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C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I Formatted ...
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Chapter 1
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1.18 Determination of the order of priority in execution of the proposals for three new roads: A, B and C Formatted ...
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Road Length (km) No. of villages with population served Productivity (103 tonnes) Formatted ...
Formatted ...
< 500 501–1000 1001–2000 Agricultural Industrial
Formatted ...
A 25 12 10 8 8 – Formatted ...
Formatted ...
B 30 12 12 8 12 0.1
Formatted ...
C 36 16 16 10 12 0.2 Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Assume the utility coefficients: Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Population < 500 0.215 Productivity 103 t Formatted ...
501–1000 0.50 Agricultural 1 Formatted ...
Formatted ...
1001–2000 1.00 Industrial 10 Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Utility of plan A: 12  0.25 + 10  0.50 + 8  1 + 8  1
Formatted ...
= 24 Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Utility per km = = 0.96 Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Utility of plan B: 12  0.25 + 12  0.50 + 8  1 + 12  1 + 0.1  10 Formatted ...
Formatted ...
= 30
Formatted ...

30 Formatted ...
Utility per km = = 1.00
30 ...
Formatted ...
Utility of plan C: 16  0.25 + 16  0.50 + 10  1+ 12  1 + 0.2  10 Formatted ...
Formatted ...
= 36
Formatted ...
36 Formatted ...
Utility per km = = 1.00
36 Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Plans B and C are of equal priority and plan A is of least priority.
Formatted ...
Formatted ...

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I
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(Ranks: B & C – I and A – II) Formatted ...
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1.19 Selection of the best proposal for a road link based on maximum utility Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Plan Length (km) Villages and towns served Total
Formatted ...
(103 t) Formatted ...
Formatted ...
1001–2000 2001–5000 5001–10,000 >10,000 Formatted ...
Formatted ...
P 100 100 50 30 3 100
Formatted ...
Q 120 120 60 50 4 140 Formatted ...
Formatted ...
R 150 150 80 80 5 100
Formatted ...
S 180 180 100 120 6 100 Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Assume the following utility coefficients: Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Population 1001–2000 2000–5000 5001–10,000 >10,000 Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Utility coefficient 0.50 1 2 3
Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Utility coefficient for productivity of 103 t =1
Formatted ...
Total utility: Formatted ...
Formatted ...
P: 100  0.5 + 50 1 + 30 2 + 3  3 +100 = 269
Formatted ...
269 Formatted ...
Per km: = 2.69
100 Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Q: 120  0.5 + 60 1 + 50 2 + 4  3 +140 = 372 Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Per km: = 3.10 Formatted
120 ...
Formatted ...
R: 150  0.5 + 80 1 + 80 2 + 5 3 + 100 = 430 Formatted ...
Formatted ...
Per km: = 2.86 Formatted ...
Formatted ...
S: 180  0.5 + 100 1 + 120 2 + 6 3 + 100 = 548 Formatted ...
Formatted ...
548 Formatted
Per km: = 3.04 ...
180 Formatted ...

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

 The best proposal is Q. Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Chapter 3 Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 14 pt,

Underline, English (United Kingdom)

3.32 Stopping sight distance Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Design speed, V = 50 km/h

Total reaction time of driver, t = 2.5

Friction coefficient, f = 0.30

(i) Two-way traffic on a two-lane road: Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
SSD = 0.278Vt + Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
254 f

502 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= 0.278´ 50´ 2.5 + = 68m
254´ 0.30

(ii) Two-way traffic on a single-lane road: Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
SSD = 2  68 = 136 m
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
3.33 Safe stopping sight distance on a descending gradient Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: Font: Not Bold, English (United Kingdom)
Design speed, V = 80 km/h
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Gradient, g = −2.5% Formatted: Font: Bold, English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Assume f = 0.30

802 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

SSD = 0.278´ 80´ 2.5 +
254(0.30 - 0.01´ 2.5)

= 147.2 m; say, 150 m

3.34 Safe overtaking sight distance Formatted: Font: Bold, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Design speed, V = 65 km/h

As per IRC, speed of slow-moving vehicle,

VS = (V - 16) = 65 - 16 = 49 km/h Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Let the hesitation time, t be 3 seconds.

Let time, T, needed for the overtaking manoeuvre, be taken as 10 s.

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

The minimum spacing, s, between the vehicles = 0.2 49 + 6 = 15.8 m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Now, OSD = 0.28 Vs  t + 0.28 Vs T + 2S + 0.28 VT
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= 0.28  49  3+ 0.28  49  10 + 2  15.8 + 0.28  65 10 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
= 392 m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
3.35 Rate of super-elevation Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Width of pavement = 7.5 m
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Design speed, V = 80 km/h Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Radius, R, of horizontal curve = 450 m
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

80 2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Rate of super-elevation, e = = = 0.063
225´ R 225´ 450 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
7.50 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Super-elevation needed for 7.5m-wide pavement = m
16 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
= 0.47 m; say, 0.5 m
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
3.36 Design speed, V = 100 km/h
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Radius of curve, R = 180 m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

V 2
1002 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Rate of super-elevation , e = = ´ 180 = 0.247
127 R 225 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
But e is to be limited to 0.07. Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

e+ f = (for mixed traffic conditions) Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
127 R

1002 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

0.07 + f =
127´ 180

 f = 0.437 – 0.070 = 0.367 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
As this is far greater than the maximum allowable friction coefficient of 0.05, the speed has to be restricted. Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Allowable speed, Va = 27.94 R according to IRC.
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
 Va = 27.94´ 180 » 71
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

 The restricted speed = 70 km/h Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: Font: Bold, English (United Kingdom)
3.37 Minimum radius for a horizontal curve Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Design speed, V = 100 km/h

V2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Rmin = (for mixed traffic conditions)
127 (e + f )

e = 0.07 ü
ïï Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
ý maximum allowable values (IRC)
f = 0.15ïïþ

1002 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

 Rmin = » 358m, say, 360 m
127 (0.07 + 0.15) Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: Font: Not Bold, English (United Kingdom)

3.38 Expressing with fast traffic Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Design speed, V = 120 km/h

Radius, R, of the horizontal curve = 450 m

V2 1202 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

e= =
225R 225´ 450

= 0.142 > 0.07 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

If e is restricted to 0.07, Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
e+ f = Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
127 R

1202 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= = 0.252
127´ 450

f = 0.252 − 0.070 = 0.182 > 0.15 Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Restrict R such that f = 0.15
Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

120´ 120 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Rmin = » 515.4 m, say, 520 m
127´ (0.15 + 0.07) Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

3.39 Design speed, V = 100 km/h Formatted: Font: Not Bold, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Operating speed = 80 km/h

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

V2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

e+ f =
127 R

If e = 0.07 and f = 0.15 (required value) Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
0.07 + 0.15 = Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
127 R
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
 R= m  358 m; say, 360 m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
127´ 0.22
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
For V = 80 km/h and an allowable e of 0.07, Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
f + 0.07 = = 0.14 Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
127´ 360
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

 f = 0.14 – 0.07 = 0.07 (available value) Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

3.40 Ruling design speed, V = 50 km/h Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Minimum speed, Vmin = 40 km/h
Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
If the maximum allowable values of e and f are taken as 0.07 and 0.15, respectively, Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
502 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Ruling radius, Rruling = = 90 m
127´ (0.07 + 0.15)
Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Absolute minimum radius, Rabs.min = » 60 m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
127´ 0.22
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

3.41 Extra width on horizontal curve

Design speed, V = 40 km/h Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
No of lanes = 2

Radius of curve, R = 75 m

Wheel base, l = 6 m

nl 2 V Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Extra width, we = +
2 R 9.5 R

2´ 6 2 40 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= + » 1m
2´ 75 9.5 75

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

3.42 Grade compensation on curves

Radius of curve, R = 50 m Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Gradient, g = 6%

(30 + R) Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Grade compensation =

(30 + 50) Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= = 1.6

This is limited to 1.5%

 Compensated grade = (6 − 1.5) = 4.5% Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

