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1 Which type of washer is used for locking the nut by bending the washer against the side of
the nut?
1. Tab washer 2. Locking plates
3. Spring washer 4. Locking washer with lug
uV ds fdukjs ij okW’kj dks eksM+dj ykWsd djus ds fy;s fdl izdkj ds okW’kj dk iz;ksx fd;k
tkrk gS \
1- VSc okW’kj 2- ykWfdax IysVl
2- fLiazx okW’kj 4- yx ds lkFk ykWfdaax okW’kj

2 The tap used to cut the thread in a blind hole is _________.

1. First tap 2. Bottoming tap
3. Second tap 4. Machine tap
,d CykabM gksy esa FkszM dkVus ds fy, bLrseky fd;k tkus okyk Vsi gS&&&&&&&
1-QLVZ Vsi 2- ckWVfeax Vsi
3-lsdaM Vsi 4- e’khu Vsi

3 Theangle made by the face of the tool and the plane parallel to the base of cutting tool
1. Rake angle. 2.Clearance angle.
3 . Cutting angle. 4.Lip angle.
midj.k ds Qsl vkSj dVkbZ midj.k ds vk/kkj ds lekarj ry ds }kjk fufeZr dks.k D;k dgykrk
1- jsd dks.k 2- Dyh;jsal dks.k
3- dVkbZ dks.k 4- fyi dks.k

4 While over tightening the bench vice, which part will get damaged?
1.Handle 2.Spindle

3.Body 4.Fixed jaw


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csap okbl dks vR;f/kd dlus ij] fuEu esa ls dkSu lk Hkkx {kfrxzLr gks tk,xk\
1- gSM
a y 2- fLiaMy
2- 3-ckWMh 4-fQDLM tkW

5. In the BIS system of limits, the grade of tolerances are represented by numbersymbols and
there are ______.
1)18 grades of tolerances 2)16 grades of tolerances
3)14 grades of tolerances 4)20 grades of tolerances
fyfeV~l dh BIS iz.kkyh esa] lgkzrk dh xzsM dks vad ladsrksa }kjk fu:fir fd;k tkrk gS vkSj
1½ 18 lgkzrk xzsM 2½ 16 lgkzrk xzsM
3½ 14 lgkzrk xzsM 4½ 20 lgkzrk xzsM

6. Safety signs are _________

1. First Aid Point 2. Indication
3. Indication to avoid accident 4. Precaution
lqj{kk fpUg gSa&
1-izkFkfed mipkj fcUnq 2- ladsr
3-nq?kZVuk ls cpus ds ladsr 4- lko/kku

7. Tempering is done at temperatures _________.

1) Below critical point 2) Above critical point
3) Melting point 4) None of the above
VsEifjax&&&&&&&&&& rkiekuks ij dh tkrh gSA

1½ dzkafrd facanq ds uhps ds 2½ dzkafrd facanq ds Åij ds

3½ xyukad 4½ mijksDr esa ls dksbZ ugha

8. G 02 function is used for ___________.

1) Circular motion clockwise 2) Circular motion counter clockwise


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3)Spindle rotation clockwise 4) Spindle rotation counter clockwise

G 02 QaD’ku dk mi;ksx &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&ds fy, fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ o`Rrh; xfr nf{k.kkorZ 2½ o`Rrh; xfr okekorZ
3½ rdqZ vkorZu nf{k.kkorZ 4½ rdqZ vkorZu okekorZ

9. Thetype of drill used in drilling hard material with high cutting speed is _________.
1) High carbon steel 2) HSS

3) Carbide tipped drills 4) HCS

izcs/kuh ds izdkj dks mPp dVkbZ xfr ds lkFk dBksj inkFkZ dks fNfnzr djus esa iz;qDr fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ mPp dkcZu bLikr 2½ ,p,l,l
3½ dkckZbM vxzjaftr fMªy 4½ ,plh,l

10. The appropriate tool used for spot facing operation is _________.
1) Reamer 2) Counter sinks
3)Fly cutter 4)Lathe tool
LikWV Qsflax vkWijs’ku ds fy, iz;qDr gkssus okyk lokZf/kd mi;qDr vkStkj gS&&&&&&&&&&&&&
1½ jhej 2½dkmaVj flaDl
3½¶ykbZ dVj 4½ ysFk Vwy

11. Whichone of the following operations cannot be done on a capstan lathe?

1)Under cutting for a length more than the tool width
3)Taper turning in between centers
4)Boring a step
fuEu esa ls dkSu lk vkWijs’ku dsILVsu ysFk ij ugha fd;k tk ldrk gS\
1½ Vwy dh pkSMkbZ ls vf/kd yackbZ ds fy, vaMj dfVax
2½ uyZu
3½ dsanzksa ds chp esa Vsij VfuZx
4½ LVsi dh cksfjax


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12. Web chisels are used for separating metals after_____________.

1)Chain drilling 2) Chipping metal
3)Finish cutting 4) None of the above
&&&&&&&&&&& ds i’pkr /kkrq i`FkDdj.k ds fy, osc Nsuh iz;qDr dh tkrh gS
1½J`a[kyk izos/ku 2½ /kkrq Nhyu
3½fQfu’k dVkbZ 4½ mijksDr esa ls dksbZ ugha

13. Screw threads of different forms are available for various uses. For what is the trapezoidal
thread used?
1) For coupling railways wagon.
2) For spindles of fly presses and screw jacks etc;
3) For easy engagement and disengagement during transmission.
4) In a thread assembly where the sliding force acts in one direction.
fofHkUu izdkj ds Ldwz /kkxs fofo/k mi;ksxksa ds fy, miyC/k gSaA leyackfHkd /kkxs dk mi;ksx fdl
mn~ns’; ds fy, fd;k tkrk gSa\
1½ jsyos ds oSxu dh dfIyax ds fy,
2½ ¶ykbZ izslst rFkk Ldzw tSdksa bR;kfn ds fLiaMyksa ¼rdyksa½ ds fy,
3½ lapkj.k ds nkSjku ,axstesaV rFkk fMl,axt
s esaV dks vklku djus ds fy,
4½ FkzsM ,lsEcyh esa tgka LykbfMx cy ,d fn’kk esa dk;Z djrk gSA

14. A tool used to make internal threads is called a _______________.

1) Drill 2) Tap
3) Die 4) Reamer
vkarfjd FkzsM dk fuekZ.k djus ds fy, iz;qDr gksus okyk Vwy &&&&&&&&&& dgykrk gSA
1½ fMªy 2½ Vsi
3½ MkbZ 4½ jhej


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15. G-codes are also called as_____.

1) Preparatory functional codes 2) Miscellaneous functional codes

3) Data functional codes 4)None of the above

G-dksM dks &&&&&&&&&&&Hkh dgk tkr gSA gSA
1½fizisjVjh QaD’ku dksM 2½felysfu;l QaDlu dksM
3½MsVk QaaD’ku dksM 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ughsa

16. An irregular shaped work piece is turned on a lathe. Which one of the following work
holding accessories is used?
1) Three-Jaw chuck 2)Two-Jaw chuck
2) Driving plate 4) Face plate
,d vfu;fer vkdkj ds odZ ihl dks ysFk ¼[kjkn½ ij ?kqek;k x;kA fuEu esa ls fdl odZ gksfYaMx
milk/ku dk iz;ksx fd;k x;k\
1½ rhu&tcM+k pdz 2½ nks&tcM+k pdz
3½ Mªkbfoax IysV 4½ Qsl IysV

17. Which one of the following parts will play a main role while threading on a center lathe?
1) Saddle 2) Feed rod
3) Arbor 4) Lead screw
fuEu esa ls fdl Hkkx dh lsaVj ysFk ij FkzsfMax ds le; eq[; Hkwfedk gksxh\
1½ lSMy 2½ QhM jkWy
3½ vcZj 4½ ysM Ldwz

18. The silicon carbide abrasive is chiefly used for grinding?

1) Ceramic 2) Cemented carbide
3) Cast iron 4) All of the above
flfydkWu dkckZbM ?k"kZd izeq[k :Ik ls fdls ihlus ds fy, iz;qDr gksrk gS\
1½ fljsfed 2½ lhesfUVr dkckZbM
3½ <yokW yksgk 4½ mijksDr lHkh


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19. Which type of scraper is used for scraping small diameter holes and deburring the edges of
1) Half round scraper 2) Flat scraper
3) Bull nose scraper 3) Three square scraper
O;kl okys gksy ¼fNnz½ rFkk fNnzksa ds mHkkjksa dh LdSfiax ds fy, fdl izdkj ds LdSij dk mi;ksx
fd;k tkrk gSa\
1½ gkWQ jkmaM LdSzij 2½ ¶ySV LdzSij
3½ cqy ukst LdSij 4½ Fkzh LdokW;j LdSzij

20. The tool maker’s buttons are made of___________.

1) Cast iron 2) Plastic
3) Bronze 4) Hardened steel
Vwy esdj dk cVu &&&&&&& ls cuk gksrk gSA
1½ <yoka yksgk 2½ IykfLVd
3½ dkWlk 4½ dBksjhd`r LVhy

21. You have to machine a flat surface on a work piece of two meters length. Which machine
will you choose for this?
1) Planning 2) Slotting
2) Milling 4) Shaping
vkidks nks ehVj yacs leyr i`"B ds odZ ihl ij e’khu iz;ksx djuh gSA blds fy, vkki dkSu lh
e’khu dk p;u djsax\s
1½ Iykfuax 2½ LykWfVx
3½ fefyax 4½ 'ksfiax

22. Abrasive material used for lapping tungsten carbide and ceramics is ___________.
1) Diamond 2) Aluminum oxide
3) Boron carbide 4) Silicon carbide
VaxLVsu dkckZbM rFkk fljSfeDl dh ySfiax ds fy, ,czsflo ¼vi?k"kZd½ lkexzh dk mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA ;g fd&


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1½ ghjk 2½ ,Y;wehfu;e vkWDlkbM

3½ cksjkWu dkckZbM 4½ flfydu dkckZbM

23. Lead is the metal used for balancing weight during lathe face plate
work.The reason for this is that lead is ____________.
1) most ductile 2) heaviest
2) toughest 4) most elastic
ysFk Qsl IysV odZ ds nkSjku Hkkj ds larqyu ds fy, ysM /kkrq dk mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA bldk dkj.k ;g gS fd
ysM /kkrq &&&&&&&&& gksrh gSA
1½ lokZf/kd yphyh 2½ lokZf/kd Hkkjh
3½ lokZf/kd n`<+ 4½ lokZf/kd izR;kLFk

24.The tooth thickness of rack is measured by?

1) Universal vernier caliper 2) Gear tooth vernier caliper
3) Flange micrometer 4) Gear tester
jSd ds nkWr dh eksVkbZ fdlds }kjk ekih tkrh gS\
1½ lkoZHkkSe ofuZ;j dSfyij 2½ fx;j nkWr ofuZ;j dSfy;j
3½ ¶ysat ekbdzksehVj 4½ fx;j ijh{kd

25.Drillchucks are fitted on the drilling machine spindle by means of a/an _________.
1) Knurled ring 2) Arbor
3) Drift 4) Pinion and key
fMªy pd fMªfyax e’khu fLiaMy ij &&&&&& ds ek/;e ls yxk, tkrs gSA
1½ uYMZ fjax 2½ vcZj
3½ fMª¶V 4½ fifu;u rFkk dh

26.Hypo eutectoid steel is one which consists____________

1) Carbon upto 0.8%
2) Carbon having just 0.8%
3) Carbon containing more than 0.8% and upto 2.1%


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4) None of the above

gkbiks ;wVsDVkWbM LVhy og gS] ftlesa &&&&& ik;k tkrk gSA
1½ 0.8% rd dkcZu
2½ dsoy 0.8% dkcZu
3½ 0.8% ls 2.1% rd dkcZu
4½ mijksDr esa ls dksbZ ugh

27. The surface cutting speed in cylindrical grinding varies from______________.

1) 10 to 20 m/min 2) 5 to 10 m/min
3) 20 to 30 m/min 4) 40 to 60 m/min
csyukdkj filkbZ esa i`"V dVkbZ xfr&&&&& fopj.k djrh gSA
1) 10 ls 20 m/min 2) 5 ls 10 m/min
3) 20 ls 30 m/min 4) 40 ls 60 m/min

28.To set an angle using sine bar, the height of the slip gauge and the length of the
sine bar should form the ratio of ______________.
1) cos θ 2) sin θ
2) tan θ 4) cot θ
lkbu ckj ds mi;ksx }kjk ,d dks.k dk fu/kkZj.k djus ds fy,] fLyi xst dh ÅWpkbZ rFkk lkbu
ckj dh yackbZ dks&&&&&&&&&& dk vuqikr cukuk pkfg,A
1) cos θ 2) sin θ
3) tan θ 4) cot θ

29. In the BIS system of limits, there are 18 grades of tolerances, represented by number symbols
for bothhole and shaft. Which one of the following ranges of grades is best suitable for
manufacture of gauge?
1) 1 to 4 2) 5 to 8
3) 12 to 16 4) 8 to 12
fyfeV~l dh BIS iz.kkyh esa lgkzrk ds 18 xzsM gSa tks fNnz rFkk 'kk¶V nksuksa ds fy, vad fpUgksa
}kjk fu:fir fd;s tkrs gSA fuEu esa ls dkSu lh jsat] xst ds mRiknu ds fy, lokZf/kd mi;qDr


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1½ 1 ls 4 2) 5 ls 8
3) 12 ls 16 4) 8 ls 12

30. Which one of the following clutch provides a positive drive?

1) Dog clutch 2) Cone clutch
3) Single clutch 3) Centrifugal clutch
fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk Dyp ikWftfVo Mªkbo iznku djrk gS\
1½ MkWx Dyp 2½ 'kadq Dyp
3½ ,dy Dyp 4½ vidsanzh; Dyp

31. Which one of the following is the correct formula for taper ratio?
1) K = (D-d)/l 2) K = (D-d)/2l
3) K = (D+d)/l 4) K= (D+d)/2l
fuEu esa ls Vsij vuqikr dk lgh lw+= dkSu lk gS\
1) K = (D-d)/l 2) K = (D-d)/2l
3) K = (D+d)/l 4) K= (D+d)/2l

32. Bevel gauges can measure angles _______.

1) directly 2) indirectly
3) closely 4) accurately
Cksoy xst dks.kksa dk ekiu &&&&& dj ldrs gSaA
1½ izR;{k :i ls 2½ vizR;{k :i ls
3½ fudVrk ls 4½ ifj’kq+)rk ls

33.Which one of the following is an artificial abrasive?

1) Emery 2) Diamod
3) Corundum 3) Silicon carbide
fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu ,d d`f=e vi?k"kZd gS\
1½ ,ejh 2½ ghjk


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3½ dksjM
a e 4½ flfydku dkckZbM

34. Which among the following indicates the Ra value of surface roughness grade N8?
1) 6.3 μm 2) 1.6 μm
3) 3.2 μm 4) 12.5 μm
fuEu esa ls dkSu lk fodYi ljQsl jQusl xzsM N8 ds Ra eku dk ladsrd gS\
1) 6.3 μm 2) 1.6 μm
3) 3.2 μm 4) 12.5 μm

35. The instrument which has all the features of try square, bevel protractor, rule and scriber is
1) Mitre square 2) L square
2) Depth gauge micrometer 4) Combination set
,d ;a= ftlesa VªkbZ LdkO;j] csoy izksVsDVj] :y Ldzkbcj lHkh dh fo’ks"krk,a gksrh gSa] dgykrk gS&
1½ ehVj LdkO;j 2½ LdkO;j
3½ MsIFk xst ekbdzksehVj 4½ dkWfEcus’ku lsV

36. Surfaceplate is made out of______.

1) Mild steel 2) Quality cast iron
3) Rubber material 4) Steel
i`"B ifV~Vdk &&&&& ls cuh gksrh gSA
1½ e`nq bLikr 2½xq.koRrk dPpk yksgk
3½ jcj inkFkZ 4½bLikr

37. The drilling jigs are used for _______.

1) Drilling operations only
2) Clamping the jobs while drilling
3) Drilling, reaming, tapping and other allied operations
4) Sharpening drill to the correct angle
fMªfyax ftxksa dk mi;ksx &&&&& ds fy, fd;k tkrk gSA


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1½ dsoy fMªfyx dk;ksZ ds fy,

2½ fMªfyx ds nkSjku tkWc dks tdM+us ds fy,
3½ fMªfyx] jhfeax] Vsfiax rFkk vU; lacaf/kr dk;ksZ ds fy,
4½ fMªy dks mfpr dks.k ij uqdhyk djus ds fy,

38. The included angle of the counter sinking portion of a center drill of type B used for
protecting the center holes is _________.
1) 75° 2) 90°
3) 100° 4) 120 °
Vkbi B d lsaVj fMªy ds dkmaVj flafdax iks’kZu ds varxZr dks.k] ftls lsaVj gksYl dh lqj{kk ds
fy, bLrseky fd;k tkrk gS] gksrk gS&
1) 75° 2) 90°
3) 100° 4) 120 °

39.Tool life is affected due to______.

1) size of the tool 2) size of the job
3) type of machine 4) cutting speed
midj.k dk thou dky &&&&& ls izHkkfor gksrk gSA
1½ midj.k ds vkeki 2½ tkWc ds vkeki
3½ e’khu ds izdkj 4½ dfVax dh xfr

40. The spring types outside calipers are used along with steel rule. The accuracy of caliper is
1) 0.25 mm 2) 0.50 mm
3) 0.75 mm 4) 1.00 mm
LVhy iSekus ds lkFk fLizax Vkbi ofgekZih dSfyijksa dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA dSfyij dh ifj’kq)rk
gS &&&&&&A
1) 0.25 mm 2) 0.50 mm
3) 0.75 mm 4) 1.00 mm


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41. Machined ‘T’ bolt are to be protected against corrosion. The most suitable surface treatment
for this is__________.
1) Blackening 2) Polishing
2) Painting 4) Enameling
e'khUM ‘T’ cksYV dks la{kkj.k ls lqjf{kr j[kuk t:jh gSA blds fy, lokZf/kd mi;qDr lrg mipkj
1½ d`".k dj.k 2½ ikWfy’k djuk
3½ isaV djuk 4½ buseyu djuk

42. The tensile strength of metal is its ability to resist fracture when subjected to tensile loads, the
tensile strength of metals are expressed in__________.
1) N/mm3 2) Kg/mm sq
3) N Meter 4) Kg. Meter
fdlh /kkrq dh ruu&lkeFkZ; og xq.k/keZ gS tks Hkatu dk izfrjks/k djrk gS tc ;s rU; Hkkj ds
v/khu gksA /kkrq dh ruu&lkeFkZ; &&&& esa O;Dr dh tkrh gSA
1) N/mm3 2) Kg/mm sq
3) N Meter 4) Kg. Meter

43.Which type of chisel is used for cutting keyways, grooves and slots?
1) Flat chisel 2) Cross cut chisel
3) Half round nose chisel 4) Diamond point chisel
dh & ost] xzwOt rFkk LykWV~l dh dfVax ds fy, fdl izdkj ds phty ¼Nsuh½ dk mi;ksx fd;k
tkrk gS\
1½ ¶ySV phty 2½ dzkWl dV phty
3½ gkWQ jkmaM ukst phty 4½ Mk;eaM IokbaV phty

44. Copyin lathe is used to produce __________ workpiece.

1) Identical flat 2) Identical square
3) Identical cylindrical 4) Identical strips
dkWihf;ax ysFk dk mi;ksx&&&&& odZihl ds mRiknu ds fy, fd;k tkrk gSA


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1½ vkbMsfVdy ¶ySV 2½ vkbMsfVdy Ldko;j

3½ vkbMsfVdy flfyafMªdy 4½ vkbMsfVdy fLVªIl

45.Segmental chips are formed during machining of______________.

1) Mild steel 2) Cast iron
3) High speed steel 4) High carbon steel
&&&&& ds e’khuu ds nkSjku [kaM;qDr fpi fufeZr gksrh gSA
1½ e`nq bLikr 2½ <yokW yksgk
3½ mPp xfr bLikr 4½ mPp dkcZu bLikr

46. What will happen if the spindle threads are worn out in a gate valve?
1. The valve gets hard to turn.
2. There will be loud noise when the valve is turned.
3. Water flows around the stuffing box.
4. Valve will not close/open when the spindle turns
D;k gksxk ;fn xsV okYo esa fLiaMy FkzsM {kfrxzLr gks tk,a\
1½ okYo dfBukbZ ls eqM+sxk
2½ okYo ds eqM+us ij rst 'kksj gksxk
3½ LVkfQax ckWDl ds vkl&ikl ikuh cgsxk
4½ fLiaMy ds eqM+us ls okYo dk can gksuk@[kqyuk can gks tk,xk

47. Which one of the following heat treatment process produces a scale free
surface on the component?
1) Induction hardening 2) Flame hardening
3) Nitriding 4) Case hardening
fuEu dkSu lk ghV VªhVesaV izfdz;k la?kVd ij iSekuk jfgr lrg dk fuekZ.k djrh gS\
1½ baMD’ku gkMZfuax 2½ ¶yse gkMZfuax
3½ ukbVªkbfMax 4½ dsl gkMZfuax

48. The thickness of rack tooth of 2 mm will be_______.


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1) 4.50mm 2) 4 mm
3) 4.25 mm 4) 3.14 mm
2feeh ds jSd VwFk dh eksVkbZ &&&&&&&& gksxhA
1) 4.50mm 2) 4 mm
3) 4.25 mm 4) 3.14 mm

49. Which one is NOT the common type of cold chisel?

1) Flat chisel 2) Cross cut chisel
3) Half round nose chisel 4) Round chisel
buesa lss dkSu lk fodYi dksYM phty dk ,d izdkj ugha gS\
1½ ¶ySV phty 2½ dzkWl dV phty
3½ gkWQ jkmaM ukst phty 4½ jkmaM phty

50.While chipping a groove, the metal tends to break as a lump when

nearing the end. This can be avoided by ____________.
1) Reducing the angle of inclination of chisel
2) Using good cutting oil
3) Chipping with heavy blows
4) Chipping the end portion from opposite side
[kkapk dkVrs le;] /kkrq var ds fudV lafiMdksa ds :Ik esa VwVus dh vksj izo`Rr gksrh gSA bls&&&
ds }kjk Vkyk tk ldrk gSA
1½ Nsuh ds >qdko ds dks.k es deh
2½ vPNs dfVax vkW;y ds mi;ksx
3½ Hkkjh izokgksa ds lkFk fpfiax
4½ foijhr lkbM ls vafre Hkkx dh fpfiax

51.The tool post of a planning machine is mounted on______________.

1) Apron 2) Cross rail
3) Clapper box 4) Saddle
Iykfuax e’khu dk midj.k LrEHk &&&&&& ij LFkkfir jgrk gSA


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1½ ,sizu 2½ dzkWl jsy

3½ DySij ckWDl 4½ lSMy

52. The part of the Vernier bevel protractor which is normally used as reference base for
measuring angle is_______.
1) Blade 2) Stock
3) Disc 4) Main scale
1½ CysM 2½ LVkWd
3½ fMLd 4½ esu Ldsy

53. One of the taper turning methods is by offsetting the tail stock. Which part of the tail stock is
off set?
1) Body 2) Spindle
3)Base 4) Whole unit
Vsij VfuZx dh fof/k;ks es ls ,d Vsy LVkWd dh vkWQlsfVx gSA Vsy LVkWd dk dkSu lk Hkkx vkWQ
lsV gS\
1½ ckWMh 2½ fLiaMy
3½ csl 4½ gksy ;wfuV

54. 2D control can be simultaneous feed only______.

1) in 3 of the 2 axes 2) in 2 of the 3 axes
3) in 3 of the 4 axes 4) in 4 of the 3 axes
2Mh fu;a=.k &&&&& ,d lkFk QhM fd;k tk ldrk gSA
1½ 2 esa ls 3 v{kksa esa 2½ 3 esa ls 2 v{kksa esa
3½ 4 esa ls 3 v{kksa esa 4½ 3 esa ls 4 v{kksa esa

55. The tail stock barrel has an internal taper. Which one of the following standard taper is
provided in the barrel bore?
1) Metric taper 2) Morse taper
3) Jarno taper 4) Brown and Sharp taper


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Vsy LVkWd cSjy esa ,d vkarfjd Vsij gksrk gSAcSjy cksj es fuEu es ls dkSu lk ekud Vsij iznku
fd;k tkrk gS\
1½ ehfVªd Vsij 2½ ekslZ Vsij
3½ tuksZ Vsij 4½ Hkwjk ,oa rst Vsij

56. For cutting multistart thread on a lathe, which among the following is used?
1) Chasers 2) Die Head
3) Followers rest 4) Split die
[kjkn ij eYVh&LVkVZ FkzsM dh dfVax ds fy, fuEu esa ls fdldk mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gS\
1½ pstlZ 2½ MkbZ gsM
3½ QkWyksolZ jsLV 4½ fLIyV MkbZ

57. The axis of the plate cam blank and the end mill spindle should always remain-------
1) Inclined to each other
2) parallel to each other
3) Opposite to each other
4) Vertical and inclined
IysV dse CySad ,oa ,aM fey fLiaMy dh /kqjh lnSo &&&& jgrh gSA
1½ ,d nwljs ij >qdh gqbZ
2½ ,d nwljs ds lekarj
3½ ,d nwljs ds foijhr
4½ m/kZok/kj vkSj >qdh gqbZ

58. The charge is fed into the blast furnace through the ________.
1) Throat 2) Stack
3) Bosh 4) Tuyers
CykLV QusZl ¼okR;k HkV~Vh½ es vkos’k dks &&&&& ds ek/;e ls iznku fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ FkzksV 2½ LVSd
3½ ckW’k 4½ Vq;lZ


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59. Which one of the joint fails first due to increase in temperature?
1) Soft soldering 2) Brazing
3) Welding 4) Riveting
Rkieku esa o`f) gksus ij fuEu esa ls dkSu lk tksM+ lcls igys VwVx
s k\
1½ lkW¶V lksYMfja 2½ czsftax
3½ osfYMax 4½ fjosfVax

60. If the diameter of the hole is subject to considerable variation, then for locating in jigs and
fixtures, the pressure type of locator used is______________.
1) Cylindrical locator 2) Conical locator
3)‘V’ locator 4) Diamond pin locator
;fn fNnz dk O;kl; ifjorZu ds v/khu gS] rc ftx vkSj fQD’oj dh LFkkiu ds
fy,]&&& yksdsVj ds nkc dk izdkj mi;qDr gSA
1½ csyukdkj yksdsVj 2½ 'kadq yksdsVj
3½ oh yksdsVj 4½ ghjk fiu yksdsVj

61. Jenny caliper is used to find the ________________.

1) external size of round bar
2) internal size of round bar
3) center of round bar
4) angles
tSuh dSfyij dk mi;ksx &&&&& Kkr djus ds fy, fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ jkmaM ckj dk ckgjh lkbt 2½ jkmaM ckj dk Hkhrjh lkbt
3½ jkmaM ckj dk dsUnz 4½ dks.k

62. A screw thread that transmits power and has its face nearly at right angles to the major axis is
1)White worth 2) Knuckle
3)Square 3) Round


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og Ldzw FkzsM tks ikoj ikjsf"kr djrk gS rFkk bldk i`"B nh?kZ ,fDll ls yxHkx ledks.k ij gksrk
1½ fOgV oFkZ 2½ udy
3½ Ldko;j 4½ jkmaM

63. The depth of cut in drilling is __________ the drill diameter

1) Equal to 2) One-Fourth
3) Double 4) One- Half
izos/kuh esa dkV dh xgjkbZ izos/kuh ds O;kl ds &&&&&& gSA
1½ leku 2½ ,d &pkSFkkbZ
3½ nksxquh 4½ vk/kh

64. For sawing cast iron the coolant should be ___________.

1) Water 2) Dry air
3) Kerosene 4) Soluble Oil
lapfdr yksgs dks vkjh ls dkVus ds fy, fdl dwysaV dk mi;ksx fd;k tkuk pkfg,\
1½ ikuh 2½ 'kq"d ok;q
3½ dsjksflu 4½ foys; rsy

65. A spindle sleeve is to be assembled to the spindle nose to perform specific operation on a
lathe, this sleeve has ____
1) External and Internal morse taper
2) External jarno taper and Internal morse taper
3) External morse taper and Internal jarno taper
4) External and Internal jarno taper
ysFk ij fof’k"V dk;Z djus ds fy, fLiaMy Lyho dks fLiaMy ukst ij vlsEcy fd;k tkuk gS] bl
Lyho esa &&&&& gksrs gSA 1½ ckgkz rFkk Hkhrjh ekslZ Vsij
2½ ckgkz tuksZ Vsij rFkk Hkhrjh ekslZ Vsij
3½ ckgkz ekslZ Vsij rFkk Hkhrjh tuksZ Vsij
4½ ckgkz rFkk Hkhrjh tuksZ Vsij


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66. An ideal machining allowance for finishing boring will be_____.

1) 1 mm to 2 mm 2) 0.5 mm to 1 mm
3) 0.25 mm to 0.50 mm 4) 0.10 mm to 0.25 mm
os/ku ¼cksfjax½ dks iwjk djus ds fy, vkn’kZ e’khuu NwV ;g gksxh&&&&A
1) 1 mm to 2 mm 2) 0.5 mm to 1 mm
3) 0.25 mm to 0.50 mm 4) 0.10 mm to 0.25 mm

67. Which one of the following comes under thermo setting plastic category?
1) Epoxy 2) Cellulosic
3) Nylon 4) Polythene
fuEu esa ls D;k FkeksZ lsfVax IykfLVd dSVsxjh es vkrk gS\
1½ ,ikWDlh 2½ lsY;wyksftd
3½ uk;ykWu 4½ ikWfyFkhu

68.Determine the machining time, where length = 350mm, N = 637 RPM,

feed = 0.05 mm / rev and cutting speed = 130 m / min.
1) 8.78 minutes 2) 12.98 minutes
3) 14.98 minutes 4) 10.98 minutes
e'khfuax Vkbe Kkr djsa] tgka yackbZ = 350feeh-, N = 637 RPM, QhM= 0.05 mm / rev rFkk dfVax
LihM = 130 eh-@ feuV gSA
1) 8.78 feuV 2) 12.98 feuV
3) 14.98 feuV 4) 10.98 feuV

69. A taper ring gauge is used for checking _____.

1) Internal tapers 2) External tapers
3)Plain diameter 4) External threads
Vsij fjax xkWt dk iz;ksx&&&&&& dh tkWp ds fy, gksrk gSA
1½ vkarfjd VsilZ 2½ ckgjh VsilZ
3½ lkekU; VsilZ 4½ ckgjh pwMh+


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70. In the heat treatment process annealing is done to _______________.

1) toughen the steel 2) soften the steel
3) harden the steel 4) induce brittleness
ghV VªhVesaV¼m"e mipkj½ izfdz;k esa ,uhfyax ¼/kkrq ij ikuh p<+kuk½ &&&& ds fy, dh tkrh gSA
1½ bLikr dks n`f<+d`r djus
2½ bLikr dks dksey cukus
3½ bLikr dks dBksj cukus
4½ HkqjHkqjkiu mRiUu djus

71.The job supporting device that is bolted to the back end of the carriage and moved along
during machining operation is called ____________.
1) Angle plate 2) Fixed Steady rest
3) Follower rest 4) Compound rest

og tkWc liksfVZx fMokbl tks dSfjt tks dSfjt ds fiNys fljs ij cksYV }kjk dlh gksrh gS rFkk
e’khu vkWijs’ku ds nkSjku lkFk esa pyrh gS] dgykrh gS&&&&
1½ ,axy IysV 2½ fQDLM LVsMh jsLV
3½ QkWyksoj jsLV 4½ dEikmaM jsLV

72. Which of the following parameters influence the axial feed rate in centreless grinding?
1) Speed of the regulating wheel.
2) Regulating wheel diameter.
3) Angle between the axes of grinding and regulating wheels.
4) All of the above.
dsUnz jfgr filkbZ esa v{kh; Hkj.k nj dks fuEu esa ls dkSu lk iSekuk izHkkfor djrk gS\
1½ fu;a+=d ifg;s dh xfr
2½ fu;a+=d ifg;s dk O;kl
3½ filkbZ dh v{k vkSj fu;a+=d ifg;s ds chp dks.k
4½ mijksDr lHkh


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73. Which angle makes the rake angle in a twist drill?

1) Chisel angle 2) Point angle
3) Helix angle 4) Lip clearance angle

dkSu lk ,axy ¼dks.k½ f}LV fMªy esa jsd ,axy cukrk gS\
1½ phty ,axy 2½ IokbaV ,axy
3½ gsfyDl ,axy 4½ fyi fDy;jsal ,axy

74. The taper ratio of the brown and sharp taper BS 1 to BS 18 except No. 10 is _________.
1) 1 inch per 15 inch
2) 1 inch per 18 inch
3) 1 inch per 20 inch
4) 1 inch per 24 inch
Ukacj 10 dks NksM+dj] BS 1 ls BS 18 rd czkmu rFkk 'kkiZ Vsij dk Vsij vuqikr gksxkA
1½ izfr 15 bap 1 bap
2½ izfr 18 bap 1 bap
3½ izfr 12 bap 1 bap
4½ izfr 24 bap 1 bap

75.Which is the correct expression for the unit of feed rate in milling?
1) m/min. 2) mm/rev.

3) mm/sec. 4) mm/min.

fefyax esa Hkj.k nj dh bdkbZ ds fy, dkSu lk in lgh gS \

1) m/min. 2) mm/rev.

3) mm/sec. 4) mm/min.

76. What is the difference between maximum limit of size and minimum limit of size known


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1) Upper deviation 2) Lower deviation

3) Tolerance 4) Actual size
Lkbt dh vf/kdre lhek rFkk lkbt dh U;wure lhek ds chp ds varj dks D;k dgk tkrk gS\
1½ Åijh fopyu 2½ fupyh fopyu
3½ lgkzrk 4½ okLrfod lkbt

77.The least count of a vernier bevel protractor is _________.

1) 1 minute 5) 5 minute
3) 1 degree 4) 5 degree
ofuZ;j csoy izkVs ªSDVj dk vYirekad &&&&& gksrk gSA
1½ 1 fefuV 2½ 5 fefuV
3½ 1 va’k 4½ 5 va’k

78. The purpose of the holes provided on the sides of the sine bar is to________.
1) prevent distortion 2) fix on angle plate
3) handle easily 4) minimize surface contact
lkbu ckj ds cxy esa fn, x, fNnzkas dk iz;kstu&&&&&A
1½ fo:i.k jksduk gSA 2½ dks.k IysV ij fLFkj.k djuk gSA
3½ vklkuh ls iz;ksx esa yk lduk gSA 4½ lrg laidZ dks U;wure djuk gSA

79. In a milling mixture, the purpose of providing a setting block is to __________.

1) Support the work piece 2) Position the cutter
3) Set the fixture on machine table 4) Locate the work piece
fefyax feDLpj esa lsfVax CykWd iznku djus dk D;k mnns’; gS\
1½ odZihl dks lgkjk nsuk 2½ dVj dks inLFkkfir djuk
3½ fQDLpj dks e’khu Vscy ij lsV djuk 4½ odZihl dks Kkr djuk

80. Which one of the following screw threads forms has an included angle of 29°
between the flank of the thread?
1) Square thread 2) Butters thread


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2) Knuckle thread 3) Acme thread

fuEu esa ls fdl Ldzw FkzsM QkWeZ esa FkzsM ds ik’oZ ds e/; 290 dk vafrfo"V dks.k gksrk gS\
1½ LdokW;j FkzsM 2½ cVlZ FkzsM
3½ udy FkzsM 4½ ,Des FkzsM

81. Function of a chip breaker in a tool is to_______.

1) break the chips in to small pieces
2) have continuous chips from long cut
3) have crushed chips
4) form continuous chips from short cut
fdlh midj.k ds fpi cszdj dk dke &&&&&&&gSA
1½ fpi dks NksVs&NksVs VqdM+ks esa rksM+uk
2½ yach dkV ls yxkrkj fpIl izkIr djuk
3½ lanfyr fpIl izkIr djuk
4½ NksVh dkV ls yxkrkj fpIl cukuk

82. Which one of the following joints will first fail due to increase in temperature?
1) Soft soldering 2) Brazing
3) Welding 3) Riveting
Rkkieku esa c<+ksRrjh gksus ij] fuEu esa ls dkSu lk tksM+ lcls igys vlQy gksxk\
1½lkW¶V lksYMfjax 2½ czzsftax
3½ osfYMax 4½ fjosfVax

83. Which one of the following abbreviation is used to specify an acme thread?
1) M 16 2) Rd 20 X 1/8
3) S 48 X 8 4) Tr 60 X 9
fuEu esa ls fdl ,fczfo,lu dk mi;ksx ,d ,Des FkzsM dks fufnZ"V djus ds fy, fd;k tkrk gS\
1) M 16 2) Rd 20 X 1/8
3) S 48 X 8 4) Tr 60 X 9


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84. The least count of a vernier height guage is ________.

1) 0.01mm 2) 0.02mm
3) 0.10mm 4) 0.20mm
ofuZ;j ÅWpkbZ xst dk vYirekad gS &&&&&&
1) 0.01 feeh 2) 0.02 feeh
3) 0.10 feeh 4) 0.20 feeh

85. For what is pan head rivet used?

1) General Work 2) Structural work
3) Heavy work 4) Light work
iSu gsM fjosV fdl pht ds fy, iz;qDr gksrk gS\
1½ lkekU; dk;Z 2½ lajpukRed dk;Z
3½ Hkkjh dk;Z 4½ gYds dk;Z

86. Jigs are not used in _____________.

1) Drilling 2) Reaming
3) Tapping 4) Milling
&&&&&& esa ftXl dk mi;ksx ugha fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ fMªfyax 2½ jhfeax
3½ Vsfiax 4½ fefyax

87. The primary function of the cam is to convert______.

1) Reciprocating motion into rotary motion
2) Rotary motion into reciprocating motion
3) Up and down motion into linear motion
4) Linear motion to angular motion
dSe dk izkFkfed dk;Z &&&&&&& ifjofrZr djuk gSA
1½ izR;kxeuh xfr dks ?kw.khZ xfr esa
2½ ?kw.khZ xfr dks izR;kxeuh xfr esa
3½ Åijh vkSj fupyh xfr dks jSf[kd xfr esa


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4½ jSf[kd xfr dks; xfr esa

88. The error caused due to particles of dust on the measuring face of instrument is called
1) Elastic deformation error 2) Parallax error
2) Contact error 4) Random error
;a+= ds ekiu okys i`"B ij teh /kwy ds d.kksa ds dkj.k gksus okyh =qVh&&&&&&dgykrh gSA
1½ bykfLVd fMQkWesaZ’ku +=qfV 2½ iSjsySDl =qfV
3½ dkaVSDV ¼lEidZ =qfV½ 4½ ;kn`fPNd =qfV

89. How does a hand reamer differ from a machine reamer?

1) Unequal spacing of the cutting edges
2) More number of cutting edges
3) Less number of cutting edges
4) Longer bevel lead for the cutting edge
dSls gSM jhej] e’khu jhej ls fHkUu gksrk gS\
1½ dfVax ,tst ds vleku varjky
2½ dfVax ,tst dh vf/kd la[;k
3½ dfVax ,tst dh de la[;k
4½ dfVax ,t ds fy, vf/kd yach csoy yhM

90. A traveling steady is fixed on the saddle of a lathe. What is the function of this
travelling steady rest?
1) To prevent bending of long shafts due to cutting forces.
2) To avoid load on the lathe centers while turning long.
3) To reduce the load on the cutting tool while turning.
4) To enables to turn at higher cutting speeds than recommended.
ySFk ds lSMy ij fu;fer lapyu fLFkj gSA bl fu;fer lapyu dk dk;Z D;k gS\
1½ dVkbZ cy ds dkj.k yacs 'kk¶V dks eqM+us ls jksduk
2½ yEck eqM+us ds nkSjku ysFk dsUnzks ij Hkkj dks jksduk


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3½ eqMu+ s ds nkSjku dVkbZ midj.k ij Hkkj dks de djuk

4½ crk;h xbZ dVkbZ xfr ls mPp dVkbZ xfr ij eqM+us ds l{ke cukukA

91. The purpose of lapping is to _______________.

1) remove excess material
2) remove taper
3) produce high surface finish and accuracy
4) improve the quality of the components
ySfiax dk mn~ns’; gksrk gS&&&&&&&&&
1½ vfrfjDr lkexzh dks gVkuk
2½ Vsij dks gVkuk
3½ mPp ljQsl fQfu’k rFkk ifj’kq)rk izkIr djuk
4½ la?kVdks dh xq.koRrk esa lq/kkj

92. The most commonly used proportion of the alloying elements in High
speed steel is _______________.
1) 18% Tungsten, 4% Chromium, 1% Vanadium
2) 18% Chromium, 4% Cobalt, 1% Tungsten
3) 18% Cobalt, 4% Tungsten, 1% Chromium
4) 18% Vanadium, 4% Carbon, 1% Cobalt
gkbZ LihM LVhy esa fefJr vo;oksa dk lkekU; :Ik ls bLrseky fd;k tkus okyk vuqikr gksrk gS&
1) 18% VaxLVu 4% dzksfe;e] 1% ouSfM;e
2) 18% dzksfe;e 4% dksckYV] 1% VaxLVu
3) 18% dksckYV, 4% VaxLVu, 1% dzksfe;e
4) 18% ouSfM;e, 4% dkcZu, 1% dksckYV

93. Rough & finish boring operations are carried out to machine a hole in a milling machine, for
rough boring, select______________.
1) High spindle speed & coarse feed
2) Slow spindle speed & coarse feed


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3) Slow spindle speed & fine feed

4) High spindle speed & fine feed
,d fefyax e’khu esa ,d fNnz dks e’khu ls djus ds fy, [kqjnqjs vkSj fpdus os/ku izpkyu fd,
tkrs gSA [kqjnqjs izpkyu ds fy,] p;u dhft,&&&&
1½ mPp /kqjh xfr ,oa LFkwy Hkj.k
2½ ean /kqjh xfr ,oa LFkwy Hkj.k
3½ ean /kqjh xfr ,oa LFkwy Hkj.k
4½ mPp /kqjh xfr ,oa vPNk Hkj.k

94. Which one of the following types of soldering iron is used for straight soldering points?
1) Hatching type soldering iron
2) Square point soldering iron
3) Straight soldering iron
4) None of the above
LVsªV lksYMfjax IokabVl ds fy, fuEu ls fdl izdkj ds lksYMfjaax vk;ju dk mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gS\
1½ gSfpax Vkbi lksYMfjax vk;ju
2½ LDokW;j IokabUV lksYMfjax vk;ju
3½ LVªsV lksYMfjax vk;ju
4½ mijksDr esa ls dksbZ ughA

95. What is the meaning of the “0 – 25” on the frame of the micrometer?
1) Reference temperature is 25°C
2) The accuracy of the spindle pitch is within the limits of 25 μ m
3) Measuring range from 0 to 25 mm
4) Measuring accuracy guaranteed for a measuring pressure up to 25 N only
ekbdzkes hVj ds Qzse ij “0 – 25” dk D;k vFkZ gS\
1½ lanHkZ rkieku 25°C
2½ fLiaMy fip dh ifj’kq)rk 25 μ m ds Hkhrj gS
3½ ekiu jsat 0 ls 25 feeh- gS
4½ ekiu ifj’kq)rk dh xkjaVh dsoy 25 N rd ekiu nkc ds fy, gS


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96. The frictional guide ways are of_________.

