Sison Vs People

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G.R. Nos. 108280-83 November 16, 1995 At about 4:00 p.m.

At about 4:00 p.m., a small group of loyalists converged at the Chinese Garden,
Phase III of the Luneta. There, they saw Annie Ferrer, a popular movie starlet and
ROMEO SISON, NILO PACADAR, JOEL TAN, RICHARD DE LOS SANTOS, and supporter of President Marcos, jogging around the fountain. They approached her
JOSELITO TAMAYO, petitioners, and informed her of their dispersal and Annie Ferrer angrily ordered them "Gulpihin
vs. ninyo and mga Cory hecklers!" Then she continued jogging around the fountain
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES and COURT OF APPEALS, respondents. chanting "Marcos pa rin, Marcos pa rin, Pabalikin si Marcos, Pabalikin si Marcos,
Bugbugin ang mga nakadilaw!" The loyalists replied "Bugbugin!" A few minutes later,
Annie Ferrer was arrested by the police. Somebody then shouted "Kailangang
The case before us occurred at a time of great political polarization in the aftermath of gumanti, tayo ngayon!" A commotion ensued and Renato Banculo, a cigarette
the 1986 EDSA Revolution. This was the time when the newly-installed government vendor, saw the loyalists attacking persons in yellow, the color of the "Coryistas."
of President Corazon C. Aquino was being openly challenged in rallies, Renato took off his yellow shirt.2 He then saw a man wearing a yellow t-shirt being
demonstrations and other public fora by "Marcos loyalists," supporters of deposed chased by a group of persons shouting "Iyan, habulin iyan. Cory iyan!" The man in
President Ferdinand E. Marcos. Tension and animosity between the two (2) groups the yellow t-shirt was Salcedo and his pursuers appeared to be Marcos loyalists.
sometimes broke into violence. On July 27, 1986, it resulted in the murder of Stephen They caught Salcedo and boxed and kicked and mauled him. Salcedo tried to
Salcedo, a known "Coryista." extricate himself from the group but they again pounced on him and pummelled him
with fist blows and kicks hitting him on various parts of his body. Banculo saw Ranulfo
From August to October 1986, several informations were filed in court against eleven Sumilang, an electrician at the Luneta, rush to Salcedo's aid. Sumilang tried to pacify
persons identified as Marcos loyalists charging them with the murder of Salcedo. the maulers so he could extricate Salcedo from them. But the maulers pursued
Criminal Case No. 86-47322 was filed against Raul Billosos y de Leon and Gerry Salcedo unrelentingly, boxing him with stones in their fists. Somebody gave Sumilang
Nery y Babazon; Criminal Case No. 86-47617 against Romeo Sison y Mejia, Nilo a loyalist tag which Sumilang showed to Salcedo's attackers. They backed off for a
Pacadar y Abe and Joel Tan y Mostero; Criminal Case No. 86-47790 against Richard while and Sumilang was able to tow Salcedo away from them. But accused Raul
de los Santos y Arambulo; Criminal Case No. 86-48538 against Joselito Tamayo y Billosos emerged from behind Sumilang as another man boxed Salcedo on the head.
Ortia; and Criminal Case No. 86-48931 against Rolando Fernandez y Mandapat. Also Accused Richard de los Santos also boxed Salcedo twice on the head and kicked him
filed were Criminal Cases Nos. 86-49007 and 86-49008 against Oliver Lozano and even as he was already fallen.3Salcedo tried to stand but accused Joel Tan boxed
Benjamin Nuega as well as Annie Ferrer charging them as accomplices to the murder him on the left side of his head and ear.4 Accused Nilo Pacadar punched Salcedo on
of Salcedo. his nape, shouting: "Iyan, Cory Iyan. Patayin!" 5 Sumilang tried to pacify Pacadar but
the latter lunged at the victim again. Accused Joselito Tamayo boxed Salcedo on the
The cases were consolidated and raffled to the Regional Trial Court, Branch XLIX, left jaw and kicked him as he once more fell. Banculo saw accused Romeo Sison trip
Manila. All of the accused pleaded not guilty to the charge and trial ensued Salcedo and kick him on the head, and when he tried to stand, Sison repeatedly
accordingly. The prosecution presented twelve witnesses, including two boxed him.6 Sumilang saw accused Gerry Neri approach the victim but did not notice
eyewitnesses, Ranulfo Sumilang and Renato Banculo, and the police officers who what he did.7
were at the Luneta at the time of the incident. In support of their testimonies, the
prosecution likewise presented documentary evidence consisting of newspaper Salcedo somehow managed to get away from his attackers and wipe off the blood
accounts of the incident and various photographs taken during the mauling. from his face. He sat on some cement steps8 and then tried to flee towards Roxas
boulevard to the sanctuary of the Rizal Monument but accused Joel Tan and Nilo
The prosecution established that on July 27, 1986, a rally was scheduled to be held at Pacadar pursued him, mauling Sumilang in the process. Salcedo pleaded for his life
the Luneta by the Marcos loyalists. Earlier, they applied for a permit to hold the rally exclaiming "Maawa na kayo sa akin. Tulungan ninyo ako." He cried: "Pulis, pulis.
