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Author Manuscript
Hum Fertil (Camb). Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 February 05.
Published in final edited form as:
NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Hum Fertil (Camb). 2011 March ; 14(1): 48–52. doi:10.3109/14647273.2010.520798.

Sperm content of pre-ejaculatory fluid


1Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Hull York Medical School, University of Hull, Hull, UK 2Hull IVF
Unit, Women and Children’s Hospital, Hull, UK 3Office of Population Research, Princeton
University, Princeton, NJ, USA and 4Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare Partnership, Hull and
East Yorkshire, Hull, UK

This study was designed to establish whether motile spermatozoa are released with pre-ejaculatory
fluid and whether this fluid therefore poses a risk for unintended pregnancy. Forty samples of pre-
NIH-PA Author Manuscript

ejaculatory fluid were examined from 27 volunteer men. Samples were obtained by masturbation
and by touching the end of the penis with a Petri dish prior to ejaculation. Eleven of the 27
subjects (41%) produced pre-ejaculatory samples that contained spermatozoa and in 10 of these
cases (37%), a reasonable proportion of the sperm was motile. The volunteers produced on up to
five separate occasions and sperms were found in either all or none of their pre-ejaculatory
samples. Hence, condoms should continue to be used from the first moment of genital contact,
although it may be that some men, less likely to leak spermatozoa in their pre-ejaculatory fluid,
are able to practice coitus interruptus more successfully than others.

Male fertility; contraception; male reproductive system

Pre-ejaculatory fluid is released from the male urethra in amounts of up to 4 ml during
sexual arousal, prior to ejaculation. It is said to originate from Cowper’s glands and the
NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Glands of Littre, which open at different sites along the length of the urethra. These glands
secrete an alkaline fluid containing numerous enzymes and mucus but no sperm. Despite
this lack of sperm, current advice is that any fluid emanating from the penis prior to
ejaculation could be contaminated with sperm and therefore should be regarded as
potentially fertile and capable of resulting in an unwanted pregnancy. Indeed, the NHS
Choices website (2010) states that ‘Millions of sperm are also found in the liquid produced
by the penis as soon as it is erect (hard). This means that a man doesn’t have to ejaculate for
pregnancy to occur’. Identical statements are found on many other websites. Guidelines
therefore recommend condom use from the very first moment of sexual contact (NHS

© 2011 The British Fertility Society

Correspondence: Prof. Stephen Killick, The Academic Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Women and Children’s Hospital,
Anlaby Road, Hull, HU3 2PZ, UK. [email protected].
Authors’ contributions
Stephen Killick was responsible for the study design and writing the article. Christine Leary collected the data and performed the
laboratory assessments. James Trussell performed the literature search, interpreted the data and contributed in writing the article.
Katherine Guthrie had the original idea and contributed in writing the article.
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Clinical Knowledge Summaries, 2010) and limit the opportunity for foreplay, hence
reducing the popularity of condom use.
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Nearly 60% of women aged 15–44 in the USA who have ever had intercourse have used
coitus interruptus (withdrawal) as a form of contraception at some time, and among women
at risk of unintended pregnancy, 4.6% use withdrawal as their primary method and a further
4.4% use withdrawal plus another method (Mosher & Jones, 2010). In the UK, 5% of
women at risk for unintended pregnancy use withdrawal (Lader, 2009). Guidelines for
withdrawal (Withdrawal Method. Planned Parenthood, 2004) recommend withdrawing the
penis from the vagina when the man feels ejaculation is imminent, but it is not remotely
clear how a man would know when he is leaking pre-ejaculatory fluid or indeed

The source for the claim that pre-ejaculatory fluid contains sperm is entirely unclear.
Masters and Johnson stated in Human Sexual Response that there were ‘large numbers of
active spermatozoa in the pre-ejaculatory secretion’. However, they were unable to produce
data to substantiate that claim (Masters & Johnson, 1966). In fact, to date, no study has
found motile sperm in the pre-ejaculate.

This study was designed to establish whether motile spermatozoa are indeed released with
pre-ejaculatory fluid and therefore whether the fluid poses a risk for unintended pregnancy.
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Male volunteers were recruited by poster advertisements around a university, in a city-centre
drop-in clinic, and by word of mouth. Subjects were asked to attend the local IVF unit and
given private facilities to produce a sample of semen by masturbation. They were given
clear and specific instructions, both verbally and in writing, about collecting a sample of any
fluid appearing at the tip of the penis before ejaculation by touching the end of the penis
with the base of a Petri dish.

Note was taken of the time since last ejaculation and any significant general health factors.
Subjects were allowed to produce up to five samples on different occasions at least three
days apart.

