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Backward Design Planning

Student Name: Ashlyn Phifer School: Northwest Elementary School Date: April 2, 2018
Grade: 5th Group Size: 16

Subject: Phonics and Reading

Title: Lesson 25-26

PA Core Standard(s): Standard - CC.1.4.5. F Demonstrate a grade-appropriate command of the conventions

of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

PA Eligible Content or Alternate Eligible Content: Eligible Content - E05. D.1.2.5 Spell grade-appropriate
words correctly.

Stage 1: Desired Results

- It is important to be able to sound out words and spell them correctly.
- There are different ways to spell words that sound the same.
- Letter sound correspondence is important in everyone’s daily lives.

Essential Question(s):
- Why do we teach spelling?
- Why is spelling important?
- How does spelling impact society as a whole?

Established Objective(s):
- Students will be able to correctly sound out, letter by letter, each of their fifteen spelling words three
consecutive times.
- Students will be able to hear a spelling word and spell it correctly three out of five times.

Foundational Knowledge:
- Identify letters
- Understanding of letter sounds
- Phonemic awareness

Key Knowledge/Competencies/Skills:
- Key Terms
o Do- to perform an action
o What- asking or giving information about something
o Which- used to refer to a choice
o White- the color which reflects nearly all visible light
o When- at what time
o Where- what place or source
o Chat- to have a friendly conversation
o Check- to review or ask about something
o Champ- a winner
o Chest- area of the body between the neck and the stomach
o With- alongside or including
o Shut- closed
o Yes- the opposite of no
o May- the fifth month of the year
o April- the fourth month of the year
o March- the third month of the year
o June- the sixth month of the year
o Our- belonging or relating to us
o New- not used or owned

Duration: 35 minutes

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Performance Task(s):
- Students will show their understanding by sharing their answers with a partner before showing it to me
to see if they can catch each other’s mistakes.
- At the end of the lesson, they will complete a similar assignment where they have to select which
sentence belongs to which picture, but instead of their only being three there will be eight.

Other Evidence:
- After this lesson, students will be given a five-word assessment on the words that they have been
working on to assess growth in words they were struggling with last week.

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Learning Activities:

- Tablets
- Folder games
- Phonics packets
- Spelling packets
- Spelling word notecards

Suggested Instructional Strategies:

- Review all of the following rules that they know
o Rabbit Rule- 2 syllables, 2 short vowel sounds, double CC ---VC/CV
o Blend- two or more letters that keep their own sounds (st, tr, bl, br, dr)
o Diagraphs: two letters that come together to make one sound (ch, ck, sh, ph)
o Combination- two letters that make an unexpected sound (wh, qu)
o Floss Rule- pronounce one syllable word that end with a double C (ff, ll, ss, zz)
o COPS- used for writing sentences with their spelling words
o Underlining key words
Instructional Procedures

Anticipatory Set: “Today I brought in a game that I made that I think will be lots of fun, but I need us
to do some other work first! We are going to be working in your assigned groups. Group one you will
be working with me today. Group two you will start by finishing page 64-67 in your spelling packet
and group three you will start with doing ABC order either in the pocket chart with the notecards or in
your packet.”

Model: (I work with group one since the others know what they are doing or working with Ms. Ayala.)
1. A group of four students comes back to the back table and I hand them each their packet.
2. I will ask them to take one minute and read through the words in the top box in their head and
tell them “After one minute we will read these words out loud together, so try to sound them out
on your own first.”
3. We will sound out each word letter by letter and then say the word as a whole (p-o-n-d = pond)
*This continues for the next nine words*
4. The students will then listen to me read two three-line stories and I will make each story with
the picture I think best represents the story I have read about.

Guided Practice:
1. Students will read each of the ten spelling words out loud together again.
2. Students will then take turns reading eight three-line stories and selecting a picture that they think
best suits the story while teacher is there to help guide them through underlining key points and
sounding out unfamiliar words.

Independent Practice:
1. Students will have a word bank of all of their spelling words that they will read in their head.
2. Students will independently read eight three-line stories and match it to the picture they think best
matches the story.
3. They must try by themselves first, but before they hand it in to be graded they may talk with a peer
within the group at the back table.

Closing: “You all did awesome today! Tomorrow we will be switching groups, so if you didn’t get a
turn on the tablet today you will tomorrow.”

Supports and Scaffolds:

Listening to the student read a sentence and helping them sound it out, then I read the sentence aloud to them
to help with their comprehension of the task they have to do.

Related Materials/Resources:
- PDE SAS Standards
Teacher Reflection:
The fifth graders liked the folder games at first but began getting frustrated with each other as they finished
envelopes and the ones they still needed to do were being used. In the future I will have more than one
envelope with the same words so that no one is feeling rushed to finish with the one they are using. Similar to
fourth grade, it was hard to make the lesson really entertaining while still adhering the district’s request that the
students will out this packet with a very scripted lesson. Students were more likely to act up because they are
bored and seemed to just go through the motions to be done with the packet as soon as possible so they can use
some of the apps I downloaded onto the tablets, play the folder game, or use the pocket chart for alphabetical
order. I am thinking when I teach the lesson next, I will have the students use dry erase markers on the table
and try to spell their spelling words on the table while I help them sound it out. It gives the students something
new to try, and who doesn’t like writing on the table.

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