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Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 1 of 22 PageID #: 1



CPG International LLC, :

: Civil Action No. _________
Plaintiff, :
Fiber Composites, LLC :
d/b/a/ Fiberon, :
Defendant. :


Plaintiff CPG International LLC (“CPG” or “Plaintiff”) files this Complaint against

Defendant Fiber Composites, LLC d/b/a Fiberon (“Fiberon” or “Defendant”); and alleges as



1. This is a claim for patent infringement arising under the patent laws of the

United States, Title 35 of the United States Code § 271.


2. Plaintiff CPG International LLC (hereinafter “CPG” or “Plaintiff”) is a Limited

Liability Company formed and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, with its

principal place of business in Skokie, Illinois.

3. Upon information and belief, Defendant Fiber Composites, LLC (“Fiberon” or

“Defendant”) is a Limited Liability Company formed and existing under the laws of the State

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of Delaware, with its principal place of business in New London, North Carolina. Upon

information and belief, Defendant conducts business under the name “Fiberon” and/or Fiberon,

LLC. Upon information and belief, Fiberon may be served with process by serving its registered

agent The Corporation Trust Company at Corporation Trust Center, 1209 Orange St.,

Wilmington, DE 19801.


4. This action arises under the patent laws of the United States, Title 35 of

the United States Code, among other claims. Thus, this Court has subject matter jurisdiction

pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331.

5. This Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendant pursuant to due process

and the Delaware Long Arm Statute. Each Defendant, directly or through intermediaries, has

conducted and conducts substantial business in this judicial district and state, including but not

limited to: (i) engaging in at least part of the infringing acts alleged herein; (ii) purposefully

and voluntarily placing one or more infringing products or services into the stream of

commerce with the expectation that they will be purchased by consumers in this forum; and/or

(iii) regularly doing or soliciting business, engaging in other persistent courses of conduct, or

deriving substantial revenue from goods and services provided to entities in Delaware and in

this District.

6. For example, Defendant markets, offers to sell, and sells infringing products to

customers in this judicial district and state through its website (

Additionally, Defendant sells its infringing products to distributors who resell the infringing products

through retail locations across Delaware, and Defendant is aware that the distributors intend to sell through

Delaware. As such, this Court has personal jurisdiction over the Defendant because they conduct

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substantial and continuous business in this judicial district via the Internet, and otherwise, and

have established minimum contacts within this judicial district such that the exercise of

jurisdiction would not offend traditional notions of fair play and justice.

7. As a further example, Defendant is a resident of Delaware, being organized and

existing under its laws.

8. Venue is proper in this Court under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1391 and 1400(b) for the

reasons set forth above.


9. CPG is engaged in the primary business of manufacturing and selling building

material products.

10. One product that CPG manufactures and sells is its TimberTech®

RadianceRail® composite railing (“RR Product”).

11. CPG has offered the RR Product, which embodies at least some of CPG’s

patented technology and designs, since at least 2005.

12. RR Products are considered some of the industry’s leading railings.

13. CPG has an expansive patent portfolio of both utility and design patents directed

to its composite railing products.

14. CPG has extensively promoted the RR Product at a considerable expense to


15. CPG has invested considerable expense in prosecuting and protecting its valued

intellectual property.

16. Upon information and belief, Defendant is engaged in the primary business of

manufacturing and selling building material products.

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17. Defendant manufactures and sells composite railing that infringes upon CPG’s

patents, including a composite railing product called “Symmetry Railing” (hereinafter the

“Infringing Product”). Examples of Symmetry Railing are attached as Exhibit A.

18. Upon information and belief, Defendant sells and advertises its products,

including the Infringing Product, on the website:

19. Upon information and belief, in or around 2015, Defendant’s Infringing Product

was created and developed, more than 9 years after CPG’s RR Product began being sold to the


20. Upon information and belief, due to the popularity of the RR Product, Defendant

knew or was aware of the RR product prior to developing and implementing the Symmetry

Railing product.

21. Upon information and belief, Defendant purposely copied CPG’s RR product

and implemented that copying as the Symmetry Railing product.

22. On June 5, 2015, CPG sent Fiberon a letter expressing its concerns about the

Symmetry Railing product and informing Fiberon of its extensive patent portfolio and further

pending applications. A copy of the letter is attached as Exhibit B.

23. Upon information and belief, Fiberon has made no substantive changes to its

Symmetry Railing product since receiving the June 5th letter, or after further correspondence

and communications addressing the situation.

24. Fiberon has continued to sell its Symmetry Railing product despite knowledge

of CPG’s patent portfolio and the multiple applications that were pending.

25. CPG has never sold, licensed, or otherwise authorized Defendant to use any of

its intellectual property.

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26. Upon information and belief CPG has lost sales, revenues, and profits due to

Defendant’s ongoing infringement of CPG’s patents.

27. Upon information and belief CPG will continue to lose sales, revenues, and

profits if Defendant’s infringing activity is not stopped.


28. The allegations of the preceding paragraphs are incorporated as if fully set forth


29. CPG is the owner of all right, title and interest in and to the following United

States Letters Patent, duly and legally issued to CPG:

a. U.S. Patent No. 9,822,547 (the ‘547 Patent);

b. U.S. Patent No. D782,697 (the ‘697 Patent);

c. U.S. Patent No. D782,698 (the ‘698 Patent);

d. U.S. Patent No. D784,559 (the ‘559 Patent);

e. U.S. Patent No. D785,199 (the ‘199 Patent);

f. U.S. Patent No. D788,329 (the ‘329 Patent);

g. U.S. Patent No. D797,307 (the ‘307 Patent);

h. U.S. Patent No. D807,527 (the ‘527 Patent); and

i. U.S. Patent No. D809,157 (the ‘157 Patent).

These patents are also referred hereto as the “patents-in-suit.” True and accurate copies

of these patents are attached as Exhibit C.

30. Thus, at all times relevant to this action, Plaintiff CPG was, and is, the owner of

the patents-in-suit.

31. CPG also holds the right to sue and recover damages for infringement thereof,

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including past damages, of the patents-in-suit.

32. Plaintiff has complied with the statutory requirement (e.g., 35 U.S.C. § 287) of

placing a notice of the Letters Patent, for all of the patents-in-suit, on or in connection with the

patented products it makes and sells. Furthermore, Defendant has had written notice of Plaintiff’s

patent portfolio, including multiple pending applications, since at least June 5, 2015. Defendant

knew or should have known additional patents were likely to issue and knew or should have known

of the patents-in-suit as of the issuing dates.

33. By filing and serving this Complaint for Patent Infringement, CPG has again

given Defendant written notice of their infringement.

COUNT I—Direct Infringement of the Patents-In-Suit

34. The allegations of the preceding paragraphs are incorporated by reference as if

fully set forth herein.

35. Defendant has directly infringed and continues to infringe (either literally or

under the doctrine of equivalents) at least one claim of each of the patents-in-suit in violation of

35 U.S.C. § 271(a) by making, using, selling, and/or offering to sell in the United States, without

CPG’s authority, their railings that use the patented systems and designs. By way of example

only and without limiting CPG’ s claims to this specific example, Defendant’s acts of

making, selling or offering to sell its Symmetry Railing containing an H-shaped support rail and

Symmetry Railing’s present or past designs, amounts to direct infringement of the patents-in-


36. CPG has provided an exemplary claim chart attached hereto as Exhibit D,

showing in element by element manner the Infringing Product compared to the claims of the

‘547 patent. Additionally, CPG has provided a side-by-side depiction of the Infringing Product

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and the design patents-in-suit attached hereto as Exhibit E. CPG does not intend Exhibit D or

E to be comprehensive or limiting and CPG reserves its rights to pursue all available

infringement arguments as this case progresses.

37. CPG has been injured and seeks damages to adequately compensate it for

Defendant’s infringement of the patents-in-suit. Such damages should be CPG’s lost profits

but, in any event, no less than the amount of a reasonable royalty under 35 U.S.C. § 284.

38. Defendant has willfully infringed the patents-in-suit. For example, at least as

early as being informed of the similarity of the products, Defendant has continued to

manufacture and market its Symmetry Railing product. Defendant knew or should have known

that there were multiple patents pending intended to address the Symmetry Railing product and

knew or should have known of the patents-in-suit as of the issuing dates. These acts amount to

willful, deliberate, and egregious acts of infringement.

39. Defendant will continue to infringe the patents-in-suit unless enjoined by this

Court. CPG therefore requests that this Court enter an order under 35 U.S.C. § 283

preliminarily and permanently enjoining Defendant from continuing to make, use, sell, offer to

sell, and/or import into the United States the products and designs accused of infringing the

patents-in-suit and from further infringement, contributory infringement and/or inducing

infringement of the patents-in-suit.

COUNT II—Infringement of U.S. Patent No. 9,822,547

40. The allegations of the preceding paragraphs are incorporated by reference as if

fully set forth herein.

41. Defendant has directly infringed and continues to infringe at least claims 1-22

and 24 of the ‘547 Patent in violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a) by making, using, selling, and/or

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offering to sell in the United States, without CPG’s authority, the Infringing Product that uses

the patented systems and designs.

42. Upon information and belief, the Infringing Product contains each and every

element of the asserted claims, either literally or under the doctrine of equivalents, as further

evidenced in the claim chart attached hereto as Exhibit D.

43. CPG has been injured and seeks damages to adequately compensate it for

Defendant’s infringement of the ‘547 Patent. Such damages should be CPG’s lost profits as a

result of the infringement but in any event no less than the amount of a reasonable royalty

under 35 U.S.C. § 284.

44. Defendant has willfully infringed the patents-in-suit. For example, at least as

early as being informed of the similarity of the products, Defendant has continued to

manufacture and market its Symmetry Railing product. Defendant knew or should have known

that there were multiple patents pending intended to address the Symmetry Railing product and

knew or should have known of the patents-in-suit as of the issuing dates. These acts amount to

willful, deliberate, and egregious acts of infringement.

45. Defendant will continue to infringe the ‘547 Patent unless enjoined by this Court.

CPG therefore requests that this Court enter an order under 35 U.S.C. § 283 preliminarily

and permanently enjoining Defendant from continuing to make, use, sell, offer to sell, and/or

import into the United States the products and designs accused of infringing the ‘547 Patent

and from further infringement, contributory infringement and/or inducing infringement of the

‘547 Patent.

COUNT III—Infringement of U.S. Patent No. D782,697

46. The allegations of the preceding paragraphs are incorporated by reference as if

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fully set forth herein.

47. Defendant has directly infringed and continues to infringe claim 1 of the ‘697

Patent in violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a) by making, using, selling, and/or offering to sell in

the United States, without CPG’s authority, the Infringing Product that uses the patented


48. Upon information and belief, the design of the Infringing Product is

substantially the same or equivalent to the design of the ‘697 patent, as further evidenced in the

side-by-side comparison attached hereto as Exhibit E.

49. CPG has been injured and seeks damages to adequately compensate it for

Defendant’s infringement of the ‘697 Patent. Such damages should be CPG’s lost profits as a

result of the infringement but in any event no less than the amount of a reasonable royalty

under 35 U.S.C. § 284.

50. Defendant has willfully infringed the patents-in-suit. For example, at least as

early as being informed of the similarity of the products, Defendant has continued to

manufacture and market its Symmetry Railing product. Defendant knew or should have known

that there were multiple patents pending intended to address the Symmetry Railing product and

knew or should have known of the patents-in-suit as of the issuing dates. These acts amount to

willful, deliberate, and egregious acts of infringement.

51. Defendant will continue to infringe the ‘697 Patent unless enjoined by this Court.

CPG therefore requests that this Court enter an order under 35 U.S.C. § 283 preliminarily and

permanently enjoining Defendant from continuing to make, use, sell, offer to sell, and/or

import into the United States the products accused of infringing the ‘697 Patent and from

further infringement, contributory infringement and/or inducing infringement of the ‘697 Patent.

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COUNT IV—Infringement of U.S. Patent No. D782,698

52. The allegations of the preceding paragraphs are incorporated by reference as if

fully set forth herein.

53. Defendant has directly infringed and continues to infringe claim 1 of the ‘698

Patent in violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a) by making, using, selling, and/or offering to sell in

the United States, without CPG’s authority, the Infringing Product that uses the patented


54. Upon information and belief, the design of the Infringing Product is

substantially the same or equivalent to the design of the ‘698 patent, as further evidenced in the

side-by-side comparison attached hereto as Exhibit E.

55. CPG has been injured and seeks damages to adequately compensate it for

Defendant’s infringement of the ‘698 Patent. Such damages should be CPG’s lost profits as a

result of the infringement but in any event no less than the amount of a reasonable royalty

under 35 U.S.C. § 284.

56. Defendant has willfully infringed the patents-in-suit. For example, at least as

early as being informed of the similarity of the products, Defendant has continued to

manufacture and market its Symmetry Railing product. Defendant knew or should have known

that there were multiple patents pending intended to address the Symmetry Railing product and

knew or should have known of the patents-in-suit as of the issuing dates. These acts amount to

willful, deliberate, and egregious acts of infringement.

57. Defendant will continue to infringe the ‘698 Patent unless enjoined by this Court.

CPG therefore requests that this Court enter an order under 35 U.S.C. § 283 preliminarily and

permanently enjoining Defendant from continuing to make, use, sell, offer to sell, and/or

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import into the United States the products accused of infringing the ‘698 Patent and from

further infringement, contributory infringement and/or inducing infringement of the ‘698 Patent.

COUNT V—Infringement of U.S. Patent No. D784,559

58. The allegations of the preceding paragraphs are incorporated by reference as if

fully set forth herein.

59. Defendant has directly infringed and continues to infringe claim 1 of the ‘559

Patent in violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a) by making, using, selling, and/or offering to sell in

the United States, without CPG’s authority, the Infringing Product that uses the patented


60. Upon information and belief, the design of the Infringing Product is

substantially the same or equivalent to the design of the ‘559 patent, as further evidenced in the

side-by-side comparison attached hereto as Exhibit E.

61. CPG has been injured and seeks damages to adequately compensate it for

Defendant’s infringement of the ‘559 Patent. Such damages should be CPG’s lost profits as a

result of the infringement but in any event no less than the amount of a reasonable royalty

under 35 U.S.C. § 284.

62. Defendant has willfully infringed the patents-in-suit. For example, at least as

early as being informed of the similarity of the products, Defendant has continued to

manufacture and market its Symmetry Railing product. Defendant knew or should have known

that there were multiple patents pending intended to address the Symmetry Railing product and

knew or should have known of the patents-in-suit as of the issuing dates. These acts amount to

willful, deliberate, and egregious acts of infringement.

63. Defendant will continue to infringe the ‘559 Patent unless enjoined by this Court.

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CPG therefore requests that this Court enter an order under 35 U.S.C. § 283 preliminarily and

permanently enjoining Defendant from continuing to make, use, sell, offer to sell, and/or

import into the United States the products accused of infringing the ‘559 Patent and from

further infringement, contributory infringement and/or inducing infringement of the ‘559 Patent.

COUNT VI—Infringement of U.S. Patent No. D785,199

64. The allegations of the preceding paragraphs are incorporated by reference as if

fully set forth herein.

65. Defendant has directly infringed and continues to infringe claim 1 of the ‘199

Patent in violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a) by making, using, selling, and/or offering to sell in

the United States, without CPG’s authority, the Infringing Product that uses the patented


66. Upon information and belief, the design of the Infringing Product is

substantially the same or equivalent to the design of the ‘199 patent, as further evidenced in the

side-by-side comparison attached hereto as Exhibit E.

67. CPG has been injured and seeks damages to adequately compensate it for

Defendant’s infringement of the ‘199 Patent. Such damages should be CPG’s lost profits as a

result of the infringement but in any event no less than the amount of a reasonable royalty

under 35 U.S.C. § 284.

68. Defendant has willfully infringed the patents-in-suit. For example, at least as

early as being informed of the similarity of the products, Defendant has continued to

manufacture and market its Symmetry Railing product. Defendant knew or should have known

that there were multiple patents pending intended to address the Symmetry Railing product and

knew or should have known of the patents-in-suit as of the issuing dates. These acts amount to

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willful, deliberate, and egregious acts of infringement.

69. Defendant will continue to infringe the ‘199 Patent unless enjoined by this Court.

CPG therefore requests that this Court enter an order under 35 U.S.C. § 283 preliminarily and

permanently enjoining Defendant from continuing to make, use, sell, offer to sell, and/or

import into the United States the products accused of infringing the ‘199 Patent and from

further infringement, contributory infringement and/or inducing infringement of the ‘199 Patent.

COUNT VII—Infringement of U.S. Patent No. D788,329

70. The allegations of the preceding paragraphs are incorporated by reference as if

fully set forth herein.

71. Defendant has directly infringed and continues to infringe claim 1 of the ‘329

Patent in violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a) by making, using, selling, and/or offering to sell in

the United States, without CPG’s authority, the Infringing Product that uses the patented


72. Upon information and belief, the design of the Infringing Product is

substantially the same or equivalent to the design of the ‘329 patent, as further evidenced in the

side-by-side comparison attached hereto as Exhibit E.

73. CPG has been injured and seeks damages to adequately compensate it for

Defendant’s infringement of the ‘329 Patent. Such damages should be CPG’s lost profits as a

result of the infringement but in any event no less than the amount of a reasonable royalty

under 35 U.S.C. § 284.

74. Defendant has willfully infringed the patents-in-suit. For example, at least as

early as being informed of the similarity of the products, Defendant has continued to

manufacture and market its Symmetry Railing product. Defendant knew or should have known

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that there were multiple patents pending intended to address the Symmetry Railing product and

knew or should have known of the patents-in-suit as of the issuing dates. These acts amount to

willful, deliberate, and egregious acts of infringement.

75. Defendant will continue to infringe the ‘329 Patent unless enjoined by this Court.

CPG therefore requests that this Court enter an order under 35 U.S.C. § 283 preliminarily and

permanently enjoining Defendant from continuing to make, use, sell, offer to sell, and/or

import into the United States the products accused of infringing the ‘329 Patent and from

further infringement, contributory infringement and/or inducing infringement of the ‘329 Patent.

COUNT VIII—Infringement of U.S. Patent No. D797,307

76. The allegations of the preceding paragraphs are incorporated by reference as if

fully set forth herein.

77. Defendant has directly infringed and continues to infringe claim 1 of the ‘307

Patent in violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a) by making, using, selling, and/or offering to sell in

the United States, without CPG’s authority, the Infringing Product that uses the patented


78. Upon information and belief, the design of the Infringing Product is

substantially the same or equivalent to the design of the ‘307 patent, as further evidenced in the

side-by-side comparison attached hereto as Exhibit E.

79. CPG has been injured and seeks damages to adequately compensate it for

Defendant’s infringement of the ‘307 Patent. Such damages should be CPG’s lost profits as a

result of the infringement but in any event no less than the amount of a reasonable royalty

under 35 U.S.C. § 284.

80. Defendant has willfully infringed the patents-in-suit. For example, at least as

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early as being informed of the similarity of the products, Defendant has continued to

manufacture and market its Symmetry Railing product. Defendant knew or should have known

that there were multiple patents pending intended to address the Symmetry Railing product and

knew or should have known of the patents-in-suit as of the issuing dates. These acts amount to

willful, deliberate, and egregious acts of infringement.

81. Defendant will continue to infringe the ‘307 Patent unless enjoined by this Court.

CPG therefore requests that this Court enter an order under 35 U.S.C. § 283 preliminarily and

permanently enjoining Defendant from continuing to make, use, sell, offer to sell, and/or

import into the United States the products accused of infringing the ‘307 Patent and from

further infringement, contributory infringement and/or inducing infringement of the ‘307 Patent.

COUNT IX—Infringement of U.S. Patent No. D807,527

82. The allegations of the preceding paragraphs are incorporated by reference as if

fully set forth herein.

83. Defendant has directly infringed and continues to infringe claim 1 of the ‘527

Patent in violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a) by making, using, selling, and/or offering to sell in

the United States, without CPG’s authority, the Infringing Product that uses the patented


84. Upon information and belief, the design of the Infringing Product is

substantially the same or equivalent to the design of the ‘527 patent, as further evidenced in the

side-by-side comparison attached hereto as Exhibit E.

85. CPG has been injured and seeks damages to adequately compensate it for

Defendant’s infringement of the ‘527 Patent. Such damages should be CPG’s lost profits as a

result of the infringement but in any event no less than the amount of a reasonable royalty

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under 35 U.S.C. § 284.

86. Defendant has willfully infringed the patents-in-suit. For example, at least as

early as being informed of the similarity of the products, Defendant has continued to

manufacture and market its Symmetry Railing product. Defendant knew or should have known

that there were multiple patents pending intended to address the Symmetry Railing product and

knew or should have known of the patents-in-suit as of the issuing dates. These acts amount to

willful, deliberate, and egregious acts of infringement.

87. Defendant will continue to infringe the ‘527 Patent unless enjoined by this Court.

CPG therefore requests that this Court enter an order under 35 U.S.C. § 283 preliminarily and

permanently enjoining Defendant from continuing to make, use, sell, offer to sell, and/or

import into the United States the products accused of infringing the ‘527 Patent and from

further infringement, contributory infringement and/or inducing infringement of the ‘527 Patent.

COUNT X—Infringement of U.S. Patent No. D809,157

88. The allegations of the preceding paragraphs are incorporated by reference as if

fully set forth herein.

89. Defendant has directly infringed and continues to infringe claim 1 of the ‘157

Patent in violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a) by making, using, selling, and/or offering to sell in

the United States, without CPG’s authority, the Infringing Product that uses the patented


90. Upon information and belief, the design of the Infringing Product is

substantially the same or equivalent to the design of the ‘157 patent, as further evidenced in the

side-by-side comparison attached hereto as Exhibit E.

91. CPG has been injured and seeks damages to adequately compensate it for

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Defendant’s infringement of the ‘157 Patent. Such damages should be CPG’s lost profits as a

result of the infringement but in any event no less than the amount of a reasonable royalty

under 35 U.S.C. § 284.

92. Defendant has willfully infringed the patents-in-suit. For example, at least as

early as being informed of the similarity of the products, Defendant has continued to

manufacture and market its Symmetry Railing product. Defendant knew or should have known

that there were multiple patents pending intended to address the Symmetry Railing product and

knew or should have known of the patents-in-suit as of the issuing dates. These acts amount to

willful, deliberate, and egregious acts of infringement.

93. Defendant will continue to infringe the ‘157 Patent unless enjoined by this Court.

CPG therefore requests that this Court enter an order under 35 U.S.C. § 283 preliminarily and

permanently enjoining Defendant from continuing to make, use, sell, offer to sell, and/or

import into the United States the products accused of infringing the ‘157 Patent and from

further infringement, contributory infringement and/or inducing infringement of the ‘157 Patent.

COUNT XI - Indirect Infringement of the Patents-In-Suit

94. The allegations of the preceding paragraphs are incorporated by reference as if

fully set forth herein.

95. Upon information and belief, Defendant has, under 35 U.S.C. § 271(b),

indirectly infringed, and continues to indirectly infringe the patents-in-suit by, inter alia,

inducing others to make, use, sell and/or offering to sell railing systems and designs covered by

the patents-in-suit, and/or contributorily infringing, by manufacturing, assembling, distributing,

marketing, and advertising (or having any of these functions done by others) those products (or

components of those products) covered by the patents-in-suit in this judicial district and

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elsewhere in the United States.

96. On information and belief, Defendant has actual knowledge of the patents-in-

suit and/or the multiple patents that were pending. As set forth in detail below, Defendant has

actual knowledge or was willfully blind to the fact that the Defendant’s products infringe the


97. Despite having such knowledge, for example, through notice letters sent to

Defendant as previously discussed, Defendant has continued to make its infringing products

available to its customers.

98. Defendant’s customers directly infringe the patents-in-suit by, for example,

using the infringing systems and designs.

99. Defendant is aware that it provides its customers with railing systems and

designs that are used in a manner that knowingly infringes the patents-in-suit, and encourages

and instructs customers to use those products in a manner which infringes at least one claim of

the patents-in-suit. For example, Defendant knowingly provides its customers with infringing

railing systems that customers use to infringe the patents-in-suit. As another example, upon

information and belief, Defendant knowingly provides its customers with, inter alia: instruction

manuals accompanying the purchased railing systems that instruct a customer on the use and

installation of the railing systems. These instructions evidence clear intent by the Defendant to

induce that which Defendant knows or should have known would be actual infringement of the

patents-in-suit on the part of its customers.

100. In the alternative, despite actual knowledge of the patents-in-suit and/or the

multiple patents that were pending, Defendant was willful with respect to the actions being

induced which constituted infringement of the patents-in-suit. For example, Defendant knew or

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should have known there was a high probability of infringement (based at least on the notice

letters CPG sent to the Defendant). For example, even after CPG sent notice letters to

Defendant, Defendant failed to make any substantive changes to its product to avoid


101. Accordingly, Defendant is actively and knowingly aiding and abetting its

customers’ direct infringement of the patents-in-suit. As direct and proximate result of

Defendant’s acts of inducing infringement of the patents-in-suit, Plaintiff has suffered injury

and monetary damages for which Plaintiff is entitled to relief, of lost profits attributable to the

infringements but in any event no less than a reasonable royalty to compensate for Defendant’s


102. Defendant will continue to induce infringement of the patents-in-suit, causing

immediate and irreparable harm unless this Court enjoins and restrains Defendant’s activities,

specifically the acts of making, using, selling and offering to sell the infringing systems and


103. The induced infringement by Defendant has, and will, deprive Plaintiff of profits

or royalties and other related revenue which Plaintiff would have made or would enjoy in the

future, has injured Plaintiff in other respects, and will cause Plaintiff added injury and damages

unless Defendant is enjoined from inducing infringement of the patents-in-suit on all infringing

systems Defendant will make, use, sell, or offer to sell until the expiration of the patents-in-suit.

COUNT XII – Injunctive Relief for Patent Claims (Counts I-XI)

104. The allegations of the preceding paragraphs are incorporated by reference as if

fully set forth herein.

105. CPG is entitled to preliminary and permanent injunctive relief enjoining

Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 20 of 22 PageID #: 20

Defendant from infringing the Patents at Issue.

106. CPG is likely to succeed on the merits of their underlying patent related claims

(Counts I-XI).

107. If Defendant is not enjoined, CPG will continue to suffer irreparable harm

including but not limited to, loss of business, sales, profits, revenue, and competitive advantage,

for which there is no adequate remedy at law.

108. The potential injury to Defendant is minimal (Defendant has many other

products it sells) and does not outweigh the potential injuries to CPG if Defendant is not



109. Plaintiff requests a jury trial of all issues triable of right by a jury.


WHEREFORE, CPG respectfully requests the following relief:

a. A judgment in favor of CPG that Defendant has infringed the

patents-in-suit, whether literally or under the doctrine of equivalents, as

described herein;

b. A judgment and order requiring Defendant to pay CPG its

damages, costs, expenses, and pre-judgment and post-judgment interest for

Defendant’s infringement of the patents-in-suit as provided under 35 U.S.C. §

284, including supplemental damages for any continuing post-verdict or post-

judgment infringement with an accounting as needed;

c. An accounting of damages to CPG arising from Defendant’s acts

of infringement and/or active inducement of infringement, the damages including

Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 21 of 22 PageID #: 21

lost profits, but in no event less than a reasonable royalty, to be paid by Defendant

as a result of Defendant’s infringing activities;

d. An order under 35 U.S.C. § 283 preliminarily and permanently

enjoining Defendant from continuing to make, use, sell, offer to sell, and/or

import into the United States the products and designs accused of infringing

the patents-in-suit and from further infringement, contributory infringement,

and/or inducing infringement of the patents-in-suit;

e. A finding that this is an “exceptional case” under 35 U.S.C. § 285;

f. For an award to CPG of three times the actual damages for

Defendant willfully infringing the patents-in-suit;

g. That the Court grant CPG any other remedy to which they are

entitled as provided under Federal or State law; and

h. Such other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper.

