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G.R. No.

L-26872 July 25, 1975 If the above terms is (are) acceptable to your Board, please issue out the said
VILLONCO REALTY COMPANY, plaintiff-appellee and EDITH PEREZ DE earnest money in favor of Bormaheco, Inc., and deliver the same thru the
TAGLE, intervenor-appellee, vs. BORMAHECO, INC., FRANCISCO N. CERVANTES bearer, Miss Edith Perez de Tagle.
and ROSARIO N. CERVANTES, defendants-appellants. Meer, Meer & Meer Very truly yours,
for plaintiff-appellee. SGD. FRANCISCO N. CERVANTES
This action was instituted by Villonco Realty Company against Bormaheco, Inc. The property mentioned in Bormaheco's letter was the land of the
and the spouses Francisco N. Cervantes and Rosario N. Cervantes for the National Shipyards & Steel Corporation (Nassco), with an area of twenty
specific performance of a supposed contract for the sale of land and the thousand square meters, located at Punta, Sta. Ana, Manila. At the bidding held
improvements thereon for one million four hundred thousand pesos. Edith on January 17, 1964 that land was awarded to Bormaheco, Inc., the highest
Perez de Tagle, as agent, intervened in order to recover her commission. The bidder, for the price of P552,000. The Nassco Board of Directors in its resolution
lower court enforced the sale. Bormaheco, Inc. and the Cervantes spouses, as of February 18, 1964 authorized the General Manager to sign the necessary
supposed vendors, appealed. contract (Exh. H).
This Court took cognizance of the appeal because the amount On February 28, 1964, the Nassco Acting General Manager wrote a
involved is more than P200,000 and the appeal was perfected before Republic letter to the Economic Coordinator, requesting approval of that resolution. The
Act No. 5440 took effect on September 9, 1968. The facts are as follows: Acting Economic Coordinator approved the resolution on March 24, 1964 (Exh.
Francisco N. Cervantes and his wife, Rosario P. Navarra-Cervantes, are the 1).
owners of lots 3, 15 and 16 located at 245 Buendia Avenue, Makati, Rizal with In the meanwhile, Bormaheco, Inc. and Villonco Realty Company
a total area of three thousand five hundred square meters (TCT Nos. 43530, continued their negotiations for the sale of the Buendia Avenue property.
43531 and 43532, Exh. A, A-1 and A-2). The lots were mortgaged to the Cervantes and Teofilo Villonco had a final conference on February 27, 1964. As
Development Bank of the Phil (DBP) on April 21, 1959 as security for a loan of a result of that conference Villonco Realty Company, through Teofilo Villonco,
P441,000. The mortgage debt was fully paid on July 10, 1969. in its letter of March 4, 1964 made a revised counter- offer (Romeo Villonco's
Cervantes is the president of Bormaheco, Inc., a dealer and importer first counter-offer was dated February 24, 1964, Exh. C) for the purchase of the
of industrial and agricultural machinery. The entire lots are occupied by the property. The counter-offer was accepted by Cervantes as shown in Exhibit D,
building, machinery and equipment of Bormaheco, Inc. and are adjacent to the which is quoted below:
property of Villonco Realty Company situated at 219 Buendia Avenue.
In the early part of February, 1964 there were negotiations for the VILLONCO REALTY COMPANY
sale of the said lots and the improvements thereon between Romeo Villonco of V. R. C. Building
Villonco Realty Company "and Bormaheco, Inc., represented by its president, 219 Buendia Avenue, Makati,
Francisco N. Cervantes, through the intervention of Edith Perez de Tagle, a real Rizal, Philippines
estate broker".
In the course of the negotiations, the brothers Romeo Villonco and March 4, 1964
Teofilo Villonco conferred with Cervantes in his office to discuss the price and
terms of the sale. Later, Cervantes "went to see Villonco for the same reason Mr. Francisco Cervantes.
until some agreement" was arrived at. On a subsequent occasion, Cervantes, Bormaheco, Inc.
accompanied by Edith Perez de Tagle, discussed again the terms of the sale with 245 Buendia Avenue
Villonco. Makati, Rizal
During the negotiations, Villonco Realty Company assumed that the
lots belonged to Bormaheco, Inc. and that Cervantes was duly authorized to sell Dear Mr. Cervantes:
the same. Cervantes did not disclose to the broker and to Villonco Realty In reference to the letter of Miss E. Perez de Tagle dated February 12th and 26,
Company that the lots were conjugal properties of himself and his wife and that 1964 in respect to the terms and conditions on the purchase of your property
they were mortgaged to the DBP. located at Buendia Ave., Makati, Rizal, with a total area of 3,500 sq. meters., we
Bormaheco, Inc., through Cervantes, made a written offer dated hereby revise our offer, as follows:
February 12, 1964, to Romeo Villonco for the sale of the property. The offer 1. That the price of the property shall be P400.00 per sq. m., including
reads (Exh. B): the improvements thereon;
2. That a deposit of P100,000.00 shall be given to you as earnest money
BORMAHECO, INC. which will become as part payment in the event the sale is
February 12,1964 consummated;
Mr. Romeo Villonco 3. This sale shall be cancelled, only if your deal with another property in
Villonco Building Buendia Avenue Sta. Ana shall not be consummated and in such case, the P100,000-00
Makati, Rizal. earnest money will be returned to us with a 10% interest p.a. However,
if our deal with you is finalized, said P100,000.00 will become as part
Dear Mr. Villonco: payment for the purchase of your property without interest:
This is with reference to our telephone conversation this noon on the matter 4. The manner of payment shall be as follows:
of the sale of our property located at Buendia Avenue, with a total area of 3,500 a. P100,000.00 earnest money and 650,000.00 as part of the down
sq. m., under the following conditions: payment, or P750,000.00 as total down payment
(1) That we are offering to sell to you the above property at the price of b. The balance is payable as follows: P100,000.00 after 3 months
P400.00 per square meter; 125,000.00 -do-
(2) That a deposit of P100,000.00 must be placed as earnest money on 212,500.00 -do-
the purchase of the above property which will become part payment of P650,000.00 Total
the property in the event that the sale is consummated; As regards to the other conditions which we have discussed during
(3) That this sale is to be consummated only after I shall have also our last conference on February 27, 1964, the same shall be finalized upon
consummated my purchase of another property located at Sta. Ana, preparation of the contract to sell.*
Manila; If the above terms and conditions are acceptable to you, kindly sign
(4) That if my negotiations with said property will not be consummated your conformity hereunder. Enclosed is our check for ONE HUNDRED
by reason beyond my control, I will return to you your deposit of THOUSAND (P100,000.00) PESOS, MBTC Check No. 448314, as earnest money.
P100,000 and the sale of my property to you will not also be Very truly yours,
(5) That final negotiations on both properties can be definitely known (Sgd.) TEOFILO VILLONCO
after 45 days.
(Sgd.) FRANCISCO CERVANTES After trial, the lower court rendered a decision ordering the Cervantes spouses
That this sale shall be subject to favorable consummation of a property in Sta. to execute in favor of Bormaheco, Inc. a deed of conveyance for the three lots
Ana we are negotiating. in question and directing Bormaheco, Inc. (a) to convey the same lots to
(Sgd.) FRANCISCO CERVANTES Villonco Realty Company, (b) to pay the latter, as consequential damages, the
sum of P10,000 monthly from March 24, 1964 up to the consummation of the
The check for P100,000 (Exh. E) mentioned in the foregoing letter- sale, (c) to pay Edith Perez de Tagle the sum of P42,000 as broker's commission
contract was delivered by Edith Perez de Tagle to Bormaheco, Inc. on March 4, and (d) pay P20,000 as to attorney's fees (Civil Case No. 8109).
1964 and was received by Cervantes. In the voucher-receipt evidencing the Bormaheco, Inc. and the Cervantes spouses appealed. Their
delivery the broker indicated in her handwriting that the earnest money was principal contentions are (a) that no contract of sale was perfected because
"subject to the terms and conditions embodied in Bormaheco's letter" of Cervantes made a supposedly qualified acceptance of the revised offer
February 12 and Villonco Realty Company's letter of March 4, 1964 (Exh. E-1; contained in Exhibit D, which acceptance amounted to a counter-offer, and
14 tsn). because the condition that Bormaheco, inc. would acquire the Punta land
Then, unexpectedly, in a letter dated March 30, 1964, or twenty-six within the forty-five-day period was not fulfilled; (2) that Bormaheco, Inc.
days after the signing of the contract of sale, Exhibit D, Cervantes returned the cannot be compelled to sell the land which belongs to the Cervantes spouses
earnest money, with interest amounting to P694.24 (at ten percent per and (3) that Francisco N. Cervantes did not bind the conjugal partnership and
annum). Cervantes cited as an excuse the circumstance that "despite the lapse his wife when, as president of Bormaheco, Inc., he entered into negotiations
of 45 days from February 12, 1964 there is no certainty yet" for the acquisition with Villonco Realty Company regarding the said land.
of the Punta property (Exh. F; F-I and F-2). Villonco Realty Company refused to We hold that the appeal, except as to the issue of damages, is
accept the letter and the checks of Bormaheco, Inc. Cervantes sent them by devoid of merit.
registered mail. When he rescinded the contract, he was already aware that "By the contract of sale one of the contracting parties obligates
the Punta lot had been awarded to Bormaheco, Inc. (25-26 tsn). himself to transfer the ownership of and to deliver a determining thing, and the
Edith Perez de Tagle, the broker, in a letter to Cervantes dated other to pay therefor a price certain in money or its equivalent. A contract of
March 31, 1964 articulated her shock and surprise at Bormaheco's turnabout. sale may be absolute or conditional" (Art. 1458, Civil Code).
She reviewed the history of the deal and explained why Romeo Villonco could "The contract of sale is perfected at the moment there is a meeting
not agree to the rescission of the sale (Exh. G).** of minds upon the thing which is the object of the contract and upon the price.
Cervantes in his letter of April 6, 1964, a reply to Miss Tagle's letter, From that moment, the parties may reciprocally demand performance, subject
alleged that the forty-five day period had already expired and the sale to to the provisions of the law governing the form of contracts" (Art. 1475, Ibid.).
Bormaheco, Inc. of the Punta property had not been consummated. Cervantes "Contracts are perfected by mere consent, and from that moment the parties
said that his letter was a "manifestation that we are no longer interested to sell" are bound not only to the fulfillment of what has been expressly stipulated but
the Buendia Avenue property to Villonco Realty Company (Annex I of also to all the consequences which, according to their nature, may be in keeping
Stipulation of Facts). The latter was furnished with a copy of that letter. with good faith, usage and law" (Art. 1315, Civil Code).
In a letter dated April 7, 1964 Villonco Realty Company returned the "Consent is manifested by the meeting of the offer and the
two checks to Bormaheco, Inc., stating that the condition for the cancellation acceptance upon the thing and the cause which are to constitute the contract.
of the contract had not arisen and at the same time announcing that an action The offer must be certain and the acceptance absolute. A qualified acceptance
for breach of contract would be filed against Bormaheco, Inc. (Annex G of constitutes a counter-offer" (Art. 1319, Civil Code). "An acceptance may be
Stipulation of Facts). express or implied" (Art. 1320, Civil Code).
On that same date, April 7, 1964 Villonco Realty Company filed the Bormaheco's acceptance of Villonco Realty Company's offer to
complaint (dated April 6) for specific performance against Bormaheco, Inc. Also purchase the Buendia Avenue property, as shown in Teofilo Villonco's letter
on that same date, April 7, at eight-forty-five in the morning, a notice of lis dated March 4, 1964 (Exh. D), indubitably proves that there was a meeting of
pendens was annotated on the titles of the said lots. minds upon the subject matter and consideration of the sale. Therefore, on that
Bormaheco, Inc. in its answers dated May 5 and 25, 1964 pleaded date the sale was perfected. (Compare with McCullough vs. Aenlle & Co., 3 Phil.
the defense that the perfection of the contract of sale was subject to the 285; Goyena vs. Tambunting, 1 Phil. 490). Not only that Bormaheco's
conditions (a) "that final acceptance or not shall be made after 45 days" (sic) acceptance of the part payment of one hundred ,thousand pesos shows that
and (b) that Bormaheco, Inc. "acquires the Sta. Ana property". the sale was conditionally consummated or partly executed subject to the
On June 2, 1964 or during the pendency of this case, the Nassco purchase by Bormaheco, Inc. of the Punta property. The nonconsummation of
Acting General Manager wrote to Bormaheco, Inc., advising it that the Board of that purchase would be a negative resolutory condition (Taylor vs. Uy Tieng
Directors and the Economic Coordinator had approved the sale of the Punta lot Piao, 43 Phil. 873).
to Bormaheco, Inc. and requesting the latter to send its duly authorized On February 18, 1964 Bormaheco's bid for the Punta property was
representative to the Nassco for the signing of the deed of sale (Exh. 1). already accepted by the Nassco which had authorized its General Manager to
The deed of sale for the Punta land was executed on June 26, 1964. sign the corresponding deed of sale. What was necessary only was the approval
Bormaheco, Inc. was represented by Cervantes (Exh. J. See Bormaheco, Inc. vs. of the sale by the Economic Coordinator and a request for that approval was
Abanes, L-28087, July 31, 1973, 52 SCRA 73). already pending in the office of that functionary on March 4, 1964.
In view of the disclosure in Bormaheco's amended answer that the Bormaheco, Inc. and the Cervantes spouses contend that the sale
three lots were registered in the names of the Cervantes spouses and not in the was not perfected because Cervantes allegedly qualified his acceptance of
name of Bormaheco, Inc., Villonco Realty Company on July 21, 1964 filed an Villonco's revised offer and, therefore, his acceptance amounted to a counter-
amended complaint impleading the said spouses as defendants. Bormaheco, offer which Villonco Realty Company should accept but no such acceptance was
Inc. and the Cervantes spouses filed separate answers. ever transmitted to Bormaheco, Inc. which, therefore, could withdraw its offer.
As of January 15, 1965 Villonco, Realty Company had paid to the That contention is not well-taken. It should be stressed that there is
Manufacturers' Bank & Trust Company the sum of P8,712.25 as interests on the no evidence as to what changes were made by Cervantes in Villonco's revised
overdraft line of P100,000 and the sum of P27.39 as interests daily on the same offer. And there is no evidence that Villonco Realty Company did not assent to
loan since January 16, 1965. (That overdraft line was later settled by Villonco the supposed changes and that such assent was never made known to
Realty Company on a date not mentioned in its manifestation of February 19, Cervantes.
1975). What the record reveals is that the broker, Miss Tagle, acted as
Villonco Realty Company had obligated itself to pay the sum of intermediary between the parties. It is safe to assume that the alleged changes
P20,000 as attorney's fees to its lawyers. It claimed that it was damaged in the or qualifications made by Cervantes were approved by Villonco Realty Company
sum of P10,000 a month from March 24, 1964 when the award of the Punta lot and that such approval was duly communicated to Cervantes or Bormaheco,
to Bormaheco, Inc. was approved. On the other hand, Bormaheco, Inc. claimed Inc. by the broker as shown by the fact that Villonco Realty Company paid, and
that it had sustained damages of P200,000 annually due to the notice of lis Bormaheco, Inc. accepted, the sum of P100,000 as earnest money or down
pendens which had prevented it from constructing a multi-story building on the payment. That crucial fact implies that Cervantes was aware that Villonco
three lots. (Pars. 18 and 19, Stipulation of Facts).1äwphï1.ñët Realty Company had accepted the modifications which he had made in
Miss Tagle testified that for her services Bormaheco, Inc., through Villonco's counter-offer. Had Villonco Realty Company not assented to those
Cervantes, obligated itself to pay her a three percent commission on the price insertions and annotations, then it would have stopped payment on its check
of P1,400,000 or the amount of forty-two thousand pesos (14 tsn). for P100,000. The fact that Villonco Realty Company allowed its check to be
cashed by Bormaheco, Inc. signifies that the company was in conformity with In the Beaumont case, Benito Valdes offered to sell to W Borck the Nagtahan
the changes made by Cervantes and that Bormaheco, Inc. was aware of that Hacienda owned by Benito Legarda, who had empowered Valdes to sell it.
conformity. Had those insertions not been binding, then Bormaheco, Inc. would Borck was given three months from December 4, 1911 to buy the hacienda for
not have paid interest at the rate of ten percent per annum, on the earnest P307,000. On January 17, 1912 Borck wrote to Valdes, offering to purchase the
money of P100,000. hacienda for P307,000 payable on May 1, 1912. No reply was made to that
The truth is that the alleged changes or qualifications in the revised letter. Borck wrote other letters modifying his proposal. Legarda refused to
counter — offer (Exh. D) are not material or are mere clarifications of what the convey the property.
parties had previously agreed upon. It was held that Borck's January 17th letter plainly departed from the terms of
Thus, Cervantes' alleged insertion in his handwriting of the figure the offer as to the time of payment and was a counter-offer which amounted
and the words "12th and" in Villonco's counter-offer is the same as the to a rejection of Valdes' original offer. A subsequent unconditional acceptance
statement found in the voucher-receipt for the earnest money, which reads: could not revive that offer.
"subject to the terms and conditions embodied in Bormaheco's letter of Feb. The instant case is different from Laudico and Harden vs. Arias Rodriguez, 43
12, 1964 and your letter of March 4, 1964" (Exh. E-1). Phil. 270 where the written offer to sell was revoked by the offer or before the
Cervantes allegedly crossed out the word "Nassco" in paragraph 3 offeree's acceptance came to the offeror's knowledge.
of Villonco's revised counter-offer and substituted for it the word "another" so Appellants' next contention is that the contract was not perfected because the
that the original phrase, "Nassco's property in Sta. Ana", was made to read as condition that Bormaheco, Inc. would acquire the Nassco land within forty-five
"another property in Sta. Ana". That change is trivial. What Cervantes did was days from February 12, 1964 or on or before March 28, 1964 was not fulfilled.
merely to adhere to the wording of paragraph 3 of Bormaheco's original offer This contention is tied up with the following letter of Bormaheco, Inc. (Exh. F):
(Exh. B) which mentions "another property located at Sta. Ana." His obvious BORMAHECO, INC.
purpose was to avoid jeopardizing his negotiation with the Nassco for the March 30, 1964
purchase of its Sta. Ana property by unduly publicizing it. Villonco Realty Company
It is noteworthy that Cervantes, in his letter to the broker dated April V.R.C. Building
6, 1964 (Annex 1) or after the Nassco property had been awarded to 219 Buendia Ave.,
Bormaheco, Inc., alluded to the "Nassco property". At that time, there was no Makati, Rizal
more need of concealing from the public that Bormaheco, Inc. was interested Gentlemen:
in the Nassco property. We are returning herewith your earnest money together with interest thereon
Similarly, Cervantes' alleged insertion of the letters "PA" ( per at 10% per annum. Please be informed that despite the lapse of the 45 days
annum) after the word "interest" in that same paragraph 3 of the revised from February 12, 1964 there is no certainty yet for us to acquire a substitute
counter-offer (Exh. D) could not be categorized as a major alteration of that property, hence the return of the earnest money as agreed upon.
counter-offer that prevented a meeting of the minds of the parties. It was Very truly yours,
understood that the parties had contemplated a rate of ten percent per SGD. FRANCISCO N. CERVANTES
annum since ten percent a month or semi-annually would be usurious. President
Appellants Bormaheco, Inc. and Cervantes further contend that Encl.: P.N.B. Check No. 112994 J
Cervantes, in clarifying in the voucher for the earnest money of P100,000 that P.N.B. Check No. 112996J
Bormaheco's acceptance thereof was subject to the terms and conditions That contention is predicated on the erroneous assumption that Bormaheco,
embodied in Bormaheco's letter of February 12, 1964 and your (Villonco's) Inc. was to acquire the Nassco land within forty-five days or on or before March
letter of March 4, 1964" made Bormaheco's acceptance "qualified and 28, 1964.
conditional". The trial court ruled that the forty-five-day period was merely an estimate or a
That contention is not correct. There is no incompatibility between forecast of how long it would take Bormaheco, Inc. to acquire the Nassco
Bormaheco's offer of February 12, 1964 (Exh. B) and Villonco's counter-offer of property and it was not "a condition or a deadline set for the defendant
March 4, 1964 (Exh. D). The revised counter-offer merely amplified corporation to decide whether or not to go through with the sale of its Buendia
Bormaheco's original offer. property".
The controlling fact is that there was agreement between the The record does not support the theory of Bormaheco, Inc. and the Cervantes
parties on the subject matter, the price and the mode of payment and that part spouses that the forty-five-day period was the time within which (a) the Nassco
of the price was paid. "Whenever earnest money is given in a contract of sale, property and two Pasong Tamo lots should be acquired, (b) when Cervantes
it shall be considered as part of the price and as proof of the perfection of the would secure his wife's consent to the sale of the three lots and (c) when
contract" (Art. 1482, Civil Code). Bormaheco, Inc. had to decide what to do with the DBP encumbrance.
"It is true that an acceptance may contain a request for certain Cervantes in paragraph 3 of his offer of February 12, 1964 stated that the sale
changes in the terms of the offer and yet be a binding acceptance. 'So long as of the Buendia lots would be consummated after he had consummated the
it is clear that the meaning of the acceptance is positively and unequivocally to purchase of the Nassco property. Then, in paragraph 5 of the same offer he
accept the offer, whether such request is granted or not, a contract is formed.' stated "that final negotiations on both properties can be definitely
" (Stuart vs. Franklin Life Ins. Co., 165 Fed. 2nd 965, citing Sec. 79, Williston on known after forty-five days" (See Exh. B).
Contracts). It is deducible from the tenor of those statements that the
Thus, it was held that the vendor's change in a phrase of the offer consummation of the sale of the Buendia lots to Villonco Realty Company was
to purchase, which change does not essentially change the terms of the offer, conditioned on Bormaheco's acquisition of the Nassco land. But it was not
does not amount to a rejection of the offer and the tender of a counter-offer spelled out that such acquisition should be effected within forty-five days from
(Stuart vs. Franklin Life Ins. Co., supra). February 12, 1964. Had it been Cervantes' intention that the forty-five days
The instant case is not governed by the rulings laid down would be the period within which the Nassco land should be acquired by
in Beaumont vs. Prieto, 41 Phil. 670, 985, 63 L. Ed. 770, and Zayco vs. Serra, 44 Bormaheco, then he would have specified that period in paragraph 3 of his offer
Phil. 326. In those two cases the acceptance radically altered the offer and, so that paragraph would read in this wise: "That this sale is to be consummated
consequently, there was no meeting of the minds of the parties. only after I shall have consummated my purchase of another property located
Thus, in the Zayco case, Salvador Serra offered to sell to Lorenzo at Sta. Ana, Manila within forty-five days from the date hereof ." He could have
Zayco his sugar central for P1,000,000 on condition that the price be paid in also specified that period in his "conforme" to Villonco's counter-offer of March
cash, or, if not paid in cash, the price would be payable within three years 4, 1964 (Exh. D) so that instead of merely stating "that this sale shall be subject
provided security is given for the payment of the balance within three years to favorable consummation of a property in Sta. Ana we are negotiating" he
with interest. Zayco, instead of unconditionally accepting those terms, could have said: "That this sale shall be subject to favorable consummation
countered that he was going to make a down payment of P100,000, that Serra's within forty-five days from February 12, 1964 of a property in Sta. Ana we are
mortgage obligation to the Philippine National Bank of P600,000 could be negotiating".
transferred to Zayco's account and that he (plaintiff) would give a bond to No such specification was made. The term of forty-five days was not
secure the payment of the balance of the price. It was held that the acceptance a part of the condition that the Nassco property should be acquired. It is clear
was conditional or was a counter-offer which had to be accepted by Serra. that the statement "that final negotiations on both property can be definitely
There was no such acceptance. Serra revoked his offer. Hence, there was no known after 45 days" does not and cannot mean that Bormaheco, Inc. should
perfected contract. acquire the Nassco property within forty-five days from February 12, 1964 as
pretended by Cervantes. It is simply a surmise that after forty-five days (in fact defendant (Bormaheco, Inc.) made a formal offer to sell to the plaintiff
when the forty-five day period should be computed is not clear) it would be the property of the said defendant situated at the abovenamed address along
known whether Bormaheco, Inc. would be able to acquire the Nassco property Buendia Avenue, Makati, Rizal, under the terms of the letter-offer, a copy of
and whether it would be able to sell the Buendia property. That which is hereto attached as Annex A hereof", now Exhibit B (2 Record on
aforementioned paragraph 5 does not even specify how long after the forty- Appeal).
five days the outcome of the final negotiations would be known. That paragraph 2 was not, repeat, was not denied by Bormaheco,
It is interesting to note that in paragraph 6 of Bormaheco's answer Inc. in its answer dated May 5, 1964. It did not traverse that paragraph 2.
to the amended complaint, which answer was verified by Cervantes, it was Hence, it was deemed admitted. However, it filed an amended answer dated
alleged that Cervantes accepted Villonco's revised counter-offer of March 4, May 25, 1964 wherein it denied that it was the owner of the three lots. It
1964 subject to the condition that "the final negotiations (acceptance) will have revealed that the three lots "belong and are registered in the names of the
to be made by defendant within 45 daysfrom said acceptance" (31 Record on spouses Francisco N. Cervantes and Rosario N. Cervantes."
Appeal). If that were so, then the consummation of Bormaheco's purchase of The three answers of Bormaheco, Inc. contain the following affirmative
the Nassco property would be made within forty-five days from March 4, 1964. defense:
What makes Bormaheco's stand more confusing and untenable is 13. That defendant's insistence to finally decide on the proposed
that in its three answers it invariably articulated the incoherent and vague sale of the land in question after 45 days had not only for its purpose the
affirmative defense that its acceptance of Villonco's revised counter-offer was determination of its acquisition of the said Sta. Ana (Nassco) property during
conditioned on the circumstance "that final acceptance or not shall be the said period, but also to negotiate with the actual and registered owner of
made after 45 days" whatever that means. That affirmative defense is the parcels of land covered by T.C.T. Nos. 43530, 43531 and 43532 in question
inconsistent with the other aforequoted incoherent statement in its third which plaintiff was fully aware that the same were not in the name of the
answer that "the final negotiations (acceptance) will have to be made by defendant (sic; Par. 18 of Answer to Amended Complaint, 10, 18 and 34, Record
defendant within 45 days from said acceptance" (31 Record on on Appeal).
Appeal).1äwphï1.ñët In that affirmative defense, Bormaheco, Inc. pretended that it
Thus, Bormaheco's three answers and paragraph 5 of his offer of needed forty- five days within which to acquire the Nassco property and "to
February 12, 1964 do not sustain at all its theory that the Nassco property negotiate" with the registered owner of the three lots. The absurdity of that
should be acquired on or before March 28, 1964. Its rescission or revocation of pretension stands out in bold relief when it is borne in mind that the answers
its acceptance cannot be anchored on that theory which, as articulated in its of Bormaheco, Inc. were verified by Cervantes and that the registered owner of
pleadings, is quite equivocal and unclear. the three lots is Cervantes himself. That affirmative defense means that
It should be underscored that the condition that Bormaheco, Inc. Cervantes as president of Bormaheco, Inc. needed forty-five days in order to
should acquire the Nassco property was fulfilled. As admitted by the appellants, "negotiate" with himself (Cervantes).
the Nassco property was conveyed to Bormaheco, Inc. on June 26, 1964. As The incongruous stance of the Cervantes spouses is also patent in
early as January 17, 1964 the property was awarded to Bormaheco, Inc. as the their answer to the amended complaint. In that answer they disclaimed
highest bidder. On February 18, 1964 the Nassco Board authorized its General knowledge or information of certain allegations which were well-known to
Manager to sell the property to Bormaheco, Inc. (Exh. H). The Economic Cervantes as president of Bormaheco, Inc. and which were admitted in
Coordinator approved the award on March 24, 1964. It is reasonable to assume Bormaheco's three answers that were verified by Cervantes.
that had Cervantes been more assiduous in following up the transaction, the It is significant to note that Bormaheco, Inc. in its three answers,
Nassco property could have been transferred to Bormaheco, Inc. on or before which were verified by Cervantes, never pleaded as an affirmative defense that
March 28, 1964, the supposed last day of the forty-five-day period. Mrs. Cervantes opposed the sale of the three lots or that she did not authorize
The appellants, in their fifth assignment of error, argue that her husband to sell those lots. Likewise, it should be noted that in their separate
Bormaheco, Inc. cannot be required to sell the three lots in question because answer the Cervantes spouses never pleaded as a defense that Mrs. Cervantes
they are conjugal properties of the Cervantes spouses. They aver that Cervantes was opposed to the sale of three lots or that Cervantes could not bind the
in dealing with the Villonco brothers acted as president of Bormaheco, Inc. and conjugal partnership. The appellants were at first hesitant to make it appear
not in his individual capacity and, therefore, he did not bind the conjugal that Cervantes had committed the skullduggery of trying to sell property which
partnership nor Mrs. Cervantes who was allegedly opposed to the sale. he had no authority to alienate.
Those arguments are not sustainable. It should be remembered that It was only during the trial on May 17, 1965 that Cervantes declared
Cervantes, in rescinding the contract of sale and in returning the earnest on the witness stand that his wife was opposed to the sale of the three lots, a
money, cited as an excuse the circumstance that there was no certainty in defense which, as already stated, was never interposed in the three answers of
Bormaheco's acquisition of the Nassco property (Exh. F and Annex 1). He did Bormaheco, Inc. and in the separate answer of the Cervantes spouses. That
not say that Mrs. Cervantes was opposed to the sale of the three lots. He did same viewpoint was adopted in defendants' motion for reconsideration dated
not tell Villonco Realty Company that he could not bind the conjugal November 20, 1965.
partnership. In truth, he concealed the fact that the three lots were registered But that defense must have been an afterthought or was
"in the name of FRANCISCO CERVANTES, Filipino, of legal age, married to evolved post litem motam since it was never disclosed in Cervantes' letter of
Rosario P. Navarro, as owner thereof in fee simple". He certainly led the rescission and in his letter to Miss Tagle (Exh. F and Annex 1). Moreover, Mrs.
Villonco brothers to believe that as president of Bormaheco, Inc. he could Cervantes did not testify at the trial to fortify that defense which had already
dispose of the said lots. He inveigled the Villoncos into believing that he had been waived for not having been pleaded (See sec. 2, Rule 9, Rules of Court).
untrammelled control of Bormaheco, Inc., that Bormaheco, Inc. owned the lots Taking into account the situation of Cervantes vis-a-vis Bormaheco, Inc. and his
and that he was invested with adequate authority to sell the same. wife and the fact that the three lots were entirely occupied by Bormaheco's
Thus, in Bormaheco's offer of February 12, 1964, Cervantes first building, machinery and equipment and were mortgaged to the DBP as security
identified the three lots as "our property" which "we are offering to sell ..." for its obligation, and considering that appellants' vague affirmative defenses
(Opening paragraph and par. 1 of Exh. B). Whether the prounoun "we" refers do not include Mrs. Cervantes' alleged opposition to the sale, the plea that
to himself and his wife or to Bormaheco, Inc. is not clear. Then, in paragraphs 3 Cervantes had no authority to sell the lots strains the rivets of credibility (Cf.
and 4 of the offer, he used the first person and said: "I shall have consummated Papa and Delgado vs. Montenegro, 54 Phil. 331; Riobo vs. Hontiveros, 21 Phil.
my purchase" of the Nassco property; "... my negotiations with said property" 31).
and "I will return to you your deposit". Those expressions conveyed the "Obligations arising from contracts have the force of law between
impression and generated the belief that the Villoncos did not have to deal with the contracting parties and should be complied with in good faith" (Art. 1159,
Mrs. Cervantes nor with any other official of Bormaheco, Inc. Civil Code). Inasmuch as the sale was perfected and even partly executed,
The pleadings disclose that Bormaheco, Inc. and Cervantes deliberately and Bormaheco, Inc., and the Cervantes spouses, as a matter of justice and good
studiously avoided making the allegation that Cervantes was not authorized by faith, are bound to comply with their contractual commitments.
his wife to sell the three lots or that he acted merely as president of Bormaheco, Parenthetically, it may be observed that much misunderstanding
Inc. That defense was not interposed so as not to place Cervantes in the could have been avoided had the broker and the buyer taken the trouble of
ridiculous position of having acted under false pretenses when he negotiated making some research in the Registry of Deeds and availing themselves of the
with the Villoncos for the sale of the three lots. services of a competent lawyer in drafting the contract to sell.
Villonco Realty Company, in paragraph 2 of its original complaint, Bormaheco, Inc. and the Cervantes spouses in their sixth
alleged that "on February 12, 1964, after some prior negotiations, the assignment of error assail the trial court's award to Villonco Realty Company of
consequential damage amounting to ten thousand pesos monthly from March On July 29, 1987 a Second Amended Complaint for Specific
24, 1964 (when the Economic Coordinator approved the award of the Nassco Performance was filed by Ang Yu Asuncion and Keh Tiong, et al., against Bobby
property to Bormaheco, Inc.) up to the consummation of the sale. The award Cu Unjieng, Rose Cu Unjieng and Jose Tan before the Regional Trial Court,
was based on paragraph 18 of the stipulation of facts wherein Villonco Realty Branch 31, Manila in Civil Case No. 87-41058, alleging, among others, that
Company "submits that the delay in the consummation of the sale" has caused plaintiffs are tenants or lessees of residential and commercial spaces owned by
it to suffer the aforementioned damages. defendants described as Nos. 630-638 Ongpin Street, Binondo, Manila; that
The appellants contend that statement in the stipulation of facts they have occupied said spaces since 1935 and have been religiously paying the
simply means that Villonco Realty Company speculates that it has suffered rental and complying with all the conditions of the lease contract; that on
damages but it does not mean that the parties have agreed that Villonco Realty several occasions before October 9, 1986, defendants informed plaintiffs that
Company is entitled to those damages. they are offering to sell the premises and are giving them priority to acquire the
Appellants' contention is correct. As rightly observed by their same; that during the negotiations, Bobby Cu Unjieng offered a price of P6-
counsel, the damages in question were not specifically pleaded and proven and million while plaintiffs made a counter offer of P5-million; that plaintiffs
were "clearly conjectural and speculative". thereafter asked the defendants to put their offer in writing to which request
However, appellants' view in their seventh assignment of error that defendants acceded; that in reply to defendant's letter, plaintiffs wrote them
the trial court erred in ordering Bormaheco, Inc. to pay Villonco Realty on October 24, 1986 asking that they specify the terms and conditions of the
Company the sum of twenty thousand pesos as attorney's fees is not tenable. offer to sell; that when plaintiffs did not receive any reply, they sent another
Under the facts of the case, it is evident that Bormaheco, Inc. acted in gross and letter dated January 28, 1987 with the same request; that since defendants
evident bad faith in refusing to satisfy the valid and just demand of Villonco failed to specify the terms and conditions of the offer to sell and because of
Realty Company for specific performance. It compelled Villonco Realty information received that defendants were about to sell the property, plaintiffs
Company to incure expenses to protect its interest. Moreover, this is a case were compelled to file the complaint to compel defendants to sell the property
where it is just and equitable that the plaintiff should recover attorney's fees to them.
(Art. 2208, Civil Code). Defendants filed their answer denying the material allegations of
The appellants in their eighth assignment of error impugn the trial the complaint and interposing a special defense of lack of cause of action.
court's adjudication of forty-two thousand pesos as three percent broker's After the issues were joined, defendants filed a motion for summary
commission to Miss Tagle. They allege that there is no evidence that judgment which was granted by the lower court. The trial court found that
Bormaheco, Inc. engaged her services as a broker in the projected sale of the defendants' offer to sell was never accepted by the plaintiffs for the reason that
three lots and the improvements thereon. That allegation is refuted by the parties did not agree upon the terms and conditions of the proposed sale,
paragraph 3 of the stipulation of facts and by the documentary evidence. It was hence, there was no contract of sale at all. Nonetheless, the lower court ruled
stipulated that Miss Tagle intervened in the negotiations for the sale of the that should the defendants subsequently offer their property for sale at a price
three lots. Cervantes in his original offer of February 12, 1964 apprised Villonco of P11-million or below, plaintiffs will have the right of first refusal. Thus the
Realty Company that the earnest money should be delivered to Miss Tagle, the dispositive portion of the decision states:
bearer of the letter-offer. See also Exhibit G and Annex I of the stipulation of WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of the
facts. defendants and against the plaintiffs summarily dismissing the complaint
We hold that the trial court did not err in adjudging that Bormaheco, subject to the aforementioned condition that if the defendants subsequently
Inc. should pay Miss Tagle her three percent commission. decide to offer their property for sale for a purchase price of Eleven Million
WHEREFORE, the trial court's decision is modified as follows: Pesos or lower, then the plaintiffs has the option to purchase the property or
1. Within ten (10) days from the date the defendants-appellants receive notice of first refusal, otherwise, defendants need not offer the property to the
from the clerk of the lower court that the records of this case have been plaintiffs if the purchase price is higher than Eleven Million Pesos.
received from this Court, the spouses Francisco N. Cervantes and Rosario P. SO ORDERED.
Navarra-Cervantes should execute a deed conveying to Bormaheco, Inc. their
three lots covered by Transfer Certificate of Title Nos. 43530, 43531 and 43532 Aggrieved by the decision, plaintiffs appealed to this Court in
of the Registry of Deeds of Rizal. CA-G.R. CV No. 21123. In a decision promulgated on September 21, 1990
2. Within five (5) days from the execution of such deed of conveyance, (penned by Justice Segundino G. Chua and concurred in by Justices Vicente V.
Bormaheco, Inc. should execute in favor of Villonco Realty Company, V. R. C. Mendoza and Fernando A. Santiago), this Court affirmed with modification the
Building, 219 Buendia Avenue, Makati, Rizal a registerable deed of sale for the lower court's judgment, holding:
said three lots and all the improvements thereon, free from all lien and In resume, there was no meeting of the minds between the parties
encumbrances, at the price of four hundred pesos per square meter, deducting concerning the sale of the property. Absent such requirement, the claim for
from the total purchase price the sum of P100,000 previously paid by Villonco specific performance will not lie. Appellants' demand for actual, moral and
Realty Company to Bormaheco, Inc. exemplary damages will likewise fail as there exists no justifiable ground for its
3. Upon the execution of such deed of sale, Villonco Realty Company is award. Summary judgment for defendants was properly granted. Courts may
obligated to pay Bormaheco, Inc. the balance of the price in the sum of one render summary judgment when there is no genuine issue as to any material
million three hundred thousand pesos (P1,300,000). fact and the moving party is entitled to a judgment as a matter of law (Garcia
4. Bormaheco, Inc. is ordered (a) to pay Villonco Realty Company twenty vs. Court of Appeals, 176 SCRA 815). All requisites obtaining, the decision of the
thousand pesos (P20,000) as attorney's fees and (b) to pay Edith Perez de Tagle court a quo is legally justifiable.
the sum of forty-two thousand pesos (P42,000) as commission. Costs against WHEREFORE, finding the appeal unmeritorious, the judgment
the defendants-appellants. appealed from is hereby AFFIRMED, but subject to the following modification:
SO ORDERED. The court a quo in the aforestated decision gave the plaintiffs-appellants the
Makalintal, C.J, Castro. Fernando, Makasiar, Antonio, Esguerra, Muñoz Palma, right of first refusal only if the property is sold for a purchase price of Eleven
Concepcion Jr. and Martin, JJ., concur. Million pesos or lower; however, considering the mercurial and uncertain
Teehankee, J., is on leave. forces in our market economy today. We find no reason not to grant the same
right of first refusal to herein appellants in the event that the subject property
is sold for a price in excess of Eleven Million pesos. No pronouncement as to
G.R. No. 109125 December 2, 1994 costs.
CORPORATION, respondents. The decision of this Court was brought to the Supreme Court by
petition for review on certiorari. The Supreme Court denied the appeal on May
VITUG, J.: 6, 1991 "for insufficiency in form and substances" (Annex H, Petition).
Assailed, in this petition for review, is the decision of the Court of On November 15, 1990, while CA-G.R. CV No. 21123 was pending
Appeals, dated 04 December 1991, in CA-G.R. SP No. 26345 setting aside and consideration by this Court, the Cu Unjieng spouses executed a Deed of Sale
declaring without force and effect the orders of execution of the trial court, (Annex D, Petition) transferring the property in question to herein petitioner
dated 30 August 1991 and 27 September 1991, in Civil Case No. 87-41058. Buen Realty and Development Corporation, subject to the following terms and
The antecedents are recited in good detail by the appellate court thusly: conditions:
1. That for and in consideration of the sum of FIFTEEN MILLION PESOS On 04 December 1991, the appellate court, on appeal to it by
(P15,000,000.00), receipt of which in full is hereby acknowledged, the private respondent, set aside and declared without force and effect the above
VENDORS hereby sells, transfers and conveys for and in favor of the VENDEE, questioned orders of the court a quo.
his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, the above-described property In this petition for review on certiorari, petitioners contend that
with all the improvements found therein including all the rights and interest in Buen Realty can be held bound by the writ of execution by virtue of the notice
the said property free from all liens and encumbrances of whatever nature, of lis pendens, carried over on TCT No. 195816 issued in the name of Buen
except the pending ejectment proceeding; Realty, at the time of the latter's purchase of the property on 15 November
2. That the VENDEE shall pay the Documentary Stamp Tax, registration fees for 1991 from the Cu Unjiengs.
the transfer of title in his favor and other expenses incidental to the sale of
above-described property including capital gains tax and accrued real estate We affirm the decision of the appellate court.
taxes. A not too recent development in real estate transactions is the
As a consequence of the sale, TCT No. 105254/T-881 in the name of adoption of such arrangements as the right of first refusal, a purchase option
the Cu Unjieng spouses was cancelled and, in lieu thereof, TCT No. 195816 was and a contract to sell. For ready reference, we might point out some
issued in the name of petitioner on December 3, 1990. fundamental precepts that may find some relevance to this discussion.
