Chinese History Pathfinder

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Chinese History

Fall 2010 – Amber Zimmer – LIS60621

Search Aids
This pathfinder will be useful in finding information about Chinese
Search Terms
history. (Use for computer searches)
 Chinese history
 History of China
For an introduction to the topic, see:
 China: a history, by Harold M. Tanner (2009)
Subject Headings
(Use in card catalogs and print indexes)
Key Resources at a Glance:  Chinese -- History
 China: a new history, by John King Fairbank and Merle  History of China
Goldman (2006). This book covers many different aspects
and eras in Chinese history including the many dynasties,
religion’s influence on societal development, communism, Call Number
and the Cultural Revolution.  951 (Dewey Decimal)
 The Cambridge illustrated history of China, by Patricia  DS733-779.32 (Library of
Buckley Ebrey (2010). This book provides a vast range of Congress)
topics in Chinese history and includes illustrations of
Chinese art and expression from various times in history.
 China: its history and culture, by W. Scott Morton and Indexes and Abstracts
Charlton M. Lewis (2005). This title divides Chinese  EBSCOhost
history into sets of years, describing dynasties and  Academic Search Premier
revolutions. Its publishing date is particularly important  Historical Absracts
because it has a section dedicated to changes in Chinese
culture in recent years.

Library catalogs
Reference Background  Your local library catalog
 Encyclopedia of China: the essential reference to China, its  OhioLINK
history and culture, by Dorothy Perkins (2000)  Bibliography of Asian Studies
 Berkshire encyclopedia of China: modern and historic Online
views of the world’s newest and oldest global power, edited
by Linsun Cheng (2009)
 Historical dictionary of medieval China, by Victor Cunrui

 Quick access to Chinese history, published by Beijing: Foreign Language Press (2008)
 Chinese history: a manual, by Endymion Wilkinson (2000)
 All under heaven: a complete history of China, by Rayne Kruger (2003)
 China Heritage Quarterly
 China Yearbook
 Late Imperial China

Magazine Articles
 “Modernization and the Study of Modern Chinese History,” by Wang Xudong and Li
Junxiang. Chinese Studies in History (Fall 2009)
 “Studies of Qing History,” by Feng Erkang. Chinese Studies in History (Winter 2009)
 “World History Studies in Twentieth-Century China,” by Xiang Xiang, Song Faqing, Wang
Jiafeng, and Li Hongtu. Chinese Studies in History (Spring 2009)

Web Pages and Web Portals

 ChinaKnowledge
 History of China
 Leon Poon’s History of China

Organizations and Special Collections

 UCLA Library – Richard C. Rudolph East Asian Library – Chinese collections; (310) 825-4960
 Leiden University Special Chinese collections; 071 527 2814
 Chinese Historical Society of America; (415) 391-1188

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This pathfinder has been provided to you by THE Pathfinder Project and your local library.
Production funded in part by Library Services and Technology Act funds administered by the State Library of Iowa.

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