1) V- type 2) Dovetail type
3) Flat type 3) All of the above
?k"kZ.k xkbM&os &&&&& gSA
1½ oh &izdkj 2½ MksoVsy izdkj
3½ ¶ySV izdkj 4½ mijksDr lHkh

97. Which one of the following types of soldering iron is used for straight soldering points?
1) Chemically clean the joint
2) Evaporate before melting the filler metal
3) Remove impurities from the joint
4) Allow molten filler metal to flow easily
fuEu esa ls D;k cszt osfYMax esa ¶yDl dk dk;Z ugh gS\
1½ tksM+ dks jklk;fud :i ls lkQ djuk
2½ fQyj /kkrq dks fi?kykus ls igys ok"ihd`r djuk
3½ tksM+ ls v’kqf);ksa dks gVkuk
4½ laxfyr fQyj /kkrq dk fuckZ/k izokg djuk

98. The algebraic difference between the minimum limit and the basic size is called:
1) Upper deviation 2) Lower deviation
3) Fundamental deviation 4) Actual deviation
U;wur lhek rFkk ewy vkdkj ds e/; chth; varj &&&&& dgykrk gSA
1½ Åijh fopyu 2½ fupyk fopyu
3½ ewyHkwr fopyu 4½ okLrfod fopyu

99. The pattern on the surface caused by the movement of the cutting tool is
1) Waviness 2) Roughness
3) Surface texture 4) Lay


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dfVax midj.kksa dh xfr ds dkj.k i`"B ij fufeZr Lo:i &&&&& dgykrk gSA
1½ rjaxe;rk 2½ [kqjnqjkiu
3½ i`"B cukoV 4½ ys

100.The flank angle and the form of fine screw thread can be checked by using a/an ________.
1) Plug guage 2) Thread micrometer
3) Optical projector 4) Swap gauge
Qkbu Ldwz FkzsM dk ik’oZ dks.k rFkk Lo:Ik dh tkap &&&&& ds mi;ksx }kjk dh tk ldrh gSA
1½ Iyx xst 2½ FkzsM ekbdzksehVj
3½ vkWfIVdy izkstsDVj 4½ LoSi xst

101.The type of jig in which base plate is not available is called __________.
1) Plate jig 2) Box jig
3) Post jig 4) Latch jig
ftx dk og izdkj ftlesa csl IysV ugha gksrh gS] &&&& dgykrk gSA
1½ IysV ftx 2½ ckWDl ftx
3½ iksLV ftx 4½ ySp ftx

102. In a bilateral system of tolerance, the tolerance is allowed on________.

1) one side of the actual size
2) one side of the nominal size
3) both sides of the nominal size
4) both sides of the actual size
lgkzrk dh f}ik’kZfod iz.kkyh esa &&&& dh vuqefr nh tkrh gSA
1½ okLrfod vkdkj ds ,d rjQ
2½ lkadfs rd vkdkj ds ,d rjQ
3½ lkadfs rd vkdkj ds nksuks rjQ
4½ okLrfod vkdkj ds nksuks rjQ

103.Malleability is the property of metals which helps to manufacture ___________.


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1)Rods 2)Plates
3)Thin Sheets 4)Wires
vk?kkro/kZuh; /kkrq dk og xq.k gS tks &&&&&& ds fuekZ.k esa lgk;d gksrk gSA
1½ jkWM 2½ IysV
3½ iryh 'khVksa 4½ rkj

104.The part of a vernier bevel protractor, which is normally used as a reference

base for measuring angle is the ___________.
1) Blade 2) Stock

3) Disc 4) Main scale

ofuZoj csoy izksVSªDVj dk og Hkkx] ftldk mi;ksx lkekU; :Ik ls dks.k ds ekiu ds lanHkZ vk/kkj
ds :i esa fd;k tkrk gS] dgykrk gS&
1½ CysM 2½ LVkWd
3½ fMLd 4½ eq[; iSekuk

105.The accuracy of micrometers, calipers, dial indicators can be checked by a___.

1) Slip gauge 2)Feeler gauge
3) Ring gauge 4)Plug gauge
lw{eekfi;ksa] dSfyijksa] Mk;y ladsrdksa dh ifj’kq)rk dh tkWp &&&&&& ds }kjk dh tk ldrh
1½ fLyi xst 2½ Qhyj xst
3½ fjax xst 4½ Iyx xst

106. Purpose of tempering steel is:

1) to regulate the hardness & toughness
2) to reduce brittleness
3) to relieve internal stress & strain
4) all of the above
LVhy dh VsEifjax dk mn~ns’; gksrk gS&


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1½dBksjrk rFkk n`<+rk dks fu;af=r djuk

2½ HkqjHkqjkiu de djuk
3½ vkarfjd ruko rFkk ,saBu ls eqDr djuk
4½ mijksDr lHkh

107.As the cutting speed increases _______________________.

1) more heat is transmitted to the workpiece and less heat is transmitted to the tool
2) more heat is carried away by the chip and less heat is transmitted to the tool
3) more heat is transmitted to both the chip and the tool
4) more heat is transmitted to both the workpiece and the tool
tSls&tSls dfVax LihM esa o`f) gksrh gS&&&&&
1½ odZihl dks vf/kd Å"ek ikjsf"kr gksrh gS rFkk Vwy dks de Å"ek ikjsf"kr gksrh gS
2½ fpi }kjk vf/kd Å"ek Vwj ys tkrh gS gS rFkk Vwy dks de Å"ek ikjsf"kr gksrh gS
3½ fpi rFkk Vwy nksuks dks vf/kd Å"ek ikjsf"kr gksrh gS
4½ odZihl rFkk Vwy nksuks dks vf/kd Å"ek ikjsf"kr gksrh gS

108.Morse taper is one of the internationally accepted standard tapers. The morse taper are
available in numbers from_____.
1) 0 to 6 2) 0 to 8

3) 1 to 7 4) 1 to 8
ekslZ Vsij varjkZ"Vªh; Lrj ij Lohdkj Vsijksa esa ls ,d gSA ekslZ Vsij &&&& la[;kvksa es miyC/k
1) 0 ls 6 2) 0 ls 8

3) 1 ls 7 4) 1 ls 8

109.What is the process of heating and cooling for changing the structure of steel for obtaining
the required properties called?
1) Hardening 2) Heat treatment
3) Normalizing 4) Tempering


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okafNr xq.k/keZ izkIr djus gsrq LVhy dh lajpuk esa cnyko djus ds fy, dh tkus okyh rkiu rFkk
'khryu dh izfdz;k D;k dgykrh gS\
1½ n`<hdj.k 2½ Å"eh; mipkj
3½ izlkekU;dj.k 4½ VsEifjax

110. The roughness grade numbers N1 to N12 can be divided into 5 groups and are
represented by symbol are still in use. Which one of the following symbol indicates the fine
1) ~ 2) ▼▼▼
3) ▼▼▼▼ 4) ▼▼
jQusl xzsM uaclZ N1 ls N12 dks 5 lewgksa esa foHkkftr fd;k tk ldrk gS rFkk mi;ksx esa vkus
okys fpUgksa ds :Ik esa fu:fir fd;k tkrk gSA fuEu esa ls dkSu lk fpUg lw{e lrg dk ladsrd
1) ~ 2) ▼▼▼
3) ▼▼▼▼ 4) ▼▼

111. A steel work piece of high tensile strength is to be machined with a HSS milling cutter,
which one of the following rake angles is best suited for cutter?
1)80 2) 120
3) 200 4) 280
mPp ruu lkeFkZ; dk bLikr odZ ihl HSS fefyax dVj ds lkFk e’khfur gksus ds fy, gSA dVj
ds fy, fuEu esa ls dkSu lk <ky dks.k lokZf/kd mi;qDr gS\
1)80 2) 120
3) 200 4) 280

112. The included angle of live center nose is __________.

1)30° 2) 45°
3) 60° 4) 90°
Ykkbo lsaVj ukst dk varfoZ"V dks.k gksrk gS
1)30° 2) 45°


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3) 60° 4) 90°

113. For cleaning the measuring faces of slip gauges, the liquid used is __________.
1) Carbon tetrachloride 2) Kerosene
3) Carbon tetra chlorophyll 4) Soluble oil
fLyi xst ds estfjax Qslst dh lQkbZ ds fy, &&&&& rjy dk mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ dkcZu VsVªkDyksjkbM 2½ dsjksflu
3½ dkcZu VsVªkDyksjksfQy 4½ foys; rsy

114. The sensitiveness of the spirit level depends upon _____.

1) size of the bubble
2) length of the glass tube
3) type liquid filled in the glass tube
4) curvature of the glass tube
fLifjV ysoy dh lqxzfgrk &&&&&& ij fuHkZj gksrh gSA
1½ cqycqys ds vkeki 2½ dkWp dh uyh dh yackbZ
3½ dkWp dh uyh es Hkjs x, nzo ds izdkj 4½ dkWp dh uyh dh odzrk

115. While setting angle with sine bar, which side of the right angle does the sine bar represent?
1) Opposite side 2) Adjacent side
3) Hypotenuse side 4) Both opposite and adjacent sides
Lkkbu ckj ds lkFk dks.k dh lsfVx djrs le;] ledks.k dh dkSu lh Hkqtk lkbu ckj dks fu:fir
djrh gS\
1½ lEeq[k Hkqtk 2½ lfUudV Hkqtk
3½ fod.kZ Hkqtk 4½ lEeq[k rFkk lfUudV nksuks Hkqtk,a

116. The size, based on which the dimensional deviations are given is
1) Actual Size 2) Basic size
2) Minimum limit of size 4) Maximum limit of size


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og vkdkj] ftlds vk/kkj ij foeh; fopyu fn, tkrs gSa] dgykrk gS&
1½ okLrfod vkdkj 2½ ewy vkdkj
3½ vkdkj dh U;wure lhek 4½ vkdkj dh vf/kdre lhek

117. Any number of equal divisions can be obtained on milling machine by_________.
1) Compound indexing 2) Simple indexing
3) Differential indexing 4) Direct indexing
fefyax e’khu Ikj leku foHkktu dh dksbZ Hkh la[;k &&& }kjk izkIr dh tk ldrh gSA
1½ fefJr vuqdze.k 2½ ljy vuqdze.k
3½ foHksnd vuqdze.k 4½ izR;{k vuqdze.k

118. While drilling in lathe, the drill chuck is held in the ____________.
1) Head stock 2) Tail stock
3) Compound rest 4) Bed
ysFk es fMªfyax djrs le;] fMªfyax djrs le;] fMªy pdz dks &&& es j[kk tkrk gSA
1½ gsM LVkWsd 2½ Vsy LVkWd

3½ dEikmaM jsLV 4½ csM

119. The angle of BSW threads is_________.

1) 29° 2) 45°
3) 55° 4) 60°
BSW FkzsMl dk dks.k &&& gksrk gSA
1) 29° 2) 45°
3) 55° 4) 60°

120. Tool maker buĥons made of____.

1) Plastic 2) Bronze
3) Cast iron 4) Hardened steel
Vwy esdj cVu &&&&&& ds cus gksrs gSA


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1½ IykfLVd 2½ dkWls
3½ <yokW yksgs 4½ dBksj bLikr

121. For measuring angles using the sine bar, the angle formed according to the ratio between
the height of the slip gauges and the _________.
1) Height of sine bar 2) Number of slip gauge
3) Length of sine bar 4) Width of sine bar
Lkbu ckj ds mi;ksx }kjk dks.kksa ds ekiu ds fy,] fLyi xstks dh ÅapkbZ rFkk &&& ds e/; ds
vuqikr ds vuqlkj fufeZr dks.k gksrk gSA
1½ lkbu ckj dh ÅapkbZ 2½ fLyi xst dh la[;k
3½ lkbu ckj dh yackbZ 4½ lkbu ckj dh pkSM+kbZ

122. For “Grooving”, or to provide “Relief”, the job is rotated with ______________.
1) medium speed 2) low speed
3) high speed 4) very high speed
*xwzfoax* ;k ^fjyhQ^ iznku djus ds fy, tkWc dks &&& ds lkFk ?kqek;k tkrk gSA
1½ e/;e xfr 2½ fuEu xfr
3½ mPp xfr 4½ vR;f/kd mPp xfr

123 A product is said to have the quality when__________.

1) Its shape & dimensions are within the limit
2) It appears to be very good
3) It is fit for use
4) The choice of material is right
,d mRikn esa xq.koRRkk rc ekuh tkrh gS tc &&&&
1½ mldk vkdkj vkSj foek,a lhek esa gksA
2½ mldk cgqr vPNk izrhr gksA
3½ og cgqr mi;ksx esa mi;qDr gksA
4½ inkFkZ dh ilan lgh gksA


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124. Which one of the marking media takes longer time to dry?
1) Chalk powder 2) Prussian blue
3) Copper sulphate 4) Cellulose lacquer
fuEu es ls dkSu lk ekfdZx ehfM;k lw[kus esa lokZf/kd le; ysrk gS\
1½ pkWd ikmMj 2½ izwfl;u Cyw
3½ dkWij lYQsV 4½ lsY;wykst ySdj

125. What is the meaning of the term “crater wear” of a turning tool?
1) A blunting of the primary cutting edge.
2) A cavity on the cutting face.
3) The blunting of the cutting point.
4) Due to less side clearance.
VfuZx Vwy ds 'kCn dzsVj fo;j dk D;k vFkZ gS\
1½ izkbejh dfVax ,t dk dqafBr gksuk
2½ dfVax i`"B ij xqgk gksuk
3½ dfVax IokabV dk dqafBr gksuk
4½ de lkbM fDy;jsal dk dkj.k gksuk

126. The lip angle of a single point tool is usually______________.

1) 200 to 400 2) 400 to 600
3) 600 to 800 4) None of the above
,dy fcUnq midj.k dk fyi dks.k vkerkSj ij &&&&& gksrk gSA
1) 200 ls 400 2) 400 ls 600
3) 600 ls 800 4½ mijksDr es ls dksbZ ugha

127. The included angle of a V-Block is always ________.

1) 45° 2) 60°
3) 90° 4) 120°
V CykWd dk varfoZ"V dks.k lnSo &&&& gksrk gSA
1) 45° 2) 60°


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3) 90° 4) 120°

128. A flat surface can be produced by a lathe machine, if the cutting tool moves
1) Parallel to the axis of rotation of the workpiece
2) Perpendicular to the axis of rotation of workpiece/
3) At an angle of 45°
4) None of the above
,d ysFk e’khu }kjk ry dks lery cuk;k tk ldrk gS] ;fn dfVax Vwy &&& xfr djs
1½odZihl ds ?kw.kZu dh /kqjh ds lkekukarj
2½ odZihl ds ?kw.kZu dh /kqjh ds {kSfrftd
3 450 ds dks.k ij
4½ mi;qZDr esa dksbZ ugha

129. Clamps are used for the purpose of _____.

1) carrying material from machine to machine
2) preventing movement of work
3) preventing scratches on machine
4) maintaining accuracy
DySEi dks iz;ksx esa ykus dk iz;kstu &&& gSA
1½ ,d e’khu ls nwljh e’khu rd lkexzh ys tkuk
2½ dk;Z dh xfr dk fujks/k
3½ e’khu ij [kjksap u yxus nsuk
4½ ifj’k)rk cuk, j[kuk

130. Which one of the following operation is not done on a work piece held between centers?
1) Knurling 2) Undercutting by plunging
3) Thread cutting 4) Parting off
fuEu esa ls dkSu lk vkWijs’ku dsUnzksa ds e/; j[ks gq, odZ ihl ij ugha fd;k tk ldrk gS\
1½ ufyZx 2½ Iyafxx }kjk vaMj dfVax


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3½ FkzsM dfVax 4½ ikfVZx vkWQ

131. For hack sawing thin tubing, the most suitable pitch of blade is _________.
1) 1.8 mm 2) 1.4 mm
3) 1.0 mm 4) 0.8 mm
Ikrys pksaxs dks vkjh CysM ls dkVus ds fy,] CysM dh lokZf/kd mi;qDr fip gS&
1) 1.8 mm 2) 1.4 mm
3) 1.0 mm 4) 0.8 mm

132. The major load applied in Rockwell hardness testing in ‘B’ Scale is _______.

1) 100kgf. 2) 150kgf.
3) 120kgf. 3) 300kgf.
*ch*Ldsy esa jkWdosy dBksjrk ijh{k.k esa ykxw fd;k x;k izeq[k yksM&&&&gSA

1) 100kgf. 2) 150kgf.
3) 120kgf. 3) 300kgf.

133. In Vernier bevel protractor one degree is divided into how many Vernier divisions?
1) 24 2) 20
3) 12 4) 10
ofuZ;j csosy izkVs ªSDVj esa va’k fdrus ofuZ;j fMohtuksa esa foHkkftr gksrk gS\
1) 24 2) 20
3) 12 4) 10

134. Thread snap gauges are used to check external threads. The anvils of the “No Go” end are
in the form of ______.
1) Truncated and less number of threads than the Go end
2) Sharp at crest and root
3) Rounded off at crest and root
4) Full form and less number of threads than the Go end


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Ckgkz FkzsMl ds ekiu ds fy, FkzsM LuSi xst dk mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA “No Go” Nksj ds
,fUoYl &&&&& ds :Ik esa gksrs gSA
1½ Go Nksj dh vis{kk FkszMl laf{kIr rFkk de la[;k
2½ 'kh"kZ rFkk ryh ij uqdhys
3½ 'kh"kZ rFkk ryh ij xksy
4½ Go Nksj dh vis{kk iw.kZ Lo:Ik rFkk de la[;k

135. Fixed type of snap gauges will have

1) ‘Go’ & ‘No-Go’ on either ends.
2) ‘Go’ & ‘No-Go’on the same end.
3) ‘Go’ & ‘NoGo’separately.
4) ‘Go’ & ‘NoGo’ on both ends.
fQDLM ;k fLFkj LuSi xst esa&&&&&&&&&
1½ fdlh ,d fljs ij *xks * vkSj * uks xks * gksrs gSA
2½ ,d gh fljs ij *xks* vkSj *uks xks * gksrs gSA
3½ * xks * vkSj *uks xks * vyx&vyx gksrs gSA
4½ nksuksa fljksa ij *xks* vkSj *uks xks * gksrs gSA

136. Which taper is used on the spindle nose of a lathe head stock?
1) Jarno taper 2) Brown and sharpe taper
3) Pin taper 4) Morse taper
ysFk gsM LVkWd dh fLiaMy ukst ij iz;qDr gksus okyk Vsij gS
1½ tuksZ Vsij 2½ Hkwjk vkSj rst Vsij
3½ fiu Vsij 4½ ekslZ Vsij

137. A hole is drilled in a lathe by using a dia 10 mm straight shank drill held in a drill chuck.
After a short distance of the travel, it rotates along with the work.Which one of the
following statements is the cause for this defect?
1) Centers not aligned
2) Feeding by tail stock hand wheel is too slow


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3) Chips getting clogged

4) Spotting at the center is not done
,d ysFk esa 10 feeh- O;kl okys fMªy pd esa j[ks LVsªV 'kad fMªy ds mi;ksx }kjk ,d fNnz
fMªy fd;k x;kA dqN le; ckn ;g odZ ds lekukUrj ?kwerk gSA bl fod`fr ds fy, fuEu esa
ls dkSu lk rF; dkj.k gS\
1½ dsUnzksa dk lajsf[kr u gksuk
2½ Vsy LVkWd gSaM Oghy }kjk QhM cgqr /kheh gksuk
3½ fpIl dk vojksf/kr gksuk
4½ dsUnz ij LikWfVax u fd;k tkuk

138. Hack saw frame is used to cut along with_____________.

1) Hacksaw blade 2) Material
3) Retaining pins 4) Wing nuts
/kkrqdkV vkjh <kWpk &&&& ds lkFk dkVus ds fy, iz;qDr gksrk gSA
1½ /kkrqdkV vkjh CysM 2½ lkexzh
3½ /kkj.k fiu 4½ f<cjh

139. Nondestructive test in welding is _______________.

1) Tensile test 2) Impact test
3) Fatigue test 4) Radio graphic test
osfYMax esa ukWu&fMLVªfDVo VsLV gksrk gS&
1½ VsUlkby VsLV 2½ bEiSDV VsLV
3½ QkfVX;w VsLV 4½ jksfM;ks xzkfQd VsLV

140. Which one of the following statement is true with respect to the half nut?
1) It is a detachable part of the saddle
2) It is an integral part of the saddle
3) It is a detachable part of the apron
4) None of the above
gkQ uV ds lnHkZ esa fuEu esa ls dkSu lk rF; lgh gS\


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1½ ;g lSMy dk fMVSpscy vax gksrk gS

2½ ;g lSMy dk bVhxzy vax gksrk gS
3½ ;g ,izu dk fMVSpscy vax gksrk gS
4½ mijksDr es ls dksbZ ugha

141. The cold chisels are made by____.

1) Drawing 2) Piercing
3) Rolling 3) Forging
dksYM Nsuh &&&&& }kjk cukbZ tkrh gSA
1½ Mªkbax 2½ os/ku
3½ jksfyax 4½ QksftZx

142. General composition of high speed steel (HSS) cutting tool is in the ratio of 18:4:1. In
this ratio, 18 refers to ____________.
1) Chromium 2) Tungsten
3) Cobalt 4) Vanadium
gkbZ LihM LVhy dfVax Vwy ds lkekU; la;kstu dk vuqikr 18%4%1 gSA bl vuqikr esa 18 &&&
dks lanfHkZr gSA
1½ dzksfe;e 2½ VaxLVsu
3½ dksckYV 4½ ouSfM;e

143. The function of steady rest in lathe machine is___________.

1) to preventing bending of long shaft due to cutting force
2) to avoid load on the lathe centers while turning long shaft
3) to reduce the load on the cutting tool while turning
4) to ensure to turn at higher cutting speed
ysFk e’khu esa LVsMh jsLV dk dk;Z gksrk gS&
1½ dfVax QkslZ ds dkj.k yach 'kk¶V dks eqM+us ls jksduk
2½ yach 'kk¶V dh VfuZx ds le; ysFk lsaVlZ ij Hkkj vkus ls jksduk
3½ VfuZx ds le; dfVax Vwy ij Hkkj esa deh djuk


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4½ mPp dfVax LihM ij VuZ lqfuf’pr djuk

144. The prick punch point angle is?

1) 30 degree 2) 45 degree
3) 90 degree 4) 120 degree
pqHku iap fcUnq &&&& dks.k gS\
1½ 30 fMxzh 2½ 40 fMxzh
3½ 90 fMxzh 4½ 120 fMxzh

145. One meter is equal to _________.

1) 100 mm 2) 500 mm
3) 1000 mm 4) 0.010 mm
,d ehVj &&&&&& ds cjkcj gksrk gSA
1) 100 mm 2) 500 mm
3) 1000 mm 4) 0.010 mm

146. Which of the following is NOT a part of carriage of centre lathe?

1) Tool post 2) Apron
3) Compound rest 4) Gear box control
fuEu esa ls dkSu lk lsaVj ysFk ds dSfjt dk Hkkx ugha gS\
1½ Vwy iksLV 2½ ,izu
3½ daikmaM jsLV 4½ fx;j ckWDl daVªksy

147. The forms of spline are_____.

1) Straight & involute spline 2) Straight & angular spline
3) Involute & angular spline 4) Involute & square spline
LIykbu ds :Ik gS%&&&&&&&A
1½lh/kk vkSj varoZfyr LIykbu 2½lh/kk vkSj; LIykbu
3½varoZfyr vkSj; LIykbu 4½ varoZfyr vkSj pkSdksj LIykbu


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148. The difference between maximum limit of size and its corresponding basic size of a
component is _____________.
1) Actual deviation 2) Upper deviation
2) Tolerance 3)Lower deviation
la?kVd ds vf/kdre lkbt dh lhek rFkk blds laxr vk/kkj ds e/; varj gksrk gS&
1½ okLrfod fopyu 2½ mijh fopyu
3½ lgkzrk 4½ fuEu fopyu

149. Thepart of the universal surface gauge which helps to draw parallel line alonga datum
edge is the ___________.
1) Rocker arm 2) Snug
3) Five adjusting screw 4) Guide pins
;wfuolZy ljQsl xst dk og Hkkx tks vk/kkj dksj ds lekukUrj ,d js[kk [khapus esa lgk;d
gksrk gS] dgykrk gS&
1½ jkWdj vkeZ 2½ Lux
3½ ikaap lek;kstuh; Ldwz 4½ xkbM fiUl

150. Files are classified according to their _____________.

1) Kinds 2) Use
3) Make 4) Length, grade, cut and shape
jsrh dks muds &&&&&& ds vuqlkj oxhZdr` fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ izdkj 2½ mi;ksx
3½ fuekZ.k 4½ yEckbZ]] dV vkSj vkdkj

151. If the dimension of a component is finished within the limits of size, then it will be a/an
1) minimum size 2) basic size
3) acceptable size 4) rejected size
;fn la?kVd dh foek lkbt dh lhekvksa ds Hkhrj ifj"d`r dh tkrh gS] rks ;g &&& gksxkA
1½ U;wure lkbt 2½ ewy lkbt


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3½ Lohdk;Z dk;Z 4½ vLohd`r lkbt

152. Liquid carburizing is done in a heated salt bath. Which one of the following is NOT a
carburizing salt?
1) Sodium carbonate 2) Sodium cyanide
3) Barium chloride 4) Sodium sulphate
ghVsM lkYV ckFk esa rjy dkcqZj.k fd;k tkrk gSA fuEu esa ls D;k dkcqZj.k yo.k ugha gS\
1½ lksfM;e dkcksZusV 2½ lksfM;e lk;ukbM
3½ csfj;e DyksjkbM 4½ lksfM;e lYQsV

153. Suitable machine tool for high speed parting off work on material like cemented carbide
is _______.
1) Do all machine 2) Heavy duty power saw
2) Cutting off machine 4) Milling machine slitting saw
flesafVr dkckZbM tSls inkFkksZ ij mPp xfr okys i`Fkdu dk dk;Z djus ds fy, ;g e’khu Vwy
mi;qDr gS&&&&&&&
1½ Mw& vkWy e’khu 2½ vR;f/kd 'kfDr’kkyh vkjh
3½ dkVus dh e’khu 4½ fefyax e’khu fLyfVax vkjh

154. Which one of the following is NOT a reason for accident?

1) Unawareness of danger 2) Negligence
3) Improper use of tools 4) Using gloves
fuEu esa ls D;k n?kZVuk dk ,d dkj.k ugh gS\
1½tksf[ke ds ckjs esa tkudkjh u gksuk 2½ mis{kk
3½midj.kksa dk vuqfpr mi;ksx 4½ nLrkuksa dk mi;ksx

155. Formula to determine the width of the crest in a Acme thread is ___________.
(where N = number of threads per inch)

1) 0.3707


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2) 0.3707 X 0.0052

3) 0.5

4) 0.613
,Des FkzsM esa dszLV dh pkSM+kbZ Kkr djus dk lw= gS&¼tgka N = izfr bap FkzsMl dh la[;k gS½

1) 0.3707

2) 0.3707 X 0.0052

3) 0.5

4) 0.613

156. A jig is a special device which provides to ____.

1) Hold the job
2) locate the cutting tool
3) guides the tool
4) holds, supports, locates and also guides the cutting tool
ftx ,d ,slk fo’ks"k midj.k gS tks &&&&&
1½ tkWc dks idM+s j[krk gSA


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2½ dfVax Vwy ds Bhd LFkku dk irk yxkrk gSA

3½ Vwy dk ekxZ n’kZu djrk gSA
4½ dfVax Vwy dks idM+s j[krk gS] lgkjk nsrk gS] Bhd LFkku dk irk yxkrk gS vkSj lkFk
esa mldk ekxZ n’kZu Hkh djrk gSA

157. The Jig, which doesn’t have a base but can be set over the job to be drilled is
calle _________.

1) Box Jig 2) Sandwich Jig

3) Channel Jig 4) Trunnion Jig
,slh ftx ftles csl ugha gksrk gS ysfdu fMªy fd, tkus okys tkWc ij lsV fd;k tk ldrk gS]
dgykrh gS&&&

1½ ckWDl ftx 2½ lSaMfop ftax

3½ pSuy ftx 4½Mwfu;y ftx

158. Which one of the following statements indicates the principle followed in turning taper
by offsetting the tail stock?
1) The work axis is kept out of alignment with the lathe axis and the tool movement are
parallel to lathe axis.
2) The work axis is kept in line lathe axis and tool is made to move at an angle to lathe
3) The live and dead centers are moved in opposite directions to keep the work axis out
of alignment with lathe axis.
4) The work axis is kept out of alignment with the lathe axis and the tool is made to move
at an angle to lathe axis.
bues ls dkSu lk rF; Vsy LVkWd dh vkWQlsfVx }kjk Vsij dh VfuZx esa viuk, tkus okys
fl)kar dk ladsrd gS\
1½ odZ ,fDll dks ysFk ,fDll ds lajs[k.k esa j[kk tkrk gS rFkk Vwy ewoesaV ysFk ,fDll ds
lekukUrj gksrk gS


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2½ ,fDll dks ysFk ,fDll dh ykbu es j[kk tkrk gS rFkk Vwy dks ysFk ,fDll ds ,d dks.k
ij pyus fn;k tkrk gS
3½ odZ ,fDll dks ysFk ,fDll ds lajs[k.k ls ckgj j[kus ds fy, ykbo rFkk MsM lsaVlZ dks
foijhr fn’kkvksa esa pyk;k tkrk gS
4½ odZ ,fDll dks ysFk ,fDll ds lajs[k.k ls ckgj j[kk tkrk gS rFkk Vwy dks ysFk ,fDll ds
,d dks.k ij pyus fn;k tkrk gS
159. Soft jaws or vice clamps are used in the vice to hold_____________.
1) Hard word 2) Heavy work
3) Finished work 4) Castings
Okkbl esa dksey tcM+s ;k okbl DySEi &&&&& dks idM+us ds fy, iz;qDr gksrs gSA
1½ dBksj dk;Z 2½ Hkkjh dk;Z
3½ rS;kj dk;Z 4½ <yh gqbZ oLrq
160. The narrow and thin part of a file, which fits into the handle, is called _________.
1) Ferrule 2) Tang
3) Heel 4) Tip
Qkby dk ladjk rFkk iryk Hkkx] tks gSMy esa fQV gksrk gS] dgykrk gS&
1½ Qsjy 2½ VSax
3½ghy 4½ fVi

161. Which type of centre having a more life compared to other centers?
1) Tipped centre 2) Ball centre
3) Half centre 4) Revolving centre
fuEu esa ls fdl izdkj dk lsaVj vU; dh rqyuk esa vf/kd LFkk;h gksrk gS\
1½ fVIM lsaVj 2½ ckWy lsaVj
3½ gkQ lsaVj 4½ fjokWfYoax lsaVj

162. The temperature to which a work piece is heated depends on the material & the type of forging
process, the temperature range for forging low carbon steel is?
1) 800-1300 deg Celsius 2) 650-920 deg Celsius
4) 700-800 deg Celsius 4) 450-700 deg Celsius


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Rkieku ftl ij odZ ihl rIr gksrk gS] inkFkZ vkSj QksftZx izfdz;k ds izdkj ij fuHkZj jgrk gSA
fuEu dkcZu bLikr QksftZx ds fy, rkieku ijkl D;k gS\
1½ 800-1300 fMxzh lsfYl;l 2) 650-920 fMxzh lsfYl;l
3½ 700-800 fMxzh lsfYl;l 4) 450-700 fMxzh lsfYl;l

163. Due to continuous rubbing of the belt on the surface pulley, the belt gets dried up due to
friction and heat generated. This causes the belt to slip. Which of the following materials
is applied on the inner face of the belt to reduce belt slip?
1) Emery or corundum 2) Tallow or powered resin
3) Nylon or Teflon 4) Zinc or Chalk powder
csYV dh lrg f?kjuh ij yxkrkj jxM+us ds dkj.k] csYV ?k"kZ.k rFkk mRiUu Å"ek ds dkj.k
'kq"d gksrh tkrh gSA blds dkj.k csYV fQlyus yxrh gSA csYV dh fQlyu jksdus ds fy,
blds Hkhrjh i`"B ij fuEu esa ls fdl inkFkZ dk mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gS\
1½ ,ejh ;k dksjaMe 2½ VSyks ;k ikWoMZ jsftu
3½ uk;ykWu ;k Vs¶ykWu 4½ ftad ;k pkWd ikmMj

164. Equally spaced holes are drilled on the body of the sine bar. One of the main
purposes of these holes is to __________.
1) reduce the weight of the sine bar
2) handle the sine with ease
3) add appearance to the sine bar
4) prevent distortion of the top surface
lkbu ckj dh ckWMh ij leku nwjh ij fNnz fMªy fd, x, gSA bu fNnzksa dk izeq[k mn~ns’;
1½ lkbu ckj ds Hkkj esa deh djuk
2½ lkbu dk vklku j[kj[kko djuk
3½ lkbu ckj dh fn[kkoV esa lq/kkj djuk
4½ 'kh"kZ lrg ds fo:i.k dks jksduk

165. The coordinate system in milling machine comprises_______.


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1) 2 axes 2) 4 axes
3) 3 axes 4) All of the above
fefyax e’khu dh lefUor iz.kkyh esa &&&& v{k gksrs gSaA
1) 2 v{k 2) 4 v{k
3) 3 v{k 4) mi;qZDr lHkh

166. What type of bond is used in high speed grinding wheel?

1) Rubber bond 2) Shellac bond
3) Resinoid bond 4) Silicate bond
mPp xfr okys 'kh.k pdz esa fdl izdkj ds ckWUM dk mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gS\
1½ jcj ckWUM 2½ 'ksysd ckWUM
3½ jsftukW;M ckWUM 4½ flfydsV ckWUM
167. The furnace used for producing wrought iron from Pig iron is
1) Blast furnace 2) Cupola furnace
3)Puddling furnace 4) Crucible furnace
Ykksgs ls fix vkbju cukus ds fy, iz;qDr gksus okyh HkV~Vh gS&
1½ okR;k HkV~Vh 2½ D;wiksyk HkV~Vh
3½ iyVuh HkV~Vh 4½ dwzflcy HkV~Vh
168. The error in squareness can be accurately determined by using _______.
1) Try square & slip gauges 2) Try square & feeler gauges
3) Cylinder square & slip gauges4) Bevelled edge of Try square
pkSdksjiu esa dksbZ =qfV gks rks mls ifj’kq)rk ds lkFk tkuus ds fy, &&&dk iz;ksx djuk
1½ Vªkb Ldos;j vkSj fLyi xst 2½ Vªkb Ldos;j vkSj Qhyj xst
3½ flysaMj fLdos;j vkSj fLyi xst4½ Vªkb Ldos;j ds fdukjs

169. Which type of gauge is used to check the internal threads?

1) Screw pitch gauge 2) Screw thread plug gauge
3) Screw thread ring gauge 4) Screw thread caliper gauge


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vkarfjd FkzsMks dh tkap ds fy, fdl izdkj ds xst dk mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gS\
1½ Ldwz fip xst 2½ Ldwz FkzM
s Iyx xst
3½ Ldwz FkzsM fjax xst 4½ Ldwz FkzM
s dSfyij xst

170. Which one of the following tolerance specifications has a maximum dimension of 20
1) 20 + 0.2 -0.3 2) 20 + 0.2
3) 20 +0 -0.3 4) 20 -0.2 -0.3
fuEu esa ls fdl lgkzrk fooj.k esa 20 feeh- dj vf/kdre foek gS\
2) 20 + 0.2 -0.3 2) 20 + 0.2
3) 20 +0 -0.3 4) 20 -0.2 -0.3

171. The fullers are used____.

1) for necking down a piece of work
2) for finishing flat surfaces
3) for punching a hole
4) to finish the punched hole
Qqyj dk mi;ksx &&&& ds fy, fd, tkrk gSA
1½ fdlh odZ ihl ds xzhok;u ds fy,
2½ piVh lrg ds ifj"dj.k
3½ Nsn djus
4½ Nsn ds ifj"dj.k

172. In the heat treatment process, normalizing is done to _____________.

1) Improve the machinability 2) Refine grain structure
3) Increase the hardness 4) Increase the brittleness
ghV VªhVesaV izkWlsl esa]ukeZykbftax &&&&& ds fy, fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ e’khusfcfyVh es lq/kkj 2½ xzsu LVªDpj dks ifj"d`r djus
3½ dBksjrk esa c<+ksRrjh 4½ HkqjHkqjsiu esa c<+ksRrjh


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173. The special gear of 127 teeth or 63 teeth that may be used to cut
metric threads in a lathe having British lead screw is____________.
1) Idle gear 2) Translating gear
3) Change gear 4) Compound gear
127 nkar ;k 63 nkar okyk fof’k"V fx;j ftls ysFk esa ehfVªd FkzsMl dkVus ds fy, bLrseky
fd;k tk ldrk gS rFkk ftlesa fczfV’k ysM Ldwz gksrk gS] og &&&& gSA
1½ vkbMy fx;j 2½ VªkalysfVx fx;j
3½ psat fx;j 4½ dEikmaM fx;j

174. The cutting tool in a milling machine is mounted on______________.

1) Arbor 2) Column
3) Spindle 3) Knee
fefyax e’khu esa dVkbZ midj.k ij LFkkfir gksrk gSA
1½ ckgjh /kqjh 2½ LraHk
3½ /kqjh 4½ dCtk

175. Carbon dissolved in iron to form a solid solution is called _________.

1) Cementite 2) Ferrite
3) Pearlite 4) Austenite
Bksl foy;u cukus ds fy, dkcZu dk yksgs esa ?kqyuk &&&& dgykrk gSA
1½ lhesaVkbV 2½ QsjkbV
3½ iykZbV 4½ vkWLVsukbV

176. In M – function, M 03 means ____________.

1) Spindle rotation (CW) 2) Spindle rotation (CCW)
3) Coolant ON 4) Coolant OFF
M &QaD’ku esa] M 03 dk vFkZ gS&
1½ fLiaMy jksVs’ku 2½ fLiaMy jksV’s ku
3½ dwysaV vkWu 4½ dwysaV vkWQ


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177. The function of the spindle in the vice is_____________

1) Holding the work 2) Moving the moveable jaw
3) Holding the handle 4) None of the above
Okkbl esa /kqjh dk dk;Z &&&&&gSA
1½ dk;Z dks idM+uk 2½ xfr’khy tcM+s dks pykuk
3½ gRFks dks idM+uk 4½ mijksDr esa ls dksbZ ugha

178. After threading a hole by a tap, it was found that the crest of thread was not formed
throughout. Which one of the following reasons would have caused for this defect?
1) Insufficient coolant supply
2)Broken tip of cutting edge
3) Hole size slightly less than the tap drill size
4) Hole size slightly more than the tap drill size
fNnz dh Vsi }kjk FkzsfMx djus ds ckn] ,slk ik;k x;k fd FkzsM dk dzsLV iw.kZ :i ls fufeZr ugha
gqvk gSA bl =qfV ds fy, fuEu esa ls dkSu lk dkj.k gks ldrk gS\
1½ dwysaV dh vi;kZIr vkiwfrZ
2½ dfVx ,t dh VwVh gqbZ uksd
3½ fNnz dk vkdkj Vsi fMªy ds vkdkj ls FkksM+k NksVk gksuk
4½ fNnz dk vkdkj Vsi fMªy ds vkdkj ls FkksM+k cM+k gksuk

179. The smallest magnitude which can be accurately measured using any
measuring instrument is called as ______________.
1) Least count 2) Small count
3) Device count 4) Parallax count
ml lcls NksVs ifj.kke dks D;k dgrs gS ftls fdlh Hkh iSekus }kjk ,dne lgh ekik tk
ldrk gS\
1½ vYirekad 2½ Leky dkmaV
3½ fMokbl dkmaV 4½ iSjkySDl dkmaV

180. The tool made of HSS wears out faster at_______________.


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1)Normal speed 2) Slow speed

3)Medium speed 4) Fast speed
,p,l,l ls fufeZr midj.k &&&&&ij rsth ls f?klrs gS
1½ lkekU; xfr 2½ /kheh xfr
3½ e/;e xfr 4½ rst xfr

181. Couplings are used to connect the shaft, when the shafts are __________
1) to be joined permanently
2) to be disconnected often
3) in misalignment
4) to be disconnected often and to compensate a slight misalignment between two shaft
tc 'kk¶V dks &&&& gks rc 'kk¶V dks tksMu+ s ds fy, dfIyax dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ LFkkbZ :i ls tksM+uk gks
2½ dHkh&dHkh fMLdusDV djuk gks
3½ fel&,ykbuesaV gksus ij
4½ tc dHkh&dHkh fMLdusDV djuk gks rFkk 'kk¶V ds e/; ekewyh vlajs[k.k dks Bhd
djuk gksA

182. A lathe with four steps on the cone pulley and with back gear will have
1) four direct speeds
2) four indirect speed
3) four direct and indirect speeds
4) eight indirect speeds
dksu iqyh ij pkj LVsIl rFkk cSd fx;j okys ysFk esa &&&&& gksaxhA
1½ pkj Mk;jsDV LihM~l
2½ pkj buMk;jsDV LihM~l
3½ pkj Mk;jsDV rFkk buMk;jsDV LihM~l
4½ vkB buMk;jsDV LihM~l

183. A file removes the metal during________.


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1) Return stroke 2) Forward stroke

3) both forward and return strokes 4) non of the above
jsrh &&&&&& ds nkSjku /kkrq gVkrh gSA
1½ okilh LVªksd 2½ vkxs okys LVªksd
3½ vkxs vkSj okys LVªksdksa 4½ bues ls dksbZ ugha

184. A tool which is used to enlarge a drilled hole is known as ___________.

1) Facing tool 2) Turning tool
3) Forn tool 4) Boring tool
fMªy fd, x, fNnz dks cM+k djus ds fy, ftl vkStkj dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ Qsflax Vwy 2½ VfuZax Vwy
3½ QkWeZ Vwy 4½ cksfjax Vwy

185. The pitch diameter of the external screw thread is checked by____________.
1) Screw pitch gauge 2) Thread ring gauge
3) Screw thread micrometer 4) Vernier caliper
Ckkgkz Ldwz FkzsM ds fip O;kl dk ekiu &&&&& ds }kjk fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ Ldwz fip xst 2½ FkzsM fjax xst
3½ Ldwz FkszM ekbdzksehVj 4½ ofuZ;j dSfyij

186. The rear teeth of a broach_____________.

1) Performs burnishing operation
2) Removes minimum metal
3) Removes maximum metal
4) Removes no metal
fNnz.k dk fiNyk nkWr&&&&&&&&&&&&&&A
1½ mnHkzktu izpkyu fu"ikfnr djrk gS
2½ U;wure /kkrq gVkrk gS
3½ vf/kdre /kkrq gVkrk gS
4½ dksbZ /kkrq ugha gVkrk gS


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187. While gas cutting, the nozzle should __________.

1) touch the work 2) be 2 mm away from work
3) be 5 mm away from work 4) be 10 mm away from work
xSl dfVax ds nkSjku] uksty &&&&&&&&&&&A
1½ odZ ls Li’kZ djrk gqvk gksuk pkfg,
2½ odZ ls 2 feeh- dh nwjh ij gksuk pkfg,
3½ odZ ls 5 feeh- dh nwjh ij gksuk pkfg,
4½ odZ ls 10 feeh- dh nwjh ij gksuk pkfg,
188. A single start square thread with a pitch of 8 mm is to be roughly cut. The width of the
cutting edge suitable for this is _________.
1) 4 + 0.3
2) 4 -0.5-0.7
3) 4 + 0.02
4) 4 -0.2
8 feeh- dh fip okys falaxy LVkVZ LdokW;j FkzsM dks LFkwyrk ds lkFk dkVk tkuk gSA blds fy,
mi;qDr dfVax ,t dh pkSM+kbZ &&&& gSA
1) 4 + 0.3
2) 4 -0.5-0.7
3) 4 + 0.02
4) 4 -0.2

189. Ratio of water to soluble oil to prepare coolant is

1) 20:1 2) 40:1
3) 10:1 4) 60:1
'khryd ds fuekZ.k ds fy, ty dk ?kqyu’khy rsy ls vuqikr gS
1) 20:1 2) 40:1
3) 10:1 4) 60:1


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190. The depth bar of Vernier caliper is attached with ___________.