On July 1, 1991, petitioner as the new owner of the subject property wrote a An obligation is a juridical necessity to give, to do or not to do (Art.
letter to the lessees demanding that the latter vacate the premises. 1156, Civil Code). The obligation is constituted upon the concurrence of the
On July 16, 1991, the lessees wrote a reply to petitioner stating that essential elements thereof, viz: (a) The vinculum juris or juridical tie which is
petitioner brought the property subject to the notice of lis pendens regarding the efficient cause established by the various sources of obligations (law,
Civil Case No. 87-41058 annotated on TCT No. 105254/T-881 in the name of contracts, quasi-contracts, delicts and quasi-delicts); (b) the object which is the
the Cu Unjiengs. prestation or conduct; required to be observed (to give, to do or not to do); and
The lessees filed a Motion for Execution dated August 27, 1991 of (c) the subject-persons who, viewed from the demandability of the obligation,
the Decision in Civil Case No. 87-41058 as modified by the Court of Appeals in are the active (obligee) and the passive (obligor) subjects.
CA-G.R. CV No. 21123. Among the sources of an obligation is a contract (Art. 1157, Civil
On August 30, 1991, respondent Judge issued an order (Annex A, Code), which is a meeting of minds between two persons whereby one binds
Petition) quoted as follows: himself, with respect to the other, to give something or to render some service
Presented before the Court is a Motion for Execution filed by (Art. 1305, Civil Code). A contract undergoes various stages that include its
plaintiff represented by Atty. Antonio Albano. Both defendants Bobby Cu negotiation or preparation, its perfection and, finally, its
Unjieng and Rose Cu Unjieng represented by Atty. Vicente Sison and Atty. consummation. Negotiation covers the period from the time the prospective
Anacleto Magno respectively were duly notified in today's consideration of the contracting parties indicate interest in the contract to the time the contract is
motion as evidenced by the rubber stamp and signatures upon the copy of the concluded (perfected). The perfection of the contract takes place upon the
Motion for Execution. concurrence of the essential elements thereof. A contract which
The gist of the motion is that the Decision of the Court dated is consensual as to perfection is so established upon a mere meeting of minds,
September 21, 1990 as modified by the Court of Appeals in its decision in CA i.e., the concurrence of offer and acceptance, on the object and on the cause
G.R. CV-21123, and elevated to the Supreme Court upon the petition for review thereof. A contract which requires, in addition to the above, the delivery of the
and that the same was denied by the highest tribunal in its resolution dated object of the agreement, as in a pledge or commodatum, is commonly referred
May 6, 1991 in G.R. No. L-97276, had now become final and executory. As a to as a real contract. In a solemn contract, compliance with certain formalities
consequence, there was an Entry of Judgment by the Supreme Court as of June prescribed by law, such as in a donation of real property, is essential in order to
6, 1991, stating that the aforesaid modified decision had already become final make the act valid, the prescribed form being thereby an essential element
and executory. thereof. The stage of consummation begins when the parties perform their
It is the observation of the Court that this property in dispute was respective undertakings under the contract culminating in the extinguishment
the subject of the Notice of Lis Pendens and that the modified decision of this thereof.
Court promulgated by the Court of Appeals which had become final to the Until the contract is perfected, it cannot, as an independent source
effect that should the defendants decide to offer the property for sale for a of obligation, serve as a binding juridical relation. In sales, particularly, to which
price of P11 Million or lower, and considering the mercurial and uncertain the topic for discussion about the case at bench belongs, the contract is
forces in our market economy today, the same right of first refusal to herein perfected when a person, called the seller, obligates himself, for a price certain,
plaintiffs/appellants in the event that the subject property is sold for a price in to deliver and to transfer ownership of a thing or right to another, called the
excess of Eleven Million pesos or more. buyer, over which the latter agrees. Article 1458 of the Civil Code provides:
WHEREFORE, defendants are hereby ordered to execute the Art. 1458. By the contract of sale one of the contracting parties
necessary Deed of Sale of the property in litigation in favor of plaintiffs Ang Yu obligates himself to transfer the ownership of and to deliver a determinate
Asuncion, Keh Tiong and Arthur Go for the consideration of P15 Million pesos thing, and the other to pay therefor a price certain in money or its equivalent.
in recognition of plaintiffs' right of first refusal and that a new Transfer A contract of sale may be absolute or conditional.
Certificate of Title be issued in favor of the buyer. When the sale is not absolute but conditional, such as in a "Contract
All previous transactions involving the same property to Sell" where invariably the ownership of the thing sold is retained until the
notwithstanding the issuance of another title to Buen Realty Corporation, is fulfillment of a positive suspensive condition (normally, the full payment of the
hereby set aside as having been executed in bad faith. purchase price), the breach of the condition will prevent the obligation to
SO ORDERED. convey title from acquiring an obligatory force.2 In Dignos vs. Court of
Appeals (158 SCRA 375), we have said that, although denominated a "Deed of
On September 22, 1991 respondent Judge issued another order, the Conditional Sale," a sale is still absolute where the contract is devoid of
dispositive portion of which reads: any proviso that title is reserved or the right to unilaterally rescind is stipulated,
WHEREFORE, let there be Writ of Execution issue in the above- e.g., until or unless the price is paid. Ownership will then be transferred to the
entitled case directing the Deputy Sheriff Ramon Enriquez of this Court to buyer upon actual or constructive delivery (e.g., by the execution of a public
implement said Writ of Execution ordering the defendants among others to document) of the property sold. Where the condition is imposed upon the
comply with the aforesaid Order of this Court within a period of one (1) week perfection of the contract itself, the failure of the condition would prevent such
from receipt of this Order and for defendants to execute the necessary Deed of perfection.3 If the condition is imposed on the obligation of a party which is not
Sale of the property in litigation in favor of the plaintiffs Ang Yu Asuncion, Keh fulfilled, the other party may either waive the condition or refuse to proceed
Tiong and Arthur Go for the consideration of P15,000,000.00 and ordering the with the sale (Art. 1545, Civil Code).4
Register of Deeds of the City of Manila, to cancel and set aside the title already An unconditional mutual promise to buy and sell, as long as the
issued in favor of Buen Realty Corporation which was previously executed object is made determinate and the price is fixed, can be obligatory on the
between the latter and defendants and to register the new title in favor of the parties, and compliance therewith may accordingly be exacted.5
aforesaid plaintiffs Ang Yu Asuncion, Keh Tiong and Arthur Go. An accepted unilateral promise which specifies the thing to be sold
SO ORDERED. and the price to be paid, when coupled with a valuable consideration
On the same day, September 27, 1991 the corresponding writ of distinct and separate from the price, is what may properly be termed a
execution (Annex C, Petition) was issued.1
perfected contract of option. This contract is legally binding, and in sales, it of contracts.11 It is not to say, however, that the right of first refusal would be
conforms with the second paragraph of Article 1479 of the Civil Code, viz: inconsequential for, such as already intimated above, an unjustified disregard
Art. 1479. . . . thereof, given, for instance, the circumstances expressed in Article 1912 of the
An accepted unilateral promise to buy or to sell a determinate thing Civil Code, can warrant a recovery for damages.
for a price certain is binding upon the promissor if the promise is supported by The final judgment in Civil Case No. 87-41058, it must be stressed,
a consideration distinct from the price. (1451a)6 has merely accorded a "right of first refusal" in favor of petitioners. The
Observe, however, that the option is not the contract of sale consequence of such a declaration entails no more than what has heretofore
itself.7 The optionee has the right, but not the obligation, to buy. Once the been said. In fine, if, as it is here so conveyed to us, petitioners are aggrieved
option is exercised timely, i.e., the offer is accepted before a breach of the by the failure of private respondents to honor the right of first refusal, the
option, a bilateral promise to sell and to buy ensues and both parties are then remedy is not a writ of execution on the judgment, since there is none to
reciprocally bound to comply with their respective undertakings.8 execute, but an action for damages in a proper forum for the purpose.
Let us elucidate a little. A negotiation is formally initiated by an offer. Furthermore, whether private respondent Buen Realty
An imperfect promise (policitacion) is merely an offer. Public advertisements or Development Corporation, the alleged purchaser of the property, has acted in
solicitations and the like are ordinarily construed as mere invitations to make good faith or bad faith and whether or not it should, in any case, be considered
offers or only as proposals. These relations, until a contract is perfected, are bound to respect the registration of the lis pendens in Civil Case No. 87-41058
not considered binding commitments. Thus, at any time prior to the perfection are matters that must be independently addressed in appropriate proceedings.
of the contract, either negotiating party may stop the negotiation. The offer, at Buen Realty, not having been impleaded in Civil Case No. 87-41058, cannot be
this stage, may be withdrawn; the withdrawal is effective immediately after its held subject to the writ of execution issued by respondent Judge, let alone
manifestation, such as by its mailing and not necessarily when the offeree ousted from the ownership and possession of the property, without first being
learns of the withdrawal (Laudico vs. Arias, 43 Phil. 270). Where a period is duly afforded its day in court.
given to the offeree within which to accept the offer, the following rules We are also unable to agree with petitioners that the Court of
generally govern: Appeals has erred in holding that the writ of execution varies the terms of the
(1) If the period is not itself founded upon or supported by a consideration, the judgment in Civil Case No. 87-41058, later affirmed in CA-G.R. CV-21123. The
offeror is still free and has the right to withdraw the offer before its acceptance, Court of Appeals, in this regard, has observed:
or, if an acceptance has been made, before the offeror's coming to know of Finally, the questioned writ of execution is in variance with the
such fact, by communicating that withdrawal to the offeree (see Art. 1324, Civil decision of the trial court as modified by this Court. As already stated, there
Code; see also Atkins, Kroll & Co. vs. Cua, 102 Phil. 948, holding that this rule is was nothing in said decision 13 that decreed the execution of a deed of sale
applicable to a unilateral promise to sell under Art. 1479, modifying the between the Cu Unjiengs and respondent lessees, or the fixing of the price of
previous decision in South Western Sugar vs. Atlantic Gulf, 97 Phil. 249; see the sale, or the cancellation of title in the name of petitioner (Limpin vs. IAC,
also Art. 1319, Civil Code; Rural Bank of Parañaque, Inc., vs. Remolado, 135 147 SCRA 516; Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila vs. IAC, 143 SCRA 311; De
SCRA 409; Sanchez vs. Rigos, 45 SCRA 368). The right to withdraw, however, Guzman vs. CA, 137 SCRA 730; Pastor vs. CA, 122 SCRA 885).
must not be exercised whimsically or arbitrarily; otherwise, it could give rise to It is likewise quite obvious to us that the decision in Civil Case No. 87-41058
a damage claim under Article 19 of the Civil Code which ordains that "every could not have decreed at the time the execution of any deed of sale between
person must, in the exercise of his rights and in the performance of his duties, the Cu Unjiengs and petitioners.
act with justice, give everyone his due, and observe honesty and good faith." WHEREFORE, we UPHOLD the Court of Appeals in ultimately setting
(2) If the period has a separate consideration, a contract of "option" is aside the questioned Orders, dated 30 August 1991 and 27 September 1991,
deemed perfected, and it would be a breach of that contract to withdraw the of the court a quo. Costs against petitioners.
offer during the agreed period. The option, however, is an independent SO ORDERED.
contract by itself, and it is to be distinguished from the projected main
agreement (subject matter of the option) which is obviously yet to be [G.R. No. 133638. April 15, 2005]
concluded. If, in fact, the optioner-offeror withdraws the offer before its PERPETUA VDA. DE APE, petitioner, vs. THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS
acceptance (exercise of the option) by the optionee-offeree, the latter may not and GENOROSA CAWIT VDA. DE LUMAYNO, respondents.
sue for specific performance on the proposed contract ("object" of the option) DECISION
since it has failed to reach its own stage of perfection. The optioner-offeror, CHICO-NAZARIO, J.:
however, renders himself liable for damages for breach of the option. In these Before Us is a petition for review on certiorari of the Decision[1] of
cases, care should be taken of the real nature of the consideration given, for if, the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 45886 entitled, Generosa Cawit de
in fact, it has been intended to be part of the consideration for the main Lumayno, accompanied by her husband Braulio Lumayno v. Fortunato Ape,
contract with a right of withdrawal on the part of the optionee, the main including his wife Perpetua de Ape.
contract could be deemed perfected; a similar instance would be an "earnest The pertinent facts are as follows:
money" in a contract of sale that can evidence its perfection (Art. 1482, Civil Cleopas Ape was the registered owner of a parcel of land particularly known as
Code). Lot No. 2319 of the Escalante Cadastre of Negros Occidental and covered by
In the law on sales, the so-called "right of first refusal" is an innovative juridical Original Certificate of Title (OCT) No. RP 1379 (RP-154 [300]).[2] Upon Cleopas
relation. Needless to point out, it cannot be deemed a perfected contract of Apes death sometime in 1950, the property passed on to his wife, Maria Ondoy,
sale under Article 1458 of the Civil Code. Neither can the right of first refusal, and their eleven (11) children, namely: Fortunato, Cornelio, Bernalda,
understood in its normal concept, per se be brought within the purview of an Bienvenido, Encarnacion, Loreta, Lourdes, Felicidad, Adela, Dominador, and
option under the second paragraph of Article 1479, aforequoted, or possibly of Angelina, all surnamed Ape.
an offer under Article 13199 of the same Code. An option or an offer would On 15 March 1973, Generosa Cawit de Lumayno (private
require, among other things,10 a clear certainty on both the object and the respondent herein), joined by her husband, Braulio,[3] instituted a case for
cause or consideration of the envisioned contract. In a right of first refusal, Specific Performance of a Deed of Sale with Damages against Fortunato and his
while the object might be made determinate, the exercise of the right, wife Perpetua (petitioner herein) before the then Court of First Instance of
however, would be dependent not only on the grantor's eventual intention to Negros Occidental. It was alleged in the complaint that on 11 April 1971, private
enter into a binding juridical relation with another but also on terms, including respondent and Fortunato entered into a contract of sale of land under which
the price, that obviously are yet to be later firmed up. Prior thereto, it can at for a consideration of P5,000.00, Fortunato agreed to sell his share in Lot No.
best be so described as merely belonging to a class of preparatory juridical 2319 to private respondent. The agreement was contained in a receipt
relations governed not by contracts (since the essential elements to establish prepared by private respondents son-in-law, Andres Flores, at her behest. Said
the vinculum juris would still be indefinite and inconclusive) but by, among receipt was attached to the complaint as Annex A thereof and later marked as
other laws of general application, the pertinent scattered provisions of the Civil Exhibit G for private respondent. The receipt states:
Code on human conduct. April 11, 1971
Even on the premise that such right of first refusal has been decreed TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:
under a final judgment, like here, its breach cannot justify correspondingly an This date received from Mrs. Generosa Cawit de Lumayno the sum of THIRTY
issuance of a writ of execution under a judgment that merely recognizes its PESOS ONLY as Advance Payment of my share in Land Purchased, for FIVE
existence, nor would it sanction an action for specific performance without THOUSAND PESOS LOT #2319.
thereby negating the indispensable element of consensuality in the perfection (Signed)
FORTUNATO APE of said receipt were never explained to them.[18] She also stated in her
P30.00 WITNESS: testimony that her husband was an illiterate and only learned how to write his
(Illegible) [4] name in order to be employed in a sugar central.[19] As for private respondents
As private respondent wanted to register the claimed sale purchase of the shares owned by Fortunatos co-owners, petitioner maintained
transaction, she supposedly demanded that Fortunato execute the that neither she nor her husband received any notice regarding those sales
corresponding deed of sale and to receive the balance of the consideration. transactions.[20] The testimony of petitioner was later on corroborated by her
However, Fortunato unjustifiably refused to heed her demands. Private daughter-in-law, Marietta Ape Dino.[21]
respondent, therefore, prayed that Fortunato be ordered to execute and After due trial, the court a quo rendered a decision[22] dismissing both the
deliver to her a sufficient and registrable deed of sale involving his one-eleventh complaint and the counterclaim. The trial court likewise ordered that deeds or
(1/11) share or participation in Lot No. 2319 of the Escalante Cadastre; to pay documents representing the sales of the shares previously owned by
P5,000.00 in damages; P500.00 reimbursement for litigation expenses as well Fortunatos co-owners be registered and annotated on the existing certificate
as additional P500.00 for every appeal made; P2,000.00 for attorneys fees; and of title of Lot No. 2319. According to the trial court, private respondent failed
to pay the costs.[5] to prove that she had actually paid the purchase price of P5,000.00 to
Fortunato and petitioner denied the material allegations of the Fortunato and petitioner. Applying, therefore, the provision of Article 1350 of
complaint and claimed that Fortunato never sold his share in Lot No. 2319 to the Civil Code,[23] the trial court concluded that private respondent did not have
private respondent and that his signature appearing on the purported receipt the right to demand the delivery to her of the registrable deed of sale over
was forged. By way of counterclaim, the defendants below maintained having Fortunatos portion of the Lot No. 2319.
entered into a contract of lease with respondent involving Fortunatos portion The trial court also rejected Fortunato and petitioners claim that
of Lot No. 2319. This purported lease contract commenced in 1960 and was they had the right of redemption over the shares previously sold to private
supposed to last until 1965 with an option for another five (5) years. The annual respondent and the latters husband, reasoning as follows:
lease rental was P100.00 which private respondent and her husband allegedly Defendants in their counterclaim invoke their right of legal
paid on installment basis. Fortunato and petitioner also assailed private redemption under Article 1623 of the New Civil Code in view of the alleged sale
respondent and her husbands continued possession of the rest of Lot No. 2319 of the undivided portions of the lot in question by their co-heirs and co-owners
alleging that in the event they had acquired the shares of Fortunatos co-owners as claimed by the plaintiffs in their complaint. They have been informed by the
by way of sale, he was invoking his right to redeem the same. Finally, Fortunato plaintiff about said sales upon the filing of the complaint in the instant case as
and petitioner prayed that the lease contract between them and respondent far back as March 14, 1973. Defendant themselves presented as their very own
be ordered annulled; and that respondent be ordered to pay them attorneys exhibits copies of the respective deeds of sale or conveyance by their said co-
fees; moral damages; and exemplary damages.[6] heirs and co-owners in favor of the plaintiffs or their predecessors-in-interest
In their reply,[7] the private respondent and her husband alleged way back on January 2, 1992 when they formally offered their exhibits in the
that they had purchased from Fortunatos co-owners, as evidenced by various instant case; meaning, they themselves acquired possession of said
written instruments,[8] their respective portions of Lot No. 2319. By virtue of documentary exhibits even before they formally offered them in evidence.
these sales, they insisted that Fortunato was no longer a co-owner of Lot No. Under Art. 1623 of the New Civil Code, defendants have only THIRTY (30) DAYS
2319 thus, his right of redemption no longer existed. counted from their actual knowledge of the exact terms and conditions of the
Prior to the resolution of this case at the trial court level, Fortunato deeds of sale or conveyance of their co-heirs and co-owners share within which
died and was substituted in this action by his children named Salodada, Clarita, to exercise their right of legal redemption.[24]
Narciso, Romeo, Rodrigo, Marieta, Fortunato, Jr., and Salvador, all surnamed Within the reglementary period, both parties filed their respective
Ape.[9] notices of appeal before the trial court with petitioner and her children taking
During the trial, private respondent testified that she and her exception to the finding of the trial court that the period within which they
husband acquired the various portions of Lot No. 2319 belonging to Fortunatos could invoke their right of redemption had already lapsed.[25] For her part,
co-owners. Thereafter, her husband caused the annotation of an adverse claim private respondent raised as errors the trial courts ruling that there was no
on the certificate of title of Lot No. 2319.[10]The annotation states: contract of sale between herself and Fortunato and the dismissal of their
Entry No. 123539 Adverse claim filed by Braulio Lumayno. Notice of complaint for specific performance.[26]
adverse claim filed by Braulio Lumayno affecting the lot described in this title The Court of Appeals, in the decision now assailed before us,
to the extent of 77511.93 square meters, more or less, the aggregate area of reversed and set aside the trial courts dismissal of the private respondents
shares sold to him on the basis of (alleged) sales in his possession. Doc. No. 157, complaint but upheld the portion of the court a quos decision ordering the
Page No. 33, Book No. XI, Series of 1967 of Alexander Cawit of Escalante, Neg. dismissal of petitioner and her childrens counterclaim. The dispositive portion
Occ. Date of instrument. June 22, 1967 at 8:30 a.m. (SGD) FEDENCIORRAZ, Actg. of the appellate courts decision reads:
Register of Deeds.[11] WHEREFORE, the decision dated March 11, 1994, is hereby
In addition, private respondent claimed that after the acquisition of REVERSED and SET ASIDE insofar as the dismissal of plaintiffs-appellants
those shares, she and her husband had the whole Lot No. 2319 surveyed by a complaint is concerned, and another one is entered ordering the defendant-
certain Oscar Mascada who came up with a technical description of said piece appellant Fortunato Ape and/or his wife Perpetua de Ape and successors-in-
of land.[12] Significantly, private respondent alleged that Fortunato was present interest to execute in favor of plaintiff-appellant Generosa Cawit de Lumayno a
when the survey was conducted.[13] Deed of Absolute Sale involving the one-eleventh (1/11) share or participation
Also presented as evidence for private respondent were pictures of Fortunato Ape in Lot No. 2319, Escalante Cadastre, containing an area of
taken of some parts of Lot No. 2319 purportedly showing the land belonging to 12,527.19 square meters, more or less, within (30) days from finality of this
Fortunato being bounded by a row of banana plants thereby separating it from decision, and in case of non-compliance with this Order, that the Clerk of Court
the rest of Lot No. 2319.[14] of said court is ordered to execute the deed on behalf of the vendor. The
As regards the circumstances surrounding the sale of Fortunatos decision is AFFIRMED insofar as the dismissal of defendants-appellants
portion of the land, private respondent testified that Fortunato went to her counterclaim is concerned.
store at the time when their lease contract was about to expire. He allegedly Without pronouncement as to costs.[27]
demanded the rental payment for his land but as she was no longer interested The Court of Appeals upheld private respondents position that
in renewing their lease agreement, they agreed instead to enter into a contract Exhibit G had all the earmarks of a valid contract of sale, thus:
of sale which Fortunato acceded to provided private respondent bought his Exhibit G is the best proof that the P5,000.00 representing the purchase price
portion of Lot No. 2319 for P5,000.00. Thereafter, she asked her son-in-law of the 1/11th share of Fortunato Ape was not paid by the vendee on April 11,
Flores to prepare the aforementioned receipt. Flores read the document to 1971, and/or up to the present, but that does not affect the binding force and
Fortunato and asked the latter whether he had any objection thereto. effect of the document. The vendee having paid the vendor an advance
Fortunato then went on to affix his signature on the receipt. payment of the agreed purchase price of the property, what the vendor can
For her part, petitioner insisted that the entire Lot No. 2319 had not exact from the vendee is full payment upon his execution of the final deed of
yet been formally subdivided;[15] that on 11 April 1971 she and her husband sale. As is shown, the vendee precisely instituted this action to compel the
went to private respondents house to collect past rentals for their land then vendor Fortunato Ape to execute the final document, after she was informed
leased by the former, however, they managed to collect only thirty that he would execute the same upon arrival of his daughter Bala from
pesos;[16] that private respondent made her (petitioners) husband sign a receipt Mindanao, but afterwards failed to live up to his contractual obligation (TSN,
acknowledging the receipt of said amount of money;[17] and that the contents pp. 11-13, June 10, 1992).
It is not right for the trial court to expect plaintiff-appellant to pay The right of legal pre-emption or redemption shall not be exercised
the balance of the purchase price before the final deed is executed, or for her except within thirty days from the notice in writing by the prospective vendor,
to deposit the equivalent amount in court in the form of consignation. or by the vendor, as the case may be. The deed of sale shall not be recorded in
Consignation comes into fore in the case of a creditor to the Registry of Property, unless accompanied by an affidavit of the vendor that
whom tender of paymenthas been made and refuses without just cause to he has given written notice thereof to all possible redemptioners.
accept it (Arts. 1256 and 1252, N.C.C.; Querino vs. Pelarca, 29 SCRA 1). As Despite the plain language of the law, this Court has, over the years,
vendee, plaintiff-appellant Generosa Cawit de Lumayno does not fall within the been tasked to interpret the written notice requirement of the above-quoted
purview of a debtor. provision. In the case Butte v. Manuel Uy & Sons, Inc.,[32] we declared that
We, therefore, find and so hold that the trial court should have In considering whether or not the offer to redeem was timely, we
found that exhibit G bears all the earmarks of a private deed of sale which is think that the notice given by the vendee (buyer) should not be taken into
valid, binding and enforceable between the parties, and that as a consequence account. The text of Article 1623 clearly and expressly prescribes that the thirty
of the failure and refusal on the part of the vendor Fortunato Ape to live up to days for making the redemption are to be counted from notice in writing by the
his contractual obligation, he and/or his heirs and successors-in-interest can be vendor. Under the old law (Civ. Code of 1889, Art. 1524), it was immaterial who
compelled to execute in favor of, and to deliver to the vendee, plaintiff- gave the notice; so long as the redeeming co-owner learned of the alienation
appellant Generosa Cawit de Lumayno a registerable deed of absolute sale in favor of the stranger, the redemption period began to run. It is thus apparent
involving his one-eleventh (1/11th) share or participation in Lot No. 2319, that the Philippine legislature in Article 1623 deliberately selected a particular
Escalante Cadastre, containing an area of 12,527.19 square meters, more or method of giving notice, and that method must be deemed exclusive. (39 Am.
less, within 30 days from finality of this decision, and, in case of non-compliance Jur., 237; Payne vs. State, 12 S.W. 2(d) 528). As ruled in Wampler vs. Lecompte,
within said period, this Court appoints the Clerk of Court of the trial court to 150 Atl. 458 (affd. in 75 Law Ed. [U.S.] 275)
execute on behalf of the vendor the said document.[28] why these provisions were inserted in the statute we are not informed, but we
The Court of Appeals, however, affirmed the trial courts ruling on may assume until the contrary is shown, that a state of facts in respect thereto
the issue of petitioner and her childrens right of redemption. It ruled that existed, which warranted the legislature in so legislating.
Fortunatos receipt of the Second Owners Duplicate of OCT (RP) 1379 (RP-154 The reasons for requiring that the notice should be given by the
([300]), containing the adverse claim of private respondent and her husband, seller, and not by the buyer, are easily divined. The seller of an undivided
constituted a sufficient compliance with the written notice requirement of interest is in the best position to know who are his co-owners that under the
Article 1623 of the Civil Code and the period of redemption under this provision law must be notified of the sale. Also, the notice by the seller removes all
had long lapsed. doubts as to fact of the sale, its perfection; and its validity, the notice being a
Aggrieved by the decision of the appellate court, petitioner is now reaffirmation thereof, so that the party notified need not entertain doubt that
before us raising, essentially, the following issues: whether Fortunato was the seller may still contest the alienation. This assurance would not exist if the
furnished with a written notice of sale of the shares of his co-owners as notice should be given by the buyer.[33]
required by Article 1623 of the Civil Code; and whether the receipt signed by The interpretation was somehow modified in the case of De
Fortunato proves the existence of a contract of sale between him and private Conejero, et al. v. Court of Appeals, et al.[34] wherein it was pointed out that
respondent. Article 1623 does not prescribe a particular form of notice, nor any distinctive
In her memorandum, petitioner claimed that the Court of Appeals method for notifying the redemptioner thus, as long as the redemptioner was
erred in sustaining the court a quos pronouncement that she could no longer notified in writing of the sale and the particulars thereof, the redemption
redeem the portion of Lot No. 2319 already acquired by private respondent for period starts to run. This view was reiterated in Etcuban v. The Honorable Court
no written notice of said sales was furnished them. According to her, the Court of Appeals, et al.,[35] Cabrera v. Villanueva,[36] Garcia, et al. v. Calaliman, et
of Appeals unduly expanded the scope of the law by equating Fortunatos al.,[37]Distrito, et al. v. The Honorable Court of Appeals, et al.,[38] and Mariano, et
receipt of Second Owners Duplicate of OCT (RP) 1379 (RP-154 ([300]) with the al. v. Hon. Court of Appeals, et al.[39]
written notice requirement of Article 1623. In addition, she argued that Exhibit However, in the case of Salatandol v. Retes,[40] wherein the plaintiffs
G could not possibly be a contract of sale of Fortunatos share in Lot No. 2319 were not furnished any written notice of sale or a copy thereof by the vendor,
as said document does not contain (a) definite agreement on the manner of this Court again referred to the principle enunciated in the case of Butte. As
payment of the price.[29] Even assuming that Exhibit G is, indeed, a contract of observed by Justice Vicente Mendoza, such reversion is only sound, thus:
sale between private respondent and Fortunato, the latter did not have the Art. 1623 of the Civil Code is clear in requiring that the written
obligation to deliver to private respondent a registrable deed of sale in view of notification should come from the vendor or prospective vendor, not from any
private respondents own failure to pay the full purchase price of Fortunatos other person. There is, therefore, no room for construction. Indeed, the
portion of Lot No. 2319. Petitioner is also of the view that, at most, Exhibit G principal difference between Art. 1524 of the former Civil Code and Art. 1623
merely contained a unilateral promise to sell which private respondent could of the present one is that the former did not specify who must give the notice,
not enforce in the absence of a consideration distinct from the purchase price whereas the present one expressly says the notice must be given by the vendor.
of the land. Further, petitioner reiterated her claim that due to the illiteracy of Effect must be given to this change in statutory language. [41]
her husband, it was incumbent upon private respondent to show that the In this case, the records are bereft of any indication that Fortunato
contents of Exhibit G were fully explained to him. Finally, petitioner pointed out was given any written notice of prospective or consummated sale of the
that the Court of Appeals erred when it took into consideration the same portions of Lot No. 2319 by the vendors or would-be vendors. The thirty (30)-
exhibit despite the fact that only its photocopy was presented before the court. day redemption period under the law, therefore, has not commenced to run.
On the other hand, private respondent argued that the annotation Despite this, however, we still rule that petitioner could no longer invoke her
on the second owners certificate over Lot No. 2319 constituted constructive right to redeem from private respondent for the exercise of this right
notice to the whole world of private respondents claim over the majority of said presupposes the existence of a co-ownership at the time the conveyance is
parcel of land. Relying on our decision in the case of Cabrera v. made by a co-owner and when it is demanded by the other co-owner or co-
Villanueva,[30] private respondent insisted that when Fortunato received a copy owners.[42] The regime of co-ownership exists when ownership of an undivided
of the second owners certificate, he became fully aware of the contracts of sale thing or right belongs to different persons.[43] By the nature of a co-ownership,
entered into between his co-owners on one hand and private respondent and a co-owner cannot point to specific portion of the property owned in common
her deceased husband on the other. as his own because his share therein remains intangible.[44] As legal redemption
Private respondent also averred that although (Lot No. 2319) was is intended to minimize co-ownership,[45] once the property is subdivided and
not actually partitioned in a survey after the death of Cleopas Ape, the land was distributed among the co-owners, the community ceases to exist and there is
partitioned in a hantal-hantal manner by the heirs. Each took and possessed no more reason to sustain any right of legal redemption.[46]
specific portion or premises as his/her share in land, farmed their respective In this case, records reveal that although Lot No. 2319 has not yet been formally
portion or premises, and improved them, each heir limiting his/her subdivided, still, the particular portions belonging to the heirs of Cleopas Ape
improvement within the portion or premises which were his/her respective had already been ascertained and they in fact took possession of their
share.[31] Thus, when private respondent and her husband purchased the other respective parts. This can be deduced from the testimony of petitioner herself,
parts of Lot No. 2319, it was no longer undivided as petitioner claims. thus:
The petition is partly meritorious. Q When the plaintiffs leased the share of your husband, were there any metes
Article 1623 of the Civil Code provides: and bounds?
A It was not formally subdivided. We have only a definite portion. (hantal- there to be a perfected contract of sale, however, the following elements must
hantal) be present: consent, object, and price in money or its equivalent. In the case
Q This hantal-hantal of your husband, was it also separate and distinct from of Leonardo v. Court of Appeals, et al.,[54] we explained the element of consent,
the hantal-hantal or the share of the brothers and sisters of your husband? to wit:
A Well, this property in question is a common property. The essence of consent is the agreement of the parties on the terms
Q To the north, whose share was that which is adjacent to your husbands of the contract, the acceptance by one of the offer made by the other. It is the
assumed partition? concurrence of the minds of the parties on the object and the cause which
A I do not know what [does] this north [mean]. constitutes the contract. The area of agreement must extend to all points that
COURT the parties deem material or there is no consent at all.
(To Witness) To be valid, consent must meet the following requisites: (a) it should
Q To the place from where the sun rises, whose share was that? be intelligent, or with an exact notion of the matter to which it refers; (b) it
A The shares of Cornelia, Loreta, Encarnacion and Adela. should be free and (c) it should be spontaneous. Intelligence in consent is
Q How could you determine their own shares? vitiated by error; freedom by violence, intimidation or undue influence;
A They were residing in their respective assumed portions. spontaneity by fraud.[55]
Q How about determining their respective boundaries? In this jurisdiction, the general rule is that he who alleges fraud or
A It could be determined by stakes and partly a row of banana plantations mistake in a transaction must substantiate his allegation as the presumption is
planted by my son-in-law. that a person takes ordinary care for his concerns and that private dealings have
Q Who is this son-in-law you mentioned? been entered into fairly and regularly.[56] The exception to this rule is provided
A Narciso Ape. for under Article 1332 of the Civil Code which provides that [w]hen one of the
ATTY. CAWIT parties is unable to read, or if the contract is in a language not understood by
(Continuing) him, and mistake or fraud is alleged, the person enforcing the contract must
Q You said that there were stakes to determine the hantal-hantal of your show that the terms thereof have been fully explained to the former.
husband and the hantal-hantal of the other heirs, did I get you right? In this case, as private respondent is the one seeking to enforce the
ATTY. TAN claimed contract of sale, she bears the burden of proving that the terms of the
Admitted, Your Honor. agreement were fully explained to Fortunato Ape who was an illiterate. This she
ATTY. CAWIT failed to do. While she claimed in her testimony that the contents of the receipt
Q Mrs. Ape, in 1960, Cleopas Ape was already dead, is that correct? were made clear to Fortunato, such allegation was debunked by Andres Flores
A Certainly, since he died in 1950. himself when the latter took the witness stand. According to Flores:
Q By the manifestation of your counsel that the entire land (13 hectares) of ATTY. TAN
your father-in-law, Cleopas Ape, was leased to Generosa Lumayno, is this Q Mr. Witness, that receipt is in English, is it not?
correct? A Yes, sir.
A No, it is only the assumed portion of my husband [which] was leased to Q When you prepared that receipt, were you aware that Fortunato Ape doesnt
Generosa Lumayno. know how to read and write English?
Q For clarification, it was only the share of your husband [which] was leased to A Yes, sir, I know.
Generosa Cawit Lumayno? Q Mr. Witness, you said you were present at the time of the signing of that
A Yes.[47] alleged receipt of P30.00, correct?
ATTY. CAWIT A Yes, sir.
Q My question: is that portion which you said was leased by your husband to Q Where, in what place was this receipt signed?
the Lumayno[s] and which was included to the lease by your mother-in-law to A At the store.
the Lumayno[s], when the Lumayno[s] returned your husband[s] share, was Q At the time of the signing of this receipt, were there other person[s] present
that the same premises that your husband leased to the Lumayno[s]? aside from you, your mother-in-law and Fortunato Ape?
A The same. A In the store, yes, sir.
Q In re-possessing this portion of the land corresponding to the share of your Q When you signed that document of course you acted as witness upon request
husband, did your husband demand that they should re-possess the land from of your mother-in-law?
the Lumayno[s] or did the Lumayno[s] return them to your husband A No, this portion, I was the one who prepared that document.
voluntarily? Q Without asking of (sic) your mother-in-law, you prepared that document or
A They just returned to us without paying the rentals. it was your mother-in-law who requested you to prepare that document and
COURT acted as witness?
Q Was the return the result of your husbands request or just voluntarily they A She requested me to prepare but does not instructed (sic) me to act as
returned it to your husband? witness. It was our opinion that whenever I prepared the document, I signed it
A No, sir, it was just returned voluntarily, and they abandoned the area but my as a witness.
husband continued farming.[48] Q Did it not occur to you to ask other witness to act on the side of Fortunato
Similarly telling of the partition is the stipulation of the parties Ape who did not know how to read and write English?
during the pre-trial wherein it was admitted that Lot No. 2319 had not been A It occurred to me.
subdivided nevertheless, Fortunato Ape had possessed a specific portion of the Q But you did not bother to request a person who is not related to your mother-
land ostensibly corresponding to his share.[49] in-law, considering that Fortunato Ape did not know how to read and write
From the foregoing, it is evident that the partition of Lot No. 2319 English?
had already been effected by the heirs of Cleopas Ape. Although the partition A The one who represented Fortunato Ape doesnt know also how to read and
might have been informal is of no moment for even an oral agreement of write English. One a maid.
partition is valid and binding upon the parties.[50]Likewise, the fact that the Q You mentioned that there [was another] person inside the store, under your
respective shares of Cleopas Apes heirs are still embraced in one and the same previous statement, when the document was signed, there [was another]
certificate of title and have not been technically apportioned does not make person in the store aside from you, your mother-in-law and Fortunato Ape, is
said portions less determinable and identifiable from one another nor does it, not true?
in any way, diminish the dominion of their respective owners.[51] A That is true, there is one person, but that person doesnt know how to read
Turning now to the second issue of the existence of a contract of also.
sale, we rule that the records of this case betray the stance of private Q Of course, Mr. Witness, since it occurred to you that there was need for other
respondent that Fortunato Ape entered into such an agreement with her. witness to sign that document for Fortunato Ape, is it not a fact that the
A contract of sale is a consensual contract, thus, it is perfected by Municipal Building is very near your house?
mere consent of the parties. It is born from the moment there is a meeting of A Quite (near).
minds upon the thing which is the object of the sale and upon the price.[52] Upon Q But you could readily proceed to the Municipal Building and request one who
its perfection, the parties may reciprocally demand performance, that is, the is knowledgeable in English to act as witness?
vendee may compel the transfer of the ownership and to deliver the object of A I think there is no need for that small receipt. So I dont bother myself to go.
the sale while the vendor may demand the vendee to pay the thing sold.[53] For
Q You did not consider that receipt very important because you said that small its stockholders George Krakower, Segundina Vivas, Pacifico Escandor,
receipt? Francisco Dante, and Fernando Ty as sureties (Exhibit "A-1"). Gaite testified,
A Yes, I know.[57] however, that when this bond was presented to him by Fonacier together with
As can be gleaned from Floress testimony, while he was very much the "Revocation of Power of Attorney and Contract", Exhibit "A", on December
aware of Fortunatos inability to read and write in the English language, he did 8, 1954, he refused to sign said Exhibit "A" unless another bond under written
not bother to fully explain to the latter the substance of the receipt (Exhibit G). by a bonding company was put up by defendants to secure the payment of the
He even dismissed the idea of asking somebody else to assist Fortunato P65,000.00 balance of their price of the iron ore in the stockpiles in the mining
considering that a measly sum of thirty pesos was involved. Evidently, it did not claims. Hence, a second bond, also dated December 8, 1954 (Exhibit "B"),was
occur to Flores that the document he himself prepared pertains to the transfer executed by the same parties to the first bond Exhibit "A-1", with the Far
altogether of Fortunatos property to his mother-in-law. It is precisely in Eastern Surety and Insurance Co. as additional surety, but it provided that the
situations such as this when the wisdom of Article 1332 of the Civil Code readily liability of the surety company would attach only when there had been an
becomes apparent which is to protect a party to a contract disadvantaged by actual sale of iron ore by the Larap Mines & Smelting Co. for an amount of not
illiteracy, ignorance, mental weakness or some other handicap.[58] less then P65,000.00, and that, furthermore, the liability of said surety company
In sum, we hold that petitioner is no longer entitled to the right of would automatically expire on December 8, 1955. Both bonds were attached
redemption under Article 1632 of the Civil Code as Lot No. 2319 had long been to the "Revocation of Power of Attorney and Contract", Exhibit "A", and made
partitioned among its co-owners. This Court likewise annuls the contract of sale integral parts thereof.
between Fortunato and private respondent on the ground of vitiated consent. On the same day that Fonacier revoked the power of attorney he
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the decision dated 25 March gave to Gaite and the two executed and signed the "Revocation of Power of
1998 of the Court of Appeals is hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE and the Attorney and Contract", Exhibit "A", Fonacier entered into a "Contract of Mining
decision dated 11 March 1994 of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 58, San Carlos Operation", ceding, transferring, and conveying unto the Larap Mines and
City, Negros Occidental, dismissing both the complaint and the counterclaim, is Smelting Co., Inc. the right to develop, exploit, and explore the mining claims in
hereby REINSTATED. No costs. question, together with the improvements therein and the use of the name
SO ORDERED. "Larap Iron Mines" and its good will, in consideration of certain royalties.
Fonacier likewise transferred, in the same document, the complete title to the
G.R. No. L-11827 July 31, 1961 approximately 24,000 tons of iron ore which he acquired from Gaite, to the
FERNANDO A. GAITE, vs. ISABELO FONACIER, GEORGE KRAKOWER, LARAP Larap & Smelting Co., in consideration for the signing by the company and its
MINES & SMELTING CO., INC., SEGUNDINA VIVAS, FRNACISCO DANTE, stockholders of the surety bonds delivered by Fonacier to Gaite (Record on
PACIFICO ESCANDOR and FERNANDO TY, defendants-appellants. Appeal, pp. 82-94).
