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Government of India

Ministry of Communications & IT

Department of Telecommunications

Sanchar Bhawan, 20 - Ashoka Road, New Delhi-llOOOl

(Data Services Cell)

No. 820-01/98-LR/Vol.(IX) Pt.. 1 Dated: 01.10.2013

All Internet Service Providers

Subject: Parameters for Internet Protocol Detail Record (IPDR) and SYS LOG of
Network Address Translation (NAT)

The Internet Protocol Detail Record (IPDR) format for Internet and GPRS Services and
Parameters to be stored for SYS Log of Network Address Translation (NAT) have been

2. The Internet Service Providers and the UASL/CMTS/UL(AS)/UL Licensees are hereby
directed to maintain log for the following parameters with immediate effect:

(i) IPDR Parameters to be stored in respect of Internet and GPRS Services:

· Sr. Parameters
I 1* Name of person/organization
2* Address
3 Contact No.
4** Alternate Contact No.
5** E-mail Address
6 Landline /MSISON/ MON /Leased circuit 10 for Internet Acc9
7 User 10 for Internet Access based on authentication
8 IP address assigned
9 Static /Oynamic IP Address Allocation I
10 Source port of the public IP Address in case of NATING
11 1ST Start Time of IP address allocation ( hh:mm:s~)
12 1ST end Time of IP address allocation ( hh:mm:ss)
13 Start Date of IP address allocation( dd/mm/yyyy)
14 End Date of IP address allocation( dd/mm/yyyy)
15*** Source MAC Address / Other device Identification number

(Sr. 1 to 5 above may be stored from Customer Acquisition Form (CAF))

(* - Photo 10 & Address Proof are required to be maintained separately by the
Service Providers)
(** - Optional)

(***- In place of customer device MAC address, virtual MAC Address of

DSLAM!routing device is captured in some ofthe systems.)

(ii) Parameters to be stored in SYS LOG of Network Address Translation (NAT) for
Internet Access:
Sr. No. Parameters
1 Start Date (mm:dd:yyyy) & Time (hh:mm:ss)
2 End Date (mm:dd:yyyy) & Time (hh:mm:ss)
3 Source IP Address
4 Source Port
5 Translated IP Address
6 Translated Port
7 Destination IP Address
8 Destination Port

• Term SYSLOG here refers to Logs for Network Address Translation.

• Aforesaid parameters shall also be applicable for NAT 'mechanism for Dual
Stack in IPv6 Network.

3. Internet Service Providers and UASL!CMTS!UL(AS)!UL Licensees shall communicate to

their subscriber, other than individual subscribers for recording and maintaining of NAT SYS
Log Parameters as mentioned in Para 2 (ii) above for any NAT mechanism deployed by them
for access of Internet over the Internet connectivity. The Service Providers shall also obtain
the compliance from them in this regard.

Compliance may kindly be communicated immediately.

~ oH¢'1P~
(S.T. Abbas)
Director (DS-II), DoT

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