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la.epulllit of tbe .tlbilippine~ I!!'!"', ;' . ·. ·. ·. ·.',
s;upreme Court -- IJ




-versus- BERSAMIN,


GALIENBA LACHICA, January 17, 2018
x ________ ~c~-u~-e~-~~~~~l~~:~· ____________ ~--~- x


We resolve the petition for review assailing the 23 September 2015

Decision 1 and the 9 June 2016 Resolution2 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in
CA-G.R. C~-H.C. No. 06602 affirming the conviction of Belinda Galienba
Lachica (Lachica) and Gerald Arvin Elinto Ramirez (Ramirez) for illegal
sale of shabu.


Lachica and Ramirez were charged before the Regional Trial Court,
Branch 259, Parafiaque City (RTC), in Criminal Case No. 08-1386 for
violation of Section 5, in relation to Section 26, Article II of Republic Act
(R.A) No. 9165. The Information dated 3 November 2008 reads~

Rollo, pp. 39-57.
Id. at 35-37.
Decision· 2 G.R. No. 225690

That on or about the 31st day of October 2008, in the City of

Parafiaque, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable
Court, the above-named accused, conspiring and confederating together
and both of them mutually helping and aiding one another, not being
lawfully authorized by law, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and
feloniously sell, trade, administer, dispense, deliver, give away to another,
distribute, dispatch in transit or transport two (2) heat-sealed transparent
plastic sachets of methylamphetamine hydrochloride (shabu), respectively,
weighing 3.9632 grams and 4.4596 grams in the total of 8.4228 grams, a
dangerous drug. 3

During arraignment, Lachica and Ramirez, assisted by counsel,

pleaded not guilty. Pre-trial and trial on the merits followed.

The prosecution's evidence can be summarized as follows:

On 30 October 2008, at around 3 :00 P.M., a confidential informant

went to the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) Metro Manila
Regional Office and reported that a certain "Linda" was engaged in illegal
drug activity in Parafiaque City and in Pasay City. 4 Acting on this
information, Intelligence Officer 1 Johnrico Magdurulang (101
Magdurulang), the leader of Team Delta, instructed the informant to call this
person so that they could meet. 5 The informant then called Linda and made
arrangements for them to meet in the afternoon of the following day at SM
Bicutan in Parafiaque City. 6

Immediately thereafter, IO 1 Magdurulang organized his team

composed of seven (7) members, among whom was IO 1 Marjuvel Bautista
(101 Bautista) to act as the poseur-buyer. 7 IOI Bautista was given the
boodle mpney consisting of two (2) genuine pre-dusted 1!500.00 bills placed
inside a white envelope. 8 The necessary buy-bust documents were likewise
prepared before the operation. 9

The following day or on 31 October 2008, the buy-bust team, along

with the confidential informant, proceeded to the target area. IO 1 Bautista
and the informant waited inside a green Mitsubishi Adventure vehicle, while
the rest of the team were strategically positioned around the parking lot. At
about 5:00 P.M., the informant called Linda who replied that she was on her
way. Almost half an hour later, two (2) persons started to approach their
vehicle. IO 1 Bautista verified with the confidential informant who these
people were; the latter confirmed that one of them was Linda./Jw/

Records, p. 1.
Id. at 46-47; TSN, 4 March 2009.
Id. at 48-49.
Id. at 49-51.
Id. at 52-53.
Id. at 54~55.
Id. at 55-56.
Decision 3 G.R. No. 225690

After a brief chat with the confidential informant, Linda was

introduced to IOI Bautista, the prospective buyer. Linda then asked for the
payment but IO I Bautista told her that he needed to see the items first.
Linda complied and went inside the vehicle together with her male
companion. IOI Bautista then showed Linda the buy-bust money, so Linda
instructed her male companion to hand the shabu to IOI Bautista. Linda's
companion gave IO I Bautista a cigarette pack which, when examined by
IOI Bautista, contained two (2) heat-sealed transparent plastic sachets
containing crystalline substances. Suspecting that the sachets contained
shabu, IOI Bautista gave the buy-bust money to Linda to consummate the
transaction, while he tapped the confidential informant to give the pre-
arranged signal. The informant then turned on the hazard lights as signal to
their backup.