Up to December 8, 1955, when the bond Exhibit "B" expired with
REYES, J.B.L., J.: respect to the Far Eastern Surety and Insurance Company, no sale of the
This appeal comes to us directly from the Court of First Instance approximately 24,000 tons of iron ore had been made by the Larap Mines &
because the claims involved aggregate more than P200,000.00. Smelting Co., Inc., nor had the P65,000.00 balance of the price of said ore been
Defendant-appellant Isabelo Fonacier was the owner and/or holder, paid to Gaite by Fonacier and his sureties payment of said amount, on the
either by himself or in a representative capacity, of 11 iron lode mineral claims, theory that they had lost right to make use of the period given them when their
known as the Dawahan Group, situated in the municipality of Jose Panganiban, bond, Exhibit "B" automatically expired (Exhibits "C" to "C-24"). And when
province of Camarines Norte. Fonacier and his sureties failed to pay as demanded by Gaite, the latter filed
By a "Deed of Assignment" dated September 29, 1952(Exhibit "3"), the present complaint against them in the Court of First Instance of Manila (Civil
Fonacier constituted and appointed plaintiff-appellee Fernando A. Gaite as his Case No. 29310) for the payment of the P65,000.00 balance of the price of the
true and lawful attorney-in-fact to enter into a contract with any individual or ore, consequential damages, and attorney's fees.
juridical person for the exploration and development of the mining claims All the defendants except Francisco Dante set up the uniform
aforementioned on a royalty basis of not less than P0.50 per ton of ore that defense that the obligation sued upon by Gaite was subject to a condition that
might be extracted therefrom. On March 19, 1954, Gaite in turn executed a the amount of P65,000.00 would be payable out of the first letter of credit
general assignment (Record on Appeal, pp. 17-19) conveying the development covering the first shipment of iron ore and/or the first amount derived from the
and exploitation of said mining claims into the Larap Iron Mines, a single local sale of the iron ore by the Larap Mines & Smelting Co., Inc.; that up to the
proprietorship owned solely by and belonging to him, on the same royalty basis time of the filing of the complaint, no sale of the iron ore had been made, hence
provided for in Exhibit "3". Thereafter, Gaite embarked upon the development the condition had not yet been fulfilled; and that consequently, the obligation
and exploitation of the mining claims in question, opening and paving roads was not yet due and demandable. Defendant Fonacier also contended that only
within and outside their boundaries, making other improvements and installing 7,573 tons of the estimated 24,000 tons of iron ore sold to him by Gaite was
facilities therein for use in the development of the mines, and in time extracted actually delivered, and counterclaimed for more than P200,000.00 damages.
therefrom what he claim and estimated to be approximately 24,000 metric tons At the trial of the case, the parties agreed to limit the presentation
of iron ore. of evidence to two issues:
For some reason or another, Isabelo Fonacier decided to revoke the (1) Whether or not the obligation of Fonacier and his sureties to pay Gaite
authority granted by him to Gaite to exploit and develop the mining claims in P65,000.00 become due and demandable when the defendants failed to renew
question, and Gaite assented thereto subject to certain conditions. As a result, the surety bond underwritten by the Far Eastern Surety and Insurance Co., Inc.
a document entitled "Revocation of Power of Attorney and Contract" was (Exhibit "B"), which expired on December 8, 1955; and
executed on December 8, 1954 (Exhibit "A"),wherein Gaite transferred to (2) Whether the estimated 24,000 tons of iron ore sold by plaintiff Gaite to
Fonacier, for the consideration of P20,000.00, plus 10% of the royalties that defendant Fonacier were actually in existence in the mining claims when these
Fonacier would receive from the mining claims, all his rights and interests on all parties executed the "Revocation of Power of Attorney and Contract", Exhibit
the roads, improvements, and facilities in or outside said claims, the right to "A."
use the business name "Larap Iron Mines" and its goodwill, and all the records On the first question, the lower court held that the obligation of the
and documents relative to the mines. In the same document, Gaite transferred defendants to pay plaintiff the P65,000.00 balance of the price of the
to Fonacier all his rights and interests over the "24,000 tons of iron ore, more approximately 24,000 tons of iron ore was one with a term: i.e., that it would
or less" that the former had already extracted from the mineral claims, in be paid upon the sale of sufficient iron ore by defendants, such sale to be
consideration of the sum of P75,000.00, P10,000.00 of which was paid upon effected within one year or before December 8, 1955; that the giving of security
the signing of the agreement, and was a condition precedent to Gait's giving of credit to defendants; and that as
b. The balance of SIXTY-FIVE THOUSAND PESOS (P65,000.00) will be paid from the latter failed to put up a good and sufficient security in lieu of the Far Eastern
and out of the first letter of credit covering the first shipment of iron ores and Surety bond (Exhibit "B") which expired on December 8, 1955, the obligation
of the first amount derived from the local sale of iron ore made by the Larap became due and demandable under Article 1198 of the New Civil Code.
Mines & Smelting Co. Inc., its assigns, administrators, or successors in interests. As to the second question, the lower court found that plaintiff Gaite
To secure the payment of the said balance of P65,000.00, Fonacier did have approximately 24,000 tons of iron ore at the mining claims in question
promised to execute in favor of Gaite a surety bond, and pursuant to the at the time of the execution of the contract Exhibit "A."
promise, Fonacier delivered to Gaite a surety bond dated December 8, 1954 Judgment was, accordingly, rendered in favor of plaintiff Gaite
with himself (Fonacier) as principal and the Larap Mines and Smelting Co. and ordering defendants to pay him, jointly and severally, P65,000.00 with interest
at 6% per annum from December 9, 1955 until payment, plus costs. From this 3) To subordinate the obligation to pay the remaining P65,000.00 to the sale or
judgment, defendants jointly appealed to this Court. shipment of the ore as a condition precedent, would be tantamount to leaving
During the pendency of this appeal, several incidental motions were the payment at the discretion of the debtor, for the sale or shipment could not
presented for resolution: a motion to declare the appellants Larap Mines & be made unless the appellants took steps to sell the ore. Appellants would thus
Smelting Co., Inc. and George Krakower in contempt, filed by appellant be able to postpone payment indefinitely. The desireability of avoiding such a
Fonacier, and two motions to dismiss the appeal as having become academic construction of the contract Exhibit "A" needs no stressing.
and a motion for new trial and/or to take judicial notice of certain documents, 4) Assuming that there could be doubt whether by the wording of the contract
filed by appellee Gaite. The motion for contempt is unmeritorious because the the parties indented a suspensive condition or a suspensive period (dies ad
main allegation therein that the appellants Larap Mines & Smelting Co., Inc. and quem) for the payment of the P65,000.00, the rules of interpretation would
Krakower had sold the iron ore here in question, which allegedly is "property in incline the scales in favor of "the greater reciprocity of interests", since sale is
litigation", has not been substantiated; and even if true, does not make these essentially onerous. The Civil Code of the Philippines, Article 1378, paragraph
appellants guilty of contempt, because what is under litigation in this appeal is 1, in fine, provides:
appellee Gaite's right to the payment of the balance of the price of the ore, and If the contract is onerous, the doubt shall be settled in favor of the
not the iron ore itself. As for the several motions presented by appellee Gaite, greatest reciprocity of interests.
it is unnecessary to resolve these motions in view of the results that we have And there can be no question that greater reciprocity obtains if the
reached in this case, which we shall hereafter discuss. buyer' obligation is deemed to be actually existing, with only its maturity (due
date) postponed or deferred, that if such obligation were viewed as non-
The main issues presented by appellants in this appeal are: existent or not binding until the ore was sold.
(1) that the lower court erred in holding that the obligation of appellant The only rational view that can be taken is that the sale of the ore
Fonacier to pay appellee Gaite the P65,000.00 (balance of the price of the iron to Fonacier was a sale on credit, and not an aleatory contract where the
ore in question)is one with a period or term and not one with a suspensive transferor, Gaite, would assume the risk of not being paid at all; and that the
condition, and that the term expired on December 8, 1955; and previous sale or shipment of the ore was not a suspensive condition for the
(2) that the lower court erred in not holding that there were only 10,954.5 tons payment of the balance of the agreed price, but was intended merely to fix the
in the stockpiles of iron ore sold by appellee Gaite to appellant Fonacier. future date of the payment.
The first issue involves an interpretation of the following provision in the This issue settled, the next point of inquiry is whether appellants,
contract Exhibit "A": Fonacier and his sureties, still have the right to insist that Gaite should wait for
7. That Fernando Gaite or Larap Iron Mines hereby transfers to Isabelo F. the sale or shipment of the ore before receiving payment; or, in other words,
Fonacier all his rights and interests over the 24,000 tons of iron ore, more or whether or not they are entitled to take full advantage of the period granted
less, above-referred to together with all his rights and interests to operate the them for making the payment.
mine in consideration of the sum of SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND PESOS We agree with the court below that the appellant have forfeited the
(P75,000.00) which the latter binds to pay as follows: right court below that the appellants have forfeited the right to compel Gaite
a. TEN THOUSAND PESOS (P10,000.00) will be paid upon the signing to wait for the sale of the ore before receiving payment of the balance of
of this agreement. P65,000.00, because of their failure to renew the bond of the Far Eastern Surety
b. The balance of SIXTY-FIVE THOUSAND PESOS (P65,000.00)will be Company or else replace it with an equivalent guarantee. The expiration of the
paid from and out of the first letter of credit covering the first bonding company's undertaking on December 8, 1955 substantially reduced
shipment of iron ore made by the Larap Mines & Smelting Co., Inc., the security of the vendor's rights as creditor for the unpaid P65,000.00, a
its assigns, administrators, or successors in interest. security that Gaite considered essential and upon which he had insisted when
he executed the deed of sale of the ore to Fonacier (Exhibit "A"). The case
We find the court below to be legally correct in holding that the squarely comes under paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 1198 of the Civil Code of
shipment or local sale of the iron ore is not a condition precedent (or the Philippines:
suspensive) to the payment of the balance of P65,000.00, but was only a "ART. 1198. The debtor shall lose every right to make use of the period:
suspensive period or term. What characterizes a conditional obligation is the (1) . . .
fact that its efficacy or obligatory force (as distinguished from its demandability) (2) When he does not furnish to the creditor the guaranties or
is subordinated to the happening of a future and uncertain event; so that if the securities which he has promised.
suspensive condition does not take place, the parties would stand as if the (3) When by his own acts he has impaired said guaranties or
conditional obligation had never existed. That the parties to the contract Exhibit securities after their establishment, and when through fortuitous
"A" did not intend any such state of things to prevail is supported by several event they disappear, unless he immediately gives new ones equally
circumstances: satisfactory.
1) The words of the contract express no contingency in the buyer's obligation Appellants' failure to renew or extend the surety company's bond
to pay: "The balance of Sixty-Five Thousand Pesos (P65,000.00) will be paid out upon its expiration plainly impaired the securities given to the creditor
of the first letter of credit covering the first shipment of iron ores . . ." etc. There (appellee Gaite), unless immediately renewed or replaced.
is no uncertainty that the payment will have to be made sooner or later; what There is no merit in appellants' argument that Gaite's acceptance of
is undetermined is merely the exact date at which it will be made. By the very the surety company's bond with full knowledge that on its face it would
terms of the contract, therefore, the existence of the obligation to pay is automatically expire within one year was a waiver of its renewal after the
recognized; only its maturity or demandability is deferred. expiration date. No such waiver could have been intended, for Gaite stood to
2) A contract of sale is normally commutative and onerous: not only does each lose and had nothing to gain barely; and if there was any, it could be rationally
one of the parties assume a correlative obligation (the seller to deliver and explained only if the appellants had agreed to sell the ore and pay Gaite before
transfer ownership of the thing sold and the buyer to pay the price),but each the surety company's bond expired on December 8, 1955. But in the latter case
party anticipates performance by the other from the very start. While in a sale the defendants-appellants' obligation to pay became absolute after one year
the obligation of one party can be lawfully subordinated to an uncertain event, from the transfer of the ore to Fonacier by virtue of the deed Exhibit "A.".
so that the other understands that he assumes the risk of receiving nothing for All the alternatives, therefore, lead to the same result: that Gaite
what he gives (as in the case of a sale of hopes or expectations, emptio spei), it acted within his rights in demanding payment and instituting this action one
is not in the usual course of business to do so; hence, the contingent character year from and after the contract (Exhibit "A") was executed, either because the
of the obligation must clearly appear. Nothing is found in the record to evidence appellant debtors had impaired the securities originally given and thereby
that Gaite desired or assumed to run the risk of losing his right over the ore forfeited any further time within which to pay; or because the term of payment
without getting paid for it, or that Fonacier understood that Gaite assumed any was originally of no more than one year, and the balance of P65,000.00 became
such risk. This is proved by the fact that Gaite insisted on a bond a to guarantee due and payable thereafter.
payment of the P65,000.00, an not only upon a bond by Fonacier, the Larap Coming now to the second issue in this appeal, which is whether
Mines & Smelting Co., and the company's stockholders, but also on one by a there were really 24,000 tons of iron ore in the stockpiles sold by appellee Gaite
surety company; and the fact that appellants did put up such bonds indicates to appellant Fonacier, and whether, if there had been a short-delivery as
that they admitted the definite existence of their obligation to pay the balance claimed by appellants, they are entitled to the payment of damages, we must,
of P65,000.00. at the outset, stress two things: first, that this is a case of a sale of a specific
mass of fungible goods for a single price or a lump sum, the quantity of "24,000
tons of iron ore, more or less," stated in the contract Exhibit "A," being a mere [G.R. No. 165420. June 30, 2005]
estimate by the parties of the total tonnage weight of the mass; and second, CONCEPCION R. AINZA, substituted by her legal heirs, DR. NATIVIDAD A.
that the evidence shows that neither of the parties had actually measured of TULIAO, CORAZON A. JALECO and LILIA A. OLAYON, vs. SPOUSES ANTONIO
weighed the mass, so that they both tried to arrive at the total quantity by PADUA and EUGENIA PADUA, .
making an estimate of the volume thereof in cubic meters and then multiplying DECISION
it by the estimated weight per ton of each cubic meter. YNARES-SANTIAGO, J.:
The sale between the parties is a sale of a specific mass or iron ore This petition for review on certiorari assails the February 24, 2004
because no provision was made in their contract for the measuring or weighing decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 70239,[1] and its September
of the ore sold in order to complete or perfect the sale, nor was the price of 28, 2004 resolution, denying reconsideration thereof.[2]
P75,000,00 agreed upon by the parties based upon any such measurement.(see In her complaint for partition of real property, annulment of titles
Art. 1480, second par., New Civil Code). The subject matter of the sale is, with damages,[3] Concepcion Ainza (Concepcion) alleged that respondent-
therefore, a determinate object, the mass, and not the actual number of units spouses Eugenia (Eugenia) and Antonio Padua (Antonio) owned a 216.40 sq. m.
or tons contained therein, so that all that was required of the seller Gaite was lot with an unfinished residential house located at No. 85-A Durian corner Pajo
to deliver in good faith to his buyer all of the ore found in the mass, Sts., Barangay Quirino 2-C, Project 2, Quezon City, covered by Transfer
notwithstanding that the quantity delivered is less than the amount estimated Certificate of Title No. 271935. Sometime in April 1987, she bought one-half of
by them (Mobile Machinery & Supply Co., Inc. vs. York Oilfield Salvage Co., Inc. an undivided portion of the property from her daughter, Eugenia and the latters
171 So. 872, applying art. 2459 of the Louisiana Civil Code). There is no charge husband, Antonio, for One Hundred Thousand Pesos (P100,000.00).
in this case that Gaite did not deliver to appellants all the ore found in the No Deed of Absolute Sale was executed to evidence the transaction,
stockpiles in the mining claims in questions; Gaite had, therefore, complied but cash payment was received by the respondents, and ownership was
with his promise to deliver, and appellants in turn are bound to pay the lump transferred to Concepcion through physical delivery to her attorney-in-fact and
price. daughter, Natividad Tuliao (Natividad). Concepcion authorized Natividad and
But assuming that plaintiff Gaite undertook to sell and appellants the latters husband, Ceferino Tuliao (Ceferino) to occupy the premises, and
undertook to buy, not a definite mass, but approximately 24,000 tons of ore, make improvements on the unfinished building.
so that any substantial difference in this quantity delivered would entitle the Thereafter, Concepcion alleged that without her consent,
buyers to recover damages for the short-delivery, was there really a short- respondents caused the subdivision of the property into three portions and
delivery in this case? registered it in their names under TCT Nos. N-155122, N-155123 and N-155124
We think not. As already stated, neither of the parties had actually in violation of the restrictions annotated at the back of the title.
measured or weighed the whole mass of ore cubic meter by cubic meter, or ton On the other hand, Antonio averred that he bought the property in
by ton. Both parties predicate their respective claims only upon an estimated 1980 and introduced improvements thereon. Between 1989 and 1990, he and
number of cubic meters of ore multiplied by the average tonnage factor per his wife, Eugenia, allowed Natividad and Ceferino to occupy the premises
cubic meter. temporarily. In 1994, they caused the subdivision of the property and three (3)
Now, appellee Gaite asserts that there was a total of 7,375 cubic separate titles were issued.
meters in the stockpiles of ore that he sold to Fonacier, while appellants Thereafter, Antonio requested Natividad to vacate the premises but
contend that by actual measurement, their witness Cirpriano Manlañgit found the latter refused and claimed that Concepcion owned the property. Antonio
the total volume of ore in the stockpiles to be only 6.609 cubic meters. As to thus filed an ejectment suit on April 1, 1999. Concepcion, represented by
the average weight in tons per cubic meter, the parties are again in Natividad, also filed on May 4, 1999 a civil case for partition of real property
disagreement, with appellants claiming the correct tonnage factor to be 2.18 and annulment of titles with damages.
tons to a cubic meter, while appellee Gaite claims that the correct tonnage Antonio claimed that his wife, Eugenia, admitted that Concepcion
factor is about 3.7. offered to buy one third (1/3) of the property who gave her small amounts over
In the face of the conflict of evidence, we take as the most reliable several years which totaled P100,000.00 by 1987 and for which she signed a
estimate of the tonnage factor of iron ore in this case to be that made by receipt.
Leopoldo F. Abad, chief of the Mines and Metallurgical Division of the Bureau On January 9, 2001, the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, Branch 85,
of Mines, a government pensionado to the States and a mining engineering rendered judgment[4] in favor of Concepcion, the dispositive portion of which
graduate of the Universities of Nevada and California, with almost 22 years of states:
experience in the Bureau of Mines. This witness placed the tonnage factor of WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered in
every cubic meter of iron ore at between 3 metric tons as minimum to 5 metric favor of the plaintiff and against the defendants and ordering:
tons as maximum. This estimate, in turn, closely corresponds to the average 1. the subdivision of the subject property between the said plaintiff
tonnage factor of 3.3 adopted in his corrected report (Exhibits "FF" and FF-1") and defendants in equal shares with one-half of the property,
by engineer Nemesio Gamatero, who was sent by the Bureau of Mines to the including the portion occupied by the spouses Severino and
mining claims involved at the request of appellant Krakower, precisely to make Natividad Tuliao to be awarded to the plaintiff;
an official estimate of the amount of iron ore in Gaite's stockpiles after the 2. the cancellation of Transfer Certificates of Title Nos. N-155122,
dispute arose. N-155123, N-155124 of the Registry of Deeds of Quezon City;
Even granting, then, that the estimate of 6,609 cubic meters of ore 3. the defendants to pay to the plaintiff P50,000.00 as attorneys
in the stockpiles made by appellant's witness Cipriano Manlañgit is correct, if fees.
we multiply it by the average tonnage factor of 3.3 tons to a cubic meter, the SO ORDERED.[5]
product is 21,809.7 tons, which is not very far from the estimate of 24,000 tons The trial court upheld the sale between Eugenia and Concepcion. It
made by appellee Gaite, considering that actual weighing of each unit of the ruled that the sale was consummated when both contracting parties complied
mass was practically impossible, so that a reasonable percentage of error with their respective obligations. Eugenia transferred possession by delivering
should be allowed anyone making an estimate of the exact quantity in tons the property to Concepcion who in turn paid the purchase price. It also declared
found in the mass. It must not be forgotten that the contract Exhibit "A" that the transfer of the property did not violate the Statute of Frauds because
expressly stated the amount to be 24,000 tons, more or less. (ch. Pine River a fully executed contract does not fall within its coverage.
Logging & Improvement Co. vs U.S., 279, 46 L. Ed. 1164). On appeal by the respondents, the Court of Appeals reversed the
There was, consequently, no short-delivery in this case as would decision of the trial court, and declared the sale null and void. Applying Article
entitle appellants to the payment of damages, nor could Gaite have been guilty 124 of the Family Code, the Court of Appeals ruled that since the subject
of any fraud in making any misrepresentation to appellants as to the total property is conjugal, the written consent of Antonio must be obtained for the
quantity of ore in the stockpiles of the mining claims in question, as charged by sale to be valid. It also ordered the spouses Padua to return the amount of
appellants, since Gaite's estimate appears to be substantially correct. P100,000.00 to petitioners plus interest.[6]
WHEREFORE, finding no error in the decision appealed from, we The sole issue for resolution in this petition for review is whether
hereby affirm the same, with costs against appellants. there was a valid contract of sale between Eugenia and Concepcion.
Bengzon, C.J., Padilla, Labrador, Concepcion, Barrera, Paredes, Dizon, De Leon A contract of sale is perfected by mere consent, upon a meeting of
and Natividad, JJ., concur. the minds on the offer and the acceptance thereof based on subject matter,
price and terms of payment.[7]
In this case, there was a perfected contract of sale between Eugenia or inexistent because it is not one of those mentioned in Art. 1409 of the Civil
and Concepcion. The records show that Eugenia offered to sell a portion of the Code. By process of elimination, it must perforce be a voidable contract.
property to Concepcion, who accepted the offer and agreed to pay The voidable contract of Gimena was subject to annulment by her husband only
P100,000.00 as consideration. The contract of sale was consummated when during the marriage because he was the victim who had an interest in the
both parties fully complied with their respective obligations. Eugenia delivered contract. Gimena, who was the party responsible for the defect, could not ask
the property to Concepcion, who in turn, paid Eugenia the price of One for its annulment. Their children could not likewise seek the annulment of the
Hundred Thousand Pesos (P100,000.00), as evidenced by the receipt which contract while the marriage subsisted because they merely had an inchoate
reads: right to the lands sold. (Emphasis supplied)
The consent of both Eugenia and Antonio is necessary for the sale
RECEIPT of the conjugal property to be valid. Antonios consent cannot be
Received the amount of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND PESOS (P100,000.00) as presumed.[13] Except for the self-serving testimony of petitioner Natividad,
payment for the lot on 85-A Durian St., Project 2, Quezon City, from Mrs. there is no evidence that Antonio participated or consented to the sale of the
Concepcion R. Ainza, on April, 1987. conjugal property. Eugenia alone is incapable of giving consent to the contract.
_______(Sgd.)______ Therefore, in the absence of Antonios consent, the disposition made by Eugenia
Mrs.. Eugenia A. Padua[8] is voidable.[14]
The verbal contract of sale between Eugenia and Concepcion did The contract of sale between Eugenia and Concepcion being an oral
not violate the provisions of the Statute of Frauds that a contract for the sale contract, the action to annul the same must be commenced within six years
of real property shall be unenforceable unless the contract or some note or from the time the right of action accrued.[15] Eugenia sold the property in April
memorandum of the sale is in writing and subscribed by the party charged or 1987 hence Antonio should have asked the courts to annul the sale on or before
his agent.[9] When a verbal contract has been completed, executed or partially April 1993. No action was commenced by Antonio to annul the sale, hence his
consummated, as in this case, its enforceability will not be barred by the Statute right to seek its annulment was extinguished by prescription.
of Frauds, which applies only to an executory agreement.[10] Thus, where one Even assuming that the ten (10)-year prescriptive period under Art.
party has performed his obligation, oral evidence will be admitted to prove the 173 should apply, Antonio is still barred from instituting an action to annul the
agreement.[11] sale because since April 1987, more than ten (10) years had already lapsed
In the instant case, the oral contract of sale between Eugenia and without any such action being filed.
Concepcion was evidenced by a receipt signed by Eugenia. Antonio also stated In sum, the sale of the conjugal property by Eugenia without the
that his wife admitted to him that she sold the property to Concepcion. consent of her husband is voidable. It is binding unless annulled. Antonio failed
It is undisputed that the subject property was conjugal and sold by to exercise his right to ask for the annulment within the prescribed period,
Eugenia in April 1987 or prior to the effectivity of the Family Code on August 3, hence, he is now barred from questioning the validity of the sale between his
1988, Article 254 of which repealed Title V, Book I of the Civil Code provisions wife and Concepcion.
on the property relations between husband and wife. However, Article 256 WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The decision dated February
thereof limited its retroactive effect only to cases where it would not prejudice 24, 2004 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 70239 and its resolution
or impair vested or acquired rights in accordance with the Civil Code or other dated September 28, 2004 are REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The decision dated
laws. In the case at bar, vested rights of Concepcion will be impaired or January 9, 2001 of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, Branch 85, in Civil
prejudiced by the application of the Family Code; hence, the provisions of the Case No. Q-99-37529, is REINSTATED.
Civil Code should be applied. SO ORDERED.
In Felipe v. Heirs of Aldon, et al.,[12] the legal effect of a sale of Davide, Jr., C.J. (Chairman), Quisumbing, Carpio, and Azcuna, JJ., concur.
conjugal properties by the wife without the consent of the husband was
clarified, to wit: G.R. No. 19009 September 26, 1922
The legal ground which deserves attention is the legal effect of a sale of lands E.C. MCCULLOUGH & CO., vs. S. M. BERGER
belonging to the conjugal partnership made by the wife without the consent of STATEMENT
the husband. For cause of action it is alleged that in the month of February, 1918,
It is useful at this point to re-state some elementary rules: The plaintiff and defendant and defendant entered into an agreement by which the
husband is the administrator of the conjugal partnership. (Art. 165, Civil Code) defendant was to deliver plaintiff 501 bales of tobacco of New York City in good
Subject to certain exceptions, the husband cannot alienate or encumber any condition. That delivery was made and the plaintiff paid the full purchase price.
real property of the conjugal partnership without the wifes consent. (Art. That upon an examination later the tobacco was found to be in must condition,
166, Idem.) And the wife cannot bind the conjugal partnership without the and its value was $12,000 less than it would have been if the tobacco had been
husbands consent, except in cases provided by law. (Art. 172, Idem.). in the condition which defendant agreed that it should be, as a result of which
In the instant case, Gimena, the wife, sold lands belonging to the plaintiff claims damages for P12,000, United States currency, or P24,000,
conjugal partnership without the consent of the husband and the sale is not Philippine currency. That when the condition of the tobacco was discovered,
covered by the phrase except in cases provided by law. The Court of Appeals plaintiff promptly notified the defendant, who ignored the protest. Wherefore,
described the sale as invalid a term which is imprecise when used in relation to the plaintiff prays judgment for the amount of P24,000, Philippine currency, for
contracts because the Civil Code uses specific names in designating defective costs and general relief.
contracts, namely: rescissible (Arts. 1380 et seq.), voidable (Arts. 1390 et For answer, the defendant denies all the material allegation of the
seq.), unenforceable (Arts. 1403, et seq.), and void or inexistent (Arts. 1409 et complaint, and, as a further and separate defense, alleges that on August 15,
seq.). 1918, he was advised by the plaintiff that the latter was dissatisfied with the
The sale made by Gimena is certainly a defective contract but of quality of the tobacco, and he made him a formal written offer to repurchase
what category? The answer: it is a voidable contract. the tobacco at the original selling price with accrued interest, and that plaintiff
According to Art. 1390 of the Civil Code, among the voidable rejected the offer.
contracts are [T]hose where one of the parties is incapable of giving consent to That defendant has been ready and willing at all reasonable times
the contract. (Par. 1.) In the instant case Gimena had no capacity to give to accept the return of the tobacco and to return the amount of the purchase
consent to the contract of sale. The capacity to give consent belonged not even price with legal interest, and has a repeatedly tendered to the plaintiff such
to the husband alone but to both spouses. purchase price in exchange for the return of the tobacco, and that plaintiff had
The view that the contract made by Gimena is a voidable contract is refused to return it. That any damages which plaintiff may have suffered have
supported by the legal provision that contracts entered by the husband without been wholly due to his willful refusal to return and redeliver the tobacco.
the consent of the wife when such consent is required, are annullable at her Upon such issues there was a stipulation of facts, and after trial the
instance during the marriage and within ten years from the transaction lower court rendered judgment against the defendant and in favor of the
questioned. (Art. 173, Civil Code). plaintiff for the sum of P11,867.98 or P23,735.96 with legal interest from
Gimenas contract is not rescissible for in such a contract all the January 6, 192, and costs, from which, after his motion for a new trial was
essential elements are untainted but Gimenas consent was tainted. Neither can overruled, the defendant appeals, claiming that the court erred: First, in finding
the contract be classified as unenforceable because it does not fit any of those that the tobacco was not in good condition when it arrived in New York; second,
described in Art. 1403 of the Civil Code. And finally, the contract cannot be void in holding that the plaintiff is entitled to maintain an action for breach of
contract after having agreed with the defendant to rescind and to make
restitution of the subject-matter and the price after a violation of the September 5, 1918, the defendant wrote the New York Agency of
agreement; third in holding that the plaintiff, having elected to rescind and the Philippine National Bank in which he said that the plaintiff had advised him
notified the defendant of such an election, may now refused it and affirm the that the tobacco on arrival was satisfactory, and that there would be a loss, and
same and recover from the alleged breach of warranty; fourth, in holding that that the had assured its arrival at destination "in good condition." That he was
this action should be maintained, no claim having been made for the alleged taking it back. That the bank should pay plaintiff $33,109 plus interest upon
breach of warranty of quality within the statutory period; and, fifth, in delivery to it of the 501 bales. That "on no account should they agree to accept
overruling the defendant's motion for a new trial. any shortage in the number of bales."
October 18, 1918, without any knowledge of the defendant's
JOHNS, J.: instruction to the bank, the plaintiff wrote him that his proposition to take the
In February, 1918, the defendant met the plaintiff in the city of tobacco back was satisfactory in which he said that he had not heard from the
Manila and advised him that he had made a shipment of 501 bales of tobacco bank "at the time of writing with reference to taking back of the tobacco."
to New York City consigned to S. Lowenthal & Sons, who had refused to honor October 30, 1918, the bank wrote the plaintiff that it would take
the draft which was drawn upon them. He asked the plaintiff whether he could back the identical 501 bales, and pay him the amount of the draft and interest.
use the tobacco provided it was "perfectly sound." At the plaintiff's request the The plaintiff then wrote the bank a complete history of the transaction, and
defendant made and signed a writing as follows: explained why the identical 501 bales could not be returned. That he had
Referring to the shipment of 501 bales of tobacco sold you realized $9,031.71 from 141 bales of it which he had sold, for which he would
consisting of 188 200-pound bales of scrap and 313 200-pound bales of booked account and return the balance of the tobacco which was then unsold and in
tobacco, I beg to confirm my verbal conversation with you in stating that I the New York warehouse. The $9,031.71 was more than the actual agreed
guarantee the arrival of the tobacco in New York in good condition, subject, of purchase price of the 141 bales. This offer was cabled to the defendant, who
course, to conditions arising after its departure from Manila, which replied:
contingencies are covered by adequate insurance. (Stipulation par. 1.) The instructions given you in my letter dated September 5, 1918,
Upon the strength of this the plaintiff cabled his New York office to will not be modified.
honor the defendant's draft, which was ninety days' sight for $33,109, and was The bank notified the plaintiff of the receipt of this cable, and in turn
the same draft and amount which had been refused by S. Lowenthal & Sons. notified the plaintiff of the receipt of this cable, and in turn notified the plaintiff
The draft was honored by his New York office at plaintiff's request. The of the receipt of this cable, and in turn notified the defendant that the plaintiff
shipment consisted of 188 bales of "scrap," invoiced at 28 cents, gold, per would sell the tobacco at public auction, and then sue him for the balance of
pound, and 313 bales of "striped" and "booked" at 36 cents, gold, per pound, the purchase price, and later the plaintiff did sell the remainder of the tobacco
and was made c.i.f. New York. Before its arrival in New York the plaintiff had upon which there was a net actual loss to him of $11,867.98, over and above
found purchasers for a large portion of it with whom he had made contracts for all actual charges and expenses.
sale subject to examination as to condition. The tobacco arrived in two Although at the time of the making of the contract between them
shipments. The first of 213 bales on April 26, and the second of 288 bales on the plaintiff and defendant were in Manila, the tobacco involved was on the
May 18, 1918, and it was at once placed in warehouses by plaintiff. With the high seas in transit to New York. From necessity the plaintiff could not see or
exception of four or five bales, it appeared from an examination that the examine it and would not know anything about its grade or quality, and, for that
tobacco was well baled, and to all outward appearances was in good condition reason, insisted that the defendant should make and sign the writing above
after the shipment. After it was placed in the warehouse, the tobacco itself was quoted in which he says:
examined as to its condition and quality by the different buyers to whom the I guarantee the arrival of the tobacco in New York in good condition,
plaintiff had contracted to sell it, and after such physical inspection, they subject, of course to, to conditions arising after its departure from Manila,
refused to accept it and complete their purchase because it was "musty." It which contingencies are covered by adequate insurance.
appears that the plaintiff had sold 188 bales of the tobacco before its arrival in The trial court found and the testimony is conclusive that the
New York to a customer in Red Lion, Pennsylvania, to whom he shipped 75 bales tobacco did not arrive in New York "in good condition," and that , as a matter
of it after its arrival. This customer refused to receive any of the remaining bales of fact, it was not "in good condition" when it left Manila.
which he had purchased, and the plaintiff was compelled to again reship it back The plaintiff and defendant had known each other for about ten
to New York. Complying with his agreement, on May 21, 1918, the plaintiff paid years, and had mutual confidence in each other, and were experienced
the defendant's draft which he had previously accepted, thus completing his business men.
part of the contract with the defendant. Defendant's draft of the tobacco had been dishonored. Plaintiff was
On May 23, 1918, and as a result of physical inspection, the plaintiff willing to take the tobacco and honor the draft, with the proviso that the
cabled the defendant that the tobacco was unsatisfactory, and on June 13, he defendant would guarantee its arrival "in good condition."
again cabled that there would likely be a loss. On June 28, 1918, the plaintiff The evidence shows that in the whole transaction, the plaintiff acted
wrote a letter to the defendant in which, among other things, he says: in good faith and made an earnest effort to protect the defendant and
. . . The tobacco has a very strong ground smell and somewhat of a minimized his loss. Defendant knew that in the very nature of things the plaintiff
musty smell as though it had been mixed up with must tobacco. In other words, bought the tobacco for the purpose of resale, and that in the ordinary course
it appears like this tobacco assorted from bales which were mildewed and this of business, he would resell it. The record shows that he found purchasers for
is that part of the bale which was not mildewed. It does not seem possible that portions of it before its arrival in New York. The only reason why plaintiff's sales
this odor, or musty smell, could have developed in transit as it seems perfectly were not consummated was because the tobacco did not stand inspection and
clear that the tobacco was packed in that same condition. In all the bales which was not "in good condition" at the time of its arrival in New York. In other words,
we have examined, which have been considerable, the tobacco seems to be plaintiff bought and paid the defendant for tobacco which was not "in good
perfectly dry. In view of that I can see nothing but every indication that the condition," and bought it for the purpose of resale. In the very nature of things,
tobacco was originally a bad lot. the defendant knew that the plaintiff bought the tobacco for the purpose of
In this letter he also advised the defendant that he was doing resale, and he also knew that , if the tobacco was not "in good condition," it
everything he could to sell the tobacco, and that he did not have any was not worth the amount of the purchase price which plaintiff paid.
prospective buyer even at a loss of 25 per cent. The defense cites and relies upon articles 336 and 342 of the Code
August 9, 1918, the defendant acknowledge the receipt of the letter of Commerce which are as follows:
and cables, saying that he was "not in a position to lose between seventeen and A purchaser who, at the time of receiving the merchandise, fully
twenty thousand pesos, and that he would consent to a reduction of four examines the vendor, alleging a defect in the quantity or quality of the
thousand pesos, if that was acceptable, and, if it was not, to have the bank pay merchandise.
back the amount of the draft with interest and take charge of the tobacco until A purchaser shall have a right of action against a vendor for defects in the
the defendant would arrive in New York." The plaintiff did not receive this cable quantity or quality of merchandise receive in bales or packages, provided he
until August 21, when he cabled in reply that he would turn the tobacco over brings his action within the four days following it receipt, and that the damage
to the defendant, and that he "awaited telegraphic instruction in regard to it. is not due to accident or to natural defect of the merchandise or to fraud.
That at least twenty dealers had passed on the tobacco." At that time the In such cases the purchaser may choose between the rescission of
plaintiff had sold 66 bales of scattered samples from which, with the 75 bales the contract or its fulfillment in accordance with what has been agreed upon,
sold to the Red Lion customer, he realized $9,031.71. but always with the payment of the damages he may have suffered by reason
of the defects or faults.
The vendor may avoid this claim by demanding when making the defendant had the use of plaintiff's money. It is true that the defendant offered
delivery that the merchandise be examined by the purchaser for his satisfaction to take the tobacco back and refund the money, but this offer was not actually
with regard to the quantity and quality thereof. made to the plaintiff until October , and was upon the condition that the full
Article 342: A purchaser who has not made any claim based on the inherent amount of the 501 bales should be returned, which was an impossible condition
defects in the article sold, within the thirty days following its delivery, shall lose for the plaintiff to perform. But the plaintiff did offer to account to the
all rights of action against the vendor for such defects. defendant for the tobacco which he had sold and to return all of the unsold
Whatever may be the rule as to sales which are completed within tobacco which was then in his warehouse, and the defendant declined the
the jurisdiction of the Philippine Islands, those sections do not, and were never offer. As a business man, he knew that the plaintiff has then purchased the
intended to, apply to a case founded upon the facts shown in the record. tobacco for the purpose of a resale, and that the tobacco had arrived at New
Although it is true that the contract between the plaintiff and the defendant York about five months before the offer was made, and he also knew that the
was made in Manila, yet at the time it was made the tobacco was on the high plaintiff was using every effort to sell it and convert it into money, and that he
seas, and under the contract, it was to be delivered "in good condition" in the would sell the whole or any part of it if a purchaser could be found at a
City of New York, in consideration of which the plaintiff agreed to pay the draft. reasonable price. At the time the defendant's offer was communicated to the
That is to say, the transaction was not complete until after the arrival of the plaintiff by the bank the plaintiff in turn offered to account to the defendant for
tobacco in New York "in good condition," and the payment of the draft. It must the entire proceeds of the 141 bales which he had already sold, and to deliver
be conceded that if, for any reason, the tobacco did not arrive in New York, the to him all of the unsold tobacco. This was all that the plaintiff could do under
defendant could not recover upon the draft from the plaintiff. Hence, it must the existing conditions. The fact that the defendant did not accept this offer is
follow that the delivery of the tobacco at New York was a condition precedent strong evidence that he was seeking an undue advantage, and that his offer to
which devolved upon the defendant to perform without which he would not plaintiff was not made in good faith.
have a cause of action against the plaintiff. The second shipment arrived in New York on May 18, and the
It is true that the writing recites "the shipment of 501 bales of plaintiff could not be expected to take any final action until the las shipment
tobacco sold you." Yet, the fact remains that it was necessary to deliver the arrived. On learning the true condition of the tobacco, the plaintiff cabled the
tobacco in New York to complete the sale. defendant on May 23 that it was unsatisfactory, and again on June 13, that
Contracts of this nature should be construed with reference to the there would be a substantial loss, which was followed by the letter of June 28th
surrounding conditions and the relative situation of the parties. above quoted.
At the time this contract was made both parties were in Manila, the The defects in the tobacco were inherent and could not be
tobacco was in transit to New York, and the defendant knew that the plaintiff ascertained without opening the bales and making a physical examination.
entered into the contract for the purpose of a resale. Soon after the contract When this was done, the plaintiff promptly cabled the defendant that the
was made, the plaintiff left Manila and went to New York where, relying upon tobacco was not satisfactory. In the nature of things, the plaintiff could not then
this contract with the defendant, he found purchasers for the tobacco on the render the defendant a statement of the amount of this claim. By the terms of
assumption that it was "in good condition." the contract, the defendant guaranteed the arrival of the tobacco in New York
Although the word "sold" is used in the written contract, the "in good condition."
transaction shows that the sale was not complete until the arrival of the goods Plaintiff's first cable sent ten days after the arrival of the tobacco
in New York. advised the defendant that it was unsatisfactory, and the second, twenty-six
The case of Middleton vs. Ballingall (1 Cal., 446), is somewhat in days after its arrival, advised him that there would be a loss.
point, in which the court says: Appellant's attorneys have submitted a very able and adroit brief in
I think that the fair construction to be put upon the contract is, that which they severely criticize the evidence on the part of the plaintiff. Upon all
on the arrival of the ship containing the goods, the defendants should deliver of the material questions of fact, the trial court found for the plaintiff, and, in
them, and the plaintiffs should pay the contract price. And the authorities hold our opinion, the evidence sustains the findings.
that the arrival of the goods, in such case, is a condition precedent, which must It must be remembered that during all these times there was about
be shown to have taken place before either party can bring suit. ten thousand miles of ocean between them.
In the instant case, the contract was at least executory as to the delivery of the The plaintiff had parted with his money and honored the draft,
tobacco in New York. expecting to sell the tobacco and get his money back with a profit.
