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DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F


NO. HHS000050200001


The Health and Human Services Commission (“System Agency”) an administrative agency
within the executive department of the State of Texas and having its principal office at
4900 North Lamar Blvd., Austin, TX 78751 and Human Coalition (“Grantee” or
“Contractor”), having its principal office at 7800 North Dallas Parkway, Suite 550, Plano,
Texas 75024 (each a “Party” and collectively the “Parties”) enter into the following grant
contract to provide funding for the Alternatives to Abortion Program (“Contract”).


The Contract is authorized by and in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 531 of the
Texas Government Code and 2018-2019 General Appropriations Act, Senate Bill 1, 85th
Legislature, Regular Session 2017.


The Contract will be effective on June 1, 2018. The Contract shall terminate on August 31,
2019, unless it is renewed or terminated pursuant to the terms and conditions of the
Contract. The System Agency reserves the option to renew the Contract for up to two (2)
additional two (2) year terms.


A. The Services to be performed under this Contract are described in: (1) the Alternatives
to Abortion Request for Applications (RFA) Solicitation, which is attached hereto as
ATTACHMENT A and incorporated herein by this reference; (2) Contractor’s revised
Program Forms and revised Budget Documents, which are attached hereto as
ATTACHMENTs B and C , respectively, and incorporated herein by this reference; and
(3) the Contractor’s RFA Application, which is attached hereto as ATTACHMENT D and
incorporated herein by this reference.

B. Modifications to Alternatives to Abortion RFA:

1. The definition of “Client”, as defined in Section 1.2 of the RFA is deleted in its
entirety and replaced with the following:

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“Client” means a member of the target population to be served by the Respondent's

organization. A client is eligible to receive services through A2A if the person:

(1) is pregnant; is the biological father of an unborn child; the biological parent of
a child 36 months old or younger; is the adoptive parents; is a program client
who experienced the loss of a child; or is a parent or legal guardian of a pregnant
child who is a program client;

(2) is a United States citizen, a United States national, or an alien who qualifies
under 1 Texas Administrative Code §366.513; and

(3) resides in Texas.

2. The introductory paragraph of Section 2.6.1 of the RFA, Mentoring and Case
Management, is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following language:

2.6.1 Mentoring and Care Coordination

The Applicant may deliver or ensure the delivery of evidence-based mentoring and
care coordination to each client by a qualified care coordinator, who has at least a
Bachelor’s Degree in a related social services field or is a Registered Nurse or
Community Health Worker. Mentoring and care coordination must relate to
pregnancy, health and human services programs and enrollment, and/or parenting
that meets or exceeds the following minimal criteria:

C. In the event of a conflict, the order of precedence for these documents is as follows:

The RFA revisions in paragraph B, above;

Attachment A -- Alternatives to Abortion RFA;
Attachment B -- Contractor's revised Program Forms;
Attachment C -- Contractor's revised Budget Documents; then
Attachment D -- Contractor's RFA Application.

D. Contractor shall provide Alternative to Abortion Program Services to 21,148

Unduplicated Clients during the term of this Contract. The Contractor shall provide
Alternative to Abortion Program Services to 5,917 Unduplicated Clients during the
remainder of Fiscal Year 2018 and to 15,231 Unduplicated Clients during Fiscal Year


Any assumptions contained in the Contractor’s RFA Application or in its RFA Application
revisions are rejected by HHSC and will not be a part of this Contract unless, and only to
the extent reflected in Section IV, B, of this Signature Document.

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A. The total amount of this Contract will not exceed $8,078,235 ($2,366,760 in fiscal
year 2018 and $5,711,475 in fiscal year 2019) as described in the revised budget
documents contained in ATTACHMENT C. All expenditures under the Contract must
be in accordance with Attachment C. This Contract is contingent upon the continued
availability of funding. If funds become unavailable during the term of this Contract,
the System Agency may terminate this Contract without penalty.

B. This Contract will be paid on a cost reimbursement basis as described in Section 2.8.1


The Uniform Terms and Conditions, which is attached hereto as ATTACHMENT F and
incorporated herein by this reference, is hereby modified by deleting Section 2.09 in its
entirety and replacing it with the following language:

2.09 Nonsupplanting

Grant funds may be used to supplement existing, new, or corresponding programming and
related activities. Grant funds may not be used to supplant (replace) existing funds in place
to support current programs and related activities.


The following will act as the Representative authorized to administer activities under this
Contract on behalf of their respective Party.

System Agency
Health and Human Services Commission -- Alternatives to Abortion Address:
4900 North Lamar Blvd.
Mail Code H-102
Austin, TX 78751
Attention: Michael Gill
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (512) 206-4812

Human Coalition
Address: 7800 North Dallas Parkway, Suite 550
Plano, Texas 75024
Attention: Brian Fisher
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (972) 826-4288

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Any legal notice required under this Contract shall be deemed delivered when deposited
by the System Agency either in the United States mail, postage paid, certified, return
receipt requested; or with a common carrier, overnight, signature required, to the
appropriate address below:

System Agency
Health and Human Services Commission 4900
North Lamar Blvd.
Austin, TX 78751
Attention: HHSC Chief Counsel – Karen Ray

Human Coalition
7800 North Dallas Parkway, Suite 550
Plano, Texas 75024
Attention: Human Coalition President – Brian Fisher

Notice given by Grantee will be deemed effective when received by the System Agency.
Either party may change the above-referenced designed or address by written notice to the
other Party.


If a contract dispute arises that cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of the Parties, either
Party may notify the other Party in writing of the dispute. If the Parties are unable to
satisfactorily resolve the dispute within fourteen (14) days of the written notification, the
Parties must use the dispute resolution process provided for in Chapter 2260 of the Texas
Government Code to attempt to resolve the dispute. This provision will not apply to any
matter with respect to which either Party may make a decision within its respective sole


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The Parties have executed this Contract in their capacities as stated below with authority
to bind their organizations on the dates set forth by their signatures.


Name: ___________________________ Name: 

" !  
Title: ____________________________ Title: 
Date of execution: "  
_______________ Date of execution: "  





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ATTACHMENT A- Alternatives to Abortion Request for Application

Charles Smith, Executive Commissioner

Request for Applications (RFA)

Alternatives to Abortion
RFA No. HHS0000502

Date of Release: January 3, 2018

Responses Due: February 1, 2018, 2:00 p.m. Central Time

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1.1 Executive Summary ........................................................................................................ 5
1.2 Definitions....................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Authority ......................................................................................................................... 8
ARTICLE 2. SCOPE OF GRANT AWARD ..............................................................................9
2.1 Program Background and Purpose.................................................................................. 9 2.2
Grant Award and Term ................................................................................................. 11
2.2.1 Available Funding ............................................................................................................... 11
2.2.2 Grant Term .......................................................................................................................... 11 2.3
Eligible Applicants........................................................................................................ 11
2.4 Program Requirements.................................................................................................. 12
2.5 Scope ............................................................................................................................. 12
2.6 Applicant Background and Project Work Plan ............................................................. 15 2.7
Reporting Requirements ............................................................................................... 21
2.7.1 Monthly Reports .................................................................................................................. 21
2.7.2 Annual Reports .................................................................................................................... 23 2.8
Expenditure Proposal .................................................................................................... 24
2.8.1 Payment and Invoicing ....................................................................................................... 25
2.8.2 Funding Request and Clients Served..................................................................................... 25
2.9 Performance Measures .................................................................................................. 26
2.10 Prohibitions ................................................................................................................... 26
2.11 Standards ....................................................................................................................... 27
2.12 No Guarantee of Volume, Usage or Compensation...................................................... 27
ARTICLE 3. ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION .............................................................28
3.1 Schedule of Events ........................................................................................................ 28
3.2 Changes, Amendment or Modification to Solicitation ................................................. 28
3.3 Irregularities .................................................................................................................. 28 3.4
Inquiries ........................................................................................................................ 28
3.4.1 Point of Contact ................................................................................................................... 28
3.4.2 Prohibited Communications............................................................................................... 29
3.4.3 Questions .............................................................................................................................. 29
3.4.4 Clarification request made by Respondent ....................................................................... 29
3.4.5 Responses ............................................................................................................................. 29
3.4.6 Respondent Conference ...................................................................................................... 30 3.5
Solicitation Response Composition .............................................................................. 30
3.5.1 Generally .............................................................................................................................. 30

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3.5.2 Submission in Separate Parts ............................................................................................. 30 3.6

Solicitation Response Submission and Delivery .......................................................... 31
3.6.1 Deadline ................................................................................................................................ 31
3.6.2 Labeling ................................................................................................................................ 31
3.6.3 Delivery ................................................................................................................................ 32 3.6.4
Alterations, Modifications, and Withdrawals ................................................................... 32
4.1 Generally ....................................................................................................................... 32
4.2 Eligibility Screening ..................................................................................................... 32
4.3 Evaluation ..................................................................................................................... 33
4.4 Final Selection .............................................................................................................. 33
4.5 Negotiation and Award ................................................................................................. 33
4.6 Questions or Requests for Clarification By the System Agency .................................. 34
ARTICLE 5. NARRATIVE PROPOSAL .................................................................................34
5.1 Narrative Proposal ........................................................................................................ 34
5.1.1 Executive Summary .............................................................................................................. 34
5.1.2 Project Work Plan ................................................................................................................. 34
5.2 Fiscal Solvency ............................................................................................................. 34
ARTICLE 6. REQUIRED RESPONDENT INFORMATION................................................34
6.1 Administrative Entity Information ................................................................................ 34
6.2 Litigation and Contract History .................................................................................... 34
6.3 Conflicts ........................................................................................................................ 35
6.4 Affirmations and Certifications .................................................................................... 35
6.5 HUB .............................................................................................................................. 35
ARTICLE 7. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS .........................................................36
7.1 General Conditions ....................................................................................................... 36
ARTICLE 8. SUBMISSION CHECKLIST ..............................................................................38
...................................................................................................................40 EXHIBITS….

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The Alternatives to Abortion program (A2A) is a statewide program promoting childbirth

and providing support services to pregnant women and adoptive parents. For the 20182019
biennium, the A2A program was appropriated $18,300,000 and was authorized to expend
an additional $20,000,000 if HHSC determined there is additional need based on gaps in
the current program structure.

HHSC identified additional need and several key opportunities to expand services, increase
the effectiveness of the A2A program, and improve the lives of A2A clients and their

In this RFA, the State of Texas, by and through the Texas Health and Human Services
Commission (HHSC), seeks qualified entities that provide, or will provide, A2A programs
for the State of Texas.

To be considered for award, Respondents must execute the Affirmations and Solicitation
Acceptance, Exhibit A, and the Federal Assurances - Non-construction Programs,
Exhibit B of this Solicitation and provide all other required information and documentation
as set forth in this Solicitation.


Refer to HHSC Grantee Uniform Terms and Conditions, Exhibit C, and the HHSC
Special Conditions, Exhibit D, for additional definitions. Additionally, as used in this
Solicitation, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the following terms and
conditions have the meanings assigned below:

"Addendum" means a written clarification or revision to this Solicitation issued by the

System Agency.

"Affiliate" means an individual or entity that has a legal relationship with another entity,
which relationship is created or governed by at least one written instrument that
demonstrates a common ownership, management, control, franchise, or the granting or
extension of a license or other agreement that authorizes the entity to use the other entity's
brand name, trademark, service mark, or other registered identification mark.

"Apparent Awardee" means an organization that has been selected to receive a grant award
through response to this RFA but has not yet executed a grant agreement or contract. May
also be referred to as "Apparent Grant Recipient" or "Apparent Grantee."

"Applicant" means any individual or entity that submits an application under this RFA.
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"Application" means the documents submitted in response to this RFA.

"Client" means a member of the target population to be served by the Respondent's

organization. A client is eligible to receive services through A2A if the person:
(1) is pregnant; is the biological father of an unborn child; the biological parent of
a child 36 months old or younger; is the adoptive parents; or is a program
participant who experienced the loss of a child;
(2) has countable income that does not exceed 200 percent of the federal poverty
(3) is a United States citizen, a United States national, or an alien who qualifies
under 1 Texas Administrative Code §366.513; and
(4) resides in Texas.

"Elective Abortion" means the intentional termination of a pregnancy by an attending

physician who knows that the female is pregnant, using any means hat is reasonably likely
to cause the death of the fetus. The term does not include the use of any such means to
terminate a pregnancy that resulted from an act of rape or incest; in a case in which a female
suffers from a physical disorder, physical disability, or physical illness, including a
lifeendangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy, that would, as
certified by a physician, put the female in danger of death or risk of substantial impairment
of a major bodily function unless an abortion is performed; or in a case in which the fetus
has a life-threatening physical condition that, in reasonable medical judgement, regardless
of the provision of life saving treatment, is incompatible with life outside the womb.

"Family Planning Services" means educational or comprehensive medical activities that

enable individuals to determine freely the number and spacing of their children and to select
the means by which this may be achieved. These services may include contraceptive
services, pregnancy testing and counseling, health screenings, preconception health
screenings for obesity, smoking, and mental health, and sexually transmitted infection
services and screenings.

"Federal Poverty Level" or "FPL" means the set minimum amount of income that a family
needs for food, clothing, transportation, shelter, and other necessities. In the United States,
this level is determined by the Department of Health and Human Services.

"Health and Human Services Commission" or "HHSC" means the administrative agency
established under Chapter 531, Texas Government Code or its designee.

"Health Service Region" or "HSR" means counties grouped within specific geographic
areas for administrative purposes.

"Healthy Texas Women program" or "HTW program" means a state funded program
administered by HHSC to provide eligible uninsured women with Women's Health
Services and Family Planning Services

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"HUB" means Historically Underutilized Business, as defined by Chapter 2161 of the

Texas Government Code.

"In-reach" means activities that are conducted with the purpose of informing and educating
women already served by an Applicant's organization about services they are receiving, but
may not be eligible to receive in the A2A program.

"Key Personnel" means a Respondent organization's Project Contact, Fiscal Contact, and
Executive Director and/or any other key stakeholders in the Proposed Project.

"Medicaid" means Title XIX of the Social Security Act; reimburses for health care services
delivered to low-income individuals who meet eligibility guidelines.

"Outreach" means activities that are conducted with the purpose of informing and educating
the county about available A2A program Services and increasing the number of clients
served through A2A program.

"Priority Population" means the target population to be served through the A2A program.

"Project" means the work and activities for which grant funding is awarded and information
is provided as part of the response to this Solicitation. During the open application period
and before selection of grant recipients are made, the Project will be known as the Proposed

"Promote Elective Abortions" means advancing, advocating, or popularizing Elective


"Provider" means a person who provides A2A services in a clinical setting. May also be
referred to as contractors.

"Respondent" means the entity responding to this Solicitation. May also be referred to as

"Solicitation" means this Request for Applications including any Exhibits and Addenda, if

"State" means the State of Texas and its instrumentalities, including HHSC, the System
Agency and any other state agency, its officers, employees, or authorized agents.

"State Fiscal Year" means the twelve-month period beginning September 1st and ending
August 31st.

“Subrecipient or sub grantee” means a non-Federal entity that receives a sub award from a
pass-through entity to carry out part of a Federal program, but does not include an
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individual that is a beneficiary of such program. A subrecipient may also be a recipient of

other Federal awards directly from a Federal awarding agency.

"Successful Respondent" means an organization that receives a grant award as a result of

this RFA. May also be referred to as "Grantee, ""Awarded Applicant," "Successful
Applicant," or "Grant Recipient."

"System Agency" means the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, its officers,
employees or authorized agents.

"Uninsured" means not having medical insurance or not enrolled in a medical assistance
program, such as Medicaid.

"Women's Health Services" means preventative health services that are beneficial to a
woman's reproductive health including, but not limited to, vaccines and immunizations,
breast cancer screening, cervical cancer screening and treatment, and gynecological
services including cancer screening or repair of abnormalities.


The System Agency is requesting applications under Chapter 531 of the Texas Government
Code and Article II, Health and Human Services Commission, Rider 222 of SB 1, 85th
Regular Legislative Session.

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The A2A program was created by the 2006-2007 General Appropriations Act, S.B. 1, 79th
Legislature, Regular Session, 2005 (Article II, Special Provisions Relating to all Health and
Human Services Agencies, Section 50). A2A is a statewide program promoting childbirth and
providing support services to pregnant women and adoptive parents. A2A is designed to:
• reduce abortions and improve pregnancy outcomes by helping women practice sound
health-related behaviors and improve prenatal nutrition;
• improve child health and development by helping parents provide responsible and
competent care for their children; and
• improve families’ economic self-sufficiency by helping parents continue their education
and find a job.
A2A programs are delivered through Grantees and their contracted providers, including adoption
agencies, residential care facilities for pregnant women, pregnancy centers, and social service
providers. A2A services are available to any pregnant woman or adoptive parent seeking services
from a contracted service provider. The A2A program provides:
• Counseling, referral, and pregnancy information through a hotline and website
• Mentoring
• Information regarding pregnancy and parenting (brochures, pamphlets, books, classes,
and counseling)
• Support groups in maternity homes
• Referrals to county and social service programs such as childcare, transportation,
housing, and state and federal benefit programs
• Classes on life skills, budgeting, parenting, stress management and obtaining a General
Education Development (GED) certificate
• Material items such as car seats, maternity clothes, infant diapers, and formula

Beginning in March 2018, the A2A program services will be expanded. With HHSC’s focus on
continuity of care for healthy birth outcomes for women and children, A2A contractors play a vital
role in connecting pregnant women to services. A2A contractors must connect pregnant women,
new mothers, and their children to health and human services programs. These programs include
but are not limited to Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Supplemental
Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Family (TANF), Special
Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), Early Childhood
Intervention (ECI), and Nurse-Family Partnership. Connecting pregnant women and new mothers
to health care services improves pregnancy outcomes, family stability, and self-sufficiency by
helping women access health and nutrition services linked to pregnancy outcomes.1 2 Expanded

K.E. Debiec, K.J. Paul, C.M. Mitchell, & J.E. Hitti. Inadequate prenatal care and risk of preterm delivery among
adolescents: a retrospective study over 10 years. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2010, 203(2),
S.L. Charmichael, W. Yang, A. Herring, B. Abrams, & G.M. Shaw. Maternal food insecurity is associated with increased risk
of certain birth defects. The Journal of Nutrition, 2007, 137(9), 2087-2092.
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services include providing women with pregnancy care case management, additional training,
parenting resources, and support necessary to care for themselves and their children, and increasing
the services until a child’s third birthday.
Adding pregnancy care case management to the A2A program improves access to prenatal care,
leads to early identification of pregnancy risk factors, and helps women access vital health and
human services programs. A2A contractors will focus on connecting pregnant women and families
to county health workers and medical services through HHSC programs.
The A2A program will expand services through a child’s third birthday. Services are available for
up to 3 years post-partum; for 90 calendar days after miscarriage or loss of a child (counseling,
referrals, and other relevant services); and to adoptive parents for up to 2 years post-adoption
finalization, regardless of the age of the child.
Expanded eligibility provides women additional training, parenting resources, and support
necessary to care for themselves and their children. Further expansion of services until a child’s
third birthday will increase opportunities to make a meaningful impact on the health and safety of
families participating in the program.
A2A clients are usually in need of job or skills training to help secure high-quality gainful
employment. Ensuring clients have gainful employment will lead to greater self-sufficiency and
lower reliance on health and human service programs across the lifespan. By adding job training,
job placement, and GED classes or referrals to the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) or other
skills development programs, eligible clients will gain skills necessary to qualify for higher-paid
The table below is an estimate of the number of pregnant women at or below 200% of the Federal
Poverty Level (FPL) by HHSC region. It provides an estimate of the need for services statewide.

Estimated Number of
Income-Eligible Pregnant
Women At/Below 200% of Percent of
HHSC Region FPL (SFY 2017) * Statewide Total

1 High Plains 7,618 3.37

2 Northwest Texas 4,315 1.91
3 Metroplex 54,971 24.32
4 Upper East Texas 9,089 4.02
5 Southeast Texas 6,464 2.86
6 Gulf Coast 51,767 22.91
7 Central Texas 27,363 12.11
8 Upper South Texas 22,909 10.14
9 West Texas 4,903 2.17
10 Upper Rio Grande 9,399 4.16
11 Lower South Texas 27,189 12.03

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In order to be awarded a contract as a result of this RFA, a Respondent must:

• Be a nonprofit entity;
• Have a minimum of one (1) year of operational experience in either providing core
program services or managing a network of Service Providers;
• Have as a fundamental part of their mission a commitment to promoting childbirth; and
• Have a clinic, or a network of clinics to offer core program services that are located in
Texas and have a Texas business address.

An Applicant may not:

• Perform or Promote Elective Abortions; or
• Be an Affiliate of any entity or individual that performs or promotes elective abortions;

Applicants must meet these requirements throughout the entirety of the application process and, if
chosen for grant award, must continue to meet them through the entirety of the grant funding


To meet the mission and objectives of A2A program, Respondents must submit a Project Work
Plan describing how their program meets the State requirements listed in this RFA.

Client Services to be provided as part of the Proposed Project must include the following services:
• Counseling, mentoring and information on pregnancy
• Case management for prenatal services including connecting clients to health programs
• Call center/hotline to schedule appointments and provide information
• Counseling, mentoring and information on parenting
• Educational materials and information regarding pregnancy and parenting (brochures,
pamphlets, books and electronic tools)
• Referrals to county and social service programs such as childcare, transportation,
housing, and state and federal benefit programs
• Classes on life skills, budgeting, parenting, and stress management
• Material items such as car seats, cribs, maternity clothes, infant diapers, and formula

Client Services to be provided as part of the Proposed Project may include the following services:
• Support groups in maternity homes
• Classes for job training, job placement, and obtaining a General Education Development
(GED) certificate

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Program operation services must include, but are not limited to, administrative and program
support services that are necessary for the efficient and accountable operation of A2A. The
Applicant(s) may designate regional area(s) or propose to provide administrative services
statewide for the program to function effectively and efficiently.
2.5.1 Network of Service Providers
The Applicant shall develop and maintain a network of eligible county-based client service
providers. Service providers at a minimum must:
A. Hold nonprofit status;
B. Have a minimum of one (1) year of operational experience providing some
core program services;
C. Have an understanding the HHSC programs available to pregnant women
and their children and be able to connect clients to healthcare services;
D. Have as a fundamental part of the mission a commitment to promoting
E. Have adequate accessible space to ensure private and confidential client
assessment and counseling;
F. Not charge fees for services; and
G. Have a documented process for client intake, satisfaction, and complaints.
Providers must deliver client services as specified in Section 2.1 within the health and
human services regional area(s) designated by the Applicant, or statewide with the goal
being to maximize access to these services. A map showing regional boundaries can be
viewed at the following link:

An Applicant must screen and enroll service providers necessary to maintain a qualified
service delivery network. An Applicant shall ensure all service provider staff are fully
oriented and trained prior to their participation in the program. An Applicant must provide
ongoing training and oversight of direct service providers to ensure compliance with
program requirements.

2.5.2 Statewide Coverage and Underserved Counties

The Applicant must describe all the counties that will be covered and specific benchmarks,
including timeframes, for providing direct services in each county to ensure sufficient
coverage for the potential need. Coverage can be provided through a direct service
provider’s main office or satellite office.

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2.5.3 Provide Orientation and Training

The Applicant shall ensure that all service providers and the Applicant’s staff performing
duties under any Contract resulting from this RFA are fully oriented to the program prior
to providing services. Orientation must include at a minimum, the following:
A. Meeting all requirements, procedures, policies, record keeping, and
documentation requirements of the Program;
B. Meeting all obligations or restrictions associated with program participation
and acceptance of public funds;
C. Maintaining nondiscrimination policies, privacy policies and practices
consistent with, as applicable, the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”) and any other applicable laws;
D. Compliance with applicable obligations or restrictions associated with
program participation and acceptance of public funds including Charitable
Choice Provisions Applicable to the Temporary Assistance for Needy
Families Program (45 CFR Part 260, RIN 0970-AC12 of the Department of
Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families)
website located at:
E. Detailed information including eligibility criteria for the following health
and human services programs:
i. Medicaid for Pregnant Women;
ii. Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP);
iii. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP); iv. TANF
v. Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and
Children (WIC); vi.
vii. Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP);
viii. Healthy Texas Women (HTW); ix.
Primary Health Care (PHC);
x. Title V: Child Health and Dental;
xi. Title V Prenatal; and
xii. Healthy Marriage Program

The Applicant must use results of provider monitoring and other available information to
analyze the need for ongoing or additional training to individual or groups of providers.
Orientation curriculum is subject to the review and approval of HHSC.
2.5.4 Program Monitoring
A. The Applicant shall be responsible for monitoring the functioning of the
program and the quality of all client services provided. This shall include
the development and implementation of a process and schedule for

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monitoring the performance and cost effectiveness of all Providers in the

B. The Applicant shall take corrective action at any time the program
encounters operational difficulties or the Applicant's staff or Providers fail
to follow contractual or legal requirements or program policies or
C. Applicant shall provide HHSC evidence of corrective action by contractor
and/or Service Providers, including repayment of funds as applicable, upon

2.5.5 Program Database

The Applicant shall maintain a secure database for all program activities including, but not
limited to the Clients served, Services delivered directly to Clients, and related costs by sub
A. The information to be included in the Program Database must include, at a
minimum, the elements required to be reported on and be in compliance in
a manner prescribed by HHSC.
B. All Clients shall be assigned a unique identifier. The Client's social
security number, protected health information, or other personally
identifiable information shall not be used as an identifier.


The Applicant shall develop and present with its Application an Applicant Background narrative
and a proposed Project Work Plan, which include information on the Applicant and specific
benchmarks with associated timeframes.

The Applicant Background is detailed in Forms G to G-2 and the Project Work Plan is comprised
of Forms H to K-1 of this RFA. The Project Work Plan must include but is not limited to,
Applicants planned approach to accomplishing the following:
A. Development of a network of service providers that will provide coverage
throughout the Applicant’s designated region(s) or statewide, preferably in every
B. Ensuring sufficient direct service coverage based on need in any given service area;
C. Providing initial and ongoing training to and maintenance of the provider
D. Maintaining a separation of responsibilities provided under this SOW to ensure
provided services are independent of other services or missions of the Applicant
and network service providers;
E. Management and Financial Management of the network of service providers; and
F. Oversight of service providers to ensure the quality of the services provided and
compliance with requirements of the program.

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Client Services

Client services are intended to provide viable and effective alternatives to abortion for clients
across the state that are pregnant and unsure of whether to have the child. Client services are also
intended to provide services to adoptive parents and to current program participants who
experience the loss of a child.

Client services shall be provided:

A. For up to three (3) years post-partum;

B. For ninety (90) calendar days after miscarriage or loss of a child (counseling,
referrals and other relevant services); and
C. To adoptive parents up to two (2) years post adoption finalization, regardless of the
age of the child.

Client services must be provided directly to clients in their counties. Services should be provided
on an individual basis, but they may be provided in a group setting.

Services must include but are not limited to:

2.6.1 Mentoring and Case Management

The Applicant must deliver or ensure the delivery of evidence-based mentoring and case
management to each client by a qualified case manager, who has at least a Bachelor’s
Degree in a related social services field or is a Registered Nurse or County Health Worker.
Mentoring and case management must relate to pregnancy, health and human services
programs and enrollment, and/or parenting that meets or exceeds the following minimal
A. Provides structured, one-to-one relationship or partnership that focuses on the
needs of the mentored client (including home visits);
B. Fosters caring and supportive relationships that include family group
decisionmaking efforts that promote childbirth;
C. Encourages individuals to develop to their fullest potential by improving coping
strategies and life skills;
D. Provides guidance and assistance to clients to develop vision for the future; and
E. Provides comprehensive, integrated, and timely referral to government
assistance programs and county support networks that provide assistance to
families before and after childbirth and promote the child’s safety and
wellbeing. This assistance may include, but is not limited to, referrals and
application assistance for:
i. Medicaid;
ii. CHIP;
iii. TANF; iv. SNAP;
v. WIC;

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vi. ECI vii.

HTW; viii.
Title V:
Health and
ix. Title V: Prenatal and Dental Program;
x. PHC;
xi. Family Violence Program (FVP);
xii. Medical Transportation Program (MTP);
xiii. Child support agencies;
xiv. Agencies that provide assistance with domestic violence;
xv. Other assistance programs available through the HHSC County Partner
Program; and xvi. County groups for support in meeting supplementary
longer-term needs related to food, clothing, health, legal assistance transportation,
or housing assistance.
Please describe in the Project Work Plan, Form H, the Applicant’s plan for providing or
causing to be provided mentoring and case management services.
2.6.2. Non-Medical Goods and Services
The Applicant or its contractor must arrange, at no cost to the client, non-medical goods
and services that meet the immediate or short-term needs of the participant and that directly
support or promote childbirth. Non-medical goods and services include, but are not limited
1. Goods or services that meet short-term basic needs related to food, clothing and
transportation; and
2. Cribs, car seats, maternity and baby clothes, formula, baby food, and diapers that
meet the then current safety standards for use.

While services performed with this Grant funding are social services and not medical
services, an Applicant is not precluded from offering medical services at the same location
as the social services are offered. Medical Services can include but are not limited to
separately funded Medicaid and CHIP Services.

Please describe in the Project Work Plan, Form H, the Applicant’s plan for providing or
causing to be provided Non-Medical Goods and Services.

2.6.3. Classes
Classes must be provided by Applicant or Applicant's contractor directly to biological
mothers, biological fathers, and adoptive parents. Classes may include, but are not limited
A. Child development;
B. Adoption education;
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C. Babyproofing the home;

D. Budgeting for the family;
E. Car seat training;
F. Child vaccinations;
G. Childbirth;
H. Daycare;
I. Infant CPR;
J. Newborn care;
K. Postpartum depression;
L. Smoking cessation;
M. Prenatal nutrition;
N. Postpartum nutrition;
O. Prenatal exercise;
P. Infant/child nutrition;
Q. Alcohol;
R. Postpartum care; S. Safe sleep for babies; and
T. Stress management.

Please describe in Project Work Plan, Form H, which classes Applicant plans to offer or
cause to be offered, along with where, when, how often, and how Applicant intends to
monitor attendance and curriculum of those classes.

2.6.4. Employment Assistance and Professional Development

Grantees are encouraged to provide, where appropriate, employment assistance and
professional development to biological mothers, biological fathers, and adoptive
parents. Grantees must counsel and encourage each client to follow through with
personal life goals and objectives as they relate to enhanced self-sufficiency and
improved care for themselves and their children. Employment assistance and
professional development may include, but are not limited to:
A. Referrals to the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC);
B. General Education Development (GED) certificate classes;
C. Assistance obtaining a driver’s license;
D. Job training;
E. Resume writing assistance;
F. Job placement;
G. Learning budget skills and money management; H. Assistance with school
registration; and
I. Employment application assistance.

Please describe in the Project Work Plan, Form H, the Applicant’s plan for providing or
causing to be provided Employment Assistance and Professional Development.

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2.6.5. Housing
Grantees or contractors may provide maternal housing for the duration of a client’s
pregnancy and ninety (90) days post-partum. Maternal home services may include, but are
not limited to:
A. Shelter;
B. Food;
C. Clothing;
D. Safety; and
E. Transportation to prenatal care, other medical appointments, classes, and access
to HHSC programs.

Please describe in the Project Work Plan, Form H, if Applicant plans to provide Housing
for clients and if so, Applicant's comprehensive plan for doing so.
2.6.6 Communication and Outreach
The Applicant must develop and implement communication and outreach strategies to
make the public aware of the program, services provided, and how to access services. The
Applicant shall submit a Communication and Outreach Strategy Plan as described in Form
I. All communication and outreach activities must be conducted in accordance with the
approved plan.
Communication and outreach activities may include, but are not limited to the following:
A. Developing and maintaining a program specific website. The website and all
content and information provided therein must be approved in writing by
HHSC. At no time shall the website contain any content or information not
approved in writing by HHSC. The website must be fully operational within 90
days after contract execution. Upon termination of the contract, the Applicant
must transfer the website domain to HHSC.
B. Procuring informational or educational materials used in the direct delivery of
services to clients. All materials to be used as part of the program shall be
approved in writing by HHSC prior to distribution to providers or clients.
i. All materials developed or used by the Applicant as part of a contract
resulting from this RFA are the property of HHSC;
ii. Applicant must ensure that all informational or educational materials are
available, at a minimum, in both English and Spanish;
iii. Applicant must ensure materials available to clients with limited English
proficiency are available in languages other than English based on the
individual need of the client;
iv. Applicant must provide at each location where clients receive services the
Women’s Right to Know booklet; and
v. Applicant must provide, at each location where clients receive services,
materials on Medicaid, CHIP, SNAP, TANF, WIC, ECI, HTW, FVP, PHC,
Title V: Child Health and Dental, Title V: Prenatal and Dental, and the
Healthy Marriage Program.

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Use of social media is not currently allowed. However, HHSC may consider adopting use
of social media in the future.

2.6.7 Clinic Site Readiness

Applicant must complete a Clinic Site Readiness Checklist, Form J, assessment for each
clinic site that will provide A2A services funded through this RFA.

The Clinic Site Readiness Assessment must address the following:

Appropriate signage;
Space for clinical, administrative and client functions;
HHSC Health Care Service Programs Information;
Secure storage of records, medical supplies, and client data;
Convenient location and hours;
Clean exam rooms;
Interpreter policies;
Financial management systems;
Emergency policies; and
CLIA certification

Applicant must also provide the requisite "Program Clinic Sites and Hours" information
contained on Form J-1 for each clinic that will provide A2A services funded through this
2.6.8 Staff Development Plan

Applicant must conduct staff development activities to ensure staff has the knowledge,
skills and abilities to provide A2A services and meet the required program components.
Applicant must provide a comprehensive Staff Development Plan, Form K, which
addresses the following:
A. Identification of personnel responsible for coordinating staff development activities
including job titles and qualifications for each person identified;
B. Identification of specific training for eligibility and billing staff;
C. A description of how training needs assessments are conducted and how staff
training activities are tied to quality management review findings; and
D. A description of procedures and documentation for staff annual performance
review. Applicant must specify how the staff development plan incorporates review
outcomes to further develop knowledge, skills, and abilities to provide A2A

Applicant must also develop a "Staff Development Training Calendar" in accordance with
the following requirements, Form K-1.

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i. At least one training for frontline staff on A2A program objectives,

program eligibility, and A2A services to ensure clear communication to
clients and presumptively eligible clients on HHSC healthcare programs;
ii. Training twice a year to staff on A2A eligibility screening and A2A
program application procedures.

2.6.9 Decision Support Services

Properly qualified client services providers must document and provide, at a minimum the
following decision support services that actively promote childbirth:
A. Evidence-based information regarding pregnancy, fetal development, childbirth,
childcare and parenting;
B. Evidence-based information regarding general health and health care; and
C. Evidence-based information regarding adoption services, programs and related

Please describe in the Project Work Plan, Form H, the qualifications of program client service
providers and if a volunteer screening tool or training program is used.


2.7.1 Monthly Reports

On a monthly basis, the Applicant shall provide to HHSC in a manner prescribed by HHSC
a written Program Report detailing the operations of the program for the preceding month
overall and by contractor. At a minimum, the Program Report shall include the following
client demographics, services provided, and financial information.

A. Clients Served (de-identified individual level data);

i. Marital Status
ii. Client Type
iii. Public health region or county of residence
iv. Age at first-time client
v. Gestational age at enrollment
vi. Ethnicity
vii. Number of current children
viii. Client Service Utilization
B. Services Provided (aggregated data);
i. Medical Care
i. Number of women referred for medical services/ care

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ii. Number of women who become pregnant again before eligibility

ii. Prenatal Care
i. Number of women who received prenatal care
ii. Number of women who entered prenatal care during first, second, or third
iii. Number of women referred to prenatal care
iv. Number of women who delivered preterm, if known
v. Number of women who delivered low birthweight babies, if known
iii. Nutrition Services
i. Number of women who received nutrition services ii. Number of women
referred to nutrition services
iv. Adoption Services
i. Number of parents who received adoption services
ii. Number of babies placed for adoption (maternal homes)
iii. Number of women referred to adoption services
v. Education and Employment Services
i. Number of women who received education and employment services
ii. Number of women referred to education and employment services
iii. Number of women who completed high school or received their GED
iv. Number of women who complete post-secondary education, vocational
v. Number of men who received education and employment services
vi. Number of men referred to education and employment services
vii. Number of men who completed high school or received their GED
viii. Number of men who complete post-secondary education, vocational
training. vi. Parenting Education and Support Services
i. Number of women who received parenting education and support services
ii. Number of parenting education and support services provided (how many
classes conducted, how many in attendance, and name of class)
iii. Number of women referred to parenting services
iv. Number of men who received parenting education and support services
v. Number of men referred to parenting services
vii. Referrals to Health and Human
Services Programs
i. Number of women who received referrals to health and human services
programs (by program and by woman)
ii. Number of men who received referrals to health and human services
programs (by program and by man)
iii. Number of women who were enrolled into health and human services
programs (by program and by woman)
iv. Number of men who were enrolled into health and human services
(by program and by man)

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Grantees must submit the monthly expenditure report 20 days after the last day of the
previous month. The report includes expenses to be reimbursed from state funds for a
particular month's reporting period. Expenditures reported must be supported by
documentation listed above.
C. Financial Information
i. Fund allocation methodologies
ii. Average costs for covered benefits
iii. Average cost-per-client
iv. Inventories
D. List of current contractors (name, address, phone number, contractor primary point of
contact name, and contractor primary point of contract email and phone number) and
the services that are provided at each contractor site;
E. Work to be initiated during the next month;
F. Issues requiring HHSC attention which include, but are not limited to:
i. Any problems that may delay performance;
ii. Proposed corrective action, as well as any failure of Grantee to perform,
any delay of Grantee in performing; and
iii. Any inadequacy in the performance of Grantee of any Grantee obligation.
G. Monitoring efforts employed which include, but not limited to:
i. The results of the monitoring;
ii. Any findings regarding performance of client service providers;
iii. Any training needs identified and resulting actions; and
iv. Any corrective action taken and the resolution of any issues.

Additional requirements clarifications and report items may be added by HHSC as

information needs change.

2.7.2 Annual Reports

Grantees must adhere to the following annual reporting requirements to ensure contract
obligations have been met. The reports will assist HHSC with tracking progress towards
objectives; evaluating and validating performance; ensuring adherence to policy; and
ensuring availability and access to services.
HHSC may review, approve, or require modifications to the reporting requirements at its
discretion. The agreed upon format will be determined prior to submission of the required
report. Grantees will be provided with reporting templates post-award.
Applicant must develop goals and objectives as required in the Project Work Plan. Selected
Grantees will be required to report on whether they attained the goals and objectives they
identified on Form J on an annual basis.

Program Component Reporting Reporting Due Date


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1. Program Administration and Annually On or before

Management Update September 30
2. Quality Assurance/Quality Annually On or before
Improvement September 30
3. Professional Development Annually On or before
September 30
4. Recruitment Annually On or before
September 30
5. Referrals to HHSC health and Annually On or before
human services programs September 30

Grantees will be required to report on Staff Development activities included in the Staff
Development calendar on an annual basis. The information contained in these reports must,
at a minimum, include: topic, presenter (including credentials if applicable), dates, location,
and the number of attendees.

Staff Development Reporting Reporting Due Date

6. Description of Staff Development Annually On or before
Activities. September 30

Grantees will be required to report on county education and outreach activities by providing
a Communication and Outreach Calendar in accordance with requirements set forth in
Form I, the to be submitted labeled as Form I-1, “Communication and Education Outreach
Calendar”. Selected Grantees are required to report on activities included in their
Communication and Outreach Calendar on an annual basis. The information contained in
these reports must, at a minimum, include: topics, presenter (including credentials if
applicable), dates, location, and the number of attendees.


Applicant must demonstrate project costs outlined in the Expenditure Proposal are reasonable,
allowable, allocable, and developed in accordance with applicable state and federal grant
In accordance with the requirements as defined Forms L and M, Applicant must develop an
administrative costs budget, where costs may be allocated to any of the following categories the
Applicant identifies during its budget development process:
1. Personnel
2. Fringe Benefits
3. Travel
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4. Equipment
5. Supplies
6. Contractual
7. Other
8. Indirect Costs

NOTE: Indirect costs are costs incurred for a common or joint purpose benefiting more than one
project or cost objective of Applicant’s organization and is not readily identified with a particular
project or cost objective. Typical examples of Indirect Costs may include general administration
and general expenses, such as salaries and expenses of executive officers; personnel administration
and accounting; depreciation; and costs of operating and maintaining facilities. A di minimis rate
of 10% is available to applicants.

Direct client services costs must comprise at least 90% of total award and these services include
the items described in the 2.6 Project Work Plan.
The Applicant must base the budget and funding request on the Scope of Work.

Applicant must separately identify cost-savings and cost-avoidance methods and measures, and
the effect of such methods on the budget, requested funding, and Scope of Work.

2.8.1 Payment and Invoicing

The payment structure of this contract will be a combination of administrative costs and direct
client services costs based on Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) Title 2, Subtitle A, Chapter
IIPart 200:

C.F.R. Title 2, Subtitle A, Chapter II-Part 200

A2A Grantees will seek reimbursement for project costs by submitting monthly invoices for
expenses outlined in the costs budget approved by HHSC. A2A funds will be reimbursed to
Grantees for expenses that are incurred during the contract term.

Reimbursement must be requested by using a purchase invoice and providing supporting

documentation. Invoices and supporting documentation must be submitted monthly, within 20
days following the end of the month in which the costs were incurred. Applicant will be paid on a
combined administrative costs and direct client services cost basis.

Administrative costs must not exceed 10% of total award. Direct client services costs must
comprise at least 90% of total award.
Below is the example of Administrative Costs and Direct Client Service Cost categories:

Administrative Costs Direct Client Services Costs

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Personnel (Salaries and Fringe Benefits) Case Management (Home visits, application
assistance, referrals, continuity of care, etc.
Travel (Include location, dates, people breakdown)
travelling, lodging cost, transportation cost,
and meal breakdown) Parenting Education/Support Services (classes
and materials breakdown)
Equipment (Rent/Lease/Purchase)
Employment Assistance and Professional
Supplies Development (Referrals and direct assistance
Indirect Costs
Housing (inclusive of lodging, food, clothing,
transportation, etc.)

Client materials (diapers, wipes, cribs, car

seats, etc.)

2.8.2 Funding Request and Clients Served

On Form N, an Applicant must estimate the projected amount of cost reimbursement
funding needed, which must be based on the total cost of providing support services and
conducting activities that enhance the clinical outcomes of A2A Direct Client Services
Program clients. Applicant must estimate the number of Unduplicated Clients that will be
served during the term of the contract.


HHSC will monitor the performance of contracts awarded under this RFA. Monitoring will be
conducted for fiscal, programmatic, and administrative components of the Contract. All services
and deliverables under the contract shall be provided at an acceptable quality level and in a manner
consistent with HHSC contract and program requirements and the HHS Uniform Terms and
Acceptable quality level will be the standards provided in this Section 2, Applicants accepted offer,
or the final negotiated standard whichever is most advantageous to the client or HHSC. HHSC
reserves the right to impose remedies that will be included in the contract resulting from this RFA.
Remedies that HHSC may impose include, but are not limited to:
A. Written corrective action plans;
B. Additional reporting;
C. Withholding/offsetting payments; and
D. Termination or suspension of the contract.
Performance measures and the associated remedies will be negotiated and approved by HHSC
based on the response presented by Applicant and any negotiated standard.

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Grant funds may not be used to support the following services, activities, and costs:
A. Inherently religious activities such as prayer, worship, religious instruction, or
B. Lobbying;
C. Any portion of the salary of, or any other compensation for, an elected or appointed
government official;
D. Vehicles or equipment for government agencies that are for general agency use and/or
do not have a clear nexus to terrorism prevention, interdiction, and disruption (i.e.
mobile data terminals, body cameras, in-car video systems, or radar units, etc. for
officers assigned to routine patrol);
E. Weapons, ammunition, tracked armored vehicles, weaponized vehicles or explosives
(exceptions may be granted when explosives are used for bomb squad training);
F. Admission fees or tickets to any amusement park, recreational activity or sporting
G. Promotional gifts;
H. Food, meals, beverages, or other refreshments, except for eligible per diem associated
with grant-related travel or where pre-approved for working events;
I. Membership dues for individuals;
J. Any expense or service that is readily available at no cost to the grant project;
K. Any use of grant funds to replace (supplant) funds that have been budgeted for the same
purpose through non-grant sources;
L. Fundraising;
M. Any other prohibition imposed by federal, state, or local law; and
N. The acquisition or construction of facilities.

Grantees must comply with the requirements applicable to this funding source cited in the Uniform
Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (2
CFR 200); the Uniform Grant Management Standards (UGMS), and all statutes, requirements, and
guidelines applicable to this funding.
Grantees are required to conduct Project activities in accordance with federal and state laws
prohibiting discrimination. Guidance for adhering to non-discrimination requirements can be
found on the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) Civil Rights Office website at:

Upon request, a Grantee must provide the HHSC Civil Rights Office with copies of all the
Grantee’s civil rights policies and procedures. Grantees must notify HHSC’s Civil Rights Office
of any civil rights complaints received relating to performance under the contract no more than 10
calendar days after receipt of the complaint. Notice must be directed to:
HHSC Civil Rights Office
701 W. 51st Street, Mail Code W206
Austin, TX 78751
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Phone Toll Free (888) 388-6332

Phone: (512) 438-4313
TTY Toll Free (877) 432-7232
Fax: (512) 438-5885

A Grantee must ensure that its policies do not have the effect of excluding or limiting the
participation of persons in the Grantee’s programs, benefits or activities on the basis of national
origin, and must take reasonable steps to provide services and information, both orally and in
writing, in appropriate languages other than English, in order to ensure that persons with limited
English proficiency are effectively informed and can have meaningful access to programs,
benefits, and activities.

Grantees must comply with Executive Order 13279, and its implementing regulations at 45 CFR
Part 87 or 7 CFR Part 16, which provide that any organization that participates in programs
funded by direct financial assistance from the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture or U.S. Dept. of Health
and Human Services must not, in providing services, discriminate against a program beneficiary
or prospective program beneficiary on the basis of religion or religious belief.


The System Agency makes no guarantee of volume, usage, or total compensation to be paid to any
Respondent under any awarded Grant, if any, resulting from this Solicitation, Any awarded Grant
is subject to appropriations and the continuing availability of funds.
The System Agency reserves the right to cancel, make partial award, or decline to award a Grant
under this Solicitation at any time at its sole discretion.
There should be no expectation of additional or continued funding on the part of the Grant
Recipient. Any additional funding or future funding may require submission of an application
through a subsequent RFA.



Solicitation Release Date January 3, 2018
Respondent Conference Call (optional) January 9, 2018, 10:00am,
Central Time
Deadline for Submitting Questions January 12, 2018, 5:00pm
Central Time
Answers to Questions Posted January 18, 2018
Deadline for submission of Solicitation February 1, 2018, 2:00 pm,
Responses [NOTE: Responses must be Central Time
RECEIVED by HHSC by the deadline.]

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Anticipated Contract Start Date March 15, 2018

Note: These dates are a tentative schedule of events. The System Agency reserves the
right to modify these dates at any time upon notice posted to the HHS Grant
Opportunities Website. Any dates listed after the Solicitation Response deadline will
occur at the discretion of the System Agency and may occur earlier or later than
scheduled without notification on the HHS Grant Opportunities Website.


The System Agency reserves the right to change, amend or modify any provision of this
Solicitation, or to withdraw this Solicitation, at any time prior to award, if it is in the best interest
of the System Agency and will post such on the HHS Grant Opportunities Website. It is the
responsibility of Respondent to periodically check the HHS Grant Opportunities Website to ensure
full compliance with the requirements of this Solicitation.
Any irregularities or lack of clarity in this Solicitation should be brought to the attention of the
Point of Contact listed in Section 3.4.1 as soon as possible so corrective addenda may be furnished
to prospective Respondents.

3.4.1 Point of Contact

All requests, questions or other communication about this Solicitation shall be made in
writing to the System Agency's Point of Contact addressed to the person listed below. All
communications between Respondents and other System Agency staff members
concerning the Solicitation are strictly prohibited, unless noted elsewhere in this RFA.
Failure to comply with these requirements may result in disqualification of
Respondent's Solicitation Response.
Name: Vonda White, CTPM, CTCM
Title: Procurement Project Manager
Address: 1100 West 49th Street
Austin, TX 78756
MC 2020
Phone: 512-406-2540
Email: [email protected]
3.4.2 Prohibited Communications
All communications between Respondents and other System Agency staff members
concerning the Solicitation may not be relied upon and respondents should send all
questions or other communications to the point-of contact. This restriction does not
preclude discussions between affected parties for the purposes of conducting business
unrelated to this Solicitation. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in
disqualification of Respondent's Solicitation Response.

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3.4.3 Questions
The System Agency will allow written questions and requests for clarification of this
Solicitation. Questions must be submitted in writing and sent by U.S. First class mail or
email to the Point of Contact listed in Section 3.4.1 above. Respondents' names will be
removed from questions in any responses released. Questions shall be submitted in the
following format. Submissions that deviate from this format may not be accepted:
A. Identifying Solicitation number
B. Section Number
C. Paragraph Number
D. Page Number
E. Text of passage being questioned
F. Question

Note: Questions or other written requests for clarification must be received by the
Point of Contact by the deadline set forth in Section 3.1 above. However, the System
Agency, at its sole discretion, may respond to questions or other written requests
received after the deadline. Please provide entity name, address, phone number; fax
number, e-mail address, and name of contact person when submitting questions.

3.4.4 Clarification request made by Respondent

Respondents must notify the Point of Contact of any ambiguity, conflict, discrepancy,
exclusionary specifications, omission or other error in the Solicitation in the manner and
by the deadline for submitting questions.

3.4.5 Responses
Responses to questions or other written requests for clarification may be posted on the HHS
Grants Opportunities Website. The System Agency reserves the right to amend answers
prior to the deadline of Solicitation Responses. Amended answers may be posted on the
HHS Grant Opportunities Website. It is Respondent's responsibility to check the HHS
Grants Opportunities Website or contact the Point of Contact for updated responses. The
System Agency also reserves the right to decline to answer any question or questions or to
provide a single consolidated response of all questions they choose to answer in any manner
at the System Agencies sole discretion.

3.4.6 Respondent Conference

HHSC will conduct an optional pre-submittal respondent conference call on January 9,
2018, at 10:00 a.m., Central Time. Respondents may call into the conference by dialing
(877) 820-7831 and entering passcode 833908. The respondent conference call is optional.


All Applications must be:

• Clearly legible;
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• Sequentially page-numbered and include the respondents name at the top of each
• Organized in the sequence outlined in Article 8 - Submission Checklist;
• In Arial or Times New Roman font, size 12 or larger for normal text, no less than
size 10 for tables, graphs, and appendices;
• Blank forms provided in the Attachments must be used (electronic reproduction of
the forms is acceptable; however, all forms must be identical to the original form(s)
provided); do not change the font used on forms provided;
• Correctly identified with the RFA number and submittal deadline;
• Responsive to all RFA requirements; and
• Signed by an authorized official in each place a signature is needed (copies must be
signed but need not bear an original signature).

3.5.2 Submission in Separate Parts

1. Administrative Information, including all forms;

2. Project Proposal, including all forms;
3. Expenditure Proposal; and
4. Applicable Exhibits and Required Forms.

Paper documents (i.e. the original and all hard copies) must be separated by parts.
Electronic submissions must be separated by electronic medium used for submission (i.e.
flash drive).

The entire Solicitation Response – all separated paper documents and electronic copies –
must then be submitted in one package to HHSC at the address listed in Section 3.6.3. The
number of copies and directions for submitting an "Original" and "Copies" are outlined in
Article 8.


3.6.1 Deadline

Solicitation Responses must be received at the address in Section 3.6.3 time-stamped by

the System Agency no later than the date and time specified in Section 3.1.

3.6.2 Labeling

Solicitation Responses shall be placed in a sealed box and clearly labeled as follows:


SOLICITATION NAME: RFA for Alternatives to Abortion
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ATTN: Vonda White

The System Agency will not be held responsible for any Solicitation Response that is
mishandled prior to receipt by the System Agency. It is Respondent’s responsibility to
mark appropriately and deliver the Solicitation Response to the System Agency by the
specified date and time.

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3.6.1 Delivery

Respondent must deliver Solicitation Responses by one of the methods below to the
address noted. Solicitation Responses submitted by any other method (e.g. facsimile,
telephone, email) will NOT be considered.

To be delivered by U.S. Postal Service, overnight or express mail, or hand delivery to:

HHSC Procurement and Contracting Services (PCS)

Bid Room
Attn: Vonda White
1100 W. 49th Street, MC 2020
Service Building (Building S)
Austin, Texas 78756

Note: All Solicitation Responses become the property of HHSC after submission and
will not be returned to Respondent.

3.6.4 Alterations, Modifications, and Withdrawals

Prior to the Solicitation submission deadline, a Respondent may: (1) withdraw its
Solicitation Response by submitting a written request to the Point of Contact identified in
Section 3.4.1; or (2) modify its Solicitation Response by submitting a written amendment
to the Point of Contact identified in Section 3.4.1. The System Agency may request
Solicitation Response Modifications at any time.



A three-step selection process will be used:

A. Eligibility screening;
B. Evaluation based upon specific selection criteria; and C.
Final Selection based upon State priorities for the program.


Applications will be reviewed for minimum qualifications and completeness. All complete
applications meeting the minimum qualifications will move to the Evaluation stage.

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Applications will be evaluated and scored in accordance with the factors required below and other
factors deemed relevant by HHSC.

4.3.1 Specific Selection Criteria

Grant applications shall be evaluated based upon:

A. Project Work Plan; - 50%

B. Project Cost; - 25%
C. Previous experience with Grants and Contracts; - 15% and
D. Fiscal Controls for the project - 10%


HHSC intends on making multiple awards. After initial screening for eligibility, application
completeness, and initial scoring of the elements listed above in Section 4.3, a selection committee
will look at all eligible applicants to determine which proposals should be awarded in order to
most effectively accomplish state priorities.

HHSC will make all final funding decisions based on eligibility screening; evaluation based upon
specific selection criteria; and final Selection based upon State priorities for the program and
availability of funding.


The specific dollar amount awarded to each successful Applicant will depend upon the merit and
scope of the Application. Not all Applicants who are deemed eligible to receive funds are assured
of receiving an award.

The negotiation phase will involve direct contact between the successful Applicant and HHSC
representatives via phone and/or email. During negotiations, successful Applicants may expect:

• An in-depth discussion of the submitted proposal and budget; and

• Requests from HHSC for clarification or additional detail regarding submitted Application.