Respectfully submitted,

Dated: July 27, 2018 /s/ Ryan P. Newell

Arthur G. Connolly, III (Delaware Bar #2667)
Ryan P. Newell (Delaware Bar #4744)
The Brandywine Building
1000 West Street, Suite 1400
Wilmington, DE 19801
Telephone: (302)757-7300
Facsimile: (302)757-7299

Jeffrey S. Standley (Ohio Bar #0047248)

F. Michael Speed, Jr. (Ohio Bar #0067541)
Applications for Pro Hac Vice to be Submitted
Standley Law Group LLP
6300 Riverside Drive
Dublin, Ohio 43017
Telephone: (614) 792-5555
Facsimile: (614) 792-5536

Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 22 of 22 PageID #: 22

Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Attorneys for Plaintiff

CPG International LLC

Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 1 of 115 PageID #: 23

Exhibit A
Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 2 of 115 PageID #: 24

Symmetry ®

Low Maintenance Composite Railing

6-ft. and 8-ft.


Manufactured by
Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 3 of 115 PageID #: 25

Symmetry Railing Installation Instructions - 6-ft. and 8-ft. Line

Railing component list for 6-ft. section:

Maximum length between post sleeves is 67 inches.
Top Rail
Post Sleeve Top Rail Bracket Top Rail H-Channel

Post Sleeve
Square Metal
Composite Balusters

Post Sleeve
Base Moulding

Bottom Rail Bracket

Crush Block Bottom Rail

Railing component list for 8-ft. section:

Maximum length between post sleeves is 91 inches.

Top Rail
Top Rail H-Channel Top Rail Bracket
Post Sleeve Cap

Square Round
Composite Metal
Balusters Balusters

Post Sleeve Base Moulding Bottom Rail Bottom Rail Bracket

Crush Blocks

Note: Rail lengths will vary slightly due to manufacturing processes. Ensure rails are cut to
correct length with hole pattern centered between posts before securing.

The most recent installation instructions can be found on our website.

1 Please visit or call Consumer and Technical Support at 800-573-8841.
Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 4 of 115 PageID #: 26

Symmetry Railing Installation Instructions - 6-ft. and 8-ft. Line

Required Tools and Supplies:

• Power Drill • Pencil
Top Rail Profile • Protective Eye Wear • Adjustable Square
• Tape Measure
• Level
• Speed Square
• Miter Saw
Bottom Rail Profile

Prior to installing railing: Please consult local zoning laws regarding load requirements and bottom space requirements for rails. All supporting
structures must be in accordance with applicable building codes. Neighborhood associations and/or historic districts may regulate size, placement
and type of railing. Apply for permits if required by local authorities and codes. Ensure compliance prior to installation. Local building code
requirements will always supersede any and all suggested procedures and measurements in the following installation. The following installation
instructions are intended as a general guideline based on common building practices used in railing installation.


1-1/2-in. minimum from rail end to baluster

Rail Installation: When top and bottom rail length is greater than the distance between posts, trim both ends of the rail to maintain uniform
baluster spacing. It is critical to ensure the trim mark does not interfere with the balusters once installed.

1 2 3

Measure the distance between the posts

for the bottom rail. Center the hole pattern,
then mark the cutting points. Check for fit. 7/32-in.

Center the bottom rail with the top rail. Mark

and cut to length.

Note: Make sure posts are plumb and level Align the H-bar and the cut bottom rail hole
prior to installing the railing. patterns. Mark the length of the bottom rail
Cover 4x4 posts or Fiberon surface mount on the H-bar, then subtract 7/32-in. from that
bracket with post sleeve and verify spacing. measurement on each end of the H-bar (7/16-
Posts should be plumb in both directions. in. total to allow for top bracket thickness) and
Place post sleeve base moulding over post mark. Cut the H-bar and set aside for step 7.
sleeve and slide it down to the deck surface.

The most recent installation instructions can be found on our website.

Please visit or call Consumer and Technical Support at 800-573-8841. 2
Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 5 of 115 PageID #: 27

Symmetry Railing Installation Instructions - 6-ft. and 8-ft. Line

4 6 7

Aligning feature

H-bar Bracket Bottom Rail Bracket

Yard Side Deck Side
Ensure that the brackets are positioned
Ensure that the bottom rail is positioned correctly prior to installation. The brackets
correctly prior to installation. The bottom indicate which side will be facing the decking.
rail has an aligning feature on the top which
should be on the yard side of the rail opposite 8
to the deck side.
Square Composite Balusters: Align the bottom
5 rail with the balusters on the same end as the
baluster guide. Hold square balusters securely
against the aligning feature on the bottom rail
and secure the balusters to the bottom rail
with the supplied #10 x 1-1/2-in. screws. Do
not over tighten Fully insert top brackets into both ends of
the aluminum H-bar with the arrow pointing
Square Composite Balusters: Measure and upward.
trim all balusters to the required length.
Using integrated screw template, secure with
Remove the baluster guide from the railing self-drilling #10 x 5/8-in. screws. Do not over
box, place on a flat surface, and insert the tighten.
balusters into the precut slots.
Note: Square composite baluster lengths
will very slightly due to manufacturing
processes. Insure balusters are cut to
uniform length.
Note: Round metal balusters do not
require trimming.

Round Metal Balusters: Align baluster with Align the aluminum H-bar with the balusters
predrilled holes in bottom rail. Insert supplied with the side holes facing upward.
#10 x 1-1/2-in. screw through hole and
Square Composite Balusters: Slide the baluster
into the center (“X”) of the fins inside of the
guide to the opposite end of the balusters.
baluster. Do not over tighten.
Insert the top of the balusters fully into the
channel of the aluminum H-bar rail.
Note: When securing composite or metal
balusters, shim the H-bar with a 1/2-in. –
5/8-in. spacer to help ensure balusters
remain perpendicular to the H-bar.

Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 6 of 115 PageID #: 28

Symmetry Railing Installation Instructions - 6-ft. and 8-ft. Line

10 12 14

Square Composite Balusters: Position the top

of the balusters tightly against the inside of
the top H-bar. Center the balusters under the
side-mounting screw holes. Working from one
end to the other, secure each baluster using
the supplied #8 x 1-1/2-in. flat head screws.
Do not over tighten. Dry fit, measure, and trim crush block to the
required final length. Secure crush block to
holder using supplied flat head screw.
Note: When using the bracket template, a
3-3/4-in. tall crush block is required. The
screw will be off-center in the crush block. Pre-drill the two holes with a 1/8-in. bit, taking
care not to drill through the top of the bottom
13 rail. Secure with the supplied flat head screws.
Do not over tighten.


Round Metal Balusters: Insert supplied #10 x

1-1/2-in. screw through holes in the H-bar,
and into the center (“X”) of the fins inside of
the baluster. Drive until secure. Do not over
Approximate center on a rail section up to 6 ft.
Carefully position the pre-assembled railing
infill between the posts, then slowly lower over
the bottom brackets until fully seated.


Approximate 1/3 and 2/3 on a

Locate the Symmetry bottom line bracket rail section longer than 6 ft.
template (included on the post sleeve carton For 6-ft. rail sections, position the crush
and inside the rail kit box). block and holder inside the bottom rail at the
Using the bottom bracket template, position approximate center point.
and secure bottom brackets using the For 8-ft. rail sections, position the two crush
supplied #10 x 2 ½-in screws, ensuring the blocks and holders inside the bottom rail at
bracket is positioned correctly (see step 7). the approximate 1/3 and 2/3 points.
The template will create a 3-in. gap under the
bottom rail. Center the H-bar on the post and check rail
for plumb.

Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 7 of 115 PageID #: 29

Symmetry Railing Symmetry Railing Installation Instructions - Angled Line

Installation Instructions -
6-ft. and 8-ft. Line (cont.)

17 3

Secure the top brackets with the supplied #10

x 2-1/2-in. screws.


Secure with supplied #10 x 2-1/2-in. self-

drilling screws. Do not over tighten.

Note: Angled installations require a
minimum 5x5 post.
Position the top rail over the infill assembly,
and carefully lower into place. Aligning feature

Yard Side Deck Side

Ensure that the bottom rail is positioned

correctly prior to cutting the bottom rail
Deck Side Yard Side
angle for installation. The bottom rail has an
aligning feature on the top which should be
on the yard side of the rail opposite to the
For angled line installation, the line brackets deck side.
Using supplied 1-7/8-in. screws, secure must be installed with the angled edge on
the top rail starting as close to the post as the deck side of the railing. 5
possible. Space the remaining screws evenly. Note: This is opposite of what is indicated
on the line bracket for basic line railing
7/32-in. - 1/4-in.

The template can still be used to locate the

height of the line bracket. The side-to-side Center the hole pattern in the bottom rail
alignment needs to be approximately 7/32- between the posts. Transfer length and
in. – 1/4-in. off-centered from the deck side angle to the top rail and cut both top and
of the railing for a full 45 degree installation. bottom rails. When aligning the hole pattern,
Complete the assembly by gluing the post Note: If the bracket is not offset slightly, the transferring length, and cutting angles on
caps in place with a quality exterior-grade top rail may overhang the corner post face the H-bar, remember to subtract 7/32-in.
adhesive. and extend into the corner chamfer. from each end to allow for top brackets.

The most recent installation instructions can be found on our website.

5 Please visit or call Consumer and Technical Support at 800-573-8841.
Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 8 of 115 PageID #: 30

Symmetry Railing Installation Instructions - Angled Line

6 8 10


Square Composite Balusters: Measure and

trim all balusters to the required length.
Remove the baluster guide from the railing
box. Place on a flat surface and insert the
balusters into the precut slots.
Insert top brackets into the cavity of the Assemble and attach the crush block
Note: Square composite baluster lengths aluminum H-bar making sure that the top following standard line railing instructions.
will very slightly due to manufacturing bracket is located within the boundaries
processes. Insure balusters are cut to Position the assembled in-fill over the bottom
of the H-bar. If the bracket is outside of the
uniform length. brackets and carefully lower into place and
boundaries, the top rail will not fit over the
secure the top brackets with the supplied #10
Note: Round metal balusters do not H-bar and bracket. Secure with the supplied
x 2-1/2-in. screws.
require trimming. #10 x 5/8-in. self-drilling screws.

7 9

Position the top rail over the infill assembly,

Square Composite Balusters: Align the bottom and carefully lower into place.
rail with the balusters on the same end as the
baluster guide. Hold square balusters securely Square Composite Balusters: Position the top 12
against the aligning feature on the bottom rail of the balusters tightly against the inside of
and secure the balusters to the bottom rail the top H-bar. Center the balusters under the
with the supplied #10 x 1-1/2-in. screws. Do side-mounting screw holes. Working from one
not over tighten end to the other, secure each baluster using
the supplied #8 x 1-1/2-in. flat head screws.
Do not over tighten.
Note: The screws should penetrate fully
through the baluster. Using supplied 1-7/8-in. screws, secure
the top rail starting as close to the post as
possible. Space the remaining screws evenly.


Round Metal Balusters: Align baluster with Round Metal Balusters: Insert supplied #10 x
predrilled holes in bottom rail. Insert supplied 1-1/2-in. screw through holes in the H-bar,
#10 x 1-1/2-in. screw through hole and and into the center (“X”) of the fins inside of Complete the assembly by gluing the post
into the center (“X”) of the fins inside of the the baluster. Drive until secure. Do not over caps in place with a quality exterior-grade
baluster. Do not over tighten. tighten. adhesive.

The most recent installation instructions can be found on our website.

Please visit or call Consumer and Technical Support at 800-573-8841. 6
Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 9 of 115 PageID #: 31

Symmetry Railing Installation Instructions - 6-ft. and 8-ft. Stair

1 4
The maximum length between
post sleeves measured in line with
the guardrail cannot exceed 5 in.
short of full length, depending on
which kit is being used.

Cover 4x4 posts or Fiberon surface mount

bracket with post sleeve and verify spacing. Center the hole pattern between the posts,
Posts should be plumb in both directions. allowing a minimum 1-5/8-in. from rail end to
Place post sleeve base moulding over post routed baluster holes.
sleeve and slide it down to the deck surface.


Aligning feature

Yard Side Deck Side

Ensure that the bottom rail is positioned Transfer the stair angle to both ends of the
correctly prior to cutting the bottom rail bottom rail and cut to the required length
angle for installation. The bottom rail has an and angle. Test for a snug fit and make
aligning feature on the top which should be corrections as needed.
on the yard side of the rail opposite to the
deck side. 6

Building codes are very specific on

allowable angles and widths. It is very
important to consult with your local building
code officials and plan your stair layout
accordingly. Leave adequate space for
graspable hand rail if applicable. Square Composite Balusters: Transfer the stair
angle to the balusters, and cut the balusters
Note: The slope of the stairs can be 30 to to desired length.
37 degrees.
Note: Round metal balusters are pre-cut on
one end. If a custom angle is required, cut
Note: Rail lengths will vary slightly due to the factory angled end, leaving the square
manufacturing processes. Make sure rails end as is. This will allow proper seating
are cut to correct length. when securing the top of the balusters later
To establish the stair angle, use a 1x4 or
similar support to bridge at least three stairs. in the installation.
Place the bottom rail between the stair posts.

The most recent installation instructions can be found on our website.

Please visit or call Consumer and Technical Support at 800-573-8841.
Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 10 of 115 PageID #: 32

Symmetry Railing Installation Instructions - 6-ft. and 8-ft. Stair

7 10 13

The total length of the H-bar will be 7/16-in.

shorter than the cut bottom rail.
Square Composite Balusters: Remove the
Scribe a second line 7/32-in. inside the first baluster guide from the rail box. Place on a
first at both ends. flat surface and insert the balusters into the
Note: This allows for the thickness of the precut slots.
To cut the H-bar, first place the H-bar on upper bracket. Round Metal Balusters: Place cut bottom rail
its side with the holes nearest to the cut on a flat level surface. Align the cut-end of
bottom rail. The bottom rail should be top 11 the round metal baluster with the top surface
side up. Align the hole pattern with the cut of the bottom rail.
bottom rail.

Position the top brackets into the H-bar,

Transfer the length of the cut bottom rail to ensuring that they are inserted completely.
Square Composite Balusters: Align the end
the H-bar.
baluster with the predrilled hole in the bottom
12 rail. Secure the balusters using the supplied
9 #10 x 1-1/2-in. screws.
Hold each square composite baluster securely
against the aligning feature and drive screws
parallel with the balusters, not perpendicular
to the bottom rail. Do not over tighten.
Round Metal Balusters: Insert the screw into
Secure the top brackets to the H-bar using
the center “X” of the end baluster. It may be
(two) 5/8-in. self-drilling pan head screws. Do
necessary to slightly over-drill the factory
not over tighten.
drilled holes by rocking the moving bit parallel
with the direction of the rail. Do not over
Scribe the stair angle to the side of the
H-bar at both ends. Continue working from one end until all the
balusters are secured into the bottom rail.

The most recent installation instructions can be found on our website.

Please visit or call Consumer and Technical Support at 800-573-8841.
Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 11 of 115 PageID #: 33

Symmetry Railing Installation Instructions - 6-ft. and 8-ft. Stair

15 16 18

Approximate center on a rail

section up to 6 ft.

Dry fit the assembled section and use the Approximate 1/3 and 2/3 on a
bottom rail to scribe a light line on the post rail section longer than 6 ft.
Note: It is important to ensure balusters to determine the location of the bottom rail
are level when securing. Shim the H-bar bracket. For 6-ft. rails sections, position the crush
with a 1/2-in. - 5/8-in. spacer to ensure Note: For best results, predrill bracket holes block and holder inside the bottom rail at the
the balusters remain fully inserted when on post with a 1/8-in. - 5/32-in. bit to ensure approximate center point.
securing. accurate screw placement and full insertion, For 8-ft. rail sections, position the two crush
Square Composite Balusters: Move the particularly as the stair angle increases. blocks and holders inside the bottom rail at
baluster guide to the top rail end of the square Secure the bottom stair brackets to the post the approximate 1/3 and 2/3 points.
composite balusters. using the supplied #10 x 2-1/2-in. at the
Position the top of the balusters tightly desired height. Do not over tighten. 19
against the inside of the top H-bar. Center
the balusters under the side-mounting screw 17
holes. Working from one end to the other,
secure each baluster using the supplied #8 x
1-1/2-in. flat head screws. Do not over tighten.
Note: The screws should penetrate fully
Secure crush block to crush block holder
through the baluster.
using a supplied #8 flat head screw. Do not
Secure the remaining balusters working to the over tighten.
other end. Do not over tighten.
Note: The screw will be off-center in the
Round Metal Balusters: Insert the round crush block.
baluster holders into the aluminum H-bar,
ensuring that the angled hole is oriented
correctly and that the through hole aligns with
the side holes in the H-bar. Before assembling the crush block, transfer
Fully seat all balusters into the holders. Secure the stair angle to the end of the crush block,
an end baluster first, using the supplied #8 x dry fit, and cut to fit.
1-1/2-in. flat head self-drilling screws through
the H-bar side holes.
Pivot the H-bar toward the remaining
balusters, inserting them into the holders.
Start from the secured end and work
to the other end. Secure the remaining
end baluster, and then the remaining infill

The most recent installation instructions can be found on our website.

Please visit or call Consumer and Technical Support at 800-573-8841.
Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 12 of 115 PageID #: 34

Symmetry Railing Installation Instructions - 6-ft. and 8-ft. Stair

20 22 25

Center the H-bar on the post and check rail

Position the crush block and holder into the for plumb.
bottom rail, and locate the two screw holes.
Remove the holder and pre-drill using a 1/8- 23
in. drill bit. Reposition the crush block and
holder, and secure with the supplied #8 x 1-in.
screws. Do not over tighten. Using supplied 1-7/8-in. screws, secure
the top rail starting as close to the post as
21 possible. Space the remaining screws evenly.

Starting at the top, secure the H-bar to the
posts at both ends using the supplied #10 x
2-1/2-in. self-drilling pan head screws. Do not
over tighten.

Carefully position the pre-assembled railing in-
fill between the posts, then slowly lower over
the bottom brackets until fully seated.

Complete the assembly by gluing the post

caps in place with a quality exterior-grade

Position the top rail over the infill assembly,

and carefully lower into place.

The most recent installation instructions can be found on our website.

Please visit or call Consumer and Technical Support at 800-573-8841.
Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 13 of 115 PageID #: 35

Design Grid
800.573.8841 FIB-0344-LIT 11/17
Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 14 of 115 PageID #: 36

Symmetry ®

Barandilla de material compuesto

de bajo mantenimiento

1.83 m y 2.44 m

Fabricado por
Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 15 of 115 PageID #: 37

Instrucciones para la instalación de barandillas en línea

Symmetry de 1.83 m y 2.44 m

Lista de componentes de las barandillas para la sección de 1.83 m:

La longitud máxima entre las fundas para poste es de 170 cm.
Soporte del Travesaño superior Canal H del travesaño
Tapa de travesaño superior superior
funda para poste

Funda para
poste Balaustres Balaustres
cuadrados metálicos
de material redondos

Moldura de base
de la funda para poste

Soporte del travesaño

inferior Bloque de soporte Travesaño

Lista de componentes de las barandillas para la sección de 2.44 m:

La longitud máxima entre las fundas para poste es de 231 cm.

Travesaño superior Canal H del travesaño Soporte del

Tapa de funda para poste superior travesaño superior

cuadrados Balaustres
de material metálicos
compuesto redondos
para poste

Moldura de base de la Travesaño inferior Soporte del travesaño

funda para poste inferior
Bloques de soporte

Nota: las longitudes de los travesaños variarán ligeramente según los procesos de fabricación. Antes de fijar los
travesaños, asegúrese de cortarlos, a la longitud correcta y con el patrón de hoyos centrado entre los postes.

Las instrucciones de instalación más recientes están disponibles en nuestro sitio de Internet.
1 Visite el sitio o llame al Departamento de servicio al consumidor y soporte técnico al 1-800-573-8841.
Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 16 of 115 PageID #: 38

Instrucciones para la instalación de barandillas en línea Symmetry de 1.83 m y 2.44 m

Herramientas y materiales necesarios:

• Taladro eléctrico • Lápiz
Perfil del travesaño superior • Protectores oculares • Escuadra ajustable
• Cinta métrica
• Nivel
• Escuadra triangular de acero
• Sierra ingletadora
Perfil del travesaño inferior

Antes de instalar las barandillas: Sírvase consultar las leyes de zonificación locales con respecto a los requerimientos de carga y de espacio inferior para los
travesaños. Todas las estructuras de soporte deben cumplir con los códigos de construcción vigentes. Las asociaciones de vecinos y los distritos históricos
pueden regular el tamaño, la posición y el tipo de barandilla. Solicite permisos si así lo requieren las autoridades y códigos locales. Asegúrese de cumplir con
la normativa antes de la instalación. Los requerimientos del código de construcción local siempre prevalecen sobre todos y cada uno de los procedimientos
y medidas que sugerimos a continuación. Las siguientes instrucciones de instalación están diseñadas como una guía general basada en prácticas de
construcción comunes empleadas en la instalación de barandillas.

Distancia mínima de 38 mm desde el
extremo del travesaño hasta el balaustre
Instalación del travesaño: Si la longitud del travesaño superior e inferior es mayor a la distancia entre los postes, recorte ambos extremos del travesaño
para mantener una separación uniforme de los balaustres. Es de vital importancia que la marca de recorte no interfiera con los balaustres una vez instalados.

1 2 3

En el travesaño inferior, mida la distancia entre los

postes. Centre el patrón de hoyos y marque los
puntos de corte. Compruebe el calce. 5.5 mm
Centre el travesaño inferior con el travesaño
superior. Marque y corte al largo correcto.

Nota: antes de instalar la barandilla, asegúrese Alinee la barra H y los patrones de hoyos
de que los postes estén a plomo y a nivel. cortados del travesaño inferior. Marque el largo
del travesaño inferior en la barra en H, luego reste
Utilizando fundas para poste, cubra los postes de
5.5 mm a la medición en cada extremo de dicha
10 x 10 cm o el soporte de montaje en superficie
barra (11 mm en total para dejar espacio para el
de Fiberon y verifique la separación. Los postes
grosor del soporte superior) y marque. Corte la
deben estar a plomo en ambas direcciones.
barra en H y apártela hasta el paso 7.
Coloque la moldura de base de la funda para
poste sobre la funda para poste y deslícela hasta
la superficie del entablado.

Las instrucciones de instalación más recientes están disponibles en nuestro sitio de Internet.
Visite el sitio o llame al Departamento de servicio al consumidor y soporte técnico al 1-800-573-8841. 2
Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 17 of 115 PageID #: 39

Instrucciones para la instalación de barandillas en línea Symmetry de 1.83 m y 2.44 m

4 6 7

Elemento de

Soporte del
Soporte de barra en H travesaño inferior
Hacia el patio Hacia el entablado
Antes de la instalación, asegúrese de que los
Antes de la instalación, asegúrese de que el soportes estén colocados en la posición correcta.
travesaño inferior esté colocado en la posición Los soportes indican qué lado estará orientado
correcta. El travesaño inferior presenta un hacia el entablado.
elemento de alineación en la parte superior,
la cual debe quedar en el lado del travesaño 8
que está orientado hacia el patio y en sentido
opuesto al lado orientado hacia el entablado. Balaustres cuadrados de material compuesto: Alinee
el travesaño inferior con los balaustres en el
5 mismo extremo en que está la guía de balaustres.
Sujete firmemente los balaustres cuadrados
contra el elemento de alineación situado en el
travesaño inferior y fije los balaustres al travesaño
inferior con los tornillos n.° 10 de 38 mm que se
incluyen. No apriete en exceso. Inserte completamente los soportes superiores en
ambos extremos de la barra en H de aluminio con
la flecha apuntando hacia arriba.
Balaustres cuadrados de material compuesto: Mida
y recorte todos los balaustres al largo requerido. Use la plantilla de tornillos integrada para fijar con
los tornillos autorroscantes n.° 10 de 16 mm. No
Retire la guía de balaustres de la caja de la
apriete en exceso.
barandilla, colóquela en una superficie plana
e introduzca los balaustres en las ranuras
Nota: las longitudes de los balaustres
cuadrados de material compuesto
variarán ligeramente según los procesos
de fabricación. Asegúrese de cortar los
balaustres a la misma longitud.
Nota: no es necesario recortar los balaustres
metálicos redondos.

Balaustres metálicos redondos: Alinee el balaustre Alinee la barra en H de aluminio con los balaustres,
con los hoyos previamente perforados en el asegurándose de que los hoyos laterales estén
travesaño inferior. Inserte el tornillo n.° 10 de orientados hacia arriba.
38  mm suministrado a través del hoyo y en el
Balaustres cuadrados de material compuesto:
centro (“X”) de las aletas dentro del balaustre. No
Deslice la guía de balaustre hasta el extremo
apriete en exceso.
opuesto de los balaustres. Inserte la parte
superior de los balaustres en el canal de la barra
en H de aluminio.
Nota: cuando fije los balaustres de material
compuesto o metálicos, calce la barra en H
con un espaciador de 13 mm – 16 mm para
ayudar a asegurar que los balaustres queden
perpendiculares a la barra en H.

Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 18 of 115 PageID #: 40

Instrucciones para la instalación de barandillas en línea Symmetry de 1.83 m y 2.44 m

10 12 14

Balaustres cuadrados de material compuesto:

Coloque la parte superior de los balaustres
firmemente unida a la parte interior de la barra
en H superior. Centre los balaustres debajo
de los hoyos para tornillos de montaje lateral.
Avanzando de un extremo al otro, fije cada
balaustre con los tornillos de cabeza plana n.° 8
Ajuste en seco, mida y recorte el bloque de
de 38 mm que se incluyen. No apriete en exceso.
soporte al largo final requerido. Fije el bloque de
soporte a la base con el tornillo de cabeza plana
que se incluye.
Nota: se requiere utilizar un bloque de soporte de
9.5 cm cuando se utilice la plantilla del soporte.
El tornillo estará descentrado en el bloque de
Perfore previamente dos hoyos con una broca
de 3.2 mm, cuidando de no perforar la parte
superior del travesaño inferior. Fije con los
13 tornillos de cabeza plana que se incluyen. No
apriete en exceso.


Balaustres metálicos redondos: Inserte el tornillo

n.° 10 de 38 mm suministrado a través de los
hoyos de la barra en H y en el centro (“X”) de las
aletas dentro del balaustre. Atornille hasta lograr
la sujeción. No apriete en exceso.

Centro aproximado en una sección

de travesaño de hasta 1.83 m.
Coloque con cuidado la barandilla previamente
ensamblada en el espacio entre los postes, luego
bájela suavemente hasta que quede totalmente
asentada sobre los soportes inferiores.


Aproximadamente 1/3 y 2/3 en una

Tome la plantilla del soporte inferior Symmetry (se sección de travesaño mayor de 1.83 m.
incluye en la caja de cartón de fundas para poste
y dentro de la caja del kit de travesaños). Para las secciones de pasamanos de 1.83 m,
Use la plantilla de soporte inferior para colocar y posicione el bloque de soporte y la base dentro
fijar los soportes inferiores con los tornillos n.° 10 del travesaño inferior, aproximadamente en el
x 64 mm suministrados, asegurándose de que punto central.
el soporte quede correctamente colocado (ver el Para las secciones de travesaño de 2.44 m,
paso 7). posicione los dos bloques de soporte y las bases
La plantilla creará un espacio de 76 mm debajo dentro del travesaño inferior, aproximadamente
del travesaño inferior. en los puntos de 1/3 y 2/3.
Centre la barra en H en el poste y compruebe que
el travesaño esté a plomo.

Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 19 of 115 PageID #: 41

Instrucciones para la Instrucciones para la instalación de barandillas

instalación de barandillas en Symmetry - anguladas en línea
línea Symmetry de 1.83 m y
2.44 m (cont.)

17 3

Fije los soportes superiores con los tornillos n.°

10 de 64 mm suministrados.


Fije con los tornillos autorroscantes n.° 10 de

64 mm que se incluyen. No apriete en exceso.

Nota: las instalaciones en ángulo requieren

Coloque el travesaño superior sobre el como mínimo un poste de 12.7 x 12.7 cm.
Elemento de
ensamblaje de la barandilla, y bájelo con cuidado alineación
hasta su posición. 1

Hacia el patio Hacia el entablado

Antes de cortar el ángulo del travesaño inferior

para la instalación, asegúrese de que dicho
travesaño esté colocado en la posición correcta.
Hacia el entablado Hacia el patio El travesaño inferior presenta un elemento de
alineación en la parte superior, la cual debe
quedar en el lado del travesaño que está
Para la instalación de la línea en ángulo, los orientado hacia el patio y en sentido opuesto al
soportes deben instalarse con el borde angulado lado orientado hacia el entablado.
Fije el travesaño superior utilizando los tornillos
en el lado de la barandilla que queda hacia el
de 48 mm suministrados, comenzando lo más
entablado. 5
cerca posible del poste. Separe uniformemente
los tornillos restantes. Nota: esto es contrario a lo que se indica en el
soporte para la instalación básica de barandillas
en línea.
5.5 mm – 6.4 mm

La plantilla aún se puede usar para ubicar la

altura del soporte. Para una instalación completa
Centre el patrón de hoyos en el travesaño inferior
de 45 grados, la alineación adyacente deberá
entre los postes. Traslade el largo y el ángulo al
estar a 5.5 mm - 6.4 mm con respecto al centro,
travesaño superior y corte el travesaño superior
desde el lado de la barandilla que queda hacia el
e inferior. Al alinear el patrón de hoyos, trasladar
el largo y cortar los ángulos en la barra en H,
Termine el ensamblaje pegando las tapas de los Nota: si el soporte no se separa ligeramente del recuerde restar 5.5 mm de cada extremo a fin de
postes en su sitio con un adhesivo de calidad centro, el travesaño superior puede sobresalir de dejar espacio para los soportes superiores.
apto para exteriores. la cara del poste de esquina y extenderse hacia
el chaflán de esquina.

Las instrucciones de instalación más recientes están disponibles en nuestro sitio de Internet.
5 Visite el sitio o llame al Departamento de servicio al consumidor y soporte técnico al 1-800-573-8841.
Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 20 of 115 PageID #: 42

Instrucciones para la instalación de barandillas Symmetry - anguladas en línea

6 8 10


Balaustres cuadrados de material compuesto:

Mida y recorte todos los balaustres al largo
requerido. Retire la guía de balaustres de la caja
de la barandilla. Colóquela en una superficie
plana e introduzca los balaustres en las ranuras
precortadas. Introduzca los soportes en la cavidad de la Ensamble y fije el bloque de soporte según
Nota: las longitudes de los balaustres barra en H de aluminio, asegurándose de que el las instrucciones de las barandillas en línea
cuadrados de material compuesto soporte superior esté situado dentro de los límites estándar.
variarán ligeramente según los procesos de la barra en H. Si el soporte está fuera de los
límites, el travesaño superior no calzará sobre Coloque la barandilla ensamblada sobre los
de fabricación. Asegúrese de cortar los soportes inferiores, y bájela con cuidado hasta
balaustres a la misma longitud. la barra en H y el soporte. Fije con los tornillos
autorroscantes n.° 10 de 16 mm suministrados. su lugar y fije los soportes superiores con los
Nota: no es necesario recortar los balaustres tornillos n.° 10 de 64 mm suministrados.
metálicos redondos.
7 9

Coloque el travesaño superior sobre el

ensamblaje de la barandilla, y bájelo con cuidado
Balaustres cuadrados de material compuesto: Alinee
hasta su posición.
el travesaño inferior con los balaustres en el
mismo extremo en que está la guía de balaustres. Balaustres cuadrados de material compuesto: 12
Sujete firmemente los balaustres cuadrados Coloque la parte superior de los balaustres
contra el elemento de alineación situado en el firmemente unida a la parte interior de la barra
travesaño inferior y fije los balaustres al travesaño en H superior. Centre los balaustres debajo
inferior con los tornillos n.° 10 de 38 mm que se de los hoyos para tornillos de montaje lateral.
incluyen. No apriete en exceso. Avanzando de un extremo al otro, fije cada
balaustre con los tornillos de cabeza plana n.° 8
de 38 mm que se incluyen. No apriete en exceso.
Nota: los tornillos deben penetrar por completo a
través del balaustre. Fije el travesaño superior utilizando los tornillos
de 48 mm suministrados, comenzando lo más
cerca posible del poste. Separe uniformemente
los tornillos restantes.


Balaustres metálicos redondos: Alinee el balaustre Balaustres metálicos redondos: Inserte el tornillo
con los hoyos previamente perforados en el n.° 10 de 38 mm suministrado a través de los
travesaño inferior. Inserte el tornillo n.° 10 de hoyos de la barra en H y en el centro (“X”) de las Termine el ensamblaje pegando las tapas de los
38  mm suministrado a través del hoyo y en el aletas dentro del balaustre. Atornille hasta lograr postes en su sitio con un adhesivo de calidad
centro (“X”) de las aletas dentro del balaustre. No la sujeción. No apriete en exceso. apto para exteriores.
apriete en exceso.

Las instrucciones de instalación más recientes están disponibles en nuestro sitio de Internet.
Visite el sitio o llame al Departamento de servicio al consumidor y soporte técnico al 1-800-573-8841. 6
Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 21 of 115 PageID #: 43

Instrucciones para la instalación de barandillas de escalera

Symmetry de 1.83 m y 2.44 m

1 4
El largo máximo entre las fundas
para poste, medido en línea con el
barandal, no pude superar el largo
total menos 12.7 cm, dependiendo
del kit que se utilice.

Utilizando fundas para poste, cubra los postes de

10 x 10 cm o el soporte de montaje en superficie
de Fiberon y verifique la separación. Los postes Centre el patrón de hoyos entre los postes,
deben estar a plomo en ambas direcciones. dejando una distancia mínima de 41 mm desde el
Coloque la moldura de base de la funda para extremo del travesaño hasta los hoyos perforados
poste sobre la funda para poste y deslícela hasta en el balaustre.
la superficie del entablado.

Elemento de

Hacia el patio Hacia el entablado

Antes de cortar el ángulo del travesaño inferior Marque el ángulo de la escalera en ambos
para la instalación, asegúrese de que dicho extremos del travesaño inferior, y corte este
travesaño esté colocado en la posición correcta. último al largo y ángulo requeridos. Compruebe
El travesaño inferior presenta un elemento de que haya una correcta sujeción y realice las
alineación en la parte superior, la cual debe correcciones que sean necesarias.
quedar en el lado del travesaño que está
orientado hacia el patio y en sentido opuesto al 6
lado orientado hacia el entablado.

Los códigos de construcción son muy
específicos respecto de los ángulos y los anchos
permitidos. Es muy importante consultar a los
funcionarios que administran los códigos de
construcción locales y planear el diseño de las
escaleras de conformidad con estos. Deje un
Balaustres cuadrados de material compuesto:
espacio adecuado para asir el pasamanos, si
Marque el ángulo de la escalera en los balaustres
y corte estos últimos al largo deseado.
Nota: la pendiente de las escaleras puede ser de Nota: los balaustres metálicos redondos están
30 a 37 grados. precortados en un extremo. Si se requiere un
ángulo personalizado, corte el extremo que viene
angulado de fábrica y deje el extremo cuadrado
Nota: las longitudes de los travesaños variarán como está. Esto permitirá un asiento adecuado
ligeramente según los procesos de fabricación. cuando se fije la parte superior de los balaustres
Asegúrese de cortar los travesaños al largo Para establecer el ángulo de la escalera, utilice posteriormente en la instalación.
adecuado. un soporte de 2.5 cm x 10 cm o similar para
conectar al menos tres peldaños. Coloque el
travesaño inferior entre los postes de la escalera.

Las instrucciones de instalación más recientes están disponibles en nuestro sitio de Internet.
Visite el sitio o llame al Departamento de servicio al consumidor y soporte técnico al 1-800-573-8841.
Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 22 of 115 PageID #: 44

Instrucciones para la instalación de barandillas de escalera Symmetry de 1.83 m y 2.44 m

7 10 13

El largo total de la barra en H será 11 mm más

corto que el travesaño inferior cortado.
Balaustres cuadrados de material compuesto: Retire
Trace otra línea a 5.5 mm de la primera, hacia el
la guía de balaustres de la caja de la barandilla.
interior, en ambos extremos.
Colóquela en una superficie plana e introduzca
Nota: esto deja un margen para el grosor del los balaustres en las ranuras precortadas.
soporte superior.
Para cortar la barra en H, primero colóquela Balaustres metálicos redondos: Coloque el
sobre uno de sus lados y con los hoyos más travesaño inferior cortado sobre una superficie
cerca del travesaño inferior cortado. El travesaño plana a nivel. Alinee el extremo cortado del
inferior debe estar con la parte superior hacia 11 balaustre de metal redondo con la superficie
arriba. Alinee el patrón de hoyos con el travesaño superior del travesaño inferior.
inferior cortado.

Coloque los soportes superiores en la barra en H,

Marque la longitud del travesaño inferior cortado cuidando de que queden totalmente insertados.
en la barra en H. Balaustres cuadrados de material compuesto:
Alinee el balaustre del extremo con el orificio
12 previamente perforado en el travesaño inferior.
Fije los balaustres con los tornillos n.° 10 de
38 mm suministrados.
Sujete firmemente cada balaustre cuadrado
de material compuesto contra el elemento de
alineación y enrosque los tornillos de forma
paralela a los balaustres, no perpendicular al
travesaño inferior. No apriete en exceso.
Fije los soportes superiores a la barra en H con Balaustres metálicos redondos: Inserte el tornillo en
dos tornillos de cabeza alomada autorroscantes el centro (“X”) del balaustre extremo. Es posible
de 16 mm. No apriete en exceso. que deba barrenar ligeramente en exceso los
hoyos perforados de fábrica, haciendo oscilar la
broca en movimiento paralelamente a la dirección
del travesaño. No apriete en exceso.
Trace una línea con el ángulo de la escalera en un
lado de la barra en H, en ambos extremos. Continúe avanzado desde un extremo hasta que
todos los balaustres estén fijados al travesaño

Las instrucciones de instalación más recientes están disponibles en nuestro sitio de Internet.
Visite el sitio o llame al Departamento de servicio al consumidor y soporte técnico al 1-800-573-8841.
Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 23 of 115 PageID #: 45

Instrucciones para la instalación de barandillas de escalera Symmetry de 1.83 m y 2.44 m

15 16 18

Centro aproximado en una sección

de travesaño de hasta 1.83 m.

Ajuste en seco la sección ensamblada y use el Aproximadamente 1/3 y 2/3

travesaño inferior para trazar una línea recta en en una sección de travesaño
el poste para determinar la ubicación del soporte mayor de 1.83 m.
Nota: al fijar los balaustres, es importante del travesaño inferior.
asegurarse de que estén a nivel. Calce la barra Para las secciones de travesaño de 1.83 m,
en H con un espaciador de 13 mm – 16 mm para Nota: para obtener los mejores resultados perfore posicione el bloque de soporte y la base dentro
asegurar que los balaustres queden totalmente previamente los hoyos de soporte en el poste del travesaño inferior, aproximadamente en el
insertados en la barra en H cuando se fijen. con una broca de 3.2 mm - 4 mm, para asegurar punto central.
la colocación precisa y la inserción completa de
Balaustres cuadrados de material compuesto: los tornillos, particularmente cuando aumenta el Para las secciones de travesaño de 2.44 m,
Mueva la guía de balaustre hasta el extremo de ángulo de la escalera. posicione los dos bloques de soporte y las bases
los balaustres cuadrados de material compuesto dentro del travesaño inferior, aproximadamente
que corresponde al travesaño superior. Fije los soportes inferiores de la escalera al poste, en los puntos de 1/3 y 2/3.
a la altura deseada, utilizando los tornillos n.° 10
Coloque la parte superior de los balaustres x 64 mm suministrados. No apriete en exceso.
firmemente unida a la parte interior de la barra en 19
H superior. Centre los balaustres debajo de los 17
hoyos para tornillos de montaje lateral. Avanzando
de un extremo al otro, fije cada balaustre con los
tornillos de cabeza plana n.° 8 de 38 mm que se
incluyen. No apriete en exceso.
Nota: los tornillos deben penetrar por completo a
través del balaustre. Fije el bloque de soporte a su base con un tornillo
Fije el resto de los balaustres avanzando hacia el de cabeza plana n.° 8 que se incluye. No apriete
otro extremo. No apriete en exceso. en exceso.
Balaustres metálicos redondos: Inserte las bases Nota: El tornillo estará descentrado en el bloque
redondas de los balaustres en la barra en H de de soporte.
aluminio, cuidando de que el hoyo angulado
quede orientado correctamente y de que el hoyo
pasante quede alineado con los hoyos laterales
de la barra en H. Antes de ensamblar el bloque de soporte,
Asiente adecuadamente todos los balaustres en marque el ángulo de la escalera en el extremo
las bases. Fije primero un balaustre de extremo de dicho bloque, ajuste en seco y corte al largo
con los tornillos autorroscantes de cabeza plana deseado.
n.° 8 de 38 mm suministrados, a través de los
hoyos laterales de la barra en H.
Pivote la barra en H hacia los balaustres restantes,
insertándolos en los soportes. Comience por el
extremo fijado y avance hacia el otro extremo.
Fije el balaustre de extremo restante y luego los
balaustres restantes de la barandilla.

Las instrucciones de instalación más recientes están disponibles en nuestro sitio de Internet.
Visite el sitio o llame al Departamento de servicio al consumidor y soporte técnico al 1-800-573-8841.
Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 24 of 115 PageID #: 46

Instrucciones para la instalación de barandillas de escalera Symmetry de 1.83 m y 2.44 m

20 22 25

Centre la barra en H en el poste y compruebe que

Coloque el bloque de soporte y la base en el el travesaño esté a plomo.
travesaño inferior y ubique los dos hoyos para
tornillo. Retire la base y realice una perforación
previa con una broca de 3.2 mm. Vuelva a 23
colocar el bloque de soporte y la base, y fíjelos
con los tornillos n.° 8 de 25 mm que se incluyen.
No apriete en exceso. Fije el travesaño superior utilizando los tornillos
de 48 mm suministrados, comenzando lo más
cerca posible del poste. Separe uniformemente
21 los tornillos restantes.

Comenzando por la parte superior, fije la barra
en H a los postes en ambos extremos con los
tornillos de cabeza alomada autorroscantes n.°
10 de 64 mm que se incluyen. No apriete en

Coloque con cuidado la barandilla previamente
ensamblada en el espacio entre los postes, luego
bájela suavemente hasta que quede totalmente
asentada sobre los soportes inferiores.

Termine el ensamblaje pegando las tapas de los

postes en su sitio con un adhesivo de calidad
apto para exteriores.

Coloque el travesaño superior sobre el

ensamblaje de la barandilla, y bájelo con cuidado
hasta su posición.

Las instrucciones de instalación más recientes están disponibles en nuestro sitio de Internet.
Visite el sitio o llame al Departamento de servicio al consumidor y soporte técnico al 1-800-573-8841.
Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 25 of 115 PageID #: 47

Cuadrícula de diseño
1.800.573.8841 FIB-0344-LIT 11/17
Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 26 of 115 PageID #: 48

Symmetry ®

Rampes horizontales en composite

à faible entretien

1,83 m et 2,44 m

Fabriqué par
1 800 573-8841
Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 27 of 115 PageID #: 49

Directives d’installation des rampes Symmetry –

Horizontales de 1,83 m et 2,44 m

Liste de composants de rampe pour la section de 1,83 m :

La longueur maximale entre les revêtements de poteau est de 1,7 m.
Rampe supérieure Profilé en double T de
Capuchon de Bride de rampe rampe supérieure
revêtement de supérieure

de poteau
Balustres métalliques
en composite ronds

Moulure de base de
revêtement de poteau

Bride de rampe
inférieure Cale de soutien Rampe

Liste de composants de rampe pour la section de 2,44 m :

La longueur maximale entre les revêtements de poteau est de 2,3 m.

Rampe supérieure Profilé en double T de Bride de rampe

Capuchon de
rampe supérieure supérieure
revêtement de poteau

Balustres Balustres
en composite métalliques
carrés ronds
de poteau

Moulure de base de Rampe inférieure Bride de rampe

revêtement de poteau inférieure
Cales de soutien

Remarque : Les longueurs de rampe varient légèrement en raison des procédés de fabrication.
S’assurer que les rampes soient coupées correctement à la bonne longueur et que le gabarit de
trous soit centré entre les poteaux avant de les fixer.

Les directives d’installation les plus récentes sont disponibles sur notre site Web.
1 Visitez l’adresse ou téléphonez au centre de soutien technique et de service à la clientèle au 1 800 573-8841.
Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 28 of 115 PageID #: 50

Directives d’installation des rampes Symmetry – Horizontales de 1,83 m et 2,44 m

Outils et accessoires requis :

• Perceuse • Crayon
Profil de la rampe supérieure • Lunettes de protection • Équerre réglable
• Ruban à mesurer
• Niveau
• Équerre rapide
• Scie à onglet
Profil de la rampe inférieure

Avant d’installer les rampes : Consultez les réglementations de zonage locales en matière d’exigences de charge et d’espacement inférieur pour
les rampes. Toutes les structures de soutien doivent être conformes avec les codes de construction applicables. Des associations de quartier ou des
réglementations en matière de protection du patrimoine peuvent réglementer la dimension, l’emplacement et le type des rampes. Obtenez les permis
s’ils sont exigés par les réglementations locales. Assurez-vous de la conformité avant l’installation. Les exigences du code du bâtiment local auront
toujours priorité sur les procédures et les mesures suggérées dans les directives d’installation qui suivent. Les directives d’installation suivantes sont
données à titre d’indications générales et se fondent sur des pratiques courantes de constructions dans les installations de balustrades.

38 mm minimum entre l’extrémité
de la rampe et le balustre
Installation des rampes : Lorsque la longueur de la rampe supérieure et de la rampe inférieure est plus grande que la distance entre les poteaux,
coupez les deux extrémités de la rampe de manière à maintenir un espacement uniforme des balustres. Il est essentiel de vous assurer que la ligne
de coupe n’interfère pas avec les balustres une fois l’installation terminée.

1 2 3

Mesurez la distance entre les poteaux pour la

rampe inférieure. Centrez le patron de trous,
puis marquez les points de découpage. 5,5 mm
Vérifiez l’ajustement.
Centrez la rampe inférieure avec la rampe
supérieure. Marquez et coupez à la longueur.

Remarque : Vérifiez que les poteaux sont à la Alignez le fer en double  T avec le gabarit de
verticale et au niveau avant d’installer la rampe. trous qui est découpé dans la rampe inférieure.
Couvrez les poteaux de 10 x 10  cm ou les Marquez la longueur de la rampe inférieure sur
supports de montage en surface Fiberon le fer en double T puis soustrayez 5,5 mm de
avec un revêtement de poteau et vérifiez cette mesure à chaque extrémité du fer en
l’espacement. Les poteaux devraient être double  T (11  mm en tout pour accommoder
d’aplomb dans les deux directions. Placez la l’épaisseur de la bride supérieure), puis
moulure de base de revêtement de poteau marquez. Coupez le fer en double  T puis
par-dessus le revêtement de poteau et glissez- mettez-le de côté jusqu’à l’étape 7.
la jusqu’à la surface de la terrasse.
Les directives d’installation les plus récentes sont disponibles sur notre site Web.
Visitez l’adresse ou téléphonez au centre de soutien technique et de service à la clientèle au 1 800 573-8841. 2
Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 29 of 115 PageID #: 51

Directives d’installation des rampes Symmetry – Horizontales de 1,83 m et 2,44 m

4 6 7


Bride pour fer en double T Bride de rampe inférieure

Côté cour Côté terrasse
Assurez-vous que les brides soient
Assurez-vous que la rampe inférieure soit positionnées correctement avant l’installation.
positionnée correctement avant l’installation. Les brides indiquent le côté qui fera face à la
La rampe inférieure comporte un composant terrasse.
d’alignement sur le dessus, qui devrait se
trouver du côté cour de la rampe, à l’opposé 8
du côté terrasse.
Balustres en composite carrés  : Alignez la
5 rampe inférieure avec les balustres à la même
extrémité que le guide de balustre. Maintenez
fermement les balustres carrés contre le
composant d’alignement sur la rampe
inférieure, puis fixez les balustres à la rampe
inférieure à l’aide des vis n°  10 de 38  mm Insérez entièrement les brides supérieures
fournies. Ne pas trop serrer. aux deux extrémités du fer en double  T en
Balustres en composite carrés  : Mesurez et aluminium avec la flèche pointant vers le haut.
coupez tous les balustres à la longueur
requise. À l’aide du gabarit de vis intégré, fixez avec des
vis autotaraudeuses n° 10 de 16 mm. Ne pas
Retirez le guide de balustre de la boîte de trop serrer.
la rampe, placez-le sur une surface plane
et insérez les balustres dans les fentes
Remarque : Les longueurs des balustres
en composite carrés varient légèrement
en raison des procédés de fabrication.
Assurez-vous que les balustres sont
coupés selon une longueur uniforme.
Remarque : Les balustres métalliques
ronds n’ont pas besoin d’être coupés.

Balustres métalliques ronds : Alignez le balustre Alignez le fer en double T en aluminium avec
avec les trous prépercés dans la rampe les balustres en veillant à ce que les trous
inférieure. Insérez les vis n°  10 de 38  mm latéraux soient orientés vers le haut.
fournies dans les trous et dans le centre (« X »)
Balustres en composite carrés  : Glissez le
des longerons à l’intérieur des balustres. Ne
guide de balustre vers l’extrémité opposée
pas trop serrer.
des balustres. Insérez le haut des balustres
complètement dans le profilé du fer en
double T en aluminium.
Remarque : Lors de la mise en place des
balustres en composite ou en métal, placez une
entretoise de 13 à 16 mm pour vous assurer
que les balustres restent perpendiculaires au
profilé en double T.

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Directives d’installation des rampes Symmetry – Horizontales de 1,83 m et 2,44 m

10 12 14

Balustres en composite carrés  : Positionnez

le dessus des balustres fermement contre
l’intérieur du profilé en  double  T supérieur.
Centrez les balustres sous les trous de vis de
montage latéral. En travaillant d’une extrémité
à l’autre, fixez chaque balustre à l’aide des vis
à tête fraisée n° 8 de 38 mm fournies. Ne pas Ajustez à sec, mesurez et taillez la cale de
trop serrer. soutien à la longueur finale requise. Fixez la
cale de soutien au support à l’aide d’une vis à
tête fraisée fournie.
Remarque : Lorsque vous utilisez un gabarit de
bride, une grande cale de soutien de 95 mm
est nécessaire. La vis sera décalée par rapport Prépercez deux trous avec un foret de 3 mm,
au centre dans la cale de soutien. en faisant attention de ne pas percer à travers
le dessus de la rampe inférieure. Fixez avec les
vis à tête fraisée fournies. Ne pas trop serrer.


Balustres métalliques ronds  : Insérez les vis

n°  10 de 38  mm fournies dans les trous du
profilé en double T et dans le centre (« X ») des
longerons à l’intérieur des balustres. Vissez
jusqu’à ce le tout soit bien fixé. Ne pas trop
Centre approximatif sur une section de
rampe jusqu’à 1,83 m.
Positionnez soigneusement la portion de
rampe préassemblée entre les poteaux, puis
abaissez lentement sur les brides inférieures
jusqu’à ce qu’elle soit entièrement calée.


Environ 1/3 et 2/3 sur une section

Repérez le gabarit de bride horizontale de rampe supérieure à 1,83 m.
inférieure Symmetry (dans la boîte du
revêtement de poteau et à l’intérieur de la Pour les sections de rampe de 1,83  m,
boîte de la trousse pour rampes). positionnez la cale de soutien et le support
À l’aide du gabarit de bride inférieure, à l’intérieur de la rampe inférieure environ au
positionnez et fixez les brides inférieures centre.
en utilisant les vis n°  10 de 64  mm en vous Pour les sections de rampe de 2,44  m,
assurant que la bride est correctement positionnez les deux cales de soutien et les
positionnée (voir l’étape 7). supports à l’intérieur de la rampe inférieure,
Le gabarit créera un espacement de 76  mm environ au tiers et aux deux tiers de la longueur. Centrez le profilé en double T sur le poteau et
sous la rampe inférieure. vérifiez que tout est droit et vertical.

Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 31 of 115 PageID #: 53

Directives d’installation Directives d’installation des rampes Symmetry – EN angle

des rampes Symmetry –
Horizontales de 1,83 m et
2,44 m (suite)

Fixez les brides supérieures à l’aide des vis

n° 10 de 64 mm fournies.


Fixez à l’aide des vis autotaraudeuses n°  10

de 64 mm fournies. Ne pas trop serrer.

Remarque : Les installations en angle
nécessitent un poteau d’au moins
Positionnez la rampe supérieure au-dessus
de l’assemblage intérieur, puis abaissez Composant
soigneusement pour mettre en place. 1 d’alignement

Côté cour Côté terrasse

Assurez-vous que la rampe inférieure soit

positionnée correctement avant de couper
l’angle de celle-ci en vue de l’installer. La
Côté terrasse Côté cour rampe inférieure comporte un composant
d’alignement sur le dessus, qui devrait se
trouver du côté cour de la rampe, à l’opposé
Pour une installation horizontale en angle, les
du côté terrasse.
brides devront être installées de manière à ce
À l’aide des vis de 48  mm, fixez la rampe
que le rebord angulaire soit du côté terrasse
supérieure en commençant le plus près 5
de la rampe.
possible du poteau. Puis, espacer le restant
des vis uniformément. Remarque : Il s’agit du contraire de ce qui est
indiqué sur la bride pour l’installation de la
rampe horizontale de base.
5,5 à 6,4 mm

Le gabarit peut quand même être utilisé pour

trouver la hauteur de la bride horizontale. Centrez le gabarit de trous sur la rampe
L’alignement côte à côte doit être décentré inférieure entre les poteaux. Transférer la
d’environ 5,5 à 6,4  mm du côté terrasse de longueur et l’angle sur la rampe supérieure,
la rampe pour une installation entièrement à puis coupez les rampes inférieure et supérieure.
45 degrés. Lors de l’alignement du gabarit de trous, du
Complétez l’assemblage en collant les transfert de la longueur et de la découpe des
capuchons de poteau en place à l’aide d’un Remarque : Si la bride n’est pas légèrement angles sur le fer en double T, n’oubliez pas de
adhésif conçu pour l’extérieur. décalée, la rampe supérieure risque de soustraire 5,5 mm à chaque extrémité afin de
surplomber la face du poteau de coin et laisser suffisamment d’espace pour les brides
s’étendre par-dessus le chanfrein en coin. supérieures.