Cyc., vol. 35, pp. 274, 275 and 276, says: The testimony is conclusive that the plaintiff in good faith tried to
In order to pass the title to goods as against the seller or those claiming under sell the tobacco, and that he sold the 141 bales at the best obtainable price;
him there must be a valid existing and completed contract of sale. Under a that the only reason why he did not sell the remainder was because the tobacco
complete contract of sale the property in the goods passes at once from the was not "in good condition;" and that when he first knew that it was not "in
seller to the buyer, at the place where the contract becomes complete, and for good condition," he promptly cabled that defendant that it was unsatisfactory.
this reason the agreement is frequently called an executed contract. The sale As we construe the record, after the tobacco was inspected, the
is, however, an executory contract, if the seller merely promises to transfer the plaintiff promptly advised the defendant that it was unsatisfactory, and that he
property at some future day, or the agreement contemplates the performance would have to sustain a loss, and in goo faith undertook to protect the
of some act or condition necessary to complete the transfer. Under such a defendant and to minimize the loss, and plaintiff's claim is not barred by the
contract until the act is performed or the condition fulfilled which is necessary provisions of either article 336 or 342 of the Code of Commerce.
to convert the executory into an executed contract, no title passes to the buyer The judgment is affirmed, with costs. So ordered.
as against the seller or persons claiming under him. While certain terms and Araullo, C.J., Johnson, Malcolm, Avanceña, Villamor, Ostrand and Romualdez,
expressions standing alone import an executed or executory contract, they are JJ., concur.
by no means conclusive but must be construed with reference to other
provisions of the contract and according to what appears to have been the real G.R. No. L-17441 July 31, 1962
intention of the parties, and so a mere recital in the writing evidencing the WELGO DICHOSO, ET AL., vs. LAURA ROXAS, ET AL.,
contract that the article is "sold" or that the buyer has "purchased" it does not DIZON, J.:
necessarily make the contract executed; while on the other hand a recital that Appeal from the following decision of the Court of First Instance of
the seller "agrees to sell" is not conclusive that the title was not intended to Laguna:
pass immediately. WHEREFORE, the Court renders judgment ordering the plaintiffs to deposit
The trial court found and the evidence sustains the finding that that with the Clerk of this Court for the account of defendant Laura A. Roxas the
plaintiff acted in good faith. The contract was made in February, 1918 the draft amount of P320.00 and, upon the deposit of the said amount, defendant Laura
was payable ninety days after date; the first shipment of 213 bales arrived on A. Roxas is ordered to execute a document transferring her rights, title and
April 26, and the second of 288 bales on May 18, and the plaintiff the draft on interest in the land in controversy to plaintiffs Welgo Dichoso and Emilia
May 21 1918, and the transaction between the parties then became complete. Hernandez within five (5) days from such deposit. In the event that Laura A.
On May 23, he cabled the defendant that the tobacco was unsatisfactory. On Roxas fails to execute the document within the aforementioned period, the
June 13, he cabled that there would be a loss. On June 28, he wrote the letter same shall executed by the Clerk of Court in her behalf.
above quoted. September 5, the defendant wrote the New York Agency of the Defendants Celso Borja and Nelia Alanguilan are order to execute a
Philippine National Bank that he would take the tobacco back on condition that deed of re-sale of the land in controversy and the improvements thereon in
there was not any shortage in the number of bales. During all of this time, the favor of plaintiffs Welgo Dichoso and Emilia Hernandez within five (5) days after
the document transfer has been executed by or on behalf of Laura A. Roxas. If Emilia Hernandez, lang paunang bayad sa isang puesto kong lupa humigit
defendants Celso Borja and Nelia Alanguilan fail to do so, the Clerk of Court kumulang sa apat na raang tanim na niog.
shall execute the document in their behalf. At any time after the execution of Ang aming pinagkasondoan pag dating ng dalagang wang libong (P2,000.00)
the deed of re-sale, defendants Celso Borja and Nelia Alanguilan may withdraw pesong pagkakautang pate tobos walong daan at limang pong (P850.00) peso
from the People's Bank and Trust Company of San Pablo City the amount of sa pagka pag na mabibiling muli o sanla) sa magasawa ni Celso Borja Nelia
P850.00 which had been deposited by plaintiff Welgo Dichoso as repurchase Alanguilan ay mag gagawaan ng documento o kasulatan bilihang toloyan o
price and the People's Bank & Tru Company is ordered to deliver the said bintarial absoluta sa halagang dalawang libong (P2,000.00) peso na nasabe sa
amount to the aforementioned defendants. itaas nito.
The Court considers defendants Celso Borja and Nelia Alanguilan as Ang nasabing lupa ay nakatayo sa Salang lupa kung tawagin Bo. San Diego sakop
possessors in good faith and are not required account for the fruits that they ng Ciudad ng San Pablo. Sa katonayan na hinde ako sisira sa pinagusapan ay
have received from the Ian it controversy up to the time this decision becomes lumagda ako ng pangalan at apellido na kaharap ang isang testigo.
final. (Lgda.) Cosme Punto (Lgda.) Laura A. Roxas
Laura A. Roxas is ordered to return to defendants Celso Borja and A motion to dismiss the amended complaint was denied by the
Nelia Alanguilan the amount of P1,684.00 which she received as additional lower court for the reason that the grounds relied upon therein did not appear
purchase price for the land in controversy. to be indubitable and their consideration was deferred until after trial on the
All defendants are jointly and severally ordered to pay the costs. merits. Thereafter appellants filed their answer in which, after making specific
The complaint alleged, in substance, that on December 13, 1954, denial of some facts averred in the amended complaint, they alleged the
Laura A. Roxas sold to appellants for the sum of P850.00 a parcel of following affirmative defenses:
unregistered coconut land with an area of 16,965 square meters and with 393 1. That the alleged transfer of right to repurchase supposedly executed by
coconut trees, situated in Barrio San Diego, San Pablo, Laguna, subject to the defendant Laura A. Roxas in favor of plaintiffs herein is not in any manner a
condition, inter alia, that the vendor could repurchase it for the same amount transfer of right to repurchase but at most a receipt of indebtedness;
within five years, but not earlier than three years, from the date of the sale, 2. That even assuming although not admitting that there was a transfer of right
which was evidenced by a public document attached to the complaint as Annex to repurchase made by the defendant Laura A. Roxas in favor of the plaintiffs
A; that from November 26, 1955 to July 5, 1957, Roxas had received from regarding the property in question, yet said right to repurchase could not be
appellees several sums of money amounting to P770.00, their agreement being exercised by the plaintiffs considering that before December 13, 1957 arrived,
that after December 13, 1957, Roxas would sell the same property, by absolute the period within which the repurchase might be made, said land in question
sale, to appellees for the total sum of P2,000.00, the aforesaid sum of P770.00 had already become the absolute and exclusive property of the answering
to be considered as initial or advance payment on the purchase price; that out defendants herein.
of the balance of P1,230.00, appellees would use the sum of P850.00 to 3. That defendants spouses in the exercise of the rights of dominion over the
repurchase the property from appellants after December 13, 1954 but within property, had since December 13, 1957 harvested and are harvesting the fruits
the five years stipulated for the exercise of Roxas' right to repurchase; that on to date; and paid the taxes therefor; and had attended to the disposition of the
October 22, 1957, pursuant to Roxas' request made on July 23, 1957, appellees pro. proceeds therefrom;
sent her a check for the sum of P320.00 "in full payment of the P2,000.00 4. That whatever alleged agreement may have been entered into between
consideration for the deed of absolute sale" and thereafter they informed plaintiffs and defendant Laura Roxas cannot in any way affect third persons like
appellants of their readiness to repurchase the property; that on November 29, defendants spouses Celso Boria and Nelia Alanguilan, unless the same is in a
1957 Roxas sent them back the check just referred to with the request that they public document;
endorse the same to appellants when they made the repurchase, because it 5. That even assuming, although not admitting, that the Plaintiffs tendered into
appeared that, aside from the P850.00 consideration of the pacto de retro sale, the answering defendants the repurchase price of the land in question on or
Roxas had received additional sums from appellants; that again, after immediately after December 13, 1947, yet the answering defendants have all
December 13, 1957, appellees made representations to appellants that they the reasons and are justified in refusing to accept the said repurchase price
were ready to make the repurchase, as well as to Roxas for the latter to be considering that before said date of December 13, 1957, answering defendants
ready to execute the corresponding deed of absolute sale in their favor after were already the absolute and exclusive owners of the land in question, subject
they had made the repurchase; that notwithstanding these demand and to no other conditions.
representations, Roxas and appellants had deliberately failed to execute the As counterclaim, appellants alleged in their answer following facts:
corresponding deed of absolute sale and deed of resale already mentioned. 1. That the answering defendants incorporate and part hereof paragraph 1 of
On January 8, 1958 appellants filed a motion to dismiss the the plaintiffs' amended complaint;
complaint upon the ground that appellees had no cause of action against them 2. That before this case was filed, plaintiffs knew f well that the property in
because their contract was not them but with Laura A. Roxas. After due hearing, question is already owned absolute by answering defendants; and which
lower court sustained the motion and dismissed the complaint because, therefore, cannot be subject of repurchase anymore;
according to the same, "there exists no written contract of assignment of rights 3. That plaintiff Welgo Dichoso was the agent who responsible for the
executed by Laura A. Roxas in favor of the herein plaintiffs concerning property consummation of the sale with right to purchase as a matter of fact he was the
which said Laura A. Roxas sold to her co-defendants under a deed of pacto de witness to the s document;
retro sale, and that the purpose of the present action is precisely to compel 4. That a parcel of land abutting this parcel in quest was likewise offered by
Laura A. Roxas to execute the corresponding deed of assignment." plaintiff Welgo Dichoso to defend spouses who acceded to buy the same on the
However, on July 31, 1958, over appellants' objection, the lower representation the former Dichoso that inasmuch as answering defendant are
court admitted the amended complaint previously filed by appellees. The now the owners of the land in question, this smaller if united with the bigger
principal amendment introduced consisted in the allegation that on July 5, piece of property here in quest would not only enhance agriculture but would
1957, for sum of P770.00, Laura A. Roxas had ceded to appellees her right to afford t greater benefits as to two parcels are adjoining to each other.
repurchase the property from appellants; that on November 29, 1957, Roxas 5. Defendants spouses would not have bought the p property in question if not
had "ordered and author the said plaintiffs spouses to repurchase the said for the assurance of Welgo Dichoso t co- defendant would sooner or later sell
parcel land from the defendants vendee-a-retro after the 3 years period, which same to them by of absolute sale;
would terminate on December 13, 1957," and that on December 13, 1957, 6. That in filing this case, plaintiffs have acted w evident bad faith, considering
appellees tendered to appellants the required sum with which to effect the that this case was only intended to harass answering defendants who are his
repurchase, but that the latter refused to accept the same, thus compelling first cousins a therefore ore must be required to pay answering defendants
appellees to consign the amount with the Office of Clerk, Court of First Instance amount of P500.00 as exemplary damages;
of Laguna. 7. That because of the unwarranted and unjustified filing this case, the
Upon petition of appellants, the lower court on August 18, 1958, answering defendants suffered damages in amount of P500.00 and will
ordered appellees to furnish, and the latter furnished appellants, with a copy continue to suffer the same by of litigation expenses; and at the same time
of the alleged deed of assignment dated July 8, 1958, referred to in paragraph were compel to retain the services of counsel and are obliged to pay amount
4 of the amended complaint, which deed reads as follows: of P1,000.00 in the concept of attorney's fees,
TALASTASIN NG SINO MAN: On September 19, 1958, appellees filed a reply in which they alleged, inter alia,
Tinangap ko ngayong Julio 5, 1957 ang halagang Pit Dean at Pitong Pong that when they offered to repurchase the property from appellants, on behalf
(P770.00) peso cuartang pang kasal yan sa mag- asawa ni Welgo Dichoso at of La A. Roxas, appellants had not become absolute and exclusive owners of the
property in question; that after the offer to repurchase made on December 13, plain words, after that date Laura A. Roxas no longer had any right to
1957, appellate became possessors in bad faith and were in duty bound to repurchase the property.
account for the fruits of the property; that although the agreement between Upon the other hand, appellees' contention that appellants were
appellees, on the ore hand, a Roxas, on the other, was not contained in a public aware of their agreement with Laura A. Roxas has not been sufficiently
instrument appellants were bound by it because they knew the agreement. substantiated. Appellees' own evidence shows that appellants became aware
Appellees also denied the facts alleged in the counterclaim. of their claim to the property when they tried, for the first time, to exercise the
On April 1, 1959, appellees filed a supplementary complaint right to repurchase on December 18, 1957 five days after the deed of absolute
wherein, on the claim that after July 23, 1958 the price of coconuts had sale in favor of said appellants. After a careful consideration of the issues and
considerably gone up, they prayed that the judgment for damages they sought the evidence, we believe that the lower court also erred in considering Exhibit
in the amended complaint be increased in amount accordingly. I, executed on July 5, 1957, as a deed of sale of the land in question in favor of
After trial upon the issues stated above, the lower court rendered appellees.
the appealed judgment, from which the Borja spouses appealed claiming that In the first place, the phraseology employed therein shows that the
the court committed the following errors: contract between the parties was a mere promise to sell, on the part of Roxas,
1. In not finding defendant-appellants Celso Boria and Nelia Alanguilan as the because the latter merely promised to execute a deed of absolute sale upon
true, lawful and absolute owners of the land in question, their title thereto appellees complaining payment to her of the total sum of P2,000.00, of which
being evidenced by public and private documents coupled by possession in the P850.00 to be paid to appellants for the repurchase of the property would
good faith and for value. be an integral part. This repurchase had not yet been made on July 5, 1957,
2. In not finding appellants Celso Borja and Nelia Alanguilan possessors as when this Exhibit I was executed. In the second place, an that date all that Roxas
absolute owners from December 8, 1957, the date of the execution of the deed could possibly sell or convey in relation to the property in question was her right
of absolute sale (Exh. "7") in their favor. to repurchase the same from appellants. Consequently, the best consideration
3. In not giving weight to the deed of confirmation (Exh. "8"), a public document that could be given to the private document Exhibit I is that it was an
executed to cure defects in proof only. assignment by Roxas to appellees of her right to repurchase of which —
4. In construing Exhibit "I" (a private document) as a document of sale and in according to the evidence — appellants had no knowledge until December 13,
extending its effects to third parties (appellants) who are total strangers to it. 1957 when appellees attempted to make the repurchase. Such being its
5. In not sustaining the plea of res judicata by the defendant-appellants. condition, it could not possibly give rise to the case of one and the same
The pertinent portions of the decision appealed from are the property having been sold to two different purchasers. The salt — in favor of
following: appellants was of the property itself, while the one in favor of appellees, if not
It appears from the evidence that Laura A. Roxas had sold her rights to the land a mere promise to assign, was at most an actual assignment of the right to
in controversy to two (2) different parties. The first one was on July 5, 1957, in repurchase the same property. The provisions of paragraph 3, Article 1544 of
favor of the plaintiffs Welgo Dichoso and Emilia Hernandez (Exh. "I"), and the the Civil Code of the Philippines do not, therefore, apply.
second one allegedly on December 8, 1957 in favor of defendants Celso Borja Having arrived at the above conclusions, we are constrained to hold
and Nelia Alanguilan (Exh. "7"). The principal question to be determined is that, upon the facts of the case, appellees are not entitled to the reliefs sought
which of these two documents shall prevail. Both the documents in favor of the in their amended complaint and that whatever remedy they have is exclusively
plaintiffs Exh. "I" and that in favor of the defendants Exh. "7" are private against Laura A. Roxas to recover from her, among other things, what they paid
documents same not having been acknowledged before a Notary Public. as consideration for the execution of the private document Exhibit I.
The Court is of the opinion that the document in favor of the plaintiffs being of WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is reversed, with the result that this
an earlier date than the document in favor of the defendants shall prevail in case is dismissed, with costs, reserving to appellees, however, the right to file a
accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 1544 of the Civil Code separate action against Laura A. Roxas to enforce whatever rights they may
of the Philippines which read as follows: have against her in consonance with this decision.
'If the same thing should have been sold to different vendees, the
ownership shall be transferred to the person who may have first taken G.R. No. L-25885 January 31, 1972
possession thereof in good faith, if it should be movable property. LUZON BROKERAGE CO., INC., vs. MARITIME BUILDING CO., INC., and MYERS
'Should there be no inscription, the ownership shall pertain to the person who in BUILDING CO., INC.,
good faith was first in the possession; and, in the absence thereof, to the person
who presents the oldest title, provided there is good faith. (Emphasis supplied) REYES, J.B.L., J.:p
While it may be true that the defendants were in possession of the Direct appeal (prior to the effectivity of Republic Act 5440) by Maritime Building
land in controversy at the time Laura A. Roxas executed the deed of sale in favor Co., Inc. from a decision of the Court of First Instance of Manila (in its Civil Case
of the plaintiffs, such possession was merely that of a "vendee a retro" and not No. 47319), the dispositive part of which provides as follows:
as vendee in an absolute sale. It has also been held that with reference to FOR ALL THE FOREGOING CONSIDERATIONS, judgment is hereby
unregistered lands, an earlier instrument, be it a sale or a mortgage, shall rendered declaring that the Myers Building Co., Inc. is entitled to receive the
prevail over a later one, and the registration of any one of them is immaterial rentals which the plaintiff has been paying, including those already deposited
(Nisce vs. Milo, G.R. No. 42546, Jan. 1936; Nota vs. Concepcion, 56 Phil. 712, in Court, thereby relieving the plaintiff of any obligation to pay the same to any
cited in Noblejas, Land Titles and Deeds, 1955 ed., p. 207). other party, and ordering the Maritime Building Co., Inc. to pay the commission
The deed of confirmation of sale executed by Laura A. Roxas in favor fees paid by the Myers Building Co., Inc. to the Clerk of this Court, plus the sum
of defendants Celso Borja and Nelia Alanguilan on September 5, 1958, Exhibits of P3,000.00 as and for attorney's fees.
"8", cannot in any manner prejudice the rights of the plaintiffs because the said On the cross-claim by the Myers Building Co., Inc., the Maritima
deed of confirmation was made more than nine (9) months after this case was Building Co., Inc. is hereby ordered to pay the Myers Building Co., Inc. the sum
filed. If the execution of the said deed of confirmation. It also proves the joint of P10,000.00 damages, plus the sum of P30,000.00, representing rentals
efforts of all the "I" executed by Laura A. Roxas in plaintiffs' favor. wrongfully collected by it from the plaintiff corresponding to the months of
It is obvious that, in deciding the case, the lower court failed to give March, April and May, 1961 and the costs hereof.
due weight to the private document Exhibit 7 (deed of absolute sale) executed The antecedents of the litigation are summarized in the appealed judgment
by Laura A. Roxas in favor of appellants on December 8, 1957 — in effect thus:
superseding the pacto de retro sale mentioned heretofore for a total This is an action for interpleading.
consideration of P1,684.00, of which the amount of P850.00 paid as It appears that on April 30, 1949, in the City of Manila, the defendant
consideration for the pacto de retro sale was considered as a part. There is no Myers Building Co., Inc., owner of three parcels of land in the City of Manila,
dispute at all as to the genuineness of this private deed of absolute sale nor as together with the improvements thereon, entered into a contract entitled
to its execution on December 8, 1957. that is, five days prior to December 13, "Deed of Conditional Sale" in favor of Bary Building Co., Inc., later known as
1957, when. according to appellees themselves, they made the first attempt to Maritime Building Co., Inc., whereby the former sold the same to the latter for
repurchase the property in question, and on which occasion appellants refused P1,000,000.00, Philippine currency. P50,000.00 of this price was paid upon the
to allow the repurchase "because Laura A. Roxas was not with them", according execution of the said contract and the parties agreed that the balance of
to the lower court. After December 8, 1957, appellants' rights were no longer P950,000.00 was to be paid in monthly installments at the rate of P10,000.00
based on the superseded pacto de retro sale but on the aforesaid deed of with interest of 5% per annum until the same was fully paid.
absolute sale — which was a perfectly valid contract as between the parties. In
In Par. (O), they agreed that in case of failure on the part of the vendee to pay You are advised that my wife and I, as the owners of the Maritime
any of the installments due and payable, the contract shall be annulled at the Building Company, intend to withhold any further payments to Myers Building
option of the vendor and all payments already made by vendee shall be Company or Estate, in order that we can preserve those funds and assets to set
forfeited and the vendor shall have right to re-enter the property and take off against the potential liability to which I am now exposed by the failure of
possession thereof. the Myers heirs to honor the indemnity agreement pertaining to the Labor
Later, the monthly installment of P10,000.00 above-stipulated with claims.
5% interest per annum was amended or decreased to P5,000.00 per month and The trial court found the position of Schedler indefensible, and that
the interest was raised to 5-1/2% per annum. The monthly installments under Maritime, by its failure to pay, committed a breach of the sale contract; that
the contract was regularly paid by the Bary Building Co., Inc. and/or the Myers Company, from and after the breach, became entitled to terminate the
Maritime Co., Inc. until the end of February, 1961. It failed to pay the monthly contract, to forfeit the installments paid, as well as to repossess, and collect the
installment corresponding to the month of March 1961, for which the Vice- rentals of, the building from its lessee, Luzon Brokerage Co., in view of the
President, George Schedler, of the Maritime Building Co., Inc., wrote a letter to terms of the conditional contract of sale stipulating that:
the President of Myers, Mr. C. Parsons, requesting for a moratorium on the (d) It is hereby agreed, covenanted and stipulated by and between the parties
monthly payment of the installments until the end of the year 1961, for the hereto that the Vendor will execute and deliver to the Vendee a definite or
reason that the said company was encountering difficulties in connection with absolute deed of sale upon the full payment by the vendee of the unpaid
the operation of the warehouse business. However, Mr. C. Parsons, in behalf of balance of the purchase price hereinabove stipulated; that should the
the Myers Estate, answered that the monthly payments due were not payable Vendee fail to pay any of the monthly installments, when due, or otherwise
to the Myers Estate but to the Myers Building Co., Inc., and that the Board of fail to comply with any of the terms and conditions herein stipulated, then
Directors of the Myers Co., Inc. refused to grant the request for moratorium for this Deed of Conditional Sale shall automatically and without any further
suspension of payments under any condition. formality, become null and void, and all sums so paid by the Vendee by
Notwithstanding the denial of this request for moratorium by the reason thereof, shall be considered as rentals and the Vendor shall then and
Myers Board of Directors the Maritime Building Co., Inc. failed to pay the there be free to enter into the premises, take possession thereof or sell the
monthly installments corresponding to the months of March, April and May, properties to any other party.
1961. Whereupon, on May 16, 1961, the Myers Building Co., Inc. made a xxx xxx xxx
demand upon the Maritime Building Co., Inc., for the payment of the (o) In case the Vendee fails to make payment or payments, or any part thereof,
installments that had become due and payable, which letter, however, was as herein provided, or fails to perform any of the covenants or agreements
returned unclaimed. hereof, this contract shall, at the option of the Vendor, be annulled and, in
Then, on June 5, 1961, the Myers Building Co., Inc. wrote the such event, all payments made by the Vendee to the Vendor by virtue of this
Maritime Building Co., Inc. another letter advising it of the cancellation of the contract shall be forfeited and retained by the Vendor in full satisfaction of
Deed of Conditional Sale entered into between them and demanding the return the liquidated damages by said Vendor sustained; and the said Vendor shall
of the possession of the properties and holding the Maritime Building Co., Inc. have the right to forthwith re-enter, and take possession of, the premises
liable for use and occupation of the said properties at P10,000.00 monthly. subject-matter of this contract.
In the meantime, the Myers Building Co., Inc. demanded upon the Luzon "The remedy of forfeiture stated in the next-preceding paragraph
Brokerage Co., Inc. to whom the Maritime Building Co., Inc. leased the shall not be exclusive of any other remedy, but the Vendor shall have every
properties, the payment of monthly rentals of P10,000.00 and the surrender of other remedy granted it by virtue of this contract, by law, and by equity."
the same to it. As a consequence, the Luzon Brokerage Co., Inc. found itself in From the judgment of the court below, the dispositive portion whereof has
a payment to the wrong party, filed this action for interpleader against the been transcribed at the start of this opinion, Myers duly appealed to this Court.
Maritime Building Co., Inc. The main issue posed by appellant is that there has been no breach of contract
After the filing of this action, the Myers Building Co., Inc. in its by Maritime; and assuming that there was one, that the appellee Myers was
answer filed a cross-claim against the Maritime Building Co., Inc. praying for the not entitled to rescind or resolve the contract without recoursing to judicial
confirmation of its right to cancel the said contract. In the meantime, the process.
contract between the Maritime Building Co., Inc. and the Luzon Brokerage Co., It is difficult to understand how appellant Maritime can seriously
Inc. was extended by mutual agreement for a period of four (4) more years, contend that its failure or refusal to pay the P5,000 monthly installments
from April, 1964 to March 31, 1968. corresponding to the months of March, April and May, 1961 did not constitute
The Maritime Building Co., Inc. now contends (1) that the Myers a breach of contract with Myers, when said agreement (transcribed in the
Building Co., Inc. cannot cancel the contract entered into by them for the Record on Appeal, pages 59-71) expressly stipulated that the balance of the
conditional sale of the properties in question extrajudicially and (2) that it had purchase price (P950,000) — shall be paid at the rate of Ten Thousand Pesos
not failed to pay the monthly installments due under the contract and, (P10,000) monthly on or before the 10th day of each month with interest at 5%
therefore, is not guilty of having violated the same. per annum, this amount to be first applied on the interest, and the balance paid
It should be further elucidated that the suspension by the appellant to the principal thereof; and the failure to pay any installment or interest when
Maritime Building Co., Inc. (hereinafter called Maritime) of the payment of due shall ipso factocause the whole unpaid balance of the principal and interest
installments due from it to appellee Myers Building Co., Inc. (hereinafter to be and become immediately due and payable. (Contract, paragraph b;
designated as Myers Corporation) arose from an award of backwages made by Record on Appeal, page 63)
the Court of Industrial Relations in favor of members of Luzon Labor Union who Contrary to appellant Maritime's averments, the default was not
served the Fil-American forces in Bataan in early 1942 at the instance of the made in good faith. The text of the letter to Myers (Exhibit "11", Maritime),
employer Luzon Brokerage Co. and for which F. H. Myers, former majority heretofore quoted, leaves no doubt that the non-payment of the installments
stockholder of the Luzon Brokerage Co., had allegedly promised to indemnify was the result of a deliberate course of action on the part of appellant, designed
E. M. Schedler (who controlled Maritime) when the latter purchased Myers' to coerce the appellee Myers Corporation into answering for an alleged
stock in the Brokerage Company. Schedler contended that he was being sued promise of the late F. H. MYERS to indemnify E. W. Schedler, the controlling
for the backpay award of some P325,000, when it was a liability of Myers, or of stock-holder of appellant, for any payments to be made to the members of the
the latter's estate upon his death. In his letter to Myers Corporation (Exhibit Luzon Labor Union. This is apparent also from appellant's letter to his counsel
"11", Maritime) dated 7 April 1961 (two months and ten days before the initial (Exhibit "12", Maritime):
complaint in the case at bar), Schedler claimed the following: ... I do not wish to deposit pesos representing the months of March,
At all times when the F. H. Myers Estate was open in the Philippine April and May, since the Myers refusal to honor the indemnity concerning the
Islands and open in San Francisco, the Myers Estate or heirs assumed the labor claims has caused me to disburse (sic) roughly $10,000.00 to date in fees,
defense of the Labor Union claims and led us to believe that they would cost and travel expenses. However, if the Myers people will deposit in trust with
indemnify us therefrom. Mr. C. Parsons 25,000 pesos to cover my costs to date, I will then deposit with
Recently, however, for the first time, and after both the Philippine Mr. Parsons, in trust, 15,000 pesos for March, April and May and will also post
and San Francisco F. H. Myers Estates were closed, we have been notified that a monthly deposit of 5,000 pesos until the dispute is settled. The dispute won't
the F. H. Myers indemnity on the Labor Union case will not be honored, and in be settled in my mind, unless and until:
fact Mrs. Schedler and I have been sued in the Philippines by my successor in a) The Myers people indemnify me fully the labor cases;
interest, Mr. Wentholt, and have been put to considerable expense. b) The labor cases are terminated favorably to Luzon Brokerage and
no liability exists;
c) The Myers people pay any judgment entered on the labor cases Correlation of this paragraph (e) with the preceding paragraph (d)
thereby releasing me; or of the Deed of Conditional Sale (quoted in page 5 of this opinion) reveals no
d) It is finally determined either in San Francisco or in the Philippines incompatibility between the two; and the suit to "be brought in Court by the
by a court that the Myers heirs must honor the indemnity which Mr. Vendor to seek judicial declaration of rescission" is provided for by paragraph(e)
F. H. Myers promised when I purchased Luzon Brokerage Company. only in the eventuality that, notwithstanding the automatic annulment of the
Yet appellant Maritime (assuming that it had validly acquired the deed under paragraph (d), the Vendee "refuses to peacefully deliver the
claims of its president and controlling stockholder, E. M. Schedler) could not possession of the properties subject of this contract". The step contemplated
ignore the fact that whatever obligation F. H. Myers or his estate had assumed is logical since the Vendor can not, by himself, dispossess the Vendee manu
in favor of Schedler with respect to the Luzon Brokerage labor case was not, militari, if the latter should refuse to vacate despite the violation of the
and could not have been, an obligation of appellee corporation (Myers Building contract, since no party can take the law in his own hands. But the bringing of
Company). No proof exists that the board of directors of the Myers Corporation such an action in no way contradicts or restricts the automatic termination of
had agreed to assume responsibility for the debts (if any) that the late Myers the contract in case the Vendee (i.e., appellant Maritime) should not comply
or his heirs had incurred in favor of Schedler. Not only this, but it is apparent with the agreement.
from the letters quoted heretofore that Schedler had allowed the estate Anyway, this Court has repeatedly held that —
proceedings of the late F. M. Myers to close without providing for any Well settled is, however, the rule that a judicial action for the rescission of a
contingent liability in Schedler's favor; so that by offsetting the alleged debt of contract is not necessary where the contract provides that it may be revoked
Myers to him, against the balance of the price due under the "Deed of and cancelled for violation of any of its terms and conditions" (Lopez vs.
Conditional Sale", appellant Maritime was in fact attempting to burden the Commissioner of Customs, L-28235, 30 January 1971, 37 SCRA 327, 334,, and
Myers Building Company with an uncollectible debt, since enforcement thereof cases cited therein).1 (Emphasis supplied.)
against the estate of F. H. Myers was already barred. Resort to judicial action for rescission is obviously not
Under the circumstances, the action of Maritime in suspending contemplated.... The validity of the stipulation can not be seriously disputed. It
payments to Myers Corporation was a breach of contract tainted with fraud or is in the nature of a facultative resolutory condition which in many cases has
malice (dolo), as distinguished from mere negligence (culpa), "dolo" being been upheld by this Court. (Ponce Enrile vs. Court of Appeals, L-27549, 30 Sept.
succinctly defined as a "conscious and intentional design to evade the normal 1969; 29 SCRA 504).
fulfillment of existing obligations" (Capistrano, Civil Code of the Philippines, Vol. The obvious remedy of the party opposing the rescission for any reason being
3, page 38), and therefore incompatible with good faith (Castan, Derecho Civil, to file the corresponding action to question the rescission and enforce the
7th Ed., Vol. 3, page 129; Diaz Pairo, Teoria de Obligaciones, Vol. 1, page 116). agreement, as indicated in our decision in University of the Philippines vs.
Maritime having acted in bad faith, it was not entitled to ask the Walfrido de los Angeles, L-28602, 29 September 1970, 35 SCRA 107.
court to give it further time to make payment and thereby erase the default or Of course, it must be understood that the act of a party in treating
breach that it had deliberately incurred. Thus the lower court committed no a contract as cancelled or resolved on account of infractions by the other
error in refusing to extend the periods for payment. To do otherwise would be contracting party must be made known to the other and is always provisional,
to sanction a deliberate and reiterated infringement of the contractual being ever subject to scrutiny and review by the proper court. If the other party
obligations incurred by Maritime, an attitude repugnant to the stability and denies that rescission is justified, it is free to resort to judicial action in its own
obligatory force of contracts. behalf, and bring the matter to court. Then, should the court, after due hearing,
From another point of view, it is irrelevant whether appellant decide that the resolution of the contract was not warranted, the responsible
Maritime's infringement of its contract was casual or serious, for as pointed out party will be sentenced to damages; in the contrary case, the resolution will be
by this Court in Manuel vs. Rodriguez, 109 Phil. 1, at page 10 — affirmed, and the consequent indemnity awarded to the party prejudiced.
The contention of plaintiff-appellant that Payatas Subdivision Inc. In other words, the party who deems the contract violated may
had no right to cancel the contract as there was only a "casual breach" is consider it resolved or rescinded, and act accordingly, without previous court
likewise untenable. In contracts to sell, where ownership is retained by the action, but it proceeds at its own risk. For it is only the final judgment of the
seller and is not to pass until the full payment of the price, such payment, as we corresponding court that will conclusively and finally settle whether the action
said, is a positive suspensive condition, the failure of which is not a breach, taken was or was not correct in law. But the law definitely does not require that
casual or serious, but simply an event that prevented the obligation of the the contracting party who believes itself injured must first file suit and wait for
vendor to convey title from acquiring binding force, in accordance with Article a judgment before taking extrajudicial steps to protect its interest. Otherwise,
1117 of the Old Civil Code. To argue that there was only a casual breach is to the party injured by the other's breach will have to passively sit and watch its
proceed from the assumption that the contract is one of absolute sale, where damages accumulate during the pendency of the suit until the final judgment
non-payment is a resolutory condition, which is not the case. of rescission is rendered when the law itself requires that he should exercise
But it is argued for Maritime that even if it had really violated the due diligence to minimize its own damages (Civil Code, Article 2203).
Contract of Conditional Sale with Myers, the latter could not extrajudicially Maritime likewise invokes Article 1592 of the Civil Code of the Philippines as
rescind or resolve the contract, but must first recourse to the courts. While entitling it to pay despite its default:
recognizing that paragraph (d) of the deed of conditional sale expressly ART. 1592. In the sale of immovable property, even though it may
provides inter alia —that should the Vendee fail to pay any of the monthly have been stipulated that upon failure to pay the price at the time agreed upon
installments when due, or otherwise fail to comply with any of the terms and the rescission of the contract shall of right take place, the vendee may pay, even
conditions herein stipulated, then this Deed of Conditional after the expiration of the period, as long as no demand for rescission of the
Sale shall automatically and without any further formality, become null and contract has been made upon him either judicially or by a notarial act. After the
void, and all sums so paid by the Vendee by reason thereof shall be considered demand, the court may not grant him a new term.
as rentals.. (Emphasis supplied) Assuming arguendo that Article 1592 is applicable, the cross-claim
herein appellant Maritime avers that paragraph (e) of the deed filed by Myers against Maritime in the court below constituted a judicial
contemplates that a suit should be brought in court for a judicial declaration of demand for rescission that satisfies the requirements of said article.
rescission. The paragraph relied upon by Maritime is couched in the following, But even if it were not so, appellant overlooks that its contract with
terms: appellee Myers is not the ordinary sale envisaged by Article 1592, transferring
(e) It is also hereby agreed, covenanted and stipulated by and ownership simultaneously with the delivery of the real property sold, but one
between the parties hereto that should the Vendor rescind this Deed of in which the vendor retained ownership of the immovable object of the sale,
Conditional Sale, for any of the reasons stipulated in the preceding paragraph, merely undertaking to convey it provided the buyer strictly complied with the
the Vendee by these presents obligates itself to peacefully deliver the terms of the contract (see paragraph [d], ante, page 5). In suing to recover
properties subject of this contract to the Vendor, and in the event that the possession of the building from Maritime, appellee Myers is not after the
Vendee refuses to peacefully deliver the possession of the properties subject resolution or setting aside of the contract and the restoration of the parties to
of this contract to the Vendor in case of rescission, and a suit should be brought the status quo ante, as contemplated by Article 1592, but precisely enforcing
in court by the Vendor to seek judicial declaration of rescission and take the provisions of the agreement that it is no longer obligated to part with the
possession of the properties subject of this contract, the Vendee hereby ownership or possession of the property because Maritime failed to comply
obligates itself to pay all the expenses to be incurred by reason of such suit and with the specified condition precedent, which is to pay the installments as they
in addition obligates itself to pay the sum of P10,000.00, in concept of damages, fell due.
penalty and attorney's fees.
The distinction between contracts of sale and contract to sell with reserved title The Case
has been recognized by this Court in repeated decisions2 upholding the power Before us is a Petition for Review[1] under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court,
of promisors under contracts to sell in case of failure of the other party to challenging the January 29, 2002Decision[2] and the November 18,
complete payment, to extrajudicially terminate the operation of the contract, 2002 Resolution[3] of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-GR CV No. 66393. The
refuse conveyance and retain the sums or installments already received, where assailed Decision disposed as follows:
such rights are expressly provided for, as in the case at bar. WHEREFORE, foregoing considered, the appealed decision is hereby
Maritime's appeal that it would be iniquituous that it should be REVERSED and SET ASIDE. A new one is hereby entered ORDERING defendant-
compelled to forfeit the P973,000 already paid to Myers, as a result of its failure appellant to pay the unpaid balance of P55,000.00 plus legal interest of 6% per
to make good a balance of only P319,300.65, payable at P5,000 monthly, annum counted from the filing of this case. The ownership of defendant-
becomes unimpressive when it is considered that while obligated to pay the appellant over the subject property is hereby confirmed.
price of one million pesos at P5,000 monthly, plus interest, Maritime, on the No pronouncement as to costs.[4]
other hand, had leased the building to Luzon Brokerage, Inc. since 1949; and In the challenged Resolution,[5] the CA denied petitioners Motion for
Luzon paid P13,000 a month rent, from September, 1951 to August 1956, and Partial Reconsideration.
thereafter until 1961, at P10,000 a month, thus paying a total of around one The Facts
and a half million pesos in rentals to Maritime. Even adding to Maritime's losses The facts were summarized by the appellate court as follows:
of P973,000 the P10,000 damages and P3,000 attorneys' fees awarded by the Spouses Clodualdo Alcantara and Candelaria Edrosalam were the
trial court, it is undeniable that appellant Maritime has come out of the entire original registered owners of a parcel of land with three-door apartment,
transaction still at a profit to itself. located at No. 9, 1st Street BBB, Marulas, Valenzuela City. Transfer Certificate of
There remains the procedural objection raised by appellant Title No. T-71316 was issued in the names of spouses Clodualdo Alcantara and
Maritime to this interpleader action filed by the Luzon Brokerage Co., the lessee Candelaria Edrosalam.
of the building conditionally sold by Myers to Maritime. It should be recalled On October 2, 1968, spouses Clodualdo Alcantara and Candelaria
that when Maritime defaulted in its payments to Myers, and the latter notified Edrosalam sold the subject property in favor of [petitioners] with the condition
the former that it was cancelling the contract of conditional sale, Myers also that the latter shall assume the mortgage executed over the subject property
notified Luzon Brokerage, Maritime's lessee of the building, of the cancellation by spouses Clodualdo Alcantara and Candelaria Edrosalam in favor of the Social
of the sale, and demanded that Luzon should pay to Myers the rentals of the Security System.
building beginning from June, 1961, under penalty of ejectment (Record on [Petitioners] defaulted in the payment of the monthly amortizations
Appeal, pages 14-15). In doubt as to who was entitled to the rentals, Luzon filed due on the mortgage. The Social Security System foreclosed the mortgage and
this action for interpleader against Myers and Maritime, and deposited the sold the subject property at public auction with the Social Security System as
rentals in court as they fell due. The appellant Maritime moved to dismiss on the highest bidder.
the ground that (a) Luzon could not entertain doubts as to whom the rentals On May 22, 1984, before the expiration of the redemption period,
should be paid since Luzon had leased the building from Maritime since 1949, [petitioners] sold the subject property in favor of [respondent] in consideration
renewing the contract from time to time, and Myers had no right to cancel the of P200,025.89. Among others, the parties agreed that [respondent] shall pay
lease; and (b) that Luzon was not a disinterested party, since it tended to favor the sum of P45,025.89 as down payment and the balance of P155,000.00 shall
appellee Myers. The court below overruled Maritime's objections and We see be paid on or before May 22, 1985. The parties further agreed that in case
no plausible reason to overturn the order. While Myers was not a party to the [respondent] should fail to comply with the conditions, the sale shall be
lease, its cancellation of the conditional sale of the premises to Maritime, considered void and [petitioners] shall reimburse [respondent] of whatever
Luzon's lessor, could not but raise reasonable doubts as to the continuation of amount already paid.
the lease, for the termination of the lessor's right of possession of the premises On the same date, [petitioners] and [respondent] executed a Deed
necessarily ended its right to the rentals falling due thereafter. The preceding of Sale with Assumption of Mortgage whereby [petitioners] sold the subject
portion of our opinion is conclusive that Luzon's doubts were grounded under property in favor of [respondent] in consideration of P80,000.00, P45,000.00
the law and the jurisprudence of this Court. thereof shall be paid to the Social Security System.
No adequate proof exists that Luzon was favoring any one of the On July 30, 1984, spouses Clodualdo Alcantara and Candelaria
contending parties. It was interested in being protected against prejudice Edrosalam, the original owners of the subject property, sold the subject
deriving from the result of the controversy, regardless of who should win. For property in favor of [respondent] for P50,000.00.
the purpose it was simpler for Luzon to compel the disputants to litigate On the same date, [respondent] executed a Deed of Mortgage
between themselves, rather than chance being sued by Myers, and later being whereby [respondent] constituted a mortgage over the subject property to
compelled to proceed against Maritime to recoup its losses. In any event, secure a P150,000.00 indebtedness in favor of [petitioners].