3.43 Design speed, V = 100 km/h

Radius of horizontal curve, R = 360 m

Width of pavement, G = 7.5 m

If e = 0.07, super-elevation, SE = G.e Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
= 7.50  0.07  1000 mm = 525 mm
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Let the rate of introduction of super-elevation be 1 in 150 (n = 150 here) Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
The length of transition required,
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
0.0078655V Gn
L= Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
0.0078655´ 1002 ´ 7.50´ 150 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
= » 250 m
360 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

3.44 Length of transition Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Design speed, V = 80 km/h Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Radius of horizontal curve, R = 270 m
Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Width of pavement, G = 7.5 m (two lanes) Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Maximum wheel base, l = 6 m
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

nl 2 V Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Extra width, we = +
2 R 9.5 R

2´ 6 2 80 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= + » 0.65m
2´ 270 9.5 270

 G = 7.50 + 0.65 = 8.15 m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
802 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Rate of super-elevation, e = = 0.10535
225´ 270
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Super-elevation, SE = 8.15  0.10535 = 0.8586 m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
If the spatial rate of introduction of superelevation is taken as 1 in 150, the length of transition is
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

0.0078655 V 2 Gn Formatted: English (United Kingdom)


0.0078655´ 802 ´ 8.15´ 150 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

=  230 m
270 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

If the permissible rate of change of acceleration is taken as 0.3 m/s,

V3 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

14 R

803 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= m » 140m
14´ 270

The larger value of 230 m is chosen as the length of transition required. Formatted: Font: Not Bold, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

3.45 Radius of curve, R = 330 m Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Length of curve, l = 150 m

Set-back distance:
Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Distance between the centre line of the carriageway and the centre line of the inner lane is 1.5 m.
Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

(i) For stopping sight distance of 100 m, t his is less than the length of the curve. Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
q Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
From Fig. 3.26 and Eq. 3.25, set-back distance, m = R - (R - d )cos
2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

é180 100 ù Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= ê ´ údegrees = 8°.63 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
2 ê
ë p 330 úû
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
 m = 330 − (330 − 1.5) cos 8.63  5.3 m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

(ii) For overtaking sight distance of 330 m, which is greater than the length of the curve, Eq .3.27 applies.

q æs - l ö
÷ q f 150 180 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
m = R - (R - d )cos + ç
ç ÷sin ( is the central angle of the curve and = ´ degrees )
2 çè 2 ÷ ø 2 2 2´ 330 p Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
æ330 - 150 ÷
 m = 330 - (330 - 1.5) cos13° + ç
ç ÷
÷sin13° = 13° Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
è 2 ø
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= 330 - 320 + 20.3 = 30.3m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

3.46 Sag curve

Design speed, V = 80 km/h

Change of grade, G = 2.4 – (−1.8) = 4.2%

Stopping sight distance, SSD = 150 m

(i) Rider comfort Formatted: Font: Not Bold, Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
3 1
V 2 ×G 2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Length of curve, L = (G as fraction)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
æ4.2 ö2
8 2 ×çç ÷
è100 ÷
= = 56 m

(ii) Headlight sight distance Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Say, S > L,

é1.5 + 0.035 S ù Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

L = 26 - ê ú
ë G ú

1.5 + 0.035´ 150 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= 2´ 150 -
æ4.2 ö
ç ÷
è100 ø

= (300 - 160) = 140 m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

3.47 Length of summit curve

(i) For safe stopping sight distance = 150 m Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
For IRC standard conditions of height of driver's eye above road surface (H) of 1.2 m and height of obstruction (h)
of 0.5 m,

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

For S < L,

GS 2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)


G = 1.8 − (−1.8) = 3.6% and S = 150

æ3.6 ÷
ö (1502 ) Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
L= ç
ç ÷+ » 185m
è100 ÷
ç ø 4.4

(ii) For overtaking sight distance of 450 m, Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
For S < L,
Formatted: Font: Not Italic, English (United Kingdom)

GS 2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

9.6 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

æ3.6 ÷
ö (450)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

ç ÷
÷´ » 760 m
è100 ø 9.6

The greater of the two values is taken, if both conditions are to be satisfied.

3.48 Summit curve

Chainage of intersection

X  330 m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
R.L. of X  33m
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Change of grade, G = 3 − (−1.5) = 4.5% Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Sight distance = S = 220 m
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Height, H, of driver's eye above road surface = 1.10 m Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Height, h, of obstruction is taken as 0.15 m above the road

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Say, S < L Formatted: Font: Not Bold, English (United Kingdom)

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

Length, L, of the curve Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

GS 2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

( 2 H + 2h )

4.5 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

´ 2202
= 100 = 528 m (S < L, OK)
( 2´ 1.1 + 2´ 0.15)

æ528 ö÷ Formatted: Font: Italic

Chainage of A = 330 − ççç ÷ = 66 m
è 2 ø÷ Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Chainage of B = 66 + 528 = 594m
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

R.L. of X = 33.000

3 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

R.L. of A = 33.000 - ´ 264 = 25.080 m

1.5 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

R.L. of B = 33.000 - ´ 264 = 29.040 m

R.L. of C = Average of those of A and B

= 27.060 m

(33 + 27.060) Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

R.L. of vertex, V = = 30.015m

CV = (30.015 – 27.060) = 2.955 m

3.49 Summit curve

Sight distance, S = 180 m

Upgrade: 1 in 25 or 4 %

Downgrade: 1 in 50 or 2%

Chainage of X = 400 m

R.L. of X = 42 m

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

H = 1.26 m

Let h be 0.15 m

Length of curve, L:

GS 2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

L= 2
(for S < L)
[ 2 H + 2h ]

æ6 ÷ ö Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

çç ÷´ (180)2
è100 ø
= 2
m = 426 m (S < L, O.K.)
( 2´ 1.26 + 2´ 0.15 )

R.L of X = 42.00 M

R.L. of A = 42.00 - 0.04  213 = 33.48 m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
R.L. of B = 45.00 – 0.02  213 = 37.74 m
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

R.L. of C = Average of R.L. of A and B = 35.61 m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

æ42.00 + 35.61÷
ö Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
R.L. of vertex, V = ç
ç ÷
÷= 38.80 m
è 2 ø

3.50 Design of superelevation

Radius of curve, R = 250 m

Design speed, V = 100 km/h

V2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Rate of super-elevation, e =
225´ R Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

(100)2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= = 0.18
225´ 250

Since this is more than the maximum permissible value of 0.07, let us limit it to 0.07.

V2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

e+ f =
127 R

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

(100)2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

0.07 + f = = 0.315
127´ 250

 f = 0.315 – 0.070 = 0.245 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
This is greater than the maximum available friction coefficient of 0.15; therefore, the allowable speed is to be
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
restricted as per IRC.

Va = 27.94R = 27.94´ 250 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= 83.6 km/h; say, 80 km/h Formatted: Font: Not Bold, English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

3.51 Radius of curve = 120 m

Speed, V = 96 km/h

Coefficient of friction, f = 0.12

Width of road, G = 15 m

(96)2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

e= = 0.34 > 0.07; not O.K.
225´ 120

V2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

e+ f =
127 R

(96)2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= = 0.60
127 ´ 120

e = 0.60 – 0.12 = 0.48 > 0.07; not OK. Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
So, allowable speed is to be limited as per IRC.