The final funding amount and the provisions of the contract will be determined at the sole
discretion of HHSC.

Any exceptions to the requirements, terms, conditions, or certifications in the RFA or

attachments, addendums, or revisions to the RFA or General Provisions, sought by the
Applicant must be specifically detailed in writing by the Applicant on Exhibit G: Exception

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Form in this proposal and submitted to HHSC for consideration. HHSC will accept or reject
each proposed exception. HHSC will not consider exceptions submitted separately from the
Applicant’s proposal or at a later date.

The System Agency reserves the right to ask questions or request clarification from any
Respondent at any time during the application process.



5.1.1 Executive Summary

Utilizing Form H, provide a high-level overview of the Respondent's approach to meeting the
RFA's requirements. The summary must demonstrate an understanding of the goals and objectives
of the grant. The Executive Summary will be the cover for the Project Work Plan.

5.1.2 Project Work Plan

Utilizing the Program Forms provided, Respondents will describe the proposed services,
processes, and methodologies for meeting all components described in Article 2, including the
Respondent's approach to meeting the timeline and associated milestones. Respondent should
identify all tasks to be performed, including all project activities, to take place during the grant
funding period. Respondent will also include all documents requested as part of completing Forms
to demonstrate fulfilling Article 2 requirements.

5.2 Fiscal Solvency

Applicant is to provide either copies of a Single Audit or audited financial statements for the past
two years.



Respondent must provide satisfactory evidence of its ability to manage and coordinate the types
of activities described in this Solicitation. As a part of the Solicitation Response requested in
Article 3, Respondent must provide the following information:


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Using Form B, respondent must include in its Solicitation Response a complete disclosure of any
alleged or significant contractual failures.

Solicitation Response may be rejected based upon Respondent's prior history with the State of
Texas or with any other party that demonstrates, without limitation, unsatisfactory performance,
adversarial or contentious demeanor, or significant failure(s) to meet contractual obligations.

List litigation history on Form B.


Using Form B, respondent must certify that it does not have any personal or business interests that
present a conflict of interest with respect to the RFA and any resulting contract. Additionally, if
applicable, the respondent must disclose all potential conflicts of interest. The respondent must
describe the measures it will take to ensure that there will be no actual conflict of interest and that
its fairness, independence and objectivity will be maintained. The System Agency will determine
to what extent, if any, a potential conflict of interest can be mitigated and managed during the term
of the contract. Failure to identify actual and potential conflicts of interest may result in
disqualification of a Solicitation Response or termination of a contract.

Please include any activities of affiliated or parent organizations and individuals who may be
assigned to this Contract, if any.

Additionally, pursuant to Section 2252.908 of the Texas Government Code, a successful

respondent awarded a contract greater than $1 million dollars, or that requires an action or vote of
the governing body, must submit a disclosure of interested parties to the state agency at the time
the business entity submits the signed contract. Rules and filing instructions may be found on the
Texas Ethics Commissions public website and additional instructions will be given by HHSC to
successful respondents.


Respondent must complete and return all of the following listed forms. Exhibits are listed
following Article 8.

A. Exhibit A, Affirmations and Solicitation Acceptance

B. Exhibit B, Federal Assurances
C. Exhibit E, Certification Regarding Lobbying
D. Exhibit F, FFATA Attachments
E. Exhibit G, Exceptions Form, if applicable

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6.5 HUB
If a successful Respondent chooses to contract for goods and services using the funding awarded
in this grant, HHSC encourages the Respondent to use HUBs to provide those goods and services
where possible.



7.1.1 Costs Incurred

Respondents understand that issuance of this Solicitation in no way constitutes a

commitment by any System Agency to award a contract or to pay any costs incurred by a
Respondent in the preparation of a response to this Solicitation. The System Agency is not
liable for any costs incurred by a Respondent prior to issuance of or entering into a formal
agreement, contract, or purchase order. Costs of developing Solicitation Responses,
preparing for or participating in oral presentations and site visits, or any other similar
expenses incurred by a Respondent are entirely the responsibility of the Respondent, and
will not be reimbursed in any manner by the State of Texas.

7.1.2 Contract Responsibility

The System agency will look solely to Respondent for the performance of all contractual
obligations that may result from an award based on this Solicitation. Respondent shall not
be relieved of its obligations for any nonperformance by its contractors.

7.1.3 Public Information Act

Solicitation Responses are subject to the Texas Public Information Act (PIA), Texas
Government Code Chapter 552, and may be disclosed to the public upon request. Subject
to the PIA, certain information may be protected from public release. Respondents who
wish to protect portions of the Solicitation Response from public disclosure should
familiarize themselves with this law. Information pertaining to the Solicitation will be
withheld or released only in accordance with the PIA.

7.1.4 News Releases

Prior to final award a respondent may not issue a press release or provide any information for
public consumption regarding its participation in the procurement. Requests should be
directed to the HHSC Point of Contact Identified in Article 3.

7.1.5 Websites and Program Materials

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Any program materials, brochures, trainings, website content, or any other written content
made available to clients or the public, under this program, by Grantee or their sub
grantee(s) is subject to review and approval by HHSC.

7.1.6 Additional Information

By submitting a proposal, the Respondent grants HHSC the right to obtain information
from any lawful source regarding the respondent’s and its directors’, officers’, and
employees’: (1) past business history, practices, and conduct; (2) ability to supply the
goods and services; and (3) ability to comply with contract requirements. By submitting a
proposal, a respondent generally releases from liability and waives all claims against any
party providing HHSC information about the respondent. HHSC may take such
information into consideration in evaluating proposals.

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This checklist is provided for Respondent's convenience only and identifies documents that
must be submitted with this Solicitation in order to be considered responsive. Any
Solicitation Response received without these requisite documents may be deemed
nonresponsive and may not be considered for contract award.

Original Solicitation Response Package

The Solicitation Package must include the "Original" Solicitation Response in hard-copy
consisting of the four parts described in detail below, each under separate cover but
packaged together and clearly labeled "Original" on each.

Please refer to the listing of Exhibits and Forms when compiling the response packet.

1. Administrative Information (Forms A through E)

a. Form A: Face Page ______
b. Form B: Entity Information and Contract Litigation History ______
c. Form C: NonProfit Entity Board of Directors and Principal Officers ______
d. Form D: Contact Person Information ______

e. Form E: Organizational Financial Information and

Internal Controls
Questionnaire ______

2. Project Proposal Forms (Forms F through K)

a. Form F: Texas Counties and Regions Served by Project
b. Form G: Applicant Background
c. Form G-1: Applicant Background Guidelines
d. Form G-2: Applicant Background Checklist
e. Form H: Project Work Plan
f. Form I: Communication and Outreach Plan
g. Form J: Clinic Site Readiness Checklist
h. Form J-1: Clinic Sites and Hours
i. Form K: Staff Development Plan
j. Form K-1: Staff Development Training Calendar

3. Expenditure Proposal (template included)

a. Form L: Budget Summary ______
b. Form M: Budget Details Workbook ______

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c. Form N: Program Funding Request and Number of Unduplicated Clients ______

4. Applicable Exhibits (to be included in Solicitation Package)

a. Exhibit A - Affirmations and Solicitation Acceptance
b. Exhibit B - Federal Assurances
c. Exhibit E - Certification Regarding Lobbying
d. Exhibit F - FFATA Certification
e. Exhibit G - Exceptions Form, if applicable ______

Copies of Solicitation Response Package

Respondent will provide the following number of electronic copies (all clearly labeled as "copy")
in addition to the hard-copy "Original" Solicitation Response. Electronic copies must be submitted
on a USB Drive and separated by folders.

• 1 Electronic copy of Administrative Information

• 1 Electronic copy of Narrative Proposal
• 1 Electronic copy of Expenditure Proposal
• 1 Electronic copy of Applicable Exhibits

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This form requests basic information about the Applicant and project, including the signature of the authorized
representative. The face page is the cover page of the proposal and must be completed in its entirety.

Applicant Organization Information

Legal Name Click here to enter text.
Legal Doing Business As (DBA) Name:
Mailing Address Click here to enter text.
Include street address, city, county and ZIP
Physical Address Click here to enter text.
If different from Mailing Address
Include street address, city, county and ZIP
Payee Name and Address Click here to enter text.
If different from Mailing & Physical Address
Include street address, city, county and ZIP
Website Click here to enter text.
For public use to access information about services
Phone Number Click here to enter text.
Include number clients contact to access services
Federal Tax ID Number Click here to enter text.
DUNS Number Click here to enter text.
Type of Entity
տ Nonprofit Organization

Project Information
Name of Project Contact Click here to enter text.
This person will oversee the day-to-day duties of
grant project
Title of Project Contact Click here to enter text.
Phone Click here to enter text.
Email Click here to enter text.
Name of Fiscal Contact Click here to enter text.
This person will oversee grant expenditures and
Title of Fiscal Contact Click here to enter text.
Phone Click here to enter text.
Email Click here to enter text.
Name of Proposed Project Click here to enter text.

Total Project Cost Click here to enter text.

From Form L and M

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Funds Requested $ Click here to enter text.

Proposed Project Service Area by Region Click here to enter text.

List Region served from Section 2.5.1


This form provides information regarding identification and contract history of the Applicant,
executive management, project management, governing board members, and/or principal officers.
Applicant must respond to each request for information and provide the required supplemental
document behind this form. If responses require multiple pages, identify the supporting
pages/documentation with the applicable request.
NOTE: Administrative Information may be used in screening and/or evaluating proposals. Identifying

1. The Applicant must attach the following information:

Nonprofit Entity complete Form B and C.

Full names (last, first, middle), addresses, telephone numbers, titles and occupation of members of

the Board of Directors or any other principal officers. Indicate the office held by each member (e.g.
chairperson, president, vice-president, treasurer, etc.).

2. Is Applicant a nonprofit organization?

If YES, Applicant must include evidence of its nonprofit status with the proposal. Any one of the

following is acceptable evidence. Check the appropriate box for the attached evidence.
A copy of a currently valid IRS exemption certificate.
A statement from a State taxing body, State Attorney General, or other appropriate State
official certifying that the Applicant organization has a nonprofit status and that none of
the net earnings accrue to any private shareholders or individuals.
A copy of the organization’s certificate of formation or similar document if it clearly establishes
the nonprofit status of the organization.
Any of the above proof for a State or national parent organization, and a statement signed by the
parent organization that the Applicant organization is a local nonprofit affiliate.

Conflict of Interest and Contract and Litigation History

The Applicant must disclose any existing or potential conflict of interest relative to the
performance of the requirements of this RFA.

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Examples of potential conflicts include an existing or potential business or personal relationship

between the Applicant, its principal, or any affiliate or subcontractor, with the Health and
Human Services Commission, the Program Administrator, or any other entity or person
involved in any way in any project that is the subject of this RFA.



Similarly, any existing or potential personal or business relationship between the Applicant,
the principals, or any affiliate or subcontractor, with any employee of the Health and Human
Services Commission or the Program Administrator must be disclosed.

Any such relationship that might be perceived, or represented as a conflict, must be disclosed.
Failure to disclose any such relationship may be cause for contract termination or disqualification
of the proposal. If, following a review of this information, it is determined by HHSC that a conflict
of interest exists, the Applicant may be disqualified from further consideration for the award of a

3. Does anyone in the Applicant organization have an existing or potential conflict of interest
relative to the performance of the requirements of this RFA?
If YES, detail any such relationship(s) that might be perceived or represented as a conflict.
(Attach no more than one additional page.)

4. Will any person who received compensation from Health and Human Services
Commission (HHSC) for participating in the preparation of the specifications or
documentation for this RFA participate financially with Applicant as a result of an
award under this RFA?
If YES, indicate his/her name, job title, agency employed by, separation date, and reason for

5. Will any provision of services or other performance under any contract that may result
from this RFA constitute an actual or potential conflict of interest or create the
appearance of impropriety?
If YES, detail any such actual or potential conflict of interest that might be perceived or
represented as a conflict. (Attach no more than one additional page.)

6. Are any current or former employees of the Applicant current or former employees of
HHSC (within the last 24 months)?
If YES, indicate his/her name, job title, agency employed by, separation date, and reason for

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7. Are any proposed personnel related to any current or former employees of HHSC?
If YES, indicate his/her name, job title, agency employed by, separation date, and reason for

8. Has any member of Applicant’s executive management, project management, governing

board or principal officers been employed by HHSC 24 months prior to the proposal
due date?
If YES, indicate his/her name, job title, agency employed by, separation date, and reason for

9. If the Applicant is a private nonprofit organization, does the executive director or

other staff serve as voting members on the organization’s governing board?

10. Is Applicant or any member of Applicant’s executive management, project

management, board members or principal officers:
• Delinquent on any state, federal or other debt;
• Affiliated with an organization which is delinquent on any state, federal or other debt;
• In default on an agreed repayment schedule with any funding organization?
If YES, please explain. (Attach no more than one additional page.)

11. Has the Applicant had a contract suspended or terminated prior to expiration of
contract or not been renewed under an optional renewal by any local, state, or federal
department or agency or non-profit entity?
If YES, indicate the reason for such action that includes the name and contact information of
the local, state, or federal department or agency, the date of the contract and a contract
reference number, and provide copies of any and all decisions or orders related to the
suspension, termination, or non-renewal by the contracting entity.

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12. Does this proposal include financial participation by a person or entity that has been
convicted of violating federal law, or been assessed a penalty in a federal civil
administrative enforcement action, in connection with a contract awarded by the
federal government for relief, recovery or reconstruction efforts as a result of
Hurricanes Rita or Katrina or any other disaster occurring after September 24, 2005,
under Government Code 2261.053?
If YES, please explain. (Attach no more than one additional page.)

13. Has Applicant had a grant/contract with HHSC within the past 24 months?
If YES, list the HHSC contract and attachment number(s):
HHSC Contract Number(s)
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.

14. Applicant must disclose any civil or criminal litigation or investigation pending over
the last five (5) years that involves Applicant or in which Applicant has been judged guilty
or liable. Failure to comply with the terms of this may disqualify the Applicant. Click here
to enter text.

15. At its discretion, HHSC may require the Applicant to disclose information regarding
the application for or award of state, federal, and/or local grant funding by the Applicant or
Community Collaborative member organization within the past two (2) years to provide
mental health care services and treatment to veterans and their families. Applicant may
elect to disclose this information as part of the application. Click here to enter text.




Board of Directors and Principal Officers

Include the full names (last, first, middle), addresses, telephone numbers, and titles of members of
the Board of Directors or any other principal officers. Indicate the office/title held by each
member (e.g. chairperson, president, vice-president, treasurer, etc.).

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Name: Click here to enter text. Mailing Address (incl. street, city, county)
state,Click here to enter text.& zip):
Title: Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Phone: Click here Ext. Click here
Fax: Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

Email: Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

Name: Click here to enter text. Mailing Address (incl. street, city, county)
state,Click here to enter text.& zip):
Title: Click here to enter text.
Phone: Click here Ext. Click here Click here to enter text. Click here to enter
Fax: to Click here to enter text.enter to text.
enter text.
Email: Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

Name: Click here to enter text. Mailing Address (incl. street, city, county)
state,Click here to enter text.& zip):
Title: Click here to enter text.
Phone: Click here Ext. Click here Click here to enter text. Click here to enter
Fax: to Click here to enter text.enter to text.
enter text.
Email: Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

Name: Click here to enter text. Mailing Address (incl. street, city, county)
state,Click here to enter text.& zip):
Title: Click here to enter text.
Phone: Click here Ext. Click here Click here to enter text. Click here to enter
Fax: to Click here to enter text.enter to text.
enter text.
Email: Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

Name: Click here to enter text. Mailing Address (incl. street, city, county)
state,Click here to enter text.& zip):
Title: Click here to enter text.
Phone: Click here Ext. Click here Click here to enter text. Click here to enter

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ORGANIZATION FINANCIAL INFORMATION (for nonprofit organizations only)

1. According to your organization's most recent audit or balance sheet, are the total current assets
greater than the liabilities?
տ YES տ NO

2. Is the total amount requested for this grant funding opportunity greater than 25% of your
organization's current total annual budget?
տ YES տ NO

3. Briefly describe your organization’s accounting system and accounting processes, including:
A. Is the accounting system computerized, manual, or a combination of both? If your
accounting system is computerized, indicate the name of the financial software. Click here
to enter text.

B. How are different types of transactions (e.g., cash disbursements, cash receipts, revenues,
journal entries) recorded and posted to the general ledger?
Click here to enter text.

C. Your expenditure reports will be due by the 20th of each month. (If the 20th falls on a
Saturday, Sunday, or State of Texas holiday, expenditure reports are due the next business
day.) To ensure that you submit expenditure reports timely, please respond to the

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1) By what date must Partner Organizations submit reimbursement requests to your
agency (e.g., Partner Organizations must submit their reimbursement request,
General Ledger report, and supporting documentation to us no later than the 10th of
each month)?
Click here to enter text.

2) By what date do you close the General Ledger (e.g., GL is closed no later than the
10th of each month)?
Click here to enter text.

D. How are transactions organized, maintained, and summarized in financial reports?

Click here to enter text.
Answer each of the following questions with either a “YES”, “NO”, or "NOT APPLICABLE"
by checking the respective box.
4. This grant program has adopted the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles,
and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (2 CFR 200) and the State of Texas Uniform
Grant Management Standards (UGMS) as the fiscal and administrative guidelines for this grant
program. Is the staff who will be responsible for the financial management of your award
familiar with these documents?
տ YES տ NO

5. Does your organization have written accounting policies? Do your policies include policies on
the procurement of goods/services?
տ YES տ NO

6. Does your accounting system identify and segregate:

• Allowable and unallowable

• Direct and indirect expenses;
Grant costs and non-grant costs;
The allocation of indirect
տ YES տ NO

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7. If your organization has more than one State of Texas contract, does your accounting system
have the capability of identifying the receipt and expenditures of program funds and program
income separately for each State of Texas contract?

8. Are individual cost elements in your organization's chart of accounts reconciled to the cost
categories in the approved budget?
տ YES տ NO

9. Are your accounting records supported by source documentation (invoices, receipts, approvals,
receiving reports, canceled checks, etc.) and on file for easy retrieval?
տ YES տ NO

Answer each of the following questions with either a “YES”, “NO”, or "NOT APPLICABLE"
by checking the respective box
1. Does your organization have written personnel policies?
տ YES տ NO

2. Does your organization have written job descriptions with set salary levels for each employee?
տ YES տ NO

3. UGMS requires that any staff paid from State grant funds, such as A2A grant funds, to keep a
record of time and attendance.
For staff funded 100% by the A2A grant, each staff person only needs to certify their time
monthly. Both the employee and the employee's supervisor must sign the monthly certification
of time worked.


For staff who split their time between the A2A grant and other funding sources, staff will need
to keep a time record that complies with the UGMS II(B)(11)(h)(5,7) which states that
personnel activity reports or equivalent documentation must meet the following standards:

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a) They must reflect an after-the-fact distribution of the actual activity of each employee.
b) They must account for the total activity, for which each employee is compensated.
c) They must be prepared at least monthly and must coincide with one or more pay periods;
d) They must be signed by the employee and the supervisory official having first-hand
knowledge of the work performed by the employee.

4. Does your organization maintain personnel activity reports that meet the above criteria?

տ YES տ NO

5. Are payroll transaction posted after the receipt of approved time/attendance records and are
payroll checks based on those time/attendance records?
տ YES տ NO

Answer each of the following questions with either a “YES”, “NO”, or "NOT APPLICABLE"
by checking the respective box
6. Is the employees' time/attendance record the basis of the calculation of wage costs recorded in the
general ledger for each cost objective?
տ YES տ NO

7. Are procedures in place to determine the allowability, allocability, and reasonableness of costs?
տ YES տ NO
8. Has the grantee me the UGG procurement policies and procedures requirements?

‫܆‬ YES ‫܆‬ NO

9. Does the grantee allocate direct or indirect costs and use a cost allocation methodology?

‫܆‬ YES տ NO

10. Does the grantee have an approved Indirect cost Rate from a cognizant agency?

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‫܆‬ YES տ NO

The Organizational Financial Information and Internal Controls Questionnaire must be signed by
an authorized person who has completed the form or reviewed the form and can attest to the
accuracy of the information provided.

Approved by:

Date: Click here to enter a date.

Printed Name: Click here to enter text.

Title: Click here to enter text.

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Applicant must identify the counties in which it intends to provide the programs under this RFA by placing a checkͲmark or an X in the
respective county(ies) box(es).
Counties ; R Counties ; R Counties ; R Counties ; R Counties ; R -A- Crosby 01 Hays 07 Martin 09 Schleicher 09
Anderson 04 Culberson 10 Hemphill 01 Mason 09 Scurry 02
Andrews 09 -D- Henderson 04 Matagorda 06 Shackelford 02
Angelina 05 Dallam 01 Hidalgo 11 Maverick 08 Shelby 05
Aransas 11 Dallas 03 Hill 07 McCulloch 09 Sherman 01
Archer 02 Dawson 09 Hockley 01 McLennan 07 Smith 04
Armstrong 01 Deaf Smith 01 Hood 03 McMullen 11 Somervell 03
Atascosa 08 Delta 04 Hopkins 04 Medina 08 Starr 11
Austin 06 Denton 03 Houston 05 Menard 09 Stephens 02
-B- DeWitt 08 Howard 09 Midland 09 Sterling 09
Bailey 01 Dickens 01 Hudspeth 10 Milam 07 Stonewall 02
Bandera 08 Dimmit 08 Hunt 03 Mills 07 Sutton 09
Bastrop 07 Donley 01 Hutchinson 01 Mitchell 02 Swisher 01
Baylor 02 Duval 11 -I- Montague 02 -T- Bee 11 -E- Irion 09 Montgomery 06
Tarrant 03
Bell 07 Eastland 02 -J- Moore 01 Taylor 02
Bexar 08 Ector 09 Jack 02 Morris 04 Terrell 09
Blanco 07 Edwards 08 Jackson 08 Motley 01 Terry 01
Borden 09 Ellis 03 Jasper 05 -N- Throckmorton 02
Bosque 07 El Paso 10 Jeff Davis 10 Nacogdoches 05 Titus 04
Bowie 04 Erath 03 Jefferson 05 Navarro 03 Tom Green 09
Brazoria 06 -F- Jim Hogg 11 Newton 05 Travis 07
Brazos 07 Falls 07 Jim Wells 11 Nolan 02 Trinity 05
Brewster 10 Fanning 03 Johnson 03 Nueces 11 Tyler 05
Briscoe 01 Fayette 07 Jones 02 -O- -U- Brooks 11 Fisher 02 -K- Ochiltree 01
Upshur 04
Brown 02 Floyd 01 Karnes 08 Oldham 01 Upton 09
Burleson 07 Foard 02 Kaufman 03 Orange 05 Uvalde 08
Burnet 07 Fort Bend 06 Kendall 08 -P- - V- -C- Franklin 04 Kenedy 11 Palo
Pinto 03 Val Verde 08
Caldwell 07 Freestone 07 Kent 02 Panola 04 Van Zandt 04
Calhoun 08 Frio 08 Kerr 08 Parker 03 Victoria 08
Callahan 02 - G- Kimble 09 Parmer 01 -W- Cameron 11 Gaines 09 King 01 Pecos 09
Walker 06
Camp 04 Galveston 06 Kinney 08 Polk 05 Waller 06
Carson 01 Garza 01 Kleberg 11 Potter 01 Ward 09
Cass 04 Gillespie 08 Knox 02 Presidio 10 Washington 07
Castro 01 Glasscock 09 -L- -R- Webb 11
Chambers 06 Goliad 08 Lamar 04 Rains 04 Wharton 06
Cherokee 04 Gonzales 08 Lamb 01 Randall 01 Wheeler 01
Childress 01 Gray 01 Lampasas 07 Reagan 09 Wichita 02
Clay 02 Grayson 03 La Salle 08 Real 08 Wilbarger 02
Cochran 01 Gregg 04 Lavaca 08 Red River 04 Willacy 11
Coke 09 Grimes 07 Lee 07 Reeves 09 Williamson 07
Coleman 02 Guadalupe 08 Leon 07 Refugio 11 Wilson 08
Collin 03 -H- Liberty 06 Roberts 01 Winkler 09
Collingsworth 01 Hale 01 Limestone 07 Robertson 07 Wise 03
Colorado 06 Hall 01 Lipscomb 01 Rockwall 03 Wood 04
Comal 08 Hamilton 07 Live Oak 11 Runnels 02 -Y- Comanche 02 Hansford 01 Llano 07
Rusk 04 Yoakum 01
Concho 09 Hardeman 02 Loving 09 -S- Young 02
Cooke 03 Hardin 05 Lubbock 01 Sabine 05 -Z- Coryell 07 Harris 06
Lynn 01 San Augustine 05 Zapata 11
Cottle 02 Harrison 04 -M- San Jacinto 05
Zavala 08 Crane 09 Hartley 01 Madison 07
San Patricio 11

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Crockett 09 Haskell 02 Marion 04 San Saba 07


Legal Business Name of

1. Applicant must provide a narrative description of its organization, staff, systems and oversight structure.
2. Reference the instructions on Form G-1 – Applicant Background Guidelines.
3. Applicant's response must not exceed 18 pages.

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Legal Business Name of

1. Provide a one-page executive summary describing the Applicant’s vision, mission and
values statements, along with a description of how the board of directors, if any, is involved
in the operations of the Applicant.

2. Provide a detailed description of the organizational structure, management systems and

lines of authority that are appropriate and adequate for the size and scope of the Applicant's

3. Provide the resumes/curriculum vitae for the CEO, CFO and Clinical/Program Director. If
providing medical services, include the licensed Medical Director to practice medicine in
Texas (including his/her State of Texas Medical License Number).

4. Describe Applicant’s experience, knowledge, and expertise in providing A2A services.

Specifically outline relevant administrative and clinical practices (maximum of 4 pages).

5. Describe Applicant’s experience in administering comprehensive health care (e.g.,

prevention, screening, diagnostic, treatment services, and appropriate referral). Describe
your referral systems and referral resources for services not provided by Applicant
(maximum of 4 pages).

6. Subcontracting Background- Describe the following if Applicant plans to have subcontract

any of the intended services:
A. Experience subcontracting with other organizations/providers;
B. Experience developing subcontracts and subcontract negotiations;
C. Experience performing program monitoring of Providers, including monitoring of professional and
clinical services;
D. Experience providing technical assistance to Providers, including budget development and
E. Staff position(s) that will be responsible for monitoring Providers and what qualifications will be
F. Staff position(s) that are anticipated for monitoring professional and clinical Providers and the
required qualifications for each position;
G. Policies and procedures Applicant has for monitoring Providers that provide direct client services;
H. Staff position(s) that are anticipated for providing training and technical assistance to Providers on
data collection and submission, and data quality improvement.

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Check Yes or No:

1. Program Administration and Management Yes No
Did you provide job descriptions that include specific duties for the key employees related to
the A2A program?
• Program Director
• Clinicians
• Eligibility, data collection, and billing staff
Do you have measures in place to adequately monitor funds in order to ensure the provision
of A2A program Services to Clients throughout the entirety of the contract term?
Do you have experience in administering women’s health services (e.g., prevention,
screening, and appropriate referral)?
Is your agency a non-public entity that provides A2A services?

2. Service Delivery
Do you have staff available to determine eligibility?
Do you provide A2A services to adolescents?
3. Partnerships/Subcontracting
Providers: Do you plan to use Providers or contractors for any of the required services?
If yes, please list who are the Providers: Attached additional sheet if needed.

Do you have experience developing, negotiating, and administering subcontracts with other
organizations/providers to provide direct client services?
Do you have experience providing budget development, management, and technical
assistance to Providers?
Do you have key staff that will provide training and technical assistance to Providers,
including data collection and submission?
Do you have key staff that will be responsible for monitoring Providers’ programmatic
performance, including professional and clinical services?
Do you have key staff that will be responsible for monitoring Providers’ fiscal performance?
Do you have key staff that will be responsible for monitoring Providers’ quality
assurance/quality improvement?
4. Data Collection and Billing Systems
Do you have a billing system and/or process to submit Direct Client Services claims to HHSC?


(Includes Executive Summary)

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Legal Business
Name of Applicant:

1. Provide a one-page high-level summary describing the applicant’s approach to meeting

the RFA's requirements. The summary must demonstrate an understanding of the goals
and objectives of the grant. (maximum 1 page).
2. Applicant must provide a narrative description of how it plans to achieve the A2A
program’s goals (maximum 18 pages). The narrative description, as referenced in Article
2 – Scope of Work, must include how the Applicant will meet the following requirements:
a. 2.1.0: Specified A2A Client Services
b. 2.5.0: Program Operation Services
c. 2.5.1: Network of Service Providers
d. 2.5.2: Statewide Counties and Benchmarks
e. 2.5.3: Provide Orientation and Training
f. 2.5.4: Program Monitoring
g. 2.5.5: Program Database
h. 2.6.0: Development of a work plan for client services, to include:
i. 2.6.1: Mentoring and Case Management
j. 2.6.2: Non-Medical Goods and Services
k. 2.6.3: Classes
l. 2.6.4: Employment Assistance and Professional Development
m. 2.6.5: Housing
n. 2.6.9 Decision Support Services
o. 2.7.1: Monthly Reports
p. 2.7.2: Annual Reports

3. Describe Applicant’s plans to monitor its clinics or network of clinics. Specifically outline
relevant administrative and clinical practices (maximum of 4 pages).
4. Applicant's response must not exceed 23 pages.


Legal Business Name of


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Clinic sites where clients are served must develop and implement an annual plan to provide county education and
program promotion to:
• Inform the public of its purpose and services;
• Enhance county understanding of its objectives;
• Disseminate HHSC healthcare services information for pregnant women to access healthcare
• Enlist county support; and
• Recruit potential clients for the A2A program.

The Communication and Outreach Plan must:

1. Describe Applicant’s A2A program promotion/education/Outreach plan for the contract period March
1, 2018 through August 31, 2019.

2. Describe Applicant’s county education/A2A program promotion collaborative efforts carried out in
conjunction with other health care providers or social service agencies in the identified service area.
Applicant must include a description of the Outreach plan that details media releases and Outreach
strategies for marketing the Applicant to the county.

Applicant must also attach a calendar of the proposed county education/A2A program promotion for
the contract period (March 15, 2018 through August 31, 2019). Applicant's calendar must include the
following information: topics, presentation-dates, locations, and presenters. Applicant should label the
attachment "Form I-1: Communication and Education Outreach Calendar".


Legal Business Name:

Clinic Name__ ___________________________________________________________

Clinic Address ___________________________________________________________

Complete one form for every clinic site that will provide A2A program Services funded through this RFA Please
complete the form by marking yes for no for each of the items listed below:

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Y s No
Is there appropriate signage to identify funded entity?

Is there adequate space for clinical and administrative staff?

Are the required HHSC healthcare services information available on-site?

Is there locked storage to protect confidential medical records, medications, and medical supplies?

Is the clinic site in compliance with accessibility guidelines for persons with disabilities?

Is the clinic site geographically close to the target population?

Are the clinic site appointment hours convenient enough to meet the clients’ needs?

Does the clinic site have clean exam rooms where services are delivered?

Does the clinic site have adequate space for Client intake?

Does the clinic site have adequate space for Clients to wait for their appointments?

Is there appropriate resources for and use of interpreter services and language translation?

Does the clinic site have financial management systems that include secure data storage?

Are there appropriate emergency policies, procedures, and supplies, as applicable?

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Provider Site: Yes No

Mobile Site: Yes No


Morning Afternoon Evening (after 5pm)

From To From To From To

Legal Business Name of


All Applicants must conduct staff development activities to ensure staff has the knowledge, skills, and
abilities to provide A2A services. The Staff Development Plan must be comprehensive, address all the
topics indicated below, and be numbered as indicated.

Staff Development Plan must not exceed five (5) pages.

1. Identify personnel responsible for coordinating staff development activities. Include job titles and
qualifications for each person identified.

2. Identify specific training that will be used for eligibility and billing staff.

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Form L: Budget Summary
The workbook contains information to assist Applicant in developing its projected budget.
Applicant must complete the attached A2A Budget workbook, instructions are included, on the tab
labeled Budget Instructions, in the workbook
A total of no more than 10% can be administrative costs. These costs include indirect, salaries
and fringe, travel, office supplies, equipment and other.
A minimum of 90% can be charged to direct client services. Included in these cost categories are
contractual and client service supplies.
Grantees and sub grantees are required to participate in all HHSC mandated A2A program
trainings. The Grantee may attend in person or participate remotely. In the event the Grantee
would like to attend physically, they may include associated travel in their budget requests. A2A
program trainings may include webinars, conference calls, and in-person trainings.

Form M: Budget Details Workbook

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Using the instructions provided in the workbook complete the budget workbook. Entries will
populate into the Budget Summary tab. Both an electronic submission of the budget workbook
and printed pages are required in your response.

A2A Budget Summary and

Details Workbook



Business Name:


Alternatives to Abortion (A2A) Grantees may seek reimbursement for project costs using the following

• Grantees will be reimbursed using the Direct Client Services reimbursement method by submitting
monthly claims to HHSC for direct clinical care services provided to Clients; and
• Grantees will be reimbursed for Administrative costs services by submitting monthly vouchers for
expenses detailed in the administrative costs budget attached to a Grantee's contract.
NOTE: Applicants may request up to 100% of their total funding request to be reimbursed through the
Direct Client Services reimbursement method. However, the administrative costs amount requested may
not exceed 10% of Applicant's total proposed funding request and ultimately, its funding award.
Enter the amount of funds requested in the boxes below:
Direct Client Services Amount

Cost Reimbursement Amount

Total Amount

The number of Unduplicated Clients an Applicant intends to serve through the A2A program will be used
to assess, in part, the Applicant’s effectiveness in providing the proposed services under the contract
resulting from this RFA. This number is the estimated total number of Unduplicated Clients to whom the
Applicant will provide services at the proposed clinic sites. Use the following average cost per Client OR
submit an explanation of the average used by the agency: $373.00.
Enter the estimated number of Unduplicated Clients to be served during the term of the contract,
categorized by State Fiscal Year in the table below.

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Period of Time Proposed Number of Unduplicated Clients

March 15, 2018 – August 31, 2018 ͲͲ FY'18

September 1, 2018 – August 31, 2019 ͲͲ FY'19

Total Number

Applicants must provide an explanation/justification if the average cost per Client exceeds the statewide
average of $373.


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word “I” will represent the individual provider that is completing this form or the
organizational provider on whose behalf the form is being completed. If this form is being
completed on behalf of an organizational provider, the word “I” is inclusive of the
organization, owners, officers, employees, and volunteers, or any combination of these.

By checking the boxes under each statement below, I affirm that each of the following
statements is true. I understand that my failure to mark each of the statements will be
regarded as my representation that the statement is false:

1. I do not, nor do any of my organization’s Providers or contractors, perform or Promote

Elective Abortions.
‫ ٲ‬I affirm that this statement is true and correct.

2. I am not, nor are any of my organization’s Providers or contractors, an Affiliate of an

entity that performs or Promotes Elective Abortions.
‫ ٲ‬I affirm that this statement is true and correct.

3. None of the funds that I, or any of my organization’s subcontractors, receive for

performing HTW services are used to pay the direct or indirect costs (including
marketing, overhead, rent, phones and utilities) of Elective Abortion procedures
provided by contractors of the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC).
‫ ٲ‬I affirm that this statement is true and correct.

4. None of the funds that I, or any my organization’s subcontractors, receive for

performing HTW services are distributed to individuals or entities that perform Elective
Abortion procedures or that contract with or provide funds to individuals or entities for
the performance of Elective Abortion procedures. ‫ ٲ‬I affirm that this statement is true
and correct.

5. (For all organizational providers EXCEPT hospitals licensed under Chapter

241, Health & Safety Code; state hospitals; State-owned teaching hospitals;
teaching hospitals; residency programs accredited for medical education; or
offices exempt under Section 254.004(2), Health and Safety Code) None of the
funds that I, or any of my organization’s subcontractors, receive from the State
of Texas are distributed to any individual or entity that performs Elective
Abortion procedures or to an Affiliate of any individual or entity that performs
Elective Abortion procedures.
‫ٲ‬ I affirm that this statement is true and correct.

In addition, I understand and acknowledge that:

• If I fail to complete and submit this certification, I will be disqualified from the A2A Program
and the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) or its designee
(henceforth, “HHSC”) will deny any claims I submit for A2A services.

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• If, after I submit this signed certification, I, or any of my organization’s Providers or

contractors, perform, agree to perform, or Promote Elective Abortions, or I, or any my
organization’s Providers or contractors, become an Affiliate of, or agree to affiliate with, an
entity that performs or Promotes Elective Abortions, I will notify HHSC at least 30 calendar
days before I, or any of my organization’s Providers or contractors, perform or Promote an
Elective Abortion or become an Affiliate with an entity that does so. If I fail to notify HHSC
as required, I will be disqualified from the A2A Program and HHSC will deny any claims I
submit for A2A services.

• If, while participating in the A2A Program, I, or any of my organization’s Providers or

contractors, perform or Promote an Elective Abortion, I will be disqualified from the A2A
Program, including any A2A contracts, and HHSC will deny any claims I submit for A2A

• If I submit this certification and agree to its terms, but HHSC determines that I am in fact
ineligible to participate in the A2A Program, HHSC may place a payment hold on claims
submitted by me or my organization for A2A services until HHSC can make a final
determination regarding my eligibility.

• If HHSC determines that I am ineligible to receive funds under the A2A Program:
a) HHSC may recoup A2A funds paid on claims that I have incurred since the date the
provider became ineligible;
b) HHSC will deny all A2A claims that I have submitted since the date of ineligibility;
c) I will remain ineligible to participate in the A2A Program until I comply with the
above program requirements.
• If I knowingly make a false statement or misrepresentation on this certification, HHSC may
consider me to have committed fraud or tampered with a government record under the
laws of Texas, and I may be excluded from participation in the A2A Program.

I also understand that, to enable HHSC to verify my or my organization’s eligibility

to participate in the A2A Program, I must complete and return this certification form
to HHSC as part of this application.

If statements 1 – 5 are all marked “true,” indicate the effective dates of your certification as
follows: (The effective date of the Certification spans from the date of form completion through
the end of the Certification year.)
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Effective Date of Certification through 08/31/2018

Note: Each provider must complete a new certification and mail it to TMHP by the end of each
calendar year.

If any of statements 1 – 5 are not true, you must request an immediate termination of your A2A

‫ ٲ‬Terminate A2A certification

Signature: __________________________________________________________________

Printed Name: _________________________________________________________

Title: _______________________________________________________________________


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HHSC Uniform Terms and Conditions Version 2.15

Published and Effective: September 1, 2017

Responsible Office: Chief Counsel

Health and Human Services Commission

HHSC Uniform Terms and Conditions - Grant
Version 2.15

Table of Contents
1.01 Definitions………………………………………………………………………… i
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1.02 Interpretive Provisions ……………………………………..……………….ii

ARTICLE II Payment Methods and Restrictions………………………………………….iii
2.01 Payment Methods…………………………………………………………………...iii
2.02 Final Billing Submission……………………………………………………. iii
2.03 Financial Status Reports (FSRs)……………………………………………. iii
2.04 Debt to State and Corporate Status…………………………………………. iv 2.05
Application of Payment Due ………………………………………………………iv
2.06 Use of Funds ………………………………………………………………………iv
2.07 Use for Match Prohibited ………………………………………………………iv 2.08
Program Income ………………………………………………………………iv
2.09 Nonsupplanting ……………………………………………………………....iv
3.01 Funding ……………………………………………………………………..…v
3.02 No debt Against the State…………………………………………………… ..v
3.03 Debt to State………………………………………………………………… ..v 3.04
Recapture of Funds…………………………………………………………. ..v
ARTICLE IV Allowable Costs and Audit Requirements…………………………………….v
4.01 Allowable Costs. ………………………………………………………………..v
4.02 Independent Single or Program-Specific Audit……………………………. .vi
4.03 Submission of Audit vii
5.01 General Affirmations……………………………………………………………… vii
5.02 Federal Assurances…………………………………………………………. vii
5.03 Federal Certifications ………………………………………………………………vii
6.01 Ownership ……………………………………………………………………….vii
6.02 Intellectual Property………………………………………………………… vii
7.01 Books and Records ……………………………………………………………..viii
7.02 Access to records, books, and documents ……………………………………..viii 7.03
Response/compliance with audit or inspection findings ……………………..viii
7.04 SAO Audit………………………………………………………………….. ix
7.05 Confidentiality ………………………………………………………………ix
7.06 Public Information Act ………………………………………………………ix
8.01 Contract Management ………………………………………………………………ix
8.02 Termination for Convenience……………………………………………………. x
8.03 Termination for Cause ……………………………………………………….x
8.04 Equitable Settlement …………………………………………………………….x
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9.01 Amendment………………………………………………………………………… x
9.02 Insurance……………………………………………………………………. x
9.03 Legal Obligations…………………………………………………………… xi
9.04 Permitting and Licensure……………………………………………………. xi
9.05 Indemnity ………………………………………………………………………xi
9.06 Assignments………………………………………………………………… xii
9.07 Relationship of the Parties ………………………………………………………xii
9.08 Technical Guidance Letters…………………………………………………. xiii
9.09 Governing Law and Venue………………………………………………….. xiii
9.11 Survivability ………………………………………………………………………xiii
9.12 Force Majeure………………………………………………………………. xiii
9.13 No Waiver of Provisions……………………………………………………. xiii
9.14 Publicity ………………………………………………………………………xiv
9.15 Prohibition on Non-compete Restrictions……………………………………. xiv 9.16
No Waiver of Sovereign Immunity ………………………………………………xiv 9.17
Entire Contract and Modification…………………………………………… xiv
9.18 Counterparts………………………………………………………………… xiv
9.19 Proper Authority ………………………………………………………………xiv
9.20 Employment Verification ……………………………………………………..xiv
9.21 Civil Rights ………………………………………………………………………xv

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As used in this Contract, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the following terms and
conditions have the meanings assigned below:
“Amendment” means a written agreement, signed by the parties hereto, which documents changes
to the Contract other than those permitted by Work Orders or Technical Guidance Letters, as herein
“Attachment” means documents, terms, conditions, or additional information physically added to
this Contract following the Signature Document or included by reference, as if physically, within
the body of this Contract.
“Contract” means the Signature Document, these Uniform Terms and Conditions, along with any
Attachments, and any Amendments, or Technical Guidance Letters that may be issued by the
System Agency, to be incorporated by reference herein for all purposes if issued.
“Deliverable” means the work product(s) required to be submitted to the System Agency including
all reports and project documentation.
“Effective Date” means the date agreed to by the Parties as the date on which the Contract takes
“Federal Fiscal Year” means the period beginning October 1 and ending September 30 each year,
which is the annual accounting period for the United States government.
“GAAP” means Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
“GASB” means the Governmental Accounting Standards Board.
“Grantee” means the Party receiving funds under this Contract, if any. May also be referred to as
"Contractor" in certain attachments.
“Health and Human Services Commission” or “HHSC” means the administrative agency
established under Chapter 531, Texas Government Code or its designee.

“HUB” means Historically Underutilized Business, as defined by Chapter 2161 of the Texas
Government Code.
“Intellectual Property” means inventions and business processes, whether or not patentable; works
of authorship; trade secrets; trademarks; service marks; industrial designs; and creations that are
subject to potential legal protection incorporated in any Deliverable and first created or developed
by Grantee, Grantee's contractor or a subcontractor in performing the Project. “Mentor Protégé”
means the Comptroller of Public Accounts’ leadership program found at:

Grantee Uniform Terms and Conditions v.

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

“Parties” means the System Agency and Grantee, collectively.

“Party” means either the System Agency or Grantee, individually.
“Program” means the statutorily authorized activities of the System Agency under which this
Contract has been awarded.

“Project” means specific activities of the Grantee that are supported by funds provided under this
“Public Information Act” or “PIA” means Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code.
“Statement of Work” means the description of activities performed in completing the Project, as
specified in the Contract and as may be amended.
“Signature Document” means the document executed by both Parties that specifically sets forth all
of the documents that constitute the Contract.
“Solicitation or "RFA"” means the document issued by the System Agency under which
applications for Program funds were requested, which is incorporated herein by reference for all
purposes in its entirety, including all Amendments and Attachments.
“Solicitation Response" or "Application" means Grantee’s full and complete response to the
Solicitation, which is incorporated herein by reference for all purposes in its entirety, including
any Attachments and addenda.
“State Fiscal Year” means the period beginning September 1 and ending August 31 each year,
which is the annual accounting period for the State of Texas.
“State of Texas Textravel” means Texas Administrative Code, Title 34, Part 1, Chapter 5,
Subchapter C, Section 5.22, relative to travel reimbursements under this Contract, if any.
“System Agency” means HHSC or any of the agencies of the State of Texas that are overseen by
HHSC under authority granted under State law and the officers, employees, and designees of those
agencies. These agencies include: HHSC and the Department of State Health Services.
“Technical Guidance Letter” or “TGL” means an instruction, clarification, or interpretation of the
requirements of the Contract, issued by the System Agency to the Grantee.
a. The meanings of defined terms are equally applicable to the singular and plural forms of the
defined terms.
b. The words “hereof,” “herein,” “hereunder,” and similar words refer to this Contract as a whole
and not to any particular provision, section, Attachment, or schedule of this Contract unless
otherwise specified.
c. The term “including” is not limiting and means “including without limitation” and, unless
otherwise expressly provided in this Contract, (i) references to contracts (including this
Contract) and other contractual instruments shall be deemed to include all subsequent
Amendments and other modifications thereto, but only to the extent that such Amendments

Grantee Uniform Terms and Conditions v.

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and other modifications are not prohibited by the terms of this Contract, and (ii) references to
any statute or regulation are to be construed as including all statutory and regulatory provisions
consolidating, amending, replacing, supplementing, or interpreting the statute or regulation.
d. Any references to “sections,” “appendices,” or “attachments” are references to sections,
appendices, or attachments of the Contract.
e. Any references to agreements, contracts, statutes, or administrative rules or regulations in the
Contract are references to these documents as amended, modified, or supplemented from time
to time during the term of the Contract.
f. The captions and headings of this Contract are for convenience of reference only and do not
affect the interpretation of this Contract.
g. All Attachments within this Contract, including those incorporated by reference, and any
Amendments are considered part of the terms of this Contract.
h. This Contract may use several different limitations, regulations, or policies to regulate the same
or similar matters. All such limitations, regulations, and policies are cumulative and each will
be performed in accordance with its terms.
i. Unless otherwise expressly provided, reference to any action of the System Agency or by the
System Agency by way of consent, approval, or waiver will be deemed modified by the phrase
“in its sole discretion.”
j. Time is of the essence in this Contract.


2.01 Payment Methods
Except as otherwise provided by the provisions of the Contract, the payment method will be one or more of
the following:
a. cost reimbursement. This payment method is based on an approved budget and submission of a request
for reimbursement of expenses Grantee has incurred at the time of the request;
b. unit rate/fee-for-service. This payment method is based on a fixed price or a specified rate(s) or fee(s)
for delivery of a specified unit(s) of service and acceptable submission of all required documentation,
forms and/or reports; or
c. advance payment. This payment method is based on disbursal of the minimum necessary funds to carry
out the Program or Project where the Grantee has implemented appropriate safeguards. This payment
method will only be utilized in accordance with governing law and at the sole discretion of the System

Grantees shall bill the System Agency in accordance with the Contract. Unless otherwise specified in the
Contract, Grantee shall submit requests for reimbursement or payment monthly by the last business day of
the month following the month in which expenses were incurred or services provided. Grantee shall
maintain all documentation that substantiates invoices and make the documentation available to the System
Agency upon request.
2.02 Final Billing Submission
Unless otherwise provided by the System Agency, Grantee shall submit a reimbursement or payment request
as a final close-out invoice not later than forty-five (45) calendar days following the end of the term of the
Contract. Reimbursement or payment requests received in the System Agency's offices more than forty-
five (45) calendar days following the termination of the Contract may not be paid.

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2.03 Financial Status Reports (FSRs)

Except as otherwise provided in these General Provisions or in the terms of any Program Attachment(s) that
is incorporated into the Contract, for contracts with categorical budgets, Grantee shall submit quarterly
FSRs to Accounts Payable by the last business day of the month following the end of each quarter of the
Program Attachment term for System Agency review and financial assessment. Grantee shall submit the
final FSR no later than forty-five (45) calendar days following the end of the applicable term.
2.04 Debt to State and Corporate Status
Pursuant to Tex. Gov. Code § 403.055, the Department will not approve and the State Comptroller
will not issue payment to Grantee if Grantee is indebted to the State for any reason, including a
tax delinquency. Grantee, if a corporation, certifies by execution of this Contract that it is current
and will remain current in its payment of franchise taxes to the State of Texas or that it is exempt
from payment of franchise taxes under Texas law (Tex. Tax Code §§ 171.001 et seq.). If tax
payments become delinquent during the Contract term, all or part of the payments under this
Contract may be withheld until Grantee’s delinquent tax is paid in full.
2.05 Application of Payment Due
Grantee agrees that any payments due under this Contract will be applied towards any debt of
Grantee, including but not limited to delinquent taxes and child support that is owed to the State
of Texas.
2.06 Use of Funds
Grantee shall expend funds provided under this Contract only for the provision of approved services
and for reasonable and allowable expenses directly related to those services.
2.07 Use for Match Prohibited
Grantee shall not use funds provided under this Contract for matching purposes in securing other
funding without the written approval of the System Agency.
2.08 Program Income
Income directly generated from funds provided under this Contract or earned only as a result of
such funds is Program Income. Unless otherwise required under the Program, Grantee shall use
the addition alternative, as provided in UGMS § __.25(g)(2), for the use of Project income to
further the Program, and Grantee shall spend the Program Income on the Project. Grantee shall
identify and report this income in accordance with the Contract, applicable law, and any
programmatic guidance. Grantee shall expend Program Income during the Contract term and may
not carry Program Income forward to any succeeding term. Grantee shall refund program income
to the System Agency if the Program Income is not expended in the term in which it is earned.
The System Agency may base future funding levels, in part, upon Grantee’s proficiency in
identifying, billing, collecting, and reporting Program Income, and in using it for the purposes and
under the conditions specified in this Contract.
2.09 Nonsupplanting
Grantee shall not use funds from this Contract to replace or substitute for existing funding from
other but shall use funds from this Contract to supplement existing state or local funds currently

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available. Grantee shall make a good faith effort to maintain its current level of support. Grantee
may be required to submit documentation substantiating that a reduction in state or local funding,
if any, resulted for reasons other than receipt or expected receipt of funding under this Contract.
3.01 Funding
This Contract is contingent upon the availability of sufficient and adequate funds. If funds become
unavailable through lack of appropriations, budget cuts, transfer of funds between programs or
agencies, amendment of the Texas General Appropriations Act, agency consolidation, or any other
disruptions of current funding for this Contract, the System Agency may restrict, reduce, or
terminate funding under this Contract. This Contract is also subject to immediate cancellation or
termination, without penalty to the System Agency, if sufficient and adequate funds are not
available. Grantee will have no right of action against the System Agency if the System Agency
cannot perform its obligations under this Contract as a result of lack of funding for any activities
or functions contained within the scope of this Contract. In the event of cancellation or termination
under this Section, the System Agency will not be required to give notice and will not be liable for
any damages or losses caused or associated with such termination or cancellation.
3.02 No debt Against the State
The Contract will not be construed as creating any debt by or on behalf of the State of Texas.
3.03 Debt to State
If a payment law prohibits the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts from making a payment, the
Grantee acknowledges the System Agency's payments under the Contract will be applied toward
eliminating the debt or delinquency. This requirement specifically applies to any debt or
delinquency, regardless of when it arises.
3.04 Recapture of Funds
The System Agency may withhold all or part of any payments to Grantee to offset overpayments
made to the Grantee. Overpayments as used in this Section include payments (i) made by the
System Agency that exceed the maximum allowable rates; (ii) that are not allowed under
applicable laws, rules, or regulations; or (iii) that are otherwise inconsistent with this Contract,
including any unapproved expenditures. Grantee understands and agrees that it will be liable to
the System Agency for any costs disallowed pursuant to financial and compliance audit(s) of funds
received under this Contract. Grantee further understands and agrees that reimbursement of such
disallowed costs will be paid by Grantee from funds which were not provided or otherwise made
available to Grantee under this Contract.


4.01 Allowable Costs.
System Agency will reimburse the allowable costs incurred in performing the Project that are
sufficiently documented. Grantee must have incurred a cost prior to claiming reimbursement and
within the applicable term to be eligible for reimbursement under this Contract. The System
Agency will determine whether costs submitted by Grantee are allowable and eligible for

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reimbursement. If the System Agency has paid funds to Grantee for unallowable or ineligible
costs, the System Agency will notify Grantee in writing, and Grantee shall return the funds to the
System Agency within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of this written notice. The System
Agency may withhold all or part of any payments to Grantee to offset reimbursement for any
unallowable or ineligible expenditure that Grantee has not refunded to the System Agency, or if
financial status report(s) required under the Financial Status Reports section are not submitted by
the due date(s). The System Agency may take repayment (recoup) from funds available under this
Contract in amounts necessary to fulfill Grantee’s repayment obligations. Applicable cost
principles, audit requirements, and administrative requirements include-

Applicable Entity Applicable Cost Audit Administrative

Principles Requirements Requirements
State, Local and Tribal 2 CFR, Part 225 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR Part 200 and
Governments Subpart F and UGMS

Educational 2 CFR, Part 220 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR Part 200 and
Institutions Subpart F and UGMS

Non-Profit 2 CFR, Part 230 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR Part 200 and
Organizations Subpart F and UGMS

For-profit 48 CFR Part 31, 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR Part 200 and
Organization other Contract Cost Subpart F and UGMS
than a hospital and an Principles UGMS
organization named in Procedures, or
OMB Circular A-122 uniform cost
(2 CFR Part, 230) as accounting
not subject to that standards that
circular. comply with cost
acceptable to the
federal or
awarding agency
OMB Circulars will be applied with the modifications prescribed by UGMS with effect given to
whichever provision imposes the more stringent requirement in the event of a conflict.
If Grantee, within Grantee’s fiscal year, expends a total amount of at least SEVEN HUNDRED
FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($750,000) in federal funds awarded, Grantee shall have a

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single audit or program-specific audit in accordance with 2 CFR 200. The $750,000 federal
threshold amount includes federal funds passed through by way of state agency awards. If
Grantee, within Grantee’s fiscal year, expends a total amount of at least $750,000 in state funds
awarded, Grantee must have a single audit or program-specific audit in accordance with UGMS,
State of Texas Single Audit Circular. The audit must be conducted by an independent certified
public accountant and in accordance with 2 CFR 200, Government Auditing Standards, and
UGMS. For-profit Grantees whose expenditures meet or exceed the federal or state expenditure
thresholds stated above shall follow the guidelines in 2 CFR 200 or UGMS, as applicable, for
their program-specific audits. HHSC Single Audit Services will notify Grantee to complete the
Single Audit Determination Form. If Grantee fails to complete the Single Audit Determination
Form within thirty (30) calendar days after notification by HHSC Single Audit Services to do so,
Grantee shall be subject to the System Agency sanctions and remedies for non-compliance with
this Contract. Each Grantee that is required to obtain a single audit must competitively reprocure
single audit services once every six years. Grantee shall procure audit services in compliance
with this section, state procurement procedures, as well as with the provisions of UGMS.
Due the earlier of 30 days after receipt of the independent certified public accountant's report or
nine months after the end of the fiscal year, Grantee shall submit electronically, one copy of the
Single Audit or Program-Specific Audit to the System Agency as directed in this Contract and
another copy to: [email protected]


5.01 General Affirmations
Grantee certifies that, to the extent General Affirmations are incorporated into the Contract under
the Signature Document, the General Affirmations have been reviewed and that Grantee is in
compliance with each of the requirements reflected therein.
5.02 Federal Assurances
Grantee further certifies that, to the extent Federal Assurances are incorporated into the Contract
under the Signature Document, the Federal Assurances have been reviewed and that Grantee is in
compliance with each of the requirements reflected therein.
5.03 Federal Certifications
Grantee further certifies, to the extent Federal Certifications are incorporated into the Contract
under the Signature Document, that the Federal Certifications have been reviewed, and that
Grantee is in compliance with each of the requirements reflected therein. In addition, Grantee
certifies that it is in compliance with all applicable federal laws, rules, or regulations, as they
may pertain to this Contract.


