Olimpiada de Limba Engleză 7

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Olimpiada de limba engleză

Faza locală 28th January 2012 clasa a VII-a

1. Write a question for each answer – 20 points:

1. ... ... ? - I am washing my hair. I can't talk, sorry.

2. ... ... ? - The end of the film? Wait and see!

3. ... ... ? - My parents? When you meet them you can decide!

4. ... ... ? - Yesterday? I felt absolutely awful!

5. ... ... ? - My next door neighbours ? They make a lot of noise!

6. ... ... ? - Helen's new boyfriend? I haven't met him yet.

7. ... ... ? - The city centre? There are some shops and a cinema.

8. ... ... ? - The desks in my classroom? Old and uncomfortable!

9. ... ... ? - The weather in my country? It rains a lot.

10. ... ... ? - I usually eat a sandwich for breakfast.

2. Put the verbs in the correct tense : 20 points

Dear Mum and Dad,

We (1)…(to arrive) safely to our holiday destination, Valencia, last Sunday. We (2)…already…(to be) here
for two days. We (3)…(to have) a wonderful time so far. We have already made some friends. They are
English, but they (4)…(to move) to Spain in 2006. I have swum twice already. Today Charlie (5)…(to get
up) early in the morning and watched the sunrise. He has taken some pictures. If they (6)…(to be) good, I’ll
send them to you immediately!

I (7)…(to write) to you soon. Bye for now.

Lots of love,


P.S. We (8)…(to see) some Flamenco dancers on the beach yesterday. Great! You (9)…always…(to want)
to see such a dance – what a pity you weren’t there! I (10)…(to miss) you, but we’ll be home on Saturday.

3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence – 20 points:

1.Your friend is a smart guy. - What... !

2.Is this your first visit to Romania? - Have you... ?

3.Her clothes are much more expensive than mine. - My clothes... .

4.The film was so violent that I got scared. - ... film that I got scared.

5.Who do these clothes belong to? - Whose... ?

6.John does not play football as well as Peter. - Peter... .

7.Jimmy is still doing his homework. - Jimmy hasn't... .

8.She doesn't often visit us. - She rarely... .

9.Can you learn ten poems in a day? - Are you... ?

10.The correctness of his English is absolute. - He speaks English... .

4. Ten words are spelt wrongly in this text. Write the words correctly on your answer sheet – 10

A long time ago, people belived that some women were witches. This women generally leaved in the
country and they made strenge medicine to cure seek people. The witches had powers of magic, usualy
workeing with the devil. They didn’t wolk like old people, but they flew on broomsticks. In the Middle Ages
meny such woman were burnt at the stake.

5. Write a composition with the title : THE BEST BIRTHDAT PARTY 20 points:

Notă: Timp de lucru – 3 ore din momentul distribuirii subiectelor; se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu.

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