Taking e = 0.07 and f as 0.12, Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Va 2
e+ f = Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
127 R
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Va 2
0.07 + 0.12 = Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
127´ 120

Va = 127´ 120´ 0.19 = 54 km/h; say, 50 km/h Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: Font: Not Bold, English (United Kingdom)
With rotation about the middle of the pavement Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

1 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Super-elevation, SE = ´ 15´ 0.07 m
2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

= 0.525 m or 52.5 m

3.52 Length of transition

Design speed, V = 80 km/h

Radius of circular curve, R = 250 m

V2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Rate of super-elevation, e =
225R Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

(80)2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= = 0.114
225´ 250

Since this is more than 0.07, e is to be limited to 0.07. Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
e+ f = Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
127 R

(80)2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

0.07 + f =
127´ 250

= 0.2016

 f = 0.2016 – 0.0700 = 0.1316 < 0.15. Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
This is OK.
Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Length of transition: Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Super-elevation, SE = 0.07  7.5 = 0.525 m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
With rotation about the middle, the actual SE needed is m = 0.263m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

With the spacial rate of introduction of super-elevation as 1 in 150, Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Length of transition, L = 0.263  150  40 m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Shift, s = Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
24 R
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

40´ 40 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= = 0.27 m
24´ 250 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

3.53 Extra width of pavement:

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

nl 2 V Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

we = +
2 R 9.5 R

Here, the number of lanes, n = 2

Wheel base, l = 6 m

Design speed, V = 80 km/h

Radius of curve, R = 700 m

2´ 6 2 80 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

 we = + » 0.37 m
2´ 700 9.5 700 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

3.54 Extra widening of pavement on a curve

Width = 7.5 m (two lanes)

Wheel base, l = 7 m

Radius, R = 150 m

Speed, V = 120 km/h

nl 2 V Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

we = +
2R 9.5 R

2´ 7 2 120 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= + » 1.36 m
2´ 150 9.5 150

3.55 Overtaking sight distance

V = 80km/h

Vs = 50 km/h

Acceleration, a, of overtaking vehicle = 0.98 m/s2

4S Formatted: English (United Kingdom)


s = 0.2 Vs + 5 = 0.2  50 + 6 = 16 m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
4´ 16 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
T= » 8seconds.

Take total reaction time, t, as 3s

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

OSD = 0.28Vs t + 0.28Vs ×T + 2s + 0.28VT Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= 0.28´ 50´ 3 + 0.28´ 50´ 8 + 2´ 16 + 0.28´ 80´ 8 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
» 365m

Minimum length of overtaking zone = 3 (OSD) Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
= 3  365 m  1100 m
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
3.56 Extra width of pavement on a horizontal curve
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Radius of curve, R = 600 m Formatted: Font: Bold, English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
No of lanes, n = 2

Design speed, V = 65 km/h

Wheel base, l = 6 m

nl 2 V Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

We = +
2 R 9.5 R Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
2´ 6 2 65 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
= +
2´ 600 9.5 600

= 0.34 m

3.57 Safe stopping sight distance Formatted: Font: Bold, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Design speed, V = 60 km/h

Driver's reaction time = 2.5 s

Coefficient of friction, f = 0.36 Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
SSD = 0.278Vt + Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
254 f

(60)2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= 0.278´ 60´ 2.5 +
254´ 0.36

= 41.70 + 39.37 = 81.07 m; say, 82 m

This is only for one-way traffic.

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

For two-way traffic, SSD = 2  82 = 164 m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom), Subscript
3.58 Ruling minimum radius in rolling terrain, Rmin = 230 m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

Design speed, V = 100 km/h

Speed of slow vehicle, Vs = V – 16

= 100 − 16 = 84 km/h

Non-passing sight distance (or safe stopping sight distance)

V2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= 0.278 Vt +
254 f

Taking t = 2.5 s and f as 0.35, Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
SSD = 0.278´ 100´ 2.5 + = 182 m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
254´ 0.35

Intermediate sight distance = 2 (SSD)  360 m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
(Actually, for a design speed of 100 km/h, this is recommended as 360 m by IRC.)

V2 (100) 2
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Rate of super-elevation, e = =
225R 225´ 230 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= 0.19 > 0.07not O.K. Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Limiting e as 0.07, Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
0.07 + f = Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
127 R

(100)2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= = 0.34
127´ 230

 f required = 0.34 – 0.07 = 0.27 > 0.15 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
 Restricted speed, Va = 27.94´ 230 » 80km/h Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
nl V
Extra width of pavement, we = + Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
2 R 9.5 R
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
2´ 6
= + = 0.7 m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
2´ 230 9.5 230
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Super-elevation rate = 0.07 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

0.0078655V 2 Gn Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Length of transition, L =

For rolling terrain, n may be taken as 60.

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

Width, G, of highway = 7.5 m

0.0078655´ (100) ´ 7.5´ 60 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
L= » 160 m

L2 (160)2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Shift, s = =
24 R 24´ 230

= 4.64 m

3.59 Design speed, V = 80 km/h

Take f = 0.35 Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Down gradient, g = 3%

Take t = 3 s

V2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Stopping sight distance, SSD = 0.278 Vt +
254 ( f - 0.01g )
= 0.278´ 80´ 3 + » 146 m
254 (0.35 - 0.01´ 3)

Say, 150 m

3.60 Design speed, V = 80 km/h Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Super-elevation rate, e = 0.07
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Coefficient of friction, f = 0.15 Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
With these values,
Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

V 2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

e+ f = Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
127 Rmin

V2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Rmin =
127 (R + f )

(80)2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= » 230 m
127´ 0.22

Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

3.61 Design speed, V = 80 km/s Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Total reaction time, t = 3 sec Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

Coefficient of friction, f = 0.6 Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
(i) Two lanes with two-way traffic
Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Stopping sight distance, SSD Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

V2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

SSD = + 0.278Vt
254 f

802 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= + 0.278´ 80´ 3 = 110 m
245´ 0.6

(ii) Single lane with two-way traffic Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
é V2 ù
SSD = 2´ ê0.278Vt + ú Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
ê 254 f ú
ë û

= 2´ 110m = 220m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

3.62 SSD for roads with gradients

Design speed, V = 70 km/h

1 Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

Gradient, g =
45 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Reaction time, t = 2.5 s

Friction coefficient, f = 0.40 Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Ascending gradient:

(70)2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

SSD = 0.278´ 70´ 2.5 +
æ 1ö
254 ç
ç0.40 + ÷ ÷
è 45 ÷

 95 m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Descending gradient:

(70) 2
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
SSD = 0.278´ 70´ 2.5 +
æ 1ö ÷
254 çç0.40 - ÷
è 45 ø

 100 m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

3.63 Gradient, g = 2% Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

Reaction time, t = 2.5 Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Friction coefficient, f = 0.35
Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Car 1: Going up Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

V1 = 90 km/h Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
SSD = 0.278´ 90´ 2.5 +  150 m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
254 0.35 + 0.01´ 2)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Car 2: Coming down

752 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

SSD = 0.278´ 75´ 2.5 +  120 m
254(0.35 - 0.01´ 2) Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Total SSD to avoid collision = (150 + 120) = 270 m

(It is assumed that the faster car was going up the gradient and the slower one down the gradient, in that order.)

Chapter 4 Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 14 pt,

Underline, English (United Kingdom)

4.35 Determine the 98th and 85th percentile speeds from spot-speed data

Mid-speed 15 215 35 45 55 65 75 85 95

No. of 0 12 19 38 33 25 16 13 5 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)


Percent of 0 7 12 24 20.5 15.5 10 8 3 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)


Cumulative 0 7 19 43 63.5 79 89 97 100 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)


Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)


(i) 98th percentile speed = 90 km/h

This is the design speed for geometric elements of the highway

(ii) 85th percentile speed = 70 km/h

This is the safe maximum operating speed.

