Ministry of Finance and Mass Media Sri Lanka Customs Department

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I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2018'07'20

immediately preceding to the closing date of calling (II) Physical requirements: In the case of males, their
for applications is satisfied/not satisfied. Officer height should not be less than 5 feet 5 inches and chest
has/has not earned all salary increments. Officer should not be less than33 inches (when expanded). In
has subjected/not subjected to any disciplinary the case of females their height should not be less than
action. 5 feet 3 inches.

11.2 He/She could/could not be released from the post (III) Educational qualifications.-The candidates must
held at present. if he/she is selected to the post possess the following educational qualifications:-
applied. I do hereby recommend/not recommend
the application. (a) A degree obtained from a recognized University;
————, (b) At least a credit pass in English language
Signature and the Official seal of as a subject at the General Certificate of
the Head of Department. Education (Ordinary Level). Examination
(English language as an optional subject is not
Date :————. considered) ;
07-512 (c) A Simple pass (minimum) in English Language
as a subject at the General Certificate of
Education (Advanced Level) Examination.

MINISTRY OF FINANCE AND MASS MEDIA Note: No person will be eligible to sit this examination, on
Sri Lanka Customs Department pending results of a Degree Examination. However a person
who has passed a degree of a recognized University may
be permitted to sit this examination, when an official letter
OPEN COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR obtained from the Registrar of the University is produced to
RECRUITMENT TO THE POSTS OF ASSISTANT the effect, that he/she has passed the degree examination.
DEPARTMENT OF SRI LANKA CUSTOMS -2018 03. Conditions of Service :

The Open Competitive Examination for recruitment to Salary : The consolidated monthly salary scale
the posts of Assistant Superintendent of Customs, Grade attached to the post is as follows:-
II of the Sri Lanka Customs Department will be held by MN -5 Rs. 34,605 - 660X10 – 755X11-
the Commissioner General of Examinations in November 930X15 = Rs. 63,460
2018,only in Colombo. The date of the examination will (As per Public Administration Circular
be notified in due course through the newspapers. The Sri No.3/2016 )
Lanka Customs Department reserves the right of postponing
or cancelling this examination. (The provisions of the Public Administration
Circular No. 03/2016 will be applicable in
Applications are invited for these posts from both males paying salaries from 01.01.2016 to 01.01.2020)
and females possessing the qualifications given below:
The post is permanent and will be subject to
02. Eligibility:- the policy decision taken by the government,
regarding the pension scheme in future.
(I) Every applicant must furnish satisfactory proof to the
fact that he/she: (III) Successful candidates will be appointed subject
(a) is a citizen of Sri Lanka, to a probationary period of three years with
(b) is of excellent moral character, effect from the date of appointment.
(c) is not less than 22 years and not more than 28
years of age, as at the closing date of applications. (IV) The appointees must undergo a medical
(Accordingly, only those who were born on or examination held by a Government Medical
Officer to test whether he/she is physically fit to
before 20.08.1996 or born on or after 20.08.1990
serve in any part of the island.
are eligible to apply for this post)
(V) The appointees are bound to serve day and night
Note :- No person ordained in any religious sect shall be
in any part of the island.
permitted to sit this examination.
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2018'07'20 1997

(VI) The attention is invited to the General Conditions Marks Awarding procedure at the structured interview:
applicable to the posts in Public Service which
have been published at the beginning of part Marks for individual sports at the Zonal level : 3 marks
I: Section (IIA) of the Government Gazette for the first place, 2 marks for the second place, and 1
notification. mark for the third place.

04. Scheme of Examination.-The Scheme of examination for Marks for individual sports at the District level : 4
recruitment is as follows : marks for the first place, 3 marks for the second place,
and 2 marks for the third place.
Marks Marks for individual sports at the National level : 5
(01) Aptitude Test ( 01 Hour ) 100 marks for the first place,4 marks for the second place
(02) English Language ( 01 ½ hours ) 100 and 3 marks for the third place.
Total 200
Marks for a member of a team game at the Zonal level:
Aptitude paper – This paper will consist of 50 multiple 3 marks for the first place,2 marks for the second place,
choice questions and questions for short answers, to test and 1 mark for the third place.
the language skills, the ability in mathematical and logical Marks for member of a team game at the District level:
reasoning of the candidate. All questions should be answered. 4 marks for the first place, 3 marks for the second place,
and 2 marks for the third place.
English Language paper- This paper will test the reading,
writing, comprehension and communication skills of the Marks for a member of a team game at the National
candidates. All questions should be answered. level:5 marks for the first place 4 marks for the second
place and 3 marksfor the third place.
Note:- This examination will be conducted in all the three
languages Sinhala, Tamil and English. Applicant should sit 05. Basis of selection – Applicants who are successful at the
this examination in the same medium in which they passed
written examination and the interview will be selected
the qualifying examination referred to in paragraph 02(iii) of
this notification. (i.e. Sinhala or Tamil or English), or in the for conferment of appointments, subject to the number
Official Language. It is not permitted to change the language of vacancies approved by the Ministry of Finance and
medium applied. Mass Media. Not more than 10% of the number of
vacancies of the combined cadre will be reserved for
female candidates.
(i) Marks will be deducted for unclear handwriting and
wrong spelling. 05. (I) Release of results: -The results list prepared in order
of merit based on aggregate marks obtained by the qualified
(ii) Admission cards of the examination will be sent by the candidates at the written examination and the structured
interview will be sent to the Director General of Customs
Commissioner General of Examinations to the applicants
by the Department of Examinations. The Department of
who forward applications to sit the examination. The Examinations will issue the result to all candidates who sat
receipt of an admission card must not be treated as a the examination, by post or will publish result in the official
fulfillment of qualifications to sit the examination. website