Wala bang pulis?"9
but their application was denied by the authorities. Despite this setback, three
thousand of them gathered at the Rizal Monument of the Luneta at 2:30 in the
afternoon of the scheduled day. Led by Oliver Lozano and Benjamin Nuega, both The mauling resumed at the Rizal Monument and continued along Roxas Boulevard
members of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines, the loyalists started an impromptu until Salcedo collapsed and lost consciousness. Sumilang flagged down a van and
singing contest, recited prayers and delivered speeches in between. Colonel Edgar with the help of a traffic officer, brought Salcedo to the Medical Center Manila but he
Dula Torres, then Deputy Superintendent of the Western Police District, arrived and was refused admission. So they took him to the Philippine General Hospital where he
asked the leaders for their permit. No permit could be produced. Colonel Dula Torres died upon arrival.
thereupon gave them ten minutes to disperse. The loyalist leaders asked for thirty
minutes but this was refused. Atty. Lozano turned towards his group and said Salcedo died of "hemorrhage, intracranial traumatic." He sustained various
"Gulpihin ninyo ang lahat ng mga Cory infiltrators." Atty. Nuega added "Sige, sige contusions, abrasions, lacerated wounds and skull fractures as revealed in the
gulpihin ninyo!" The police then pushed the crowd, and used tear gas and truncheons following post-mortem findings:
to disperse them. The loyalists scampered away but some of them fought back and
threw stones at the police. Eventually, the crowd fled towards Maria Orosa Street and
the situation later stabilized.1 Cyanosis, lips, and nailbeds.
Contused-abrasions: 6.0 x 2.5 cm., and 3.0 x 2.4 cm., frontal incident. 19 His face was in the pictures because he shouted to the maulers to stop
region, right side; 6.8 x 4.2 cm., frontal region, left side; 5.0 x 4.0 hitting Salcedo. 20 Joel Tan also testified that he tried to pacify the maulers because
cm., right cheek; 5.0 x 3.5 cm., face, left side; 3.5 x 2.0 cm., nose; he pitied Salcedo. The maulers however ignored him. 21
4.0 x 2.1 cm., left ear, pinna; 5.0 x 4.0 cm. left suprascapular
region; 6.0 x 2.8 cm., right elbow. The other accused, specifically Attys. Lozano and Nuega and Annie Ferrer opted not
to testify in their defense.
Abrasions: 4.0 x 2.0 cm., left elbow; 2.0 x 1.5 cm., right knee.
On December 16, 1988, the trial court rendered a decision finding Romeo Sison, Nilo
Lacerated wounds: 2.2 cm., over the left eyebrow; 1.0 cm., upper Pacadar, Joel Tan, Richard de los Santos and Joselito Tamayo guilty as principals in
lip. the crime of murder qualified by treachery and sentenced them to 14 years 10 months
and 20 days of reclusion temporal as minimum to 20 years of reclusion temporal as
Hematoma, scalp; frontal region, both sides; left parietal region; maximum. Annie Ferrer was likewise convicted as an accomplice. The court,
right temporal region; occipital region, right side. however, found that the prosecution failed to prove the guilt of the other accused and
thus acquitted Raul Billosos, Gerry Nery, Rolando Fernandez, Oliver Lozano and
Benjamin Nuega. The dispositive portion of the decision reads as follows:
Fractures, skull; occipital bone, right side; right posterior cranial
fossa; right anterior cranial fossa.
