Advanced Training Institute, DGT, MSDE, Mumbai - MCQ Test 4 - POT / ET

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Advanced Training Institute, DGT, MSDE, Mumbai - MCQ Test 4 – POT / ET

9. MICR stands for -
1. Largest and National Open University in India is - A. Magnetic Ink Character Reader
A. Delhi University B. Magnetic Ink Code Reader
B. IGNOU C. Magnetic Ink Cases Reader
C. BRAOU D. None.
D. Mumbai University.
10. The output quality of a printer is measured by -
2. Which one of the following is Mixed Mode University A. Dot per inch
in India? B. Dot per sq. inch
A. Delhi University C. Dots printed per unit time
B. Amity University D. All of above.
11. Personal computers use a number of chips mounted
D. Mumbai University.
on a main circuit board. What is the common name
for such boards?
3. Which one of the following is Open University? A. Daughter board
A. Delhi University B. Motherboard
B. Amity University C. Father board
C. Yashwantrao Chavan Mukta Vidyapeeth (YCMU), D. Breadboard.
D. Mumbai University. 12. A computer program that translates one program
instructions at a time into machine language is
4. Recognition related information to Universities, called a/an -
Colleges, Degrees & Certification under various Open A. Interpreter
and Distance Learning (ODL) Institutions is to be B. CPU
verified with - C. Compiler
A. Concerned Open Universities D. Simulator.
B. Concerned Indian Universities
C. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India, New Delhi 13. A small or intelligent device is so called because it
contains within it a -
D. Distance Education Council (DEC), under UGC New
Delhi. A. Computer
B. Microcomputer
C. Programmable
5. Mixed Mode Universities offer - D. Sensor.
A. Regular Campus Programs
B. Distance Education with Printed Material & Contact 14. All modern computer operate on -
Classes A. Information
C. Technology-Based Online Degrees B. Floppies
D. All of the above. C. Data
D. Word.
6. CD-ROM stands for - 15. What is the name of the computer terminal which gives
A. Compactable Read Only Memory paper printout?
B. Compact Data Read Only Memory A. Display screen
C. Compactable Disk Read Only Memory B. Soft copy terminal
D. Compact Disk Read Only Memory. C. Hard copy terminal
7. MSI stands for - D. Plotter.
A. Medium Scale Integrated Circuits 16. Dot-matrix is a type of -
B. Medium System Integrated Circuits A. Tape
C. Medium Scale Intelligent Circuit
B. Printer
D. Medium System Intelligent Circuit.
C. Disk
8. WAN stands for - D. Bus.
A. Wap Area Network
B. Medium System Integrated Circuits 17. The two kinds of main memory are -
C. Wide Array Net A. Primary and secondary
D. Wireless Area Network. B. Random and sequential
C. ROM and RAM
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D. All of above. A. A central processing unit