4.36 Given that traffic flows in different directions at a road intersection, determine the optimum cycle time for the
traffic signals

Flow North South East West Formatted: Font: Bold, English (United Kingdom)

Design hour flow 800 400 750 600 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
(q) Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Saturation flow (S) 2400 2000 3000 3000
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Time lost per phase = 2 seconds
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

qn 800 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= = 0.33
Sn 2400

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

qs 400 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= = 0.20
S s 2000

yns (greater of these two) = 0.33

qe 750 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= = 0.25
Se 3000

qw 600 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= = 0.20
Sw 3000

yew = 0.25 Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
L = Time lost due to delays = 2  4 = 8 seconds
Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Y = yns + yew = (0.33 +0.25) = 0.58 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Optimum cycle time:
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

æ1.5 L + 5 ö (1.5´ 8 + 5) Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

Co = ç ÷
è 1- y ø ÷= 1- [(0.33 + 0.25)] Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
 40 seconds Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Effective green time/cycle = Co - L = 40 - 8 = 32 s
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Effective green time/phase

yns 0.33 ( ) Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Gns = (Co - L) = 32 = 18 s
y 0.58

yew 0.25 ( ) Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Gew = (Co - L) = 32 = 14 s
y 0.58

4.37 Design of traffic and pedestrian signals

Road A Road B

Width = 14 m Width = 10 m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Traffic volume, qa = 250 veh/h Traffic volume, qb = 200 veh/h Formatted: French (France)

Approach speed, Va = 60 km/h Approach speed, Vb = 45 km/h Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Traffic signals: Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Assume amber periods for A and B as

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Aa and Ab  5s and 3s, respectively.
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

Pedestrian clearance time:

14 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

For Road A: = 11.7 s

10 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

For Road B: = 8.3s

Adding initial delay in walking of 7s

Minimum red time for A = 11.7 + 7 = 18.7 s

Minimum red time for B = 8.3 + 7 = 15.3 s

Pedestrian criterion:

Minimum green time for A, Ga = 15.3-5 = 10.3 s

Minimum green time for B, Gb = 18.7 – 3 = 15.7 s

Based on approaching traffic volumes, the green time for road A with higher traffic is increased using

Ga Va Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Gb Vb

Gb = 15.7

250 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

 Ga = ´ 15.7 = 19.6s
200 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Total cycle = Ga + Aa + Ra = Ga + Aa + Gb + Ab
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= 19.6 + 5 + 15.7 + 3 = 43.3 s; say, 45 s Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Add the additional 1.7 s to green time in proportion to traffic volumes

5 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

A : ´ 1.7 = 0.9 s

4 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

B : ´ 1.7 = 0.8 s

 Ga = 19.36 +0.9 = 20.5 s Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Gb = 15.7 +0.8 = 16.5 s

Ra = Gb + Ab = 16.5 + 3 = 19.5 s

Rb = Ga + Aa = 20.5 + 5 = 25.5 s

Total: 45 s

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

4.38 Design of signals

Road A Road B

Width = 14 m Width = 10.5 m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Peak for traffic volume (veh/h) = 200 Peak for traffic volume (veh/h) = 120 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Approach speed (km/h) = 50 Approach speed (km/h) = 35 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

qa = 200 qb = 120 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Va = 50 Vb = 35 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Assume the amber periods as 5 s and 3 s for Roads A and B, respectively.

Pedestrian clearance time:

14 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

For A: = 11.7 s

10.5 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

For B: = 8.8 s

Adding initial delay of 7s,

Minimum red time for A, ga = 11.7 + 7 = 18.7 s

Minimum red time for B, gb = 18.7 - 3 = 15.7 s

Pedestrian criterion:

Minimum green time for A, Ga = 15.8 - 5 = 10.8 s

Minimum green time for B, Gb = 18.7 – 3 = 15.7 s

For Road A with higher traffic, Ga is increased using

200 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Ga = ´ 15.7 = 26.2 s
120 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
 Total cycle = Ga + Aa + Gb + Ab
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= 26.2 + 5 + 15.7 + 3 = 49.9s, say, 50 s Formatted: Font: Not Bold, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Add extra 0.1 s to Ga Formatted: English (United Kingdom), Subscript
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
 Ga = 26.3 & Gb = 15.7 s
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

Ra = Gb + Ab = 15.7 + 3 = 18.7 s

Rb = Ga + Aa = 26.3 + 5 = 31.3 s

Total: 50 s Formatted: Font: Not Bold, English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

4.39 (a) ADT forecast Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Present ADT = 9000 veh

Traffic growth forecast = 40%

Generated traffic = 20%

Total growth = 60%

9000´ 160 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

 ADT forecast for 2020 = = 14, 400 veh
100 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
(b) 30th highest hourly traffic volume
Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

15 Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom),

= 15% of ADT = ´ 14, 400 = 2160 veh Superscript
Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
One way traffic volume is 60% of the two-way volume Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
= 0.6  2160 = 1296 veh/h
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Practical capacity per lane = 600 veh/h Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

1296 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Number of lanes = = 2.16

Width of pavement = 2  3.75 + 0.16  3.75 = 7.75 m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
4.40 Weight of moving vehicle = W tonnes (say) Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Weight of parked vehicle = 0.8 W

Skid distance of moving vehicle before collision, Sa = 36 m

Skid distance of both after collision, Sp = 12 m

Friction coefficient, f = 0.63 Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Applying Eq. (4.33) for the initial speed, V1, of the moving vehicle,

é æ ù Formatted: English (United Kingdom)


254 f ê çWa + Wp ÷
÷ + Sa ú
V1 = êS p ç
ç ÷
÷ ú
ë è W a ø ú

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

é ù Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

æ ö
1.8Wa ÷
= 254´ 0.63 ê
ç ÷
÷ + .36ú
ú 110 km/h Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
ê ç
è Wa ÷ ø ú
ë û

4.41 Braking test

Braking distance, s = 33 m

Braking time, t = 4.2 seconds

2s 2´ 33 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Acceleration, a = = m/s2
t 2 (4.2)2
= 3.74 m/s 2

Coefficient of solid resistance:

a 3.75 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

f = = = 0.38
g 9.81

4.42 Collision between vehicles approaching in perpendicular directions

f = 0.54

Angle A = 135 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Angle B = 45
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Use derivation given on pages 145 and 146: Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

VA3 = 254´ 0.54´ 18 = 49.7 km/h Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

VB3 = 254´ 0.54´ 36 = 70.3km/h Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

WB Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

VA2 = ×VB 3 ×SinB - VA3 ×CosA

(WA = WB )= 70.3Sin45°- 49.7´ Cos45° = 14.6km/h Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

VB 2 = VA3 ×Sin45° + VB3 ×Cos 45° = 84.85km/h Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Initial speeds before skidding

2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

VA1 = 254´ 0.54´ 24 + (VA 2 ) (Substituting VA2 = 14.6 km/h)

= 62.6 km/h

2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

VB1 = 254´ 0.54´ 18 + VB 22 = 254´ 0.54´ 18 + (84.85)

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

= 98.3 km/h Formatted: Font: Not Bold, English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

4.43 Design of signals

Road P Road Q Formatted: Font: Bold, English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Width 15 m 10.5 m
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
q 250 veh/h 150 veh/h Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

V 45 km/h 30 km/h Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Traffic signals Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

Let the amber times be 3 s each Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Aa = Ab = 3 s

Pedestrian clearance time:

15 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

For road P = = 12.5 s

10.5 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

For road Q = = 8.8 s

Minimum red time for P = 12.5 + 7 s = 19.5 s

Minimum red time for Q = 8.8 + 7 = 15.8 s (starting delay of 7 s)

Pedestrian criterion:

Minimum green time for P = Gp = 15.8 – 3 = 12.8 s Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom), Subscript
Minimum green time for Q = Gq = 19.5 – 3 = 16.5 s
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Modified Gp (for heavier traffic) Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom), Subscript
= 16.5´ = 27.5 s Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

Total cycle = 27.5 + 3+ 16.5 + 3 = 50 s Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom), Subscript
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Red time for P = 16.5 +3 = 19.5 s Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Red time for Q = 27.5 + 3 = 30.5 s

Total: 50 s Formatted: Font: Not Bold, English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

Chapter 6 Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Underline, English (United


6.8 Determination of CBR value Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Load–Penetration Curve

Penetration 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 7.5 10 12.5 Formatted: Font: Bold, English (United Kingdom)
(mm) Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Load (N) 0 40 160 280 400 500 550 670 750 810 990 1160 Formatted: Font: Bold, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Standard loads:

For 2.5 mm (uncorrected) penetration: 13440 N

For 5.0 mm (uncorrected) penetration: 20160 N

510 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

CBR for 2.5 mm penetration = ´ 100 = 3.80%

750 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

CBR for 5.0 mm penetration = ´ 100 = 3.72%

CBR is the higher of the two values,

i.e., CBR = 3.80%, or say, 4%

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

6.32 Bulk specific gravity of combined aggregates

Aggregate material Bulk specific gravity Proportion % Formatted: Font: Bold, English (United Kingdom)