6.01 Ownership
The System Agency will own, and Grantee hereby assigns to the System Agency, all right, title,
and interest in all Deliverables.

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6.02 Intellectual Property

a. The System Agency and Grantee will retain ownership, all rights, title, and interest in and to,
their respective pre-existing Intellectual Property. A license to either Party's pre-existing
Intellectual Property must be agreed to under this or another contract.

b. Grantee grants to the System Agency and the State of Texas a royalty-free, paid up, worldwide,
perpetual, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use any Intellectual Property invented or
created by Grantee, Grantee's contractor, or a subcontractor in the performance of the Project.
Grantee will require its contractors to grant such a license under its contracts.


7.01 Books and Records
Grantee will keep and maintain under GAAP or GASB, as applicable, full, true, and complete
records necessary to fully disclose to the System Agency, the Texas State Auditor’s Office, the
United States Government, and their authorized representatives sufficient information to
determine compliance with the terms and conditions of this Contract and all state and federal rules,
regulations, and statutes. Unless otherwise specified in this Contract, Grantee will maintain
legible copies of this Contract and all related documents for a minimum of seven (7) years after
the termination of the contract period or seven (7) years after the completion of any litigation or
dispute involving the Contract, whichever is later.
7.02 Access to records, books, and documents
In addition to any right of access arising by operation of law, Grantee and any of Grantee’s affiliate
or subsidiary organizations, or Subcontractors will permit the System Agency or any of its duly
authorized representatives, as well as duly authorized federal, state or local authorities, unrestricted
access to and the right to examine any site where business is conducted or Services are performed,
and all records, which includes but is not limited to financial, client and patient records, books,
papers or documents related to this Contract. If the Contract includes federal funds, federal
agencies that will have a right of access to records as described in this section include: the federal
agency providing the funds, the Comptroller General of the United States, the General Accounting
Office, the Office of the Inspector General, and any of their authorized representatives. In addition,
agencies of the State of Texas that will have a right of access to records as described in this section
include: the System Agency, HHSC, HHSC's contracted examiners, the State Auditor’s Office,
the Texas Attorney General's Office, and any successor agencies. Each of these entities may be a
duly authorized authority. If deemed necessary by the System Agency or any duly authorized
authority, for the purpose of investigation or hearing, Grantee will produce original documents
related to this Contract. The System Agency and any duly authorized authority will have the right
to audit billings both before and after payment, and all documentation that substantiates the
billings. Grantee will include this provision concerning the right of access to, and examination of,
sites and information related to this Contract in any Subcontract it awards.

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7.03 Response/compliance with audit or inspection findings

a. Grantee must act to ensure its and its Subcontractor’s compliance with all corrections
necessary to address any finding of noncompliance with any law, regulation, audit
requirement, or generally accepted accounting principle, or any other deficiency identified in
any audit, review, or inspection of the Contract and the goods or services provided hereunder.
Any such correction will be at Grantee or its Subcontractor's sole expense. Whether Grantee's
action corrects the noncompliance will be solely the decision of the System Agency.

b. As part of the Services, Grantee must provide to HHSC upon request a copy of those portions
of Grantee's and its Subcontractors' internal audit reports relating to the Services and
Deliverables provided to the State under the Contract.
7.04 SAO Audit
Grantee understands that acceptance of funds directly under the Contract or indirectly through a
Subcontract under the Contract acts as acceptance of the authority of the State Auditor’s Office
(SAO), or any successor agency, to conduct an audit or investigation in connection with those
funds. Under the direction of the legislative audit committee, an entity that is the subject of an
audit or investigation by the SAO must provide the SAO with access to any information the SAO
considers relevant to the investigation or audit. Grantee agrees to cooperate fully with the SAO or
its successor in the conduct of the audit or investigation, including providing all records requested.
Grantee will ensure that this clause concerning the authority to audit funds received indirectly by
Subcontractors through Grantee and the requirement to cooperate is included in any Subcontract
it awards.
7.05 Confidentiality
Any specific confidentiality agreement between the Parties takes precedent over the terms of this
section. To the extent permitted by law, Grantee agrees to keep all information confidential, in
whatever form produced, prepared, observed, or received by Grantee. The provisions of this
section remain in full force and effect following termination or cessation of the services performed
under this Contract.
7.06 Public Information Act
Information related to the performance of this Contract may be subject to the PIA and will be
withheld from public disclosure or released only in accordance therewith. Grantee must make all
information not otherwise excepted from disclosure under the PIA available in portable document
file (".pdf") format or any other format agreed between the Parties.


8.01 Contract Management
To ensure full performance of the Contract and compliance with applicable law, the System Agency
may take actions including:
a. Suspending all or part of the Contract;

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b. Requiring the Grantee to take specific corrective actions in order to remain in compliance
with term of the Contract;
c. Recouping payments made to the Grantee found to be in error;
d. Suspending, limiting, or placing conditions on the continued performance of the Project;
e. Imposing any other remedies authorized under this Contract; and
f. Imposing any other remedies, sanctions or penalties permitted by federal or state statute,
law, regulation, or rule.
8.02 Termination for Convenience
The System Agency may terminate the Contract at any time when, in its sole discretion, the System
Agency determines that termination is in the best interests of the State of Texas. The termination
will be effective on the date specified in HHSC’s notice of termination.
8.03 Termination for Cause
Except as otherwise provided by the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, or any successor law, the System
Agency may terminate the Contract, in whole or in part, upon either of the following conditions:

a. Material Breach
The System Agency will have the right to terminate the Contract in whole or in part if the System
Agency determines, at its sole discretion, that Grantee has materially breached the Contract or has
failed to adhere to any laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or orders of any public authority having
jurisdiction and such violation prevents or substantially impairs performance of Grantee’s duties
under the Contract. Grantee's misrepresentation in any aspect of Grantee’s Solicitation Response,
if any or Grantee's addition to the Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) will also constitute a
material breach of the Contract.

b. Failure to Maintain Financial Viability

The System Agency may terminate the Contract if, in its sole discretion, the System Agency has a
good faith belief that Grantee no longer maintains the financial viability required to complete the
Services and Deliverables, or otherwise fully perform its responsibilities under the Contract.
8.04 Equitable Settlement
Any early termination under this Article will be subject to the equitable settlement of the respective
interests of the Parties up to the date of termination.


9.01 Amendment
The Contract may only be amended by an Amendment executed by both Parties.
9.02 Insurance
Unless otherwise specified in this Contract, Grantee will acquire and maintain, for the duration of
this Contract, insurance coverage necessary to ensure proper fulfillment of this Contract and
potential liabilities thereunder with financially sound and reputable insurers licensed by the Texas
Department of Insurance, in the type and amount customarily carried within the industry as

Grantee Uniform Terms and Conditions v.

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determined by the System Agency. Grantee will provide evidence of insurance as required under
this Contract, including a schedule of coverage or underwriter’s schedules establishing to the
satisfaction of the System Agency the nature and extent of coverage granted by each such policy,
upon request by the System Agency. In the event that any policy is determined by the System
Agency to be deficient to comply with the terms of this Contract, Grantee will secure such
additional policies or coverage as the System Agency may reasonably request or that are required
by law or regulation. If coverage expires during the term of this Contract, Grantee must produce
renewal certificates for each type of coverage.

These and all other insurance requirements under the Contract apply to both Grantee and its
Subcontractors, if any. Grantee is responsible for ensuring its Subcontractors' compliance with all
9.03 Legal Obligations
Grantee will comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, and regulations,
including all federal and state accessibility laws relating to direct and indirect use of information and
communication technology. Grantee will be deemed to have knowledge of all applicable laws and
regulations and be deemed to understand them. In addition to any other act or omission that may
constitute a material breach of the Contract, failure to comply with this Section may also be a
material breach of the Contract.
9.04 Permitting and Licensure
At Grantee's sole expense, Grantee will procure and maintain for the duration of this Contract any
state, county, city, or federal license, authorization, insurance, waiver, permit, qualification or
certification required by statute, ordinance, law, or regulation to be held by Grantee to provide the
goods or Services required by this Contract. Grantee will be responsible for payment of all taxes,
assessments, fees, premiums, permits, and licenses required by law. Grantee agrees to be
responsible for payment of any such government obligations not paid by its contactors or
subcontractors during performance of this Contract.
9.05 Indemnity





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9.06 Assignments
Grantee may not assign all or any portion of its rights under, interests in, or duties required under
this Contract without prior written consent of the System Agency, which may be withheld or
granted at the sole discretion of the System Agency. Except where otherwise agreed in writing by
the System Agency, assignment will not release Grantee from its obligations under the Contract.
Grantee understands and agrees the System Agency may in one or more transactions assign,
pledge, or transfer the Contract. This assignment will only be made to another State agency or a
non-state agency that is contracted to perform agency support.
9.07 Relationship of the Parties
Grantee is, and will be, an independent contractor and, subject only to the terms of this Contract,
will have the sole right to supervise, manage, operate, control, and direct performance of the details
incident to its duties under this Contract. Nothing contained in this Contract will be deemed or
construed to create a partnership or joint venture, to create relationships of an employer-employee
or principal-agent, or to otherwise create for the System Agency any liability whatsoever with
respect to the indebtedness, liabilities, and obligations of Grantee or any other Party.

Grantee will be solely responsible for, and the System Agency will have no obligation with respect
a. Payment of Grantee's employees for all Services performed;
b. Ensuring each of its employees, agents, or Subcontractors who provide Services
or Deliverables under the Contract are properly licensed, certified, or have proper
permits to perform any activity related to the Work;
c. Withholding of income taxes, FICA, or any other taxes or fees;
d. Industrial or workers’ compensation insurance coverage;
e. Participation in any group insurance plans available to employees of the State of

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f. Participation or contributions by the State to the State Employees Retirement

g. Accumulation of vacation leave or sick leave; or
h. Unemployment compensation coverage provided by the State.
9.08 Technical Guidance Letters
In the sole discretion of the System Agency, and in conformance with federal and state law, the
System Agency may issue instructions, clarifications, or interpretations as may be required during
Work performance in the form of a Technical Guidance Letter. A TGL must be in writing, and
may be delivered by regular mail, electronic mail, or facsimile transmission. Any TGL issued by
the System Agency will be incorporated into the Contract by reference herein for all purposes
when it is issued.
9.09 Governing Law and Venue
This Contract and the rights and obligations of the Parties hereto will be governed by, and
construed according to, the laws of the State of Texas, exclusive of conflicts of law provisions.
Venue of any suit brought under this Contract will be in a court of competent jurisdiction in Travis
County, Texas unless otherwise elected by the System Agency. Grantee irrevocably waives any
objection, including any objection to personal jurisdiction or the laying of venue or based on the
grounds of forum non conveniens, which it may now or hereafter have to the bringing of any action
or proceeding in such jurisdiction in respect of this Contract or any document related hereto. 9.10

If any provision contained in this Contract is held to be unenforceable by a court of law or equity,
this Contract will be construed as if such provision did not exist and the non-enforceability of such
provision will not be held to render any other provision or provisions of this Contract
9.11 Survivability
Termination or expiration of this Contract or a Contract for any reason will not release either party
from any liabilities or obligations in this Contract that the parties have expressly agreed will
survive any such termination or expiration, remain to be performed, or by their nature would be
intended to be applicable following any such termination or expiration, including maintaining
confidentiality of information and records retention.
9.12 Force Majeure
Except with respect to the obligation of payments under this Contract, if either of the Parties, after
a good faith effort, is prevented from complying with any express or implied covenant of this
Contract by reason of war; terrorism; rebellion; riots; strikes; acts of God; any valid order, rule, or
regulation of governmental authority; or similar events that are beyond the control of the affected
Party (collectively referred to as a “Force Majeure”), then, while so prevented, the affected Party’s
obligation to comply with such covenant will be suspended, and the affected Party will not be
liable for damages for failure to comply with such covenant. In any such event, the Party claiming

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Force Majeure will promptly notify the other Party of the Force Majeure event in writing and, if
possible, such notice will set forth the extent and duration thereof.
9.13 No Waiver of Provisions
Neither failure to enforce any provision of this Contract nor payment for services provided under
it constitute waiver of any provision of the Contract.
9.14 Publicity
Except as provided in the paragraph below, Grantee must not use the name of, or directly or
indirectly refer to, the System Agency, the State of Texas, or any other State agency in any media
release, public announcement, or public disclosure relating to the Contract or its subject matter,
including in any promotional or marketing materials, customer lists, or business presentations.

Grantee may publish, at its sole expense, results of Grantee performance under the Contract with
the System Agency’s prior review and approval, which the System Agency may exercise at its sole
discretion. Any publication (written, visual, or sound) will acknowledge the support received from
the System Agency and any Federal agency, as appropriate.
9.15 Prohibition on Non-compete Restrictions
Grantee will not require any employees or Subcontractors to agree to any conditions, such as
noncompete clauses or other contractual arrangements that would limit or restrict such persons or
entities from employment or contracting with the State of Texas.
9.16 No Waiver of Sovereign Immunity
Nothing in the Contract will be construed as a waiver of sovereign immunity by the System
9.17 Entire Contract and Modification
The Contract constitutes the entire agreement of the Parties and is intended as a complete and
exclusive statement of the promises, representations, negotiations, discussions, and other
agreements that may have been made in connection with the subject matter hereof. Any additional
or conflicting terms in any future document incorporated into the Contract will be harmonized
with this Contract to the extent possible by the System Agency.
9.18 Counterparts
This Contract may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which will be an original,
and all such counterparts will together constitute but one and the same Contract.
9.19 Proper Authority
Each Party hereto represents and warrants that the person executing this Contract on its behalf has
full power and authority to enter into this Contract. Any Services or Work performed by Grantee
before this Contract is effective or after it ceases to be effective are performed at the sole risk of
Grantee with respect to compensation.

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9.20 Employment Verification

Grantee will confirm the eligibility of all persons employed during the contract term to perform
duties within Texas and all persons, including subcontractors, assigned by the contractor to
perform work pursuant to the Contract.
9.21 Civil Rights
a. Grantee agrees to comply with state and federal anti-discrimination laws, including:
1. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. §2000d et seq.);
2. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. §794);
3. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.);
4. Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 U.S.C. §§6101-6107);
5. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. §§1681-1688);
6. Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. §2011 et seq.); and
7. The System Agency's administrative rules, as set forth in the Texas
Administrative Code, to the extent applicable to this Agreement.

Grantee agrees to comply with all amendments to the above-referenced laws, and all
requirements imposed by the regulations issued pursuant to these laws. These laws provide in
part that no persons in the United States may, on the grounds of race, color, national origin,
sex, age, disability, political beliefs, or religion, be excluded from participation in or denied
any aid, care, service or other benefits provided by Federal or State funding, or otherwise be
subjected to discrimination.

b. Grantee agrees to comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and its implementing
regulations at 45 C.F.R. Part 80 or 7 C.F.R. Part 15, prohibiting a contractor from adopting and
implementing policies and procedures that exclude or have the effect of excluding or limiting
the participation of clients in its programs, benefits, or activities on the basis of national origin.
State and federal civil rights laws require contractors to provide alternative methods for
ensuring access to services for applicants and recipients who cannot express themselves
fluently in English. Grantee agrees to take reasonable steps to provide services and
information, both orally and in writing, in appropriate languages other than English, in order
to ensure that persons with limited English proficiency are effectively informed and can have
meaningful access to programs, benefits, and activities.

c. Grantee agrees to post applicable civil rights posters in areas open to the public informing
clients of their civil rights and including contact information for the HHS Civil Rights Office.
The posters are available on the HHS website at:

d. Grantee agrees to comply with Executive Order 13279, and its implementing regulations at 45
C.F.R. Part 87 or 7 C.F.R. Part 16. These provide in part that any organization that participates
in programs funded by direct financial assistance from the United States Department of
Agriculture or the United States Department of Health and Human Services shall not

Grantee Uniform Terms and Conditions v.

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

discriminate against a program beneficiary or prospective program beneficiary on the basis of

religion or religious belief.

e. Upon request, Grantee will provide HHSC Civil Rights Office with copies of all of the
Grantee’s civil rights policies and procedures.

f. Grantee must notify HHSC’s Civil Rights Office of any civil rights complaints received
relating to its performance under this Agreement. This notice must be delivered no more than
ten (10) calendar days after receipt of a complaint. Notice provided pursuant to this section
must be directed to:

HHSC Civil Rights Office

701 W. 51st Street, Mail Code W206
Austin, Texas 78751
Phone Toll Free: (888) 388-6332
Phone: (512) 438-4313
TTY Toll Free: (877) 432-7232 Fax:
(512) 438-5885.

Grantee Uniform Terms and Conditions v.

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F


Health and Human Services Commission

Special Conditions
Version 1.1

Grantee Uniform Terms and Conditions v.

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

ARTICLE I. Special Definitions ..................................................................................................2
ARTICLE II. Grantees Personnel and Subcontractors ..........................................................3
Qualifications....................................................................................................................... 3
Conduct and Removal ......................................................................................................... 3
Minor Administrative Changes ........................................................................................... 4
ARTICLE III. Confidentiality ...................................................................................................4
Confidential System Information ........................................................................................ 4
ARTICLE IV. Miscellaneous Provisions ..................................................................................4
Conflicts of Interest ............................................................................................................. 5
Flow Down Provisions ........................................................................................................ 5
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The terms and conditions of these Special Conditions are incorporated into and made a part of the Contract.
Capitalized items used in these Special Conditions and not otherwise defined have the meanings assigned
to them in HHSC Grantee Uniform Terms and Conditions – Version 2.14


“Conflict of Interest” means a set of facts or circumstances, a relationship, or other situation under which
Grantee, a Subcontractor, or individual has past, present, or currently planned personal or financial activities
or interests that either directly or indirectly: (1) impairs or diminishes the Grantee’s, or Subcontractor’s
ability to render impartial or objective assistance or advice to the HHSC; or (2) provides the Grantee or
Subcontractor an unfair competitive advantage in future HHSC procurements.

“Grantee Agents” means Grantee’s representatives, employees, officers, as well as any contractor or
subgrantee's employees, contractors, officers, principals and agents.

“Data Use Agreement” means the agreement incorporated into the Contract to facilitate creation, receipt,
maintenance, use, disclosure or access to Confidential Information.

“Item of Noncompliance” means Grantee’s acts or omissions that: (1) violate a provision of the Contract;
(2) fail to ensure adequate performance of the Project; (3) represent a failure of Grantee to be responsive to
a request of HHSC relating to the Project under the Contract.

“Minor Administrative Change” refers to a change to the Contract that does not increase the fees or term
and done in accordance with Section 0 of these Special Conditions.

“Confidential System Information” means any communication or record (whether oral, written,
electronically stored or transmitted, or in any other form) provided to or made available to Grantee; or that
Grantee may create, receive, maintain, use, disclose or have access to on behalf of HHSC or through
performance of the Project, which is not designated as Confidential Information in aData Use Agreement.

“State” means the State of Texas and, unless otherwise indicated or appropriate, will be interpreted to mean
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

HHSC and other agencies of the State of Texas that may participate in the administration of HHSC
Programs; provided, however, that no provision will be interpreted to include any entity other than HHSC
as the contracting agency.

“Software” means all operating system and applications software used or created by Grantee to perform
the work under the Contract.

“Third Party Software” refers to software programs or plug-ins developed by companies or individuals
other than Grantee which are used in performance of the Project. It does not include items which are
ancillary to the performance of the Project, such as internal systems of Grantee which were deployed by
Grantee prior to the Contract and not procured to perform the Project.

“UTC” means HHSC’s Uniform Terms and Conditions –Grantee- Version 2.15



Grantee agrees to maintain the organizational and administrative capacity and capabilities proposed in its
response to the Solicitation, as modified, to carry out all duties and responsibilities under the Contract.
Grantee Agents assigned to perform the duties and responsibilities under the Contract must be and remain
properly trained and qualified for the functions they are to perform. Notwithstanding the transfer or
turnover of personnel, Grantee remains obligated to perform all duties and responsibilities under the
Contract without degradation and in strict accordance with the terms of the Contract.

Conduct and Removal

While performing the Project, Grantee Agents must comply with applicable Contract terms, State and
federal rules, regulations, HHSC’s policies, and HHSC’s requests regarding personal and professional
conduct; and otherwise conduct themselves in a businesslike and professional manner.

If HHSC determines in good faith that a particular Grantee Agent is not conducting himself or herself in
accordance with the terms of the Contract, HHSC may provide Grantee with notice and documentation
regarding its concerns. Upon receipt of such notice, Grantee must promptly investigate the matter and, at
HHSC’s election, take appropriate action that may include removing the Grantee Agent from performing
the Project.

System Agency Solicitation No. HHS0000502

System Agency Contract No. %%CONTRACT_ID%%
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Confidential System Information

HHSC prohibits the unauthorized disclosure of Other Confidential Information. Grantee and all Grantee
Agents will not disclose or use any Other Confidential Information in any manner except as is necessary
for the Project or the proper discharge of obligations and securing of rights under the Contract. Grantee
will have a system in effect to protect Other Confidential Information. Any disclosure or transfer of Other
Confidential Information by Grantee, including information requested to do so by HHSC, will be in
accordance with the Contract. If Grantee receives a request for Other Confidential Information, Grantee
will immediately notify HHSC of the request, and will make reasonable efforts to protect the Other
Confidential Information from disclosure until further instructed by the HHSC.

Grantee will notify HHSC promptly of any unauthorized possession, use, knowledge, or attempt thereof, of
any Other Confidential Information by any person or entity that may become known to Grantee. Grantee
will furnish to HHSC all known details of the unauthorized possession, use, or knowledge, or attempt
thereof, and use reasonable efforts to assist HHSC in investigating or preventing the reoccurrence of any
unauthorized possession, use, or knowledge, or attempt thereof, of Other Confidential Information.

HHSC will have the right to recover from Grantee all damages and liabilities caused by or arising from Grantee
or Grantee Agents’ failure to protect HHSC’s Confidential Information as required by this section.




Minor Administrative Changes

HHSC’s designee, referred to as the Contract Manager, Project Sponsor, or other equivalent, in the Contract,
is authorized to provide written approval of mutually agreed upon Minor Administrative Changes to the
Project or the Contract that do not increase the fees or term. Changes that increase the fees or term must be

System Agency Solicitation No. HHS0000502

System Agency Contract No. %%CONTRACT_ID%%
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

accomplished through the formal amendment procedure, as set forth in the UTC. Upon approval of a Minor
Administrative Change, HHSC and Grantee will maintain written notice that the change has been accepted
in their Contract files.

Conflicts of Interest

Grantee warrants to the best of its knowledge and belief, except to the extent already disclosed to HHSC,
there are no facts or circumstances that could give rise to a Conflict of Interest and further that Grantee or
Grantee Agents have no interest and will not acquire any direct or indirect interest that would conflict in
any manner or degree with their performance under the Contract. Grantee will, and require Grantee Agents,
to establish safeguards to prohibit Contract Agents from using their positions for a purpose that constitutes
or presents the appearance of personal or organizational Conflict of Interest, or for personal gain. Grantee
and Grantee Agents will operate with complete independence and objectivity without actual, potential or
apparent Conflict of Interest with respect to the activities conducted under the Contract.

Grantee agrees that, if after Grantee’s execution of the Contract, Grantee discovers or is made aware of a
Conflict of Interest, Grantee will immediately and fully disclose such interest in writing to HHSC. In
addition, Grantee will promptly and fully disclose any relationship that might be perceived or represented
as a conflict after its discovery by Grantee or by HHSC as a potential conflict. HHSC reserves the right to
make a final determination regarding the existence of Conflicts of Interest, and Grantee agrees to abide by
HHSC’s decision.

If HHSC determines that Grantee was aware of a Conflict of Interest and did not disclose the conflict to
HHSC, such nondisclosure will be considered a material breach of the Contract. Furthermore, such breach
may be submitted to the Office of the Attorney General, Texas Ethics Commission, or appropriate State or
federal law enforcement officials for further action.

Flow Down Provisions

Grantee must include any applicable provisions of the Contract in all subcontracts based on the scope and
magnitude of work to be performed by such Subcontractor. Any necessary terms will be modified
appropriately to preserve the State's rights under the Contract.

System Agency Solicitation No. HHS0000502

System Agency Contract No. %%CONTRACT_ID%%
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System Agency Solicitation No. HHS0000502

System Agency Contract No. %%CONTRACT_ID%%
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F




Contact Name
Contractor Name
City, Texas Zip Code

RE: Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Reporting Guidance

Dear :

This letter provides background information for the new Federal Funding Accountability and
Transparency Act (FFATA) requirements and to request the information from you as a
contractor/awardee of federal funding. The required information to be submitted is summarized
at the bottom of this letter.

The White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) recently issued additional guidance
regarding the FFATA reporting requirement which took effect on October 1, 2010. This law,
passed in 2006, and amended in 2008, requires any person or entity receiving contract or grant
funds directly from the federal government to report certain information regarding those funds
through a centralized website, . The following information applies.

• Sub-recipient contract awards equal to or greater than $25,000 must be reported if they were
awarded on or after October 1, 2010.
• Prime awardees (those agencies or entities receiving funds directly from the federal
government) must report certain information regarding those funds.
• Compensation of the top five executives within an organization must be reported as well, if
certain criteria apply.
• Grant information reported for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) grants is not
required to be reported in the FFATA Subaward Reporting System (FSRS).

System Agency Solicitation No. HHS0000502

System Agency Contract No. %%CONTRACT_ID%%
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

The purpose of this letter is to inform you that the Health and Human Services Commission
(HHSC) is the prime awardee for most of the federal awards that you receive from HHSC. As a
result, HHSC is responsible for reporting sub-award information to the federal government.
Unlike ARRA, prime recipients like HHSC must enter the sub-award data themselves and do not have
the option of coordinating with sub-recipients to enter the relevant information.

However, sub-recipients must provide HHSC with all required information to accurately
report on the FSRS website. OMB guidance outlines the sub-award and compensation
reporting requirements for sub-recipient contracts equal to or greater than $25,000
awarded on or after October 1, 2010. If a new award is initially below $25,000 but subsequent
contract modifications result in a total award equal to or greater than $25,000, the award will be
subject to FFATA reporting requirements as of the date the award exceeds $25,000.

You are receiving this letter because our records identify you as a sub-recipient under an HHSC
contract award. In our efforts to comply with the reporting requirements under FFATA, HHSC is
asking that you provide certification regarding the applicability of the following criteria to your
organization using Attachment B (FFATA Certification Form CPP0443).

If you should meet the requirements HHSC will need the compensation and names of the
entity's top five highly compensated officers/senior executives, if applicable, on the attached
FFATA Reporting Template – to be submitted in the form of the Excel document.
Additionally, HHSC is responsible for first-tier sub-award reporting, which includes subrecipient
entity information, sub-award description/title, and date of award.

FFATA and subsequent rules published by the White House OMB require that sub-recipients
have a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Number to receive federal funds of any type.
If you have not already done so, you must register your organization for a DUNS Number and
provide that to HHSC. Instructions to complete these are included in this letter as Attachment A
(How to Request or Verify a DUNS Number). If you have multiple contracts with HHSC, only
one certification per State fiscal year is required.

Summary of Information Requested:

1) Complete and return the FFATA Certification Form (Attachment B); 2) As

applicable, register your organization for a DUNS Number (Attachment A); and 3)
Complete and return the FFATA Reporting Template (Attachment C) – as an Excel

The required FFATA Certification Form and the FFATA Reporting Template must be completed
and returned to HHSC with the respondents proposal by the due date and time listed in Section 3.
If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please contact Vonda White of
Procurement and Contracting Services by e-mail at [email protected].

Enclosures: Attachment A: How to Request or Verify a DUNS Number Attachment

B: FFATA Certification Form
Attachment C: FFATA Reporting Instructions/Template

System Agency Solicitation No. HHS0000502

System Agency Contract No. %%CONTRACT_ID%%
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Attachment A

How to Request or Verify a DUNS Number

Most entities receiving federal funds already have a DUNS number and may even have several
DUNS Numbers. HHSC must use the primary DUNS Number assigned to the entity when
reporting FFATA obligations and expenditures. If your organization has multiple DUNS
Numbers, the primary DUNS Number will usually be the first number listed. Go to to request a DUNS Number or to verify the primary DUNS Number for
your organization. Obtaining a DUNS Number is free of charge.

Requesting a DUNS Number

1) To verify an existing DUNS Number or to request a new DUNS Number, go to the

Dun & Bradstreet website at
You can also call 1-866-705-5711 to request a DUNS number over the phone.

2) You will need the following information to obtain a DUNS number:

a. Legal name of organization;
b. Doing business as (DBA) or other name by which your organization is
known or recognized;
c. Headquarters name and organization address;
d. Name of Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/organization owner;
e. Business structure of the organization (corporation, partnership, proprietorship);
f. Year the organization started;
g. Primary type of business; and,
h. Total number of employees (full and part time).

Please be advised that HHSC does not have the technical expertise to assist contractors in
applying for a DUNS Number. All questions regarding the DUNS Number should be directed to
Dun & Bradstreet.

Central Contractor Registration

Both current and potential federal government registrants are required to register in CCR in order
to be awarded contracts by the federal government. Registrants are required to complete a
onetime registration and must update or renew their registrations at least once per year to
maintain an active status. To register and get additional information, go to

The use of DUNS+4 Numbers to identify registrants is limited to identifying different CCR
records for the same registrant at the same physical location. The +4 extension to a DUNS
number is created by registrants in CCR when there is a need for more than one bank/Electronic

System Agency Solicitation No. HHS0000502

System Agency Contract No. %%CONTRACT_ID%%
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Funds Transfer (EFT) account for a location. Go to the CCR User’s Guide for additional

Attachment B

Texas Health and Human Services Commission Federal Funding Accountability

and Transparency Act (FFATA) Certification

The certifications enumerated below represent material facts upon which HHSC relies when
reporting information to the federal government required under federal law. If the HHSC later
determines that the Contractor knowingly rendered an erroneous certification, HHSC may
pursue all available remedies in accordance with Texas and U.S. laws. Signor further agrees that
it will provide immediate written notice to HHSC if at any time Signor learns that any of the
certifications provided for below were erroneous when submitted or have since become
erroneous by reason of changed circumstances. If the Signor cannot certify all of the statements
contained in this section, Signor must provide written notice to HHSC detailing which of the
below statements it cannot certify and why.

Did your organization have a gross income, from all sources, of less than $300,000 in your previous
tax year?

Yes - skip questions A, B, and C and continue to section D.

No - answer questions A and B.

A. Certification Regarding Percent (%) of Annual Gross from Federal Awards

Did your organization receive 80% or more of its annual gross revenue from federal awards during
the preceding fiscal year?


No – skip question C.

B. Certification Regarding Amount of Annual Gross from Federal Awards

Did your organization receive $25 million or more in annual gross revenues from federal awards
in the preceding fiscal year?


No – skip question C.

If your answer is Yes to both questions A and B, you must answer question C.
If you answer is No to either question A or B, skip question C and continue to section D.

System Agency Solicitation No. HHS0000502

System Agency Contract No. %%CONTRACT_ID%%
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

C. Certification Regarding Public Access to Compensation Information.

Does the public have access to information about the highly compensated officers/senior
executives in your business or organization (including parent organization, all branches, and
all affiliates worldwide) through periodic reports filed under section 13(a) or 15(d) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78m(a), 78o(d)) or section 6104 of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986?


No - provide the names and total compensation of the top five highly compensated
officers/senior executives using the attached FFATA Reporting Template.

D. Signatures

As the duly authorized representative (Signor) of the Contractor, I hereby certify that
the statements made by me in this certification form are true, complete, and correct to
the best of my knowledge.

Signature of Authorized Representative

Printed Name of Authorized Representative

Title of Authorized Representative

Legal Name of Contractor


System Agency Solicitation No. HHS0000502

System Agency Contract No. %%CONTRACT_ID%%
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

DUNS Number Applicable HHSC Contract Number(s)

[List all contract numbers in the cell above]

Attachment C

FFATA Reporting Instructions/Template

FFATA Reporting

System Agency Solicitation No. HHS0000502

System Agency Contract No. %%CONTRACT_ID%%
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No exception -- nor any term, condition, or provision in a Solicitation Response that differs,
varies from, or contradicts this Solicitation -- will be considered to be a part of any contract
resulting from this Solicitation unless expressly made a part of the contract in writing by
the System Agency.
Solicitation Solicitation Solicitation Basis of Respondent's Still Want to
Document Document Language to Exception Proposed be
Section which Language Considered
Number Exception is for Contract
Taken Award if
(State "Yes"
or "No")

System Agency Solicitation No. HHS0000502

System Agency Contract No. %%CONTRACT_ID%%
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

ATTACHMENT B- Contractor’s Revised Program Forms

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F


This form requests basic information about the Applicant and project, including the
signature of the authorized representative. The face page is the cover page of
the proposal and must be completed in its entirety. Applicant Organization
Legal Name Human Coalition

Legal Doing Business As (DBA) Name: Grapevine Women’s Clinic

Mailing Address PO Box 5052

Include street address, city, county and ZIP Frisco, TX 75035

Physical Address 7800 N Dallas Pkwy, Suite 550

If different from Mailing Address Plano, TX 75024
Include street address, city, county and ZIP

Payee Name and Address Human Coalition

If different from Mailing & Physical Address PO Box 5052
Include street address, city, county and ZIP
Frisco, TX 75035

Website Organization: Clinics:

For public use to access information about

Phone Number Organization: 214-295-7301

Include number clients contact to access Grapevine Clinic: 817-200-4396

Federal Tax ID Number 26-4099950

DUNS Number 966403094

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Type of Entity

Y Nonprofit Organization

Project Information
Name of Project Contact Doris Pierce
This person will oversee the day-to-day duties
of grant project

Title of Project Contact Operations Manager

Phone 412-983-0567

Email [email protected]

Name of Fiscal Contact Kyle Scott

This person will oversee grant expenditures
and finances

Title of Fiscal Contact VP of Finance

Phone 972-826-4290

Email [email protected]

Name of Proposed Project Human Coalition application

Total Project Cost $8,078,235

From Form L and M

Funds Requested $8,078,235

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Proposed Project Service Area by Statewide

List Region served from Section 2.5.1

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Health and Human Services Commission

Instructions for Completing Proposed Budget

Contract Budget Summary

This contract uses a cost reimbursement payment methodology. HHSC is not obligated to pay unauthorized costs or to pay more than the Contractor's
allowable and actual incurred costs. These costs must be in compliance with the appropriate regulations. Soley State funded contracts follow the
Uniform Grant Management Standards (UGMS).

The budget summary reflects expenses are for direct client services and expenses are for direct client administration expenses.

The form is designed to maintain the original Approved Budget and monthly invoices for the HHSC contract. All of the expenditure information in this
Summary will be carried forward (pre-populated) from the contractor's Proposed Budget. The only information the contractor needs to provide on this
tab is to list the name and title of the individual who is authorized to certify this contract's budget. Please include the date that this budget was certified.

Reimbursable expenses will be charged to HHSC in the month that the cost hits the contractor general ledger. For example, mileage was reimbursed in
October (and hits the contractor's October general ledger) for September travel- then the expense would be considered an October expense. More
information is available on the tab, "Instructions- Billing Invoice".

The Proposed Budget is composed of the following seven budget categories:

1. Personnel- Salaries
2. Personnel- Fringe Benefits (per Employee or by Type of Benefit)
3. Travel
4. Supplies and Controlled Assets
5. Capital Equipment (expense exceeding $5,000)
6. Other
7. Contractual (subcontractors)

These instructions will explain how to submit the contractor Budget Proposal.

Proposed Budget
Many of the cells have formulas which are protected and must not be altered.

In column D, enter the methodology for the contractor's allowable budget line items. The contractor's methodology should provide a level of detail that
will allow the HHSC staff to approve the amount of funds being requested on a line by line basis. In many instances, it will be more efficient to provide
the details and eliminate assumptions.

Enter the name of the contractor in D3. The contract is funded with blended funding, State General Revenue and TANF funds. HHSC will provide the
amount of each type of funding with the contract. Please identify the individual in the contractor organization that is preparing and approving this

Once finalized, this tab will be renamed the "Approved" Budget. At that point, the Summary will be be added to this year's contract as an Exhibit.
The following sections will explain how to provide budget information for the individual Budget Categories:

In column B, list the titles for each individual staff person directly working on this contract.

In column H, list the Annual Salary for each individual.

In column I, list whether the individual is full-time (1.0) or part-time (0.5 or 0.75 or …).
In column J, list the amount of percentage of time this individual will be allocated to HHSC Contract. For example, list the individual at 100% or 50% or

In column K, list the number of months each individual will work on this contract during this contract year.
In column C, this total will represent the Reimbursable funds needed to work on this contract during the contract period.
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Entries in Column B (cells B-12 to B61) are copied to Fringe by employee column B (cells B64 to 123) and Billing Invoice column B (cells B13 to B60)

Total in column C, cell C62 is carried forward to Budget summary document.

complete either the Fringe by Employee section or the Fringe by Type of Benefit section - do not complete both
The positions listed in the Salaries section will auto populate in Column B (cells B65 to B123). The FTE Allocations from the Salaries section will also
auto populate.
Enter the fringe benefit percentage (cells L65 to L123) that will each individual working on this contract will be budgeted to receive. Different
individuals can have different budgeted percentages.

The total fringe per employee will be calculated in column H.

The total fringe per employee that is Reimbursable will be calculated in column C. This calculation is based on the Total Fringe per Employee (column
H) and the percent of time allocated to the contract (column J).

Entries in Column B are copied to Billing Invoice (cells B64 to B123). Total in column C, cell C125 is carried forward to the Budget Summary


complete either the Fringe by Employee section or the Fringe by Type of Benefit section - but do not
If all staff are not included in the calculations, specify to whom the benefits applies to or does not apply to
The following definitions and formulas may be helpful:
Social Security is the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) and is the total of the FICA rate x the participating staffs' salaries.
Texas Unemployment Compensation Act (TUCA) is the total of the rate assigned by TWC x the participating staffs' salaries.
Retirement is the rate (dependent on the type of plan) x the participating staffs' salaries.
Health Insurance costs are also dependent on the (various) plans' benefits x the participating staffs' salaries.
Worker's Compensation is purchased through private insurance firms that determine the appropriate employment classification and rates.
In column H, enter the budget needed for each individual type of benefit.

In column I, enter the percentage of time allocated staff are allocated to directly work on the HHSC contract during the contract period.

Entries in column B are copied to Billing Invoice (cells 129 to 141)

Total in column C, cell 142 are carried forward to the Budget Summary document.

The following definitions and formulas may be helpful
Meals, Lodging, Mileage Reimbursements and Transportation costs can be budgeted on a flat per diem basis or a cost-incurred basis (follow
the contract terms and conditions). The contractor may use either method- but must use the same methodology consistently to compute all
costs. The contractor should specify the methodology in column D).

If the contractor chooses the per diem methodology, the contractor's expenses may not exceed the per diem and mileage rate established in the
HHSC contract. The contractor's subcontractors are also subject to these rates and limitations.
If the contractor chooses the cost-incurred methodology, receipts documenting the expense must be maintained to substantiate the
Items normally included in the methodology column would be positions authorized to travel, number of miles/units and mileage rate, and the
travel purpose (client visit, training class, conference…)
In column C, enter the amounts that will be needed for Reimbursable mileage, airfare, meals, lodging and miscellaneous.

Please ensure that the methodology (column D and column F) will provide an adequate explanation for the expenses being budgeted.

Entries in colum B are copied to Billing Invoice( cells B146 to 149)

Total in column C150 is carried forward to Budget Summary Document


In column B, there are 3 supply types listed and 10 rows where the contractor keep create budgets for various supply needs.
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Controlled Assets are items of real or personal property with an estimated life of greater than one year, but an acquisition cost of less than $5000.
These items are considered high risk and have a high potential for loss; therefore, controlled assets must be maintained a contractor's inventory system
and tagged accordingly based on specific acquisition costs. Contractors should review the Comptroller's State Property Accounting User Manual for
the most current information regarding controlled assets.

Please ensure that the methodology (column D and column F) will provide an adequate explanation for the expenses being budgeted.
For example, Office Supplies methodology could state "$75 (based on last year's expenditures) x 10 FTEs = $75.
For example, Controlled Asset- Camera methodology could state (2) Cannon Digital Rebel Xti cameras x $800 = $1600.
For example, Controlled Asset- Computers- could include the purchase of laptops, tablets, iPads, desktops...

In column C, enter the amounts that will be needed for Reimbursable supplies
Entries in column B (cells B153 to 162) will be carried forward to the monthly invoice cells B168 to 170

Total supplies in C163 is copies to the Summary Budget tab.

In column B, list any equipment that meets or exceeds the capitalization threshold ($5,000). The tangible personal property must have a useful life of
more than one year.

Non-capitalized equipment will be budgeted in the "Supplies and Controlled Assets" budget category.
Leased equipment that is not capitalized will be budgeted in the "Other" budget category.

In column C, enter the amounts that will be needed for Capital Equipment (leases)

Entries in column B (cells B166 to 167) will be carried forward to the monthly invoice cells B155 to B 164

Total capital equiment in C169 is copied to the Summary Budget tab.

Do not list any Indirect Costs here.
Items listed in the "Other" budget category include items that do not fit under any other cost categories. These items could include federal background
checks, cell phone expenses, internet charges, space rental, leased items, professional dues, conference registration fee, accounting software annual
maintenance fees, software for new computers...

In column B, there are 15 lines available to list a budget for an allowable expenses that does not fit in any of the previous budget categories.

In column C, enter the amounts that will be needed for Reimbursable Other expenses.
Please ensure that the methodology (column D and column F) will provide an adequate explanation for the expenses being budgeted.

Entries in column B (cells B172 to 204) will be carried forward to the monthly invoice cells B174 to B207

Total Other in C205 is copied to the Summary Budget tab.

Subcontractors Direct Client Services

In column B cells 211 to 351 emter the name, adress, phone # primary point of contract, email and phone #

In column C cells 211 to 351 enter the amount of the contract

In column D cells 211 to 351 enter the alpha character to the type of service provided. The list of alpha characters and services can be
found Row 210 cells H-N.
In columns H through N place an X in the cell reflecting the type of service the contractor will provide

Entries in column B (cells 211 to 351) will be carried forward to monthly invoice cells column B (cells 213 to 353)

Total in cell B352 is copied to the Summary Budget tab

S 00 B 0 B B

FY18 Contract Budget

Cont a to Human Coa it on
HH C peed C a t 716C and 716D
HHSC D v sion Hea th Deve opmental and ndependence Se vices
Tot l HHSC Cont ctu l Obl ga i n
Cont a t Bud et Pe i d 6 1 18 to 8 1 18
B dget P epa e Ben Ma thews
Ce i y ng App ove Ky e cott
TE Al oca ions
HHSC Cont act Me hodo ogy o HH C N
PERSONNEL SALARI ES Budget C nt ct Budget Na a ive C

P og am Di cto $ 26 666 67 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es

l nic Di e to $ 19 000 00 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
l nic Di e to $ 19 000 00 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
l nic Di e to $ 19 000 00 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es

Nu se - N $ 19 000 00 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es

Nu se - N $ 19 000 00 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es

Nu se - VN $ 17 416 67 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
Nu se - VN $ 17 416 67 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
Nu se - VN $ 17 416 67 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
Nu se - VN $ 17 416 67 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
Nu se - VN $ 17 416 67 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
Nu se - VN $ 17 416 67 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
Nu se - VN $ 17 416 67 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
Nu se - VN $ 17 416 67 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
a e Coo d nato - MSW $ 20 583 33 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
a e Coo d nato $ 15 833 33 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
a e Coo d nato $ 15 833 33 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
a e Coo d nato $ 15 833 33 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
a e Coo d nato $ 15 833 33 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
nst u to $ 15 833 33 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
ont ct Ce te gent $ 9 025 00 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
ont ct Ce te gent $ 9 025 00 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
ont ct Ce te gent $ 9 025 00 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
ont ct Ce te gent $ 9 025 00 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
ont ct Ce te gent $ 9 025 00 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
ont ct Ce te gent $ 9 025 00 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
ont ct Ce te gent $ 9 025 00 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es

ont ct Ce te gent $ 9 025 00 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es

Mob le U it D i e $ 12 666 67 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es

Mob le U it D i e $ 12 666 67 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
dmin st a ive ss st nt $ 12 666 67 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
dmin st a ive ss st nt $ 12 666 67 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
dmin st a ive ss st nt $ 12 666 67 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
dmin st a ive ss st nt $ 9 500 00 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
dmin st a ive ss st nt $ 9 500 00 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
esea ch Mana e $ 28 333 33 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
Ma ke ing Man ge $ 28 333 33 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
Web De el pe $ 21 666 67 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
ech olo y Ma age $ 26 666 67 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
D tab se Admi ist to $ 25 000 00 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
T a ni g Ma age $ 20 000 00 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
ompl ance Mana e $ 20 000 00 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es
ccou t ng M nage $ 25 000 00 g oss pay a ju ted o e i ib e cl en s and e i ib e se vi es

Tota $ 769 975 00 $ 0 0 0 00

HHSC Cont act Me hodo ogy o HH C N

FRI NGE by EM PLOYEE Budget C nt ct Budget Na a ive C

P og am Di cto $ 8 666 67 i ge % o g ss pay $ 26 000 00 1 00 1 0% 3 2 50%

l nic Di e to $ 7 600 00 i ge % o g ss pay $ 24 000 00 1 00 95% 3 0 00%
l nic Di e to $ 7 600 00 i ge % o g ss pay $ 24 000 00 1 00 95% 3 0 00%
l nic Di e to $ 7 600 00 i ge % o g ss pay $ 24 000 00 1 00 95% 3 0 00%
Nu se - N $ 7 600 00 i ge % o g ss pay $ 24 000 00 1 00 95% 3 0 00%

Nu se - VN $ 7 441 67 i ge % o g ss pay $ 23 500 00 1 00 95% 3 2 73%

Nu se - VN $ 7 441 67 i ge % o g ss pay $ 23 500 00 1 00 95% 3 2 73%
Nu se - VN $ 7 441 67 i ge % o g ss pay $ 23 500 00 1 00 95% 3 2 73%
Nu se - VN $ 7 441 67 i ge % o g ss pay $ 23 500 00 1 00 95% 3 2 73%
Nu se - VN $ 7 441 67 i ge % o g ss pay $ 23 500 00 1 00 95% 3 2 73%
Nu se - VN $ 7 441 67 i ge % o g ss pay $ 23 500 00 1 00 95% 3 2 73%
Nu se - VN $ 7 441 67 i ge % o g ss pay $ 23 500 00 1 00 95% 3 2 73%
Nu se - VN $ 7 441 67 i ge % o g ss pay $ 23 500 00 1 00 95% 3 2 73%
a e Coo d nato - MSW $ 7 758 33 i ge % o g ss pay $ 24 500 00 1 00 95% 3 7 69%
a e Coo d nato $ 7 283 33 i ge % o g ss pay $ 23 000 00 1 00 95% 3 6 00%

a e Coo d nato $ 7 283 33 i ge % o g ss pay $ 23 000 00 1 00 95% 3 6 00%

nst u to $ 7 283 33 i ge % o g ss pay $ 23 000 00 1 00 95% 3 6 00%
ont ct Ce te gent $ 902 50 i ge % o g ss pay $ 3 800 00 0 75 95% 3 0 00%
ont ct Ce te gent $ 902 50 i ge % o g ss pay $ 3 800 00 0 75 95% 3 0 00%
ont ct Ce te gent $ 902 50 i ge % o g ss pay $ 3 800 00 0 75 95% 3 0 00%
ont ct Ce te gent $ 902 50 i ge % o g ss pay $ 3 800 00 0 75 95% 3 0 00%
ont ct Ce te gent $ 902 50 i ge % o g ss pay $ 3 800 00 0 75 95% 3 0 00%
ont ct Ce te gent $ 902 50 i ge % o g ss pay $ 3 800 00 0 75 95% 3 0 00%
ont ct Ce te gent $ 902 50 i ge % o g ss pay $ 3 800 00 0 75 95% 3 0 00%
ont ct Ce te gent $ 902 50 i ge % o g ss pay $ 3 800 00 0 75 95% 3 0 00%

Mob le U it D i e $ 6 966 67 i ge % o g ss pay $ 22 000 00 1 00 95% 3 5 00%

dmin st a ive ss st nt $ 6 966 67 i ge % o g ss pay $ 22 000 00 1 00 95% 3 5 00%
dmin st a ive ss st nt $ 6 966 67 i ge % o g ss pay $ 22 000 00 1 00 95% 3 5 00%
dmin st a ive ss st nt $ 6 966 67 i ge % o g ss pay $ 22 000 00 1 00 95% 3 5 00%
dmin st a ive ss st nt $ 950 00 i ge % o g ss pay $ 4 000 00 0 75 95% 3 0 00%
dmin st a ive ss st nt $ 950 00 i ge % o g ss pay $ 4 000 00 0 75 95% 3 0 00%
esea ch Mana e $ 8 833 33 i ge % o g ss pay $ 26 500 00 1 00 1 0% 3 1 18%
Ma ke ing Man ge $ 8 833 33 i ge % o g ss pay $ 26 500 00 1 00 1 0% 3 1 18%
Web De el pe $ 8 166 67 i ge % o g ss pay $ 24 500 00 1 00 1 0% 3 7 69%
ech olo y Ma age $ 8 666 67 i ge % o g ss pay $ 26 000 00 1 00 1 0% 3 2 50%

ompl ance Mana e $ 8 000 00 i ge % o g ss pay $ 24 000 00 1 00 1 0% 3 0 00%

ccou t ng M nage $ 8 500 00 i ge % o g ss pay $ 25 500 00 1 00 1 0% 3 4 00%
0 $ - 0 00 0% 0 0 00%
0 $ - 0 00 0% 0 0 00%
0 $ - 0 00 0% 0 0 00%

Tota $ 284 897 50 37%

HHSC Cont act Me hodo ogy o HH C

FRI NGE by YPE of BENEFI Budget C nt ct Budget Na a ive P HH C C

$ - 0%
$ - 0%
$ - 0%
$ - 0%
$ - 0%
$ - 0%
$ - 0%
$ - 0%
$ - 0%
$ - 0%
$ - 0%
$ - 0%

Tota $ -

HHSC Cont act Me hodo ogy o

RAVEL Budget C nt ct Budget Na a ive
$ 11 200 00
nc udes a l ex ept ont ct c nte and mobi e d ve s
i a e $ 3 000 00 6 i hts a $500 ea h e i ib e emp oye s mu t be co po te eade sh p
and o p og am di e to e el
Me ls $ 1 416 00 $59 pe di m imes 24 t av l days

and o p og am di e to e el
M sce aneous T an po a ion $ 11 200 00 80 mo o e i ib e emp oye s m s mo ths a t ve el g ble m loy es
nc udes a l ex ept ont ct c nte and mobi e d ve s
Tota $ 28 616 00

SUPPLI ES and CON ROLLED HHSC Cont act Me hodo ogy o

Budget C nt ct Budget Na a ive
ASSE S 20 avg et sp nd pe e i ib e c ie t o l nic upp i s ma e al s ppo i em
Di ct C ie t Se v ces 118 340 00
co t p nt d t m c sts and la ed sh pp ng and ha dl ng
A m n st at ve S ppl es 8 930 00 47 5 avg ne ) mont ly sp nd pe a t ve emp oyee
C m ute Equ pment 8 930 00 47 5 avg ne ) mont ly comp te ea e spend pe ac i e mplo ee

Tota $ 136 200 00

CAPI AL EQUI PM EN (greater HHSC Cont act Me hodo ogy o

Budget C nt ct Budget Na a ive
than $5K)
Tota $ -

HHSC Cont act Me hodo ogy o

O HER Budget C nt ct Budget Na a ive
ea e Cl n c ac l t es ( ) 60 800 00 7 600 ( et pe mon h t m s any ac i e mo ths o 2 a i i i s
ea e Vi tu l Cl n c (1) 76 000 00 19 000 ne ) pe mon h t mes ac ive mo ths o 1 a i i y
U l t es & Ma nt nance Cl nic ac l t es ( ) 19 000 00 4 750 ( et pe a t ve month t lep one el ct ic i te net mai te ance in )
U l t es & Ma nt nance Vi tua Cl nic 1) 30 400 00 7 600 ( et pe a t ve month t lep one el ct ic i te net mai te ance in )
u n tu e ase - Vi ual C i ic 7 600 00 1 900 ( et pe a t ve month
x st ng Mobi e Un t Dep ec at on 12 868 00 $3 217 ne ) pe a t ve mon h*Be ng T ans e ed om ano he HC l cat on
x st ng Mobi e Un t Dep ec at on 12 868 00 $3 217 ne ) pe a t ve mon h* t Wo th
Mob le U it Ope a io s 19 000 00 $2 375 mo ne ) pe unit o uel pa k ng to age m in ena ce nc de ta s
104 5 ( et pe emp oy e e mon h c i nt mana ement l a n ng and
o wa e i ens ng 19 646 00 pe o mance man gement a coun i g o ce so wa e and exp nse
mana ement
l ent Ma e ing Adve is ng and Re at d 323 729 50 $55 ne ) pe l ent a poi tment
mplo ee Rec u t ng Cos s 300 000 00 $15 000 ne ) e pe ec i ed emp oyee 20)
onsu t ng as i tan e w i e ge t ng u y ta d 50 000 00 E pec ed co sul ng o ec nol gy dev lo m nt and o emp agen y sta
onsu t ng Ca e Di ec o - co t nge cy l ne i em
in le Au it Di ect os ) - E pec ed in 2 19
S 00 B 0 B B

Tota $ 931 911 50

SUB O AL HHSC Cont act Me hodo ogy o
Budget C nt ct Budget Na a ive
Exclud ng Subc ntract rs
$ 2 151 600 00
Se vic s P ov ded

Ca e all ente /hot ine Educa ional Ma e al tems
mana ement to sched le ma e als and such as ca sea s
o p enat l app intmen s nd D in o mat on m te inty lo hes
A Counse ing
se v ces p o ide in o mat on Couns l ng e a d ng
CON RAC UAL mento ing C ass s on i e
HHSC Cont act Use a pha ha a te s in ce ls H210 N210 to desc ibe t e ypes o in lud ng men o ng p egnancy
and s i ls
Budget se vi es p ov ded (Ex A C E and G) connec ing and nd a en ing
Sub recipient Subcontractors in o mat on budge ing
c ien s to n o ma ion (b chu es
on p e nancy pa en ing e c
hea th on pa ent ng pamph ets
p g ams books nd
e ect onic
too s)

Tota $ -

HHSC Cont act

Administrative Budget

Di ct C i nt Adm n 215 160 00

Tota $ 2 366 760 00
DocuSign Envelope ID E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Health and Human Services Commission

Budget for Alternatives to Abortion 2018 2019 Total

Contractor : Human Coalition Award Letter 2,366,760 5,711,475 8,078,235
Contract # Current Budget 2,366,760 5,711,475 8,078,235
Contract Period : 6/1/18 to 8/31/18 Difference - - -
SUMMARY HHSC Speed Chart 716C and 716D

Health, Developmental and Independence

HHSC Division
400 375 382
Original Approved 5,917 15,231 21,148
Cost Categories Direct Client Services

(1A) Personnel - Salaries $769,975.00

(1B) Personnel - Fringe Benefits - by Employee $284,897.50
(1C) Personnel - Fringe Benefits - by Type $0.00
(2) Travel $28,616.00
(3) Supplies and Controlled Assets $136,200.00
(4) Capital Equipment (greater than $5K) $0.00
(5) Other Costs $931,911.50
(6) Contractual $0.00
Direct Client Admin $215,160.00

TOTAL $2,366,760.00

Certified By : Kyle Scott

Name : Kyle Scott
Title: VP Finance
Date : 4/11/2018
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Health and Human Services Commission

Instructions for Submitting the Billing Invoice and Budget Adjustments

The format has been designed to help HSSC efficiently and effectively track monthly expenditures, expenditure projections and budget transfers.