Les directives d’installation les plus récentes sont disponibles sur notre site Web.
5 Visitez l’adresse ou téléphonez au centre de soutien technique et de service à la clientèle au 1 800 573-8841.
Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 32 of 115 PageID #: 54

Directives d’installation des rampes Symmetry – EN angle

6 8 10


Balustres en composite carrés  : Mesurez et

coupez tous les balustres à la longueur
requise. Retirez le guide de balustre de la
boîte de la rampe. Placez-le sur une surface
plane et insérez les balustres dans les fentes Insérez les brides supérieures dans la cavité
prédécoupées. Assemblez et fixez la cale de soutien selon
du fer en double  T en aluminium, en vous les directives normales d’installation de
Remarque : Les longueurs des balustres assurant que la bride supérieure se trouve à rampe horizontale.
en composite carrés varient légèrement l’intérieur des limites du fer en double  T. Si
en raison des procédés de fabrication. la bride se trouve à l’extérieur des limites, la Positionnez l’assemblage au-dessus des
Assurez-vous que les balustres sont rampe supérieure ne sera pas ajustée par- brides inférieures et l’abaissez délicatement
coupés selon une longueur uniforme. dessus le fer en double  T et la bride. Fixez pour le mettre en place, puis fixez les brides
avec les vis autotaraudeuses n° 10 de 16 mm supérieures avec les vis n°  10 de 64  mm
Remarque : Les balustres métalliques fournies.
ronds n’ont pas besoin d’être coupés.
7 9

Positionnez la rampe supérieure au-dessus

Balustres en composite carrés  : Alignez la de l’assemblage intérieur, puis abaissez
rampe inférieure avec les balustres à la même soigneusement pour mettre en place.
extrémité que le guide de balustre. Maintenez Balustres en composite carrés  : Positionnez le
fermement les balustres carrés contre le haut des balustres fermement contre l’intérieur 12
composant d’alignement sur la rampe du fer en double  T supérieur. Centrez les
inférieure, puis fixez les balustres à la rampe balustres sous les trous de vis de montage
inférieure à l’aide des vis n°  10 de 38  mm latéral. En travaillant d’une extrémité à l’autre,
fournies. Ne pas trop serrer. fixez chaque balustre à l’aide des vis à tête
fraisée n°  8 de 38  mm fournies. Ne pas trop
Remarque : Les vis doivent traverser À l’aide des vis de 48  mm, fixez la rampe
complètement le balustre. supérieure en commençant le plus près
possible du poteau. Puis, espacer le restant
des vis uniformément.

Balustres métalliques ronds : Alignez le balustre Balustres métalliques ronds  : Insérez les vis
avec les trous prépercés dans la rampe n°  10 de 38  mm fournies dans les trous du
inférieure. Insérez les vis n°  10 de 38  mm profilé en double T et dans le centre (« X ») des Complétez l’assemblage en collant les
fournies dans les trous et dans le centre (« X ») longerons à l’intérieur des balustres. Vissez capuchons de poteau en place à l’aide d’un
des longerons à l’intérieur des balustres. Ne jusqu’à ce le tout soit bien fixé. Ne pas trop adhésif conçu pour l’extérieur.
pas trop serrer. serrer.

Les directives d’installation les plus récentes sont disponibles sur notre site Web.
Visitez l’adresse ou téléphonez au centre de soutien technique et de service à la clientèle au 1 800 573-8841. 6
Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 33 of 115 PageID #: 55

Directives d’installation des rampes Symmetry – 1,83 m et 2,44 m – Escalier

1 4
L’espacement maximum entre les
revêtements de poteau, mesuré
horizontalement avec la rampe, ne
peut être de moins de 12,7 cm par
rapport à la longueur totale, selon
la trousse utilisée.

Couvrez les poteaux de 10 x 10  cm ou les

supports de montage en surface Fiberon
avec un revêtement de poteau et vérifiez Centrez le gabarit de trous entre les poteaux
l’espacement. Les poteaux devraient être en laissant un minimum de 41  mm entre
d’aplomb dans les deux directions. Placez la l’extrémité de la rampe et les trous de balustre
moulure de base de revêtement de poteau fraisés.
par-dessus le revêtement de poteau et glissez-
la jusqu’à la surface de la terrasse. 5


Côté cour Côté terrasse

Transférez l’angle de l’escalier aux deux
Assurez-vous que la rampe inférieure soit extrémités de la rampe inférieure et coupez
positionnée correctement avant de couper celle-ci à la longueur et à l’angle requis.
l’angle de celle-ci en vue de l’installer. La Faites un essai pour vérifier l’ajustement, puis
rampe inférieure comporte un composant apportez des corrections au besoin.
d’alignement sur le dessus, qui devrait se
trouver du côté cour de la rampe, à l’opposé
du côté terrasse.
Les codes du bâtiment sont très précis au
sujet des angles permis et des largeurs
permises. Il est très important de consulter
un agent du code du bâtiment local et de
concevoir le plan d’escalier en conséquence.
Laissez suffisamment d’espace pour une main Balustres en composite carrés  : Transférez
courante, le cas échéant. l’angle de l’escalier aux balustres, puis coupez
Remarque : La pente des marches peut varier ceux-ci à la longueur voulue.
de 30 à 37 degrés. Remarque : Les balustres métalliques ronds
sont précoupés à une extrémité. Si un
Remarque : Les longueurs de rampe angle personnalisé est nécessaire, coupez
varient légèrement en raison des procédés l’extrémité coupée en angle à l’usine afin de
de fabrication. Vérifiez que les rampes et laisser l’extrémité en angle droit telle quelle.
traverses soient coupées correctement à la Pour établir l’angle d’escalier, utilisez une Cela permettra de bien mettre le tout en place
bonne longueur. planche de 25  mm x 100  mm ou un soutien en fixant le dessus des balustres à une étape
semblable pour faire un pont sur au moins ultérieure de l’installation.
trois marches. Placez la rampe inférieure entre
les poteaux d’escalier.
Les directives d’installation les plus récentes sont disponibles sur notre site Web.
Visitez l’adresse ou téléphonez au centre de soutien technique et de service à la clientèle au 1 800 573-8841.
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Directives d’installation des rampes Symmetry – 1,83 m et 2,44 m – Escalier

7 10 13

La longueur totale du fer en double T sera de

11  mm plus courte que la rampe inférieure
coupée. Balustres en composite carrés : Retirez le guide
de balustre de la boîte de la rampe. Placez-le
Tracez une deuxième ligne à 5,5  mm à
sur une surface plane et insérez les balustres
l’intérieur de la première, aux deux extrémités.
dans les fentes prédécoupées.
Remarque : Ceci permet de tenir compte de
Pour couper le fer en double T, placez d’abord Balustres métalliques ronds  : Placez la rampe
l’épaisseur de la bride supérieure.
celui-ci sur le côté avec les trous le plus près inférieure coupée sur une surface plane.
possible de la rampe inférieure coupée. Le Alignez l’extrémité coupée du balustre
dessus de la rampe inférieure doit être vers le métallique rond avec le dessus de la rampe
haut. Alignez le gabarit de trous avec la rampe inférieure.
inférieure coupée.

Placez les brides supérieures dans le fer en

Transférez la longueur de la rampe inférieure double T, en vous assurant que celles-ci soient
coupée au fer en double T. complètement insérées. Balustres en composite carrés  : Alignez le
balustre d’extrémité avec le trou déjà percé
12 dans la rampe inférieure. Fixez les balustres à
9 l’aide des vis n° 10 de 38 mm fournies.
Maintenez fermement en place chaque balustre
en composite carré contre le composant
d’alignement et insérez les vis parallèlement
aux balustres et non perpendiculairement à la
rampe inférieure. Ne pas trop serrer.
Balustres métalliques ronds : Insérez la vis dans
Fixez les brides supérieures au fer en
le centre («  X  ») du balustre final. Il peut être
double T en utilisant (deux) vis à tête conique
nécessaire de percer un peu plus les trous
autotaraudeuses de 16  mm. Ne pas trop
faits à l’usine en déplaçant le foret dans un
mouvement parallèlement à la direction de la
rampe. Ne pas trop serrer.
Tracez l’angle d’escalier sur le côté du fer en
double T aux deux extrémités. Continuez à travailler d’une extrémité à l’autre
jusqu’à ce que tous les balustres soient fixés à
la rampe inférieure.

Les directives d’installation les plus récentes sont disponibles sur notre site Web.
Visitez l’adresse ou téléphonez au centre de soutien technique et de service à la clientèle au 1 800 573-8841.
Case 1:18-cv-01112-UNA Document 1-1 Filed 07/27/18 Page 35 of 115 PageID #: 57

Directives d’installation des rampes Symmetry – 1,83 m et 2,44 m – Escalier

15 16 18

Centre approximatif sur une

section de rampe jusqu’à 1,83 m.

Ajustez à sec la section assemblée et utilisez la

Environ 1/3 et 2/3 sur une section
rampe inférieure pour tracer une ligne pâle sur de rampe supérieure à 1,83 m.
le poteau pour déterminer l’emplacement de la
Remarque : Il est important de s’assurer que bride de rampe inférieure.
les balustres sont au niveau lorsqu’on fixe Pour les sections de rampe de 1,83  m,
ceux-ci. Placez une entretoise de 13 ou 16 mm Remarque : Pour obtenir de meilleurs résultats, positionnez la cale de soutien et le support
sur le fer en double T pour vous assurer que prépercez des trous de bride sur les poteaux à l’intérieur de la rampe inférieure environ au
les balustres restent bien insérés une fois fixés. à l’aide d’un foret de 3 mm ou de 4 mm afin centre.
d’assurer de visser de manière précise et
Balustres en composite carrés  : Glissez le Pour les sections de rampe de 2,44  m,
complète, en particulier lorsque l’angle de
guide de balustre vers l’extrémité de rampe positionnez les deux cales de soutien et les
l’escalier augmente.
supérieure des balustres en composite carrés. supports à l’intérieur de la rampe inférieure,
Fixez les brides d’escalier inférieures sur le environ au tiers et aux deux tiers de la longueur.
Positionnez le haut des balustres fermement poteau à la hauteur voulue à l’aide des vis
contre l’intérieur du fer en double T supérieur. n° 10 de 64 mm fournies. Ne pas trop serrer. 19
Centrez les balustres sous les trous de vis de
montage latéral. En travaillant d’une extrémité
à l’autre, fixez chaque balustre à l’aide des vis 17
à tête fraisée n° 8 de 38 mm fournies. Ne pas
trop serrer.
Remarque : Les vis doivent traverser
complètement le balustre.
Fixez la cale de soutien au support de cale de
Fixez les balustres restants en progressant soutien à l’aide d’une vis à tête fraisée n° 8
vers l’autre extrémité. Ne pas trop serrer. fournie. Ne pas trop serrer.
Balustres métalliques ronds  : Insérez les Remarque : La vis sera décalée par rapport au
supports de balustre rond dans le fer en centre dans la cale de soutien.
double T en aluminium, en veillant à ce que le
trou en angle soit orienté correctement et que
le trou percé de bord en bord soit aligné avec
les trous latéraux dans le fer en double T.
Avant d’assembler la cale de soutien,
Mettez tous les balustres bien en place dans transférez l’angle de l’escalier sur l’extrémité
les supports. Fixez d’abord une extrémité de la cale de soutien, ajustez à sec, puis
de balustre à l’aide des vis à tête fraisée coupez à la longueur voulue.
autotaraudeuses n°  8 de 38  mm fournies à
travers les trous du côté du fer en double T.
Faites pivoter le fer en double  T vers les
balustres restants, insérez ceux-ci dans les
supports en commençant par l’extrémité fixée
jusqu’à l’autre extrémité. Commencer par
l’extrémité fixée et poursuivre jusqu’à l’autre
extrémité. Fixez le balustre de fin restant puis
les balustres restants de l’assemblage.

Les directives d’installation les plus récentes sont disponibles sur notre site Web.
Visitez l’adresse ou téléphonez au centre de soutien technique et de service à la clientèle au 1 800 573-8841.
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Directives d’installation des rampes Symmetry – 1,83 m et 2,44 m – Escalier

20 22 25

Centrez le profilé en double T sur le poteau et

Positionnez la cale de soutien et le support vérifiez que tout est droit et vertical.
dans la rampe inférieure et trouvez les
deux  trous de vis. Retirez le support et 23
prépercez un trou à l’aide d’un foret de 3 mm.
Repositionnez la cale de soutien et le support
de cale de soutien, puis fixez à l’aide des vis
n° 8 de 25 mm fournies. Ne pas trop serrer. À l’aide des vis de 48  mm, fixez la rampe
supérieure en commençant le plus près
possible du poteau. Puis, espacer le restant
des vis uniformément.

À partir du haut, fixez le fer en double  T aux
poteaux des deux extrémités à l’aide des vis
à tête conique autotaraudeuses n°  10 de
64 mm fournies. Ne pas trop serrer.

Positionnez soigneusement la portion de
rampe préassemblée entre les poteaux, puis
baissez lentement sur les brides inférieures
jusqu’à ce qu’elle soit entièrement calée.

Complétez l’assemblage en collant les

capuchons de poteau en place à l’aide d’un
adhésif conçu pour l’extérieur.

Positionnez la rampe supérieure au-dessus

de l’assemblage intérieur, puis abaissez
soigneusement pour mettre en place.

Les directives d’installation les plus récentes sont disponibles sur notre site Web.
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1 800 573-8841 FIB-0344-LIT 11/17
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Table of Contents
Decking Products
Paramount 3
Horizon 5
Horizon Symmetry Collection 7
ProTect Advantage 9
ProTect Advantage FR (select markets only) 11
Good Life 13
Sanctuary (select markets only) 14

Deck Fasteners and Accessories

Phantom Hidden Fasteners 17
Ballistic NailScrew Driver 17
Cortex Fastening System 18

Composite Railing Products

Symmetry 21
Horizon 27
Good Life 33

Deck and Rail Lighting Products

Rail Lighting Options 39
Deck Lighting Options 40
Lighting Accessories 41

ADA Handrail System

ADA Handrail System Components 43

Care and Maintenance

Fiberon Care and Maintenance 47

Warranty Information
Residential Limited Warranty 51
Commercial Limited Warranty 56
Stain and Fade Performance Limited Warranty 61
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Paramount PVC Decking
Grooved Profile: Square Edge Profile:

• Lightweight, easy-to-handle boards

• No organic compounds to promote mold growth
• Resists moisture, dents, and flames
• Meets/exceeds OSHA and ADA slip-resistance guidelines
• Low maintenance
Reversible: No
Material: Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) alloy outer surface is co-extruded on three sides with a cellular PVC core
Warranty: Lifetime Limited Performance
Item Description Color Color Pattern Dimensions Length Pcs / Unit Item Number
Grooved Deck Board Brownstone Multi-Chromatic 5.5 in. x 1 in. 12 ft. 56 CPBRDG BROWNSTONE 12
Grooved Deck Board Sandstone Multi-Chromatic 5.5 in. x 1 in. 12 ft. 56 CPBRDG SANDSTONE 12
Grooved Deck Board Flagstone Multi-Chromatic 5.5 in. x 1 in. 12 ft. 56 CPBRDG FLAGSTONE 12
Grooved Deck Board Earthstone Multi-Chromatic 5.5 in. x 1 in. 12 ft. 56 CPBRDG EARTHSTONE 12
Grooved Deck Board Fossil Solid 5.5 in. x 1 in. 12 ft. 56 CPBRDG FOSSIL 12
Grooved Deck Board Mineral Solid 5.5 in. x 1 in. 12 ft. 56 CPBRDG MINERAL 12
Grooved Deck Board Brownstone Multi-Chromatic 5.5 in. x 1 in. 16 ft. 56 CPBRDG BROWNSTONE 16
Grooved Deck Board Sandstone Multi-Chromatic 5.5 in. x 1 in. 16 ft. 56 CPBRDG SANDSTONE 16
Grooved Deck Board Flagstone Multi-Chromatic 5.5 in. x 1 in. 16 ft. 56 CPBRDG FLAGSTONE 16
Grooved Deck Board Earthstone Multi-Chromatic 5.5 in. x 1 in. 16 ft. 56 CPBRDG EARTHSTONE 16
Grooved Deck Board Fossil Solid 5.5 in. x 1 in. 16 ft. 56 CPBRDG FOSSIL 16
Grooved Deck Board Mineral Solid 5.5 in. x 1 in. 16 ft. 56 CPBRDG MINERAL 16
Grooved Deck Board Brownstone Multi-Chromatic 5.5 in. x 1 in. 20 ft. 56 CPBRDG BROWNSTONE 20
Grooved Deck Board Sandstone Multi-Chromatic 5.5 in. x 1 in. 20 ft. 56 CPBRDG SANDSTONE 20
Grooved Deck Board Flagstone Multi-Chromatic 5.5 in. x 1 in. 20 ft. 56 CPBRDG FLAGSTONE 20
Grooved Deck Board Earthstone Multi-Chromatic 5.5 in. x 1 in. 20 ft. 56 CPBRDG EARTHSTONE 20
Grooved Deck Board Fossil Solid 5.5 in. x 1 in. 20 ft. 56 CPBRDG FOSSIL 20
Grooved Deck Board Mineral Solid 5.5 in. x 1 in. 20 ft. 56 CPBRDG MINERAL 20
Square Edge Deck Board Brownstone Multi-Chromatic 5.5 in. x 1 in. 20 ft. 56 CPBRD BROWNSTONE 20
Square Edge Deck Board Sandstone Multi-Chromatic 5.5 in. x 1 in. 20 ft. 56 CPBRD SANDSTONE 20
Square Edge Deck Board Flagstone Multi-Chromatic 5.5 in. x 1 in. 20 ft. 56 CPBRD FLAGSTONE 20
Square Edge Deck Board Earthstone Multi-Chromatic 5.5 in. x 1 in. 20 ft. 56 CPBRD EARTHSTONE 20
Square Edge Deck Board Fossil Solid 5.5 in. x 1 in. 20 ft. 56 CPBRD FOSSIL 20
Square Edge Deck Board Mineral Solid 5.5 in. x 1 in. 20 ft. 56 CPBRD MINERAL 20
12 ft. and 16 ft. Square Edge Deck Boards for Special Order Only
Square Edge Deck Board Brownstone Multi-Chromatic 5.5 in. x 1 in. 12 ft. 56 CPBRD BROWNSTONE 12
Square Edge Deck Board Sandstone Multi-Chromatic 5.5 in. x 1 in. 12 ft. 56 CPBRD SANDSTONE 12
Square Edge Deck Board Flagstone Multi-Chromatic 5.5 in. x 1 in. 12 ft. 56 CPBRD FLAGSTONE 12
Square Edge Deck Board Earthstone Multi-Chromatic 5.5 in. x 1 in. 12 ft. 56 CPBRD EARTHSTONE 12
Square Edge Deck Board Fossil Solid 5.5 in. x 1 in. 12 ft. 56 CPBRD FOSSIL 12
Square Edge Deck Board Mineral Solid 5.5 in. x 1 in. 12 ft. 56 CPBRD MINERAL 12
Square Edge Deck Board Brownstone Multi-Chromatic 5.5 in. x 1 in. 16 ft. 56 CPBRD BROWNSTONE 16
Square Edge Deck Board Sandstone Multi-Chromatic 5.5 in. x 1 in. 16 ft. 56 CPBRD SANDSTONE 16
Square Edge Deck Board Flagstone Multi-Chromatic 5.5 in. x 1 in. 16 ft. 56 CPBRD FLAGSTONE 16
Square Edge Deck Board Earthstone Multi-Chromatic 5.5 in. x 1 in. 16 ft. 56 CPBRD EARTHSTONE 16
Square Edge Deck Board Fossil Solid 5.5 in. x 1 in. 16 ft. 56 CPBRD FOSSIL16
Square Edge Deck Board Mineral Solid 5.5 in. x 1 in. 16 ft. 56 CPBRD MINERAL 16
3 For the most up-to-date information, visit
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Paramount Fascia
Fascia Profile:
Reversible: No
Material: Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) alloy outer surface is co-extruded on three sides with a cellular PVC core
Warranty: Lifetime Limited Performance
Item Description Color Color Pattern Dimensions Length Pcs / Unit Item Number
Fascia Board Brown Solid .5 in. x 11.75 in. 12 ft. 24 CPFAS BROWN 12
Fascia Board Sand Solid .5 in. x 11.75 in. 12 ft. 24 CPFAS SAND 12
Fascia Board Earth Solid .5 in. x 11.75 in. 12 ft. 24 CPFAS EARTH 12
Fascia Board Fossil Solid .5 in. x 11.75 in. 12 ft. 24 CPFAS FOSSIL 12
Fascia Board Mineral Solid .5 in. x 11.75 in. 12 ft. 24 CPFAS MIN FLGSTN 12

For the most up-to-date information, visit 4

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Horizon Composite Decking

Grooved Profile: Square Edge Profile:

• Striking looks emulate exotic, tropical hardwoods

• Reversible boards offer polished appearance on top and bottom
• PermaTech® surface material resists staining, fading, mold, mildew, and decay
• Cleans easily; no refinishing needed
Reversible: Yes
Material: Durable PermaTech outer surface is co-extruded on four sides with a wood and polyethylene (PE) composite core
Warranty: 25-year Stain and Fade; 25-year Limited Performance
Item Description Color Color Pattern Dimensions Length Pcs / Unit Item Number
Grooved Deck Board Ipe Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDTHG IPE 12
Grooved Deck Board Rosewood Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDTHG ROS 12
Grooved Deck Board Tudor Brown Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDTHG TUDOR 12
Grooved Deck Board Castle Gray Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDTHG CSGRAY 12
Grooved Deck Board Greystone Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDTHG GRYSTN 12
Grooved Deck Board Ipe Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDTHG IPE 16
Grooved Deck Board Rosewood Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDTHG ROS 16
Grooved Deck Board Tudor Brown Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDTHG TUDOR 16
Grooved Deck Board Castle Gray Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDTHG CSGRAY 16
Grooved Deck Board Greystone Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDTHG GRYSTN 16
Grooved Deck Board Ipe Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDTHG IPE 20
Grooved Deck Board Rosewood Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDTHG ROS 20
Grooved Deck Board Tudor Brown Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDTHG TUDOR 20
Grooved Deck Board Castle Gray Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDTHG CSGRAY 20
Grooved Deck Board Greystone Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDTHG GRYSTN 20
Square Edge Deck Board Ipe Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDTH IPE 20
Square Edge Deck Board Rosewood Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDTH ROS 20
Square Edge Deck Board Tudor Brown Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDTH TUDOR 20
Square Edge Deck Board Castle Gray Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDTH CSGRAY 20
Square Edge Deck Board Greystone Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDTH GRYSTN 20
12 ft. and 16 ft. Square Edge Deck Boards for Special Order Only
Square Edge Deck Board Ipe Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDTH IPE 12
Square Edge Deck Board Rosewood Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDTH ROS 12
Square Edge Deck Board Tudor Brown Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDTH TUDOR 12
Square Edge Deck Board Castle Gray Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDTH CSGRAY 12
Square Edge Deck Board Ipe Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDTH IPE 16
Square Edge Deck Board Rosewood Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDTH ROS 16
Square Edge Deck Board Tudor Brown Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDTH TUDOR 16
Square Edge Deck Board Castle Gray Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDTH CSGRAY 16

5 For the most up-to-date information, visit

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Horizon Fascia
Fascia Profile:
Reversible: No
Material: Durable PermaTech outer surface is co-extruded on three sides with a wood and polyethylene (PE) composite core
Warranty: 25-year Stain and Fade; 25-year Limited Performance
Item Description Color Color Pattern Dimensions Length Pcs / Unit Item Number
Fascia Board Ipe Multi-Chromatic .75 in. x 11.25 in. 12 ft. 24 HCFAS IPE 12
Fascia Board Rosewood Multi-Chromatic .75 in. x 11.25 in. 12 ft. 24 HCFAS ROS 12
Fascia Board Tudor Brown Multi-Chromatic .75 in. x 11.25 in. 12 ft. 24 HCFAS TUDOR 12
Fascia Board Castle Gray Multi-Chromatic .75 in. x 11.25 in. 12 ft. 24 HCFAS CSGRAY 12
Fascia Board Greystone Multi-Chromatic .75 in. x 11.25 in. 12 ft. 24 HCFAS GRYSTN 12

Horizon Riser
Riser Profile:
Reversible: No
Material: Durable PermaTech outer surface is co-extruded on three sides with a wood and polyethylene (PE) composite core
Warranty: 25-year Stain and Fade; 25-year Limited Performance
Item Description Color Color Pattern Dimensions Length Pcs / Unit Item Number
Riser Board Ipe Multi-Chromatic .75 in. x 7.25 in. 12 ft. 48 HCRIS IPE 12
Riser Board Rosewood Multi-Chromatic .75 in. x 7.25 in. 12 ft. 48 HCRIS ROS 12
Riser Board Tudor Brown Multi-Chromatic .75 in. x 7.25 in. 12 ft. 48 HCRIS TUDOR 12
Riser Board Castle Gray Multi-Chromatic .75 in. x 7.25 in. 12 ft. 48 HCRIS CSGRAY 12
Riser Board Greystone Multi-Chromatic .75 in. x 7.25 in. 12 ft. 48 HCRIS GRYSTN 12

For the most up-to-date information, visit 6

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Horizon Symmetry Collection Composite Decking

Grooved Profile: Square Edge Profile:

• Low-gloss formulation and micro-texturing creates beautiful matte finish

• Rich, earthy colors and unique wood grain patterns enhance visual appeal
• Four-sided PermaTech protection ensures durability
• Same pattern on top and bottom extends versatility
• Pairs with Symmetry Railing for an elegant outdoor space
Reversible: Yes
Material: Durable PermaTech outer surface is co-extruded on four sides with a wood and polyethylene (PE) composite core
Warranty: 25-year Stain and Fade; 25-year Limited Performance
Item Description Color Color Pattern Dimensions Length Pcs / Unit Item Number
Grooved Deck Board Burnt Umber Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDSYMG BRU 12
Grooved Deck Board Warm Sienna Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDSYMG WMS 12
Grooved Deck Board Cinnabar Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDSYMG CNB 12
Grooved Deck Board Burnt Umber Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDSYMG BRU 16
Grooved Deck Board Warm Sienna Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDSYMG WMS 16
Grooved Deck Board Cinnabar Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDSYMG CNB 16
Grooved Deck Board Burnt Umber Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDSYMG BRU 20
Grooved Deck Board Warm Sienna Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDSYMG WMS 20
Grooved Deck Board Cinnabar Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDSYMG CNB 20
Square Edge Deck Board Burnt Umber Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDSYM BRU 20
Square Edge Deck Board Warm Sienna Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDSYM WMS 20
Square Edge Deck Board Cinnabar Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDSYM CNB 20
12 ft. and 16 ft. Square Edge Deck Boards for Special Order Only
Square Edge Deck Board Burnt Umber Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDSYM BRU 12
Square Edge Deck Board Warm Sienna Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDSYM WMS 12
Square Edge Deck Board Cinnabar Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDSYM CNB 12
Square Edge Deck Board Burnt Umber Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDSYM BRU 16
Square Edge Deck Board Warm Sienna Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDSYM WMS 16
Square Edge Deck Board Cinnabar Multi-Chromatic 5.4 in. x .935 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDSYM CNB 16

7 For the most up-to-date information, visit

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Horizon Symmetry Collection Fascia
Fascia Profile:
Reversible: No
Material: Durable PermaTech outer surface is co-extruded on three sides with a wood and polyethylene (PE) composite core
Warranty: 25-year Stain and Fade; 25-year Limited Performance
Item Description Color Color Pattern Dimensions Length Pcs / Unit Item Number
Fascia Board Burnt Umber Multi-Chromatic .75 in. x 11.25 in. 12 ft. 24 HCFAS BURNT UMBER 12
Fascia Board Warm Sienna Multi-Chromatic .75 in. x 11.25 in. 12 ft. 24 HCFAS WARM SIENNA 12
Fascia Board Cinnabar Multi-Chromatic .75 in. x 11.25 in. 12 ft. 24 HCFAS CINNABAR 12