Pre-ejaculatory fluid samples were examined as soon as possible after production (within 2
min) and volumes measured with a graduated pipette. Petri dishes were scanned using
inverted, phase contrast 400 × light microscopy, thus allowing the full sample to be analysed
for the presence of any sperm and for their motility to be assessed. The tiny samples were
subsequently hydrated with 100 μl of culture medium to permit the analysis of cell and
NIH-PA Author Manuscript

sperm concentrations using a standard haemocytometer. Ejaculatory samples were submitted

to standard WHO analysis (World Health Organization, 2010). See Table I.

Ethical approval was obtained from the Hull and East Riding Local Research Ethics
Committee and formal written consent obtained from each subject. Data analysis was
conducted in Excel.

Twenty-eight subjects volunteered for the study but one admitted to being unable to collect
his pre-ejaculatory fluid, leaving 27 subjects and 40 samples of both pre-ejaculatory and
ejaculatory fluid for analysis. Results for each sample are shown in Table II.

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Eleven of the 27 subjects (41%) produced pre-ejaculatory samples that contained

spermatozoa and in 10 of these cases (37%) a reasonable proportion of the sperm was
motile. In every case where an individual subject produced more than one sample, he either
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did or did not have spermatozoa in all of his samples. In other words, it was never the case
that a subject sometimes had spermatozoa and sometimes did not.

Four of the volunteers were found to be oligospermic (subjects 11, 16, 22 and 25). Each was
advised of his condition and given appropriate counselling and guidance with regard to his
future fertility potential. In two cases, the cause of oligospermia was almost certainly
concomitant drug therapy. Interestingly, all these 4 oligospermic individuals produced
motile sperm in their pre-ejaculatory samples.

In most cases, the sperm concentration and percentage of motile sperm were similar in an
individual’s pre-ejaculatory and ejaculatory specimens (Figure 1, correlation =0.44) and in
one case (subject 11) when a subject produced ejaculatory samples of variable concentration
(very probably related to his drug therapy) the concentration in the pre-ejaculatory sample
mirrored these changes. Nevertheless, it is important to note that pre-ejaculatory and
ejaculatory samples appeared different. Pre-ejaculatory samples tended to be more cellular
and in only 3 of the 40 paired samples were sperm concentration and motility identical.

NIH-PA Author Manuscript

The importance of the fertilising potential of pre-ejaculatory fluid in the eyes of the general
public is illustrated by fact that a Google search under the term ‘pre-cum’ (the customary
slang word for pre-ejaculatory fluid and not a dictionary word or a word used in any other
context) revealed no fewer than 7,440,000 hits. In contrast, the lack of significance awarded
to the subject by the medical fraternity is illustrated by the results of a similar search under
the term ‘pre-ejaculatory fluid’ in all the current Health-care databases in the NHS library
website, including any field in Medline from 1950 onwards and Embase from 1980,
revealed a total of only 15 separate hits (4 were veterinary studies, 2 concerned withdrawal,
1 described condom effectiveness and 8 concerned HIV transmission). Using the term ‘pre-
cum’ resulted in zero hits. This dearth persists despite repeated calls over the last 20 years
for more basic research in order to advise condom users informatively (Craig & Hepburn,
1982; Rogow & Horowitz, 1995; Finger, 1996).

One previous study failed to show any sperm in pre-ejaculatory fluid, although this study
contained only four normal volunteers (Zuckerman et al., 2003). Two studies have isolated
cells containing live HIV virus from pre-ejaculatory fluid, but the cells harbouring the virus
appeared to be non-sperm cells. One study by Ilaria et al. (1992) detected no sperm at all in
NIH-PA Author Manuscript

pre-ejaculatory samples from 16 men. In the other by Pudney et al. (1992), 8 out of 23 pre-
ejaculatory samples contained ‘a few small clumps of spermatozoa’.

The reason why our study was able to demonstrate motile sperm in pre-ejaculatory fluid
whereas other studies have failed to do so might lie in the promptness with which we
examined the samples. In our IVF unit, the room where men are able to produce their
samples is immediately adjacent to the laboratory. We briefed our volunteers appropriately
and arranged for an embryologist to be positioned at the microscope awaiting each sample,
and we are confident that samples were examined within 2 min of production. After this
time, low volume samples can dry out and microscopic examination becomes extremely
difficult. No previous publication reports the specific instructions given to men who were
asked to collect pre-ejaculatory samples.