WHEREFORE, judgement is hereby rendered in the
aforementioned cases as follows:
Hemorrhage, subdural, extensive.
1. In "People versus Raul Billosos and Gerry Nery," Criminal Case
Other visceral organs, congested. No. 86-47322, the Court finds that the Prosecution failed to prove
the guilt of the two (2) Accused beyond reasonable doubt for the
Stomach, about 1/2 filled with grayish brown food materials and crime charged and hereby acquits them of said charge;
2. In "People versus Romeo Sison, et al.," Criminal Case No. 86-
The mauling of Salcedo was witnessed by bystanders and several press people, both 47617, the Court finds the Accused Romeo Sison, Nilo Pacadar
local and foreign. The press took pictures and a video of the event which became and Joel Tan, guilty beyond reasonable doubt, as principals for the
front-page news the following day, capturing national and international attention. This crime of Murder, defined in Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code,
prompted President Aquino to order the Capital Regional Command and the Western and, there being no other mitigating or aggravating circumstances,
Police District to investigate the incident. A reward of ten thousand pesos hereby imposes on each of them an indeterminate penalty of from
(P10,000.00) was put up by Brigadier General Alfredo Lim, then Police Chief, for FOURTEEN (14)YEARS, TEN (10) MONTHS and TWENTY (20)
persons who could give information leading to the arrest of the killers. 11Several DAYS, of Reclusion Temporal, as minimum, to TWENTY (20)
persons, including Ranulfo Sumilang and Renato Banculo, cooperated with the DAYS, of Reclusion Temporal, as minimum, to TWENTY (20)
police, and on the basis of their identification, several persons, including the accused, YEARS of Reclusion Temporal, as Maximum;
were apprehended and investigated.
3. In "People versus Richard de los Santos," Criminal Case No. 86-
For their defense, the principal accused denied their participation in the mauling of the 47790, the Court finds the Accused Richard de los Santos guilty
victim and offered their respective alibis. Accused Joselito Tamayo testified that he beyond reasonable doubt as principal for the crime of Murder
was not in any of the photographs presented by the prosecution 12 because on July defined in Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code and, there being
27, 1986, he was in his house in Quezon City.13 Gerry Neri claimed that he was at the no other extenuating circumstances, the Court hereby imposes on
Luneta Theater at the time of the him an indeterminate penalty of from FOURTEEN (14) YEARS,
incident. 14 Romeo Sison, a commercial photographer, was allegedly at his office near TEN (10) MONTHS and TWENTY (20) DAYS of Reclusion
the Luneta waiting for some pictures to be developed at that time. 15 He claimed to be Temporal, as Minimum, to TWENTY (20) YEARS of Reclusion
afflicted with hernia impairing his mobility; he cannot run normally nor do things Temporal as Maximum;
forcefully. 16 Richard de los Santos admits he was at the Luneta at the time of the
mauling but denies hitting Salcedo. 17 He said that he merely watched the mauling 4. In "People versus Joselito Tamayo," Criminal Case No. 86-
which explains why his face appeared in some of the photographs. 18 Unlike the other 48538 the Court finds the Accused guilty beyond reasonable doubt
accused, Nilo Pacadar admits that he is a Marcos loyalist and a member of the Ako'y as principal, for the crime of "Murder" defined in Article 248 of the
Pilipino Movement and that he attended the rally on that fateful day. According to him, Revised Penal Code and hereby imposes on him an indeterminate
he saw Salcedo being mauled and like Richard de los Santos, merely viewed the
penalty of from FOURTEEN (14) YEARS, TEN (10) MONTHS and On appeal, the Court of Appeals 23 on December 28, 1992, modified the decision of
TWENTY (20) DAYS of Reclusion Temporal, as Minimum, to the trial court by acquitting Annie Ferrer but increasing the penalty of the rest of the
TWENTY (20) YEARS of Reclusion Temporal, as Maximum; accused, except for Joselito Tamayo, to reclusion perpetua. The appellate court
found them guilty of murder qualified by abuse of superior strength, but convicted
5. In "People versus Rolando Fernandez," Criminal Case No. 86- Joselito Tamayo of homicide because the information against him did not allege the
4893l, the Court finds that the Prosecution failed to prove the guilt said qualifying circumstance. The dispositive portion of the decision reads:
