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PUP vs CA student population.

The order of conveyance would

result in the cancellation of NDC's total obligation in
(Topics: what is a sale, elements of sale, option favor of the National Government in the amount
contract, right of first refusal) of P57,193,201.64.

FACTS: In the 1960’s, NDC a GOCC had in its RULINGS OF THE LOWER COURT: The trial court
disposal a ten (10)-hectare property located along Pureza granted PUP's motion to intervene. FIRESTONE moved
St., Sta. Mesa, Manila known as the NDC compound. In for reconsideration but was denied. On certiorari, the
May 1965 private respondent Firestone Ceramics Inc. Court of Appeals affirmed the order of the trial court. the
(FIRESTONE) manifested its desire to lease a portion of SC upheld PUP's inclusion as party-defendant in the
the property for its ceramic manufacturing business. In present controversy.
1965 NDC and FIRESTONE entered into a contract of
lease covering a portion of the property 2.90118 hectares AS A RESULT OF THE RULING OF THE LOWER
for use as a manufacturing plant for a term of 10 years, COURT: FIRESTONE amended its complaint and
renewable for another ten. sought the annulment of Memorandum Order No. 214. It
alleged that PUP disregarded and violated its existing
(3-1/2) years later, FIRESTONE entered into a second lease by increasing the rental rate atP200,000.00 a month
contract of lease over NDC’s four (4)-unit pre-fabricated while demanding that it vacated the premises
reparation steel warehouse stored in Daliao, Davao. The immediately.FIRESTONE prayed that he property
second contract, was for similar use & was agreed should be sold in its favor at the price for which it was
expressly to be "co-extensive with the lease of LESSEE sold to PUP - P554.74 per square meter or for a total
with LESSOR on the said lot. purchase price ofP14,423,240.00.15