Although our pre-ejaculatory samples often contained sperm with equivalent concentration
and motility to what would be regarded as fertile in ejaculatory samples, the actual number

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of sperm in the pre-ejaculates was very low. We are unable to say how this finding might
translate into the chances of pregnancy if these samples of pre-ejaculate were deposited in
the vagina except that the chances would not be zero. All but one of our pre-ejaculatory
NIH-PA Author Manuscript

samples contained fewer than 23 million sperm, and values as low as this were seen in
ejaculatory samples of less than 2.5% of men whose partners conceived in less than 1 year
(Cooper et al., 2010). We did not, however, ask our volunteers to attempt to collect all their
pre-ejaculatory secretions but merely to obtain a drop on a Petri dish, and it is possible that
some of them emitted more than was collected.

It has been suggested that any sperm in the pre-ejaculatory fluid must be the result of a
previous ejaculation and that men who practice withdrawal should pass urine prior to coitus
in order to wash away any residual sperm (Withdrawal Method. Planned Parenthood, 2004).
However, in all cases in which we observed sperm in pre-ejaculatory fluid the urethra had,
of course, been washed with urine on multiple occasions after the last ejaculation, and
therefore the contamination of pre-ejaculatory fluid must have taken place immediately prior
to ejaculation.

It would appear from our study that some men repeatedly leak sperm in their pre-ejaculatory
fluid while others do not.

Although our small population of volunteers were carefully instructed on the need to collect
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a sample prior to ejaculation it may be that some of them failed to do so and submitted two
ejaculatory samples so as to avoid embarrassment. It would have been helpful to have
checked the samples that were claimed to be pre-ejaculatory for their fructose and zinc
content but this would have been extremely difficult given their small volumes and we did
not plan to do so since we did not anticipate this being a problem. Nevertheless, if our aim
was to determine whether delaying either condom use or withdrawal (if using coitus
interruptus) to immediately prior to ejaculation posed a threat for unintended pregnancy then
the fact that some men might be unable to judge this moment is enough to answer the
question. In other words, sperm may be released prior to ejaculation, or men may be unable
to predict the moment of their ejaculation and subsequently fail to admit to this. In either
case, this creates a risk of unintended pregnancy from coitus interruptus or delayed condom

We conclude that a major proportion of men leak motile sperm in their pre-ejaculatory fluid.
Current advice should continue to be to wear a condom prior to any genital contact in order
to minimise unintended pregnancy and disease transmission.
NIH-PA Author Manuscript

It is tempting to speculate that the use of withdrawal as a means of contraception might be

more successful in some men because they are less likely to release sperm with their pre-

The authors acknowledge the contribution of their recruiting team, volunteers and the busy embryologists of the
IVF unit. No grant was received for the study, which was supported by the Hull IVF unit.

Cooper TG, Noonan E, von Eckaedstein S, Auger J, Baker HWG, Behre HM, et al. World Health
Organisation reference values for human semen characteristics. Human Reproduction Update. 2010;
16:231–245. [PubMed: 19934213]

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Craig S, Hepburn S. The effectiveness of barrier methods of contraception with and without
spermicide. Contraception. 1982; 26:347–359. [PubMed: 6759027]
Finger WR. Contraceptive update: withdrawal popular in some cultures. Network. 1996; 17:15–16. 24.
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[PubMed: 12320443]
Ilaria G, Jacobs JL, Polsky B, Koll B, Baron P, Maclow C, et al. Detection of HIV-1 DNA sequences
in pre-ejaculatory fluid. Lancet. 1992; 340:1469. [PubMed: 1360583]
Lader, D. Contraception and sexual health 2008/09. Office for National Statistics; 2009. Available
Masters, WH.; Johnson, VE. Human sexual response. Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Company; 1966.
Pages 211
Mosher WD, Jones J. Use of contraception in the United States: 1982–2008. National Center for
Health Statistics. Vital Health Statistics. 2010; 23(29) Tables 1, 12 and 14. Available from http://
NHS choices website. [accessed 20 April 2010] Is it possible to get pregnant without penetration?.
Available from:
NHS Clinical Knowledge Summaries. [accessed 2 May 2010] Condoms – male and female – your
guide (fpa). 2010. Available from:
Pudney J, Oneta M, Mayer K, Seage G, Anderson D. Pre-ejaculatory fluid as a potential vector for
sexual transmission of HIV-1. Lancet. 1992; 340:1470. [PubMed: 1360584]
Rogow D, Horowitz S. Withdrawal: a review of the literature and an agenda for research. Studies in
Family Planning. 1995; 26:140–153. [PubMed: 7570764]
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Withdrawal Method. [accessed 20 April 2010] Planned parenthood. Mar. 2004 Available from: http://
World Health Organization. WHO laboratory manual for the examination and processing of human
semen. 5. Geneva: 2010.
Zuckerman Z, Weiss DB, Orvieto R. Does preejaculatory penile secretion originating from Cowper’s
gland contain sperm? Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. 2003; 20:157–159.
[PubMed: 12762415]
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Figure 1.
Sperm concentration in pre-ejaculatory versus ejaculatory samples.
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Table I
Relevant values of semen parameters from WHO guidelines.
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Parameter Normal value

Volume >2 ml
Concentration >20 ×106 ml−1
Motility >50% moderate or good forward progression
Morphology ≥15% normal forms
Other cells <1 ×106 ml−1
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Table II
Analysis of pre-ejaculatory and ejaculatory samples from all 28 volunteers.