of the Accused for the crime charged beyond reasonable doubt and
hereby acquits him of said charge; PREMISES CONSIDERED, the decision appealed from is hereby
MODIFIED as follows:
6. In "People versus Oliver Lozano, et al.," Criminal Case No. 86-
49007, the Court finds that the Prosecution failed to prove the guilt 1. Accused-appellants Romeo Sison y Mejia, Nilo Pacadar y Abe,
of the Accused beyond reasonable doubt for the crime charged and Joel Tan y Mostero and Richard de los Santos are hereby found
hereby acquits them of said charge; GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of Murder and are each hereby
sentenced to suffer the penalty of Reclusion Perpetua;
7. In "People versus Annie Ferrer," Criminal Case No. 86-49008,
the Court finds the said Accused guilty beyond reasonable doubt, 2. Accused-appellant Joselito Tamayo y Oria is hereby found
as accomplice to the crime of Murder under Article 18 in relation to GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of Homicide with the
Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code and hereby imposes on her generic aggravating circumstance of abuse of superior strength
an indeterminate penalty of NINE (9) YEARS and FOUR (4) and, as a consequence, an indeterminate penalty of TWELVE (12)
MONTHS of Prision Mayor, as Minimum to TWELVE (12) YEARS, YEARS of prision mayor as Minimum to TWENTY (20) YEARS
FIVE (5) MONTHS and ELEVEN (11) DAYS of Reclusion of reclusion temporal as Maximum is hereby imposed upon him;
Temporal, as Maximum.
3. Accused-appellant Annie Ferrer is hereby ACQUITTED of being
The Accused Romeo Sison, Nilo Pacadar, Richard de los Santos, an accomplice to the crime of Murder.
Joel Tan, Joselito Tamayo and Annie Ferrer are hereby ordered to
pay, jointly and severally, to the heirs of Stephen Salcedo the total CONSIDERING that the penalty of Reclusion Perpetua has been
amount of P74,000.00 as actual damages and the amount of imposed in the instant consolidated cases, the said cases are now
P30,000.00 as moral and exemplary damages, and one-half (1/2) hereby certified to the Honorable Supreme Court for review. 24
of the costs of suit.
Petitioners filed G.R. Nos. 108280-83 under Rule 45 of the Revised Rules of Court
The period during which the Accused Nilo Pacadar, Romeo Sison, inasmuch as Joselito Tamayo was not sentenced to reclusion perpetua. G.R. Nos.
Joel Tan, Richard de los Santos and Joselito Tamayo had been 114931-33 was certified to us for automatic review of the decision of the Court of
under detention during the pendency of these cases shall be Appeals against the four accused-appellants sentenced to reclusion perpetua.
credited to them provided that they agreed in writing to abide by
and comply strictly with the rules and regulations of the City Jail.
Before this court, accused-appellants assign the following errors:
The Warden of the City Jail of Manila is hereby ordered to release
the Accused Gerry Nery, Raul Billosos and Rolando Fernandez I
from the City Jail unless they are being detained for another cause
The Petition for Bail of the Accused Rolando Fernandez has ANYTHING ON RECORD TO SUPPORT THEIR AVERMENT
become moot and academic. The Petition for Bail of the Accused THAT THERE WERE NO WITNESSES WHO HAVE COME
Joel Tan, Romeo Sison and Joselito Tamayo is denied for lack of FORWARD TO IDENTIFY THE PERSONS RESPONSIBLE FOR

The bail bonds posted by the Accused Oliver Lozano and Benjamin II
Nuega are hereby cancelled. 22


THE HEMORRHAGE RESULTING IN THE DEATH OF THE Appellants mainly claim that the Court of Appeals erred in sustaining the
DECEASED. testimonies of the two in prosecution eyewitnesses, Ranulfo Sumilang and
Renato Banculo, because they are unreliable, doubtful and do not deserve
IV any credence. According to them, the testimonies of these two witnesses are
suspect because they surfaced only after a reward was announced by
THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED IN General Lim. Renato Banculo even submitted three sworn statements to the
FINDING THAT THERE EXISTS CONSPIRACY AMONG THE police geared at providing a new or improved version of the incident. On the
PRINCIPAL ACCUSED. witness stand, he mistakenly identified a detention prisoner in another case
as accused Rolando Fernandez. 27 Ranulfo Sumilang was evasive and
unresponsive prompting the trial court to reprimand him several times. 28
There is no proof that Banculo or Sumilang testified because of the reward
THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED IN announced by General Lim, much less that both or either of them ever received such