Maritime ultimately confirmed the act of Luzon in suing for interpleader, by [Respondent] paid the indebtedness due over the subject property
agreeing to renew Luzon's lease in 1963 during the pendency of the present to the Social Security System.
action, and authorizing Luzon to continue depositing the rentals in court "until On August 6, 1984, Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-71316 in the
otherwise directed by a court of competent jurisdiction" (Exhibit "18- names of spouses Clodualdo Alcantara and Candelaria Edrosalam was cancelled
Maritime"). The procedural objection has thus become moot. and in lieu thereof Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-113299 was issued in the
PREMISES CONSIDERED, the appealed decision should be, and name of [respondent].
hereby is, affirmed, and appellant Maritime Building Co., as well as appellee On May 20, 1996, [petitioners] demanded from [respondent] the
Luzon Brokerage Co., are further ordered to surrender the premises to the alleged unpaid balance of P55,000.00. [Respondent] refused to pay.
appellee Myers Building Co. Costs against appellant. On June 6, 1996, [petitioners] filed this instant civil case against
Concepcion, C.J., Makalintal, Zaldivar, Castro, Teehankee, Barredo, Villamor and [respondent] to remove the cloud created by the issuance of TCT No. T-113299
Makasiar, JJ., concur. in favor of [respondent]. [Petitioners] claimed that they sold the subject
Fernando, J., took no part. property to [respondent] on the condition that [respondent] shall pay the
balance on or before May 22, 1985; that in case of failure to pay, the sale shall
G.R. No. 156171 April 22, 2005 be considered void and [petitioners] shall reimburse [respondent] of the
Spouses RICARDO and FERMA PORTIC vs ANASTACIA CRISTOBAL, amounts already paid; that [respondent] failed to fully pay the purchase price
within the period; that on account of this failure, the sale of the subject
DECISION property by [petitioners] to [respondent] is void; that in spite of this failure,
PANGANIBAN, J.: [respondent] required [petitioners] to sign a lease contract over the apartment
An agreement in which ownership is reserved in the vendor and is which [petitioners] occupy; that [respondent] should be required to reconvey
not to pass to the vendee until full payment of the purchase price is known as back the title to the subject property to [petitioners].
a contract to sell. The absence of full payment suspends the vendors obligation [Respondent] on her part claimed that her title over the subject
to convey title. This principle holds true between the parties, even if the sale property is already indefeasible; that the true agreement of the parties is that
has already been registered. Registration does not vest, but merely serves as embodied in the Deed of Absolute Sale with Assumption of Mortgage; that
evidence of, title to a particular property. Our land registration laws do not give [respondent] had fully paid the purchase price; that [respondent] is the true
title holders any better ownership than what they actually had prior to owner of the subject property; that [petitioners] claim is already barred by
registration. laches.[6]
After trial, the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Valenzuela City rendered voidable, or unenforceable, and may be prejudicial to said title, an action may
this judgment in favor of petitioners: be brought to remove such cloud or to quiet the title.
WHEREFORE, premises considered, this Court hereby adjudicates An action may also be brought to prevent a cloud from being cast
on this case as follows: upon title to real property or any interest therein.
1.) The Court hereby orders the quieting of title or removal of cloud over the Suits to quiet title are characterized as proceedings quasi in
[petitioners] parcel of land and three (3) door apartment now covered by rem.[19] Technically, they are neither in rem nor in personam. In an action quasi
Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-113299 of the Registry of Deeds in rem, an individual is named as defendant.[20] However, unlike suits in rem,
for Caloocan City and Tax Declaration Nos. C-018-00235 & C-031-012077 a quasi in rem judgment is conclusive only between the parties.[21]
respectively, of Valenzuela City; Generally, the registered owner of a property is the proper party to
2.) The Court hereby orders the [respondent] to reconvey in favor of the bring an action to quiet title. However, it has been held that this remedy may
[petitioners] the parcel of land and three (3) door apartment now covered by also be availed of by a person other than the registered owner because, in the
Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-113299 of the Registry of Deeds of Caloocan Article reproduced above, title does not necessarily refer to the original or
City after reimbursement by the [petitioners] of the amount actually paid by transfer certificate of title.[22] Thus, lack of an actual certificate of title to a
the [respondent] in the total amount of P145,025.89; property does not necessarily bar an action to quiet title. As will be shown later,
3.) The Court hereby DENIES damages as claimed by both parties.[7] petitioners have not turned over and have thus retained their title to the
Ruling of the Court of Appeals property.
The Court of Appeals opined that the first Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) On the other hand, the claim of respondent cannot be sustained.
embodied the real agreement between the parties, and that the subsequent The transfer of ownership of the premises in her favor was subject to the
Deeds were executed merely to secure their respective rights over the suspensive condition stipulated by the parties in paragraph 3 of the MOA,
property.[8] The MOA stated that Cristobal had not fully paid the purchase price. which states as follows:
Although this statement might have given rise to a cause of action to annul the 3. That while the balance of P155,000.00 has not yet been fully paid the FIRST
Deed of Sale, prescription already set in because the case had been filed PARTY OWNERS shall retain the ownership of the above described parcel of
beyond the ten-year reglementary period,[9]as observed by the CA. land together with its improvements but the SECOND PARTY BUYER shall have
Nonetheless, in conformity with the principle of unjust enrichment, the the right to collect the monthly rentals due on the first door (13-A) of the said
appellate court ordered respondent to pay petitioners the remaining balance apartment;[23]
of the purchase price.[10] The above-cited provision characterizes the agreement between
In their Motion for Partial Reconsideration, petitioners contended the parties as a contract to sell, not a contract of sale. Ownership is retained by
that their action was not one for the enforcement of a written contract, but the vendors, the Portics; it will not be passed to the vendee, the Cristobals, until
one for the quieting of title -- an action that was imprescriptible as long as they the full payment of the purchase price. Such payment is a positive suspensive
remained in possession of the premises.[11] The CA held, however, that the condition, and failure to comply with it is not a breach of obligation; it is merely
agreement between the parties was valid, and that respondents title to the an event that prevents the effectivity of the obligation of the vendor to convey
property was amply supported by the evidence.[12] Therefore, their action for the title.[24] In short, until the full price is paid, the vendor retains ownership.
the quieting of title would not prosper, because they failed to show the The mere issuance of the Certificate of Title in favor of Cristobal did
invalidity of the cloud on their title. Hence, this Petition.[13] not vest ownership in her. Neither did it validate the alleged absolute purchase
The Issue of the lot. Time and time again, this Court has stressed that registration does not
In its Memorandum, petitioners raise the following issues for our vest, but merely serves as evidence of, title. Our land registration laws do not give
consideration: the holders any better title than that which they actually have prior to registration. [25]
(1) Whether or not the [petitioners] cause of action is for quieting of title. Under Article 1544 of the Civil Code, mere registration is not enough
(2) Whether or not the [petitioners] cause of action has prescribed. to acquire a new title. Good faith must concur.[26] Clearly, respondent has not
The main issue revolves around the characterization of the parties agreement yet fully paid the purchase price. Hence, as long as it remains unpaid, she
and the viability of petitioners cause of action. cannot feign good faith. She is also precluded from asserting ownership against
This Courts Ruling petitioners. The appellate courts finding that she had a valid title to the
The Petition has merit. property must, therefore, be set aside.
Continuous Possession
Main Issue: The issue of whether the Portics have been in actual, continuous
Nature of the Action: Quieting of Title or Enforcement of a Written Contract possession of the premises is necessarily a question of fact. Well-entrenched is
Petitioners argue that the action they filed in the RTC was for the the rule that findings of fact of the Court of Appeals, when supported by
quieting of title. Respondents demand that they desist from entering into new substantial evidence, are final and conclusive and may not be reviewed on
lease agreements with the tenants of the property allegedly attests to the fact appeal.[27] This Court finds no cogent reason to disturb the CAs findings
of their possession of the subject premises.[15] Further, they point to the sustaining those of the trial court, which held that petitioners had been in
existence of Civil Case No. 7446, an action for unlawful detainer that continuous possession of the premises. For this reason, the action to quiet title
respondent filed against them,[16] as further proof of that fact. Being in has not prescribed.
continuous possession of the property, they argue that their action for the WHEREFORE, the Petition is GRANTED. The challenged Decision and
quieting of title has not prescribed.[17] Resolution of the Court of Appeals are REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The Decision
On the other hand, respondent joins the appellate court in of the RTC of Valenzuela City in Civil Case No. 4935-V-96, dated September 23,
characterizing the action petitioners filed in the RTC as one for the enforcement 1999, is hereby REINSTATED. No pronouncement as to costs.
of the MOA. Being based on a written instrument, such action has already SO ORDERED.
prescribed, respondent claims.[18] She adds that petitioners could not have
been in continuous possession of the subject property because, under a duly [G.R. No. 158646. June 23, 2005]
notarized lease agreement, they have been paying her a monthly rental fee HEIRS OF JESUS M. MASCUANA, vs. COURT OF APPEALS
of P500, which was later increased to P800. DECISION
Two questions need to be answered to resolve the present case; CALLEJO, SR., J.:
namely, (1) whether Cristobals title to the property is valid; and (2) whether the This is a petition for review on certiorari of the Decision[1] of the
Portics are in possession of the premises, a fact that would render the action Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV No. 53117 affirming the Decision[2] of the
for quieting of title imprescriptible. Regional Trial Court (RTC) of San Carlos City, Negros Occidental, which ordered
Validity of Title the dismissal of the petitioners complaint for recovery of possession and
The CA held that the action for the quieting of title could not damages.
prosper, because Cristobals title to the property was amply supported by The Antecedents
evidence. Gertrudis Wuthrich and her six other siblings were the co-owners of
Article 476 of the Civil Code provides as follows: a parcel of land identified as Lot No. 124 of the San Carlos City, Negros
Whenever there is a cloud on title to real property or any interest therein, by Occidental Cadastre, with an area of 1,729 square meters and covered by
reason of any instrument, record, claim, encumbrance or proceeding which is Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No. 1453-R (T-29937)-38.[3] Over time,
apparently valid or effective but is in truth and in fact invalid, ineffective, Gertrudis and two other co-owners sold each of their one-seventh (1/7) shares,
or a total area of 741 square meters, to Jesus Mascuana. The latter then sold a taxes thereon, but the Land Tax clerk refused to receive their payments on
portion of his 140-square-meter undivided share of the property to Diosdado account that the petitioners had already made such payment. The spouses
Sumilhig. Mascuana later sold an additional 160-square-meter portion to Layumas further maintained that the petitioners had no cause of action against
Sumilhig on April 7, 1961. However, the parties agreed to revoke the said deed Barte, as they had authorized him to occupy a portion of Lot No. 124-B-1. The
of sale and, in lieu thereof, executed a Deed of Absolute Sale on August 12, spouses Layumas also averred that the petitioners were estopped from denying
1961. In the said deed, Mascuana, as vendor, sold an undivided 469-square- their right of ownership and possession of the subject lot, as one of them had
meter portion of the property for P4,690.00, with P3,690.00 as down payment, even offered to repurchase a portion of Lot No. 124-B via letter. The said
and under the following terms of payment: spouses interposed a counterclaim for damages, claiming ownership over the
That the balance of ONE THOUSAND PESOS (P1,000.00) shall be paid property, and prayed, thus:
by the VENDEE unto the VENDOR as soon as the above-portions of Lot 124 shall WHEREFORE, it is most respectfully prayed that this HONORABLE
have been surveyed in the name of the VENDEE and all papers pertinent and COURT render judgment in favor of the Intervenors and the defendant Aquilino
necessary to the issuance of a separate Certificate of Title in the name of the Barte, ordering:
VENDEE shall have been prepared.[4] 1. That the complaint against Aquilino Barte be dismissed with costs against the
On December 31, 1961, Mascuana and Jose G. Estabillo executed a Deed of plaintiff;
Exchange and Absolute Sale of Real Estate,[5] in which Estabillo deeded to 2. That the Intervenors spouses Judge Rodolfo S. Layumas and Corazon A.
Mascuana a portion of his property abutting that of Sumilhig on the southeast. Layumas be declared as the legal and true owners of Lot 124-B;
In the meantime, a survey was conducted for the co-owners of Lot No. 124 on 3. That the plaintiffs should deliver immediately to the Intervenors, TCT No.
July 9, 1962. The subdivision plan of the said lot was approved by the Director 8986 which is in their possession;
of Lands on August 2, 1962. The portion of the property deeded to Sumilhig 4. That the plaintiffs be made to pay to the Intervenors the sum of THIRTY
was identified in the said plan as Lot No. 124-B.[6] THOUSAND (P30,000.00) PESOS moral damages; TEN THOUSAND (P10,000.00)
Meanwhile, Mascuana died intestate on April 20, 1965 and was PESOS attorneys fees plus THREE HUNDRED (P300.00) PESOS as appearance fee
survived by his heirs, Eva M. Ellisin, Renee Hewlett, Carmen Vda. de Opea, per hearing.
Marilou Dy and Jose Ma. R. Mascuana. Intervenors pray for such other relief and remedies as may be
On April 24, 1968, Sumilhig executed a Deed of Sale of Real deemed by this Honorable Court as just and equitable in the premises.
Property[7] on a portion of Lot No. 124-B with an area of 469 square meters and At the trial, intervenor Rodolfo Layumas testified that he and his
the improvements thereon, in favor of Corazon Layumas, the wife of Judge wife bought the subject property in 1968, and that nobody objected to their
Rodolfo Layumas, for the price of P11,000.00. The spouses Layumas then had possession of the land, including the petitioners. In 1970, a religious
the property subdivided into two lots: Lot No. 124-B-2 with an area of 71 square organization asked his permission to construct a chapel on the disputed lot; he
meters under the name of Jesus Mascuana, and Lot No. 124-B-1, with an area allowed the construction since the same would be used for the fiesta. He
of 469 square meters under their names.[8] The spouses Layumas took further declared that part of the chapel still stood on the property. In 1985, a
possession of the property and caused the cutting of tall grasses thereon. Upon fire razed the towns public market, thereby dislocating numerous people. Barte
the plea of a religious organization, they allowed a chapel to be constructed on was one of the fire victims, who also happened to be a good friend and political
a portion of the property.[9] In January 1985, the spouses Layumas allowed supporter of Rodolfo. Out of goodwill, Barte was allowed to occupy a portion
Aquilino Barte to stay on a portion of the property to ward off of the said lot, along with some other fire victims. Rodolfo clarified that the
squatters.[10] Barte and his kin, Rostom Barte, then had their houses others were to stay there only on a temporary basis, but admitted that Bartes
constructed on the property. children also stayed in the subject property.[20]
On October 1, 1985, the spouses Layumas received a Letter[11] from Rodolfo Layumas further narrated that in 1987, Corazon wrote one
the counsel of Renee Tedrew, offering to buy their share of the property for of the petitioners-heirs, Pepito Mascuana, requesting that the title of the lot be
US$1,000.00. For her part, Corazon Layumas wrote Pepito Mascuana, offering transferred in Sumilhigs name so that they could likewise arrange for the
to pay the amount of P1,000.00, the balance of the purchase price of the conveyance of the title in their names. Pepito failed to claim the letter, and
property under the deed of absolute sale executed by Mascuana and Sumilhig thereafter, filed a case of ejectment against Barte and Rodolfo Layumas
on August 12, 1961.[12]However, the addressee refused to receive the mail brother-in-law, Pepito Antonio. The case, the witness added, was dismissed as
matter.[13] against the two parties. Offered in evidence were the following: a Sworn
Unknown to the spouses Layumas, TCT No. 8986[14] was issued over Lot No. Statement on the Current and Fair Market Value of the Real Property issued in
124-B in the name of Jesus Mascuana on March 17, 1986. 1973 as required by Presidential Decree No. 76, and tax receipts.[21]
On November 17, 1986, the heirs of Mascuana filed a Rodolfo Layumas admitted on cross-examination that at the time
Complaint[15] for recovery of possession of Lot No. 124-B and damages with a they bought the property from Sumilhig, the title was still in the possession of
writ of preliminary injunction, alleging that they owned the subject lot by virtue the Wuthrich family. He added that he filed an adverse claim before the
of successional rights from their deceased father. They averred that Barte Register of Deeds of San Carlos City, Negros Occidental, on Lot No. 124-B in
surreptitiously entered the premises, fenced the area and constructed a house January 1986, or after the case had already been filed in court. Lastly, the
thereon without their consent. Attached as annexes to the complaint were TCT witness deposed that he did not fence the property after buying the same, but
No. 8986 and a certification[16] from the Office of the City Treasurer, Land Tax that his brother-in-law constructed a coco-lumber yard thereon upon his
Division, vouching that the property in question was owned by the petitioners authority.[22]
and that they had paid the taxes thereon until 1992. On January 30, 1996, the trial court rendered judgment in favor of
In his answer to the complaint, Barte admitted having occupied a Barte and the spouses Layumas. The fallo of the decision reads:
portion of Lot No. 124-B, but claimed that he secured the permission of Rodolfo WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered in
Layumas, the owner of the subject property. He added that he did not fence favor of Intervenors-counterclaimants and defendant and against plaintiffs-
the property, and that the petitioners did not use the same as a passageway in counterclaim defendants ordering as follows:
going to Broce Street from their house. Barte raised the following special 1. The dismissal of the plaintiffs complaint with costs against them;
defenses: (a) the petitioners were estopped from asserting ownership over the 2. The plaintiffs to jointly pay Intervenors-counterclaimants now RTC Judge
lot in question because they did not object when he occupied the said portion Rodolfo S. Layumas and Corazon A. Layumas:
of the lot; (b) neither did the petitioners protest when a church was built on the (a) P10,000.00 for attorneys fees; and
property, or when residential houses were constructed thereon; (c) the (b) P30,000.00 as moral damages;
petitioners still asked Barte and the other occupants whether they had notified 3. The plaintiffs, as counterclaim defendants, to comply with the above-stated
Rodolfo Layumas of the constructions on the property; and (d) the heirs of obligation of their late father, Mr. Jesus Mascuana, under the Deed of
Mascuana, through the lawyer of Mrs. Renee M. Tedrew, even wrote a Absolute Sale, Exh. 3, pp. 92-93, Exp., thru plaintiff Mr. Jose Mascuana,
letter[17] to Rodolfo Layumas on October 1, 1985, expressing her willingness to including the desegragation (sic) survey to desegregate the 469-square-
buy the subject property for US$1,000.00. meter portion of said Lot No. 124-B, San Carlos Cadastre, this province, sold
On April 8, 1991, the spouses Layumas filed a Motion for Leave to to the late Diosdado Sumilhig, if the same has not yet been done despite what
Intervene,[18] alleging therein that they had a legal interest in Lot No. 124-B-1 has been said herein earlier to said effect, and the execution of the Final Deed
as its buyers from Sumilhig, who in turn purchased the same from Mascuana. of Sale in their capacity as the heirs and successors-in-interest of the late Mr.
In their answer in intervention,[19] the spouses Layumas alleged that they were Jesus Mascuana, thru Mr. Jose Mascuana, covering the 469-square-meter
the true owners of the subject property and that they had wanted to pay the desegregated portion of said Lot No. 124-B, within sixty (60) days counted
from the finality of this Decision, in favor of the Intervenors-spouses, after ignored, misinterpreted and misconstrued facts and circumstances of
which the said Intervenors-spouses shall pay them, thru Mr. Jose Mascuana, substance which, if considered, would alter or reverse the outcome of the
the P1,000.00 balance due to them as successors-in-interest of the late Mr. case.[26]
Jesus Mascuana; We have reviewed the records and find no justification for a reversal
4. In case plaintiffs fail to comply with what are herein ordered for them to do, or even a modification of the assailed decision of the CA.
the Clerk of Court V of this Court to do all that they were to do as herein Even on the merits of the petition, the Court finds that the decision
ordered in the text and dispositive portion hereof, at the expense of of the trial court as well as the ruling of the CA are based on the evidence on
Intervenors spouses to be later reimbursed by plaintiffs, including the record and the applicable law.
desegragation (sic) survey of said 469-square-meter portion of said Lot [No.] The petitioners reiterated their pose that the deed of absolute sale
124-B, San Carlos Cadastre, Negros Occidental, if the same has not yet been over the property executed by their father, Jesus Mascuana, as vendor, and
done and the execution of the Final Deed of Sale on behalf of all the plaintiffs Diosdado Sumilhig as vendee, was a contract to sell and not a contract of sale.
as heirs and successors-in-interest of the late Mr. Jesus Mascuana covering They assert that on its face, the contract appears to be a contract to sell,
the said desegregated portion of 469 square meters of the aforesaid lot, in because the payment of the P1,000.00 balance of the purchase price was
favor of Intervenors spouses, to the end that separate title therefor may be subject to a suspensive condition: the survey of the property, the segregation
issued in their names, after they shall have paid the P1,000.00 balance due of the portion thereof subject of the sale, and the completion of the documents
plaintiffs under said Deed of Absolute Sale, Exh. 3. necessary for the issuance of a Torrens title over the property to and in the
SO ORDERED.[23] name of Sumilhig who was the vendee. The petitioners assert that Sumilhig
never paid the aforesaid amount to the vendor; hence, the obligation of the
Forthwith, the petitioners appealed the case to the CA, raising the latter and his predecessors-in-interest (herein petitioners) to execute a final
following issues of fact and law: deed of sale never arose. As such, they aver, title to the property remained
a. Whether or not the contract of alienation of Lot No. 124-B in favor of reserved in the vendor and his heirs even after his death. There was no need
Diosdado Sumilhig in 1961 was a contract to sell or a contract of sale; for the vendor to rescind the deed or collect the said amount of P1,000.00
b. Whether or not Diosdado Sumilhig had any right to sell Lot No. 124-B in favor under Article 1191 of the New Civil Code because such a remedy applies only
of intervenor Corazon Layumas in 1968.[24] to contracts of sale. The petitioners insist that Sumilhig never acquired title over
On May 5, 2003, the CA affirmed the decision of the trial court. It the property; he could not have transferred any title to the respondents.
ruled that the contract between the petitioners father and Sumilhig was one of Sumilhig could not have transferred that which he did not own.
sale. Foremost, the CA explained, the contract was denominated as a Deed of The petitioners contention has no factual and legal bases.
Absolute Sale. The stipulations in the contract likewise revealed the clear The deed of absolute sale executed by Jesus Mascuana and
intention on the part of the vendor (Mascuana) to alienate the property in favor Sumilhig, provides, thus:
of the vendee (Sumilhig). In three various documents, the late Mascuana even That the VENDOR is the true and absolute owner of a parcel of land known as
made declarations that Sumilhig was already the owner of the disputed land. Lot No. 124 of the Cadastral Survey of San Carlos, situated at Broce Street and
The CA added that the admission may be given in evidence against Mascuana is free from liens and encumbrances, and covered by O.C.T. No. T-299[3]7 (R-
and his predecessors-in-interest under Section 26, Rule 130 of the Revised 1453) of Reg. of Deeds, Negros Occ.
Rules on Evidence. As to the argument that the contract between Mascuana That for and in consideration of the sum of FOUR THOUSAND SIX
and Sumilhig was not effective because it was subject to a suspensive condition HUNDRED NINETY PESOS (P4,690.00), Philippine Currency, to be paid by the
that did not occur, the CA ruled that the condition referred to by the petitioners VENDEE in the manner hereinafter stated, the VENDOR does hereby sell,
refers only to the payment of the balance of the purchase price and not to the transfer, cede and convey, a portion of the above-described property
effectivity of the contract. containing an area of 469 square meters, the sketch of which can be found at
As to the petitioners contention that even if the contract were one the back of this document and having a frontage at Broce Street of around 14
of sale, ownership cannot be transferred to Sumilhig because Mascuana was meters, and from the Broce Street to the interior on its Southwest side with a
not yet the owner of the lot at the time of the alleged sale, the appellate court length of 30.9 meters, with a length of 24.8 meters on its Northeast side where
ruled that the registration of the land to be sold is not a prerequisite to a it turned to the right with a length of 2.8 meters and continuing to Northwest
contract of sale. with a length of 6.72 meters, the backyard dimension is 17.5 meters to the
Northwest, unto the VENDEE, his heirs and assigns, by way of Absolute Sale,
The Present Petition upon the receipt of the down payment of THREE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED
Aggrieved, the petitioners filed the instant petition for review NINETY PESOS (P3,690.00), which is hereby acknowledged by the VENDOR as
on certiorari with this Court, where the following lone legal issue was raised: received by him.
WAS THE SALE OF LOT NO. 124-B MADE BY JESUS M. MASCUANA IN That the balance of ONE THOUSAND PESOS (P1,000.00) shall be paid by the
FAVOR OF DIOSDADO SUMILHIG A CONTRACT TO SELL OR CONTRACT OF VENDEE unto the VENDOR as soon as the above-portions of Lot 124 shall have
SALE?[25] been surveyed in the name of the VENDEE and all papers pertinent and
We note that the original action of the petitioners against Aquilino necessary to the issuance of a separate Certificate of Title in the name of the
Barte was one for recovery of possession of Lot No. 124-B. With the VENDEE shall have been prepared.
intervention of the respondents Rodolfo and Corazon Layumas who claimed The evidence on record shows that during the lifetime of vendor
ownership over the property, and the acquiescence of the parties, evidence Jesus Mascuana, and even after his death, his heirs, the petitioners herein,
was adduced to prove who, between the petitioners (as plaintiffs) and the unequivocably declared that Diosdado Sumilhig was the owner of the property
respondents (as defendants-intervenors) were the lawful owners of the subject subject of this case, and that the respondents acquired title over the property,
property and entitled to its possession. having purchased the same via a deed of absolute sale from Diosdado Sumilhig.
The petitioners resolutely contend that the Deed of Absolute Sale Thus, on December 31, 1961, Jesus Mascuana and Jose Estabillo executed a
dated August 12, 1961 between their father and Sumilhig was a mere contract Deed of Exchange and Absolute Sale of Real Estate, in which both parties
to sell because at the time of the said sale, the late Mascuana was not yet the declared that they were co-owners of portions of Lot No. 124 abutted by the
registered owner of Lot No. 124 or any of its portions. They assert that Sumilhig property owned by Diosdado Sumilhig.[27]
could not have acquired any rights over the lot due to the fact that a person In the subdivision plan of Lot No. 124, signed by Ricardo Quilop,
can only sell what he owns or is authorized to sell, and the buyer can acquire Private Land Surveyor, following his survey of Lot No. 124 on July 9, 1962 for
no more than what the seller can transfer legally. Finally, the petitioners insist and in behalf of Jesus Mascuana, et al., it appears that Lot No. 124-B with an
that the document in controversy was subject to a suspensive condition, not a area of 540 square meters belonged to Diosdado Sumilhig,[28] which is abutted
resolutory condition, which is a typical attribute of a contract of sale. by Lot No. 124-C, owned by Jesus Mascuana.
The petition is denied for lack of merit.
The issues raised by the petitioners in this case are factual, and On October 1, 1985, long after the death of Jesus Mascuana, one of
under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, only questions of law may be raised in this his heirs, petitioner Renee Tedrew, through counsel, wrote respondent Rodolfo
Court, the reason being that this Court is not a trier of facts. It is not to re- Layumas offering to buy the property occupied by his overseer Aquilino Barte
examine the evidence on record and to calibrate the same. Moreover, the for US$1,000.00:
findings and conclusions of the trial court as affirmed by the CA are conclusive ATTY. RODOLFO S. LAYUMAS
on the Court, absent of any evidence that the trial court, as well as the CA San Carlos City
Negros Occidental Thus, in one case, when the sellers declared in a Receipt of Down
Dear Atty. Layumas: Payment that they received an amount as purchase price for a house and lot
This has reference to the lot located at Broce Street, portions of which are without any reservation of title until full payment of the entire purchase price,
presently occupied by Mr. Barte. the implication was that they sold their property. In Peoples Industrial and
Mrs. Renee Tedrew (nee Agapuyan), who is now in the United States, would Commercial Corporation v. Court of Appeals, it was stated:
like to offer the amount of $1,000.00 to buy your share of the said lot. A deed of sale is considered absolute in nature where there is
If you are amenable, kindly inform the undersigned for him to communicate neither a stipulation in the deed that title to the property sold is reserved in the
[with] Mrs. Tedrew in California. seller until full payment of the price, nor one giving the vendor the right to
Very truly yours, unilaterally resolve the contract the moment the buyer fails to pay within a
(Sgd.) fixed period.
SAMUEL SM LEZAMA[29] Applying these principles to this case, it cannot be gainsaid that the
contract of sale between the parties is absolute, not conditional. There is no
It was only after the respondents rejected the proposal of petitioner reservation of ownership nor a stipulation providing for a unilateral rescission
Renee Tedrew that the petitioners secured title over the property on March 17, by either party. In fact, the sale was consummated upon the delivery of the lot
1986 in the name of Jesus Mascuana (already deceased at the time), canceling to respondent. Thus, Art. 1477 provides that the ownership of the thing sold
TCT No. 967 issued on July 6, 1962 under the name of Jesus Mascuana, who shall be transferred to the vendee upon the actual or constructive delivery
appears to be a co-owner of Lot No. 124 with an undivided two-seventh (2/7) thereof.[33]
portion thereof.[30] The condition in the deed that the balance of P1,000.00 shall be
While it is true that Jesus Mascuana executed the deed of absolute paid to the vendor by the vendee as soon as the property sold shall have been
sale over the property on August 12, 1961 in favor of Diosdado Sumilhig surveyed in the name of the vendee and all papers pertinent and necessary to
for P4,690.00, and that it was only on July 6, 1962 that TCT No. 967 was issued the issuance of a separate certificate of title in the name of the vendee shall
in his name as one of the co-owners of Lot No. 124, Diosdado Sumilhig and the have been prepared is not a condition which prevented the efficacy of the
respondents nevertheless acquired ownership over the property. The deed of contract of sale. It merely provides the manner by which the total purchase
sale executed by Jesus Mascuana in favor of Diosdado Sumilhig on August 12, price of the property is to be paid. The condition did not prevent the contract
1961 was a perfected contract of sale over the property. It is settled that a from being in full force and effect:
perfected contract of sale cannot be challenged on the ground of the non- The stipulation that the payment of the full consideration based on
transfer of ownership of the property sold at that time of the perfection of the a survey shall be due and payable in five (5) years from the execution of a formal
contract, since it is consummated upon delivery of the property to the vendee. deed of sale is not a condition which affects the efficacy of the contract of sale.
It is through tradition or delivery that the buyer acquires ownership of the It merely provides the manner by which the full consideration is to be
property sold. As provided in Article 1458 of the New Civil Code, when the sale computed and the time within which the same is to be paid. But it does not
is made through a public instrument, the execution thereof is equivalent to the affect in any manner the effectivity of the contract. [34]
delivery of the thing which is the object of the contract, unless the contrary In a contract to sell, ownership is retained by a seller and is not to be transferred
appears or can be inferred. The record of the sale with the Register of Deeds to the vendee until full payment of the price. Such payment is a positive
and the issuance of the certificate of title in the name of the buyer over the suspensive condition, the failure of which is not a breach of contract but simply
property merely bind third parties to the sale. As between the seller and the an event that prevented the obligation from acquiring binding force.[35]
buyer, the transfer of ownership takes effect upon the execution of a public It bears stressing that in a contract of sale, the non-payment of the price is a
instrument covering the real property.[31] Long before the petitioners secured resolutory condition which extinguishes the transaction that, for a time, existed
a Torrens title over the property, the respondents had been in actual and discharges the obligation created under the transaction.[36] A seller cannot
possession of the property and had designated Barte as their overseer. unilaterally and extrajudicially rescind a contract of sale unless there is an
Article 1458 of the New Civil Code provides: express stipulation authorizing it. In such case, the vendor may file an action for
By the contract of sale, one of the contracting parties obligates himself to specific performance or judicial rescission.[37]
transfer the ownership of and to deliver a determinate thing, and the other to Article 1169 of the New Civil Code provides that in reciprocal
pay therefor a price certain in money or its equivalent. obligations, neither party incurs in delay if the other does not comply or is not
A contract of sale may be absolute or conditional. ready to comply in a proper manner with what is incumbent upon him; from
Thus, there are three essential elements of sale, to wit: the moment one of the parties fulfills his obligation, delay by the other begins.
a) Consent or meeting of the minds, that is, consent to transfer ownership in In this case, the vendor (Jesus Mascuana) failed to comply with his obligation
exchange for the price; of segregating Lot No. 124-B and the issuance of a Torrens title over the
b) Determinate subject matter; and property in favor of the vendee, or the latters successors-in-interest, the
c) Price certain in money or its equivalent.[32] respondents herein. Worse, petitioner Jose Mascuana was able to secure title
In this case, there was a meeting of the minds between the vendor over the property under the name of his deceased father.
and the vendee, when the vendor undertook to deliver and transfer ownership IN LIGHT OF ALL THE FOREGOING, the petition is DENIED for lack of
over the property covered by the deed of absolute sale to the vendee for the merit. Costs against the petitioners.
price of P4,690.00 of which P3,690.00 was paid by the vendee to the vendor as SO ORDERED.
down payment. The vendor undertook to have the property sold, surveyed and Puno, (Chairman), Austria-Martinez, Tinga, and Chico-Nazario, JJ., concur.
segregated and a separate title therefor issued in the name of the vendee, upon
which the latter would be obliged to pay the balance of P1,000.00. There was
no stipulation in the deed that the title to the property remained with the G.R. No. 142411 October 14, 2005
vendor, or that the right to unilaterally resolve the contract upon the buyers WINIFREDA URSAL VS COURT OF APPEALS
failure to pay within a fixed period was given to such vendor. Patently, the
contract executed by the parties is a deed of sale and not a contract to sell. As DECISION
the Court ruled in a recent case: AUSTRIA-MARTINEZ, J.:
In Dignos v. Court of Appeals (158 SCRA 375), we have said that, Before us is a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the
although denominated a Deed of Conditional Sale, a sale is still absolute where Rules of Court seeking the reversal of the Decision[1] of the Court of Appeals
the contract is devoid of any proviso that title is reserved or the right to (CA) dated June 28, 1999 and the Resolution dated January 31, 2000 denying
unilaterally rescind is stipulated, e.g., until or unless the price is paid. petitioners motion for reconsideration.[2]
Ownership will then be transferred to the buyer upon actual or constructive These are the facts:
delivery (e.g. by the execution of a public document) of the property sold. The spouses Jesus and Cristita Moneset (Monesets) are the registered owners
Where the condition is imposed upon the perfection of the contract itself, the of a 333-square meter land together with a house thereon situated at Sitio
failure of the condition would prevent such perfection. If the condition is Laguna, Basak, Cebu City covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 78374.[3]
imposed on the obligation of a party which is not fulfilled, the other party may On January 9, 1985, they executed a Contract to Sell Lot & House in favor of
either waive the condition or refuse to proceed with the sale. (Art. 1545, Civil petitioner Winifreda Ursal (Ursal), with the following terms and conditions:
That the VENDOR (Cristita R. Moneset) offers to SELL and the the defendants Spouses Moneset. This is the reason why plaintiff was not able
VENDEE accepts to BUY at the agreed lump sum price of P130,000.00 payable to annotate Exh. A on the TCT. The evidence of plaintiff show that there was no
on the installment basis as follows intention on her part to discontinue paying the installments. In a reciprocal
1. That on the date of the signing of this agreement, the VENDEE will tender obligation, one cannot be compelled to do if the other party fails to do his part
an earnest money or downpayment of P50,000.00 to the VENDOR, and by these (Art. 1169, New Civil Code).
presents, the latter hereby acknowledges receipt of said amount from the The acts of defendant Spouses Moneset in selling again the lot and
former; house in question to Dr. Canora by executing a Deed of Absolute Sale; in selling
2. That the balance of the selling price of P80,000.00 shall be paid by the the same on pacto de retro to defendant Bundalo; and in mortgaging the same
VENDEE to the VENDOR in equal monthly installments of P3,000.00 starting the to defendant Rural Bank of Larena are plainly and clearly fraudulent because
month of February, 1985, until said balance of the selling price shall be fully they were done while Exh. A was still existing and the transaction was done
paid; without notice to the plaintiff. As provided in Art. 1170 of the New Civil Code,
3. That if the VENDEE shall fail or in default to pay six (6) monthly installments those who are guilty of fraud in the performance of their obligation --- and
to the VENDOR the herein agreement is deemed cancelled, terminated and/or those who in any manner contravene the tenor thereof, are liable for damages.
rescinded and in such event, the VENDEE (sic) binds to refund to the VENDOR Another ground for liability under this article is when there is
(sic) the deposit of P50,000.00 and with the latters (sic) obligation to pay the fraud/deceit. In the instant case, there was fraud/deceit on the part of the
former (sic) as a corresponding refund for cost of improvements made in the defendant spouses Moneset when they executed the Deed of Sale to Dr.
premises by VENDEE; Canora; the Deed of Sale with Pacto de Retro to Bundalo and the Special Power
4. That on the date of receipt of the downpayment of P50,000.00 by the of Attorney for Bundalo to execute for and in their behalf the Real Estate
VENDOR, it is mutually agreed for VENDEE to occupy and take physical Mortgage with the Rural Bank of Larena knowing fully well that the Contract to
possession of the premises as well as for the latter (VENDEE) to keep and hold Sell house and lot, Exh. A was still existing notwithstanding their violation to the
in possession the corresponding transfer certificate of title No. ______ of the provisions thereto. It is therefore crystal clear that defendant spouses Moneset
land in question which is the subject of this agreement; are liable for damages.[15]
5. That on the date of final payment by the VENDEE to the VENDOR, the latter As to the real estate mortgage, the trial court held that the same
shall execute at her expense the corresponding document of DEED OF was valid and the Bank was not under any obligation to look beyond the title,
ABSOLUTE SALE for the former as well as the payment of realty clearances, BIR although the present controversy could have been avoided had the Bank been
Capital Gain Tax, sales tax or transfer fees and attorneys fees; that, for the more astute in ascertaining the nature of petitioners possession of the
issuance of title in VENDEEs name shall be the exclusive account of said property, thus:
VENDEE. [4] The Real Estate Mortgage and the Foreclosure Proceedings cannot
Petitioner paid the down payment and took possession of the be considered null and void in the sense that per se the formalities required by
property. She immediately built a concrete perimeter fence and an artesian law were complied with except for the fact that behind their execution there
well, and planted fruit bearing trees and flowering plants thereon which all was fraud, deceit and bad faith on the part of defendant spouses Moneset and
amounted to P50,000.00. After paying six monthly installments, petitioner Bundalo.
stopped paying due to the Monesets failure to deliver to her the transfer The defendant Rural Bank of Larena for its part could have avoided
certificate of title of the property as per their agreement; and because of the this situation if the bank appraiser who made the ocular inspection of the
failure of the Monesets to turn over said title, petitioner failed to have the subject house and lot went deeper and investigated further when he learned
contract of sale annotated thereon.[5] that the owner is not the actual occupant. He was however told by Moneset
Unknown to petitioner, the Monesets executed on November 5, that the actual occupant was only a lessee. Banking on this information that the
1985 an absolute deed of sale in favor of Dr. Rafael Canora, Jr. over the said actual occupant was only a lessee with no other right over and above such, the
property for P14,000.00.[6] On September 15, 1986, the Monesets executed bank approved a loan of P100,000.00 in favor of Moneset through Bundalo
another sale, this time with pacto de retro with Restituto Bundalo.[7] On the their attorney-in-fact.
same day, Bundalo, as attorney-in-fact of the Monesets, executed a real estate Likewise the Rural Bank of Larena had the right to rely on what
mortgage over said property with Rural Bank of Larena (hereafter Bank) located appeared on the certificate of title of the Monesets and it was under no
in Siquijor for the amount of P100,000.00.[8] The special power of attorney obligation to look beyond the certificate and investigate the title of the
made by the Monesets in favor of Bundalo as well as the real estate mortgage mortgagor appearing on the face of the certificate.
was then annotated on the title on September 16, 1986.[9] For the failure of The approval of the P100,000.00 loan from the Rural Bank of Larena
the Monesets to pay the loan, the Bank served a notice of extrajudicial was made possible through the deception and bad faith of defendant spouses
foreclosure dated January 27, 1988 on Bundalo.[10] Moneset and Bundalo but the pertinent documents were per se in order. The
On September 30, 1989, Ursal filed an action for declaration of non- court is of the honest belief that the case against the defendant bank be
effectivity of mortgage and damages against the Monesets, Bundalo and the dismissed for lack of merit. The court however believes that for reasons of
Bank. She claimed that the defendants committed fraud and/or bad faith in equity the bank should give the plaintiff Ursal the preferential right to redeem
mortgaging the property she earlier bought from the Monesets with a bank the subject house and lot.[16]
located in another island, Siquijor; and the Bank acted in bad faith since it The trial court then disposed of the case as follows:
granted the real estate mortgage in spite of its knowledge that the property Wherefore premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of the
was in the possession of petitioner.[11] defendant Rural Bank of Larena dismissing the complaint against it for lack of
The Monesets answered that it was Ursal who stopped paying the merit and against the defendant spouses Moneset ordering them to:
agreed monthly installments in breach of their agreement.[12] The Bank, on 1. reimburse to plaintiff Ursal the following:
the other hand, averred that the title of the property was in the name of Cristita a.) downpayment of P50,000.00
Radaza Moneset married to Jesus Moneset and did not show any legal b.) monthly installments for six months at P3,000.00 per month --
infirmity.[13] - P18,000.00
Bundalo, meanwhile, was not served summons because he could no c.) expenses improvements P61, 676.52
longer be found at his given address.[14] 2. pay to plaintiff the following:
Trial on the merits proceeded. Thereafter, the Regional Trial Court a.) moral damages ----------------- P30,000.00
of Cebu City, Branch 24, rendered its decision finding that Ursal is more credible b.) exemplary damages ----------- P20,000.00
than the Monesets and that the Monesets are liable for damages for fraud and c.) litigation expenses------------- P 5,000.00
breach of the contract to sell: d.) attorneys fees ----------------- P10,000.00
The evidence of [Ursal] show that she was the first to acquire a e.) costs
substantial interest over the lot and house by virtue of the execution of the 3. order the defendant Rural Bank of Larena to give the plaintiff the preferential
Contract to Sell (Exh. A). After the execution of Exh. A plaintiff took possession right to redeem the subject house and lot.