1) Main scale 2) Fixed jaw
2) Screws 3) Movable jaw
ofuZ;j dSfyij dh MsIFk ckj &&&&&& ls layXu jgrh gSA
1½ esu Ldsy 2½ fQDLM tkW
3½ Ldwzl 4½ ewoscy tkW

191. Which one of the following mechanical property is most essential for the metals to
undergo forging operation?
1)Fusibility 2) Plasticity
3) Elasticity 4) Tenacity
/kkrqvksa es QksftZx vkWijs’ku djus ds fy, fuEu esa ls dkSu lk ;kaf=d xq.k/keZ vko’;d gS\
1½laxyuh;rk 2½ lq?kV;rk
3½izR;kLFkrk 4½ n`<xzkfgrk

192. The blank diameter used in thread rolling will be:

1) A little larger than the minor diameter of the thread
2) Equal to pitch diameter of the thread
3) Equal to minor diameter of the thread
4) A little larger than the pitch diameter of the thread
pwM+h dh jksfyax esa iz;ksx fd;k tkus okyk CySad O;kl%
1½ pwM+h ds y?kq O;kl ls FkksM+k & lk cMk gksxkA
2½ pwM+h ds fip O;kl ds cjkcj gksxkA
3½ pwM+h ds y?kq O;kl ds cjkcj gksxk
4½ pwM+h ds fip O;kl ls FkksM+k & lk cMk gksxkA

193. The head stock of a lathe is situated at the ____________.

1)Righthand end of the lathe bed 2) Lefthand end of the lathe bed
3) Middle of the lathe bed 4) Bottom of the lathe bed
ysFk dk gsM LVkWd &&&&&&es fLFkr gksrk gSA


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1½ ysFk csM ds nka, fljs ij 2½ ysFk csM ds cka, fljs ij

3½ ysFk csM ds e/; esa 4½ ysFk csM dh ryh ij

194. During rough turning a workpiece with a carbide tool, long curly chips are being
formed. Which one of the following is the right way of getting rid of this kind of
1) Stop the power feed at intervals so that the chip breaks
2) Provide chip breaker on the tool
3) Change the rake angle
4) Use a metal hook and pull away the chips
dkckZbM Vwy ds }kjk odZihl dh jQ VfuZx ds nkSjku] yacs NYysnkj fpIl cu jgs gSaA bl
izdkj ds fpIl ls NqVdkjk ikus dk fuEu esa ls dkSu lk rjhdk mi;qDr gS\
1½ varjkyks ij ikWoj QhM jksdsa ftlls fPkIl VwVrs gS
2½ Vwy ij fpi czsdj yxk,a
3½ ik’oZ dks.k esa cnyko djsa
4½ /kkrq ds gqd dk mi;ksx djsa rFkk fpIl dks nwj /kdsys

195. Counter boring is done for________.

1)De burring hole ends
2)Enlarging holes to accurate size
3) Finishing cored holes
4)Accommodating socket head screws
dkmaVj cksfjax &&&&&& dh tkrh gSA
1½ fNnzks ds fljksa dks fpduk djus ds fy,
2½ fNnzks ds lVhd vkdkj rd foLrkj ds fy,
3½ dksMZ fNnzksa dh ped ds fy,
4½ lkWdsV gsM Ldwz dks feykus ds fy,

196. Broaching is the process in which _____________.

1) A tool is pushed or pulled through a hole or surface


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2) The work piece is pushed or pulled through the tool

3) Both the work piece and tool are rotated through a hole or surface
4) Only the tool is rotated through a hole or surface
czksfpx og izfdz;k gS ftles &&&&&&A
1½,d midj.k dks fNnz ;k lrg ds ek/;e ls iq’k ;k iqy fd;k tkr gS
2½,d odZ ihl dks midj.k ds ek/;e ls iq’k ;k iqy fd;k tkrk gS
3½odZ ihl rFkk midj.k nksuksa dks fNnz lk lrg ds ek/;e ls ?kqek;k tkrk gS
4½dsoy midj.k dks fNnz ;k lrg ds ek/;e ls ?kqek;k tkrk gS

197. Which one of the following processing sequences will give the best accuracy as well as
surface finish?
1) Drilling, Reaming, Jig grinding
2) Drilling, Boring, Grinding
3) Drilling, Reaming, Lapping
4) Drilling, Reaming, Electroplating
fuEu esa ls dkSu lk izfd;k vuqdze] csgrj ifj’kq)rk ds lkFk&lkFk ljQsl fQfu’k iznku
1½fMªfyax]jhfeax]ftx xzkbafMx
2½ fMªfyax] cksfjax] xzkbafMx
3½ fMªfyax ]jhfeax]ySfiax
4½ fMªfyax]jhfeax] bysDVªksIysfVax

198. When the cutting edge of the tool is dull, then during machining__________.
1) Discontinuous chips are formed
2) Continuous chips with builtup edge are formed
3) Continuous chips are formed
4) No chips are formed
tc midj.k dk dVkbZ fdukjk ean gks tkrk gS] rc e’khuu ds nkSjku&&&&&
1½ vlrr fpi fufeZr gksrs gS
2½ fufeZr fdukjksa ds lkFk lrr fpi fufeZr gksrs gS


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3½ lrr fpi fufeZr gksrs gS

4½ dksbZ fpi fufeZr ugh gksrk
199. The taper ratio of the standard metric selfholding taper is ______.
1) 1:20 2) 1:25
3) 1:30 4) 1:50
Ekud ehfVªd lsYQ&gksfYMax Vsij dk Vsij vuqikr &&&& gksrk gSA
1) 1:20 2) 1:25
3) 1:30 4) 1:50

200. Which one of the following machine reamer is used to correct the misalignment
between the reamer axis and the work axis?
1) Floating blade reamer 2) Shell reamer
3) Machine jig reamer 4) Chucking reamer
fuEu esa ls fdl e’khu jhej dk mi;ksx jhej ,fDll rFkk odZ ,fDll ds e/; vlajs[k.k dks
Bhd djus ds fy, fd;k tkrk gS\
1½¶yksafVax CysM jhej 2½'ksy jh;j
3½e’khu ftx jhej 4½pfdax jhej

201. Unequal Lip length in a drill causes

1) Hole size to be large than drill
2) Drill wears rapidly
3) Strains the m/c spindle bearing & other parts
4) All of the above
izos/kuh esa vleku fyi yaEckbZ &&&& djrh gSA
1½ fNnz vkdkj izos/kuh ls cM+k gksxk
2½ izos/kuh rsth ls f?klsxh
3½ e’khu dh /kqjh cks;fjax vkSj vU; Hkkxksa dks fod`r djsxh
4½mijksDr lHkh

202. What is the function of the hood in the forge?


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1) Prevent rain water falling on the fire.

2) Give appearance to the forge.
3) Let out smoke and dust.
4) Prevent the heat from escaping from the hearth.
QkstZ esa gqM dk D;k dk;Z gksrk gS\
1½o"kkZ ty dks vkx ij fxjus ls jksduk
2½ QkstZ dks lqanj cukuk
3½ /kqavka rFkk /kwy dks ckgj djuk
4½ m"ek dks HkV~Bh ls ckgj fudyus ls jksduk

203. Uniformly increase or decrease in diameter along the length of the cylinder is called.
1) Cam 2) Cone
3) Taper 4) Lobe
csyu dh yackbZ ds lekukUrj O;kl esa] leku :i ls gksus okyh o`f) ;k deh && dgykrh gSA
1½ dSe 2½ dksu
3½ Vsij 4½ yksc

204. The secondary clearance of the taper lead bevel is______.

1) 10° to 12° 2) 10° to 25°
3) 6° to 12° 4) 3° to 10°
Vsij yhM izo.k dk f}rh;d fudklh dks.k &&&& gSA
1) 10° ls 12° 2) 10°ls 25°
3) 6° ls 12° 4) 3° ls 10°

205. The function of flux in soldering is to _________.

1) remove oxides from the soldering surface
2) prevent corrosion
3) promote wet surface
4) all of the above
lksYMju esa ¶yDl dk dk;Z gksrk gS &&&&&&


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1½ lksYMju lrg ls vkWDlkbMksa dks gVkuk

2½ la{kkj.k jksduk
3½ xhyh lrg dks izksUur djuk
4½ mijksDr lHkh

206. In vernier caliper, the main scale reading is 60mm.Vernier division coinciding
with the main scale is the 28thdivision, and then the reading will be ______.
1) 0.56 mm 2) 60.56 mm
3) 60.28 mm 4) 120 mm
ofuZ;j dSfyij esa] eq[; iSekus dk ikB;kad 60 feeh- gSA eq[; iSekus ds lkFk la;ksxkRed ofuZ;j
fMohtu 28 oka fMohtu gS] rc ikB;kad &&&&&& gksxkA
1) 0.56 mm 2) 60.56 mm
3) 60.28 mm 4) 120 mm

207. Tube micrometer used for measuring ____.

1) wall thickness of tubes or barrels
2) thickness of fins
3) mean dia of thread
4) none of the above
V~;wc ekbdzksehVj dk iz;ksx &&&&& ukius ds fy, gksrk gSA
1½ V~;wc vkSj cSjy dh eksVkbZ
2½ fQu dh eksVkbZ
3½ isap dh pwM+h ds vkSlr O;kl dks
4½ bues ls dksbZ ugha

208. The weight of an engineer’s hammer used for marking purpose is _______.
1) 125 g 2) 250 g
3) 500 g 4) 1000 g
fpUghdj.k mn~ns’;ksa ds fy, iz;qDr gksus okys bathfu;j ds gFkkSM+s dk Hkkj &&& gksrk gSA
1) 125 g 2) 250 g


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3) 500 g 4) 1000 g

209. Which statement of the following is NOT correct with respect to the three jaw
self centering chuck?
1) It can used for round workpieces.
2) The jaws move simultaneously.
3) The jaws can be reversed and assembled.
4) It can used for hexagonal workpieces.
Fkzh tkW lsYQ lsaVfjax pd ds lanHkZ esa fuEu esa ls dkSu lk rF; ;gh ugh gS\
1½ ;g xksy odZihlst ds fy, iz;qDr gks ldrk gS
2½ tkW ,d lkFk pyrs gS
3½ tkWt dks fjoLMZ rFkk vlsEcYM fd;s tk ldrs gSa
4½ bls gsDlkxkWuy odZihlst ds fy, iz;qDr fd;k tk ldrk gS

210. C.N.C machine are not manually operated. They are controlled by means of________.
1) A program 2) An operator
3) A cam 4) A plug board system
C.N.C e'khu gkFk ls lapkfyr ugh gksrh gSA bUgs &&&& ds ek/;e ls fu;af=r fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ ,d izksxzke 2½ ,d izpkyd
3½ ,d dSe 4½ ,d Iyx cksMZ iz.kkyh

211. For cutting thin tubing, the most suitable pitch of the hacksaw blade is __________.
1) 1.8 mm 2) 1.4 mm
3) 1 mm 4) 0.8 mm
iryh V;wfcx ¼pksaxk½ dh dfVax ds fy, lokZf/kd mi;qDr gSDlkW CysM gksrh gS
1½ 1-8 feeh- 2½ 1-4 feeh-
3½ 1 feeh- 4½ 0-8 feeh-

212. The size of the center drill is selected on the basis of the ________.
1) Diameter of the workpiece


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2) Length of the workpiece

3) Material of the workpiece
4) Operation to be performed on the workpiece
lsaVj fMªy dk vkdkj &&&&&&& ds vk/kkj ij p;fur fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ odZihl ds O;kl 2½ odZihl dh yackbZ
3½ odZihl ds eSVsfj;y 4½ odZihl ij fd, tkus okys vkWijs’ku

213. A gear wheel has 36 teeth (z) and 3 mm module (m) its pitch diameter is_____.
1) 12 mm 2) 75 mm
3) 80 mm. 4) 108 mm
,d fx;j ifg, esa 36 nkWr (z) gS vkSj 3 feeh ekWM;wy (m) gSA bldk fip O;kl &&&&&gSA
1) 12 feeh 2) 75 feeh
3) 80 feeh 4) 108 feeh

214. As per Indian standard system of limits and fits, there are 18 grades of fundamental
tolerance. The grades of fundamental tolerance ranges from _____________.
1) IT1, IT2, ……………………, IT18
2) IT0, IT1, IT2, ………………….IT17
3) IT01, IT0, IT1, IT2, ………………….IT16
4) IT001, T01, IT0, IT1, IT2, ………………….IT15
fyfeVksa rFkk fQVksa dh Hkkjrh; ekud iz.kkyh ds vuqlkj] ewyHkwr lgkzrk ds 18 xzsM gSaA ewyHkwr
lgkzrk ds xzsMksa dh ijkl gS &&&&&&&
1) IT1, IT2, ……………………, IT18
2) IT0, IT1, IT2, ………………….IT17
3) IT01, IT0, IT1, IT2, ………………….IT16
4) IT001, T01, IT0, IT1, IT2, ………………….IT15

215. HSS tool bit of specification 1 X 6”.The number 6 inch refers to -----------.


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1) Thickness of tool 2) Width of tool

2) Length of tool 4) None of the above
1 X 6” fooj.k okys HSS Vwy fcV esa 6 bap fdls lanfHkZr djrk gS\
1½ midj.k dh eksVkbZ 2½ Vwy dh pkSM+kbZ
3½ Vwy dh yackbZ 4½ mijksDr esa ls dksbZ ugha

216. Thread grinding requires work speed from______________.

1) 5 to 10 m/min 2) 1 to 3 m/min
3) 14 to 20 m/min 4) 10 to 14 m/min
FkzsM filkbZ dks &&&&&& dh dk;Z xfr vko’;d gSA
1½ 5 से 10 m/min 2½ 1 से 3 m/min

3½ 14 से 20 m/min 4½ 10 से 14 m/min

217. In the letter drill series, the largest drill size is equal to __________.
1) 10.32 mm 2) 10.49 mm
3) 12.01 mm 4) 15.00 mm
v{kj fMªy fljht esa] lcls cM+k fMªy lkbt &&&&&& ds cjkcj gksrk gSA
1) 10.32 mm 2) 10.49 mm
3) 12.01 mm 4) 15.00 mm

218. A reamed hole has patches of poor surface finish. Which one of the following is the cause
for this defect?
1) The bored hole has insufficient reaming allowance
2) Insufficient coolant supply.
3) Excessive cutting speed.
4) Wrong selection of reamer for the job.
vkof/kZr fNnz es lrg dh Lrjghu fQfuf’kax ds /kCcs gksrs gSA bl fod`fr dk fuEu esa ls D;k
dkj.k gS\
1½ cksj fd, x, fNnz esa vi;kZIr jhfeax ,ykaml gksuk


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2½ dwysaV dh vi;kZIr vkiwfrZ

3½ vR;f/kd dfVax LihM
4½ tkWc ds fy, vuqi;qDr jhej dk p;u

219. To turn an external angle having 600 included angle, the compound slide to be set to
1) 600 2) 300
3) 900 4) 450
,d ckg; dks.k dks cnyus ds fy, ftles 600 varxZr dks.k gS] dEikm.M LykbM dks &&&&
ij LFkkfir djuk gksxkA
1) 600 2) 300
3) 900 4) 450

220. Choose the best device to hold and locate a roundbar drilling.
1) Adjustable locator 2) V block
3) Pin locator 4) Wedge type locator
jkmaM&ckj fMªfyax dks Kkr djus rFkk idM+us ds fy, loZJsB ;a= dk p;u dhft,A
1½ lek;ksT; yksdsVj 2½ CykWd
3½ fiu yksdsVj 4½ ost Vkbi yksdsVj

221. Driving plates are used for _________.

1) driving shaft between centers with a lathe dog
2) mounting fixture and workpieces
3) facing operation only
4) internal operation only
Mªkbfoax IysV~l dk mi;ksx &&&&&& ds fy, fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ dsUnzks ds e/; ysFk MkWx ds lkFk 'kk¶V dh Mªkbfoax
2½ fQDpj rFkk odZihl dks p<+kuk
3½ dsoy Qsflax vkWijs’ku
4½ dsoy vkarfjd vkWijs’ku


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222. Hand file is also called as?

1) Rasp cut file 2) Safe edge file
3) Rough File 4) Smooth file
gLr jsrh dks &&&&& Hkh dgk tkrk gSA
1½ eksVh dkV jsrh 2½ lqj{kk dksj jsrh
3½ :{k jsrh 4½ fpfdu jsrh

223. The distance a drill moves into the work for each revolution of the spindle is called ___.
1) Feed of a drill 2) Speed of a drill
3) Depth of a drill 4) Cutting speed of a drill
fLiaMy ds izR;sd ifjdze.k ij fMªy }kjk tkWc ds Hkhrj izfo"V gksus dh nwjh && dgykrh gSA
1½ fMªy dh QhM 2½ fMªy dh LihM
3½ fMªy dh xgjkbZ 4½ fMªy dh dfVx LihM

224. Aluminium oxide grinding wheels are used to grind material of ___________.
1) High tensile strength 2) Low tensile strength
3) Medium tensile strength 4) Carbide tipped tool
,Y;wehfu;e vkWDlkbM xzkba fMax OghYl dk mi;ksx &&&&& ds eVsfj;y dh xzkbafMax ds fy,
fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ mPp ruu lkeF;Z 2½ fuEu ruu lkeF;Z
3½ e/;e ruu lkeF;Z 4½ dkckZbM dh uksd okyk Vwy

225. A wrong way of lifting a heavy loads causes?

1) Damage to the load 2) Injuries to the spine of the body
3) Loss of time 4) Damage to the machinery
Hkkjh cks> dks] xyr rjhds ls mBkus ds dkj.k D;k gksrk gS\
1½ cks> dks uqdlku gksrk gS 2½ 'kjhj dh jh<+ dh gM~Mh dks pksV yxrh gS
3½ le; dh gkfu gksrh gS 4½ e’khujh dks uqdlku gksrk gS


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226. Used for blind hole tapping:

1) Taper tap 2) Medium tap
3) Bottoming tap 4) Nut tap
CykbZM gksy VSfiax ds fy, iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gS%
1½ Vsij VSi 2½ ehfM;e VSi
3½ ckVfeax VSi 4½ uV VSi

227. Centre punch is made of:

1) High carbon steel 2) High speed steel
3) Mild steel 4) Low alloy carbon tool steel
lsUVj iap fuEu dk cuk gksrk gS&
1½ mPp dkcZu LVhy 2½ mPp xfr LVhy
3½ e`nq LVhy 4½ fuEu feJ/kkrq dkcZu Vwy LVhy

228. Screw pitch gauge in used for:

1) For checking the angle of thred cutting tool
2) For checking pitch
3) For measuring scre diameter
4) For checking the depth of thread
Ldwz fip xst dk iz;ksx fdlds fy, fd;k tkrk gS%
1½ FkzsM dfVax Vwy dk dks.k tkWpus ds fy,
2½ fip tkWpus ds fy,
3½ Ldwz dk Mk;ehVj ekius ds fy,
4½ FkzsM dh xgjkbZ tkWpus ds fy,

229. Scribing block is used for:

1) Testing flatness
2) Scribing circles
3) Marking the dimension on the work piece
4) All of the these


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LdzkbZfcax CykWd dk mi;ksx fuEu ds fy, fd;k tkrk gS

1½ leryrk ijh{k.k
2½ o`Rr LdzkbZfcax
3½ dk;Z&oLrq ij vk;ke ekdZ djuk
4½ bues ls lHkh

230. Used for checking the size of the hole:

1) Ring gauge 2) Plug gauge
3) Wire gauge 4) Centre gauge
fNnz ds vkdkj dh tkWp ds fy, iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gS%
1½ fjax xst 2½ Iyx xst
3½ ok;j xst 4½ lsUVj xst

231. Aston’s process is used to manufacture:

1) Wrought iron 2) Gray cast iron
3) Malleable cast iron 4) None of these
vkLVu dh fof/k dk mi;ksx fuEu ds fuekZ.k ds fy, fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ dPpk yksgk 2½ Hkwjk <yoka yksgk
3½ yphyk <yoka yksgk 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugh

232. 600 triangles are used for mentioning the surface fininsh in drawings according to
ISI/B.I.S Mention how many triangles are shown for a surface having surface finish less
than 16 microns:
1) ▼ 2) ▼▼
3) ▼▼▼ 4) ▼▼▼▼
MªkbZx ij ISI/B.I.S ds vuqlkj ljQsl fQfu’k dks n’kkZus ds fy, 600 dks.k okys f=Hkqt dk
iz;ksx djrs gSA crkb;s 16 ekbdzksu ls de ljQsl fQfu’k ds fy, fdrus f=Hkqt fpUg iz;ksx es
1) ▼ 2) ▼▼
3) ▼▼▼ 4) ▼▼▼▼


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233. Which of the following material has maximum dutility:

1) Mild steel 2) Medium carbon steel
3) High carbon steel 4) Cast iron
fuEUkfyf[kr esa ls dkSu ls inkFkZ dk vf/kdre vk?kkro/kZrk gksrk gS%
1½ e`nq LVhy 2½ e/;e dkcZu yksgk
3½ mPp dkcZu bLikr 4½ <yoka yksgk

234. The taper is used in spindle nose of the head stock:

1) Jarno taper 2) Brown and sharp taper
3) Pin taper 4) Morse taper
gSM LVkWd ds fLiUMy ukfldk esa iz;qDr Vsij gS%
1½ tuksZ Vsij 2½ czkmu ,oa 'kkiZ Vsij
3½ fiu Vsij 4½ ekslZ Vsij

235. Which one of the following steel is used for welding assemblie?
1) Mild steel 2) Medium carbon steel
3) High carbon steel 4) Killed steel
fuEUkfyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk ,d LVhy dk mi;ksx osfYMax ,lsEcy ds fy, fd;k tkrk gSA%
1½ e`nq LVhy 2½ e/;e dkcZu yksgk
3½ mPp dkcZu bLikr 4½ fdYM LVhy

236. As the diameter of the work piece decreases the spindle speed (for the same cutting
1) Increases 2) Decreases
3) Remains the same 4) None of the above
dk;Z VqdM+s dk O;kl tSls&tSls ?kVrk gS] fLiUMy LihM ¼mlh drZu pky ds fy, ½%
1½ c<+rh gS 2½ ?kVrh gS
3½ ogh jgrh gS 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha
237. In 30C 8 carbon steel, 30 shown the:


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1) Manganese percentage 2) Carbon percentage

3) Nickel percentage 4) None of these
30C 8 dkcZu LVhy esa] 30 n’kkZrk gS%
1½ eSxuht izfr’kr 2½ dkcZu izfr’kr
3½ fudsy izfr’kr 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugh

238. Which one of the following dimension shown the largest tolerance:
1) 40+0.1 2) 40+0.2
-0.1 -0.1

3) 50+0.01 4) 40+1.0
-0.01 -1.0

fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk ifjeki lcls cM+h VksyjsUl iznf’kZr djrh gS%

1) 40+0.1 2) 40+0.2
-0.1 -0.1

3) 50+0.01 4) 40+1.0
-0.01 -1.0

239. Which one of the following element can be used to make steel tougher and harder?
1) Sulphur 2) Silicon
3) Phosphorous 4) Manganese
fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu ls ,d rRo dk mi;ksx bLikr n`<+ vkSj dBksj cukus ds fy, fd;k
tkrk gS%
1½ lYQj 2½ flfydu
3½ QkWLQksjl 4½ eSxuht

240. A dimension is stated as ø 25 H, in a drawing, the lower unit is :

1) 24.74 mm 2) 24.85 mm
3) 25.00 mm 4) 25.021 mm

,d MªkbZx esa ifjeki dks ø 25 H iznf’kZr fd;k tkrk gS bldh fuEu bdkbZ gS%
1) 24.74 mm 2) 24.85 mm
3) 25.00 mm 4) 25.021 mm


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241. Which one of the following element can be used to make steel brittle?
1) Sulphur 2) Silicon
3) Phosphorous 4) Manganese
fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu ls ,d rRo dk mi;ksx bLikr Hkaxqj cukus ds fy, fd;k
tkrk gS%
1½ lYQj 2½ flfydu
3½ QkWLQksjl 4½ eSxuht

242. In Engineering drawings, ø represents:

1) Circle size 2) ½ of di size

3) Circumference size 4) Dia size of job

vfHk;kfU=dh vkjs[k.k esa] ø iznf’kZr djrk gS%

1½ o`Rr dk vkdkj 2½ Mk;k vkdkj dk ½
3½ ifj/kh dk vkdkj 4½ dk;Z dk Mk;k vkdkj

243. The addition of chromium to alloy steel increases the :

1) Hardness 2) Corrosion resistance
3) Strength 4) All of these
feJ bLikr ds lkFk dzksfe;e dks feykus ls c<+rk gSA
1½ dBksjrk 2½ la{kkj.k izfrjks/k
3½ etcwrh 4½ bues ls dksbZ ugh

244. In drawing, to draw angles of 300, 450 ,600, 900 , we usually use:
1) T.Square 2) Compass
3) Divider 4) Set square
vkjs[k.k esa 300, 450 ,600, 900, ds dks.kks dk vkjs[k.k djus ds fy, lkekU;r% ge iz;ksx djrs gS%
1½ Vh LDok;j 2½ dEikl
3½ fMokbZMj 4½ lsV LDok;j


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245. The standard atmospheric pressure is:

1) 10.3 m of Hg 2) 9.3 m of Hg
3) 12.4 m of Hg 4) None of these
Ekkud ok;qeaMyh; nkc gksrk gS%
1) 10.3 m dk Hg 2) 9.3 m dk Hg
3) 12.4 m dk Hg 4) buesa ls dksbZ ugha

246. Scale 1:2 in drawing indicates

1) Drawing made is ½ of job size
2) Drawing made is double the job size
3) Drawing made is not as per scale
4) None of these
vkjs[k.k esa Ldsy 1%2 bafxr djrk gS%
1½ cuk;k x;k vkjs[k tkWc lkbZt dk ½ gS
2½ cuk;k x;k vkjs[k tkWc lkbZt dk nqxquk gS
3½ cuk;k x;k vkjs[k Ldsy ds vuqlkj ugha gS
4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

247. The angle between the tool face and ground end surface of flank is known as:
1) Lip angle 2) Cutting angle
3) Rake angle 3) Relief angle
¶ySad dk Vwy Qsl vkSj Hkwfe fljk lrg ds chp ds dks.k dks tkuk tkrk gSA
1½ fyi dks.k 2½ dfVax dks.k
3½ jsd dks.k 4½ fjyhQ dks.k

248. Which of the following is not provided in a PNP transistor?

1) Base 2) Collector
3) Emitter 4) Heater
PNP VªkfUtLVj esa fuEufyf[kr esa ls D;k iznku ugha fd;k tkrk gS%


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1½ vk/kkj 2½ laxzkgh
3½ mRlthZ 4½ ghVj

249. The rake angle of HSS tool for cutting mild steel is :
1) 110C 2) 170C
3) 220C 4) 160C
e`nq bLikr dkVus ds fy, HSS Vwy dk jsd dks.k gksrk gSA
1) 110C 2) 170C
3) 220C 4) 160C

250. Trammel is used for the marking of especially:

1) Straight lines
2) Big circles and Arcs
3) Small circles and Arcs
3) None of these
VªSey fo’ks"k :i ls fdldh ekfdZx ds fy, iz;ksx gksrk gS\
1½ lh/kh js[kk ds fy, ¼LVsªV ykbu½
2½ cM+s o`Rr vkSj pki ds fy,
3½ NksVs o`Rr vkSj pki ds fy,
4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

251. Which of the following lubricant is required during thread cutting on Brass?
1) Mulsified oil 2) Mineral lead oil
3) Graphite 4) NO lubricant required
fuEufyf[kr Lusguksa esa ls dkSu lk ihry ij pwM+h dkVus ds nkSjku vko’;d gksrk gS\
1½ eYlhQkbM vkW;y 2½ feusjy yhM vkW;y
3½ xzkfQd 4½ dksbZ vko’;d Lusgu

252. Which argle is not affected while grinding the drill:

1) Cutting angle 2) Helix angle


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3) Lip clearance angle 3) All of these

fMªy xzkbZM djrs le; dkSu&lk dks.k izHkkfor ugha gksrk gS%
1½ dRkZu dks.k 2½ gsfyDl dks.k
3½ fyi fDy;jsUl dks.k 4½ mi;qDZr lHkh

253. The include angle of centre for heavy work is:

1) 450C 2) 500C
3) 600C 4) 750C
Hkkjh dk;Z ds fy, lsUVj dk 'kkfey dks.k gksrk gSA
1) 450C 2) 500C
3) 600C 4) 750C

254. In 3-phase power supply, number of wires used is:

1) Two 2) Three
3) Four 4) Five
3 &dyk 'kfDr vkiwfrZ esa iz;qDr rkjksa dh la[;k gS%
1½ nks 2½ rhu
3½ pkj 4½ ikWp

255. If A:B = 3:4 and B:C = 8:9, then A:C is:

1) 1:3 2) 3:2
3) 2:3 4) 1:2
;fn A:B = 3:4 vkSj B:C = 8:9 gks rks A:C gksxk%
1) 1:3 2) 3:2
3) 2:3 4) 1:2

256. Sine bar is used for:

1) Leavelling the job for drilling
2) Finding the angle of taper job
3) Measuring diameters of holes


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4) Checking profile of thread

lkbZu ckj iz;ksx dh tkrh gS%
1½ fMªfyaax ds fy, tkWc dh ysofyax djuk
2½ Vsij tkWc dk dks.k Kkr djuk
3½ Nsnksa dk O;kl ekiu djuk
4½ FkzSM dh izksQkby ijh{k.k djuk

257. Cu+Pb+Zn alloys are also known as-

1) Leaded brass 2) Tin brass
3) Aluminium brass 4) Gilding brass
Cu+Pb+Zn feJ dks Hkh tkuk tkrk gSA
1½ yhM ihry 2½ fVu ihry
3½ ,Y;wfefu;e ihry 4½ fxfYMax ihry

258. External threads are checked by:

1) Ring gauge 2) Plug gauge
3) Thread plug gauge 4) Screw ring gauge
Ckkgjh pwM+h dk ijh{k.k fdlds }kjk fd;k tkrk gS%
1½ fjax xst 2½ Iyx xst
3½ FkzsM Iyx xst 4½ Ldzw fjax xst

259. Gun metal is an alloy of-

1) Copper, tin and silicon 2) Copper, tin and Sulphur
3) Copper, tin and zinc 4) Copper, tin and lead
xu esVy ---------------------- dk feJ /kkrq gSA
1½ rkack] fVu vkSj flfydu 2½ rkack] fVu vkSj lYQj
3½ rkack] fVu vkSj ftad 4½ rkack] fVu vkSj yhM

260. Angle of metric threads is :

1) 47 10 2) 550


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3) 600 4) 900
eSfVªd FkzsM~l dk dks.k gksrk gS%
1) 47 10 2) 550

3) 600 4) 900

261. Tin based alloys are also known as:

1) Babbitt metals 2) Gun metal
3) Bronze 4) Brass
csLM feJ/kkrq dks Hkh tkuk tkrk gS%
1½ cSfcV /kkrq 2½ xu /kkrq
3½ dkaL; 4½ ihry

262. In a diesel engine the function of a fuel injector is:

1) To mix fuel and air
2) To ignite air-fuel mixture
3) To provide flame front for ignition
4) To spray automized fuel in the cylinder
fdlh Hkh Mhty batu esa bZ/ku vUr%{ksid dk dk;Z gksrk gS%
1½ bZa/ku vkSj ok;q dk feJ.k djuk
2½ ok;q bZ/ku feJ.k dks izTofyr djuk
3½ izToyu ds fy, Tokyk vxz miyC/k djkuk
4½ flysUMj esa vkWVksekbTM bZ/ku dk fNM+dko djuk

263. Rate of doing work is known as:

1) Energy 2) Power
3) Heat 4) None of these
dk;Z djus dh nj dks tkuk tkrk gS%
1½ mtkZ 2½ 'kfDr
3½ rki 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugh


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264. To measure gap between two mating parts, we use:

1) Snap gauge 2) Feeler gauge
3) Centre guage 4) Radius gauge
nks tksM+k [kkus okys iqtksZ ds e/; vUrjky ds ekiu ds fy, ge iz;ksx djrs gS%
1½ LuSi xst 2½ Qhyj xst
3½ lsUVj xst 4½ jsfM;l xst

265. The steek which contains 0.8% carbon is known as :

1) Eutectoid steel 2) Hyper eutectoid steel
3) Hypo- eutectoid steel 4) None of these
Og bLikr ftlesa dkcZu 0.8 izfr’kr gksrk gS] tkuk tkrk gS%
1½ ;wVDs VkW;M LVhy 2½ gkbZij ;wVsDVkW;M
3½ gkbiks&;wVsDVkW;M LVhy 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugh

266. Thread plug guage is used to check?

1) Internal threads 2) External threads
3) Both of these 3) None of these
FkzSM Iyx xst D;k ijh{k.k djus ds fy, iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gS\
1½ vkUrfjd pwfM+;kW 2½ ckgjh pwfM+;kW
3½ nksuks izdkj dh pwfM+;kW 4½ bues ls dksbZ ugh

267. Specific gravity of sea water is equal to-

1) 1 2) More than 1
3) Less than 1 4) None of these
Leqnzh ikuh dk fof’k"V xq:Ro fuEu ds cjkcj gksrk gS&
1½ 1 2½ 1 ls vf/kd
3½ 1 ls de 4½ bues ls dksbZ ugh

268. This file is:


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1) Single cut file 2) Double cut file

3) Rasp cut file 4) Circular cut file
fp+= esa fn[kkbZ xbZ Qkby gS%

1½ flaxy dV Qkby 2½ Mcy dV Qkby

3½ jSLi dV QkbYk 4½ ldqZyj dV Qkby

269. 0.014 X 0.014 = _______________

1) 0.000196 2) 0.00196
3) 19.6 4) 196
0.014 X 0.014 = _______________
1) 0.000196 2) 0.00196
3) 19.6 4) 196

270. Internal dia of a job is measured by:

1) Ring gauge 2) Outside icrometer
3) Vernier caliper 4) All of these
tkWc dk vkUrfjd Mk;k ekiu fd;k tkrk gS%
1½ fjax xst }kjk 2½ vkmVlkbZM ekbZdzksehVj }kjk
3½ ofuZ;j dSfyij }kjk 4½ mi;qZDr lHkh 1½2½3½4½

271. The capacity of doing work is known as:

1) Energy 2) Power
3) Work 4) None of these
dk;Z djus dh {kerk dks tkuk tkrk gSA


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1½ mtkZ 2½ 'kfDr
3½ dk;Z 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugh

272. Try square is used to measure:

1) 450 angle of job 2) 600 angle of job
3) 900 angle of job 3) Any angle of job
VªkbZ Ldok;j dk iz;ksx fdlds ekiu esa fd;k tkrk gS%
1½ tkWc dk 450 dks.k 2½ tkWc dk 600 dks.k
3½ tkWc dk 900 dks.k 4½ tkWc ds fdlh dks.k

273. The ratio of stress to strain is known as :

1) Young modulus of elasticity
2) Modulus of rigidity
3) Bulk modulus
4) Poisson ratio
LVªsi ls LVªsu dh nj dks tkuk tkrk gSA
1½ izR;kLFkrk dk ;ax eksM~;wy
2½ n`<+rk dk eksM~;wy
3½ cYd eksM~;wy
4½ ikW;lu vuqikr

274. Fly wheel is used on crank shaft to maintain:

1) Speed 2) Uniform torque
3) Start the engine 3) None of these
dzSad 'kk¶V ij ¶ykbZ Oghy dk iz;ksx D;k cuk, j[kus esa iz;qDr gksrk gS%
1½ pky 2½ ;wuhQkeZ VkdZ
3½ batu dk pkyw jguk 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugh

275. In which of following operation on lathe, spindle speed will be minimum:

1) Turning 2) Thread cutting


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3) Grooving 4) Parting off

ysFk ij fuEufyf[kr vkWijs’ku esa ls fdlesa LihaMy xfr vf/kdre gksrh gS\
1½ VfuZx 2½ pwM+h dfVax
3½ xqzfoax 4½ ikfVZx vkWQ

276. Bench vice spindle has:

1) V-threads 2) Buttress thread
3) Square thread 3) Acme thread
csUp okbl ds LihaMy ij gksrh gS%
1½ oh pwfM+;kW 2½ cVsªl pwfM+;kW
3½ oxkZdkj pwfM+;kW 4½ ,Des pwfM+;kW

277. The lathe operation of producing an external conical surface on a work is known as:
1) Taper turning 2) Thread cutting
3) Grooving 4) Parting off
,d dk;Z ij ckgjh 'kaadqh; lrg fuekZ.k djus ds ysFk vkWijs’ku dks tkuk tkrk gSA
1½ VSij VfuZx 2½ csyukdkj VfuZx
3½ lksYMj VfuZx 4½ Qsflax

278. B.S.W. Thread has thread angle of:

1) 600 2) 450
3) 370 4) 550
ch- ,l- MCY;w- pwM+h dk pwM+h dks.k gS%
1) 600 2) 450
3) 370 4) 550

279. The operation of finishing an external surface with the help of flat single cut file is known
1) Polishing 2) Filling
3) Spinning 4) None of these


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lery flaxy dV jsrh dh lgk;rk ls ckgjh lrg dks fQfu’k djus ds vkWijs’ku dks tkuk
tkrk gSA
1½ ikWfyf’kax 2½ fQfyax
3½ fLifuax 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

280. The least count of vernier bevel protractor is :

1) 5 second 2) 10
3) 5 Minutes 4) 900
ofuZ;j chosy izkVs sDVj dk vYiekad D;k gksrk gS%
1½ 5 lsds.M 2½ 10
3½ 5 feuV 4½ 900

281. Which of the following operation is used to make coiled springs?

1) Spring winding 2) Grinding
3) Spinning 4) None of these
fuEufyf[kr vkWijs’ku esa ls fdldk mi;ksx Dok;y fLizax cukus ds fy, fd;k tkrk gS\
1½ fLizax okbafMax 2½ xzkbafMax
3½ fLifuax 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

282. Thread angle of acme thread is:

1) 600 2) 450
3) 900 4) 290
,Deh pwM+h dk pwM+h dks.k fdruk gksrk gS%
1) 600 2) 450
3) 900 4) 290

283. In CNC programming, M08 represents:

1) Coolant on 2) Coolant off
3) Tool chane 4) Program end
CNC Ikzksxzkfeax esa] M08iznf’kZr djrk gS&


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1½ dwysUV vkWu 2½ dwysUV vkWQ

3½ Vwy ifjorZu 4½ izksxzke var

284. Bench vice size is given by:

1) Length of jaw 2) Size of spindle
3) Width of jaw 3) Weight of vice
cSap okbl dk uke fdlds }kjk fn;k tkrk gS%
1½ tcM+s dh yackbZ 2½ LiSfUMy dh uki
3½ tcM+s dh pkSM+kbZ 4½ okbl dk out

285. The device used to drive the work – poece through a carrier when the work – piece has
been held between the centres is known as-
1) Driving plate 2) Carriers
3) Mandrels 4) Centres
,d dSfj;j ds }kjk dk;Z&oLrq MªkbZo djus ds fy, mi;ksx fd, tkus okys fMokbl] tc
dk;Z&oLrq dsUnzksa ds chp j[kk tkrk gS] dks tkuk tkrk gSA
1½ MªkbZfoax IysV 2½ dSfj;j
3½ eSUMªsy 4½ lsUVj

286. By which stroke of piston the power is obtained:

1) Combustion stroke 2) Exhaust stroke
3) Power stroke 4) lgnition stroke
fiLVu ds fdl LVªkd
s ls ikoj izkIr gksrh gS%
1½ dEcLVu LVªksd 2½ fudkl LVªksd
3½ ikoj LVªksd 4½ bfXu’ku LVªksd

287. The distance which the lathe tool advances for each revolution of the work-piece, is
known as-
1) Feed 2) Cutting speed
3) Depth of cut 4) None of these


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og nwjh ftlds dk;Z&oLrq ds izR;sd pdz ds fy, ysFk Vwy ,MokUl gksrk gS] dks tkuk tkrk
1½ QhM 2½ dfVax xfr
3½ dV dh xgjkbZ 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

288. Lip clearance angle in a drill is kept:

1) 300 2) 450
3) 150 4) 250
fMªy esa fyi Dyh;jsal dks.k j[kk tkrk gS%
1) 300 2) 450
3) 150 4) 250

289. The tolerance grade 1 is obtained by-

1) Gauge block 2) Ball bearing
3) Broaching 4) High quality
VkWyjsUl xzsM 1 --------------------- ls izkIr fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ xst CykWd 2½ ckWy fc;fjax
3½ czsfpax 4½ mPp xq.koRrk okyh xst

290. Out side caliper is used:

1) To measure 900 angle of job
2) Out diameter of a round job
3) Inside diameter of a round job
4) All of these
ckgjh dSfyij dk mi;ksx gksrk gS%
1½ dk;Z ds 900 dks.k dks ukius ds fy,
2½ xksy dk;Z dk ckgjh O;kl ukius ds fy,
3½ xksy dk;Z dk vUnj dk O;kl ukius ds fy,
4½ mi;qZDr lHkh


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291. The tolerance grade 4 is obtained by-

1) Ball bearing 2) Broaching
3) Press work 4) Stamping
VkWyjsUl xzsM 14 --------------------- ls izkIr fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ ckWy fc;fjax 2½ czsfpax
3½ izsl dk;Z 4½ LVSfEiax

292. Which of the following instrument will be preferred for measuring very high value of
resistance ?
1) Multimeter 2) Meggar
3) Avometer 4) None of these
cgqr mPp eku okys izfrjks/k ds ekiu ds fy, fdl fuEufyf[kr midj.k dks ojh;rk nh
1½ eYVhehVj 2½ esxj
3½ ,oksehVj 4½ bues ls dksbZ ugha

293. When the dimension is expressed as 20 ± 0.035 then the tolerance is-
1) 0.035 2) 0.025
3) 0.015 4) 0.06
tc vk;ke dks 20 ± 0.035 ds :i es O;Dr fd;k tkrk gS rc VkWyjsUl gksxk
1) 0.035 2) 0.025
3) 0.015 4) 0.06

294. Which of the following measuring instrument is supposed to be more accurate:

1) Engineers Rule 2) Vernier dial gauge
3) Vernier caliper 4) Micrometer
fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk ekiu midj.k lokZf/kd ifj’kq) gksrk gS%
1½ bfUtfu;lZ :y 2½ ofuZ;j Mk;y xst
3½ ofuZ;j dSfyij 4½ ekbZdzksehVj


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295. In shaft basis system, the basis shaft is one whose-

1) Lower deviation is zero
2) Upper deviation is zero
3) Upper and Lower deviation is zero
4) None of these
'kk¶V csfll iz.kkyh esa] ewy 'kk¶V og gS ftldk&
1½ fuEu fopyu 'kqU; gksrk gS
2½ mPp fopyu 'kqU; gksrk gS
3½ mPp ,oa fuEu fopyu 'kqU; gksrk gS
4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

296. Which one of the following is mounted between the engine and gear box:
1) Propeller shaft 2) Differential gear
3) Reductor fan 3) Clutch
fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlh batu vkSj fx;j ckWDl ds chp p<+k;k tkrk gS%
1½ uksnd 'kk¶V 2½ foHksnh fx;j
3½ fjMDVj ia[kk 4½ Dyp

297. According to Indian standard, 50 H8 – g7 means-

1) Tolerance grade for hole is 8 and shaft is 7
2) Tolerance grade for shaft is 8 and Hole is 7
3) Designation of fit on hole basis shaft system
4) None of these
Hkkjrh; ekud ds vuqlkj] dk 50 H8 – g7 vFkZ gS&
1½ fNnz ds fy, VkWyjsUl xzsM 8 vkSj 'kk¶V 7 gksrs gSaA
2½ 'kk¶V ds fy, VkWyjsUl xzsM 8 vkSj fNnz 7 gksrs gSaA
3½ fNnz vk/kkj 'kk¶V iz.kkyh ij fQV dk iz;kstu
4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugh


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298. In drawing , surface finish is denoted by:

1½ 2½
3½ 4½
vkjs[k.k esa i`"B ifjlTtk fdlds }kjk iznf’kZr dh tkrh gS%
1½ 2½
3½ 4½

299. The ratio of speed of friven to speed of driver is known as-

1) Speed ratio 2) Train value
3) Velocity ratio 4) None of these
MªkbZosu dh xfr ls MªkbZoj dh xfr dk vuqikr dks tkuk tkrk gS&
1½ xfr vuqikr 2½ Vªsu eku
3½ osx vuqikr 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

300. 1 micron = :
1) 0.01 mm 2) 0.001 mm
3) 0.1 mm 4) 0.0001 mm
1 ekbZdzkWu cjkcj gksrk gS %
1½ 0-01 feeh- 2½ 0-001 feeh-
3½ 0-1 feeh- 4½ 0-0001 feeh-

301. Which of the following material is non ferrous material?

1) Copper 2) Aluminum
3) Lead 4) All of these
fuEufyf[kr inkFkZ esa ls dkSu lk inkFkZ v&ykSg gS\
1½ rkack 2½ ,Y;wfefu;e
3½ lhlk 4½ buesa ls lHkh

302. Ω(ohm) is the unit of :

1) Current 2) Resistance


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3) Voltage 4) None of these

Ω vksg~e fdldh ,d bdkbZ gS %
1½ /kkjk 2½ izfrjks/k
3½ oksYVrk 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