Horizon Symmetry Collection Riser

Riser Profile:
Reversible: No
Material: Durable PermaTech outer surface is co-extruded on three sides with a wood and polyethylene (PE) composite core
Warranty: 25-year Stain and Fade; 25-year Limited Performance
Item Description Color Color Pattern Dimensions Length Pcs / Unit Item Number
Riser Board Burnt Umber Multi-Chromatic .75 in. x 7.25 in. 12 ft. 48 HCRIS BURNT UMBER 12
Riser Board Warm Sienna Multi-Chromatic .75 in. x 7.25 in. 12 ft. 48 HCRIS WARM SIENNA 12
Riser Board Cinnabar Multi-Chromatic .75 in. x 7.25 in. 12 ft. 48 HCRIS CINNABAR 12

For the most up-to-date information, visit 8

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ProTect Advantage Composite Decking

Grooved Profile: Square Edge Profile:

• Elegant look of natural hardwoods

• Multichromatic colors with realistic wood grain patterns
• Three-sided PermaTech surface protection resists staining, fading, insects, and decay
• Composite construction ensures easy maintenance, lasting durability
Reversible: No
Material: Durable PermaTech outer surface is co-extruded on three sides with a wood and polyethylene (PE) composite core
Warranty: 25-year Stain and Fade; 25-year Limited Performance
Item Description Color Color Pattern Dimensions Length Pcs / Unit Item Number
Grooved Deck Board Chestnut Multi-Chromatic 5.3 in. x .93 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDPRTFG CN 12
Grooved Deck Board Western Cedar Multi-Chromatic 5.3 in. x .93 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDPRTFG WC 12
Grooved Deck Board Gray Birch Multi-Chromatic 5.3 in. x .93 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDPRTFG GB 12
Grooved Deck Board Chestnut Multi-Chromatic 5.3 in. x .93 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDPRTFG CN 16
Grooved Deck Board Western Cedar Multi-Chromatic 5.3 in. x .93 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDPRTFG WC 16
Grooved Deck Board Gray Birch Multi-Chromatic 5.3 in. x .93 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDPRTFG GB 16
Grooved Deck Board Chestnut Multi-Chromatic 5.3 in. x .93 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDPRTFG CN 20
Grooved Deck Board Western Cedar Multi-Chromatic 5.3 in. x .93 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDPRTFG WC 20
Grooved Deck Board Gray Birch Multi-Chromatic 5.3 in. x .93 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDPRTFG GB 20
Square Edge Deck Board Chestnut Multi-Chromatic 5.3 in. x .93 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDPRTF CN 20
Square Edge Deck Board Western Cedar Multi-Chromatic 5.3 in. x .93 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDPRTF WC 20
Square Edge Deck Board Gray Birch Multi-Chromatic 5.3 in. x .93 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDPRTF GB 20
12 ft. and 16 ft. Square Edge Deck Boards for Special Order Only
Square Edge Deck Board Chestnut Multi-Chromatic 5.3 in. x .93 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDPRTF CN 12
Square Edge Deck Board Western Cedar Multi-Chromatic 5.3 in. x .93 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDPRTF WC 12
Square Edge Deck Board Gray Birch Multi-Chromatic 5.3 in. x .93 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDPRTF GB 12
Square Edge Deck Board Chestnut Multi-Chromatic 5.3 in. x .93 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDPRTF CN 16
Square Edge Deck Board Western Cedar Multi-Chromatic 5.3 in. x .93 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDPRTF WC 16
Square Edge Deck Board Gray Birch Multi-Chromatic 5.3 in. x .93 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDPRTF GB 16

9 For the most up-to-date information, visit

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ProTect Advantage Fascia
Fascia Profile:
Reversible: No
Material: Durable PermaTech outer surface is co-extruded on three sides with a wood and polyethylene (PE) composite core
Warranty: 25-year Stain and Fade; 25-year Limited Performance
Item Description Color Color Pattern Dimensions Length Pcs / Unit Item Number
Fascia Board Chestnut Multi-Chromatic .75 in. x 11.25 in. 12 ft. 24 HCFAS CHESTNUT 12
Fascia Board Western Cedar Multi-Chromatic .75 in. x 11.25 in. 12 ft. 24 HCFAS WESTERN CDR 12
Fascia Board Gray Birch Multi-Chromatic .75 in. x 11.25 in. 12 ft. 24 HCFAS GRAY BIRCH 12

ProTect Advantage Riser

Riser Profile:
Reversible: No
Material: Durable PermaTech outer surface is co-extruded on three sides with a wood and polyethylene (PE) composite core
Warranty: 25-year Stain and Fade; 25-year Limited Performance
Item Description Color Color Pattern Dimensions Length Pcs / Unit Item Number
Riser Board Chestnut Multi-Chromatic .75 in. x 7.25 in. 12 ft. 48 HCRIS CHESTNUT 12
Riser Board Western Cedar Multi-Chromatic .75 in. x 7.25 in. 12 ft. 48 HCRIS WESTERN CDR 12
Riser Board Gray Birch Multi-Chromatic .75 in. x 7.25 in. 12 ft. 48 HCRIS GRAY BIRCH 12

For the most up-to-date information, visit 10

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ProTect Advantage FR Composite Decking Available in select markets only.
Special order direct from Meridian, Idaho

Grooved Profile: Square Edge Profile:

• Approved for use in Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) zones

• Elegant look of natural hardwoods in three multi-chromatic colors
• Three-sided PermaTech surface protection resists staining, fading, insects, and decay
• Composite construction ensures easy maintenance, lasting durability
Reversible: No
Material: Durable PermaTech outer surface is co-extruded on three sides with a wood and polyethylene (PE) composite core
Warranty: 25-year Stain and Fade; 25-year Limited Performance
Item Description Color Color Pattern Dimensions Length Pcs / Unit Item Number
Grooved Deck Board Chestnut Multi-Chromatic 5.3 in. x .93 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDPRTFFRG CN 12
Grooved Deck Board Western Cedar Multi-Chromatic 5.3 in. x .93 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDPRTFFRG WC 12
Grooved Deck Board Gray Birch Multi-Chromatic 5.3 in. x .93 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDPRTFFRG GB 12
Grooved Deck Board Chestnut Multi-Chromatic 5.3 in. x .93 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDPRTFFRG CN 16
Grooved Deck Board Western Cedar Multi-Chromatic 5.3 in. x .93 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDPRTFFRG WC 16
Grooved Deck Board Gray Birch Multi-Chromatic 5.3 in. x .93 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDPRTFFRG GB 16
Grooved Deck Board Chestnut Multi-Chromatic 5.3 in. x .93 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDPRTFFRG CN 20
Grooved Deck Board Western Cedar Multi-Chromatic 5.3 in. x .93 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDPRTFFRG WC 20
Grooved Deck Board Gray Birch Multi-Chromatic 5.3 in. x .93 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDPRTFFRG GB 20
Square Edge Deck Board Chestnut Multi-Chromatic 5.3 in. x .93 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDPRTFFR CN 20
Square Edge Deck Board Western Cedar Multi-Chromatic 5.3 in. x .93 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDPRTFFR WC 20
Square Edge Deck Board Gray Birch Multi-Chromatic 5.3 in. x .93 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDPRTFFR GB 20

11 For the most up-to-date information, visit

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ProTect Advantage Fascia

Fascia Profile:
Reversible: No
Material: Durable PermaTech outer surface is co-extruded on three sides with a wood and polyethylene (PE) composite core
Warranty: 25-year Stain and Fade; 25-year Limited Performance
Item Description Color Color Pattern Dimensions Length Pcs / Unit Item Number
Fascia Board Chestnut Multi-Chromatic .75 in. x 11.25 in. 12 ft. 24 HCFAS CHESTNUT 12
Fascia Board Western Cedar Multi-Chromatic .75 in. x 11.25 in. 12 ft. 24 HCFAS WESTERN CDR 12
Fascia Board Gray Birch Multi-Chromatic .75 in. x 11.25 in. 12 ft. 24 HCFAS GRAY BIRCH 12

ProTect Advantage Riser

Riser Profile:
Reversible: No
Material: Durable PermaTech outer surface is co-extruded on three sides with a wood and polyethylene (PE) composite core
Warranty: 25-year Stain and Fade; 25-year Limited Performance
Item Description Color Color Pattern Dimensions Length Pcs / Unit Item Number
Riser Board Chestnut Multi-Chromatic .75 in. x 7.25 in. 12 ft. 48 HCRIS CHESTNUT 12
Riser Board Western Cedar Multi-Chromatic .75 in. x 7.25 in. 12 ft. 48 HCRIS WESTERN CDR 12
Riser Board Gray Birch Multi-Chromatic .75 in. x 7.25 in. 12 ft. 48 HCRIS GRAY BIRCH 12

For the most up-to-date information, visit 12

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Good Life Composite Decking
Grooved Profile: Square Edge Profile:

• Delivers exceptional value, unbeatable durability

• Prefinished with a protective surface on three sides
• Resists mold and mildew
• Won’t rot, warp, or splinter like wood
• Easy to maintain; no costly refinishing
Reversible: No
Material: Durable polyethylene (PE) outer surface is co-extruded on three sides with a wood and PE composite core
Warranty: 25-year Stain and Fade; 25-year Limited Performance
Item Description Color Color Pattern Dimensions Length Pcs / Unit Item Number
Grooved Deck Board Cabin Solid 5.25 in. x .93 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDGDLG CB 12
Grooved Deck Board Villa Solid 5.25 in. x .93 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDGDLG VL 12
Grooved Deck Board Cottage Solid 5.25 in. x .93 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDGDLG CT 12
Grooved Deck Board Cabin Solid 5.25 in. x .93 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDGDLG CB 16
Grooved Deck Board Villa Solid 5.25 in. x .93 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDGDLG VL 16
Grooved Deck Board Cottage Solid 5.25 in. x .93 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDGDLG CT 16
Grooved Deck Board Cabin Solid 5.25 in. x .93 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDGDLG CB 20
Grooved Deck Board Villa Solid 5.25 in. x .93 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDGDLG VL 20
Grooved Deck Board Cottage Solid 5.25 in. x .93 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDGDLG CT 20
Square Edge Deck Board Cabin Solid 5.25 in. x .93 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDGDL CB 20
Square Edge Deck Board Villa Solid 5.25 in. x .93 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDGDL VL 20
Square Edge Deck Board Cottage Solid 5.25 in. x .93 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDGDL CT 20
12 ft. and 16 ft. Square Edge Deck Boards for Special Order Only
Square Edge Deck Board Cabin Solid 5.25 in. x .93 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDGDL CB 12
Square Edge Deck Board Villa Solid 5.25 in. x .93 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDGDL VL 12
Square Edge Deck Board Cottage Solid 5.25 in. x .93 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDGDL CT 12
Square Edge Deck Board Cabin Solid 5.25 in. x .93 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDGDL CB 16
Square Edge Deck Board Villa Solid 5.25 in. x .93 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDGDL VL 16
Square Edge Deck Board Cottage Solid 5.25 in. x .93 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDGDL CT 16

Good Life Fascia

Fascia Profile:
Reversible: No
Material: Durable polyethylene (PE) outer surface is co-extruded on three sides with wood and PE composite core
Warranty: 25-year Stain and Fade; 25-year Limited Performance
Item Description Color Color Pattern Dimensions Length Pcs / Unit Item Number
Fascia Board Cabin Solid .75 in. x 11.25 in. 12 ft. 24 HCFAS CB 12
Fascia Board Villa Solid .75 in. x 11.25 in. 12 ft. 24 HCFAS VL 12
Fascia Board Cottage Solid .75 in. x 11.25 in. 12 ft. 24 HCFAS CT 12

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Available in select markets only. Sanctuary Composite Decking
Grooved Profile: Square Edge Profile:

• Three multi-chromatic colors look like natural wood

• High-traction grain pattern ensures solid footing
• Three-sided PermaTech protection offers outstanding surface durability
• Never needs sanding, staining, or refinishing
Reversible: No
Material: Durable polyethylene (PE) outer surface is co-extruded on three sides with a wood and PE composite core
Warranty: 25-year Stain and Fade; 25-year Limited Performance
Item Description Color Color Pattern Dimensions Length Pcs / Unit Item Number
Grooved Deck Board Espresso Multi-Chromatic 5.25 in. x .925 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDSANG ESPRESSO 12
Grooved Deck Board Earl Grey Multi-Chromatic 5.25 in. x .925 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDSANG EARL GREY 12
Grooved Deck Board Latte Multi-Chromatic 5.25 in. x .925 in. 12 ft. 56 BRDSANG LATTE 12
Grooved Deck Board Espresso Multi-Chromatic 5.25 in. x .925 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDSANG ESPRESSO 16
Grooved Deck Board Earl Grey Multi-Chromatic 5.25 in. x .925 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDSANG EARL GREY 16
Grooved Deck Board Latte Multi-Chromatic 5.25 in. x .925 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDSANG LATTE 16
Grooved Deck Board Espresso Multi-Chromatic 5.25 in. x .925 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDSANG ESPRESSO 20
Grooved Deck Board Earl Grey Multi-Chromatic 5.25 in. x .925 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDSANG EARL GREY 20
Grooved Deck Board Latte Multi-Chromatic 5.25 in. x .925 in. 20 ft. 56 BRDSANG LATTE 20
Square Edge Deck Board Espresso Multi-Chromatic 5.25 in. x .925 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDSAN ESPRESSO 16
Square Edge Deck Board Earl Grey Multi-Chromatic 5.25 in. x .925 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDSAN EARL GREY 16
Square Edge Deck Board Latte Multi-Chromatic 5.25 in. x .925 in. 16 ft. 56 BRDSAN LATTE 16

Sanctuary Fascia
Fascia Profile:
Reversible: No
Material: Durable polyethylene (PE) outer surface is co-extruded on three sides with a wood and PE composite core
Warranty: 25-year Stain and Fade; 25-year Limited Performance
Item Description Color Color Pattern Dimensions Length Pcs / Unit Item Number
Fascia Board Espresso Multi-Chromatic .75 in. x 11.25 in. 12 ft. 24 HCFAS ESPRESSO 12
Fascia Board Earl Grey Multi-Chromatic .75 in. x 11.25 in. 12 ft. 24 HCFAS EARL GREY 12
Fascia Board Latte Multi-Chromatic .75 in. x 11.25 in. 12 ft. 24 HCFAS LATTE 12

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Phantom Hidden Fasteners
• Smart design enables faster installation
• Allows one fastener per butt joint
• Gripper feet bite into joist; spacer tabs create consistent spacing
• Keyhole design properly orients and seats the screw for optimal installation
• Corrosion-resistant
• All packages includes clips, screws, and driver bit
Item Description Color Coverage Count Pkgs / MC Item Number

GT Line

GT Butt Joint
Phantom GT Line/Butt Fasteners Black 50 sq. ft. 90 20 BKT BRD PHTM GT B90
GT End Clip Phantom GT End Clip Fastener Black 25 lf. 25 12 BKT BRD FIB SRT/STP

Phantom GT Bucket Black 500 sq. ft. 900 2 BKT BRD FIBERON C900

20 End Clip
Phantom 20 EC Black 25 lf. 25 12 BKT BRD PHTM20EC B90

Ballistic NailScrew Driver

• Installs up to 50% faster
• Driver Attachment easily snaps onto the Ballistic NailScrew Driver, allowing screws to be driven into place with the pull of the trigger
• Fasteners install like nails, but can be removed easily like screws
• Driver Kit includes swivel hose fitting, belt hook, safety glasses, allen wrench, oil, driver attachment, and balistic nailscrew driver
• Tub contains 900 fasteners (800 line fasteners, 100 butt joint fasteners), 950 nailscrews, 1 drive attachment, and 2 drive bits
Item Description Color Coverage Count Pkgs / MC Item Number
Ballistic NailScrew Driver Kit N/A N/A 1 1 BKT BRD FIB GUN
Ballistic NailScrew Driver Attachment N/A N/A 1 1 BKT BRD FIB GUN ATCH

Ballistic NailScrew Driver

900 ct. Ballistic 900 count Ballistic Screws Black 500 sq. ft. 900 2 BKT BRD FIB GUN C900
NailScrew Tub

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Fiberon Cortex Fastening System
The Fiberon Cortex Fastening System is a hidden deck board face-fastening system that blends seamlessly with the color of your deck.

Box contents will cover 100 l/f for 12 in. on-center joist installation or 140 l/f for 16 in. on-center joist installation. Each box includes 224
screws, 300 color-match plugs, and two setting tools.

Bucket quantities are available for Paramount decking only. Contents will cover 300 sq. ft. of decking. Each bucket contains 1,050
screws, 1,200 color-match plugs, and six setting tools.
Material: Powder-coated stainless steel
Item Description Color Coverage Pcs/ Pkg Pkgs / MC Item Number
2.5 in. Screws Burnt Umber 100 lin. ft. 224 6 SCREW FIB SS BRU
2.5 in. Screws Cinnabar 100 lin. ft. 224 6 SCREW FIB SS CNB
2.5 in. Screws Warm Sienna 100 lin. ft. 224 6 SCREW FIB SS WMS
2.5 in. Screws Ipe 100 lin. ft. 224 6 SCREW FIB SS IPE
2.5 in. Screws Rosewood 100 lin. ft. 224 6 SCREW FIB SS ROS
2.5 in. Screws Tudor Brown 100 lin. ft. 224 6 SCREW FIB SS TUDOR
2.5 in. Screws Greystone 100 lin. ft. 224 6 SCREW FIB SS GRYSTN
2.5 in. Screws Castle Gray 100 lin. ft. 224 6 SCREW FIB SS CSGRY
2.5 in. Screws Western Cedar 100 lin. ft. 224 6 SCREW FIB SS WC
2.5 in. Screws Gray Birch 100 lin. ft. 224 6 SCREW FIB SS GB
2.5 in. Screws Brownstone 100 lin. ft. 224 6 SCREW FIB SS BROWNST
2.5 in. Screws Sandstone 100 lin. ft. 224 6 SCREW FIB SS SANDSTN
2.5 in. Screws Flagstone 100 lin. ft. 224 6 SCREW FIB SS FLAGSTN
2.5 in. Screws Earthstone 100 lin. ft. 224 6 SCREW FIB SS EARTHST
2.5 in. Screws Mineral 100 lin. ft. 224 6 SCREW FIB SS MINERAL
2.5 in. Screws Fossil 100 lin. ft. 224 6 SCREW FIB SS FOSSIL
2.5 in. Screws Brownstone 300 sq. ft. 1050 1 SCREW FIB SS3 BROWN
2.5 in. Screws Sandstone 300 sq. ft. 1050 1 SCREW FIB SS3 SAND
2.5 in. Screws Flagstone 300 sq. ft.. 1050 1 SCREW FIB SS3 FLAG
2.5 in. Screws Earthstone 300 sq. ft. 1050 1 SCREW FIB SS3 EARTH
2.5 in. Screws Mineral 300 sq. ft. 1050 1 SCREW FIB SS3 MIN
2.5 in. Screws Fossil 300 sq. ft. 1050 1 SCREW FIB SS3 FOS

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Symmetry Composite Railing

Top Rail Dimensions: Bottom Rail Dimensions:

3 in. x 3.06 in. 2.56 in. x 2.07 in.

• Satin finish adds elegance; composite construction ensures lasting durability

• Reinforced top rail provides strong, sturdy feel
• Longer rail spans (up to 12 ft.) enable better sight lines
• Hidden hardware keeps the look clean
• Works with round, aluminum balusters; cable rail; acrylic panels
Material: Premium quality composite with permanent PVC surface.
Warranties: 25-year Residential Limited Performance; 5-year Commercial Limited Performance

Symmetry Railing Components

Maximum length between post sleeves:

6 ft. Rail = 67 in. 8 ft. Rail = 91 in.
10 ft. Rail = 115 in. 12 ft. Rail = 139 in.

Top Rail Bracket Top Rail Top H-Channel

Post Sleeve

Post Sleeve

Post Sleeve
Base Moulding

Bottom Rail
Bottom Rail Bracket Bottom U-Channel
Crush Blocks

Note: Rail lengths will vary slightly due to manufacturing processes. Make sure rails are
cut to correct length, and with hole pattern centered between posts before securing.

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Symmetry Rail Kits
Rail kits include top rail, bottom rail, H-channel, U-channel (if necessary), crush blocks, and hardware. Posts and infills sold separately.

Item Description Color Rail Height Length Unit / Pallet Item Number
Line/Stair Kit Tranquil White N/A 6 ft. 36 RL KIT S 6 LN/ST WH
Line/Stair Kit Serene Black N/A 6 ft. 36 RL KIT S 6 LN/ST BL
Line/Stair Kit Simply Brown N/A 6 ft. 36 RL KIT S 6 LN/ST BR
Line/Stair Kit Tranquil White N/A 8 ft. 36 RL KIT S 8 LN/ST WH
Line/Stair Kit Serene Black N/A 8 ft. 36 RL KIT S 8 LN/ST BL
Line/Stair Kit Simply Brown N/A 8 ft. 36 RL KIT S 8 LN/ST BR
Line/Stair Kit Tranquil White N/A 10 ft. 32 RL KIT S 10 LN/ST WH
Line/Stair Kit Serene Black N/A 10 ft. 32 RL KIT S 10 LN/ST BL
Line/Stair Kit Simply Brown N/A 10 ft. 32 RL KIT S 10 LN/ST BR
Line/Stair Kit Tranquil White N/A 12 ft. 32 RL KIT S 12 LN/ST WH
Bottom U-channel included Line/Stair Kit Serene Black N/A 12 ft. 32 RL KIT S 12 LN/ST BL
in 10 ft. and 12 ft. kits only
Line/Stair Kit Simply Brown N/A 12 ft. 32 RL KIT S 12 LN/ST BR

Symmetry Rail Kits UNROUTED

Unrouted rail kits are for use with alternative infill systems, including cable rail or acrylic panels. Unrouted rail kits include unrouted top
and bottom rail, H-channel, crush blocks, and hardware. Posts and infills sold separately.
Item Description Color Rail Height Length Unit / Pallet Item Number
Line/Stair Kit Tranquil White N/A 8 ft. 36 RL KIT S 8 L/S UN WH
Line/Stair Kit Serene Black N/A 8 ft. 36 RL KIT S 8 L/S UN BL
Line/Stair Kit Simply Brown N/A 8 ft. 36 RL KIT S 8 L/S UN BR

Symmetry Rail Sections with Beveled Composite Balusters

Includes top rail, bottom rail, H-channel, beveled balusters with screws, crush blocks, and line/stair hardware pack. Posts sold
Item Description Color Rail Height Length Unit / Pallet Item Number
Line/Stair Section Tranquil White 36 in. 6 ft. 36 SEC S W 6KD 29.5SB
Line/Stair Section Tranquil White 36 in. 8 ft. 36 SEC S W 8KD 29.5SB

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Fiberon railing systems are compatible with different infill options. Consult applicable building codes to ensure that the infill selected will
result in a railing that meets height requirements.

Clear Vision System (CVS)

CVS includes pre-drilled aluminum channels, panel tracks, and hardware package. The clear vision system is designed to be installed
on decks 3 ft. or less from the ground.
Item Description Color Rail Height Length Pcs/Unit Item Number
CVS Line Infill Kit White 36 in. 6 ft. 1 RL12 KIT 6 CVS WHT C
CVS Line Infill Kit Black 36 in. 6 ft. 1 RL12 KIT 6 CVS BLK C
28.5 in. x 65 in. Acrylic Panel Clear 36 in. 6 ft. 1 ACRYLIC SHEET CLR C

Symmetry Beveled Composite Balusters

1.25 in. x 1.25 in. square solid cellular PVC balusters. Exclusively for Symmetry Railing (all colors). Features a matte finish.
Item Description Color Rail Height Length Pcs/Unit Item Number
Beveled Baluster Tranquil White 36 in. 29.5 in. 21 BALS BV 29.5 KIT WH
Beveled Baluster Serene Black 36 in. 29.5 in. 21 BALS BV 29.5 KIT BL
Beveled Baluster Simply Brown 36 in. 29.5 in. 21 BALS BV 29.5 KIT BR
Beveled Baluster Tranquil White 42 in. 35.5 in. 21 BALS BV 35.5 KIT WH
Beveled Baluster Serene Black 42 in. 35.5 in. 21 BALS BV 35.5 KIT BL
Beveled Baluster Simply Brown 42 in. 35.5 in. 21 BALS BV 35.5 KIT BR

Symmetry Black Round Aluminum Balusters

.75 in. round aluminum balusters work with Symmetry railing. Stair baluster kits include stair top rail adapters.
Item Description Color Rail Height Length Pcs/Unit Item Number
Round Aluminum Balusters Black 36 in. 29.5 in. 20 BAL RD 29.5 LKS BL
Round Aluminum Balusters Black 42 in. 35.5 in. 20 BAL RD 35.5 LKS BL
Round Aluminum Balusters with Stair Adapters Black 36 in. 30 in. 20 BAL RD 30 SKS BL
Round Aluminum Balusters with Stair Adapters Black 42 in. 36 in. 20 BAL RD 36 SKS BL

Symmetry Round Baluster Stair Adapters

Round baluster adapters fit all round Symmetry aluminum balusters.
Item Description Color Rail Height Pcs / Pkg Pkg/MC Item Number
Stair Baluster Adapters Black Up to 42 in. 20 36 BAL15 AD STR 20 PK

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Symmetry Hidden Hardware Brackets
Symmetry hidden hardware works exclusively with Symmetry Railing system.
Item Description Color Rail Height Pcs/Pkg Pkg/MC Item Number
Line/Stair Hardware Black Up to 42 in. N/A 18 BKT SYM LN/ST HW

Line Brackets

Stair Brackets

Symmetry Caps and Moulding

Symmetry 5 in. x 5 in. Post Sleeve Caps

Available in all Symmetry Railing colors. Features a matte finish. Fits over 5 in. x 5 in. Symmetry beveled post sleeves.
Item Description Color Rail Height Pcs/Pkg Pkg/MC Item Number
Pyramid Tranquil White N/A 1 6 CAP PYRAMID 5 WH
Pyramid Serene Black N/A 1 6 CAP PYRAMID 5 BL
Pyramid Simply Brown N/A 1 6 CAP PYRAMID 5 BR

Symmetry 5 in. x 5 in. Post Sleeve Base Moulding

Available in all Symmetry Railing colors. Features a matte finish. Fits over 5 in. x 5 in. Symmetry beveled post sleeves.
Item Description Color Rail Height Pcs/Pkg Pkg/MC Item Number
Base Moulding Tranquil White N/A 1 8 POST SL MLDG 5 WH
Base Moulding Serene Black N/A 1 8 POST SL MLDG 5 BL
Base Moulding Simply Brown N/A 1 8 POST SL MLDG 5 BR

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Symmetry 5 in. x 5 in. Beveled Composite Post Sleeves
Available in all Symmetry Railing colors; features a matte finish. Fits over a 4 in. x 4 in. wood post.
Item Description Color Rail Height Length Units/Pallet Item Number
5 in. x 5 in. Beveled Tranquil White up to 36 in. 39 in. 40 POST SL CMP 5X39 WH
5 in. x 5 in. Beveled Serene Black up to 36 in. 39 in. 40 POST SL CMP 5X39 BL
5 in. x 5 in. Beveled Simply Brown up to 36 in. 39 in. 40 POST SL CMP 5X39 BR
5 in. x 5 in. Beveled Tranquil White up to 42 in. 45 in. 42 POST SL CMP 5X45 WH
5 in. x 5 in. Beveled Serene Black up to 42 in. 45 in. 42 POST SL CMP 5X45 BL
5 in. x 5 in. Beveled Simply Brown up to 42 in. 45 in. 42 POST SL CMP 5X45 BR
5 in. x 5 in. Beveled Tranquil White All 108 in. 40 POST SL CMP 5X108 WH
5 in. x 5 in. Beveled Serene Black All 108 in. 40 POST SL CMP 5X108 BL
5 in. x 5 in. Beveled Simply Brown All 108 in. 40 POST SL CMP 5X108 BR

Post Sleeve Surface Mount

Post sleeve surface mount includes the metal mount bracket and 4 in. x 4 in. wood insert.
Item Description Color Rail Height Length Units / Pallet Item Number
4 in. x 4 in. mount Up to 42 in. 48 in. 24 BKT2 SLV MT WD KIT C

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Horizon Composite Railing

Top Rail Dimensions: Bottom Rail Dimensions:

3.75 in. x 2.25 in. 3.5 in. x 1.75 in.

