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[GR. No. 205357; September 2, 2014]
• Consolidated petitions brought by various radio and television networks against Comelec during the May
2013 elections.
• Petitioners question the constitutionality of the limitations placed on aggregate airtime allowed to candidates
and political parties, as well as the requirements incident thereto, such as the need to report the same, and the
sanctions imposed for violations.
• They raise the constitutionality of Sec. 9(a) of Comelec Resolution No. 9615 limiting the broadcast and radio
advertisements of candidates and political parties for national election positions to an aggregate total of 120
and 180 minutes, respectively.
• They contend that such restrictive regulation on allowable broadcast time violates freedom of the press,
impairs the people’s right to suffrage as well as their right to information relative to the exercise of their right
to choose who to elect during the forthcoming elections.

• Prior to the May 2013 elections, candidates’ and political parties’ airtime limitation for political campaigns or
advertisements were on a “per station” basis.
• Comelec argued that the per candidate rule or total aggregate airtime limit was in accordance with RA 9006
(Fair Elections Act) as to give life to the constitutional objective to equalize access to media during elections.
Issue/s: WON Sec. 9(a) of Comelec Resolution No. 9615 is unconstitutional.
Held: Yes, it is unconstitutional.
• Comelec Resolution 9615 effected a drastic reduction of the allowable minutes within which candidates and
political parties would be able to campaign through the air, which was not within the power of the Comelec to
do so. The authority of the Comelec to impose airtime limits directly flows from the Fair Election Act – 120
minutes of tv ads and 180 minutes for radio ads.
• For the 2004 elections, Comelec promulgated Resolution No. 6520 implementing the airtime limits by
applying the said limitation on a per station basis.
• There was no basis for Comelec to come up with a new manner of determining allowable time limits except
its own idea as to what should be the maximum number of minutes based on its exercise of discretion as to
how to level the playing field.
• Comelec cannot exercise its powers without limitation or reasonable basis. It could not simply adopt
measures or regulations just because it feels that it is the right thing to do, in so far as it might be concerned.
• Comelec is not free to simply change the rules especially if it has consistently interpreted a legal provision in
a particular manner in the past. If ever it has to change the rules, the same must be properly explained with
sufficient basis.
• Congress intended to provide a more expansive and liberal means by which the candidates, political parties,
citizens and other stake holders in the periodic electoral exercise may be given a
chance to fully explain and expound on their candidacies and platforms of governance, and for the electorate
to be given a chance to know better the personalities behind the candidates.

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