HHSC is not obligated to pay unauthorized costs or to pay more than the Contractor's allowable and actual incurred costs. These costs must be in
compliance with the appropriate regulations. State funded contracts follow the Uniform Grant Management Standards (UGMS). The workbook is
designed to maintain each fiscal year's Approved Budget and to track monthly expenditures for the HHSC contract.

Expenses will be reflected in the month that the cost hits the contractor's general ledger.
For example, if mileage was reimbursed to an employee in December (and hits the contractor's December general ledger) for
September travel- then the expense would be included on the contractor's December Billing Invoice. The contractor would be
reimbursed for costs that have hit their general ledger.
For another example, if the contractor bought a desk in October for $500 and entered that accrual in the October general ledger, then
the expense would be included on the contractor's October Billing Invoice. If the desk was ordered in September, the contractor would
not submit a Supplemental Invoice for the September Billing Invoice- it would be charged on the contractor's October Billing Invoice
because that is when the transaction hit their general ledger.

Expenditure Tracking - Completing and Submitting the Billing Invoice

In general, only enter amounts in the appropriate category. Certain cells are protected- because the data is either a formula or carried forward from
another cell.

Columns M through Q represent the months of April to August. These months correspond with the contract beginning and end dates.

Make sure to change the number in cell C9 each month. This number is used in the formula that calculates the Project Year-End Expenditures
(Column K)- which is used to calculate the Projected Lapse (Column L).

Enter the expenditures posted to the contractor's general ledger in the corresponding month. By entering the expenditure in the month that the expense
was posted to the general ledger, it should reduce or eliminate the need to submit Supplemental Invoices (see below for Supplemental Invoice

When entering expenses under the appropriate month, pay attention to any expenditure charged to line items where no funds were budgeted. In these
instances, the Current Contract Balance (Column K) will be a negative number. These expenditures will require a Budget Transfer (see below for
Budget Transfer instructions).

When entering expenses under the appropriate month, pay attention to any expenditure charged to line items where the Current Contract Balance
(Column L) is a positive number but the Projected Lapse (Column L) is a negative number. This means there are still funds available, but if
expenditures remain consistent through the end of the fiscal year, the line item's expenditures will exceed the budget. These expenditures will require a
Budget Transfer (see below for Budget Transfer instructions).

On the contrary, when entering expenses under the appropriate month, pay attention to any expenditure charged to line items where the Projected
Lapse (Column L) is a large positive number. This means that if expenditures remain consistent through the end of the fiscal year, a large portion of
the line item's budget will go unspent. In this scenario, a large amount of these funds could be better appropriated (and spent) in a different budget
category. These expenditures will require a Budget Transfer (see below for Budget Transfer instructions).

Before submitting the workbook, always verify that the reimbursement amounts tie to the General Ledger.

Sub recipient subcontracts Enter the month and letter of the type of service in Row V (cells 215 to 354). Types of services are listed in Row213 cells R-

The contractor should communicate the budget transfers less than 10% when the monthly invoice workbook is submitted to HHSC. Budget transfers
greater then 10% must be approved by HHSC in writing prior to the submission of the workbook. The email can explain the request or simply refer
HHSC to the Budget Transfer Details tab.
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

The contractor should request all budget adjustments by utilizing the Budget Transfer Details tab.

As stated above, pay attention to any expenditure charged to line items where no funds were budgeted. In these instances, the
Current Contract Balance (Column K) will be a negative number. Also pay attention to any expenditure charged to line items where
the Current Contract Balance (Column L) is a positive number, but the Projected Lapse (Column L) is a negative number. This
means there are still funds available, but if expenditures remain consistent through the end of the fiscal year, the line item's
expenditures will exceed the budget.

Funds may be transferred from the Salaries category- but cannot be transferred to the Salaries category. Any staff raises should be
planned and submitted in the originally approved budget.

When requesting a budget transfer, please consider programmatic implications of the requested changes and assure that there will be
no adverse effects due to the change.
In the Transfer FROM columns, enter the budget category and budget line item that the amount will transfer from.
In the Transfer TO columns, enter the budget category and budget line item that the amount will transfer to.
It is ok to have several lines reduced and one budget line increased (and vice versa)- as long as the total amount transferred from equals
the total amount transferred to. The amount in cell F26 should be the same as the amount in cell I26.
In Column J, enter the reason for this request. For example, "will not be using all of the travel funds before the end of the fiscal year
and would like to purchase additional program educational materials to give to the families during the home visits".
Cell F27 and I27 will calculate the Year To Date Budget Transfers %. This will identify whether the contractor's fund shifts have
exceeded 10% of the total contract budget. Budget Transfers that exceed 10% of the total reimbursable contract budget will require a
Contract Amendment.

In the Billing Invoice tab, the budget request should be submitted in Column D.
Enter a positive amount on the line item where the funds will need to be transferred to.
Enter a negative amount on the line item where the funds will need to be transferred from.
If the cell in Column D has been involved in a prior line item budget, use a formula to indicate the current budget transfer request.
For example, if Office Supplies was already reduced by $1,000 and the contractor was requesting another decrease of $500, then the
formula in Cell D123 would be adjusted to show "=-1000-500". This formula will help the contractor and the Contract Manager to
identify multiple requests for the same budget line item. These multiple requests would also reconcile to the individual budget line
item requests on the Budget Transfer Details tab.

Cell D180 of the Billing Invoice tab should equal zero. This will indicate that budget line items were increased and decreased
accurately by the contractor.
The Contract Manager will unlock the spreadsheet and enter the budget transfer amounts in the appropriate budget line items. The
Contract Manager will lock the spreadsheet and send the workbook back to the contractor to be used in the ensuing months of the fiscal

Cell E180 of the Billing Invoice tab should equal zero. This will indicate that budget line items were increased and decreased
accurately by the Contract Manager.
If a contractor needs to add a new budget line item, the budget transfer request process should be followed.
The contractor should enter the Budget Category and new Budget Line Item and funds needed- in the Transfer TO columns.
The contractor should enter the Budget Category and Budget Line Item and funds to be decreased- in the Transfer FROM columns.
The contractor should provide an explanation to justify and support the request.

The Contract Manager will unlock the Workbook and enter the new Budget Line Item on the appropriate line of the Approved Budget
The Contract Manager will also enter the budget transfer amounts in the appropriate budget line items of the Billing Invoice tab.
The Contract Manager will lock the workbook and send it back to the contractor to be used in the ensuing months of the fiscal year.
DocuS gn Enve ope D: E0082 25-87E8- EBB-9012-6 267FFBFB1F

FY18 Billing Invoice

Cont acto

HHSC Speed cha t 716C and 716D

HHSC D v s on Health, Developmental and Independence Services

Cont act #
Cont act Budget Pe od 6/1/18 to 8/31/18
Invo ce P epa e
Invo ce App ove
nvo ces subm tted 1

Pro ected
Current Approved Current
Budget T ansfe Budget T ansfe Ave age YTD Projected Year-End
REIMBURSABLE Budget T ansfe Request
App oved Pe centage Monthly Expend tu e Expenditures
Year-End Expenditures Lapse June July Aug
(Budget) (Budget) BALANCE
(or Over Spent)

P og am D ecto $ 26,666.67 0.00 0.00 0% $ 6 666.67 $ 26 666.67 $ - $ 26 666.67 $ - $ 26 666.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cl n c D ecto $ 19,000.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 4 750.00 $ 19 000.00 $ - $ 19 000.00 $ - $ 19 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cl n c D ecto $ 19,000.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 4 750.00 $ 19 000.00 $ - $ 19 000.00 $ - $ 19 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cl n c D ecto $ 19,000.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 4 750.00 $ 19 000.00 $ - $ 19 000.00 $ - $ 19 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nu se - RN $ 19,000.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 4 750.00 $ 19 000.00 $ - $ 19 000.00 $ - $ 19 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nu se - RN $ 19,000.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 4 750.00 $ 19 000.00 $ - $ 19 000.00 $ - $ 19 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nu se - RN $ 19,000.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 4 750.00 $ 19 000.00 $ - $ 19 000.00 $ - $ 19 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nu se - RN $ 19,000.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 4 750.00 $ 19 000.00 $ - $ 19 000.00 $ - $ 19 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nu se - LVN $ 17,416.67 0.00 0.00 0% $ 4 354.17 $ 17 416.67 $ - $ 17 416.67 $ - $ 17 416.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nu se - LVN $ 17,416.67 0.00 0.00 0% $ 4 354.17 $ 17 416.67 $ - $ 17 416.67 $ - $ 17 416.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nu se - LVN $ 17,416.67 0.00 0.00 0% $ 4 354.17 $ 17 416.67 $ - $ 17 416.67 $ - $ 17 416.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nu se - LVN $ 17,416.67 0.00 0.00 0% $ 4 354.17 $ 17 416.67 $ - $ 17 416.67 $ - $ 17 416.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nu se - LVN $ 17,416.67 0.00 0.00 0% $ 4 354.17 $ 17 416.67 $ - $ 17 416.67 $ - $ 17 416.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nu se - LVN $ 17,416.67 0.00 0.00 0% $ 4 354.17 $ 17 416.67 $ - $ 17 416.67 $ - $ 17 416.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nu se - LVN $ 17,416.67 0.00 0.00 0% $ 4 354.17 $ 17 416.67 $ - $ 17 416.67 $ - $ 17 416.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nu se - LVN $ 17,416.67 0.00 0.00 0% $ 4 354.17 $ 17 416.67 $ - $ 17 416.67 $ - $ 17 416.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ca e Coo d nato - LMSW $ 20,583.33 0.00 0.00 0% $ 5 145.83 $ 20 583.33 $ - $ 20 583.33 $ - $ 20 583.33 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ca e Coo d nato $ 15,833.33 0.00 0.00 0% $ 3 958.33 $ 15 833.33 $ - $ 15 833.33 $ - $ 15 833.33 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ca e Coo d nato $ 15,833.33 0.00 0.00 0% $ 3 958.33 $ 15 833.33 $ - $ 15 833.33 $ - $ 15 833.33 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ca e Coo d nato $ 15,833.33 0.00 0.00 0% $ 3 958.33 $ 15 833.33 $ - $ 15 833.33 $ - $ 15 833.33 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ca e Coo d nato $ 15,833.33 0.00 0.00 0% $ 3 958.33 $ 15 833.33 $ - $ 15 833.33 $ - $ 15 833.33 0.00 0.00 0.00
Inst ucto $ 15,833.33 0.00 0.00 0% $ 3 958.33 $ 15 833.33 $ - $ 15 833.33 $ - $ 15 833.33 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contact Cente Agent $ 9,025.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 2 256.25 $ 9 025.00 $ - $ 9 025.00 $ - $ 9 025.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contact Cente Agent $ 9,025.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 2 256.25 $ 9 025.00 $ - $ 9 025.00 $ - $ 9 025.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contact Cente Agent $ 9,025.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 2 256.25 $ 9 025.00 $ - $ 9 025.00 $ - $ 9 025.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contact Cente Agent $ 9,025.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 2 256.25 $ 9 025.00 $ - $ 9 025.00 $ - $ 9 025.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contact Cente Agent $ 9,025.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 2 256.25 $ 9 025.00 $ - $ 9 025.00 $ - $ 9 025.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contact Cente Agent $ 9,025.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 2 256.25 $ 9 025.00 $ - $ 9 025.00 $ - $ 9 025.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contact Cente Agent $ 9,025.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 2 256.25 $ 9 025.00 $ - $ 9 025.00 $ - $ 9 025.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contact Cente Agent $ 9,025.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 2 256.25 $ 9 025.00 $ - $ 9 025.00 $ - $ 9 025.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contact Cente Agent $ 9,025.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 2 256.25 $ 9 025.00 $ - $ 9 025.00 $ - $ 9 025.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contact Cente Agent (Call Tagge ) $ 12,666.67 0.00 0.00 0% $ 3 166.67 $ 12 666.67 $ - $ 12 666.67 $ - $ 12 666.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Mob le Un t D ve $ 12,666.67 0.00 0.00 0% $ 3 166.67 $ 12 666.67 $ - $ 12 666.67 $ - $ 12 666.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Mob le Un t D ve $ 12,666.67 0.00 0.00 0% $ 3 166.67 $ 12 666.67 $ - $ 12 666.67 $ - $ 12 666.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Adm n st at ve Ass stant $ 12,666.67 0.00 0.00 0% $ 3 166.67 $ 12 666.67 $ - $ 12 666.67 $ - $ 12 666.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Adm n st at ve Ass stant $ 12,666.67 0.00 0.00 0% $ 3 166.67 $ 12 666.67 $ - $ 12 666.67 $ - $ 12 666.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Adm n st at ve Ass stant $ 12,666.67 0.00 0.00 0% $ 3 166.67 $ 12 666.67 $ - $ 12 666.67 $ - $ 12 666.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Adm n st at ve Ass stant $ 9,500.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 2 375.00 $ 9 500.00 $ - $ 9 500.00 $ - $ 9 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Adm n st at ve Ass stant $ 9,500.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 2 375.00 $ 9 500.00 $ - $ 9 500.00 $ - $ 9 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Resea ch Manage $ 28,333.33 0.00 0.00 0% $ 7 083.33 $ 28 333.33 $ - $ 28 333.33 $ - $ 28 333.33 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ma ket ng Manage $ 28,333.33 0.00 0.00 0% $ 7 083.33 $ 28 333.33 $ - $ 28 333.33 $ - $ 28 333.33 0.00 0.00 0.00
Web Develope $ 21,666.67 0.00 0.00 0% $ 5 416.67 $ 21 666.67 $ - $ 21 666.67 $ - $ 21 666.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Technology Manage $ 26,666.67 0.00 0.00 0% $ 6 666.67 $ 26 666.67 $ - $ 26 666.67 $ - $ 26 666.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Database Adm n st ato $ 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 6 250.00 $ 25 000.00 $ - $ 25 000.00 $ - $ 25 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
T a n ng Manage $ 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 5 000.00 $ 20 000.00 $ - $ 20 000.00 $ - $ 20 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Compl ance Manage $ 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 5 000.00 $ 20 000.00 $ - $ 20 000.00 $ - $ 20 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Account ng Manage $ 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 6 250.00 $ 25 000.00 $ - $ 25 000.00 $ - $ 25 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total $ 769 975.03 $ - $ - 0% $ 64 164.59 $ 769 975.03 $ - $ 769 975.03 $ - $ 769 975.03 $ - $ - $ -

P og am D ecto 26000 0.00 0% $ 6 500.00 $ 26 000.00 0.00 $ 26 000.00 $ - $ 26 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cl n c D ecto $ 7,600.00 0.00 0% $ 1 900.00 $ 7 600.00 0.00 $ 7 600.00 $ - $ 7 600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cl n c D ecto $ 7,600.00 0.00 0% $ 1 900.00 $ 7 600.00 0.00 $ 7 600.00 $ - $ 7 600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nu se - RN $ 7,600.00 0.00 0% $ 1 900.00 $ 7 600.00 0.00 $ 7 600.00 $ - $ 7 600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nu se - RN $ 7,600.00 0.00 0% $ 1 900.00 $ 7 600.00 0.00 $ 7 600.00 $ - $ 7 600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nu se - RN $ 7,441.67 0.00 0% $ 1 860.42 $ 7 441.67 0.00 $ 7 441.67 $ - $ 7 441.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nu se - RN $ 7,441.67 0.00 0% $ 1 860.42 $ 7 441.67 0.00 $ 7 441.67 $ - $ 7 441.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nu se - LVN $ 7,441.67 0.00 0% $ 1 860.42 $ 7 441.67 0.00 $ 7 441.67 $ - $ 7 441.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nu se - LVN $ 7,441.67 0.00 0% $ 1 860.42 $ 7 441.67 0.00 $ 7 441.67 $ - $ 7 441.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nu se - LVN $ 7,441.67 0.00 0% $ 1 860.42 $ 7 441.67 0.00 $ 7 441.67 $ - $ 7 441.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nu se - LVN $ 7,441.67 0.00 0% $ 1 860.42 $ 7 441.67 0.00 $ 7 441.67 $ - $ 7 441.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nu se - LVN $ 7,441.67 0.00 0% $ 1 860.42 $ 7 441.67 0.00 $ 7 441.67 $ - $ 7 441.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nu se - LVN $ 7,441.67 0.00 0% $ 1 860.42 $ 7 441.67 0.00 $ 7 441.67 $ - $ 7 441.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nu se - LVN $ 7,758.63 0.00 0% $ 1 820.83 $ 7 758.63 0.00 $ 7 758.63 $ - $ 7 758.63 0.00 0.00 0.00
Nu se - LVN $ 7,283.33 0.00 0% $ 1 820.83 $ 7 283.33 0.00 $ 7 283.33 $ - $ 7 283.33 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ca e Coo d nato - LMSW $ 7,283.33 0.00 0% $ 1 820.83 $ 7 283.33 0.00 $ 7 283.33 $ - $ 7 283.33 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ca e Coo d nato $ 7,283.33 0.00 0% $ 1 820.83 $ 7 283.33 0.00 $ 7 283.33 $ - $ 7 283.33 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ca e Coo d nato $ 7,283.33 0.00 0% $ 1 820.83 $ 7 283.33 0.00 $ 7 283.33 $ - $ 7 283.33 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ca e Coo d nato $ 7,283.33 0.00 0% $ 1 820.83 $ 7 283.33 0.00 $ 7 283.33 $ - $ 7 283.33 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ca e Coo d nato $ 902.50 0.00 0% $ 225.63 $ 902.50 0.00 $ 902.50 $ - $ 902.50 0.00 0.00 0.00
Inst ucto $ 902.50 0.00 0% $ 225.63 $ 902.50 0.00 $ 902.50 $ - $ 902.50 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contact Cente Agent $ 902.50 0.00 0% $ 225.63 $ 902.50 0.00 $ 902.50 $ - $ 902.50 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contact Cente Agent $ 902.50 0.00 0% $ 225.63 $ 902.50 0.00 $ 902.50 $ - $ 902.50 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contact Cente Agent $ 902.50 0.00 0% $ 225.63 $ 902.50 0.00 $ 902.50 $ - $ 902.50 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contact Cente Agent $ 902.50 0.00 0% $ 225.63 $ 902.50 0.00 $ 902.50 $ - $ 902.50 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contact Cente Agent $ - 0.00 0% $ 225.63 $ 902.50 0.00 $ 902.50 $ - $ 902.50 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contact Cente Agent $ 902.50 0.00 0% $ 225.63 $ 902.50 0.00 $ 902.50 $ - $ 902.50 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contact Cente Agent $ 6,966.67 0.00 0% $ 1 741.67 $ 6 966.67 0.00 $ 6 966.67 $ - $ 6 966.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contact Cente Agent $ 6,966.67 0.00 0% $ 1 741.67 $ 6 966.67 0.00 $ 6 966.67 $ - $ 6 966.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contact Cente Agent $ 6,966.67 0.00 0% $ 1 741.67 $ 6 966.67 0.00 $ 6 966.67 $ - $ 6 966.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Contact Cente Agent (Call Tagge ) $ 6,966.67 0.00 0% $ 1 741.67 $ 6 966.67 0.00 $ 6 966.67 $ - $ 6 966.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Mob le Un t D ve $ 6,966.67 0.00 0% $ 1 741.67 $ 6 966.67 0.00 $ 6 966.67 $ - $ 6 966.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Mob le Un t D ve $ 6,966.67 0.00 0% $ 1 741.67 $ 6 966.67 0.00 $ 6 966.67 $ - $ 6 966.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Adm n st at ve Ass stant $ 950.00 0.00 0% $ 237.50 $ 950.00 0.00 $ 950.00 $ - $ 950.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Adm n st at ve Ass stant $ 950.00 0.00 0% $ 237.50 $ 950.00 0.00 $ 950.00 $ - $ 950.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Adm n st at ve Ass stant $ 8,833.33 0.00 0% $ 2 208.33 $ 8 833.33 0.00 $ 8 833.33 $ - $ 8 833.33 0.00 0.00 0.00
Adm n st at ve Ass stant $ 8,833.33 0.00 0% $ 2 208.33 $ 8 333.33 0.00 $ 8 333.33 $ - $ 8 333.33 0.00 0.00 0.00
Adm n st at ve Ass stant $ 8,166.67 0.00 0% $ 2 041.67 $ 8 166.67 0.00 $ 8 166.67 $ - $ 8 166.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Resea ch Manage $ 8,166.67 0.00 0% $ 2 041.67 $ 8 166.67 0.00 $ 8 166.67 $ - $ 8 166.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ma ket ng Manage $ 8,500.00 0.00 0% $ 2 125.00 $ 8 500.00 0.00 $ 8 500.00 $ - $ 8 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Web Develope $ 8,000.00 0.00 0% $ 2 125.00 $ 8 000.00 0.00 $ 8 000.00 $ - $ 8 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Technology Manage $ 8,000.00 0.00 0% $ 2 125.00 $ 8 000.00 0.00 $ 8 000.00 $ - $ 8 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Database Adm n st ato $ 8,500.00 0.00 0% $ 2 125.00 $ 8 500.00 0.00 $ 8 500.00 $ - $ 8 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
T a n ng Manage $ - 0.00 0% $ 2 125.00 $ 8 500.00 0.00 $ 8 500.00 $ - $ 8 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total $ 284 897.50 0 0 0 $ 71 763.34 $ 286 028.66 $ - $ 286 028.66 $ - $ 286 028.66 $ - $ - $ -

Mileage $ 11 200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% $ 2 800.00 $ 11 200.00 $ - $ 11 200.00 $ - $ 11 200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Airfare $ 3 000.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 750.00 $ 3 000.00 $ - $ 3 000.00 $ - $ 3 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Meals $ 1 416.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 354.00 $ 1 416.00 $ - $ 1 416.00 $ - $ 1 416.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Lodging $ 1 800.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 450.00 $ 1 800.00 $ - $ 1 800.00 $ - $ 1 800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Miscellaneous Transportation $ 11 200.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 2 800.00 $ 11 200.00 $ - $ 11 200.00 $ - $ 11 200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total $ 28 616.00 $ - $ - 0% $ 2 384.67 $ 28 616.00 $ - $ 28 616.00 $ - $ 28 616.00 $ - $ - $ -


D ect Cl ent Se v ces $ 118 340.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 29 585.00 $ 118 340.00 $ - $ 118 340.00 $ - $ 118 340.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Adm n st at ve Suppl es $ 8 930.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 2 232.50 $ 8 930.00 $ - $ 8 930.00 $ - $ 8 930.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Compute Equ pment $ 8 930.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 2 232.50 $ 8 930.00 $ - $ 8 930.00 $ - $ 8 930.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DocuS gn Enve ope D: E0082 25-87E8- EBB-9012-6 267FFBFB1F

Total $ 136 200.00 $ - $ - 0% $ 34 050.00 $ 136 200.00 0.00 $ 136 200.00 $ - $ 136 200.00 $ - $ - $ -

CAPITAL EQUIPMENT (greater than $5K)

0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - 0.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -

Lease - Clinic Facilities (2) $ 60 800.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 15 200.00 $ 60 800.00 $ - $ 60 800.00 $ - $ 60 800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Lease - Virtual Clinic (1) $ 76 000.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 19 000.00 $ 76 000.00 $ - $ 76 000.00 $ - $ 76 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Utilities & Maintenance - Clinic Facilities (2)
$ 19 000.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 4 750.00 $ 19 000.00 $ - $ 19 000.00 $ - $ 19 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Utilities & Maintenance - Virtual Clinic (1) $ 30 400.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 7 600.00 $ 30 400.00 $ - $ 30 400.00 $ - $ 30 400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Furniture Lease - Virtual Clinic $ 7 600.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 1 900.00 $ 7 600.00 $ - $ 7 600.00 $ - $ 7 600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Existing Mobile Unit Depreciation $ 12 868.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 3 217.00 $ 12 868.00 $ - $ 12 868.00 $ - $ 12 868.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Existing Mobile Unit Depreciation $ 12 868.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 3 217.00 $ 12 868.00 $ - $ 12 868.00 $ - $ 12 868.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Mobile Unit Operations $ 19 000.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 4 750.00 $ 19 000.00 $ - $ 19 000.00 $ - $ 19 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Software Licensing $ 19 646.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 4 911.50 $ 19 646.00 $ - $ 19 646.00 $ - $ 19 646.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Client Marketing Advertising and Related $ 323 729.50 0.00 0.00 0% $ 80 932.38 $ 323 729.50 $ - $ 323 729.50 $ - $ 323 729.50 0.00 0.00 0.00
Employee Recruiting Costs $ 300 000.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 75 000.00 $ 300 000.00 $ - $ 300 000.00 $ - $ 300 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Consulting assistance while getting fully sta $ 50 000.00 0.00 0.00 0% $ 12 500.00 $ 50 000.00 $ - $ 50 000.00 $ - $ 50 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Consulting Care Director $ - 0.00 0.00 0% $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00 0.00 0.00
Single Audit (Direct Cost) $ - 0.00 0.00 0% $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00 0.00 0.00
Equipment Lease $ - 0.00 0.00 0% $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00 0.00 0.00
Other Lease $ - 0.00 0.00 0% $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 $ - 0.00 0.00 0% $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total $ 931 911.50 $ - $ - $ - $ 232 977.88 $ 931 911.50 $ - $ 931 911.50 $ - $ 931 911.50 $ - $ - $ -

Direct Client Admin 215 160.00 0.00 0.00 0% 17 930.00 215 160.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total $ 215 160.00 $ - $ - 0% $ 17 930.00 $ 215 160.00 0.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -

TOTAL MONTHLY Expenses $ 2,366,760.03 $ - $ - $ 2,152,731.19 $ - $ - $ -

2.7.1 C Financial Information

Enter the expenses of direct client services (exclude adoptive parents in cells 391 N-Q)
Enter the expenses of adoption parents only in cells (392 N-Q)

Direct Client Services

716C (not adoptive parents)
716D Adoptive Parents

Caluclate the average costs for covered benefits using the formula below, enter the amounts in cells (397 N-Q)
Number of clients seen/Direct
client service expenses

Calculate the number of clients seen by using the formula below, enter the amounts in cells 400 (N-Q)
Number of clients seen/Total

Track the marketing and educational material inventory each month by reflecting the
beginning inventory amount in cell D (404-408), the amount used in cell E(404-408) and the
ending inventory in cells F (404-408) for each month
Marketing/Educational Beginning Less Ending
Material Inventory Month inventory use inventory
2018 6
2018 7
2018 8
DocuSign Envelope ID E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

$ - Total Contract Budget
716C and
Transfer FROM Transfer TO
Date of
Date of Budget Line Item Budget Line Item Budget Transfer Reason for
Budget Category Budget Transfer Amount Budget Category HHSC
Request (and Row # if applicable) (and Row # if applicable) Amount Budget Transfer
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -

$ - $ -
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
DocuSign Envelope ID E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082 25-87E8- EBB-9012-6 267FFBFB1F

FY19 Contract Budget

Contractor : Human Coalition
HHSC Speed Chart 716C and 716D
HHSC Division Health, Developmental and Independence Services
Total HHSC Contractual Obligation :
Contract Budget Period : 9/1/18 to 8/31/19
Budget Preparer : Ben Matthews
Certifying Approver : Kyle Scott
FTE Allocations

HHSC Contract Methodology for % T me Allocated to HHSC Number of months

PERSON N EL - SALARI ES Budget Contract Budget Narrative
Total Salary FTE
Contract on contract

Program Director $ 80 000.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 80 000.00 1.00 100% 12
Clinic Director $ 57 000.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 60 000.00 1.00 95% 12
Clinic Director $ 57 000.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 60 000.00 1.00 95% 12
Clinic Director $ 57 000.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 60 000.00 1.00 95% 12
Nurse - RN $ 57 000.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 60 000.00 1.00 95% 12
Nurse - RN $ 57 000.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 60 000.00 1.00 95% 12
Nurse - RN $ 57 000.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 60 000.00 1.00 95% 12
Nurse - RN $ 57 000.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 60 000.00 1.00 95% 12
Nurse - LVN $ 52 250.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 55 000.00 1.00 95% 12
Nurse - LVN $ 52 250.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 55 000.00 1.00 95% 12
Nurse - LVN $ 52 250.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 55 000.00 1.00 95% 12
Nurse - LVN $ 52 250.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 55 000.00 1.00 95% 12
Nurse - LVN $ 52 250.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 55 000.00 1.00 95% 12
Nurse - LVN $ 52 250.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 55 000.00 1.00 95% 12
Nurse - LVN $ 52 250.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 55 000.00 1.00 95% 12
Nurse - LVN $ 52 250.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 55 000.00 1.00 95% 12
Care Coordinator - LMSW $ 61 750.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 65 000.00 1.00 95% 12
Care Coordinator $ 47 500.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 50 000.00 1.00 95% 12
Care Coordinator $ 47 500.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 50 000.00 1.00 95% 12
Care Coordinator $ 47 500.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 50 000.00 1.00 95% 12
Care Coordinator $ 47 500.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 50 000.00 1.00 95% 12
Instructor $ 47 500.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 50 000.00 1.00 95% 12
Contact Center Agent $ 27 075.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 38 000.00 0.75 95% 12
Contact Center Agent $ 27 075.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 38 000.00 0.75 95% 12
Contact Center Agent $ 27 075.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 38 000.00 0.75 95% 12
Contact Center Agent $ 27 075.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 38 000.00 0.75 95% 12
Contact Center Agent $ 27 075.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 38 000.00 0.75 95% 12
Contact Center Agent $ 27 075.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 38 000.00 0.75 95% 12
Contact Center Agent $ 27 075.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 38 000.00 0.75 95% 12
Contact Center Agent $ 27 075.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 38 000.00 0.75 95% 12
Contact Center Agent $ 27 075.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 38 000.00 0.75 95% 12
Contact Center Agent (Call Tagger) $ 38 000.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 40 000.00 1.00 95% 12
Mobile Unit Driver $ 38 000.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 40 000.00 1.00 95% 12
Mobile Unit Driver $ 38 000.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 40 000.00 1.00 95% 12
Administrative Assistant $ 38 000.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 40 000.00 1.00 95% 12
Administrative Assistant $ 38 000.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 40 000.00 1.00 95% 12
Administrative Assistant $ 38 000.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 40 000.00 1.00 95% 12
Administrative Assistant $ 28 500.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 40 000.00 0.75 95% 12
Administrative Assistant $ 28 500.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 40 000.00 0.75 95% 12
Research Manager $ 85 000.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 85 000.00 1.00 100% 12
Marketing Manager $ 85 000.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 85 000.00 1.00 100% 12
Web Developer $ 65 000.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 65 000.00 1.00 100% 12
Technology Manager $ 80 000.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 80 000.00 1.00 100% 12
Database Administrator $ 75 000.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 75 000.00 1.00 100% 12
Training Manager $ 60 000.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 60 000.00 1.00 100% 12
Compliance Manager $ 60 000.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 60 000.00 1.00 100% 12
Accounting Manager $ 75 000.00 gross pay adjusted for eligible clients and eligible services $ 75 000.00 1.00 100% 12
$ - 0.00 0% 0
$ - 0.00 0% 0
$ - 0.00 0% 0

Total $ 2,309,925.00 $ 50,000.00

HHSC Contract Methodology for Total Fringe per % Fringe Allocated to HHSC Number of months
FRI N GE by EM PLOYEE Budget Contract Budget Narrative Employee
Contract on contract
Fr nge % of Salary

Program Director $ 26 000.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 26 000.00 1.00 100% 12 32.50%
Clinic Director $ 22 800.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 24 000.00 1.00 95% 12 40.00%
Clinic Director $ 22 800.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 24 000.00 1.00 95% 12 40.00%
Clinic Director $ 22 800.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 24 000.00 1.00 95% 12 40.00%
Nurse - RN $ 22 800.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 24 000.00 1.00 95% 12 40.00%
Nurse - RN $ 22 800.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 24 000.00 1.00 95% 12 40.00%
Nurse - RN $ 22 800.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 24 000.00 1.00 95% 12 40.00%
Nurse - RN $ 22 800.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 24 000.00 1.00 95% 12 40.00%
Nurse - LVN $ 22 325.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 23 500.00 1.00 95% 12 42.73%
Nurse - LVN $ 22 325.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 23 500.00 1.00 95% 12 42.73%
Nurse - LVN $ 22 325.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 23 500.00 1.00 95% 12 42.73%
Nurse - LVN $ 22 325.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 23 500.00 1.00 95% 12 42.73%
Nurse - LVN $ 22 325.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 23 500.00 1.00 95% 12 42.73%
Nurse - LVN $ 22 325.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 23 500.00 1.00 95% 12 42.73%
Nurse - LVN $ 22 325.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 23 500.00 1.00 95% 12 42.73%
Nurse - LVN $ 22 325.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 23 500.00 1.00 95% 12 42.73%
Care Coordinator - LMSW $ 23 275.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 24 500.00 1.00 95% 12 37.69%
Care Coordinator $ 21 850.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 23 000.00 1.00 95% 12 46.00%
Care Coordinator $ 21 850.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 23 000.00 1.00 95% 12 46.00%
Care Coordinator $ 21 850.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 23 000.00 1.00 95% 12 46.00%
Care Coordinator $ 21 850.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 23 000.00 1.00 95% 12 46.00%
Instructor $ 21 850.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 23 000.00 1.00 95% 12 46.00%
Contact Center Agent $ 2 707.50 fringe % of gross pay $ 3 800.00 0.75 95% 12 10.00%
Contact Center Agent $ 2 707.50 fringe % of gross pay $ 3 800.00 0.75 95% 12 10.00%
Contact Center Agent $ 2 707.50 fringe % of gross pay $ 3 800.00 0.75 95% 12 10.00%
Contact Center Agent $ 2 707.50 fringe % of gross pay $ 3 800.00 0.75 95% 12 10.00%
Contact Center Agent $ 2 707.50 fringe % of gross pay $ 3 800.00 0.75 95% 12 10.00%
Contact Center Agent $ 2 707.50 fringe % of gross pay $ 3 800.00 0.75 95% 12 10.00%
Contact Center Agent $ 2 707.50 fringe % of gross pay $ 3 800.00 0.75 95% 12 10.00%
Contact Center Agent $ 2 707.50 fringe % of gross pay $ 3 800.00 0.75 95% 12 10.00%
Contact Center Agent $ 2 707.50 fringe % of gross pay $ 3 800.00 0.75 95% 12 10.00%
Contact Center Agent (Call Tagger) $ 20 900.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 22 000.00 1.00 95% 12 55.00%
Mobile Unit Driver $ 20 900.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 22 000.00 1.00 95% 12 55.00%
Mobile Unit Driver $ 20 900.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 22 000.00 1.00 95% 12 55.00%
Administrative Assistant $ 20 900.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 22 000.00 1.00 95% 12 55.00%
Administrative Assistant $ 20 900.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 22 000.00 1.00 95% 12 55.00%
Administrative Assistant $ 20 900.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 22 000.00 1.00 95% 12 55.00%
Administrative Assistant $ 2 850.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 4 000.00 0.75 95% 12 10.00%
Administrative Assistant $ 2 850.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 4 000.00 0.75 95% 12 10.00%
Research Manager $ 26 500.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 26 500.00 1.00 100% 12 31.18%
Marketing Manager $ 26 500.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 26 500.00 1.00 100% 12 31.18%
Web Developer $ 24 500.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 24 500.00 1.00 100% 12 37.69%
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082 25-87E8- EBB-9012-6 267FFBFB1F

Technology Manager $ 26 000.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 26 000.00 1.00 100% 12 32.50%
Database Administrator $ 25 500.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 25 500.00 1.00 100% 12 34.00%
Training Manager $ 24 000.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 24 000.00 1.00 100% 12 40.00%
Compliance Manager $ 24 000.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 24 000.00 1.00 100% 12 40.00%
Accounting Manager $ 25 500.00 fringe % of gross pay $ 25 500.00 1.00 100% 12 34.00%

$ - 0.00 0% 0 0.00%
Total $ 854,692.50 Total Fringe % (of Salary) 37% 0

Total Fringe for

HHSC Contract Methodology for % Fringe A located
FRI N GE by T YPE of BEN EFI T Budget Contract Budget Narrative
HHSC Program
to HHSC Contract

$ - 0%
$ - 0%
$ - 0%
$ - 0%
$ - 0%
$ - 0%
$ - 0%
$ - 0%
$ - 0%
$ - 0%
$ - 0%
$ - 0%

Total $ -
Total F nge as a pe cent of
0% sala y

HHSC Contract Methodology for

T RAV EL Budget Contract Budget Narrative
M leage 33 600.00 80/mo for eligible employees times months active; eligible employees includes
all except contact center and mobile drivers

Airfare 5 000.00 10 flights at $500 each; eligible employees must be corporate leadership
and/or program director level

Meals 2 360.00 $59 per diem times 40 travel days

Lodging 3 000.00 20 nights at $150 each; eligible employees must be corporate leadership
and/or program director level

Miscellaneous Transportation 33 600.00 80/mo for eligible employees times months active; eligible employees includes
all except contact center and mobile drivers

Total $ 77,560.00

SU PPLI ES and CON T ROLLED HHSC Contract Methodology for

Budget Contract Budget Narrative
20 average spend per eligible client for clinic supplies material support item
Direct Client Services 304 620.00
cost printed item costs and related shipping and handling

Administrative Supplies 26 790.00 47.5 avg (net) monthly spend per active employee

Computer Equipment 26 790.00 47.5 avg (net) monthly spend per active employee

Total $ 358,200.00

CAPI T AL EQU I PM EN T (greater HHSC Contract Methodology for

Budget Contract Budget Narrative
than $5K)
Total $ -

HHSC Contract Methodology for

OT H ER Budget Contract Budget Narrative
Lease - Clinic Facilities (2) 182 400.00 7 600 (net) per month times any active months for 2 facilities
Lease - Virtual Clinic (1) 228 000.00 19 000 (net) per month times active months for 1 facility
Utilities & Maintenance - Clinic Facilities (2) 114 000.00 4 750 (net) per active month (telephone electric internet maintenance ins)

Utilities & Maintenance - Virtual Clinic (1) 91 200.00 7 600 (net) per active month (telephone electric internet maintenance ins)
Furniture Lease - Virtual Clinic 22 800.00 1 900 (net) per active month
Existing Mobile Unit Depreciation 38 604.00 $3 217 (net) per active month
Existing Mobile Unit Depreciation 38 604.00 $3 217 (net) per active month
Mobile Unit Operations 57 000.00 $2 375/mo (net) per unit for fuel parking storage maintenance incidentals
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082 25-87E8- EBB-9012-6 267FFBFB1F

104.5 (net) per employee per month: client management learning and
Software Licensing 58 938.00 performance management accounting office software and expense
$46 (net) per client appointment. We expect this category will increase during
Client Marketing Advertising and Related 700 326.50
the performance period due to savings and efficiencies realized in year 2.
Employee Recruiting Costs $0 most expected in 2018
Consulting Care Director 60 000.00 $5 000 per month
Single Audit - will invoice as direct if we have budget remaining at the time

Total $ 1,591,872.50

SU BT OT AL HHSC Contract Methodology for

Budget Contract Budget Narrative
Excluding Subcontractors
$ 5,192,250.00
Services Provided

B. C. G.
Case Call center/hotline E. Material items
management to schedule Educational such as car seats,
for prenatal appointments and materials and materninty clothes.
services provide information D. information
A.Counseling, F.
including Counseling, regarding
mentoring Classes on life
CON T RACT U AL - HHSC Contract Use alpha characters in cells H210-N210 to describe the types of connecting mentoring pregnancy
and skills,
Budget services provided (Ex: A, C, E and G) clients to and and parenting
Sub recipient Subcontractors information budgeting,
health information (brochures,
on pregnancy parenting, etc.
programs on parenting pamphlets,
books and
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082 25-87E8- EBB-9012-6 267FFBFB1F

Total $ -

HHSC Contract
Administrative Budget

Direct Client Admin 519 225.00

Total $ 5,711,475.00
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Health and Human Services Commission

Budget for Alternatives to Abortion

Contractor : Human Coalition
Contract #
Contract Period : 9/1/18 to 8/31/19
HHSC Speed Chart 716C and 716D

Health, Developmental and Independence

HHSC Division

Original Approved

Cost Categories Direct Client Services

(1A) Personnel - Salaries $2,309,925.00

(1B) Personnel - Fringe Benefits - by Employee $854,692.50
(1C) Personnel - Fringe Benefits - by Type $0.00
(2) Travel $77,560.00
(3) Supplies and Controlled Assets $358,200.00
(4) Capital Equipment (greater than $5K) $0.00
(5) Other Costs $1,591,872.50
(6) Contractual $0.00
Direct Client Admin $519,225.00

TOTAL $5,711,475.00

Certified By : Kyle Scott

Name : Kyle Scott
Title: VP Finance
Date : 4/11/2018
Doc S gn Envel pe D E 082425-8 E8 4EBB-90 2 64267 B B

FY19 Billing Invoice

Cont acto

HHSC Speed cha t 716C and 716D

HHSC D v sion Health, Developmental and Independence Se v ces

Cont act #
Cont act Budget Pe od 9/1/18 to 8/31/19
Invo ce P epa e
Invo ce App ove
invo ces submit ed 1

Cu ent App oved P o ected

Budget Cu ent
Budget T ans e Ave age YTD P oj cted Yea End
REIMBURSAB E Budget T ans e Request T ans e
Pe centage Month y Ex endi u e Expenditu es
Cont act
Yea -End Expenditu es apse Septembe Octobe Novembe Decembe Janua y Feb ua y Ma ch Ap l May June July Aug
(Budge ) App oved (Budge ) BA ANCE
(o Ove Spent)

P og am Di ec o 80 000 00 0 00 0 00 0% 6 666.67 80,000 00 0 00 80,000 00 0.00 80,000 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Cl nic Di ecto 57 000 00 0 00 0 00 0% 4 750.00 57,000 00 0 00 57,000 00 0.00 57,000 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Cl nic Di ecto 57 000 00 0 00 0 00 0% 4 750.00 57,000 00 0 00 57,000 00 0.00 57,000 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Cl nic Di ecto 57 000 00 0 00 0 00 0% 4 750.00 57,000 00 0 00 57,000 00 0.00 57,000 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Nu se - RN 57 000 00 0 00 0 00 0% 4 750.00 57,000 00 0 00 57,000 00 0.00 57,000 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Nu se - RN 57 000 00 0 00 0 00 0% 4 750.00 57,000 00 0 00 57,000 00 0.00 57,000 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Nu se - RN 57 000 00 0 00 0 00 0% 2 850.00 57,000 00 0 00 57,000 00 0.00 57,000 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Nu se - RN 57 000 00 0 00 0 00 0% 4 750.00 57,000 00 0 00 57,000 00 0.00 57,000 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Nu se - VN 52 250 00 0 00 0 00 0% 4 354.17 52,250 00 0 00 52,250 00 0.00 52,250 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Nu se - VN 52 250 00 0 00 0 00 0% 4 354.17 52,250 00 0 00 52,250 00 0.00 52,250 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Nu se - VN 52 250 00 0 00 0 00 0% 4 354.17 52,250 00 0 00 52,250 00 0.00 52,250 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Nu se - VN 52 250 00 0 00 0 00 0% 4 354.17 52,250 00 0 00 52,250 00 0.00 52,250 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Nu se - VN 52 250 00 0 00 0 00 0% 4 354.17 52,250 00 0 00 52,250 00 0.00 52,250 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Nu se - VN 52 250 00 0 00 0 00 0% 4 354.17 52,250 00 0 00 52,250 00 0.00 52,250 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Nu se - VN 52 250 00 0 00 0 00 0% 4 354.17 52,250 00 0 00 52,250 00 0.00 52,250 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Nu se - VN 52 250 00 0 00 0 00 0% 4 354.17 52,250 00 0 00 52,250 00 0.00 52,250 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Ca e Coo dinato - MSW 61 750 00 0 00 0 00 0% 5 145.83 61,750 00 0 00 61,750 00 0.00 61,750 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Ca e Coo dinato 47 500 00 0 00 0 00 0% 5 145.83 47,500 00 0 00 47,500 00 0.00 47,500 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Ca e Coo dinato 47 500 00 0 00 0 00 0% 3 958.33 47,500 00 0 00 47,500 00 0.00 47,500 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Ca e Coo dinato 47 500 00 0 00 0 00 0% 3 958.33 47,500 00 0 00 47,500 00 0.00 47,500 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Ca e Coo dinato 47 500 00 0 00 0 00 0% 3 958.33 47,500 00 0 00 47,500 00 0.00 47,500 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Inst ucto 47 500 00 0 00 0 00 0% 3 958.33 47,500 00 0 00 47,500 00 0.00 47,500 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Con act Cente Agent 27 075 00 0 00 0 00 0% 3 958.33 27,075 00 0 00 27,075 00 0.00 27,075 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Con act Cente Agent 27 075 00 0 00 0 00 0% 2 256.25 27,075 00 0 00 27,075 00 0.00 27,075 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Con act Cente Agent 27 075 00 0 00 0 00 0% 2 256.25 27,075 00 0 00 27,075 00 0.00 27,075 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Con act Cente Agent 27 075 00 0 00 0 00 0% 2 256.25 27,075 00 0 00 27,075 00 0.00 27,075 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Con act Cente Agent 27 075 00 0 00 0 00 0% 2 256.25 27,075 00 0 00 27,075 00 0.00 27,075 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Con act Cente Agent 27 075 00 0 00 0 00 0% 2 256.25 54,150 00 0 00 54,150 00 0.00 54,150 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Con act Cente Agent 27 075 00 0 00 0 00 0% 2 256.25 54,150 00 0 00 54,150 00 0.00 54,150 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Con act Cente Agent 27 075 00 0 00 0 00 0% 2 256.25 54,150 00 0 00 54,150 00 0.00 54,150 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Con act Cente Agent 27 075 00 0 00 0 00 0% 2 256.25 27,075 00 0 00 27,075 00 0.00 27,075 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Con act Cente Agent Call Tagge ) 38 000 00 0 00 0 00 0% 3 166.67 38,000 00 0 00 38,000 00 0.00 38,000 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Mobi e Unit D i e 38 000 00 0 00 0 00 0% 3 166.67 38,000 00 0 00 38,000 00 0.00 38,000 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Mobi e Unit D i e 38 000 00 0 00 0 00 0% 3 166.67 38,000 00 0 00 38,000 00 0.00 38,000 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Admin st a ive Assi tant 38 000 00 0 00 0 00 0% 3 166.67 38,000 00 0 00 38,000 00 0.00 38,000 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Admin st a ive Assi tant 38 000 00 0 00 0 00 0% 3 166.67 38,000 00 0 00 38,000 00 0.00 38,000 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Admin st a ive Assi tant 38 000 00 0 00 0 00 0% 3 166.67 38,000 00 0 00 38,000 00 0.00 38,000 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Admin st a ive Assi tant 28 500 00 0 00 0 00 0% 2 375.00 57,000 00 0 00 57,000 00 0.00 57,000 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Admin st a ive Assi tant 28 500 00 0 00 0 00 0% 2 375.00 28,500 00 0 00 28,500 00 0.00 28,500 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Resea ch Manage 85 000 00 0 00 0 00 0% 7 083.33 85,000 00 0 00 85,000 00 0.00 85,000 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Ma ket ng Manage 85 000 00 0 00 0 00 0% 7 083.33 85,000 00 0 00 85,000 00 0.00 85,000 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Web Develope 65 000 00 0 00 0 00 0% 5 416.67 65,000 00 0 00 65,000 00 0.00 65,000 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Techno ogy Manage 80 000 00 0 00 0 00 0% 6 666.67 80,000 00 0 00 80,000 00 0.00 80,000 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Da aba e Adm nist ato 75 000 00 0 00 0 00 0% 6 250.00 75,000 00 0 00 75,000 00 0.00 75,000 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
T ain ng Manage 60 000 00 0 00 0 00 0% 5 000.00 60,000 00 0 00 60,000 00 0.00 60,000 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Compl ance Manage 60 000 00 0 00 0 00 0% 5 000.00 60,000 00 0 00 60,000 00 0.00 60,000 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Accoun ing Manage 75 000 00 0 00 0 00 0% 6 250.00 75,000 00 0 00 75,000 00 0.00 75,000 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
60 000 00 0 00 0 00 0% 60,000 00 0 00 60,000 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00
Total $ 2,309 925.00 $ - $ - 0% $ 192 493.75 $ 2 309,925 00 $ - $ 2 479,650 00 $ - $ 2 419,650 00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -

