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Issues relating to disabled members have been raised at practically every Democracy Review
meeting. The submissions we have received show our members and affiliates believe Labour
should be inclusive, promote equality and set ourselves high standards.
The Review has looked at what we need to do to remove the barriers which exist for
disabled people getting involved in our Party ensuring all events including local meetings,
fundraisers and more informal gatherings are accessible and that documents are available in
all formats.
The Review has had meetings focusing on disability in different parts of the country and a
national consultation event where all Constituency Labour Parties and affiliates were asked
to send representatives to consider specific proposals. We recognise the difficulties that
disabled people face in getting involved in politics and have engaged with disability activists
within the Party to try to learn from their experiences. We have worked with Disability
Labour the socialist society affiliated to the Party and other disabled members organisations
which campaign within Labour. Disabled members in Disability Equality Act Labour (DEAL)
who have undertaken considerable work to provide guidance for disabled members and
CLPs and Project 125 who campaign for better representation (125 MP’s) engaged with the
We recognise that discrimination against disabled people exists in society. The Labour Party
wishes to be a welcoming place for disabled people. We need to find ways to enable more
disabled members to get involved in the Party, to stand as candidates and encourage more
disabled people to join us.
Labour has legal obligations under the Equality Act and the duty to make reasonable
adjustments. Disability Equality Act Labour (DEAL) has produced a handbook outlining the
legal obligations required by equalities legislation. They are campaigning for this to become
an official Labour publication and to be circulated to all Party units. We very much welcome
the work that has been undertaken and have looked at this document. We recommend that
the Labour Party produce its own guidance to be distributed to all party units, to be made
widely available within the Party to disabled members and others to advise on what needs
to be done to comply with equalities legislation. This guidance should include contacts and
details of how to get support from the Party centrally to ensure that disabled people are
able to get involved in our Party.
The Review wants disabled people to have a strong voice within the Labour Party and
listened to what they were saying. Many disabled members are already actively involved in
our Party, in campaigning and attend local events. There has been a massive increase in the
number of disabled members participating in the Party in recent years but many barriers
We need to look at what disabled members can offer in every CLP. For many social media is
the easiest way to participate. Often telephone canvassing at home or at phone banks is a
good campaigning method.

Labour is already a mass Party with well over half a million members. In many
constituencies Labour has thousands of members. There are over 11 million disabled people
in the UK almost one in five of the population. We do know how many Labour Party
members are disabled but there will considerable numbers. It is believed that the data the
Party currently holds is an under-estimate of the numbers of disabled members in the Party.
Labour is transforming to be a campaigning mass Party. Many disabled people, their families
and carers are already heavily involved in local communities and have already joined.
Labour is their natural home. We need to ensure we open ourselves up so more can get
involved with us.
Disabled members have told the Review that they expect the Labour Party to adopt the
social model of disability. The 2017 manifesto with and for disabled people Nothing About
You, Without You said –
“Labour supports a social model of disability. People may have a condition or impairment
but are disabled by society. We need to remove the barriers in society that restrict
opportunities and choices for disabled people.”
The social model of disability emphasises the need to remove the barriers which prevent
disabled people from realising their potential whether that be from economic constraints to
prejudicial attitudes, inaccessible transport to exclusionary education.
The Review recommends that the Labour Party adopts the social model in relation to how
we organise as a Party.
We have focused on what we need to do to listen to disabled members, how we ensure
disabled members are able to participate by removing the barriers which make it more
difficult to get involved in our Party and how we ensure we deliver on our legal obligations
under the equalities legislation.
There is considerable work which demonstrates that disabled people are under-represented
in public life and politics generally. The evidence we have heard persuades us that there is
under-representation of disabled people in our structures and that there is a strong case for
an autonomous organisation within the Labour Party which elects its own officers.
Based on the submissions and representations made we make the following proposals -
The Review recommends that there should be rule book provision for an annual delegate
based Disabled Members Conference with representation from both CLPs and affiliates. The
Conference would feed into the policy making process. Voting entitlement should mirror
that of Annual Conference with 50% being allocated to CLP based delegates and 50% to
affiliates. At the Democracy Review national disability consultation event there was a
consensus amongst the disabled members who attended that an annual disability
conference arranged by the Party which brought together members from CLPs, from
affiliates and from all parts of the country was essential to give disabled members a stronger
voice. Whilst it would be a delegate based conference and it is important that as many of