( iii) Evaluation: applicants who score 60% or above in Note:-The nature of the work in customs department
each paper will be listed in a priority list based on the is such that even the female officers will have to
aggregate marks. A number of applicants equivalent perform night duties.
to the number of vacancies will be called for the
structured interview according to merits,starting from 06. It is compulsory for every applicant that, he/she
the applicant who has obtained the highest aggregate should have fulfilled all the required qualifications
marks. Maximum of 10 marks will be awarded for the prior to the date of closing applications for the
sports talents at the structured interview. Subsequently,
the successful applicants will be referred to a general 07. Method of application:-
interview in which no marks will be awarded and
information regarding qualifications of the applicants (i) A specimen form of the application has been given
will be verified at this interview. at the end of this notification. applicants should
prepare their application forms themselves in the
medium which they intend to sit the examination
conforming to the specimen form referred to above
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2018'07'20

and fill them in their own handwriting. Every cage General of Examinations so as to reach him on or
of the application must be filled by the applicants as before 20.08.2018The applications should not be
instructed and if there are cages not applicable, the sent addressing personally to the Director General
words “not applicable” should be entered in such of Customs or any other officer of the Department.
cages. It must be strictly noted that leaving blank Applications received after the due date; even if
cages in the application will cause the applications they are forwarded by the departments will be
liable to be rejected. (Heading numbers 01 to 06 of rejected. Applications of the applicants who are
the specimen form should be on the first page, 07 in the Government Service will be rejected if the
to 11 in the second page, and the rest in the third attestation of the signature of the applicant does not
page of the application which should be prepared bear the signature and the official seal of the Head
in A4 size papers). The title of the examination of Department/ Head of the Institution.
should be written in English too, in Sinhala and
Tamil applications. Retaining a copy of the duly (v) Attestation:- The signature of an applicant who is in
filled application with the applicant may be more Government Service should be attested by his/her
appropriate. It is further requested to check whether Head of Department or by an officer authorized to
the application has been accurately completed in do so on his behalf. The signature of other applicants
conformity with the specimen appended to this should be attested by a person authorized to do so,
i.e a Justice of Peace, a Commissioner of Oaths,
notification and the receipt obtained after payment
Attorney - at - Law, a Notary Public, a Principal of
of examination fee has been pasted indicating a Government School, a Commissioned Officer of
relevant details since the applications which are the Navy, Air Force or Army, a permanent Public
not in conformity with the said Specimen and Officer drawing an annual salary of Rs. 240,360/=
incomplete applications are rejected without notice. or over, a Chief Incumbent or a Head of a Buddhist
temple or any other religion in charge of a place of
(ii) The completed application form must be sent by worship or holding a position of importance.
registered post on or before 20.08.2018 to reach
the Commissioner General of Examinations, 08 (I) Admission to the Examination:-On the presumption
Organization and Foreign Examinations Branch, that applications have been forwarded by persons
Department of Examinations, P.B.1503, Colombo. who have fulfilled the qualifications referred to in the
Any applications received after the due date will
Gazette notification, admission cards will be issued
by the Commissioner General of Examinations to all
be rejected. The name of the examination should applicants who are within the age limit mentioned in
be written clearly on the top left-hand corner of the the Gazette notification and have paid the prescribed
envelope in which the application is enclosed. examination fee and submitted the accurately completed
applications on or before the closing date including the
(iii) The examination fee is Rs. 750. This fee should name of the city and medium intended to appear for
be paid at any Post office /Sub Post office to the examination, signature of the applicant, the attestation
credit of the revenue head number 2003-02-13 of the signature and the attestation of the Head of the
of the Commissioner General of Examinations. Department (If applicable) along with the receipt of the
Money orders or stamps will not be accepted for the payment.
payment of examination fee. The receipt must be
Immediately after the issuance of admission cards to the
attached to the application and it is advised to retain
applicants a newspaper advertisement will be published
a photocopy of the receipt with the applicant. This by the Department of Examinations, Sri Lanka. If a
fee will not be refunded under any circumstances or applicant does not receive his / her admission card even
not be transferred in lieu of a payment for another after two or three days of such advertisement, he / she
examination. should, without any delay, inform the Department of
Examinations of Sri Lanka regarding non- receipt of
(iv) Applicants who are already employed in the admission cards, as mentioned in the notification.
Government Departments/ Corporations/ Boards In making such an inquiry, full name of the applicant,
must forward their applications through the Heads address, National Identity Card No. and name of the
of their Department or Institutions in which they examination should accurately be mentioned. In case of
an applicant residing outside Colombo it will be more
are serving at present. Applicants are requested
appropriate to contact the Department forwarding a
to forward their applications to heads of their letter of request including the above details and a fax
Departments or Institution well on time with a number to receive the admission card ( to the fax number
request that they be transmitted to the Commissioner referred to in the notification). It will be more successful
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2018'07'20 1999