303. The addition of zinc in brass increases the-

1) Ductility 2) Malleability
3) Toughness 4) Hardness
ihry esa ftad feykus ls c<+rk gS&
1½ vk?kkro/kZrk 2½ yphykiu
3½ n`<+rkiu 4½ dBksjrk

304. Output/Input =
1) Torque 2) Efficiency
3) Work done 4) None of these
fuxZr@vkxr =
1½ cy vk?kw.kZ 2½ n{krk
3½ fd;k x;k dk;Z 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

305. The ratio of longitudinal strain to lateral strain is known as-

1) Young’s modulus of elasticity
2) Modulus of rigidity
3) Bulk modulus
4) Poission ratio
vuqnS/;Z LVªsu ls ik’oZ LVªsu ds vuqikr dks tkuk tkrk gSA
1½ izR;kLFkrk dk ;ax xq.kkad
2½ n`<+rk dk eksM~;wy;
3½ cYd eksM~;wyl
4½ ikW;lu vuqikr


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306. The instrument used to check the state of charge of a battery is :

1) Hydrometer 2) Hygrometer
3) Battery charger 4) Battery eliminator
fdlh cSVjh ds pktZ dh voLFkk dh tkWp ds fy, iz;ksx fd, tkus okys midj.k dks dgrs gS%
1½ gkbMªksehVj 2½ gkbxzksehVj
3½ cSVjh pktZj 4½ cSVjh foyksid

307. Which of the following chuck is known as self centring chuck?

1) Three jaw chuck 2) Four jaw chuck
3) Independent chuck 4) Collect chuck
fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk pd Lo;a dsUnzh pd ds :i esa tkuk tkrk gS\
1½ rhu tkW pd 2½ pkj tkW pd
3½ Lora= pd 4½ laxzg pd

308. The instrument used to measure speed is:

1) Technometer 2) Ammeter
3) Advometer 4) Speedometer
Pkky ds ekiu ds fy, midj.k gS %
1½ VsdksehVj 2½ ,ehVj
3½ ,oksehVj 4½ LihMksehVj

309. SI unit of weight is-

1) Newton 2) Newton-meter
3) Newton/meter 4) None of these
Hkkj dh SI bdkbZ gksrk gS&
1½ U;wVu 2½ U;wVu & ehVj
3½ U;wVu@ehVj 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

310. represents:


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1) Depth of foundation 2) Earthing

3) Waves 4) None of these
iznf'kZr djrk gS%
1½ uhao dh xgjkbZ 2½ Hkw&lEidZu
3½ rjaxs 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

311. Speed is-

1) Vector quantity 2) Scalar quantity
3) Both (a) & (b) 3) None of these
Xfr gksrh gS&
1½ lfn’k jkf’k 2½ vfn’k jkf’k
3½ nksuksa d vkSj [k 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

312. The type of tool used on lathe, shaper and planer is :

1) Single point cutting tool 2) Two point cutting tool
3) Three point cutting tool 4) Multi-point cutting tool
’kssij] Iysuj o ysFk esa iz;qDr Vwy bLrseky gksrk gS%
1½ flaxy IokbZV dfVax Vwy 2½ nks IokbZV dfVax Vwy
3½ rhu IokbZV dfVax Vwy 4½ eYVh IokbZV dfVax Vwy

313. Which of the following file can be used for fine work?
1) Hand file 2) Round file
3) Square file 4) Needle file
fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lh jsrh dk mi;ksx csgrj djus ds fy, fd;k tkrk gS\
1½ gLr jsrh 2½ xksy jsrh
3½ oxZ jsrh 4½ uhMy jsrh

314. A fly cuter is used on :

1) Lathe machine 2) Shaper machine
3) Milling machine 4) All of the above


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¶ykbZ dVj dk iz;ksx gksrk gS%

1½ ysFk e’khu ij 2½ 'ksij e’khu ij
3½ fefyax e’khu ij 4½ mi;ZqDr lHkh ij

315. 1 Watt is equal to-

1) Joule/sec 2) Joule-sec
3) Newton-meter 4) None of these
1 okV cjkcj gksrk gS&
1½ twy @lsds.M 2½ twy&lsds.M
3½ U;wVu &ehVj 4½ buesa ls lHkh

316. Which of the following is a weld defect:

1) Fusion zone 2) Heat affected hard zone
3) Under – cut 3) None of these
fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu & lk ,d osYMu nks"k gS%
1½ ¶;wtu tksu 2½ m"ek izHkkoh dBksj tksu
3½ vUMj & dV 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugh

317. Convert kg/m3 ___________ g/mm3.

1) 1012 2) 109
3) 106 4) 104
kg/m3 dks ---------------- g/mm3 esa cnfy,A
1) 1012 2) 109
3) 106 4) 104

318. One pound is equal to _________ grams:

1) 22.4 g. 2) 435.6 g
3) 1300 g. 4) 45.9 g.
,d ikm.M &&&&&&& &&& gksrk gS %
1) 22.4 xzke 2) 435.6xzke


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3) 1300 xzke 4) 45.9 xzke

319. Which of the following hammer can be used for stretching or peening the metal?
1) Cross pein hammer 2) Ball pein hammer
3) Straight pein hammer 4) Soft hammer
fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk gSej dk mi;ksx /kkrq LVªsfpax ;k ihfuax ds fy, fd;k tkrk gS\
1½ dzWkl fiu gSej 2½ ckWy fiu gSej
3½ lh/kh fiu gSej 4½ lkW¶V gSej

320. The point angle of the centre punch is :

1) 300 2) 600
3) 900 4) 1200
lasUVj iap dk IokbZV dks.k gksrk gS%
1) 300 2) 450
3) 150 4) 250

321. Which of the following file is used to filling in corners?

1) Head file 2) Round file
3) Square file 4) Needle file
fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lh jsrh dk mi;ksx dkWuZj esa Hkjus ds fy, fd;k tkrk gS\
1½ gLr jsrh 2½ xksy jsrh
3½ oxZ jsrh 4½ uhMy jsrh

322. Which one of the following material has the lowest resistant:
1) Copper 2) Gold
3) Aluminum 4) Silver
fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl inkFkZ esa lcls de izfrjks/kdrk gksrh gS%
1½ rkez 2½ lksuk
3½ ,Y;wfefu;e 4½ jtr


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323. Pillar file is used in-

1) General work 2) Filling the corners
3) Narrow slots 4) All of these
fiyj jsrh dk mi;ksx ------------------ esa fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ lk/kkj.k dk;Z 2½ dkWuZj dks Hkjuk
3½ ladM+k LykWV 4½ buesa ls lHkh

324. Which of the following is not a part of combination set:

1) Protractor Head 2) Square Head
3) Centre Head 4) Measuring Head
fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk dkEchus’ku lsV dk Hkkx ugh gS%
1½ izksVsDVj gsM 2½ Ldos;j gsM
3½ lsUVj gSM 4½ estfjax gSM

325. Convert 300 C into Kelvin-

1) 300K 2) 273 K
3) 303K 4) 308K
300 C dkss dsfYou esa cnfy,A
1) 300K 2) 273 K
3) 303K 4) 308K

326. Broken screw is removed by:

1) Tap extractor 2) Shud extractor
3) Chiesel & hammer 3) All of these
VwVs gq, Ldwz dks fdlls gVkrs gS %
1½ VSi ,DlVªDs Vj 2½ LVM ,DlVªDs Vj
3½ pkSly ,oa gFkkSM+k 4½ mi;qZDr lHkh

327. What is the name of device used for holding hot jobs ?
1) Swedge block 2) Hardie


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3) Tong 4) Gouge
Xkje tkWcks dks idM+us dh ;qfDr dks D;k dgrs gS \
1½ Lost CykWd 2½ gkMhZ
3½ Vksax 4½ xkmu

328. A product is said to have the quality when?

1) Its shape and dimensions are within the limits
2) It appears to be very good
3) It is fit for use
4) The choice of material is right
,d mRikn xq.krk okyk gksxk tc\
1½ mldk vkdkj o foek;s fu;f=r gks
2½ og fn[kus es vPNk gks
3½ og mi;ksx ds fy;s lgh gks
4½ og lgh eSVsfy;y dk cuk gks

329. If in a drawing of a component’s dimension is stated as 20±0.03 what is the value of

1) 0.03 2) 0.06
3) -0.03 4) -0.06
;fn fdlh dkWEiksusUV dh Mªkbax esa ,d Mk;esaZ’ku dks 20±0.03 ls iznf’kZr fd;k x;k gS rks ml
Mk;esaZ’ku ij VkWysjsal dk eku fdruk gksxk\
1) 0.03 2) 0.06
3) -0.03 4) -0.06

330. Which taper is used on spindle nose of the lathe head stock?
1) Jerno taper 2) Brown and sharp taper
3) Pin taper 4) Morese taper
ysFk ds gSM LVkd ds fLiaMy ukst es fdl Vsij dk iz;ksx gksrk gS\
1½ tsjuks Vsij 2½ czkmu o 'kkiZ Vsij


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3½ fiu Vsij 4½ ekslZ Vsij

331. A 600 mm long shaft has a taper of 5 mm per meter. What will be lowest diameter of the
shaft if highest diaeter is 75 mm?
1) 72 mm 2) 69 mm
3) 74 mm 4) 70 mm
,d 600 mm yEcs 'kk¶V dk Vsij 5 mm izfr ehVj gS] ;fn ml 'kk¶V dk vf/kdre O;kl 75
mm gks rks U;wure O;kl dk eku D;k gksxk\

1½ 75 mm 2½ 69 mm

3½ 74 mm 4½ 70 mm

332. A hole whose lower deviation is zero is called basic hole, which one of the following
lettes indicates basic hole?
1) E 2) F
3) G 4) H
,d gksy ftldh fupyh foek 'kwU; gS csfld gksy dgykrk gS] bls n’kkZus ds fy;s D;k iz;ksx
fd;k tkrk gS\
1) E 2) F
3) G 4) H

333. What is commonly used proportion of alloying element in high speed steel.
1) 18% W, 4% Cr, 1%V 2) 18% Cr, 4% W, 15%V
3) 18% V, 4% Cr, 1%W 4) 18% Co, 4% Cr, 1%V
,d gkbZ LihM LVhy feJ/kkrq ds eq[; fuEu esa ls fdl vuqikr esa gksrs gSa\

1) 18% W, 4% Cr, 1%V 2) 18% Cr, 4% W, 15%V

3) 18% V, 4% Cr, 1%W 4) 18% Co, 4% Cr, 1%V

334. The pattern on the work surface caused by the movement of cutting tool is called?


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1) Waviness 2) Roughness
3) Surface texture 4) Lay
tkWc ey lrg ij dfVax Vwy ds pyus ls mRiUu iSVuZ dks dgrs gS\
1½ osohusl 2½ jQus’k
3½ ljQs’k VsDlj 4½ ys

335. The value of point angle of a twist drill used for drill in aluminium is
1) 1500 2) 1180
3) 450 4) 800
,Y;qehfu;e esa Nsn djus ds fy, iz;ksx gksus okys V~foLV fMªy ds ikWbaV dks.k dk eku fdruk
gksrk gS\
1½ 1500 2½ 1180
3½ 450 4½ 800

336. A machined component with an internal hole has to be fitted to a fine shaft for finishing
the hole we needs to carry out…………..
1) Boring operation 2) Reaming operation
3) Drilling operation 4) trepanning operation
vkarfjd gksy ds lkFk ,d ef’kM dEiksusaV dks Qkbu 'kS¶V es fQV djuk gS] gksy dh fQfu’k
ds fy;s fdl vko’;drk gksxh\
1½ cksfjax vkijs’ku dh 2½ jhfeax vkijs’ku dh
3½ fMªyhax vkijs’ku dh 4½ fVªiSfuax vkijs’ku dh

337. Brasses are alloy of

1) copper and zinc 2) copper and tin
3) copper and lead 4) Zinc and tin
ihry feJ /kkrq fdl ls curk gS\
1½ rkack vkSj tLrk 2½ rkack vkSj fVu
3½ rkack vkSj ysM 4½ tLrk vkSj fVu


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338. Boring in a Lathe is a operation of……………….

1) Making a fresh hole
2) Enlarging the drilled hole to any size
3) Can only produce standard size
4) Truing a hole
ysFk es cksfjax vkijs’ku gS
1½ ,d u;k gksy cukuk
2½ fNfnzr gksy dks fdlh lkbt rd cM+k djuk
3½ flQZ fu/kkZfjr lkbt rd cM+k djuk
4½ gksy dks lgh djuk

339. What will be the least count of a Vernier caliper in which 19 (19mm) divisions of main
scale are equal to 20 divisions of Vernier scale?
1) 0.05 2) 0.1
3) 0.2 4) 0.01
,d ofuZ;j dSfyij ds eq[; iSekus ds 19 [kkus ¼19mm) iSekus ds 20 [kkus ds cjkcj gSa rks
ofuZ;j dk vYirkead fdruk gksxk\
1½ 0-05 2½ 0-1
3½ 0-2 4½ 0-01

340. An irregularly shaped work piece is turned on a lathe. Which one of the following work
holding accessories is used?
1) Three jaw chuck 2) Two jaw chuck
3) Driving plate 4) Face plate
,d vfu;fer vkdkj ds tkWc dks ysFk ij VuZ fd;k x;kA tkWc dks idM+us ds fy;s fuEu es ls
fdldk iz;ksx gksxk\
1½ Fkzh tkW pd 2½ Vw tkW pd
3½ MªkbZfoax IysV 4½ Qsl IysV

341. In cast iron what is the percentage of carbon?


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1) 1 to 2 2) 0.5 to 1.5
3) 2 to 4.5 4) 4 to 6.5
<yok yksgs esa dkcZu fdrus izfr’kr gksrk gS\
1½ 1 to 2 2½ 0-5 to 1-0
3½ 2 to 4-5 4½ 4 to 6-5

342. ‘V’ block is used to hold which type of job?

1) square 2) rectangular
3) circular 4) irregular shaped
oh Cykd dk iz;ksx fdl izdkj ds tkWc dks idMus ds fy;s fd;k tkrk gS\
1½ oxhZdkj 2½ vk;rkdkj
3½ xksy vkdkj 4½ vkfuvfer vkdkj

343. What is the value of thread angle in metric threads?

1) 550 2) 300
3) 47.50 4) 600
,d ehfVªd pwMh+ esa pwM+h dks.k dk eku fdruk gksrk gS\
1½ 550 2½ 300
3½ 47-50 4½ 600

344. What is “T” bolt?

1) a medium to hold the job 2) a cutting tool
3) a machine 4) a simple bolt
Vh cksYV gS
1½ tkWc dks idM+us dk ,d ek/;e 2½ ,d dfVax Vwy
3½ ,d e’khu 4½ ,d lk/kkj.k cksYV

345. Which of the correct order of files from coarsest to finest?

1) Coarse, Bastard, Second Cut
2) Bastard, Coarse, Second Cut


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3) Coarse, Second Cut, Bastard

4) Bastard, second Cut, Coarse
Qkby dk [kqjnjs ls eghu dh vksj lgh dze D;k gksrk gS\
1½ dklZ] ckLVMZ] lsdM
a dV 2½ ckLVMZ] dkslZ] lsdaM dV
3½ dkslZ] lsdaM dV] ckLVMZ 4½ ckLVMZ] lsdaM dV] dkslZ

346. Find the cutting speed to make a ½ ” dia hole if spindle of drill machine is running at 840
1) 110 ft/min 2) 117 ft/min
3) 92 ft/min 4) 200 ft/min
fdlh tkWc esa 1@2^^ O;kl dk gksy djus ds fy;s dfVax LihM fudkfy;s ;fn fMªy e’khu dk
fliaMy 840 vk- ih- ,e- py jgk gS
1½ 110 QhV@feuV 2½ 117 QhV@ feuV
3½ 92 QhV @feuV 4½ 200 QhV@feuV

347. What type of JIG is used to drill in thin steel sheets?

1) Solid Jig 2) Sandwich Jig
3) Post Jig 4) Table Jig
iryh LVhy pn~nj esa fMªy djus ds fy, fdl izdkj ds ftx dk iz;ksx gksrk gS\
1½ lkWfyM ftx 2½ lSaMfop ftx
3½ iksLV ftx 4½ Vscy ftx

348. The coolant used for drilling in Cast Iron is

1) Alcohol 2) Kerosene
3) Water 4) None of the above
dkLV vk;ju esa fMªfyax djrs le; fdl dwyaVs dk iz;ksx djrs gSa
1½ vydksgy csl 2½ dsjkslhu
3½ ty 4½ dqN Hkh ugh

349. In a twist drill which angle is called rake angle.


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1) Point Angle 2) Chisel Angle

2) Helix Angle 4) Lip Clearance Angle
,d V~foLV fMªy esa jsd ,axy fdldks dgrs gSa\
1½ ikWbaV ,axy 2½ fplsy ,axy
3½ gsfyDl ,axy 4½ fyi Dyh;jsal ,axy

350. A 12 mm dia reamerd hole is to make in a mild steel jo (B) What will be the reamer drill
1) 12 mm 2) 11.75 mm
3) 11.80 mm 4) 11.50 mm
,d ekbYM LVhy tkWc esa 12 feeh O;k; dk jheMZ gksy cukuk gSA jhej fMªy lkbt D;k gksxk\
1½ 12 feeh 2½ 11-75 feeh
3½ 11-80 feeh 4½ 11-50 feeh

351. Among the following which is the smallest unit of angle measurement.
1) Radian 2) Second
3) Minute 4) Degree
fuEu esa ls dks.k ukius dh lcls NksVh bdkbZ dkSu lh gS\
1½ jsfM;u 2½ lsdM
3½ feuV 4½ fMxzh

352. Tap is a cutting tool is used for

1) making internal threads 2) making external threads
3) for hole making 4) for watering
VSi ,d dfVax Vwy gS ftldk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gS
1½ van:uh pwfM+;kW cukus ds fy;s 2½ ckgjh pwfM;kW cukus ds fy;s
3½ gksy cukus ds fy;s 4½ ikuh pykus ds fy;s

353. If V is cutting speed in m/minute and rotation is N revolution per minute. Then what is
the value of diameter (D) of the job in mm?


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1) D=1000V/πN 2) D= πN /1000V

3) D=1000 π/NV 4) D=1000N/ πV

;fn fdlh tkWc dks dkVus dh LihM V eh- izfr feuV gS vkSj mldk ?kw.kZu N pDdj izfr
feuV gS rks ml tkWc dk O;kl (D) feeh esa fdruk gksxk\

1) D=1000V/TTN 2) D=TTN/1000V

3) D=1000TT/NV 4) D=1000N/TTV

354. Find the drill for M10 X 1.5 tap

1) 10 mm 2) 8017 mm
3) 9.0 mm 4) 8.50 mm
M10 X 1.5 okys Vsi ds fy;s fMªy lkbt fudkfy;s
1½ 10 feeh 2½ 8-17 feeh
3½ 9-0 feeh 4½ 8-50 feeh

355. The process of coating by spraying glass powder at suitable temperature is known as.
1) Painting 2) Plastic Coating
3) Cladding 4) Enameling
mi;qDr rkieku ij Xykl ikmMj dks Lizs djds dksV djus dh fof/k dks D;k dgrs gS\a
1½ isafUaVax 2½ IykfLVd dksfVax
3½ DySfMax 4½ ,ukesfyax

356. The work of abrasive in grinding wheel is

1) rubbing the job
2) cutting the job
3) to provide the size to grinding wheel
4) to strengthen the grinding wheel
xzkbfMax Oghy es ,czsflo dk dk;Z gS
1½ /kkrq dh f?klkbZ djuk 2½ /kkrq dh dfVax djuk
3½ xzkbfMax Oghy dks lkbt nsuk 4½ xzkbfMax Oghy dks etcwrh nsuk


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357. The process of heating high carbon steel above upper critical temperature followed by air
cooling is termed as
1) Normalizing 2) Annealing
3) Hardening 4) Tempering
dkcZu LVhy dks mlds vij fdzfVdy rkieku ds Åij xje djus vkSj fQj gok esa BUMs djus
dh izfdz;k dks D;k dgrs gSa\
1½ ukWeZykbftax 2½ vfu;fyax
3½ gkM+sZfuax 4½ VsEifjax

358. A grinding wheel is marked as 51A46L5V23. What does V denote?

1) abrasive 2) grade
3) Bond 4) sign of company
,d xzkbfMax Oghy dks 51 A 46 L 5 V 23 ls ekdZ fd;k x;k gSA bles V D;k bafxr djrk
1½ ,fczflo dks 2½ xzsM dks
3½ ckW.M dks 4½ dEiuh dk izrhd

359. Which hoisting mobile equipment is used for self loading and shifting goods to different
places in a factory?
1) Jib Crane 2) Fork Lift
3) Chain Hoist 4) Gear Hoist
dkSu lk lkeku mBkus okyk ;U= QSfDVª;ksa esa [kqn lkeku mBkus vkSj nwljh txg ys tkus esa
iz;qDr gksrk gS\
1½ ftc dszu 2½ QksdZ fy¶V
3½ pSu gkWbZLV 4½ fx;j gkWbZLV

360. What is the meaning of grinding wheel loading?

1) loading of metal particiles on grinding wheel face


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2) to load the grinding wheel in machine

3) leaning of grinding wheel
4) none of the above
xzkbfMax Oghy yksfMax ls rkRi;Z gS
1½ xzkbfMax Oghy ds Qsl ij /kkrq ds d.kks dk Qluk
2½ xzkbfMax Oghy dks e’khu es yksM djuk
3½ xzkbfMax Oghy dh lQkbZ djuk
4½ bues ls dqN ugh

361. The diameter of friver pulley is 40 cm and it is running at a 510 rpm. If driven pulley has
to run at 120 rpm what should be its diameter.
1) 170 cm 2) 150 cm
3) 130 cm 4) 165 cm
,d MªkbZoj iqyh dk O;kl 40 ls eh gS vkSj og 510 vkjih,e ls ?kwe jgh gSA ;fn fMªosu iqyh
dks 120 vkjih,e ls ?kweuk gks rks bldk O;kl D;k gksxk\
1½ 170 cm 2½ 150 cm
3½ 130 cm 4½ 165 cm

362. Which type of thread is used for power transmission in machines like spindle et
1) Knuckle thread 2) V thread
2) square thread 3) acme thread
e’khuks es ;Fkk fLiaMy vkfn esa ikoj Vªklfe’ku ds fy, fdl izdkj ds FkzsM dk iz;ksx fd;k
tkrk gS\
1½ uDdy FkszM 2½ oh FkzM
3½ LDok;j FkzsM 4½ ,Des FkszM

363. What is correct size of tap drill for tapping M16 thread?
1) 14 mm 2) 14.16mm
3) 15.03 mm 4) 15.08 mm
16m dh pwM+h cukus ds fy, VSi fMªy lgh lkbt+ fdruk gksrk gS\


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1½ 14 mm 2½ 14-16 mm
3½ 15-03 mm 4½ 15-08 mm

364. Thread in a job is shown as M10X1.5 What is 1.5 in it?

1) dia of thread 2) pitch of thread
3) radius of thread 4) none of the above
,d tkWc Mªkbx es FkzsM dks M10X1.5 n’kkZ;k x;k gSA bles 1-5 D;k gS\
1½ FkzsM dks etcwjh nsus ds fy;s
2½ T;knk ikoj Vªklfe’ku ds fy;s
3½ eks’ku dks 'kh?kzrk ls VªklfeV djus ds fy,
4½ bues ls dqN ugh

365. Which one of the following tool angles controls the chip formation in plain turning
1) Side clearance Angle 2) Front clearance angle
3) Approach Angle 4) Top Rake Angle
Iysu VfuZax vkWijs’ku esa dkSu lk Vwy dks.k fpi ds cuus dks fu;a=.k djrk gS\
1½ lkbM Dyh;jsal dks.k 2½ QazV Dyh;jsal dks.k
3½ ,izksp dks.k 4½ VkWi jSd dks.k

366. Multi start is used for

1) to strengthen the thread
2) to transmit more power
3) to transmit the motion quickly
40 none of the above
vkbZ cksYV dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gS
1½ lkeku dks ,d LFkku ls nwljs LFkku rd ys tkus ds fy;s
2½ cksYV dks lqanj vkdkj nsus ds fy;s
3½ cksYV dh etcwjh ds fy;s
4½ bues ls dqN ugh


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367- mPp xfr fefyax dk;Z ds fy;s fdl izdkj ds fefyax dVj dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gS\
1½ 'kwU; jsd 2½ usxsfVo jsd
3½ ikWtfVo jsd 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

368- fjosV esa gsM 'kSad vkSj&&&&&&&&gksrk gSA

1½ use 2½ ckWMh
3½ Vsy 4½ ikbykWV

369- ekVsZEifjax ,d &&&&&&&& i)fr gSA

1½ ukWeZykbftax 2½ VsEifjax
3½ ,uhfyax 4½ gkMsZfyax

370- &&&&&&& dh lgk;rk ls ckgjh FkzsM dks dkVk tkrk gSA

1½ MkbZ 2½ jhej
3½ Vsy 4½ ikbykWV

371- fMªy Lyho dh rqyuk esa fMªy lkWdsV &&&&&& gksrh gSA
1½ NksVh 2½ cM+h
3½ cjkcj uki dh 4½ cgqr cM+h

372- iqatksRiknu esa] tkWc dk uhfj{k.k &&&&&& ds }kjk gksrk gSA

1½ xst 2½ ekiu midj.k ;k estfjax bUlVqesUV
3½ VsEIysV 4½ ftx

373- VkWyjsUl &&&&&&& izdkj dh gksrh gSA

1½ 2 2½ 3
3½ 4 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha


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374- &&&&& ds O;ogkj ls vaMjdV ‘’kksYMj dk fuekZ.k gksrk gSA

1½ xzqfoax midj.k 2½ ikfVZax vkWQ midj.k
3½ Ldos;j ukst midj.k 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

375- cSdyS’k ,fyfeusVj dks &&&&& esa nsuk pkfg,A

1½ vifefyax 3½ Mkmu fefyax
3½ Qsl fefyax 4½ xSax fefyax

376- ,uhfyax esa 'khryu &&&&& fd;k tkrk gSA

1½ cgqr 'kh?kz 2½ 'kh?kz
3½ cgqr /khjs 4½ gok esa

377- ,sUM fefyax ds ekeys esa] dVj ds nkWr &&&&&& ij gksrs gSaA
1½ Qsl ds var
2½ ifjf/k
3½ Qsl ds var esa ,oa ifjf/k nksuksa ij
4½ v)Z ifjf/k ij

378- lsUVj iap dk vUrfoZ"V dks.k &&&&&& dk gksrk gSA

1½ 300 2½ 450
3½ 600 4½ 900

379- ysn es 2 fe eh ihp dk Mcy LVkVZ isp dh dVkbZ ds fy;s] dVko midj.k] dh xfr es
&&&&& dh o`f) gksxhA
1½ 2 fe eh izfr ifjdze.k 2½ 1 fe eh izfr ifjdze.k
3½ fe eh izfr ifjdze.k 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

380- fMªy Lyho es &&&&& gSA

1½ Vsij ugha gksrk 2½ vkUrfjd Vsij gksrk gS


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3½ ckgjh Vsij gksrk gS 4½ nksuksa ¼2½ vkSj ¼3½

381- fdl Nsn dk lgh O;kl ikus ds fy;s fMªy dks nksuks yhi ds lkFk &&&&&& ij j[kuk pkfg;sA
1½ 300 2½ 450
2½ 590 4½ 600

382- ;wfuolZy fefyax e’khu esa &&&&&& la[;k ds Vscy ewoesUV ik, tk ldrs gSA
1½ 2 2½ 3
3½ 4 4½ 5

383- ysM Ldzq dh ?kw.kZu {kerk ysn dSjst esa &&&&&&& ds ek/;e ls lapkfyr gksrh gSA
1½ xh;j 2½ jSd ,oa ihfu;u
3½ gkQ uV 4½ psu ,oa LijksdsV

384- fMokbfMax gsM cM+s iSekus ij mRiknu es &&&&& ds fy;s iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSaA
1½ fMªy dks pykus 2½ fefyax dVj dks pykus
3½ jhej dks pykus 4½ ;s lHkh

385- vkWLVsEifjax ,d izfdz;k gS

1½ VsEifjax 2½ l[rhdj.k
3½ ,uhfyax 4½ ukWeZykbftax

386- fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lh fefyax e’khu Vqy #e dk;Z ds fy;s vuqdwy gS\
1½ fQDl csM Vkbi 2½ ;wfuolZy fefyax e’khu
3½ Iysu fefyax e’khu 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

387- VfuZax ds le; tkWc dh xfr &&&&& dh vis{kk pkj xq.kk vf/kd gksrh gSA
1½ xzqfoax 2½ ufyZax
3½ Qsflax 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha


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388- Cksgrj idM+ dk lrg izkIr djus ds fy;s] buesa ls dkSu lk dk;Z vko’;d gksrk gS\
1½ vUMjdV 2½ ufyZax
3½ jhfeax 4½ QkWfeZax

389- ,DlVsUlu jkWM &&&&& ds fy;s vfrfjDr fo’ks"krk gSaA

1½ lkbu ckj 2½ vkUrfjd ekbdzksehVj
3½ ofuZ;j dSyhij 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

390- Xku esVy ,d &&&&&& gSaA

1½ vykSg&feJ /kkrq 2½ ;ksfxd
2½ rkckW dk feJ/kkrq 3½ ;s lHkh

391- Ikgys ls cuk;s x;s fNnzksa dks cM+k djus dks &&&&&& dgk tkrk gSA
1½ fjfeax 2½ cksfjax
3½ czksfpax 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

392- dfVax Vqy flXuspj dk vafre rRo &&&&& gksrk gSA

1½ ukst jsfM;; 2½ lkbM fDy;jsUl ,SaXy
3½ QzksUV jsd ,SaXy 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

393- buesa ls fdl fo/kqr lapkj i)fr esa dh ,oa dhos dh vko’;drk gksrh gS\
1½ difyax 2½ xh;j Mªkbo
3½ csYV&iqyh Mªkbo 4½ ;s lHkh

394- && fefyax dk;Z esa] dVkbZ ds 'kq: esa fpi dh eksVkbZ U;wure ,oa var esa vf/kdre gksrh gSA
1½ vi 2½ Mkmu
3½ ,UM 4½ Qsl ;k lkeus


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395- ysn dsUnz esa &&&&&&dk foUnq dks.k gksrk gSA

1½ 300 2½ 450
3½ 600 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

396- psflax Mk;y dks &&&&&& ds nk;sa fljs ij j[kk tkrk gSA
1½ Vsy LVkWd 2½ ,izkWu
3½ dzkWl LykbM 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugh

397- fuEufyf[kr es ls dkSu lk fodYi ysn dk;Z dk milgk;d gS\

1½ LVsfM jsLV 2½ Vsy LVkWd
3½ QhM jkWM 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

398- gkWfcax e’khu dk iz;ksx &&&&& ds iqatksRiknu ;k O;kid mRiknu ds fy, fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ Lij xh;j 2½ FkszM
3½ gsfydy xh;j 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

399- NksVs uki ds fMªy fpfUgr ugha gksrs ,oa muds uki &&&&&& ds iz;ksx ls tkus tkrs gSaA
1½ ekbdzksehVj 2½ VsEiysV
3½ fMªy xst 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

400- &&&&& esa ,d ls vf/kd lQsZl ij e’khu pykbZ tk ldrh gSA

1½ 'ksij 2½ ysn
3½ Iysuks&feyj 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

401- fuEufyf[kr es ls fdl inkFkZ dh dVko xfr lokZf/kd gS\

1½ ihry 2½ dkWalk
3½ vY;wfefu;e 4½ lh-vkbZ

402- fMªfyax ds ckn &&&&&& gksrk gSA


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1½ fjfeax 2½ VSfiax
3½ cksfjax 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

403- lhlk vkSj tLrk ls cus feJ /kkrq dks &&&&&& dgk tkrk gSA
1½ cksjsDl 2½ LisYVj
3½ lksYMj 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

404- "; cksYV dks fey djus ds fy;s] fuEufyf[kr es ls dkSu lk fefyax vkWijs’ku lcls
mi;qDr gS\
1½ QkWeZ fefyax 2½ LVªSMsy fefyax
3½ Qsl fefyax 4½ ,asxqyj fefyax

405- ysn ds dk;Z esa] tkWc dks &&&&&& dh lgk;rk ls Lor% ,oa 'kh?kzrk iwoZd dsfUnzr fd;k tk
ldrk gSA
1½ pqEcdh; pd 2½ 4&tkW pd
3½ ok;q pkfyr pd 4½ 3&tkW pd

406- 83 nkWr ;qDr fdlh fx;j dks ihlus dks fy;s &&&&&& bUMsfLdax i)fr dk iz;ksx fd;k
tkrk gSA
1½ flEiy 2½ dEikmUM
3½ fM¶jsU’kh;y 4½ jSfiM

407- gkMsZfuax ds ckn &&&&&&& gksrk gSA

1½ VsEifjax 2½ ukWeZykbftax
3½ ,uhfyax 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

408- ^ekWM;qy^ 'kCn &&&&&& ds lkFk lEcfU/kr gSA

1½ fx;j 2½ dfIyax
3½ iqyh 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha


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409- FkszM dkVus ds ckn dk vxyk dk;Z gSA

1½ fMªfyax 2½ pSEQfjax
3½ ihaluk ;k Qkbfyax 4½ Qsflax

410- bUVjuy dhos &&&&&& ds }kjk dkVh tkrh gSA

1½ 'ksfiax e’khu 2½ czksfpax e’khu
3½ LyksfVax e’khu 4½ ;s lHkh

411- ikbi ds tksM+ksa esa fuEufyf[kr dkSu lk FkszM dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gS\
1½ ch ,l MCyw 2½ ch ,l ih
3½ ch , 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

412- Mkmu fefyax vkWijs’ku flQZ &&&&&&& ij gh dk;kZfUor dh tk ldrh gSA

1½ l[r
2½ Iysu fefyax e’khu
3½ izfr{ksi ;k cSdyS’k ,fyehusVj ;qDr l[r e’khu
4½ gSaM fefyax e’khu

413- flaxy foUnq dVko midj.k ds flXuspj &&&&&& es rRo gksrs gSaA
1½ 7 2½ 6
3½ 5 4½ 4
414- cSd fx;j dks &&&&& dk;Z ds fy;s iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ fjfeax 2½ xqzfoax
3½ QkWfeZax 4½ FkzsM dfVax

415- fuEufyf[kr es ls dkSu fMªfyax dk;Z dk mnkgj.k gS\

1½ ufyax 2½ vUMjdV
3½ Vªis Sfuax 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha


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416- fpfiax i)fr es fuEufyf[k res ls dkSu&lh phty dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gS\
1½ dsi fpty 2½ gkWV fpty
3½ dksYM fpty 4½ lkbM fpty

417- iqatksRiknu esa fefyax dVj dks funsZ’k nsus ds fy;s &&&&&& dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ ftx 2½ fMokbfMax gsM
3½ VsEiysV 4½ fQDlpj

418- 30 eh@feuV ds dVko xfr ij ,d 40 ls eh tkWc dks eM+ksjus ds fy;s ysn dh fLiaMy xfr
&&&& gksxhA
1½ 206 vkj ih ,e 2½ 238 vkj ih ,e
3½ 350 vkj ih ,e 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

419- efYVIy Vqfyax ysvkmV &&&&&& esa lEHko gSA

1½ dSIlVSu ysn 2½ Iysuks&feyj
3½ Iysuj 4½ ;s lHkh

420- csyukdkj tkWc dks &&&&& ds }kjk lgkjk fn;k tkrk gSA
1½ LVsIM CykWd 2½ ,SaXy IysV
3½ oh&CykWd 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

421- fefyax e’khu esa] fuEufyf[k res ls dkSu ls ekud Vsij dk iz;ksx lk/;k fd;k tkrk gS
1½ tuksa 2½ ekslZ
3½ esfVªd 4½ czkmu ,oa 'kkiZ

422- fuEufyf[kr es ls dkSu ls QhM dk O;ogkj xzqfoax dk;Z es fd;k tkrk gS\
1½ yEcor 2½ dzkWl
3½ ofVZdy 4½ la;qDr


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423- ^^yksfMax^^ 'kCn &&&&&& ds lkFk lEcfU/kr gSA

1½ fMªy fcV 2½ fefyax dVj
3½ xzkbafMx Oghy 4½ czksp

424- &&&&&&& dh izfdz;k esa ftad DyksjkbM eqq[;:Ik ls iz;ksx fd;k tkusokyk ¶yDl gSA
1½ osfYMax 2½ 'kksYMfjax
3½ gkMZ czftax 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

425- mPPk dkcZu;qDr LVhy es &&&&&& dkcZu gksrk gSA

1½ 0-15 % lsa 0- % 2½ 0-6 %lsa 1-5%
3½ 0-15% ls 0- 3% 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

426- Qqy&izwQ O;oFkk &&&&&& dh ,d lqj{kk izfdz;k gSA

1½ Nsnuk ;k czksfpax 2½ 'ksij
3½ fefyax e’khu 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

427- fuEufyf[kr es ls dkSu] tkWc dks lgkjk nsusokyk midj.k gS\

1½ LVsfM jsLV 2½ eSUMªy
3½ Qsl IysV 4½ pd

428- ^FkEc #y^ ds fy;s VSi fMªy dk uki lk/;k &&&&&& fy;k tkrk gSA
1½ 0-6 Mh 2½ 0-75 Mh
3½ 0-8 Mh 4½ Mh
tgkWa Mh cjkcj fNnz dk O;kl gksrk gSA

429- 19040^ ds dks.k dks baMsDl djus ds fy;s fdl baMsDl IysV dh vko’;drk gksrh gS\
1½ IysV&,d 2½ IysV&nks
3½ IysV&rhu 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha


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430- fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk midj.k dks.k lrg dh cukoV esa lq/kkj ykrk gS\
1½ Dyh;jsUl ,SaXy 2½ jSd ,Saxy
3½ ukst ,Saxy 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

431- fMªfyax ftx dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA

1½ vkfnizk:Ik ds dk;Z ds fy, 2½ ejEerh dk;Z ds fy,
3½ O;kid mRiknu ds fy, 4½ bu lHkh dk;ksZa ds fy,

432- lQsZl IyssV &&&&&& ds uke ls Hkh tkuk tkrk gSA

1½ Vsij VSi 2½ CkkWVfeax VSi
3½ bUVjehfM;sV VSi 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

433- lQsZl IysV &&&&& dk cuk gksrk gSA

1½ ueZ LVhy 2½ mPp dkcZu;qDr LVhy
3½ xzs dkLV vk;ju 4½ jkWV vk;ju

434- ;qfuolZy fefyax e’khu esa &&&&& gksrk gSA

1½ 'kh?kz izfrxeu O;oLFkk 2½ bUMsfDlax O;oLFkk
3½ Qqy&iqzQ O;oLFkk 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

435- fdlh mPp xfr LVhy midj.k }kjk ueZ LVhy ij e’khu pykus ds fy;s vkSlr dVko xfr
gksrh gSA
1½ 10 fe eh 2½ 30 fe eh
3½ 40 fe eh 4½ 24 fe eh

436- VEcyj xh;j dk iz;ksx &&&&&& esa gksrk gSA

1½ 'ksij 2½ fefyax e’khu
3½ ysn 4½ czksfpax


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437- vkUrfjd FkzsM &&&&&ds }kjk dkVs tkrs gSA

1½ VSi 2½ MkbZ
3½ jhej 4½ FkszM pstj

438- &&&&& es fefyax dVj dks fLiUMy ij mBk;k tkrk gSA

1½ ofVZdy fefyax e’khu 2½ gkWfjtkWUVy fefyax e’khu
3½ Iysuks&feyj 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

439- ds nkSjku QhM 'kS¶V dks vyx dj nsuk pkfg,A

1½ Qsflax 2½ FkszM dfVax
3½ VfuZax 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

440- ofVZdy fefyax e’khu es] dVj dks &&&&&& ds Åij j[kk tkrk gSA
1½ LiUMy 2½ dkWyj
3½ vkCkZj 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

441- isap dkVs tkusokys MkbZ dks idM+us ,oa ejksM+us okys midj.k dks &&&&& dgk tkrk gSA
1½ gSaMy 2½ ,MtfLVax jsat
3½ LVkWd 4½ fMª¶V

442- fuEufyf[kr es ls dkSu ,d izR;{k ekiu midj.k gS\

1½ ofuZ;j dSfyij 2½ lkbu ckj
3½ vkWMysx dSfyij 4½ VsfyLdksfid xst

443- Vsij VfuZax layXud &&&&&&& dks dkVus ds fy;s iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ ckgjh yEch Vsij 2½ ckgjh [kM+h Vsij
3½ ckgjh ,oa Hkhrjh nksuks VsilZ 4½ flQZ Hkhrjh Vsij

444- dPps yksgs dks ejksMu+ s ds le; ftl dqysUV dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gs og gS


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1½ lkcqu ikuh 2½ dsjksflu

3½ ykMZ vk;y 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

445- fMªy ds lk/kkj.k mi;ksx ds fy;s] IokabV dks.k &&&&&& gksrk gSA
1½ 600 2½ 1180
3½ 1200 4½ 590

446- &&&&& fx;j dks dkVus ds fy;s fMQjsU’kh;y bUMsfDalx dh vko’;drk gksrh gSA
1½ 89 2½ 48
3½ 37 4½ 86

447- eSUMªsy dk iz;ksx &&&&&& dks idM+us ds dke vkrk gSA

1½ gkSyks tkWc 2½ lkWfyM tkWc
3½ LVsIM tkWc 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

448 Vqy #e dk;Z ds fy;s fuEufyf[kr es ls dkSu lh fefyax e’khu mi;qDr gS\
1½ Iysu fefyax e’khu 2½ fQDlM csM Vkbi fefyax e’khu
3½ Iysuks&feyj 4½ ;qfuolZy fefyax e’khu

449- jhej dk Likbjy ¶yqV &&&&& gksrk gSaA

1½ ck;ha rjQ 2½ nkfguh rjQ
3½ buesa ls dksbZ Hkh ,d 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

450- ekWM~;y
q 3 ds 54 nkWr ;qDr Lij fx;j dks dkVus ds fy;s &&&&&& vkdkj ds fx;j CySad dh
vko’;drk gksrh gSA
1½ 132 fe eh 2½ 168 fe eh
3½ 180 fe eh 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

451- gsfydy fx;j ds iqt

a ksRiknu esa fuEufyf[kr dkSu lh e’khu mi;qDr gksrh gS\


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1½ xh;j 'ksij 2½ czksp

3½ Iysu fefyax e’khu 4½ gkWfcax e’khu

452- 4 Vh ih vkbZ ysM Ldzq ysn 17 Vh ih vkbZ dVko ds fy;s mi;qDr ifjofrZr xh;j &&&& gksrs
1½ 30]105 2½ 20]85
3½ 15]85 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

453- &&&&&& ds ckn ySfiax fd;k tkrk gSA

1½ jhfeax 2½ fMªfyax
3½ VªiSfuax 4½ cksfjax

454 Qkbfyax ;k f?klkbZ ds ckn &&&& fd;k tkrk gSaA

1½ xzkbafMax ;k filkbZ 2½ ySfiax
3½ LdzSfiax 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

455- nkWr ;qDr fx;j dks ihlus ds fy;s &&&&&&& bUMsfDlax i)fr dks viuk;k tkrk gSA
1½ flEiy 2½ dEikmUM
3½ fMijsU’kh;y 4½ jSfiM

456- VªkLa ysfVax xh;j es nkWra ks dh la[;k fuEufyf[kr gksrh gSA

1½ 127 nkWr 2½ 20 nkWr
3½ 47 nkWr 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

457. Among following which is the most suitable size of rod for cutting M6 thread?
1) Ø 6mm 2) Ø5.9mm

3) Ø 5.6mm 4) Ø 5.2mm
M6 dh okg~; pwM+h dkVus ds fy, jkWM dk lcls mi;qDr O;kl D;k gksxk\
1½ Ø 6mm 2½ Ø 5-9 mm


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3½ Ø 5-6 mm 4½ Ø 5-2 mm

458. H.S.S. toll composition is in ratio of 18:4:1 What does 1 indicates?

1) Chromioum 2) cobalt
3) tungsten 4) venedium
,p- ,l- ,l cus dfVax Vwy dh dEiksth’ku 18%4%1 vuqikr es gksrh gSA bles vuqikr 1 D;k
bafxr djrk gS\
1½ dzksfe;e 2½ dksckYV
3½ V~UxLkVu 4½ osufs Mle

459. Which one of the followings is positive drive clutch?

1) Dog clutch 2) Plate Clutch
3) Cone Clutch 4) Centrifugal Clutch
fuEu esa ls dkSu ikWftfVo Mªkbo Dyo gS\
1½ MkWx Dyp 2½ IysV Dyp
3½ dksu Dyp 4½ lsUVªh¶;wxy Dy

460. For which property a metal can be pulled into wires?

1) malleability 2) ductility
3) toughness 4) brittleness
fuEu es ls ?kkrq ds fdl xq.k ds dkj.k mls rkj ds :Ik es [khpk tk ldrk gS
1½ eSfy,fcfyVh 2½ MfDVfyVh
3½ VQusl 4½ fczfVyusl

461. Which gauge is suitable to check the dimensional limits of length of a shaft?
1) Progressive gauge 2) Plug gauge
3) Ring gauge 4) Snap gauge
'kk¶V dh yEckbZ dh fyfeV psd djus ds fy, dkSu lk mi;qDr xst gS\
1½ izksxzsflo xst 2½ Iyx xst
3½ fjax xst 4½ LuSi xst


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462. Three point internal micrometer is usd for

1) measure inernal dia 2) measure depth
3) measure outside dia 4) measure thickness
Fkzh IokabV baVuZy ekbdzksehVj dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ van:uh O;kl fd ekiu es 2½ xgjkbZ ekius es
3½ ckgjh O;kl ekius es 4½ eksVkbZ ekius es

463. Which among the followings is a indirect measuring tool?

1) Inside caliper 2) Vernier bevel protractor
3) Vernier caliper 4) Inside micrometer
fuEu esa ls dkSu buMk;jsDV estfjax Vwy gS\
1½ bulkbM dSfyij 2½ ofuZ;j csoy izksVSªdVj
3½ ofuZ;j dSfyij 4½ bulkbM ekbdzksehVj

464. Least count of vernier bevel protector

1) 1 minute 2) 2 minute
3) 5 minute 4) 10 minute
ofuZ;j csoy izkVs Dªs Vj dh vYiRekWd fdruh gS\
1½ 1 feuV 2½ 2 feuV
3½ 5 feuV 4½ 10 feuV

465. A Ø6H7 is to be reamed with a reamer in a steel workpiece.What size of drill will be
1) 5.5 mm 2) 5.8 mm
3) 6.0 mm 4) 6.2 mm
vxj ,d LVhy tkWc esa MhVk 6H7ds gksy dks jhe djuk gS rks fMªy dh lkbt D;k gksxh\
1½ 5-5 mm 2½ 5-8 mm
3½ 6-0 mm 4½ 6-2 mm


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466. Which of the following is a solid lubricant?

