Agreement For Recruitment Services

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Agreement for Recruitment Services

This agreement is being entered into between M/s CommittedHR, E/10 Shriram Nagar,
Aundh, Pune 411007, Maharashtra (Tel:+91-202-589-3662) herein after called the
“Service Provider”


M/s. Fuse Interactive Pvt. Ltd. 2nd Floor, Clover Centrum, Galaxy Society, Plot No. 5,
Boat Club Road, Pune 411001, Maharashtra. (Tel: +91-206-500-2518) herein after called
the “Client”.

And whereas the Service Provider is engaged in providing Recruitment and Human
Resources services,

And whereas the Client has agreed to avail of the recruitment services offered by the
Service Provider on the following terms and conditions.

1. The services that would be provided by the Service Provider will be to make available
suitably skilled and competent manpower to the Client. The Service Provider will carry
out these assignments on the basis of written/verbal instruction(s) of the Client. Based
on matching the specified requirements of the particular job position, the Service
Provider will make available competent candidates for selection and recruitment by the

2. The Client shall from time to time notify the Service Provider the requirements of
professionals based on which the suitable profiles of candidates will be finalized and
after due screening, the resumes will be provided to the Client for further assessment.

3. Based on the feedback of the Client, the Service Provider will arrange to have the short
listed candidates undergo an interview as considered appropriate. The Client will then
inform the outcome of the interview and based on the decision will complete the
formalities of appointment either through or with the knowledge of the Service Provider.

4. Payments Terms: The recruitment services shall be priced as below:

a. Recruitment charges will be payable only if candidate(s) joins the client’s
b. The Service Provider will be paid recruitment fees of 8.33% of the annual gross
pay/cost to company of the hired candidate.
c. Annual Gross Pay of placed candidate means the amount as specified on the
candidates offer letter.
d. The placement charges will be inclusive of all other charges but excludes service
taxes and other government levies, taxes, etc. as prevailing from time to time.
e. Placement charges would be including of any expenses incurred on the selection
process. Out of pocket and other expensess are not reimbursable.
f. The client will reimburse the interview related travel expenses, only on a per
candidate basis – preapproved by Client. If the travel expenses are not pre-
approved by Client, Client will not agree to reimbursement of candidates’
g. The Service Provider will raise the invoice anytime on/after the joining and
clearance of the selected candidates and all their formal/necessary documents.
h. Payment will be made by way of Bank Cheque/Demand Draft drawn in favour of
the service provider “Mrs. Vrinda Domkundwar” payable at Pune. The Service
Provider’s fees will be payable within 30days from the issuance of the invoice.

5. In case, the selected candidate leaves the Client's company own his/her own accord
within 3 months (90 days) of his/her joining, then Service Provider will find suitable
replacement of the candidate bases on the Job Description earlier given by the Client to
the Service Provider.

6. The Service Provider will be required to maintain ethical conducts while working on
recruitment assignments, including:
a. The Service Provider shall not place or headhunt for candidates from within the
Client’s company. In the event they approach directly, the service provider will
discourage them.
b. Service Provider will not encourage any change in resume / manipulation of facts
of the candidate.

7. All the data and information regarding the Client’s Company, its business, organizational
plan, processes, policies, systems etc. that the Service Provider gains access to by
virtue of association with the Client’s company during the course of working with client’s
company will be treated as confidential. And any employee or personnel directly or
indirectly employed by Service Provider shall not use or attempt to use or permit to any
party to use such data or information or disclose or divulge data or information to any
other party other than specifically authorized by the client’s company in writing.

8. The validity of these terms and conditions is for a period of one year. This service
agreement may be terminated by the service provider or the client at any time, without
prior notice or without assigning any reasons, in order to discontinue the arrangements.
On such an event, the Client must pay the balance amount permissible under this

9. Any dispute arising out of present contract shall be referred to arbitration or adjudication
by a sole arbitrator to be mutually appointed by the parties to this agreement. The
arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration and
Conciliation Act 1996. The venue of arbitration shall be Pune, Maharashtra, India.

10. This agreement shall be in the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts at Pune and disputes
raised shall be entertained and submitted to the courts at Pune, Maharashtra to the
exclusion of all other courts.

This agreement is being made effective from May 15, 2008.

The Client:

For M/s. Fuse Interactive Pvt. Ltd.

(Authorized Signatory)
Date: May 15, 2008
The Service Provider:

M/s CommittedHR

Satish Mishra
Date: May 15, 2008

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