B. A memory
18. A kind of serial dot-matrix printer that forms C. Input and output unit
characters with magnetically-charged ink sprayed D. All of the above.
dots is called -
A. Laser printer 28. The instructions for starting the computer are house on
B. Ink-jet printer -
C. Drum printer A. Random access memory
D. Chan printer. B. CD-Rom
C. Read only memory chip
19. Which printer is very commonly used for desktop D. All of above.
A. Laser printer 29. A factor which would strongly influence a business
B. Inkjet printer person to adopt a computer is its -
C. Daisywheel printer A. Accuracy
D. Dot matrix printer. B. Reliability
C. Speed
20. Programs designed to perform specific tasks is known D. All of above.
as -
A. System Software 30. CAD stands for -
B. Application Software A. Computer Aided Design
C. Utility Programs B. Computer Algorithm for Design
D. Operating System. C. Computer Application in Design
D. All of the above.
21. The term gigabyte refers to -
A. 1024 bytes 31. which language is source program written?
B. 1024 kilobytes A. English
C. 1024 megabytes B. Symbolic
D. 1024 gigabyte. C. High level
22. -------- Device is any device that provides information, D. Temporary.
which is sent to the CPU -
32. Which of the following is used only for data entry &
A. Input
storage, & never for processing?
B. Output
A. Mouse
B. Dumb Terminal
D. Memory.
C. Micro Computer
. D. Dedicated Data Entry System.
23. Which of the following is not an input device?
A. OCR 33. Which of the following produces the best quality
B. Optical scanners graphics reproduction?
C. Voice recognition device A. Laser printer
D. COM (Computer Output to Microfilm). B. Ink jet printer
C. Plotter
24. The central processing unit (CPU) consists of - D. Dot matrix printer.
A. Input, output and processing
B. Control unit, primary storage, and secondary storage 34. An error in computer data is called -
C. Control unit, arithmetic-logic unit and primary storage A. Chip
D. Control unit, processing, and primary storage. B. Bug
25. Which is considered a direct entry input device? D. Storage device.
A. Optical scanner
B. Mouse and digitizer 35. Which one is the result of the output given by a
C. Light pen computer -
D. All of the above. A. Data
B. Instruction
26. Which is used for manufacturing chips? C. Information
A. Bus D. Excursion.
B. Control Unit
C. Semiconductors 36. The output shown on the computer monitor is called
D. (A) and (B) only. A. VDU
B. Hard Copy
27. A computer consists of -
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C. Soft Copy
D. Screen Copy. 45. NCVT is chaired by the –
A. Union Minister of MSDE
37. Identify the device through which data and instructions
B. Union Secretary of MSDE
are entered into a computer -
C. Joint Secretary of DGT
A. Software
D. DDG of DGT.
B. Output device
C. Input device 46. After completing training under CTS, trainees are
D. Memory. awarded with ------- certificate.
38. Arrange in ascending order the units of memory TB,
KB, GB, MB - 47 Instructional Media Development Program is at -
A. TB>MB>GB>KB A. CSTARI, Kolkata.
B. MB>GB>TB>KB B. NIMI, Chennai
C. TB>GB>MB>KB C. FTI Bangalore & Jamshedpur
D. GB>MB>KB>TB. D. APEX Hi-Tech Institute (AHI) Bangalore.

39. Name of the screen that recognizes touch input is - 48. Objectives of Apprenticeship Training Scheme (ATS)
are -
A. Recog Screen A. Regulate Apprenticeship Training Program
B. Point Screen B. Conform Syllabus, Training Period, etc. as laid down
C. Touch Screen by CAC
D. Android Screen. C. Use industrial facilities for practical training to meet
requirements of skilled manpower
40. Computer Monitor is also known as -
D. All of the above.
B. UVD 49. Apprenticeship Act was enacted in -
C. VDU A. 1959
D. CCTV. B. 1961
41. Apex Organization for Development & Coordination of C. 1962
National Level VTPs is – D. 1973.
B. DETs 50. Monitoring & Implementation of Apprenticeship Act
for BE, B.Tech & Diploma holders is implemented by

42. Main Objectives of DGT are - A. 1959

A. Development of Training Schemes at National level &
Evolution of Common Policies C. BOAT
B. Laying of Training Standards, Norms & Procedures D. State App Advisers
C. Instructor Training, Conducting of Exams (Trade
Testing), Certification etc.
D. All of the above.

43. AICTE is a regulator, regulating ------------ education in

A. Vocational
B. Medical
C. Engineering
D. None of the above.

44. The NCVT, an Advisory Body, was set up in 1956 (Then

NCTVT). NCVT has been entrusted with the
responsibilities of –
A. Prescribing Standards and Curricula for Craftsmen
B. Advising the GOI on the overall Policy & Programs
C. Conducting All India Trade Tests & awarding NTCs
D. All of the above.
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.1. B 16. B 31. B 46. A
2. B 17. C 32. B 47. B
3. C 18. B 33. C 48. D
4. D 19. A 34. B 49. C
5. D 20. B 35. C 50. C
6. D 21. C 36. C
7. A 22. A 37. C
8. B 23. D 38. C
9. A 24. C 39. C
10. B 25. D 40. C
11. B 26. C 41. A
12. A 27. D 42. D
13. D 28. C 43. C
14. C 29. D 44. D
15. C 30. A 45. A

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