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Exercise 1

Complete the following sentences using appropriate subordinating conjunctions.

[when, while, where, though, although, till, before, unless, as, after, because, if, that, since]

1. We were happy ………………. we received the first prize.

2. The people were listening eagerly ……………….. the leader was speaking.

3. This is the place ………………. we were attacked.

4. ………………… he worked hard, he failed.

5. ...................... she is beautiful, she is not intelligent.

6. You wait here ……………. I come.

7. She will not come …………….. we compel her.

8. There was a silence ……………….. the guests had gone.

9. She began to cry ………………… she had lost her golden chain.

10. ..................... you work hard, you will get the first prize.

11. She became angry …………………. I had said anything.

Exercise 2

In the following exercise, place an appropriate subordinating conjunction in front of one of the
independent clauses in each sentence. Do not create a compound sentence with a coordinating
conjunction. In this exercise, you should select the main idea for the independent clause and create a
dependent clause for the subordinate idea. Keep in mind that when you place a subordinating conjunction
in front of an independent clause, a dependent clause is formed that may require a comma. Remember
the rules of punctuation when joining dependent clauses with independent clauses.

1. Algebra is offered only in the mornings. English is offered at night.

2. The course was excellent. Dr. Dawson taught it.
3. We could see very clearly last night. The moon was so bright.
4. It is cold outside. The joggers are wearing shorts.
5. Jonathan breaks out in a rash. Ragweed blooms in the backyard.
6. I knew you were coming. I would have cleaned the guest room.
7. I live just a few blocks away. I drive to school anyway.
8. The soldiers were dreadfully injured. They would lie on the battlefield without medical attention
for an hour or a day.
9. Bob is a good mechanic. He is planning to open his own repair shop.
10. The dog barked all night. The neighbors did not complain.
Exercise 1

1. We were happy when we received the first prize.

2. The people were listening eagerly while the leader was speaking.

3. This is the place where we were attacked.

4. Although he worked hard, he failed.

5. Though she is beautiful, she is not intelligent.

6. You wait here till I come.

7. She will not come unless we compel her.

8. There was a silence after the guests had gone.

9. She began to cry because she had lost her golden chain.

10. If you work hard, you will get the first prize.

11. She became angry before I had said anything.

Exercise 2

1. Although Algebra is offered only in the mornings, English is offered at night.

2. The course was excellent because Dr. Dawson taught it.
3. We could see very clearly last night because the moon was so bright.
4. Even though it is cold outside, the joggers are wearing shorts.
5. Jonathan breaks out in a rash whenever ragweed blooms in the backyard.
6. If I knew you were coming, I would have cleaned the guest room.
7. Although I live just a few blocks away, I drive to school anyway.
8. Unless or Although the soldiers were dreadfully injured, they would lie on the battlefield without
medical attention for an hour or a day.
(Unless shows condition; Although shows contrast. Note the how the meaning of the sentence
changes with the different subordinating conjunctions.)
9. Because Bob is a good mechanic, he is planning to open his own repair shop.

10. Although the dog barked all night, the neighbors did not complain.

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