On 31 July 1974 the parties signed a similar contract PUP’s contentions: PUP argued that the lease contract
concerning a six (6)-unit pre-fabricated steel warehouse covering the property had expired long before the
which, would expire on 2 December 1978. Prior to the institution of the complaint, and that further, the right of
expiration , FIRESTONE wrote NDC requesting for an first refusal invoked by FIRESTONE applied solely to
extension of their lease agreement. NDC adopted the six-unit pre-fabricated warehouse and not the lot
Resolution extending the term of the lease, subject to upon which it stood.
several conditions among which was that in the event
NDC "with the approval of higher authorities, decide to Judgment was rendered PUP was ordered and directed to
dispose and sell these properties including the lot, sell to FIRESTONE the "2.6 hectare leased premises
priority should be given to the LESSEE" So. in at P1,500.00 per square meter.
pursuance of the resolution, the parties entered into a
new agreement for a ten-year lease of the property, Moreover, the Court of Appeals observed that as there
renewable for another ten (10) years, expressly granting was a sale of the subject property, NDC could not excuse
FIRESTONE the first option to purchase the leased itself from its obligation TO OFFER THE PROPERTY
In 1988 when FIRESTONE, informed the latter through
several letters and telephone calls that it was renewing PUP moved for reconsideration asserting that in ordering
its lease over the property. The rest of its the sale of the property in favor of FIRESTONE the
communications remained unacknowledged. There were courts a quo unfairly created a contract to sell between
rumors of NDC's supposed plans to dispose of the the parties. It argued that the "court cannot substitute or
subject property in favor of petitioner PUP. So, decree its mind or consent for that of the parties in
FIRESTONE served notice on NDC conveying its desire determining whether or not a contract (has been)
to purchase the property in the exercise of its contractual perfected between PUP and NDC. PUP also advanced
right of first refusal. the theory that the enactment of Memorandum Order No.
214 amounted to a withdrawal of the option to purchase
FIRESTONE instituted an action for specific the property granted to FIRESTONE. NDC, for its part,
performance to compel NDC to sell the leased property vigorously contended that the contracts of lease executed
in its favor. It was pre-empting the impending sale of the between the parties had expired.
NDC compound to petitioner PUP in violation of its
leasehold rights. It also prayed for issuance of a writ of ISSUES:
preliminary injunction to enjoin NDC from disposing of
the property. (a) Whether the courts a quo erred when they
"conjectured" that the transfer of the leased property
PUP argued that a "purchaser pendente lite of property from NDC to PUP amounted to a sale; and, (b) whether
which is subject of a litigation is entitled to intervene in
FIRESTONE can rightfully invoke its right of first
the proceedings. It referred Memorandum Order No.
214 issued by then President Aquino ordering the refusal.
transfer of the whole NDC compound to the National
Government, which in turn would convey the HELD:
aforementioned property in favor of PUP at acquisition
cost. This was made in recognition of PUP's status as the (a) No, the lower courts were right that that the
"Poor Man's University" as well as its serious need to conveyance of the property from NDC to PUP was one
extend its campus in order to accommodate the growing
of absolute sale, for a valuable consideration, and not a inseparable from the whole contract. The consideration
mere paper transfer as argued by petitioners. for the right is built into the reciprocal obligations of the
parties. Thus, it is not correct for petitioners to insist that
A contract of sale, as defined in the Civil Code, is a there was no consideration paid by FIRESTONE to
contract where one of the parties obligates himself to entitle it to the exercise of the right, inasmuch as the
transfer the ownership of and to deliver a determinate stipulation is part and parcel of the contract of lease
thing to the other or others who shall pay therefore a sum making the consideration for the lease the same as that
certain in money or its equivalent. It is therefore a for the option.
general requisite for the existence of a valid and
enforceable contract of sale that it be mutually It is a settled principle in civil law that when a lease
obligatory, i.e., there should be a concurrence of the contract contains a right of first refusal, the lessor is
promise of the vendor to sell a determinate thing and the under a legal duty to the lessee not to sell to anybody at
promise of the vendee to receive and pay for the any price until after he has made an offer to sell to the
property so delivered and transferred. The Civil Code latter at a certain price and the lessee has failed to accept
provision is, in effect, a "catch-all" provision which it.39 The lessee has a right that the lessor's first offer shall
effectively brings within its grasp a whole gamut of be in his favor.
transfers whereby ownership of a thing is ceded for a
consideration. The option in this case was incorporated in the contracts
of lease by NDC for the benefit of FIRESTONE which,
The preponderance of evidence shows that NDC sold to in view of the total amount of its investments in the
PUP the whole NDC compound, including the leased property, wanted to be assured that it would be given the
premises, without the knowledge much less consent of first opportunity to buy the property at a price for which
private respondent FIRESTONE which had a valid and it would be offered. Consistent with their agreement, it
existing right of first refusal. was then implicit for NDC to have first offered the
leased premises of 2.60 hectares to FIRESTONE
All three (3) essential elements of a valid sale, without
which there can be no sale, were attendant in the It now becomes apropos to ask whether the courts a
"disposition" and "transfer" of the property from NDC to quo were correct in fixing the proper consideration of
PUP - consent of the parties, determinate subject the sale at P1,500.00 per square meter. In contracts of
matter,and consideration therefor. sale, the basis of the right of first refusal must be the
current offer of the seller to sell or the offer to purchase
Consent to the sale is obvious from the prefatory clauses of the prospective buyer. Only after the lessee-grantee
of Memorandum Order No. 214 which explicitly states fails to exercise its right under the same terms and
the acquiescence of the parties to the sale of the property within the period contemplated can the owner validly
- offer to sell the property to a third person, again, under
the same terms as offered to the grantee. Emphatically,
Furthermore, the cancellation of NDC's liabilities in we held that "(a right of first priority) should be enforced
favor of the National Government in the amount according to the law on contracts instead of the
ofP57,193,201.64 constituted the "consideration" for the panoramic and indefinite rule on human relations.
sale. As correctly observed by the Court of Appeals-

The defendants-appellants' interpretation that there was a

mere transfer, and not a sale, apart from being specious
sophistry and a mere play of words, is too strained and
hairsplitting. For it is axiomatic that every sale imposes
upon the vendor the obligation to transfer ownership as
an essential element of the contract. Transfer of title or
an agreement to transfer title for a price paid, or
promised to be paid, is the very essence of sale (Kerr &
Co. v. Lingad, 38 SCRA 524; Schmid & Oberly, Inc., v.
RJL Martinez Fishing Corp., 166 SCRA 493).

(b) Whether or not FIRESTONE should be allowed to

exercise its right of first refusal over the property. Such
right was expressly stated by NDC and FIRESTONE in
par. XV of their third contract, as found, was interrelated
to and inseparable from their first

Should the LESSOR desire to sell the leased premises

during the term of this Agreement, or any extension
thereof, the LESSOR shall first give to the LESSEE,
which shall have the right of first option to purchase the
leased premises subject to mutual agreement of both

In the instant case, the right of first refusal is an integral

and indivisible part of the contract of lease and is

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