Volume of Sperm in pre- seen in Motility in Cells in pre- Sperm in Cells in
KILLICK et al.

pre- ejaculatory pre- pre- ejaculatory ejaculatory Motility in Morphology in ejaculatory

ejaculatory sample (×106 ejaculate ejaculatory sample (×106 sample (×106 ejaculatory ejaculatory sample
Subject number Abstinence (days) sample (ml) ml−1) (×106) sperm (%) ml−1) ml−1) sample (%) sample (%) (×106ml−1)
1 1 0.1 0 <1 25 51 20 <1
2 2 0.3 0 <1 25 49 32 <1
3 1 0.1 0 <1 55 65 38 <1
4 1 0.2 0 <1 124 45 20 <1
5 3 0.2 0 <1 60 13 9 <1
6 2 0.5 40 20 50 <1 40 50 25 <1
7 2 0.2 40 8 40 5 35 51 20 <1
8 2 0.2 0 3 51 52 25 <1
9 3 0.1 0 3 59 61 19 <1
10 2 0.5 0 3 48 54 24 <1
16 1 0.1 35 3.5 50 <1 5 60 14 <1
17 2 0.7 50 35 55 <1 50 55 20 <1
18 7 0.1 4 0.4 50 <1 19 48 20 <1
19 3 0.2 0 <1 80 60 20 <1
20 4 0.2 10 2 50 <1 40 60 20 <1
21 1 0.1 2 0.2 50 6 40 50 17 <1
22 1 0.2 2 0.4 0 10 8 50 15 <1
23 1 80 75 20 <1

Hum Fertil (Camb). Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 February 05.
24 1 0.2 0 4 60 65 20 <1
25 1 0.4 0.5 0.2 60 2 7 60 14 <1
26 1 0.4 0 4 35 60 18 <1
27 2 0.2 0 3 90 60 19 <1
28 1 <0.1 0 <1 30 55 20 <1
14a 5 0.2 0 <1 30 50 19 <1
14b 4 0.2 0 <1 35 45 18 <1
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Volume of Sperm in pre- seen in Motility in Cells in pre- Sperm in Cells in
pre- ejaculatory pre- pre- ejaculatory ejaculatory Motility in Morphology in ejaculatory
ejaculatory sample (×106 ejaculate ejaculatory sample (×106 sample (×106 ejaculatory ejaculatory sample
Subject number Abstinence (days) sample (ml) ml−1) (×106) sperm (%) ml−1) ml−1) sample (%) sample (%) (×106ml−1)
Mean values for 0.2 0 <1 32.5 47.5 18.5 <1
KILLICK et al.

subject 14
13a 6 0.3 10 3.3 25 <1 50 60 20 <1
13b 3 0.2 10 2 20 <1 33 50 19 <1
13c 3 0.2 10 2 30 <1 28 50 19 <1
Mean values for 10 2.4 25 <1 37 53 19 <1
subject 13
15a 3 0.1 0 1 46 53 18 <1
15b 3 0.4 0 2 55 50 20 <1
15c 3 0.3 0 1 49 50 20 <1
Mean values for 0.3 0 2 50 51 19 <1
subject 15
11a 2 1 20 20 50 1 10 58 19 <1
11b 7 0.5 10 5 40 <1 10 40 15 <1
11c 4 0.2 0.5 1 0 <1 2 30 12 <1
11d 3 0.3 5 2 0 <1 2 50 10 <1
11e 2 0.1 2 0.2 0 <1 3 50 8 <1
Mean values for 0.4 7.5 5.6 18 <1 5.4 45.6 12.8 <1
subject 11
12a >7 0.1 0 <1 54 51 20 <1
12b 5 0.2 0 4 41 50 20 <1
12c 7 0.2 0 <1 54 55 18 <1

Hum Fertil (Camb). Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 February 05.
12d 7 0.2 0 <1 12 50 17 <1
12e 4 0.1 0 2 30 55 17 <1
Mean values for 0.2 0 1.8 38.2 52.2 18.4 <1
subject 12
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