Antiproliferative Properties of Lavatera - 5.31 - UGC

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International Journal of Chemical Studies 2018; 6(3): 1012-1014

P-ISSN: 2349–8528
E-ISSN: 2321–4902
IJCS 2018; 6(3): 1012-1014 Evaluation of antiproliferative properties of
© 2018 IJCS
Received: 27-03-2018 Lavatera cachemeriana roots
Accepted: 28-04-2018

Mudasir A Mir Mudasir A Mir, P Mani, Zahoor Dar and MV Rao

Division of Biotechnology,
Sher-e-Kashmir University of
Agricultural Sciences and Abstract
Technology of Kashmir, Brest cancer is the leading cause of deaths across the world and plant derived bioactive molecules are
Shalimar, Srinagar, Jammu considered as potent and safer agents to tackle and prevent therapeutically challenged breast cancer
and Kashmir, India incidences. The current study investigated In vitro anti-proliferative activity of Lavatera cachemiriana
methanol root extracts against breast cancer cell line (MCF-7) through MTT assay, L-6 cell line acted as
P Mani a negative control. Results have demonstrated that extracts showed insignificant levels of anti-
Department of Biotechnology, proliferative activities against tested cell lines (IC50> 1000 µg/ml). The morphology of both treated and
Annai College of Arts & Science, untreated cells was same with no changes reported. In conclusion, the methanol root extract possesses no
Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu, marked anti-proliferative activities against breast cancer cell line at the tested extract concentrations.
Keywords: Anticancer, anti-proliferative, MCF-7, L-6, MTT assay
Zahoor Dar
Department of Biotechnology,
School of Biological Sciences, Introduction
University of Kashmir, Srinagar, Plant derived medicines are considered potential agents for the treatment of many diseases
Jammu and Kashmir, India (Parekh and Sumitra, 2007) [1] as they possess many important biological activities such as
antioxidant, preservation, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anticancer, antidiabetic etc.
MV Rao
Department of Plant Science,
(Fernandez, 2006) [2]. Around 60% of anti-cancer drugs that are in the market or under clinical
School of Life Sciences, trials are of natural origin (Rates, 2001) [3]. There are mounting evidences that natural products
Bharathidasan University. which are currently used in medicine possesses a wider range of chemical diversity; due to
Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu which they possess potential to be the source for modern drug discovery. Screening of more
India number of natural sources including medicinal and aromatic plants seems a promising strategy
to identify source of lead bioactive molecules against different cancers. Breast cancer, being a
leading cause of death and an important health issue across the world (Hany, 2013) [4], the
treatment options for advanced breast cancer patients are lesser due to relapse or more toxicity
of currently used drug regimens.
Lavatera cachemeriana (Family-Malvaceae) is used as a folklore medicine in Kashmir
Himalaya against different clinical conditions such as mumps, common cold, laxative, renal
colic, anti-dandruff, throat problems (Kaul, 2010; Jeelani et al., 2013; Malik et al., 2011) [5-7].
There is a growing interest within the scientific community to screen more and more number
of plants so as to identify potential plant based molecules, which could treat or prevent breast
cancer incidences (Anupam et al., 2011) [8]. Therefore, the current study was attempted to
evaluate anti-proliferative activity of Lavatera cachemeriana roots.

Materials and Methods

Collection, authentication and extraction
The root samples of L. cachemeriana were collected from Gulmargh region of Jammu and
Kashmir (10,020 feet above sea level), cleaned and a part was deposited at the University of
Kashmir herbarium (KASH-1726). Root samples were air dried at room temperature (250C)
for 3 days and subjected to grinding into fine powder. The crude extract was filtered using
Whatman No. 1 filter paper and the extract so obtained was dissolved in DMSO to prepare a
Correspondence concentration range (62.5-1000 µg/ml) of crude extract. (Tiwari et al., 2011) [9].
Mudasir A Mir
Division of Biotechnology,
Sher-e-Kashmir University of Solvents and chemicals
Agricultural Sciences and The media components for animal cell culture (Fetal Bovine serum (FBS), Phosphate Buffered
Technology of Kashmir, Saline (PBS), Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium (DMEM) and Trypsin. EDTA, Glucose,
Shalimar, Srinagar, Jammu MHA medium, PDB medium and antibiotics) were procured from Hi-Media Laboratories Ltd.,
and Kashmir, India
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International Journal of Chemical Studies

