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Chapter 3


This chapter presents the design of the study, particularly the research methods

and techniques to be used, how inquiries and data generation will be made, how the

subjects are chosen, how the sample size is determined, the instrument to be used to

gather data and the statistical tools that will be used for treatment and analysis of data

yielded by the study.

Method of Research

The descriptive research method is used in gathering the data needed in this

study. Descriptive research involves the description, recording, analysis, and

interpretation of the present nature, composition or processes of phenomena (Manuel

and Mendel). This method is used for the study because it will enable the researchers to

seek understanding for naturally occurring phenomena in their naturally occurring state.

Since data for the research already exist, the researchers only need to process these

data and describe the information processed.

Specifically, the researchers utilized the survey method to gather data from the

respondents and to effectively transform this to information that is relevant for the study.

Population, Sample Size and Sampling Technique:

Rodriguez, Rizal is a 1st class municipality in the province of Rizal, Philippines. It

was formerly known as and is still commonly referred to as Montalban. According to the
2015 census, it has a population of 369,222 people. The sample size was evaluated

using Slovin’s formula:

n = Sample Size

N = Population

e = Margin of Error

n = 369,222/ 1 + [(369,222)(0.052)]

n = 369,222/924.055

n = 399.56 or 400

Stratified random sampling technique was used in this study. Stratified random

sampling technique was used in this study because it ensures an equal representation

of each identified strata. The total population is divided into strata. Individuals to be

included in the sample are then selected from these strata. They are grouped according

to barangays such as Balite, Burgos, Geronimo, Macabud, Manggahan, Mascap, Puray,

Rosario, San Isidro, San Jose, San Rafael.

Barangay Population Sample size

Balite 9,983 11

Burgos 44,100 48

Geronimo 5,554 6

Macabud 9,707 11

Manggahan 13,913 15

Mascap 4,699 5
Puray 3,921 4

Rosario 7,244 8

San Isidro 117,277 127

San Jose 124,868 135

San Rafael 27,956 30

Rodriguez 369,222 400

Description of Respondents

The respondents of the study were 400 individual customers of Convenience

Stores from 11 barangays in Rodriguez, Rizal. The respondents were the sources of

data gathering based on their profiles in terms of age, sex, highest educational

attainment, allowance/monthly income, frequency of going, intention, commonly bought

items and amount spent.

Research Instrument

The questionnaire was the main source of information for the assessment of the

respondents on the effects of expansion of convenience stores in barangays in

Rodriguez, Rizal”. The self-prepared questionnaire is divided into two parts. Part 1

presented the profile of the respondents such as age, sex, frequency of going, intention,

commonly bought items and amount spent.

Part 2 consists of questions that were intended to assess effects of expansion of

convenience stores in barangays in Rodriguez, rizal. In order to have grounds for

comparison the respondents were also asked to rank their overall assessment on the

effects of expansion of convenience stores in barangays in Rodriguez, rizal.

Technical manuals and hand-outs, online books and other related materials

were likewise scrutinized prior to the preparation of the research output.

Data-Gathering Procedure

The primary data that will be used in the research are from the Customers of

Convenience Stores and Nearby Residences through survey-questionnaire forms

designed by the researchers.

The researchers also used secondary data from the National Statistics Office of

the Philippines to identify the population of residence that will be use to identify the

sample size for the study. The survey was conducted on the month of August 2018.

In order for the researcher to conduct survey, the researcher first asked the

customer if he/she is currently buying or going to convenience store in their barangay. If

yes, he/she was entitled as respondent of the study.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data collected in this study were organized and classified based on the

research design and problems formulated. The data were coded, tallied and tabulated

to facilitate the presentation and interpretation of the results using the following:

1. Frequency and Percentage

The percentage and frequency distributions were used to classify the

respondents according to personal background variables such as age and sex.

The frequency also presented the actual response of the respondents to a

specific question or item in the questionnaire. However, the percentage of that

item is computed by dividing it with the simple total number of respondents who

participated in the survey. The formula used in the application of this technique


% = (f/n) x 100


% = percentage

f = frequency

n = number of cases or total sample

2. Weighted Mean

Another statistical technique will be used by the researcher will be the

weighted mean. It was used to determine the average responses of the different

options provided in the parts of the questionnaire used. The method will be used

in relation to the Likert Scale. It was solved by the formula:

x = weighted mean
Σfx = the sum of all the products of f and x, f being the frequency of each
weight and x as the weight of each operation
n = total number of the respondents
3. ANOVA (One -Way Analysis of Variance)
This provides a statistical test whether there is a significant difference

among the means of three or more independent groups.



F = ANOVA Coefficient
MST = Mean sum of squares to treatment
MSE = Mean sum of squares due to error

Formula for MST:

SST = Σn(x-x)2

SST = Sum of squares due to treatment
p = Total number of populations
n = Total number of samples in a population
Formula for MSE:
SSE = Σ(n-1)S2

SSE = sum of squares due to error
S = Standard deviation of the samples
N = Total number of observations

4. Likert Scale

Likert scale is a psychometric scale commonly used in questionnaires, and is the

most widely used scale in survey research. When responding to a Likert questionnaire

item, respondents specify their level of agreement to a statement. The responses were

expessed in a 5-point-scale as follows:

Scale Verbal Interpretation Weighs

5 Strongly Agree 4.21 – 5.00

4 Moderately Agree 3.41 – 4.20

3 Neutral 2.61 – 3.40

2 Moderately Disagree 1.81 – 2.60

1 Strongly Disagree 1.00 – 1.80

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