0.00 26 000.00 0 00 0% 2 166.67 26,000 00 0 00 26,000 00 0.00 26,000 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
PERSONNEL - SALARIES 22 800.00 0 0 00 0% 1 900.00 22,800 00 0 00 22,800 00 0.00 22,800 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
P og am D ecto 22 800.00 0 0 00 0% 1 900.00 22,800 00 0 00 22,800 00 0.00 22,800 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Cl n c D ecto 22 800.00 0 0 00 0% 1 900.00 22,800 00 0 00 22,800 00 0.00 22,800 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Cl n c D ecto 22 800.00 0 0 00 0% 1 900.00 22,800 00 0 00 22,800 00 0.00 22,800 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Cl n c D ecto 22 800.00 0 0 00 0% 1 900.00 22,800 00 0 00 22,800 00 0.00 22,800 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Nu se - RN 22 800.00 0 0 00 0% 1 900.00 22,800 00 0 00 22,800 00 0.00 22,800 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Nu se RN 22 800.00 0 0 00 0% 1 900.00 22,800 00 0 00 22,800 00 0.00 22,800 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Nu se - RN 22 325.00 0 0 00 0% 1 860.42 22,325 00 0 00 22,325 00 0.00 22,325 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Nu se - RN 22 325.00 0 0 00 0% 1 717.31 22,325 00 0 00 22,325 00 0.00 22,325 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Nu se - LVN 22 325.00 0 0 00 0% 1 860.42 22,325 00 0 00 22,325 00 0.00 22,325 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Nu se LVN 22 325.00 0 0 00 0% 1 860.42 22,325 00 0 00 22,325 00 0.00 22,325 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Nu se - LVN 22 325.00 0 0 00 0% 1 860.42 22,325 00 0 00 22,325 00 0.00 22,325 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Nu se - LVN 22 325.00 0 0 00 0% 1 860.42 22,325 00 0 00 22,325 00 0.00 22,325 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Nu se - LVN 22 325.00 0 0 00 0% 1 860.42 22,325 00 0 00 22,325 00 0.00 22,325 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Nu se LVN 22 325.00 0 0 00 0% 1 860.42 22,325 00 0 00 22,325 00 0.00 22,325 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Nu se - LVN 23 275.00 0 0 00 0% 1 939.58 23,275 00 0 00 23,275 00 0.00 23,275 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Nu se - LVN 21 850.00 0 0 00 0% 1 820.83 21,850 00 0 00 21,850 00 0.00 21,850 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Ca e Coo d nato - LMSW 21 850.00 0 0 00 0% 1 820.83 21,850 00 0 00 21,850 00 0.00 21,850 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Ca e Coo d nato 21 850.00 0 0 00 0% 1 820.83 21,850 00 0 00 21,850 00 0.00 21,850 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Ca e Coo d nato 21 850.00 0 0 00 0% 1 820.83 21,850 00 0 00 21,850 00 0.00 21,850 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Ca e Coo d nato 21 850.00 0 0 00 0% 1 820.83 21,850 00 0 00 21,850 00 0.00 21,850 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Ca e Coo d nato 2 707.50 0 0 00 0% 225.63 2 707.5 0 00 2,707 50 0.00 2,707.5 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Inst ucto 2 707.50 0 0 00 0% 225.63 2 707.5 0 00 2,707 50 0.00 2,707.5 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Contact Cente Agent 2 707.50 0 0 00 0% 225.63 2 707.5 0 00 2,707 50 0.00 2,707.5 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Contact Cente Agent 2 707.50 0 0 00 0% 225.63 2 707.5 0 00 2,707 50 0.00 2,707.5 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Contact Cente Agent 2 707.50 0 0 00 0% 225.63 2 707.5 0 00 2,707 50 0.00 2,707.5 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Contact Cente Agent 2 707.50 0 0 00 0% 225.63 2 707.5 0 00 2,707 50 0.00 2,707.5 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Contact Cente Agent 2 707.50 0 0 00 0% 225.63 2 707.5 0 00 2,707 50 0.00 2,707.5 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Contact Cente Agent 2 707.50 0 0 00 0% 225.63 2 707.5 0 00 2,707 50 0.00 2,707.5 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Contact Cente Agent 2 707.50 0 0 00 0% 225.63 2 707.5 0 00 2,707 50 0.00 2,707.5 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Contact Cente Agent 20 900.00 0 0 00 0% 1 741.67 20,900 00 0 00 20,900 00 0.00 20,900 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Contact Cen e Agent 20 900.00 0 0 00 0% 1 741.67 20,900 00 0 00 20,900 00 0.00 20,900 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Contact Cente Agent Ca l Tagge ) 20 900.00 0 0 00 0% 1 741.67 20,900 00 0 00 20,900 00 0.00 20,900 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Mob le Un t D ve 20 900.00 0 0 00 0% 1 741.67 20,900 00 0 00 20,900 00 0.00 20,900 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Mob le Un t D ve 20 900.00 0 0 00 0% 1 741.67 20,900 00 0 00 20,900 00 0.00 20,900 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Adm n t at ve Ass s ant 20 900.00 0 0 00 0% 1 741.67 20,900 00 0 00 20,900 00 0.00 20,900 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Adm n t at ve Ass stant 2 850.00 0 0 00 0% 237.50 2,850 00 0 00 2,850 00 0.00 2,850 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Adm n t at ve Ass stant 20 900.00 0 0 00 0% 1 741.67 20,900 00 0 00 20,900 00 0.00 20,900 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Adm n t at ve Ass stant 26 500.00 0 0 00 0% 2 208.33 26,500 00 0 00 26,500 00 0.00 26,500 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Adm n t at ve Ass s ant 2 850.00 0 0 00 0% 237.50 2,850 00 0 00 2,850 00 0.00 2,850 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Resea ch Manage 24 500.00 0 0 00 0% 2 041.67 24,500 00 0 00 24,500 00 0.00 24,500 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Ma ket ng Manage 26 500.00 0 0 00 0% 2 208.33 26,500 00 0 00 26,500 00 0.00 26,500 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Web Develope 24 500.00 0 0 00 0% 2 041.67 24,500 00 0 00 24,500 00 0.00 24,500 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Technology Manage 24 000.00 0 0 00 0% 2 000.00 24,000 00 0 00 24,000 00 0.00 24,000 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Databa e Adm n st ato 24 000.00 0 0 00 0% 2 000.00 24,000 00 0 00 24,000 00 0.00 24,000 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
T a n ng Manage 25 500.00 0 0 00 0% 2 125.00 25,500 00 0 00 25,500 00 0.00 25,500 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Total $ 848 592.50 $ - $ - $ - $ 62 406.27 $ 750,592 50 $ - $ 750,592 50 $ - $ 750,592 50 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -

Mi eage $ 33 600 00 0 00 0 00 0% 2 800.00 33,600 00 0 00 33,600 00 0 00 33,600 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Ai a e $ 5 000 00 0 00 0 00 0% 416.67 5,000 00 0 00 5,000 00 0 00 5,000 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Meals $ 2 360 00 0 00 0 00 0% 196.67 2,360 00 0 00 2,360 00 0 00 2,360 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
odg ng $ 3 000 00 0 00 0 00 0% 250.00 3,000 00 0 00 3,000 00 0 00 3,000 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Misce laneous T anspo tat on $ 33 600 00 0 00 0 00 0% 2 800.00 33,600 00 0 00 33,600 00 0 00 33,600 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Total $ 77 560.00 $ - $ - 0% $ 6 463.33 $ 77,560 00 $ - $ 77,560 00 $ - $ 77,560 00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -


Di ect C ient Se v ces $ 304 620 00 0 00 0 00 0% 25 385.00 304,620 00 0 00 304,620 00 0 00 304,620 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Adm nist at ve Suppl es $ 26 790 00 0 00 0 00 0% 2 232.50 26,790 00 0 00 26,790 00 0 00 26,790 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Compute Equipment $ 26 790 00 0 00 0 00 0% 2 232.50 26,790 00 0 00 26,790 00 0 00 26,790 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
0 00 0 00 0% 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
0 00 0 00 0% 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
0 00 0 00 0% 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
0 00 0 00 0% 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
0 00 0 00 0% 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
0 00 0 00 0% 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
0 00 0 00 0% 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Total $ 358 200.00 $ - $ - 0% $ 29 850.00 $ 358,200 00 0 00 $ 358,200 00 $ - $ 358,200 00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -

CAPITAL EQUIPMENT (greater than $5K)

0 0.00 0 00 0 00 0% 0.00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
0 0.00 0 00 0 00 0% 0.00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
0 0.00 0 00 0 00 0% 0.00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Total $ $ - $ - 0% $ $ 0 00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Lease Cl n c Fac l t es (2) 182 400.00 0 00 0 00 0% 15 200.00 182,400 00 0 00 182,400 00 0 00 182,400 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Lease - V tual Cl n c (1) 228 000.00 0 00 0 00 0% 19 000.00 228,000 00 0 00 228,000 00 0 00 228,000 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Ut l t es & Ma ntenance - Cl n c Fac l t es ( 114 000.00 0 00 0 00 0% 9 500.00 114,000 00 0 00 114,000 00 0 00 114,000 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Ut l t es & Ma ntenance - V tual Cl n c (1) 91 200.00 0 00 0 00 0% 7 600.00 91,200 00 0 00 91,200 00 0 00 91,200 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Fu n tu e Lease V tual Cl n c 22 800.00 0 00 0 00 0% 1 900.00 22,800 00 0 00 22,800 00 0 00 22,800 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Ex st ng Mob le Un t Dep ec at on 38 604.00 0 00 0 00 0% 3 217.00 38,604 00 0 00 38,604 00 0 00 38,604 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Ex st ng Mob le Un t Dep ec at on 38 604.00 0 00 0 00 0% 3 217.00 38,604 00 0 00 38,604 00 0 00 38,604 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Mob le Un t Ope at ons 57 000.00 0 00 0 00 0% 4 750.00 57,000 00 0 00 57,000 00 0 00 57,000 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
So twa e L cens ng 58 938.00 0 00 0 00 0% 4 911.50 58,938 00 0 00 58,938 00 0 00 58,938 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Cl ent Ma ket ng, Adve t s ng, and Related 700 326.50 0 00 0 00 0% 58 360.54 700,326 50 0 00 700,326 50 0 00 700,326 50 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Employee Rec u t ng Costs 0.00 0 00 0 00 0% 0.00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Consult ng Ca e D ecto 60 000.00 0 00 0 00 0% 5 000.00 60,000 00 0 00 60,000 00 0 00 60,000 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
S ngle Aud t 0.00 0 00 0 00 0% 0.00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
0 00 0 00 0% 0.00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
0 0.00 0 00 0 00 0% 0.00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Total $ 1,591 872.50 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 0 00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -

Excluding Subcontractors
0 $ 5,186 150.00 $ - $ - 0% $ 291 213.35 $ 3 496,277 50 $ - $ 3 666,002 50 $ - $ 3 606,002 50 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 2.7.1 D

Admin strative
Di ect C ient Admin 519 225.00 0 00 0% 43 268.75 519,225 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
0.00 0 00 0% 0.00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00
Total $ 519 225.00 $ - $ - 0% $ 43 268.75 $ 519,225 00 0 00 $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

TOTAL MONTHLY Expenses $ 5,705,375.00 $ - $ - $ 3,606,002 50 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -

2.7.1 C Financial Information

Ente the expenses of d ect cl ent se v ces (exclude adopt ve pa ents n cells 391 M-X)
Ente the expenses of adopt on pa ents only n ce ls (392 M-X)

Di ect Client Se v ces

716C (not adopt ve pa ents
716D Adopt ve Pa en s

Caluclate the average costs for covered benefits using the formu a below, enter the amounts in cel s (397 M-X)
Number of cl ents seen/D rect
c ient service expenses

Calculate the number of clients seen by using the formula below, enter the amounts in ce ls 400 (M-X)
Number of cl ents seen/Total
expend tures

Track the marketing and educat onal material inventory each month by reflecting the
beginning nventory amount n ce l D ( 0 - 15) the amount used n ce l E( 0 - 15) and
the ending nventory in cells F ( 0 - 15) for each month
Marketing/Educational Beginning Less inventor
Material Inventory Month inventory use y
2018 9
2018 10
2018 11
2018 12
2019 1
2019 2
Doc S gn Envel pe D E 082425-8 E8 4EBB-90 2 64267 B B

2019 3
2019 5
2019 6
2019 7
2019 8
DocuSign Envelope ID E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

$ - Total Contract Budget
716C and
Transfer FROM Transfer TO
Date of
Date of Budget Line Item Budget Line Item Budget Transfer Reason for
Budget Category Budget Transfer Amount Budget Category HHSC
Request (and Row # if applicable) (and Row # if applicable) Amount Budget Transfer
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -

$ - $ -
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
DocuSign Envelope ID E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

ATTACHMENT D- Contractor’s RFA Application

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Human Coalition Application

Alternatives to Abortion Program
RFA No. HHS0000502
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F


1. Administrative Information (Forms A through E)

a. Form A: Face Page 2 b.
Form B: Entity Information and Contract Litigation History 4 c.
Form C: NonProfit Entity Board of Directors and Principal Officers 10
d. Form D: Contact Person Information 12 e.
Form E: Organizational Financial Information and Internal Controls

2. Project Proposal Forms (Forms F through K)

a. Form F: Texas Counties and Regions Served by Project 20 b. Form
G: Applicant Background
21 c. Form G-1: Applicant Background
Guidelines 22 d. Form G-2:
Applicant Background Checklist 38 e. Form
H: Project Work Plan 72 f.
Form I: Communication and Outreach Plan 84 g.
Form J: Clinic Site Readiness Checklist
88 h. Form J-1: Clinic Sites and Hours
89 i. Form K: Staff Development Plan
90 j. Form K-1: Staff Development Training Calendar

3. Expenditure Proposal (template included)

a. Form L: Budget Summary

97 b. Form M: Budget Details Workbook

97 c. Form N: Program Funding Request and
Number of Unduplicated Clients 128

4. Applicable Exhibits (to be included in Solicitation Package)

a. Exhibit A - Affirmations and Solicitation Acceptance
140 b. Exhibit B - Federal Assurances
144 c. Exhibit E - Certification Regarding
Lobbying 146 d. Exhibit F - FFATA
Certification 147 e. Exhibit G -
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Exceptions Form, if applicable 154

5. Addenda
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F


This form requests basic information about the Applicant and project, including the
signature of the authorized representative. The face page is the cover page of the proposal
and must be completed in its entirety.

Applicant Organization Information

Legal Name Human Coalition

Legal Doing Business As (DBA) Name: Grapevine Women’s Clinic

Mailing Address PO Box 5052

Include street address, city, county and ZIP Frisco, TX 75035

Physical Address 7800 N Dallas Pkwy, Suite 550

If different from Mailing Address Plano, TX 75024
Include street address, city, county and ZIP

Payee Name and Address Human Coalition

If different from Mailing & Physical Address PO Box 5052
Include street address, city, county and ZIP
Frisco, TX 75035

Website Organization: Clinics:

For public use to access information about

Phone Number
Include number clients contact to access Organization: 214-295-7301
services Grapevine Clinic: 817-200-4396

Federal Tax ID Number 26-4099950

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

DUNS Number 966403094

Type of Entity
Y Nonprofit Organization

Project Information
Name of Project Contact Doris Pierce
This person will oversee the day-to-day duties
of grant project

Title of Project Contact Operations Manager

Phone 412-983-0567

Email [email protected]

Name of Fiscal Contact Kyle Scott

This person will oversee grant expenditures
and finances

Title of Fiscal Contact VP of Finance

Phone 972-826-4290

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Email [email protected]

Name of Proposed Project Human Coalition application

Total Project Cost $14,526,075

From Form L and M

Funds Requested $14,526,075

Proposed Project Service Area by Statewide

List Region served from Section 2.5.1


This form provides information regarding identification and contract history of the
Applicant, executive management, project management, governing board members, and/or
principal officers. Applicant must respond to each request for information and provide the
required supplemental document behind this form. If responses require multiple pages,
identify the supporting pages/documentation with the applicable request. NOTE:
Administrative Information may be used in screening and/or evaluating proposals.
Identifying Information

1. The Applicant must attach the following information:

Nonprofit Entity complete Form B and C.

Full names (last, first, middle), addresses, telephone numbers, titles and occupation of members

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

of the Board of Directors or any other principal officers. Indicate the office held by each member
(e.g. chairperson, president, vice-president, treasurer, etc.).

2. Is Applicant a nonprofit organization?

If YES, Applicant must include evidence of its nonprofit status with the proposal. Any one of

the following is acceptable evidence. Check the appropriate box for the attached evidence. x
A copy of a currently valid IRS exemption certificate.
A statement from a State taxing body, State Attorney General, or other appropriate State official
certifying that the Applicant organization has a nonprofit status and that none of the net
earnings accrue to any private shareholders or individuals.
A copy of the organization’s certificate of formation or similar document if it clearly
establishes the nonprofit status of the organization.
Any of the above proof for a State or national parent organization, and a statement signed by
the parent organization that the Applicant organization is a local nonprofit affiliate.

Conflict of Interest and Contract and Litigation History

The Applicant must disclose any existing or potential conflict of interest relative to the performance
of the requirements of this RFA.

Examples of potential conflicts include an existing or potential business or personal

relationship between the Applicant, its principal, or any affiliate or subcontractor, with
the Health and Human Services Commission, the Program Administrator, or any
other entity or person involved in any way in any project that is the subject of this


HISTORY continued

Similarly, any existing or potential personal or business relationship between the

Applicant, the principals, or any affiliate or subcontractor, with any employee of the
Health and Human Services Commission or the Program Administrator must be

Any such relationship that might be perceived, or represented as a conflict, must be

disclosed. Failure to disclose any such relationship may be cause for contract termination
or disqualification of the proposal. If, following a review of this information, it is
determined by HHSC that a conflict of interest exists, the Applicant may be disqualified
from further consideration for the award of a contract.

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

3. Does anyone in the Applicant organization have an existing or potential conflict

of interest relative to the performance of the requirements of this RFA?
If YES, detail any such relationship(s) that might be perceived or represented as a conflict.
(Attach no more than one additional page.)

4. Will any person who received compensation from Health and Human Services
Commission (HHSC) for participating in the preparation of the specifications or
documentation for this RFA participate financially with Applicant as a result of
an award under this RFA?
If YES, indicate his/her name, job title, agency employed by, separation date, and reason
for separation.

5. Will any provision of services or other performance under any contract that may
result from this RFA constitute an actual or potential conflict of interest or create
the appearance of impropriety?
If YES, detail any such actual or potential conflict of interest that might be perceived or
represented as a conflict. (Attach no more than one additional page.)

6. Are any current or former employees of the Applicant current or former

employees of HHSC (within the last 24 months)?
If YES, indicate his/her name, job title, agency employed by, separation date, and reason
for separation.


HISTORY continued

7. Are any proposed personnel related to any current or former employees of

If YES, indicate his/her name, job title, agency employed by, separation date, and reason
for separation.

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

8. Has any member of Applicant’s executive management, project management,

governing board or principal officers been employed by HHSC 24 months prior
to the proposal due date?
If YES, indicate his/her name, job title, agency employed by, separation date, and reason
for separation.

9. If the Applicant is a private nonprofit organization, does the executive director

or other staff serve as voting members on the organization’s governing board?
The Internal Revenue Service classifies Human Coalition as a "public charity" under
Internal Revenue Code s. 170(b)(1)(A)(vi). It is a non-governmental nonprofit
organization governed by a board of directors, which includes its president.

10. Is Applicant or any member of Applicant’s executive management, project

management, board members or principal officers:
• Delinquent on any state, federal or other debt;
• Affiliated with an organization which is delinquent on any state, federal or other debt;
• In default on an agreed repayment schedule with any funding organization?
If YES, please explain. (Attach no more than one additional page.)

11. Has the Applicant had a contract suspended or terminated prior to expiration of
contract or not been renewed under an optional renewal by any local, state, or
federal department or agency or non-profit entity?
If YES, indicate the reason for such action that includes the name and contact information
of the local, state, or federal department or agency, the date of the contract and a
contract reference number, and provide copies of any and all decisions or orders
related to the suspension, termination, or non-renewal by the contracting entity.


HISTORY continued

12. Does this proposal include financial participation by a person or entity that has
been convicted of violating federal law, or been assessed a penalty in a federal
civil administrative enforcement action, in connection with a contract awarded
by the federal government for relief, recovery or reconstruction efforts as a

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

result of Hurricanes Rita or Katrina or any other disaster occurring after

September 24, 2005, under Government Code 2261.053?
If YES, please explain. (Attach no more than one additional page.)

13. Has Applicant had a grant/contract with HHSC within the past 24 months?
If YES, list the HHSC contract and attachment number(s):
HHSC Contract Number(s)
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.

14. Applicant must disclose any civil or criminal litigation or investigation pending
over the last five (5) years that involves Applicant or in which Applicant has been
judged guilty or liable. Failure to comply with the terms of this may disqualify
the Applicant.

15. At its discretion, HHSC may require the Applicant to disclose information
regarding the application for or award of state, federal, and/or local grant
funding by the Applicant or Community Collaborative member organization
within the past two (2) years to provide mental health care services and
treatment to veterans and their families. Applicant may elect to disclose this
information as part of the application.



DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

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DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Name: Jonathan Pitts Mailing Address (incl. street, city,

Title: Board Member county) state, & zip):7800 N Dallas

Phone: 8008003222 Ext. 226 Suite 550

Fax: Plano, TX 75024

Email: [email protected]

Name: Shannon Cagnina

Mailing Address (incl. street, city,
Title: county) state, & zip):7800 N Dallas
Board Member Parkway

Phone: 2147737236 Ext. Suite 550

Fax: Plano, TX 75024

Email: [email protected]

Name: Kyle Scott Mailing Address (incl. street, city,

Title: Treasurer 7800 N Dallas Parkway

Phone: 2142957301 Ext. Suite 550

Fax: Plano, TX 75024

Email: [email protected]

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F
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Counties - ; R Counties ; R Counties ; R Counties ; R Counties ; R

A- Crosby ; 01 Hays ; 07 Martin ; 09 Schleicher ; 09
Anderson Culberson ; 10 Hemphill ; 01 Mason ; 09 Scurry ; 02
; ; 04
-D- ; ; 02
Andrews ; ;; Henderson ; 0104 Matagorda 06 Shackelford ;
Dallam ; ; 05
Angelina ; 09 Hidalgo ; 11 Maverick 08 Shelby ;
Dallas ; ; 01
Aransas ; ; 03 Hill ;
0 Dawson ;
07 McCulloch ; 09 Sherman ; 04
Archer ; 09 Hockley ; ;
5 01 McLennan 07 Smith 03
Armstrong Deaf Smith ; ;
; 01 Hood ; 11
Atascosa 1102 ; 03 McMullen ; 11 Somervell ;
Austin Delta ; 04 Hopkins
; 03 Houston ;
04 Medina ; 08 Starr 09
-B- ; ; 01 Denton
05 Menard 02
Bailey ; ;; DeWitt ; ;
08 Howard ; 09
Bandera ; 08 Dickens ; 09 ; 01
Bastrop ; 01 Hudspeth 08 Hunt ;
; ;; Dimmit 09
Baylor ;
; 10 Midland ; ;
; 06 Donley
; 01 Hutchinson ;; ;
Bee ; ;; 03 Milam 01 09 Stephens Sterling ; 03
; 11 -I- ;
Bell ; Mills Mitchell
; ; 07 ; 02
Eastland Irion - Montague ; 09
Blanco ; ;; ; 09 Montgomery 07 Stonewall ; 02 01
; 02 J- 09 ;
; Edwards Jack Moore ; Sutton ; 02 Swisher 02
Bosque ;
; 01 Ellis 08 Jackson 02 Morris ; ; 04
Bowie ;
El Paso ; 03 Jasper 08 Motley ; 09
Brazoria 06 -T- ;
0807 Erath ; 10 Jeff Davis ; 05 -N- ; 07
-F- ; 03 Jefferson ; 10 Nacogdoches ; 01 Tarrant ; 05
Brewster ; ; 02 Falls ; Jim Hogg ; 05 ; 04 Taylor 01 05
Briscoe ; ;; Navarro ;
Fanning ; 07 Jim Wells ; ; Terrell
Brooks ; 11 Fayette ;
11 Newton
Brown ; ;; ; 03 Johnson Terry ;; 04
Fisher ; 07 Jones ; 11 Nolan 03 ;
Burleson ; 07 Floyd ; Nueces 02 -O- ; 09
; 02 -K- 05 Throckmorton
Burnet ; ;; ; ; 08
Foard ; 01 Karnes
-C- ; 08 ; Ochiltree ; ;
Fort Bend ; 02 Kaufman
Caldwell ; ;; 08 Oldham ; 03 Titus ;
Franklin ; 06 ;
Calhoun ; 07 Kendall
; 05 Tom Green ; 08
Freestone ; 04 ; 03 Orange
Callahan ; ;; ; 02 Travis ; 04
Frio ;
Kenedy ; 08 -P-
Cameron ; 09 ; Trinity ; 08
-G- ; 07 Kent ; 11 Palo Pinto 11
Camp ; ;; ; Tyler ;
Gaines ; 08 Kerr ; 02
Carson ; 07 Panola ;
04 Galveston ; ; ; 01 -U- 06
Cass Kimble 08 Parker 09 ;
06 Garza ; 09 King ; ;
01 Upshur 05 ;
Castro 07 Gillespie ; ; Parmer ; 09
06 Kinney Upton ;
Chambers 10
Glasscock ; ; 01 ; 07
Cherokee 01 01 Kleberg ; 08 Pecos ; ;
11 Goliad ; 08 Uvalde -V- ;
Childress 02 ; Knox ; ; 06
Polk ;
Clay 07 02
; 09 ; 11 ; 03 Val Verde 04 01
Gonzales -L- 02 Potter Presidio ;
Cochran 07 ; 08 ; ;
Coke Gray Lamar ; -R- ; Van Zandt 03 ; 02
; Rains ; 02
Coleman 07
Grayson 08 Lamb ; 04 ; 01 Victoria
Collin 08 Gregg ; 01 Randall ; ; 11
01 Lampasas 09 -W- 05
02 Grimes ; 07 ; ; 07
Reagan Walker ;
11 03 La Salle ; ; 08
04 ; 08 Real ; 01 Waller ; 09
01 04 Lavaca
; 08 ; 10 Ward ; 03
04 Red
07 Lee ; 07 Reeves ; ; 04
01 River
06 08 Leon ; 07 ; Washington Webb ;
04 ; Refugio 06 ; ;
01 ; Roberts ; 01
01 Limestone 01 07
01 ; 04 Wharton ; 02
09 ; 01 Robertson 11 ;
07 Live Oak 01 Wheeler
02 ; Rockwall ;
01 Llano
; 09 Wichita ;
01 02 Loving Runnels ;
06 05 Lubbock
; 07 08 Wilbarger
; ;
08 06 Lynn 09 Rusk
02 ; 04 Willacy ;
; 01 -S- ;
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

03 ; 09 Williamson ;
07 Guadalupe 01 Sabine
02 ; 11 Wilson 01
Hale ;; 07 Winkler
Comal 03 Wise
Comanche 09 Hall ;
Concho 02 Wood 04 -
Hamilton ; Y-
Cooke 09 09
Hansford ; Yoakum
Hardeman ; Young
05 -Z- ;
Hardin ; 11
Harris ; 05 Zapata
Crockett 08
San Augustine ;
Harrison ; 04 -M- ; San Jacinto ; 05 Zavala
Hartley 01 Madison 07 San Patricio 11
02 Marion
04 San Saba 07

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DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F


Legal Business Name of Applicant:
Human Coalition

1. Applicant must provide a narrative description of its organization, staff, systems and oversight
2. Reference the instructions on Form G-1 – Applicant Background Guidelines.
3. Applicant's response must not exceed 18 pages.


Legal Business Name of Applicant:
Human Coalition

1. Provide a one-page executive summary describing the Applicant’s vision, mission and values
statements, along with a description of how the board of directors, if any, is involved in the
operations of the Applicant.

Human Coalition exists to promote healthy pregnancies and rescue children from abortion by
providing life-affirming counseling, medical services, unbiased information, mentoring, and
material support to women who are actively seeking or contemplating an abortion. Human
Coalition helps clients tackle complex and long-term needs to effectively improve their lives and
the lives of their children. Human Coalition has developed an effective, scalable method of
addressing clients’ needs through a holistic program combining crisis support with a Continuum
of Care program that coordinates short- and long-term assistance from a network of best-in-class
organizations and government programs.

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Chief Operating Officer

ƒ Responsible for all agency operations, including finance and accounting for this
multichannel fundraising media and marketing firm.
ƒ Managed human resources, client operations, data analytics, media, and
public relations.
ƒ Developed a ministry-succession plan following the passing of Dr. D.
James Kennedy, founder of Coral Ridge Ministries.
ƒ Managed a $38M budget and over 140 employees; Implemented various
initiatives to update the ministry to a current technology and media
philosophy, and streamlined the organization to stabilize it financially.
ƒ Directly supervised all aspects of the organization, including TV/radio
production, Internet, communications and curriculum, donor relations,
accounting/finance, legal, human resources, and general operations.


1991 – 1995 Bachelor of Arts, Music






Executive Vice President

ƒ Actively works with senior staff to develop strategies to increase

fundraising capacity, church engagement, and life-decision rate.
ƒ Manages, coaches, and trains department heads to maximize
effectiveness and efficiency within their own department.
ƒ Establishes goals and creates budgets for each department and provides
strategic direction.


Business Development
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

ƒ Responsible for managing all sales activities in respective markets.

ƒ Developed, managed, and measured achievable goals in alignment
with the company’s mission, philosophy, and budget.

11.2010 – 03.2012 AREA203, CHATTANOOGA, TN

Executive Team Member – Business Development & Strategy

ƒ Managed domestic and international business development for

full-service digital agency with a focus on client relationships,
effective branding, and innovative thinking.
ƒ Recognized as a Forbes Top 100 Global Ad Agency for Social
Media during tenure.



ƒ Strategically planned all aspects of the company including staff,

facilities, distribution, brand management, product development
and sourcing, marketing and sales, and budgeting and finance.
ƒ Maintained and fostered both domestic and international client


Vice President of Operations and Marketing
ƒ Managed vendor relationships.
ƒ Grew the organization into the largest inspirational goods distributor of its



Bachelor of Science, Business Management, Marketing




Vice President of Finance and Corporate Treasurer

ƒ Led internal functions including finance, HR, benefits, risk

management, administration, and IT/systems.

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

ƒ Member of leadership team and participates in monitoring,

evaluating, and providing expertise related to business system and
process design and control, donor administration, billing,
receivables, inventory, and e-commerce activities.
ƒ Essential functions include reporting, budgeting, forecasting,
analysis, accounting, cash management, payroll and related tax,
audit, HIPAA compliance, and Federal and State 501(c)(3)

10.2013 – 06.2014 SELF-EMPLOYED


ƒ Provided financial valuation expertise for technology clients using

complex financial models.
ƒ Contributor to Strategic Finance magazine writing articles on
managing risk and change.


Senior Manager, U.S. Finance Planning and Analysis

ƒ Built and led team of 30 analysts to partner with field sales leaders
on pricing execution.
ƒ Created innovative analytics for performance measurement and
ƒ Prepared packages with management discussion, KPIs, and
analysis of normalized results.
ƒ Developed and implemented reports for governance over business
development funds.


Senior Project Manager, IT Finance

ƒ Managed cross-functional projects involving billing and reporting.

ƒ Updated system and reporting for SOX and tax compliance.


Senior Manager, Region Finance Planning and Analysis

ƒ Reviewed and approved proposed outsourcing contract deals.

ƒ Implemented process to shorten proposal timeline by one week.


Operations Manager, Printing and Fulfillment
ƒ Managed 24/7 operations and 20 to 30 people.

03.1997 – 12.1998 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS, INC., MALVERN, PA Field Controller,

Region Accounting and Financial Operations

ƒ Managed team of 10 accountants, analysts, and processors.

ƒ Partnered with Operations by developing reporting to identify
business gaps and pricing trends.

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

08.1996 – 02.1997 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS, INC., MALVERN, PA Management

Consultant/Process Improvement

ƒ Provided consulting and benchmarking for business units. ƒ

Developed and delivered financial training.



BBA in Marketing, Management, General


MBA in Finance


Certified Management Accountant

ƒ Small Business Financial and Regulatory Affairs Committee

ƒ The Financial Executives Networking Group



08.2014 - PRESENT HUMAN COALITION – PLANO, TX National Director

of Client Services

ƒ Oversees all areas of Human Coalition’s women’s care clinics.

ƒ Provides leadership, direction, and supervision to all clinic staff.
ƒ Ensures compliance with all relevant federal, state, and local laws.
ƒ Responsible for the implementation and success of the client flow methodology,
polices and procedures, and budget.

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Executive Director

ƒ Managed and executed all programs and services offered through PRCSH.
ƒ Developed and maintained relationships with the community and public.
ƒ Ensured adherence to compliance, policies, and procedures in conjunction with
staff, nursing staff, and volunteers.
ƒ Recruited staff and volunteers, and conducted training.
ƒ Maintained corporate budget.
ƒ Interfaced with clients, staff, and executive board members.
ƒ Directly oversaw three volunteers who received the 2008 Presidential Volunteer
Service Award during tenure.


Education Director
ƒ Trained volunteer speakers and counselors.
ƒ Generated new contacts/maintained existing community relationships.
ƒ Developed and updated agency presentation curriculum.
ƒ Managed program budget while overseeing federal grants.
ƒ Implemented programs offered by similar national organizations.


Administrative Coordinator
ƒ Performed all administrative duties, including design and publication of quarterly
newsletters, bulk mailings, and database maintenance.
ƒ Served as office network administrator.
ƒ Maintained bookkeeping, accounts payable/receivable, processed bank deposits,
and processed payroll and tax filings.
ƒ Collaborated with state and financial auditors annually, and with the Board
treasurer on budget and tax items.
ƒ Prepared monthly reports for Board of Directors meetings.
ƒ Assisted executive director in all administrative and fundraising activities.






Clinic Director

ƒ Provides leadership, direction, and supervision to the staff at Grapevine Women’s

Care Clinic.
ƒ Responsible for implementation of the organization’s policies and procedures at the
clinic level.

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

ƒ Manages day-to-day clinic operations, data health, and statistical reporting. ƒ

Oversees expenditures for budgeted expenses and procurement requests.

08.2013 – 10.2017 TEXAS DOW EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION, DALLAS, TX Member Center
Manager/Champion Manager
ƒ Developed the team by providing annual, semiannual, quarterly, and monthly
ƒ Balanced general ledgers to ensure budget planning for the Member Center.
ƒ Workforce planning by creating schedules based on business need.
ƒ Brand Ambassador in the community through community organizations.
ƒ Trained team members and made sure the team was aware of compliance

01.2008 – 08.2013 BANK OF AMERICA, LUFKIN, TX

Banking Center Manager II/Assistant Banking Center Manager
ƒ Coached personal bankers to build deeper relationships with customers. Ensured
the banking center maintained operational excellence in sales, service, and dayto-
day tasks.
ƒ Gave positive and constructive coaching to associates daily, weekly, monthly, and
ƒ Resolved problems for customers using the proper methods.

06.2007 – 11.2008 BANK OF AMERICA, TROPHY CLUB/FLOWER MOUND, TX Teller/Teller

Operations Specialist
ƒ Ensured that tellers were meeting their referral goals and balancing accuracy, logs
were completed, and all associates knew their audit responsibilities.
ƒ Award of Excellence recipient for the first quarter of 2008.


Field Support Associate
ƒ Performed daily tasks to ensure smooth transition from LaSalle Bank to Bank of
America’s systems.
ƒ Team leader in charge of at least six team members.
ƒ Led team in completion of delegated tasks.
ƒ Held daily huddles with LaSalle associates to resolve issues and familiarize them
with Bank of America’s systems.



Bachelor of Science, Business Management, Marketing

J E F F M . L IV IN G S T O N , M D
Texas Medical Board license number L4043


DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F


08.2003 – PRESENT
2017 – PRESENT
Medical Director and Board Member
2011 – PRESENT
Medical Director
Medical Director
06.2011 – PRESENT
Physician Faculty
2009 – PRESENT
Physician Faculty
Physician Faculty
06.2014 – PRESENT
Symphion Advisory Board
2010 – PRESENT
Research Physician
2008 – 2010
Research Physician
2014 – 2016
Physician Proctor
Physician Preceptor
06.2007 – 2008
Physician Preceptor



Pre-Med Undergrad


4. Describe Applicant’s experience, knowledge, and expertise in providing A2A services.

Specifically outline relevant administrative and clinical practices (maximum of 4 pages).

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Human Coalition was founded in 2009 to provide marketing outreach services to pregnancy
resource centers. Since then, it has grown into a national organization with 91 employees that
directly provides services at a growing network of clinics across the country. Human Coalition
owns and operates clinics in Dallas, Atlanta, Raleigh, and Pittsburgh, with at least five additional
clinic locations scheduled to be added in 2018. It is headquartered in Plano, TX, where its
leadership and contact center are located. Human Coalition also provides targeted marketing and
contact center support for independent pregnancy resource centers in over 20 cities.

Human Coalition promotes healthy pregnancies and serves parents and children through the
operations of four client-facing divisions: marketing outreach; contact center; women’s care
clinics; and Continuum of Care.

Marketing Outreach:
The marketing outreach division initiates conversations with women seeking or contemplating an
abortion through various outreaches.

Human Coalition originally set out to assist independent pregnancy resource centers in overcoming
two obstacles. First, women seeking abortions often do not know pregnancy support services exist
and do not typically search for them. Second, most women who obtain an abortion begin seeking
one very soon after learning they are pregnant, leaving a short window of time to connect with
them. Because of these two obstacles, traditional forms of marketing used by pregnancy care
centers are ineffective at reaching this audience, and women contemplating abortion make up less
than 9.5% of an average pregnancy resource center’s clients.1

As its primary method of reaching this underserved and hard-to-reach community, Human
Coalition developed an outreach method involving Internet ads and links placed on keywords
women may use when searching for abortion services. It invests heavily in this strategy at each
clinic. Over ten years and 10 million marketing sessions, Human Coalition has tested various
keywords, ad copy, and landing pages to improve ad conversion rates, raise Google quality scores
(which impact ad costs), and lower client acquisition costs to ultimately see more clients in its
target demographic of women who are inclined to seek an abortion.

Contact Center:
The women and men who respond to Human Coalition’s marketing outreach are typically in a
heightened state of emotional distress. Human Coalition’s marketing initially routed responders
directly to pregnancy resource centers, where volunteers usually answered the calls. But it
observed that the centers were answering less than half of calls and were often unprepared to
communicate helpful, accurate information to callers in crisis.

The majority of life-affirming pregnancy centers in the country utilize a customer relationship management tool
developed by That company publishes aggregate data from all clinics that use its application. In 2017,
those clinics served 331,169 clients, and 31,434 were classified as “abortion minded,” which is an industry term

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Human Coalition created its contact center in 2013 to provide more consistent call quality and
insure that callers received more informative and accurate responses. Agents train by shadowing
experienced agents for four weeks, all calls are recorded (with permission) for training and quality
control, and agents receive ongoing coaching with the contact center’s director. Agents utilize a
dialogue format that has been tested and refined over tens of thousands of calls to record 21 points
of client data, explain the services offered at Human Coalition clinics, and work with the caller to
schedule an appointment at a women’s care clinic. While Human Coalition does not suggest it
offers abortions at any time, call center agents state clearly and explicitly on every call that Human
Coalition neither provides abortions nor refers clients for abortions.

Human Coalition integrates its marketing platform and call management system with its customer
relationship management database, allowing Human Coalition to associate data from ads and calls,
including audio recordings of the call, with de-identified client information. The system allows
Human Coalition to improve the effectiveness of its marketing at converting clients within its
target audience. The contact center answered 24,095 inbound calls in 2017, and as a result of
Human Coalition’s marketing strategy, 90% of those calls were from women who stated they were
inclined to eventually seek an abortion.

Human Coalition’s key metric in its contact center is the percentage of qualified callers who
ultimately make and keep an appointment, and it has tested a variety of strategies to improve this
rate. For instance, it has found clients are much more likely to keep a same-day appointment. So
using an algorithm it designed to predict the likelihood a client will keep an appointment, it double-
and triple-books appointment slots if a client is unlikely to show.

Women’s Care Clinics:

Finding that working with Human Coalition’s abortion-determined clients differed materially from
working with typical pregnancy center clients, Human Coalition began operating its own
lifeaffirming women’s care clinics in 2014 in order to develop, test, and refine processes for
serving its abortion-determined clientele.

Human Coalition has found that with abortion-determined clients, counseling should focus on
providing clients with sound, non-manipulative information about their pregnancy, giving them
the opportunity to discuss their abortion options, and collaborating with them to identify and
address the obstacles they perceive to their pregnancy.

Human Coalition has also found it necessary and optimal to provide structure to counseling
sessions. For their initial counseling session, caregivers utilize a proprietary Decision Guide,
which streamlines the conversation into a predictable structure so that counselors can, through
repetition, develop expertise in addressing client needs. After taking a urine pregnancy test,
pregnant clients complete the first section of the Decision Guide, which informs caregivers about
a client’s personal situation, her current plan for the pregnancy, and the obstacles the client
perceives to the pregnancy. Clients who are not pregnant receive information on possible reasons
for a missed period, a referral to gynecologist, and any other appropriate assistance. Clients who
are more than six weeks pregnant are offered a limited obstetrical ultrasound from one of Human
Coalition’s sonographers, who assess the viability of the pregnancy and provide the client with
information about the child. Sonographers or caregivers provide pregnant
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

clients with literature on healthy pregnancies, prenatal vitamins, a list of pregnancy-friendly

medications, and referrals to obstetricians (including high-risk obstetricians, if appropriate).

Pregnant clients next watch a proprietary video that provides accurate, unbiased information about
medical and surgical abortions. Clients then complete their Decision Guide, which allows them
to express what they perceive as the pros and cons to each of three possible pregnancy outcomes—
abortion, parenting, and adoption—what they feel and think about the pregnancy, and what they
would desire for this pregnancy if their circumstances were different. Caregivers use these
responses to systematically and collaboratively, and without manipulation or pressure, work
through the factors a client is weighing to address the obstacles the client has identified.

The pressures prompting clients to seek an abortion do not cease just because she has a positive
counseling session and makes a life decision. Human Coalition has also learned that
abortiondetermined clients need more post-visit follow-up than a typical pregnancy center
performs, so caregivers maintain ongoing contact with clients after their initial visit. Caregivers
call clients 24 hours post-appointment to confirm the medical director’s ultrasound review, discuss
the client’s mindset, and confirm that the client sought follow-up obstetric care (or gynecological
care, in the case of clients who chose abortion). Caregivers place additional follow-up calls at one
week, two weeks, and four weeks post-appointment. After the first month, for those who are
continuing their pregnancy, volunteers call clients to ensure clients are receiving medical care,
check on complications, discuss preparations for birth, and determine if the client needs any
additional resources.

Human Coalition has found that the level of care required by abortion-determined clients requires
that they be seen by professional staff. Because the clients’ needs are so complex, they must be
seen by trained clinicians who are professionally experienced work with such clients. Clients are
seen exclusively by staff that are paid and trained by Human Coalition, and volunteers do not
counsel during initial visits (though Human Coalition does utilize volunteers to help care for clients
later in their pregnancies).

Human Coalition utilizes a proprietary, month-long training process to teach the Decision Guide
and the organization’s client services methodology. The training covers the following topics:
organizational mission, policies, and procedures; benefits; HIPAA requirements; OSHA
requirements; programs and services provided; understanding client intent and client
segmentation; client-counseling methodology; sonography methodology; follow-up methodology;
outcome verification process; client management system training; Human Coalition key metrics;
Continuum of Care system and offerings; post-abortion counseling; material assistance program;
and referral resources. After initial training, caregivers shadow existing staff. Clinic managers
then shadow new caregivers during their first client visits. After clinic managers verify caregivers
understand and can implement Human Coalition’s counseling methodology, clinic managers
approve caregivers to begin seeing clients independently. Human Coalition also provides different
in-service trainings throughout the year as well as monthly 1on-1 individual sessions with each
staff member.

Continuum of Care:

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

At the conclusion of the initial counseling visit, caregivers will offer qualifying clients the
opportunity to schedule an appointment with a Continuum of Care coordinator. Human
Coalition’s Continuum of Care program seeks to help clients (including fathers) move from the
moment of crisis into long-term stability. Continuum of Care coordinators meet with clients to
formulate a plan to address the economic and social drivers of the client’s crisis. Continuum of
Care coordinators identify various local organizations that provide care in over a dozen categories,
including maternity housing, long-term housing, job placement, job training, financial assistance,
health care, medical benefits, adoption, abuse counseling, and basic life skills. Continuum of Care
coordinators also work with clients to access applicable state and federal benefits programs.
Continuum of Care coordinators “quarterback” client care across these organizations by, as
necessary, making personal referrals to organizations, arranging appointments, or attending
meetings with the client. The ultimate goal of the Continuum of Care program is to establish a
mentoring relationship between the client and members of the community so a client’s long-term,
post-crisis needs are met.

5. Describe Applicant’s experience in administering comprehensive health care (e.g., prevention,

screening, diagnostic, treatment services, and appropriate referral). Describe your referral
systems and referral resources for services not provided by Applicant (maximum of 4 pages).

Human Coalition seeks to ensure clients experience a healthy pregnancy, birth, and post-partum
experience through individual counseling that identifies specific areas of need for each client.
Through its women’s care clinics, it provides the following services:

Pregnancy testing:
Each client receives a lab-grade urine pregnancy test to determine if the client is pregnant. If the
client is pregnant, a trained medical professional will take the client’s medical history, including
past pregnancies, history of complications, and last menstrual period (LMP).

Human Coalition offers an ultrasound to all clients who register a positive pregnancy test and
whose pregnancies are beyond six weeks LMP (the minimum gestation at which an ultrasound is
effective). The ultrasound confirms an intrauterine pregnancy (as opposed to an ectopic one),
gestational age, due date, and viability of pregnancy. Sonographers must be detail-oriented,
understand the intricate details of the human anatomy and the specialized functions of ultrasound
equipment, and be able to recognize signs of abnormalities, such an ectopic
pregnancy. Human Coalition requires its sonographers be registered diagnostic medical
sonographers, have and maintain their current license to practice, and display their license on the
wall in the sonography room of the clinic.

Decision support services:

Human Coalition provides abortion decision counseling to clients by providing accurate
information on pregnancy, fetal development, and general health. For clients considering abortion,
caregivers will provide neutral, non-manipulative information on different abortion procedures,
risks, and possible side effects. Particularly for first-time parents, caregivers will also provide
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

information on parenting and address any fears or misperceptions clients may have. Caregivers
also provide information on the adoption process and offer to connect clients to adoption agencies.
This counseling is available for both pregnant women as well as the biological father of the preborn
babies. Human Coalition has also observed that for many clients, their families and close friends
play a key role in the client’s decision-making process. Accordingly, such support persons may
join clients for this counseling.

STD testing:
In certain clinics, Human Coalition offers clients and their partners free testing for
sexuallytransmitted diseases such as Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. Human Coalition refers clients
who test positive to a gynecologist or other appropriate physician.

Anemia testing:
In certain clinics, Human Coalition offers clients free anemia testing. Human Coalition refers
clients who are anemic to a gynecologist or other appropriate physician.

Prenatal vitamins:
For pregnant clients, a nurse manager or designee will give the client a free 6-month to 1-year
supply of prenatal vitamins. The provider will also educate the client about route of administration,
dosage, time of administration, side effects, and ways to minimize side effects.

Other health information:

Human Coalition nurse managers or caregivers will provide clients information about
menstruation, female anatomy, and birth control.

Referrals to specialists:
Human Coalition encourages clients to seek prompt medical attention for their pregnancies. After
the initial visit and through birth, it continues to follow-up with clients to make sure they have
been able to access obstetric care (or gynecological care, in the case of clients who choose
abortion) and to address any impediment to accessing care that may have arisen. In the Dallas
clinic, Human Coalition maintains a network of over 40 clinics, providers, gynecologists, and other
specialists, and Human Coalition will provide referrals to clients if the client does not have an
existing physician. For clients who have disclosed an existing health issue or where the provider
identifies a cause for concern for the existing pregnancy, Human Coalition will refer clients to a
high-risk obstetrician.

Childbirth and parenting classes:

Human Coalition works to ensure healthy deliveries through childbirth classes. Clients are taught
and coached on important aspects of labor and delivery: the labor process, available medications,
reasons for Cesarean section, relaxation and breathing techniques, and pain management practices.
Through these classes, clients are better able to participate in the labor and delivery process with
their physicians and hospital. Human Coalition equips clients who carry to term for the job of
parenting through parenting classes with knowledgeable teachers and a comprehensive curriculum.
Classes address a wide range of parenting issues, from immunization to changing diapers to
disciplining toddlers and more.
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Continuum of Care:
Human Coalition clients often have high and complex needs, which it primarily addresses through
its Continuum of Care program. Through that program, Human Coalition case managers work
with clients to access the care and support across a wide range of medical, social, and economic
programs. As needed, case managers will refer clients to free and reduced-cost obstetric services,
pediatricians, breastfeeding support, nutrition services, drug and alcohol addiction services (both
inpatient and outpatient), and psychiatric and psychological counseling. Historically, 35% of
Continuum of Care clients have needed medical insurance or medical referrals, and 6% have
needed some support for drug or alcohol treatment. Additional areas of support include housing,
employment services, material assistance, legal services, financial resources, transportation, utility
assistance, childcare, and adoption services.

6. Subcontracting Background- Describe the following if Applicant plans to have subcontract any
of the intended services:
A. Experience subcontracting with other organizations/providers;
B. Experience developing subcontracts and subcontract negotiations;
C. Experience performing program monitoring of Providers, including monitoring of professional
and clinical services;
D. Experience providing technical assistance to Providers, including budget development and
E. Staff position(s) that will be responsible for monitoring Providers and what qualifications will
be required;
F. Staff position(s) that are anticipated for monitoring professional and clinical Providers and the
required qualifications for each position;
G. Policies and procedures Applicant has for monitoring Providers that provide direct client
services; and
H. Staff position(s) that are anticipated for providing training and technical assistance to Providers
on data collection and submission, and data quality improvement.

Human Coalition will provide services directly. FORM G-2: APPLICANT


Check Yes or No:

1. Program Administration and Management Yes No
Did you provide job descriptions that include specific duties for the key employees related to the
A2A program?
• Program Director x
• Clinicians
• Eligibility, data collection, and billing staff
Do you have measures in place to adequately monitor funds in order to ensure the provision of
A2A program Services to Clients throughout the entirety of the contract term? x

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Do you have experience in administering women’s health services (e.g., prevention, screening,
and appropriate referral)? x

Is your agency a non-public entity that provides A2A services?


2. Service Delivery
Do you have staff available to determine eligibility? x
Do you provide A2A services to adolescents? x
3. Partnerships/Subcontracting
Providers: Do you plan to use Providers or contractors for any of the required services? x
If yes, please list who are the Providers: Attached additional sheet if needed.

Do you have experience developing, negotiating, and administering subcontracts with other
organizations/providers to provide direct client services?
Do you have experience providing budget development, management, and technical assistance
to Providers?
Do you have key staff that will provide training and technical assistance to Providers, including
data collection and submission?
Do you have key staff that will be responsible for monitoring Providers’ programmatic
performance, including professional and clinical services?
Do you have key staff that will be responsible for monitoring Providers’ fiscal performance?
Do you have key staff that will be responsible for monitoring Providers’ quality
assurance/quality improvement?
4. Data Collection and Billing Systems
Do you have a billing system and/or process to submit Direct Client Services claims to HHSC?

Executive Vice President


Full time
REPORTS TO: President
DATE: 1/18/18

The Executive Vice President serves as a member of the lead team and is an active participant in making
strategic decisions affecting Human Coalition. This position is responsible for overseeing the divisions of
program, development, and core services. A few of the key departments included in these divisions are
advancement, development, legal, research & development, operations, marketing, contact center,
medical, clinics, continuum of care, and church. In addition, the role has oversight of organizational growth
through mergers and acquisition.
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F


• Actively work with senior staff to develop strategies to increase fundraising capacity, cultural impact, and
program effectiveness
• Manage, coach and train department heads to maximize effectiveness and efficiency within their own
• Establish goals for each department and assist department heads in attaining goals
• Create budgets and manage department heads to stay within budget
• Provide strategic direction to each department in order to plan 12+ months out
• Act as a member of the Lead Team providing overall direction to the organization
• Development and execution of inorganic growth plans

Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential
functions of this position.


• Passionately aligned with the mission and vision of Human Coalition

• Entrepreneurial-minded, goal-oriented, passionate and driven
• Strong interpersonal skills; ability to influence and engage with staff at all levels of the organization
• Exceptional ability to lead effectively and provide vision to team
• Outstanding organizational and communication skills
• Aggressively metric-centered and goal based


• Chief Medical Officer

• Vice President of Strategy and Development
• National Director of Advancement
• National Director of Church Outreach

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F




• National Director of Clinic Services
• Contact Center Director
• Director of Client Marketing
• General Counsel
• Director of Insights
• Operations Manager


• 4-year college degree required

• At least 10 years of successful business experience managing others
• Ability to create scalable, sustainable and replicable methodologies
• Effective management of operations
• Implementation of growth strategies


Human Coalition is an equal opportunity employer and makes recruitment, employment, promotional, and
all other Human Resource decisions without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital,
disability, or veteran status.


Please note this job description is not designed to cover or contain a comprehensive listing of activities,
duties or responsibilities that are required of the employee for this job. Duties, responsibilities and activities
may change at any time with or without notice.

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

National Director of Client Services

Full time
REPORTS TO: Executive Vice President
DATE: 10/1/2017

The National Director is responsible for the success of the Women’s Care Clinic’s (WCCs) in attaining an
overall Effective Rate (ER). Additionally, this individual is responsible for implementation of the client flow
methodology, policies and procedures, and budget. The primary areas of responsibility will be training,
administrative management of the WCCs, clinic services oversight and improving the overall Life Decision
Rate (LDR) for the WCCs.



• Oversight of Preventative Care, Urgent Care and the Continuum of Care programs at local WCCs
• Provide leadership, direction and supervision to all WCC staff
• Conduct scheduled written and oral evaluations of Clinic Directors
• Coordinate with the Executive Vice President annual budget for each WCC that is presented to the
Board of Directors for approval
• Oversee expenditures for budgeted expenses of the WCCs and oversee procurement requests
• Oversee the compilation of statistical reports, testing and optimizing in the WCC Labs, and accurate
record keeping
• Formation and implementation of strategic tactics to accomplish the goals of the WCCs
• Managing the creation and implementation of new services provided within the WCCs
• Ensure compliance with all WCC policies and procedures and help coordinate the approval and
implementation of all new policies
• Attend all required meetings and present information as needed
• Hold regular meetings with WCC Clinic Directors to discuss client and staffing needs, progress,
goal setting and implementation
• Collaborate with the marketing team to develop promotional materials used in presenting the
WCC’s to clients and within the community
• Represent the WCC’s to the community and the media
• Ensure all WCCs comply with all relevant federal, state and local laws


• Aid in developing all aspects of client flow methodology

• Assist the Clinic Director to ensure the mental, emotional and spiritual health of all clinic staff
• Oversee the training plan for all WCC staff

Growth and Expansion

• Assist with expansion of the WCCs footprint within existing markets
• Reside on the Expansion Committee to help facilitate new markets

Core Principals
• Assure that all WCCs are operating within brand standard guidelines
• Ensure all WCCs are representing Human Coalition and WCC brand and culture

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F




• Responsible for the WCCs following the core values of Human Coalition, the pursuit of excellence
and testing, measuring and optimizing

Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential
functions of this position.


• Passionately aligned with the mission and vision of Human Coalition

• Entrepreneurial-minded, goal-oriented, passionate and driven
• Strong interpersonal skills
• Outstanding organizational and communication skills
• Exceptional ability to lead effectively and be coached


• Clinic Directors


• 5+ years successful management of a business

• Bachelor’s degree (Business Degree preferred) EEO STATEMENT:

Human Coalition is an equal opportunity employer and makes recruitment, employment, promotional, and
all other Human Resource decisions without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital,
disability, or veteran status.


Please note this job description is not designed to cover or contain a comprehensive listing of activities,
duties or responsibilities that are required of the employee for this job. Duties, responsibilities and activities
may change at any time with or without notice.


Employee signature below constitutes employee’s understanding of the requirements, essential functions
and duties of the position.

