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Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a planning tool used to fulfill customer expectations.
It is a disciplined approach to product design, engineering and production and provides in-
evaluation of a product.
QFD focuses on customer expectations or requirements often referred to as the voice of the
It is employed to translate customer expectations in terms of specific requirements, in two
directions and
actions, in terms of engineering or technical characteristics that can be deployed through
Product planning
Part development
Process Planning
Production Planning
Service Industries
QFD Team:
When an organization decides to implement QFD, the project manager and team members
need to be
able to commit a significant amount of time to it, especially in the early stages.
Teams compose of members from marketing, design, quality, finance and production.
One of the most important tools in the QFD process is communication.
Team meetings are very important in the QFD process.
The team leader needs to ensure that the meetings run in the most efficient manner and that
the members
are kept informed.
The meeting format should have some way of measuring how well the QFD process is
working at each
meeting and should be flexible depending on certain situations.
Voice of the Customer:
Words used by the customer to describe their expectations are often referred to as the voice
of the
Customer satisfaction like quality is defined as meeting or exceeding customer expectations.
QFD begins with marketing to determine what exactly the customer desires from a product.
During the collection of information, the QFD team must continually ask and answer
questions such as
a) What does the customer really want?
b) What are the customers’ expectations?
c) Are the customers’ expectations used to drive the design process?
d) What can the design team to do achieve customer satisfaction?
Statistical process control (SPC) is the application of statistical methods to the monitoring and
control of a process
to ensure that it operates at its full potential to produce conforming product. Under SPC, a
process behaves
predictably to produce as much conforming product as possible with the least possible waste.
Seven Tools:
Pareto Diagram
Process Flow Diagram
Cause and Effect diagram
Check sheets
Scatter diagram
Control charts
The Pareto diagram is a graphical overview of the process problems, in ranking order of the
frequent, down to the least frequent, in descending order from left to right.
Thus, the Pareto diagram illustrates the frequency of fault types.
Using a Pareto, you can decide which fault is the most serious or most frequent offender.
The basic underlying rule behind Pareto's law is that in almost every case, 80% of the total
problems incurred are caused by 20% of the problem cause types; such as people, machines,
processes, and other factors related to the production of the product.
Therefore, by concentrating on the major problems first, you can eliminate the majority of
The few items that have the largest amount of occurrence is your more frequent problem,
than are
the many items that only happen once in a while. This is called the "vital few over the trivial
many" rule.
Quite often, once you cure several of the "big hitters" you also eliminate some of the
problems at the same time.


A process flow diagram (PFD) is a diagram commonly used in engineering to indicate the
general flow of
plant processes and equipment.
The PFD displays the relationship between major equipment of a plant facility and does not
show minor
details such as piping details and designations.
For many products and services it may be useful to construct a process flow diagram.
These diagrams show the flow of the product and service as it moves through various
The diagram makes it easy to visualize the entire system, identify potential trouble spots and
locate control
It answers the question “Who is the next customer”?
Improvements can be made by changing, reducing, combining or eliminating steps.
A C&E diagram is a picture composed of lines and symbols designed to represent a
relationship between an effect and its causes.
It is also referred to as fishbone diagram because of its shape.
For every effect, there are likely to be numerous causes.
In C&E diagram the effect is on the right side and causes on the left.
The first step in the construction of a C&E diagram is for the project team to identify the
effect or quality
It is placed on the right side of a large piece of a paper by the team leader.
Next the major causes are identified and placed on the diagram.
The minor causes require brainstorming by the project team.
The check sheet is a simple document that is used for collecting data in real-time and at the
where the data is generated.
The document is typically a blank form that is designed for the quick, easy, and efficient
recording of
the desired information, which can be either quantitative or qualitative. When the information is
quantitative, the check sheet is sometimes called a tally sheet.
A defining characteristic of a check sheet is that data is recorded by making marks
("checks") on it.
A typical check sheet is divided into regions, and marks made in different regions have
A graphical representation, similar to a bar chart in structure, that organizes a group of data
points into
user-specified ranges.