of the questioned lot and houseafter she made a downpayment of P50,000.00. SO ORDERED.[17]
[S]he paid the installments for six (6) months without fail. [However] plaintiff Both Ursal and the Monesets appealed the decision to the CA. Ursal
(stopped) paying the installment because defendant spouses failed to give her alleged that the Bank was guilty of bad faith for not investigating the presence
the Transfer Certificate of Title over the lot and house despite repeated of Ursal on the property in question, while the Monesets claimed that the trial
demands. It is evident then that the first to violate the conditions of Exh. A were
court erred in giving preferential right to Ursal to redeem the property and in making a thorough investigation of the property offered as collateral before
ordering them to pay damages.[18] granting a loan and be considered as innocent mortgagee and entitled to the
The CA affirmed in toto the decision of the trial court. It held that protection of the law.[28] Petitioner reiterated her arguments in support of the
the Bank did not have prior knowledge of the contract to sell the house and lot first and third issues raised in the Memorandum while she merely adopted the
and the Monesets acted fraudulently thus they cannot be given preferential CA findings in support of the second issue, i.e., when the Monesets
right to redeem the property and were therefore correctly ordered to pay encumbered the Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) to Dr. Canora and thereafter
damages.[19] to Bundalo, they committed bad faith or fraud since the contract to sell with
The Monesets filed a motion for reconsideration which was denied Ursal was still valid and subsisting.[29]
outright for having been filed out of time.[20] Ursals motion for reconsideration Respondent Bank, in its Memorandum dated July 20, 2005,
was denied by the CA on January 31, 2000 for lack of merit.[21] reiterated the arguments it made in its Comment that: the case cited by
Hence, the present petition raising the sole error: petitioner requiring extra ordinary diligence is inapplicable in this case since
That with grave abuse of discretion amounting to excess of jurisdiction, the what is involved here is mortgage and not sale; as mortgagee, its interest is
Honorable Court of Appeals erred in rendering a decision and Resolution NOT limited only to determining whether the mortgagor is the registered owner of
in accordance with law and the applicable rulings of the Supreme Court.[22] the property whose certificate of title showed that there were no existing
Petitioner claims that: the Bank was duly informed through its encumbrances thereon; and even with unregistered encumbrances, the Bank
appraiser that the house and lot to be mortgaged by Monesets were in the has priority by the registration of the loan documents.[30]
possession of a lessee; the Bank should have taken this as a cue to investigate No memorandum is filed by respondent Monesets.
further the Monesets right over the same; the case of Embrado vs. Court of The crux of petitioners contention is that the Bank failed to look beyond the
Appeals (233 SCRA 335) held that where a purchaser neglects to make the transfer certificate of title of the property for which it must be held liable.
necessary inquiry and closes his eyes to facts which should put a reasonable We agree. Banks cannot merely rely on certificates of title in
man on his guard to the possibility of the existence of a defect in his vendors ascertaining the status of mortgaged properties; as their business is impressed
title, he cannot claim that he is a purchaser in good faith; Sec. 50 of Act 496 with public interest, they are expected to exercise more care and prudence in
provides that where a party has knowledge of a prior existing interest which is their dealings than private individuals.[31] Indeed, the rule that persons dealing
unregistered at the time he acquired the land, his knowledge of that prior with registered lands can rely solely on the certificate of title does not apply to
unregistered interest has the effect of registration as to him and the Torrens banks.[32]
system cannot be used as a shield against fraud; following Art. 2176 of the Civil As enunciated in Cruz vs. Bancom:[33]
Code, respondent Bank is obliged to pay for the damage done.[23] Respondent is not an ordinary mortgagee; it is a mortgagee-bank. As such,
Petitioner then prayed that the Deed of Real Estate Mortgage be unlike private individuals, it is expected to exercise greater care and prudence
declared as non-effective and non-enforceable as far as petitioner is in its dealings, including those involving registered lands. A banking institution
concerned; that she be declared as the absolute owner of the house and lot in is expected to exercise due diligence before entering into a mortgage contract.
question; that the Monesets be ordered to execute a deed of absolute sale The ascertainment of the status or condition of a property offered to it as
covering the subject property; and that the Bank be ordered to direct the security for a loan must be a standard and indispensable part of its
collection or payment of the loan of P100,000.00 plus interest from the operations.[34]
Monesets for they were the ones who received and enjoyed the said loan.[24] Our agreement with petitioner on this point of law,
On the other hand, respondent Bank in its Comment argues that: its notwithstanding, we are constrained to refrain from granting the prayers of her
interest in the property was only that of mortgagee and not a purchaser thus petition, to wit: that the Deed of Real Estate Mortgage be declared as non-
its interest is limited only to ascertaining that the mortgagor is the registered effective and non-enforceable as far as petitioner is concerned; that she be
owner; the case cited is inapplicable at bar since it involves the purchase of real declared as the absolute owner of the house and lot in question; that the
property; Ursal was purportedly only a lessee of the property, thus as Monesets be ordered to execute a deed of absolute sale covering the subject
mortgagor who is not entitled to possess the mortgaged property, they no property; and that the Bank be ordered to direct the collection or payment of
longer considered the lease in the processing and approval of the loan; Sec. 50 the loan of P100,000.00 plus interest from the Monesets for they were the ones
of Act No. 496 is also inapplicable since the alleged prior existing interest was who received and enjoyed the said loan.[35]
only that of a lessee; in any case, it was the Monesets who lied to the Bank The reason is that, the contract between petitioner and the
anent the real nature of the encumbrance, thus, it is the Monesets who are Monesets being one of Contract to Sell Lot and House, petitioner, under the
guilty of fraud and not the Bank.[25] circumstances, never acquired ownership over the property and her rights
In her Rejoinder,[26] petitioner argued that: under the law on were limited to demand for specific performance from the Monesets, which at
mortgage, the mortgagor must be the owner of the property he offers as this juncture however is no longer feasible as the property had already been
security of his loan; the mortgagee like herein Bank which neglects to verify the sold to other persons.
ownership of the property offered as security of the loan runs the risk of his A contract to sell is a bilateral contract whereby the prospective
folly; the Banks negligence is not excusable because an adverse claim and seller, while expressly reserving the ownership of the subject property despite
notice of lis pendens were already annotated on the certificate of title when delivery thereof to the prospective buyer, binds himself to sell the said property
the mortgage was constituted or when the deed of real estate mortgage was exclusively to the prospective buyer upon fulfillment of the condition agreed
annotated; it would be unfair to put the blame on petitioner who was innocent upon, that is, full payment of the purchase price.[36]
of the transaction; the trial court found that the Bank even provided its In such contract, the prospective seller expressly reserves the
appraiser the amount of P15,000.00 to redeem the pacto de retro sale allegedly transfer of title to the prospective buyer, until the happening of an event, which
executed in favor of Dr. Canora; this should have aroused the Banks suspicion in this case is the full payment of the purchase price. What the seller agrees or
and prompted it to investigate further the property; the trial court recognized obligates himself to do is to fulfill his promise to sell the subject property when
the bad faith committed by the Monesets and ordered them to pay the sum of the entire amount of the purchase price is delivered to him. Stated differently,
P126,676.52 in damages but exonerated the Bank who is equally guilty of bad the full payment of the purchase price partakes of a suspensive condition, the
faith; the Monesets cannot pay the damages as they have no money and non-fulfillment of which prevents the obligation to sell from arising and thus,
property thus if the decision of the trial court as affirmed by the CA is to be ownership is retained by the prospective seller without further remedies by the
enforced, they will only be holding an empty bag while the Bank which is equally prospective buyer.[37]
guilty will go free; what would be fair is to let the two respondents bear jointly It is different from contracts of sale, since ownership in contracts to
and severally the consequences of their transaction and let the innocent sell is reserved by the vendor and is not to pass to the vendee until full payment
petitioner ultimately own the house and lot in question.[27] of the purchase price, while in contracts of sale, title to the property passess to
The petitioner, in her Memorandum dated July 31, 2005, raised the the vendee upon the delivery of the thing sold. In contracts of sale the vendor
issues of: (1) Whether or not the document captioned: Contract to Sell Lot and loses ownership over the property and cannot recover it unless and until the
House (Exh. A) is valid and binding so much so that the herein Petitioner who is contract is resolved or rescinded, while in contracts to sell, title is retained by
the Vendee is the lawful and true owner of the lot and house in question; (2) the vendor until full payment of the price.[38] In contracts to sell, full payment
Whether or not the herein respondents spouses Jesus Moneset and Cristita is a positive suspensive condition while in contracts of sale, non-payment is a
Moneset who were the vendors and/or mortgagors together with respondent negative resolutory condition.[39]
Restituto Bundalo were conniving and acting in bad faith; and (3) Whether or A contract to sell may further be distinguished from a conditional
not respondent Rural Bank of Larena measured up to the strict requirement of contract of sale, in that, the fulfillment of the suspensive condition, which is the
full payment of the purchase price, will not automatically transfer ownership to treatment over the property especially when such property has been sold to
the buyer although the property may have been previously delivered to him. other persons.
The prospective vendor still has to convey title to the prospective buyer by As explained in Coronel vs. Court of Appeals:[52]
entering into a contract of absolute sale. While in a conditional contract of sale, In a contract to sell, there being no previous sale of the property, a third person
the fulfillment of the suspensive condition renders the sale absolute and affects buying such property despite the fulfillment of the suspensive condition such
the sellers title thereto such that if there was previous delivery of the property, as the full payment of the purchase price, for instance, cannot be deemed a
the sellers ownership or title to the property is automatically transferred to the buyer in bad faith and the prospective buyer cannot seek the relief of
buyer. [40] reconveyance of the property. There is no double sale in such case. Title to the
Indeed, in contracts to sell the obligation of the seller to sell property will transfer to the buyer after registration because there is no defect
becomes demandable only upon the happening of the suspensive condition, in the owner-sellers title per se, but the latter, of course, may be sued for
that is, the full payment of the purchase price by the buyer. It is only upon the damages by the intending buyer.[53] (Emphasis supplied)
existence of the contract of sale that the seller becomes obligated to transfer In this case, the lower courts found that the property was sold to Dr.
the ownership of the thing sold to the buyer. Prior to the existence of the Canora and then to Bundalo who in turn acted as attorney-in-fact for the
contract of sale, the seller is not obligated to transfer the ownership to the Monesets in mortgaging the property to respondent Bank. The trial court and
buyer, even if there is a contract to sell between them. [41] the CA erred in giving petitioner the preferential right to redeem the property
In this case, the parties not only titled their contract as Contract to as such would prejudice the rights of the subsequent buyers who were not
Sell Lot and House but specified in their agreement that the vendor shall only parties in the proceedings below. While the matter of giving petitioner
execute a deed of absolute sale on the date of the final payment by vendee.[42] preferential right to redeem the property was not put in issue before us, in the
Such provision signifies that the parties truly intended their contract to be that exercise of our discretionary power to correct manifest and palpable error, we
of contract to sell.[43] deem it proper to delete said portion of the decision for being erroneous.[54]
Since the contract in this case is a contract to sell, the ownership of Petitioners rights were limited to asking for specific performance
the property remained with the Monesets even after petitioner has paid the and damages from the Monesets. Specific performance, however, is no longer
down payment and took possession of the property. In Flancia vs. Court of feasible at this point as explained above. This being the case, it follows that
Appeals,[44] where the vendee in the contract to sell also took possession of petitioner never had any cause of action against respondent Bank. Having no
the property, this Court held that the subsequent mortgage constituted by the cause of action against the bank and not being an owner of the subject
owner over said property in favor of another person was valid since the vendee property, petitioner is not entitled to redeem the subject property.
retained absolute ownership over the property.[45] At most, the vendee in the Petitioner had lost her right to demand specific performance when
contract to sell was entitled only to damages.[46] the Monesets executed a Deed of Absolute Sale in favor of Dr. Canora. Contrary
Petitioner attributes her decision to stop paying installments to the to what she claims, petitioner had no vested right over the property.
failure of the Monesets to comply with their agreement to deliver the transfer Indeed, it is the Monesets who first breached their obligation
certificate of title after the down payment of P50,000.00. On this point, the trial towards petitioner and are guilty of fraud against her. It cannot be denied
court was correct in holding that for such failure, the Monesets are liable to pay however that petitioner is also not without fault. She sat on her rights and never
damages pursuant to Art. 1169 of the Civil Code on reciprocal obligations.[47] consigned the full amount of the property. She therefore cannot ask to be
The vendors breach of the contract, notwithstanding, ownership declared the owner of the property, this late, especially since the same has
still remained with the Monesets and petitioner cannot justify her failure to already passed hands several times, neither can she question the mortgage
complete the payment. constituted on the property years after title has already passed to another
In Pangilinan vs. Court of Appeals,[48] the vendees contended that person by virtue of a deed of absolute sale.
their failure to pay the balance of the total contract price was because the At this point, let it be stated that the courts below and even this
vendor reneged on its obligation to improve the subdivision and its facilities. In Court have no jurisdiction to resolve the issue whether there was bad faith
said case, the Court held that the vendees were barred by laches from asking among the Monesets, Canora and Bundalo. Canora was never impleaded.
for specific performance eight years from the date of last installment. The Court Bundalo has not been served with summons.
held that: WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The decision of the Regional
(the vendees) instead of being vigilant and diligent in asserting their Trial Court of Cebu City, Branch 24, promulgated on February 5, 1993 and the
rights over the subject property had failed to assert their rights when the law decision of the Court of Appeals dated June 28, 1999 are hereby AFFIRMED.
requires them to act. Laches or stale demands is based upon grounds of public However, in the higher interest of substantial justice, the Court MODIFIES the
policy which requires, for the peace of society, the discouragement of stale same to the effect that the portion ordering the Rural Bank of Larena (Siquijor),
claims and unlike the statute of limitations, is not a mere question of time but Inc. to give petitioner the preferential right to redeem the house and lot
is principally a question of the inequity or unfairness of permitting a right or covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 78374 is DELETED for lack of legal
claim to be enforced or asserted. basis.
The legal adage finds application in the case at bar. Tempus enim No costs.
modus tollendi obligations et actiones, quia tempus currit contra desides et sui SO ORDERED.
juris contemptoresFor time is a means of dissipating obligations and actions,
because time runs against the slothful and careless of their own rights.[49]
In this case, petitioner instituted an action for Declaration of Non- FERNANDO CARRASCOSO, JR., VS THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS
Effectivity of Mortgage with Damages four years from the date of her last DECISION
installment and only as a reaction to the foreclosure proceedings instituted by CARPIO MORALES, J.:
respondent Bank. After the Monesets failed to deliver the TCT, petitioner El Dorado Plantation, Inc. (El Dorado) was the registered owner of a
merely stopped paying installments and did not institute an action for specific parcel of land (the property) with an area of approximately 1,825 hectares
performance, neither did she consign payment of the remaining balance as covered by Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No. T-93[1] situated in Sablayan,
proof of her willingness and readiness to comply with her part of the obligation. Occidental Mindoro.
As we held in San Lorenzo Development Corp. vs. Court of Appeals,[50] the On February 15, 1972, at a special meeting of El Dorados Board of
perfected contract to sell imposed on the vendee the obligation to pay the Directors, a Resolution[2] was passed authorizing Feliciano Leviste, then
balance of the purchase price. There being an obligation to pay the price, the President of El Dorado, to negotiate the sale of the property and sign all
vendee should have made the proper tender of payment and consignation of documents and contracts bearing thereon.
the price in court as required by law. Consignation of the amounts due in court On March 23, 1972, by a Deed of Sale of Real Property,[3] El Dorado,
is essential in order to extinguish the vendees obligation to pay the balance of through Feliciano Leviste, sold the property to Fernando O. Carrascoso, Jr.
the purchase price.[51] Since there is no indication in the records that (Carrascoso).
petitioner even attempted to make the proper consignation of the amounts The pertinent provisions of the Deed of Sale read:
due, the obligation on the part of the Monesets to transfer ownership never NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of ONE MILLION EIGHT
acquired obligatory force. HUNDRED THOUSAND (1,800,000.00) PESOS, Philippine Currency, the Vendor
In other words, petitioner did not acquire ownership over the hereby sells, cedes, and transfer (sic) unto the herein VENDEE, his heirs,
subject property as she did not pay in full the equal price of the contract to sell. successors and assigns, the above-described property subject to the following
Further, the Monesets breach did not entitle petitioner to any preferential terms and consitions (sic):
1. Of the said sum of P1,800,000.00 which constitutes the full consideration of 1972. On even date, TCT No. T-93 covering the property was cancelled and TCT
this sale, P290,000.00 shall be paid, as it is hereby paid, to the Philippines No. T-6055[10] was in its stead issued by the Registry of Deeds of Occidental
(sic) National Bank, thereby effecting the release and cancellation fo (sic) the Mindoro in the name of Carrascoso on which the real estate mortgage in favor
present mortgage over the above-described property. of HSB was annotated as Entry No. 15242.[11]
2. That the sum of P210,000.00 shall be paid, as it is hereby paid by the VENDEE On May 18, 1972, the real estate mortgage in favor of HSB was
to the VENDOR, receipt of which amount is hereby acknowledged by the amended to include an additional three year loan of P70,000.00 as requested
VENDOR. by the spouses Carrascoso.[12] The Amendment of Real Estate Mortgage was
3. The remaining balance of P1,300,000.00 plus interest thereon at the rate of also annotated on TCT No. T-6055 as Entry No. 15486 on May 24, 1972.[13]
10% per annum shall be paid by the VENDEE to the VENDOR within a period The 3-year period for Carrascoso to fully pay for the property on
of three (3) years, as follows: March 23, 1975 passed without him having complied therewith.
(a) One (1) year from the date of the signing of this agreement, the VENDEE In the meantime, on July 11, 1975, Carrascoso and the Philippine
shall pay to the VENDOR the sum of FIVE HUNDRED NINETEEN THOUSAND Long Distance Telephone Company (PLDT), through its President Ramon
EIGHT HUNDRED THIRTY THREE & 33/100 (P519,833.33) PESOS. Cojuangco, executed an Agreement to Buy and Sell[14] whereby the former
(b) Two (2) years from the date of signing of this agreement, the VENDEE agreed to sell 1,000 hectares of the property to the latter at a consideration
shall pay to the VENDOR the sum of FIVE HUNDRED NINETTEN (sic) of P3,000.00 per hectare or a total of P3,000,000.00.
THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND THIRTY-THREE & 33/100 (P519,833.33) The July 11, 1975 Agreement to Buy and Sell was not registered and
PESOS. annotated on Carrascosos TCT No. T-6055.
(c) Three (3) years from the date of signing of this agreement, the VENDEE Lauro Leviste (Lauro), a stockholder and member of the Board of
shall pay to the VENDOR the sum of FIVE Hundred NINETEEN THOUSAND Directors of El Dorado, through his counsel, Atty. Benjamin Aquino, by
EIGHT HUNDRED AND THIRTY-THREE & 33/100 (P519,833.33) PESOS. letter[15] dated December 27, 1976, called the attention of the Board to
4. The title of the property, subject of this agreement, shall pass and be Carrascosos failure to pay the balance of the purchase price of the property
transferred to the VENDEE who shall have full authority to register the same amounting to P1,300,000.00. And Lauros lawyer manifested that:
and obtain the corresponding transfer certificate of title in his name. Because of the default for a long time of Mr. Carrascoso to pay the
xxx balance of the consideration of the sale, Don Lauro Leviste, in his behalf and in
6. THE VENDOR certifies and warrants that the property above-described is not behalf of the other shareholders similarly situated like him, want a rescission of
being cultivated by any tenant and is therefore not covered by the provisions the sale made by the El Dorado Plantation, Inc. to Mr. Carrascoso. He desires
of the Land Reform Code. If, therefore, the VENDEE becomes liable under the that the Board of Directors take the corresponding action for rescission.[16]
said law, the VENDOR shall reimburse the VENDEE for all expenses and Lauros desire to rescind the sale was reiterated in two other
damages he may incur thereon.[4] (Underscoring supplied) letters[17] addressed to the Board dated January 20, 1977 and March 3, 1977.
From the above-quoted provisions of the Deed of Sale, Carrascoso Jose P. Leviste, as President of El Dorado, later sent a letter of
was to pay the full amount of the purchase price on March 23, 1975. February 21, 1977[18] to Carrascoso informing him that in view of his failure to
On even date, the Board of Directors of El Dorado passed a pay the balance of the purchase price of the property, El Dorado was seeking
Resolution reading: the rescission of the March 23, 1972 Deed of Sale of Real Property.
RESOLVED that by reason of the sale of that parcel of land covered by TCT No. The pertinent portions of the letter read:
T-93 to Dr. FERNANDO O. CARRASCOSO, JR., the corporation interposes
no objection to the property being mortgage (sic) by Dr. FERNANDO O. xxx
CARRASCOSO, JR. to any bank of his choice as long as the balance on the Deed I regret to inform you that the balance of P1,300,000.00 and the
of Sale shall be recognized by Dr. FERNANDO O. CARRASCOSO, JR.; interest thereon have long been due and payable, although you have
RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the corporation authorizes the prefered mortgaged said property with the Home Savings Bank for P1,000,000.00 on
(sic) claim on the property to be subordinated to any mortgage that may be March 24, 1972, which was subsequently increased to P1,070,000.00 on May
constituted by Dr. FERNANDO O. CARRASCOSO, JR.; 18, 1972.
RESOLVED, FINALLY, that in case of any mortgage on the property, You very well know that the El Dorado Plantation, Inc., is a close
the corporation waives the preference of any vendors lien on the family corporation, owned exclusively by the members of the Leviste family and
property.[5] (Emphasis and underscoring supplied) I am one of the co-owners of the land. As nothing appears to have been done
on your part after our numerous requests for payment of the said amount of
Feliciano Leviste also executed the following affidavit on the same day: P1,300,000.00 and the interest of 10% per annum due thereon, please be
1. That by reason of the sale of that parcel of land covered by Transfer advised that we would like to rescind the contract of sale of the
Certificate of Title T-93 as evidenced by the Deed of Sale attached hereto as land.[19] (Underscoring supplied)
Annex A and made an integral part hereof, the El Dorado Plantation, Inc. Jose Leviste, by letter[20] dated March 10, 1977, informed Lauros
has no objection to the aforementioned property being mortgaged by Dr. counsel Atty. Aquino of his (Joses) February 21, 1977 letter to Carrascoso, he
Fernando O. Carrascoso, Jr. to any bank of his choice, as long as the payment lamenting that Carrascoso has not deemed it fit to give [his] letter the courtesy
of the balance due the El Dorado Plantation, Inc. under the Deed of Sale, of a reply and advis[ing] that some of the Directors of [El Dorado] could not see
Annex A hereof, shall be recognized by the vendee therein, Dr. Fernando O. their way clear in complying with the demands of your client [Lauro] and have
Carrascoso, Jr. though subordinated to the preferred claim of the mortgagee failed to reach a consensus to bring the corresponding action for rescission of
bank. the contract against . . . Carrascoso.[21]
2. That in case of any mortgage on the property, the vendor hereby waives the Lauro and El Dorado finally filed on March 15, 1977 a complaint[22] for rescission
preference of any vendors lien on the property, subject matter of the deed of the March 23, 1972 Deed of Sale of Real Property between El Dorado and
of sale. Carrascoso with damages before the Court of First Instance (CFI) of Occidental
3. That this affidavit is being executed to avoid any question on the authority of Mindoro, docketed as Civil Case No. R-226.
Dr. Fernando O. Carrascoso, Jr. to mortgage the property subject of the Deed Lauro and El Dorado also sought the cancellation of TCT No. T-6055
of Sale, Annex A hereof, where the purchase price provided therein has not in the name of Carrascoso and the revival of TCT No. T-93 in the name of El
been fully paid. Dorado, free from any liens and encumbrances. Furthermore, the two prayed
4. That this affidavit has been executed pursuant to a board resolution of El for the issuance of an order for Carrascoso to: (1) reconvey the property to El
Dorado Plantation, Inc.[6] (Emphasis and underscoring supplied) Dorado upon return to him of P500,000.00, (2) secure a discharge of the real
On the following day, March 24, 1972, Carrascoso and his wife estate mortgage constituted on the property from HSB, (3) submit an
Marlene executed a Real Estate Mortgage[7] over the property in favor of Home accounting of the fruits of the property from March 23, 1972 up to the return
Savings Bank (HSB) to secure a loan in the amount of P1,000,000.00. Of this of possession of the land to El Dorado, (4) turn over said fruits or the equivalent
amount, P290,000.00 was paid to Philippine National Bank to release the value thereof to El Dorado and (5) pay the amount of P100,000.00 for attorneys
mortgage priorly constituted on the property and P210,000.00 was paid to El fees and other damages.[23]
Dorado pursuant to above-quoted paragraph Nos. 1 and 2 of the terms and Also on March 15, 1977, Lauro and El Dorado caused to be
conditions of the Deed of Sale.[8] annotated on TCT No. T-6055 a Notice of Lis Pendens,inscribed as Entry No.
The March 23, 1972 Deed of Sale of Real Property was registered 39737.[24]
and annotated on El Dorados TCT No. T-93 as Entry No. 15240[9] on April 5,
In the meantime, Carrascoso, as vendor and PLDT, as vendee forged Dorado knew of the sale by Carrascoso to PLDT and PLDTs actual possession of
on April 6, 1977 a Deed of Absolute Sale[25] over the 1,000 hectare portion of the 1,000 hectare portion of the property since June 30, 1975 and of its exercise
the property subject of their July 11, 1975 Agreement to Buy and Sell. The of exclusive rights of ownership thereon through agricultural development.[39]
pertinent portions of the Deed are as follows: By Decision[40] of January 28, 1991, Branch 45 of the San Jose
WHEREAS, the VENDOR and the VENDEE entered into an agreement Occidental Mindoro Regional Trial Court to which the CFI has been renamed,
To Buy and Sell on July 11, 1975, which is made a part hereof by reference; dismissed the complaint on the ground of prematurity, disposing as follows,
WHEREAS, the VENDOR and the VENDEE are now decided to quoted verbatim:
execute the Deed of Absolute Sale referred to in the aforementioned WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing considerations, judgment
agreement to Buy and Sell; is hereby rendered:
WHEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises and 1. Dismissing the plaintiffs complaint against the defendant on the ground of
the terms hereunder stated, the VENDOR and the VENDEE have agreed as prematurity;
follows: 2. Ordering the plaintiffs to pay to the defendant the sum of P2,980,000.00 as
1. For and in consideration of the sum of THREE MILLION PESOS actual and compensatory damages, as well as the sum of P100,000.00 as and
(P3,000,000.00), Philippine currency, of which ONE HUNDRED TWENTY for attorneys fees; provided, however, that the aforesaid amounts must first be
THOUSAND PESOS P120,000.00 have (sic) already been received by the set off from the latters unpaid balance to the former;
VENDOR, the VENDOR hereby sells, transfers and conveys unto the VENDEE 3. Dismissing the defendants-intervenors counterclaim and cross-claim; and
one thousand hectares (1,000 has.) of his parcel of land covered by T.C.T. No. 4. Ordering the plaintiffs to pay to (sic) the costs of suit.
T-6055 of the Registry of Deeds of Mindoro, delineated as Lot No. 3-B-1 in the SO ORDERED.[41] (Underscoring supplied)
subdivision survey plan xxx
2. The VENDEE shall pay to the VENDOR upon the signing of this agreement, Carrascoso, PLDT and PLDTAC filed their respective appeals to the
the sum of TWO MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND PESOS (P2,500,000.00) in Court of Appeals.
the following manner: By Decision[42] of January 31, 1996, the appellate court reversed the
a) The sum of TWO MILLION THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND PESOS decision of the trial court, disposing as follows, quoted verbatim:
(P2,300,000.00) to Home Savings Bank in full payment of the WHEREFORE, not being meritorious, PLDTs/PLDTACs appeal is
VENDORs mortgaged obligation therewith; hereby DISMISSED and finding El Dorados appeal to be impressed with merit,
b) The sum of TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND PESOS (P200,000.00) to We REVERSE the appealed Decision and render the following judgment:
VENDOR; 1. The Deed of Sale of Real Property (Exhibit C) is hereby rescinded and TCT No.
The remaining balance of the purchase price in the sum of THREE T-12480 (Exhibit Q) is cancelled while TCT No. T-93 (Exhibit A), is reactivated.
HUNDRED EIGHTY THOUSAND PESOS (P380,000.00), less such expenses which 2. Fernando Carrascoso, Jr. is commanded to:
may be advanced by the VENDEE but which are for the account of the VENDOR 2.1. return the possession of the 825 [hectare-] remaining portion
under Paragraph 6 of the Agreement to Buy and Sell, shall be paid by the of the land to El Dorado Plantation, Inc. without prejudice to the
VENDEE to the VENDOR upon issuance of title to the VENDEE.[26] (Underscoring landholdings of legitimate tenants thereon;
supplied) 2.2. return the net fruits of the land to El Dorado Plantation, Inc.
In turn, PLDT, by Deed of Absolute Sale[27] dated May 30, 1977, from March 23, 1972 to July 11, 1975, and of the 825-hectare-
conveyed the aforesaid 1,000 hectare portion of the property to its subsidiary, remaining portion minus the tenants landholdings, from July 11,
PLDT Agricultural Corporation (PLDTAC), for a consideration of P3,000,000.00, 1975 up to its delivery to El Dorado Plantation, Inc. including
the amount of P2,620,000.00 of which was payable to PLDT upon signing of said whatever he may have received from the tenants if any by way of
Deed, and P380,000.00 to Carrascoso upon issuance of title to PLDTAC. compensation under the Operation Land Transfer or under any
In the meantime, on October 19, 1977, the El Dorado Board of other pertinent agrarian law;
Directors, by a special meeting,[28] adopted and approved a Resolution ratifying 2.3 Pay El Dorado Plantation, Inc. an attorneys fee of P20,000.00
and conferring the prosecution of Civil Case No. R-226 of the Court of First and litigation expenses of P30,000.00;
Instance of Occidental Mindoro, entitled Lauro P. Leviste vs. Fernando 2.4 Return to Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company/PLDT
Carascoso (sic), etc. initiated by stockholder Mr. Lauro P. Leviste.[29] Agricultural Corporation P3,000,000.00 plus legal interest from April
In his Answer with Compulsory Counterclaim,[30] Carrascoso alleged 6, 1977 until fully paid;
that: (1) he had not paid his remaining P1,300,000.00 obligation under the 3. PLDT Agricultural Corporation is ordered to surrender the possession of the
March 23, 1972 Deed of Sale of Real Property in view of the extensions of time 1000-hectare Farm to El Dorado Plantation, Inc.;
to comply therewith granted him by El Dorado; (2) the complaint suffered from 4. El Dorado Plantation, Inc. is directed to return the P500,000.00 to Fernando
fatal defects, there being no showing of compliance with the condition Carrascoso, Jr. plus legal interest from March 23, 1972 until fully paid. The
precedent of exhaustion of intra-corporate remedies and the requirement that performance of this obligation will however await the full compliance by
a derivative suit instituted by a complaining stockholder be verified under oath; Fernando Carrascoso, Jr. of his obligation to account for and deliver the net
(3) El Dorado committed a gross misrepresentation when it warranted that the fruits of the land mentioned above to El Dorado Plantation, Inc.
property was not being cultivated by any tenant to take it out of the coverage 5. To comply with paragraph 2.2 herein, Carrascoso is directed to submit in (sic)
of the Land Reform Code; and (4) he suffered damages due to the premature the court a quo a full accounting of the fruits of the land during the period
filing of the complaint for which Lauro and El Dorado must be held liable. mentioned above for the latters approval, after which the net fruits shall be
On February 21, 1978, the April 6, 1977 and May 30, 1977 Deeds of delivered to El Dorado, Plantation, Inc.
Absolute Sale and the respective Articles of Incorporation of PLDT and PLDTAC 6. El Dorado Plantation, Inc. should inform Philippine Long Distance Telephone
were annotated on TCT No. T-6055 as Entry Nos. Co. and PLDT Agricultural Corporation in writing within ten (10) days after
24770,[31] 42774,[32] 42769[33] and 24772,[34] respectively. On even date, finality of this decision regarding the exercise of its option under Art. 448 of the
Carrascosos TCT No. T-6055 was cancelled and TCT No. T-12480[35] covering the Civil Code.
1,000 hectare portion of the property was issued in the name of PLDTAC. The SO ORDERED.[43] (Underscoring supplied)
March 15, 1977 Notice of Lis Pendens was carried over to TCT No. T-12480. PLDT and PLDTAC filed on February 22, 1996, a Motion for
On July 31, 1978, PLDT and PLDTAC filed an Urgent Motion for Reconsideration[44] of the January 31, 1996 CA Decision, while Carrascoso went
Intervention[36] which was granted by the trial court by Order[37] of September up this Court by filing on March 25, 1996 a petition for review,[45] docketed as
7, 1978. G.R. No. 123672, assailing the January 31, 1996 CA Decision and seeking the
PLDT and PLDTAC thereupon filed their Answer In Intervention with reinstatement of the January 28, 1991 Decision of the trial court except with
Compulsory Counterclaim and Crossclaim[38]against Carrascoso on November respect to its finding that the acquisition of PLDT and PLDTAC of the 1,000
13, 1978, alleging that: (1) when Carrascoso executed the April 6, 1977 Deed of hectare portion of the property was subject to the notice of lis pendens.
Absolute Sale in favor of PLDT, PLDT was not aware of any litigation involving Lauro, in the meantime, died, hence, on April 16, 1996, a Motion for
the 1,000 hectare portion of the property or of any flaw in his title, (2) PLDT is Substitution of Party[46] was filed praying that his heirs, represented by Conrad
a purchaser in good faith and for value; (3) when PLDT executed the May 30, C. Leviste, be substituted as respondents. The Motion was granted by
1977 Deed of Absolute Sale in favor of PLDTAC, they had no knowledge of any Resolution[47] of July 10, 1996.
pending litigation over the property and neither were they aware that a notice
of lis pendens had been annotated on Carrascosos title; and (4) Lauro and El
PLDT and PLDTAC filed their Comment[48] to Carrascosos petition and prayed of Sale of Real Property is recognized, hence, El Dorado could collect the unpaid
that judgment be rendered finding them to be purchasers in good faith to thus balance of P1,300,000.00 only after the mortgage in favor of HSB is paid in full;
entitle them to possession and ownership of the 1,000 hectare portion of the and the filing of the complaint for rescission with damages on March 15, 1977
property, together with all the improvements they built thereon. Reiterating was premature as he fully paid his obligation to HSB only on April 5, 1977 as
that they were not purchasers pendente lite, they averred that El Dorado and evidenced by the Cancellation of Mortgage[59] signed by HSB President Gregorio
Lauro had actual knowledge of their interests in the said portion of the property B. Licaros.
prior to the annotation of the notice of lis pendens to thereby render said Carrascoso further posits that extensions of the period to pay El
notice ineffective. Dorado were verbally accorded him by El Dorados directors and officers,
El Dorado and the heirs of Lauro, both represented by Conrad C. particularly Jose and Angel Leviste.
Leviste, also filed their Comment[49] to Carrascosos petition, praying that it be
dismissed for lack of merit and that paragraph 6 of the dispositive portion of Article 1191 of the Civil Code provides:
the January 31, 1996 CA Decision be modified to read as follows: Art. 1191. The power to rescind obligations is implied in reciprocal ones, in case
one of the obligors should not comply with what is incumbent upon him.
6. El Dorado Plantation, Inc. should inform Philippine Long Distance Telephone The injured party may choose between the fulfillment and the
Co. and PLDT Agricultural Corporation in writing within ten (10) days after rescission of the obligation, with the payment of damages in either case. He
finality of this decision regarding the exercise of its option under Arts. 449 and may also seek rescission, even after he has chosen fulfillment, if the latter
450 of the Civil Code, without right to indemnity on the part of the latter should should become impossible.
the former decide to keep the improvements under Article The court shall decree the rescission claimed, unless there be just
449.[50](Underscoring supplied) cause authorizing the fixing of a period.
Carrascoso filed on November 13, 1996 his Reply[51] to the Comment This is understood to be without prejudice to the rights of third
of El Dorado and the heirs of Lauro. persons who have acquired the thing, in accordance with Articles 1385 and
In the meantime, as the February 22, 1996 Motion for 1388 and the Mortgage Law.
Reconsideration filed by PLDT and PLDTAC of the CA decision had remained Reciprocal obligations are those which arise from the same cause,
unresolved, this Court, by Resolution[52] of June 30, 2003, directed the appellate and in which each party is a debtor and a creditor of the other, such that the
court to resolve the same. obligation of one is dependent upon the obligation of the other.[60] They are to
By Resolution[53] of July 8, 2004, the CA denied PLDT and PLDTACs be performed simultaneously such that the performance of one is conditioned
Motion for Reconsideration for lack of merit. upon the simultaneous fulfillment of the other.[61]
PLDT[54] thereupon filed on September 2, 2004 a petition for The right of rescission of a party to an obligation under Article 1191
review[55] before this Court, docketed as G.R. No. 164489, seeking to reverse is predicated on a breach of faith by the other party who violates the reciprocity
and set aside the January 31, 1996 Decision and the July 8, 2004 Resolution of between them.[62]
the appellate court. It prayed that judgment be rendered upholding its right, A contract of sale is a reciprocal obligation. The seller obligates itself
interest and title to the 1,000 hectare portion of the property and that it and to transfer the ownership of and deliver a determinate thing, and the buyer
its successors-in-interest be declared owners and legal possessors thereof, obligates itself to pay therefor a price certain in money or its equivalent.[63] The
together with all improvements built, sown and planted thereon. non-payment of the price by the buyer is a resolutory condition which
By Resolution[56] of August 25, 2004, G.R. No. 164489 was extinguishes the transaction that for a time existed, and discharges the
consolidated with G.R. No. 123672. obligations created thereunder.[64] Such failure to pay the price in the manner
prescribed by the contract of sale entitles the unpaid seller to sue for collection
In his petition, Carrascoso faults the CA as follows: or to rescind the contract.[65]
I In the case at bar, El Dorado already performed its obligation
THE COURT OF APPEALS ACTED WITH GRAVE ABUSE OF DISCRETION AND through the execution of the March 23, 1972 Deed of Sale of Real Property
COMMITTED A MISTAKE OF LAW IN NOT DECLARING THAT THE ACTION FOR which effectively transferred ownership of the property to Carrascoso. The
RESCISSION WAS PREMATURELY FILED. latter, on the other hand, failed to perform his correlative obligation of paying
II in full the contract price in the manner and within the period agreed upon.
THE COURT OF APPEALS ACTED WITH GRAVE ABUSE OF DISCRETION AND The terms of the Deed are clear and unequivocal: Carrascoso was to
COMMITTED A MISTAKE OF LAW IN DISREGARDING THE CRUCIAL pay the balance of the purchase price of the property amounting
SIGNIFICANCE OF THE WARRANTY OF NON-TENANCY EXPRESSLY STIPULATED to P1,300,000.00 plus interest thereon at the rate of 10% per annum within a
IN THE CONTRACT OF SALE. period of three (3) years from the signing of the contract on March 23, 1972.
III When Jose Leviste informed him that El Dorado was seeking rescission of the
THE COURT OF APPEALS ACTED WITH GRAVE ABUSE OF DISCRETION IN contract by letter of February 21, 1977, the period given to him within which to
REVERSING THE DECISION OF THE TRIAL COURT.[57] (Underscoring supplied) fully satisfy his obligation had long lapsed.
The El Dorado Board Resolution and the Affidavit of Jose Leviste
PLDT, on the other hand, faults the CA as follows: interposing no objection to Carrascosos mortgaging of the property to any bank
I did not have the effect of suspending the period to fully pay the purchase price,
THE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED A REVERSIBLE ERROR IN HOLDING THAT as expressly stipulated in the Deed, pending full payment of any mortgage
NEW CIVIL CODE. The adverted resolution (Exhibit 2) does not say that the obligation
II of Carrascoso to pay the balance was extended. Neither can We see in it
THE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED A REVERSIBLE ERROR IN HOLDING THAT anything that can logically infer said accommodation.
PETITIONER AND PLDTAC TOOK THEIR RIGHT, INTEREST AND TITLE TO THE A partially unpaid seller can agree to the buyers mortgaging the
FARM SUBJECT TO THE NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS, THE SAME IN DISREGARD OF subject of the sale without changing the time fixed for the payment of the
THE LEGAL PRINCIPLE THAT RESPONDENTS EL DORADO ET AL.s PRIOR, ACTUAL balance of the price. The two agreements are not incompatible with each other
KNOWLEDGE OF PETITIONER PLDTS AGREEMENT TO BUY AND SELL WITH such that when one is to be implemented, the other has to be suspended. In
RESPONDENT CARRASCOSO RESULTING IN THE DELIVERY TO, AND the case at bench, there was no impediment for Carrascoso to pay the balance
FARM, IS EQUIVALENT TO REGISTRATION OF SUCH RIGHT, INTEREST AND TITLE Also, El Dorados subordinating its preferred claim or waiving its
AND, THEREFORE, A PRIOR REGISTRATION NOT AFFECTED BY THE LATER superior vendors lien over the land in favor of the mortgagee of said property
NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS.[58] (Underscoring supplied) only means that in a situation where the unpaid price of the Land and loan
Carrascoso posits that in the El Dorado Board Resolution and the secured by the mortgage over the Land both become due and demandable, the
Affidavit of Feliciano Leviste, both dated March 23, 1972, no objection was mortgagee shall have precedence in going after the Land for the satisfaction of
interposed to his mortgaging of the property to any bank provided that the the loan. Such accommodations do not necessarily imply the modification of
balance of the purchase price of the property under the March 23, 1972 Deed
the period fixed in the contract of sale for the payment by Carrascoso of the Carrascoso would become liable under the said law, he would be reimbursed
balance. for all expenses and damages incurred thereon.
The palpable purpose of El Dorado in not raising any objection to Carrascoso claims to have incurred expenses in relocating persons
Carrascosos mortgaging the land was to eliminate any legal impediment to such found on the property four months after the execution of the Deed of Sale.
a contract. That was so succinctly expressed in the Affidavit (Exhibit 2-A) of Apart from such bare claim, the records are bereft of any proof that those
President Feleciano (sic) Leviste. El Dorados yielding its superior lien over the persons were indeed tenants.[75]The fact of tenancy[76] not having been priorly
land in favor of the mortgagee was plainly intended to overcome the natural established,[77] El Dorado may not be held liable for actual damages.
reluctance of lending institutions to accept a land whose price has not yet been Carrascoso further argues that both the trial and appellate courts
fully paid as collateral of a loan.[66] (Underscoring supplied) erred in holding that the sale of the 1,000 hectare portion of the property to
Respecting Carrascosos insistence that he was granted verbal PLDT, as well as its subsequent sale to PLDTAC, is subject to the March 15, 1977
extensions within which to pay the balance of the purchase price of the Notice of Lis Pendens.
property by El Dorados directors and officers Jose and Angel Leviste, this Court PLDT additionally argues that the CA incorrectly ignored the
finds the same unsubstantiated by the evidence on record. Agreement to Buy and Sell which it entered into with Carrascoso on July 11,
It bears recalling that Jose Leviste wrote Carrascoso, by letter of 1975, positing that the efficacy of its purchase from Carrascoso, upon his
February 21, 1977, calling his attention to his failure to comply, despite fulfillment of the condition it imposed resulting in its decision to formalize their
numerous requests, with his obligation to pay the amount of P1,300,000.00 transaction and execute the April 6, 1977 Deed of Sale, retroacted to July 11,
and 10% annual interest thereon, and advising him that we would like to rescind 1975 or before the annotation of the Notice of Lis Pendens.[78]
the contract of sale. This letter reiterated the term of payment agreed upon in The pertinent portions of the July 11, 1975 Agreement to Buy and Sell between
the March 23, 1972 Deed of Sale of Real Property and Carrascososs non- PLDT and Carrascoso read:
compliance therewith.