Employee _____________________________________________ Date __________________

Clinic Director

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Full time
REPORTS TO: National Director of Client Services
DATE: 9/18/17

The Clinic Director is responsible for the success of the Women’s Care Clinic (WCC) in attaining an overall
Effective Rate (ER). Additionally, this individual is responsible for implementation of the policies and
procedures approved by the Board of Directors, within the parameters of the WCC budget. The primary
areas of responsibility will be administration, medical services oversight and community relations/public



• Provide leadership, direction and supervision to staff

• Conduct yearly written and oral evaluations of personnel
• Coordinate with the Regional Clinic Director and staff on annual budget that is presented to the
Board of Directors for approval
• Oversee and ensure that accurate and current financial records are kept and reported to the
Director of Finance monthly
• Oversee expenditures for budgeted expenses of WCC and oversee procurement requests
• Oversee the compilation of statistical reports, accurate record keeping, and report to the VP of
Client Services and Regional Clinic Director weekly
• Ensure compliance with all WCC policies and procedures and coordinate the approval and
implementation of all new policies with the Regional Clinic Director
• Hold regular meetings with staff to discuss client and staff needs, progress, goal setting and
• Coordinate and maintain a yearly calendar for WCC and special events
• Ensure WCC complies at all time with all relevant federal, state and local laws
• Establish a succession plan for all key staff members and medical director, in consultation with the
Regional Clinic Director


• Oversee and supervise volunteer in-service training and volunteer staff meetings
• Assist in the training of new mentors for the Continuum of Care program


• Manage the WCC’s relationship with the Medical Director

• Ensure the medical staff complies at all time with the doctor’s standing orders, policies and
• Ensure WCC complies at all times with relevant federal, state and local laws
• Protects clients’ health information for confidentiality, authorized access for treatment, and data

Public Relations

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F




• Educate the local community including churches, pastors, community groups, and the professional
community about the sanctity of human life, the goal of obtaining support, and involvement with
• Develop and maintain ongoing relationships with pastors and churches in the community
• Develop and maintain relationships with other ministries/organizations that meet client needs
• Represent WCC to the community and the media
• Assist with the development, oversee and revise promotional materials used in presenting the WCC
to clients, the community and churches

Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential
functions of this position.


• Passionately aligned with the mission and vision of Human Coalition

• Entrepreneurial-minded, goal-oriented, passionate and driven
• Strong interpersonal skills
• Outstanding organizational and communication skills
• Exceptional ability to lead effectively and be coached
• Knowledge of legal and ethical considerations related to patient information


• Nurse Manager
• Office Manager
• Administrative Assistant/Receptionist
• Mobile Driver
• Continuum of Care Coordinator
• Other Clinic Staff
• Education Director
• Education Assistant
• Education Speakers


• 3+ years successful management of a business

• Background in marketing, fundraising and public relations
• Bachelor’s degree (Business Degree preferred)

Human Coalition is an equal opportunity employer and makes recruitment, employment, promotional, and
all other Human Resource decisions without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital,
disability, or veteran status.

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F






Please note this job description is not designed to cover or contain a comprehensive listing of activities,
duties or responsibilities that are required of the employee for this job. Duties, responsibilities and activities
may change at any time with or without notice.


Employee signature below constitutes employee’s understanding of the requirements, essential functions
and duties of the position.

Employee _____________________________________________ Date __________________

Care Coordinator


Full Time
REPORTS TO: Nurse Manager

DATE: 12/1/2016

This position is responsible for listening to and communicating with women in crisis pregnancies who are
considering abortion, as well as documenting information in medical charts.



DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

• Visit with women facing an unplanned pregnancy who are considering abortion
• Share information about pregnancy and all options with love and grace
• Connect women with necessary resources to relieve pressure to abort
• Follow up with clients as scheduled and as needed
• Ongoing education regarding abortion industry


• Document client visit in client management system

• Answer phones and set appointments as needed

Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential
functions of this position.


• Strong commitment to the mission and vision of Human Coalition

• Outstanding communication skills
• Excellent listener
• Ability to ask insightful questions
• Learner
• Flexible and able to take direction
• Ability to work in a fast paced and evolving environment
• Certified Medical Assistant required
• CPR certified as a healthcare provided


Human Coalition is an equal opportunity employer and makes recruitment, employment, promotional, and
all other Human Resource decisions without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital,
disability, or veteran status.


Please note this job description is not designed to cover or contain a comprehensive listing of activities,
duties or responsibilities that are required of the employee for this job. Duties, responsibilities and activities
may change at any time with or without notice.


Employee signature below constitutes employee’s understanding of the requirements, essential functions
and duties of the position.

Employee _____________________________________________

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F





Lead Care Coordinator

Part time
REPORTS TO: Nurse Manager
DATE: 7/29/2016

This position is responsible for listening to and communicating with women in crisis pregnancies who are
considering abortion, as well as documenting information in medical charts.


• Visit with women facing an unplanned pregnancy who are considering abortion
• Share information about pregnancy and all options with love and grace
• Connect women with necessary resources to relieve pressure to abort
• Follow up with clients as scheduled and as needed
• Ongoing education regarding abortion industry

• Document client visit in client management system
• Provide reporting
• Answer phones and set appointments as needed
• Assist Clinic Director in training new Care Coordinators

Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential
functions of this position.


• Strong commitment to the mission and vision of Human Coalition

• Outstanding communication skills
• Excellent listener
• Ability to ask insightful questions
• Learner
• Flexible and able to take direction
• Ability to work in a fast paced and evolving environment

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

• CPR certified as a healthcare provider


• None


• People centered industry experience helpful

• Bachelors degree a plus ‡ Bilingual in Spanish is a plus


Human Coalition is an equal opportunity employer and makes recruitment, employment, promotional, and
all other Human Resource decisions without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital,
disability, or veteran status.


Please note this job description is not designed to cover or contain a comprehensive listing of activities,
duties or responsibilities that are required of the employee for this job. Duties, responsibilities and activities
may change at any time with or without notice.


Employee signature below constitutes employee’s understanding of the requirements, essential functions
and duties of the position.

Employee _____________________________________________ Date __________________

Lead Sonographer


Part time
REPORTS TO: Nurse Manager
DATE: 7/29/2016

This position is responsible for providing limited ultrasound services to the Women’s Care Clinic (WCC) clients,
maintaining professional standards of care.

Client Care

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F




• Conducts only limited obstetrical ultrasounds (including Doppler assessment of FHR) for women under
the direction of the Nurse Manager or Medical Director, in accordance with WCC policies and
• Communicates findings (such as fetal heart rate – FHR, etc.) of ultrasound in accordance with WCC
policies and counseling practices and documents these findings accordingly
• Communicates pertinent information and/or emergency information to the Medical Director or designee
according to WCC policies and procedures, and then communicates the same information to the Nurse
Manager or designee
• Is available to non-medical staff for consultation regarding medical concerns verbalized by clients; also
will provide further assessment of the situation and possible referral for further routine or emergency
medical care
• Able to effectively communicate options to client without judgment or coercion


• Responsible for maintaining and ordering of all supplies related to ultrasound and client medical care
• Handles all preventative and maintenance issues in regards to all ultrasound equipment problems,
concerns or maintenance needed
• Participates in quality assurance training as it pertains to ultrasound scanning, and makes
recommendations to the Nurse Manager or designee as necessary
• Oversees hands-on training and orientation for registered nurses who have completed an approved
AWOHNN ultrasound course

• Is familiar with infection control, safety and emergency/disaster procedures and HIPAA as detailed in
the Policies and Procedures Manual
• Commits to complete 2-week WCC introductory training before starting on-the-job training
• Completes on-the-job training before performing medical services independently
• Participates in monthly staff meetings, in-service training and other WCC functions where staff is
needed throughout the year
• Actively participates in the performance evaluation process at least annually, identifying goals,
objectives, strengths, and weaknesses in collaboration with the Clinic Director and Nurse Manager
• Able to use and understand the computer and/or iPad to document and review information in and out
of the counseling room
• Responsible for writing or editing new policies and procedures when necessary
• Will actively work within the WCC and on the Women’s Mobile Clinic


DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

• Passionately aligned with the mission and vision of Human Coalition

• Possess a sincere desire to reach out to women who plan to abort or are undecided about their
pregnancy intentions
• Exhibit skill in dependability, human relations, written and oral communication and the ability to work in
a collaborative setting
• Exhibit strong interpersonal and professional skills
• Hold a current Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer accreditation and be in good standing with
the American Registry of Diagnostic Sonographers, keeping current on C.E. credits as required
• CPR certified as a healthcare provider SUPERVISORY RESPONSIBILITY:



• 2 years of clinical sonography experience with an obstetrical/gynecological emphasis preferred


Human Coalition is an equal opportunity employer and makes recruitment, employment, promotional, and
all other Human Resource decisions without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital,
disability, or veteran status.


Please note this job description is not designed to cover or contain a comprehensive listing of activities,
duties or responsibilities that are required of the employee for this job. Duties, responsibilities and activities
may change at any time with or without notice.


Employee signature below constitutes employee’s understanding of the requirements, essential functions
and duties of the position.

Employee _____________________________________________ Date __________________

Nurse Care Coordinator


REPORTS TO: Nurse Manager/Clinic Director

DATE: 7/29/2016

This position is responsible for listening to and communicating with women in crisis pregnancies who are
considering abortion, as well as documenting information in medical charts.



DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F




• Visit with women facing an unplanned pregnancy who are considering abortion
• Share information about pregnancy and all options with love and grace
• Connect women with necessary resources to relieve pressure to abort
• Follow up with clients as scheduled and as needed
• Ongoing education regarding abortion industry
• Assures accurate implementation of physician’s orders and plan of care
• Maintains a working knowledge of nursing methods, principles and practices in relation to the prevention
and treatment of diseases, safety and infection control, clinical systems, supplies and equipment in
relation to obstetrical and gynecological care

• Document client visit in client management system
• Answer phones and set appointments as needed

Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential
functions of this position.


• Strong commitment to the mission and vision of Human Coalition

• Must be a Licensed Vocational Nurse or Registered Nurse in good standing in the state medical board
• CPR certification as a healthcare provider
• Outstanding communication skills
• Excellent listener
• Ability to ask insightful questions
• Learner
• Flexible and able to take direction
• Ability to work in a fast paced and evolving environment




• 3 years of experience in the medical field

• People-centered industry experience helpful
• Bachelors degree a plus ‡ Bilingual in Spanish is a plus


DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Human Coalition is an equal opportunity employer and makes recruitment, employment, promotional, and
all other Human Resource decisions without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital,
disability, or veteran status.


Please note this job description is not designed to cover or contain a comprehensive listing of activities,
duties or responsibilities that are required of the employee for this job. Duties, responsibilities and activities
may change at any time with or without notice.


Employee signature below constitutes employee’s understanding of the requirements, essential functions
and duties of the position.

Employee _____________________________________________ Date __________________

Nurse Manager

Part Time (29 hours/week)
REPORTS TO: Clinic Director
DATE: 7/29/2016

The Nurse Manager provides services and support to clients and maintains professional standards of care,
following the ANA Code of Ethics. This individual assumes responsibility for a wide variety of Clinic
functions, planning and performing direct and indirect nursing interventions, and is responsible for
supervising, organizing, planning, mentoring and assessing the medical services provided by the Clinic.

Nursing Process

• Trains and supervises professional and ancillary personnel

• Oversees nursing services in the Clinic
• Oversees the collection of objective and subjective client data initially and on an ongoing basis that is
thorough and accurate in relation to the ultrasound services
• Maintains accurate records, care-plans and follow-through on physician’s orders
• Assures accurate implementation of physician’s orders and plan of care
• Oversees client follow-up per plan of care and standardized procedures

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F




Client Care

• Evaluates client’s response to components of existing plan of care each visit

• Communicates pertinent information to the Medical Director according to policies and procedures set
• Documents the delivery of client care in compliance with professional practice standards
• Intervenes to promote client safety and security in manners consistent with the ethical and legal
parameters of the scope of the professional nurse’s practice
• Offers counseling and emotional support to client and family/significant other
• Informs clients of their rights and responsibilities and interacts with clients in a manner which upholds
the same

• Reviews, updates, develops and maintains clinic policies and procedures in conjunction with the
Medical Director and Clinic Director
• Maintains a working knowledge of nursing methods, principles and practices in relation to the
prevention and treatment of diseases, safety and infection control, clinical systems, supplies and
equipment in relation to obstetrical and gynecological care
• Assures compliance with infection control guidelines
• Orders all medical supplies for the office through Office Manager

Staff Development
• Participates in conjunction with Clinic Director in establishing and conducting meetings for client
services staff, medical staff and volunteers
• Conducts medical team meetings and discussions in evaluating the clinic services, policies,
procedures and protocols
• Implements policies and procedures with client service team

Public Relations
• Represents the Clinic in the community as delegated by the Clinic Director
• Attends medical conferences that offer professional training and information pertinent to the Clinic’s

Professional Development
• Maintains professional license
• Increases knowledge of management, obstetrical and gynecological care and women’s health issues
• Actively participates in the performance evaluation process by conducting a self-evaluation at least
annually and identifying goals and objectives in collaboration with the Clinic Director

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential
functions of this position.


• Passionately aligned with the mission and vision of Human Coalition

• Skill in human relations, written and oral communication and the ability to work in a collaborative
• Dependable, stable and capable of following through with commitments
• Possess a sincere desire to reach out to abortion determined women
• Respect confidentiality
• CPR certified as a healthcare provider


• Nurses (RN/LVN)
• Sonographers
• Care Coordinators

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F


• 3 years of clinical experience

• Emphasis on obstetrical and gynecological care preferred
• Hold a current registered nurse or advanced registered nurse license in good standing with the
state medical board


Human Coalition is an equal opportunity employer and makes recruitment, employment, promotional, and
all other Human Resource decisions without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital,
disability, or veteran status.


Please note this job description is not designed to cover or contain a comprehensive listing of activities,
duties or responsibilities that are required of the employee for this job. Duties, responsibilities and activities
may change at any time with or without notice.


Employee signature below constitutes employee’s understanding of the requirements, essential functions
and duties of the position.

Employee _____________________________________________ Date __________________

Nurse Sonographer


Part time

REPORTS TO: Nurse Manager

DATE: 7/29/2016

This position is responsible for patient care, medical records, relating to the medical director, as well as
providing sonograms.


• Using sonography equipment to determine gestational age and viability of the baby
• Sharing information about stages of development as seen in the sonogram ‡ Reporting medical
information to our Medical Director
• Complete training requirements for sonography.
• Actively participate in the annual performance evaluation.

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F




• Follow up with clients as scheduled and as needed
• Sharing all options for pregnancy, fully educating abortion-determined women.
• Complete training requirements for caregiving.

• Document client visits in client management system, including medical information
• Answer phones and set appointments as needed
• Understand abortion industry
• Staff meetings and volunteer events as scheduled.

Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential
functions of this position.


• Passionately aligned with the mission and vision of Human Coalition

• Certified Nurse
• Registered Sonogram Technician
• Outstanding communication skills
• Excellent listener
• Learner
• CPR certification as a healthcare provider


• None


• 3 Years of experience in the medical field

• Experience managing people


DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Human Coalition is an equal opportunity employer and makes recruitment, employment, promotional, and
all other Human Resource decisions without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital,
disability, or veteran status.


Please note this job description is not designed to cover or contain a comprehensive listing of activities,
duties or responsibilities that are required of the employee for this job. Duties, responsibilities and activities
may change at any time with or without notice.


Employee signature below constitutes employee’s understanding of the requirements, essential functions
and duties of the position.

Employee _____________________________________________ Date __________________


Part time
REPORTS TO: Nurse Manager
DATE: 7/29/2016

This position is responsible for providing limited ultrasound services to the Women’s Care Clinic (WCC)
clients, maintaining professional standards of care.


Client Care

• Conducts only limited obstetrical ultrasounds (including Doppler assessment of FHR) for women
under the direction of the Nurse Manager or Medical Director, in accordance with WCC policies
and procedures
• Communicated findings (such as fetal heart rate – FHR, etc.) of ultrasound in accordance with
WCC policies and counseling practices and documents these findings accordingly
• Communicates pertinent information and/or emergency information to the Medical Director or
designee according to WCC policies and procedures, and then communicates the same
information to the Nurse Manager or designee
• Is available to non-medical staff for consultation regarding medical concerns verbalized by clients;
also will provide further assessment of the situation and possible referral for further routine or
emergency medical care
• Able to effectively communicate options to client without judgment or coercion


• Notifies Nurse Manager when supplies related to ultrasound and client medical care need to be
• Notifies Nurse Manager or designee of ultrasound equipment problems, concerns or maintenance

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F




• Participates in quality assurance as it pertains to ultrasound scanning, and makes
recommendations to the Nurse Manager or designee as necessary
• Oversees hands-on training and orientation for registered nurses who have completed an
approved AWOHNN ultrasound course


• Is familiar with infection control, safety and emergency/disaster procedures and HIPAA as
detailed in the Policies and Procedures Manual
• Commits to complete 2-week WCC introductory training before starting on-the-job training
• Completes on-the-job training before performing medical services independently
• Participates in monthly staff meetings, in-service training and other WCC functions where staff is
needed throughout the year
• Actively participates in the performance evaluation process assisting the Clinic Director and
Nurse Manager
• Able to use and understand the computer and/or iPad to document and review information in and
out of the counseling room


• Passionately aligned with the mission and vision of Human Coalition

• Possess a sincere desire to reach out to women who plan to abort or are undecided about their
pregnancy intentions
• Exhibit skill in dependability, human relations, written and oral communication and the ability to work in
a collaborative setting
• Exhibit strong interpersonal and professional skills
• Hold a current Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer accreditation and be in good standing with
the American Registry of Diagnostic Sonographers, keeping current on C.E. credits as required
• CPR certified as a healthcare provider SUPERVISORY RESPONSIBILITY:



• 2 years of clinical sonography experience with an obstetrical/gynecological emphasis preferred


Human Coalition is an equal opportunity employer and makes recruitment, employment, promotional, and
all other Human Resource decisions without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital,
disability, or veteran status.


DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Please note this job description is not designed to cover or contain a comprehensive listing of activities,
duties or responsibilities that are required of the employee for this job. Duties, responsibilities and activities
may change at any time with or without notice.


Employee signature below constitutes employee’s understanding of the requirements, essential functions
and duties of the position.

Employee _____________________________________________ Date __________________

Continuum of Care Coordinator
Exempt Full
REPORTS TO: Clinic Director
DATE: 9/18/17

The Continuum of Care Coordinator is responsible for developing relationships with churches, community
resources and social service agencies and making them available to the clients at the Women’s Care Clinic
(WCC). This vital staff member will listen to and communicate with women in crisis pregnancies to
understand their challenges, and connect them with these resources using the database this position will
manage. This person will also solicit and train volunteer mentors within churches to partner with the WCC.


• As requested by Care Coordinators or Nurses, meet with clients facing an unplanned pregnancy who
are considering abortion
• Assess the challenges that are influencing the client’s decision-making process
• Coach and connect clients to the necessary resources to relieve pressure to abort
• Continue to meet with and coach clients to work through their challenges as needed
• Connect clients to volunteer mentors within the local church for further education
• Protect clients’ health information for confidentiality, authorized access for treatment, and data security.

• Find, develop and maintain network of resources within local churches, community organizations and
social service agencies to utilize for client needs
• Create a system that can evaluate the resources available to the clients
• Document all client communication in client management system
• Solicit and train volunteer mentor to partner with clients and continue educational model after main
challenges have been addressed
• Develop, track and measure effectiveness of Continuum of Care process per KPI’s
• Answer phones and set appointments as needed

Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential
functions of this position.

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F






• Strong commitment to the mission and vision of Human Coalition

• Experienced listener and communicator in crisis situations
• Compassionate, non-judgmental, encouraging, authentic personality that can work with teens as well as
adults (one of the primary jobs of this position involves instilling hope in a hopeless individual)
• Flexible and able to take direction
• Ability to work in a fast paced and evolving environment
• Knowledge of legal and ethical considerations related to patient information


• Volunteer Mentors


• Social Service experience helpful

• Bachelors degree a plus ‡ Trained Life Coach preferred


Human Coalition is an equal opportunity employer and makes recruitment, employment, promotional, and
all other Human Resource decisions without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital,
disability, or veteran status.


Please note this job description is not designed to cover or contain a comprehensive listing of activities,
duties or responsibilities that are required of the employee for this job. Duties, responsibilities and activities
may change at any time with or without notice.


Employee signature below constitutes employee’s understanding of the requirements, essential functions
and duties of the position.

Employee _____________________________________________ Date __________________

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Call Tagger


Part time
REPORTS TO: Contact Center Director
DATE: 7/26/2016

The Call Tagger provides quality control on contact center calls by listening to calls and gathering data.


• Listen to inbound calls and flag any that need review

• Gather data and provide quality control to contact center agents

Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential
functions of this position.


• Passionately aligned with the mission and vision of Human Coalition

• Excellent listening skills
• Self-motivated and organized
• Computer proficiency
• Able to work with minimal supervision



• Background in pro-life, crisis center helpful


Human Coalition is an equal opportunity employer and makes recruitment, employment, promotional, and
all other Human Resource decisions without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital,
disability, or veteran status.


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Please note this job description is not designed to cover or contain a comprehensive listing of activities,
duties or responsibilities that are required of the employee for this job. Duties, responsibilities and activities
may change at any time with or without notice.

Employee signature below constitutes employee’s understanding of the requirements, essential functions
and duties of the position.

Employee _____________________________________________ Date __________________

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F


POSITION TITLE: Contact Center Agent


TYPE: Part time

REPORTS TO: Contact Center Director

DATE: 7/26/2016

The Contact Center exists to field/receive and respond to phone calls, chats, web communication, etc..
The ultimate goal is to schedule individuals connecting with the Contact Center for an appointment at a
service pregnancy resource center or a Human Coalition Women’s Care Clinic. We service pregnancy
resource centers throughout the country and we are the primary contact for our Women’s Care Clinics.

Services are provided for the abortion-determined and undecided women to help them in the
decisionmaking phase of their pregnancy. The provision of ultrasound services to women who are not
vulnerable to choosing abortion is at the discretion of the medical and clinical director.

Contact Center Agents help women who are facing an unplanned pregnancy to receive all of the testing and
information they need to make an informed decision about their pregnancy.


• Answer inbound calls/chats

• Utilize the CRM database (Salesforce)
• Listen attentively
• Set appointments
• Attend to appointment reschedules and reminders

Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential
functions of this position.


• Passionately aligned with the mission and vision of Human Coalition

• Excellent communication skills
• Self-motivated, able to multitask and goal focused
• Service oriented
• Excellent computer skills
• Able to work well in a team environment
• Adaptable to change

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• Sales experience preferred

• Background in counseling, pro-life, crisis center helpful
• Bilingual Spanish is a plus


Human Coalition is an equal opportunity employer and makes recruitment, employment, promotional, and
all other Human Resource decisions without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital,
disability, or veteran status.


Please note this job description is not designed to cover or contain a comprehensive listing of activities,
duties or responsibilities that are required of the employee for this job. Duties, responsibilities and activities
may change at any time with or without notice.


Employee signature below constitutes employee’s understanding of the requirements, essential functions
and duties of the position.

Employee _____________________________________________ Date __________________


POSITION TITLE: Office Manager


TYPE: Part time

REPORTS TO: Clinic Director

DATE: 9/18/17

The Office Manager is responsible for performing administrative duties related directly to the operations of
the Women’s Care Clinic (WCC) including monthly reports for the Clinic Director. Major responsibilities of
the position include, without limitation, ensuring efficient office operations; adherence to policies and
procedures; coordination of volunteers, events, and the care and maintenance of the building; and

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• Oversee day-to-day functions of the office

• Record income for clinic and ensure that all payments are up to date
• Manage volunteer base
• Support clinic and mobile operation with maintenance and purchases
• Prepare materials for Client Services
• Organize office operations and procedures
• Ensure that accurate financial records are kept and manage budget
• Ensure that Women’s Care Clinic complies at all times with federal, state and local laws
• Protect clients’ health information for confidentiality, authorized access for treatment, and data

Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential
functions of this position.


• Passionately aligned with the mission and vision of Human Coalition

• Ability to work in a fast-paced, changing environment
• Desire to serve others
• Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written
• Strong computer skills
• Strong organizational and administrative skills
• Self-motivated, able to multitask and goal focused
• Able to work well in a team environment


• Volunteers
• Receptionist


• Previous office administration experience, including inventory control and supply management,
• Experience creating reports required
• Knowledge of legal and ethical considerations related to patient information


Human Coalition is an equal opportunity employer and makes recruitment, employment, promotional, and
all other Human Resource decisions without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital,
disability, or veteran status.

Please note this job description is not designed to cover or contain a comprehensive listing of activities,
duties or responsibilities that are required of the employee for this job. Duties, responsibilities and activities
may change at any time with or without notice.

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F


Employee signature below constitutes employee’s understanding of the requirements, essential functions
and duties of the position.

Employee _____________________________________________ Date __________________


POSITION TITLE: Vice President of Finance


TYPE: Full time

REPORTS TO: President

DATE: 1/1/2017

The VP of Finance supports the organization by helping to identify, evaluate and manage opportunities and
risks. This individual serves as a leader over a department that has primary responsibility for finance,
accounting, banking, nonprofit compliance matters, financial audit, payroll and processing payables. This
position serves as a member of the leadership team and participates in monitoring, evaluating and providing
expertise related to donations, donations database, billing, receivables, purchasing, inventory and
ecommerce activities.



• Preparation of rolling forecasts of income statements, balance sheets and cash flows
• Planning and budgeting
• Review and approval of proposed acquisitions, investments, projects and new hires from a financial
• Development and implementation of reports which communicate financial and operational metrics and


• Responsible for accrual accounting, cash accounting, nonprofit fund accounting, departmental allocations,
balance sheet reconciliations
• Manages chart of accounts, audit requirements, auditor relationship

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Cash Management

• Preparation and updating of cash forecasts

• Provide daily monitoring of funds available versus funds required with related communication and reporting


• Complete IRS form 990

• Complete state level solicitation registrations
• Handle payroll and sales tax

• Process semimonthly payroll, including benefits deductions, withholding, confirmation of remittance,


• Interface with credit cards and bank accounts

• Process check runs, electronic payments and W9/1099

Systems and Process

• Design cross-functional processes

• Perform process control and improvement
• Manage system interfaces

Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential
functions of this position.

• Passionately aligned with the mission and vision of Human Coalition

• Strong knowledge of GAAP requirements particularly as they relate to the nonprofit space
• Strong knowledge of nonprofit compliance, particularly form 990
• Excellent oral and written communication skills
• Ability to manage multiple projects at one time, handling competing priorities in a growing
• Ability to lead others in a multi-functional environment
• Ability to interface with people at all levels of the organization, including those without a financial

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

• Skills in anticipating and identifying areas of risk, analyzing and interpreting financial and operational
data, and organizing work tasks and process flows


• Staff Accountant
• Senior Finance Manager
• Receptionist
• Senior Director of Human Resources


• Bachelor’s degree required; master’s degree and/or certification (CPA, CMA, CFA, etc,.) preferred
• Mastery of cloud-based accounting systems, preferably at the multi-entity level involving accounting
consolidation activities
• Mastery of MS Excel
• Significant experience with payroll systems
• Experience with Financial Audit processes and requirements
• Experience and comfort interfacing with C-level leaders
• Demonstrated experience managing financial and accounting functions in a multi-entity, multifunction


Human Coalition is an equal opportunity employer and makes recruitment, employment, promotional, and
all other Human Resource decisions without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital,
disability, or veteran status.


Please note this job description is not designed to cover or contain a comprehensive listing of activities,
duties or responsibilities that are required of the employee for this job. Duties, responsibilities and activities
may change at any time with or without notice.


Employee signature below constitutes employee’s understanding of the requirements, essential functions
and duties of the position.

Employee _____________________________________________ Date __________________

FORM H: PROJECT WORK PLAN (Includes Executive Summary)

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Legal Business Name of Applicant: Human Coalition

1. Provide a one-page high-level summary describing the applicant’s approach to meeting the
RFA's requirements. The summary must demonstrate an understanding of the goals and
objectives of the grant. (maximum 1 page).

Human Coalition purposes to meet the program’s requirements in three ways: (1) by providing
expanded services and capacity to serve program clients through its existing Dallas-area women’s
care clinic and mobile clinic; (2) by scaling its replicable methodology to open additional
lifeaffirming clinics in the state’s major metropolitan areas according to an achievable, agreed-on
timeline; (3) and by deploying a border-to-border virtual women’s care clinic to give access to care
to clients across the state who live in underserved areas or who are unable to visit Human
Coalition’s or another provider’s physical location.

Human Coalition has developed a replicable and scalable client-services methodology that
incorporates all program requirements—from counseling to case management to continuity of
care—and successfully implemented it across multiple life-affirming clinics in different states.
Through its experience opening and centrally, efficiently managing these clinics, it has developed
effective processes to attract clients; train, manage and develop staff; and ensure clients receive
consistent, effective, compassionate, high-quality care. All initial client services are provided
through professional staff that Human Coalition pays, trains, and manages.

The work outlined in this proposal will play a critical role in furthering the program’s goal of
reducing abortions because, through its targeted outreach strategies, Human Coalition reaches an
underserved group of Texas women—those who are most likely to obtain an abortion. In Human
Coalition’s experience, many of these clients are in great need of holistic care to address complex
social and economic difficulties, but few are aware of the services of existing providers.
Nationally, this segment of the population accounted for less than 9.5% of clients seen by
lifeaffirming pregnancy centers in 2017 (according to public industry data).2 By contrast, 95.6%
of Human Coalition clients stated they were inclined to seek an abortion, with most of the
remainder saying they were considering abortion but were undecided.

Human Coalition’s services are tested and optimized to accomplish the goals of improving
pregnancy outcomes, improving child health and development, and fostering families’ economic

The majority of life-affirming pregnancy centers in the country utilize a customer relationship management tool
developed by That company publishes aggregate data from all clinics that use its application. In 2017,
those clinics served 331,169 clients, and 31,434 were classified as “abortion minded,” which is an industry term
indicating the center believes the client was in some way considering abortion. See

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self-sufficiency. Human Coalition helps clients access Medicaid and other state and federal
benefits programs, gives them prenatal vitamins, and provides referrals to trusted doctors and
clinics. Human Coalition has also implemented an extensive post-visit follow up system through
which caregivers make sure clients are able to access needed medical care and identify any
subsequent obstacles clients encounter. And through its Continuum of Care program, Human
Coalition provides case management services to coordinate emergency assistance, refer clients to
appropriate health and human services programs, and develop a network of long-term support.

2. Applicant must provide a narrative description of how it plans to achieve the A2A program’s
goals (maximum 18 pages). The narrative description, as referenced in Article 2 – Scope
of Work, must include how the Applicant will meet the following requirements:
Dallas Women’s Care Clinic—Under this proposal, Human Coalition will increase the number
of program clients at its Grapevine Women’s Clinic and its Dallas-area Women’s Mobile Clinic.
These locations are already providing the services required of the program to DFW women. With
support for additional staff and resources, Human Coalition will serve more program clients,
substantially increasing the number of Texas women it supports both before and after birth.

Further, the program will allow Human Coalition to meaningfully expand its services. Because
space in the Continuum of Care program is limited, Human Coalition currently offers those
services only to those in the greatest need. Under this proposal, Human Coalition will extend its
Continuum of Care resources—including case management, mentoring, and referrals—to all
program clients. Moreover, it will hire additional staff to provide STD and anemia testing, which
will help clients identify potential medical issues affecting their pregnancy, enabling caregivers to
make timely referrals and, ultimately, leading to healthier pregnancy outcomes.

The program will also allow Human Coalition to hire staff to enhance decision support services
and counseling to babies’ biological fathers. Human Coalition’s internal studies have
demonstrated that the attitude of a biological father regarding the pregnancy—whether a father
intends and is able to support the baby and mother post-birth—is a powerful variable affecting a
woman’s pregnancy decision. The proposal will support the hiring of staff especially to support
biological fathers. Counselors will work with fathers to address perceived obstacles to parenthood
and enhance bonding with the preborn child, increasing the likelihood of paternal bonding and
stable family formation. And through the Continuum of Care program, staff will enhance fathers’
abilities to provide financial support for their children and ultimately help the family become

Human Coalition will serve program clients through its brick-and-mortar location and through its
mobile care clinic. Mobile care clinics are built on a Freightliner chassis and provide separate
counseling and exam rooms, allowing staff to serve multiple clients simultaneously. And because
they are mobile, Human Coalition can deploy the units to multiple underserved areas within each
market. Human Coalition has operated such clinics in three of its markets and knows how to
operate them to serve clients as effectively as at its physical locations. Human Coalition provides
the counseling, pregnancy confirmation, and pregnancy information portions of the program

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through this mobile clinic, and refers clients to Continuum of Care services, classes, and all other
program services available through its physical office.

Additional Life-affirming Women’s Care Clinics—Coalition owns and operates seven

lifeaffirming women’s care clinics, and it is in due diligence with additional clinics to grow its
network to 12 locations by July 2018. This network of specialized, holistic care providers is
providing transformative care to pregnant women and becoming increasingly effective at rescuing
children from abortion while helping move women from dependence to independence. Through
operating its clinics, Human Coalition has substantial and professional experience with every
aspect of operating a women’s care clinic—from clinic build-out to hiring staff to training to
program implementation to marketing to developing local resources to performance management.
Similar to a chain restaurant or retail store, Human Coalition has designed comprehensive standard
operating procedures for its client services program, and its management team has experience in
centrally managing multiple women’s care clinics. Human Coalition has created a proven
methodology for an effective women’s clinic that is scalable and replicable to serve Texas’
interests by further replicating their successful network across the state.

In Texas, 80% of abortions are performed on clients residing in the Dallas/Ft. Worth, Houston, San
Antonio, and Austin metropolitan areas. Focusing operations in these cities will most quickly and
efficiently reduce abortions and promote healthy childbirths.

Under the proposal, Human Coalition will expand its existing network by opening up three
lifeaffirming, holistic clinics in these metropolitan areas over a 12-month period. These clinics
will utilize the scalable, replicable method Human Coalition has honed across its existing national
clinic network to provide all required program services through each location. The program budget
would support one new brick-and-mortar clinic and two mobile clinics in these target markets.

Human Coalition plans to add the brick-and-mortar clinic through the acquisition of an existing
clinic location. Human Coalition has successfully acquired seven clinic locations, it is in the
process of adding five clinics in other states by July 2018, and several life-affirming centers in
Texas have expressed an interest in becoming part of Human Coalition. For two clinics, it will
utilize mobile units in conjunction with physical office space. It will lease and deploy additional
mobile units like the one it operates in the Dallas area. Through these mobile clinics, it will provide
the counseling, pregnancy confirmation, and pregnancy information portions of the program, and
it will provide the remainder of services (including case management, material assistance, and
classes) through office space it leases in the markets.

Human Coalition has substantial experience in marketing outreach—the process of identifying and
reaching women in high-risk situations. Human Coalition fully supports its own network of
lifeaffirming women’s care clinics with these services, in addition to supporting over 33 pregnancy
resource center locations across the country. Human Coalition has provided marketing outreach
support to these keys markers and across Texas, including, Dallas, Ft. Worth, San Antonio,
Houston and West Texas. Because Human Coalition has specialized in using marketing outreach
to form relationships with at-risk women for almost a decade, it has a track record of success in
increasing the number of abortion-determined clients seen at both Human Coalition women’s care
clinics and pregnancy resource centers.
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Human Coalition has a proven history of successful expansions. As an example, Human Coalition
acquired a pregnancy resource center in Downtown Atlanta in December 2016 and converted it to
a women’s care clinic, hiring a new clinic manager, training its staff, and moving its location.
During 2017, that clinic served 485% more abortion-determined clients than it had in its last year
as an independent clinic while improving effectiveness serving those clients by 308%.

Human Coalition is expanding its network of life-affirming women’s care clinics nationally, and
has a strong desire to do so in its home state of Texas. Because all of its clinics have seen
remarkable increase in the number of children rescued, women served, and lives transformed, it
seeks to help the state make a profound difference in birth rate and successful womencare.

Virtual Women’s Care Clinic—The Commission has stated its goal is to maximize access to
program services for women across the state. For remote counties with sparse population, it is
difficult to serve at-risk women there effectively with physical locations and on-site services.

To effectively address these needs, Human Coalition will combine its experience providing
counseling and case management services with its experience managing the technology and staff
of a contact center to create and operate a virtual women’s care clinic to provide services remotely
to clients from across the state. Under this program, nursing staff will provide eligible clients
comprehensive health- and pregnancy-related information and counseling regarding childbirth,
parenting, abortion options, and adoption. Staff will also provide case management, referrals, and
other Continuum of Care services via tele- or videoconference. Staff will use digital and traditional
delivery systems to provide clients with educational literature and material items, and they will
provide parenting and childbirth classes through tele- and videoconference.

The virtual women’s care clinic will utilize the same direct-to-client marketing process as Human
Coalition’s physical locations, allowing Human Coalition to cast a broad net to reach potential
clients in every county across the state. Human Coalition has extensive experience operating both
inbound and outbound contact centers, and its relevant managers have a combined 15 years of
experience managing such centers in the for-profit sector. Using its existing client management
system and a best-in-class telehealth video system, Human Coalition will provide counseling,
medical information, referrals, mentoring, classes and case management services to clients across
the state. Similar to its physical locations, Human Coalition will provide robust reporting on the
effectiveness of this virtual program.

Because of its benefits to the population, a number of established companies and startups are
providing mental health services and counseling remotely utilizing smartphones, computers, and
network technologies. These companies have found that the provision of these services offers
convenience, affordability, and remote access, enabling the providers to serve individuals who live
far from services or who are prevented from accessing services because of a life situation or
disability. And because clients do not risk being seen entering a physical location, remote
counseling helps negate concerns of social stigma for accessing services.

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The virtual women’s care clinic will provide effective statewide coverage for the program, grant
access to Texans in underserved communities, give Texas insight into the needs of its citizens, and
achieve program goals in a cost-efficient manner.

a. 2.1.0: Specified A2A Client Services

Human Coalition understands that the challenges that drive a woman to contemplate an abortion
do not go away simply because she has a positive counseling experience and emotionally decides
to continue her pregnancy. The obstacles that are present before a client’s pregnancy await her
when she leaves the life-affirming clinic. Meaningful change requires a sustained, holistic effort
by experienced staff. Every day at its women’s care clinics across the country, Human Coalition
provides opportunities for long-term support to clients who fear they have no choice but abortion.

As explained below, Human Coalition already has considerable experience providing the services
supported by the state’s program. Because it owns and operates its own national network of clinics
whose success is dependent on client satisfaction, Human Coalition can ensure a high quality of
services for this program. In particular, through its Continuum of Care program, Human Coalition
has extensive experience providing the case management and referrals that have been added to the
program this year.

b. 2.5.0: Program Operation Services

Human Coalition provides all the services listed in Section 2.5 through its women’s care clinics,
and under the program, it will continue to provide those services to eligible clients through its
existing women’s care clinic, its expanded women’s care clinics, and its virtual women’s care

Under the program (as currently), all marketing will channel clients to Human Coalition’s contact
center, where staff experienced in communicating with women and men in crisis explain Human
Coalition’s services. Agents utilize an experience-tested discussion format, ensuring that
prospective clients are provided with consistent, accurate information about the services provided
at the clinics.

Human Coalition provides parenting information, counseling, consultations on abortion options,

and educational materials through its initial crisis counseling. At its physical clinics, where almost
all clients are initially inclined towards abortion, Human Coalition utilizes free pregnancy tests and
ultrasounds both as a valuable service with which to attract clients and as critical components of
helping its abortion-determined clients fully understand their pregnancy in order to make an
informed decision regarding it.3 Human Coalition further provides mentoring, case management,
and referrals through its Continuum of Care program. It also provides parenting classes and
material goods through its clinics.

Conversely, clients at its virtual women’s care clinic will almost uniformly be families that intend to continue their
pregnancy, so the absence of an ultrasound will not prevent Human Coalition from providing program services.

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c. 2.5.1: Network of Service Providers

While Human Coalition has worked with dozens of independent life-affirming centers across the
country, it will provide program services through clinics it operates in Dallas, other major Texas
metropolitan areas, and virtually. By providing services directly through clinics it owns and
operates, Human Coalition can manage caregivers closely, observe patterns and trends in client
needs, and gather reliable data to test and optimize the quality of its services. Texas clinics will
benefit from what Human Coalition learns in other states, as will independent pregnancy centers
that wish to learn from this program. And directly providing services ensures data integrity and
completeness, as Human Coalition uses clinic data to assess the efficacy of its programs and does
not need to rely on third-parties to provide reporting.

Human Coalition meets all the criteria of 2.5.1: it is a nonprofit, has more than a year of experience
providing core program services, understands and can connect clients to Commission programs,
has promoting childbirth as a fundamental part of its mission, has adequate space to ensure
confidential counseling, and does not charge for its services. Initial client intake is performed
through its contact center, where agents utilize a script to explain Human Coalition’s services, take
information from the clients, and set appointments. Human Coalition offers each client the
opportunity to take an exit survey after their initial visit, giving clients the opportunity to review
their experience, state whether they would recommend the clinic to their friends, and provide
feedback on services. In exit surveys, 97% of Human Coalition clients state they are likely to refer
a friend to it, and 98.8% report they feel genuinely cared for by clinic staff. Human Coalition also
provides clients information on how to submit complaints about service.

Human Coalition’s centralized operation also provides important efficiencies for its women’s care
clinics. Because its main office in Plano, TX handles all legal, accounting, finance, HR, marketing,
payroll, government relations, systems and data management, and public relations, its women’s
care clinics can focus on caring for clients and developing community relationships. Not only is
this operation efficient from a financial standpoint, it has also demonstrably resulted in an increase
in babies rescued and clients served.

d. 2.5.2: Statewide Counties and Benchmarks

Human Coalition provides marketing outreach and serves women through its Grapevine and
mobile clinics in Tarrant, Dallas, Denton, and Collin counties, and the bulk of its clients came from
those counties. Historically, it has also served clients from Johnson, Parker, Grayson, Ochiltree,
Potter, Lubbock, Wilbarger, Wichita, Fannin, Bowie, Hopkins, Wood, Rockwall, Kaufman, Ellis,
Henderson, Anderson, McLennan, Erath, Hood, Wise, Runnels, Bexar, and Harris counties.

Under the program, Human Coalition will serve program participants from across the state. Human
Coalition will continue to serve an increased number of clients from Tarrant, Dallas, Denton,
Collin, and surrounding counties through its existing clinics. It will also locate up to three
additional clinics in a combination of Dallas/Ft. Worth, Houston, San Antonio, and Austin.
Through these clinics it will serve clients from surrounding counties. And through its virtual

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women’s care clinic, Human Coalition will market to and serve clients in need from any county in
the state. Human Coalition proposes to provide the following services according to the following

Human Coalition will begin providing program services to program clients through its existing
Dallas-area women’s care clinic and mobile clinic beginning on the contract start date.

For the virtual women’s care clinic, Human Coalition will on the contract start date begin to build
out and integrate all necessary systems, including client management and telehealth and build a
database of local medical and social service providers in the state’s principal cities. It will begin
hiring and training staff for the virtual clinic two months after the contract start date. And it will
initially deploy the virtual women’s care clinic three months after the contract start date.

For the acquired brick-and-mortar clinic, Human Coalition will begin the acquisition process
immediately after execution of the contract, and it will begin training staff as soon as all applicable
transaction documents are approved and executed. The training and onboarding process is
normally completed within four to six weeks of the acquisition. Human Coalition anticipates
onboarding to be complete and the newly-acquired clinic ready to begin serving program clients
at four months after the contract start date.

Human Coalition will deploy the two mobile clinics to new markets at seven and ten months after
the contract start date. On the contract date, it will order delivery of additional mobile units. It
will locate local office space and hire local personnel sufficiently in advance of unit completion to
enable it to begin seeing clients when the units are completed and deployed.

Human Coalition will begin design and construction of its Continuum of Care app (described
below) beginning on the contract start date and complete the build and design process within 24

e. 2.5.3: Provide Orientation and Training

Human Coalition’s staff, both new and existing, already receive regular, accountable training and
orientation. All staff involved in performance of this program will receive an orientation consisting
of a detailed description of the program, its objectives, and all applicable contract guidelines, and
they will receive detailed instructions on program record-keeping requirements, eligibility criteria,
and procedures for verifying eligibility. Staff currently receive training on HIPAA requirements.
Human Coalition’s General Counsel will develop project guidelines and training on obligations
and restrictions related to accepting public funds and the TANF program’ Charitable Choice
Provisions. Continuum of Care staff will also receive training program offerings and eligibility
criteria for the state and federal programs listed in Section 2.5.3.

f. 2.5.4: Program Monitoring

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Human Coalition monitors program services through multiple management dashboards that
contain dozens of key performance indicators on its marketing program, contact center, women’s
care clinics, and Continuum of Care program. The process for this program monitoring is set out
in the response to Question 3 below.

g. 2.5.5: Program Database

Human Coalition has developed or adopted a suite of best-in-class software platforms to support
its life-affirming women’s care clinics and its relationship with over 30 pro-life pregnancy centers.
Though it employs various systems, Human Coalition’s technology integrations are centered on
Salesforce, a worldwide customer relationship management system used by some of the largest
for-profit companies in the world. This database allows Human Coalition to input, securely store,
and analyze data from the components of Human Coalition’s operations.

Additionally, Human Coalition employs a team of software developers and analysts who daily
work on its systems. Working in conjunction with legal, accounting, and HR, Human Coalition’s
systems team tests and adds new features, maintains compliance, and provides technical support
to its clinics.

h. 2.6.0: Development of a work plan for client services:

Human Coalition’s plan to develop a network of wholly-owned and operated clinics, ensure
sufficient coverage, provide initial and ongoing training and maintenance, and oversee providers,
is set out above and below.

Human Coalition already employs across all departments accounting codes for its various
locations, expenses, program purposes, and types of expenses. Human Coalition will ensure a
separation of responsibilities and transparent financial management by utilizing this accounting
system to segregate expenses related to program services from expenses related to other
nonprogram functions.

i. 2.6.1: Mentoring and Case Management

Human Coalition has developed, implemented, and grown its Continuum of Care program to
provide one-on-one client case management and mentoring. The Continuum of Care program
establishes a critical bridge for clients to community services that can enable a client to be both an
effective parent and a self-sustaining citizen. The Continuum of Care is popular with clients who
choose to participate—one client recently named her child after her care coordinator.

This model of care has four advantages. First, clients’ various challenges tend to exacerbate each
other, and by coordinating care, clients can address multiple problems holistically. Second, the
care program provides an expert advocate to navigate program requirements and assist clients in
obtaining care they would not otherwise be capable of accessing. Third, it utilizes state, federal,
and private programs already existing in a community. And fourth, it allows the caregiver to

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identify the best-in-class services in an area in order to make a personal connection between the
client and the partner care providers.

Human Coalition has observed that the mentoring and case management required by the programs
dramatically promotes childbirth. It has observed that clients entering its Continuum of Care
program are 76% more likely to continue their pregnancy as compared to those clients who did not

The Continuum of Care program provides all the services and referrals required under Section
2.6.1. Through this proposal, Human Coalition will extend these services to more eligible Texans.

The proposal will also support the creation of a Continuum of Care mobile app to serve as a portal
for communication between Continuum of Care clients and Human Coalition caregivers. Many
clients have unstable access to communications services; through unique usernames, clients will
be able to continuously access care-related communications. Human Coalition will be able to post
referral information, directions, contact information, and userexperience surveys to clients through
the app. The app will allow Human Coalition to send push notices of critical deadlines and other
reminders. And the app will provide clients a checklist of upcoming tasks that are part of their
case management care plan. Through this checklist, Human Coalition can provide the state data
on clients’ utilization of referral resources and other related information demonstrating the benefit
of the program.

j. 2.6.2: Non-Medical Goods and Services

Human Coalition provides maternity clothing, diapers, wipes, car seats, strollers, baby clothing,
formula, and baby toys to clients. Under the program, Human Coalition will provide these goods
in person at its physical location and by mail to clients of its virtual clinic.

k. 2.6.3: Classes

Human Coalition already provides parenting classes in its clinics. Under the program, Human
Coalition will provide parenting classes addressing the subjects listed in Section 2.6.3.

l. 2.6.4: Employment Assistance and Professional Development

Where appropriate, Human Coalition assists clients in building a resume, job searching, and job
placement. Since inception, 65.4% of Continuum of Care clients have needed some assistance
related to employment. Human Coalition coaches clients on interview skills and connects clients
to a non-profit that can provide interview clothing. It will provide these services under the

m. 2.6.5: Housing

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While Human Coalition does not directly provide housing, it maintains relationships with multiple
maternity homes and crisis housing shelters, and it works with clients to secure housing at these
locations. Human Coalition will continue to provide these services under the program.

n. 2.6.9 Decision Support Services

Human Coalition provides decision counseling to clients by providing accurate information on

pregnancy, fetal development, and general health. For clients considering abortion, caregivers will
provide neutral, non-manipulative information on different abortion procedures, risks, and possible
side effects. Particularly for first-time parents, caregivers will also provide information on
parenting and address any fears or misperceptions clients may have. Caregivers also provide
information on the adoption process and offer to connect clients to adoption agencies. This
counseling is available for both pregnant women as well as the biological father of the preborn
babies. Human Coalition has also observed that for many clients, their families and close friends
play a key role in the client’s decision-making process. According, such support persons may join
clients for this counseling.

All initial counseling and case management services are provided by Human Coalition staff. Client
service staff receive extensive initial orientation and training on how to counsel and serve clients,
utilize Human Coalition’s Decision Guide, and address client needs. Human Coalition provides
mentoring for certain clients through the Continuum of Care program. Before they work with
clients, Human Coalition performs a background check on these volunteers and gives them
extensive training about how to mentor clients, how to respond to typical client needs, and
techniques of avoiding enabling clients and encouraging independence and selfsufficiency.

o. 2.7.1: Monthly Reports

Human Coalition already operates on a large array of monthly reports, primarily developed and
provided through Salesforce with respect to client information and through Sage Intacct for
financial information. These reports cover virtually every department and function, because
Human Coalition operates on a benchmarking and goal system that requires accurate and timely

If reports are required for the state in addition to what Human Coalition already utilizes internally,
our internal systems team will take the time and resources necessary to develop and provide those

p. 2.7.2: Annual Reports

The same is true for annual reports as for monthly reports. Please see 2.7.1

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

3. Describe Applicant’s plans to monitor its clinics or network of clinics. Specifically outline
relevant administrative and clinical practices (maximum of 4 pages).
Human Coalition will directly control every aspect of the client experience. Under the program,
Human Coalition will provide program services to clients at and through clinics it owns and
operates and by staff it employs. Human Coalition tracks dozens of data points for each client visit
and follows up extensively with clients throughout their pregnancy, giving Human Coalition
realtime insight into client experiences and the quality and efficacy of its services. And because it
directly employs the caregivers, it can use this data to train and coach staff and shape and guide its

A client’s first contact with Human Coalition is through its contact center. Human Coalition
monitors the quality of care and effectiveness of the contact center in several ways. All inbound
calls are recorded and reviewed by a team of call taggers, who analyze the call for several data
points, perform quality control, and flag any concerns. The contact center manager, who
previously managed contact centers for a major national telecommunications company, reviews
calls for each agent on a regular basis. The manager and the lead agent meet weekly with each
agent for coaching sessions in which the manager will review several calls and identify points of

Because the contact center records calls, Human Coalition is able to regularly review over a dozen
key performance indicators regarding the contact center, including drop rate, hold times, handle
times, the percentage of calls answered, the percentage of calls for which an appointment is set,
and the percentage of calls for which an appointment is kept. Human Coalition also regularly
monitors the expenses and cost effectiveness of the contact center, including calls per hour, cost
per appointment kept, cost per life decision, and cost per call. All these stats are reported on a
dashboard available to the contact center manager and other Human Coalition executives, and
Human Coalition’s Executive Vice President meets weekly with the contact center manager to
discuss the center’s performance.

Human Coalition also closely monitors the services provided at its clinics. Each clinic director
regularly shadows client service staff in appointments, allowing the director to identify strengths
and training needs. The clinic director also regularly reviews client files, ensuring staff are
properly completing all aspects of client appointments and recording all necessary data. The clinic
director also ensures caregivers complete post-visit follow up and verifies clients’ ultimate
decisions. In 2017, Human Coalition staff verified the ultimate pregnancy decision of 97% clients
(as compared to 74% for the independent life-affirming centers for which Human Coalition
provides marketing). Human Coalition’s client database provides a suite of key performance
indicators, such as clients’ life decision rate, for each caregiver. In Human Coalition’s experience,
inattention to completing documentation and low success rates are good indicators of a low quality
of caregiver performance. The clinic director meets monthly with each caregiver to review
shadowing observations and key metrics.

The clinic manager meets weekly with Human Coalition’s National Director of Client Services,
who is ultimately responsible for clinic performance, to review clinic performance numbers and

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address issues with any individual caregiver. If they identify a deficiency in any individual
caregiver, the two will design a performance improvement plan to address any deficiency. Because
of the importance of the work, Human Coalition will terminate the employment of a caregiver who
is unable to provide a high quality of care.

The Executive Vice President meets weekly with the National Director of Client Services to review
the performance of each clinic and address any specific issues with individual clients or individual
caregivers. The Executive Vice President also meets monthly with clinic directors and all clinic
staff to review specific issues, reinforce key initiatives, address broader strategic issues.

The clinic director, National Director of Client Services, and Executive Vice President rely on a
performance dashboard of key metrics for each clinic. The dashboard includes metrics on
performance (such as life decision rate), data quality (such as outcome verification rate), and
performance to budget. Managers also use the performance dashboard to monitor the cost
effectiveness of clinic performance; key metrics include ratios of client staff hours to client hours,
clinic open hours to number of clients, clinic open hours to client hours, clinic cost to life decisions,
clinic cost to appointments kept, and clinic cost to clients seen.

Clients are provided information on how they may lodge complaints about their service. If a client
logs a complaint, the clinic director will notify the National Director of Client Services
immediately and will then meet with the staffer. If the complaint identifies a deficiency or mistake,
the clinic director and the organization’s human relations director will place the caregiver on a
performance improvement plan or take any other disciplinary action necessary, up to and including

Human Coalition also provides clients with the opportunity to take an exit survey to provide them
the opportunity to raise any comments or concerns and to provide anonymous, objective feedback
on their clinic experience. During the last year, over 52% of respondents indicated they were still
inclined to obtain an abortion after their visit, yet over 98% of respondents agreed or strongly
agreed that their caregiver cared about their needs, that they felt comfortable talking to their
caregiver about personal issues, that their caregiver respected them, that they received all
information they needed to make an informed decision about their pregnancy, and that they would
recommend the clinic to a friend or family member.

Human Coalition will maintain its current monitoring system and implement it at any new clinics
opened to provide program services.

4. Applicant's response must not exceed 23 pages.


Legal Business Name

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

of Applicant: Human Coalition

Clinic sites where clients are served must develop and implement an annual plan to provide county
education and program promotion to:
• Inform the public of its purpose and services;
• Enhance county understanding of its objectives;
• Disseminate HHSC healthcare services information for pregnant women to access healthcare
• Enlist county support; and
• Recruit potential clients for the A2A program.

