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The 3rdInternational
ICDES 2014
Pilsen, Czech Czech Republic,
Republic, August 31September 1-3,
– September 3, 2014

Evaluation of Breakage of Keystone Rings

with Two Types of Overall Side Angles

Kohei NAKASHIMA*1, Yoshio MURAKAMI*1 and Soichi ISHIHARA*1

*1 Department of Vehicle and Mechanical Engineering, Meijo University
1-501 Shiogamaguchi, Tempaku-ku, Nagoya 468-8502, JAPAN
[email protected]

Abstract the keystone ring with keystone angles of 6° and 15°

Keystone rings with overall side angles of 6° and 15° using simple models: i.e., the effect of keystone angle
are specified by the International Organization for on colliding force of the ring and the ring groove, and
Standardization (ISO), Japanese Industrial Standards stress by ring deformation.
(JIS) and SAE. This research investigated the effect of
overall side angle on breakage of the keystone ring. We 2 Keystone ring and its ring groove
used simple models to calculate the side clearance Figure 1 shows the cross sections of keystone
between the ring and the ring groove, the mean colliding rings. The overall side angles (keystone angles) of the
force between the ring and its groove, and the stress of 6° and 15° rings are actually specified as 6°12’ ± 12’
ring edge under disc-spring deformation. Our results and 15°12’ ± 12’, respectively. The width h3 of the
suggested that a keystone ring of a 6° angle (and thus a keystone ring is defined as the width dimension at the
narrower side clearance) increased breakage resistance, position of the reference distance a6 inward from the
as compared to a ring with a 15° angle (and a wider side ring periphery.
Keywords: piston ring, keystone ring, overall side 3°6’± 12’
angle, breakage, side clearance

1 Introduction h3 6°12’± 12’

Heavy duty diesel engines use a keystone ring as
the top ring. The keystone ring has a wedge-shaped
cross section with tapered sides. When the keystone ring
moves inside its piston ring groove in a radial direction, a6 3°6’± 12’
the clearance between the sides of the keystone ring and
the ring groove decreases. The wedge shape of the
(i) Keystone ring 6°
moving ring pushes combustion residue (such as
carbon) out of the ring groove while preventing the ring
from sticking.
The essential dimensional features of the keystone 7°36’± 12’
rings are specified by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), the Japanese Industrial Standards
(JIS) and the SAE [1]-[4]. In all these standards, as well
as existing heavy duty diesel engines, the keystone rings h3 15°12’± 12’
have an overall side angle (keystone angle) of either 6°
or 15°. The clearance between the sides of the keystone
ring and the ring groove depends on this keystone angle.
a6 7°36’± 12’
Future engine design might increase both engine
output power and exhaust brake power, thus increasing
the thermal load around the ring. This may increase the (ii) Keystone ring 15°
wear of the ring and the ring groove, and increase the
force of the ring. Therefore, engine and piston ring Fig. 1 Cross section of keystone rings
designers should design the keystone ring taking into
account not only wear resistance but also breakage Figure 2 shows the positional relationship between
resistance. the keystone ring and the piston ring groove, both when
Several studies analyzed the behavior and (a) the piston vertical axis is coincident with the
lubricating oil consumption of keystone rings in diesel cylinder axis, and when (b) the piston land contacts with
engines [5]-[9]. Another study evaluated ring breakage the cylinder wall. Figure 2 assumes that the keystone
in a diesel engine [10]. However, we found no report angle of the ring is equal to the overall side angle of the
examining ring breakage with different keystone angles. ring groove, and the piston top land diameter is equal to
This study investigated the breakage resistance of the piston second land. The radial tilt of keystone ring

Copyright © 2014, The Organizing Committee of the ICDES 2014

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groove is zero; i.e., the ring groove axis is perpendicular where SC1 is the side clearance [mm] when the piston
to the piston vertical axis [11]. The reference distance a6 vertical axis is coincident with the cylinder axis, SC2 is
inward from the ring periphery is 1.5mm. The width h3 the side clearance [mm] when the piston land contacts
of the keystone ring is fixed, even when the keystone with the cylinder wall, H is the ring groove width [mm]
angle varies. In Fig.2, D0 is the cylinder bore diameter, at the position of the reference distance a6 (1.5mm)
D1 is the piston land diameter, a1 is the ring thickness, inward from the ring periphery when the piston vertical
and a7 is the remaining flat thickness. axis is coincident with the cylinder axis, h3 is the ring
width [mm] at the position of the reference distance a6
inward from the ring periphery, l is the radial clearance
D0 [mm] between the cylinder and the piston land, and β is
one side angle [°] of the keystone ring and the ring
D1 l groove.
When SC2 was zero in eq. (2), we obtained eq. (3)
β for the minimum side clearance when the piston vertical
SC1 axis is coincident with the cylinder axis.