1) castor oil 2) lard oil
3) grease 4) graphite
fuEu es ls dkSu lk lkfyM yqczhdsaV gS\
1½ dSLVj vk;y 2½ ykMZ vk;y
3½ xzhl 4½ xzsQkbV

467. The process of enlarging the end of existing hole to accommodate head of socket head
screw is called.
1) Spot facing 2) Counter boring

3) Boring 4) Counter sinking

468. Which cutting compound is used during machining generally?

1) soluble oil 2) water
3) turpentine oil 4) lard oil
e’khfux ds nkSjku lk/;k fdl dfVax dEikamM dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gS\
1½ lksY;qcy vk;y 2½ ikuh
3½ rkihZu dk rsy 4½ ykMZ vk;y

469. The taper shank drill is removed from the machine spindle by means of
1) Hammer 2) Punch
3) Tang of file 4) Drill drift
e’khu fLiaMy ls Vsij 'kad fMªy dks fdlls fudyrs gSa\
1½ gFkkSMs+ ls 2½ iap ls
3½ Qkby ds fljs ls 4½ fMªy fMª¶V ls

470. The ratio of mixing of soluble oil and water

1) 1:5 2) 1:10
3) 1:15 4) 1:20
lksY;qcy vk;y vkSj ikuh dks feykus dk lkekU; vuqikr gS\


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1½ 1%5 2½ 1%10
3½ 1%15 4½ 1%20

471. The distance a drill advances into the job in one complete revolution is called.
1) RPM 2) Feed
3) Cutting speed 4) Depth of cut
,d iwjs pDdj esa fMªy ftruk vkxs c<+rk gS mls D;k dgrs gS\a
1½ vkjih,e 2½ QhM
3½ dfVax LihM 4½ dV dh xgjkbZ

472. Jig is used for

1) to hold accurately the tool and guide it

2) to drill perfectly
3) to keep the drill safe
4) none of the above
ftx dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gS
1½ Vwy dks lgh iksth’ku es idM+us o xkbM djus ds fy;s
2½ lgh fMªyhax djus ds fy;s
3½ fMªy dh lykerh ds fy;s
4½ bues ls dqN ughA

473. Which among the following grinding wheels is used for grinding carbide materials.
1) Aluminium oxide 2) Diamond
3) Silicon carbide 4) Corrundum
dkckZbM eVsfj;y dks xzkbaM djus ds fy, fuEu esa ls fdl izdkj dh xzkbafMax Oghy dk iz;ksx
gksrk gS\
1½ ,Y;wehfu;e vWkDlkbM 2½ Mk;eaM
3½ flfydkWu dkckZbM 4½ dksjuMe


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474. Which gear drive is use to convert rotary motion into linear motion?
1) spur gear drive 2) bevel gear drive
3) worm gear drive 4) Rack and pinion drive
jksVjh eks’ku dks yhfu;j eks’ku esa cnyus ds fy;s fdl fx;j Mªkbo dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gS\
1½ Lij fx;j Mªkbo 2½ csoy fx;j Mªkbo
3½ oeZ fx;j Mªkbo 4½ jSd vkSj fifu;u fx;j Mªkbo

475. In grinding wheels which among the following is commonly used bond type.
1) Vitrified bond 2) Shellac bond
3) Rubber bond 4) Silicate bond
lkekU;% xzkbafMax OghYl esa fdl rjg dk ckaM iz;qDr gksrk gS\
1½ osVjhQk,sM ckaM 2½ lsySd ckaM
3½ jcj ckM 4½ flfydsV ckaM

476. Steady is used in Lathe

1) to prevent the bend formation in along and heavy rod
2) to strengthen the lathe
3) to prevent the pressure applying on tool
4) none of the above
ysFk esa LVMh dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ yEcs ,oa Hkkjh NM ds yphysiu ds izHkko dks jksdus ds fy;s
2½ ysFk dks etcwrh nsus ds fy;s
3½ Vwy ij yxus okys ncko dks jksdus ds fy;s
4½ bues ls dqN ugh

477. Taps are re-sharpened by grinding its

1) flutes 2) threads
3) diameter 4) relief
VSi ds fdl vo;o dks xzkbaM djds bls 'kkiZ fd;k tkrk gS\
1½ ¶ywV 2½ FkzsM


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3½ O;kl 4½ fjyhQ

478. Negative rack angle is used in lath cutting tool

1) to cut soft metal 2) to cut hard metal
3) to strengthen the tool 4) none of the above
ysFk dfVax Vwy esa fuxsfo jSd ,axy dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ eqyk;e /kkrq dh dfVax ds fy;s 2½ dBksj /kkrq dh dfVax ds fy;s
3½ Vwy dks etcwrh nsus ds fy;s 4½ buesa ls dqN ugh

479. For welding of which of the following metal oxidizing flame is a must.
1) Brass 2) Cast Iron
3) Mild Steel 4) Copper
fuEu esa ls fdl esVy ds osfYMax ds fy, vkWDlhMkbZftax ¶yse vko’;d gS\
1½ ihry 2½ <yok yksgk
3½ ekbYM LVhy 4½ rkack

480. What is the meaning of “ Alignment of centes” in lathe?

1) Movement of carriage towards tailstock
2) to position the cross slide
3) to position the live centre and dead centre in a line
4) to move the dead centre to and fro.
ysFk esa ^^ vykbuesaV vkQ lsaVlZ^^ dk D;k eryc gS\
1½ dSjst dks VsYLVkd dh vksj ys tkuk
2½ dzkl LykbM dks iksth’ku djuk
3½ ykbo lsaVj o MsM lsaMj dks ,d nwljs ds lh/k esa ykuk
4½ MsM lsaVj dks vkxs ihNs djuk

482. Morse taper is available in numbers from

1) 1 to 7 2) 0 to 7
3) 1 to 8 4) 0 to 8
ekslZ Vsij fdl la[;k ls fdl la[;k rd gksrs gS\


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1½ 1 ls 7 rd 2½ 0 ls 7 rd
3½ 1 ls 8 rd 4½ 0 ls 8 rd

483. Find the RPM when HSS cutting toll turing a 50 mm dia mild steel rod with a cutting
speed 30 metre per minute?
1½ 200 2½ 180
3½ 187 4½ 191
,d 50 feeh O;kl dh ekbYM LVhy jkM dks ,p ,l ,l dfVax Vwy ls VfuZax djus ds fy;s
izfr feuV pDdjks dh la[;k fudkfy;s tc fd dfVax LihM 30 ehVj izfr feuV gks\
1½ 200 2½ 180
3½ 187 4½ 191

484. Which one of the following screw thread element is not checked with the thread ring
1) Pitch diameter 2) Helix angle
3) Pitch 4) Profile
FkszM fjax xst ls fdlh FkszM dk dkSu lk vo;o psd ugha gksrk gS\
1½ fip O;kl 2½ gsfyDl dks.k
3½ fip 4½ izksQkby

485. What is the unit of feed?

1) cut per revolution 2) mm per second
3) mm 4) second
QhM dh ;wfuV D;k gS\
1½ dV izfr pDdj 2½ feeh izfr lsdsaM
3½ feeh 4½ lsdaM

486. Which one of the following rivet is used for general purpose structural work.
1) Pan Head rivet 2) Flat head rivet
3) Snap head rivet 4) Counter head rivet


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lkekU; iz;ksx ds fy, fdl izdkj dh fjfoV dk mi;ksx gksrk gS\

1½ iSu gsM fjosV 2½ ¶ySV gsM fjosV
3½ Lusi gsM fjosV 4½ dkmaVj gsM fjosV

487. Find the turning time for a 150 mm long job if work is to be completed in 5 cuts on lathe
with 300 RPM and 0.5 mm per revolution feed?
1) 10 minutes 2) 9 minutes
3) 5 minutes 4) 12 minutes
,d 150 feeh yacs dk;Z ds fy;s VfuZax le; fudkfy;s ;fn ysFk dks 300 vkj ih ,e ij vkSj
0-5 feeh izfr pDdj QhM nsdj dk;Z dks 5 dVks esa iw.kZ djuk gks\
1½ 10 feuV 2½ 9 feuV
3½ 5 feuV 4½ feuV

488. Soft soldering is generally done at a temperature of

1) 9000C 2) above 12000C
3) above 4500C 4) Below 3500C
eqyk;e lksYMfjax lkekU;r% fdl rkieku ij dh tkrh gS\
1½ 9000C 2½ 12000C ds Åij
3½ 4500C ds Åij 4½ 3500 C ds uhps

489. A taper of 75 mm length is to cut in a 200 mm long rod with bigger dia 500 mm and
smaller dia 35 mm. Find the angle of taper?
1) 5 degree 2) 6 degree
3) 7 degree 4) 4 degree
,d 200 feeh yEch 'kk¶V ij 75 feeh yEckbZ esa Vsij dkVuk gS ftldk cM+k O;kl 50 feeh
vkSj NksVk O;kl 35 feeh gks rk Vsij dk dksa.k fudkfy;s\
1½ 5 fMxzh 2½ 6 fMxzh
3½ 7 fMxzh 4½ 4 fMxzh


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490. The filler metal used during brazing is an alloy of

1) Copper and Zinc 2) Copper an Tin
3) Lead and Copper 4) Zinc and Lead
czsfta+x esa fdl feJ/kkrq dk iz;ksx gksrk gs\
1½ rkack vkSj tLrk 2½ rkack vkSj fVu
3½ ysM vkSj rkack 4½ ftad vkSj ysM

491. A 1:50 taper is to cut on a 250 mm long ro (D) Find offset?

1) 2.0 mm 2) 3.0 mm

3) 2.25 mm 4) 2.5 mm

,d 250 feeh yEch jkWM ij 1%50 dk Vsij dkVuk gS rks vkQlsV fudkfy;s\

1½ 2-0 feeh 2½ 3-0 feeh

3½ 2-25 feeh 4½ 2-5 feeh

492. Jobs usually required to be held in vertical position are clampe to

1) surface plate 2) an angle plate
3) V block 4) engineer’s square
m/oZ fn’kk esa idM+s tkus okys tkWc dks fuEu ls fdles tdM+k tkrk gS\
1½ ljQsl IysV esa 2½ ,axy IysV esa
3½ VCykd esa 4½ bathfu;j LDok;j esa

493. Density of steel is

1) 7.55 g/cm3 2) 7.65 g/cm3
3) 7.75 g/cm3 4) 7.85g/cm3
LVhy dk ?kuRo gksrk gSA
1½ 7-55 xzk-@ls- eh-3 2½ 7-75 xzk-@ls-eh-3
3½ 7-65 xzk-@ls- eh-3 4½ 7-85 xzk@ls- eh-3


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494. In which case of hardening process ammonia gas is introduced on the job?
1) Cyniding 2) Ammonising
3) Nitriding 4) Carburising
gkMZfuax ds fdl izksll
s esa veksfu;k xSl dks tkWc ds mij izokfgr djrs gSa\
1½ lk;fufMax 2½ veksfuflax
3½ ukbVªkbZfMax 4½ dkcwZjkbftax

495. Which type of centre is used for taper turning on lath with offset method?
1) plane centre 2) half centre
3) ball centre 4) tipped centre
ysFk ij vk¶lsV fof/k }kjk Vsij VfuZx ds fy;s fuEu esa ls fdl lsaVj dk iz;ksx djuk pkfg;s\
1½ Iysu lsaVj 2½ gkQ lsaVj
3½ cky lsaVj 4½ fVIiM lsaMj

496. A micrometer has a negative error of 0.02mm. What is the correct reading, when the
micrometer reads 25.41 mm?
1) 25.39 mm 2) 25.37 mm
3) 25.45mm 4) 25.43 mm
,d ekbdzksehVj esa 0-02 mm dh _.kkRed =qVh gS] vxj ekbdzksehVj dh jhfMax 25-41 mm gS
rks jhfMax dk lgh eku D;k gS\
1½ 25-39 mm 2½ 25-37 mm
3½ 25-45 mm 4½ 25-43mm

497. The purpose of tailstock spindle on centre lath is

1) to hold the catch plate 2) to hold the lathe centr
3) ball centre 4) tipped centre
lasVj ysFk ij VsyLVkWd fLiaMy dk mn~ns’; gksrk gSA
1½ dSp Iysu dks idM+uk 2½ VQusl
3½ eSfy,fcfyVh 4½ VsukflVh


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498. Which one of the following elements of screw threads is checked with the Screw thread
1) Major diameter 2) Minor diameter
3) Pitch diameter 4) Pitch
Ldzw FkszM ekbdkzsehVj ls Ldzw FkszM dk fuEu esa ls dkSu lk vo;o psd fd;k tkrk gS\
1½ estj O;kl 2½ ekbuj O;kl
3½ fip O;kl 4½ fip

499. When hardness is increased in a metal,which of the following quality of metal increases?
1) brittleness 2) toughness
3) malleability 4) tenacity
tc /kkrq dh gkMZ~usl dk xq.k c<+k;k tkrk gS rc fuEu es ls dkSu ls xqq.k esa o`f) gksrh gS\
1½ fczfVyusl 2½ VQusl
3½ eSfy,fcfyVh 4½ VsukflVh

500. Which of the following is the most important characteristics of a measuring instruments
in general.
1) Precision 2) Accuracy
3) Repeatbility 4) Sensitivity
fdlh Hkh ukius okys ;U= dh lcls egRoiw.kZ fo’ks"krk fuEu esa ls dkSu lh gS\
1½ izhlhtu 2½ ,D;wjslh
3½ fjihVsfcyhVh 4½ lsUlVhfoVh

501. A driver pulley having dia 40 cm is running with 510 RPM and driven pulley dia is 170
cm. Find the speed of driven pulley?

1) 200 RPM 2) 170 RPM

3) 120 RPM 4) 145 RPM


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,d Mªkboj iqyh dk O;kl 40 ls- eh- gSA ;g 510 vkj ih ,e ij py jgh gSA fMªfou iqyh dk
O;kl 170 ls- eh- gSA fMªohu iqyh dh LihM fudkfy;s\

1½ 200 vkj ih ,e 2½ 170 vkj ih ,e

3½ 120 vkj ih ,e 4½ 145 vkj ih ,e

502. A feeler gauge is used to check.

1) Radius 2) Screw pitch
3) Gap 4) Surface roughness
Qhyj xst dk iz;ksx fdldks ukeus ds fy, fd;k tkrk gS\
1½ f=T;k 2½ Ldzw fip
3½ [kkyh txg 4½ lrg dk [kqjnjkiu

503. If 9 scale divisions are equal to 10 vernier scale divisions then find the least count of
vernier caliper?
1) 0.2 mm 2) 0.9 mm
3) 0.5 mm 4) 0.1 mm
;fn 9 esu Ldsy fMohtu 10 ofuZ;j Ldsy fMfotuksa ds cjkcj gks rks ofuZ;j dSyhij dk yhLV
dkmaV fudkfy;s\
1½ 0-2 feeh 2½ 0-9 feeh
3½ 0-5 feeh 4½ 0-1 feeh

504. A sine bar is specified by

1) its total length
2) the weight of sine bars
3) center distance between rollers
4) the size of rollers
lkbu ckj dks fdl rjg ls LislhQkbM fd;k tkrk gS\
1½ bldh yEckbZ ls
2½ lkbu ckj ds out ls


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3½ jksylZ ds dsanz ds chp dh nwjh ls

4½ jksylZ ds lkbt+ ls

505. Which type of threads is there in lathe’s lead screw?

1) acme thread 2) square thread
3) V thread 4) none of the above
ysFk ds yhM Ldzw esa fdl rjg dh pwfM+;kW gksrh gS\
1½ ,Des pwfM+;kW 2½ LDok;j pwfM+;kW
3½ oh pwfM+;kW 4½ bues ls dqN ugha

506. The combination set can be used to

1) check angular surface 2) draw circle and arcs
3) scribe lines 4) None of the above
dkWEchus’ku lsV dk iz;ksx fuEu esa ls fdl ds fy, fd;k tk ldrk gS\
1½; lrg dks psd djus esa 2½ o`Rk vkSj pki cukus es
a3½ ykbu [kqjpus esa 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

507. The angle of lathe’s live centre is

1) 45 degree 2) 90 degree
3) 120 degree 4) 60 degree
ysFk ds py dsanz ds vxz Hkkx dk dks.k fdruk gksrk gS\
1½ 45 fMxzh 2½ 90 fMxzh
3½ 120 fMxzh 4½ 60 fMxzh

508. Standards used as reference in laboratories and workshops are referred to as

1) primary standards 2) secondary standards
3) tertiary standards 4) working standards
iz;ksx 'kkykvks vkSj odZ’kkWi esa jsQjsal ds fy, iz;ksx fd;s tkus okys LVS.MMZ fdl Lrj ds gksrs


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1½ izkFkfed 2½ n~ohrh;d
3½ f=rh;d 4½ oksfdZx

509. Combination set is used for

1) marking 2) grinding
3) cutting 4) none of the above
dEchus’ku lsV dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gS
1½ ekfdZax esa 2½ xzkbafMx esa
3½ dfVax es 4½ bues ls dqN ugha

510. Name the gauge in which GO and NO GO are at the same end.
1) double ended plug gauge 2) progressive plug gauge
3) combination plug gauge 4) fixed type plug gauge
fdl xst esa GO vkSj NO GO nksuksa ,d gh fljs ij gkssrs gSa\
1½ Mcy ,aMsM Iyx xst 2½ izksxsflo Iyx xst
3½ dkWfEcus’ku Iyx xst 4½ fQDLM Iyx xst

511. The point angle in a dot punch is

1) 45 degree 2) 90 degree
3) 120 degree 4) 60 degree
MkWV iap ds IokabV dk dks.k gksrk gS
1½ 45 fMxzh 2½ 90 fMxzh
3½ 120 fMxzh 4½ 60 fMxzh

512. The purpose of ratchet screw in micrometer screw gauge is to

1) lock the dimension
2) to impart blow motion
3) to maintain sufficient pressure
4) to allow zero adjustment
Ldzq ekbdzksehVj esa jSpsV dk D;k iz;kstu gksrk gS\


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1½ Mk;esa’ku dks ykd djus ds fy,

2½ Cyks xfr nsus fy,
3½ i;kZIr nook cuk;s j[kus ds fy,
4½ thjks ,MtLVesaV ds fy,

513. The angle of flat drill’s forward point is

1) 45 degree 2) 90 degree
3) 120 degree 4) 60 degree
¶ySV fMªy ds vxz Hkkx dk dks.k fdruk gksrk gS\
1½ 45 fMxzh 2½ 90 fMxzh
3½ 120 fMxzh 4½ 60 fMxzh

514. Millimeter scale in a micro meter is marked on

1) barrel 2) thimble
3) spindle 4) ratchet
ekbdzksehVj esa feeh iSekuk dgkW fpfUgr gksrk gS\
1½ cSjy ij 2½ fFkcys ij
3½ fLiaMy ij 4½ jkpsV ij

515. The function of flutes on the drill body is

1) to remove the chips 2) to strengthen the drill body
3) generate cutting angle 4) none of the above
fMªy dh ckWMh ij cus ¶ywV~l dk eq[; dk;Z gksrk gSaA
1½ dVs gq, fpIl dks ckgj fudkyuk
2½ fMªy dh ckWMh dks etcwrh nsuk
3½ dfVax ,axy cukuk
4½ bues ls dqN ugha

516. Surface roughness on a drawing is represented by

1) triangles 2) circles


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3) squares 4) rectangles.
Mªkbax esa lrg ds [kqjnjsiu dks fdl ls iznf’kZr djrs gSa\
1½ f=Hkqt ls 2½ o`Rr ls
3½ oxZ ls 4½ vk;r ls

517. Which of the following is a direct measuring tool?

1) steel rule 2) outside caliper
3) tri square 4) state edge
fuEu esa ls dkSu lk izR;PNekih vkStkj gS
1½ LVhy :y 2½ vkmV~lkbM dSyhij
3½ VªkbZ LDok;j 4½ LVsV ,t

518. A bore of 14.67 mm in a workpiece can be measured by

1) steel rule 2) Vernier caliper
2) micrometer 4) all of the above
fdlh tkWc esa 14-67 mm dk fNnz fdlls ukik tk ldrk gS\
1½ LVhy Ldsy ls 2½ ofuZ;j dSfyij ls
3½ ekbdzks ehVj ls 4½ lHkh ls

519. Which lubricant is used during tapping in brass?

1) castor oil 2) outside caliper
3) tri square 4) state edge
czkl esa VSfiax djrs le; dkSu lk yqczhdsaV iz;ksx djrs gS\
1½ dSLVj vk;y 2½ ykMZ vk;y
3½ xzhl 4½ lw[kk

520. Acuracy of bevel protractor is

1) 1 min 2) 5 min
3) 0.5 degree 4) 1 degree


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csoy izkVs ªsDVj dh ,D;wjslh fdruh gksrh gS\

1½ 1 min 2½ 5 min
3½ 0-5 degree 4½ 1 degree

521. In centre less grinding one is grinding wheel and other is regulating wheel. What is the
function of regulating wheel?
1) to support the grinding wheel
2) to support the job
3) for cutting
4) free running
lsaVjysl xzkabfMx esa ,d xzkbafMx Oghy o nwljk jsxqyfVax Oghy gksrs gSAa jsxqyfVax Oghy dk
dk;Z gSA
1½ xzkbafMx Oghy dks lgkjk nsuk 2½ tkWc dks lgkjk nsuk
3½ dfVax djuk 4½ Qzh ?kwers jguk

522. Which one of the following electrode can be used both on A.C and D.C welding
1) carbon electrode 2) aluminum electrode
3) bare metal electrode 4) mild steel coated electrode
fuEu esa ls dkSu lk bysDVªksM ,-lh- vkSj Mh-lh- nksuksa osfYMax e’khu esa iz;ksx gks ldrk gS\
1½ dkcZu bysDVªksM 2½ ,Y;qehfu;e bysDVªksM
3½ cs;j esVy bysDVªksM 4½ ekbYM LVhy dksVsM bysDVªksM

523. If nylon inserts are assembled in hexagonal nut then it is called

1) hexagonal nut 2) square nut
3) self locking nut 4) ving nut
;fn gsDlkxksuy uV esa ukbykWu balVZ yxs gks rks og dgykrk gSA
1½ gsDlkxksuy uV 2½ LDok;j uV
3½ lsYQ ykWfdax uV 4½ foax uV


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524. In marking by punch which one of the following property of point should be same?
1) length 2) width
3) depth 4) height
iap ls ekfdZax ds nkSjku fcanq dk dkSulk xq.k lkeku jguk pkfg,\
1½ yEckbZ 2½ pkSM+kbZ
3½ xgjkbZ 4½ ÅWpkbZ

525. Which one of the following washer is used at places where loosing of nut occurs due to
more vibration and jerks?
1) tab washer 2) tapered washer
3) toothed lock washer 4) spring washer
tgkW ij vf/kd dEiu ;k >Vds yxus ls uV ds ywt gksus dh lEHkkouk gksrh gS ogkW ijfuEu
okW’kj dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ VSc okW’kj 2½ VsiMZ okW’kj
3½ VwFM ykWd okW’kj 4½ fLizax okW’kj

526. What is the ratio of tin and lead in commonly used solder?
1) 36:37 2) 67:33
3) 63:73 4) 25:75
lkekU; :i esa mi;ksx fd;s tkus okys lksYMj esa fVu vkSj ysM dk vuqikr D;k gksrk gS\
1½ 36%37 2½ 67%33
3½ 63%73 4½ 25%75

527. What is cupola?

1) a furnace 2) a cutting tool
3) a metal 4) none of these
D;wiksyk D;k gS\
1½ ,d Qjusl 2½ fpYM dkLV vk;ju


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3½ eSfy,cy vk;ju 4½ OgkbV dkLV vk;ju

528. Accuracy of surface depends on which parameter of file

1) grade 2) metal
3) face 4) angle of cut
fdlh Hkh lrg dh ,D;wjslh Qkby ds fdl iSjkehVj ij fuHkZj djrh gS\
1½ xzsM ij 2½ inkFkZ ij
3½ Qsl ij 4½ drZu dks.k ij

529. Which one of the following is used for making machines bed and frames?
1) grey cast iron 2) chilled cast iron

2) malleable cast iron 4) white cast iron

e’khuks ds csM o Qsze vkfn cukus ds fy;s iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ xzs dkLV vk;ju 2½ fpYM dkLV vk;ju
3½ eSfy,cy dkLV vk;ju 4½ OgkbV dkLV vk;ju

530. Which type of hammer is used to bend edges of sheets?

1) ball peen hammer 2) cross peen hammer
3) straight peen hammer 4) claw hammer
'khV ds fdukjksa dks eksM+us ds fy, fdl izdkj ds gFkkSM+s dk iz;ksx gksrk gS\
1½ cky ihu gFkkSM+k 2½ dzkWl ihu gFkkSM+k
3½ LVªsV ihu gFkkSM+k 4½ DykW gFkkSM+k

531. Carbon percentage in low carbon steel is

1½ 1-0 % 2½ 0-25 %
3½ 0-50 % 4½ 2-0 %
yks dkcZu LVhy esa dkcZu dh ek=k gksrh gSA
1½ 1-0 % 2½ 0-25 %
3½ 0-50 % 4½ 2-0 %


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532. In a right triangle of 24 cm perimeter If cot (Ɵ)=3/4 what is the value hypotenuse of the
1) 14 2) 5
3) 10 4) 8
;fn ,d ledks.k f=Hkqt ftldk ifjeki 24 lseh gS esa cot (Ɵ)=3/4 rks ml f=Hkqt fd d.kZ
dk eku fdruk gksxk\
1) 14 2) 5
3) 10 4) 8

533. What is the ratio of main alloying element tungsten, chromium and vanadium in HSS
1½ 20%12%4 2½ 12%9%1
3½ 18%4%1 4½ 18%9%2
gkbZ LihM LVhy esa izeq[k vykWbax ,yhesaV V~UxLkVu] dzksfe;e o osusfM;e dk vuqikr gSA
1½ 20%12%4 2½ 12%9%1
3½ 18%4%1 4½ 18%9%2

534. In the following which one is not a part of Hexa?

1) pin 2) spacer
3) blade 4) wing nut
fuEu esa ls D;k vkjh dk Hkkx ugha gS\
1½ fiu 2½ Lislj
3½ CysM 4½ foax uV

535. The main ore of aluminum is

1) hematite 2) magnetite
3) ferrite 4) bauxite
,Y;wfefu;e dk eq[; v;Ld gS
1½ gsesVkbV 2½ eSXusVkbV
3½ QsjkbV 4½ ckWDlkbM


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536. What is the shape of woodruff key?

1) rectangular 2) round and taper
3) sector of circle 4) square
oqM:Q pkch dk vkdkj dSlk gksrk gS\
1½ vk;rkdkj 2½ xksy vkSj Vsij
3½ o`Rr [k.M dk vkdkj 4½ oxkZdkj

537. Brass alloy is made of

1) copper & aluminum 2) aluminum & zinc
3) copper & zinc 4) zinc & tin
czkl ,ykW; fdu /kkrqvks ls fey dj curk gS\
1½ dkWij o ,Y;qfefu;e 2½ ,Y;qfefu;e o ftad
3½ dkWij o ftad 4½ ftad o Vhu

538. If 2m /4 n =2x What is the value of X.

1) m/n 2) m-n
3) M+n 4) m-2n
;fn 2m /4 n =2x rks X eku fdruk gksxk\
1) m/n 2) m-n
3) M+n 4) m-2n

539. Main elements of Gun metal are

1) copper & zinc 2) zinc & tin
3) iron, copper & aluminum 4) copper, tin & zin
xu esVy ds eq[; vo;o D;k gS
1½ dkWij o ftad 2½ ftad o Vhu
3½ vk;ju]dkWij o ,Y;qfefu;e 4½ dkWij ] Vhu o ftad

540. For cutting solid brass the most suitable pitch of the hacksaw blade is


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1) 1.8 mm 2) 1.4 mm
3) 1 mm 4) 0.8 mm
Bksl rkacs dks dkVus ds fy, gsDlk CysM ds fip dk eku fdruk gksrk gS\
1) 1.8 mm 2) 1.4 mm
3) 1 mm 4) 0.8 mm

541. What is the method of softening the hard parts of steel for maching?
1) annealing 2) hardening
3) carburizing 4) none of these
LVhy ds gkMZ ikVZ~l dks e’khfux djus ;ksX; cukus ds fy;s eqyk;e djus dh fof/k gS
1½ ,uhfyax 2½ gMsZfux
3½ dkcqZjkbftax 4½ bues ls dqN ugha

542. Which of the following fire extinguishing agent is suitable for a live electrical fire?
1) water 2) carbon dioxide
3) carbon tetra chloride 4) foam
fctyh dh vkx dks cq>kus ds fy, fdl vfXu’kked inkFkZ dk iz;ksx gksrk gS\
1½ ikuh 2½ dkcZu MkbvkWlkbM
3½ dkcZu VsVªk DjksjkbM 4½ Qkse

543. Which instrument is used for measurement of furnace temperatre?

1) thermoter 2) pyrometer
3) coil indicator 4) none of these
QusZl ds rkieku dks ekius ds fy;s fdl ;a= dk iz;ksx djrs gS\
1½ FkeksZehVj 2½ ik;jksehVj
3½ dkW;y bfUMdsVj 4½ bues ls dqN ugha

544. The maximum distance from the edge to the center of the first rivet should be
1) twice the dia of rivet
2) thrice the dia of the rivet


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3) four times the dia of rivet

4) five times the dia of rivet
fdukjs ls fjosV ds dsanz dh vf/kdre nwjh fdruh gksrh gS\
1½ fjosV ds O;kl dk nksxquk
2½ frxquk ds O;kl dk nksxquk
3½ pkSxuq k ds O;kl dk nksxquk
4½ ikapxquk ds O;kl dk nksxquk

545. Convent the temperature of 98.60 F in 0C unit?

1) 370C 2) 37.80C
3) 37.20C 4) 37.60C
98.60 F Rkieku dk eku 0C fdruk gksxk\
1) 370C 2) 37.80C
3) 37.20C 4) 37.60C

546. Which one is the best conductor of temperature and electricity?

1) nickel 2) copper
3) chromium 4) aluminum
rki vkSj fctyh dk mRre lqpkyd gSA
1½ fudy 2½ dkWij
3½ dzksfe;e 4½ ,Y;qfefu;e

547. Perimeter of a sector of a circle of radius 12 cm is 36 cm. Find area of the sector.
1) 144π cm2 2) 72cm2

3) 24π cm2 4) 144cm2

fdlh o`Rr ds ,d lsDVj dk ifjeki 36 lseh gSa vkSj ml o`Rr dh f=T;k 12 lseh gSA o`Rr ds
ml lsDVj dk {ks=Qy fdruk gksxk\
1) 144π cm2 2) 72cm2

3) 24π cm2 4) 144cm2


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548. Screw thread micrometer is used to measure the core diameter and pitch diameter of
which type of threads?
1) acme thread 2) square thread
3) V thread 4) none of these
Ldw FkzsM ekbdzksehVj ls fdl izdkj ds FkszMl dk dksj Mk;kehVj o fip Mk;kehVj ekirs gS\
1½ ,Des FkszM 2½ LDok;j FkszM
3½ oh FkszM 4½ bues ls dqN ugha

549. Which one of the following components converts A.C. current into D.C. current?
1) Resistance 2) Capacitor
3) Diode 4) Transisitor
fuEe es ls dkSu vo;o ,-lh- /kkjk dks Mh- lh- /kkjk esa izofrZr djrk gS\
1½ izfrjks/k 2½ daMSalj
3½ Mk;ksM 4½ VªkaftLVj

550. Feeler gauge is used for

1) to check the difference between two matching parts
2) to fill the gap
3) to check the radius
4) none of the above
Qhyj xst dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gS
1½ nks eSfpax ekVZ~l ds chp dk varj pSd djus ds fy;s
2½ xSi dks fQy djus ds fy;s
3½ jsfM;l pSd djus ds fy;s
4½ bues ls dqN ugha

551. What is the value of equivalent resistance when resistance of 2 ohm and 4 ohm are
connected in parallel?
1) 6 ohm 2) 1.5 ohm


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3) ¾ ohm 4) 4/3 ohm

,d 2 vkse vkSj 4 vkse ds izfrjks/k dks lekuarj esa tqM+us ij mudk dqy izfrjks/k fdruk gksxk\
1½ 6 vkse 2½ 1-5 vkse
3½ 3@4 vkse 4½ 4@3 vkse

552. Cone – Pulley is used in lathe for

1) to adjust the cone of the pulley
2) to control the speed of spindle
3) for accurate cutting
4) none of the above
ysFk esa dksu iqYyh dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ iqYyh ds dksu dks ,MtsLV djus ds fy;s
2½ fLiaMy dh pky dks fu;af=r djus ds fy;s
3½ lgh dfVax djus ds fy;s
4½ bues ls dqN ugha

553. Which one among the following is a vector quantity?

1) Area 2) Pressure
3) Mass 4) None of the above
fuEu esa ls dkSu lh lkfn’k jkf’k gS\
1½ {ks=Qy 2½ nkc
3½ nzO;eku 4½ bues ls dqN ugha

554. Coil spring formation in a lathe is called

1) spring coiling 2) spring winding
3) spinning 4) none of the above
ysFk esa Dokby fLizax cukus dh izfdz;k dks dgrs gSA
1½ fLizax Dokbfyax 2½ fLizax okbafMax
3½ fLifux 4½ bues ls dqN ugha


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555. What is the unit of specific gravity?

1) kg/cm3 2) g/cm3
3) kg/m3 4) unit less
fof'k"V ?kuRo dh bdkbZ D;k gksrh gS\
1) kg/cm3 2) g/cm3
3) kg/m3 4) dksbZ bdkbZ ugha

556. Lower critical temperature of steel is

1½ 10000c 2½ 9420c
3½ 7230c 4½ 5260c
LVhy dk yksvj fdzfVdy VsEizspj fdruk gksrk gS\
1½ 10000c 2½ 9420c
3½ 7230c 4½ 5260c

557. Hook’s law of elasticity is valid within

1) proportional limit 2) elastic limit
3) yield point 4) rupture point
gqd dk bykfLVflVh dk fu;e fdl lhek rd oS/k gksrk gS\
1½ vuqikfrd lhek 2½ bykfLVd lhek
3½ ;hYV foanq 4½ jipj fcanq

558. “Key” is used for

1) to open locks 2) to transfer power
3) in slot cutting 4) none of the above
^^dh^^ dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gS
1½ rkyk [kksyus esa 2½ ikWoj VªkalQj djus esa
3½ LykWV dkVus esa 4½ bues ls dqN ugha


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560. Gun metal is composed off

1) copper, tin and cobalt 2) copper zinc and lead
3) copper, tin and zinc 4) tin zinc and lead
xu esVy fdldk ;kSfxd gksrk gS\
1½ rkack] fVu vkSj dksckYV 2½ rkack] ftad vkSj ysM
3½ rkack] fVu vkSj ftad 4½ fVu] ftad vkSj ysM
561. Taper bolt is used for
1) in coupling 2) in taper turnin
3) to hold the job 4) none of the above
Vsij cksYV dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gS
1½ difyax es 2½ Vsij VfuZx esa
3½ tkWc dks idM+us esa 4½ bues ls dqN ugha

562. The size of engineers vice is specified by the

1) length of movable jaw
2) width of the jaw
3) height of the vice
4) maximum opening of the jaw
bathfu;lZ okbl dh lktb fdlls iznf’kZr dh tkrh gS\
1½ pyk;eku tcM+s dh yEckbZ ls
2½ tcM+s dh pkSM+kbZ ls
3½ okbl dh ÅWpkbZ ls
4½ tcM+s ds vf/kdre [kqyko ls

563. Which gas is used in the process of nitriding?

1) nitrogen 2) cynide
3) ammonia 4) none of these
ukbVªkbfMx izfdz;k es fdl xSl dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gS\
1½ ukbVªkt
s u 2½ lk;ukbM


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3½ veksfu;k 4½ bues ls dqN ugha

564. Standard pipe fittings are provided with threads confirming with
1) BSP 2) BSW
LVS.MMZ ikbi fQfVax esa fdl izdkj dh pwM+h gksrh gS\
1½ ch-a ,l- ih- 2½ ch-,l-MCyw
3½ ehfVªd 4½ ch-,-

565. What is the maximum percentage of carbon in steel?

1½ 1-2 % 2½ 3-1 %
3½ 0-2 % 4½ 2-0 %
LVhy es dkcZu dk vf/kdre izfr’kr gksrk gSA
1½ 1-2 % 2½ 3-1 %
3½ 0-2 % 4½ 2-0 %

566. Which among the following should be the weakest element in a flange coupling joint.
1) the flange 2) the shaft
3) the bolt 4) the key
,d ¶ySad difyax tksM+ esa lcls detksj vo;p dkSu gksuk pkfg,\
1½ ¶ySad 2½ 'kk¶V
3½ cksYV 4½ pkch

567. Hematite is the ore of

1) iron 2) magnesium
3) aluminum 4) carbon
gsesVkbV fdldk v;Ld gS\
1½ vk;ju 2½ eSXusf’k;e
3½ ,Y;qfefu;e 4½ dkcZu


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568. Pitch of a three start screw is 3mm. What will be axial travel of the screw after 3
complete rotations?
1) 3.0 mm 2) 4.5 mm
3) 6.0 mm 4) 9.0 mm
,d 3 feeh fip vkSj 3 LVkVZ okyk Ldzw rhu iwjs pDdj esa fdruk vkxs tk;sxk\
1) 3.0 mm 2) 4.5 mm
3) 6.0 mm 4) 9.0 mm
569. Paralllel blocks are used for
1) checking 2) marking
3) cutting 4) to check parallelism
iSjsyy CykWDl dk iz;ksx fd;k
1½ psfdax es 2½ ekfdZax es
3½ dfVax es 4½ iSjsyfyTe psd djus es

570. In drill presses which is the most commonly used taper size.
1) MT2 2) MT3
3) MT4 4) MT5
fMªy izslksa esa lkekU;r% dkSu lk Vsij lkbt iz;qDr gksrk gS\
1) MT2 2) MT3
3) MT4 4) MT5

571. Angle plate is made of which material?

1) steel 2) alloy
3) cast iron 4) nickel
,axy IysV fdl eSVsfj;y dh cuh gksrh gS\
1½ LVhy 2½ ,ykW;
3½ dkWLV vk;ju 4½ fufdy

572. What does the 7th parameter of tool signature specifies in a single point cutting tool.


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1) Nose radius 2) Side rake

3) Side clearance 4) End cutting edge
flaxy ikWbaV dfVax Vwy ds flXkuspj dk lkroka vo;o D;k iznf’kZr djrk gS\
1½ ukst jfM;l 2½ lkbM jSd
3½ lkbM fDy;jsal 4½ bUM dfVax ,t

573. Which type of teeth is cut in hacksaw blade?

1) acme thread 2) square thread
3) V thread 4) none of the these
gsDlkW CysM esa fdl izdkj ds nkars dVs gksrs gS\
1½ ,Des FkszM 2½ LDok;j FkszM
3½ oh FkszM 4½ bues ls dqN ugh

574. What is the value of striking Voltage in ARC welding?

1) 220-240V 2) 80-100V
3) 40-60V 4) 440-460V
vdZ osfYMax esa LVªk;kfdax oksYVst dk eku fdruk gksrk gS\
1) 220-240V 2) 80-100V
3) 40-60V 4) 440-460V

575. What is the value of angle from centre line in a single cut file?

1½ 450c 2½ 900c
3½ 1200c 4½ 600c
flaxy dV Qkby es nkars lsaVj ykbu ls fdrus dks.k esa gksrs gS\
1½ 450c 2½ 900c
3½ 1200c 4½ 600c

576. What is the colour of main body a of a Oxygen cylinder.


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1) Black 2) Grey
3) White 4) Brown
vkWDlhtu flyhsMj dk eq[; Hkkx fdl jax dk gksrk gS\
1½ dkyk 2½ ?kwl ¼xzs½
3½ lQsn 4½ Hkwjk

577. Which type of threads are used in railway couplings and glass bottles?
1) acme thread 2) square thread
3) V thread 4) knuckle thread
jsYos difyax o 'kh’ks dh cksryks esa fdl izdkj dh pwfM+;kW cukbZ tkrh gS\
1½ ,Des pwfM+;kW 2½ LDok;j pwfM+;kW
3½ oh pwfM+;kW 4½ uDdy pwfM+;kW

578. In which type of bearings axial thrust will be negligible.

1) Helical gear 2) Bevel gear
3) Spiral gear 4) Herringbone gear
fdl izdkj ds fx;j esa ,fDl;y FkzLV ux.; gksrk gS\
1½ gsfydy fx;j 2½ csoy fx;j
3½ Likbvjy fx;j 4½ gsfjaXcksu fx;j

579- jcM+ ckaM dh eksVkbZ fdruh gksrh gSA

1½ 0-09 2½ 2-0-07
3½ 3-0-10 4½ 4-1-0

580- 'kkWi xzkbfMax ds fy;s fdl ckaM dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ 'kSyd ckaM 2½ foVªhQkbV ckaM
3½ vkDlhDyksjkbV ckaM 4½ jstsukbV ckaM

581- jsftLVsUl Vkbi bysfDVªd QusZl esa flfydu dkckZbV dks fdrus ?kaVs j[kk tkrk gSA


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1½ 20 2½ 25
3½ 30 4½ 40

582- ghjs dh gkMZusl fdruh gksrh gSA

1½ 9-8 2½ 9-97
3½ 10-0 4½ 10-1

583- flfeUVsM dkckZbV fVIM VwYl dh xzkbfMax ds fy;s fdldk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ OgkbV ,Y;wehfu;e vkWDlkbM 2½ xzhu flfydu dkckZbV
3½ Cysd flfydu dkckZbV 4½ jsxqyj ,Y;wfefu;e vkWDlkbM