The histogram condenses a data series into an easily interpreted visual by taking many data
points and
grouping them into logical ranges or bins.
Histograms are commonly used in statistics to demonstrate how many of a certain type of
occurs within a specific range. For example, a census focused on the demography of a country
may use a
histogram of how many people there are between the ages of 0 and 10, 11 and 20, 21 and 30, 31
and 40,
41 and 50 etc.
A scatter diagram is a tool for analyzing relationships between two variables.
One variable is plotted on the horizontal axis and the other is plotted on the vertical axis.
The pattern of their intersecting points can graphically show relationship patterns.
Most often a scatter diagram is used to prove or disprove cause-and-effect relationships.
The seven new management tools are:
1. Affinity Diagram
2. Interrelationship Digraph
3. Tree Diagram
4. Matrix Diagram
5. Prioritization Matrices
6. Process Decision Program Chart(PDPC)
7. Activity Network Diagram
1. Affinity Diagram:
This tool takes large amounts of disorganized data and information and enables one to
organize it into
groupings based on natural relationships
This diagram allows the team to creatively generate a large number of issues/ideas and then
group them for problem understanding and possible break through solution.
The procedure is to state the issue in a sentence, brainstorming using short sentences on self-
notes, post them for the team to see, sort ideas in to logical groups and create concise descriptive
headings for each group.
Large groups should be divided in two smaller groups with appropriate headings.
Notes, that stand alone could become headers or placed in a miscellaneous category.
Affinity diagrams encourage team creativity, break down barriers, facilitate breakthroughs
and stimulate
ownership of the process.
2. Interrelationship Digraph:
This tool displays all the interrelated cause-and-effect relationships and a factor involved in
a complex
problem and describes desired outcomes.
The process of creating an interrelationship digraph helps a group analyze the natural links
different aspects of a complex situation.
The interrelationship diagraph clarifies the interrelationship of many factors of a complex
It allows the team to classify the cause and effect relationships among all the factors so that
the key
drivers and outcomes can be used to solve the problem.
A relationship diagram allows a team to identify root causes from subjective data ,
explores cause and effect relationship, encourages member to think multi directionally and
team harmony and effectiveness
A concern with a high number of output arrows is a driver or key cause. A key cause affects a
large number of
other items. The above diagram shows the following key causes:
Poor scheduling practices’ (6 outgoing arrows),
Late order from customer’ (5 outgoing arrows), and
Equipment breakdown (3 outgoing arrows).
A concern with a large number of input arrows is affected by a large number of other concerns.
Thus, it could
be a source of a quality or performance metric. ‘Poor scheduling of the trucker’ has 4 input
3. Tree Diagram:
This tool is used to break down broad categories into finer and finer levels of detail
This tool is used to reduce any broad objective in to increasing levels of detail in order to
achieve the
The procedure is to first choose an action oriented objective statement from the
diagraph, affinity diagram, and brainstorming.
Second using brainstorming chooses the major headings.
The third step is to generate the next level by analyzing the major headings.
Ask “What needs to be addressed to achieve the objective? Repeat this question at each
Three levels below the objective are usually sufficient to complete the diagram and make
The diagram should be reviewed to determine if these actions will give the results
anticipated or if
something has been missed.
The tree diagram encourages team members to think creatively, makes large projects
manageable and
generates a problem solving atmosphere.
4.Matrix Diagram:
The matrix diagram allows individuals or teams to identify, analyze and rate the relationship
among two
or more variables.
QFD is the best example of the use of matrix diagram.
There are 5 standard formats
L-Shaped(2 Variables)
C-Shaped(3 Variables)
X-Shaped(4 Variables)
The procedure for the diagram is to first select the factors affecting a successful plan.
Select the appropriate format Eg: L-Shaped
Next step is to determine the relationship symbols
Any symbols can be adopted provided the diagram contains a legend.
Numerical values are sometimes associated with the symbol as we have seen in QFD.
The last step is to complete the matrix by analyzing each cell and inserting the appropriate
The matrix diagram clearly shows the relationship of the two variables.
It encourages the team to think in terms of relationships, their strength and any patterns.