The Communication and Outreach Plan must:

1. Describe Applicant’s A2A program promotion/education/Outreach plan for the contract period March 1,
2018 through August 31, 2019.

Human Coalition was founded nearly 10 years ago to provide marketing outreach for lifeaffirming
clinics that serve women experiencing crisis pregnancies. In particular, Human Coalition sought
to connect clinics to women who were actively considering abortion, an underserved sub-segment
with higher-than-normal needs and that was generally unaware of the availability of the services
offered by these clinics. Because the intended clientele of these clinics is a very specific, narrow
segment, traditional marketing techniques—which broadcast a message to a wide audience mostly
full of individuals who have no pregnancy support needs— are not cost effective. To serve its
pregnancy center partners, Human Coalition developed and nationally deployed targeted
marketing outreach methods.

Having performed marketing outreach for dozens of life-affirming organizations around Texas and
across the country, Human Coalition knows how to reach individuals eligible for program services.
As an example, Human Coalition acquired an Atlanta-area clinic in December 2016. Over the
course of 2017, Human Coalition it increased clinic visits by 308% the sub-segment it seeks to

Human Coalition will deploy a comprehensive marketing plan to inform the community of its
services and connect to individual women and men who would be served by program services.
Program specific website—The program-specific website will consist of pages giving information
on the mission of the program, services offered, eligibility, testimonials of care received, privacy
practices, and the ability to view or download "A Woman's Right to Know." The homepage of the
site will have a clear call-to-action of either calling or using online chat to engage with one of
Human Coalition’s contact center specialists. Human Coalition will commence building the
program-specific site on the contract start date with anticipated delivery within 90 days.

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Digital advertising—Having offered over 10 million ads through search engine platforms, Human
Coalition has found that search engine marketing (SEM) is an extremely cost-effective way of
reaching women currently experiencing a crisis pregnancy who may be interested in the services
the organization provides. Search engines let users describe what services they are considering or
in need of. Human Coalition’s SEM ads describe available services and invite potential clients to
set up, through either a phone call or online chat, an appointment at a nearby clinic to assist them
with helpful services.

Human Coalition has a deep understanding of this method of advertising learned over a decade of
experience and through countless tests. Human Coalition’s Salesforce customer relationship
management database combines information from ads with call data and ultimate client experience
so Human Coalition can carefully measure the benefit of even minor variations in its ad copy.

With such high ad volume, Human Coalition has been able to accelerate the pace of discovery and
innovation through extensive testing. By understanding search engine algorithms and the interplay
of keywords and each ad component (ad copy and landing pages), Human Coalition in 2015
adjusted ad copy and landing page content to reduce cost-per-click by over 30% and increase
clickthrough rate by over 30%, all while retaining top ad position on the same keywords. As a
result, Human Coalition was able to use the same marketing budget to see even more clients.

Comprehensive women’s health informational website—Human Coalition will develop a women’s

health information site as a portal through which to connect to clients. Because the webpages of
pregnancy care organizations typically only contain limited information regarding the
organizations’ services, those pages will rarely be returned in Internet search results unless the
individual is specifically searching for that specific organization or those specific services. Yet
Human Coalition has observed that few pregnant women are aware of these services or these
clinics, so they are unlikely to learn about the services from the organizations’ websites.

Human Coalition proposes to build a website providing accurate, helpful, and understandable
information about a wide range of women’s health and pregnancy-related issues. By leveraging a
holistic women's health resource online from a trusted brand, the site will serve as a reliable online
resource that provides valuable women's health information, trustworthy recommendations for
managing and maintaining health, and appropriate support to women who seek information. This
resource will be committed to purposely improving information and tools on the site and publishing
regular content and services to improve women's health in a meaningful and practical way.

By providing more robust and widely-usable information, this website will be useful to—and
therefore be seen by—more people. This higher volume of site traffic will improve Search Engine

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Results Page rankings. Human Coalition will regularly develop new content for the website in
order to maintain and improve these rankings.

Through pregnancy-specific pages on the site, Human Coalition can advertise program services
directly to clients who may be interested in (but otherwise unaware) of them. By covering a wide
range of health topics—from breast cancer to depression to infertility—this website will leverage
the pregnancy-related page of the site to then generate traffic to Human Coalition’s contact center
and, ultimately, its women’s care clinics.

Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising—Traditional offline media channels for advertising—such as TV

and radio spots and billboards—are expensive for dense metropolitan populations. For instance, a
billboard in a high-traffic area in a major city will cost $400,000 to $500,000 annually. Because
such ads will be seen mostly by individuals who need no pregnancy support services, the
advertising is inefficient for services such as those offered by the program.

Instead of such untargetted marketing, Human Coalition proposes deploying mobile billboards in
discrete areas of its operating markets. Human Coalition has overlayed Texas abortion data with
census data to estimate areas of the state in which with the highest density of potential program
participants likely reside. Combining this data with Human Coalition’s technology, Human
Coalition can design optimized routes to maximize the percentage of ad impressions to women
experiencing a crisis pregnancy. In addition to being more targeted, mobile billboards are less
expensive. The cost of operating such billboards during peak business hours is 25% of the cost of
static billboards.

2. Describe Applicant’s county education/A2A program promotion collaborative efforts carried out in
conjunction with other health care providers or social service agencies in the identified service area.
Applicant must include a description of the Outreach plan that details media releases and Outreach
strategies for marketing the Applicant to the county.
Qualitative evidence indicates that many women who experience an unplanned pregnancy learn of
the pregnancy during an emergency room visit to address symptoms of early pregnancy. By
leveraging partnerships with emergency rooms, emergency room medical staffing companies, and
obstetricians, Human Coalition can equip supportive doctors with tested print materials (trifold
wallet cards, brochures, etc.) to notify potential clients in need of program services and increase
increasing program awareness. This collateral would contain a local proxy number that would

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connect to Human Coalition’s contact center, where callers could learn more about services and
schedule appointments.

Human Coalition also maintains relationships with numerous civic organizations. In the DallasFort
Worth area alone, it has a relationship with 98 houses of worship, and through its Continuum of
Care program, it is in contact with dozens of local service organizations. Human Coalition will
send packages explaining program services and providing the same print materials provided to
emergency rooms to local churches, shelters, food pantries, schools, colleges, lowincome health
clinics, and other service organizations. To support this outreach, it will also hold quarterly
webinars so interested community stakeholders can learn about program services.

Applicant must also attach a calendar of the proposed county education/A2A program promotion for
the contract period (March 15, 2018 through August 31, 2019). Applicant's calendar must include the
following information: topics, presentation-dates, locations, and presenters. Applicant should label the
attachment "Form I-1: Communication and Education Outreach Calendar".

Introduction to Program Services--Virtual presentation by Lori Szala, National Clinic Services

Director on April 2, 2018, July 2, 2018, October 1, 2018, January 7, 2019, April 1, 2019, and July
1, 2019.

Human Coalition will schedule additional outreach webinars and in-person meetings as
opportunities and demand arise.



Legal Business Name: Human Coalition

Clinic Name Grapevine Women’s Clinic

Clinic Address 2401 Ira E Woods Ave. Grapevine, TX 76051

Complete one form for every clinic site that will provide A2A program Services funded through this RFA
Please complete the form by marking yes for no for each of the items listed below:

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

WEDNESDAY 10am 6pm

THURSDAY 10m 4pm
FRIDAY 9am 3pm


Legal Business Name

of Applicant: Human Coalition

All Applicants must conduct staff development activities to ensure staff has the knowledge, skills, and
abilities to provide A2A services. The Staff Development Plan must be comprehensive, address all the
topics indicated below, and be numbered as indicated.

Staff Development Plan must not exceed five (5) pages.

1. Identify personnel responsible for coordinating staff development activities. Include job titles and
qualifications for each person identified.

Dr. Scott French, National Medical Director—Dr. French (MBA, MD) is a Fellow of the American
College of Emergency Physicians and is licensed to practice medicine in Idaho, Hawaii, California
and Washington. Dr. French has a diverse, decades-long experience that includes private practice,
practice of emergency medicine, management of physicians and physicians groups, insurance and
HMO management, and medical education.

Ben Matthews, Executive Vice President (BS, Business Management and Marketing)—Mr.
Matthews has over 16 years of corporate operations, marketing, and business development
experience in the private sector. He has also worked and consulted with some of the largest
ministries in the country, including Focus on the Family, Thomas Nelson Publishers, and the Billy
Graham Evangelistic Association. Mr. Matthews joined Human Coalition in 2013 as Vice
President of Client Services and became Executive Vice President in 2017. Mr. Matthews
currently oversees Human Coalition’s Program, Development, and Core Services divisions.

Corey Ellis, Human Resources Director (MS, Human Resource Management)—Ms. Ellis has over
10 years of human resources experience, focusing on operational support, talent management, and
strategic planning. Prior to joining Human Coalition in 2015, she was a human resources executive
for a startup financial services company, which was named to the Inc. 500 of the nation’s
fastestgrowing private companies.

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Barry Moerschell, General Counsel (JD)—Mr. Moerschell has been a practicing attorney in Texas
for over 17 years. He is experienced in diverse areas of legal practice, including contracts,
compliance, corporate governance, strategy development and implementation, policies and
procedures, and general corporate matters. Mr. Moerschell has been with Human Coalition since

Lori Szala, National Director of Client Services—Ms. Szala has over 18 years of experience
working with pregnancy resource centers and women’s care clinics. Under Ms. Szala’s leadership,
Human Coalition’s Women’s Care Clinic of Pittsburgh (formerly called Pregnancy Resource
Center of the South Hills) was awarded the Presidential Volunteer Service Award in 2008 and the
Small Nonprofit of the Year Award in 2013. In 2014, Ms. Szala spearheaded the center’s efforts
to join Human Coalition as its second wholly-owned and operated women’s care clinic. Since the
merger, Ms. Szala has directed the operations of Human Coalition’s network of women’s care

Rebekah McClure, Clinic Director (BS, Business Finance)—Ms. McClure came to Human
Coalition in 2017 with over 10 years of business management experience. Through Ms. McClure’s
leadership of clinic staff, the clinic’s counseling effectiveness is up 24%.

2. Identify specific training that will be used for eligibility and billing staff.

Human Coalition will determine client eligibility as part of its client intake process. Human
Coalition’s General Counsel and HR Director will set our clear and concise guidelines regarding
client eligibility and the services provided under the program (including the requirements of the
TANF Charitable Choice provisions) and ensure all Texas client services staff and finance and
accounting staff are fully trained on those guidelines.

3. Describe how training needs assessments are conducted. Specify how the assessment is used to generate
a staff development plan. Specify how training activities for staff are tied to quality management review

Human Coalition conducts training needs assessments through surveys from its human resources
department and through observations from its clinic management. The surveys are given to both
employees and managers so that employees can self-identify skills and behaviors that they believe
could be improved and that managers can take stock of both individual employees and whole
teams. From these assessments, Human Coalition determines gaps in client services staff’s
knowledge and skills. These identified gaps then drive training priorities for the entire department
as well as for any individuals with specific training needs. Together with the human resources
director, client services staff and clinic management set training plans and timelines to fill all
identified gaps.

After training is complete, the clinic director monitors staff performance, documenting this
information on each employee’s development plan and tracking completion of each employee’s
personal goals. Human resources staff and clinic management may add additional training
modules as needed based on employee performance.

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In addition, clinic management and the human resources director meet quarterly to review staff
development plans to ensure that learning improvements are made according to the timelines set
up within the training and performance plan. Any staff who are not showing acceptable
improvement will be placed on a performance improvement plan, which is the first step in Human
Coalition’s disciplinary process.

4. Describe procedures and documentation for staff annual performance review. Specify how the staff
development plan incorporates review outcomes to further develop knowledge, skills and abilities to
provide A2A services.

Human Coalition utilizes the Cornerstone talent management system for goal setting, performance
reviews, and manager assessments. At the beginning of each year, managers set out for each direct
report both behavioral goals (for instance, developing a new skill) and quantitative goals (for
instance, a minimum number of clients seen). Throughout the year, managers monitor employees’
progress. At the end of the year, managers review each direct report against the stated goals as
well as against specific behavioral criteria in place for all employees (for instance, being a team

If any employee is determined to be in need of additional development of any specific knowledge,

skill, or ability, the employee will be placed in a staff development plan. During this time, the
manager will set specific KPIs and goals for each staff person based on his or her level of expertise
and where he or she needs to grow or increase knowledge.

Human Coalition employs a regular cadence of training for client services staff. This training
includes or will include the following topics:

• Patient care
• Child abuse
• Sexual harassment prevention
• Discrimination prevention
• Adoption counseling
• Domestic violence training
• Human trafficking
• HIPAA compliance
• OSHA compliance
• Leadership training
• New manager training
• TANF Charitable Choice requirements
• Program services and eligibility criteria for state and federal benefits programs (including
Medicaid for Pregnant Women; CHIP; SNAP; TANF; WIC; Early Childhood Intervention
Services; Nurse-Family Partnership; Healthy Texas Women; Primary Health Care; Title V
Child Health and Dental; Title V Prenatal; and Healthy Marriage Program).

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

3/8/2018 Training in TANF programs and Lori Szala, National Hosted at the
state and federal programs Director of Client Grapevine
(including Medicaid for Pregnant Services Women’s
Clinic from
WIC; Early Childhood
Intervention Services;
NurseFamily Partnership; Healthy Rebekah McClure,
Texas Women; Primary Health Clinic Director
Care; Title V Child Health and
Dental; Title V Prenatal; and
Healthy Marriage Program)

4/5/2018 Training on child abuse detection Corey Ellis, HR Hosted at

and prevention, sexual Director the
harassment prevention, Grapevine
discrimination prevention; and Dr. Scott French,
patient care. Medical Director Women’s
Clinic from
Lori Szala, National
Director of Client

5/3/2018 In-Service Trainings on Human Outside Hosted at

Trafficking, Domestic Violence organizations the
prevention and adoption Grapevine
Clinic from
A2A Check-in with staff to Lori Szala, National Hosted at
6/7/2018 monitor progress and to answer Director of Client the
any questions. Services Grapevine
Clinic from

Refresher on the A2A Grant and Lori Szala, National Hosted at

9/6/2018 the objectives of the program, Director of Client the
guidelines, eligibility, screening, Services Grapevine
program services, and other Women’s
procedures. Clinic from

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

A2A Check-in with staff to Lori Szala, National Hosted at

12/6/201 monitor progress and to answer Director of Client the
8 any questions. Services Grapevine
Clinic from
Refresher on the A2A Grant and Lori Szala, National Hosted at
3/7/2019 the objectives of the program, Director of Client the
guidelines, eligibility, screening, Services Grapevine
program services, and other Women’s
procedures. Barry Moerschell, Clinic from
General Counsel 9am-11am.

A2A Check-in with staff to Lori Szala, National Hosted at

6/6/2019 monitor progress and to answer Director of Client the
any questions. Services Grapevine
Clinic from
**Newly-hired staff will have a new Lori Szala, National Hosted at
hire orientation, special A2A Director of Client the
orientation and information session Services Grapevine
upon completion of their training for
their new role at the Women’s Clinic. Women’s
Clinic from

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Section 3:

Expenditure Proposal
Forms L through N


L: Budget Summary
The workbook contains information to assist Applicant in developing its projected budget.
Applicant must complete the attached A2A Budget workbook, instructions are included, on the
tab labeled Budget Instructions, in the workbook
A total of no more than 10% can be administrative costs. These costs include indirect, salaries
and fringe, travel, office supplies, equipment and other.
A minimum of 90% can be charged to direct client services. Included in these cost categories are
contractual and client service supplies.
Grantees and sub grantees are required to participate in all HHSC mandated A2A program
trainings. The Grantee may attend in person or participate remotely. In the event the Grantee
would like to attend physically, they may include associated travel in their budget requests. A2A
program trainings may include webinars, conference calls, and in-person trainings.
Form M: Budget Details Workbook
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F
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DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F



Human Coalition (all locations) Legal

Business Name:


Alternatives to Abortion (A2A) Grantees may seek reimbursement for project costs using the following

• Grantees will be reimbursed using the Direct Client Services reimbursement method by submitting
monthly claims to HHSC for direct clinical care services provided to Clients; and
• Grantees will be reimbursed for Administrative costs services by submitting monthly vouchers for
expenses detailed in the administrative costs budget attached to a Grantee's contract. NOTE:
Applicants may request up to 100% of their total funding request to be reimbursed through the
Direct Client Services reimbursement method. However, the administrative costs amount requested
may not exceed 10% of Applicant's total proposed funding request and ultimately, its funding award.
Enter the amount of funds requested in the boxes below:
Direct Client Services $14,526,075
Cost Reimbursement Amount 0

Total Amount $14,526,075

The number of Unduplicated Clients an Applicant intends to serve through the A2A program will be used
to assess, in part, the
Applicant’s effectiveness in providing the proposed services under the
contract resulting from this RFA. This number is the estimated
total number of Unduplicated Clients to whom the Applicant will provide
services at the proposed clinic sites. Use the following average cost
per Client OR submit an explanation of the average used by the
agency: $373.00.

Enter the estimated number of Unduplicated Clients to be served during

the term of the contract, categorized by State Fiscal Year in
the table below.
Period of Time Proposed Number of Unduplicated
March 15, 2018 – August 31, 5,379
2018 -- FY'18
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

September 1, 2018 – August 31, 19,177

2019 -- FY'19
Total Number 24,556

Applicants must provide an explanation/justification if the average cost per Client exceeds the statewide
average of $373.
Human Coalition’s estimated average cost per client exceeds the state average for at least five
reasons. First, Human Coalition incurs substantial marketing expenses to reach abortiondetermined
women, an underserved market segment that is not aware of its services. To reach such women, it
must employ active marketing outreaches, which involve a substantial cost, particularly in dense
cities. Pregnancy centers, which work with relatively few abortion determined clients, acquire
clients through more passive forms of advertising, such as wordofmouth and referrals from other
organizations, that are less costly. Second, Human Coalition maintains a contact center to interface
with prospective clients and schedule appointments. Human Coalition trains contact center agents
to effectively communicate with the clients, who are typically affected by high degrees of stress
and emotion, and to deliver consistent, accurate information. Third, Human Coalition utilizes only
paid, trained staff to work with abortion-determined clients. Pregnancy centers typically rely on
volunteer labor, which is an adequate staffing model when dealing with likely to carry clients, as
their needs include material assistance, emotional support, and educational classes. In Human
Coalition’s experience, abortion-determined clients have more complex needs and require a more
focused interaction with professional staff who are devoted to client care as their principal
occupation. Fourth, the cost reflects a fully-implemented case management program at all
locations. Human Coalition’s Continuum of Care program provides intense, highly-personalized
support that is necessary to stabilize a client in crisis but is, because of the personal nature of the
program, expensive on a per-capita basis. Fifth, the budget includes support for continued testing
and innovation, so that Human Coalition can continue to optimizes the effectiveness of its services.

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Human Coalition (DFW clinic) Legal Business



Alternatives to Abortion (A2A) Grantees may seek reimbursement for project costs using the following

• Grantees will be reimbursed using the Direct Client Services reimbursement method by
submitting monthly claims to HHSC for direct clinical care services provided to Clients; and
• Grantees will be reimbursed for Administrative costs services by
submitting monthly vouchers for expenses detailed in the administrative costs budget
attached to a Grantee's contract.
NOTE: Applicants may request up to 100% of their total funding request to be reimbursed through the
Direct Client Services reimbursement method. However, the administrative costs amount requested
may not exceed 10% of Applicant's total proposed funding request and ultimately, its funding award.

Enter the amount of funds requested in the boxes below:

Direct Client Services $3,968,781
Cost Reimbursement Amount 0

Total Amount $3,968,781

The number of Unduplicated Clients an Applicant intends to serve through

the A2A program will be used to assess, in part, the
Applicant’s effectiveness in providing the proposed services under the
contract resulting from this RFA. This number is the estimated
total number of Unduplicated Clients to whom the Applicant will provide
services at the proposed clinic sites. Use the following average cost
per Client OR submit an explanation of the average used by the
agency: $373.00.
Enter the estimated number of Unduplicated Clients to be served during
the term of the contract, categorized by State Fiscal Year in the
table below.
Period of Time Proposed Number of Unduplicated

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

March 15, 2018 – August 31, 1,127

2018 -- FY'18
September 1, 2018 – August 31, 2,483
2019 -- FY'19
Total Number 3,610

Applicants must provide an explanation/justification if the average cost per Client exceeds the statewide
average of $373.

Human Coalition’s estimated average cost per client exceeds the state average for at least five
reasons. First, Human Coalition incurs substantial marketing expenses to reach abortiondetermined
women, an underserved market segment that is not aware of its services. To reach such women, it
must employ active marketing outreaches, which involve a substantial cost, particularly in dense
cities. Pregnancy centers, which work with relatively few abortion determined clients, acquire
clients through more passive forms of advertising, such as wordofmouth and referrals from other
organizations, that are less costly. Second, Human Coalition maintains a contact center to interface
with prospective clients and schedule appointments. Human Coalition trains contact center agents
to effectively communicate with the clients, who are typically affected by high degrees of stress
and emotion, and to deliver consistent, accurate information. Third, Human Coalition utilizes only
paid, trained staff to work with abortion-determined clients. Pregnancy centers typically rely on
volunteer labor, which is an adequate staffing model when dealing with likely to carry clients, as
their needs include material assistance, emotional support, and educational classes. In Human
Coalition’s experience, abortion-determined clients have more complex needs and require a more
focused interaction with professional staff who are devoted to client care as their principal
occupation. Fourth, the cost reflects a fully-implemented case management program at all
locations. Human Coalition’s Continuum of Care program provides intense, highly-personalized
support that is necessary to stabilize a client in crisis but is, because of the personal nature of the
program, expensive on a per-capita basis. Fifth, the budget includes support for continued testing
and innovation, so that Human Coalition can continue to optimizes the effectiveness of its services.

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Human Coalition (virtual clinic) Legal

Business Name:


Alternatives to Abortion (A2A) Grantees may seek reimbursement for project costs using the following

• Grantees will be reimbursed using the Direct Client Services reimbursement method by
submitting monthly claims to HHSC for direct clinical care services provided to Clients; and
• Grantees will be reimbursed for Administrative costs services by
submitting monthly vouchers for expenses detailed in the administrative costs budget
attached to a Grantee's contract.
NOTE: Applicants may request up to 100% of their total funding request to be reimbursed through the
Direct Client Services reimbursement method. However, the administrative costs amount requested
may not exceed 10% of Applicant's total proposed funding request and ultimately, its funding award.

Enter the amount of funds requested in the boxes below:

Direct Client Services $4,609,619
Cost Reimbursement Amount 0

Total Amount $4,609,619

The number of Unduplicated Clients an Applicant intends to serve through the A2A program will be used
to assess, in part, the
Applicant’s effectiveness in providing the proposed services under the
contract resulting from this RFA. This number is the estimated
total number of Unduplicated Clients to whom the Applicant will provide
services at the proposed clinic sites. Use the following average cost

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

per Client OR submit an explanation of the average used by the

agency: $373.00.

Enter the estimated number of Unduplicated Clients to be served during

the term of the contract, categorized by State Fiscal Year in the
table below.
Period of Time Proposed Number of Unduplicated
March 15, 2018 – August 31, 3,785
2018 -- FY'18
September 1, 2018 – August 31, 11,356
2019 -- FY'19
Total Number 15,141

Applicants must provide an explanation/justification if the average cost per Client exceeds the statewide
average of $373.

Human Coalition (physical clinic expansion)

Legal Business Name:


Alternatives to Abortion (A2A) Grantees may seek reimbursement for project costs using the following

• Grantees will be reimbursed using the Direct Client Services reimbursement method by
submitting monthly claims to HHSC for direct clinical care services provided to Clients; and
• Grantees will be reimbursed for Administrative costs services by
submitting monthly vouchers for expenses detailed in
the administrative costs budget attached to a Grantee's
NOTE: Applicants may request up to 100% of their total funding
request to be reimbursed through the Direct Client Services reimbursement
method. However, the administrative costs amount requested may

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

not exceed 10% of Applicant's total proposed ultimately, its funding funding request and
Enter the amount of funds requested in the boxes below:
Direct Client Services $2,613,954
Cost Reimbursement Amount 0

Total Amount $2,613,954

The number of Unduplicated Clients an Applicant intends to serve through the A2A program will be used
to assess, in part, the
Applicant’s effectiveness in providing the proposed services under the contract resulting from this RFA.
This number is the estimated total number of Unduplicated Clients to whom the Applicant will provide
services at the proposed clinic sites. Use the following average cost per Client OR submit an explanation
of the average used by the agency: $373.00.

Enter the estimated number of Unduplicated Clients to be served during

the term of the contract, categorized by State Fiscal Year in the
table below.
Period of Time Proposed Number of Unduplicated
March 15, 2018 – August 31, 467
2018 -- FY'18
September 1, 2018 – August 31, 1,866
2019 -- FY'19
Total Number 2,333

Applicants must provide an explanation/justification if the average cost per Client exceeds the statewide
average of $373.

Human Coalition’s estimated average cost per client exceeds the state average for at least five
reasons. First, Human Coalition incurs substantial marketing expenses to reach abortiondetermined
women, an underserved market segment that is not aware of its services. To reach such women, it
must employ active marketing outreaches, which involve a substantial cost, particularly in dense
cities. Pregnancy centers, which work with relatively few abortion determined clients, acquire
clients through more passive forms of advertising, such as wordofmouth and referrals from other
organizations, that are less costly. Second, Human Coalition maintains a contact center to interface
with prospective clients and schedule appointments. Human Coalition trains contact center agents
to effectively communicate with the clients, who are typically affected by high degrees of stress
and emotion, and to deliver consistent, accurate information. Third, Human Coalition utilizes only
paid, trained staff to work with abortion-determined clients. Pregnancy centers typically rely on

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

volunteer labor, which is an adequate staffing model when dealing with likely to carry clients, as
their needs include material assistance, emotional support, and educational classes. In Human
Coalition’s experience, abortion-determined clients have more complex needs and require a more
focused interaction with professional staff who are devoted to client care as their principal
occupation. Fourth, the cost reflects a fully-implemented case management program at all
locations. Human Coalition’s Continuum of Care program provides intense, highly-personalized
support that is necessary to stabilize a client in crisis but is, because of the personal nature of the
program, expensive on a per-capita basis. Fifth, the budget includes support for continued testing
and innovation, so that Human Coalition can continue to optimizes the effectiveness of its services.

Human Coalition (mobile expansion 1) Legal

Business Name:


Alternatives to Abortion (A2A) Grantees may seek reimbursement for project costs using the following

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

• Grantees will be reimbursed using the Direct Client Services reimbursement method by submitting
monthly claims to HHSC for direct clinical care services provided to Clients; and
• Grantees will be reimbursed for Administrative costs services by
submitting monthly vouchers for expenses detailed in the administrative costs budget attached
to a Grantee's contract.
NOTE: Applicants may request up to 100% of their total funding request to be reimbursed through the
Direct Client Services reimbursement method. However, the administrative costs amount requested may
not exceed 10% of Applicant's total proposed funding request and ultimately, its funding award.

Enter the amount of funds requested in the boxes below:

Direct Client Services $1,886,177
Cost Reimbursement Amount 0

Total Amount $1,886,177

The number of Unduplicated Clients an Applicant intends to serve through the A2A program will be used
to assess, in part, the
Applicant’s effectiveness in providing the proposed services under the
contract resulting from this RFA. This number is the estimated total
number of Unduplicated Clients to whom the Applicant will provide
services at the proposed clinic sites. Use the following average cost per
Client OR submit an explanation of the average used by the
agency: $373.00.

Enter the estimated number of Unduplicated Clients to be served during

the term of the contract, categorized by State Fiscal Year in the
table below.
Period of Time Proposed Number of Unduplicated
March 15, 2018 – August 31, 0
2018 -- FY'18
September 1, 2018 – August 31, 1,984
2019 -- FY'19
Total Number 1,984

Applicants must provide an explanation/justification if the average cost per Client exceeds the statewide
average of $373.

Human Coalition’s estimated average cost per client exceeds the state average for at least five
reasons. First, Human Coalition incurs substantial marketing expenses to reach abortiondetermined

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

women, an underserved market segment that is not aware of its services. To reach such women, it
must employ active marketing outreaches, which involve a substantial cost, particularly in dense
cities. Pregnancy centers, which work with relatively few abortion determined clients, acquire
clients through more passive forms of advertising, such as wordofmouth and referrals from other
organizations, that are less costly. Second, Human Coalition maintains a contact center to interface
with prospective clients and schedule appointments. Human Coalition trains contact center agents
to effectively communicate with the clients, who are typically affected by high degrees of stress
and emotion, and to deliver consistent, accurate information. Third, Human Coalition utilizes only
paid, trained staff to work with abortion-determined clients. Pregnancy centers typically rely on
volunteer labor, which is an adequate staffing model when dealing with likely to carry clients, as
their needs include material assistance, emotional support, and educational classes. In Human
Coalition’s experience, abortion-determined clients have more complex needs and require a more
focused interaction with professional staff who are devoted to client care as their principal
occupation. Fourth, the cost reflects a fully-implemented case management program at all
locations. Human Coalition’s Continuum of Care program provides intense, highly-personalized
support that is necessary to stabilize a client in crisis but is, because of the personal nature of the
program, expensive on a per-capita basis. Fifth, the budget includes support for continued testing
and innovation, so that Human Coalition can continue to optimizes the effectiveness of its services.

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Human Coalition (mobile expansion 2) Legal

Business Name:


Alternatives to Abortion (A2A) Grantees may seek reimbursement for project costs using the following

• Grantees will be reimbursed using the Direct Client Services reimbursement method by
submitting monthly claims to HHSC for direct clinical care services provided to Clients; and
• Grantees will be reimbursed for Administrative costs services by
submitting monthly vouchers for expenses detailed in the administrative costs budget
attached to a Grantee's contract.
NOTE: Applicants may request up to 100% of their total funding request to be reimbursed through the
Direct Client Services reimbursement method. However, the administrative costs amount requested
may not exceed 10% of Applicant's total proposed funding request and ultimately, its funding award.

Enter the amount of funds requested in the boxes below:

Direct Client Services $1,447,543
Cost Reimbursement Amount 0

Total Amount $1,447,543

The number of Unduplicated Clients an Applicant intends to serve through

the A2A program will be used to assess, in part, the
Applicant’s effectiveness in providing the proposed services under the
contract resulting from this RFA. This number is the estimated
total number of Unduplicated Clients to whom the Applicant will provide
services at the proposed clinic sites. Use the following average cost
per Client OR submit an explanation of the average used by the agency: $373.00.

Enter the estimated number of Unduplicated Clients to be served during

the term of the contract, categorized by State Fiscal Year in the
table below.
Period of Time Proposed Number of Unduplicated
March 15, 2018 – August 31, 0
2018 -- FY'18

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

September 1, 2018 – August 31, 1,488

2019 -- FY'19
Total Number 1,488

Applicants must provide an explanation/justification if the average cost per Client exceeds the statewide
average of $373.

Human Coalition’s estimated average cost per client exceeds the state average for at least five
reasons. First, Human Coalition incurs substantial marketing expenses to reach abortiondetermined
women, an underserved market segment that is not aware of its services. To reach such women, it
must employ active marketing outreaches, which involve a substantial cost, particularly in dense
cities. Pregnancy centers, which work with relatively few abortion determined clients, acquire
clients through more passive forms of advertising, such as wordofmouth and referrals from other
organizations, that are less costly. Second, Human Coalition maintains a contact center to interface
with prospective clients and schedule appointments. Human Coalition trains contact center agents
to effectively communicate with the clients, who are typically affected by high degrees of stress
and emotion, and to deliver consistent, accurate information. Third, Human Coalition utilizes only
paid, trained staff to work with abortion-determined clients. Pregnancy centers typically rely on
volunteer labor, which is an adequate staffing model when dealing with likely to carry clients, as
their needs include material assistance, emotional support, and educational classes. In Human
Coalition’s experience, abortion-determined clients have more complex needs and require a more
focused interaction with professional staff who are devoted to client care as their principal
occupation. Fourth, the cost reflects a fully-implemented case management program at all
locations. Human Coalition’s Continuum of Care program provides intense, highly-personalized
support that is necessary to stabilize a client in crisis but is, because of the personal nature of the
program, expensive on a per-capita basis. Fifth, the budget includes support for continued testing
and innovation, so that Human Coalition can continue to optimizes the effectiveness of its services.

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Section 4:

Applicable Exhibits
Exhibits A, B, E, F, & G



Legal Business Name of Applicant: Human


Every clinic funded under this procurement must complete this certification. This certification
pertains to the following billing or performing provider:

Provider Name Human Coalition

Provider’s primary billing address:
Street Address PO Box 5053
Street Address City/State/Zip Code Frisco, TX 75035 _
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

My name is __Brian Fisher__. I am the provider or, if the provider is an organization, I

am the provider’s (title or position) ___ President___. I am of sound mind, capable of
making this certification, and I am personally acquainted with the facts stated here. If I
am representing an organizational provider, I am authorized to make this certification
on the provider’s behalf. Throughout the remainder of this document, the word “I” will
represent the individual provider that is completing this form or the organizational
provider on whose behalf the form is being completed. If this form is being completed
on behalf of an organizational provider, the word “I” is inclusive of the organization,
owners, officers, employees, and volunteers, or any combination of these.

By checking the boxes under each statement below, I affirm that each of the following
statements is true. I understand that my failure to mark each of the statements will be
regarded as my representation that the statement is false:

1. I do not, nor do any of my organization’s Providers or contractors, perform or

Promote Elective Abortions.
x I affirm that this statement is true and correct.

2. I am not, nor are any of my organization’s Providers or contractors, an Affiliate of an

entity that performs or Promotes Elective Abortions.
x I affirm that this statement is true and correct.

3. None of the funds that I, or any of my organization’s subcontractors, receive for

performing A2A Program services are used to pay the direct or indirect costs
(including marketing, overhead, rent, phones and utilities) of Elective Abortion
procedures provided by contractors of the Health and Human Services Commission
(HHSC). x I affirm that this statement is true and correct.

4. None of the funds that I, or any my organization’s subcontractors, receive for

performing A2A Program services are distributed to individuals or entities that
perform Elective Abortion procedures or that contract with or provide funds to
individuals or entities for the performance of Elective Abortion procedures.
x I affirm that this statement is true and correct.

5. (For all organizational providers EXCEPT hospitals licensed under Chapter 241,
Health & Safety Code; state hospitals; State-owned teaching hospitals; teaching
hospitals; residency programs accredited for medical education; or offices exempt
under Section 254.004(2), Health and Safety Code) None of the funds that I, or any
of my organization’s subcontractors, receive from the State of Texas are distributed
to any individual or entity that performs Elective Abortion procedures or to an Affiliate
of any individual or entity that performs Elective Abortion procedures.
x I affirm that this statement is true and correct.

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Page 2 of 4

In addition, I understand and acknowledge that:

• If I fail to complete and submit this certification, I will be disqualified from the A2A
Program and the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) or its
designee (henceforth, “HHSC”) will deny any claims I submit for A2A services.

• If, after I submit this signed certification, I, or any of my organization’s Providers or

contractors, perform, agree to perform, or Promote Elective Abortions, or I, or any my
organization’s Providers or contractors, become an Affiliate of, or agree to affiliate with,
an entity that performs or Promotes Elective Abortions, I will notify HHSC at least 30
calendar days before I, or any of my organization’s Providers or contractors, perform or
Promote an Elective Abortion or become an Affiliate with an entity that does so. If I fail
to notify HHSC as required, I will be disqualified from the A2A Program and HHSC will
deny any claims I submit for A2A services.

• If, while participating in the A2A Program, I, or any of my organization’s Providers or

contractors, perform or Promote an Elective Abortion, I will be disqualified from the A2A
Program, including any A2A contracts, and HHSC will deny any claims I submit for A2A

• If I submit this certification and agree to its terms, but HHSC determines that I am in fact
ineligible to participate in the A2A Program, HHSC may place a payment hold on claims
submitted by me or my organization for A2A services until HHSC can make a final
determination regarding my eligibility.

• If HHSC determines that I am ineligible to receive funds under the A2A Program:
a) HHSC may recoup A2A funds paid on claims that I have incurred since the date
the provider became ineligible;
b) HHSC will deny all A2A claims that I have submitted since the date of ineligibility;
c) I will remain ineligible to participate in the A2A Program until I comply with the
above program requirements.
• If I knowingly make a false statement or misrepresentation on this certification, HHSC
may consider me to have committed fraud or tampered with a government record under
the laws of Texas, and I may be excluded from participation in the A2A Program.

I also understand that, to enable HHSC to verify my or my organization’s eligibility

to participate in the A2A Program, I must complete and return this certification form
to HHSC as part of this application.

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Page 3 of 4

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

EXHIBIT B: Federal Assurances

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F




Contact Name
Contractor Name
City, Texas Zip Code

RE: Federal Funding Accountability and

Transparency Act Reporting Guidance

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Dear :

This letter provides background information for the new Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act
(FFATA) requirements and to request the information from you as a contractor/awardee of federal funding.
The required information to be submitted is summarized at the bottom of this letter.

The White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) recently issued additional guidance regarding the FFATA
reporting requirement which took effect on October 1, 2010. This law, passed in 2006, and amended in 2008,
requires any person or entity receiving contract or grant funds directly from the federal government to report certain
information regarding those funds through a centralized website, .
The following information applies.

• Sub-recipient contract awards equal to or greater than $25,000 must be reported if they were awarded on
or after October 1, 2010.
• Prime awardees (those agencies or entities receiving funds directly from the federal government) must
report certain information regarding those funds.
• Compensation of the top five executives within an organization must be reported as well, if certain criteria
• Grant information reported for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) grants is not required to
be reported in the FFATA Subaward Reporting System

The purpose of this letter is to inform you that the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) is the prime
awardee for most of the federal awards that you receive from HHSC. As a result, HHSC is responsible for reporting
subaward information to the federal government. Unlike ARRA, prime recipients like HHSC must enter the sub-award
data themselves and do not have the option of coordinating with subrecipients to enter the relevant information.

However, sub-recipients must provide HHSC with all required information to accurately report on the FSRS
website. OMB guidance outlines the sub-award and compensation reporting requirements for sub-recipient
contracts equal to or greater than
$25,000 awarded on or after October 1, 2010. If
a new award is initially below $25,000 but subsequent
contract modifications result in a total award equal to or
greater than $25,000, the award will be subject to FFATA
reporting requirements as of the date the award exceeds

You are receiving this letter because as a sub-recipient our records identify you
under an
HHSC contract award. In our efforts to comply with the
reporting requirements under FFATA, HHSC is asking that you
provide certification regarding the applicability of the following

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

criteria to your organization using Attachment Form CPP0443).B (FFATA Certification

If you should meet the requirements HHSC will need the

compensation and names of the entity's top five highly compensated
officers/senior executives, if applicable, on the attached
FFATA Reporting Template – to be submitted in the
form of the Excel document. Additionally, HHSC is responsible
for first-tier sub-award reporting, which includes sub-recipient
entity information, sub-award description/title, and date of

FFATA and subsequent rules published by the White House OMB

require that sub-recipients have a Data Universal Numbering
System (DUNS) Number to receive federal funds of any type. If
you have not already done so, you must register your organization
for a DUNS Number and provide that to HHSC. Instructions
to complete these are included in this letter as
Attachment A (How to Request or Verify a DUNS
Number). If you have multiple contracts with HHSC, only
one certification per State fiscal year is required.

Summary of Information Requested:

1) Complete and return the FFATA Certification Form (Attachment B);

2) As applicable, register your organization for a DUNS

Number (Attachment A); and
3) Complete and return the FFATA Reporting Template (Attachment
C) – as an Excel spreadsheet

The required FFATA Certification Form and the FFATA Reporting Template must be completed and returned to HHSC
with the respondents proposal by the due date and time listed
in Section 3. If you have any questions regarding

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

this correspondence, please contact Vonda White of Procurement and Contracting Services by e-mail at
[email protected].

Enclosures: Attachment A: How to Request or Verify a DUNS Number Attachment B: FFATA

Certification Form
Attachment C: FFATA Reporting Instructions/Template

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Attachment A

How to Request or Verify a DUNS Number

Most entities receiving federal funds already have a DUNS number and may even
have several DUNS Numbers. HHSC must use the primary DUNS Number
assigned to the entity when
reporting FFATA obligations and expenditures. If your organization
has multiple DUNS Numbers, the primary DUNS Number will usually be the first number listed. Go to to request a DUNS Number or to verify the primary DUNS Number for your
Obtaining a DUNS Number is free of charge.

Requesting a DUNS Number

1) To verify an existing DUNS Number or to request a new DUNS Number,

go to the Dun & Bradstreet
website at You can
also call 1-866-705-5711 to request a DUNS number over the phone.

2) You will need the following information to obtain a

DUNS number:
a. Legal name of organization;
b. Doing business as (DBA) or other name by which your
organization is commonly
known or recognized;
c. Headquarters name and organization address;
d. Name of Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/organization owner;
e. Business structure of the organization (corporation, partnership,
proprietorship); f. Year the organization started;
g. Primary type of business; and,
h. Total number of employees (full and part time).

Please be advised that HHSC does not have the technical expertise to assist contractors in applying for a DUNS
Number. All questions regarding the DUNS Number should be directed to Dun & Bradstreet.

Central Contractor Registration

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Both current and potential federal government registrants are

required to register in CCR in order to be awarded contracts by the federal government.
Registrants are required to complete a one-time registration and must update or

renew their registrations at least once per year to maintain

an active status. To register and go to get additional information,

The use of DUNS+4 Numbers to identify registrants is

limited to identifying different CCR records for the same
registrant at the same physical location. The +4
extension to a DUNS number is created by registrants in
CCR when there is a need for more than one
bank/Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) account for a location.
Go to the CCR User’s Guide for additional information.

Attachment B

Texas Health and Human Services Commission

Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA)

The certifications enumerated below represent material facts upon which HHSC relies when reporting information
to the federal government required under federal law. If the HHSC later determines that the Contractor knowingly
rendered an erroneous certification, HHSC may pursue all available remedies in accordance with Texas and U.S. laws.
Signor further agrees that it will provide immediate written notice to HHSC if at any time Signor learns that any of
the certifications provided for below were erroneous when submitted or have since become erroneous by reason of
changed circumstances. If the Signor cannot certify all of the statements contained in this section, Signor must
provide written notice to HHSC detailing which of the below statements it cannot certify and why.

Did your organization have a gross income, from all sources,

of less than $300,000 in your previous tax year?

Yes - skip questions A, B, and C and continue to section D.

x No - answer questions A and

A. Certification Regarding Percent from Federal Awards (%) of Annual


Did your organization receive 80% or more of its annual gross

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

revenue from federal awards during the preceding fiscal year?

x No – skip question C.

B. Certification Regarding Amount of Annual Gross from

Federal Awards

Did your organization receive $25 million or more in annual gross revenues from federal awards in the preceding
fiscal year?

x No – skip question C.

If your answer is Yes to both questions A and B, you must answer question C.
If you answer is No to either question A or B, skip question C and continue to section D.

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Attachment C

FFATA Reporting Instructions/Template

FFATA Reporting

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F



No exception -- nor any term, condition, or provision in a Solicitation

Response that differs, varies from, or contradicts this Solicitation -- will be considered to be a
part of any contract resulting from this Solicitation unless expressly made a part of the contract
in writing by the System Agency.
Solicitation Solicitation Solicitation Basis of Respondent's Still Want to
Document Document Language to Exception Proposed be
Section which Exception Language Considered for
Number is Contract
Taken Award if
Denied? (State
"Yes" or

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Request for 2.6.1 The Applicant Human The Applicant Yes

Applications must deliver or Coalition must deliver or
ensure the currently ensure the
delivery of employs a delivery of
evidence-based Continuum of evidencebased
mentoring and Care mentoring and
case Coordinator case
management to at its management to
Grapevine each client by a
each client by a
clinic who has qualified case
qualified case
2 years of manager, who
manager, who
distinguished has at least a
has at least a
service Bachelor’s
providing case Degree in a
Degree in a
management related social
related social
services but services field,
services field or
lacks a is a
is a
Bachelor’s in Registered
Nurse or social work or Nurse or
County Health RN or County County
Worker. Health Health Worker,
Worker status. or possesses
providing case


DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Request for 1.2 & 2.6.9 A client is One of the In Section 1.2, Yes
Applications eligible to stated goals of add: “The
receive services the requirement of
through A2A if subparagraph
the person: …
(2) has to Abortion (2) above
countable program is to concerning
income that reduce countable
does not exceed abortion. income shall
200 percent of While many not apply to
the federal women who services
poverty level;
contemplate described
an abortion under Section
have low 2.6.9 of this
incomes, some application.”
women who
seek an In Section
abortion will 2.6.9, add:
have incomes “An individual
above 200% is eligible to
of the federal receive the
poverty level. decision
The decision support
support services
services identified in
identified in this
Section 2.6.9 subsection
are as needed regardless of
by women income level
above the provided he or
designated she is
income otherwise
threshold eligible to
as by receive
women services.”
below it.

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Section 5:

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

PCS 121



Date: 0 1 / 0 5 / 1 PCS Purchaser/Contract Administrator: Vonda White

8 Phone: 512-406-2540
Fax: 512-406-2697

Due Dates: 02/01/2018 Time Due: 2:00 P.M.


This Addendum is issued to reflect the following information, clarification or change(s):

1. Replace RFA Exhibit A in its entirety with the document attached below.

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Failure to acknowledge receipt of this addendum may result in response rejection. Respondents may
acknowledge receipt by one of the following methods:

1. Sign and return this addendum to HHSC PCS with the solicitation response; or
2. Acknowledge receipt of this addendum on face of your response, or;
3. If response has already been submitted by respondent, respondent may acknowledge receipt by
signing and faxing the addendum to the fax number above prior to solicitation due date and time.

Authorized Signature: Date: January 31, 2018

Printed or Typed Name of Authorized Signature: Brian Fisher

Bu s i n e s s En t it y Nam e: Human Coalition



Date: 0 1 / 1 9 / 1 PCS Purchaser/Contract Administrator: Vonda White

8 Phone: 512-406-2540
Fax: 512-406-2697

Due Dates: 02/01/2018 Time Due: 2:00 P.M.


This Addendum is issued to reflect the following information, clarification or change(s):

2. Replace Form M: Budget Details Workbook in its entirety with the revised Form M.
See revised document loaded on the HHS website.

3. Post question received from potential respondents and HHSC’s responses to those
questions. See document attached below.

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F


This Addendum is issued to reflect the following information, clarification or change(s):

4. Replace Form M: Budget Details Workbook in its entirety with the revised Form M
which includes tabs for respondents to provide budget detail for FY 2018 as well as
FY 2019. See the budget workbook for FY 2018 and FY 2019 loaded on the HHS

Failure to acknowledge receipt of this addendum may result in response rejection.

Respondents may acknowledge receipt by one of the following methods:

1. Sign and return this addendum to HHSC PCS with the solicitation response; or
2. Acknowledge receipt of this addendum on face of your response, or;
3. If response has already been submitted by respondent, respondent may acknowledge receipt by
signing and faxing the addendum to the fax number above prior to solicitation due date and time.

Authorized Signature: Date: January 31, 2018

Printed or Typed Name of Authorized Signature: Brian Fisher
Business Entity Name: Human Coalition

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Human Coalition

Audited Financial Statements

December 31, 2016 and 2015

Preston & Dake, P.C.

Certified Public Accountants
& Consultants


Human Coalition
December 31, 2016 and 2015
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Table of Contents

Independent Auditors'

Basic Financial Statements:

Statements of Financial Position 3 Statements of Activities

Statements of
Functional Expenses

Statements of
Cash Flows

Notes to
Financial Statements


DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

e appropriateness of accounting policies used and

eness of significant accounting estimates made by
well as evaluating the overall presentation of
e audit evidence we have obtained is
d appropriate to provide a basis for our audit

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above
present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position
of Human Coalition as of December 31, 2016 and 2015
and the changes in its net assets and its cash flows
for the year then ended in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles (GAAP) in the United States of

Preston & Dake,

P.C. Dallas,

March 30, 2017

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Human Coalition
Statements of Financial
Position December 31,
2016 and 2015

2016 2015

Current Assets

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

$ 1,489,239
Cash and 117,237
cash equivalents 12,34
$ 1,771,963 5
Investments 134,892 29,398
Accounts receivable, 221,1
net of allowance of 24
$1,511 and
$1,372 146,937 1,928,681

Inventory 62,495
Prepaid expenses
and deposits 125,292
Pledges receivable, 539,964
net of allowance of
$6,300 and



$ 66,219


DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

$6,530 272,243

Total Current $ 2,573,483

Assets 2,513,822
Property and Equipment

Property and
equipment 1,097,917

Accumulated depreciation (365,399)

Net Property
and Equipment

Other Assets

Intangible assets net of accumulated 74,979 amortization of

$88,314 and $73,500
$ 2,573,483
Security deposit 7,611 Total Other Assets 82,590

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

of assets
acquired in
inherent contribution $
$ 19,945 -


Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

This summary of significant accounting policies of Human Coalition

(the Organization), is presented to assist in understanding the Organization’s financial statements. The
financial statements and notes are representations of the Organization’s management who are
responsible for their integrity and objectivity of the financial statements.


Human Coalition is organized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation in the state of Texas. The organization
operated seven women's care clinics in Pittsburgh, Raleigh, Atlanta, and Dallas-Fort Worth during 2016
including four facilities and three mobile clinics.

Nature of Activities

Human Coalition dba Online for Life provides education to

individuals and organizations of a life- affirming ethic by
engaging culture through social media, online marketing, print, radio, television,
community outreach, church engagement, and other channels. The purpose
is to inform, educate, initiate, promote, and activate such ethic in
order to make abortion unthinkable and unavailable. The organization's
network of innovative women’s care clinics employs best
practices and technology in order to provide services and tangible
support to women and families facing unplanned pregnancies.

Accounting Method

The Organization uses the accrual method of accounting as required

under Accounting Standards Generally Accepted in the United States
of America and follows FASB ASC 958-205-05-4, formerly accounting for non-profitSFAS 117,

Cash and Cash Equivalents

For purposes of the statement of cash flows, the Organization

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Human Coalition
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2016 and 2015

Note 1—
considers all deposits redeemable on demand, certificates of deposits, and short-term debt
securities purchased with maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents.

Sources of Revenue

The Organization receives revenue through grants, independent donors, and

product sales.

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Human Coalition
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2016 and 2015

Note 1—
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

Income Taxes

The Organization is a not–for-profit organization that is exempt from income taxes under Section 501(c)(3)
of the Internal Revenue Code and classified by the Internal Revenue Service as other than a private


Contributions received are recorded as unrestricted, temporarily restricted, or permanently restricted

net assets depending on the existence or nature of any donor restrictions.

Property and Equipment

Purchased property and equipment are recorded at cost. Expenditures for major additions
and improvements are capitalized and minor replacements, maintenance, and
repairs are charged to expense as incurred. When property and equipment are retired, or otherwise
disposed of, the cost and accumulated depreciation are removed from the accounts and any resulting
gain or loss is included in the results of operations for the respective period.

Donations of property and equipment are recorded as

contributions at their estimated fair value. Such donations are reported as unrestricted contributions
unless the donor has restricted the donated asset to a specific purpose. Assets donated with explicit
restrictions regarding their use and contributions to acquire property and equipment are reported as
restricted contributions. Absent donor stipulations regarding how long those donated assets must be
maintained, the Organization reports expirations of donor restrictions when the donated or acquired
assets are placed in the service.
The Organization reclassifies temporarily restricted net assets to unrestricted net assets at that time.
Depreciation is calculated over the estimated useful lives of the related assets using the straight-line
method for financial statement purposes.

The Organization reviews the carrying values of all property and equipment, including intangibles
(discussed below) whenever circumstances indicate that the carrying value of such long-lived assets may
not be recoverable from future cash flows expected to result from the used and ultimate disposition of
each asset. In cases where the un-discounted expected future cash flows are less than the carrying
value, an impairment loss is recognized equal to an amount by which the carrying value exceeds the fair
value. The factors considered by management in performing this assessment include current operating
economic factors. Based on these criteria, there was no impairment in 2016 and 2015, respectively.
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Human Coalition
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2016 and 2015

Note 1—

Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

Property and Equipment (Continued)

Estimated useful lives for significant property and equipment categories are as follows:

Office furniture and equipment

5 to 10 years

Computers 5 years Mobile units

5 years

Videos 3 years


Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market. Cost is determined by the average cost method.
Included in inventory
are books, shirts, bracelets, and other marketing items.

Risks and Uncertainties

The Organization invests in various investment securities. Investment
securities are exposed to various risks such as interest rate, market,
and credit risks. Due to the level of risk associated with certain
investment securities, it is at least reasonably possible that
changes could materially affect the investment
amounts reported in the statement of financial position.

Use of Estimates
Management uses estimates and assumptions in preparing these financial
statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles. Those estimates and assumptions affect the reported
amounts of assets and liabilities, the disclosure of contingent
assets and liabilities and the reported revenues and expenses.
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Human Coalition
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2016 and 2015

Note 1—
Actual results could vary from the estimates that are used.

Fair Value Measurements

FASB ASC 825-10 requires disclosure of fair value information about

financial instruments, whether or not recognized in the
statement of financial condition. In cases where quoted market prices
are not available, fair values are based on estimates using present
value or other valuation techniques. Those techniques are significantly
affected by the assumptions used, including the discount rate and estimates of future cash flows. In that
regard, the derived fair

value estimates cannot be substantiated by comparison to independent

markets and, in many cases, could not be realized in immediate
settlement of the instruments. FASB ASC 825-10 excludes certain financial
instruments and all nonfinancial instruments from its disclosure
requirements. Accordingly, the aggregate fair value amounts presented
do not represent the underlying value of the Organization.


Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

Fair Value Measurements (Continued)

The fair value of financial instruments classified as current assets or liabilities, including cash and cash
equivalents, short-term investments, accounts receivable, and accounts payable and accrued expenses
approximate carrying value, principally because of the short maturity of those items. Investments in
marketable equity securities are carried at quoted market value.

Note 2—Restrictions on Net Assets

One grantor, a private foundation, restricts the use of funds to the Initial Core Plan of the Organization to
convert from a volunteer effort to a full-time organization with specific program goals. In 2016, several
additional donors or contributors also had specified restrictions on funds currently held by the
Organization. At December 31, 2016, no net assets was restricted, and at December 31, 2015, $77,500
were restricted.