• Drink-friendly flat top rail is ideal for entertaining

• Permanent bonded finish protects against moisture, stains, and UV rays
• Pre-routed dagger system reduces baluster installation time
• Three infill options: square composite balusters; round metal balusters; ClearVisionSystem panels

Material: Composite core with a durable PVC coating

Warranties: 20-year Residential Limited Performance; 5-year Commercial Limited Performance

Horizon Railing Components

Maximum length between post sleeves:

6 ft. Rail = 72 in. 8 ft. Rail = 96 in.

Top Rail
Post Sleeve
Cap Top Rail Bracket

Post Sleeve Square


Post Sleeve
Base Moulding
Bottom Rail Bracket Adjustable Crush Block Bottom Rail

NOTE: Rail lengths will vary slightly due to manufacturing processes. Make sure rails are cut to correct
length, and with hole pattern centered between posts before securing.

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Horizon Rail Sections with matching Square Composite Balusters

Rail sections include top and bottom rails, hardware, square composite balusters, and baluster inserts. Posts sold separately.

Item Description Color Rail Height Length Units/Pallet Item Number

Line Section White 36 in. 6 ft. 30 SEC15 M W 6KD 29.5CB
Line Section White 42 in. 6 ft. 30 SEC15 M W 6KD 35.5CB
Line Section White 36 in. 8 ft. 30 SEC15 M W 8KD 29.5CB
Line Section White 42 in. 8 ft. 30 SEC15 M W 8KD 35.5CB
Stair Section White 42 in. 6 ft. 30 SEC15 MSW 6KD 35.5CB
Stair Section White 42 in. 8 ft. 30 SEC15 MSW 8KD 35.5CB

Horizon Rail Sections with Black Round Metal Balusters

Rail sections include top and bottom rails, hardware, black round metal balusters, and baluster inserts. Posts sold separately.

Item Description Color Rail Height Length Units/Pallet Item Number

Line Section White 36 in. 6 ft. 30 SEC15 M W 6KD 29.5MB
Line Section White 42 in. 6 ft. 30 SEC15 M W 6KD 35.5MB
Line Section White 36 in. 8 ft. 30 SEC15 M W 8KD 29.5MB
Line Section White 42 in. 8 ft. 30 SEC15 M W 8KD 35.5MB
Stair Section White 42 in. 6 ft. 30 SEC15 MSW 6KD 35.5MB
Stair Section White 42 in. 8 ft. 30 SEC15 MSW 8KD 35.5MB

Horizon Rail Kits

Horizon rail kits include top and bottom rails, bottom rail support channel, line or stair hardware, and square baluster inserts. Posts and
infill sold separately. Line kits include adjustable crush blocks.
Item Description Color Rail Height Length Units/Pallet Item Number
Line Kit Bronze N/A 6 ft. 30 RL16 KIT M 6 LN BZ
Line Kit Black N/A 6 ft. 30 RL16 KIT M 6 LN BL
Line Kit Dark Walnut N/A 6 ft. 30 RL16 KIT M 6 LN DW
Line Kit Bronze N/A 8 ft. 30 RL16 KIT M 8 LN BZ
Line Kit Black N/A 8 ft. 30 RL16 KIT M 8 LN BL
Line Kit Dark Walnut N/A 8 ft. 30 RL16 KIT M 8 LN DW
Stair Kit Bronze N/A 6 ft. 30 RL16 KIT2 M 6ST BZ
Stair Kit Black N/A 6 ft. 30 RL16 KIT2 M 6ST BL
Stair Kit Dark Walnut N/A 6 ft. 30 RL16 KIT2 M 6ST DW

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Fiberon railing systems work with different infill options. Consult applicable building codes to ensure that the infill selected will result in a
railing that meets height requirements.

Clear Vision System (CVS)

The ClearVisionSystem (CVS) includes pre-drilled aluminum channels, panel tracks, and hardware package. This system is designed to
be installed on decks 3 ft. or less from the ground.
Item Description Color Rail Height Length Pcs / Unit Item Number
CVS Line Infill Kit White 36 in. 6 ft. 1 RL12 KIT 6 CVS WHT C
CVS Line Infill Kit Black 36 in. 6 ft. 1 RL12 KIT 6 CVS BLK C
28.5 in. x 65 in. Acrylic Panel Clear 36 in. 6 ft. 1 ACRYLIC SHEET CLR C

Horizon Square Composite Balusters

1.25 in. x 1.25 in. square composite balusters. Designed for Horizon Railing. Baluster inserts sold separately.
Item Description Color Rail Height Length Pcs / Unit Item Number
Square Baluster White 36 in. 29.5 in. 21 BAL SQ 29.5 KIT WH C
Square Baluster Bronze 36 in. 29.5 in. 21 BAL SQ 29.5 KIT BZ C
Square Baluster Black 36 in. 29.5 in. 21 BAL SQ 29.5 KIT BL C
Square Baluster Dark Walnut 36 in. 29.5 in. 21 BAL SQ 29.5 KIT DW C
Square Baluster White 42 in. 35.5 in. 21 BAL SQ 35.5 KIT WH C
Square Baluster Bronze 42 in. 35.5 in. 21 BAL SQ 35.5 KIT BZ C
Square Baluster Black 42 in. 35.5 in. 21 BAL SQ 35.5 KIT BL C
Square Baluster Dark Walnut 42 in. 35.5 in. 21 BAL SQ 35.5 KIT BW C

Horizon Round Metal Balusters

Black, round metal balusters, .75 in. diameter. Designed for Horizon Railing. Baluster inserts included.
Item Description Color Rail Height Length Pcs / Unit Item Number
Line Inserts Black 36 in. 29.5 in. 5 BAL RD 29.5 LKH BL C
Line Inserts Black 42 in. 35.5 in. 5 BAL RD 35.5 LKH BL C
Stair Inserts Black 36 in. 35.5 in. 5 BAL RD 35.5 SKH BL C

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Baluster Inserts and Screws

Horizon Square Baluster Inserts

Square baluster inserts fit all Horizon square composite balusters.
Item Description Color Rail Height Pcs / Pkg Pkg / MC Item Number
Line Baluster Inserts White 36 in. - 42 in. 30 36 BAL14 INS LN 30 PK W
Line Baluster Inserts Black 36 in. - 42 in. 30 36 BAL14 INS LN 30 PK B
Stair Baluster Inserts White 36 in. - 42 in. 24 36 BAL14 INS ST 24 PK W
Line Insert Stair Baluster Inserts Black 36 in. - 42 in. 24 36 BAL14 INS ST 24 PK B

Horizon Round Metal Baluster Inserts

Round metal baluster inserts work with the Horizon railing system and fit .75 in. round metal balusters.
Item Description Color Rail Height Pcs / Pkg Pkg / MC Item Number
Line Insert Black 36 in. - 42 in. 210 4 BAL INS MTL LINE C
Stair Insert Black 36 in. - 42 in. 96 4 BAL INS MTL STAIR C

Stair Insert Line Insert

Hardware and Brackets

Marine grade hardware is available in white only.
Item Description Color Rail Height Pcs/Pkg Pkg / MC Item Number
Line White 36 in. - 42 in. 1 18 BKT14 LN HW 4PK WH
Line Hardware Line Bronze 36 in. - 42 in. 1 18 BKT14 LN HW 4PK BZ
Line Black 36 in. - 42 in. 1 18 BKT14 LN HW 4PK BL
Line Dark Walnut 36 in. - 42 in. 1 18 BKT14 LN HW 4PK DW
Line Marine Grade White 36 in. - 42 in. 1 18 BKT LINE 4PK W MG C
Stair White 36 in. - 42 in. 1 12 BKT9 STR 4PK W C
Stair Hardware Stair Bronze 36 in. - 42 in. 1 12 BKT7 STAIR 4PK BZ C
Stair Black 36 in. - 42 in. 1 12 BKT10 STR 4PK BL C
Stair Dark Walnut 36 in. - 42 in. 1 12 BKT STAIR HW 4PK DWC
Stair Marine Grade White 36 in. - 42 in. 1 12 BKT STAIR 4PK W MG C
Angle White 36 in. - 42 in. 1 24 BKT ANGLE 4PK W C
Angle Angle Bronze 36 in. - 42 in. 1 24 BKT ANGLE 4PK BZ C
Angle Black 36 in. - 42 in. 1 24 BKT ANGLE 4PK BL C
Angle Dark Walnut 36 in. - 42 in. 1 24 BKT ANGLE HW 4PK DWC
Angle Marine Grade White 36 in. - 42 in. 1 24 BKT ANGLE 4PK W MG C

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Adjustable Crush Blocks
The Horizon adjustable crush block extends up to 3-1/2 in.
Horizon and Good Life Adjustable Crush
Item Description Color
Rail Height Pcs/Pkg Pkg/ MC Item Number
Adjustable Crush Block White N/A 1 50 CRUSH BLOCK FIB W C
Adjustable Crush Block Bronze N/A 1 50 CRUSH BLOCK FIB BZ C
Adjustable Crush Block Black N/A 1 50 CRUSH BLOCK FIB BL C
Adjustable Crush Block Dark Walnut N/A 1 50 CRUSH BLOCK FIB DW C

Caps and Moulding

4 in. x 4 in. Post Sleeve Caps

Fits over 4 in. x 4 in. composite post sleeves.

Item Description Color Rail Height Pcs/Pkg Pkg / MC Item Number
Harbour Cap White N/A 1 12 CAP HARBOUR 4 W C
Harbour Cap Bronze N/A 1 12 CAP HARBOUR 4 BZ C
Harbour Cap Black N/A 1 12 CAP HARBOUR 4 BL C
Harbour Cap Dark Walnut N/A 1 12 CAP HARBOUR 4 BW C
Pyramid Cap White N/A 1 12 CAP PYRAMID 4 WH

4 in. x 4 in. Post Sleeve Moulding

Fits over 4 in. x 4 in. composite post sleeves.

Item Description Color Rail Height Pcs/Pkg Pkg / MC Item Number
Post Moulding - 4 in. White 1 48 POST SL MLDG 4 W C
Post Moulding - 4 in. Bronze 1 48 POST SL MLDG 4 BZ C
Post Moulding - 4 in. Black 1 48 POST SL MLDG 4 BL C
Post Moulding - 4 in. Dark Walnut 1 48 POST SL MLDG 4 BW C

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Composite Post Sleeves

4 in. x 4 in. Beaded Composite Post Sleeve

Fits over 4 in. x 4 in. wood post.

Item Description Color Rail Height Length Units/Pallet Item Number
4 in. x 4 in. x 39 in. w/ Bead White 36 in. 39 in. 40 POST SL CMP2 39BWHC
4 in. x 4 in. x 48 in. w/ Bead White 36 in. - 42 in. 48 in. 48 POST SL CMP2 48BWHC
4 in. x 4 in. x 48 in. w/ Bead Bronze 36 in. - 42 in. 48 in. 48 POST SL CMP2 48BBZC
4 in. x 4 in. x 48 in. w/ Bead Black 36 in. - 42 in. 48 in. 48 POST SL CMP2 48BBLC
4 in. x 4 in. x 48 in. w/ Bead Dark Walnut 36 in. - 42 in. 48 in. 48 POST SL CMP2 48BDWC
4 in. x 4 in. x 108 in. w/ Bead White All 108 in. 24 POST SL CMP2 108BWHC
4 in. x 4 in. x 108 in. w/ Bead Bronze All 108 in. 24 POST SL CMP2 108BBZC
4 in. x 4 in. x 108 in. w/ Bead Black All 108 in. 24 POST SL CMP2 108BBLC
4 in. x 4 in. x 108 in. w/ Bead Dark Walnut All 108 in. 24 POST SL CMP2 108BBWC

5.75 in. x 5.75 in. Post Sleeve Kit

Post Sleeve Kits include cap and moulding.
Item Description Color Rail Height Length Units/Pallet Item Number
5.75 in. x 5.75 in. White 36 in. - 42 in. 48 in. 16 POST SL KIT 6X6B W C

Post Sleeve Surface Mount

Post Sleeve Surface Mount includes the metal mount bracket and 4 in. x 4 in. wood insert.
Item Description Color Rail Height Length Units/Pallet Item Number
4 in. x 4 in. mount 36 in. - 42 in. 48 in. 24 BKT2 SLV MT WD KIT C

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Good Life Composite Railing

Top Rail Dimensions: Bottom Rail Dimensions:

2.97 in. x 2.97 in. 2 in. x 3.5 in.

• Low maintenance composite saves time; lower price point saves money
• Eco-friendly composite core and durable PVC coating ensure lasting performance
• Classic rail design and color (white) complements almost any home
• Easy installation makes it DIY-friendly

Material: Premium quality composite with permanent PVC surface.

Warranty: 20-year Limited Performance

Good Life Railing Components

Maximum length between post sleeves:

6 ft. Rail = 72 in. 8 ft. Rail = 96 in.
Top Rail Bracket
Post Sleeve Top Rail


Post Sleeve
Base Moulding
Bottom Rail Bracket Bottom
Adjustable Crush Block
NOTE: Rail lengths will vary slightly due to manufacturing processes. Make sure rails are
cut to correct length, and with hole pattern centered between posts before securing.

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Good Life Railing Sections with matching Square Composite Balusters
Rail sections include top and bottom rails, hardware, and square composite balusters. Posts sold separately.

Item Description Color Rail Height Length Units/Pallet Item Number

Line Section White 36 in. 6 ft. 36 SEC14 GL W 6KD 33.5
Line Section White 42 in. 6 ft. 36 SEC14 GL W 6KD 38
Line Section White 36 in. 8 ft. 30 SEC14 GL W 8KD 33.5
Line Section White 42 in. 8 ft. 30 SEC14 GL W 8KD 38
Stair Section White 36 in. 6 ft. 36 SEC14 GLS W 6KD 33.5
Stair Section White 42 in. 6 ft. 36 SEC14 GLS W 6KD 38
Stair Section White 36 in. 8 ft. 30 SEC14 GLS W 8KD 33.5
Stair Section White 42 in. 8 ft. 30 SEC14 GLS W 8KD 38

Square Composite Balusters

Consult applicable building codes to ensure that the infill selected will result in a railing that meets height requirements.

1.25 in. x 1.25 in. square composite balusters. Designed for Good Life Railing.
Item Description Color Rail Height Length Pcs / Unit Item Number
Square Baluster White 36 in. 33.5 in. 5 BAL14 SQ 33.5 5PK WH
Square Baluster White 42 in. 38 in. 5 BAL14 SQ 38 5PK WH

Hardware and Brackets

Good Life brackets come in packs of four.
Item Description Color Rail Height Pcs/Pkg Pkg / MC Item Number
Line White 36 in. - 42 in 1 12 BKT GL 4PK WH AC
Stair White 36 in. - 42 in 1 8 BKT GL STR 4PK WH AC

Line Brackets Stair Brackets

Adjustable Crush Block

The Good Life adjustable crush block extends up to 3-1/2 in.
Item Description Color Rail Height Pcs/Pkg Pkg/ MC Item Number
Adjustable Crush Block White 36 in. - 42 in. 1 50 CRUSH BLOCK FIB W C

For the most up-to-date information, visit 34

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Caps and Moulding

4 in. x 4 in. Post Sleeve Caps

Fits over 4 in. x 4 in. composite post sleeves.
Item Description Color Rail Height Pcs/Pkg Pkg / MC Item Number
Harbour Cap White N/A 1 12 CAP HARBOUR 4 W C
Pyramid Cap White N/A 1 12 CAP PYRAMID 4 WH

4 in. x 4 in. Post Sleeve Moulding

Fits over 4 in. x 4 in. composite post sleeves.
Item Description Color Rail Height Pcs/Pkg Pkg / MC Item Number
Post Moulding - 4 in. White 1 48 POST SL MLDG 4 W C

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Composite Post Sleeves

4 in. x 4 in. Beaded Composite Post Sleeve

Fits over 4 in. x 4 in. wood post.
Item Description Color Rail Height Length Units / Pallet Item Number
4 in. x 4 in. x 39 in. w/ Bead White 36 in. 39 in. 40 POST SL CMP2 39BWHC
4 in. x 4 in. x 48 in. w/ Bead White 36 in. - 42 in. 48 in. 48 POST SL CMP2 48BWHC
4 in. x 4 in. x 108 in. w/ Bead White All 108 in. 24 POST SL CMP2 108BWHC

5.75 in. x 5.75 in. Post Sleeve Kit

Post Sleeve Kits include cap and moulding.

Item Description Color Rail Height Length Units / Pallet Item Number
5.75 in. x 5.75 in. White 36 in. - 42 in. 48 in. 16 POST SL KIT 6X6B W C

Post Sleeve Surface Mount

Post Sleeve Surface Mount includes the metal mount bracket and 4 in. x 4 in. wood insert.
Item Description Color Rail Height Length Units / Pallet Item Number
4 in. x 4 in. mount 36 in. - 42 in. 48 in. 24 BKT2 SLV MT WD KIT C

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Rail Lighting Options
• Made of rust-free aluminum and powder-coated for a long-lasting finish
• Each light uses low voltage, environmentally-friendly LED technology and consumes only 1/12 as much energy as standard bulbs
• Available remote-control dimmer enables convenient lighting control
• Choose from cap and post sleeve lighting styles in four colors

4 in. x 4 in. LED Lit Post Cap

LED Lit Post Caps fit 4 in. x 4 in. post sleeves. Complements Horizon railing colors and finish.
Item Description Color Watts/Volts Size Pkg / MC Item Number
Flat Top LED Post Cap White 1W 4 in. x 4 in. 12 CAP FLAT LED 4 WHITE
Flat Top LED Post Cap Bronze* 1W 4 in. x 4 in. 12 CAP FLAT LED 4 BRONZ
Flat Top LED Post Cap Black 1W 4 in. x 4 in. 12 CAP FLAT LED 4 BLACK
Flat Top LED Post Cap Dark Walnut 1W 4 in. x 4 in. 12 CAP FLAT LED 4 DW

4 in. x 4in. Unlit Post Cap

Use with LED Lit Post Cap when an un-lit cap is desired.
Item Description Color Watts/Volts Size Pkg / MC Item Number
Flat Top Post Cap White N/A 4 in. x 4 in. 12 CAP FLAT 4 WHITE
Flat Top Post Cap Bronze* N/A 4 in. x 4 in. 12 CAP FLAT 4 BRONZE
Flat Top Post Cap Black N/A 4 in. x 4 in. 12 CAP FLAT 4 BLACK
Flat Top Post Cap Dark Walnut N/A 4 in. x 4 in. 12 CAP FLAT 4 DW

3.5 in. Post Sleeve Eyeball Light

Installs on rail post sleeves. Ideal for accent, stair, and deck surface lighting.
Item Description Color Watts/Volts Size Pkg / MC Item Number
LED Eyeball Light White 1W / 12V 3.5 in. Dia 12 POST EYEBALL LT WH
LED Eyeball Light Bronze* 1W / 12V 3.5 in. Dia 12 POST EYEBALL LT BZ
LED Eyeball Light Black 1W / 12V 3.5 in. Dia 12 POST EYEBALL LT BL
LED Eyeball Light Dark Walnut 1W / 12V 3.5 in. Dia 12 POST EYEBALL LT DW

*Please note: Bronze Post Cap and Side Post Lights do not match Horizon Railing in Bronze. We recommend viewing Fiberon deck and
rail lighting colors with deck, riser and rail product selections to ensure color compatibility.

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Deck Lighting Options
• Made of rust-free aluminum and powder-coated for a long-lasting finish
• Each light uses low voltage, environmentally-friendly LED technology and consumes only 1/12 as much energy as standard bulbs
• Available remote-control dimmer enables convenient lighting control
• Choose from riser and recessed lighting styles

4.25 in. x 2.625 in. LED Recessed Riser Light

4.25 in. x 2.625 in. LED recessed light that installs on stair risers. Ideal for accent and stair lighting.
Item Description Color Watts/Volts Size Pkg / MC Item Number
Riser Light White 1W / 12V 4.25 in. x 2.625 in. 12 RISER LIGHT WHITE
Riser Light Bronze* 1W / 12V 4.25 in. x 2.625 in. 12 RISER LIGHT BRONZE
Riser Light Black 1W / 12V 4.25 in. x 2.625 in. 12 RISER LIGHT BLACK
Riser Light Dark Walnut 1W / 12V 4.25 in. x 2.625 in. 12 RISER LIGHT DW

LED Recessed Deck Surface Light Kit

Kit includes 10 LED recessed lights, transformer/power source, wire connectors, 100 feet of wire, remote driver, and remote control.
Recessed lights fit flush with the deck surface. The transformer can power up to 30 recessed lights total. Additional lights are sold
separately in packs of two or 10.
Item Description Color Watts/Volts Size Pkg / MC Item Number
LED Recessed 10-Piece Kit N/A 1W 1.125 in. Dia 6 REC LED KIT WHITE

Transformer Dimmer

LED Recessed Deck Surface Light Packs

Use to supplement the Recessed Light Kit or as part of a complete lighting installation. Recessed lights fit flush with the deck surface.
Item Description Color Watts/Volts Size Pkg / MC Item Number
LED Recessed 2 Pack N/A 1W 1.125 in. Dia 12 REC LED 2PK WHITE
LED Recessed 10 Pack N/A 1W 1.125 in. Dia 6 REC LED 10PK WHITE


Reduce installation time for recessed lights. This single bit enables two different hole size: .75 in. and 1.125 in.
Item Description Color Watts/Volts Size Pkg / MC Item Number
Recessed Light Bit N/A N/A .75 in. x 1.125 in. 3 REC DRILL BIT

*Please note: Bronze Post Cap and Side Post Lights do not match Horizon Railing in Bronze. We recommend viewing Fiberon deck and
rail lighting colors with deck, riser and rail product selections to ensure color compatibility.

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Lighting Accessories


• Fiberon DC Transformer powers up to 30 watts of lighting

• Additional transformers are required for larger lighting projects
*5amp DC Transformer is available through special order only.
Item Description Color Watts/Volts Capacity Pcs / MC Item Number
DC Transformer Black 12V DC 120W 6 REC TRANSFORMER
DC Transformer 5amp* Black 12V DC 60W 18 REC TRANSFORMER 60W


• A remote dimmer is required unless the transformer is plugged into a switch-operated outlet
• Dimmer includes key fob remote
• Remote dimmer and timer must be plugged into a transformer
• Photoelectric timer’s light-sensing photocell automatically turns light on and off for up to eight hours; features a dusk-to-dawn setting
Item Description Color Watts/Volts Timer Pcs / MC Item Number

DC Remote Dimmer Black 12V DC N/A 6 REC REMOTE DIMMER

Remote Dimmer

Photoelectric Timer Black 110V 1-8hrs 6 REC 110V TIMER

Photoelectric Timer


• Low voltage wire can be run through railing

• Structural posts must be routed to run up under 4 in. x 4 in. post sleeves
• Wire nuts are required for lighting installations
Item Description Color Watts/Volts Quantity Pcs / MC Item Number

Low Voltage Wire, 18/2 GA N/A 12V DC 100 ft. 4 REC 10 18/2GA WIRE

Silicone Filled Wire Nuts N/A 10 pieces 24 REC WIRE NUTS 10PK

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ADA Handrail System Components
• ADA code-compliant hand rail
• Available in white, black, and brown
• Works with Symmetry, Horizon, and Good Life Railing
• Backed by a 20-year limited warranty

ADA Handrail
• ADA Handrail is available in 104 in. lengths that can be connected with ADA joiners
• Finish with a wall return kit, end loop, or post return
• The length of the ADA handrail is supported and attached by ADA mounting brackets (sold separately)

Item Description Color Pcs / Pkg Length Pkg / MC Item Number

Round Handrail with Stiffener White 1 104 in. 1 HR RAIL 104 WH
Round Handrail with Stiffener Black 1 104 in. 1 HR RAIL 104 BL
Round Handrail with Stiffener Brown 1 104 in. 1 HR RAIL 104 BN
90 Degree Corner White 1 N/A 1 HR 90 DEGREE CRNR WH
90 Degree Corner Black 1 N/A 1 HR 90 DEGREE CRNR BL
90 Degree corner Brown 1 N/A 1 HR 90 DEGREE CRNR BN
End Loop White 1 18 in. x 12 in. x 18 in. 1 HR END LOOP WH
End Loop Black 1 18 in. x 12 in. x 18 in. 1 HR END LOOP BL
End Loop Brown 1 18 in. x 12 in. x 18 in. 1 HR END LOOP BN
Post Return White 1 16-1/2 in. x 6 in. 1 HR POST RETURN WH
Post Return Black 1 16-1/2 in. x 6 in. 1 HR POST RETURN BL
Post Return Brown 1 16-1/2 in. x 6 in. 1 HR POST RETURN BN

ADA Rail Joiners

• Straight and adjustable joiners connect lengths of ADA handrail
• ADA joint rings cover and seal spaces between pieces being joined

Item Description Color Pcs / Pkg Length Pkg / MC Item Number

Adjustable Joiner Metal 4 N/A 1 HR ADJUSTABLE JOINER

Straight Joiner Metal 4 6 in. 1 HR STRAIGHT JOINER

Joint Ring White 4 N/A 1 HR JOINT RING WH
Joint Ring Black 4 N/A 1 HR JOINT RING BL
Joint Ring Brown 4 N/A 1 HR JOINT RING BN

ADA Wall Return Kits

• Return kits include return brackets and cover plates
• To begin or end an ADA handrail section, ADA return kits can be attached directly to post sleeves

Item Description Color Pcs / Pk Length Pkg / MC Item Number

Wall Return Kit White 1 N/A 1 HR WALL RETURN WH
Wall Return Kit Black 1 N/A 1 HR WALL RETURN BL
Wall Return Kit Brown 1 N/A 1 HR WALL RETURN BN
Straight Wall Return Kit White 1 N/A 1 HR STRGT WALL RTN WH
Straight Wall Return Kit Black 1 N/A 1 HR STRGT WALL RTN BL
Straight Wall Return Kit Brown 1 N/A 1 HR STRGT WALL RTN BN

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Mounting Brackets
• In order to support the length of ADA handrail, install handrail brackets directly on top of rail post or post sleeve
• Bracket kits include brackets, screws and screw caps

Item Description Color Pcs / Pk Length Pkg / MC Item Number

Handrail Bracket Kit White 1 N/A 1 HR HAND RAIL BKT WH
Handrail Bracket Kit Black 1 N/A 1 HR HAND RAIL BKT BL
Handrail Bracket Kit Brown 1 N/A 1 HR HAND RAIL BKT BN
90˚ Insert Corner Bracket White 1 N/A 1 HR 90DEG INSD BKT WH
90˚ Insert Corner Bracket Black 1 N/A 1 HR 90DEG INSD BKT BL
90˚ Insert Corner Bracket Brown 1 N/A 1 HR 90DEG INSD BKT BN

• Rail end caps cover the open ends of the ADA handrail
• Wall return cover plates cover the base of the ADA wall and straight wall return brackets
• Caps and cover plates are included with the return kits
Item Description Color Pcs / Pk Length Pkg / MC Item Number
Rail End Cap White 1 N/A 1 HR RAIL END CAP WH
Rail End Cap Black 1 N/A 1 HR RAIL END CAP BL
Rail End Cap Brown 1 N/A 1 HR RAIL END CAP BN
Wall Return Cover Plate White 1 N/A 1 HR BKT RTN CV PLT WH
Wall Return Cover Plate Black 1 N/A 1 HR BKT RTN CV PLT BL
Wall Return Cover Plate Brown 1 N/A 1 HR BKT RTN CV PLT BN

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Fiberon Care and Maintenance

Fiberon Decking

Important Considerations
• Ensure a minimum of 1.5 inches (4 cm) required ventilation under deck and required spacing between decking
boards. See ventilation requirements below.
• Improve drainage or grade soil to eliminate standing water under decks.
• Direct downspouts, downspout extensions and splash guards away from decks.
• Position dryer vents away from decks.
• Maintain a deck that is dry and clean.
• Clean your deck as often as needed, at least twice each year.
• Use extreme caution with pressure washers and use at pressures less than 3,000 psi at 10 in. above deck
surface. Pressure washing is not recommended when mold/mildew are present on the deck.
• Keep debris out of gaps between the decking boards so rain showers can remove pollen and organic debris
between cleanings.
• Minimize the use of wet mulch up against the deck structure.
• Items stored directly on top of the deck surface, such as flower pots, prohibit water evaporation and can cause
some staining on the deck surface.


