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This document is in response to Ryan Briggs and Max Marin's 8/10 piece "Infernal Affairs.

" As concerned citizens looking to support police accountability reform, we have organized this document to help citizens hold police
supervisors, leadership, and local elected officials accountable for officer misconduct. This sheet records publicly availble data noted in the sources section of the spread sheet. Read the original article below.
District 12th 14th 19th 35th 6th ?
DeShawn Captain John Captain John Captain Ernest Captain John
Supervisor Beaufort Hearn Stanford Ransom O'Hanlon
Haines St and
65th St. and Germantown 61st St and N Broad St and
Woodland Ave. Ave. Thompson St. Champlost St. 235 N 11th St.
Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia,
District Address PA 19142 PA 19144 PA 19151 PA 19141 PA 19107
District Phone 215-686-3120 215-686-3140 215-686-3190 215-686-3350 215-686-3060
Charles Klink Reuben Thomas David
Officer Marc Marchetti Jr. David Dohan Brad Momme Lucas Lesko Ian Nance Kevin Lewis Ondarza, Jr. D'Alesio Tamamato Eric Ruch Jr. Joe Ferrero Jr. Ross Scott
Total Civilian
Complaints, Jan.
2013 - Mar. 2018 16 13 19 10 11 7 11 7 12 7 12 12 6
Stemming From
Those Complaints 23 20 27 18 19 10 23 12 17 9 18 17 14
Sustained by
Internal Affairs 4 4 3 2 1 3 0 5 2 2 3 0 6
Years With 3 Or 2013, 2015, 2013, 2016, 2013, 2014,
More Complaints 2016, 2017 2017 2015, 2016 2014 2016 2013, 2014 2013, 2014 2014, 2015 2014, 2016 2013 2013, 2015 2014, 2015 2013, 2014
District Kenyatta Curtis Jones,
Councilmember Johnson Cindy Bass Jr. Cindy Bass Mark Squilla
(215) 686- (215) 686-3424, (215) 686-3424, (215) 686-
3412, (215) (215) 686-3425 (215) 686-3416, (215) 686-3425 3458, (215)
686-3413 FAX: (215) 686- (215) 686-3417 FAX: (215) 686- 686-3459
Coucilmember FAX: (215) 1937 FAX: (215) 686- 1937 FAX: (215)
Contact 686-1932 1934 686-1931
Are these in my
districts? Check
your police district
A note on Ryan While Officer Ryan Pownall has been removed from the force Briggs and Marin state that he may be re-instated. You may contact leadership and your local politicians to contest this possibility. See the article linked above for a
Pownall summary of Pownall's offenses.
Total Civilian Allegations Misconduct
Complaints, Stemming Allegations Years With 3
Jan. 2013 - From Those Sustained by Unresolved Or More
PPD Officer Mar. 2018 Complaints Internal Affairs Allegations Complaints District Direct Supervisor District Phone District Address Issues/Complaints
Charged with conducting high-volume car and pedestrian stops; named in an
Haines St and Germantown Ave. incident in which one officer was accused of pistol-whipping a man pulled
David Dohan 19 27 3 formula here 2013, 2014, 2015,14th
2016 Captain John Hearn 215-686-3140 Philadelphia, PA 19144 over during a car stop, while screaming, “Fuck your pretty teeth!”
Snide remarks; violent arrests. One of his complainants appeared to be a
Facebook user, who claimed last year that “she noticed several officers
posting inappropriate messages in reference to the District Attorney-elect
[Larry Krasner], referring to him as a weasel and scumbag, etc...the officers
65th St. and Woodland Ave. also posted that they crank-called a law firm associated with the DA to
Marc Marchetti 16 23 4 2013, 2015, 2016,12th
2017 Captain DeShawn Beaufort 215-686-3120 Philadelphia, PA 19142 ‘congratulate’ them on the win.” That investigation remains ongoing.