6. Process Decision Program Chart (PDPC):
PDPC helps to avoid surprises and identifies possible counter measures.
The procedure starts with the team stating the objective.
The objective here is to plan a successful conference.
This activity is followed by the first level which has the conference activities of registration,
presentation and facilities.
Only the presentation activity is discussed here.
In some cases a second level of detailed activities may be used.
Next the team brainstorms to determine what could go wrong with the conference and these
are shown
in “What if” level.
Countermeasures are brainstormed and placed in a balloon in the last level.
The last step is to evaluate the counter measures and select the optimal ones by placing an O
Place an X under those that are rejected.
PDPC should be used when the task is new or unique, complex or potential failure has great
This tool encourages team members to think about what can happen to a process and how
counter measures
can be taken.
A project network is a graph (flow chart) depicting the sequence in which a project's terminal
elements are to be completed by showing terminal elements and their dependencies.
The work breakdown structure or the product breakdown structure show the "part-whole"
relations. In
contrast, the project network shows the "before-after" relations.
The most popular form of project network is activity on node, the other one is activity on
The condition for a valid project network is that it doesn't contain any circular references.
Project dependencies can also be depicted by a predecessor table. Although such a form is
inconvenient for human analysis, project management software often offers such a view for data
An alternative way of showing and analyzing the sequence of project work is the design
Six Sigma is a business management strategy originally developed by Motorola, USA in 1986.
Six Sigma
seeks to improve the quality of process outputs by identifying and removing the causes of defects
and minimizing variability in manufacturing and business processes.
It uses a set of quality management methods, including statistical methods, and creates a
infrastructure of people within the organization ("Black Belts", "Green Belts", etc.) who are
experts in
these methods.
Each Six Sigma project carried out within an organization follows a defined sequence of steps
and has
quantified financial targets (cost reduction and/or profit increase). A six sigma process is one in
99.99966% of the products manufactured are statistically expected to be free of defects (3.4
defects per
• A statistical basis of measurement: 3.4 defects per million opportunities
• A philosophy and a goal: as perfect as practically possible
• A methodology
• A symbol of quality
Benchmarking is a systematic method by which organization can measure themselves against the
industry practices.
It provides superior performance by providing an organized framework through which
learn how the “best in class” do things, understand how these best practices differ from their own
implement change to close the gap.
The essence of benchmarking is the process of borrowing ideas and adapting them to gain
It is a tool for continuous improvement.
Reasons to benchmark:
To achieve business and competitive objectives.
To develop organization strengths and reduce weaknesses.
To inspire mangers to compete
It allows goals to be set objectively based on external information
Benchmarking is time and cost efficient because the process involves imitation and
adaptation rather
than pure invention.
It provides a working model of an improved process which reduces some of the planning,
testing and
prototyping efforts.
Six steps:
Decide what to benchmark
Understand current performance
Study others
Learn from the data
Use the findings
Step 1: Decide what to benchmark
Most organizations have a strategy that defines how the firm wants to position itself and
compete in the
market place.
This strategy is usually expressed in terms of mission and vision statement.
Supporting these statements is a set of critical activities which the organization must do
successfully to
realize its vision.
They are often referred as “critical success factors”
Broad and shallow:
What is done?
Broad and shallow studies are useful in developing strategies, setting goals and reorganizing
functions to be more effective.
FMEA is an analytical technique that combines the technology and experience of people in
foreseeable failure modes of a product or process and planning for its elimination.
FMEA is a “before the event” action requiring a team effort to easily and inexpensively
changes in design and production.
Design FMEA
Process FMEA
Reliability is one of the most important characteristics of any product, no matter what its
It is also an important aspect when dealing with customer satisfaction, whether the customer
is internal
or external.
Customers want a product that will have a relatively long service life, with long times
between failures.
Reliability may be defined as the probability of the product to perform as expected for a
certain period
of time, under the given operating conditions and at a given set of product performance
Types of failures:
i. Debug
ii. Chance
iii. Wear out
Debug- includes a high failure rate at the initial stages because of inappropriate use or flaws in
the design or
Chance-is the failure of the product due to accidents, poor maintenance or limitations on the
Wear out-covers failure after the product or process has performed as expected for at-least the
time given by
the manufacturer as the product or process life. A successful design or product should ideally fail
only in this
last method.