Note 3—Pledges Receivable

Unconditional promises to give that are expected to be

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Human Coalition
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2016 and 2015

Note 1—
collected within one year are recorded at net realizable value.
Management provides for probable uncollectible amounts through a
provision for uncollectible pledges receivable. Balances that are still
outstanding after management has used reasonable collection

efforts are chargedoff. Allowance for doubtful accounts was $6,300 and $6,530 at December 31, 2016 and
2015, respectively.

Note 4—Accounts Receivable

Accounts receivable consists primarily of fees due from program services and is non-interest bearing.
Accounts receivable is reported net of an allowance of $1,511 and $1,372 at December 31, 2016
and 2015, respectively. Accounts receivable balances are chargedoff after being deemed
uncollectible by management.

Note 5—In-Kind Donations

Donor income includes $17,637 of in-kind donations that consist of $15,000 in services and $2,637 in

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Human Coalition
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2016 and 2015

Note 1—
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Human Coalition
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2016 and 2015

2015 amounted to $14,814 and $39,791, respectively.

The organization recorded 2016 net expense of $44,714 to

reflect retirement of previously capitalized website properties.
Note 8—Investments

The Organization's mutual funds and available-for-sale securities are carried

at fair value, which represents reported market value as of the
last business day of the fiscal year. Transactions are recorded
at the trade date. At December 31, 2016 and 2015, all investments were measured at fair value
using quoted prices where available in actively traded markets (level I) (see note 9).

Estimated fair values of the Organization investment are as follows:

2016 2015


DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Human Coalition
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2016 and 2015

value provides a fair value hierarchy

that prioritizes the inputs to valuation techniques used to
measure fair value. The hierarchy gives the highest priority to
unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or
liabilities (level 1) and the lowest priority to unobservable inputs (level
3). The three levels of the fair value hierarchy under FASB ASC
820 are described as follows:
Level 1 Inputs to the valuation methodology are unadjusted
quoted prices for identical assets or liabilities in
active markets that the Plan has the ability to
Level 2 Inputs to the valuation methodology include
• Quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in
active markets;
• Quoted prices for identical or similar assets or
liabilities in inactive markets;
• Inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the asset or liability

Inputs that are derived principally from or corroborated by observable market
data by correlation of other names

If the asset or liability has a specified (contractual) term,

the level 2 input must be observable for substantially
the full term of the asset or liability.
Level 3 Inputs to the valuation methodology are unobservable
and significant to the fair value measurement.
Note 10—Concentrations

The Organization maintains its cash balances at several financial

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Human Coalition
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2016 and 2015

institutions located in North Texas.

Accounts at each institution are insured by the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation (FDIC) up to
Mutual Funds - Black Rock Mutual
Funds - Pacific Funds $ 63,207

Note 9—Fair Value Measurements
The framework for measuring fair$
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Human Coalition
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2016 and 2015

$250,000 on interest bearing and unlimited on non-interest bearing accounts. As of December 31,
2016 and 2015, the Organization had $867,707 and $652,525 of cash deposits in excess of insured
limits, respectively.

For the years ended December 31, 2016 and 2015, two grantors accounted for approximately 39% and
43% of all revenue before donated goods and assets, respectively.

Note 11—Income Taxes

The Organization files income tax returns in the U.S. federal jurisdiction. With few exceptions, the
Organization is no longer subject to income tax examinations by tax authorities for years before 2013.

The Organization follows the provisions of uncertain tax positions as addressed in FASB Accounting
Standards Codification 740-10-65-1. The Organization recognized no increase in the liability for
unrecognized tax benefits. The Organization has no tax position

at December 31, 2016 and 2015 for

which the ultimate is deductibility is highly certain, but for which there the timing of such
uncertainty about deductibility. The
Organization recognizes interest accrued related to unrecognized tax benefits
in interest expense and penalties in operating expenses.
Organization had no accruals for interest and penalties at
December 31, 2016 and 2015.
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Human Coalition
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2016 and 2015

DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Human Coalition
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2016 and 2015

Note 12—Leases

The Organization leases four offices under four operating leases.

lease payments over the next five years are as
Future minimum

2017 $ 329,690
2018 225,067
2019 81,600
2020 6,800
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Human Coalition
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2016 and 2015

$ 643,159

Rent expense 2016 and 2015

amounted to for the year ended December 31,
$374,292 and $298,271, respectively.
Note 13 –
Related Party Transactions
The founder and the employed by
Organization chairman of the board is also as the President. During ended December and
31, 2016 and the years 2015, he was compensated $185,694

Note 14 – Compensated Absences

Employees of sick the Organization are entitled to paid personal days off,vacation, paid
days, and depending on
length of service, and other factors. The Organization's policy recognize the
costs of compensated absences when employees. job classification, is
Note 15 – Recently-Adopted Financial Accounting actually paid to

The accounting and reporting principles governing

presentations and disclosures in financial statements and Reporting

amounts, are
subject to
change from time to time based on new pronouncements and/or rules issued by regulatory bodies.
New pronouncements not yet in effect
as of December 31, 2016 and 2015, will not have a
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

Human Coalition
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2016 and 2015
DocuSign Envelope ID: E0082425-87E8-4EBB-9012-64267FFBFB1F

ATTACHMENT E- General Affirmations

By entering into this Contract, Contractor affirms, without exception, as follows:

1. Contractor represents and warrants that these General Affirmations apply to Contractor and all
of Contractor's principals, officers, directors, shareholders, partners, owners, agents,
employees, Subcontractors, independent contractors, and any other representatives who may
provide services under, who have a financial interest in, or otherwise are interested in this
2. Contractor represents and warrants that all statements and information provided to the System
Agency are current, complete, and accurate. This includes all statements and information
relating in any manner to this Contract and any solicitation resulting in this Contract.
3. Contractor has not given, has not offered to give, and does not intend to give at any time
hereafter any economic opportunity, future employment, gift, loan, gratuity, special discount,
trip, favor, or service to a public servant in connection with this Contract.
4. Under Section 2155.004, Texas Government Code (relating to financial participation in
preparing solicitations), Contractor certifies that it is not ineligible to receive this Contract and
acknowledges that this Contract may be terminated and payment withheld if this certification
is inaccurate.
5. Under Section 2155.006, Texas Government Code (relating to convictions and penalties
regarding Hurricane Rita, Hurricane Katrina, and other disasters), Contractor certifies that it is
not ineligible to receive this Contract and acknowledges that this Contract may be terminated
and payment withheld if this certification is inaccurate.
6. Under Section 2261.053, Texas Government Code (relating to convictions and penalties
regarding Hurricane Rita, Hurricane Katrina, and other disasters), Contractor certifies that it is
not ineligible to receive this Contract and acknowledges that this Contract may be terminated
and payment withheld if this certification is inaccurate.
7. Under Section 231.006, Texas Family Code (relating to delinquent child support), Contractor
certifies that it is not ineligible to receive the specified grant, loan, or payment and
acknowledges that this Contract may be terminated and payment may be withheld if this
certification is inaccurate.
8. Contractor certifies that: (a) the entity executing this Contract; (b) its principals; (c) its
Subcontractors; and (d) any personnel designated to perform services related to this Contract
are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or
voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any federal Department or
Agency. This certification is made pursuant to the regulations implementing Executive Order
12549 and Executive Order 12689, Debarment and Suspension, 2 C.F.R. Part 376, and any
relevant regulations promulgated by the Department or Agency funding this project. This
provision shall be included in its entirety in Contractor’s Subcontracts if payment in whole or
in part is from federal funds.
9. Contractor certifies that it, its principals, its Subcontractors, and any personnel designated to
perform services related to this Contract are eligible to participate in this transaction and have
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not been subjected to suspension, debarment, or similar ineligibility determined by any

federal, state, or local governmental entity.
10. Contractor certifies it is in compliance with all State of Texas statutes and rules relating to
procurement; and that (a) the entity executing this Contract; (b) its principals; (c) its
Subcontractors; and (d) any personnel designated to perform services related to this Contract
are not listed on the federal government's terrorism watch list described in Executive Order
13224. Entities ineligible for federal procurement are listed at, which Contractor may review in making this
certification. Contractor acknowledges that this Contract may be terminated and payment
withheld if this certification is inaccurate. This provision shall be included in its entirety in
Contractor’s Subcontracts if payment in whole or in part is from federal funds.
11. In accordance with Texas Government Code Section 669.003 (relating to contracting with the
executive head of a state agency), Contractor certifies that it (1) is not the executive head of
the System Agency; (2) was not at any time during the past four years the executive head of
the System Agency; and (3) does not employ a current or former executive head of the System
12. Contractor represents and warrants that it is not currently delinquent in the payment of any
franchise taxes owed the State of Texas under Chapter 171 of the Texas Tax Code.
13. Contractor represents and warrants that payments to Contractor and Contractor's receipt of
appropriated or other funds under this Contract are not prohibited by Sections 556.005,
556.0055, or 556.008 of the Texas Government Code (relating to use of appropriated money
or state funds to employ or pay lobbyists, lobbying expenses, or influence legislation).
14. Contractor represents and warrants that it will comply with Texas Government Code Section
2155.4441, relating to the purchase of products produced in the State of Texas under service
15. Pursuant to Section 2252.901, Texas Government Code (relating to prohibitions regarding
contracts with and involving former and retired state agency employees), Contractor will not
allow any former employee of the System Agency to perform services under this Contract
during the twelve (12) month period immediately following the employee’s last date of
employment at the System Agency.
16. Contractor acknowledges that, pursuant to Section 572.069 of the Texas Government Code, a
former state officer or employee of the System Agency who during the period of state service
or employment participated on behalf of the System Agency in a procurement or contract
negotiation involving Contractor may not accept employment from Contractor before the
second anniversary of the date the officer's or employee's service or employment with the
System Agency ceased.
17. Contractor understands that the System Agency does not tolerate any type of fraud. The
System Agency’s policy is to promote consistent, legal, and ethical organizational behavior by
assigning responsibilities and providing guidelines to enforce controls. Violations of law,
agency policies, or standards of ethical conduct will be investigated, and appropriate actions
will be taken. All employees or contractors who suspect fraud, waste or abuse (including
employee misconduct that would constitute fraud, waste, or abuse) are required to

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immediately report the questionable activity to both the Health and Human Services
Commission's Office of the Inspector General at 1-800-436-6184 and the State Auditor's
Office. Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, and System
Agency policies regarding fraud including, but not limited to, HHS Circular C-027.
18. Contractor represents and warrants that it has not violated state or federal antitrust laws and
has not communicated its bid for this Contract directly or indirectly to any competitor or any
other person engaged in such line of business. Contractor hereby assigns to System Agency
any claims for overcharges associated with this Contract under 15 U.S.C. § 1, et seq., and
Texas Business and Commerce Code § 15.01, et seq.
19. Contractor represents and warrants that it is not aware of and has received no notice of any
court or governmental agency proceeding, investigation, or other action pending or threatened
against Contractor or any of the individuals or entities included numbered paragraph 1 of
these General Affirmations within the five (5) calendar years immediately preceding the
execution of this Contract that would or could impair Contractor’s performance under this
Contract, relate to the contracted or similar goods or services, or otherwise be relevant to the
System Agency’s consideration of entering into this Contract. If Contractor is unable to make
the preceding representation and warranty, then Contractor instead represents and warrants
that it has provided to the System Agency a complete, detailed disclosure of any such court or
governmental agency proceeding, investigation, or other action that would or could impair
Contractor’s performance under this Contract, relate to the contracted or similar goods or
services, or otherwise be relevant to the System Agency’s consideration of entering into this
Contract. In addition, Contractor represents and warrants that it shall notify the System
Agency in writing within five (5) business days of any changes to the representations or
warranties in this clause and understands that failure to so timely update the System Agency
shall constitute breach of contract and may result in immediate termination of this Contract.
20. Pursuant to Texas Government Code §2270.002, Contractor affirms that it: (a) does not
boycott Israel; and (b) will not boycott Israel during the term of this Contract.
21. Contractor affirms that it is not engaged in business with Iran, Sudan, or any foreign terrorist
22. Contractor understands, acknowledges, and agrees that any false representation or any failure
to comply with a representation, warranty, or certification made by Contractor is subject to all
civil and criminal consequences provided at law or in equity including, but not limited to,
immediate termination of this Contract.
23. Contractor represents and warrants that it will comply with all applicable laws and maintain
all permits and licenses required by applicable city, county, state, and federal rules,
regulations, statues, codes, and other laws that pertain to this Contract.
24. Contractor represents and warrants that the individual signing this Contract is authorized to
sign on behalf of Contractor and to bind Contractor.

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ATTACHMENT F- Uniform Terms and Conditions

HHSC Uniform Terms and Conditions Version 2.15

Published and Effective: September 1, 2017
Responsible Office: Chief Counsel

Health and Human Services Commission

HHSC Uniform Terms and Conditions - Grant Version
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ARTICLE I. DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETIVE PROVISIONS ...........................................................4
1.01 Definitions .................................................................................................................................................4
1.02 Interpretive Provisions ..............................................................................................................................5
ARTICLE II Payment Methods and Restrictions ............................................................................................6
2.01 Payment Methods ......................................................................................................................................6
2.02 Final Billing Submission ...........................................................................................................................6
2.03 Financial Status Reports (FSRs) ................................................................................................................7
2.04 Debt to State and Corporate Status ............................................................................................................7
2.05 Application of Payment Due .....................................................................................................................7
2.06 Use of Funds ..............................................................................................................................................7
2.07 Use for Match Prohibited...........................................................................................................................7
2.08 Program Income ........................................................................................................................................7
2.09 Nonsupplanting ..........................................................................................................................................7
ARTICLE III. STATE AND FEDERAL FUNDING .......................................................................................8
3.01 Funding ......................................................................................................................................................8
3.02 No debt Against the State ..........................................................................................................................8
3.03 Debt to State ..............................................................................................................................................8
3.04 Recapture of Funds ....................................................................................................................................8
ARTICLE IV Allowable Costs and Audit Requirements ................................................................................8
4.01 Allowable Costs .........................................................................................................................................8
4.02 Independent Single or Program-Specific Audit.......................................................................................10
4.03 Submission of Audit ................................................................................................................................11
Article V AFFIRMATIONS, ASSURANCES AND CERTIFICATIONS ...................................................11
5.01 General Affirmations ...............................................................................................................................11
5.02 Federal Assurances ..................................................................................................................................11
5.03 Federal Certifications ..............................................................................................................................11
ARTICLE VI OWNERSHIP AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ..........................................................11
6.01 Ownership ................................................................................................................................................11
6.02 Intellectual Property ................................................................................................................................12
ARTICLE VII RECORDS, AUDIT, AND DISCLOSURE ...........................................................................12
7.01 Books and Records ..................................................................................................................................12
7.02 Access to records, books, and documents ...............................................................................................12
7.03 Response/compliance with audit or inspection findings .........................................................................13
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7.04 SAO Audit ................................................................................................................................................13

7.05 Confidentiality ..........................................................................................................................................13
7.06 Public Information Act ............................................................................................................................13
8.01 Contract Management..............................................................................................................................13
8.02 Termination for Convenience ..................................................................................................................14
8.03 Termination for Cause .............................................................................................................................14
8.04 Equitable Settlement ................................................................................................................................14
ARTICLE IX MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS........................................................................................14
9.01 Amendment .............................................................................................................................................14
9.02 Insurance ..................................................................................................................................................14
9.03 Legal Obligations ....................................................................................................................................15
9.04 Permitting and Licensure .........................................................................................................................15
9.05 Indemnity .................................................................................................................................................15
9.06 Assignments.............................................................................................................................................16
9.07 Relationship of the Parties .......................................................................................................................16
9.08 Technical Guidance Letters .....................................................................................................................17
9.09 Governing Law and Venue ......................................................................................................................17
9.11 Survivability ............................................................................................................................................17
9.12 Force Majeure ..........................................................................................................................................17
9.13 No Waiver of Provisions .........................................................................................................................18
9.14 Publicity ...................................................................................................................................................18
9.15 Prohibition on Non-compete Restrictions ...............................................................................................18
9.16 No Waiver of Sovereign Immunity .........................................................................................................18
9.17 Entire Contract and Modification ............................................................................................................18
9.18 Counterparts.............................................................................................................................................18
9.19 Proper Authority ......................................................................................................................................18
9.20 Employment Verification .......................................................................................................................19
9.21 Civil Rights .............................................................................................................................................19

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1.01 Definitions
As used in this Contract, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the following terms and conditions
have the meanings assigned below:
“Amendment” means a written agreement, signed by the parties hereto, which documents changes
to the Contract other than those permitted by Work Orders or Technical Guidance Letters, as herein
“Attachment” means documents, terms, conditions, or additional information physically added to
this Contract following the Signature Document or included by reference, as if physically, within
the body of this Contract.
“Contract” means the Signature Document, these Uniform Terms and Conditions, along with any
Attachments, and any Amendments, or Technical Guidance Letters that may be issued by the
System Agency, to be incorporated by reference herein for all purposes if issued.

“Deliverable” means the work product(s) required to be submitted to the System Agency including
all reports and project documentation.

“Effective Date” means the date agreed to by the Parties as the date on which the Contract takes effect.

“Federal Fiscal Year” means the period beginning October 1 and ending September 30 each year, which
is the annual accounting period for the United States government.

“GAAP” means Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.

“GASB” means the Governmental Accounting Standards Board.

“Grantee” means the Party receiving funds under this Contract, if any. May also be referred to as "Contractor"
in certain attachments.

“Health and Human Services Commission” or “HHSC” means the administrative agency established under
Chapter 531, Texas Government Code or its designee.

“HUB” means Historically Underutilized Business, as defined by Chapter 2161 of the Texas Government Code.

“Intellectual Property” means inventions and business processes, whether or not patentable; works
of authorship; trade secrets; trademarks; service marks; industrial designs; and creations that are
subject to potential legal protection incorporated in any Deliverable and first created or developed
by Grantee, Grantee's contractor or a subcontractor in performing the Project. “Mentor Protégé”
means the Comptroller of Public Accounts’ leadership program found at:
“Parties” means the System Agency and Grantee, collectively.

“Party” means either the System Agency or Grantee, individually.

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“Program” means the statutorily authorized activities of the System Agency under which this Contract has
been awarded.

“Project” means specific activities of the Grantee that are supported by funds provided under this Contract.

“Public Information Act” or “PIA” means Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code.

“Statement of Work” means the description of activities performed in completing the Project, as specified
in the Contract and as may be amended.
“Signature Document” means the document executed by both Parties that specifically sets forth all
of the documents that constitute the Contract.

“Solicitation or "RFA"” means the document issued by the System Agency under which
applications for Program funds were requested, which is incorporated herein by reference for all
purposes in its entirety, including all Amendments and Attachments.

“Solicitation Response" or "Application" means Grantee’s full and complete response to the
Solicitation, which is incorporated herein by reference for all purposes in its entirety, including
any Attachments and addenda.

“State Fiscal Year” means the period beginning September 1 and ending August 31 each year, which is
the annual accounting period for the State of Texas.

“State of Texas Textravel” means Texas Administrative Code, Title 34, Part 1, Chapter 5,
Subchapter C, Section 5.22, relative to travel reimbursements under this Contract, if any. “System
Agency” means HHSC or any of the agencies of the State of Texas that are overseen by HHSC
under authority granted under State law and the officers, employees, and designees of those
agencies. These agencies include: HHSC and the Department of State Health Services. “Technical
Guidance Letter” or “TGL” means an instruction, clarification, or interpretation of the
requirements of the Contract, issued by the System Agency to the Grantee.
1.02 Interpretive Provisions
a. The meanings of defined terms are equally applicable to the singular and plural forms of the defined
b. The words “hereof,” “herein,” “hereunder,” and similar words refer to this Contract as a whole and
not to any particular provision, section, Attachment, or schedule of this Contract unless otherwise
c. The term “including” is not limiting and means “including without limitation” and, unless otherwise
expressly provided in this Contract, (i) references to contracts (including this Contract) and other
contractual instruments shall be deemed to include all subsequent Amendments and other
modifications thereto, but only to the extent that such Amendments and other modifications are not
prohibited by the terms of this Contract, and (ii) references to any statute or regulation are to be
construed as including all statutory and regulatory provisions consolidating, amending, replacing,
supplementing, or interpreting the statute or regulation.

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d. Any references to “sections,” “appendices,” or “attachments” are references to sections, appendices,

or attachments of the Contract.
e. Any references to agreements, contracts, statutes, or administrative rules or regulations in the
Contract are references to these documents as amended, modified, or supplemented from time to time
during the term of the Contract.
f. The captions and headings of this Contract are for convenience of reference only and do not affect
the interpretation of this Contract.
g. All Attachments within this Contract, including those incorporated by reference, and any
Amendments are considered part of the terms of this Contract.
h. This Contract may use several different limitations, regulations, or policies to regulate the same or
similar matters. All such limitations, regulations, and policies are cumulative and each will be
performed in accordance with its terms.
i. Unless otherwise expressly provided, reference to any action of the System Agency or by the
System Agency by way of consent, approval, or waiver will be deemed modified by the phrase
“in its sole discretion.”
j. Time is of the essence in this Contract.


2.01 Payment Methods
Except as otherwise provided by the provisions of the Contract, the payment method will be one or
more of the following:
a. cost reimbursement. This payment method is based on an approved budget and submission of
a request for reimbursement of expenses Grantee has incurred at the time of the request;
b. unit rate/fee-for-service. This payment method is based on a fixed price or a specified rate(s)
or fee(s) for delivery of a specified unit(s) of service and acceptable submission of all required
documentation, forms and/or reports; or
c. advance payment. This payment method is based on disbursal of the minimum necessary funds
to carry out the Program or Project where the Grantee has implemented appropriate safeguards.
This payment method will only be utilized in accordance with governing law and at the sole
discretion of the System Agency.

Grantees shall bill the System Agency in accordance with the Contract. Unless otherwise specified
in the Contract, Grantee shall submit requests for reimbursement or payment monthly by the last
business day of the month following the month in which expenses were incurred or services
provided. Grantee shall maintain all documentation that substantiates invoices and make the
documentation available to the System Agency upon request.
2.02 Final Billing Submission
Unless otherwise provided by the System Agency, Grantee shall submit a reimbursement or
payment request as a final close-out invoice not later than forty-five (45) calendar days following
the end of the term of the Contract. Reimbursement or payment requests received in the System
Agency's offices more than forty-five (45) calendar days following the termination of the Contract
may not be paid.

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2.03 Financial Status Reports (FSRs)

Except as otherwise provided in these General Provisions or in the terms of any Program
Attachment(s) that is incorporated into the Contract, for contracts with categorical budgets,
Grantee shall submit quarterly FSRs to Accounts Payable by the last business day of the month
following the end of each quarter of the Program Attachment term for System Agency review and
financial assessment. Grantee shall submit the final FSR no later than forty-five (45) calendar
days following the end of the applicable term.
2.04 Debt to State and Corporate Status
Pursuant to Tex. Gov. Code § 403.055, the Department will not approve and the State Comptroller
will not issue payment to Grantee if Grantee is indebted to the State for any reason, including a
tax delinquency. Grantee, if a corporation, certifies by execution of this Contract that it is current
and will remain current in its payment of franchise taxes to the State of Texas or that it is exempt
from payment of franchise taxes under Texas law (Tex. Tax Code §§ 171.001 et seq.). If tax
payments become delinquent during the Contract term, all or part of the payments under this
Contract may be withheld until Grantee’s delinquent tax is paid in full.
2.05 Application of Payment Due
Grantee agrees that any payments due under this Contract will be applied towards any debt of
Grantee, including but not limited to delinquent taxes and child support that is owed to the State
of Texas.
2.06 Use of Funds
Grantee shall expend funds provided under this Contract only for the provision of approved services and
for reasonable and allowable expenses directly related to those services.
2.07 Use for Match Prohibited
Grantee shall not use funds provided under this Contract for matching purposes in securing other funding
without the written approval of the System Agency.
2.08 Program Income
Income directly generated from funds provided under this Contract or earned only as a result of
such funds is Program Income. Unless otherwise required under the Program, Grantee shall use
the addition alternative, as provided in UGMS § __.25(g)(2), for the use of Project income to
further the Program, and Grantee shall spend the Program Income on the Project. Grantee shall
identify and report this income in accordance with the Contract, applicable law, and any
programmatic guidance. Grantee shall expend Program Income during the Contract term and may
not carry Program Income forward to any succeeding term. Grantee shall refund program income
to the System Agency if the Program Income is not expended in the term in which it is earned.
The System Agency may base future funding levels, in part, upon Grantee’s proficiency in
identifying, billing, collecting, and reporting Program Income, and in using it for the purposes and
under the conditions specified in this Contract.
2.09 Nonsupplanting
Grantee shall not use funds from this Contract to replace or substitute for existing funding from
other but shall use funds from this Contract to supplement existing state or local funds currently
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available. Grantee shall make a good faith effort to maintain its current level of support. Grantee
may be required to submit documentation substantiating that a reduction in state or local funding,
if any, resulted for reasons other than receipt or expected receipt of funding under this Contract.
3.01 Funding
This Contract is contingent upon the availability of sufficient and adequate funds. If funds become
unavailable through lack of appropriations, budget cuts, transfer of funds between programs or
agencies, amendment of the Texas General Appropriations Act, agency consolidation, or any other
disruptions of current funding for this Contract, the System Agency may restrict, reduce, or
terminate funding under this Contract. This Contract is also subject to immediate cancellation or
termination, without penalty to the System Agency, if sufficient and adequate funds are not
available. Grantee will have no right of action against the System Agency if the System Agency
cannot perform its obligations under this Contract as a result of lack of funding for any activities
or functions contained within the scope of this Contract. In the event of cancellation or termination
under this Section, the System Agency will not be required to give notice and will not be liable for
any damages or losses caused or associated with such termination or cancellation.
3.02 No debt Against the State
The Contract will not be construed as creating any debt by or on behalf of the State of Texas.
3.03 Debt to State
If a payment law prohibits the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts from making a payment, the
Grantee acknowledges the System Agency's payments under the Contract will be applied toward
eliminating the debt or delinquency. This requirement specifically applies to any debt or
delinquency, regardless of when it arises.
3.04 Recapture of Funds
The System Agency may withhold all or part of any payments to Grantee to offset overpayments
made to the Grantee. Overpayments as used in this Section include payments (i) made by the
System Agency that exceed the maximum allowable rates; (ii) that are not allowed under
applicable laws, rules, or regulations; or (iii) that are otherwise inconsistent with this Contract,
including any unapproved expenditures. Grantee understands and agrees that it will be liable to
the System Agency for any costs disallowed pursuant to financial and compliance audit(s) of funds
received under this Contract. Grantee further understands and agrees that reimbursement of such
disallowed costs will be paid by Grantee from funds which were not provided or otherwise made
available to Grantee under this Contract.
4.01 Allowable Costs.
System Agency will reimburse the allowable costs incurred in performing the Project that are
sufficiently documented. Grantee must have incurred a cost prior to claiming reimbursement and
within the applicable term to be eligible for reimbursement under this Contract. The System
Agency will determine whether costs submitted by Grantee are allowable and eligible for
reimbursement. If the System Agency has paid funds to Grantee for unallowable or ineligible

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costs, the System Agency will notify Grantee in writing, and Grantee shall return the funds to the
System Agency within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of this written notice. The System
Agency may withhold all or part of any payments to Grantee to offset reimbursement for any
unallowable or ineligible expenditure that Grantee has not refunded to the System Agency, or if

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financial status report(s) required under the Financial Status Reports section are not submitted by
the due date(s). The System Agency may take repayment (recoup) from funds available under this
Contract in amounts necessary to fulfill Grantee’s repayment obligations. Applicable cost
principles, audit requirements, and administrative requirements include-

Applicable Entity Applicable Cost Audit Administrative

Principles Requirements Requirements

State, Local and 2 CFR, Part 225 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR Part 200 and
Tribal Governments Subpart F and UGMS

Educational 2 CFR, Part 220 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR Part 200 and
Institutions Subpart F and UGMS

Non-Profit 2 CFR, Part 230 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR Part 200 and
Organizations Subpart F and UGMS

For-profit 48 CFR Part 31, 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR Part 200 and
Organization other Contract Cost Subpart F and UGMS
than a hospital and an Principles UGMS
organization named in Procedures, or
OMB Circular A-122 uniform cost
(2 CFR Part, 230) as accounting
not subject to that standards that
circular. comply with cost
acceptable to the
federal or
awarding agency
OMB Circulars will be applied with the modifications prescribed by UGMS with effect given to
whichever provision imposes the more stringent requirement in the event of a conflict.

4.02 Independent Single or Program-Specific Audit

If Grantee, within Grantee’s fiscal year, expends a total amount of at least SEVEN HUNDRED
FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($750,000) in federal funds awarded, Grantee shall have a
single audit or program-specific audit in accordance with 2 CFR 200. The $750,000 federal
threshold amount includes federal funds passed through by way of state agency awards. If
Grantee, within Grantee’s fiscal year, expends a total amount of at least $750,000 in state funds

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awarded, Grantee must have a single audit or program-specific audit in accordance with UGMS,
State of Texas Single Audit Circular. The audit must be conducted by an independent certified
public accountant and in accordance with 2 CFR 200, Government Auditing Standards, and
UGMS. For-profit Grantees whose expenditures meet or exceed the federal or state expenditure
thresholds stated above shall follow the guidelines in 2 CFR 200 or UGMS, as applicable, for
their program-specific audits. HHSC Single Audit Services will notify Grantee to complete the
Single Audit Determination Form. If Grantee fails to complete the Single Audit Determination
Form within thirty (30) calendar days after notification by HHSC Single Audit Services to do so,
Grantee shall be subject to the System Agency sanctions and remedies for non-compliance with
this Contract. Each Grantee that is required to obtain a single audit must competitively reprocure
single audit services once every six years. Grantee shall procure audit services in compliance
with this section, state procurement procedures, as well as with the provisions of UGMS.
4.03 Submission of Audit
Due the earlier of 30 days after receipt of the independent certified public accountant's report or
nine months after the end of the fiscal year, Grantee shall submit electronically, one copy of the
Single Audit or Program-Specific Audit to the System Agency as directed in this Contract and
another copy to: [email protected]


5.01 General Affirmations
Grantee certifies that, to the extent General Affirmations are incorporated into the Contract under
the Signature Document, the General Affirmations have been reviewed and that Grantee is in
compliance with each of the requirements reflected therein.
5.02 Federal Assurances
Grantee further certifies that, to the extent Federal Assurances are incorporated into the Contract
under the Signature Document, the Federal Assurances have been reviewed and that Grantee is in
compliance with each of the requirements reflected therein.
5.03 Federal Certifications
Grantee further certifies, to the extent Federal Certifications are incorporated into the Contract
under the Signature Document, that the Federal Certifications have been reviewed, and that
Grantee is in compliance with each of the requirements reflected therein. In addition, Grantee
certifies that it is in compliance with all applicable federal laws, rules, or regulations, as they
may pertain to this Contract.
6.01 Ownership
The System Agency will own, and Grantee hereby assigns to the System Agency, all right, title,
and interest in all Deliverables.

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6.02 Intellectual Property

a. The System Agency and Grantee will retain ownership, all rights, title, and interest in and to,
their respective pre-existing Intellectual Property. A license to either Party's pre-existing
Intellectual Property must be agreed to under this or another contract.

b. Grantee grants to the System Agency and the State of Texas a royalty-free, paid up, worldwide,
perpetual, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use any Intellectual Property invented or
created by Grantee, Grantee's contractor, or a subcontractor in the performance of the Project.
Grantee will require its contractors to grant such a license under its contracts.


7.01 Books and Records
Grantee will keep and maintain under GAAP or GASB, as applicable, full, true, and complete
records necessary to fully disclose to the System Agency, the Texas State Auditor’s Office, the
United States Government, and their authorized representatives sufficient information to determine
compliance with the terms and conditions of this Contract and all state and federal rules,
regulations, and statutes. Unless otherwise specified in this Contract, Grantee will maintain
legible copies of this Contract and all related documents for a minimum of seven (7) years after
the termination of the contract period or seven (7) years after the completion of any litigation or
dispute involving the Contract, whichever is later.
7.02 Access to records, books, and documents
In addition to any right of access arising by operation of law, Grantee and any of Grantee’s affiliate
or subsidiary organizations, or Subcontractors will permit the System Agency or any of its duly
authorized representatives, as well as duly authorized federal, state or local authorities, unrestricted
access to and the right to examine any site where business is conducted or Services are performed,
and all records, which includes but is not limited to financial, client and patient records, books,
papers or documents related to this Contract. If the Contract includes federal funds, federal
agencies that will have a right of access to records as described in this section include: the federal
agency providing the funds, the Comptroller General of the United States, the General Accounting
Office, the Office of the Inspector General, and any of their authorized representatives. In addition,
agencies of the State of Texas that will have a right of access to records as described in this section
include: the System Agency, HHSC, HHSC's contracted examiners, the State Auditor’s Office, the
Texas Attorney General's Office, and any successor agencies. Each of these entities may be a duly
authorized authority. If deemed necessary by the System Agency or any duly authorized authority,
for the purpose of investigation or hearing, Grantee will produce original documents related to this
Contract. The System Agency and any duly authorized authority will have the right to audit
billings both before and after payment, and all documentation that substantiates the billings.
Grantee will include this provision concerning the right of access to, and examination of, sites and
information related to this Contract in any Subcontract it awards.

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7.03 Response/compliance with audit or inspection findings

a. Grantee must act to ensure its and its Subcontractor’s compliance with all corrections necessary
to address any finding of noncompliance with any law, regulation, audit requirement, or
generally accepted accounting principle, or any other deficiency identified in any audit, review,
or inspection of the Contract and the goods or services provided hereunder. Any such
correction will be at Grantee or its Subcontractor's sole expense. Whether Grantee's action
corrects the noncompliance will be solely the decision of the System Agency.

b. As part of the Services, Grantee must provide to HHSC upon request a copy of those portions
of Grantee's and its Subcontractors' internal audit reports relating to the Services and
Deliverables provided to the State under the Contract.
7.04 SAO Audit
Grantee understands that acceptance of funds directly under the Contract or indirectly through a
Subcontract under the Contract acts as acceptance of the authority of the State Auditor’s Office
(SAO), or any successor agency, to conduct an audit or investigation in connection with those
funds. Under the direction of the legislative audit committee, an entity that is the subject of an
audit or investigation by the SAO must provide the SAO with access to any information the SAO
considers relevant to the investigation or audit. Grantee agrees to cooperate fully with the SAO or
its successor in the conduct of the audit or investigation, including providing all records requested.
Grantee will ensure that this clause concerning the authority to audit funds received indirectly by
Subcontractors through Grantee and the requirement to cooperate is included in any Subcontract
it awards.
7.05 Confidentiality
Any specific confidentiality agreement between the Parties takes precedent over the terms of this
section. To the extent permitted by law, Grantee agrees to keep all information confidential, in
whatever form produced, prepared, observed, or received by Grantee. The provisions of this
section remain in full force and effect following termination or cessation of the services performed
under this Contract.
7.06 Public Information Act
Information related to the performance of this Contract may be subject to the PIA and will be
withheld from public disclosure or released only in accordance therewith. Grantee must make all
information not otherwise excepted from disclosure under the PIA available in portable document
file (".pdf") format or any other format agreed between the Parties.


8.01 Contract Management
To ensure full performance of the Contract and compliance with applicable law, the System
Agency may take actions including:
a. Suspending all or part of the Contract;

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b. Requiring the Grantee to take specific corrective actions in order to remain in compliance with
term of the Contract;
c. Recouping payments made to the Grantee found to be in error;
d. Suspending, limiting, or placing conditions on the continued performance of the Project;
e. Imposing any other remedies authorized under this Contract; and
f. Imposing any other remedies, sanctions or penalties permitted by federal or state statute, law,
regulation, or rule.
8.02 Termination for Convenience
The System Agency may terminate the Contract at any time when, in its sole discretion, the System
Agency determines that termination is in the best interests of the State of Texas. The termination
will be effective on the date specified in HHSC’s notice of termination.
8.03 Termination for Cause
Except as otherwise provided by the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, or any successor law, the System
Agency may terminate the Contract, in whole or in part, upon either of the following conditions:

a. Material Breach
The System Agency will have the right to terminate the Contract in whole or in part if the System
Agency determines, at its sole discretion, that Grantee has materially breached the Contract or has
failed to adhere to any laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or orders of any public authority having
jurisdiction and such violation prevents or substantially impairs performance of Grantee’s duties
under the Contract. Grantee's misrepresentation in any aspect of Grantee’s Solicitation Response,
if any or Grantee's addition to the Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) will also constitute a
material breach of the Contract.

b. Failure to Maintain Financial Viability

The System Agency may terminate the Contract if, in its sole discretion, the System Agency has a
good faith belief that Grantee no longer maintains the financial viability required to complete the
Services and Deliverables, or otherwise fully perform its responsibilities under the Contract.
8.04 Equitable Settlement
Any early termination under this Article will be subject to the equitable settlement of the respective
interests of the Parties up to the date of termination.


9.01 Amendment
The Contract may only be amended by an Amendment executed by both Parties.
9.02 Insurance
Unless otherwise specified in this Contract, Grantee will acquire and maintain, for the duration of
this Contract, insurance coverage necessary to ensure proper fulfillment of this Contract and
potential liabilities thereunder with financially sound and reputable insurers licensed by the Texas
Department of Insurance, in the type and amount customarily carried within the industry as

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determined by the System Agency. Grantee will provide evidence of insurance as required under
this Contract, including a schedule of coverage or underwriter’s schedules establishing to the
satisfaction of the System Agency the nature and extent of coverage granted by each such policy,
upon request by the System Agency. In the event that any policy is determined by the System
Agency to be deficient to comply with the terms of this Contract, Grantee will secure such
additional policies or coverage as the System Agency may reasonably request or that are required
by law or regulation. If coverage expires during the term of this Contract, Grantee must produce
renewal certificates for each type of coverage.

These and all other insurance requirements under the Contract apply to both Grantee and its
Subcontractors, if any. Grantee is responsible for ensuring its Subcontractors' compliance with all
9.03 Legal Obligations
Grantee will comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, and regulations,
including all federal and state accessibility laws relating to direct and indirect use of information and
communication technology. Grantee will be deemed to have knowledge of all applicable laws and
regulations and be deemed to understand them. In addition to any other act or omission that may
constitute a material breach of the Contract, failure to comply with this Section may also be a
material breach of the Contract.
9.04 Permitting and Licensure
At Grantee's sole expense, Grantee will procure and maintain for the duration of this Contract any
state, county, city, or federal license, authorization, insurance, waiver, permit, qualification or
certification required by statute, ordinance, law, or regulation to be held by Grantee to provide the
goods or Services required by this Contract. Grantee will be responsible for payment of all taxes,
assessments, fees, premiums, permits, and licenses required by law. Grantee agrees to be
responsible for payment of any such government obligations not paid by its contactors or
subcontractors during performance of this Contract.
9.05 Indemnity







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9.06 Assignments
Grantee may not assign all or any portion of its rights under, interests in, or duties required under
this Contract without prior written consent of the System Agency, which may be withheld or
granted at the sole discretion of the System Agency. Except where otherwise agreed in writing by
the System Agency, assignment will not release Grantee from its obligations under the Contract.
Grantee understands and agrees the System Agency may in one or more transactions assign,
pledge, or transfer the Contract. This assignment will only be made to another State agency or a
non-state agency that is contracted to perform agency support.
9.07 Relationship of the Parties
Grantee is, and will be, an independent contractor and, subject only to the terms of this Contract,
will have the sole right to supervise, manage, operate, control, and direct performance of the details
incident to its duties under this Contract. Nothing contained in this Contract will be deemed or
construed to create a partnership or joint venture, to create relationships of an employer-employee
or principal-agent, or to otherwise create for the System Agency any liability whatsoever with
respect to the indebtedness, liabilities, and obligations of Grantee or any other Party.

Grantee will be solely responsible for, and the System Agency will have no obligation with respect
a. Payment of Grantee's employees for all Services performed;

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b. Ensuring each of its employees, agents, or Subcontractors who provide Services or

Deliverables under the Contract are properly licensed, certified, or have proper permits to
perform any activity related to the Work;
c. Withholding of income taxes, FICA, or any other taxes or fees;
d. Industrial or workers’ compensation insurance coverage;
e. Participation in any group insurance plans available to employees of the State of Texas;
f. Participation or contributions by the State to the State Employees Retirement System;
g. Accumulation of vacation leave or sick leave; or
h. Unemployment compensation coverage provided by the State.
9.08 Technical Guidance Letters
In the sole discretion of the System Agency, and in conformance with federal and state law, the
System Agency may issue instructions, clarifications, or interpretations as may be required during
Work performance in the form of a Technical Guidance Letter. A TGL must be in writing, and
may be delivered by regular mail, electronic mail, or facsimile transmission. Any TGL issued by
the System Agency will be incorporated into the Contract by reference herein for all purposes
when it is issued.
9.09 Governing Law and Venue
This Contract and the rights and obligations of the Parties hereto will be governed by, and
construed according to, the laws of the State of Texas, exclusive of conflicts of law provisions.
Venue of any suit brought under this Contract will be in a court of competent jurisdiction in Travis
County, Texas unless otherwise elected by the System Agency. Grantee irrevocably waives any
objection, including any objection to personal jurisdiction or the laying of venue or based on the
grounds of forum non conveniens, which it may now or hereafter have to the bringing of any action
or proceeding in such jurisdiction in respect of this Contract or any document related hereto. 9.10

If any provision contained in this Contract is held to be unenforceable by a court of law or equity,
this Contract will be construed as if such provision did not exist and the nonenforceability of such
provision will not be held to render any other provision or provisions of this Contract
9.11 Survivability
Termination or expiration of this Contract or a Contract for any reason will not release either party
from any liabilities or obligations in this Contract that the parties have expressly agreed will
survive any such termination or expiration, remain to be performed, or by their nature would be
intended to be applicable following any such termination or expiration, including maintaining
confidentiality of information and records retention.
9.12 Force Majeure
Except with respect to the obligation of payments under this Contract, if either of the Parties, after
a good faith effort, is prevented from complying with any express or implied covenant of this
Contract by reason of war; terrorism; rebellion; riots; strikes; acts of God; any valid order, rule, or

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regulation of governmental authority; or similar events that are beyond the control of the affected
Party (collectively referred to as a “Force Majeure”), then, while so prevented, the affected Party’s
obligation to comply with such covenant will be suspended, and the affected Party will not be
liable for damages for failure to comply with such covenant. In any such event, the Party claiming
Force Majeure will promptly notify the other Party of the Force Majeure event in writing and, if
possible, such notice will set forth the extent and duration thereof.
9.13 No Waiver of Provisions
Neither failure to enforce any provision of this Contract nor payment for services provided under
it constitute waiver of any provision of the Contract.
9.14 Publicity
Except as provided in the paragraph below, Grantee must not use the name of, or directly or
indirectly refer to, the System Agency, the State of Texas, or any other State agency in any media
release, public announcement, or public disclosure relating to the Contract or its subject matter,
including in any promotional or marketing materials, customer lists, or business presentations.

Grantee may publish, at its sole expense, results of Grantee performance under the Contract with
the System Agency’s prior review and approval, which the System Agency may exercise at its sole
discretion. Any publication (written, visual, or sound) will acknowledge the support received from
the System Agency and any Federal agency, as appropriate.
9.15 Prohibition on Non-compete Restrictions
Grantee will not require any employees or Subcontractors to agree to any conditions, such as
noncompete clauses or other contractual arrangements that would limit or restrict such persons or
entities from employment or contracting with the State of Texas.
9.16 No Waiver of Sovereign Immunity
Nothing in the Contract will be construed as a waiver of sovereign immunity by the System
9.17 Entire Contract and Modification
The Contract constitutes the entire agreement of the Parties and is intended as a complete and
exclusive statement of the promises, representations, negotiations, discussions, and other
agreements that may have been made in connection with the subject matter hereof. Any additional
or conflicting terms in any future document incorporated into the Contract will be harmonized with
this Contract to the extent possible by the System Agency.
9.18 Counterparts
This Contract may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which will be an original,
and all such counterparts will together constitute but one and the same Contract.
9.19 Proper Authority
Each Party hereto represents and warrants that the person executing this Contract on its behalf has
full power and authority to enter into this Contract. Any Services or Work performed by Grantee

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before this Contract is effective or after it ceases to be effective are performed at the sole risk of
Grantee with respect to compensation.
9.20 Employment Verification
Grantee will confirm the eligibility of all persons employed during the contract term to perform
duties within Texas and all persons, including subcontractors, assigned by the contractor to
perform work pursuant to the Contract.
9.21 Civil Rights
a. Grantee agrees to comply with state and federal anti-discrimination laws, including:
1. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. §2000d et seq.);
2. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. §794);
3. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.);
4. Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 U.S.C. §§6101-6107);
5. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. §§1681-1688);
6. Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. §2011 et seq.); and
7. The System Agency's administrative rules, as set forth in the Texas Administrative Code,
to the extent applicable to this Agreement.

Grantee agrees to comply with all amendments to the above-referenced laws, and all
requirements imposed by the regulations issued pursuant to these laws. These laws provide in
part that no persons in the United States may, on the grounds of race, color, national origin,
sex, age, disability, political beliefs, or religion, be excluded from participation in or denied
any aid, care, service or other benefits provided by Federal or State funding, or otherwise be
subjected to discrimination.

b. Grantee agrees to comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and its implementing
regulations at 45 C.F.R. Part 80 or 7 C.F.R. Part 15, prohibiting a contractor from adopting and
implementing policies and procedures that exclude or have the effect of excluding or limiting
the participation of clients in its programs, benefits, or activities on the basis of national origin.
State and federal civil rights laws require contractors to provide alternative methods for
ensuring access to services for applicants and recipients who cannot express themselves
fluently in English. Grantee agrees to take reasonable steps to provide services and information,
both orally and in writing, in appropriate languages other than English, in order to ensure that
persons with limited English proficiency are effectively informed and can have meaningful
access to programs, benefits, and activities.

c. Grantee agrees to post applicable civil rights posters in areas open to the public informing
clients of their civil rights and including contact information for the HHS Civil Rights Office.
The posters are available on the HHS website at:

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d. Grantee agrees to comply with Executive Order 13279, and its implementing regulations at 45
C.F.R. Part 87 or 7 C.F.R. Part 16. These provide in part that any organization that participates
in programs funded by direct financial assistance from the United States Department of
Agriculture or the United States Department of Health and Human Services shall not
discriminate against a program beneficiary or prospective program beneficiary on the basis of
religion or religious belief.

e. Upon request, Grantee will provide HHSC Civil Rights Office with copies of all of the
Grantee’s civil rights policies and procedures.

f. Grantee must notify HHSC’s Civil Rights Office of any civil rights complaints received
relating to its performance under this Agreement. This notice must be delivered no more than
ten (10) calendar days after receipt of a complaint. Notice provided pursuant to this section
must be directed to:

HHSC Civil Rights Office

701 W. 51st Street, Mail Code W206
Austin, Texas 78751
Phone Toll Free: (888) 388-6332
Phone: (512) 438-4313
TTY Toll Free: (877) 432-7232 Fax:
(512) 438-5885.

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ATTACHMENT G- Special Conditions

Health and Human Services Commission

Special Conditions
Version 1.1

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ARTICLE I. Special Definitions ..................................................................................................2
ARTICLE II. Grantees Personnel and Subcontractors ..........................................................2
Qualifications....................................................................................................................... 2
Conduct and Removal ......................................................................................................... 3
Minor Administrative Changes ........................................................................................... 3
ARTICLE III. Confidentiality ...................................................................................................3
Confidential System Information ........................................................................................ 3
ARTICLE IV. Miscellaneous Provisions ..................................................................................3
Conflicts of Interest ............................................................................................................. 4
Flow Down Provisions ........................................................................................................ 4

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The terms and conditions of these Special Conditions are incorporated into and made a part of the Contract.
Capitalized items used in these Special Conditions and not otherwise defined have the meanings assigned
to them in HHSC Grantee Uniform Terms and Conditions – Version 2.15


“Confidential System Information” means any communication or record (whether oral, written,
electronically stored or transmitted, or in any other form) provided to or made available to Grantee; or that
Grantee may create, receive, maintain, use, disclose or have access to on behalf of HHSC or through
performance of the Project, which is not designated as Confidential Information in a Data Use Agreement.
“Conflict of Interest” means a set of facts or circumstances, a relationship, or other situation under which
Grantee, a Subcontractor, or individual has past, present, or currently planned personal or financial activities
or interests that either directly or indirectly: (1) impairs or diminishes the Grantee’s, or Subcontractor’s
ability to render impartial or objective assistance or advice to the HHSC; or (2) provides the Grantee or
Subcontractor an unfair competitive advantage in future HHSC procurements.
“Grantee Agents” means Grantee’s representatives, employees, officers, as well as any contractor or
subgrantee's employees, contractors, officers, principals and agents.
“Data Use Agreement” means the agreement incorporated into the Contract to facilitate creation, receipt,
maintenance, use, disclosure or access to Confidential Information.
“Item of Noncompliance” means Grantee’s acts or omissions that: (1) violate a provision of the Contract;
(2) fail to ensure adequate performance of the Project; (3) represent a failure of Grantee to be responsive to
a request of HHSC relating to the Project under the Contract.
“Minor Administrative Change” refers to a change to the Contract that does not increase the fees or term
and done in accordance with Section 0 of these Special Conditions.
“State” means the State of Texas and, unless otherwise indicated or appropriate, will be interpreted to mean
HHSC and other agencies of the State of Texas that may participate in the administration of HHSC
Programs; provided, however, that no provision will be interpreted to include any entity other than HHSC
as the contracting agency.
“Software” means all operating system and applications software used or created by Grantee to perform
the work under the Contract.
“Third Party Software” refers to software programs or plug-ins developed by companies or individuals
other than Grantee which are used in performance of the Project. It does not include items which are
ancillary to the performance of the Project, such as internal systems of Grantee which were deployed by
Grantee prior to the Contract and not procured to perform the Project.
“UTC” means HHSC’s Uniform Terms and Conditions –Grantee- Version 2.15


Grantee agrees to maintain the organizational and administrative capacity and capabilities proposed in its
response to the Solicitation, as modified, to carry out all duties and responsibilities under the Contract.
Grantee Agents assigned to perform the duties and responsibilities under the Contract must be and remain
properly trained and qualified for the functions they are to perform. Notwithstanding the transfer or
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turnover of personnel, Grantee remains obligated to perform all duties and responsibilities under the
Contract without degradation and in strict accordance with the terms of the Contract.
Conduct and Removal
While performing the Project, Grantee Agents must comply with applicable Contract terms, State and
federal rules, regulations, HHSC’s policies, and HHSC’s requests regarding personal and professional
conduct; and otherwise conduct themselves in a businesslike and professional manner.
If HHSC determines in good faith that a particular Grantee Agent is not conducting himself or herself in
accordance with the terms of the Contract, HHSC may provide Grantee with notice and documentation
regarding its concerns. Upon receipt of such notice, Grantee must promptly investigate the matter and, at
HHSC’s election, take appropriate action that may include removing the Grantee Agent from performing
the Project.

Confidential System Information
HHSC prohibits the unauthorized disclosure of Confidential System Information. Grantee and all Grantee
Agents will not disclose or use any Confidential System Information in any manner except as is necessary
for the Project or the proper discharge of obligations and securing of rights under the Contract. Grantee
will have a system in effect to protect Confidential System Information. Any disclosure or transfer of
Confidential System Information by Grantee, including information requested to do so by HHSC, will be
in accordance with the Contract. If Grantee receives a request for Confidential System Information, Grantee
will immediately notify HHSC of the request, and will make reasonable efforts to protect the Confidential
System Information from disclosure until further instructed by the HHSC.
Grantee will notify HHSC promptly of any unauthorized possession, use, knowledge, or attempt thereof,
of any Confidential System Information by any person or entity that may become known to Grantee.
Grantee will furnish to HHSC all known details of the unauthorized possession, use, or knowledge, or
attempt thereof, and use reasonable efforts to assist HHSC in investigating or preventing the reoccurrence
of any unauthorized possession, use, or knowledge, or attempt thereof, of Confidential System Information.
HHSC will have the right to recover from Grantee all damages and liabilities caused by or arising from
Grantee or Grantee Agents’ failure to protect HHSC’s Confidential Information as required by this section.




Minor Administrative Changes
HHSC’s designee, referred to as the Contract Manager, Project Sponsor, or other equivalent, in the
Contract, is authorized to provide written approval of mutually agreed upon Minor Administrative Changes
to the Project or the Contract that do not increase the fees or term. Changes that increase the fees or term
must be accomplished through the formal amendment procedure, as set forth in the UTC. Upon approval
System Agency Solicitation No. HHS0000502
System Agency Contract No. %%CONTRACT_ID%%
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of a Minor Administrative Change, HHSC and Grantee will maintain written notice that the change has
been accepted in their Contract files.
Conflicts of Interest
Grantee warrants to the best of its knowledge and belief, except to the extent already disclosed to HHSC,
there are no facts or circumstances that could give rise to a Conflict of Interest and further that Grantee or
Grantee Agents have no interest and will not acquire any direct or indirect interest that would conflict in
any manner or degree with their performance under the Contract. Grantee will, and require Grantee Agents,
to establish safeguards to prohibit Contract Agents from using their positions for a purpose that constitutes
or presents the appearance of personal or organizational Conflict of Interest, or for personal gain. Grantee
and Grantee Agents will operate with complete independence and objectivity without actual, potential or
apparent Conflict of Interest with respect to the activities conducted under the Contract.
Grantee agrees that, if after Grantee’s execution of the Contract, Grantee discovers or is made aware of a
Conflict of Interest, Grantee will immediately and fully disclose such interest in writing to HHSC. In
addition, Grantee will promptly and fully disclose any relationship that might be perceived or represented
as a conflict after its discovery by Grantee or by HHSC as a potential conflict. HHSC reserves the right to
make a final determination regarding the existence of Conflicts of Interest, and Grantee agrees to abide by
HHSC’s decision.
If HHSC determines that Grantee was aware of a Conflict of Interest and did not disclose the conflict to
HHSC, such nondisclosure will be considered a material breach of the Contract. Furthermore, such breach
may be submitted to the Office of the Attorney General, Texas Ethics Commission, or appropriate State or
federal law enforcement officials for further action.
Flow Down Provisions
Grantee must include any applicable provisions of the Contract in all subcontracts based on the scope and
magnitude of work to be performed by such Subcontractor. Any necessary terms will be modified
appropriately to preserve the State's rights under the Contract.

System Agency Solicitation No. HHS0000502

System Agency Contract No. %%CONTRACT_ID%%

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