584- flfydsV ckaM dks fdrus fMxzh o rkieku ij idk;k tkrk gSA
1½ 230 2½ 260
3½ 280 4½ 430

585- Vsij vkSj rax LFkkuksa dh xzkbafMax ds fy;s fdl Oghy dk iz;ksx fd;k gSA
1½ fM"k Oghy 2½ ¶yksfjax di Oghy
3½ lkWlj Oghy 4½ VsiMZ Oghy

586- ghy csfYlax vVspesaV fdrus fMxzh esa gksrk gSA

1½ 35 2½ 50
3½ 20 4½ 30

587- dfVax ds isz’kj ds varxrZ tc fpi fpid tkrs gSA rks mls D;k dgrs gSaA
1½ fdVj os;j 2½ cu vkWQ
3½ yksfMax 4½ Xysftax

588- Mk;eaM dk rst fdldh xzkbfMax djrk gSA

1½ ,yk, LVhy 2½ gkbZLihM LVhy


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3½ gkbZ dkcZu LVhy 4½ VaxLVu dkckZbV

589- fdl xzkbfMax e’khu dk iz;ksx Hkkjh tkWc dh xzkbfMax ds fy;s iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ iksVZcs y bysfDVªd vkWDlkbMj
2½ iSMsLVy xzkbaMj 3ls.M csYV xzkbMaj
3½ ls.M csYV xzkabMj
4½ csV xzkabMj

590- vkWIVhdy izksQkby e’khu esa lcls T;knk fdldk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ ,Y;wehfu;e vkWDlkbM 2½ flfydu dkckZbV
3½ Mk;eaM 4½ ;s lHkh

591- ekmaVM
s Oghy fdl Mk;ehVj esa curs gSA
1½ 20 ,e ,e 2½ 30 ,e ,e
3½ 50 ,e ,e 4½ 70 ,e ,e

592- batu vkSj jksVj ds fy;s fdl ysFk dk mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ VhySFk 2½ xSi ySFk
3½ fetkby ySFk 4½ dksfiax ySFk

593- 80&180 ds xzsM dSls gksrs gSaA

1½ dkslZ 2½ fefM;e
3½ Qkbu 4½ cSjhQkbu

594- fDod psat Vwy iksLV fdl ysFk esa gksrk gSA
1½ Vwy :e ysFk 2½ dksfiax ysFk
3½ dsad 'kk¶V 4½ gjk

595- flfydu dkckZbV dk jax dSlk gksrk gSA


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1½ uhyk 2½ yky
3½ lQsn 4½ gjk
596- jsstksukbV ckaM dks vaxzsth ds fdl v{kj ls n’kkZrs gSA
1½ ch 2½ ,l
3½ bZ 4½ oh

597- NksVh iksVZscy e’khuksa ij dSls Oghy iz;ksx djuk pkfg,A

1½ lkW¶V xzsM Oghy 2½ gkMZxzsM Oghy
3½ ehfM;e xzsM Oghy 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugh

598- lsXesaV xzkbfMax Oghy fdl xzkbfMax e’khu ij fQV gksrs gSA
1½ osV xzkbaMj 2½ ofVZdy xzkbaMj
3½ iSMsLVy xzkbaMj 4½ osUFk xzkabMj

599- Vwbax fd;k esa Vwy dks Qsl ds lkFk fdrus fMxzh esa j[kuk pkfg,A
1½ 20&30 2½ 40&50
3½ 60&70 4½ 70&80

600- Vsij lqjk[kksa dks xzkbaM djus ds fy;s fdl xzkbafMx e’khu dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ flfyMªhdy xzkbafMx e’khu
2½ bUVuZy xzkbafMx e’khu
3½ lQsZl xzkbafMax e’khu
4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

601- fdl ckaM dks Xykl okVj ckaM Hkh dgrs gSaA
1½ fofVªQkbM ckaM 2½ flfydsV ckaM
3½ ""kSyse ckaM 4½ jcM+ ckaM

602- ysn dsUnz esa &&&&&&dk foUnq dks.k gksrk gSA


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1½ 300 2½ 450
3½ 600 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

603- laxejej dh xzkbafMx ds fy;s fdl ckaM dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ jstksukbM ckaM 2½ jcM+ ckaM
3½ flyhdsV ckaM 4½ esVsfyd ckaM

604- fQfu"k xzkbfMx ds fy;s vykmal fdruk j[kk tkrk gSA

1½ 0-1&0-35 2½ 0-005&0-01
3½ 0-025&0-05 4½ 2-5&3-5

605- xzkbfMax Oghy esa cq"k dk lkbt lkW¶V ds lkbt ls fdruk cM+k gksuk pkfg,A
1½ 0-05^^ 2½ 0-005^^
3½ 0-0005^^ 4½ 0-5^^

606- jQ xzkbfMax ds fy;s dV dh xgjkbZ fdruh gksrh gSA

1½ 0-1 ls 0-35 2½ 2-5 ls 3-5
3½ 0-02 ls 0-05 4½ 0-25 ls 0-3

607- dVj ds ¶ywVl dh xzkbfMax ds fy;s fdl xzsM dk Oghy iz;ksx djuk pkfg,A
1½ dkslZ xzsM 2½ ehfM;e xzsM
3½ Qkbu xzsM 4½ csjh Qkbu xzsM

608- dkSu lh ysFk cgqr NksVh gksrh gSA

1½ ljQsl cksfjax ysFk 2½ oVhZdy ysFk
3½ Vh ysFk 4½ fetkby ysFk

609- ,u lh Vkbi e’khu dkSu lh gSA

1½ fetkby ysFk 2½ ysFk


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3½ ofVZdy ysFk 4½ vkWVksesfVd ysFk

610- fdl e’khu dk iwjkdaVªksy dseIysV o Vªe IysV dh lgk;rk ls gksrk gSA
1½ fjokfYoax ysFk 2½ VjsV ysFk
3½ lHkh vkWVksesfVd ysFk 4½ eYVh fLi.My ysFk

611- fdl ysFk esa Vwy dks mBkus ds fy;s tSd dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ ofVZdy ysFk 2½ Vh ysFk
3½ fetkby ysFk 4½ Oghy ysFk

612- fdl ysFk esa gSM LVkd dh txg VjsVjsLV gksrk gSA
1½ dsazd "ikW¶V ysFk 2½ dksfiax ysFk
3½ xSi ysFk 4½ ljQsl cksfjax ysFk

613- VjsV vkSj dsIlu ysFk dks fdlesa oxzhd`r fd;k tkrk gS
1½ vkWVksesfVd ysFk 2½ lsehvkWVksefs Vd ysFk
3½ csap ysFk 4½ Vwy:e ysFk

614- fdl ysFk ds cSM yacs gksrs gSA

1½ fetkby ysFk 2½ ysFk
3½ ofVZdy ysFk 4½ dksfiax ysFk

615- fdl ysFk dks vkWVksesfVd pfdax e’khu Hkh dgrs gSA
1½ dsIlu ysFk 2½ ysFk
3½ fetkby ysFk 4½ VjsV ysFk

616- eYVh fLi.My vkWVksesfVd ysFk esa lcls vf/kd fdrus fLi.My gksrs gS
1½ 2 2½ 4
3½ 6 4½ 8


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617- LVªsV jQ VfuZx ds fy;s dkSu lk Vwy iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ csysUl VfuZx Vwy 2½ uh Vwy
3½ fLaox Vwy 4½ ckWDl Vwy

618- Vwy LVhy dh xzkbafMax ds fy;s dkSu lk vczsflo xzkabfMx Oghy mi;ksxh gksrk gSaA
1½ ghjk 2½ ,Y;wehfu;evkWDlkbM
3½ czksjksu ukbVªkbM 4½ flfydu dkckZbV

619- foVªhQkbV ckaM dks HkV~Vh ds vanj fdrus ,Q rkieku ij idk;k tkrk gSA
1½ 20000,Q 2½ 30000 ,Q
3½ 40000 ,Q 4½ 50000 ,Q

620- VsM+s&esM+h tkWc dh xzkbfMax ds fy;s fdl xzkbaMj dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA
1½ ls.V csYV xzkbaMj 2½ csap xzkbaMj
3½ isMsLVy xzkbaMj 4½ csV xzkbaMj

621- ,DlVsU"ku Vsy LVkWd esa fdrus eh- dh yach tkWc idM+ ldrs gSaA
1½ 500 ,e ,e 2½ 750 ,e ,e
3½ 250 ,e ,e 4½ 1000 ,e ,e

622- lsUVjysl xzkbafMx fdz;k fdrus ,e ,e O;kl ds tkWc esa dh tkrh gSaA
1½ 150 2½ 200
3½ 250 4½ 300

623- pfdax baVjuy xzkbaMj esa Vsij lqjk[kksa dks xzkbaM djus ds fy;s gSM dks fdrus fMxzh ij lsV
djrs gSA
1½ 30 2½ 45
3½ 60 4½ 75


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624- Mªslj D;k gSA

1½ xzsM 2½ ,czsflo
3½ Vwy 4½ ckaM

625- fofHkUu izdkj ds lqjk[kksa dh xzkbfMax fdl Oghy ds }kjk dh tkrh gSA
1½ flXes.V Oghy 2½ ekmfVax Oghy
3½ lkWlj Oghy 4½ LVªVs Oghy

626- buesa ls dkSu lk izkd`frd ,cszflo ugh gSA

1½ dksj.Me 2½ dkcksZykWu
3½ lSMLVksu 4½ ghjk

627- xzkbfMax Oghy esa ,&tsM D;k n’kkZrk gSA

1½ xzsu lkbt 2½ ckaM
3½ LsVªDpj 4½ xzsM

628- vf/kd xfr ds fy;s fdl ckaM dk Oghy iz;ksx djuk pkfg,A
1½ fcVªhQkbV ckaM 2½ vkWDlhDyksjkbM ckaM
3½ jstksukbV ckaM 4½ 'ksosd ckaM

629- dVj dh xzkbfMax ds fy;s fdl Oghy dk iz;ksx djrs gSaA

1½ ekmfVax Oghy 2½ fM"k Oghy
3½ lkWlj Oghy 4½ LVªVs Oghy

630- ysFk esa] dSjht+ vkSj Vsy LVkWd bl ij funsf’kr gksrk gS

1½ leku xkbM rjhdk
2½ vyx xkbM rjhdk
3½ xkbM rjhds ij xkbM ugha fd;k gqvk


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4½ mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugha

631- ysFk dh og bdkbZ D;k dgykrh gS ftlesa xfr p;u ds fy, ysFk faLiMy vkSj fu;a=.k yhoj
gksrk gS
1½ gsM LVkWd 2½ Vsy LVkWd
3½ QhM ckWDl 4½ dsjht

632- Iykfuax e’khu dk vkSt+kj iksLV p<+k;k tkrk gS\

1½ ,izu ij 2½ dzkWl jsy ij
3½ Dysij ckWDl ij 4½ lSMy ij

633- dkLV yksgs dh e’khfuax ds le; 'khryd gksuk pkfg,\

1½ 'kq"d gok 2½ fdjklu
3½ e’khu rsy 4½ ueZ ty

634- f’kij esa vxzxkeh vkSj okilh LVªksd dk lkekU; vuqikr gksrk gS
1½ 2%1 2½ 1%2
3½ 2%3 4½ 3%4

635- gkQ uV blls tqM+k gS

1½ fefyax e’khu 2½ ykWfdax ;a=
3½ ft,xk vkSj fQDlpj 4½ ysFk ij FkszM dVkbZ

636- ysFk csM lk/;k cuk gksrk gS

1½ lajpukRed bLikr ls 2½ LVsuysl bLikr ls
3½ <yoka yksgk 4½ e`nq bLikr

637- ysFk fLaiMy esa gksrk gS

1½ vkarfjd FkzsM 2½ ckgjh FkszM


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3½ Vsij FkszM 4½ dksbZ FkszM ugha

638- fuez esa ls fdl dk;Z ysFk dk;Z ds fy;s ;g vko’;d gS fd vkSt+kj fcV dk dkVkbZ fljk Bhd
dk;Z ds dsanz&js[kk ij fLFkr jgsA
1½ cksfjax 2½ fMªfyax
3½ Qsflax 4½ VfuZax
639- ysFk lsaVj fuez ekud Vsij ds lkFk fn;k tkrk gSA
1½ eklZ 2½ fczfV’k
3½ esfVªd 4½ 'kkiZ

640- Hkwjs vkSj 'kkiZ Vsij dk iz;ksx lk/;k fd;k tkrk gS

1½ ysFk esa 2½ fefyax e’khu esa
3½ f’kij esa 4½ fMªy esa

641- ,d VqjsV ysFk ij Hkhrjh vkSj ckgjh Vsij blls ?kqek;k tkrk gSA
1½ lEeq[k ?kqeko layxz 2½ Vsij ?kqeko layxz
3½ ekslZ Vsij layxz 4½ vksQlsfVax Vsy LVkWd

642- Rofjr okilh O;oLFkk dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA

1½ fefyax e’khu esa 2½ czksfpax e’khu esa
3½ xzkbZfMax e’khu esa 4½ LyksfVax esa

643- fuez esa ls fdl e’khu esa Rofjr okilh O;oLFkk dh t:jr ugha gksrh gS
1½ LyksfVax 2½ Iykuj
3½ 'ksij 4½ czksfpax

644- CySafdax dk;Z esa] f’k;j dks.k iznku fd;k tkrk gS

1½ Mk; ij
2½ iap ij


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3½ iap vkSj Mk; nksuksa ij

4½ fcYdqy iznku ugha fd;k tkrk gS

645- ysFk ij psflax Mk;y dk mn~n’s ; ;g izkIr djuk gS

1½ Vsij VfuZax
2½ Vsij FkszM dh dVkbZ
3½ cgq FkszM dh dVkbZ
4½ izR;sd dVkbZ ds igys lgh ls FkszM dks idM+uk

646- ysM Ldzw ls dsjht rd ikoj VªkalehV blls gksrk gS

1½ xh;j ckWDl 2½ oeZ vkSj xh;j
3½ jsd vkSj ihfu;u 4½ gkQ uV

647- dksbZ fpdukbZ t+:jh ugha gS tc dfVax FkszM gks

1½ VaxLVu dkckZbM esa 2½ e`nq bLikr esa
3½ mPp xfr bLikr esa 4½ dkalk ;k <yok yksgk esa

648- Rkakck ;k dkalk dh Qkbfyax ds fy, fuez izdkj ds Qkby dks ojh;rk nh tkrh gS
1½ fpduk dkV Qkby
2½ nwljk dkV Qkby
3½ eksVk dkV ;k [kqjnjk dkV Qkby
4½ nksgjk dkV Qkby

649- Qkby lkQ djus ds fy, mls

1½ ikuh esa Mqck;k tkrk gS
2½ ruq vEy esa Mqck;k tkrk g
3½ iRFkj ls jxMk tkrk gS
4½ ,d Qkby dkMZ ls lkQ fd;k tkrk gS


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650- ;a= thou lair gqvk ekuk tkrk gS ;fn

1½ [kjkc lrg fQfu’k izkIr gks
2½ 'kfDr esa vpkud o`f) gks tk, vkSj [kVdus dh vkokt gks
3½ ?k"kZ.k ds dkj.k vfr rkiu gksrk gS
4½ mi;qZDr lHkh

651- ,d fefyax dVj dh fo’ks"krkvksa esa ls dkSu lh p<+kbZ ds fy, lcls mi;qDr gS\
1½ oka;k gkFk dfVax
2½ nkWar lkezxh dkckZbM gS
3½ cM+k fudklh vkSj jsd dks.k
4½ nkWr lh/ks dVj dh /kqjh ds ikl gks

652- ,p ,l ,l vkSt+kj }kjk dkalk dks e’khu esa yxkus ds fy, visf{kr lEeq[k jsd gSA
1½ 150 2½ 100
3½ 50 4½ 00

653- dkckZbM vkSt+kj ds fy, loksZRre loZ dk;Z 'khryd gS

1½ ?kqyu’khy rsy 2½ fdjklu
3½ lkcqu ty 4½ rkjihu rsy

654- ,d ok,Wa gkFk dk vkSt+kt ysFk ij vf/kd n{krk ls dVkbZ djrk gS tc vkSt+kj ?kwerk gS
1½ ysFk csM ij ck;ha ls nk;ha vksj
2½ ysFk csM ij nk;ha ls ck;ha vksj
3½ iwjs csM ij
4½; voLFkk es

655- fuez mfYyf[kr dkSu lk ysFk dk Hkkx ikoj QhM ds lkFk ugha fn;k tkrk gS
1½ dsjht+ 2½ daikmaM jsl~V
3½ dzkWl LykbM 4½ yhM Ldzw


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656- fuez xst dk iz;ksx fNnz dh tkap ds fy, gksrk gS

1½ fjax xst 2½ L=si xst
3½ Iyx xst 4½ Mk;y xst

657- ,d fx;j Oghy esa 36 nkar vkSj 3 ehehekWM;wy gksrs gSa] mldk fip O;kl gS\
1½ 12 eheh 2½ 75 eheh
3½ 80 eheh 4½ 108 eheh

658- <yoka yksgk dh dVkbZ djrs le; cus fpi dk izdkj gS

1½ fujarj 2½ vfujarj
3½ mHkjs fljs ds lkFk 4½ mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugh

659- 'ksij dk vkdkj blls fufnZ"V gksrk gS

1½ vk?kkr dh yackbZ 2½ Vscy dk vkdkj
3½ vkSt+kj dk vf/kdre vkdkj 4½ eksVj dh ,p- ih-

660- fuez esa ls dkSu dk;Z dh lgk;rk djus okyk ;a= ugha gSA
1½ Vwy iksLV 2½ vkcZj
3½ fLaiMy 4½ fQDlpj

661- og e’khu D;k dgykrk gS ftls ln`’; oLrq,Wa cukus ds fy, dsoy dqN fufnZ"V dk;Z djus ds
fy, cuk;k tkrk gSA
1½ ysFk e’khu 2½ Iykuj
3½ LyksVj 4½ fo’ks"k mn~ns’; e’khu

662- fefyax esa QhM nj dh bdkbZ dh fy, lgh vfHkO;fDr D;k gS\
1½ eh@ehu 2½ eheh@ vkj bZ oh
3½ eheh@lsd 4½ eheh@ehu


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663- Ikqyh ij dzkSfuax ls lgk;rk gksrh gS

1½ osx vuqikr c<+kus esa
2½ csYV dh fLyi jksdus esa
3½ osYV voLFkk dks vius vki O;ofLFkr djus esa
4½ csYV ,.M iqyh thou&dky c<+kus esa

664- e'khu vkSt+kj dk ,d lewg ftls ,d bdkbZ esa vuqdze esa O;ofLFkr fd;k tkrk gS tks Lopkfyr
gksrk gS] dgykrk gSA
1½ VªkalQj e’khu 2½ ekud e’khu vkSt+kj
3½ fo’ks"k mn~n’s ; e’khu 4½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha

665- fuez esa ls dkSu e’khfuax dk;Z gSA

1½ Qksjftax 2½ fMªfyax
3½ jksfyax 4½ LVkafiax

666- ysFk ij csyukdkj dk;Z ds VqdM+s ds pkjksa vkSj [khapk dkVuk dgykrk gSA
1½ fefyax 2½ xzkbafMax
3½ VfuZax 4½ czksfpax

667- fuez esa ls dkSu lk ,d e’khfuax dk;Z ugha gSA

1½ 'ksfiax 2½ xzkbafMax
3½ jksfyax 4½ czksfpax

668- ckskfjax dk;Z esa 1-5 eheh dk foLFkkiu ds dkj.k O;kl esa tks ifjorZu gksxk og blds cjkcj
1½ 0-75 eheh 2½ 1-5 eheh
3½ 3 eheh 4½ 6 eheh


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669- ,d xzkbafMax Oghy dh Mªfs lax vkSj VfuZZax gS\

1½ Bhd leku dk;Z
2½ leku ;a= ls fd;k x;k dk;Z
3½ dsoy eksVs filkbZ Oghy ls fd;k x;k
4½ dsoy Qksje xzkabfMax dh fy,

670- jsd fefyax ds fy, vkcZj ij fx;j dVkbZ dh voLFkk gS\

1½ dkWye ds utnhd 2½ vkcZj lgk;d ds utnhd
3½ chp esa 4½ vkcZj dh fdlh fcUnq ij

671- ueZ /kkrq ds fy, fMªy dh igpku vki dSls djrs gSa\
1½ cM+s gsfyDl dks.k }kjk
2½ NksVs gsfyDl dks.k }kjk
3½ Nsuh fljk dks.k }kjk
4½ ml foUnq dks.k }kjk tks 900 dk gks

672- bl fx;j O;oLFkk dk iz;ksx o`Rrkdkj xfr dks xfr vuqikr esa ifjorZu fd, fcuk {kSfrt ls
yEcor djus ds fy, gksrk gS\
1½ nks Lij fx;j 2½ nks gsfydy fx;j
3½ nks csosy fx;j 4½ oeZ vkSj oj~e fx;~j

673- baMsfDalx gsM ;kaf=drk blds lkFk dk;Z djrh gS\

1½ jksZd vkSj fx;j 2½ oeZ vkSj oj~e fx;~j
3½ nks gfydy fx;j 4½ nks cscsy fx;j

674- Ekki ds igys nks fcUnq cksj Mk;y xst dh 'kwU; lsfVax blds fy, vko’;d gS\
1½ xst esa =qfV dk ,dkmaV
2½ rqyuk lqyHk djkuk
3½ xst esa izkjfEHkd ncko LFkkfir djuk


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4½ eki dh v’kqf+) gVkuk

675- ;g lekU;r;k ik;k tkrk gS fd xzkbafMax Oghy dk lkeus dk Hkkx dqN bLrseky ds ckn
pedhyk vkSj fpduk ;k pednkj gks tkrk gSA bldk dkj.k fuez iznRr esa ls ,d gS\
1½ Oghy dk xzsM dkQh dBksj gS
2½ Oghy ds fy, vi?k"kZd mi;qDr ugha gS
3½ nkuk vkdkj cgqr eksVk gS
4½ Oghy dh lajpuk cgqr [kqyh gS

676- VSi dk iz;ksx FkszM dkVus ds fy, gksrk gS

1½ Hkhrjh 2½ ckgjh
3½ nksuksa 4½ dksbZ ugha

677- ;fn fMªy esa fDy;jsal dks.k c<+k fn;k tkrk gS rks ifj.kke D;k gksxk\
1½ [kjkc csftax dk;Z 2½ detksj dVkbZ fljk
3½ [kqjnjk fNnz lrg 4½ c<+k gqvk foUnq dks.k

678- ,d Ldzq dks 1^^ ch-,l-ih- FkszM dgk x;k gS] 1 bap ch-,l-ih- FkzsM esa 1^^ D;k bafxr djrk gS\
1½ FkzsM dk cM+k O;kl 2½ FkszM dk NksVk O;kl
3½ FkzsM dk fip O;k; 4½ ikbi dk fNnz O;kl

679- fuez esa ls dkSu lk dk;Z LyksfVax e’khu ij fd;k tk ldrk gS\
1½ yacs 'kk¶V ij ckgjh dhos 2½ Hkhrjh njkj
3½ 'kk¶V ij cqMjQ dhos 4½ Qsnj dht ds fy, dhos

680- ,d Mªkfoax e’khfuax lrg esa lrg dk ladrs bl fu’kku ls fn;k tkrk gS
1½ f=dks.k 2½ o`Rr
3½ oxZ 4½ vk;r

681- fuEu esa ls dkSu ,d dks.k ekih ;a= ugha gS


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1½ dks.k IysV 2½ Sinebar

3½ cscsy izksVsDVj 4½ dks.k xst

682- QkeZ dh tkap ds fy, nqdku dh eafty esa fuEufyf[kr midj.kksa esa ls dkSu lk iz;ksx fd;k
tkrk gS] ony fn;k tk jgk gS\a
1½ [kkdk
2½ LuSi xst+
3½ Mk;y ijh{k.k lwpd vkSj iphZ xst+
4½ Vwy #e ekbdzksLdksi

683- nkarksa dh la[;k vkSj fip o`Rr O;kl dk vuqikr dgykrk gS

1½ fip 2½ o`Rrh; fip
3½ Mk;esVªy fip 4½ ,MsaMe

684- xh;j ds nkar ds rys ls gksdj xqtjus okyk o`Rr dgykrk gS

1½ Hkhrj o`RRk 2½ izkbe o`RRk
3½ csl oRRk 4½ MsMsaMe o`RRk

685- xh;j ds nkar ds rys ls gksdj xqtjus okyk o`RRk dgykrk gS

1½ Hkhrjh o`Rr 2½ izkbe o`RRk
3½ csl o`RRk 4½ MsMsaMe o`RRk

686- ,d vfu;fer vkdkj dk dke dk VqdM+k ,d [kjkn dk cny fn;k tkrk gS] tks fuEu esa ls
,d dke djus okys /kkjdksa dk bLrseky gksrk gSA
1½ rhu t+oM+s pd 2½ nks t+cM+s pd
3½ Mªkbfoax IysV 4½ Qsl IysV

687- MsMsaMe vkSj ,MsaMe ds chp dk varj dgykrk gS

1½ iyVko 2½ fDy;jsal


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3½ ¶ysad 4½ ekWM;wy

688- fuez esa ls dkSu lk FkszM Lo:Ik FkszM fd, Hkkx ij fn;k tkrk gS tgka ncko Vªkl
a fe’ku ds nkSjku
FkszM ds ,d rjQ fn;k tkrk gS\
1½ V thread 2½ Square thread
3½ Knuckle therad 4½ Buttress thread

689- fuEkz izdkj dk uV ,ysu cksYV ds lkFk iz;qDr gksrk gS\

1½ ,ysu uV 2½ gsDlkxksuy uV
3½ LyksVsM uV 4½ mi;qDr esa ls dksbZ ugha

690- ,d LVM
1½ ,d flj ij 'kh"kZ gksrk gS vkSj nwljs fljs ij uV yxk jgrk gS
2½ ,d flj ij 'kh"kZ gksrk gS vkSj nwljs fljs ij ,d VsIM fNnz yxk jgrk gS
3½ nksuksa fljk FkszMsM jgrk gS
4½ uV ykWd djuk t:jh gksrk gS

691- e'khu dks 2 ekM;wy ¼,e½ vkSj 60 ,e ,e fip O;kl dh ,d gh dhM+k dh vko’;drk gksrh gS]
xfr vuqikr 40%1 gSA bldh yEckbZ dks fdl izdkj dkV fn;k tkuk pkfg,A
1½ 21 mm 2½ 14-6 mm
3½ 29-3 mm 4½ 33-3 mm

692. ,d ok’kj dk dke gS

1½ dq’kfuax izHkko nsuk
2½ oh;fjax {ks= nsuk
3½ vk?kkr vkSj vuqdaiu vo’kksf"kr djuk
4½ ykWfdax ;a= ds :Ik esa dk;Z djuk

693- ,d cksYV dk M 32 X 2 foU;kl dk vFkZ gS


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1½ 2 lseh esa 32 la[;d esfVªd FkszM

2½ 32 oxZ eheh ds fr;Zd dkV ds lkFk esfVªd FkszM
3½ 32 eheh ckgjh O;kl vkSj 2 eheh fip dk esfVªd FkszM
4½ 2 FkszM izfr ehVj okys 32 eheh ukfer O;kl dk cksYV

694- tc ,d dk;Z ds VqdM+s dks Iykfyax e’khu esa yxkrs gSa rks mls yack D;ksa idM+rs gSa\
1½ dk;Z ds VqdM+s dks yackbZ esa Hkjuk vklku gksrk gS
2½ vkn’kZ le; U;wure fd;k tk,xk
3½ lrg xq.krk lq/kjsxh
4½ vkSt+kj thoudky c<+sxk

695- vkWa[k cksYV dk iz;ksx blds fy, gksrk gS

1½ uhao dk;Z ds fy,
2½ ykWfdax ;a= ds fy,
3½ vk?kkr vkSj vuqdaiu vo’kksf"kr djus ds fy,
4½ e’khu vkSj D;wfcdy ds fy, mBkuk vkSj ys tkuk dk;Z

696- ;fn cksYM ij FkszM ck;ha vksj gks rks uV ij FkszM gksxk
1½ leku fip ds lkFk nkfguk
2½ leku fip ds lkFk ck;kWa
3½ ;k rks ck;kW ;k nkfguk gkFk gks ldrk gS
4½ lw{e fip ds lkFk nk;kW gkFk

697- ,d csap okbl esa fuez izdkj dk FkszM gksrk gS

1½ esfVªd 2½ oxZ
3½ BSW 4½ Acme

698- Ikkbi dh FkszfMax djrs le; dfVax rsy dk dk;Z gS

1½ ’khryu dk;Z nsuk 2½ Mkbl dks fpduk djuk


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3½ fpIl gVkus esa lgk;rk djuk 4½ mi;qDr

699- ikbi esa fjlko tksM+ dks dlus ds fy, fuez izdkj dk FkszM lokZf/kd mik;qDr gS
1½ esfVªd 2½ oxZ
3½ Acme 4½ NPT (national pipe threads)

700- xh;j ckWDl dk iz;ksx gksrk gS

1½ VksdZ cukus ds fy, 2½ xfr de djus ds fy,
3½ pj xfr izkIr djus ds fy, 4½ iz.kkyh dh n{krk c<+kus ds fy,

701. V- belt Mªkbo esa] csYV Nwrk gS

1½ rys esa 2½ dsoy cxy esa
3½ rys vkSj cxy nksuksa esa 4½ dgha Hkh Nw ldrk gS

702- Ba<k Nsuh cuk gksrk gS

1½ e`nq bLikr ls 2½ <yoka yksgk ls
3½ mPPk xfr bLikr ls 4½ mPp dkcZu bLikr ls

703- bathfu;j dk gFkkSM+k cuk gksrk gS

1½ <yoka yksgk ls 2½ QksTMZ bLikr ls
3½ e`nq bLikr ls 4½ mPp dkcZu bLikr ls

704- fuez esa ls dkSu lh i+)fr fuekZ.k izfdz;k }kjk xh;j curh gS
1½ gksfcax 2½ dkfLaVx
3½ iafpax 4½ fefyax

705- xh;j dks lcls vPNs blds }kjk vf/kd la[;k esa mRikfnr fd;k tkrk gS
1½ fefyax 2½ gksfcax
3½ 'ksfiax 4½ dkfLVax


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706- fuez esa ls dkSu ,d xh;j dks fQfu’k djus dk dk;Z gS

1½ gksfcax 2½ 'ksfiax
3½ fefyax 4½ 'ksfoax

707- fVªfeax dh izfdz;k blls lEc) gS

1½ izsl dk;Z 2½ QksfTkZxa
3½ /kkrq dh iksfyf’kax 4½ e’khfuax

708- ,d Å/okZ/kj cksfjax e’khu esa dk;Z VqdM+k vkSj vkSt+kj dh xfr dze’k% gksrh gSA
1½ LFkSfrd vkSj ?kw.kZu 2½ ?kw.kZu vkSj ifjorZuh;
3½ ifjorZuh; vkSj ?kw.kZu 4½ LFkSfrd vkSj ?kw.kZu ifjorZu ds lkFk

709- ysFk ij fdl dk;Z dks djrs le; fLaiMy xfr U;wure gksxh
1½ ufyZax 2½ lw{e fQfu’k
3½ Vsij VfuZax 4½ FkszM dfVax


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710.Material having cutting speed is

A) Aluminum B) Bronze C) Cast iron D)High carbon
710 fuezre dVkbZ xfr okyk inkFkZ gSA
v½ vY;qehfu;e c½ dkalk l½ dkLV yksgk n½ mPp dkcZu bLikr
711.Angle between the tool face and a line tangent to the machined surface at
the cutting point is known as
711. fcUnw in e’khu lrg ds vkStkj eq[k vkSj md Vst
a saV js[kk ds chp dk dks.k dgykrk gS
v½ fyi dks.k c½ jsd dks.k l½ dVkbZ dks.k n½ fDy;jsal dks.k
712.For machining copper, the rake angle provided is
A) Zero B) Negative C) positive D) None of the above
712. e’khu dkWij ds fy, jsd dks.k fnb;k tkrk gS
v½ 'kwU; c½ _.kkRed l½ /kukRed n½ mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugha
713.Carbide tip tools generally have rake angle
A) Zero B)Negative C) positive D) None of the above
713.dkckZbM fVi vkStkj esa lk/kkj.k jsd dks.k gksrk gS
v½ 'kwU; c½ _.kkRed dks.k l½ /kukRed n½ mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugha
714.What is meant by the term taper 1 in 40
A) Difference in dia. Is 1 inch for a distance of 40 inch of the job measured along the axis
B) Minimum dia. Is 1 inch and maximum dia. Is 48 inch
C) Difference in dia. Is 48 inch
D ) Minimum dia. is 1 inch and overall length is 48 inch
714. Vsij 40es1a ’kCn dk D;k vFkZ gS
v½ /kqjh ij ekis x, tkWc ds 40 bap dh nwjh ds fy, O;kl dk varj 1 bap gS


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c½ U;wure O;kl 1bap vkSj vf/kdre O;kl 48 bap gS

l½ O;kl dk varj48 bazp gSA
n½ U;wure O;kl 1 bap vksj iw.kZ yackbZ 48 bap
715.The following type of jig is used to drill a series of equidistant hole along
a circle
A) Index jig B) Plate type jig C) Open type jig D) Pot type jig

715. fuez izdkj ds ftx dk iz;ksx ,d foÙk ij leku nwjh ds fMªy djus ds fy, gksrk gS
v½ baMDs l ftx c½ IysV izdkj ftx l½ [kqyk izdkj ftx n½ ikWV izdkj ftx
716.The jigs and fixture can be constructed through
A) Casting B) Fabrication C) Welding D) All of above
716. ftXl vkSj fQDlpj blesa cuk;k tk ldrk gS
v½ dkWfLVax c½ Qsfczds’ku l½ osfyaMx n½ mi;qZDr lHkh
717.Which of the following tools are generally manufactured by
powder metallurgy
A) Low carbon steel B) Abrasives C) High carbon steel D) Cemented carbide
717. fuez esa ls fdl vkStkj dks lekU;r;k ÅtkZ /kkrqdeZ }kjk cuk;k tkrk gS
v½ fuez dkcZu bLikr c½ vi?k"kZd l½ lsjkfeDl n½ mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugha
718.Corundum is a type of
A) Diamond B)Abrasives C) Ceramics D) None of above
718. dksjaMe bldk ,d izdkj gS
v½ ghjk c½ vi?k"kZd l½ lsjkfeDl n½ mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugha
719.Which process squeezes metals in to peaks and troughs with
plastic deformation
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A) Grooving B) Knurling C) Reaming D) None of above

719.dkSu lh izfØ;k /kkrwvksa dks IykfLVd fo:i.k dslkFk pksVh vkSj njkj esa ladqfpr djrh gS
v½ xzwfoax c½ ufyZx l½ fjfeax n½ mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugha
720.Which of the following is/are part of carriage of a center lathe?
A) Tool post B) Apron C) Compound rest D)All of these
720.fuez esa ls dkSu ,d lsaVj ysFk ds dsfj,t dk Hkkx gS\
v½ Vwy iksLV c½ ,izu l½ daikmaM n½ buesa ls lHkh
721.Plug gauges are used to
A) Measure the diameter of the work pieces
B) Measure the diameter of the hole in the work pieces
C) Check the diameter of the hole in the work pieces
D) Check the length of the work pieces
721.Iyx xsy dk iz;ksx blds fy, gksrk gS
v½ dk;Z ds VqdM+s dk O;kl ekiuk
c½ dk;Z ds VqdM+s ds fNnz dk O;kl ekiuk
l½ dk;Z ds VqdM+s ds fNnzdk O;kl tkWapuk
n½ dk;Z ds VqdM+s dh yackbZ tkWapuk
722.A feeler gauge is used to check
A) Radius B) Screw pitch C) Surface roughness D) Thickness of clearance
722.,d fQyj xst dk iz;ksx bldh tkWap ds fy, gksrk gS A
v½ jsfM;l c½ LØw fip l½ lrg vleryrk n½ fDyljsal dh eksVkbZ
723.Surface roughness or finish on a drawing represented by the symbol of
A) Small triangle B) Small circle C) Small Square D) Small rectangle
723.fdlh vkjs[k ij lrg vleryrk ;k fQfu’k dk ladsr gksrk gSA
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v½ NksVk f=dks.k c½ NksVk o`Ùk l½ NksVk oxZ n½ NksVh vk;

724.The function of a jig is/are
A) Holding B) Locating C) Guiding D) All of these
724.,d ftx dk dk;Z gksrk gSA
v½ idM+uk c½ LFkku fu;r djuk l½ fn’kk fn[kkuk n½ buesa ls lHkh
725.A fixture does not function of
A) Holding the work piece B) Locating the work piece
C) Guiding the tool D) All of the above
725.,d fQDlpj bldk dk;Z ugha djrk gSA
v½ dk;Z ds VqdM+s dks idM+uk c½ dk;Z ds VqdM+s dk LFkku fu;r djuk
l½ vkStkj dks fn’kk fn[kkuk n½ mi;qZDr lHkh
726.Jigs are not used in
A) Drilling B) Reaming C) Tapping D) Milling
726.ftXl dk iz;ksx blesa ugha gksrk gSA
v½ fMªfyax c½ fjfeax l½ Vsfiax n½ fefyax
727.Which type of process the machining can be?
A) Cold working B) hot working
C) Both (a) and (b) D) None of the above
727.e’khfuax fdl izdkj dh izfØ;k gks ldrh gS\
v½ Ba<k dk;Z djuk c½ xeZ dk;Z djuk
l½ nksuksa ¼v½ vkSj ¼c½ n½ mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugha
728.End of the work piece can be supported by using
A)Headstock B) Tailstock C) Tool Post D)None of the mentioned


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v½ gsMLVksd c½ VsyLVksd l½ Vwy iksLV n½ mYysf[kr esa ls dksbZ ugha
729.Which of the following can be used to reverse the direction of lead
screw relative to the direction of spindle movement?
A) Speed lever B) Feed Lever
C) Tumbler Gear Lever D) Friction clutch
729.fuez esa ls fdldk iz;ksx fLi.My xfr dh fn’kk ds lkis{k yhM LØzw dh fn’kk cnyus ds fy, gksrk
v½ xfr yhoj c½ QhM yhoj l½ Vacyj fx;j yhoj n½ ?k"kZ.k Dyp
730.Which of the following is also known as Puppet head?
A) Headstock B) Tailstock C) Tool Post D) None of the mentioned
730.fuez esa ls fdls iisV Hkh dgk tkrk gS\
v½ gsM LVksd c½ VsyLVksd l½ Vwy iksLV n½ mYysf[kr esa ls dksbZ ugha
731.Which of the following part of lath move in a direction normal to the axis
of spindle?
A) Cross Slide B) Saddle C) Compound rest D) None of the mentioned
731.ysFk dk fuez esa ls dkSu lk Hkkx fLi.My dh /kqjh ls lkekU; fn’kk esa ?kwerk gS\
v½ ØkWl LykbM c½ lsMy
l½ daikmaM jsLV n½ mYysf[kr esa ls dksbZ ugha
732.The tail stock set over required to turn a taper on the entire length of a
work piece having diameters D and d is
A) D-d/2L B) D- d/L C)D- d/2 D) D-d
732.D vkSj d O;kl okys dk;Z ds VqdM+s dh iwjh yackbZ ij Vsij dks ?kqekus ds fy, vko’;d Vsy LVkWd
lsV vksoj gS\
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v½ D-d/2L c½ D-d/L l½ D-d/2 n½ D-d

733.For turning internal tapers the suitable method is.
A) by a form tool B) by setting over the tail stock
C) by a taper turning attachment D) none of the mentioned
733.Hkhrjh Vsij dks ?kwekus ds fy, mi;qDr i)fr gS\
v½ ,d QkeZ vkStkj }kjk c½ Vsy LVkWd dh lsfVax }kjk
l½ Vsij VfuZax layxzd }kjk n½ mYysf[kr esa ls dksbZ ugha
734.The tail stock set over method of taper turning is preferred for
A) internal tapers B) small tapers C) long slender tapers D) steep taper
734.Vsij VfuZax dh Vsy LVkWd lsV vksoj i)fr blds fy, ojh;rk ikrh gS\
v½ Hkhrjh VsilZ c½ NksVk VsilZ l½ yack iryk VsilZ n½ fNNyk VsilZ
735.In lathe head stock center is called.
A) Dead Center B) Live Center C) Neutral center D) None of these
735.ysFk esa gsM LVkWd lsaVj dgykrk gS\
v½ MsM lsaVj c½ ykbo lsaVj l½ rVLFkk lsaVj n½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha
736.People who work on lathe generally called.
A)Turner B) Miller C) Worker D) None of these
736.ysFk ij dk;Z djus okys yksxksa dks lekU;r;k dgk tkrk gS\
v½ VuZj c½ feyj l½ odZj n½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha
737.The axial advancement in one rotation of the screwed part is known as ------------of the
A) Pitch B) Lead C) Pitch diameter D) Helix


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737.LØwM Hkkx ds ,d ?kw.kZu esa /kzqoh; izxfr FkzsM dh ---------dgykrh gS\

v½ fip c½ yhM l½ fip O;kl n½ हे लिक्श
738.An operation performed for enlarging an existing hole up to only
limited length from its one end.
A) Boring B) Drilling C) Counter-boring D) Counter-sinking
738.,d fo|eku fNnz dks dsoy lhfer yackbZ esa mlds ,d fljs ls c<+kus ds fy, fd;k x;k dk;Z gS \
v½ cksfjax c½ fMªfyax l½ dkmaVj &cksfjax n½ dkmaVj & flafdax
739.The greater the ----------stronger is the tool.
A) Nose radius B) Lip angle C) Clearance angle D) Side cutting edge angle
739.-----------ftruk cM+k gks gS] vkStkj bruk gh etcwr gksrk gS-
v½ ukst jsfM;e c½ fyi dks.k l½ fDy;jsal dks.k n½ ikJZ dVkbZ fljk dks.k
740.In lathe work when the tool is fed parallel to the rotation of job work, it
will produce.
A) Cylindrical surface B) Spherical surface
C) tapered surface D) All of the above
740.ysFk dk;Z es]a tc vkStkjk dks tkWc dk;Z ds ?kweus ds lekukarj j[kk tkrk gS rks ;g nsrk gS -
v½ csyukdkj lrg c½ vaMkdkj lrg l½ frjNk lrg n½ mi;ZqDr lHkh
741.Type of coolant should be used while machining cast iron.
A) Normal Dry air B) Kerosene C) machine oil D) Soft water
741.dkLV yksgs dks e’khu esa yxkrs le; fdl izdkj ds 'khryd dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gS-
v½ lkekU; 'kq"d ok;q c½ fdjklu l½ e’khu rsy n½ e`nq ty
742.The following type of Lathe is operated through Cams and Cam plate.
A) Precision Lathe B) Crankshaft Lathe


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C) Screw cutting Lathe(Automatic) D)Duplicating Lathe

742.dSEl vkSj IysV ds ek/;e ls fuez izdkj ds ysFk pyk;k tkrk gS-
v½ fizfllu ysFk c½ ØSad’kk¶V ysFk l½ LØw dfVax ysFk ¼Lokpfyr½ n½ MwIyhdsfVax ysFk
743.The following part of Lathe serves as housing for the driving pulleys and
back gears
A) Head stock B) Tail stock C) Bed D) Carriage
743.ysFk ds fuez Hkkx Mªkbfoax iqyh vkSj cSd fx;j dks j[kus ds fy, gksrk gS-
v½ gsM LVkWd c½ Vsy LVkWd l½ csM n½ dsfj,t
744.Type of taper used on spindle nose of the lathe head stock
A) Jerno taper B) Brown and sharp taper C) Pin taper D) Morse taper
744.ysFk gsM LVkWd ds fLi.My ukst ij iz;qDr Vsij dk izdkj gS-
v½ t.kksZ Vsij c½ Hkwjk vkSj uqdhyk Vsij l½ fiu Vsij n½ ekslZ Vsij
745.Reduced turning is applicable in case of .
A) Diameterb B) Length C) Diameter and length D) Thickness
745.?kVk;k gqvk ?kqeko bl ekeys esa ykxw gksrk gS
v½ O;kl c½ yackbZ l½ O;kl vkSj yackbZ n½ eksVkbZ
746.Steady rest is also called
A) Head stock B) Center rest C) Chuck D) Tool Rest
746.fLVMh jsLV dks ;g Hkh dgk tkrk gS-
v½ gsM LVkWd c½ lsaVj jLV l½ pd n½ Vwy jsLV
747.Lathe can shape only.
A) Square type jobs B) Cylindrical
C) Rectangular type jobs D) Any shap 747.Lathe can shape only