Intent of FMEA:
When acquiring new machines, creating a new product or even modifying an existing
product, it is
always necessary to determine the product or process.
One of the most powerful methods available for measuring the reliability of the process or
product is
FMEA can be implemented both in design and process areas as it basically involves the
identification of
the potential failure modes and the effect of those on both the internal and external customers.
FMEA attempts to detect the potential product related failure modes.
The technique is used to anticipate the causes of failure and prevent them from happening.
In order to make FMEA as successful, it is extremely important to treat the FMEA as a
living document,
continually changing as new problems are found and being updated to ensure that the most
problems are identified and addressed quickly.
One purpose of FMEA is to compare the design characteristics relative to the planned
manufacturing or
assembly methods to make certain that the product meets the customer requirements.
Corrective action should begin as soon as failure mode is identified.
Consumers today are far more particular than they have been in the past, demanding
products of the
highest quality for the lowest possible cost.
FMEA also allows the engineer to keep a record of all thoughts and actions taken to ensure a
safe and
reliable product.
Stages of FMEA:
There are four stages of FMEA
Specifying Possibilities
Possible Failure Modes
Root Causes
Quantifying Risk:
Probability of Cause
Severity of Effect
Effectiveness of Control to Prevent cause
Risk Priority Number
Correcting High Risk causes
Prioritizing Work
Detailing Action
Assigning Action Responsibility
Check Points on completion
Re-evaluation of Risk:
Recalculation of Risk Priority Number
The Design FMEA document
The top section in the form is used mainly for document tracking and organization.
1. FMEA Number: On the top left corner of the document is the FMEA number, which is only
needed for
2. Item: The item space is used only to clarify which exact component or process is being
3. Design Responsibility: The team in charge of the design or process should be included. The
name and
company of the person or group responsible for preparing the document should be included.
4. Prepared By: The name, telephone number and address should be included.
5. Model number/Year: Both the name and identification number of the system, sub-system or
should be included to avoid confusion between similar components.
6. Key Date: The date the initial FMEA is due should be placed.
7. FMEA date: The date the original FMEA was complied and the latest revision date should be
placed in the
FMEA date space.
8. Core Team: The names of the responsible individuals and departments that have authority to
perform tasks
should be listed.
9. Item/Function: The name and number of the item being analyzed is recorded here. This
information should
be as precise as possible to avoid confusion involving similar items. Next the function of the
item is to be
entered here.
10. Potential failure Mode: It may be the method in which the item being analyzed may fail to
meet the design
11. Potential Effects of Failure: It is the effect of failure as perceived by the customer. The
effects of failure
must be described in terms of what the customer will notice or experience in the product.
12. Severity: Severity is the assessment of the seriousness of the effect of the potential failure
mode to the next
component, subsystem, system or customer if it occurs.
13. Classification: This column is used to classify any special product characteristics for
subsystems or systems that may require additional process controls.
14. Potential Causes/ Mechanisms of Failure: The failure modes may have more than one
cause or
mechanism of failure, each of these must be examined and listed separately. Then each of these
causes must be
reviewed with equal weight.
15. Occurrence: Occurrence is the chance that one of the specific cause/mechanism will occur.
16. Current Design Controls: It consist of prevention measures, design validation and design
17. Detection: It is a relative measure of the assessment of the ability of the design control to
detect either a
potential cause/mechanism before the component, subsystem or system is completed for
18. Risk Priority Number (RPN): RPN= (S) * (O) * (D)
19. Recommended Actions: After every concern has been examined and given a risk priority
number, the team
should begin to examine the corrective actions that may be employed, beginning with the
greatest RPN and
moving to descending RPN number
20. Responsibility and Target Completion dates: Here the individual or group responsible for
recommended actions and the target completion date should be entered.
21. Actions Taken: After an action has been implemented, a brief description of the actual
action and its
effective date should be entered.

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