in the
following tables. Radial loads are applied midway along the shaft extension. The table represents
20,000-hour L10 bearing fatigue life. This 20,000-hour life does not account for possible application-
specific life reduction that may occur due to bearing grease contamination from external sources.

500 RPM 1000 RPM 2000 RPM 3000 RPM 4000 RPM 5000 RPM 6000 RPM
Motor kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb
MSM100 84 185 65 143 50 112 44 98 38 85 36 80 34 76
MSM115 95 211 82 182 63 139 54 119 48 106 44 98 42 93
MSM165 122 269 89 197 67 148 56 123 48 107 45 101 42 93
MSM215 209 469 163 359 122 269 101 224 86 191 81 179 77 170
MSM307 51.4 113 40.9 90 32.3 71 28.2 62 25.5 56 53 24.1

Note: The axial Load Force must always be zero.

Axial Load Force

Radial Load Force - lbs (Kg) applied at center

Motor Installation

Unmounted motors, disconnected mechanical couplings and/or disconnected cables are

dangerous if power is applied.

Disassembled equipment should be appropriately identified (tagged-out) and access to

electrical power restricted (locked-out).

Failure to observe these safety procedures could result in personal injury and damage to

Observe the following installation guidelines and those under the heading “Safety Notes”:
1. Do not run motors that are not properly mounted. Attach all power and encoder cables after the motor is
2. Mount motors with connectors pointing downward and use a drip loop in the cable to keep liquids flowing
away from the connectors.
3.The installer must comply with all local regulations and should use equipment and installation practices that
promote electromagnetic compatibility and safety.

Outer surfaces of motor can reach high temperatures, 125°C (275°F) during motor

Take precautions to prevent accidental contact with hot surfaces.

Failure to observe these safety procedures could result in personal injury.

Couplings and Pulleys

Mechanical connections to the motor shaft, such as couplings and pulleys, require a rigid coupling or a rein-
forced timing belt. The high dynamic performance of servo motors can cause couplings, pulleys or belts to
loosen or slip over time. A loose or slipping connection will cause system instability and may damage the motor
shaft and keyway. All connections between the system and the servo motor shaft must be rigid to achieve accept-
able response from the system. Connections should be periodically inspected to verify the rigidity.

When mounting couplings or pulleys to the motor shaft, ensure that the connections are properly aligned and that
axial and radial loads are within the specifications of the motor. The section “Load Force Ratings” provides
guidelines to achieve 20,000 hours of bearing life. Additional information about load force ratings, including
graphical depiction of varied load ratings and bearing life, is available for any motor from the Technical Support
groups listed on the back cover.

Preventing Electrical Noise
ElectroMagnetic Interference (EMI), commonly called “noise”, may adversely impact motor performance by
inducing stray signals. Effective techniques to counter EMI include filtering the AC power, shielding and sepa-
rating signal carrying lines, and practicing good grounding techniques. Effective AC power filtering can be
achieved through the use of isolated AC power transformers or properly installed AC line filters. Physically sep-
arate signal lines from motor cabling and power wiring; do not parallel signal wires with motor or power wires or
route signal wires over the vent openings of servo drives. Ground all equipment using a single-point parallel
ground system that employs ground bus bars or straps. If necessary, use electrical noise remediation techniques
to mitigate EMI in “noisy” environments.
Knowledgeable cable routing and careful cable construction improves system electromagnetic compatibility
(EMC). General cable build and installation guidelines include:
1. Keep wire lengths as short as physically possible.
2. Route signal cables (encoder, serial, analog) away from motor and power wiring.
3. Separate cables by 1 foot minimum for every 30 feet of parallel run.
4. Ground both ends of the encoder cable and twist the signal wire pairs.
5. Use shielded motor cables when necessary to prevent electromagnetic interference (EMI) with other equip-

High voltage can be present on the shield of a power cable, if the shield is not grounded

Ensure there is a connection to ground for any power cable shield.

Failure to observe these safety procedures could result in personal injury or damage to

Motor Model Name Identification

Frame mm (bolt hole circle)

Torque in-l b

Speed 2 digits *100=RPM

Voltage 1 digit *100=Voltage

Feedback M, S, E [multiturn, SinCos, Incremental Encoder (linecount*1000)]

Brake Option 0, 2, (0 no brake, 24 volt)

Other Option AA (no other options) -- connectors, face plate, shaft modifications

K* - with keyway
*O – With Blower
*S - With Shaft Seal

See examples below:

Model Number Description

MSM100-15-604-E2-0KA 100 frame 15 in-lb, 6000 RPM, 460 volt, line

encoder with no brake, keyway, no other options
MSM165-92-204-S-2KA 165 frame 92 in-lb, 2000 RPM, 460 volt, Single turn
high resolution, 24 volt brake, keyway, no options


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