Charged with conducting high-volume car and pedestrian stops.; named in
an incident in which one officer was accused of pistol-whipping a man pulled
over during a car stop, while screaming, “Fuck your pretty teeth!”; Named
in an incident in which officers gave chase to a suspect who fled after being
caught urinating in an alley. along with other officers, allegedly caught and
beat the young man before dumping him at a hospital, the complaint said;
Unlawfully searching suspects’ underwear, dooming at least one drug
prosecution; Another man alleged he was stopped, searched and beaten
Haines St and Germantown Ave. by Klink for no reason; the city settled the case out of court for an
Charles Klink Jr. 13 20 4 2013, 2016, 201714th Captain John Hearn 215-686-3140 Philadelphia, PA 19144 undisclosed amount.
Allegedly unjustified car searches and roughing up suspects during arrests.
Ruch and other officers responded to a call from a 34-year-old Hispanic male
who, along with a family member, had gotten into a scuffle at a local bar.
“The police laughed at them and threatened to call Immigration (ICE), if they
N Broad St and Champlost St. didn’t leave the bar; they said they were going to shoot and kill them one by
Eric Ruch Jr. 12 18 3 2013, 2015 35th Captain Ernest Ransom 215-686-3350 Philadelphia, PA 19141 one,”the complainant wrote. Investigators ruled the claims unfounded.
Uncanny volume of harassment allegations, three by the same complainant
charged Ferrero routinely threatened to plant narcotics on him and issued
threats after he refused to be the officer’s confidential informant. A separate
harassment complaint,alleges Ferrero “constantly harasses him every time
235 N 11th St. he sees him and is the source of all his arrests.” Not a single charge has
Joe Ferrero Jr. 12 17 0 2014, 2015 6th Captain John O'Hanlon 215-686-3060 Philadelphia, PA 19107 been sustained.
Drew five physical abuse complaints in an 18-month window between 2014
and 2015. In court proceedings, he acknowledged the unit’s near-total
purview over the West Philly neighborhood.“We have pretty much free rein
over the entire district,” taken to court in a wrongful death suit for fatally
shooting a man named Efrem Carr after he allegedly fled a car stop in 2012.
Carr’s mother said her son had been unarmed. The city eventually paid
$95,000 to settle the suit in 2013. D’Alesio also remained in the 19th, where
61st St and Thompson St. he has continued to rack up civilian complaints – two so far in 2018, one of
Thomas D'Alesio 12 17 2 2014, 2016 19th Captain John Stanford 215-686-3190 Philadelphia, PA 19151 them for physical abuse.
11 complaints describing 23 alleged offenses filed against him in just over
two years. Eventually taken off patrol duty due to an injury; A complainant
claimed Lewis slapped a cheesesteak out of his hand during a 2009
altercation and, years later, recognized him on the street. The officer stopped
his police vehicle and jokingly asked, “Aren't you the n**ga I slapped a
cheesesteak out of your hand? We still talk about it until this day.” Lewis then
reportedly taunted the complainant and blocked his path with his patrol
vehicle in an attempt to provoke an altercation, the complaint stated. The
complainant said he ignored the remarks and began walking away.
According to the description, Lewis then slowly followed the man down the
street, making taunting remarks.“I should get out of my car and punch you in
61st St and Thompson St. the face,” Lewis said, according to the complaint. “I should slap the shit out of
Kevin Lewis 11 23 0 2013, 2014 19th Captain John Stanford 215-686-3190 Philadelphia, PA 19151 you … I wish you would try something.”
Named in a pending investigation into an incident in which officers gave
chase to a suspect who fled after being caught urinating in a back alley. The
pair, along with two other officers, allegedly caught and beat the young man
before dumping him at a hospital, the complaint said; charged with
Lucas Lesko 11 19 1 2016 14th Captain John Hearn 215-686-3140 Haines St and Germantown Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19144 conducting high-volume car and pedestrian stops.
