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Health Seeking Behavior of Teenage Group

In Barangay Sta. Barbara, Zamboanga City


Health seeking behavior is defined as action undertaken by individuals who perceive

themselves to have a health problem or to be ill for the purpose of finding an appropriate

remedy. The healthcare system in Philippines is a mixed public-private system. Public health care

is organized in 2 tiers: Primary care is delivered through public health and primary health care

centers linked to peripheral barangay health centers (BHCs) or health outposts. Private healthcare

services are well-established and growing in Philippines through specialist clinics and private

hospitals. The private sector is much larger than the public sector in terms of human, financial

and technological resources and caters to 30% of the population.

Youth primarily access health care through their peers, parents, or family physicians.

Many youth report that they would not involve parents or consult their family physicians for

concerns about substance use, sexual health, or personal and emotional problems. Youth need

access to health care where they feel comfortable initiating and developing relationships with

care providers and are able to raise sensitive issues related to their health and well-being.
WHO (World Health Organization), in conjunction with the United Nations Children’s

Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), agreed on a Common Agenda

for Action in adolescent health and development. This common agenda has the twin goals of

promoting healthy development in adolescents, and the prevention of and response to health

problems if and when they arise. It calls for the implementation of a package of interventions,

tailored to meet the special needs and problems of adolescents, which includes the provision of

information and skills, the creation of a safe and supportive environment, and the provision of

health and counselling services.

Background of the Study

Some people have a low self-esteem to seek care for certain type of symptoms

than others. Increasingly, public health organizations that are trying to reach teens with

health communications are doing so online, making heavy use of websites, social media

platforms, and texting campaigns. According to the WHO (World Health Organization)

the key factor that helps the adolescents’ health care-seeking behavior is whether or not

the act of seeking health care could get them in trouble with their parents. They often

search online or ask for help to any close friends or significant others.
Research Paradigm


 Demographic 1. Survey Outcome satisfactory

Profile Questionnaire of the given

2. Analyze the data information in Health
Name (optional)
gathered Seeking Behaviors in
Age 3. Presentation of Teenage Group

Gender Data
4. Conclusion and
 Health Seeking
Behavior of
Teenage Group

Figure 2: Research Paradigm

The figure presents the research paradigm of the study. The input part represents the
demographic profile of the respondents and the research itself. The process part contains the
evaluation and analysis of the data gathered. Lastly, the output part is the outcome of the
Outcome satisfactory of the given information in health seeking behaviors in teenage group.

Statement of the Problem

The applied research generally aimed to evaluate the knowledge of health seeking
behaviors of the teenage group in Barangay Sta. Barbara, Zamboanga City.

This study specifically south to answer the following questions.

1. What is the Demographic Profile of the respondent in terms of

a. Age;
b. Gender;
c. Educational Attainment
d. Civil Status; and;
e. Health Seeking Behaviors of the Teenage Group Questionnaire

2. Is there any significant difference between health seeking through medical practioners or
self-care and online researches?
3. Based on the study what can be developed to health seeking in teenage group?


H01: There is no significant difference between health seeking through medical

practioners or self-care and online researches?

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope of this research is to evaluate the outcome satisfactory of the given
information in health seeking behaviors in teenage group. The scope is limited to the estimated
teenage group ages 15-21 living in Sta. Barbara, Zamboanga City regardless of their gender,
educational attainment and civil status.

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