FINDING THAT THE CRIME COMMITTED IS MURDER AND NOT reward from the government. On the contrary, the evidence shows that Sumilang
DEATH (HOMICIDE) CAUSED IN A TUMULTUOUS AFFRAY. 25 reported the incident to the police and submitted his sworn statement immediately two
hours after the mauling, even before announcement of any reward. 29 He informed the
In their additional brief, appellants contend that: police that he would cooperate with them and identify Salcedo's assailants if he saw
them again. 30
The fact that Banculo executed three sworn statements does not make them and his
THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED IN testimony incredible. The sworn statements were made to identify more suspects who
REACHING A CONCLUSION OF FACT UTILIZING were apprehended during the investigation of Salcedo's death. 31
AND EVEN THE DISPUTED DECISION OF THE TRIAL COURT, The records show that Sumilang was admonished several times by the trial court on
TO UPHOLD THE VALIDITY OF THE VERY SAME JUDGMENT, the witness stand for being argumentative and evasive. 32 This is not enough reason
ALL CONTRARY TO THE RULES OF EVIDENCE. to reject Sumilang's testimony for he did not exhibit this undesirable conduct all
throughout his testimony. On the whole, his testimony was correctly given credence
II by the trial court despite his evasiveness at some instances. Except for compelling
reasons, we cannot disturb the way trial courts calibrate the credence of witnesses
considering their visual view of the demeanor of witnesses when on the witness
THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN ADMITTING stand. As trial courts, they can best appreciate the verbal and non-verbal dimensions
EXHIBITS "D", "G", "O", "P", "V", TO "V-48", "W" TO "W-13", ALL of a witness' testimony.
Banculo's mistake in identifying another person as one of the accused does not make
III him an entirely untrustworthy witness. 33 It does not make his whole testimony a
falsity. An honest mistake is not inconsistent with a truthful testimony. Perfect
THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED IN testimonies cannot be expected from persons with imperfect senses. In the court's
discretion, therefore, the testimony of a witness can be believed as to some facts but testimony of the person who made it or by other competent witnesses, after which the
disbelieved with respect to the others. 34 court can admit it subject to impeachment as to its accuracy. 52Photographs,
therefore, can be identified by the photographer or by any other competent witness
We sustain the appellate and trial courts' findings that the witnesses' testimonies who can testify to its exactness and accuracy. 53
corroborate each other on all important and relevant details of the principal
occurrence. Their positive identification of all petitioners jibe with each other and their This court notes that when the prosecution offered the photographs as part of its
narration of the events are supported by the medical and documentary evidence on evidence, appellants, through counsel Atty. Alfredo Lazaro, Jr. objected to their
record. admissibility for lack of proper identification. 54 However, when the accused presented
their evidence, Atty. Winlove Dumayas, counsel for accused Joselito Tamayo and
Dr. Roberto Garcia, the medico-legal officer of the National Bureau of Investigation, Gerry Neri used Exhibits "V", "V-1" to "V-48" to prove that his clients were not in any
testified that the victim had various wounds on his body which could have been of the pictures and therefore could not have participated in the mauling of the
inflicted by pressure from more than one hard object. 35 The contusions and victim. 55 The photographs were adopted by appellant Joselito Tamayo and accused
abrasions found could have been caused by punches, kicks and blows from rough Gerry Neri as part of the defense exhibits. And at this hearing, Atty. Dumayas
stones. 36 The fatal injury of intracranial hemorrhage was a result of fractures in represented all the other accused per understanding with their respective counsels,
Salcedo's skull which may have been caused by contact with a hard and blunt object including Atty. Lazaro, who were absent. At subsequent hearings, the prosecution
such as fistblows, kicks and a blunt wooden instrument. 37 used the photographs to cross-examine all the accused who took the witness
stand. 56 No objection was made by counsel for any of the accused, not until Atty.
