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(2005) 30 AIC 36 : (2005) AIR(SCW) 2860 : (2005) AIRJharR 1789 : (2005)

AIR(SC) 2564 : (2005) 5 ALLMR 770 : (2005) 2 AllWC 1793 : (2005) 60 ALR
166 : (2005) 4 CalHCN 72 : (2006) 1 CalLJ 56 : (2005) 2 CivCC 574 : (2005)
120 DLT 83 : (2005) DNJ 531 : (2005) 3 ICC 834 : (2005) 5 JT 329 : (2005) 2
KLT 1018 : (2005) 3 LJR 557 : (2005) 3 LW 640 : (2005) 3 MLW 640 : (2005)
3 RCR(Civil) 272 : (2005) 99 RD 272 : (2005) 2 RLW 313 : (2005) 5 SCALE
247 : (2005) 10 SCC 746 : (2005) Sup1 SCR 359 : (2005) 4 Supreme 136 :
(2005) 3 UC 1770 : (2005) 2 UJ(SC) 907 : (2005) 2 WLC 93
( Before : R. C. Lahoti, C.J; Y. K. Sabharwal, J; G. P. Mathur, J )

DR. CHIRANJI LAL (D) BY LRS. — Appellant


HARI DAS (D) BY LRS. — Respondent

Civil Appeal No. 3745 of 2002
Decided on : 13-05-2005

 Civil Procedure Code, 1908 (CPC) - Order 20 Rule 6A, Order 20 Rule 6A(2),
Order 41 Rule 1
 Limitation Act, 1963 - Article 136, Article 45
 Stamp Act, 1899 - Section 2(14), Section 2(15), Section 3, Section 33, Section
35, Section 40, Section 42(1), Section 42(2)

Limitation Act, 1963 - Article 136 - Execution of decree -

Article 136 pre-supposes two conditions, viz., (1)
judgment has to be converted into decree and (2) decree
should be enforceable, when it is engrossed on stamp
paper, the date when the period of limitation begins to
Limitation Act, 1963 - Article 136 - Execution of decree -
Limitation - Decree in suit for partition creates rights and
liabilities of parties with respect to immovable properties
- It is considered as an instrument liable for payment of
stamp duty under the Indian Stamp Act - Once requisite
stamp duty alongwith penalty, if any, is paid the decree
can be acted upon - Starting point of limitation for
execution of a decree in partition suit cannot be made
contingent upon engrossment on the stamp paper -
Engross of decree on stamp paper would relate back to
the date of decree, i.e., 7th August 1981 - Application for
execution filed on 21.3.1994 beyond the period of 12 years
prescribed under Article 136 of the Act - High Court
committed illegality in holding that the execution
application was not barred by limitation.
Stamp Act, 1899 - Section 35 - Final decree in partition
suit - Execution of - Limitation - Period of limitation
begins to run from date when decree passed and not from
date of engrossment on stamp paper.
it is a settled proposition of law that a co-sharer can not seek injunction
against the other co-sharer with regard to the property which is joint in
their possession.

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