The rest of the buy-bust team quickly arrived and arrested Linda and
her male companion. They identified themselves as PDEA agents and
apprised them of their constitutional rights. After the arrest, they all
proceeded to Barangay Pinyahan in Quezon City, where the physical
inventory and the taking of photographs of the seized items were done
before Barangay Kagawad Melinda Z. Gaffud (Gaffud). At the barangay
hall, the buy-bust team learned that Linda's last name was Lachica and that
her male companion was Ramirez.

Lachica and Ramirez were then brought to the PDEA along with the
seized drugs and the inventory documents. After IOI Magdurulang prepared
the request for laboratory examination, IOI Bautista brought the seized
drugs to the PDEA laboratory. The chemistry report shows that the two (2)
heat-sealed transparent plastic sachets contained 3.9632 grams and 4.4596
grams of methamphetamine hydrochloride or shabu. 10

The version of the defense

Lachica and Ramirez denied the prosecution's version and claimed

that the PDEA operatives made a mistake in arresting them. In his judicial-
affidavit, Ramirez alleged that they were going to the parking lot coming
from the mall when one of the operatives asked them if Lachica was one
Linda from Taguig City. He replied that Lachica's name was actually
Belinda and that they were from Laguna. This PDEA agent then walked
away toward his companions but returned to ask for "the keys of a
Mitsubishi Pajero." Ramirez said, "Boss, mali po kayo ng taong kinakausap.
Hindi ko po alam kung ano yung sinasabi ninyo." This did not sit well with
the PDEA operatives so they forced Lachica and Ramirez to enter the car.' 'jlul
Id. at 492-494; Judicial Affidavit of Ramirez.
Decision 4 G.R. No. 225690

While inside the car, the PDEA operatives asked Lachica and Ramirez
about a certain "Bak/a" who was a known drug dealer in Parafiaque City.
Ramirez pleaded that they be set free because they did not know this person.
Nevertheless, they were brought to Quezon City and there detained.

The RTC Ruling

In its 30 October 2013 decision, 13 the RTC found Lachica and

Ramirez guilty as charged. It rejected their defense of denial and frame-up
because it was self-serving, uncorroborated, and inherently weak.
Meanwhile, the trial court said that the prosecution was able to prove a valid
entrapment operation. Moreover, it held that the PDEA agents' failure to
strictly comply with Section 21 of R.A. No. 9165 was excusable since there
was substantial compliance in preserving the identity and integrity of the
drugs seized. Thus, the RTC ruled:

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Court finds accused

LACHICA in Criminal Case No. 08-1386 for Violation of Sec. 5 in rel. to
Sec. 26, Art. II of R.A. No. 9165, GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt and
are hereby sentenced to suffer the penalty of life imprisonment and to pay
a fine of Php500,000.00 each. 14

xx xx

The CA Ruling

On appeal, Lachica and Ramirez pointed out that ( 1) the physical

inventory and the taking of photographs were not done at the place of arrest,
and that (2) there were no media or DOJ representative present at the time
the confiscated items were inventoried in Quezon City.

The CA affirmed in toto the trial court's decision. It held that the
failure of the PDEA operatives to mark the seized items at the place of arrest
would not impair the chain of custody as marking could be done at the
nearest police station or office of the apprehending team. Furthermore, the
CA said that the absence of the representatives from the media and the DOJ
would not automatically render the confiscated items inadmissible provided
that the integrity and evidentiary value of the seized drugs are preserved.

The CA's disposition reads: p;

Id. at 494-495.
Id. at 612-613.
Decision 5 G.R. No. 225690

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant appeal is DENIED.

The Decision dated 30 October 2013 of the [RTC] in Criminal Case No.
08-1386 is hereby AFFIRMED. 15

The case is now before us for final review.