SC1 min  2 l tan  (3)

H Keystone α = 6°12’
ring or 15°12’
where SC1 min is the minimum side clearance [mm] when
the piston vertical axis is coincident with the cylinder
Piston In eq. (3), the minimum side clearance is
a6=1.5 Cylinder proportional to the keystone angle. Figure 3 shows the
minimum side clearance with keystone angles of 6°
a1 (actually 6°12’) and 15° (15°12’). Figure 3 indicates
that a keystone angle of 6° reduced the minimum side
(a) Piston vertical axis is coincident with cylinder axis
clearance by 59%, as compared to a keystone angle of
15°. We used these minimum side clearances in the
following calculations.
Piston Cylinder
a7 0.4
Minimum side clearance [mm]

H Keystone
l 0.1
(b) Piston land contacts with cylinder wall 6° 15°

Fig. 2 Positional relationship between keystone ring Keystone angle

and piston ring groove Fig. 3 Minimum side clearance between ring and
ring groove
The side clearance between the keystone ring and
the ring groove was calculated at the position of the 3 Colliding force of keystone ring to ring
reference distance a6 inward from the ring periphery.
Equations (1) and (2) indicate the side clearances, when groove
the piston vertical axis is coincident with the cylinder According to Sasaki [10], during the exhaust brake
axis, as shown in Fig.2 (a), and when the piston land operation, the top ring moves from the bottom side to
contacts with the cylinder wall, as shown in Fig.2 (b), the upper side in the top ring groove at the top dead
respectively. center (TDC) of the exhaust stroke. Then, the mean
colliding force F [N] of the top ring to the upper side of
the ring groove is shown in eq. (4).
SC1  H  h3 (1)

SC2  H  2 l tan   h3  0 (2) m1  e  2 a SC

F (4)

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where m is the piston ring weight [kg], e is the ring weight. Even a keystone angle of 6° with a wider
coefficient of restitution, a is the acceleration of side clearance of 0.100mm reduced the mean colliding
collision [m/s2], SC is the side clearance between the force by 10%, as compared to a keystone angle of 15°
ring and the ring groove [m], and Δt is the collision time with minimum side clearance, as shown in Fig.6. Again,
[s]. the 6° keystone ring makes a ring groove width with
First, we calculated ring weight utilizing the narrower side clearance than a 15° ring. This narrower
specifications for the keystone ring in Table 1. Figure 4 side clearance increased the breakage resistance of the
shows the keystone ring weight with keystone angles of keystone ring by the colliding force.
6° and 15°. In the fixed ring width h3 of 3mm, a
keystone angle of 6° increased ring weight by 4%, as 800
compared to a keystone angle of 15°.

Mean colliding force [N]

Table 1 Specifications of keystone ring and engine 600
Keystone angle α (3°6’)
(One side angle β) 15°12’ 400
Width h3 3.0
Keystone 200
ring Thickness a1 4.5
Remaining flat thickness a7 0.5
Material Stainless steel 0
Density ρ 7.7g/cm3 6° 15°

Cylinder bore diameter D0 114.0 Keystone angle

Stroke S 130.0 Fig. 5 Mean colliding force of ring to ring groove
Piston land diameter D1 113.0 with minimum side clearance
Connecting rod length L 187.5

Mean colliding force [N]


Piston ring weight [g]