Lazaro appeared at the third hearing and interposed a continuing objection to their
Appellants do not deny that Salcedo was mauled, kicked and punched. Sumilang in admissibility. 57
fact testified that Salcedo was pummeled by his assailants with stones in their
hands. 38
The objection of Atty. Lazaro to the admissibility of the photographs is anchored on
the fact that the person who took the same was not presented to identify them. We
Appellants also contend that although the appellate court correctly disregarded rule that the use of these photographs by some of the accused to show their alleged
Exhibits "D," "G," and "P," it erroneously gave evidentiary weight to Exhibits "O," "V," non-participation in the crime is an admission of the exactness and accuracy thereof.
"V-1" to "V-48," "W," "W-1" to "W-13." 39 Exhibit "O" is the Joint Affidavit of Pat. Flores That the photographs are faithful representations of the mauling incident was affirmed
and Pat. Bautista, the police intelligence-operatives who witnessed the rally and when appellants Richard de los Santos, Nilo Pacadar and Joel Tan identified
subsequent dispersal operation. Pat. Flores properly identified Exhibit "O" as his themselves therein and gave reasons for their presence thereat. 58
sworn statement and in fact gave testimony corroborating the contents
thereof. 40 Besides, the Joint Affidavit merely reiterates what the other prosecution
witnesses testified to. Identification by Pat. Bautista is a surplusage. If appellants An analysis of the photographs vis-a-vis the accused's testimonies reveal that only
wanted to impeach the said affidavit, they should have placed Pat. Flores on the three of the appellants, namely, Richard de los Santos, Nilo Pacadar and Joel Tan
witness stand. could be readily seen in various belligerent poses lunging or hovering behind or over
the victim. 59 Appellant Romeo Sison appears only once and he, although afflicted
with hernia is shown merely running after the
Exhibits "V," "V-1" to "V-48" are photographs taken of the victim as he was being victim. 60Appellant Joselito Tamayo was not identified in any of the pictures. The
mauled at the Luneta — starting from a grassy portion to the pavement at the Rizal absence of the two appellants in the photographs does not exculpate them. The
Monument and along Roxas Boulevard, 41 — as he was being chased by his photographs did not capture the entire sequence of the killing of Salcedo but only
assailants 42 and as he sat pleading with his assailants. 43 Exhibits "W", "W-1" to "W- segments thereof. While the pictures did not record Sison and Tamayo hitting
13" are photographs of Salcedo and the mauling published in local newspapers and Salcedo, they were unequivocally identified by Sumilang and
magazines such as the Philippine Star, 44 Mr. and Ms. Magazine, 45 Philippine Daily Banculo61Appellants' denials and alibis cannot overcome their eyeball identification.
Inquirer, 46 and the Malaya. 47 The admissibility of these photographs is being
questioned by appellants for lack of proper identification by the person or persons
who took the same. Appellants claim that the lower courts erred in finding the existence of conspiracy
among the principal accused and in convicting them of murder qualified by abuse of
superior strength, not death in tumultuous affray.
The rule in this jurisdiction is that photographs, when presented in evidence, must be
identified by the photographer as to its production and testified as to the
circumstances under which they were produced. 48 The value of this kind of evidence Death in a tumultuous affray is defined in Article 251 of the Revised Penal code as
lies in its being a correct representation or reproduction of the original, 49 and its follows:
admissibility is determined by its accuracy in portraying the scene at the time of the
crime. 50 The photographer, however, is not the only witness who can identify the Art. 251. Death caused in a tumultuous affray. — When, while
pictures he has taken. 51 The correctness of the photograph as a faithful several persons, not composing groups organized for the common
representation of the object portrayed can be proved prima facie, either by the purpose of assaulting and attacking each other reciprocally, quarrel
and assault each other in a confused and tumultuous manner, and the attack on Salcedo was sudden and unexpected but it was apparently because of
in the course of the affray someone is killed, and it cannot be the fact that he was wearing a yellow t-shirt or because he allegedly flashed the
ascertained who actually killed the deceased, but the person or "Laban" sign against the rallyists, taunting them into mauling him. As the appellate
persons who inflicted serious physical injuries can be identified, court well found, Salcedo had the opportunity to sense the temper of the rallyists and
such person or persons shall be punished by prison mayor. run away from them but he, unfortunately, was overtaken by them. The essence of
treachery is the sudden and unexpected attack without the slightest provocation on
If it cannot be determined who inflicted the serious physical injuries the part of the person being attacked. 66
on the deceased, the penalty ofprision correccional in its medium
and maximum periods shall be imposed upon all those who shall The qualifying circumstance of evident premeditation was alleged in the information
have used violence upon the person of the victim. against Joselito Tamayo. Evident premeditation cannot be appreciated in this case
because the attack against Salcedo was sudden and spontaneous, spurred by the
For this article to apply, it must be established that: (1) there be several raging animosity against the so-called "Coryistas." It was not preceded by cool
persons; (2) that they did not compose groups organized for the common thought and reflection.