This would not be the first instance when the Court would reverse a
conviction for these reasons: (1) there was a patent disregard of the
procedure laid out in Section 21 ofR.A. No. 9165; (2) there were gaps in the
chain of custody over the seized drugs; and (3) the lack of a valid excuse for
noncompliance with Section 21 of R.A. No. 9165. The presence of these
circumstances quantify as reasonable doubt involving the most important
element in drug - related cases-the existence of the dangerous drug itself.

It is of prime importance that the identity of the dangerous drug be

established beyond reasonable doubt, and that it must be proven that the item
seized during the buy-bust operation is the same item offered in evidence. 16
As the drug itself constitutes the very corpus delicti of the offense, its
preservation is essential to sustain a conviction for illegal sale of dangerous
drugs. 17 Thus, like any other element of a crime or offense, the corpus
delicti must be proven beyond reasonable doubt.

Section 21 of R.A. No. 9165, prior to the amendment introduced by

R.A. No. 10640, 18 provides:

SEC. 21. Custody and Disposition of Confiscated, Seized, and/or

Surrendered Dangerous Drugs, Plant Sources of Dangerous Drugs,
Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals,
Instruments/Paraphernalia and/or Laboratory Equipment. - The PDEA
shall take charge and have custody of all dangerous drugs, plant source of
dangerous drugs, controlled precursors and essential chemicals, as well as
instrument/paraphernalia and/or laboratory equipment so confiscated,
seized and/or surrendered, for proper disposition in the following manner:

.( 1) The apprehending team having initial custody and control of the

drugs shall, immediately after seizure and confiscation, physically
inventory and photograph the same in the presence of the accused or the
person/s from whom such items were confiscated and/or seized, or his/her
representative or counsel, a representative from the media and the p,
Rollo, p. 57.
People v. Gatlabayan, 669 Phil. 240, 252 (2011).
People v. Frondozo, 609 Phil. 188, 198 (2009); People v. Bartolini, G.R. No. 215192, 27 July 2016,
798 SCRA 711, 719 citing People v. Dela Cruz, 591 Phil. 259, 269 (2008); People v. Jaafar, G.R. No.
219829, 18 January 2017 citing People v. Simbahon, 449 Phil. 74, 81 (2003).
18 An Act to Further Strengthen the Anti-Drug Campaign of the Government, amending for the purpose
Section 21 of Republic Act No. 9 I 65, otherwise known as the "Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act
Decision 6 G.R. No. 225690

Department of Justice (DOJ), and any elected public official who shall be
required to sign the copies of the inventory and be given a copy thereof;
(emphasis ours)

To properly guide law enforcement agents as to the proper handling of

confiscated drugs, Section 21(a), Article II of the Implementing Rules and
Regulations (IRR) of R.A. No. 9165 filled in the details as to where the
inventory and photographing of seized items had to be done, and added a
saving clause in case the procedure is not followed, to wit:

The apprehending officer/team having initial custody and control of

the. drugs shall, immediately after seizure and confiscation, physically
inventory and photograph the same in the presence of the accused or the
person/s from whom such items were confiscated and/or seized, or his/her
representative or counsel, a representative from the media and the
Department of Justice (DOJ), and any elected public official who shall be
required to sign the copies of the inventory and be given a copy thereof:
Provided, that the physical inventory and photograph at the place where
the search warrant was served; or at the nearest police station or at the
nearest office of the apprehending officer/team, whichever is practicable,
in case of warrantless seizures; Provided, further, that noncompliance with
these requirements under justifiable grounds, as long as the integrity and
the evidentiary value of the seized items are properly preserved by the
apprehending officer/team, shall not render void and invalid such seizures
and custody over said items.

These rules have been laid down as a safety precaution to address

potential police abuses by narrowing the window of opportunity for
tampering with evidence. 19 We recognized that by the very nature of anti-
narcotics. operations and the secrecy that inevitably shrouds all drug deals,
the possibility of abuse is great. 20 Although an effective way to flush out
illegal drug transactions, a buy-bust operation has a significant downside
that has not escaped the attention of the framers of the law - it is susceptible
to police abuse, the most notorious of which is its use as a tool for
extortion. 21 Accordingly, the police officers must comply with these specific
procedures and the prosecution must adduce evidence that these procedures
have been followed.