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747.ysFk vkdkj ns ldrk gS dsoy

v½ oxkZdkj tkWc dks c½ csyukdkj tkWc dks l½ vk;rkdkj tkWc dks n½ fdlh vkdkj dks
748.The lathe is a machine tool used for
A) Shaping the metal B) Threading the metal
C) Facing the metal D) All of these
748. ysFk ,d e’khu vkStkjgS ftldk iz;ksx blds fy, fd;k tkrk gS
v½ /kkrq dks vkdkj nsus c½ /kkrq dks FkszfMax djus l½ /kkrq dks Qsfax djus n½ buesa ls lHkh
749.In lathe the position of tool post is
A) Above the carriage B) Below the carriage
C) Right side of the carriage D) Left side of the carriage
749.ysFk esa vkSktkj iksLV dk LFkku gksrk gS-
v½ dsfj,t ds Åij c½ dsfj,t ds fups l½ dsfj,t ds nk;ha vksj n½ dsfj,t ds ck;ha vksj
750.In lathe operation usually work piece is held in
A) Chuck B) Tail stock C) Carriage D) Head stock
750.ysFk dk;Z esa dk;Z dk VqdM+k vDlj idM+k tkrk gS-
v½ pd esa c½ Vsy LVkWad esa l½ dsfj,t esa n½ gsM LVkWd esa
751.Lathe centre is essentially used for
A) Cutting B) Supporting C) Holding D) All of them
751.ysFk lsaVj dk iz;ksx vko’;d :i ls blds fy, fd;k tkrk gS-
v½ dVkbZ c½ vk/kkj nsus l½ idM+us n½ buesa lHkh
752.What is the function of cone pulley drive in lathe machine?
A) Drive the lead screw B) change the spindle
C) Drive the tail stock D) All of the above


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752.ysFk e’khu esa dksu iwyh Mªkbo dk dk;Z D;k gS-

v½ yhM LØw pykuk c½ fLi.My xfr dks cnyuk l½ Vsy LVkWd dks pykuk n½ mi;qZDr lHkh
753.Which of the following is a mechanism for mechanized movement of
the carriage along longitudinal axis?
A) Cross slide B) Compound rest C) Apron D) Saddle
753.fuez esl
a s dkSu dsfj,t ds yEcor /kqjh ij ;kaf=d xfr djus dk rjhdk gS\
v½ ØkWl LykbM c½ daikmaM jsLv l½ ,izu n½ lSMy
754.In lathe centers maximum frictional force is produced at
A) Live center B) Dead Center C) Neutral axis D) None of these
754.ysFk lsaVj esa vf/kdre ?k"kZ.k cy curk gS-
v½ ykbo lsaVj ij c½ MsM lsaVj ij l½ mnklhu /kqjh ij n½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha
755.The following acts Driving shaft in lathe.
A) Counter shaft B) Spindle shaft C) Lead screw D) None of the above
755.fuezfyf[kr ysFk esa Mªkbfoax 'kk¶V dk de djrk gS-
v½ dkmaVj 'kk¶V c½ fLi.My 'kk¶V l½ yhM LØw n½ mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugha
756.The following is used in magnetic chucks.
A)Electromagnet B) Permanent magnet
C) Both (A) and (B) D) None of the above
756.fuez dk iz;ksx pqEcdh; pDl esa gksrk gS-
v½ fo|qr pqEcd c½ LFkk;h pqEcd l½ nksuksa ¼v½ vkSj ¼c½ n½ mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugha
757.The following is used for holding bored parts for machining their outside surface on
A) Mandrel B) Dogs C) Driving D)Angle plate


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757.fuez dk iz;ksx /kWals Hkkx dks idM+us dsfy, gksrk gS tc ysFk ij muds ckgjh lrg dks e’khu
esa yxk;k tkrk gS-
v½ esaMªksy c½ MkWXl l½ Mªkbfoax IysV n½ ,axy IysV
758.In lathe the gears are used for affecting ---------------in spindle speeds, thereby
facilitating wider range speed.
A) Increase B) Reduction C) Increase or reduction D) None of the above
758.ysFk esa fiNys fx;j dk iz;ksx fLi.My xfr esa -----------izHkkoh djus dsfy, gksrk gS] ftlls xfr dh
cM+h lhek lqyHk gks lds-
v½ o`f) c½ deh l½ o`f) ;k deh n½ mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugha
759.A desired speed of --------------can be obtained by selecting the suitable change gears
having proper number of teeth .
A) Lead screw B) Countershaft C) Spindle D) Feed gear box
759.nkar dh mi;qDr la[;k okys ifjorZu fx;j dk p;u dj ----------dh visf{kr xfr izkIr dh tk
ldrh gS-
v½ yhM LØw c½ dkmaVj ’kk¶V l½ fLi.My n½ QhM fx;j ckWDl
760.The Lathe carriage serves the following purpose of the tool
A) Guiding B) Feeding C) Supporting D) All of the above
760.ysFk dsfj,t vkStkj ds fuez mnn~s’; dks iwjk djrk gS-
v½ xkbfMax c½ QhfMax l½ vk/kkj nsus n½ mi;qZDr lHkh
761.The following is also known as Tool rest.
A) Saddle B) Cross slide C) Compound rest D) Tool post
761.fuez dks Vwy jsLV ds :i esa Hkh tkuk tkrk gS-
v½ lsMy c½ ØkWl LykbM l½ daikmaM jsLV n½ Vwy iksLV
762.The following is used to turn very long job between centers on a lathe.
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A) Steady rest B) Follower rest C) Compound rest D)All of the above

762.fuezfyf[kr dk iz;ksx ysFk ij dsUnzksa ds chp yacs tkWc dks ?kqekus ds fy, gksrk gS
v½ fLVMh jsLV c½ Qksyksoj jsLV l½ daikmaM jsLV n½ mi;qZDr lHkh
763.The following is used to support too flexible job very close to the cutting edge. A)
Steady B) Follower C) Compound rest D) All of the above
763.fuez dk iz;ksx dVkbZ fljs ds cgqr utnhd vf/kd yphys tkWc dks vk/kkj nsus ds fy, fd;k
tkrk gS-
v½ fLVMh jsLV c½ Qksyksoj jsLV l½ daikmaM jsLV n½ mi;qZDr lHk
764.Which of the following attachments can be used on center lathe?
A) Grinding B) Milling C) Copying D) All of the above
764.fuez esa ls fdl layxzd dk iz;ksx lsaVj ysFk ij fd;k tk ldrk gS\
v½ xzkbafMax c½ fefyax l½ dksfibZx n½ mi;qZDr lHkh
765.The following is taper turning method on lathe.
A) Tail stock set-over method B) By swiveling
C) Using a broad nose tool D) All of the above
765.fuezfyf[kr ysFk ij Vsij vfuZax i)fr gS-
v½ Vsy LVkWd lsV&vksoj i)fr c½ daikmaM jsLV dks ?kqekdj
l½ ,d foLr`r ukst Vwy dk iz;ksx dj n½ mi;qZDr lHkh
766.External threads can be produced by means of.
A) Taps B) Dies C) Lathe machine D) All of the above
766.ckgjh FkzsM dks bl ek/;e ls cuk;k tk ldrk gS-
v½ VsIl c½ Mkb l½ ysFk e’khu n½ mi;qZDr lHkh


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767.To cut a screw of 3mm pitch on Lathe machine having same speeds of spindle and lead
screw, the tool should move, parallel to the axis of the work, a distance of -------for very
revolution of the spindle.
A) 1.5mm b B) 3mm C) 4.5mm D) 6mm
767.fLi.My vkSj LØw dh xfr okys ysFk e’khu ij 3eheh fip dk LØw dkVus ds fy,] dk;Z dh /kqjh
के lekukarj fLi.My ds izR;sd ?kw.kZu ds fy,---------dh nwjh rd vkStkj ?kweuk pkfg,A
v½ 1-5eheh c½ 3 eheh l½ 4-5eheh n½ 6 eheh
768.In cutting Right hand threads, the spindle and lead screw rotation in the.
A) Same direction
B) Opposite direction
C) Same of Opposite direction
D) Spindle rotation but lead screw does not rotate
768.nk;ha gkFk FkzsM dVkbZ es]a fLi.My vkSj yhM LØw ?kwerk gS-
v½ leku fn’kk esa c½ foijhr fn’kk esa
l½ leku ;k foijhr fn’kk esa n½ fLi.My ?kwerk gS ysfdu yhM LØw ugha ?kwerk
769.In lathe, form tools are used to produce
A) Cylindrical surfaces
B) Tapered surfaces
C) The surfaces which are neither cylindrical
D) Threads
769.ysFk es]a QkWeZ vkStkj dk iz;ksx ;g cukus ds fy, gksrk gS-
v½ csyukdkj lrg c½ frjN lrg l½ og lrg tks u rks csyukdkj gS u frjNk n½ FkzsM~l
770.Filling on the machined surface is done to.
A) Remove burrs
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B) Finish feed marks

C) To make the sharp corners perfectly square
D) All of the above
770.e’khu lrg ij fQfyax dh tkrh gS-
v½ ?kM?kjkgV gVkus ds fy, c½ QhM fu’kku fQfu’k djus ds fy,
l½ rh[ks dksuksa dks iw.kZ oxZ cukus ds fy, n½ mi;qZDr lHkh
771.A Turret (square) tool post can accommodate -------- tool (S)
A) One B) Two C) Three D) Four
771.,d VqjsV ¼oxZ½ vkStkj iksLV ---------vkStkj gks ldrs gS-
v½ ,d c½ nks l½ rhu n½ pkj
772.In which of the following type of lathe, a square tool post can be provided?
A) Center B) Turret C) Capstan D) All of the above
772.ysFk ds fuez esals fdl izdkj esa ,d oxkZdkj vkStkj iksLV fdn;k tk ldrk gS\
v½ lsaVj c½ VqjsV l½ dSiLVsu n½ mi;qZDr lHkh
773.In which of the following type of lathe lead screw is provided for thread cutting?
A) Center B) Turret C) Capstan D) All of the above
773.ysFk ds fuez fdl izdkj es]a yhM LØw FkszM dVkbZ ds fy, fn;k tkrk gS\
v½ lsaVj c½ VqjsV l½ dSiLVsu n½ mi;qZDr lHkh
773.In which of the following type of lathe very high skill of labour is required? A) Center
B) Turret C) Capstan D) All of the above
774.ysFk ds fuez fdl izdkj es]a etnwjksa dk gcwr mPp Lrj dh n{krk vko’;d gksrh gS \
v½ lsVa j c½ VqjsV l½ dSiLVsu n½ mi;qZDr lHkh
774.Multiple turning head is mainly used on
A) Center lathe B) Turret lathe C) Capstan lathe d) All of the above
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775.fofo/k VfuZx gsM dk iz;ksx eq[;r% fd;k tkrk gS

v½ lsVa j ysFk ij c½ VqjsV ysFk ij l½ dSiLVsu ysFk ij n½ mi;qZDr lHkh
776.Which of the following option best describes the centre lathe?
A)Machining machines B) Shaping machines
C) Turning machines D) None of the above.
776.fuez esa ls dkSu dkSu lk fodYi lsaVj ysFk dh lgh O;k[;k djrk gS\
v½ e’khu dks e’khu esa yxkuk c½ e’khu dks vkdkj nsuk
l½ e’khu dks ?kqekuk n½ mi;qZDr esa ls dksbZ ugha
777.fLoax vksoj dsfj,t D;k gS\
v½ csM csl ds Åij ?kqek;k tkus okyk dk;Z dk vf/kdre O;kl
c½ csM csl ds Åij ?kqek;k tkus okyk dk;Z dk U;wure O;kl
l½ ysFk lsMy ds Åij ?kqek;k tkus okyk dk;Z dk vf/kdre O;kl
n½ ysFk lsMy ds Åij ?kqek;k tkus okyk dk;Z dk U;wure O;kl
778.Calculate time taken to face a work piece of 100mm diameter. The cross feed is 0.2
mm/rev and spindle speed is 200 r.p.m.
A) 10min B) 5min C) 2.5min D) 1.25min
778.100eheh O;kl ds ,d dk;Z ds VqdM+s ds fy, fy;k tkus okyk le; crk,aA ØkWl QhM
0-2 eheh@rev vkSj fLi.My xfr 200rpm
v½ 10feu c½ 5feu l½ 2-5feu n½ 1-25 feu
779.Which of the following material is commonly used for marking, locating and clamping
device in fixtures?
A) High carbon steel B) Low carbon steel C) High speed steel D) Die steel


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779.fuez esa ls fdl inkFkZ dk lkekU; iz;ksx fQDlpj esa fu’kku djus] fu;rdjus vkSj dlus ds लिए
gksrk gS\
v½ mPp dkcZu bLikr c½ fuez dkcZu bLikr l½ mPp xfr bLikr n½ Mkb bLikr
780.The built up edge in cutting tools can be eliminated by
A) Fast cutting speed B) Higher rake angle
C) High pressure cutting D) All of above
780.dVkbZ vkStkj esa fljs dh cukoV blls gVkbZ tk ldrh gS-
v½ rst dVkbZ xfr c½ mPp jsd dks.k l½ mPp nckc dVkbZ nzO; n½ mi;qZDr lHkh
781.Which of the following cutting tool has highest hot hardness
A) Ceramics B) Cast alloys C) High Speed steel D) Carbon tool steel
781.fuez esa ls fdl dVkbZ vkStkj dh xehZ dBksjrk mPpre gksrh gS-
v½ lsjkfeDl c½ dkLV feJ /kkrq l½ mPp xfr bLikr n½ dkcZu vkStkj bLikr
782.hich of the following cutting condition greatly affects the tool wear?
A) Cutting speed B) Feed C) Depth of cut D) None of above
782.fuez esa ls fdl dVkbZ fLFkfr dk vlj vkStkj Vwy ij vf/kd iM+rk gS\
v½ dVkbZ xfr c½ QhM l½ dkV dh xgjkbZ n½ mi;qZDr es ls dksbZ ugha
783.The process of beveling sharp ends of a work piece is called .
A) Knurling B) Grooving C) Facing D) Chamfering;Z ds ,d VqdM+s ds uqdhys fljs dh >qdko dh izfØ;k dgykrh gS-
v½ ufyZx c½ xzqfoax l½ Qsflax n½ 'ksaQsfjax
784.The function of taper turning process is to .
A) Reduce the diameter of work piece along its length
B) Reduce the diameter by removing material about on axis oddest from axis of work piece
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C) Remove the material from end surface of a work piece

D) All of above
784.Vsij VfuZx izfØ;k dk dk;Z gS-
v½ dk;Z ds VqdM+s ds O;kl dh yackbZ esa de djuk
c½ dk;Z ds VqdM+s dh /kqjh ls /kqjh vkWQlsV ij lkexzh gVkdj O;kl dks de dju
l½ dk;Z ds VqdM+s ds vafre lrg ls lkexzh gVkuk
n½ mi;qZDr lHkh
785.The foundation of the center lathe is called as
A) Carriage B) Tray C) Base D) Bed
785.lsaVj ysFk dk vk/kkj dgykrk gS
v½ dsfj,t c½ Vsª l½ csl n½ csM
786.The center lathe receives their power through
A) Head stock B) Tail stock C) Both (A) and (B) D) None of the above
786.lsaVj ysFk viuh ÅtkZ blls ikrk gS-
v½ gsM LVkWd c½ Vsy LVkWd l½ nksuksa ¼v½ vkSj ¼c½ n½ mi;qZDr esals dksbZ ugha
787.n metal cutting operation discontinuous chips are produced while machining A) Brittle
material B) Ductile material C) Hard material D) Soft material
787./kkrq dVkbZ dk;Z esa vfujarj fpIl curk gS tc e’khu esa yxk;k tkrk gS-
v½ Hkaxqj inkFkZ c½ ukeuh; inkFkZ l½ dBksj inkFkZ n½ ueZ inkFkZ
788.In metal cutting operations continuous chips are produced while machining A) Brittle
Material B) Ductile C) Hard material D) Soft material
788./kkrq dVkbZ dk;Z esa fujarj fpIl curk gS tc e’khu esa yxk;k tkrk gS-
v½ Hkaxqj inkFkZ c½ ukeuh; inkFkZ l½ dBksj inkFkZ n½ ueZ inkFkZ
788.Material having highest cutting speed is
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A) Aluminum B) Bronze C) Cast iron D) High carbon steel

789.mPpre dVkbZ xfr okyk inkFkZ gS-
v½ vY;qehfu;e c½ dkalk l½ dkLV yksgk n½ mPp dkcZu bLikr


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790.A jib is provided between the top slide and the swivel base assembly of the

compound slide. Its purpose is to

(a) Allowing dismantling the top slide easily

(b) Eliminate the backlash of the screw and the nut in the assembly

(c) Adjust the slackness developed due to wear

(d) Permit flow of the lubricant between the sliding surfaces

.एक शीष जब और वस बे
स असबली के
बीच एक जब दान कया जाता है
यौ गक लाइड इसका उ ेय है

(ए) आसानी से
शीष लाइड को न करने
क अनु

(बी) असबली म पच और अखरोट के

backlash को हटा द

(सी) पहनने
केकारण वक सत slackness समायो जत कर

(डी) लाइ डग सतह के

बीच ने
हक के
पर मट वाह

791.One of the parts of a centre lathe is tumbler gear unit. It is provided to

(a) Change the direction of feed

(b) Transmit motion from feed shaft to the carriage

(c) Change the direction of rotation of the work

(d) Alter the spindle speed

. क खराद के
कुछ ह स म टबलर गयर इकाई है
। यह दान कया जाता है

(ए) फ़ ड क दशा बदल (बी) फ़ ड शा ट से

गाड़ी म ग त े
षत कर

(सी) काम के
घूणन क दशा बदल (डी) धु
र ी क ग त को बदल

792.The graduations are marked at the base of the tailstock. To offset the body these

graduations are given in

(a) Degrees (b) Taper per foot

(c) mm (d) Radians

. नातक tailstock के
आधार पर च त ह।इन शरीर को ऑफसे
ट करने
केलए नातक म दया जाता है
(ए) ड ी (बी) टे
पर त फु

(सी) ममी (डी) रे


793The capacity of a lathe is expressed as

(a) Horsepower and chuck diameter (b) Swing and distance between centres

(c) Bed length and spindle speed (d) Tool post size and lathe trav

खराद क मता के प म कया जाता है

(ए) हॉस पावर और चक ास (बी) क के

बीच वं
ग और री

(सी) ब तर क लं
बाई और धु
री ग त (डी) उपकरण पो ट आकार और खराद या ा

794.The carriage of a lathe travels along which axis?

(a) "B" axis (b) "Z" axis

(c) "Y" axis (d)"X"axis

. खराद क कै
रज कस धु
र ी के
साथ या ा करती है

(ए) "बी" अ ड" धु

(बी) "जे री

(सी) "वाई" धु
री (डी) "ए स" धु

795. The basic turning lathe is

(a) Turret lathe (b) Automatic lathe

(c) Engine lathe (d) Swiss lathe

नयाद मोड़ खराद है

(ए) बु
ज खराद (बी) वचा लत खराद

(सी) इं
जन खराद (डी) वस खराद

796. Which one of the following is used to hold cylindrical rough casting for turning?

(a) Three-jaw chuck (b) Four-jaw chuck

(c) Collet chuck (d) Magnetic chuck

. मोड़ने
केलए बे
लनाकार मोटा का टं
ग रखने
केलए न न ल खत म से
कौन सा उपयोग कया जाता है

(ए) तीन-जबड़े
चक (बी) चार-जबड़े

(सी) कोले
ट चक (डी) चु

ंक य चक
797. Which one of the following centres is suitable while cutting taper by set over


(a) Plain centre (b) Half centre

(c) Ball centre (d) Revolving centre

. से
ट अप ारा टडर काटने
केदौरान न न ल खत म से
कौन सा क उपयु तरीका है

(ए) सादा क (बी) आधा क

(सी) बॉल सटर (डी) घू

वाला क

798. Which one of the following is used to hold the workpiece for machining diameter

concentric to its hole / bore?

(a) Face plate (b) Mandrel

(c) Three-jaw chuck (d) Four-jaw chuck

. मशी नग ास केलए वकपीस को पकड़ने

केलए न न ल खत म से
कौन सा उपयोग कया जाता है

छेद / बोर केलए क त?

(ए) फे
स ले
ट (बी) म ाल

(सी) तीन-जबड़े
चक (डी) चार-जबड़े

799. Which among the following centres is suitable when workpiece held between

centres is to be turned at high speed?

(a) Ball centre (b) Half centre

(c) Pipe centre (d) Revolving centre

. काय ेके
बीच आयो जत होने
वालेन न ल खत क म से
कौन सा उपयु है

क को उ च ग त पर चालूकया जाना है

(ए) बॉल सटर (बी) आधा क

(सी) पाइप क (डी) घू

णन क

800. च पग करते
समय यान रखे
A. क टग एज पर
B. छे
नी के
ड पर
C. बच वाईस पर
D. उपरो मे
सेकोई नह
801 बजली क आग बुझाने
केलए न न मे सेकौन से
अ नसामक का योग नह कया जाना चा हये?
A. शु
क पॉउडर अ नशामक
B. कॉबन डाई ऑ साइड अ नशामक
C.फोम फायर अ नशामक
D. है
लन अ नशामक
802. न न मे
सेकौन सा फायर अ नशामक पीतल का बना
होता है
A. CO2
B. ाई अ नशामक
C. C.T.C.अ नशामक
D. फोम फायर अ नशामक
803. ेड रग गे
ज का उपयोग बाहरी धागे क जांच म कया
जाता है
। अलग ' गो ' और 'नो गो' गे
जग सद य दान कए
जातेह। न न ू े ड त व म से कौन सा रग गे
ज केसाथ
क नह कया गया है ।
Thread ring gauge are used check external
threads. Saparate 'GO' And 'NO GO' gauging
member are provided. Which one of the
following screw Thread element is not checked
with the ring gauge.
A. Pitch
B. Helix angle / Width of creust
C. Profile
D. Pitch diameter
804. 10,000 माइ ोन कस के
बराबर होता है
A. 0.1
B. 1.00
C. 10mm
D. 100mm
805. "वी" लाक का साइज लया जाता है
A. वी व
कोण से
B. ल बाई se
C. आकृ
त से
D. ल बाई X चौड़ाई X ऊं
806. ट ल क सतह को कसके ारा फ न शग कया जाता
हैजससे उसमेजं
ग ना लग सके
और चमक भी न कम हो सके
A. पीतल
B. ए यु
मी नयम
C. माइ ड ट ल
D.से ोम
807. इं
जी नयस वायर क प रशुता होती है
A 0.001 mm / 10mm
B 0.002 mm / 100mm
C 0.002 mm / 10mm
D 0.02 mm / 10mm

808.Which one of the following tool posts is easy for setting the tool centre height of

the tool in a lathe?

(a) Open side tool post (b) Single screw tool post

(c) Four-way tool post (d) Universal tool post

808. टू
ल सटर क ऊं
चाई को से
ट करने
केलए न न म से
कौन सा टू
ल पो ट आसान है

एक खराद म उपकरण?

(ए) ओपन साइड टू

ल पो ट (बी) सगल ू
ल पो ट

(सी) चार-तरफा उपकरण पो ट (डी) यू

नवसल टू
ल पो ट

809.Which one of the following methods is used to press the mandrel squarely to the


(a) By hammering (b) By arbor press

(c) By tailstock (d) By vice

809. न न ल खत म से
कौन सी व धय का उपयोग मं
डल को वा यरली पर दबाए रखने
केलए कया जाता है

(ए) हथौड़ा से (बी) आबर े

स ारा

(सी) tailstock ारा (डी) वाईस ारा

810.Tool maker's buttons are used for

(a) Aligning the workpiece for boring to a given datum

(b) Setting the tool at correct centre height

(c) Adjusting the slackness in the guideways of cross-slide

(d) Holding the workpiece firmly

810.Tool नमाता के
बटन केलए उपयोग कया जाता है
(ए) कसी दए गए डाटाम को उबाऊ करने
केलए वकपीस को सं
खत करना

(बी) उपकरण को सही क ऊं

चाई पर से
ट करना

(सी) ॉस- लाइड के

म ढ लापन समायो जत करना

(डी) वकपीस को मजबू

ती से

811.Which among the following statements is NOT correct?

(a) A faceplate is similar to the magnetic chuck.

(b) For accurate setting of the job on the faceplate, dial test indicator is used.

(c) To check the balance of the faceplate work, spindle drive should be


(d) 'V’ block is essential for holding round job on faceplate

811. न न ल खत म से
कौन सा कथन सही नह है

(ए) एक फे
स ले
ट चु

ंक य चक के
समान है

(बी) फे
स ले
ट पर नौकरी क सट क से
टग केलए, डायल टे
ट इं
टर का उपयोग कया जाता है

(सी) फे
स ले
ट काम के
लन क जां
च करने
केलए, पं
डल ाइव होना चा हए

ड कने
ट कया गया।

(डी) फे
स ले
ट पर गोल नौकरी रखने
केलए 'वी' लॉ क आव यक है

812.‘V’ groves of cast iron pulley have to be fine turned. Which one of the following

work holding methods gives the highest concentricity?

(a) Holding between a four-jaw chuck and a revolving centre.

(b) Holding between a three-jaw chuck and supporting with a pipe centre.

(c) Holding on a split mandrel and machining between centres.

(d) Holding on cone mandrel and machining between centres.

812. 'वी' का ट आयरन चरखी केव

ूठ क हो जाना चा हए। न न ल खत म से
कौन सा है

जो काम हो डं
ग व धय मे
उ चतम सांता दे
ता है

(ए) चार-जबड़े
चक और घू
क के
बीच हो डं
(बी) एक तीन-जबड़े
चक और एक पाइप क के
साथ समथन के
बीच हो डं

(सी) क के
बीच एक वभा जत मं
डल और मशी नग पर हो डं

(डी) क के
बीच शं
डल और मशी नग पर हो डं

813.The matching scroll threads on the back faces of the chuck jaws of a concentric

chuck are

(a) Equal in numbers but unequal in pitch.

(b) Unequal in numbers but equal in pitch.

(c) Unequal in numbers and unequal in pitch.

(d) Equal in numbers and equal in pitch.

813. एक सांक चक जबड़े

पर मलान ॉल धागे

चक ह ?

(ए) संया म समान ले

कन पच म असमान।

(बी) संया म असमान ले

कन पच म बराबर।

(सी) संया म असमान और पच म असमान।

(डी) संया म बराबर और पच म बराबर।

814 . What effective change will occur to the tool geometry if the cutting tool is setbelow the
centre height on lathe?

(a) Front clearance angle increases (b) Front clearance angle decreases

(c) Front clearance angle remains the same (d) Front clearance angle becomes zero

814. काटने
का उपकरण से
ट होने
पर उपकरण या म त म या भावी प रवतन होगाखराद पर क ऊं
चाई के

(ए) ं
ट ली यरस कोण बढ़ता है (बी) ं
ट ली यरस कोण कम हो जाता है

(सी) ं
ट ली यरस कोण वही रहता है(डी) ं
ट ली यरस कोण शू
य हो जाता है

815. Which among the following statements in respect of chasers is correct ?

(a) Chaser is a single point cutting tool

(b) Cutting threads by a chaser is slower process than that by a single point tool
(c) Cutting threads by chaser gives better finish

(d) The same chaser can be used for cutting any pitch of thread irrespective ofthe type of
chaser used

815. चाजस के
ध म न न ल खत म से
कौन सा कथन सही है

(ए) चे
ज़र एक ब ब काटने
का उपकरण है

(बी) एक चे
ज़र ारा े
ड काटना एक ब ब से
इसक तु
लना म धीमी या है
(सी) चे
ज़र ारा धागे
काटना बे
हतर ख म
ता है

(डी) एक ही चे
ज़र का उपयोग कसी भी कार के
को काटने
केलए कया जा सकता है
इ ते
म ाल कए गए चे
ज़र का

816.Which among the following statements in respect of the lathe cutting tools is correct ?

(a) Red hotness temperature is higher for high carbon steel tool than that ofcarbide tool

(b) The property of tool chipping off with vibration is more for cemented carbidetools than that
of HSS tools

(c) Ceramic tool has more resistance to shock as compared to HSS tool

(d) HSS tool can work at more spindle speed and feed than cemented carbidetool

816. खराद काटना उपकरण के

ध म न न ल खत बयान म से
कौन सा है
सही बात ?

(ए) लाल काबन ट ल उपकरण के

लाल गम का तापमान अ धक है
काबाइड उपकरण

(बी) कं
पन के
साथ चपकने
वाली उपकरण क सं
प सीमटे
ड काबाइड केलए अ धक है
एचएसएस उपकरण क तु
लना म

(सी) एचएसएस उपकरण क तु

लना म सरे
मक उपकरण म सदमे
केलए अ धक तरोध है

(डी) एचएसएस उपकरण अ धक प डल ग त और सीमट काबाइड क तु

लना म फ़ ड पर काम कर सकता है

817. In the parting off tool which angle will help the tool to penetrate into the workwithout
rubbing at the sides ?

(a) Top rake angle (b) Front clearance angle

(c) Side clearance angle (d) Back clearance angle

817. भागने
उपकरण म कोण कोण को काम म वे
श करने
म मदद करे
गा कनार पर रगड़ने

(ए) शीष रे
क कोण (बी) ं
ट ली यरस कोण

(सी) साइड ली यरस कोण (डी) बै

क ली यरस कोण
818.Helix angle is found on

(a) feed rod of lathe (b) threading tool

(c) threaded workpiece (d) taper turning attachment

818. हे
ली स कोण पर पाया जाता है

(ए) खराद (बी) े

डग उपकरण क फ़ ड रॉड

(सी) े
ड वकपीस (डी) टडर मोड़ लगाव

819. The width of the tool used to cut 10 mm pitch square thread is

(a) 10 mm (b)7.5mm

(c) 5 mm (d) 2.5 mm

819. 10 ममी पच वग धागा काटने

केलए इ ते
म ाल उपकरण क चौड़ाई है

(ए) 10 ममी (बी) 7.5 ममी

(सी) 5 ममी (डी) 2.5 ममी

820. Which one of the following factors will NOT influence the selection of the cuttingspeed ?

(a) Diameter of the workpiece (b) Workpiece material

(c) Tool material (d) Operation to be performed

820. न न ल खत म से
कौन सा कारक काटने
केचयन को भा वत नह करे
गाग त?

(ए) वकपीस का ास (बी) वकपीस साम ी (सी) उपकरण साम ी (डी) दशन करने
केलए ऑपरे

821. Which one of the following angles of rough turning tool, depends upon the feedrate chosen

(a) Top rake angle (b) Side rake angle (c) Front clearance angle (d) Side clearance angle

821. कसी न कसी मोड़ने

उपकरण केन न ल खत कोण म से
कौन सा फ़ ड पर नभर करता है
दर चु
ना गया?

(ए) शीष रे
क कोण (बी) साइड रे
क कोण (सी) ं
ट ली यरस कोण (डी) साइड ली यरस कोण

822.Taps are surface treated to

(a) improve the appearance

(b) improve the wear resistance property

(c) prevent them from getting corroded

(d) be used only on automatic threading machines

822। टै
स सतह से
इलाज कर रहे

(ए) उप थ त म सु

(बी) पहनने तरोध सं

प म सु

(सी) उ ह खराब होने


(डी) के
वल वचा लत े
डग मशीन पर इ ते
म ाल कया जाना चा हए

823.To enable a nut to fit properly on a bolt of square threads, the width of the internal

square threading tool should be

a) slightly more than the half pitch (b) slightly less than the half pitch

(c) equal to the half pitch (d) equal to the pitch

823. चौकोर धागे

क बो ट पर, ठ क सेफट करने
केलए अखरोट को स म करने

वग धागा उपकरण होना चा हए

(ए) आधेपच से
थोड़ा अ धक (बी) आधा पच से
थोड़ा कम

(सी) पच के
बराबर आधेपच (डी) के

824. The tip of a cemented carbide tool is joined on the shank by

(a) welding (b) brazing

(c) soldering (d) clamping with a screw

824. एक सीमट काबाइड उपकरण क नोक शं

कुपर शा मल हो गई है

(ए) वेडं
ग (बी) े

(सी) सो ड रग (डी) एक पच के
साथ clamping

825. Which one of the following materials for lathe cutting tools can be forged to any

desired shape ?

(a) High speed steel (b) High carbon steel

(c) Stellite (d) Tungsten carbide

825. खराद काटने
केउपकरण केलए न न ल खत म से
कौन सी साम ी कसी केलए जाली जा सकती है

छत आकार?

(ए) हाई पीड ट ल (बी) उ च काबन ट ल

(सी) उप ह (डी) टं
ग टन काबाइड

826.A brass shaft is to be turned to a surface roughness Ra = 0.8, with high cutting

speed. Which one of the following cutting tool materials is most suitable ?

(a) High speed steel (b) High carbon steel

(c) Low alloy steel (d) Cemented carbide

826. एक पीतल शा ट को उ च काटने

केसाथ एक सतह खु
रदरापन Ra = 0.8 म बदलना है

ग त। न न ल खत म से
कौन सा काटने
क साम ी साम ी सबसे
उपयु है

(ए) हाई पीड ट ल (बी) उ च काबन ट ल

(सी) कम म धातु
इ पात (डी) सीमट काबाइड

827.Which one of the following statements is true with reference to the tool life ?

(a) Time between starting and finishing a job

(b) Total time for turning work including regrinding of tool

(c) Time between two successive regrinds

(d) Time between starting of metal cutting and tool wear out

827. टू
ल जीवन के
संदभ म न न ल खत म से
कौन सा कथन स य है

(ए) नौकरी शु करने

और ख म करने
केबीच का समय

(बी) उपकरण के
regrinding स हत काम मोड़ने
केलए कु
ल समय

(सी) दो लगातार regrinds के

बीच का समय

(डी) धातु
और उपकरण पहनने
केबीच का समय बाहर पहनना

828.A carbide tipped tool with blue marking is used on a lathe. Which one of the

following materials can be machined with this tool ?

(a) Brass (b) Steel

(c) Plastic (d) Grey cast iron

828. नीली अं
कन के
साथ एक काबाइड टप टू
ल का उपयोग खराद पर कया जाता है
। इनम से
कौन सा

न न ल खत उपकरण इस उपकरण के
साथ machined कया जा सकता है

(ए) पीतल (बी) ट ल

(सी) ला टक (डी) े
का ट आयरन

829.Hand chasers are used for

(a) quick production of threads

(b) cutting threads on soft metal directly

(c) rectifying threads cut on steel rods which are distorted

(d) rectifying crest and root of threads formed by single point tool

829. हड चाजस का उपयोग कया जाता है

(ए) धागे
का व रत उ पादन

(बी) सीधे
नरम धातु
पर धागे

(सी) ट ल छड़ पर कटौती धागे

धार जो वकृ

(डी) सगल वाइं

ट टू
ल ारा बनाए गए धागे
क ट और ट को सु

830. Which one of the following is the correct position of threading tool to cut V-thread?

(a) Exactly at centre height of the workpiece with toolaxis perpendicular to the

workpiece axis

(b) Exactly at centre height of the workpiece with toolaxis at 60° to the workpiece


(c)Exactly at centre height of the workpiece with toolaxis at 45° to the workpiece axis

(d) Exactly at centre height of the workpiece with toolaxis at 30° to the workpiece


830. वी- े
ड को काटने
केलए न न ल खत म से
कौन सा े
डग टू
ल क सही थ त है

(ए) वकपीस क क ऊं
चाई पर औपचा रक प से
लैसस के
वकपीस अ

(बी) वकपीस के
साथ 60 ड ी पर टू
लए सस के
साथ वकपीस क क ऊं
चाई पर ब कु

ए सस

(सी) वकपीस के
साथ 45 ड ी पर टू
लए सस के
साथ वकपीस क क ऊं
चाई पर ब कु

ए सस

(डी) वकपीस के
साथ 30 ड ी पर टू
लए सस के
साथ वकपीस क क ऊं
चाई पर ब कु

ए सस

831. Which among the following statements is suitable to get better finish by turning ?

(a) Increase the speed and feed

(b) Reduce the speed and feed

(c) Increase the speed and reduce the feed

(d) Increase the feed and reduce the speed

831. न न ल खत बयान म से
कौन सा मोड़ बदलकर बे
हतर ख म करने
केलए उपयु है

(ए) ग त और फ़ ड बढ़ाएं

(बी) ग त और फ़ ड कम कर

(सी) ग त बढ़ाएं
और फ़ ड को कम कर

(डी) फ़ ड बढ़ाएं
और ग त को कम कर

832) The angle formed by the leading edge of tha land with a plane having the drill is known

(a) Halix angle or raje angle (b) Point angle

(c) lip clearance angle (d) chsel edge angle

(e) chisel edge angle

833) For harder materials, the point angle of drill is

(a) increased (b) decreased

(c) point angle has nothing to do with type of material

(d) kept at 118° (e) none of above.807. एं

गल ले
ट का
साइज लया जाता है
A. ल बाई से
B. चौड़ाई से
C. ऊं
चाई से
D. नं
बरो से
834) For softer material the point angle of drill is

(a) increased (b) decreased

(c) point angle has nothing to do with type of material

(d) kept at 118° (e) none of above.

835) For ferrous materiyals, the helix angle of drill is taken as

(a) 30° (b) 45°

(c) 60° (d) 90°

(e) none of the above.

836) Optimum rake angle of a tool is a function of

(a) cutting speed

(b) cutting tool material

(c) propeties of work material

(d) cutting conditions,i.e. dry or lubricant

837) The recommended velue of rake angle for machining aluminium with diamond tool is

(a) 0° (b) 5°

(c) 15° (d) 25°

(e) 35°
838) The recommended value of rake angle for machining aluminium with high speed steel tool

(a) 0° (b) 5°

(c) 15° (d) 25°

(e) 35°

839) The recommended value of rake angle for machining aluminium with cemented carbide
tool is

(a) 0° (b) 5°

(c) 15° (d) 25°

(e) 35°

840) The normal back rake angle of carbide single point cutting tool for machining aluminium is
of tha order of

(a) -5° (b) 0 to 5°

(c) 0 to 10° (d) 25°

(d) 35°

841) The angle between the face of tool, and the line tangent of the machined surface at tha
cutting point is known as

(a) rake angle (b) lip angle

(c) clearance angle (d) cutting angle

(d) nose angle

842 .माइ ोमीटर, कै

लपर, डायल सं
तक क सट कता को एक ारा चे
क कया जा सकता है

The accuracy of micrometers, calipers, dial indicators can be checked by a

A. feeler gauge

B. slip gauge

C. ring gauge

D. plug gauge

843. रीमर का उपयोग कस होल को प रशु साइज मे

यार करने
केलए कया जाता है
Reamer is used to prepare the hole in perfect size.

A. पहले
से ल कये
गयेहोल को / The already drilled hole

B. ल के ारा फ नश कये
होल / Hole finishes by drill

C. बो रग कये
होल को / To the boring hole

D. इनमे
सेकोई नह / None of these

844.रीमर को होल से
बाहर कै

How to remove Reamer out of the hole.

A. By pulling it out without turning. / बना मोड़ के

बाहर ख चकर।

B. By pulling and turning in the cutting direction. / काटने

क दशा म ख चकर और मोड़ कर।

C. By pulling and turning in against the cutting direction. / काटने

क दशा केखलाफ ख चकर और मोड़

D. By pulling and turning to and fro./ ख चकर और मोड़कर।

845. ट नग सेा त रफने

स वेयू

Is the refund value obtained from turning?

A. N 12

B. N 8

C. N 6

D. N 0

846. Which one of the following is not a part of the centre lathe?

(a) Saddle

(b) Feed rod


(d) Lead screw

846. न न ल खत म से
कौन सा क खराद का ह सा नह है
(ए) सै

(बी) फ़ ड रॉड

(ग) आबर

(डी) लीड ू

847. The headstock of a lathe is situated at the

(a) Right-hand end of the lathe bed

(b) Left-hand end of the lathe bed

(c) Middle of the lathe bed

(d) Bottom of the lathe bed

847. एक खराद का हे
ड टॉक पर थत है

(ए) खराद ब तर का दायां


(बी) खराद ब तर के
हाथ के

(सी) खराद ब तर के

(डी) खराद ब तर के

848. The horizontal feed, cross feed and screw cutting movement
in a lathe is controlled by

(a) Headstock


(c) Cross-slide

(d) Apron
848 ै तज फ़ ड, ॉस फ ड और एक खराद म पच काटने
का आं
दोलन नयंत
होता है
(ए) हे
ड टॉक

(ख) Tailstock

(सी) ॉस- लाइड

(डी) ए न

849. A face plate is held at

(a) Headstock spindle

(b) Tailstock

(c) Tool post

(d) Bed

849 एक चे
क ले
ट पर आयो जत कया जाता है

(ए) हे
ड टॉक धु

(बी) टे
ल टॉक

(सी) उपकरण पो ट

(डी) ब तर

850. Tumbler gear quadrant is used for

(a) Increasing the speed of the spindle

(b) Decreasing the speed of the spindle

(c) Changing the direction of rotation of the lead screw

(d) Changing the direction of the spindle

850. ट बलर गयर वा ं

ट का उपयोग कया जाता है

(ए) धु
री क ग त म वृ

(बी) धु
री क ग त को कम करना

(सी) लीड ू
णन क दशा बदलना

(डी) धु
री क दशा बदलना

851. In a gap bed lathe, the gap is provided

(a) Just below the nose of the headstock spindle

(b) Just below the spindle of the tailstock

(c) In the middle of the bed

(d) Anywhere in the bed

851. एक अं
तराल ब तर खराद म, अं
तर दान कया जाता है

(ए) हे
ड टॉक धु
री के
नाक के
ठ क नीचे

(बी) tailstock क धु
री के

(सी) ब तर के
बीच म

(डी) ब तर म कह भी

852. While drilling in lathe, the drill is held in the

(a) Headstock

(b) Tailstock

(c) Compound rest

(d) Bed

852. खराद म लग करते

समय, ल म आयो जत कया जाता है

(ए) हे
ड टॉक

(बी) टे
ल टॉक

(सी) कं
ड आराम

(डी) ब तर

853. Back-gear mechanism is provided in cone pulley headstock


(a) Reduce the speed of spindle

(b) Increase the speed of spindle

(c) Reverse the speed of spindle

(d) Transmit power from spindle gear to stud gear

853 शं
कुचरखी हे
ड टॉक म बै
क- गयर तं दान कया जाता है

(ए) धु
री क ग त कम कर

(बी) धु
री क ग त बढ़ाएं

(सी) धु
री क ग त को उलट द

(डी) पं
डल गयर सेटड गयर तक बजली े
षत कर

854. Lathe bed is made of

(a) Mild steel

(b) Cast iron

(c) High carbon steel

(d) High alloy steel

854. खराद ब तर से
बना है

(ए) ह केट ल

(बी) लौह का ट

(सी) उ च काबन ट ल

(डी) उ च म धातु
इ पात

855. To prevent lathe bed guideways from damaging by chuck

while mounting

(a) Take the help of the supervisor

(b) Support it with screw jack

(c) Lift it with hand crane

(d) Place a wooden piece on the guideways

855. बढ़ते
समय चक ारा हा नकारक से
खराद ब तर गाइड को रोकने

(ए) पयवेक क मदद ले


(बी) ू
जैक के
साथ इसका समथन कर

(सी) इसे
हाथ े
न के
साथ उठाओ

(डी) गाइडवे
पर लकड़ी के

856. The sliding surfaces of the lathe bed are

(a)Flame hardened
(b) Case hardened

(c) Normalised

(d) Tempered

856. खराद ब तर क लाइ डग सतह ह

(ए) लौ कठोर

(बी) मामला कठोर

(सी) सामा यीकृ

(डी) टे

857. Which one of the following on a lathe is used to give depth of


(a) Compound slide

(b) Top slide

(c) By adjusting the tool

(d) Cross slide

857. कटौती क गहराई दे

केलए खराद पर न न ल खत म से
कौन सा उपयोग
कया जाता है?