those who attend are delegates to get that experience, the choice of venue should enable as
many as possible to attend. Many disabled members have said that CLPs should be allowed
to send more than one delegate given many disabled people may need rest and so may not
be able to attend every session. There also needs to be recognition of the costs of attending
this event both for disabled members and for carers/assistants.
The NEC should issue procedures for the Conference which should form part of the Rule
Book as an appendix so they are widely available to the membership. As with other Labour
documents this should be available in different formats.
It is accepted throughout the Review that changes can be incremental so it is envisaged that
the role and format of this Conference would develop.
More information needs to be given to disabled members in advance to enable them to
plan. There should be nine months period of notice of the Conference to all CLPs and
The Conference would have its own Conference Arrangements Committee.
A National Disabled Members committee should be elected which would include the
following –
To give oversight to the arrangements and agenda for the Disabled Members Conference
To work with the CAC, WCAC and other similar bodies to ensure that the requirements
relating to the Equality Act are delivered for disabled members and other disabled people
To work with others to provide support and training for CLP and branch Disability Officers
and CLPs working on disability issues
To work to develop Regional disability structures and networks within the Labour Party
To feed into the NEC and the NEC Equality Committee on issues of concern to disabled
To work with Labour spokespeople on disability issues
To encourage disabled members to get involved in the Party and oversee work on initiatives
and events to enable that to happen
To oversee work to ensure that specialist advice is available to the Labour Party nationally,
the regions and CLPs on disability access issues
To oversee political education, training and other events for disabled members
To oversee work to provide better support for disabled people to get involved in the Party
To work with others to ensure that there is a good understanding of disadvantage based on
class, of socio-economic disadvantage, and of intersectionality including discrimination
based on gender, sexuality, identity and ethnicity

To oversee work to ensure that there is a pool of disabled members available to hold posts
and stand as candidates
To input into disability awareness and equality training within the Party both for staff and
members and to work with the NEC on the provision of disability equality training
A BAME Officer, Young Members Disability Officer, Student Disability Officer, Women’s
Officer and LGBT+ Officer should sit on the Committee.
There will be places for both CLP based members and affiliates. CLP based members will be
entitled to expenses.
The Committee could either be elected at the National Disabled Members Conference or by
OMOV ballot of those who had self-defined as disabled.
It may be as structures develop that there could be Regional representation on the
Committee. Both the Scottish Labour Party and Welsh Labour Party should be asked to send
a representative to this Committee.
All positions should be available for job share and a strict protocol should be developed to
enable that to happen.
Disability Labour is an affiliated socialist society to the Labour Party. We have worked with
Disability Labour throughout this Review and they had the opportunity to have a meeting
with those who have attended each of the Disability events we held. Disability Labour have
undertaken their own internal consultations and discussions. In their submission they say
that they recommend the creation of a Disabled Members Section, that qualification of the
National Disabled Members Section should be based on self-identification and that there
should be consultation on the proposed system. They have also asked that there should be
consultation on the name of the Disabled Members Section.
The Disability Labour submission and most submissions/ representations we have received
from disabled members ask that the Committee be elected by OMOV of disabled members.
Disabled members say this is because of how difficult it is for disabled members to attend
events and the importance of maximising participation. We believe that a legal case may be
made to justify this however the Party will require to present the evidence base to provide
justification under the Equality Act. National positions such as Chair and Vice-Chair should
be elected nationally with regional representation and representation from the Scottish
Labour Party and the Welsh Labour Party. The Women’s Officer of the Disabled Members
Committee will sit on the National Women’s Committee, the BAME Officer of the Disabled
Members Committee should sit on the BAME Labour Committee and the Disabled Members
Youth Officer sit on the Young Labour Committee. There should be trade union places on
the Committee and a LGBT+ Officer.
Disability Labour wish to remain as an independent socialist society. As an affiliate with a
membership of disabled people Disability Labour should be given the space and support to
have an event at each Disabled Members Conference. The existence of Disability Labour as
independent socialist society affiliated to the Labour Party should also be more widely