In People v. Beran, 22 we made a distinction based on R.A. No. 9165

and its IRR as to when the physical inventory and photography shall be
conducted. In seizures covered by search warrants, the physical inventory
and photograph must be conducted at the place where the search warrant
was served. On the other hand, in case of warrantless seizures such as a /J1
People v. Ancheta, 687 Phil. 569, 577-579 citing People v. Umipang, 686 Phil. 1025, 1033-1038
(2012) ..
People v. Tan, 401 Phil. 259, 273 (2000) citing People v. Gireng, 311 Phil. 12, 23 (1995) and People v.
Pagaura, 334 Phil. 683, 689-690 (1997).
People v. Garcia, 599 Phil. 4 I 6, 427 (2009).
724 Phil. 788 (2014)
Decision 7 G.R. No. 225690

buy-bust operation, the physical inventory and photography shall be done at

the nearest police station or office of the apprehending officer/team,
. h ever 1s
wh 1c . practlca
. bl e. 23

However, R.A. No. 9165 is silent on when and where marking should
be done. Marking is the first and most crucial step in the chain of custody
rule as it initiates the process of protecting innocent persons from dubious
and concocted searches, and of protecting as well the apprehending officers
from harassment suits based on planting of evidence. This is when the
apprehending officer or poseur-buyer places his or her initials and signature
on the item/s seized.

Thus, in People v. Sanchez, 24 we ruled that marking should be done in

the presence of the apprehended violator immediately upon confiscation to
truly ensure that they are the same items that enter the chain of custody.
We must remember that marking after seizure is the starting point in the
custodial link and is vital to be immediately undertaken because succeeding
handlers of the specimens will use the markings as reference. 25 Marking
serves to .separate the marked evidence from the corpus of all other similar
or related evidence from the time they are seized from the accused until they
are disposed of at the end of criminal proceedings, thus preventing
switching, planting, or contamination of evidence. 26

In the instant case, IOI Bautista was in possession of the two (2) heat-
sealed transparent plastic sachets from the time Ramirez handed him the
cigarette pack containing these until the time it was marked at the barangay
hall. During his cross-examination, IO 1 Bautista said:

Q: Were there any threat to your life during the arrest?

A: We were tipped off that this certain Linda had connections with
policemen and barangay [officials] that is why we were in a hurry to
go out of the target area.

Q: What time did you leave the target area?

A: Before 7:00 in the evening, around 6:30, like that.

Q: After leaving the target area, where did you go next?

A: We went to Barangay Pinyahan, the barangay which has jurisdiction of
the PDEA office.

xx xx

Q: How many hours did it take you from SM Bicutan to Barangay

Pinyahan? fkaf
24 590 Phil. 214, 241 (2008) cited in People v. Ameril, 14 November 2016.
People v. Nuarin, 764 Phil. 550, 557-558 (2015).
Id. at 558.
Decision 8 G.R. No. 225690

A: More or less one ( 1) hour or more than one ( 1) hour because it was
traffic, October 31 and November 1 [were] holiday[s].

Q: How about the items seized, who kept those items?

A: I took custody of the items.

Q: You took custody of the items?

. 27
A : Y es, sir.

From his testimony, we gather that IOI Bautista claims that it was not
safe that the marking, physical inventory, and photography be done at the
parking lot of SM Bicutan. Contrary to the position taken by the lower
courts, we cannot say that IOI Bautista's failure to mark the two (2) heat-
sealed transparent plastic sachet immediately after confiscation was
excusable. We take note of the fact that there were more than enough PDEA
agents at that moment to ensure that the area was secure for IOI Bautista to
mark the confiscated items. We do not think it would take more than five
(5) to ten (IO) minutes for IOI Bautista to do this.

