Clinton CarterBrown

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Integrating renewable energy into the

grid: The Eskom approach to grid

connection – studies, data exchange
Dr Clinton Carter-Brown and Mobolaji Bello
Corporate Specialist and Senior Engineer
Eskom Holdings Limited
South Africa
1. Overview of the connection process
2. Network studies required per application
3. System level studies
4. Typical studies performed by the generator developer
5. Grid Code specifications
6. Grid connection data exchange
7. Generator plant simulation models
8. Network capacity analysis technical criteria ≥ 20MW
9. Conclusions
Overview of connection process
Consultation Connection Operation

Prospective applicant Pre-project Planning

Long-term operations
contacts Eskom phase

Concept phase – Budget Quotation (BQ)

Assess query Concept phase Short-term operations

Assess alternative concept design solutions.

Identify landComplete
and IPP rights, servitudesDefinition
phase Real-term operations
Initial Application
Perform preliminary design. – Indicative Cost Estimate (ICE)
Prepare and issue a Budget Quotation.
All expected Process initialthe
connections IPP initial
phase High accuracySettlement
level (abt 85%).
Analyse application and assess high level network capacity.
Assess likely connection options.
Prepare planning report and issue an Indicate Cost Estimate (ICE).
ICE treats all applications independently. Lower accuracy level (abt 60%).
Overview of connection process
Indicative Cost Estimate (ICE):
Checks the high level feasibility of connection
Identifies the proposed point of connection to the grid and
the scope of work - independent of other applications
Identification of any technical issues that may require
further consideration during BQ

Budget Quote (BQ):

More detail regarding grid connection
Considers interdependency with other applications, and
dependencies such as lands and rights & environmental
Network Studies per application:
Steady state load flow & fault level

Load flow study to verify:

If voltages at the connection point and at other points
are within permissible limits
Power flows on the affected lines/transformers are within
current carrying capacity of the lines/transformers i.e.
thermal loadings
Technical losses as generators may have a significant
effect on network losses. A generator can lower or
increase losses depending on its location and the
network configuration
Network Studies per application:
Steady state load flow & fault level

Load flow study to verify:

Rapid voltage change to check voltage variations,
generation rejection & generation output variations
(voltage variations as will be experienced by other

Short circuit studies to verify:

Short circuit current ratings of equipment and violation
due to the additional short circuit current contribution
System level studies

These are studies done by the utility analysing the

system wide interaction of all generation (existing
and new)

These typically include the following:

Traditional transient stability (dynamic) studies
Low voltage ride through (LVRT) studies
Other specialized studies e.g. SSR
System level studies

For planned future generation, generic models are

used - these models are informed by the Grid Code
i.e. the “future” generator is assumed to be Code

For “as-is” operational studies, detailed and verified

dynamic models of the generators are used - only
available after plant commissioning
Typical studies performed by the
generator developer

Performed as part of plant design for Code

Includes all studies to design and confirm the
required steady state and dynamic response
These studies may include the following:
Harmonic studies
Flicker analysis
Reactive power range and compensation
Grid Code specifications

Active power control (frequency control)

Reactive power control (e.g. PF, Q or V control)
Reactive power capability
Low Voltage Ride Through (LVRT)
Signals, communication and control
Electrical dynamic simulation models
Grid connection data exchange:

Generic Code compliant generator models are

used for initial grid integration studies – as such,
only basic data is required for initial studies
(typically steady state studies)

Validated “actual” generating plant models are

only available post commissioning
Grid connection data exchange:
Information from Generator developer

Physical location of the plant (e.g. GPS

Type of generator e.g. Solar PV, Solar CSP, Wind
Maximum exporting capacity into Eskom network
Fault current contribution (MVA) from the
generating plant
Grid connection data exchange:
Information provided by Eskom
Eskom will provide the following network data:
The network impedance and fault level
Supply substation Single Line Diagram (SLD)
Details of equipment (such as conductor type, length,
size) between the supply substation and the POC
Loading and fault level ratings of the above equipment
Information on present network performance and Quality
of Supply (QOS) levels
Level of network redundancy to the POC
Generator plant simulation models

The utility requires an aggregated model of the

generating plant which represents the generating
plant response at the point of connection
An understanding of what is happening at each
generator is not required by the utility
The developer requires detailed models of the
entire generating plant installation (design and
code compliance) including all generator,
transformers, lines/cables, controller, reactive
power devices etc
Generator plant simulation models:
Detailed wind farm

Generator plant simulation models:
Aggregated wind farm
Network capacity analysis technical
criteria ≥20MW

Multiple scenarios: e.g. high gen, low load

Voltage limit compliance with Power Factor:
0.975 lag to 0.975 lead
Fault levels < equipment ratings
Rapid Voltage Change (RVC):
“Constant” generation: <=5%, at power factor of 0.975
“Variable” generation: <=3%, at power factor of 0.975

Eskom connection process provides for quick

high level feedback (ICE) followed by more
detailed quotation (BQ)
Utility grid connection studies are limited to
steady state load flow and fault level calculations
Dynamic studies need to be performed on a
system level for multiple generators
Grid Codes are critical – allow simple data
exchange for connection studies

Utility only interested in characteristics of the

generator plant at the point of utility connection
Aggregated models are suitable for utility studies
Detailed models of the generation plant are
required for design, including compliance with
Code requirements
Utility requires clear criteria against which study
results will be assessed (voltage range, thermal
loading, fault level, rapid voltage change)
Thank you

Dr Clinton Carter-Brown
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +27 11 655 2472
Mobile: +27 83 630 0626

Mobolaji Bello
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +27 11 651 6311
Mobile: +27 83 697 7590

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