to retain a certified photocopy of the application with (if applicable) should be forwarded with the
the paying receipt and the registered post no. readily application. But the necessary particulars
available with the applicant to produce as a proof of should be provided in the form, as prescribed.
such information requested by the Department of Incomplete applications will be rejected.
(ii) Applicants, who are qualified to be called for
(II) An applicant must sit the examination at the the interview, should prove their eligibility by
examination hall assigned to him/her. Every producing documentary proof.
candidate must get his signature attested in
advance and hand over the admission card
to the supervisor on the first day he/she (iii) The originals of the following documents will
presents himself/herself for the examination. be required:
An applicant who fails to produce his/her
(a) A certificate of moral character signed by
admission card will not be permitted to sit the
a responsible person.
examination. The rules for applicants have
been indicated separately in part I: Section
Note:The certificate of character may be obtained from a
II (A) of this Gazette notification. Applicants
Justice of the Peace, Attorney – at - law, Divisional
will be bound by the rules of Examination.
Secretary of the area of residence, or a permanent
Government officer in receipt of an annual
(III) No notification of receipt of applications will
consolidated salary of Rs.240,360/= or over, or some
be issued to the applicants. Applicants will be
person whose name is known and reference can be
subject to the rules and regulations enacted by
directly made. The designation and address of the
the Commissioner General of Examinations
person who issues the certificate must be clearly
with respect to the conduct of examinations
indicated on the certificate. (Applicants holding
and release of the results. In case of violating
permanent posts in Government service will not be
these rules and regulations, he/ she will be
required to furnish certificates of moral character)
liable to a punishment to be imposed by the
Commissioner General of Examinations.
(a) A certified copy of the entry of the registration of
the birth of candidate or a Special Certificate of
Note: - The issue of an admission card to an applicant
age issued by the Register General (in the case of
does not mean that he or she has fulfilled the requisite
candidates whose birth has been not registered)
qualifications to sit the examination.
09. Identity of the applicants: -applicants will be required
to prove their identity at the examination hall to the (i) The Special Certificate of Birth issued for school
satisfaction of the supervisor for each subject. Any or educational purposes, or a certified extract
of the following documents will be accepted for this from the birth registration entry will not be
purpose: accepted.

(a) National Identity Card issued by the (ii) Affidavits or Baptismal Certificates will not be
Department of Registration of Person. accepted as substitutes for birth certificates.
(b) A valid passport issued no more than five years
before the date of examination. (iii) If the name/names appearing in the Birth
Certificate differs/differ from the name/names
The candidature of an applicant who fails to produce which the applicant generally uses and the name
a document referred to above is liable to be cancelled under which the applicant sits the examination,
at the discretion of the Commissioner General action should be taken immediately in terms of
Examinations. Section 27 and 28 as the case may be, of the Births
and Deaths Registration Act, (Chapter 110) to
10. Documents of Eligibility: - get the name in the entry of the registration of
birth amended.
(i) No documents, certificates or photocopies
of such certificates, other than the receipt of (iv) Certificate of Registration as a citizen of Sri
examination fee and the document relating Lanka or original official letter of acceptance of
to the “Note” referred to under heading 02 a claim to citizenship by descent (as applicable).
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2018'07'20

(iv) Original certificate of educational qualifications regulations for this examination, his/her candidature
or where the certificate has not been issued, is liable to be cancelled at any stage prior to, during
other relevant official documents. e.g. an official or after the examination. If any of the particulars
letter issued by a Registrar of a University to the furnished by anapplicant is found to be false to the
effect that the applicant has passed the degree best of his/her knowledge or if he/she has willfully
examination, result sheet issued to the applicant suppressed any material fact, or if it is proved,
by the Department of Examinations, stating at any time during the period of his/her service
that he/she has obtained a credit pass in English that he/she was ineligible to sit the examination,
language at the General Certificate of Education he/she will be liable to immediate dismissal from
(Ordinary Level) examination or simple pass in the service. The candidature of those who do not
English language at the General Certificate of strictly conform to the requirements laid down in
Education (Advanced Level) examination. this notification will be cancelled.