Momme and partner David O’Connor are listed in another complaint in which
they accused a suspect of attempting to conceal narcotics by swallowing a
baggie of drugs. When the man denied the accusations, one of the officers
allegedly choked him out; pattern of unlawful stops and searches; sued by a
former Philadelphia police officer, Herbert Spellman, who said he had been
racially profiled and roughed up by the pair in 2013. Spellman lost; seperate
pro sé litigant won a new trial on charges citing Spellman’s claims and yet
another, earlier wrongful arrest case; city recently shelled out $25,000 to
settle a fourth lawsuit involving Momme and O’Connor in which a disabled
man alleged the pair dragged him out of his car during a stop and kicked him
Brad Momme 10 18 2 2014 14th Captain John Hearn 215-686-3140 Haines St and Germantown Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19144 in the legs.
Total Civilian Allegations Misconduct
Complaints, Stemming Allegations Years With 3
Jan. 2013 - From Those Sustained by Unresolved Or More
PPD Officer Mar. 2018 Complaints Internal Affairs Allegations Complaints District Direct Supervisor District Phone District Address Issues/Complaints
In North Philly’s 35th District, Officers Eric Ruch, Jr., and David Tamamato
accrued 4 complaints together for allegedly unjustified car searches and
roughing up suspects during arrests. Of the 14 offenses tied to those
complaints, Internal Affairs sustained five of the least serious charges against
the duo. Ruch Jr. and Tamamato also racked up complaints on their own.
According to one complaint, translated from Spanish, Ruch and other officers
responded to a call from a 34-year-old Hispanic male who, along with a
family member, had gotten into a scuffle at a local bar. “The police laughed at
them and threatened to call Immigration (ICE), if they didn’t leave the bar;
N Broad St and Champlost St. they said they were going to shoot and kill them one by one,”the complainant
David Tamamato 7 9 2 2013 35th Captain Ernest Ransom 215-686-3350 Philadelphia, PA 19141 wrote. Investigators ruled the claims unfounded.
Served on a related narcotics strike team; Some complainants had trouble
distinguishing the undercover unit from common criminals. In one instance, a
man said he fled from officers; Both of those complaints were ruled
unsustained by Internal Affairs. A complainant said officers ordered him off
the porch of his own home and, when he refused, they allegedly struck him in
the chin and dragged him down the steps in handcuffs. The officers entered
his residence without a warrant or his permission and, finding no contraband,
released him. Another woman said men “dressed in black with weapons
drawn” entering her home without identifying themselves “while she was
doing her taxes.” Believing “a home invasion was taking place,” she
attempted to shield her daughter from the mysterious invaders, a team of
police that included Nance. One officer grabbed her by the hair, threw her
down and ordered her into her basement. because he “thought he was about
to be robbed” – only to be beaten by Nance and others, fracturing his jaw.
Nance was sued by a woman named Angelique Gerald-Porter in 2011 over
an incident in which she said he punched her for filming a police stop and,
once again, grabbed her hair and dragged her down her front steps and over
her nearby 2-year-old child, pinning the toddler in the process. That case was
61st St and Thompson St. settled out of court for an undisclosed amount.That year, the tactical unit
Ian Nance 7 10 3 2013, 2014 19th Captain John Stanford 215-686-3190 Philadelphia, PA 19151 officers were suddenly reassigned. Nance stayed in the district.
Served on a related narcotics strike team; Some complainants had trouble
distinguishing the undercover unit from common criminals. In one instance, a
man said he fled from officers; Both of those complaints were ruled
unsustained by Internal Affairs;Ondarza would eventually be taken to court
over a stop in which officers pulled over motorist Angel Seagraves “because
her handicap placard was obstructing her view.” Seagraves alleged officers
beat her, fractured her ankle, and forcibly searched her vehicle and family
members. Police then charged her with a variety of offenses, all of which
were thrown out of court for lack of evidence.
