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Guidelines for Withdrawal

Students wishing to withdraw from the university are responsible for making contact with all applicable offices/departments to ensure closure in all areas. Departments
below may require action that differs from information in “Comments” section. It may also be necessary to consult additional offices, not listed here, to complete the
withdrawal process.

NOTE: Students leaving USC in the first semester of enrollment will not be eligible for a leave of absence and must contact the Office of Admission.
Continuing students requesting a leave of absence must visit an advisor in their academic unit to complete the appropriate paperwork.

Cancel course All students Registrar One-Stop Center Drop to zero units for the current and/or next term on Web Registration, by
registration for the UPC – JHH Lobby email, in person, or by fax. Obtain registration confirmation reflecting
current and/or next (213) 740-8500 change of status. If Tuition Refund Insurance was purchased for the
term Fax: (213) 821-3724 current semester, and you are withdrawing due to a medical emergency,
[email protected] request a Tuition Refund Insurance claim form.

Determine eligibility Note: Student Affairs may withdraw a student with written permission from
for Tuition Refund that student, or can accept a parent’s request if the student is hospitalized
Insurance and/or unable to do so on their own, due to medical reasons.
Update your contact All students Registrar One-Stop Center- Ensure your current mailing address and phone number are updated. Contact
information UPC – JHH Lobby information may be updated in person at TRO 101 or on the web through
(213) 740-8500 OASIS. Select “Change of Address” from the “Other Services” heading on
[email protected] the OASIS menu.
Inform your All students Major Department Meet with your academic advisor to inform them of your withdrawal, discuss
academic (Academic Unit) remaining degree requirements, and complete the Leave of Absence form. If
department Contact information varies for each you have not yet declared a major, you must contact an advisor at the Dornsife
major College Advising Office located at KAP 357, or by calling (213) 740-2534.
View and resolve All students Restriction/Hold Department Check for specific restrictions/holds on your student account via OASIS.
holds on your Contact information varies for each Select “Restrictions” from the “Course Information” heading on the OASIS
account hold menu.
Check transfer Students who Degree Progress (Transfer Credit) Courses completed during the fall or spring semester at institutions other than
eligibility plan to take UPC – TRO 101 USC, DO NOT transfer back to USC. Check with this office (or your
courses away (213) 740-7070 academic advisor) to ensure that courses taken during summer session at
from USC Fax: (213) 821-3757 other institutions are eligible for transfer.
Verify your academic Students on Academic Review and Retention If applicable, students on academic probation or disqualification should meet
standing academic UPC – FIG 107 with an Academic Review Counselor to discuss current academic standing
probation or (213) 740-1196 and for assistance in canceling registration.
disqualified Fax: (213) 821-0243

UPC – University Park Campus

HSC – Health Sciences Campus
Inform Financial Aid Students who Office of Financial Aid For more information, refer to "Withdrawal Implications for Recipients of
of your leave receive UPC – JHH Lobby Financial Aid" in the USC Catalogue. You may also consider meeting with a
scholarships, (213) 740-4444 financial aid counselor to discuss your situation and the effects of withdrawal
grants, loans, HSC – KAM B28 on present and future financial status, as well as loan deferment.
etc.) (323) 442-1016 For the Federal Perkins loan, please call Student Financial Services at (213)
FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS 740-4077 or visit their office at PSB 115 (UPC).

Check your student All students Cashier’s Office Once you have dropped your classes, check OASIS or contact the Cashier’s
account balance and UPC – STU 106 Office to see if you have an existing balance on your student account. If so,
collections status (213) 740-7471 you are responsible for reconciling your account by paying off the existing
HSC – SRH 101B balance. If you have a credit on your student account, the Cashier’s office
Make arrangements (323) 442-3040 can process a refund.   
to settle your student Collections If you are unable to pay off the existing balance, arrange a payment plan with
account UPC – PSB 115 Collections.
(213) 740-9087
Student Financial Services – If applicable, students with the USC Payment Plan or Tuition Prepayment
UPC – PSB 100 Plan should contact this office. You may also check on their website:
(213) 740-4077
Cancel your USC Students residing USC Housing ([email protected]) If applicable, take confirmation of withdrawal to the Housing Office to
Housing Contract in USC Housing UPC – PSX 130 cancel the contract. Keys must be returned at the local Customer Service
(213) 740-2546 Center (CRC) of the student’s building. For a specific CRC location, check
HSC – Seaver Residence Hall housing contract or visit:
(323) 442-1576
Close or suspend All students USCard ([email protected]) Contact USCard regarding Discretionary and Dining Dollar accounts. If
discretionary UPC – PSX applicable, close out all discretionary accounts, as well as those for

spending on your (213) 740-8709 copying/printing; show confirmation of withdrawal to cancel meal plan.
USCard HSC – Seaver Residence Hall
(323) 442-2110
Cancel your Parking Students who Transportation Services Contact Transportation Services (PSX) regarding permits, parking, and other
Permit have a parking UPC – PSX transportation related questions. If applicable, return parking permit for pro-
permit or (213) 740-3575 rated refund and clear any outstanding fees.
rideshare subsidy HSC – KAM 120
(323) 442-1201
Check student health All students Engemann Student Health Check status of student health insurance. A one-semester only Leave of
insurance status Center – ESH Lower Level Absence plan is available. For questions, please e-mail: [email protected]
(213) 740-9355
Return items to the Students with Libraries If applicable, return all outstanding books and library materials, and pay any
Library items on loan Contact information varies for each outstanding fines.
from a USC library

UPC – University Park Campus

HSC – Health Sciences Campus
Confirm Visa status All International Office for International Services Applicable for international students only. International students must
with OIS Students (OIS) maintain full-time enrollment to remain in the United States. Verify your
UPC – PSD 101 current Visa type and status with OIS to determine if you are required to

(213) 740-2666 return to your home country.

[email protected]
Defer your Students Office of Admission – If you are withdrawing during your first semester and wish to return at a later
Admission withdrawing UPC – Admission Center date, contact the Office of Admission. Although you are not eligible for a
from *all* TCC 202 Leave of Absence, admission deferrals are allowable in many situations.
classes in the (213) 740-1111
first semester at Fax: (213) 821-0200
Inform your on- Students Campus Employer If applicable, ensure that your campus employer or research supervisor has
campus supervisor employed on Contact information varies for each been given notice and has a forwarding address for your final paycheck.
campus (work- office
study, research,
Check in with DSP Students who Disability Services and Programs If you have a disability or believe that your reason for requesting a leave of
may have a (DSP) absence may qualify you as having a disability, please contact Disability
disability that UPC – GFS 120 Services and Programs (DSP) to assist you with the leave of absence process
affects their (213) 740-0776
studies at USC [email protected]

UPC – University Park Campus

HSC – Health Sciences Campus

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