Keystone angle of 6° Keystone angle of 15°
with side clearance with minimum side
0 of 0.100mm clearance
6° 15°
Fig. 6 Mean colliding force of ring to ring groove in
Keystone angle
keystone angle of 6° with side clearance of
Fig. 4 Keystone ring weight with fixed ring width 0.100mm and 15° with minimum side
Next, we calculated the mean colliding force of the
top ring to the upper side of the ring groove, by 4 Stress by deforming keystone ring
substituting the side clearance from Fig.3, the ring Sasaki’s finite element calculation [10] shows that
weight from Fig.4, and the engine specifications in the ring deformation like disc spring dramatically
Table 1 into eq. (4). Figure 5 shows the mean colliding increases stress, causing ring breakage. His tests of the
force with keystone angles of 6° and 15°, with a combination of engine motoring and engine brake
collision time of 53μs for 1° crank angle [10], a operations suggested the origin of the ring breakage is at
coefficient of restitution of 0.75 [12], at an engine speed the opposite side of the ring gap, at the edge of the
of 2000rpm. It can be seen that a keystone angle of 6° periphery and the bottom side of the ring, which has the
reduced the mean colliding force by 34%, as compared highest stress in the ring deformation like disc spring.
to a keystone angle of 15°, because the mean colliding We investigated the stress in the tangential
force is more affected by the side clearance than by the direction at the edge of the periphery and the bottom

– 61 –
side of the ring using our calculated side clearance. We opposite side of the ring gap. Figure 8 shows the stress
assumed that the force is applied to the rectangular ring in the tangential direction at the ring edge without
without a gap, as shown in Fig.7. Using the formula of closure stress. We see that the side clearance calculated
the stress of the disc spring as a reference [13], the with a keystone angle of 6° reduced the stress in the
stress σt2 [Pa] in the tangential direction at the edge of tangential direction at the ring edge by 59%, as
the periphery and the bottom side of the ring can be compared to that with a keystone angle of 15°. Not
indicated in eq. (5). shown in a figure, even a side clearance of 0.100mm
reduced the stress of the ring edge by 25%, as compared
P Load to the minimum side clearance calculated with a
keystone angle of 15°. Again, the ring groove width
with narrower side clearance can be designed with a
h keystone angle of 6° than with 15°, and this narrower
side clearance increased the breakage resistance of the
keystone ring by the deformation like disc spring.
r1 P

r2 200

Stress at piston ring edge [MPa]

Fig. 7 Ring deformation like disc spring 150

Eh 2 100
 t 2  Kt 2 2

where 50

C  
Kt 2   C4  C5 
1  h 2h
 0
Corresponding 6° Corresponding 15°
2 keystone angle keystone angle
  1 2    
C      
   1 loge      1  Fig. 8 Stress in tangential direction at edge of
periphery and bottom side of ring by
  1  6 deforming like disc spring, without closure
C4      stress
 loge    loge 

3  1
5 Conclusion
C5  We investigated the breakage resistance of
 loge  keystone rings with keystone angles of 6° and 15°, as
specified in the ISO, JIS and SAE Standards, using
r2 simple models to calculate the mean colliding force of
 the ring with the ring groove, and the stress of the ring
edge from the deformation like disc spring. The results
indicated that the side clearance between the ring and
where r1 is the internal radius of the ring [mm], r2 is the
the ring groove affects the colliding force and the
outer radius of the ring [mm], h is the ring width [mm],
deformation stress in the ring. Compared with a
E is the modulus of elasticity [Pa], ν is the Poisson ratio,
keystone angle of 15°, a ring with an angle 6° enjoys a
and δ is deflection [mm].
narrower side clearance and thus an advantage in
Finally we examined the stress in the tangential
resisting breakage.
direction at the edge of the periphery and the bottom
In an actual engine, with increased operation
side of the ring in a rectangular ring made of stainless
period, the wear on the sides of the ring and the ring
steel, with a ring width of 3mm and a ring thickness of
groove would tend to accumulate, increasing side
4.5mm (the same as the keystone ring in Table 1), a
clearance, and making the colliding force and the
modulus of elasticity of 203GPa, and a Poisson ratio of
deformation stress in the ring even higher than our
0.3. We calculated the stress in the tangential direction
calculated results above.
at the ring edge when the same ring displaced the
There is a trade-off between keystone angles of 6°
distance of the calculated side clearance with keystone
and 15°. Compared to a keystone angle of 15°, a
angles of 6° and 15° in Fig.3. We verified that the sum
keystone angle of 6° increases both ring breakage
of the calculation result of the stress at the ring edge in
resistance and ring sticking. Therefore, engine and ring
eq. (5) and the closure stress was almost the same as the
designers should take into account not only ring
measured result of the maximum stress on the bottom
breakage resistance bur also ring sticking resistance.
side of the keystone ring at the periphery side and the
Simple models evaluating ring breakage can help

– 62 –
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