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Idealism Realism Pragmatism/ Essentialism Perennialism Progressivism Social Existentialism

Experimentalism Reconstructionism
Description Nothing exist except World is made up of Curriculum should Teaching the basic Knowledge that has Education is always Social reform to create Man shapes his beings as
in the mind of Man, real, substantial reflect the society knowledge and skills endured through the in the process of a better society he lives.
God material emphasizing the time and space development. Knowledge is subjective
need of the children should constitute the Focuses on the
foundation of whole child and
education cultivation of
Aims Spiritual, mental, To provide essential To teach student To promote To develop power of To provide necessary Education for change To train the individual for
moral development. knowledge to how to think so that intellectual growth of thought skills to be able to and social reform significant and meaningful
survive the natural he can adjust to the the learner to become interact with existence Learning is
world demand of the competent and environment based in the willingness of
world valuable member of the student to choose and
society give meaning to the
Methods Critical discussion, Lectures, Project method, free giving regular home Reading and discussions, Group discussion, Methods are geared on
lecture, Socratic demonstration, and open discussion, works, drills, discussion of great interactions (teacher inquiry, dialogues, giving opportunities for
method, reflection, sensory experiences, individual problem recitation, frequent books of western –students) and interactions and the student for self-
introspection, inductive logic solving research testing and evaluation civilization group dynamics community based actualization and self-
modelling learning direction
Learners Imitates the teacher; Sense Mechanism- Learn from Receives instruction in Passive recipient Learning through Take social action on Determines own rules
strive towards can perceive the experiences through skills (3R’s) experiences, by real social problems
perfection natural world interaction to the doing
through sensory environment
Teachers Role Model; exercise Guide, Natural motivation, Focuses heavily on Interpret and tell Plans lesson to Uses community based Assist student in their
creative skill; demonstrator, use varying teaching achievement test eternal truth; teach arouse curiosity and learning and bring the personal journey; aids
questioner relates lesson to method; scores as a means of concept and meaning encourage the world inside the children in knowing
learners past Helper; guide; evaluating progress development of high classroom themselves
experience arrange experiences level of knowledge
Curriculum Uphold goodness Ideas and thing fixed How to think; child 3R’s; Math, English , Fixed; liberal arts and Based on student Put curriculum as a let child to do his own
and truths; religious within subject centered; science, History, science are drawn interest; application means of remaking thing; no course guide;
and values oriented matter; theory and development of foreign language; from human wisdom of human problems society and rebuilding learners sets own
principle before insights, skills, educate the and classical sources; and affairs; culture; curriculum is a identities and standard;
application; reality reflective and critical competent person taught subject in interdisciplinary catalyst for change; learner is free to choose
of things; essentials thinking; subject separate and subject matter, rational discussion and what to learn
matter taught customary; eliminate activities and project contact analysis of
naturally extras and frills issues

Proponent Plato Aristotle; Herbart; John Dewey William Bagley; Robert Hutchins John Dewey: Johann George Counts Jean Paul Sartre
Comenius Herman Horne Pestalozzi

Major Philosophical Thoughts: Modern Philosophical Thoughts:

1. Idealism 3. Pragmatism 1. Essentialism (Teacher Centered) 3. Progressivism (Student Centered) 5. Existentialism (Student Centered)
2. Realism 2. Perrenialism (Teacher Centered) 4. Social Reconstructionism (Student Centered)

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