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5 Tips to Get the Most Out of This Masterclass

1. Print this guide before the Masterclass so you can take notes as you listen.
You can also download and type directly in the guide to save paper.

2. Review the contents of this guide before the Masterclass so you know what
to expect, and you can best set aside private time before, during, and after the
Masterclass to complete the activities.

3. You can pause the Masterclass video to take notes or fill in the blanks by
clicking on the video screen.

4. Think of how you can quickly implement the secrets revealed in this session.

5. During the Masterclass, use the dedicated space on the right side to write
down ALL interesting new ideas and inspirations you get while listening - that
way you won’t lose the most relevant information to you.

Table of Contents
1. PRE-MASTERCLASS EXERCISE …………………………………………..………… 4

• Set your intentions before the Masterclass.

2. SELF-ASSESSMENT QUIZ ……………………………………………………..……….5

• Assess your 8 life structures with this self-assessment.

3. DISCOVER YOUR LIFE PURPOSE……………………………………….………….…6

• Section 1: Michael’s Story

• Section 2: The 4 Stages Of Spiritual Growth
• Section 3: 8 Life Structures

4. TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE ………………………………………………………….…8

• Solidify your learning after the Masterclass by completing a quiz.

5. REFLECTION …………………………………………………….……………….…………. 9

• The right question can spur your unconscious mind to feed you the right

6. STUDENT STORIES …………………………………………….…………….…….……10

• Read what other people said about Michael Beckwith.

Start with Intention

Write down and set your positive intentions here. What are your intentions for
joining this Masterclass? What do you hope to leave with?


Start with the Self assessment Notes

The 8 life structures listed below are the fundamental areas of

your life that you can enhance with meditation, affirmative
prayer, alignment with the governing principles of the universe,
and other spiritual practices taught by Michael Beckwith.

During the Masterclass, please fill in the quiz below, following

the instructions Michael Beckwith gives during the class.

On a scale from 0 to 10, please rate where you are right

now. A rating of 0 means you’re nowhere near where you
want to be. A rating of 10 means you are exactly where
you want to be.

The 8 Life Structures

Spiritual _______
Ego _______
Relationships _______
Body temple _______
Livelihood _______
Finances _____
Beliefs _____
Community _______

Follow along the Masterclass and fill in the blanks. You can pause the video to
write down your answers or take notes on the right. Click on the video to pause.
But pay attention, because you cannot rewind!

What you see is limited by your own ___________.

All great masters set goals based on ____________, not on



Stage 1 (To Us). People in this stage believe that something
eternal determine their ____________.

People in stage 1 tend to ____________ with their circumstances.

In stage 2 (By Us), we learn the art and science of ____________.
People take control and _____________ for their lives.

In stage 2 your thinking starts to change and the ____________


In stage 3 (Through Us) you begin living in the ____________.

You become a ___________ as well as a participant.

In stage 4 (As us) you feel ___________ to life.

Satori - moments of __________ and sudden enlightenment,

while Kensho moments are of slower __________.

Kensho could be called a beautiful __________. You need to

destroy aspects of life to let greater things enter.

Stages 1 & 2 are about ___________, stages 3 & 4 are about

__________. It’s when you are __________ what your __________
needs you to do.

To move between stages: in stage 1 practice __________ and let Notes
go of blame, in stage 2, let go of _________, in stage 3 let go of
the sense of _________.


Life Structure #1 is __________ life. It is about knowing that you

are an eternal spiritual being.

Life Structure #2 is _____________. It is about understanding your

unique expression of the infinite intelligence.

Life Structure #3 is _____________. It is about you expressing

kindness and generosity to other beings.

Life Structure #4 is _____________ temple. It is about health,

vitality, vigorousness.

Life Structure #5 is _____________. It is about your calling, about
the creative expression beyond the job.

Life Structure #6 is _____________. It is about awareness that we

live in an field of abundance and plentitude.

Life Structure #7 is _____________. It is about reframing our beliefs

from something that is unconscious to something we practice.