Make sure there is adequate and unobstructed air flow under 50% of the deck. Allow a minimum of 1.5 inches (4 cm)
between bottom of joist and the ground. Water must be able to flow away from under the deck. Improve drainage or
grade flat areas where standing water may gather. Do not install decking directly to an existing or solid surface.

Sleeper Installation

Minimum joist height is 1.5 inches (4 cm), installed level, in direction of water runoff and directly to a solid sub-structure.
Create adequate ventilation for the deck by widening side-to-side spacing between boards to ¼ inch (6 cm) with a
maximum of 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) gap. The deck design must allow unrestricted air flow under the deck at the open joist
ends for ventilation and drainage.

Mind the Gap

If the gap between decking boards is less than 3/16 in., organic debris such as leaves, seeds or pollen can settle on the
deck and clog gaps. Water can pool, steeping organic debris that forms a “tea” or of tannin which may stain your deck.
This organic debris is a strong food source for mold. Keeping the gap clean is the easiest way to keep the deck clean. If
gapping becomes clogged, use a garden hose, a spatula, putty knife or similar tool to remove debris.

Clean Your Deck

Clean your deck as often as needed, at least twice each year to remove pollen, organic debris, dirt or stains. Generally, a
broom or a blower will work better than a hose for removing scattered organic materials like leaves. For general cleaning,
use soap and water or mild household cleaners.

Construction Chalk

Colored chalk, used in construction for marking straight lines prior to cutting, is permanent on most surfaces. Contact the
manufacturer of the specific brand and color of chalk for a cleaning solution that may prove effective. The best advice is
to avoid colored chalk. Use workable alternatives such as white chalk or baby powder.

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Masonry Construction

It is important to protect decking during masonry construction. White or hazy residue from mineral deposits (efflorescence)
can leach out of stone and masonry materials after water evaporates, leaving the deposits behind. Minerals from soils
in certain arid and mountainous environments can also cause a hazing affect when deposited on the deck surface. This
can only be prevented with complete and secure coverage of the decking surface area during the construction phase
or installation of the decking after the masonry construction phase. To minimize this affect during masonry construction,
keep materials dry and allow masonry and cement to cure properly.
For mineral deposits left on the decking surface, periodic cleaning is required to maintain visual attractiveness. Fiberon
Composite Deck Cleaner is specifically formulated to clean dirt, clay, mud, soil, mineral deposits and masonry and
stucco residue. Use the Fiberon Composite Deck Cleaner with a brass bristle brush to clean, repeating the process
as needed. Be sure to follow the label instructions. Do not mix recommended cleaning products together as harmful
chemical reactions could occur.

Dirt and Grime

Dislodge accumulated dirt with a broom or by using soap and water and a non-metal scrub brush. Thoroughly rinse off with
a garden hose. Skilled professionals may use a pressure washer with wide fan tips, at low pressures under 3,000 psi and
at safe distances, 10 in. above deck. In the wrong hands, your composite deck can be damaged. Exercise extreme caution.

Oil and Grease Stains

Speedy clean-up is best. To clean grease and oil stains that soap and water cannot remove, some all-purpose cleaners
such as Fantastik will cut through grease and grime. Or use a commercial deck cleaner designed specifically for your type
of decking. De-Solv-It Citrus Solution is effective in removing tar, asphalt, oil, grease and chewing gum. Be sure to follow
the manufacturer’s recommendations and test in an inconspicuous area prior to cleaning the entire deck

Mold and Mildew

Mold and mildew are common environmental conditions. Molds grow on decaying organic material such as wood, leaf
decay, and pollen. Tiny and lightweight, mold spores travel easily through the air. Different climates experience varying
degrees of these conditions depending on the amount of moisture and heat present.

To thrive, mold and mildew need air, water, elevated temperatures and a food source. There is no way to eliminate all
these conditions in the environment. A wide variety of building materials including concrete, wood products, vinyl siding
and many others are subject to potential mold growth.

To minimize mold on your decking, clean your deck as often as needed, at least twice each year. Climate conditions
vary in different regions of the country and may necessitate more periodic cleaning. Removal of leaves, debris, and
other organic materials that provide a food source for mold development is important. If mold is present on your deck,
there are many commercial products available for cleaning mold. We recommend the following commercial cleaners.
For best results, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and use cleaners within their stated shelf life. Do not
mix recommended cleaning products together, as harmful chemical reactions could occur. Never mix bleach and acids.

Collier Manufacturing 30-Seconds® Outdoor Cleaner and 30-Seconds® Spray & Walk Away are heavy duty, mildly
alkaline, chlorinated mold and mildew removers/cleaners that are biodegradable once rinsed into the soil. Both have
been tested and perform very well in removing mold and mildew and retarding its return.

For more information on cleaning mold and mildew, see Fiberon Technical Bulletin # 13 at this link,

Salt and Calcium Chloride

Buildup of salt and calcium chloride from snow and ice removal is easily removed with enough water and perhaps a
light scrub. Use a garden hose or sprayer. If using a pressure washer, use at low pressures under 3,000 psi and at safe
distances, 10 in. above deck, to avoid damaging your deck. Never use metal shovels or sharp-edged tools to remove
snow and ice from the surface of any Fiberon decking product.

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Dry or windy environments may create a temporary condition of static electricity, which will vary depending on climate and
site conditions. Heat pumps and dryer vents that are close to, or pointed toward the decking material can also generate
static electricity on the deck.

Rubber Mats

Welcome mats or grill mats with a rubber, vinyl or latex backing can mark your deck. The marks can be removed; however,
to avoid them, use only polypropylene or colorfast woven rugs.

Important Ladder Usage Safety Instructions

When using a ladder, place the ladder on a piece of ¾ in. plywood firmly secured to the deck surface. This will disperse
the load of the ladder’s feet to nearby underlying joists. Drill fasteners downward through the top of the plywood sheet,
into the deck board gaps and into the joists to keep the plywood from slipping. This avoids leaving holes in your decking
once the plywood sheet is removed. Be sure to follow the ladder manufacturer’s instructions and safety tips.

Fire and Unusual Heat Sources

Composite decking will retain heat when exposed to direct or reflective sunlight. Exercise caution if walking barefoot as
footwear may be required. Fire and unusual sources of heat and heat build-up can possibly damage Fiberon decking
surfaces. Examples would include fire, reflected light from different types of glass (ex. low-e glass), fire features, and
under-deck waterproofing installations that do not provide the six inches (15 cm) of unobstructed net free ventilation.

• Low-E Glass/Reflected Heat

Low-emissivity (Low-E) glass is designed to prevent heat gain inside the house by reflecting sunlight outward. This
reflective property can result in excessive heat build on the surface of Fiberon decking. The properties that Low-E
glass employs to prevent passive heat gain within a structure can result in unusual heat build-up on exterior surfaces.

When sunlight is reflected and concentrated, it can harm a range of building materials, including doors, windows, siding,
trim and decking. Damage caused to these products can include melting, sagging, warping, discoloration, increased
expansion and contraction, and accelerated weathering.

If you have questions on how to reduce this risk, contact the manufacturer of the product which contains the Low-E glass
for suggestions on how to reduce or eliminate the reflected heat.

• Under-deck Waterproofing Systems

Under-deck waterproofing systems, properly installed, can provide additional living or storage space. Improper
installations are those that restrict air flow and result in build-up of heat and/or humidity which can result in unwanted
consequences. Contact the manufacturer of the specific under-deck waterproofing system for installation instructions
to ensure the required six inches (15 cm) of unobstructed ventilation is achieved for Fiberon decking. If already installed,
seek methods to achieve the ventilation requirement.

• Fire Features/Fire Pits

Fire features and fire pits are increasingly popular in outdoor living environments. Fire can damage many building
products, including Fiberon decking. Improperly installed fire features and fire pits can cause damage to the surface
of Fiberon decking via direct exposure to the flame or excessive radiated heat. Proper caution should be taken when
designing, installing and using these features to ensure damage does not result.

Fiberon Paramount Decking

Recommended cleaners include Simple Green and Krud Kutter Cleaner Degreaser. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions
and test in an inconspicuous area to make sure cleaner does not harm the decking surface. Avoid the use of rubber
or vinyl products on Paramount Decking, as a reaction could occur resulting in discoloration under the rubber or vinyl
product. Certain chemical ingredients in products such as insect repellent and sunblock could cause a reaction and result
in a stain on the decking surface.
FIB-0207-LIT REV H 915

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Residential Limited Warranty

Limited Warranty
Fiber Composites LLC, individually and doing business as Fiberon (“Fiberon”) warrants to the original purchaser
(“Purchaser”, “you” or “your”) that for the Warranty Period set forth below the following products (“Fiberon Product”) shall,
under normal and proper service conditions, remain free from material manufacturing defects and will not check, splinter,
delaminate, rot, or suffer structural damage from fungal decay, when installed, used and maintained in an above-ground
application and in accordance with Fiberon’s written instructions. For purposes of this Limited Warranty, (a) the “original
purchaser” means the individual or individuals who were the owners of the structure when the deck constructed of the
subject Fiberon Products was installed, and (b) a “residential application” is an installation of the Fiberon Product on an
owner-occupied residence

Lifetime Limited Warranty

The term of this Limited Warranty (“Warranty Period”) for the Fiberon Product listed below shall be in effect from the date
of original purchase by or for a residential application as long as the Purchaser owns the property upon which the Fiberon
Product was installed.

Decking: Fiberon® Paramount™ PVC Decking


The term of this Limited Warranty (“Warranty Period”) for the Fiberon Product listed below shall be twenty-five (25) years
from the date of original purchase by or for a residential application as long as the Original Purchaser owns the property
upon which the Fiberon Product was installed.

Decking: Fiberon Horizon® Decking, Fiberon Horizon Symmetry™ Collection Decking, Fiberon ProTect Advantage®
Decking, Fiberon ProTect® Decking, Fiberon Sanctuary® Decking, Fiberon Good Life™ Decking
Railing: Fiberon® Symmetry Railing


The term of this Limited Warranty (“Warranty Period”) for the Fiberon Products listed below shall be twenty (20) years from
the date of original purchase by or for a residential application as long as the Original Purchaser owns the property upon
which the Fiberon Product was installed.

Decking: Fiberon Professional Decking, Fiberon Xtreme Decking, Fiberon Xtreme Wide Decking, Terranova® Xtreme,
Fiberon ArmorGuard® Decking and Veranda® ArmorGuard Decking
Railing: Fiberon Horizon Railing, Fiberon Good Life Railing, Fiberon Natural Railing, Fiberon HomeSelect® Railing,
Veranda ArmorGuard Railing, Veranda Regency Railing and Veranda Enclave® Railing
Fasteners: Fiberon and Phantom® branded Hidden Fasteners (“Fiberon Fastener”) as listed on

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The term of this Limited Warranty (“Warranty Period”) for the Fiberon Products listed below shall be fifteen (15) years from
the date of original purchase by or for a residential application as long as the Original Purchaser owns the property upon
which the Fiberon Product was installed.

Decking: Fiberon Traditional Decking, Fiberon Exotics Decking, Terranova Decking and Veranda Composite Decking
Fencing: Fiberon Fencing Pickets and Cross Rails, Veranda Composite Fencing Pickets and Cross Rails, Fiberon Wood
Shades® Fencing Pickets and Cross Rails
Note: Substitution of wood or other materials for any portion of the Fencing system will void this warranty.
This warranty is only valid if the entire Fiberon manufactured system is used: Posts, Pickets and Backer Rails.


The term of this Limited Warranty (“Warranty Period”) for the Fiberon Products listed below shall be ten (10) years from
the date of original purchase by or for a residential application as long as the Original Purchaser owns the property upon
which the Fiberon Product was installed.

Fencing: Fiberon Wood Shades Fencing Posts, Fiberon Fencing Posts, Veranda Composite Fencing Posts
Note: Substitution of wood or other materials for any portion of the Fencing system will void this warranty.
This warranty is only valid if the entire Fiberon manufactured system is used: Posts, Pickets and Backer Rails.

Obtaining Instructions

Fiberon written instructions are available from your Fiberon dealer or your contractor or from Fiberon at fiberondecking.
com or by writing to Fiberon at the address stated below.

Warranty Period Replacement

In the event of a failure of the Fiberon Product or Fiberon Fastener within the applicable Warranty Period as warranted
above, when properly installed, used and maintained as described above, Fiberon will replace the nonconforming item
as set forth in Section 2 below.

Terms and Conditions

The limited warranty set forth in this Limited Warranty is the only warranty (whether written or oral, express or implied)
Fiberon makes for your Fiberon Product or Fiberon Fasteners; it is subject to all terms and conditions stated herein and
no one (including but not limited to a Fiberon dealer, installer, reseller, agent or employee) is authorized to modify, expand
or add to this limited warranty. Fiberon makes no other representation, guarantee or warranty. No one is authorized to
make any representation, guarantee or warranty on Fiberon’s behalf, and Fiberon shall not be bound by or liable for, any
representation, guarantee, warranty, or condition with regard to any Fiberon Product or Fiberon Fastener other than as

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Warranty Claim Procedure

1. Make a Claim

To make a warranty claim, the Purchaser must send a copy of this warranty document, copy of original proof of purchase,
and photos of the defective or nonconforming Fiberon Product or Fiberon Fasteners, to the address below. Such proof
of purchase must be from an authorized Fiberon Product dealer and must show (1) the date of the purchase and (2) that
sufficient Fiberon Product has been purchased to cover the number of lineal feet claimed to be damaged. All warranty
claims must be received by Fiberon within the Warranty Period and in no event later than thirty (30) days after any
discovery of a possible nonconforming nature of or other failure of the Fiberon Product or Fiberon Fastener.

2. Submit a Claim

Claims and Notices must be sent to:

Fiberon Consumer and Technical Support Department

181 Random Dr., New London, NC 28127
Phone 844-226-3958 | Fax 704-463-1750 | email

3. Temporary Repairs and Determination

Upon discovering a possible defect of the Fiberon Product or Fiberon Fastener, Purchaser must make temporary repairs
or cordon off the area at the Purchaser’s expense to protect all property and persons that could be affected. If needed, the
Purchaser must allow Fiberon to enter the property into which the Fiberon Product or Fiberon Fastener is installed to inspect
the nonconforming product. Fiberon must have made a determination on the warranty claim before any permanent repairs
or removal of materials may be undertaken. No products shall be returned to Fiberon unless directed and authorized by
Fiberon in writing to do so. Any removal or disposal of defective products shall be at Purchaser’s expense.

General Conditions, Exclusions and Limitations

Purchaser’s Sole Remedy

Purchaser’s sole remedy, and Fiberon’s sole liability, for any claim whatsoever relating to the Fiberon Product or Fiberon
Fastener, including without limitation any claims arising out of the marketing, purchase, installation, use, storage,
possession or maintenance of Fiberon Products (whether such claim arises in contract, warranty, tort, gross negligence,
negligence, strict liability, statutes or regulations, or otherwise) or any claims that the Fiberon Products or Fiberon
Fasteners failed to perform as warranted above, is and shall be the replacement of the defective Fiberon Product
or Fiberon Fastener with new Fiberon Product or Fiberon Fastener, as the case may be, in an amount equal to the
volume (linear feet) of defective material as listed on the Prorated Warranty Schedule contained herein or the number
of defective Fiberon Fasteners. Replacement Fiberon material will be as close in color, design and quality to the original
installation as reasonably possible, in Fiberon’s discretion and determination, but Fiberon does not guarantee an exact
match as colors and designs may change. Additionally, Purchaser agrees to the use of such fasteners as adequate
for reinstallation of the furnished board, irrespective of existing method. Fiberon may, at its option, elect to refund the
percentage of the original purchase price listed under Recovery on the Prorated Warranty Schedule in lieu of replacing
the defective product.

Exclusions and Limitations of Certain Damages

In no event will Fiberon be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, punitive, exemplary, statutory,
special, or other, damages based upon the Fiberon Products or Fiberon Fasteners or resulting, directly or indirectly, from
any defect in the Fiberon Products or Fiberon Fasteners, including but not limited to damage to, diminution in value of
and/or loss of use or enjoyment of, any property or part thereof, whether based on contract, tort, strict liability, statute,
regulation or otherwise, even if Fiberon is expressly advised about the possibility of such damages. Some states do not
allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages in certain circumstances, so the above limitation
may not apply to you.

53 For the most up-to-date information, visit

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In addition, this Limited Warranty does not cover and Fiberon shall not be liable for any installation, removal or
reinstallation costs. Fiberon does not warrant against and is not responsible for, and no express or implied warranty
shall be deemed to cover, any condition attributable to: (1) improper installation of Fiberon products and/or failure to
abide by Fiberon’s written instructions and any applicable laws or building codes, including but not limited to improper
structural support, fastening, ventilation or gapping; (2) use of Fiberon Products beyond normal use or in an application
not recommended or permitted by Fiberon’s written instructions and applicable laws and building codes; (3) movement,
distortion, collapse or settling of the ground or the supporting structure on which Fiberon Products are installed; (4)
Defects in or failure arising from decking structure resulting from water caused by improper installation, workmanship,
maintenance or repair; (5) any Act of God (including but not limited to flooding, hurricane, tornado, wind, earthquake,
lightning, hail, etc.); (6) discoloration, fading, spotting or staining from or caused, in whole or in part, by mold, mildew,
other fungal growth, organic materials, metallic oxides or particles (including but not limited to rust or corrosion of any
fasteners), dirt, other atmospheric or environmental pollutants, foreign substances such as grease or oil, chemicals
(including but not limited to those found in cleaners), or normal weathering (defined as natural efflorescence, exposure
to sunlight, weather and atmospheric conditions which causes any colored surface to gradually fade, flake, chalk, or
accumulate dirt or stains); (7) damage resulting from casualty, fire or exposure to heat sources such as cooking devices or
retro-reflective surfaces; (8) the application of paints, stains, surface treatments or other chemical substances including
but not limited to cleaners or pesticides; (9) fading, flaking or other deterioration of any paints, stains or other coatings
placed on the Fiberon Products; (10) climate change, environmental conditions, static electricity or any cause beyond the
control of Fiberon; (11) variations or changes in color of Fiberon Products; (12) improper handling, maintenance, storage,
abuse or neglect of Fiberon Products by Purchaser or others; (13) ordinary wear and tear; (14) impact from objects; or (15)
any fasteners not supplied or approved by Fiberon.

No warranty is given with respect to any fasteners other than the Fiberon Fasteners. Other fasteners, whether approved
fasteners or otherwise, are subject to only the warranties provided by the manufacturer of the fastener and Purchaser’s
sole warranty and remedy is with that manufacturer.

Additional Terms and Limitations

The suitability of the Fiberon Products for Purchaser’s property for the installation and use of the Fiberon Products,
including but not limited to whether the Fiberon Product meets the requirements of any applicable building or safety
code or similar regulation relating to Purchaser’s property, is the responsibility of the Purchaser and/or its design
professionals, and not that of Fiberon. Fiberon does not provide architectural or engineering services. Fiberon makes
no express or implied warranty or representation as to the suitability of the Fiberon Products for, or actual performance,
capabilities or operation of the Fiberon Products at, Purchaser’s property or under the conditions of Purchaser’s use.
Without limitation on any other provision of this Limited Warranty, all warranties, whether express or implied, and
including this Limited Warranty, are void if any one or more of the following applies or occurs: (i) the Fiberon Product or
Fiberon Fastener is not installed, maintained and/or used strictly in accordance with Fiberon’s written instructions, and
all applicable laws, codes and regulations; (ii) misuse of the product, whether foreseeable or unforeseeable; (iii) failure
of proper and timely maintenance or repair; (iv) failure to provide timely notice to Fiberon of any failure or defect of
the Fiberon Product or Fiberon Fastener; or (v) use of fasteners other than the Fiberon branded fasteners or approved
hidden fasteners listed on to the extent that the Fiberon Product failures resulted from the use of
non-approved fasteners.

Prorated Limited Warranty Schedule

10-Year Residential 15-Year Residential 20-Year Residential 25-Year Residential
Year of Claim Year of Claim Year of Claim Year of Claim
100% 0 - 5 years 0 - 7 years 0 - 10 years 0 - 10 years
80% 6 years 8 - 9 years 11 - 12 years 11 - 13 years
60% 7 years 10 - 11 years 13 - 14 years 14 - 16 years
40% 8 years 12 - 13 years 15 - 16 years 17 - 19 years
20% 9 years 14 years 17 - 18 years 20 - 22 years
10% 10 years 15 years 19 - 20 years 23 - 25 years

For the most up-to-date information, visit 54

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Binding Arbitration and Class Action Waiver if You Live in the United States
This section applies to any dispute between you and Fiberon relating to your Fiberon Product. "Dispute" will be given
the broadest possible meaning allowable under law.

1. Notice of Dispute

In the event of a dispute, you must give Fiberon a Notice of Dispute, which is a written statement that sets forth the name,
address and contact information of the party giving it, the facts giving rise to the dispute, and the relief requested. You
must send any Notice of Dispute by U.S. Mail to Fiberon, Consumer and Technical Support Department, 181 Random Dr.
New London, NC 28127. You will attempt to resolve any dispute with Fiberon through informal negotiation within 60 days
from the date the Notice of Dispute is sent. After 60 days, you may commence arbitration.

2. Small Claims Court

You may also litigate any dispute in small claims court in your county of residence, if the dispute meets all requirements
to be heard in the small claims court. You may litigate in small claims court whether or not you negotiated informally first.

3. Binding Arbitration

MEMBER) ALL DISPUTES IN COURT BEFORE A JUDGE OR JURY. Instead, all disputes will be resolved before a
neutral arbitrator, whose decision will be final except for a limited right of appeal under the Federal Arbitration Act.
Any court with jurisdiction over the parties may enforce the arbitrator's award.

4. Class Action Waiver

Any proceedings to resolve or litigate any dispute in any forum will be conducted solely on an individual basis.
Neither you nor Fiberon will seek to have any dispute heard as a class action, private attorney general action, or
in any other proceeding in which either party acts or proposes to act in a representative capacity. No arbitration or
proceeding will be combined with another without the prior written consent of all parties to all affected arbitrations
or proceedings.

5. Arbitration Procedure, Costs, Fees and Incentives

Any arbitration will be conducted by the American Arbitration Association (the "AAA") under its Commercial Arbitration
Rules and in many cases it’s Supplementary Procedures for Consumer-Related Disputes. For more information, see www. or call 1-800-778-7879. In any dispute seeking less than $10,000 in damages, Fiberon will promptly reimburse
your filing fees and pay the AAA's and arbitrator's fees if you are the prevailing party. You agree to commence arbitration
only in your county of residence or New London, NC, USA.

Choice of Law
North Carolina law shall govern the interpretation of this Limited Warranty and any claim that Fiberon has breached it,
regardless of conflict of law principles.

Please register your warranty at this link. Fiberon strongly suggests our customers register your warranty for quicker
technical support and warranty service. Fiberon product registration is voluntary. Failure to register will not diminish your
limited warranty rights.

Fiberon Respects Your Privacy. Fiberon does not trade customer information. Just as important, you control how Fiberon
contacts you. We will collect your preferences at the end of warranty registration and we encourage you to view our
complete online privacy policy.
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Commercial Limited Warranty

Fiber Composites LLC, individually and doing business as Fiberon (“Fiberon”) warrants to the original purchaser
(“Purchaser”, “you” or “your”) that for the Warranty Period set forth below the following Products (“Fiberon Product”) shall,
under normal and proper service conditions, remain free from material manufacturing defects and will not check, splinter,
delaminate, rot, or suffer structural damage from fungal decay, when installed, used and maintained in an above-ground
application and in accordance with Fiberon’s written instructions. For purposes of this Limited Warranty, (a) the “original
purchaser” means the individual or individuals who were the owners of the structure when the deck constructed of the
subject Fiberon Products was installed, and (b) a “commercial application” is an installation of the Fiberon Product on a
commercial building.


The term of this Limited Warranty (“Warranty Period”) for the Fiberon Product listed below shall be ten (10) years from the
date of original purchase by or for a commercial application for a commercial purchaser as long as the Purchaser owns
the property upon which the Fiberon Product was installed.

Decking: Fiberon® Paramount® Decking, Fiberon Horizon® Decking, Fiberon Horizon Symmetry™ Collection Decking,
Fiberon Pro-Tect® Decking, Fiberon ProTect Advantage® Decking, Fiberon Sanctuary® Decking, Fiberon Good
Life™ Decking, Fiberon Xtreme Decking, Terranova® Xtreme Decking, Fiberon Xtreme Wide Decking, Fiberon
Exotics Decking, Fiberon Traditional Decking, Fiberon ArmorGuard Decking, Terranova® Decking


The term of this Limited Warranty (“Warranty Period”) for the Fiberon Products listed below shall be five (5) years from the
date of original purchase by or for a commercial application for a commercial purchaser as long as the Purchaser owns
the property upon which the Fiberon Product was installed.

Decking: Fiberon Professional Decking

Railing: Fiberon Symmetry Railing, Fiberon Horizon Railing, Fiberon Good Life Railing
Fasteners: Fiberon and Phantom® branded Hidden Fasteners as listed on

Obtaining Instructions

Fiberon written instructions are available from your Fiberon dealer or your contractor or from Fiberon at fiberondecking.
com or by writing to Fiberon at the address stated below.

