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8/14/2018 Gmail - Fwd: UPCM AHEAD Patient Safety Hospital Coordinator Kit

Patient Safety <[email protected]>

Fwd: UPCM AHEAD Patient Safety Hospital Coordinator Kit

3 messages

SLH HEMS <[email protected]> Thu, Aug 9, 2018 at 10:16 AM

To: Patient Safety <[email protected]>

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Diana Tamondong-Lachica <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, Aug 9, 2018 at 9:48 AM
Subject: UPCM AHEAD Patient Safety Hospital Coordinator Kit
To: [email protected]
Cc: Dave Santuile <[email protected]>, [email protected], Bryan Lim <[email protected]>,
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>, Generoso Roberto <[email protected]>

Dear Ms. Nikko Lae Abdon,

We would like to thank you again for agreeing to be our partner in patient safety!

Attached in this email is the HOSPITAL COORDINATOR KIT which contains the documents to start the process of
data collection in your hospital namely:
1. Hospital Coordinator Manual: outlines your roles and responsibilities, schedule of hospital visit and regional
coordinator assigned to your area
2. Hospital Patient Safety Indicators Questionnaires (8 sections): to be distributed to the respective areas for
3. Patient Safety Culture Survey for Hospital Personnel (7 pages): for your reference only, actual survey will be
administered by the UPCM AHEAD project team once participants are randomly sampled from the hospital personnel
roster during their visit

You may accomplish the Hospital Patient Safety Indicators Questionnaires using any of the following methods
(please choose only 1):
- Handwritten on printed copies of the questionnaire (please surrender the original receipt to Dave Santuile for
reimbursement of printing expenses)
- Typing your results onto the Excel version of the questionnaires
- Accomplishing the Google forms (online version) by clicking on the links below. When using the Google forms,
please make sure to accomplish each section in one sitting since saving partial responses is not allowed.

Section 1. Hospital Profile:

Section 2. Core Indicators:

Section 3. Effective Communication:


Section 4. Patient Identification:


Section 5. Medication Safety:


Section 6. Fall Prevention:

Section 7. Correct Site/Procedure/Patient Surgery:


Section 8. Infection Prevention & Control:


As discussed during our Onboarding Workshop last June 27, please make sure that all items are correctly and
clearly answered in whatever platform you have chosen (handwritten, Excel, Google form).

Kindly make sure to indicate your Hospital Code (05-B02) in the appropriate boxes.… 1/3
8/14/2018 Gmail - Fwd: UPCM AHEAD Patient Safety Hospital Coordinator Kit

Please let us know of any concerns or questions that you might have regarding the data collection process or on the
project in general.

We would like to extend our warmest thanks in advance for all the help you have afforded us in this research.

Diana Tamondong-Lachica
Project Development Officer


Health Emergency Management Staff (HEMS)

San Lazaro Hospital
Quiricada St.,Sta. Cruz, Manila
Philippines, 1008
Tel. No. (02) 732-37-78 Local 150, (02) 310-32-14
Email: [email protected]
Cc : [email protected]

UPCM AHEAD Patient Safety Hospital Coordinator


Patient Safety <[email protected]> Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 1:44 PM

To: SLH HEMS <[email protected]>

This is to acknowledge receipt of your electronic mail.

Patient Safety Committee (PSC)
Health and Safety Office (HSO)
Health and Safety Committee (HSC)

San Lazaro Hospital

Quiricada St., Sta. Cruz, Manila Philippines
Tel. No. (02) 732-3777 local 175
Email: [email protected]
[Quoted text hidden]

Patient Safety <[email protected]> Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 5:00 PM

To: [email protected]

We would like to thank you again for agreeing to be our partner in patient safety!

Attached in this email is the HOSPITAL COORDINATOR KIT which contains the documents to start the process of
data collection in your hospital namely:
1. Hospital Coordinator Manual: outlines your roles and responsibilities, schedule of hospital visit and regional
coordinator assigned to your area
2. Hospital Patient Safety Indicators Questionnaires (8 sections): to be distributed to the respective areas for
3. Patient Safety Culture Survey for Hospital Personnel (7 pages): for your reference only, actual survey will be
administered by the UPCM AHEAD project team once participants are randomly sampled from the hospital personnel
roster during their visit… 2/3
8/14/2018 Gmail - Fwd: UPCM AHEAD Patient Safety Hospital Coordinator Kit

You may accomplish the Hospital Patient Safety Indicators Questionnaires using any of the following methods
(please choose only 1):
- Handwritten on printed copies of the questionnaire (please surrender the original receipt to Dave Santuile for
reimbursement of printing expenses)
- Typing your results onto the Excel version of the questionnaires
- Accomplishing the Google forms (online version) by clicking on the links below. When using the Google forms,
please make sure to accomplish each section in one sitting since saving partial responses is not allowed.

Section 1. Hospital Profile:

Section 2. Core Indicators:

Section 3. Effective Communication:


Section 4. Patient Identification:


Section 5. Medication Safety:


Section 6. Fall Prevention:

Section 7. Correct Site/Procedure/Patient Surgery:


Section 8. Infection Prevention & Control:


As discussed during our Onboarding Workshop last June 27, please make sure that all items are correctly and
clearly answered in whatever platform you have chosen (handwritten, Excel, Google form).

Kindly make sure to indicate your Hospital Code (05-B02) in the appropriate boxes.

Please let us know of any concerns or questions that you might have regarding the data collection process or on the
project in general.

We would like to extend our warmest thanks in advance for all the help you have afforded us in this research.

Diana Tamondong-Lachica
Project Development Officer

Cc : [email protected]

UPCM AHEAD Patient Safety Hospital Coordinator

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