advertised by the national Party to members who might be interested in joining in line with
proposals elsewhere in the report.
We recommend that every Region should be asked to facilitate a disabled members
networks/forum and networks for Disability Officers. Many disabled members find it easier
to get involved on-line so social media platforms often work well.
Some disabled members forums already exist at local level. Unlike women’s and ethnic
minority forum there is currently no rule book provision for disabled members’ forums. A
disabled members’ forum should be recognised in the rule book with the same rights as
women’s forum and ethnic minority forum. Guidance should be drafted to allow delegates
to CLPs where a Disabled Members’ Forum exist on geographical boundaries different from
the CLP.
There should be disability representation on Local Government Committees.
London Region has a Disability Officer on its Regional Board to ensure that disabled
members are represented and that the perspective of disabled members is always
considered. The new Regional Executive Committee requires a Disability Officer. This role
should be able to be able to be carried out as a job share subject to a strict protocol.
It is vital that the Labour Party comply with the Equality Act when we organise events. This
comes into focus at Annual Conference where many disabled people wish to participate
fully in both the main Conference and fringes. The Party nationally needs access to the best
possible advice to ensure that events are as accessible as possible. Many CLPs, branches and
other Party units also want advice about how to comply with legislation and how to ensure
that they can organise in a way which is accessible to disabled people. The Party needs a
central resource to provide both staff and members organising meetings and events with
advice. This can be done in a range of ways. Expertise can be brought into the party by
employing an in-house expert, a panel of experts could be appointed or there could be an
external stakeholder panel in each region.
The Democracy Review recommends an in-house expert on disabled access should be
Given that so few venues have good disabled access there are specific problems with access
at events. Too often people think of disabled access being about people in wheelchairs.
There are of course many different types of both visible and non-visible disability and
detailed guidance needs to be drafted about what needs to be considered when organising
an event to ensure disabled people can attend. This guidance needs to be provided to all
Regions and Nations, CLPs, Disability Officers, available to members on the Party website
and circulated widely in the Party. Many CLPs already try to ensure there is step-free
access, a microphone and an induction loop. It may be less clear what they need to do in
relation to mental health issues and other types of disability.

Disability Labour has suggested that Labour should adopt an “Inclusion Charter” that sets
out the values and behaviours that underpin “nothing about us without us” to assist CLPs in
making local Parties welcoming. It is recommended that this work should commence and
could be included with the guidance on disabled access.
Many people who take on this role have not done it before and need to learn the role.
There are many ways to be a successful Disability Officer but as in other roles at branch and
CLP level guidance needs to be compiled to give better support. Training and political
education is required particularly when people are newly elected post holders. A manual
should be issued with such guidance and other helpful information including contacts and
details of networks shortly after someone takes on this role.
Disabled members have argued at the events we have held that the Disability Officer role
should be normally be a stand-alone post. Some CLPs have Equality Officers which deal with
a wide range of equality issues. However disabled members have argued that it is very
difficult for an Equality Officer to do justice to all aspects of equality and the demands of the
role mean a stand-alone Disability Officer works better. There is no one size fits all
approach. However, in areas where the Party is large and strong we recommend a stand-
alone Disability Officer to enable the Party to proactively engage on the wide range of
disability issues, organise a disability forum and encourage disabled people to get involved
with the Party. There should be provision in the default standing orders for a Disability
Officer and where the CLP can’t fill the place it should lie vacant. Where there is a Disability
Officer they should have full voting rights on CLP Executive Committees and branch
committees. There may of course be circumstances where the Regional Executive
Committee or NEC take the view this is not a reasonable provision in a CLP and so the
default rules can be amended.
We have received numerous requests that disabled members have ways of obtaining
additional support such as help with the costs of assistants and for the costs of attending
It is recognised that disabled members face additional costs to enable them to be involved
in politics. Many of the steps required to make reasonable adjustments also carry additional
costs. Disabled people themselves often have less money and the Party needs to give
serious consideration as to how funding can be provided to ensure we both meet our legal
requirements and provide the support we would wish to put in place. The main fund which
potentially might be able to be used is the Diversity and Participation fund however disabled
members and CLPs say that awareness of this fund is poor and it is rarely utilised for the
benefit of disabled members.
The costs involved in addressing every access need are huge. Labour needs to allocate extra
resources and deliver on our vision. However, Government needs to do more to ensure that
more is done to enable disabled people to engage politically.