Warranty Period Replacement

In the event of a failure of the Fiberon Product or Fiberon Fastener within the applicable Warranty Period as warranted
above, when properly installed, used and maintained as described above, Fiberon will replace the nonconforming item
as set forth in Section 2 below

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Terms and Conditions

The limited warranty set forth in this Limited Warranty is the only warranty (whether written or oral, express or implied)
Fiberon makes for your Fiberon Product or Fiberon Fasteners; it is subject to all terms and conditions stated herein and
no one (including but not limited to a Fiberon dealer, installer, reseller, agent or employee) is authorized to modify, expand
or add to this limited warranty. Fiberon makes no other representation, guarantee or warranty. No one is authorized to
make any representation, guarantee or warranty on Fiberon’s behalf, and Fiberon shall not be bound by or liable for,
any representation, guarantee, warranty, or condition with regard to any Fiberon Product or Fiberon Fastener other than
as expressly stated in this Limited Warranty. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY COMPRISES FIBERON’S SOLE AND ENTIRE

Warranty Claim Procedure

1. Make a Claim

To make a warranty claim, the Purchaser must send a copy of this warranty document, copy of original proof of purchase,
and photos of the defective or nonconforming Fiberon Product or Fiberon Fasteners to the address below. Such proof
of purchase must be from an authorized Fiberon Product dealer and must show (1) the date of the purchase and (2) that
sufficient Fiberon Product has been purchased to cover the number of lineal feet claimed to be damaged. All warranty
claims must be received by Fiberon within the Warranty Period and in no event later than thirty (30) days after any
discovery of a possible nonconforming nature of or other failure of the Fiberon Product or Fiberon Fastener.

2. Submit a Claim

Send Claims and Notices to:

Consumer and Technical Support Department
181 Random Dr.
New London, NC 28127
Phone 844-226-3958 | Fax 704-463-1750 | email

3. Temporary Repairs and Determination

Upon discovering a possible defect of the Fiberon Product or Fiberon Fastener, Purchaser must make temporary
repairs or cordon off the area at the Purchaser’s expense to protect all property and persons that could be affected.
If needed, the Purchaser must allow Fiberon to enter the property into which the Fiberon Product or Fiberon Fastener
is installed to inspect the nonconforming Product. Fiberon must have made a determination on the warranty claim
before any permanent repairs or removal of materials may be undertaken. No Products shall be returned to Fiberon
unless directed and authorized by Fiberon in writing to do so. Any removal or disposal of defective Products shall be
at Purchaser’s expense.

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General Conditions, Exclusions and Limitations

Purchaser’s Sole Remedy

Purchaser’s sole remedy, and Fiberon’s sole liability, for any claim whatsoever relating to the Fiberon Product or Fiberon
Fastener, including without limitation, any claims arising out of the marketing, purchase, installation, use, storage, possession
or maintenance of Fiberon Products (whether such claim arises in contract, warranty, tort, gross negligence, negligence,
strict liability, statutes or regulations, or otherwise) or any claims that the Fiberon Products or Fiberon Fasteners failed to
perform as warranted above, is and shall be the replacement of the defective Fiberon Product or Fiberon Fastener with
new Fiberon Product or Fiberon Fastener, as the case may be, in an amount equal to the volume (linear feet) of defective
material as listed on the Prorated Warranty Schedule contained herein or the number of defective Fiberon Fasteners.
Replacement Fiberon material will be as close in color, design and quality to the original installation as reasonably possible,
in Fiberon’s discretion and determination, but Fiberon does not guarantee an exact match as colors and designs may
change. Additionally, Purchaser agrees to the use of such fasteners as adequate for reinstallation of the furnished board,
irrespective of existing method. Fiberon may, at its option, elect to refund the percentage of the original purchase price
listed under Recovery on the Prorated Warranty Schedule in lieu of replacing the defective Product.

Exclusions and Limitations of Certain Damages

In no event will Fiberon be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, punitive, exemplary, statutory,
special, or other, damages based upon the Fiberon Products or Fiberon Fasteners or resulting, directly or indirectly, from
any defect in the Fiberon Products or Fiberon Fasteners, including but not limited to damage to, diminution in value of
and/or loss of use or enjoyment of, any property or part thereof, whether based on contract, tort, strict liability, statute,
regulation or otherwise, even if Fiberon is expressly advised about the possibility of such damages. Some states do not
allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages in certain circumstances, so the above limitation
may not apply to you.
In addition, this Limited Warranty does not cover and Fiberon shall not be liable for any installation, removal or reinstallation
costs. Fiberon does not warrant against and is not responsible for, and no express or implied warranty shall be deemed
to cover, any condition attributable to: (1) improper installation of Fiberon products and/or failure to abide by Fiberon’s
written instructions and any applicable laws or building codes, including but not limited to improper structural support,
fastening, ventilation or gapping; (2) use of Fiberon Products beyond normal use or in an application not recommended
or permitted by Fiberon’s written instructions and applicable laws and building codes; (3) movement, distortion, collapse
or settling of the ground or the supporting structure on which Fiberon Products are installed; (4) Defects in or failure
arising from decking structure resulting from water caused by improper installation, workmanship, maintenance or repair;
(5) any Act of God (including but not limited to flooding, hurricane, tornado, wind, earthquake, lightning, hail, etc.); (6)
discoloration, fading, spotting or staining from or caused, in whole or in part, by mold, mildew, other fungal growth,
organic materials, metallic oxides or particles (including but not limited to rust or corrosion of any fasteners), dirt, other
atmospheric or environmental pollutants, foreign substances such as grease or oil, chemicals (including but not limited
to those found in cleaners), or normal weathering (defined as natural efflorescence, exposure to sunlight, weather and
atmospheric conditions which causes any colored surface to gradually fade, flake, chalk, or accumulate dirt or stains); (7)
damage resulting from casualty, fire or exposure to heat sources such as cooking devices or retro-reflective surfaces; (8)
the application of paints, stains, surface treatments or other chemical substances including but not limited to cleaners or
pesticides; (9) fading, flaking or other deterioration of any paints, stains or other coatings placed on the Fiberon Products;
(10) climate change, environmental conditions, static electricity or any cause beyond the control of Fiberon; (11) variations
or changes in color of Fiberon Products; (12) improper handling, maintenance, storage, abuse or neglect of Fiberon
Products by Purchaser or others; (13) ordinary wear and tear; (14) impact from objects; or (15) any fasteners not supplied
or approved by Fiberon.
No warranty is given with respect to any fasteners other than the Fiberon Fasteners. Other fasteners, whether approved
fasteners or otherwise, are subject to only the warranties provided by the manufacturer of the fastener and Purchaser’s
sole warranty and remedy is with that manufacturer.

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Additional Terms and Limitations

The suitability of the Fiberon Products for Purchaser’s property for the installation and use of the Fiberon Products,
including but not limited to whether the Fiberon Product meets the requirements of any applicable building or safety code
or similar regulation relating to Purchaser’s property, is the responsibility of the Purchaser and/or its design professionals,
and not that of Fiberon. Fiberon does not provide architectural or engineering services. Fiberon makes no express or
implied warranty or representation as to the suitability of the Fiberon Products for, or actual performance, capabilities or
operation of the Fiberon Products at, Purchaser’s property or under the conditions of Purchaser’s use.
Without limitation on any other provision of this Limited Warranty, all warranties, whether express or implied, and including
this Limited Warranty, are void if any one or more of the following applies or occurs: (i) the Fiberon Product or Fiberon
Fastener is not installed, maintained and/or used strictly in accordance with Fiberon’s written instructions, and all applicable
laws, codes and regulations; (ii) misuse of the product, whether foreseeable or unforeseeable; (iii) failure of proper and
timely maintenance or repair; (iv) failure to provide timely notice to Fiberon of any failure or defect of the Fiberon Product
or Fiberon Fastener; or (v) use of fasteners other than the Fiberon branded fasteners or approved hidden fasteners listed
on to the extent that the Fiberon Product failures resulted from the use of non-approved fasteners.

Binding Arbitration and Class Action Waiver if You Live in the United States
This section applies to any dispute between you and Fiberon relating to your Fiberon Product. “Dispute” will be given the
broadest possible meaning allowable under law.

1. Notice of Dispute

In the event of a dispute, you must give Fiberon a Notice of Dispute, which is a written statement that sets forth the name,
address and contact information of the party giving it, the facts giving rise to the dispute, and the relief requested. You
must send any Notice of Dispute by U.S. Mail to Fiberon, Consumer and Technical Support Department, 181 Random Dr.
New London, NC 28127. You will attempt to resolve any dispute with Fiberon through informal negotiation within 60 days
from the date the Notice of Dispute is sent. After 60 days, you may commence arbitration.

2. Small Claims Court

You may also litigate any dispute in small claims court in your county of residence, if the dispute meets all requirements
to be heard in the small claims court. You may litigate in small claims court whether or not you negotiated informally first.

3. Binding Arbitration

BEFORE A JUDGE OR JURY. Instead, all disputes will be resolved before a neutral arbitrator, whose decision will be
final except for a limited right of appeal under the Federal Arbitration Act. Any court with jurisdiction over the parties
may enforce the arbitrator's award.

4. Class Action Waiver

Any proceedings to resolve or litigate any dispute in any forum will be conducted solely on an individual basis.
Neither you nor Fiberon will seek to have any dispute heard as a class action, private attorney general action, or
in any other proceeding in which either party acts or proposes to act in a representative capacity. No arbitration or
proceeding will be combined with another without the prior written consent of all parties to all affected arbitrations
or proceedings.

59 For the most up-to-date information, visit

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Arbitration Procedure, Costs, Fees and Incentives

Any arbitration will be conducted by the American Arbitration Association (the "AAA") under its Commercial Arbitration
Rules and in many cases it’s Supplementary Procedures for Consumer-Related Disputes. For more information, see www. or call 1-800-778-7879. In any dispute seeking less than $10,000 in damages, Fiberon will promptly reimburse your
filing fees and pay the AAA's and arbitrator's fees if you are the prevailing party. You agree to commence arbitration only
in your county of residence or New London, NC.

Choice of Law
North Carolina law shall govern the interpretation of this Limited Warranty and any claim that Fiberon has breached it,
regardless of conflict of law principles.
Please register your warranty at this link. Fiberon strongly suggests our customers register your warranty for quicker
technical support and warranty service. Fiberon product registration is voluntary. Failure to register will not diminish your
limited warranty rights.
Fiberon Respects Your Privacy. Fiberon does not trade customer information. Just as important, you control how Fiberon
contacts you. We will collect your preferences at the end of warranty registration and we encourage you to view our
complete online privacy policy.

FIB-0292-LIT Rev D 0216

Prorated Limited Warranty Schedule

10-Year Residential 5-Year Residential

Year of Claim Year of Claim
100% 0 - 5 years 1 year
80% 6 years 2 years
60% 7 years 3 years
40% 8 years 4 years
20% 9 years 5 years
10% 10 years -

For the most up-to-date information, visit 60

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Stain and Fade Performance Limited Warranty

Warranty Coverage
Fiber Composites LLC, individually and doing business as Fiberon (“Fiberon”), warrants the stain and fade resistance
of the following products manufactured by Fiberon (“Fiberon Product”), to the original purchaser (“Purchaser”, “you”
or “your”) for the warranty period set forth below under normal and proper service conditions, when properly installed
and used as decking in residential applications, as long as the Purchaser owns the residence upon which the decking
materials are installed.


Fiberon® Horizon® Decking, Fiberon Horizon Symmetry™ Collection Decking, Fiberon ProTect Advantage® Decking,
Fiberon ProTect® Decking, Fiberon Sanctuary® Decking, and Fiberon Good Life™ Decking


Fiberon ArmorGuard® Decking, Veranda® ArmorGuard Decking and Railing, Fiberon Xtreme Decking, and
Fiberon Xtreme Wide Decking

Stain Resistance

Fiberon warrants that the Fiberon Products named above are and will be from the date of residential consumer purchase
for the term coverage stated above, resistant to permanent staining resulting from spills of food and beverage items
that would typically be present on a residential deck, provided that the Fiberon Products were installed , cared for and
maintained in accordance with the Fiberon written instructions, the Fiberon Care and Maintenance Instructions found on and the conditions stated above .

Fade Resistance

Fiberon warrants that the Fiberon Products are and will be, from the date of residential consumer purchase for the term
coverage stated above, resistant to color change from light and weathering exposure as measured by color change
in excess of 5 Delta E (Hunter) units provided that the Fiberon products were installed, cared for and maintained in
accordance with the Fiberon written instructions and the Fiberon Care and Maintenance instructions found on www. and the conditions stated below.

Exclusions from Stain and Fade Warranty Coverage

Fiberon does not warrant its Fiberon Products to be stain or fade proof. When installed, cared for and maintained properly
in the residential exterior deck environment, Fiberon Decking products provide stain and fade resistance. However, no
material is stain or fade proof, especially but not only when stains result from spilled or otherwise substances that are not
properly cleaned or when the materials are exposed to years of UV exposure and the elements.

Without limitation on any other provision of this Limited Warranty, Fiberon does not warrant for stain resistance resulting
from spilled or otherwise applied substances that are not properly cleaned with soap and water or mild household cleaners

61 For the most up-to-date information, visit

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Voiding Stain and Fade Warranty Coverage
All warranties are void and excluded in their entirety in any of the following events:
• Failure to install, care for and maintain the Fiberon Products in accordance with the Fiberon written instructions, and the
Fiberon Care and Maintenance instructions found on and the conditions stated below voids
all warranties in their entirety.
• Use of abrasive compounds of acidic or basic pH, strong solvents, oil based paints or stains, metallic rust, concrete or
masonry products, air or water borne minerals and other abnormal residential deck use items will damage the Fiberon
Products and voids all warranties in their entirety.
• Direct or indirect contact with the Fiberon Products of extreme heat sources (over 250 degrees) voids all warranties in
their entirety.
• Damaging, gouging, scraping or puncturing the surface of the Fiberon Products voids all warranties in their entirety.
• Paint or applying other coating materials to Fiberon Products voids all warranties in their entirely.

Compliance with the Fiberon Care and Maintenance Instructions is required and a condition precedent to any warranty or
warranty claim. Without limitation on any other provision of this Limited Warranty to qualify for coverage, you must have
tried cleaning the affected area of your deck using the instructions indicated within this document and within the Care
and Maintenance Instructions provided online at If the affected area still remains unsatisfactory
after you have tried these cleaning procedures, then you must have the affected area of your deck professionally cleaned
at your expense. If the affected area remains unsatisfactory after the professional cleaning, you must contact Fiberon
Consumer and Technical Support (800-573-8841) and provide proof of the professional cleaning within 30 days of the
professional cleaning.

The limited warranty set forth in this Limited Warranty is the only warranty (whether written or oral, express or implied) Fiberon
makes for your Fiberon Product or Fiberon Fasteners; it is subject to all terms and conditions stated herein and no one (including
but not limited to a Fiberon dealer, installer, reseller, agent or employee) is authorized to modify, expand or add to this limited
warranty. Fiberon makes no other representation, guarantee or warranty. No one is authorized to make any representation,
guarantee or warranty on Fiberon’s behalf, and Fiberon shall not be bound by or liable for, any representation, guarantee, warranty,
or condition with regard to any Fiberon Product or Fiberon Fastener other than as expressly stated in this Limited Warranty.

Warranty Claim Procedure

1. Make a Claim

To make a warranty claim, the Purchaser must send a copy of this warranty document, copy of original proof of purchase,
and photos of the defective or nonconforming Fiberon Product to the address below. Such proof of purchase must be
from an authorized Fiberon Product dealer and must show (1) the date of the purchase and (2) that sufficient Fiberon
Product has been purchased to cover the number of lineal feet claimed to be damaged. All warranty claims must be
received by Fiberon within the Warranty Period and in no event later than thirty (30) days after any discovery of a possible
nonconforming nature of or other failure of the Fiberon Product or Fiberon branded fastener.

2. Submit a Claim

Claims and Notices must be sent to:

Fiberon Consumer and Technical Support Department

181 Random Dr. New London, NC 28127
Phone 844-226-3958 | Fax 704-463-1750 | email

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3. Temporary Repairs and Determination

Upon discovering a possible defect of the Fiberon Product, Purchaser must make temporary repairs or cordon off the area
at the Purchaser’s expense to protect all property and persons that could be affected. If needed, the Purchaser must allow
Fiberon to enter the property into which the Fiberon Product is installed to inspect the nonconforming product. Fiberon
must have made a determination on the warranty claim before any permanent repairs or removal of materials may be
undertaken. No products shall be returned to Fiberon unless directed and authorized by Fiberon in writing to do so. Any
removal or disposal of defective products shall be at Purchaser’s expense.

General Conditions, Exclusions and Limitations

Purchaser’s Sole Remedy

Purchaser’s Sole Remedy. Purchaser’s sole remedy, and Fiberon’s sole liability, for any claim whatsoever relating to the
Fiberon Product, including without limitation any claims arising out of the marketing, purchase, installation, use, storage,
possession or maintenance of Fiberon Products (whether such claim arises in contract, warranty, tort, gross negligence,
negligence, strict liability, statutes or regulations or otherwise) or any claims that the Fiberon Products failed to perform
as warranted above, is and shall be the replacement of the defective Fiberon Product with new Fiberon Product in an
amount equal to the volume (linear feet) of defective material as listed on the Prorated Warranty Schedule contained
herein. Replacement Fiberon material will be as close in color, design and quality to the original installation as reasonably
possible, in Fiberon’s discretion and determination, but Fiberon does not guarantee an exact match as colors and designs
may change. Additionally, Purchaser agrees to the use of such fasteners as adequate for reinstallation of the furnished
board, irrespective of existing method. Fiberon may, at its option, elect to refund the percentage of the original purchase
price listed under Recovery on the Prorated Warranty Schedule in lieu of replacing the defective product.

Exclusions and Limitations of Certain Damages

In no event will Fiberon be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, punitive, exemplary, statutory,
special, or other, damages based upon the Fiberon Products or resulting, directly or indirectly, from any defect in the
Fiberon Products, including but not limited to damage to, diminution in value of and/or loss of use or enjoyment of, any
property or part thereof, whether based on contract, tort, strict liability, statute, regulation or otherwise, even if Fiberon is
expressly advised about the possibility of such damages. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental
or consequential damages in certain circumstances, so the above limitation may not apply to you.

In addition, this Limited Warranty does not cover and Fiberon shall not be liable for any installation, removal or reinstallation
costs. Fiberon does not warrant against and is not responsible for, and no express or implied warranty shall be deemed
to cover, any condition attributable to: (1) improper installation of Fiberon products and/or failure to abide by Fiberon’s
written instructions and any applicable laws or building codes, including but not limited to improper structural support,
fastening, ventilation or gapping; (2) use of Fiberon Products beyond normal use or in an application not recommended
or permitted by Fiberon’s written instructions and applicable laws and building codes; (3) movement, distortion, collapse
or settling of the ground or the supporting structure on which Fiberon Products are installed; (4) Defects in or failure
arising from decking structure resulting from water caused by improper installation, workmanship, maintenance or repair;
(5) any Act of God (including but not limited to flooding, hurricane, tornado, wind, earthquake, lightning, hail, etc.); (6)
discoloration, fading, spotting or staining from or caused, in whole or in part, by mold, mildew, other fungal growth,
organic materials, metallic oxides or particles (including but not limited to rust or corrosion of any fasteners), dirt, other
atmospheric or environmental pollutants, foreign substances such as grease or oil, chemicals (including but not limited
to those found in cleaners), or normal weathering (defined as natural efflorescence, exposure to sunlight, weather and
atmospheric conditions which causes any colored surface to gradually fade, flake, chalk, or accumulate dirt or stains); (7)
damage resulting from casualty, fire or exposure to heat sources such as cooking devices or retro-reflective surfaces; (8)
the application of paints, stains, surface treatments or other chemical substances including but not limited to cleaners or
pesticides; (9) fading, flaking or other deterioration of any paints, stains or other coatings placed on the Fiberon Products;
(10) climate change, environmental conditions, static electricity or any cause beyond the control of Fiberon; (11) variations
or changes in color of Fiberon Products; (12) improper handling, maintenance, storage, abuse or neglect of Fiberon
Products by Purchaser or others; (13) ordinary wear and tear; (14) impact from objects; or (15) any fasteners not supplied
or approved by Fiberon.

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Additional Terms and Limitations

The suitability of the Fiberon Products for Purchaser’s property for the installation and use of the Fiberon Products,
including but not limited to whether the Fiberon Product meets the requirements of any applicable building or safety code
or similar regulation relating to Purchaser’s property, is the responsibility of the Purchaser and/or its design professionals,
and not that of Fiberon. Fiberon does not provide architectural or engineering services. Fiberon makes no express or
implied warranty or representation as to the suitability of the Fiberon Products for, or actual performance, capabilities or
operation of the Fiberon Products at, Purchaser’s property or under the conditions of Purchaser’s use.

Without limitation on any other provision of this Limited Warranty, all warranties, whether express or implied, and including
this Limited Warranty, are void if any one or more of the following applies or occurs: (i) the Fiberon Product is not installed,
maintained and/or used strictly in accordance with Fiberon’s written instructions, and all applicable laws, codes and
regulations; (ii) misuse of the product, whether foreseeable or unforeseeable; (iii) failure of proper and timely maintenance
or repair; (iv) failure to provide timely notice to Fiberon of any failure or defect of the Fiberon Product; or (v) use of fasteners
other than the Fiberon branded fasteners or approved hidden fasteners listed on to the extent that
the Fiberon Product failures resulted from the use of non-approved fasteners.

Binding Arbitration and Class Action Waiver if You Live in the United States
This section applies to any dispute between you and Fiberon relating to your Fiberon Product. “Dispute” will be given the
broadest possible meaning allowable under law.

1. Notice of Dispute

In the event of a dispute, you must give Fiberon a Notice of Dispute, which is a written statement that sets forth the name,
address and contact information of the party giving it, the facts giving rise to the dispute, and the relief requested. You
must send any Notice of Dispute by U.S. Mail to Fiberon, Consumer and Technical Support Department, 181 Random Dr.
New London, NC 28127. You will attempt to resolve any dispute with Fiberon through informal negotiation within 60 days
from the date the Notice of Dispute is sent. After 60 days, you may commence arbitration.

2. Small Claims Court

You may also litigate any dispute in small claims court in your county of residence, if the dispute meets all requirements
to be heard in the small claims court. You may litigate in small claims court whether or not you negotiated informally first.

3. Binding Arbitration

COURT BEFORE A JUDGE OR JURY. Instead, all disputes will be resolved before a neutral arbitrator, whose decision will
be final except for a limited right of appeal under the Federal Arbitration Act. Any court with jurisdiction over the parties
may enforce the arbitrator's award.

4. Class Action Waiver

Any proceedings to resolve or litigate any dispute in any forum will be conducted solely on an individual basis. Neither
you nor Fiberon will seek to have any dispute heard as a class action, private attorney general action, or in any other
proceeding in which either party acts or proposes to act in a representative capacity. No arbitration or proceeding will be
combined with another without the prior written consent of all parties to all affected arbitrations or proceedings.

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Arbitration Procedure, Costs, Fees and Incentives

Any arbitration will be conducted by the American Arbitration Association (the "AAA") under its Commercial Arbitration
Rules and in many cases it’s Supplementary Procedures for Consumer-Related Disputes. For more information, see www. or call 1-800-778-7879. In any dispute seeking less than $10,000 in damages, Fiberon will promptly reimburse your
filing fees and pay the AAA's and arbitrator's fees if you are the prevailing party. You agree to commence arbitration only
in your county of residence or New London, NC.

Choice of Law

North Carolina law shall govern the interpretation of this Limited Warranty and any claim that Fiberon has breached it,
regardless of conflict of law principles.
FIB–0293-LIT Rev C 0216

Prorated Stain and Fade Limited Warranty

20-Year Residential 25-Year Residential
Year of Claim Year of Claim
100% 0 - 10 years 0 - 10 years
80% 11 - 12 years 11 - 13 years
60% 13 - 14 years 14 - 16 years
40% 15 - 16 years 17 - 19 years
20% 17 - 18 years 20 - 22 years
10% 19 - 20 years 23 - 25 years

65 For the most up-to-date information, visit

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Fiberon, Paramount, Horizon, Permatech, ProTect Advantage, ProTect Advantage FR, Good Life, Symmetry, Sanctuary,
Phantom and ClearVisionSystem are trademarks of Fiber Composites, LLC, registered in the U.S. and other countries.


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Exhibit D
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Claim Chart
CPG has provided this exemplary claim chart as Exhibit D to the Complaint, showing in

element by element manner the Infringing Product compared to certain claims of the

patents-in-suit. All Infringing Product pictures below were taken from Defendant’s

website and installation guides and were included in Exhibit A. CPG does not intend this

Exhibit D to be comprehensive or limiting and CPG reserves its rights to pursue all

available infringement arguments as this case progresses.

U.S. Patent No. 9,822,547 (the ‘547 Patent)

Claim 1  Infringing Product 
A rail system comprising: 

A rail with a 


a rail comprising a hollow upper 

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Two opposing legs

a pair of opposing legs that extend 
downward from said hollow upper 
portion to form a lower cavity, and 

Lower cavity

a partition between said hollow upper  Partition between 
portion and said lower cavity that  hollow upper portion 
extends from one of said opposing legs  and lower cavity
to the other of said opposing legs such 
that said lower cavity is defined 
between said opposing legs and 
underneath said partition; and 

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Vertical members

a support rail having an H‐shaped 
configuration comprised of two 
vertical members and two transverse 
members that respectively connect 
said two vertical members, 


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said support rail positioned in said 
lower cavity completely between said 
opposing legs and completely beneath 
said partition of said rail such that 

Support rail  Support rail 
fastened to  entirely 
rail with a  contained 
screw through  within cavity 
the two  of rail

said support rail is secured to said rail 
by at least one fastener that extends 
through said two transverse members 
of said support rail into said partition 
of said rail. 
Claim 2 

The rail system of claim 1 wherein  Legs extend 
each of said opposing legs of said rail  away from each 
has a distal portion that extends in a  other
distal direction outwardly away from 
said opposing leg and then extends 
back toward said opposing leg. 
Legs extend 
toward each 

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Claim 3 

Mid portion 
of partition
The rail system of claim 1 wherein said 
partition of said rail comprises a  Angled portion 
substantially level mid‐portion and  Angled portion 
extending down 
angled portions that extend downward  extending down 
toward leg
from respective ends of said mid‐ toward leg
portion toward said opposing legs. 

Claim 5 

The rail system of claim 1 wherein 
each of said opposing legs of said rail  Bottom end 
has a distal end that is adjacent to a  of vertical 
bottom end of one of said two vertical  member
members of said support rail, 

opposing legs 
adjacent to 
bottom end

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Claim 6 

Fastener underneath support rail such 
that the fastener is not visible when rail 
system is viewed from side or above

The rail system of claim 1 wherein said 
at least one fastener is adapted to be 
substantially or totally obscured from 
view by said rail during normal use of 
said rail system. 

Claim 11 

Baluster positioned in the rail support 
lower cavity, beneath the transverse 

The rail system of claim 1 further 
comprising at least one baluster that is 
positioned in a lower cavity defined by 
said support rail beneath said 
transverse members. 

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Claim 12 

Vertical member

The rail system of claim 11 wherein 
said baluster is secured to said support 
rail by a fastener that extends through 
said transverse members into said 

Claim 13 

Fasteners will be 
concealed when support 
The rail system of claim 12 wherein  rail located in lower cavity 
said fastener that secures said baluster  of rail
is adapted to be substantially hidden 
from view between one of said 
transverse members of said support  Baluster
rail and said rail during normal use of 
said rail system. 

Support rail

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Exhibit E 
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‘697 Patent Defendant’s

Symmetry Railing
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‘559 Patent
Symmetry Railing
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‘199 Patent Defendant’s

Symmetry Railing
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‘329 Patent
Symmetry Railing
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‘307 Patent Symmetry Railing
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‘527 Patent Defendant’s

Symmetry Railing
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‘157 Patent Defendant’s

Symmetry Railing
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