(v) Documentary proof of achievements of sports 12. Any matter not provided for in these regulations
at Zonal/ District/National levels. will be dealt with at the discretion of the Secretary,
to the Ministry of Finance and Mass Media.
(vi) Applicants are advised to have all the
necessary documents in readiness at the time 13. In the event of any inconsistency between the
of forwarding the application. Any applicant Sinhala, Tamil and English text of this Gazette
who fails to produce the necessary documents Notification, the Sinhala text shall prevail.
or who delay in producing them when called
for, will be made disqualified for appointment
to this post. Director General of Customs,
Sri Lanka Customs Department,
11. Penalty for Furnishing False Particulars: -If a No.40, Main Street,
applicant is found to be ineligible according to the Colombo

Specimen Application Form



(for office use only)

Medium in which you sit this examination :

Sinhala – 2 Tamil – 3
English – 4
(Write the relevant number inside the box)

01. Name of the applicant:

1.1 Name in Full (in Block Letters) :————.


1.2 Name with initials at the end :————.


1.3 Name in Full (in Sinhala/ Tamil) :————.

I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2018'07'20 2001

02. Permanent residential address: ( in Block Letters) :————.

Address to which the admission card should be sent :————.

03. Particulars of the National Identity Card :

3.1 Number of the Identity Card :

3.2 Date of issue:

04. Sex:
Male – 0
Female – 1
(Write the relevant number inside the box)

05. (a) Date of Birth :

Year : Month : Date :

(b) Age on the closing date of application :

Years : Months : Dates :

06. State whether you are a citizen of Sri Lanka :

By descent – 1
By registration – 2
(Write the relevant number inside the box)

07. Ethnicity:
Sinhalese – 1 Ceylon Tamil – 2
Indian Tamil – 3 Muslim – 4
Burgher – 5 Other – 6
(Write the relevant number inside the box)

08. Mobile Telephone Number :

09. Physical requirements:

(i) Height :————. Feet :————. Inches :————.

(ii) Chest (when expanded) :————. Inches.

(only for male candidate)

10. Have you ever been convicted of any offence in the Court of Law ? (Yes/No) :————.
If yes, give details :————.
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2018'07'20

11. Educational Qualifications:

Name Degree Class Year Subjects

of the of
University Degree

I. Highest qualification in English Language at the examination of General Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level)
Year :————.
Index No :————.

II. Highest qualification in English Language at the examination of General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level)
Year :————.
Index No :————.

12. Examination Fee (Receipt to be attached) :

I. Name of the Post office /Sub Post office :————.

II. Amount Paid : Rs. :————.
III. Date of payment :————.
IV. Receipt No. :————.

(Paste the receipt here securely)

(It would be advisable to keep a photocopy with the candidate)

(These particular should be given compulsorily).

13. Applicant’s Declaration/Certification :

I do hereby state that the particulars given by me in the application are true and correct. I am aware that if any
particulars contained herein are found to be false or incorrect before selection, I am subject to be disqualified or dismissal
from the service without any compensation if it is revealed after selection. Furthermore, I agree to abide by rules and
regulations of the Commissioner General of Examinations regarding the conducting of the examination.

Signature of Applicant.
Date :————.

14. Attestation of Applicant’s signature (Delete whichever inapplicable) :

I Certify that Mr./Mrs./Miss. …………………. who is submitting this application is personally known to me and that
he/she placed his/her signature in my presence on this …………day of ………2017. I also certify that he/she has paid the
due examination fee and has attached the paid receipt.

Signature of Attester :————.

Full Name of Attester :————.
Designation :————.
Address :————.
Date :————.

Note: The attestation should be made by a person referred to in paragraph 7(V) of Gazette Notification.
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2018'07'20 2003

15. I Certify that Mr./Mrs./Miss. …………………. who is submitting this application is an employee of this Ministry/
Department/ Board/ Corporation. In the event of his/her selection for the above post he/she can be released.

Signature of the Head of the Department

Date :————.

Name of the Head of the Department :————.

Designation :————.
Address of the Department :————.


Printed at the Department of Government Printing, Sri Lanka.

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