Carrascoso, harping on Jose Levistes March 10, 1977 letter to Lauros 2. That the VENDOR hereby agrees to sell to the VENDEE and the latter hereby
counsel wherein he (Jose Leviste) stated that some of the Directors of the agrees to purchase from the former, 1,000 hectares of the above-described
corporation could not see their way clear in complying with the demands of parcel of land as shown in the map hereto attached as Annex A and made an
[Lauro] and have failed to reach a consensus to bring the corresponding action integral part hereof and as hereafter to be more particularly determined by
for rescission of the contract against Dr. Fernando Carrascoso, argues that the the survey to be conducted by Certeza & Co., at the purchase price of
extensions priorly given to him no doubt lead to the logical conclusion on some P3,000.00 per hectare or for a total consideration of Three Million Pesos
of the directors inability to file suit against him.[67] (P3,000,000.00) payable in cash.
The argument is specious. As the CA found, even if some officers of 3. That this contract shall be considered rescinded and cancelled and of no
El Dorado were initially reluctant to file suit against him, the same should not further force and effect, upon failure of the VENDOR to clear the
be interpreted to mean that this was brought about by a prior extension of the aforementioned 1,000 hectares of land of all the occupants therein located,
period to pay the balance of the purchase price of the property as such within a period of one (1) year from the date of execution of this Agreement.
reluctance could have been due to a myriad of reasons totally unrelated to the However, the VENDEE shall have the option to extend the life of this
period of payment of the balance. Agreement by another six months, during which period the VENDEE shall
The bottomline however is, if El Dorado really intended to extend definitely inform the VENDOR of its decision on whether or not to finalize the
the period of payment of the balance there was absolutely no reason why it did deed of absolute sale for the aforementioned 1,000 hectares of land.
not do it in writing in clear and unmistakable terms. That there is no such The VENDOR agrees that the amount of P500.00 per family within
writing negates all the speculations of the court a quo and pretensions of the aforementioned 1,000 hectares of land shall be spent by him for relocation
Carrascoso. purposes, which amount however shall be advanced by the VENDEE and which
xxx shall not exceed the total amount of P120,000.00, the same to be thereafter
The unalterable fact here remains that on March 23, 1973, with or deducted by the VENDEE from the aforementioned purchase price of
without demand, the obligation of Carrascoso to pay P519,933.33 became due. P3,000,000.00.
The same was true on March 23, 1974 and on March 23, 1975 for equal The aforementioned advance of P120,000.00 shall be remitted by
amounts. Since he did not perform his obligation under the contract of sale, he, the VENDEE to the VENDOR upon the signing of this Agreement.
therefore, breached it. Having breached the contract, El Dorados cause of xxx
action for rescission of that contract arose.[68] (Underscoring supplied) It is likewise further agreed that the VENDEE shall have the right to enter into
Carrascoso goes on to argue that the appellate court erred in any part of the aforementioned 1,000 hectares at any time within the period of
ignoring the import of the warranty of non-tenancy expressly stipulated in the this Agreement for purposes of commencing the development of the same.
March 23, 1972 Deed of Sale of Real Property. He alleges that on March 8, 1972 xxx
or two weeks prior to the execution of the Deed of Sale, he discovered, while 5. Title to the aforementioned land shall also be cleared of all liens or
inspecting the property on board a helicopter, that there were people and encumbrances and if there are any unpaid taxes, existing mortgages, liens and
cattle in the area; when he confronted El Dorado about it, he was told that the encumbrances on the land, the payments to be made by the VENDEE to the
occupants were caretakers of cattle who would soon leave;[69] four months VENDOR of the purchase price shall first be applied to liquidate said mortgages,
after the execution of the Deed of Sale, upon inquiry with the Bureau of Lands liens and/or encumbrances, such that said payments shall be made directly to
and the Bureau of Soils, he was informed that there were people claiming to be the corresponding creditors. Thus, the balance of the purchase price will be
tenants in certain portions of the property;[70] and he thus brought the matter paid to the VENDOR after the title to the land is cleared of all such liens and
again to El Dorado which informed him that the occupants were not tenants encumbrances.
but squatters.[71] xxx
Carrascoso now alleges that as a result of what he concludes to be 7. The VENDOR agrees that, during the existence of this Agreement and without
a breach of the warranty of non-tenancy committed by El Dorado, he incurred the previous written permission from the VENDEE, he shall not sell, cede, assign
expenses in the amount of P2,890,000.00 for which he should be reimbursed, and/or transfer the parcel of land subject of this Agreement.[79]
his unpaid obligation to El Dorado amounting to P1,300,000.00 to be deducted A notice of lis pendens is an announcement to the whole world that
therefrom.[72] a particular real property is in litigation, and serves as a warning that one who
The breach of an express warranty makes the seller liable for acquires an interest over said property does so at his own risk, or that he
damages.[73] The following requisites must be established in order that there be gambles on the result of the litigation over said property.[80]
an express warranty in a contract of sale: (1) the express warranty must be an Once a notice of lis pendens has been duly registered, any
affirmation of fact or any promise by the seller relating to the subject matter of cancellation or issuance of title over the land involved as well as any subsequent
the sale; (2) the natural tendency of such affirmation or promise is to induce transaction affecting the same would have to be subject to the outcome of the
the buyer to purchase the thing; and (3) the buyer purchases the thing relying suit. In other words, a purchaser who buys registered land with full notice of
on such affirmation or promise thereon.[74] the fact that it is in litigation between the vendor and a third party stands in the
Under the March 23, 1972 Deed of Sale of Real Property, El shoes of his vendor and his title is subject to the incidents and result of the
Dorado warranted that the property was not being cultivated by any tenant and pending litigation.[81]
was, and therefore, not covered by the provisions of the Land Reform Code. If x x x Notice of lis pendens has been conceived and, more often than
not, availed of, to protect the real rights of the registrant while the case
involving such rights is pending resolution or decision. With the notice of lis previously delivered to him. The prospective seller still has to convey title to the
pendens duly recorded, and while it remains uncancelled, the registrant could prospective buyer by entering into a contract of absolute sale.[91]
rest secure that he would not lose the property or any part of it during the A perusal of the contract[92] adverted to in Coronel reveals marked
litigation. differences from the Agreement to Buy and Sell in the case at bar. In
The filing of a notice of lis pendens in effect (1) keeps the subject the Coronel contract, there was a clear intent on the part of the therein
matter of litigation within the power of the court until the entry of the final petitioners-sellers to transfer title to the therein respondent-buyer. In the July
judgment so as to prevent the defeat of the latter by successive alienations; 11, 1975 Agreement to Buy and Sell, PLDT still had to definitely inform
and (2) binds a purchaser of the land subject of the litigation to the judgment Carrascoso of its decision on whether or not to finalize the deed of absolute
or decree that will be promulgated thereon whether such a purchaser is a bona sale for the 1,000 hectare portion of the property, such that in the April 6, 1977
fide purchaser or not; but (3) does not create a non-existent right or lien. Deed of Absolute Sale subsequently executed, the parties declared that they
The doctrine of lis pendens is founded upon reason of public policy are now decided to execute such deed, indicating that the Agreement to Buy
and necessity, the purpose of which is to keep the subject matter of the and Sell was, as the appellate court held, merely a preparatory contract in the
litigation within the power of the court until the judgment or decree shall have nature of a contract to sell. In fact, the parties even had to stipulate in the said
been entered; otherwise by successive alienations pending the litigation, its Agreement to Buy and Sell that Carrascoso, during the existence of the
judgment or decree shall be rendered abortive and impossible of execution. Agreement, shall not sell, cede, assign and/or transfer the parcel of land, which
The doctrine of lis pendens is based on considerations of public policy and provision this Court has held to be a typical characteristic of a contract to sell.[93]
convenience, which forbid a litigant to give rights to others, pending the Being a contract to sell, what was vested by the July 11, 1975
litigation, so as to affect the proceedings of the court then progressing to Agreement to Buy and Sell to PLDT was merely the beneficial title to the 1,000
enforce those rights, the rule being necessary to the administration of justice hectare portion of the property.
in order that decisions in pending suits may be binding and may be given full The right of Daniel Jovellanos to the property under the contract [to
effect, by keeping the subject matter in controversy within the power of the sell] with Philamlife was merely an inchoate and expectant right which would
court until final adjudication, that there may be an end to litigation, and to ripen into a vested right only upon his acquisition of ownership which, as
preserve the property that the purpose of the pending suit may not be defeated aforestated, was contingent upon his full payment of the rentals and
by successive alienations and transfers of title.[82] (Italics in the original) compliance with all his contractual obligations thereunder. A vested right is an
In ruling against PLDT and PLDTAC, the appellate court held: immediate fixed right of present and future enjoyment. It is to be distinguished
PLDT and PLDTAC argue that in reality the Farm was bought by the former on from a right that is expectant or contingent. It is a right which is fixed,
July 11, 1975 when Carrascoso and it entered into the Agreement to Buy and unalterable, absolute, complete and unconditional to the exercise of which no
Sell (Exhibit 15). How can an agreement to buy and sell which is a preparatory obstacle exists, and which is perfect in itself and not dependent upon a
contract be the same as a contract of sale which is a principal contract? If PLDTs contingency. Thus, for a property right to be vested, there must be a transition
contention is correct that it bought the Farm on July 11, 1975, why did it buy from the potential or contingent to the actual, and the proprietary interest
the same property again on April 6, 1977? There is simply no way PLDT and must have attached to a thing; it must have become fixed or established and is
PLDTAC can extricate themselves from the effects of said Notice of Lis Pendens. no longer open to doubt or controversy.[94] (Underscoring supplied)
It is admitted that PLDT took possession of the Farm on July 11, 1975 after the In the case at bar, the July 11, 1975 Agreement to Buy and Sell was
execution of the Agreement to Buy and Sell but it did so not as owner but as not registered, which act of registration is the operative act to convey and
prospective buyer of the property. As prospective buyer which had actual on affect the land.
(sic) constructive notice of the lis pendens, why did it pursue and go through An agreement to sell is a voluntary instrument as it is a willful act of
with the sale if it had not been willing to gamble with the result of this the registered owner. As such voluntary instrument, Section 50 of Act No. 496
case?[83] (Underscoring supplied) [now Section 51 of PD 1529] expressly provides that the act of registration shall
Further, in its July 8, 2004 Resolution, the CA held: be the operative act to convey and affect the land. And Section 55 of the same
PLDT cannot shield itself from the notice of lis pendens because all that it had Act [now Section 53 of PD 1529] requires the presentation of the owners
at the time of its inscription was an Agreement to Buy and Sell with duplicate certificate of title for the registration of any deed or voluntary
CARRASCOSO, which in effect is a mere contract to sell that did not pass to it instrument. As the agreement to sell involves an interest less than an estate in
the ownership of the property. fee simple, the same should have been registered by filing it with the Register
xxx of Deeds who, in turn, makes a brief memorandum thereof upon the original
Ownership was retained by CARRASCOSO which EL DORADO may and owners duplicate certificate of title. The reason for requiring the
very well recover through its action for rescission. production of the owners duplicate certificate in the registration of a voluntary
xxx instrument is that, being a willful act of the registered owner, it is to be
PLDTs possession at the time the notice of lis pendens was presumed that he is interested in registering the instrument and would willingly
registered not being a legal possession based on ownership but a mere surrender, present or produce his duplicate certificate of title to the Register of
possession in fact and the Agreement to Buy and Sell under which it supposedly Deeds in order to accomplish such registration. However, where the owner
took possession not being registered, it is not protected from an adverse refuses to surrender the duplicate certificate for the annotation of the
judgment that may be rendered in the case subject of the notice of lis voluntary instrument, the grantee may file with the Register of Deeds a
pendens.[84] (Underscoring supplied) statement setting forth his adverse claim, as provided for in Section 110 of Act
In a contract of sale, the title passes to the vendee upon the delivery No. 496. xxx[95] (Underscoring supplied)
of the thing sold; whereas in a contract to sell, ownership is not transferred In Valley Golf Club, Inc. v. Salas,[96] where a Deed of Absolute Sale
upon delivery of the property but upon full payment of the purchase price.[85] In covering a parcel of land was executed prior to the annotation of a notice of lis
the former, the vendor has lost and cannot recover ownership until and unless pendens by the original owner thereof but which Deed was
the contract is resolved or rescinded; whereas in the latter, title is retained by registered after such annotation, this Court held:
the vendor until the full payment of the price, such payment being a positive The advance payment of P15,000.00 by the CLUB on October 18,
suspensive condition and failure of which is not a breach but an event that 1960 to ROMERO, and the additional payment by the CLUB of P54,887.50 as
prevents the obligation of the vendor to convey title from becoming full payment of the purchase price on October 26, 1960, also to ROMERO,
effective.[86] cannot be held to be the dates of sale such as to precede the annotation of the
PLDT argues that the July 11, 1975 Agreement to Buy and Sell is a adverse claim by the SISTERS on October 25, 1960 and the lis pendens on
conditional contract of sale, thus calling for the application of Articles October 27, 1960. It is basic that it is the act of registration of the sale that is
1181[87] and 1187[88] of the Civil Code as held in Coronel v. Court of Appeals.[89] the operative act to convey and affect the land. That registration was not
The Court is not persuaded. effected by the CLUB until December 4, 1963, or three (3) years after it had
For in a conditional contract of sale, if the suspensive condition is made full payment to ROMERO. xxx
fulfilled, the contract of sale is thereby perfected, such that if there had already xxx
been previous delivery of the property subject of the sale to the buyer, As matters stand, therefore, in view of the prior annotations of the
ownership thereto automaticallytransfers to the buyer by operation of law adverse claim and lis pendens, the CLUB must be legally held to have been
without any further act having to be performed by the seller.[90] Whereas in a aware of the flaws in the title. By virtue of the lis pendens, its acquisition of the
contract to sell, upon fulfillment of the suspensive condition, ownership will not property was subject to whatever judgment was to be rendered in Civil Case
automatically transfer to the buyer although the property may have been No. 6365. xxx The CLUBs cause of action lies, not against the SISTERS, to whom
the property had been adjudged by final judgment in Civil Case No. 6365, but A: One of the stockholders and director of the plaintiff-corporation, sir.
against ROMERO who was found to have had no right to dispose of the Q: Will you please tell us the other officers?
land.[97] (Underscoring supplied) A: Expedito Leviste, sir.
PLDT further argues that El Dorados prior, actual knowledge of the A: Will you tell the position of Expedito Leviste?
July 11, 1975 Agreement to Buy and Sell is equivalent to prior registration not A: He was the corporate secretary, sir.
affected by the Notice of Lis Pendens. As such, it concludes that it was not a Q: If you know, was Dr. Jose Leviste also a director at that time?
purchaser pendente lite nor a purchaser in bad faith. A: Yes, sir.[99]
PLDT anchors its argument on the testimony of Lauro and El On the other hand, El Dorado asserts that it had no knowledge of
Dorados counsel Atty. Aquino from which it infers that Atty. Aquino filed the the July 11, 1975 Agreement to Buy and Sell prior to the filing of the complaint
complaint for rescission and caused the notice of lis pendens to be annotated for rescission against Carrascoso and the annotation of the notice of lis
on Carrascosos title only after reading newspaper reports on the sale to PLDT pendens on his title. It further asserts that it always acted in good faith:
of the 1,000 hectare portion of the property. xxx The contract to sell between the Petitioner [Carrascoso] and
The pertinent portions of Atty. Aquinos testimony are reproduced PLDT was executed in July 11, 1975. There is no evidence that El Dorado was
hereunder: notified of this contract. The property is located in Mindoro, El Dorado is based
Q: Do you know, Atty. Aquino, what you did after the filing of the complaint in in Manila. The land was planted to rice. This was not an unusual activity on the
the instant case of Dr. Carrascoso? land, thus it could have been the Petitioner who was using the land. Not having
A: Yes, I asked my associates to go to Mamburao and had the notice of Lis been notified of this sale, El Dorado could not have stopped PLDT from
Pendens covering the property as a result of the filing of the instant complaint. developing the land.
Q: Do you know the notice of Lis Pendens? The absolute sale of the land to PLDT took place on April 6, 1977, or
A: Yes, it is evidenced by a [Transfer] Certificate Copy of Title of Dr. Carrascoso AFTER the filing of this case on March 15, 1977 and the annotation of a notice
entitled Notice of Lis Pendens. of lis pendens on March 16, 1977. Inspite of the notice of lis pendens, PLDT
Q: As a consequence of the filing of the complaint which was annotated, you then PLDTAC persisted not only in buying the land but also in putting up
have known that? improvements on the property such as buildings, roads, irrigation systems and
A: Yes. drainage. This was done during the pendency of this case, where PLDT and
xxx PLDTAC actively participated as intervenors. They were not innocent
Q: After the annotation of the notice of Lis Pendens, do you know, if any further bystanders. xxx[100]
transaction was held on the property? This Court finds the above-quoted testimony of Atty. Aquino to be
A: As we have read in the newspaper, that Dr. Carrascoso had sold the property susceptible of conflicting interpretations. As such, it cannot be the basis for
in favor of the PLDT, Co. inferring that El Dorado knew of the July 11, 1975 Agreement to Buy and Sell
Q: And what did you do? prior to the annotation of the notice of lis pendens on Carrascosos title.
A: We verified the portion of the property having recorded under entry No. Respecting Carrascosos allegation that some of the directors and
24770 xxx and we also discovered that the articles incorporated (sic) and other officers of El Dorado had knowledge of his dealings with PLDT, it is true that
corporate matters had been organized and established of the PLDT, Co., and knowledge of facts acquired or possessed by an officer or agent of a
had been annotated. corporation in the course of his employment, and in relation to matters within
xxx the scope of his authority, is notice to the corporation, whether he
Q: Do you know what happened to the property? communicates such knowledge or not.[101] In the case at bar, however, apart
A: It was sold by the PLDT to its sub-PLDT Agitating (sic) Co. when at that time from Carrascosos claim that he in fact notified several of the directors about his
there was already notice of Lis Pendens. intention to sell the 1,000 hectare portion of the property to PLDT, no evidence
xxx was presented to substantiate his claim. Such self-serving, uncorroborated
Q: In your testimony, you mentioned that you had come cross- (sic) reading the assertion is indubitably inadequate to prove that El Dorado had notice of the
sale of the subject litigation (sic) between Dr. Fernando Carrascoso, the July 11, 1975 Agreement to Buy and Sell before the annotation of the notice
defendant herein and the PLDT, one of defendants-intervenor, may I say of lis pendens on his title.
A: I cannot remember now, but it was in the newspaper where it was informed PLDT is, of course, not without recourse. As held by the CA:
or mentioned of the sold property to PLDT. Between Carrascoso and PLDT/PLDTAC, the former acted in bad
xxx faith while the latter acted in good faith. This is so because it was Carrascosos
Q: Will you tell to the Honorable Court what newspaper was that? refusal to pay his just debt to El Dorado that caused PLDT/PLDTAC to suffer
A: Well, I cannot remember what is that newspaper. That is only a means of pecuniary losses. Therefore, Carrascoso should return to PLDT/PLDTAC the
[confirming] the transaction. What was [confirmed] to us is whether there was P3,000,000.00 price of the farm plus legal interest from receipt thereof until
really transaction (sic) and we found out that there was in the Register of Deeds paid.[102](Underscoring supplied)
and that was the reason why we obtained the case. The appellate courts decision ordering the rescission of the March
Q: Well, may I say, is there any reason, the answer is immaterial. The question 23, 1972 Deed of Sale of Real Property between El Dorado and Carrascoso being
is as regard the matter of time when counsel is being able (sic) to read the in order, mutual restitution follows to put back the parties to their original
newspaper allegedly (interrupted) situation prior to the consummation of the contract.
xxx The exercise of the power to rescind extinguishes the obligatory
Q: The idea of the question, your Honor, is to establish and ask further the relation as if it had never been created, the extinction having a retroactive
notice of [lis pendens] with regards (sic) to the transfer of property to PLDT, effect. The rescission is equivalent to invalidating and unmaking the juridical
would have been accorded prior to the pendency of the case. tie, leaving things in their status before the celebration of the contract.
xxx Where a contract is rescinded, it is the duty of the court to
A: I cannot remember.[98] require both parties to surrender that which they have respectively received
PLDT also relies on the following testimony of Carrascoso: and to place each other as far as practicable in his original situation, the
Q: You mentioned Doctor a while ago that you mentioned to the late Governor rescission has the effect of abrogating the contract in all
Feliciano Leviste regarding your transaction with the PLDT in relation to the parts.[103] (Underscoring supplied)
subject property you allegedly mention (sic) your intention to sell with the The April 6, 1977 and May 30, 1977 Deeds of Absolute Sale being
PLDT? subject to the notice of lis pendens, and as the Court affirms the declaration by
A: It was Dr. Jose Leviste and Dr. Angel Leviste that was constantly in touched the appellate court of the rescission of the Deed of Sale executed by El Dorado
(sic) with me with respect to my transaction with the PLDT, sir. in favor of Carrascoso, possession of the 1,000 hectare portion of the property
Q: Any other officer of the corporation who knows with instruction aside from should be turned over by PLDT to El Dorado.
Dr. Angel Leviste and Dr. Jose Leviste? As regards the improvements introduced by PLDT on the 1,000
A: Yes, sir. It was Trinidad Andaya Leviste and Assemblyman Expedito Leviste. hectare portion of the property, a distinction should be made between those
xxx which it built prior to the annotation of the notice of lis pendens and those
Q: What is the position of Mrs. Trinidad Andaya Leviste with the plaintiff- which it introduced subsequent thereto.
When a person builds in good faith on the land of another, Article 1) the Regional Trial Court of San Jose, Occidental Mindoro, Branch 45 is further
448 of the Civil Code governs: directed to:
Art. 448. The owner of the land on which anything has been built, a. determine the present fair price of the 1,000 hectare portion of the
sown or planted in good faith, shall have the right to appropriate as property and the amount of the expenses actually spent by PLDT for the
his own the works, sowing or planting, after payment of the improvements thereon as of March 15, 1977;
indemnity provided for in Articles 546 and 548, or to oblige the one b. include for determination the increase in value (plus value) which the
who built or planted to pay the price of the land, and the one who 1,000 hectare portion may have acquired by reason of the existence of
sowed, the proper rent. However, the builder or planter cannot be the improvements built by PLDT before March 15, 1977 and the current
obliged to buy the land if its value is considerably more than that of fair market value of said improvements;
the building or trees. In such a case, he shall pay reasonable rent, if 2. El Dorado is ordered to exercise its option under the law, whether to
the owner of the land does not choose to appropriate the building appropriate the improvements, or to oblige PLDT to pay the price of the land,
or trees after the proper indemnity. The parties shall agree upon the and
terms of the lease and in case of disagreement, the court shall fix 3) PLDT shall pay El Dorado the amount of Two Thousand Pesos (P2,000.00) per
the terms thereof. month as reasonable compensation for its occupancy of the 1,000 hectare
The above provision covers cases in which the builders, sowers or portion of the property from the time that its good faith ceased to exist until
planters believe themselves to be owners of the land or, at least, to have a claim such time that possession of the same is delivered to El Dorado, subject to the
of title thereto.[104] Good faith is thus identified by the belief that the land is reimbursement of the aforesaid expenses in favor of PLDT or until such time
owned; or that by some title one has the right to build, plant, or sow that the payment of the purchase price of the 1,000 hectare portion is made by
thereon.[105] PLDT in favor of El Dorado in case the latter opts for its compulsory sale.
The owner of the land on which anything has been built, sown or
planted in good faith shall have the right to appropriate as his own the building, Costs against petitioners.
planting or sowing, after payment to the builder, planter or sower of the SO ORDERED.
necessary and useful expenses,[106] and in the proper case, expenses for pure
luxury or mere pleasure.[107]
The owner of the land may also oblige the builder, planter or sower G.R. No. L-11491 August 23, 1918
to purchase and pay the price of the land. ANDRES QUIROGA, vs. PARSONS HARDWARE CO.,
If the owner chooses to sell his land, the builder, planter or sower
must purchase the land, otherwise the owner may remove the improvements AVANCEÑA, J.:
thereon. The builder, planter or sower, however, is not obliged to purchase the On January 24, 1911, in this city of manila, a contract in the following
land if its value is considerably more than the building, planting or sowing. In tenor was entered into by and between the plaintiff, as party of the first part,
such case, the builder, planter or sower must pay rent to the owner of the land. and J. Parsons (to whose rights and obligations the present defendant later
If the parties cannot come to terms over the conditions of the lease, subrogated itself), as party of the second part:
the court must fix the terms thereof. CONTRACT EXECUTED BY AND BETWEEN ANDRES QUIROGA AND J.
The right to choose between appropriating the improvement or SALE OF "QUIROGA" BEDS IN THE VISAYAN ISLANDS.
selling the land on which the improvement of the builder, planter or sower ARTICLE 1. Don Andres Quiroga grants the exclusive right to sell his beds in the
stands, is given to the owner of the land.[108] Visayan Islands to J. Parsons under the following conditions:
On the other hand, when a person builds in bad faith on the land of (A) Mr. Quiroga shall furnish beds of his manufacture to Mr. Parsons for the
another, Articles 449 and 450 govern: latter's establishment in Iloilo, and shall invoice them at the same price he has
Art. 449. He who builds, plants or sows in bad faith on the land of fixed for sales, in Manila, and, in the invoices, shall make and allowance of a
another, loses what is built, planted or sown without right to discount of 25 per cent of the invoiced prices, as commission on the sale; and
indemnity. Mr. Parsons shall order the beds by the dozen, whether of the same or of
Art. 450. The owner of the land on which anything has been built, different styles.
planted or sown in bad faith may demand the demolition of the (B) Mr. Parsons binds himself to pay Mr. Quiroga for the beds received, within
work, or that the planting or sowing be removed, in order to replace a period of sixty days from the date of their shipment.
things in their former condition at the expense of the person who (C) The expenses for transportation and shipment shall be borne by M. Quiroga,
built, planted or sowed; or he may compel the builder or planter to and the freight, insurance, and cost of unloading from the vessel at the point
pay the price of the land, and the sower the proper rent. where the beds are received, shall be paid by Mr. Parsons.
In the case at bar, it is undisputed that PLDT commenced (D) If, before an invoice falls due, Mr. Quiroga should request its payment, said
construction of improvements on the 1,000 hectare portion of the property payment when made shall be considered as a prompt payment, and as such a
immediately after the execution of the July 11, 1975 Agreement to Buy and Sell deduction of 2 per cent shall be made from the amount of the invoice.
with the full consent of Carrascoso.[109] Thus, until March 15, 1977 when the The same discount shall be made on the amount of any invoice which Mr.
Notice of Lis Pendens was annotated on Carrascosos TCT No. T-6055, PLDT is Parsons may deem convenient to pay in cash.
deemed to have been in good faith in introducing improvements on the 1,000 (E) Mr. Quiroga binds himself to give notice at least fifteen days before hand of
hectare portion of the property. any alteration in price which he may plan to make in respect to his beds, and
After March 15, 1977, however, PLDT could no longer invoke the agrees that if on the date when such alteration takes effect he should have any
rights of a builder in good faith. order pending to be served to Mr. Parsons, such order shall enjoy the
Should El Dorado then opt to appropriate the improvements made advantage of the alteration if the price thereby be lowered, but shall not be
by PLDT on the 1,000 hectare portion of the property, it should only be made affected by said alteration if the price thereby be increased, for, in this latter
to pay for those improvements at the time good faith existed on the part of case, Mr. Quiroga assumed the obligation to invoice the beds at the price at
PLDT or until March 15, 1977,[110] to be pegged at its current fair market which the order was given.
value.[111] (F) Mr. Parsons binds himself not to sell any other kind except the "Quiroga"
The commencement of PLDTs payment of reasonable rent should beds.
start on March 15, 1977 as well, to be paid until such time that the possession
of the 1,000 hectare portion is delivered to El Dorado, subject to the ART. 2. In compensation for the expenses of advertisement which, for the
reimbursement of expenses as aforestated, that is, if El Dorado opts to benefit of both contracting parties, Mr. Parsons may find himself obliged to
appropriate the improvements.[112] make, Mr. Quiroga assumes the obligation to offer and give the preference to
If El Dorado opts for compulsory sale, however, the payment of rent Mr. Parsons in case anyone should apply for the exclusive agency for any island
should continue up to the actual transfer of ownership.[113] not comprised with the Visayan group.
WHEREFORE, the petitions are DENIED. The Decision dated January ART. 3. Mr. Parsons may sell, or establish branches of his agency for the sale of
13, 1996 and Resolution dated July 8, 2004 of the Court of Appeals "Quiroga" beds in all the towns of the Archipelago where there are no exclusive
are AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION in that agents, and shall immediately report such action to Mr. Quiroga for his
ART. 4. This contract is made for an unlimited period, and may be terminated commission for the beds sold by the plaintiff directly to persons in Iloilo. But all
by either of the contracting parties on a previous notice of ninety days to the this, at the most only shows that, on the part of both of them, there was mutual
other party. tolerance in the performance of the contract in disregard of its terms; and it
gives no right to have the contract considered, not as the parties stipulated it,
Of the three causes of action alleged by the plaintiff in his complaint, but as they performed it. Only the acts of the contracting parties, subsequent
only two of them constitute the subject matter of this appeal and both to, and in connection with, the execution of the contract, must be considered
substantially amount to the averment that the defendant violated the following for the purpose of interpreting the contract, when such interpretation is
obligations: not to sell the beds at higher prices than those of the invoices; to necessary, but not when, as in the instant case, its essential agreements are
have an open establishment in Iloilo; itself to conduct the agency; to keep the clearly set forth and plainly show that the contract belongs to a certain kind and
beds on public exhibition, and to pay for the advertisement expenses for the not to another. Furthermore, the return made was of certain brass beds, and
same; and to order the beds by the dozen and in no other manner. As may be was not effected in exchange for the price paid for them, but was for other beds
seen, with the exception of the obligation on the part of the defendant to order of another kind; and for the letter Exhibit L-1, requested the plaintiff's prior
the beds by the dozen and in no other manner, none of the obligations imputed consent with respect to said beds, which shows that it was not considered that
to the defendant in the two causes of action are expressly set forth in the the defendant had a right, by virtue of the contract, to make this return. As
contract. But the plaintiff alleged that the defendant was his agent for the sale regards the shipment of beds without previous notice, it is insinuated in the
of his beds in Iloilo, and that said obligations are implied in a contract of record that these brass beds were precisely the ones so shipped, and that, for
commercial agency. The whole question, therefore, reduced itself to a this very reason, the plaintiff agreed to their return. And with respect to the so-
determination as to whether the defendant, by reason of the contract called commissions, we have said that they merely constituted a discount on
hereinbefore transcribed, was a purchaser or an agent of the plaintiff for the the invoice price, and the reason for applying this benefit to the beds sold
sale of his beds. directly by the plaintiff to persons in Iloilo was because, as the defendant
In order to classify a contract, due regard must be given to its essential clauses. obligated itself in the contract to incur the expenses of advertisement of the
In the contract in question, what was essential, as constituting its cause and plaintiff's beds, such sales were to be considered as a result of that
subject matter, is that the plaintiff was to furnish the defendant with the beds advertisement.
which the latter might order, at the price stipulated, and that the defendant In respect to the defendant's obligation to order by the dozen, the
was to pay the price in the manner stipulated. The price agreed upon was the only one expressly imposed by the contract, the effect of its breach would only
one determined by the plaintiff for the sale of these beds in Manila, with a entitle the plaintiff to disregard the orders which the defendant might place
discount of from 20 to 25 per cent, according to their class. Payment was to be under other conditions; but if the plaintiff consents to fill them, he waives his
made at the end of sixty days, or before, at the plaintiff's request, or in cash, if right and cannot complain for having acted thus at his own free will.
the defendant so preferred, and in these last two cases an additional discount For the foregoing reasons, we are of opinion that the contract by
was to be allowed for prompt payment. These are precisely the essential and between the plaintiff and the defendant was one of purchase and sale, and
features of a contract of purchase and sale. There was the obligation on the that the obligations the breach of which is alleged as a cause of action are not
part of the plaintiff to supply the beds, and, on the part of the defendant, to imposed upon the defendant, either by agreement or by law.
pay their price. These features exclude the legal conception of an agency or The judgment appealed from is affirmed, with costs against the appellant. So
order to sell whereby the mandatory or agent received the thing to sell it, and ordered.
does not pay its price, but delivers to the principal the price he obtains from Arellano, C.J., Torres, Johnson, Street and Malcolm, JJ., concur.
the sale of the thing to a third person, and if he does not succeed in selling it,
he returns it. By virtue of the contract between the plaintiff and the defendant, G.R. No. L-20871 April 30, 1971
the latter, on receiving the beds, was necessarily obliged to pay their price KER & CO., LTD vs. JOSE B. LINGAD
within the term fixed, without any other consideration and regardless as to
whether he had or had not sold the beds. FERNANDO, J.:
It would be enough to hold, as we do, that the contract by and Petitioner Ker & Co., Ltd. would have us reverse a decision of the
between the defendant and the plaintiff is one of purchase and sale, in order Court of Tax Appeals, holding it liable as a commercial broker under Section 194
to show that it was not one made on the basis of a commission on sales, as the (t) of the National Internal Revenue Code. Its plea, notwithstanding the
plaintiff claims it was, for these contracts are incompatible with each other. But, vigorous effort of its counsel, is not sufficiently persuasive. An obstacle, well-
besides, examining the clauses of this contract, none of them is found that nigh insuperable stands in the way. The decision under review conforms to and
substantially supports the plaintiff's contention. Not a single one of these is in accordance with the controlling doctrine announced in the recent case
clauses necessarily conveys the idea of an agency. The words commission on of Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Constantino.1 The decisive test, as
sales used in clause (A) of article 1 mean nothing else, as stated in the contract therein set forth, is the retention of the ownership of the goods delivered to
itself, than a mere discount on the invoice price. The word agency, also used in the possession of the dealer, like herein petitioner, for resale to customers, the
articles 2 and 3, only expresses that the defendant was the only one that could price and terms remaining subject to the control of the firm consigning such
sell the plaintiff's beds in the Visayan Islands. With regard to the remaining goods. The facts, as found by respondent Court, to which we defer,
clauses, the least that can be said is that they are not incompatible with the unmistakably indicate that such a situation does exist. The juridical
contract of purchase and sale. consequences must inevitably follow. We affirm.
The plaintiff calls attention to the testimony of Ernesto Vidal, a It was shown that petitioner was assessed by the then
former vice-president of the defendant corporation and who established and Commissioner of Internal Revenue Melecio R. Domingo the sum of P20,272.33
managed the latter's business in Iloilo. It appears that this witness, prior to the as the commercial broker's percentage tax, surcharge, and compromise penalty
time of his testimony, had serious trouble with the defendant, had maintained for the period from July 1, 1949 to December 31, 1953. There was a request on
a civil suit against it, and had even accused one of its partners, Guillermo the part of petitioner for the cancellation of such assessment, which request
Parsons, of falsification. He testified that it was he who drafted the contract was turned down. As a result, it filed a petition for review with the Court of Tax
Exhibit A, and, when questioned as to what was his purpose in contracting with Appeals. In its answer, the then Commissioner Domingo maintained his stand
the plaintiff, replied that it was to be an agent for his beds and to collect a that petitioner should be taxed in such amount as a commercial broker. In the
commission on sales. However, according to the defendant's evidence, it was decision now under review, promulgated on October 19, 1962, the Court of Tax
Mariano Lopez Santos, a director of the corporation, who prepared Exhibit A. Appeals held petitioner taxable except as to the compromise penalty of
But, even supposing that Ernesto Vidal has stated the truth, his statement as to P500.00, the amount due from it being fixed at P19,772.33.
what was his idea in contracting with the plaintiff is of no importance, inasmuch Such liability arose from a contract of petitioner with the United
as the agreements contained in Exhibit A which he claims to have drafted, States Rubber International, the former being referred to as the Distributor and
constitute, as we have said, a contract of purchase and sale, and not one of the latter specifically designated as the Company. The contract was to apply to
commercial agency. This only means that Ernesto Vidal was mistaken in his transactions between the former and petitioner, as Distributor, from July 1,
classification of the contract. But it must be understood that a contract is what 1948 to continue in force until terminated by either party giving to the other
the law defines it to be, and not what it is called by the contracting parties. sixty days' notice.2 The shipments would cover products "for consumption in
The plaintiff also endeavored to prove that the defendant had Cebu, Bohol, Leyte, Samar, Jolo, Negros Oriental, and Mindanao except [the]
returned beds that it could not sell; that, without previous notice, it forwarded province of Davao", petitioner, as Distributor, being precluded from disposing
to the defendant the beds that it wanted; and that the defendant received its such products elsewhere than in the above places unless written consent would
first be obtained from the Company.3 Petitioner, as Distributor, is required to determined by the rubber company, petitioner shall render a detailed report
exert every effort to have the shipment of the products in the maximum showing sales during the month (Par. 14); that the rubber company shall invoice
quantity and to promote in every way the sale thereof.4 The prices, discounts, the sales as of the dates of inventory and sales report (Par. 14); that the rubber
terms of payment, terms of delivery and other conditions of sale were subject company agrees to keep the consigned goods fully insured under insurance
to change in the discretion of the Company.5 policies payable to it in case of loss (Par. 15); that upon request of the rubber
Then came this crucial stipulation: "The Company shall from time to company at any time, petitioner shall render an inventory of the existing stock
time consign to the Distributor and the Distributor will receive, accept and/or which may be checked by an authorized representative of the former (Par. 15);
hold upon consignment the products specified under the terms of this and that upon termination or cancellation of the Agreement, all goods held on
agreement in such quantities as in the judgment of the Company may be consignment shall be held by petitioner for the account of the rubber company
necessary for the successful solicitation and maintenance of business in the until their disposition is provided for by the latter (Par. 19). All these
territory, and the Distributor agrees that responsibility for the final sole of all circumstances are irreconcilably antagonistic to the idea of an independent
goods delivered shall rest with him. All goods on consignment shall remain the merchant." 14 Hence its conclusion: "However, upon analysis of the contract, as
property of the Company until sold by the Distributor to the purchaser or a whole, together with the actual conduct of the parties in respect thereto, we
purchasers, but all sales made by the Distributor shall be in his name, in which have arrived at the conclusion that the relationship between them is one of
the sale price of all goods sold less the discount given to the Distributor by the brokerage or agency." 15 We find ourselves in agreement, notwithstanding the
Company in accordance with the provision of paragraph 13 of this agreement, able brief filed on behalf of petitioner by its counsel. As noted at the outset, we
whether or not such sale price shall have been collected by the Distributor from cannot heed petitioner's plea for reversal.
the purchaser or purchasers, shall immediately be paid and remitted by the 1. According to the National Internal Revenue Code, a commercial broker
Distributor to the Company. It is further agreed that this agreement does not "includes all persons, other than importers, manufacturers, producers, or bona
constitute Distributor the agent or legal representative 4 of the Company for fide employees, who, for compensation or profit, sell or bring about sales or
any purpose whatsoever. Distributor is not granted any right or authority to purchases of merchandise for other persons or bring proposed buyers and
assume or to create any obligation or responsibility, express or implied, in sellers together, or negotiate freights or other business for owners of vessels
behalf of or in the name of the Company, or to bind the Company in any manner or other means of transportation, or for the shippers, or consignors or
or thing whatsoever."6 consignees of freight carried by vessels or other means of transportation. The
All specifications for the goods ordered were subject to acceptance term includes commission merchants." 16 The controlling decision as to the test
by the Company with petitioner, as Distributor, required to accept such goods to be followed as to who falls within the above definition of a commercial
shipped as well as to clear the same through customs and to arrange for broker is that of Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Constantino. 17 In the
delivery in its warehouse in Cebu City. Moreover, orders are to be filled in whole language of Justice J. B. L. Reyes, who penned the opinion: "Since the company
or in part from the stocks carried by the Company's neighboring branches, retained ownership of the goods, even as it delivered possession unto the
subsidiaries or other sources of Company's brands.7 Shipments were to be dealer for resale to customers, the price and terms of which were subject to
invoiced at prices to be agreed upon, with the customs duties being paid by the company's control, the relationship between the company and the dealer
petitioner, as Distributor, for account of the Company.8 Moreover, all resale is one of agency, ... ." 18 An excerpt from Salisbury v. Brooks 19 cited in support
prices, lists, discounts and general terms and conditions of local resale were to of such a view follows: " 'The difficulty in distinguishing between contracts of
be subject to the approval of the Company and to change from time to time in sale and the creation of an agency to sell has led to the establishment of rules
its discretion.9 The dealer, as Distributor, is allowed a discount of ten percent by the application of which this difficulty may be solved. The decisions say the
on the net amount of sales of merchandise made under such agreement. 10 On transfer of title or agreement to transfer it for a price paid or promised is the
a date to be determined by the Company, the petitioner, as Distributor, was essence of sale. If such transfer puts the transferee in the attitude or position
required to report to it data showing in detail all sales during the month of an owner and makes him liable to the transferor as a debtor for the agreed
immediately preceding, specifying therein the quantities, sizes and types price, and not merely as an agent who must account for the proceeds of a
together with such information as may be required for accounting purposes, resale, the transaction is a sale; while the essence of an agency to sell is the
with the Company rendering an invoice on sales as described to be dated as of delivery to an agent, not as his property, but as the property of the principal,
the date of inventory and sales report. As Distributor, petitioner had to make who remains the owner and has the right to control sales, fix the price, and
payment on such invoice or invoices on due date with the Company being terms, demand and receive the proceeds less the agent's commission upon
privileged at its option to terminate and cancel the agreement forthwith upon sales made.' " 20 The opinion relied on the work of Mechem on Sales as well as
the failure to comply with this obligation. 11 The Company, at its own expense, Mechem on Agency. Williston and Tiedman both of whom wrote treatises on
was to keep the consigned stock fully insured against loss or damage by fire or Sales, were likewise referred to.
as a result of fire, the policy of such insurance to be payable to it in the event Equally relevant is this portion of the Salisbury opinion: "It is difficult
of loss. Petitioner, as Distributor, assumed full responsibility with reference to to understand or appreciate the necessity or presence of these mutual
the stock and its safety at all times; and upon request of the Company at any requirements and obligations on any theory other than that of a contract of
time, it was to render inventory of the existing stock which could be subject to agency. Salisbury was to furnish the mill and put the timber owned by him into
change. 12 There was furthermore this equally tell-tale covenant: "Upon the a marketable condition in the form of lumber; Brooks was to furnish the funds
termination or any cancellation of this agreement all goods held on necessary for that purpose, sell the manufactured product, and account
consignment shall be held by the Distributor for the account of the Company, therefor to Salisbury upon the specific terms of the agreement, less the
without expense to the Company, until such time as provision can be made by compensation fixed by the parties in lieu of interest on the money advanced
the Company for disposition." 13 and for services as agent. These requirements and stipulations are in tent with
The issue with the Court of Tax Appeals, as with us now, is whether any other conception of the contract. If it constitutes an agreement to sell, they
the relationship thus created is one of vendor and vendee or of broker and are meaningless. But they cannot be ignored. They were placed there for some
principal. Not that there would have been the slightest doubt were it not for purpose, doubtless as the result of definite antecedent negotiations therefore,
the categorical denial in the contract that petitioner was not constituted as "the consummated by the final written expression of the agreement." 21 Hence the
agent or legal representative of the Company for any purpose whatsoever." It Constantino opinion could categorically affirm that the mere disclaimer in a
would be, however, to impart to such an express disclaimer a meaning it should contract that an entity like petitioner is not "the agent or legal representative
not possess to ignore what is manifestly the role assigned to petitioner for any purpose whatsoever" does not suffice to yield the conclusion that it is
considering the instrument as a whole. That would be to lose sight altogether an independent merchant if the control over the goods for resale of the goods
of what has been agreed upon. The Court of Tax Appeals was not misled in the consigned is pervasive in character. The Court of Tax Appeals decision now
language of the decision now on appeal: "That the petitioner Ker & Co., Ltd. is, under review pays fealty to such an applicable doctrine.
by contractual stipulation, an agent of U.S. Rubber International is borne out by 2. No merit therefore attaches to the first error imputed by petitioner to the
the facts that petitioner can dispose of the products of the Company only to Court of Tax Appeals. Neither did such Court fail to appreciate in its true
certain persons or entities and within stipulated limits, unless excepted by the significance the act and conduct pursued in the implementation of the contract
contract or by the Rubber Company (Par. 2); that it merely receives, accepts by both the United States Rubber International and petitioner, as was
and/or holds upon consignment the products, which remain properties of the contended in the second assignment of error. Petitioner ought to have been
latter company (Par. 8); that every effort shall be made by petitioner to aware that there was no need for such an inquiry. The terms of the contract, as
promote in every way the sale of the products (Par. 3); that sales made by noted, speak quite clearly. There is lacking that degree of ambiguity sufficient
petitioner are subject to approval by the company (Par. 12); that on dates to give rise to serious doubt as to what was contemplated by the parties. A
reading thereof discloses that the relationship arising therefrom was not one 3.3 - The SUPPLIER shall ensure that the plant/casting machines
of seller and purchaser. If it were thus intended, then it would not have included actual operating capacities shall not be lower than 75,000 pieces
covenants which in their totality would negate the concept of a firm acquiring every month. If at any time within the life of this agreement the
as vendee goods from another. Instead, the stipulations were so worded as to plant/casting machines are proven to be operating below the
lead to no other conclusion than that the control by the United States Rubber required minimum capacity as aforesaid, the SUPPLIER shall be
International over the goods in question is, in the language of the Constantino obliged to take the necessary actions to upgrade the plant/casting
opinion, "pervasive". The insistence on a relationship opposed to that apparent machines and/or make the necessary rehabilitation to increase the
from the language employed might even yield the impression that such a mode capacity to the required level.
of construction was resorted to in order that the applicability of a taxing statute 4. QUALITY OF MATERIALS
might be rendered nugatory. Certainly, such a result is to be avoided. 4.1 The SUPPLIER guarantees that all materials supplied to the
Nor is it to be lost sight of that on a matter left to the discretion of CONTRACTOR shall meet the approved specifications (Attached
the Court of Tax Appeals which has developed an expertise in view of its Annex A) at 5,000 pci.
function being limited solely to the interpretation of revenue laws, this Court is In this connection, the CONTRACTOR shall assign an inspector at the
not prepared to substitute its own judgment unless a grave abuse of discretion casting site to ensure that all items supplied shall conform with the
is manifest. It would be to frustrate the objective for which administrative approved standards.
tribunals are created if the judiciary, absent such a showing, is to ignore their 4.2 The CONTRACTOR may reject any finished product or materials
appraisal on a matter that forms the staple of their specialized competence. which do not pass the approved standards.