Coarse aggregate 2.62 56 Formatted: Font: Bold, English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Fine aggregate 2.66 36
Formatted: Font: Bold, English (United Kingdom)

Mineral filler 2.67 8 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: Font: Bold, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Ga = Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
éWc W f Wmf ù
ê + + ú
êGc G f Gmf ú
ë û

100 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= = 2.64
æ56 36 8 ö÷
ç + + ÷
è2.62 2.66 2.67 ø

 Bulk specific gravity of the combined aggregates = 2.64 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

6.33 Specimen of bituminous concrete mix

Height = 6.345 cm

Diameter = 10.16 cm

Weight of specimen in air = 1240.5 g

Weight of specimen in water = 675.5 g

Material Specific gravity Percentage by weight of Percentage by weight of Formatted: Font: Bold, English (United Kingdom)
total mix aggregates
Formatted: Font: Bold, English (United Kingdom)
Bitumen 1.01 6 – Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: Font: Bold, English (United Kingdom)
Coarse aggregate 2.62 53 56
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Fine aggregate 2.66 33 26 Formatted: Font: Bold, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Mineral filler 2.67 8 8
Formatted: Font: Bold, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
(i) Bulk specific gravity of compacted mix Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
G= = 2.20 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
(1240.5 - 675.5)
Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
(ii) Average specific gravity of the aggregates Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

100 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Ga = = 2.64
æ56 36 8 ö÷
ç + + ÷
è2.62 2.66 2.67 ÷

Va Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

(iii) Percent air voids in the compacted mix ´ 100
V Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Va = (V - Vg - Vb ) Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Vg: Volume of mineral aggregates

Vb: Volume of bitumen

1240.5 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

V= = 563.86 cm3

é0.53 0.33 0.08 ù Formatted: French (France)

Vg = 1240.5 ê + + ú = 442.11 cm3
ë2.62 2.66 2.67 ú

0.06 Formatted: French (France)

Vb = 1240.5´ = 73.06 cm3

 Va = (563.86 - 442.11- 73.69) = 48.06 cm3 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: French (France)
48.06 Formatted: French (France)
 % air voids = ´ 100 = 8.50
563.66 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: French (France)
(iv) Percent voids in the mineral aggregates
Formatted: French (France)

VMA = (100 - Vg ) Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Vg = Percent volume occupied by mineral aggregates Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
= (Wc + W f + Wmf )´ Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

2.20 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= (53 + 33 + 8)´ = 78.30

 VMA = (100 – 78.30) = 21.70% Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
(V) Percent voids filled by bitumen
Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

Vb Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

VFB% = 100´ ;
(VMA) Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

G 2.20 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Vb = wb × = b ´ = 13.07
Gb 1.01

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

13.07 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

 VFB = ´ 100 = 60.23%
21.70 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

6.34 Weight of paraffin-coated specimen of bituminous mix in air = 1272.6 g

Weight of paraffin-coated specimen in water = 671.4 g

Specific gravity of paraffin = 0.90

Bulk specific gravity of the specimen

(1227.6) 1 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= ´
(1272.6 - 671.4) 0.90

 2.30 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

6.35 Group index

Fraction passing 75− sieve = 55% Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Liquid limit, WL = 50%
Formatted: English (United Kingdom), Subscript
Plastic limit, Wp = 40 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom), Subscript
Eq. 6.55
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

GI = 0.2a + 0.005 ac + 0.01 bd Formatted: Font: Bold, English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
a = 55 − 30 = 20 b= 55 − 15 = 40

c = 50 − 40 =10 d = 40 − 10 = 30(> 25 and so many be ignored)

GI = 0.2  20 +0.005  20  10 + 0 = 5 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Since GI >/ 8 is satisfied and (−75 ) fraction is greater than 25%
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
A–4 is the soil group according to the PRA system.
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
6.46 Plate-Load-test- Load-Settlement curve
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

The failure point is located as shown in the figure. This corresponds to 7.6 kN load for a settlement of 0.825 mm.
The pressure corresponding to 7.6 kN load on a plate of 300 mm diameter is

7600 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

N/mm 2
p´ 150´ 150

7600 1 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

 Modulus of subgrade reaction, K = ´ N/mm3
p ´ 150´ 150 0.825 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
= 0.130 N/mm3
Formatted: Font: Not Bold, English (United Kingdom)

This is equivalent to 130 MN/m3 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: Font: Not Bold, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
6.47 Determination of CBR value of soil

Penetration 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 7.5 10 12.5 Formatted: Font: Bold, English (United Kingdom)
(mm) Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Load (kg) 0 5 16 28 40 48 57 68 75 89 100 107 Formatted: Font: Bold, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Penetration–load curve

Corrected zero  0.35 mm Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
At 2.50 mm (or 2.85 corrected) penetration, the standard load is 1370 kg and the load on the soil is 53 kg.

53 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

 CBR = ´ 100 » 3.9%
1370 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
At 5 mm (or 5.35 corrected) penetration, the standard load is 2055 kg and the load on the soil is 78 kg.

78 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

CBR = ´ 100 » 3.80%

 CBR value of the soil = 3.90%, or say, 4% Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Chapter 7 Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 14 pt,

Underline, English (United Kingdom)

7.10 Burmister's method of design of pavement thickness Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Plate bearing tests using 300-mm-diameter plate on a soil subgrade and over a 150-mm-thick base.

At 5 mm settlement, pressures required for subgrade and base are 0.1 MPa and 0.36 MPa, respectively.

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

Wheel load = 40 kN

Tyre pressure = 0.5 MPa

Allowable deflection = 5 mm

1.18 pa Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

For the soil subgrade, V= (for rigid plate)

300 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

a= = 150 mm = 0.15 m

 = 5 mm = 0.005 m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
p = 0.1 MPa

1.18´ 0.1´ 0.15 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

 V= 0.005 =
E2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Solving, E2 = 3.54 MN/m2

pa Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

For the base, V= 1.18 × ×fd

1.18´ 0.36´ 0.15 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

0.005 = ´ Fd

Solving, Fd = 0.28 Formatted: English (United Kingdom), Subscript

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Base thickness = 15 cm

h 15 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Ratio = =1
a 15

h E2 1 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

For these values of Fd and , = (from Fig. 7.2)
a E1 50

W Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Radius of tyre contact, a =

40´ 1000 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= = 0.16 m
p ´ 0.5´ 106

Deflection under wheel load = 5 mm = 0.005 m

MN Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

p = 0.5

a = 0.16 m

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

MN Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

E2 = 3.54

1.5´ 0.5´ 0.16 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

 0.005 = ´ Fw (for flexible plates)
3.54 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Solving, Fw = 0.15

E2 1 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

For this Fw and = ,
E1 50

æh ö Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

çç ÷ ÷
÷ from the chart in Fig. 7.12 is 2.4
çèa ø

 Thickness of pavement = 2.4  16 cm  38 cm Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
7.11 CBR value of subgrade soil = 6% Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Traffic = 40 msa
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

From IRC: 37 − 1984 (Revised), the thickness of construction 660 mm (Fig. 7.7)

7.12 Traffic = 600 comm. veh/day in both directions

Design life = 15 years (nd)

CBR of subgrade = 5%

Vehicle damage factor (VDF) = 6

Lane distribution factor (LDF) = 0.75

Traffic growth rate (r) = 7.5%

é(Hr )nd ù Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Traffic growth rate factor (TGF) = ê
ê - 1ú
ë r û

é(1 + 0.075)15 - 1ù Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= ê
ú= 26.13
ë 0.075 û

365 ( Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Traffic, N f = TGF )(A)(VDF )(LDF ) in msa

365 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Nf = ´ 26.13´ 600´ 6´ 0.75

= 25.75 msa; say, 30 msa Formatted: Font: Not Bold, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

From Fig.7.9, for a traffic of 30 msa and CBR of 6%, minimum total thickness of construction needed is 660 mm.