Instead, IOI Bautista admits that he marked the confiscated items in

Quezon City, almost one (I) hour away from the crime scene. Considering
that PO I Bautista was the only PDEA agent who was there at the time of
seizure, none of the other PDEA operatives could attest that they saw him
take custody of the confiscated items. Also, they rode in separate vehicles
going to Quezon City. Even granting that IOI Bautista did mark the sachets,
breaks in the chain of custody had already taken place: (1) when he
confiscated the sachets without marking them at the place of apprehension;
and (2) a,s he was transporting them to Quezon City, thus casting serious
doubt upon the value of the said links to prove the corpus delicti.

Under these circumstances, we cannot apply the presumption of

regularity of performance of official duty. The presumption may only arise
when there is a showing that the apprehending officer/team followed the
requirements of Section 21 or when the saving clause found in the IRR is
successfully triggered. Judicial reliance on the presumption of regularity in
the performance of official duty despite the lapses in the procedures
undertaken by the agents of the law is fundamentally unsound because the
lapses themselves are affirmative proofs of irregularity. 28

More importantly, the presumption of regularity cannot prevail over

the constitutional presumption of innocence and it cannot by itself constitute
proof of guilt beyond reasonable doubt. 29 The presumption of regularity is
just a mere presumption disputable by contrary proof.
Without the /i'1
Records, pp. 362-366; TSN, 21 February 2011.
28 People v. Mendoza, 736 Phil. 749, 770 (2014).
People v. Cantalejo, 604 Phil. 658, 668-669 (2009).
Id. at 669.
Decision 9 G.R. No. 225690

presumption of regularity, the testimonies of the police witnesses must stand

on their own merits and the defense cannot be hurdled having to dispute
. . 31
these test1momes.

Hence, it was wrong for the CA to even say or consider this:

It is a well-entrenched rule that in cases involving violations of the

Dangerous Drugs Act, credence should be given to the narration of the
incident by the prosecution witness especially when they are police
officers who are presumed to have performed their duties in a regular
manner, unless there is evidence to the contrary. Absent any indication
that the police officers were ill-motivated in testifiing against the accused,
full credence should be given to their testimonies. 2 (italics supplied)

Here, the time and distance from the scene of the arrest before the
drugs were marked are too substantial that we cannot but think that the
alleged evidence could have been tampered with.

Although we cannot help but note that the evidence for the defense is
far from strong, if the prosecution cannot establish Lachica and Ramirez's
guilt beyond reasonable doubt, the need for them to adduce evidence on their
behalf never arises. Therefore, however weak the defense evidence may be,
the prosecution's case still falls.

In sum, the gaps in the prosecution's evidence create reasonable doubt

as to the existence of the corpus delicti for the illegal sale of shabu.

WHEREFORE, in the light of the foregoing, we REVERSE and

SET ASIDE the 23 September 2015 Decision and the 9 June 2016
Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CR-H.C. No. 06602.
Belinda Galienba Lachica and Gerald Arvin Elinto Ramirez are hereby
ACQUITTED for failure of the prosecution to prove their guilt beyond
reasonable doubt. They are ordered IMMEDIATELY RELEASED from
detention unless they are legally confined for another cause.

Let a copy of this Decision be sent to the officer-in-charge of their

place of detention for immediate implementation. Such person is directed to
report to this Court the action taken within five (5) days from receipt of this

31 People v. Sanchez, supra note 24 at 243. See also Dissenting Opinion of J. Brion in People v. Agulay,
588 Phil. 247, 293-294 (2008).
Rollo, p. 56.
Decision IO G.R. No. 225690


Associate Justice



Assotiate Justice

Associate Justice


I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision had en reached in

consultation before the case was assigned to the writer oft opinion of the
Court's Division.


A ociate Justice
Chairp rson, Third Division
Decision 11 G.R. No. 225690


Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution and the

Division Chairperson's Attestation, I certify that the conclusions in the
above Decision had been reached in consultation before the case was
assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Court's Division.


Chief Justice

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