Biological materials and culture medium 5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) into a blue coloured
Two animal cell lines i.e. Rat Muscle (L-6) and human Breast product (formazan). It is found that number of cells present is
carcinoma (MCF-7) were procured from National Centre for directly proportional to the extent of formazan produced by
Cell Sciences (NCCS), Pune, India. The stock cells were the cells (Francis and Rita, 1986) [10].
cultured under Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium i.e. As per review article of Stoner et al., 2008 [11] specifies that
10% inactivated FBS, amphotericin B (5 g/ml), penicillin inhibition of cell proliferation depends on various factors such
(100 IU/ml) and streptomycin (100 g/ml), 5% CO2 at 37 C as the type of the extract, cell line being used, stability of
until confluent. The dissociation of these cells was under extract components in different media, length of treatment
TPVG solution (0.2% trypsin, 0.02% EDTA, 0.05% glucose time, differential uptake of phenolics etc. The absence of
in PBS) and using 25 cm2 culture flasks, the stock cultures cytotoxicity against MCF-7 cell line could be because we
were transferred in them. used only single cancerous cell line and it will be possible that
cytotoxicity activity will be present against other cancerous
In vitro antiproliferative activity by MTT assay cells, this is because this herb has shown significant
The method used for determination of cytotoxicity studies of antioxidant activity and total phenolic and flavonoid content;
sample extracts was same as described by Francis and Rita, which enhances further chances to possess anticancer
1986 [10]. The percentage growth inhibition was calculated properties. Also, there are few previous studies that have
using the following formula and the concentration of test reported promising cytotoxicity activity of L. cachemeriana
sample needed to inhibit cell growth by 50% (IC50) values seeds against prostate (PC-3), breast (MCF-7) cell lines, THP-
was generated from the dose-response curves for both the cell 1 (leukemia), NCIH322 (lung) and Colon205 cell lines
lines. (Rakashanda, et al., 2013) [12] which is attributed to presence
of protease inhibitors. Furthermore, Dar et al; 2004 has
reported isolation of two diterpene compounds {ent-
pimmaran 8(14),15-diene-19-oic acid and ent-pimmarane
7(8), 9(11),15-diene-19 oic acid} from L. cachemeriana
which have showed promising in vitro cytotoxicity against
Results and Discussion five human cancer cell lines I.e. SK-N-MC (CNS), HT-29
The morphological changes in two selected cell lines (L6- (colon), A-549 (Lung), Hep-2 (liver), OVCAR-5 (Ovary) and
normal rat muscle and MCF7-human breast carcinoma) were PC-3 (Prostate). The cytotoxicity activity of extracts against
observed by microscopic examination which revealed no any specific cancerous cell depends upon the type of
marked cytotoxicity in the given extract concentration range phytoconstituents present in those extracts such as phenolic
against tested cell lines (Fig.1). The IC50 values against both acids (hydroxycinnamic and hydroxybenzoic acids),
the cell lines were found to be >1000 µg/ml (Table-1). The flavonoids (anthocyanins, flavanols, flavonols), condensed
capacity of cells to resist toxic shock has remained the tannins (proanthocyanins), hydrolysable tannins (ellagitannins
foundation of most cytotoxicity assays and MTT assay is and gallotannins), stilbenoids,lignans, triterpenes and sterols
based on the principle that dead cells or their products do not (Dhanukar et al., 2000) [14]. Therefore, it is recommended for
reduce tetrazolium. The assay depends both on the number of future studies to include more number of cell lines to verify
cells present in the medium and the mitochondrial enzyme the anti-proliferative activities of different extracts of L.
succinate dehydrogenase activity per cell. This enzyme brings cachemeriana along with proper isolation and spectral
cleavage of tetrazolium salt 3-(4, 5 dimethyl thiazole-2-yl)-2, characterization of lead bioactive molecules.

Table 1: In vitro cytotoxicity effect of methanolic extract of Lavatera cachemeriana against L6 (Normal rat muscle) and MCF-7 (Human breast
carcinoma) Cell lines

Sl. No Name of cell line Test Conc. (µg/ml) % Cytotoxicity IC50 (µg/ml)
1000 23.09±1.2
500 21.55±4.8
1 L6 250 19.41±4.4 >1000
125 19.15±3.1
62.5 16.24±5.4
1000 22.97±5.5
500 21.14±1.2
2 MCF7 250 21.01±1.9 >1000
125 18.90±0.3
62.5 18.75±2.0

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Fig 1: Microscopic examination of L6 (Normal rat muscle) and MCF-7 (Human breast carcinoma) cell lines after exposed to
methanolic extract of Lavatera cachemeriana.

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