purpose of assaulting and attacking each other reciprocally; (3) these
several persons quarrelled and assaulted one another in a confused and We find however the existence of a conspiracy among appellants. At the time they
tumultuous manner; (4) someone was killed in the course of the affray; (5) it were committing the crime, their actions impliedly showed a unity of purpose among
cannot be ascertained who actually killed the deceased; and (6) that the them, a concerted effort to bring about the death of Salcedo. Where a conspiracy
person or persons who inflicted serious physical injuries or who used existed and is proved, a showing as to who among the conspirators inflicted the fatal
violence can be identified.62 wound is not required to sustain a conviction. 67 Each of the conspirators is liable for
all acts of the others regardless of the intent and character of their participation,
A tumultuous affray takes place when a quarrel occurs between several persons and because the act of one is the act of all. 68
they engage in a confused and tumultuous affray, in the course of which some person
is killed or wounded and the author thereof cannot be ascertained.63 The trial court awarded the heirs of Salcedo P74,000.00 as actual damages,
P30,000.00 as moral and exemplary damages, and one half of the costs of the suit.
The quarrel in the instant case, if it can be called a quarrel, was between one distinct At the time he died on July 27, 1986, Salcedo was twenty three years old and was set
group and one individual. Confusion may have occurred because of the police to leave on August 4, 1986 for employment in Saudi Arabia. 69 The reckless disregard
dispersal of the rallyists, but this confusion subsided eventually after the loyalists fled for such a young person's life and the anguish wrought on his widow and three small
to Maria Orosa Street. It was only a while later after said dispersal that one distinct children, 70 warrant an increase in moral damages from P30,000.00 to P100,000.00.
group identified as loyalists picked on one defenseless individual and attacked him The indemnity of P50,000.00 must also be awarded for the death of the victim.71
repeatedly, taking turns in inflicting punches, kicks and blows on him. There was no
confusion and tumultuous quarrel or affray, nor was there a reciprocal aggression at IN VIEW WHEREOF, the decision appealed from is hereby affirmed and modified as
this stage of the incident.64 follows:

As the lower courts found, the victim's assailants were numerous by as much as fifty 1. Accused-appellants Romeo Sison, Nilo Pacadar, Joel Tan and
in number65 and were armed with stones with which they hit the victim. They took Richard de los Santos are found GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt
advantage of their superior strength and excessive force and frustrated any attempt of Murder without any aggravating or mitigating circumstance and
by Salcedo to escape and free himself. They followed Salcedo from the Chinese are each hereby sentenced to suffer the penalty of reclusion
Garden to the Rizal Monument several meters away and hit him mercilessly even perpetua;
when he was already fallen on the ground. There was a time when Salcedo was able
to get up, prop himself against the pavement and wipe off the blood from his face. But 2. Accused-appellant Joselito Tamayo is found GUILTY beyond
his attackers continued to pursue him relentlessly. Salcedo could not defend himself reasonable doubt of the crime of Homicide with the generic
nor could he find means to defend himself. Sumilang tried to save him from his aggravating circumstance of abuse of superior strength and, as a
assailants but they continued beating him, hitting Sumilang in the process. Salcedo consequence, he is sentenced to an indeterminate penalty of
pleaded for mercy but they ignored his pleas until he finally lost consciousness. The TWELVE (12) YEARS of prision mayor as minimum to TWENTY
deliberate and prolonged use of superior strength on a defenseless victim qualifies (20) YEARS of reclusion temporal as maximum;
the killing to murder.
Treachery as a qualifying circumstance cannot be appreciated in the instant case.
There is no proof that the attack on Salcedo was deliberately and consciously chosen
to ensure the assailants' safety from any defense the victim could have made. True,

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