This can be:

40 mm Wearing course (WC)

110 mm Bituminous course (BC)

250 mm Base

300 mm Sub-base (see Table 7.13)

7.19 Spacing of expansion joints

e Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Le =
2.a ×Vt

e = Expansion gap = 2.4 cm

t = Temperature differential = 27C Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
 = Coefficient of linear expansion = 10  10-6 C
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

2.4 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

 Le = m » 40 m
2´ 10´ 10- 6 ´ 27 ´ 100 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Stress pt = Ec ×a ×Vt Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
= 10- 6 ´ 27´ 3´ 104 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
(Ec = 3´ 104 kg/cm ) » 2
0.80 kg/cm 2

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

This is OK since it is allowable. Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Spacing of contraction joints Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

2 ×s t Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Lc = ´ 104
rc ×f

t = Allowable tensile stress = 0.8 kg/cm2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
rc = 2400 kg/m3 (unit weight of concrete) = 0.8  10-4 kg/m2
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

f = Coefficient of friction = 1.5 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

2´ 0.8´ 104 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

 Lc = m » 4.5m
2400´ 1.5 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
7.20 Edge warping stress of a pavement slab
Formatted: Font: Bold, English (United Kingdom)

4.5 m  3.6 m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Ec = 3  104 MPa Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Radius of relative stress = 0.90 m
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Thermal gradient between top and bottom, t = 18C Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
l = 900 mm
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Lx 4500 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= = 5
l 900 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Ly 3600 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= =4
l 900

Lx Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Since is the greater value, this is considered.

Lx Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Bradbury's C (for = 5 ) = 0.72

From Fig. 7.17, for t = 18C and C = 0.72, Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Maximum edge warping stress, s te = 1.94 MPa
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
7.21 Frictional stress

Spacing of transverse joints, L = 4.5 m Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
gc = 24 kN/m3 (unit weight of concrete)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Frictional coefficient, f = 1.50 Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
gC ×L ×m
s ft = Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

24´ 4.5´ 1.5 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= kN/m2 = 81kN/m 2 = 0.081 MPa
2 Formatted: Font: Not Bold, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

7.22 Design of tie-bar system [IRC: 58-2002]

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

Slab thickness = 300 mm

Lane width = 3.60 m

gc = 2400 kg/cm 2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Diameter of dowel bars = 12 mm

f = 1.5 (friction coefficient) Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Permissible stress in tie-bars = 16 kg/cm

Allowable working stress in steel, s s = 1200 kg/cm 2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Slab thickness, h = 30 cm

Lane width, b = 3.60 m

b ×f ×h ×gc Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Area of steel, as required per metre length =
ss Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

3.6´ 1.5´ 0.3´ 2400 3.24 2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= = cm
1200 2

p Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Area of section of one dowel bar, A = ´ 1.2 = 1.13cm2

Number of bars per metre length,

As 3.24 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

N= = » 3bars
A 1.23

100 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Spacing of bars: Ltb =

100 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

» 33cm

Length of plain tie bars

2s s ×A Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Lt =
s b ×p

2´ 1200´ 1.13 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= = 45cm (p: perimeter of one bar)
16´ 1.2´ p

The length may be rounded off to 50 cm.

7.30 Design of flexible pavement [IRC: 37-1970]

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

CBR of subgrade soil = 5%

CBR of gravel sub-base = 15%

CBR of WBM base = 80%

Design of life = 15 years

Number of vehicles/day = 200 (present traffic)

Construction period = 3 years

Annual rate of growth of traffic = 7.5%

Number of vehicles at the end of construction period

é(1 + 0.075)3 - 1ù Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= 200 ê
ú» 650 / day
ë 0.075 û

Curve E

From Fig. 7.6, total thickness of construction = 400 mm

Above the sub-base, minimum thickness = 220 mm

Above the base, minimum thickness = 50 mm

The total thickness may be chosen as 450 mm

Bituminous wearing course = 80 mm

Base = 220 mm (Bituminous concrete)

Sub-base = 150 mm

7.31 Flexible pavement design [IRC: 37]

Initial traffic = 1100 evpd

Traffic growth rate = 9% per annum

Design life = 15 years (nd)

CBR of soil subgrade = 5%

Lane distribution factor (LDF) = 0.75

Vehicle damage factor (VDF) =3

Traffic growth factor (TGF):

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

é(1 + r )nd - 1ù é(1 + 0.09)15 - 1ù Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

TGF = ê
ú= 29.36
ë r û ë 0.09 û

Projected traffic in msa, Nf :

365 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Nf = ´ 29.36´ 1100´ 3´ 0.76 = 27 msa (rounded off to 30 msa)
106 Formatted: Font: Not Bold, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Since the total thickness of construction increases only marginally, N f is chosen as 50 msa, to be on the safe side.
Formatted: Font: Not Bold, English (United Kingdom)

From the table for CBR, 5% the total thickness is 730 mm. Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

The composition of the layers can be as follows:

40 mm Bituminous wearing course

140 mm Dense bituminous macadam

250 mm Base course

300 mm Sub-base course

7.32 Rigid pavement design [IRC: 58-2002]

Wheel load, W = 5100 kg

E of concrete = 3  105 kg/cm2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Modulus of subgrade reaction, k = 6 kg/cm 3

Radius of tyre contact area = 15 cm

L Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Bradbury's coefficient for − value of 5.5 is 0.82

Poisson's rate, uc = 0.15 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Thickness of pavement, h = 20 cm

Temperature differential, Vt = 18°C Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Load stress

W é æl ö ù Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

At the edge, s e = 0.529 (1 + 0.54 u)êê4log10 ççç ÷÷÷+ log10 b - 0.4048úú
h2 ë èb ø û

é Eh3 ù
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
l= ê ú
ê12 k (1- V 2 )ú
ë û

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

é 3´ 105 ´ 203 ù
0.25 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
= ê ú
ê12´ 61- (0.15)2 ú
ë û

= 76.42 cm Formatted: Font: Not Bold, English (United Kingdom)

a = 15 cm < 1.724 h or 1.724 20 or 34.5 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
 b= é 2 2 ù
ë 1.6 a + h - 0.675 h ú
ê û Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
= é
2 ù= 14.1cm
ë 1.6´ 15 + 20 - 0.675´ 20 ú
û Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
0.529´ 5100 é æ76.42 ö ù
 se = (1 + 0.54´ 0.15)ê4log10 ç ÷ ú Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
202 ê ç
ç ÷+ log10 14.1- 0.405ú
è 14.1 ø
ë û Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
 27 kg/cm2
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Temperature stress Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
s te = 23 kg/cm 2 (from charts) Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Total edge stress  50 kg/cm 2

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: Font: Not Bold, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Chapter 8
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 14 pt,
Underline, English (United Kingdom)
8.36 Rainfall: 4 cm in 24 minutes
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Average intensity: 9.6 cm/h

Gutters at 180 m spacing

Road width: 45 m

Manning's n = 0.9

Intensity of rainfall in 4 minutes within the duration of storm:

RæççT + 1÷
ö Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
i= ÷
T çè t + 1 ø

Here, Formatted: French (France)

R = 40 mm

T = 24 mins = 0.4 h

1 Formatted: French (France)

t = 4 mins = h

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

40 æç0.4 + 1ö
÷ Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
i= ç1 ÷
0.4 ç
ç + 1÷
è15 ÷

= 131.2 mm/h = 13.12 cm/h

Run-off, Q = 0.028´ C ´ i ´ A (i in cm/h and A in hectares) Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

180´ 45 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= 0.028´ .9´ 13.12´
100´ 100

 Q = 0.268 m3/s Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: Font: Not Bold, English (United Kingdom)
8.37 Design of drain Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Q = 2.5 m3/s

V >/ 0.5m/s Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Manning's, n = 0.03
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

1 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Bed slope, s =
2500 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
1 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Area of flow, A = (b + b + 2d + 2d )d = d (b + 2d )
2 Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Wetted perimeter, P = b + 2 (2d ) + d 2 = (b + 4.472 d ) Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
A d (b + 2d )
R= = Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
P (b + 4.472d )
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Using Manning's equation for V and the discharge equation Q = A.V, Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
2 1
Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
1 é d (b + 2d ) ù 3 æ1 ÷
2.5 = d (b + 2d )´ ê ú- ç ÷
0.03 ê ú è2500 ÷
ç ø Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
ë(b + 4.472 d )û
Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