Life Structure #8 is _____________. It is about seeing yourself as a

global citizen and noticing that everything you do affects others.


Complete this quiz after the Masterclass to solidify your learning.

1. What are the characteristics of people in stage 1 of consciousness?

2. What do you need to let go of in order to move from stage 2 to stage 3 of


3. How are the moments of sudden enlightenment called?

4. How many life structures are there?

The right questions can spur your unconscious mind to feed you the right
answers. So ask yourself… (Use an extra piece of paper if you need to).

1. What is the universe’s idea of your life? Why were you born? What’s the
true reason for your existence?

2. How would it feel if the universe were supporting you and you could
achieve anything you wanted easily and effortlessly? 

3. What can you do today to start making everything available for

yourself in terms of career, relationships and health? 

4. How do you feel after the Masterclass? What were some of your
biggest insights and takeaways?

THANK YOU for joining Michael Beckwith's Masterclass! 

To take your life to the next level, visit for info

on Michael’s remarkable program The Power Of
Watch the masterclass on June 18 – June 25 and unlock
a special reduced price at the end of the class, as a thank
you for the masterclass participants!


“What Michael Bernard Beckwith says and how he

says it is so unique and yet so accessible”

“What Michael Bernard Beckwith says and how he says it is

so unique and yet so accessible. It defies any boundaries
that exist on this planet because it has nothing to do with
where you were raised, what color you are, your religious
background or any biases you may have. Michael’s not
interested in any of that; he’s purely interested in the
highest potential that’s within all of us and in helping
everyone access it, to let it shine.”

~ Scott Bakula,

Actor, singer and director, USA

“He has inspired me to do so many things”

"The teachings espoused by Michael Bernard Beckwith and

the wisdom that he imparts are for everyone, no matter what
their circumstances are. He welcomes us all into loving
ourselves and loving one another.  He has inspired me to do
so many things.”

~ Hill Harper,
Actor, USA

“Through his teachings we are able to release our
illusions of separation and fear”

“[...] Michael Beckwith writes directly from his life

experience as a spiritual pioneer to the heart and soul of
every person, no matter what the situation or immediate
condition. He guides all of us through deep contact with
the evolutionary impulse within, the dynamic source of
creativity. Through his teachings we are able to release
our illusions of separation and fear, and invite the life
process to animate and guide us.”

~ Barbara Marx Hubbard,

Author of “Essence: The Shift from Ego to Essence”, USA

“My life is unfolding in ways I never believed” possible

“I love Michael's approach and energy [...]. Michael's

program has been transformative in my personal and
professional life. [...]
The experience I had when doing the [The Power of
Visioning] meditation was unlike any spiritual awakening I
have ever experienced. When I finished the meditation, I
experienced this profound sense of knowingness that the
new business model I made two years ago after 15 years
of recruiting is the right path for my life. This program
brought me out of a very, very dark place. […]"

~ Karen Banks,

Professional Career Coach, President & CEO

AKA Associates, Inc., Florida, USA

“I would highly recommend learning from Michael
Bernard Beckwith, he is the best in his field”

“[...] I've got powerful affirmations that I use daily now

and absolutely mind-blowing experience of Awareness
[…]. Something shifted, old perception was released
and I now use this awareness and meditation practice
to stay expanded and open-minded. [...] I now take
responsibility for my own life and how I respond to
circumstances. I feel more balanced and happily free.

I would highly recommend learning from Michael

Bernard Beckwith, he is the best in his field.”

~ Nataliya Gubina, Russian Federation

“[The Power of Visioning] helped me to deal with

the events that affected me”

“[...] The material is helpful, insightful, and easily

implemented. No matter who you are, events in your
life, both trivial and monumental, have shaped your
thoughts and visions about who you are and what you
can accomplish. [The Power of Visioning] helped me to
understand the events that still have affected me, and
gave me a process for dealing with them.”

~ Dr. Debora Trimpe

President of Prime Performance Strategies, PhD in

Industrial and Organizational Psychology, USA

To take your life to the next level, visit


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