(ए) कं
ड लाइड

(बी) शीष लाइड

(सी) उपकरण को समायो जत करके

(डी) ॉस लाइड
858. A tumbler gear unit consists of

(a) One gear

(b) Two gears

(c) Three gears

(d) Four gears

858. एक ट बलर गयर इकाई म शा मल ह

(ए) एक गयर

(बी) दो गीयर

(सी) तीन गीयर

(डी) चार गीयर

859. The lathe bed has

(a) One set of 'V guideways and flatways

(b) Two sets of 'V guideways and flatways

(c) Three sets of 'V guideways and flatways

(d) Four sets of 'V guideways and flatways

859. खराद ब तर है

(ए) 'वी गाइडवे

और लै
का एक से

(बी) 'वी गाइडवे

और लै
केदो से

(सी) 'वी गाइडवे

और लै
केतीन से

(डी) 'वी गाइडवे

और लै
केचार से

860. The cross-slide in a lathe moves

(a) Parallel to the axis of rotation

(b) At any angle to the axis of rotation

(c) Perpendicular to the axis of rotation

(d) Either 'a' or 'b'

860. खराद म ॉस- लाइड चलता है

(ए) घू
णन क धु
री के

(बी) घू
णन क धु
री केकसी भी कोण पर

(सी) रोटे
शन क धु
री के

(डी) या तो 'ए' या 'बी'

861. The carriage in a lathe moves

(a) Parallel to the axis of rotation

(b) At any angle to the axis of rotation

(c) Perpendicular to the axis of rotation

(d) Either 'a' or 'b'

861. एक खराद म गाड़ी चलाता है

(ए) घू
णन क धु
री के

(बी) घू
णन क धु
री केकसी भी कोण पर

(सी) रोटे
शन क धु
री के
(डी) या तो 'ए' या 'बी'

862. Which among the following parts of a lathe should have high
compressive strength?

(a) Bed

(b) Main spindle

(c) Lead screw

(d) Sliding gears in headstock

862. खराद केन न ल खत भाग म से

कौन सा उ च सं
पीड़न श होनी चा हए?

(ए) ब तर

(बी) मुय धु

(सी) लीड ू

(डी) हे
ड टॉक म गयर लाइ डग

863. The compound slide swivel base is set at 45° to the centre
line of lathe. The degree of the reading at the cross slide index will

(a) 135°

(b) 90°

(c) 45°

(d) 30°

863. यौ गक लाइड ववे

ल बे
स 45 ड ी पर खराद क क रे
खा पर से
ट है
। ॉस
लाइड इं
डेस पर पढ़ने
क ड ी होगी
(ए) 135 ड ी

(बी) 90 ड ी

(सी) 45 ड ी

(डी) 30 ड ी

864. The special gear of 127 teeth or 63 teeth may be used to cut
metric threads in a lathe having British lead screw. It is known as

(a) Idler gear

(b) Change gear

(c) Translating gear

(d) Compound gear

864. 127 दां

त या 63 दां
त केवशे
ष गयर का उपयोग टश लीड ू वालेखराद
म मी क धागेको काटने केलए कया जा सकता है
। इसे
यह भी कहा जाता है
(ए) इडलर गयर

(बी) गयर बदल

(सी) गयर का अनु


(डी) कं
ड गयर

865. Which one of the following statements is true with respect to

the half nut?

(a) It is detachable part of the saddle

(b) It is an integral part of the saddle

(c) It is an integral part of the apron

(d) It is detachable part of the apron

865. आधा अखरोट के

ध म न न ल खत म से
कौन सा कथन स य है

(ए) यह सै
डल का अलग करने
यो य ह सा है

(बी) यह सै
डल का एक अ भ ह सा है

(सी) यह ए न का एक अ भ ह सा है

(डी) यह ए न का अलग करने

यो य ह सा है

866. What is the function of the drop worm provided in the apron
of the centre lathe?

(a) Engages / disengages the power feed

(b) Changes the direction of rotation of the workpiece

(c) Changes the feed direction

(d) Engages / disengages the lead screw

866. क खराद के
ए न म द गई बू

द क ड़े
का काय या है

(ए) बजली फ़ ड सं
ल न / अ म करता है

(बी) काय ेके

घूणन क दशा बदलता है

(सी) फ़ ड दशा बदलता है

(डी) लीड ू
संल न / अ म करता है

867. The tailstock barrel has an internal taper. Which one of the
following standard tapers is provided in the barrel bore?
(a) Metric taper

(b) Morse taper

(c) Jorno taper

(d) Brown and Sharpe taper

867. tailstock बै
रल म एक आं
त रक तने
। बै
रल बोर म न न ल खत मानक प
म से
कौन सा दान कया जाता है?

(ए) मी क टपर

(बी) मोस तने

(सी) जोन टपर

(डी) ाउन और शाप टपर

868. The opreration of cutting a cylendrical hole in a sheet of a metal by the punch and die is


क एक चादर मे
एक पं
च तथा डाई ारा एक बे
लनाकार छ काटने
का चालन कहलाता है

A. Shearing / अप पण

B. Piercing / वे

C. Punching / छ ण

D. Blanking / लै
क कतन

869. The lead screw of a leth has_____threads.

खराद के
अ पच मे डया होती है
______चु ?

A. Single

B. Double start

C. Multi-start

D. Any one of these

870. Drilling is an example of.

लग कसका उदहारण है

A. Uniform cutting

B. Orthogonal cutting

C. Oblique cutting

D. Complex cutting

871. Piercing operation, the clearance is provided on.

धन चालन मे
, अवकाश न न पर उपल ध कराया जाता है

A. Punch / पं

B. Die / डाई

C. Half on the punch and half on the die / आधा पं

च पर और आधा डाई पर

D. Either on punch or die depending upon designer's choice / डज़ाइनर क पसं

द के
सार पं
च पर या

डाई पर

872 Angle provided in a single point tool to control chip flow is.

चप वाह नय त करने
केलए कसी एकल ब औजार मेद कोण है

A. Side rake angle

B. Back rake angle

C. End relief angle

D. Side relief angle

873. Morse taper provided on the drill ranges between.

पर उपल ध कराया गया मोस टे
पर का प रसर न न के
बीच होता है

A. MT 1 to MT 5

B. MT 1 to MT 4

C. MT 0 to MT 5

D. MT 0 to MT 4
874.. The recommended cutting speed for counter sinking and counter boring is.

खनन और तवे
धन केलए अनु
सत कतन चाल है

A. 1/2 of the drilling cutting speed / बे

धन कतन चाल क 1/2

B. Equal to the drilling cutting speed / बे

धन कतन चाल के

C. 1/3 of the drilling cutting speed / बे

धन कतन चाल क 1/3

D. Double the drilling cutting speed / बे

धन कतन चाल सेगनी

875. Clearance angle of a drill is between.

का अवकाश कोण न न के
बीच होता है

A. 3° to 5°

B. 8°to 12°

C. 8° to 15°

D. 12°to 15°

876. To cut an internal thread begning of the hole must be.

छ के
आंत रक े
ड ार भ पर T-काट अ नवा रत होना चा हए ?

A. Grooved property / समु

चत प से
खा चत

B. Counter bored property / समु

चत प से तवे

C. Chamfered property / समु

चत प सेन को णत

D. Finished squarely / पू
र ी तरह स पू

877. Trepanning operation is used for making.

नग चालन का इ ते
म ाल ___केलए कया जाता है

A. Bores / बोर बनाने

B. Finish bores / बोर फ न शग

C. Counter sinking / काउं

टर स कग

D. Super finish bores / बोर का अ य धक फ न शग

878. The process of embedding the abrasive grains on lapping is called.

ए बे
डग क या मे
ए े
सव े
स परत चढ़ाने
पर कहलाते

A. Rubbing

B. Charging

C. fixing

D. lapping

879. The sensitiveness of the spirit level depends upon the

ट क स बे
दनशीलता नभर करती है

A. Size of the bubble / बु

केआकर पर

B. Length of the glass / कां

च नली क ल बाई पर

C. Type of liquid filled inthe glass tube / कां

च क नली मे
गए व के कार पर

D. Curvature of the glass tube / कां

च नली क व ता पर

880 What letter 'k' denotes in the marking system of a grinding wheel.

डग हील के
मा कग स टम मे
अछर 'k' द शत करता है

A.Abrasive / ए े

B. Bond / बां

C. Grain size / न

D. Grade / ड

881. Angle plate is used for turning,drilling and boringor any other
operation,on a surface which Is

बह पृ जस पर एं
गल ले
ट को ट नग लग और बो रग यार कसी सरी याओ मेयोग
करतेहैबह :

A. Parallel to the finished surface / फ न ड पृके

तर होती है

B. Perpendicular to the finished surface / फ न ड पृके

लंबत होती है
C. At 45°to the finished surface / फ न ड पृके
45° पर होती है

D. At 60° to the finished surface / फ न ड पृके

60° पर होती है

882. the following type of thread are cut inside the three jaw chuck.

तीन जबड़े
चक के
अंदर न न ल खत कार क चु
डया कट जाती है

A. Buttress

B. Square

C. Scroll

D. Acme

883. Tool signature comprises

ल स ने
चर मे

A. 4 elements

B. 5 elements

C. 6 elements

D. 7 elements

884. The included angle of the counter sinking portion of a center drill of
type B used for protecting the center holes is.

टाइप B के
सटर ल के काउंटर स कग के
अंतगत कोण, जसे
सटर होल क सु
रछा केलए
इ ते
मल कया जाता है
, होता है

A. 75°


C. 100°

D. 120 °
885. The depth of cut in drilling is __________ the drill diameter

लग के
काट क गहराई लग के ास के
---- रखी जाती है

A.Equal to


C. Double

D. One- Half

886. The least count of a vernier bevel protractor is _________.

व नयर बे
वल ोटेटर का अ पतमां
क होता है

A.1 minute B. 5 minute

C. 1 degree D.5 degree

887. The most commonly used proportion of the alloying elements in High
speed steel is .

हाई पीड ट ल मेम त अवयव का साम य प से

इ ते
माल कया जाने
बाला अनु
पात होता

A.18% Tungsten, 4% Chromium, 1% Vanadium

B.18% Chromium, 4% Cobalt, 1% Tungsten

C. 18% Cobalt, 4% Tungsten, 1% Chromium

D. 18% Vanadium, 4% Carbon, 1% Cobalt

888. The frictional guide ways are of_________.

A. V- type

B.Dovetail type

C.Flat type
D. All of the above
889. टू
ल फलक (tool face) तथा लक के
ground end सतह के
बीच का कोण कहलाता है

A. Rake angle

B. Cutting angle

C. Lip angle

D. Nose angle

890. टू
ल फलक (tool face) तथा कटाई औजार (cutting tool) के
आधार (base) के
समा तर बीच का कोण
कहलाता है?

A. Rake angle

B. Cutting angle

C. Lip angle

D. Nose angle

891. The angle between The face of the tool and a line tangent to the machined at the
Cutting Point Is called.

A. Rake angle

B. Cutting angle

C. Lip angle

D. Nose angle

892. The lip angle is the angle.

A. Between the tool face And the ground and Surface of flank.

B. Made by the face of the tool And the plane parallel to the base of the cutting tool

C. Between the face of the tool and a line tangent to the machined at the Cutting


D. None of the above.

893. एक ब ब म, ब के
काव क सतह के
बीच कोण
और लं
बवत ब सेब रे
खा से
ख ची गई रे
खा को जाना जाता है

In a single point tool, the angle between the surface of the flank immediately below
the point

and a line drawn from the point Perpendicular to the base,is known as.

A. Side relief angle

B. End relief angle

C. Back rake angle

D. Side rake angle

894. The rake angle required to machined brass by high speed steel tool is.

A. 10°

B. 0°

C. 20°

D. -10°

895. Side rake angle of a single point cutting tool is the angle.

A. By which the face of the tool Is inclined towards back.

B. By which the face of the tool Is inclined sideways.

C. between the surface of the flank immediately below the point

and a plane at right angles to the center line of the point of the tool.

D. between the surface of the flank immediately below the point

and a line drawn from the point Perpendicular to the base

895. एक ब ब काटने
केउपकरण के
साइड रे
क कोण कोण है

A. जसके ारा उपकरण का चे

हरा पीछे
क ओर झु
का आ है

B. जसके ारा उपकरण का चे

हरा कनारे
पर झु
का आ है

ब के
काव क सतह के

C.और उपकरण केब क क रे

खा के
दा हने
कोण पर एक वमान।
ब के

ंक सतह के

D. और लं
बवत ब सेब रे
खा से
ख ची गई रे

896. सगल पॉइं

ट टू
ल का बै
क रे
क कोण वह कोण हैजसके ारा टू
ल का चे
हरा झु
का आ है

क तरफ

896. Back rake angle of the single point tool Is the angle by Which the Face of the
tool is Inclined

towards back.

A. Agree

B. Disagree

C. Bith (a & b)

D. None of these

897. The angle made by the face of the tool and the plane parallel to the base of the
cutting tool

Is called.

A. Rake angle

B. Cutting angle

C. Clearance angle

D. Lip angle

898. The angle on which the strength of the tool Depends is.

A. Rake angle

B. Cutting angle

C. Clearance angle

D. Lip angle

899 न न ल खत मे
सेकोन सी यांक या है

Which of the following Is machining operation

A. Forzing B. Drilling

C. Rolling D. Stamping

900 का ट आयरन मे
अ छा लुकेटग गु
ण होता है
क उप थ त मे?

Cast iron carries better lubricating Properties due to.

A. Pearlite B. Carbide

C. Free graphite D. Ferrous

901 सीमटे
ड काबाइड औजार मेयु बं
धक पदाथ है

Bonding materials used on Cemented carbide tools is.

A Nickel

B cobalt

C chromium

D silicon

902 सीमटे
ड काबाइड औजार सामा यत: कमजोर होता है

Cemented carbide tools are generally poor in.

A torsion / घु
माव मे

B tension / तनाव मे

C Compression / दवाव मे

D shear / उप पण मे

903 ाइं
डग के
समय अव य योग करना चा हये

While grinding one most use.

A. Dark glass screen

B. Mask

C. Safty goggles

D. Sun goggles

904 मशीन जो कु छ व श ट काय केलए बनाई जाती है

एक समान प का
उ पाद बनाया जाय को जाना जाता है

Machine which are designed to perform only some specifide

Operations so as to Produce Identical items is.

A. Leth machine

B. Planer

C. Sloter

D. Special purpose
905) भं
गरुपदाथ केलए द रे
क है

For brittle material, tha rake angle provide.

A) zero

B) positive

C) negative

D) none off this

906 इं
जन ले
थ मे
आकार के
बेलनाकार प ड पकडे

Small sized cylindrical jobs On engine leth are held in:

A Three jaw Chuck

B four jaw chuck

C collect

D Leth dog

907. बीच मे
का काम ठ क तरीकेसे
कया जाता है

Centering can be done most accurately on.

A Three jaw Chuck

B four jaw chuck

C collect Chuck

D magnetic chuck

908. negative rake is usually provided on

A High speed steel

B high carbon steel

C cemented carbide tool

D none of these

सा एक म र धातु
909.काँ है

Bronze is An alloy Of

A Copper and zink

B Copper and tin

C Copper, tin, zink

D Copper, tin,silver

910. सरा मक काटने

का औजार है
Ceramic cutting tools are.

A ट स के प मे
उपल ध होता है
/ Available In the form of tips

B को ड े
सग ारा न मत होता है
/ Made by cold pressing techniques

C र ाउं
ड नह कया जा सकता है
/ Can not be reground

D इनमे
सेसभी / all of these

911 कठोर पदाथ केलए ल का ब कोण होता है

For hard material, The point angle of drill is.

A increase

B decreased

C unchanged

D kept at 120°

912 एक टै
डड जमीन ल का ब कोण होता है

A standard ground drill Has a point angle of.

A 90°

B 98°

C 118°

D 120°

913. तां
बा को मशीन मे
केलए रे
क कोण उपल ध कराया जाता है

914. For machining copper The rake angle provided is.

A Zero
B negative

C positive

D None of these

915. खराब सतह फ नश इसके

कारण होता है

Poor surface finish results due to.

A Heavy depth of cut

B low cutting speed

C High cutting speed

D corse feed

916. न न ल खत मे
सेकस औजार साम ी मे
उ चतम काट ग त होती है

Which of the following tool Material has highest cutting speed.

A carbon steel

B tool steel

C high speed steel

D carbide

917 ढलवा लोहा केलए सव म शीतलक और लुीकट है

Best coolent and lubricant For cast iyron is.

A जल घु
लनशील ते
ल या स फर आधा रत और ख नज ते

Water soluble oil or sulphur based And mineral oils

B ख नज और बसा ते
ल / Mineral oil fetty oils
C घु
लनशील ते
ल / Soluble oils

D शु
क / ठोस लुीकट Dry / solid lubricants

918. कौन सा च ह मा यम व भ कार के

गो मे
उपल ध
होता है
A वाइट वाश
B शयन लू
C से
यूलोज लै

919. Steel को उसमेउप थत कॉबन क मा ा केअनुसार

एक न त ताप पर गम करके धीरेधीरेकमरे
केताप पर
डा करनेक या या कहलाती है
A. Annealing
B. Normalising
C. Tempring
D. Hardning
920. Eccentric को accurately check करने
न न मेसेकसका योग कया है ?
A. Micrometer
B. Beval protecter
C. Vernier depth gauge
D. Vernier hight gauge

921. Small & Retain center hole के

न न मेकसके ारा चेक कया जाता है ?

A. Dial test indicator

B. Beval protecter
C. Vernier depth gauge
D. Vernier hight gauge

922. Carbon iron के साथ मलकर एक ठोस solution

कस अव था मे बनता है
A. Pearlite
B. Cementite
C. Austenite
D. Ferrite

923. Machenical गु
ण को बढ़ाने
केलयेमहीन े न और
एक समान चर न न मे
सेकसके ारा ा त होती है
A. Hardning
B. Annealing
C. Normalising
D. Tempring

924. Dial test indicator से

eccentricity चे
क करने
माप कसके बराबर होता है
A. 1/3 of Deflection
B. 1/4 of Defletion
C. 1/2 of Deflection
D. Equal of Deflection
925. Shaft के center और eccentricity के
center क
री कहलाती है
A. Eccentric
B. Lead
C. Pitch
D. Offset
926. Spring न न मे
सेकसका बना होता है
A. Nickel steel
B. Chrome-vanedium steel
C. Chrome-nickel steel
D. Silicone manganese steel

927. Parmanent megnet न न मे

सेकसका बना होता
A) invar steel
B) silicon alloy
C) nickel steel
D) tungsten steel
928. Tolerance zone overlap करता है
A. Tranzition fit B. Clarence fit
C. Interference fit D. All
929. न न मे
सेकौन Elasticity को बढ़ाता है

A) invar steel

B) silicon alloy

C) Nickel steel

D) tungsten steel

930. न न मे
expansion नह होता है

A) invar steel

B) silicon alloy

C) nickel steel

D) tungsten steel

931.Magnetic properties को कौन एलाय बढ़ाता है


A) invar steel

B) silicon alloy

C) nickel steel

D) tungsten steel

932. कसी एलाय का जं

ग तरोधक छमता, हाडने
स तथा चीमड़ापन अ धक होता है

A) invar steel

B) silicon alloy

C) Nickel steel
D) chrome steel

933.Crane hooks न न मे
सेकसका बना होता है

A) cast iron

B) high corban steel

C) wrought iron

D) copper

934.Metal जसका उपयोग corrosive resistance कर प मे

होता है

A) Mild steel

B) Cast iron

C) Alluminium

D) Tin

935. न न मे
सेकौन Ferrous Alloy है

A) phosphor bronze

B) Brass

C) Naval brass

D) chromium steel

936. कस alloy का उपयोग salt water corrosion resistance के प मे

होता है

A) ferrous alloy

B) zinc alloy

C) Naval brass

D) Brass

937. ट ल का बह कचर जसमे

iron और carbon यो गक अव था मे
होता हैया कहलाता है

A) ferite

B) pearlite

C) cementite
D) austenite

938.एक डायल व नयर कै

लपर केएक मे
न डवीज़न का मान 1 mm हैतथा डायल को 100 बराबर भागो मे
ट ा गया
और दयाल केएक पु
च कर घू
मनेपर मू
बल जॉ 5mm आगे बढ़ता है
तो डायल के
एक डवीज़न का मान या होगा ?

A) 0.02 mm

B) 0.01 mm

C) 0.05 mm

D) 0.005 mm

939.होल बनातेये
बढ़ता जाता है
और इसका उपयोग शीट को जोड़ने
मेहोता है

A) thread forming type screw

B) thread cutting type screw

C) hammer driven screw

D) self-piercing screw

पग और हो नग से
940ले रफने
स का कौन सा े
ड ा त कया जा सकता है

A) N3

B) N10

C) N5

D) N8

941. न न मे
सेकौन सरफे
श टेचर से
स बं
धत नह है




D) Non

942. े
ड जॉइं
ट होता है

A) सो डर जॉइं
ट से

B) सो डर जॉइं
ट से

C) वेडे
ड जॉइं
ट से

D) स वर सो डरे
ड जॉइं
ट से

943. ट ल मे
कॉबन तशत मा ा बढ़ने
पर उसक Tensile strength या होता है

A) बढ़ता है

B) घटता है

C) पहले
बढ़ता हैफर घटता है

D) अप रब तत रहता है

944 न न मे
cast नह कया जा सकता है

A) high corban steel

B) Gun metal

C) wrought iron

D) Copper

945..30 H 7के ारा कसी कायख ड को दखाया गया H या द शत करता है

A) basic size of hole

B) fundamental deviation

C) Tolrance grade

D) upper limit size

946, न न मे
forged नह कया जा सकता है

A) हाई कॉबन ट ल

B) गनमे

C) रॉट आयरन

D) का टआयरन

947. न न मे
सेकसका Rigdity अ धक होता है

A) mild steel

B) wrought iron

C) high speed steel

D) cast iron

948 ड
ेकेबड़े ास ओर छोटे ास के
अंतर को 2 से
भाग दे
पर ा त होता है

A) डे
थ ऑफ़ ड

B) लीड

C) पच डाया

D) पच

949.म ल का उपयोग कब कया जाता है?

A) कायख ड का सटर होल ज़ब काफ ल बा हो

B) कायख ड का बाहरी ास ज़ब सटर होल के

साथ ज़ब true घू
मता हो

C) कायख ड का सटर होल ज़ब reamed हो तो

D) ज़ब टे
ल टॉक ऑफसे
ट के ारा

950. ड
बड़े ास सेसगल डे
थ को घटाने
पर ा त होता है

Reduces single depth by the large diameter of the thread

A) Effective Dia

B) Minor Dia

C) Pitch

D) Lead

951. ज़ब कायख ड को म ाल मे
पकड़ा गया हो तो टू
ल को फ ड दे
ना चा हये

If the task section is caught in the mandrill, the tool should feed

A) म ाल के
छोटे ास से
बड़े ास क ओर

B) म ाल के
बड़े ास से
छोटे ास क ओर

C) म ाल केकसी भी ास सेकसी भी ास क ओर
D) इनमे
सेकोई नह

952 ले
न म ाल पर दन जाने
बाली टे
पर का अनु
पात या होता है

A) 1:200

B) 1:20

C) 1:2000

D) 1:50

953 न न मेसे
कौन Tin and copper तथा zink and copper का एलाय है

A) Bross,Bronze

B) Bronze,die cast bronze

C) Bronze,Bross

D) high temperature solder,Glavanizing compound

954...1" BSP Thread का पच कतना होता है?

A) 8 TPI

B) 6 TPI

C) 10 TPI

D) 7 TPI

955. न न मे
सेकौन measuring error है?

A) systematic error

B) Random error

C) Geometric error

D) All

956 internal thread cutting के

समय depth of cut Diya जाता है
A) cross slide के ारा revese direction

B) cross slide के ारा forward Direction

C) compound slide के ारा

D) non

957 ड
जर का उपयोग कया जाता है

A) ज द सेड

B) ड
ेका फाम बनाने

C) हाड मे
टल पर ड

D) सॉ ट मे
टल पर ड

958..I. S. O. न न मे
सेकसको दखाता है

A) international standard organisation

B) indian standard organisation

C) internal standard organisation

D) non of these

959 कसी कॉ पोने

ट को 1:10 मे75mm तक टे पर करना हैजसक कु
ल ल बाई 100mm है
तो टे
ल टॉक को कतना ऑफसे ट करना होगा ?

A) 7.5mm

B) 15mm

C) 5mm

D) 10mm

960 कसी कायख ड क कु ल ल बाई पर टे

पर काटना हैजसक ल बाई 200 mm तथा टे
कोण 1° है
तो टे
ल टॉक को कतना ऑफसे ट करना होगा ?
A) 4.5 mm

B) 3.5 mm

C) 2.5 mm

D) 7 mm

961 ऑफ़से
टग के ारा टे
पर ट नग मे
कोन सा स ां
त काय करता है

A) कायख ड के
अ छ के
समा तर तथा टू
ल को कोण पर रखा जाता है

B) कायख ड के
अ छ को ले
थ अ छ से
कोण पर तथा टू
ल को समा तर रखा जाता है

C) कायख ड के
अ छ को ले
थ अ छ से
कोण पर तथा टू
ल को भी कोण पर रखा जाता है

D) कायख ड के
अ छ को ले
थ अ छ के
समा तर तथा टू
ल को भी समां
तर रखा जाता है

962 टे
ल टॉक ऑफसे
ट के ारा टे
पर ट नग करते
समय समान ऑफसे
ट मेव भ ल बाई के
कायख ड का कोण या होगा ?

A) समान

B) अलग अलग

C) ल बाई बढ़ने
पर टे
पर कोण बढ़े

D) ल बाई बढ़ने
पर टे
पर कोण घटे

963 ज़ब ऑफसे
ट ऑपरे
टर क ओर हो तो ?

A) टे
पर का बड़ा ास टे
ल टॉक क ओर बने

B) टे
पर का बड़ा ास है
ड टोक क ओर बने

C) टे
पर का बड़ा ास बीच मे

D) टे
पर का बड़ा ास दोन साइड बने

964 Carbide tipped tool के

cutting edge को regrinding करने
केबाद करते

A) Lapping
B) Honning

C) Hardning

D) shaping

965 Interchangeability कसकेलए ज री है

A) mating part's

B) rejected part's

C) Acceptable part's

D) All of these

966 एक ले थ मे
10mm यास बाले ल चक मे रखे ेट शक ल उपयोग ारा एक छ ल कया गया कु
छ समय
बाद यह वक केसमानां
तर घू
मता है
इस वकृ
त केलए न न मे
सेकोण सा त य कारण है

A hole is a drilled in a leth By using a die 10mm Straight shank drill held in a drill chuck. After a
short distance of the travel It rotates along the work. Which one of the following StatementS is
the cause for thise Defect ?

A) Center not aligned / के ो का सं

खत ना होना

B) feeding by tail stock handwheel Is too slow / टे

ल टॉक हड हील ारा फ ड ब त धीमी होना

C) chips setting closed / च स का अबरो धत होना

D) sppoting at the center Is not done / सटर पर सपो टग ना करना

967 बह आकार जस पर वमीय वचलन दए जाते

हैबह कहलाता है

The size, based on which the Dimensional deviation Are given is called.

A) actual size

B) basic size

C) Minimum limit of size

D) Maximum limit of size

न न का उपयोग नह कया जाता है

969 Jigs are not used in………

A) drilling

B) reaming

C) tapping

D) milling

970 टे
पर ट नग क व धय मे
सेएक टे
ल टॉक क ऑफ़से
टग है
! टे
ल टॉक का कोन सा भाग ऑफसे
ट कया जाता है

One off the tepar turning methods is by offsetting the tail stock. Which part of the tail stock is
off set.

A) body

B) spendal

C) base

D) hole unit

971 मृइ पात कतन केलए यु HSS ल बट का लप स म लत कोण होता है

Lipe included angle of HSS drill bit used for cutting mild steel is

A) 80°

B) 90°

C) 120°

D) 118°

972 ाइं
डग हील का र गग प र छड़ कया जाता हैन न ल खत चे
क करने

A) hardness

B) crack

C) color

D) none of these

973 कोनसेगयर ाइव म चू

ड़ी गयर के
अ के
कोण काट जाती है

In wich gear drive teeth cut an angle to the axis of the gear
A) beval gear

B) spur gear

C) pinion

D) worm gear

974 न न ल खत मे
पर रे
शयो (अनु
पात) का सही सूकौन सा है

Which one of the following is the correct formula for tepar ratio.

A) k=D-d/l

B) k=D-d/2l

C) k=D+d/l

D) k=D+d/2l

975 न न मे
सेया थम से
टग ला टक के
गरी मे
आता है

Which one of the following comes under thermo setting plastic category.

A) Epoxy

B) cellulosic

C) nylon

D) polythene

976 व नयर वे
बल ोटे
टर का बह भाग जसका उपयोग कोण के
मापन केलए रे
फरस बे
स के प मे
कया जाता है

The part of the vernier bevel protractor which is normally used as reference

A) Blade

B) stock

C) Disk

D) Man scale

977 य के
मापन बाले
पृपर जमी धू
ल के
कणो के
कारण होने
बाली एरर … कहलाती है

The error cased due to particles of dust on the Measuring face of instrument is called.

A) Elastic deformation error

B) contact error

C) Parallax error

D) random error

978 न न मे
सेया े
ज वेडं
ग मेल स का काय नह है

Which one of the following is not function of flux in braze welding.

A) chemically clean the joint / जोड़ को रासाय नक प से

साफ करना

B) Evaporate before melting the filler metal / फलर धातु

को पघलने
सेवा पी त करना

C) remove Impurities from the joi/ जोड़ से

असु यो को हटाना

D) allow molten filler metal to flow easily / सं

ग लत फलर धातु
का नबाध बाह करना

979 वेडं
ग मे
नॉन - ड टव टे
ट होता है

Non destructive test in welding is.

A) tensile test

B) impact test

C) fatuge test

D) redio grafic test

980 सं
घटक के
अ धकतम साइज क सीमा तथा इसके
संगत आधार के
म य अं
तर होता है

The difference between maximum limit of size and its corresponding basic size of a
components is.

A) actual deviation

B) upper deviation

C) tolerance

D) lower deviation

981 जब शा ट (ईशा) को …… हो तब शा ट को जोड़ने

केलए क लं
ग का योग कया जाता है

Coupling are used to connect the shaft, when the shaft are ………

A) to be joint permanently

B) to be disconnected often
C) in miss-alignment

D) to be disconnected often And to components a slight misalignment between to shaft

982 ठोस वलयन बनाने

केलए काबन का लोहे
लना …………कहलाता है

Carbon dissolved iniyronto farm a solid solution is called..

A) cementite

B) pearlite

C) ferrite

D) austenite

983 गयर प रभा सक श दाबली मे

मॉ ल सं
द भत करता है

Module in gear terminology refers to.

A) pitch circal diameter /nomber of teeth

B) Pitch of gear teeth

C) Diameter pitch (DP)

D) Nomber of teeth/pitch circle diameter

984 काशीय लै
ट का योग कसके
परीछड़ मे
कया जाता है

Optical flat is used to check.

A) Flatness

B) straightness

C) Diameter of job

D) tepar of job

985 शे
पग मशीन का ले
पर बॉ स कसी पर आल बन करता है

Clapper box of a sheping machine Is mounted on.

A) tool head टू
ल हे

B) Front of ram रै
म के
अ भाग पर

C) arbor आबर
D) saddle सै

986 लॉटर ू
ज़ क -वे
आंत रक गयर इ या द या कलापो केलए यु मशीन है

For opration slots cams key way groovs Internal gears Etc.

A) Shepar machine

B) milling machine

C) sloter machine

D) Lathe machine

987 ले
नर मशीन का टू
ल पो ट कस पर घु
डन करता है

The tool post Of plenar machine Is mounted on.

A) Appron

B) cross rail

C) Clapper box

D) Saddle

988 ले
नर का आकार नधा रत कया जाता है

The size of a plenar Is determined by its

A) lenghth of housing

B) Lenghth of the workpiece It can hold

C) Maximum lenghth of the stroke

D) lenghth of the cross rail

989 सटर लग करनी चा हये

Center drilling Should be done at

A) higher rpm with a slower feed

B) slower feed with a slower rpm

C) higher rpm with a higher feed

D) slower rpm with a slower feed

990 वकपीस को टन करते
समय न न ल खत मे
सेकस एक को फ ड के
चुनाब को नयंत कया जाता ह

Which one of the following governs the selection of feed When tunning on workpiece

A) tool geometry

B) Type of coolent required

C) Surfash finish required

D) all of thease

991 लं
बत (orthogonal) कतन का मुय लाभ या है

A) यह अ छ फ नश दान करता है

B) यह औजार का जीबन काल बढ़ाता ह

C) यह बड़े
भार को बत रत करता है

D) यह कतन धार (cutting edge) पर भार (load) को बढ़ाता है

992 मृइ पात (miled steel) को खरदने

(turning) केलए सबसे
उपयु छ लन क क म कौन सी है

A) ल बे

छ लन

B) बखं
डत (segment) छ लन

C) I - आकार छ लन

D) कु

डलीदार (spairal) छ लन

993) The angle formed by the leading edge of tha land with a plane having the drill is known

ल वालेवमान के
साथ जमीन के
अ णी कनारेारा ग ठत कोण ात है

(a) Halix angle or raje angle (b) Point angle

(c) lip clearance angle (d) chsel edge angle

(e) chisel edge angle

994) For harder materials, the point angle of drill is

क ठन साम ी केलए, ल का ब कोण है

(a) increased (b) decreased

(c) point angle has nothing to do with type of material

(d) kept at 118° (e) none of above.

995) For softer material the point angle of drill is

नरम साम ी केलए ल का ब कोण है

(a) increased (b) decreased

(c) point angle has nothing to do with type of material

(d) kept at 118° (e) none of above.

996) For ferrous materiyals, the helix angle of drill is taken as

लौह materiyals केलए, ल के

हेल स कोण के प म लया जाता है

(a) 27 1/2° (b) 45°

(c) 60° (d) 90°

(e) none of the above.

997) Optimum rake angle of a tool is a function of

उपकरण का इ तम रे
क कोण एक काय है

(a) cutting speed

(b) cutting tool material

(c) propeties of work material

(d) cutting conditions,i.e. dry or lubricant

998) The recommended velue of rake angle for machining aluminium with diamond tool is

हीरा उपकरण के
साथ मशी नग ए यू
म ी नयम केलए रे
क कोण का अनु
सत मूय है

(a) 0° (b) 5°

(c) 15° (d) 25°

(e) 35°

999) The recommended value of rake angle for machining aluminium with high speed steel tool

उ च ग त ट ल उपकरण के
साथ मशी नग ए यू
म ी नयम केलए रे
क कोण के
सत मूय है

(a) 0° (b) 5°
(c) 15° (d) 25°

(e) 35°

1000) The recommended value of rake angle for machining aluminium with cemented carbide
tool is

ड काबाइड उपकरण के
साथ मशी नग ए यू
म ी नयम केलए रे
क कोण का अनु
सत मूय है

(a) 0° (b) 5°

(c) 15° (d) 25°

(e) 35°
1-A 2-B 3-A 4-B 5-A 6-C 7-A 8-A 9-C 10-C 11-C 12-A 13-C 14-B 15-A 16-D 17-D

18-D 19-D 20-D 21-A 22-A 23-B 24-B 25-B 26-A 27-C 28-B 29-A 30-A 31-A 32-B 33-D 34-C

35-D 36-B 37-C 38-D 39-D 40-B 41-A 42-A 43-B 44-C 45-B 46-D 47-A 48-D 49-D 50-D 51-C

52-B 53-A 54-B 55-B 56-A 57-B 58-A 59-A 60-B 61-C 62-C 63-D 64-B 65-A 66-B 67-A 68-D

69-B 70-B 71-C 72-D 73-C 74-D 75-D 76-C 77-B 78-C 79-A 80-D 81-A 82-A 83-D 84-B 85-C

86-D 87-B 88-C 89-D 90-A 91-C 92-A 93-B 94-A 95-C 96-D 97-B 98-B 99-C 100-C 101-A 102-C

103-B 104-B 105-A 106-D 107-D 108-C 109-B 110-C 111-A 112-C 113-A 114-D 115-C 116-B 117-B 118-B 119-C

120-D 121-C 122-B 123-C 124-B 125-A 126-D 127-C 128-B 129-B 130-D 131-D 132-A 133-C 134-A 135-B 136-D

137-C 138-A 139-D 140-C 141-D 142-B 143-A 144-A 145-C 146-D 147-A 148-C 149-D 150-D 151-C 152-D 153-C

154-D 155-A 156-D 157-C 158-A 159-C 160-B 161-D 162-A 163-B 164-B 165-C 166-B 167-C 168-B 169-B 170-A

171-A 172-B 173-B 174-A 175-B 176-A 177-B 178-D 179-A 180-D 181-D 182-C 183-B 184-D 185-A 186-C 187-C

188-B 189-A 190-D 191-B 192-A 193-C 194-B 195-D 196-A 197-A 198-B 199-D 200-A 201-D 202-C 203-C 204-A

205-D 206-B 207-A 208-B 209-C 210-A 211-D 212-A 213-D 214-C 215-C 216-B 217-B 218-A 219-B 220-B 221-A

222-B 223-A 224-A 225-B 226-C 227-A 228-B 229-D 230-B 231-A 232- D 233-A 234-D 235-A 236-A 237-B 238-D
239-D 240-C 241-C 242-D 243-B 244-D 245-C 246-A 247-C 248-D 249-A 250-B 251-D 252-B 253-C 254-B 255-C

256-B 257-A 258-A 259-C 260-C 261-A 262- 263-B 264-B 265-A 266-A 267-A 268-C 269-A 270-C 271-A 272-C

273-A 274- 275-B 276-C 277-A 278-D 279-B 280-D 281-C 282-D 283-A 284-C 285-A 286-C 287-A 288-C 289-B

290-B 291-B 292-A 293-D 294-D 295-B 296-D 297-A 298-B 299-A 300-B 301-D 302-B 303-D 304-B 305-D 306-D

307-A 308-D 309-A 310-B 311-B 312-A 313-A 314-A 315-A 316-A 317-B 318-B 319-A 320-C 321-C 322-D 323-C

324-D 325-A 326-D 327-C 328-C 329-B 330-D 331-D 332-D 333-A 334-C 335-D 336-B 337-A 338-B 339-A 340-D

341-C 342-C 343-D 344-A 345-A 346-A 347-B 348-D 349-C 350-B 351-B 352-A 353-A 354-B 355-B 356-B 357-A

358-C 359-B 360-A 361-A 362-C 363-A 364-B 365-D 366-C 367-B 368-B 369-D 370-A 371-B 372-A 373-A 374-A

375-B 376-C 377-C 378-D 379-B 380-D 381-C 382-C 383-C 384-B 385-B 386-B 387-B 388-B 389-B 390-A 391-B

392-A 393-D 394-A 395-C 396-B 397-A 398-C 399-C 400-C 401-C 402-C 403-D 404-B 405-D 406-C 407-A 408-A

409-C 410-C 411-C 412-C 413-A 414-D 415-C 416-C 417-C 418-D 419-D 420-C 421-D 422-B 423-B 424-B 425-B

426-C 427-A 428-C 429-B 430-C 431-C 432- 433-C 434-C 435-B 436-C 437-A 438-B 439-A 440-C 441-B 442-A

443-A 444-D 445-B 446-A 447-A 448-D 449-B 450-B 451-D 452-B 453-C 454-C 455-C 456-A 457-D 458-D 459-A

460-B 461-A 462-A 463-A 464-C 465-B 466-D 467-B 468-A 469-D 470-D 471-B 472-A 473-B 474-D 475-A 476-A
477-A 478-B 479-C 480-C 481-* 482-B 483-D 484-C 485-A 486-C 487-C 488-D 489-C 490-A 491-C 492-B 493-D

494-C 495-C 496-D 497-B 498-C 499-A 500-B 501-C 502-C 503-D 504-C 505-A 506-A 507-D 508-C 509-A 510-B

511-D 512-C 513-B 514-A 515-A 516-A 517-A 518-B 519-D 520-D 521-B 522-A 523-C 524-C 525-D 526-B 527-A

528-B 529-A 530-B 531-B 532-B 533-C 534-B 535-D 536-C 537-C 538-D 539-D 540-A 541-A 542-C 543-B 544-A

545-A 546-B 547- 548-D 549-C 550-A 551-C 552-B 553-B 554-B 555-D 556-C 557-C 558-B 559-* 560-C 561-D

562-D 563-C 564-A 565-C 566-A 567-A 568-D 569-D 570-A 571-B 572-B 573-C 574-B 575-D 576-A 577-D 578-D

579-A 580-C 581-C 582-C 583-B 584-B 585-A 586-D 587-A 588-D 589-A 590-C 591-C 592-A 593-C 594-C 595-A

596-A 597-B 598-B 599-C 600-B 601-B 602-C 603-C 604-C 605-B 606-C 607-A 608-A 609-D 610-C 611-D 612-D

613-B 614-A 615-D 616-D 617-A 618-B 619-B 620-A 621-B 622-A 623-B 624-C 625-B 626-B 627-D 628-C 629-B

630-B 631-A 632-C 633-A 634-D 635-D 636-C 637-B 638-C 639-A 640-B 641-B 642-D 643-D 644-A 645-D 646-D

647-D 648-C 649-D 650-D 651-C 652-D 653-A 654-A 655-B 656-C 657-D 658-B 659-A 660-D 661-D 662-D 663-C

664-A 665-B 666-* 667-C 668-C 669-B- 670-B 671-A 672-C 673-B 674-D 675-A 676-A 677-B 678-D 679-B 680-A

681-A 682-B 683-C 684-D 685-D 686-D 687-B 688-D 689-D 690-C 691-C 692-B 693-C 694-C 695-D 696-B 697-D

698-D 699-D 700-C 701-B 702-D 703-D 704-A 705-B 706-D 707-B 708-D 709-D 710-D 711-C 712-B 713-B 714-A
715-A 716-D 717-D 718-B 719-B 720-D 721-C 722-D 723-A 724-D 725-C 726-D 727-A 728-B 729-C 730-B 731-A

732-B 733-C 734-C 735-B 736-A 737-B 738-C 739-B 740-A 741-A 742-C 743-A 744-D 745-A 746-B 747-B 748-D

749-A 750-D 751-B 752-B 753-C 754-A 755-A 756-C 757-A 758-B 759-A 760-D 761-C 762-A 763-B 764-D 765-D

766-B 767-B 768A- 769-C 770-D 771-D 772-D 773-A 774-A 775-B 776-C 777-C 778-D 779-A 780-D 781-A 782-A

783-D 784-B 785-D 786-A 787-A 788-B 789-A 790-C 791-A 792-C 793-B 794-B 795-C 796-B 797-C 798-B 799-D

800-A 801-C 802-A 803-B 804-C 805-D 806-D 807-C 808-D 809-B 810-A 811-D 812-D 813-B 814-A 815-C 816-B

817-D 818-C 819-C 820-A 821-D 822-B 823-A 824-B 825-B 826-D 827-C 828-B 829-C 830-A 831-C 832-A 833-A

834-B 835-A 836-C 837-A 838-E 839-B 840-B 841-D 842-B 843-A 844-B 845-B 846-C 847-B 848-D 849-A 850-C

851-A 852-B 853-A 854-B 855-D 856-A 857-D 858-C 859-B 860-C 861-A 862-A 863-C 864-C 865-D 866-A 867-B

868-B 869-A 870-C 871-B 872-A 873-A 874-C 875-B 876-C 877-A 878-B 879-D 880-D 881-B 882-C 883-D 884-D

885-D 886-B 887-A 888-D 889-C 890-A 891-B 892-A 893-B 894-B 895-B 896-A 897-A 898-A 899-B 900-C 901-B

902-D 903-C 904-D 905-C 906-A 907-B 908-C 909-B 910-D 911-A 912-C 913-* 914-B 915-D 916-D 917-D 918-C

919-B 920-D 921-A 922-D 923-C 924-C 925-D 926-D 927-A 928-A 929-B 930-A 931-C 932-D 933-C 934-D 935-D

936-B 937-C 938-C 939-D 940-A 941-D 942-B 943-B 944-C 945-B 946-D 947-D 948-A 949-B 950-A 951-A 952-C
953-C 954-A 955-D 956-A 957-B 958-A 959-C 960-B 961-B 962-D 963-B 964-B 965-A 966-C 967-B 968-* 969-D

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