The Government’s suspension of the Access to Elected Office Fund which was set up to give
disabled candidates grants of up to £40,000 for additional costs such as transport or sign
language interpreters highlighted the need for a long-term solution to improve the
substantial under-representation of disabled people in public life. To support disabled
Parliamentary candidates, once selected, the Party has introduced a Bursary Scheme. The
Labour Party Bursary scheme is intended to help members with the additional costs
associated with standing as a parliamentary candidate. For example: technology (phone,
laptop etc.); travel costs; accommodation; clothing (suits etc.); phone calls; time off work;
costs of childcare or other caring responsibilities as well as costs related to a disability. The
success of this scheme needs to be kept under review and Labour needs to ensure that
funding is made available to improve accessibility. The Party is being asked for help with
support for those going through selection and in other involvement in the Party.
Based on the information before us, the Review is concerned that disabled people are not
being represented adequately in our Party. As we have no accurate comprehensive data on
who is disabled in the Party this is based on our knowledge of national data such as the
census and what has been able to be provided to us by the Party. We need the perspective
of disabled members in the rooms where decisions are taken to ensure that experience and
those voices are heard. As indicated elsewhere we recommend rule changes are brought
forward to ensure there is a Disabled representative on the NEC. Evidence and justification
needs to be compiled to enable this to be done and so once the membership system
changes are made systematic steps need to be taken to gather data.
Given the importance of disability access at Conference and the amount of time which the
CAC spends considering these issues we have considered whether a disabled representative
should be elected to the CAC as this has been proposed in many of the submissions. In
recent years the CAC (and now the WCAC) have appointed their own Disability Champion to
work with disabled members. We recommend there should be a disabled representative on
the CAC and that the case for this is made under the Equality Act.
There needs to be an equality audit of the composition of the National Constitutional
Committee. Anecdotally we are told that a disproportionate number of cases involve
disabled members. The National Constitutional Committee is not clearly within the terms of
reference of this Review although we are making a recommendation relating to it elsewhere
in this report. We would recommend that work is done to examine whether disabled
members are disproportionately being referred to the NCC and whether reform is required.
All the evidence shows that disabled people are under-represented in politics. We need to
ensure that work is done to increase the number of disabled candidates that Labour stands
and ensure that there is more support.
The current high expectations on candidates to take part in campaigning such as door to
door canvassing can place impossible demands on disabled candidates and indeed other
candidates. Disabled candidates and others may be exceptional candidates even though

they can’t take part in for example door to door campaigning. As indicated elsewhere the
candidate contract and the requirements on candidates needs to be clarified to ensure we
can select more disabled candidates and other candidates from under-represented groups.
There are a range of ways which potential candidates can demonstrate their suitability to
stand as a Labour candidate and this should be reflected in the requirements to stand as a
Labour candidate.
A training programme for potential disabled candidates should be developed.
Labour needs to develop many strategies to ensure that we are an inclusive party. There
Democracy Review is very aware we cannot develop a comprehensive action plan to
address access and inclusion issues but believe that the steps outlined in this section and
elsewhere will lead to further work to ensure that we deliver the vision of an inclusive mass


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