Seagraves later sued the officers over the incident, including Ondarza. The
city settled the suit last year for an undisclosed amount. That year, the
tactical unit officers were suddenly reassigned. Coincidentally, an Internal
Affairs investigation that year found Ondarza and six other officers had
falsified information and ignored departmental guidelines in yet another car
stop that had ended with officers allegedly jimmying open a locked glove box.
Reached for comment, Ondarza said the complaint against him was
sustained because he “turned in paperwork late.” While some other members
61st St and Thompson St. of the tactical squads were promoted or rotated into other districts, Ondarza
Reuben Ondarza, Jr. 7 12 5 2014, 2015 19th Captain John Stanford 215-686-3190 Philadelphia, PA 19151 stayed in the district.
Ross Scott 6 14 6 2013, 2014 ? ?
Relevant Leaders Name Duties Phone/Fax Office Location
City Hall, Office 215
Mayor Jim Kenney Running the City (215) 686-2181 Philadelphia, PA 19107
One Franklin Square
Room 314
Police Commissioner Richard Ross Jr Overseeing the Department 215.686.3280. Philadelphia, PA 19106
Field Operations, which is comprised of the most
visible members of the department –the
department’s sworn officers and commanders,
whose boots-on-the-ground work supports the One Franklin Square
Police Department’s public safety mission. Field Room 313
1st Deputy Commissioner Myron Patterson Operations includes the Patrol, and more. 215-686-3113 Philadelphia, PA 19106
Overseeing the department’s twenty-one districts,
the Neighborhood Services Unit, Philadelphia
Deputy Commissioner of Patrol School District Police, the Police Athletic League
Operations Joseph P. Sullivan and the Community Relations Unit. @PPDJoeSullivan ?
Deputy Commissioner of Professional
Services/Standards Robin Wimberly Oversees internal affairs. ? ?
7790 Dungan Road
Philadelphia, PA 19111
Deputy Commissioner Denise Turpin
Office of Professional Responsibility Over sees civilian complaints 215-685-5000
Internal Affairs ? Investigates Officer Complaints 215-685-5056, 5057 or 5058 7790 Dungan Road, Philadelphia, PA 19111.
Your Police District
Your District City Council Member Find your District Council Person here
(215) 686-3420, (215) 686-3421
At Large Council Member Helen Gym FAX: (215) 686-1930 City Hall, Room 592 Philadelphia, PA 19107-3290
(215) 686-3450, (215) 686-3451
At Large Council Member Derek Green FAX: (215) 686-2013 City Hall, Room 594 Philadelphia, PA 19107-3290
(215) 686-3452 (215) 686-3453 City Hall, Room 582/586
At Large Council Member David Oh Fax: (215) 686-1925 Philadelphia, PA 19107-3290
(215) 686-3440, (215) 686-3441 City Hall, Room 582/586
At Large Council Member Al Taubenberger FAX: (215) 686-1929 Philadelphia, PA 19107-3290
(215) 686-3438, (215) 686-3439 City Hall, Room 581
At Large Council Member Blondell Reynolds-Brown FAX: (215) 686-1926 Philadelphia, PA 19107
City Hall, Room 316 (215) 686-3414, (215) 686-3415
At Large Council Member Alan Domb Philadelphia, PA 19107 FAX: (215) 686-1928
(215) 686-3442, (215) 686-3443 City Hall, Room 313
Council President Darrell Clarke FAX: (215) 686-1901 Philadelphia, PA 19107-3290
(215) 686-3444, (215) 686-3445 City Hall, Room 484
Majority Leader Bobby Henon FAX: (215) 686-1935 Philadelphia, PA 19107-3290
Your State Representatives
Data Source Name Links
The Philadelphia Police Department
Officer Names, Districts, and Abuses Internal Affairs via PhillyWeekly
Cross Reference of Police Districts and their
District Councilmembers Open Maps
District and Supervisor Information
Leadership Information
Mayor and Councilmember Contact
Complaints Against Police, Philly
District Complaints and Complaint Findings Open Data
Complaints Against Police Findings,
Philly Open Data

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