Assuming b = 3.50 m, and solving this equation by trial and error for d, we get d  1 m; then calculating velocity V Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
by Manning's equation, we get V = 0.52 m/s. Since this is more than the permissible value of 0.50 m/s, we try again Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
with b = 3.55 m and solving for d, we get d = 0.95 m. Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

Calculating V by Manning's equation, we get Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
V = 0.495 m/s, which is okay.
Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
So, adopt a bottom width of 3.55 m and a depth of 1.10 m for the drain, allowing a free-board of 15 cm. Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Side slopes are 1 Vertical to 2 Horizontal. Formatted: Font: Not Bold, English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

8.43 Q = 0.75 m /s Formatted: English (United Kingdom), Superscript
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
V = 1.2 m/s
Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Manning’s, n = 0.025 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Bottom width, b = 0.6 m
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Side slopes:1 Vertical to 1.5 Horizontal Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Q Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Area of flow, A =

0.75 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= = 0.625 m 2

A = d (b + 1.5d ) = d (0.6 + 1.5d ) Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

 0.625 = 0.6 d + 1.5 d2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Solving for d, we get d = 0.48 m

A = 0.625 m2

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Wetted perimeter, P = 0.6 + 2 ( 1.52 + 12 ´ d )

= 0.6 + 3.6d Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

A 0.625 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Hydraulic Mean Radius, R = =
P (0.6 + 3.6 d )

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

Applying Manning's formula for V,

1 2 12 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

V= ×R ×S
n 3

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
1 é 0.625 ù3 1
1.2 = ê ú ,S
0.025 ê
ë0.6 + 3.6 d ú
û 2

Solving for S, we get

S = 0.0052

Adopt bed shape, S, as 1 in 200.

Chapter 10 Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 14 pt,

Underline, English (United Kingdom)

10.7 IRC: 81-1984 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

First approach: The observed deflections are used for calculating mean deflection D and characteristic deflection Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Dc, and then the corrections for temperature and subgrade moisture are applied to this value to obtain the corrected
value of Dc. Then the equation for the overlay thickness (WBM) is obtained from the equation,
æDc ÷
ö Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
ho = 550 log10 ç
ç ÷
÷, where Da is the allowable deflection.
èDa ø

D = 1.665 mm Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

å (D - D )
Standard deviation, s = = 0.167 mm
n- 1

Characteristic deflection, Dc = D + s = 1.832 mm Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Temperature correction = (41-35)  0.0065 = 0.039 mm (−ve) Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
 Dc = 1.832 – 0.039 = 1.793 mm
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Subgrade moisture correction factor = 2 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

 Corrected Dc = 2´ 1.793 = 3.586mm Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Da = 1.25 mm Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

æ3.586 ÷
ö Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
 h0 = 550 log10 ç
ç ÷= 252 mm (This is for WBM)
è1.250 ÷
ç ø Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Equivalent thickness of Bituminous Macadam (BM) = mm Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

252 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Equivalent thickness of Bituminous Concrete (BC) = ´ 0.7 mm

= 117.6 mm  12 cm Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Second approach: Corrections for temperature and subgrade moisture are applied to each of the observed
Formatted: Font: Not Bold, English (United Kingdom)
deflections and these are used for calculating Dc.
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Temperature correction = −0.04 mm

Subgrade moisture correction = 2

The corrected deflections are 2.80, 3.00, 3.08, 3.40, 3.80, 3.44, 3.32, 3.36, 3.80, 2.80, 3.08 and 3.12 mm.

From these values, D = 3.250, s = 0.333, Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Dc = D + s = 3.583mm

æ3.583 ÷
ö Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
 h0 = 550 log10 ç
ç ÷ = 251.5mm = 25.15cm
è1.250 ÷
ç ø Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

25.15´ 0.7 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Equivalent bituminous concrete = = 11.7 cm or 12 cm.

10.8 IRC: SP:17

Partially bonded overlay

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
h0 = é 1.4 ù
ëhm - C ×he û
1.4 1.4

hm = 25 cm

he = 12 cm

C = 0.35 for badly cracked condition

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
 h0 = (2.51.4 - 0.35´ 121.4 )1.4
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= 22.7 cm, say, 23 cm Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Chapter 11 Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt,

Underline, English (United Kingdom)

11.17 Road width, W = 16 m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Mounting height, H = 8 m

Lamp size = lm =5000 lumens

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

Average illumination, Ea = 5.0 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Coefficient of utilisation:

æ W ö Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Cu = 0.44 ç
çfor = 2÷
è H ø

(lm)(Cu )(LMF ) Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Ea =
S ,W

where S is luminaire spacing

LMF = Lamp Maintenance Factor = 80% or 0.8 (assumed)

(lm)(Cu )(LMF ) Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

 S=
Ea ×W Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
5000´ 0.44´ 0.80 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
= = 22 m
5´ 16

 Luminaire spacing (or spacing of lights) = 22 m Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

11.18 Street width, W = 7.50 m

Mounting height, H = 3.75 m

Lamp size; lm = 5000 lumens

W 7.50 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

For = = 2,
H 3.75

Coefficient of utilisation, Cu = 0.44 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

S = Spacing of lights = 20 m

Assume Lamp Maintenance Factor (LMF) as 80% or 0.8

Average illumination,

(lm)(Cu )(LMF ) Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Ea =
S ×W

5000´ 0.44´ 0.80 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= lux
20´ 7.50

= 11.73 lux; say, 11 lux Formatted: French (France)

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

Chapter 12 Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt,

Underline, French (France)

12.13 Principal, P = Rs 2, 00, 000 Formatted: French (France)

Interest rate, i = 12% = 0.12 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

No. of years = 20

F = P(1 + i ) n Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

= 2, 00, 000(1+0.12)20

= 2, 00, 000  9.6463 = Rs 19, 29, 260 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
12.14 P = Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
(1 + i)

Present worth, P Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Future worth at the end of 10 years = Rs 1, 50, 000

n = 10 years Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Discount rate, i = 10%= 0.10

1,50, 000 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

 P= 10
(1 + 0.10) Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
= Rs 57, 830 Formatted: Font: Not Bold, English (United Kingdom)

é(1 + i)n - 1ù Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

12.15 F = A ê
ú Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
ë i û

Here, A = Rs 30 lakhs

i = 15% = 0.15

n = 10 years

é(1 + 0.15)10 - 1ù Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

F = 30 ê
ë 0.15 û

= 30  20.3037 = Rs 6, 09, 11, 100 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
é i ù
12.16 A = F ê ú Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
ê(1 + i)n - 1ú
ë û

Here, F = Rs 200 lakhs

i = 9% = 0.09

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

n = 10 years

é 0.09 ù Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

 A = 200 ê ú
ê(1 + 0.09)10 - 1ú Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
ë û
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
= 200  0.0658 lakhs = Rs 13.16 lakhs Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
é n ù
ê(1 + i) - 1ú
12.17 P = A ê ú
êë i (1 + i) úû

Here, A = Rs 30, 000 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
i = 12% = 0.12
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
n = 10 years Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
(1 + 0.12) - 1 Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
 P = 30,000 10
0.12(1 + 0.12) Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
= Rs 1, 69, 506
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
é i(1 + i ) n ù Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
12.18 A = P ê ú
ê(1 + i)n - 1ú Formatted: Font: Not Bold, English (United Kingdom)
ë û

Here, P = Rs 200 crores Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
i = 10% = 0.10
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
n = 20 years Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Annual equal instalment to repay the loan:
Formatted: Font: Italic, English (United Kingdom)

é0.10 (1 + 0.10)20 ù Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

A = 200 ê
ê( 20
ú Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
ë 1 + 0.10) - 1 ú û

= Rs 23.5 crore Formatted: Font: Not Bold, English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)


é i (1 + i ) n ) ù Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Annual cost, A = P êê n
ú= P ×(CR)i , n
êë(1 + i) - 1úû

é0.06 (1.06)100 ù Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

(i) Annual cost of land = 12 êê 100
êë (1.06) - 1 úû
= 12 ´ 0.0602lakh
= Rs 0.7224 lakh

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

é 40
0.08(1.08) ú ù Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
(ii) Annual cost of earthwork = 9 êê 40 ú
êë (1.08) - 1 ú
= 9´ 0.0839lakh
= Rs 0.7551 lakh

é0.08(1.08)60 ù Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

(iii) Annual cost of bridges and culverts = 7.5 êê 60
êë (1.08) - 1 ú
= Rs 7.5´ 0.0808lakh
= Rs 0.6060 lakh

é0.10 (1.10)10 ù Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

(iv) Annual cost of pavements = 14 êê 10
êë (1.10) - 1 úû
= Rs14×0.1315lakh
= Rs 1.8410 lakhs

(v) Average annual cost of maintenance = Rs 2.0000 lakhs Formatted: Font: Not Bold, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Total amount cost of highway: Sum of all the above amounts = Rs 5.9245 lakhs
Formatted: Font: Not Bold, English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

12.20 Benefit−Cost Ratio method

Widening of road: Cost of widening = Rs 7.5  40 lakhs = Rs 300 lakhs Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
i = 7% = 0.07
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Maintenance cost = Rs 10, 000/km (single lane)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Rs 14, 000/km (two lanes) Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Annual maintenance cost for single lane = 10, 000  40 = Rs 4 lakhs Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Annual maintenance cost for two lanes = 14, 000  40 = Rs 5.6 lakhs
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Vehicle operation cost for single lane - present total cost Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
= Rs 1.50  2000  40 365 lakh = Rs 438 lakhs
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
 For two lanes = Rs 1.20 veh/km Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Present total cost = Rs 1.20  2000  40 365 lakhs = Rs 350.4 lakhs
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Since the traffic is expected to be doubled by the end of the design period of 15 years, the vehicle operation cost gets Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

doubled by the end of the design period; that is, for single lane, it increases from Rs 438 lakhs to Rs 876 lakhs, Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
uniformly. Similarly, the two lanes, it increases uniformly from Rs 350.4 lakhs to Rs 700.8 lakhs. Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Maintenance costs are expected to remain constant at Rs 4 lakhs without widening and Rs 5.6 lakhs with widening.
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
These are tabulated for the entire design period as shown. Formatted: Font: Not Bold, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

Year (t) Vehicle operation cost Rs Maintenance cost Rs (lakhs) Bt (3 + 5) − Discounted Formatted: Font: Bold, English (United Kingdom)
(lakh) (2 + 4) Bt Formatted Table
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
é Bt ù
ê ú Formatted: Font: Bold, English (United Kingdom)
ë(1.07) ú
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

With Without With Without Formatted: Font: Bold, English (United Kingdom)
widening widening widening widening Formatted: Font: Bold, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
(2) (3) (4) (5) Formatted: Space After: Auto, Line spacing: single
1 373.76 467.2 5.6 4 91.84 85.83
Formatted: Font: Bold, English (United Kingdom)
2 397.12 496.40 5.6 4 97.68 85.32 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
3 420.48 525.6 5.6 4 103.52 84.50
Formatted: Font: Bold, English (United Kingdom)

4 443.84 554.8 5.6 4 109.36 83.43 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: Font: Bold, English (United Kingdom)
5 467.20 584.0 5.6 4 115.20 82.13 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
6 490.56 613.2 5.6 4 121.04 80.65
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
7 513.92 642.4 5.6 4 126.88 79.01 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
8 537.28 671.6 5.6 4 132.72 77.24
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
9 560.64 700.8 5.6 4 138.56 75.37 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
10 587.00 730.0 5.6 4 144.40 73.41
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

11 6074.36 759.2 5.6 4 150.24 71.38 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
12 630.72 788.4 5.6 4 156.08 69.30 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

13 654.08 817.6 5.6 4 161.92 67.19 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

14 677.44 846.8 5.6 4 167.76 69.61 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

15 700.80 876.0 5.6 4 173.60 62.92 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

å Discounted Bt = 1147.3 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Cost of widening = 300 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

1147.3 Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Benefit–Cost Ratio = = 3.80
300 Formatted: Font: Not Bold, English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Since, this is greater than 1, the project is economically viable.

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

12.21 Annual cost of WBM pavement Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, English
(United Kingdom)
é i (1 + i)n ù Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, English
AWBM = (P - Cs )ê ú
ê(1 + i)n - 1ú+ iCs + CM (United Kingdom)
ë û

Cs: Salvage value

CM: Maintenance cost

P: Pavement cost Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, English

(United Kingdom)
n = 5 years Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, English
(United Kingdom)
i = 9% Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, English
(United Kingdom)
é0.09 (1.09) ù5
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, Not Bold,
 AWBM = (2.20 - 0.90)ê
ê( 5
ú+ 0.09´ 0.9 + 0.35
ú English (United Kingdom)
ë 1.09) - 1 úû
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, English
(United Kingdom)
= 0.765 lakhs
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, Italic,
English (United Kingdom)
Annual cost of Bituminous Macadam:
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, English
(United Kingdom)
n = 15 years
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, Italic,
English (United Kingdom)
i = 8%
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, English
é0.08(1.08)15 ù (United Kingdom)
ABM = (4.20 - 2.00)ê
ê( 15
ú+ 0.08´ 2 + 0.25
ú Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, English
ë 1.08) - 1 ú û (United Kingdom)
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, Not Bold,
= 0.667 lakhs English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, English
12.22 Net Present Value (NPV) method (United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
(All costs in lakhs of rupees)
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, Bold, English
(United Kingdom)
Year Road use cost Accident costs Maintenance costs
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, Bold, English
(United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
With Without With Without With Without Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
improvement improvement improvement improvement improvement improvement Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, Bold, English
(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (United Kingdom)
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, Bold, English
0 - - - - - - (United Kingdom)
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, English
1 105.5 126.5 1.1 3.1 3.5 2.5 (United Kingdom)
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, English
2 110.3 132.2 1.1 3.1 3.5 2.5 (United Kingdom)
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, English
3 115.8 138.9 1.2 3.5 3.5 2.5 (United Kingdom)
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, English
(United Kingdom)

C Venkatramaiah Transportation Engineering, Volume I

4 121.6 148.8 1.2 3.7 3.5 2.5 Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, English
(United Kingdom)
5 127.6 153.0 1.3 3.8 3.5 2.5 Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, English
(United Kingdom)
6 134.0 161.0 1.6 4.0 3.5 2.5 Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, English
(United Kingdom)
7 140.7 168.9 1.4 4.0 3.5 2.5 Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, English
(United Kingdom)
8 147.8 177.0 1.5 4.4 3.5 2.5
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, English
(United Kingdom)
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, English
(United Kingdom)
Design period = 8 years

Discount rate = 10%

Cost of improvement = 5  20 = Rs 100 lakhs Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, English
(United Kingdom)
Year(t) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, English
(United Kingdom)
Benefits (Bt) −100 22.0 22.9 24.4 28.7 26.9 28.4 29.8 31.1 Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, Bold, English
(United Kingdom)
(Bt –Ct) Formatted Table
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, Bold, Italic,
(3+5+7) − (2+4+6)
English (United Kingdom)

Discounted value −100 20.0 18.9 18.3 19.6 16.7 16.0 15.3 14.5 Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, Bold, English
(United Kingdom)

(Bt - Ct ) Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, English

(United Kingdom)
(1 + 0.1)t
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, Bold, English
(United Kingdom)
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)

Total = Rs 139.3 lakhs Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, English
(United Kingdom)
NPV = (139.3-100) = Rs 39.3 lakhs Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, Bold, English
(United Kingdom)
Since NPV is positive, the project is economically justifiable.
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, English
(United Kingdom)
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(United Kingdom)
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(United Kingdom)
Formatted: Space After: 6 pt


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