While it is to be admitted that counsel for petitioner did scrutinize with care the 4.3 There shall be a system of sampling the output of the plant
decision under review with a view to exposing what was considered its flaws, it and/or each casting machine for testing in accordance with the
cannot be said that there was such a failure to apply what the law commands quality standards specified. Result of such sampling tests shall be
as to call for its reversal. Instead, what cannot be denied is that the Court of Tax the basis for acceptance or rejection of the finished materials.
Appeals reached a result to which the Court in the recent Constantino decision 4.4 Where the CONTRACTOR has provided materials to the
gave the imprimatur of its approval. SUPPLIER to be incorporated into the SUPPLIERs production, as in
WHEREFORE, the Court of Tax Appeals decision of October 19, 1962 the case of cement and aggregates, the cost of such materials which
is affirmed. With costs against petitioner. becomes part of the rejected products due to faulty
Concepcion C.J., Reyes, J.B.L., Dizon, Makalintal, Zaldivar, Castro, Teehankee, batching/mixing/curing shall be for the account of the SUPPLIER.
5.1 - All the materials are for the account of the SUPPLIER. The
[G.R. No. 153033. June 23, 2005] CONTRACTOR shall, however, provide all the cement and
DEL MONTE PHILIPPINES, INC., petitioner, vs. NAPOLEON N.ARAGONES aggregates requirement for the fabrication of the concrete
DECISION blocks, in which the corresponding cost shall be deducted from the
CARPIO-MORALES, J.: periodical proceeds due to the SUPPLIER.
The decision in the present Petition for Review on Certiorari hinges 5.2- The CONTRACTOR shall provide and make available to the
on the nature of the contract denominated Supply Agreement[1]which was SUPPLIER the following provisions/facilities free of charge:
forged between Dynablock Enterprises, represented by its Manager herein a) Casting/Fabrication Area
respondent Napoleon N. Aragones (Aragones) and Mega-Engineering Services b) Stockpile Area
in joint venture with WAFF Construction System Corporation (MEGA-WAFF) c) Warehouse for Cement
whether it was one of sale or for a piece of work. d) An all-weather working shed for workers
On September 18, 1988, herein petitioner Del Monte Philippines e) Night Watchers
Inc. (DMPI) entered into an Agreement[2] with MEGA-WAFF, represented by 5.3 The CONTRACTOR shall arrange for the installation of electrical
Managing Principal Edilberto Garcia (Garcia), whereby the latter undertook the and water facilities for the work in which the cost of electricity and
supply and installation of modular pavement at DMPIs condiments warehouse water actually consumed shall be borne by the SUPPLIER.
at Cagayan de Oro City within 60 calendar days from signing of the agreement. 5.4 The SUPPLIER shall be responsible for all materials already
To source its supply of concrete blocks to be installed on the pavement of the turned over by the CONTRACTOR at the casting area. The
DMPI warehouse, MEGA-WAFF, as CONTRACTOR represented by Garcia, responsibility, however, of the SUPPLIER on the finished products
entered into a Supply Agreement with Dynablock Enterprises, represented by ceases upon loading of the same to the CONTRACTORs truck on way
herein respondent Aragones, as SUPPLIER, under the following terms: to the project site.
The SUPPLIER at its own expense shall provide the CONTRACTOR 6.1 To fabricate and provide the required block machines in such
with labor and all materials, equipment, tools and supplies necessary and number adequate to cope up with time schedule.
incident thereto, the required concrete blocks at the contractors specified 6.2 To provide concrete mixers: one (1) unit of two-bagger, and two
casting site, all in accordance with the terms and conditions of this agreement, (2) units of one-bagger.
as well as the requirements of the project specifications and provisions with 6.3 To provide drying racks, measuring boxes, wheel borrows and
respect to the fabrication of concrete blocks. other necessary hand tools.
2. PRICE 6.4 To supervise and provide the required manpower for the
The CONTRACTOR will pay the supplier in consideration for the full operation and production of concrete blocks.
and total performance of the above undertaking, inclusive of all applicable 6.5 To undertake the following:
taxes, the unit price of P7.00 per supplied and accepted piece. This price is a) mixing and formulation of proper mix.
based on the assumption that the cost per bag of premium cement is P54.00 b) to consolidate, form and compress the blocks.
and aggregate at P95.00 per cu. m. Any increase of the above raw materials c) to unload the formed blocks into the drying racks.
shall be to the account of the contractor. All taxes shall be for the account of d) after initial setting of blocks, to unload and arrange
the contractor. them to wooden pallets.
3. PLANT/EQUIPMENT e) curing of blocks as per approved standards.
3.1 - The machines for the fabrication/casting of the concrete 7. OTHER OBLIGATIONS OF CONTRACTOR
blocks, including all necessary equipment and accessories, shall be 7.1 - To provide tarpaulin or canvas or plastic sheets to cover blocks
provided by the SUPPLIER. The machines and equipment shall be during the seasoning stage.
mobilized and made operational at the specified casting 7.2 - To provide forklift and wooden pallets.
location/stockpiling yard designated and provided by the 8. EXCLUSIVITY OF PRODUCTION
CONTRACTOR. 8.1 - Effective upon the execution of this agreement, the SUPPLIER
3.2 - The SUPPLIER shall ensure that all plant facilities/equipment binds itself to devote the entire plant/casting machines and its
must, at all times, be accessible for inspection by the accessories for the CONTRACTORs exclusive use and full operation
representatives of the CONTRACTOR. and production of the required concrete blocks for the intended
8.2 The SUPPLIER or his agents or representatives shall not, directly It appears that Aragones reiterated his request to DMPI for direct
or indirectly, enter into any contract, agreement, concessions or payment to him, by letter of March 28, 1989.[7] This was followed by another
transactions of whatever nature or kind with the project owner or letter dated April 6, 1989[8] which was received on April 8, 1989[9] by DMPI, copy
of its representative which will affect the rights, interest or of which it referred to Garcia, by letter of April 27, 1989,[10] for his comment.
participation of the CONTRACTOR in regard to the execution and By letter of May 3, 1989[11] addressed to DMPI, Garcia, commenting on
accomplishment of the project. Aragones April 6, 1989 letter, stated:
8.3 In case of violation of this exclusivity clause, utmost fidelity and xxx
good faith being of the essence, the CONTRACTOR shall have the If there is somebody who have (sic) justifiable ground to complain,
right to demand reasonable amount of damages or terminate this it is MEGA-WAFF against Atty. Aragones for all the miseries and embarrassment
agreement upon due notice. we had suffered due to the factors attributable to Atty. Aragones Dynablock
9.1 Upon mobilization of the casting machines, equipments For proper evaluation of things and to give both parties a fair
accessories and making some operational at the casting area by the chance, we enclosed (sic) pertinent papers for your perusal.
SUPPLIER, the CONTRACTOR shall advance to the supplier a As contractor and businessman, it is our firm policy not to take advantage of
downpayment or mobilization fund of TEN THOUSAND (P10,000.00) other people and definitely not to renegade (sic) from
PESOS per machine. Said mobilization fee shall be deducted from commitments/obligations.
the proceeds of the SUPPLIER at two (2) equal installments We are willing to pay Atty. Aragones but based on the actual
beginning at the first billing. accomplishment and amount only due to him as per reconciliation furnished to
9.2 - The SUPPLIER shall present its billing every fifteen days based him. (attached)
on the below indicated payment schedule: We sincerely hope that the facts we had presented will suffice, and
a) Billing from 1st/day/month to 15th day payable after please accept our apology for whatever inconvenience it has caused you and
fifteen days from the date the billing is submitted. we pray that this matter of payments be settled soon for the general benefit of
b) Billing from the 16th day of the month to the 31st day all concerned.
of the month, payable after fifteen days from the date x x x (Underscoring supplied).
the billing is submitted. It turned out that DMPI had, on or about April 6, 1989, released to
10. EFFECTIVITY OF CONTRACT MEGA-WAFF a check dated April 4, 1989 in the amount of P157,863.77
This agreement shall be co-terminus with the terms of the contract representing DMPIs balance of its obligation to MEGA-WAFF.
for the project and/or upon completion of all requirements therefor; Aragones was thus prompted to file on May 25, 1989 a
PROVIDED, However, that if for some reason or another the production of the complaint[12] for sum of money (P188,652.65) with damages against Garcia
concrete blocks is temporarily suspended, this agreement shall remain in force and/or MEGA-WAFF and DMPI before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Lanao
and effective for a period of fifteen (15) days from the date of the cessation of del Norte which was raffled to Branch 5 thereof.
production. In case the said grace period expires without the production having Aragones impleaded DMPI on the strength of Articles 1729 and 1467 of the Civil
resumed, the CONTRACTOR shall be obliged to pay reasonable compensation Code, he contending that it was liable to him who put labor upon or furnished
for the period of suspension counted from the expiration of the said grace materials for a piece of work.
period. By his July 14, 1989 Answer,[13] Garcia, without disputing the
11. PERFORMANCE BOND amount being collected by Aragones, justified his refusal to satisfy [Aragones]
The SUPPLIER shall post a SURETY/PERFORMANCE BOND in such sums which demand by claiming that Aragones defaulted in his obligation under the Supply
may be deemed adequate to secure its faithful compliance of the terms and Agreement.
conditions of this agreement. DMPI, by its Answer[14] of June 25, 1989, pleaded that Aragones had no cause
12. PENALTY CLAUSE of action against it as it had no privity of contract with him; that it had already
In the event the SUPPLIER fails to meet the requirements demanded paid MEGA-WAFF the full amount due it; and that it had not committed any
in this agreement or when the SUPPLIER is in delay in the performance of its actionable wrong against Aragones.
obligation to the prejudice of the CONTRACTOR, the SUPPLIER shall answer for Aragones later filed an Amended Complaint,[15] with leave of court, to cure
the corresponding damages equivalent to one-tenth (1/10) of the rated certain formal defects in the original complaint as to the designation of parties
monthly production capacity. (Emphasis and underscoring supplied).[3] ...
Aragones thereupon started assembling the machines for the DMPI also later filed a Motion for Leave to File an Amended Answer
fabrication/casting of the concrete blocks which MEGA-WAFF specified to with Cross-Claim against Garcia and WAFF President Francisco Castro[16] which
be hexagonal shaped. MEGA-WAFF, through Garcia, later directed Aragones to the trial court granted. In the Amended Answer with Cross Claim,[17] DMPI
instead fabricate machines for S shaped blocks. alleged, inter alia, that [i]n the event [Aragones] succeeds in obtaining a
As stated in the Agreement between DMPI and MEGA-WAFF, the judgment [against] DMPI, that said judgment should be charged to and paid by
deadline for the installation of the pavement of the warehouse was November the cross-defendants who have collected the full contract price of the
18, 1988, but it was not met. As extended, the installation was finished on or Agreement wherein [Aragones] claims the rights of a subcontractor, plus
about February 28, 1989, but MEGA-WAFF was, in accordance with its consequential damages (underscoring in the original).
agreement with DMPI, penalized for the delay, albeit at a reduced amount. The trial court, upon the following issues:
Aragones, having in the meantime gotten wind of MEGA-WAFF & a. Whether or not [Aragones] has still a collectible amount of P188,652.65 from
DMPIs Agreement, more particularly the imposition of a penalty by DMPI for defendants Garcia and Castro;
the delay in the completion of the installation of the warehouse pavement, b. Whether or not defendant DMPI may also be held accountable for this
appealed to DMPI, by letter of March 4, 1989,[4]for leniency in the imposition unpaid obligation of defendant Garcia/MEGA-WAFF;
of the penalty which would affect [him] also although [he] was not a direct party c. Whether or not the remaining balance of defendant DMPI account payable
to the contract, he inviting attention to the intricacy and enormity of the job is P188,652.65 insisted by defendant Garcia/MEGA-WAFF or only P157,863.77
involved. insisted by defendant DMPI;
Aragones later failed to collect from MEGA-WAFF the full payment d. Whether or not the parties are entitled to damages pleaded;
of the concrete blocks. He thus sent DMPI a letter dated March 10, e. Whether or not there was delay in the performance of the respective
1989,[5] received by the latter on March 13, 1989,[6] advising it of MEGA-WAFFs obligations of either party or both;
unpaid obligation and requesting it to earmark and withhold the amount f. Assuming that defendant DMPI is liable to plaintiff, whether or not cross
of P188,652.65 from [MEGA-WAFFs] billing to be paid directly to him [l]est defendant Garcia/MEGA-WAFF shall be liable to DMPI for reimbursement.[18],
Garcia collects and fails to pay [him]. found for the plaintiff Aragones in light of the following considerations:
DMPI, in the meantime, verbally advised Aragones to secure a court Those who put their labor upon or furnish materials for a piece of
order directing it to withhold payment of the amount due MEGA-WAFF for, in work undertaken by the contractor have an action against the owner up to the
the absence of such court order, DMPI was under its agreement with MEGA- amount owing from the latter to the contractor at the time the claim is made.
WAFF obliged to release full payment within 30 days from acceptance of the However, the following shall not prejudice the laborers, employees and
completed work. furnishers of materials:
(1) Payments made by the owner of the contractor before they are due;
(2) Renunciation by the contractor of any amount due him from the owner. III.
This article is subject to the provisions of special laws (1597a) THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN HOLDING THAT DEFENDANT DMPI IS
(Article 1729, New Civil Code, [emphasis supplied]). ALSO LIABLE TO PLAINTIFF FOR ANY LIABILITY OF MEGA-WAFF UNDER THE
In interpreting the foregoing provision, the Supreme Court made the following SUPPLY AGREEMENT;
pertinent pronouncement: IV.
Article 1729 is promulgated to protect the laborers and the ASSUMING EX GRATIA ARGUMENTI THAT DMPI IS LIABLE TO
materialmen from being taken advantage of by unscrupulous contractors and PLAINTIFF'S AID LIABILITY CANNOT EXCEED THE SUM OF P157,863.77 BALANCE
from possible connivance between owners and contractors. (Velasco vs. C.A. OF THE CONTRACT PRICE BETWEEN DMPI AND MEGA-WAFF, LESS AGREED
The legal issue that arises is whether or not GSIS is liable to the V.
petitioners for the cost of the materials and labor furnished by them in THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN HOLDING DEFENDANT DMPI LIABLE TO
construction of the 63 houses now owned by the GSIS and for the construction PLAINTIFF FOR ATTORNEYS FEES AND COSTS OF COLLECTION CONSIDERING
of which no payment has been made on the balance due to petitioners. Our THAT IT HAD THE RIGHT TO RESIST PAYMENT BECAUSE IT HAS NO PRIVITY OF
considered view is and we so hold that even in equity alone, GSIS should pay CONTRACT BETWEEN PLAINTIFF AND DEFENDANT MEGA-WAFF, (Underscoring
the petitioners, without prejudice to its securing indemnity from Laigo Realty supplied),[22]
Corp. (Velaso vs. C.A., 95 Phils. (sic) 616-641 [emphasis and underscoring the CA, by decision of September 19, 2001[23] subject of the petition at
supplied]). bar, affirmed the trial courts decision in this wise:
Moreover, anent this matter another decisional rule, says: At this juncture it is well to note that the Supply Agreement was in
Although there was no privity of contract between plaintiff and the nature of a contract for a piece of work. The distinction between a contract
defendant Joven, Inc., there is sufficient evidence showing that he had really of sale and one for work, labor and materials is tested by inquiry whether the
supplied stones and sands to said defendant and also removed dirt and soil thing transferred is one not in existence and which never would have existed
from its construction site. And it is this main point which calls for resolution in but for the order of the party desiring to acquire it, or a thing which would have
the light of the provisions of Art. 1729 of the New Civil Code, to determine existed but has been the subject of sale to some other persons even if the order
whether or not defendant corporation is liable for materials supplied and had not been given. If the article ordered by the purchaser is exactly such as
services rendered by the plaintiff. It is quite clear that the owner of the building, the seller makes and keeps on hand for sale to anyone, and no change or
Joven Inc. is liable for materials and labor furnished to the contractorup to the modification of it is made at purchasers request, it is a contract of sale even
amount owing from the latter to the contractor and to enforce such though it may be entirely made after, and in consequence of the purchasers
liability, the law allows the person furnishing labor or materials to bring his right order for it. [Commissioner of Internal Revenue vs. Engineering Equipment and
of action directly against the owner. (Flores vs. Ruelo, CA 52 OG 850, [emphasis Supply Company, G.R. No. L-27044, June 30, 1975]
and underscoring supplied]). In the case at bench, the modular paving blocks are not exactly what
Of course, while defendant DMPI is indeed directly liable to pay the plaintiff-appellee makes and keeps on hand for sale to anyone, but with
plaintiff the cost of the construction material (modular paving blocks) sought a modification that the same be S in shape. Hence, the agreement falls within
to be collected, this defendant has also a right of recourse against cross the ambit of Article 1467 making Article 1729 likewise applicable in the instant
defendant Garcia/MEGA-WAFF for reimbursement of whatever amount it will case.
be required here to pay plaintiff, otherwise it would result in making defendant As regard the issue of privity of contracts, We need to add only that
Garcia/MEGA-WAFF enrich itself at the expense of defendant DMPI. Article 1311 of the New Civil Code which DMPI invokes is not applicable where
Additionally since the evidence on record shows that plaintiff was compelled to the situation contemplated in Article 1729 obtains. The intention of the latter
litigate this matter if only to collect a just and demandable obligation, the provision is to protect the laborers and the materialmen from being taken
refusal of these defendants to pay their obligation upon demand could not be advantage of by unscrupulous contractors and from possible connivance
justified in law, thus both defendants should be condemned to pay exemplary between owners and contractors. Thus, a constructive vinculum or contractual
damages in the amount of P20,000.00 each and attorneys fees in the amount privity is created by this provision, by way of exception to the principle
of P10,000.00 each, including the cost of this suit. (Underscoring supplied)[19] underlying Article 1311 between the owner, on the one hand, and those who
The trial court accordingly rendered judgment in favor of Aragones furnish labor and/or materials, on the other. [Velasco vs. Court of Appeals, G.R.
by decision[20] of September 11, 1992, the dispositive portion of which reads: No. L-47544, January 28, 1980]
WHEREFORE, the foregoing premises considered, the Court finds As a matter of fact, insofar as the laborers are concerned, by a
that there is ample reason in law and preponderant evidence on record to special law, Act no. 3959, otherwise known as An Act making it obligatory for
sustain the cause of action of plaintiff asserted against both defendants, thus any person, company, firm or corporation owning any work of any kind executed
judgment is now rendered granting the following relief: by contract to require the contractor to furnish a bond guaranteeing the
a. That the defendants Garcia/MEGA-WAFF and DMPI shall be liable to jointly payment of the laborers. they are given added protection by requiring
and severally pay plaintiff the unpaid cost of the modular paving blocks contractors to file bonds guaranteeing payment to them.
construction material which he delivered to defendant DMPI priced It is true that defendant-appellant had already fully paid its
at P188,652.65 and in the event that defendant DMPI will be made to pay the obligation to defendant Garcia however, the formers payment to the latter
full amount of this particular obligation, the defendant Garcia MEGA-WAFF does not extinguish its legal obligation to plaintiff-appellee because such
must reimburse said defendant such amount; payment was irregular. The former should have taken care not to pay to such
b. That this unpaid obligation sought to be collected must bear legal interest of contractor the full amount which he is entitled to receive by virtue of the
12% per annum from the time there was an extrajudicial demand made by contract, until he shall have shown that he first paid the wages of the laborer
plaintiff last March 01, 1989; and employed in said work, by means of an affidavit made and subscribed by said
c. Lastly, these defendants are condemned that each pay plaintiff P20,000.00 contractor before a notary public or other officer authorized by law to
for exemplary damages and P10,000.00 for attorneys fees, including the cost administer oaths. There is no showing that defendant appellant DMPI, as owner
of this suit. of the building, complied with this requirement paid down in Act No. 3959.
SO ORDERED. (Emphasis and underscoring supplied).[21] Hence, under Section 2 of said law, said defendant-appellant is responsible,
On appeal to the Court of Appeals (CA) by only DMPI, upon the jointly and severally with the general contractor, for the payment to plaintiff-
following assigned errors: appellee as sub-contractor.
I In this connection, while, indeed, Article 1729 refers to the laborers and
THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN HOLDING THAT PLAINTIFF DID NOT materialmen themselves, under the peculiar circumstances of this case, it is but
INCUR DELAY AND VIOLATE ITS SUPPLY AGREEMENT WITH DEFENDANT MEGA- fair and just that plaintiff-appellee be deemed as suing for the reimbursement
WAFF; of what they have already paid the laborers and materialmen, as otherwise he
II would be unduly prejudiced while either defendant-appellant DMPI or
THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN HOLDING THAT DEFENDANT MEGA- defendant Garcia would enrich themselves at plaintiff-appellees expense.
WAFFS LIABILITY TO PLAINTIFF IS P188,652.65 BECAUSE AS STIPULATED IN THE Be that as it may, We so hold that plaintiff-appellee has a lawful claim against
SUPPLY AGREEMENT, THE CEMENT AND AGGREGATES USED IN THE defendant-appellant DMPI, owner of the constructed warehouse since
MANUFACTURE OF THE BLOCKS WERE ADVANCED BY MEGA-WAFF, THE COST it disregarded the notice of claim of plaintiff-appellee, at a time when the
OF WHICH WILL BE DEDUCED FROM PLAINTIFFS BILLINGS; amounts owing from defendant-appellant DMPI to defendant GARCIA were
more than sufficient to pay for plaintiff-appellees claim. The least that stock the sash, mouldings and panels it used therefor (some of them at least).
defendant-appellant should have done was to withhold payment of the balance (Emphasis in the original; underscoring supplied).
still owing to defendant Garcia as until the claim of plaintiff-appellee was Petitioner concludes that as the Supply Agreement between
clarified. (Italics in the original; emphasis and underscoring supplied).[24] Aragones and MEGA-WAFF was one of sale to which it (petitioner) was not
Its Motion for Reconsideration having been denied by the CA, DMPI privy, it cannot be held liable for any obligation arising therefrom.
(hereinafter referred to as petitioner) lodged the present Petition for Review Dodging liability for the damages (exemplary and . . . attorneys fees
on Certiorari, faulting the CA: including the cost of this suit) awarded to Aragones, petitioner claims that it
I. was in fact the one which was injured by Aragones filing in bad faith of a
. . . IN FINDING THAT DMPI WAS LIABLE TO RESPONDENT complaint bereft of cause of action and at best, [one] barred by full payment of
ARAGONES FOR THE UNPAID PRICE OF THE CONCRETE PAVING BLOCKS OWED the amount due to MEGA-WAFF, on account of which it is entitled to moral
BY MEGA-WAFF TO THE LATTER. damages in the amount of P50,000.00 pursuant to Article 2217 of the Civil
A. IN FINDING THAT THE CONTRACT FOR THE SUPPLY OF THE CONCRETE Code, and to attorneys fees and expenses of litigation in the amount of at
PAVING BLOCKS WAS NOT A SALE BUT ONE FOR A PIECE OF WORK. least P30,000.00 plus P2,500.00 per hearing pursuant to Article 2208 of the
II. The authorities petitioner cited in fact show that the nature of
. . . IN FAILING TO AWARD MORAL DAMAGES, ATTORNEYS FEES, the Supply Agreement between Aragones and MEGA-WAFF was one for a piece
As reflected above, only petitioner appealed the trial courts decision. MEGA- Contrary to petitioners claim that save for the shape, there was no
WAFF did not appeal. The decision as to it then is final and executory. consideration of any special needs or requirements of DMPI taken into account
Petitioner, in the main, contends that while the CA correctly stated the test in in the design or manufacture of the concrete paving blocks, the Supply
determining whether a transfer is a sale or one for a piece of work, it failed to Agreement is replete with specifications, terms or conditions showing that it
properly apply the same. was one for a piece of work.
Applying the nature of the object test, petitioner insists that the As reflected in the highlighted and underscored above-quoted
concrete block to be produced by Aragones under the Supply provisions of the Supply Agreement, as well as other evidence on record, the
Agreement represented by Garcia clearly shows that the contract was one of machines Aragones was obliged to fabricate were those for casting the
sale, advancing the following reasons: concrete blocks specified by Garcia. Aragones did not have those kind of
1.4.1 First, the concrete paving blocks were . . . capable of being mass-produced machines in his usual business, hence, the special order.
1.4.2 Second, save for the shape, there was here no consideration of any special While initially Garcia specified that the machines to be fabricated
needs or requirements of DMPI taken into account in the design or should be for hexagon shaped blocks, he later asked Aragones to instead
manufacture of the concrete paving blocks.[26] fabricate machines for casting S shaped blocks.
Petitioner cites the following ruling in Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. In accordance with the Supply Agreement, Garcia furnished the
Arnoldus Carpentry Shop, Inc.:[27] cement and aggregates for the fabrication of the blocks and Aragones
x x x As can be clearly seen from the wordings of Art. 1467, what fabricated three (3) machines for S shaped blocks which were delivered at the
determines whether the contract is one of work or of sale is whether the thing casting site on different dates. And the entire plant/casting machines and . . . .
has been manufactured specially for the customer and upon his special order. accessories were, as dictated under the Supply Agreement, devoted by
Thus, if the thing is specially done on the order of another, this is a contract for Aragones for [MEGA-WAFF]s exclusive use.
a piece of work. If, on the other hand, the thing is manufactured or procured for There can be no gainsaying that the specifications/conditions in
the general market in the ordinary course of ones business, it is a contract of the Supply Agreement and the admitted subsequent directive of Garcia for
sale. (Italics and emphasis in the original; underscoring supplied),[28] Aragones to fabricate machines for casting S shaped, instead of hexagon
and argues that given habituality of business and the ability to mass-produce shaped blocks, show that the concrete blocks were manufactured specifically
the article ordered, that customers requires (sic) certain specifications is of no for, and upon the special order of Garcia.
moment, the transaction remains one of sale. That Garcia supplied the cement and aggregates and that the entire
Petitioner further cites, among other authorities, the following ruling made-to-order casting machines and accessories used in the manufacture of
in Celestino Co. v. Collector of Internal Revenue:[29] those unusual shaped blocks were agreed upon to be devoted only for the
x x x The important thing to remember is that Celestino & Co. exclusive use of MEGA-WAFF should belie petitioners contention that the
habitually makes sash, windows and doors, as it has represented in its concrete blocks were mass-produced and catered to the general market in the
stationery and advertisements to the public. That it manufactures the same is ordinary course of Aragones business.
practically admitted by appellant itself. The fact that windows and doors are Under Art. 1467 then of the Civil Code which provides:
made by it only when customers place their orders, does not alter the nature ART. 1467. A contract for the delivery at a certain price of an article which the
of the establishment of such materials-moulding, frames, panels as it ordinarily vendor in the ordinary course of his business manufactures or procures for the
manufactured or was in a position habitually to manufacture. general market, whether the same is on hand at the time or not, is a contract
xxx of sale, but if the goods are to be manufactured specially for the customer
That the doors and windows must meet desired specifications is and upon his special order, and not for the general market, it is a contract for a
neither here nor there. If these specifications do not happen to be of the kind piece of work. (Emphasis and underscoring supplied),
habitually manufactured by appellant special forms of sash, mouldings, panels the Supply Agreement was decidedly a contract for a piece of work.
it would not accept the order and no sale is made. If they do, the transaction Following Art. 1729 of the Civil Code which provides:
would be no different from purchaser of manufactured goods held in stock for ART. 1729. Those who put their labor upon or furnish materials for a piece of
sale; they are bought because they meet specifications desired by the work undertaken by the contractor have an action against the owner up to the
purchaser. amount owing from the latter to the contractor at the time the claim is made.
Nobody will say that when a sawmill cuts lumber in accordance with the xxx
peculiar specifications of a customer sizes not previously held in stock for sale x x x (Underscoring supplied),
to the public it thereby becomes an employee or servant of the customer, not Aragones having specially fabricated three casting machines and
the seller of lumber. The same consideration applies to this sash manufacturer. furnished some materials for the production of the concrete blocks specially
The Oriental Sash Factory does nothing more than sell the goods that it mass- ordered and specified by MEGA-WAFF which were to be and indeed they were
produces or habitually makes sash, panels, mouldings, framescutting them to for the exclusive use of MEGA-WAFF, he has a cause of action upon petitioner
such sizes and combining them in such forms as its customers may desire. up to the amount it owed MEGA-WAFF at the time Aragones made his claim to
xxx petitioner.
x x x Such new form does not divest the Oriental Sash Factory of its As Velasco v. CA[30] explains, the intention of Art. 1729 is to protect
character as manufacturer. Neither does it take the transaction out of the the laborers and materialmen from being taken advantage of by unscrupulous
category of sales under Article 1467 above quoted, because although the contractors and from possible connivance between owners and contractors.
Factory does not, in the ordinary course of its business, manufacture and keep Thus, a constructive vinculum or contractual privity is created by this provision,
on stock doors of the kind sold to Teodoro, it could and/or probably had in by way of exception to the principle underlying Article 1311 between the
owner, on the one hand, and those who furnish labor and/or materials, on the administratrix in a motion dated May 13, 1924, prayed that she be allowed to
other. sell the only parcel of land belonging to the estate with an area of 19 hectares,
In fine, a constructive vinculum or contractual privity was created 79 ares and 74 centares for the purpose of paying debts. This land was a part
between petitioner and Aragones. of a parcel of land of 23 hectares, 79 ares and 74 centares, 4 hectares of which
Respecting petitioners disclaimer of liability for damages and its belonged to Teofilo Rodriguez. A copy of this motion was served upon Juliana
claim for moral damages, attorneys fees and expenses of litigation, the trial del Rosario, the mother and guardian of the appellants, all of whom were
courts disposition thereof, to wit: minors and under her care at that time. That Juliana del Rosario was the
. . . since the evidence on record shows that [Aragones] guardian of her children is evidenced by the fact that she and Trinidad Mactal
was compelled to litigate this matter if only to collect a just and demandable executed on July 6, 1922, a contract of lease of this same land to Timoteo de
obligation, the refusal of [DMPI and MEGA-WAFF] to pay their obligation upon Guzman, at an annual rental of P150, in which it appears that Juliana del Rosario
demand could not be justified by law, thus both should be condemned to pay executed the same "en concepto de tutora de sus hijos"
exemplary damages in the amount of P20,000.00 each and attorneys fees in The court authorized the administratrix to sell the land for the sum
the amount of P10,000.00 each including costs of this suit (underscoring of P9,000. Later it was found that no one would buy at that price and the
supplied), authorized selling price was reduced to P7,000 and then, as of the
merits this Courts approval. administratix, fixed the selling price at not less than P3,800. Later the land was
Why should not petitioner be liable for damages. Aragones request, sold to Silverio Choco for the sum of P4,000 on January 23, 1926. Juliana del
based on a provision of law, to petitioner for it to pay directly to him his account Rosario received a copy of all motions. On February 16, 1926, the administratrix
receivable from MEGA-WAFF/Garcia out of petitioners account payable to paid the approved claim of Irene de Gonzales and Isidro Gonzales of P3,050,
MEGA-WAFF was made before petitioners obligation to it was due. Yet and the claim of Esperanza Fernandez and Fruto Aquino of P200. The claim of
petitioner settled such obligation to MEGA-WAFF on or about April 6, 1989 the Philippine National Bank with interest thereon was also paid as were the
when it released to it its check-payment. For petitioner to harp on its fees of the members of the committee of claims amounting to P104, the
undertaking under its Agreement with MEGA-WAFF to pay its full obligation surveyor's fee of P120 for the segregation of the four hectares belonging to
thereunder within 30 days from complete installation of the pavement by Teofilo Rodriguez and the overdue tax on the land amounting to more than
MEGA-WAFF unless a court injunction could be produced by Aragones is too P300.
shallow, under the facts and circumstances surrounding the case, to merit These payments, all of which were made after the sale in favor of Silverio
consideration. Choco, conclusively prove that sale was not fictitious as alleged by the
Petitioners referral for comment of Garcia, by letter of April 27, appellants.
1989, on Aragones April 6, 1989 reiterative letter for the withholding of the On March 10, 1928, more than two years later, Silverio Choco sold
release of so much amount to MEGA-WAFF even after it (petitioner) had the same land to the spouses Pio Villar and Trinidad Mactal for the sum of
already released on or about April 6, 1989 its check-full payment to MEGA- P4,500, who in turn mortgaged it to the Philippine National Bank for the same
WAFF reflects a futile attempt to cover-up the apparent connivance between it amount. The appellants also allege that this sale was fictitious, that there was
and contractor MEGA-WAFF to the prejudice of Aragones, leaving him no collusion between Silverio Choco and Trinidad Mactal and that the former
option but to litigate. never paid the latter the sum of P4,000. As we have seen, immediately after
As for the assailed citation by the appellate court of Act No. 3959 the sale to Choco, Trinidad Mactal paid out considerable sums of money, which
(which requires a person or firm owning any work of any kind executed by undoubtedly came out of the P4,000 Choco paid her for the land.
contract to put up a bond guaranteeing the payment of the laborers) The appellants rely on article 1459 of the Civil Code which reads in
as additional justification to hold petitioner liable to Aragones, indeed, said Act part as follows:
had been repealed in 1974 by P.D. No. 442 (The Labor Code of the Philippines). The following persons cannot take by purchase, even at a public or
WHEREFORE, in light of the foregoing discussions, the petition is hereby judicial auction, either in person or through the mediation of another:
DENIED. xxx xxx xxx
Costs against petitioner. 2. An agent, any property of which the management or sale may have been
SO ORDERED. intrusted to him;
Panganiban, (Chairman), Sandoval-Gutierrez, Corona, and Garcia, JJ., concur. 3. Executors, the property intrusted to their care;
xxx xxx xxx
They insist the administratrix bought the land indirectly through the
G.R. No. L-39720 April 4, 1934 mediation of Silverio Choco and that both sales should be annulled under the
In re Intestate of the deceased Mauricia de Guzman. PEDRO RODRIGUEZ, ET provisions of the article cited above. The proofs in this case do not substantiate
AL., vs. TRINIDAD MACTAL this claim of the appellants. The lower court refused to annul these sales and
. we find nothing in the record that would justify this court in reversing that
GODDARD, J.: finding. In order to bring the sale in this case within the part of article 1459,
This is an appeal from an order of the Court of First Instance of quoted above, it is essential that the proof submitted establish some
Nueva Ecija, issued in the intestate proceeding of Mauricia de Guzman, agreement between Silverio Choco and Trinidad Mactal to the effect that
deceased, denying the motion of the appellants in which they sought to annul Choco should buy the property for the benefit of Mactal. If there was no such
a sale, executed January 23, 1926, by the administratrix Trinidad Mactal, of a agreement, either express or implied, then the sale can not be set aside. The
parcel of land to Silverio Choco and a resale of the same land on March 10, evidence before this court does not establish such agreement.
1928, to the administratrix Trinidad Mactal. The appellants also allege that the order of the court authorizing the
The appellants Pedro, Catalina and Benigno Rodriguez, and the administrator to sell the land in question is null and void due to the fact the
appellee Trinidad Mactal, are all heirs of Mauricia de Guzman whose estate is motion of Trinidad Mactal, praying that she be authorized to sell, was not
under administration in civil case No. 3152 of the Court of First Instance of accompanied by the written consent of the heirs or their duly authorized
Nueva Ecija. At the time the motion in question was filed in that case that guardian. They rely upon section 714 of the Code of Civil Procedure which,
appellants were 24, 19 and 15 years of age. Mauricia de Guzman died on March before it was amended by Act No. 3882, provided that ". . . where a testator
22, 1922. has not otherwise made sufficient provision for the payment of such debts and
On March 17, 1923, the appellee Trinidad Mactal was appointed and duly charges, the court, on application of the executor or administrator with the
qualified as administratrix of the intestate estate of Mauricia de Guzman. The consent and approbation, in writing, of the heirs, devisees, and legatees,
committee of claims, on April 16, 1924, submitted a report in which the residing in the Philippine Islands, may grant a license to the executor or
following claims against the estate were allowed: Irene de Gonzales and Isidro administrator to sell, mortgage or otherwise encumber for that purpose real,
Gonzales for the sum of P3,050; Esperanza Fernandez and Fruto Aquino for in lieu of personal estate, if it clearly appears that such sale, mortgaging or
P200; and the Philippine National Bank for P200.88, a total of P3,450.88 aside encumbrance of real state would be beneficial to the persons interested and
from the fees of the members of the committee of claims which amounted to will not defeat any devise of land; in which case the assent of the devisee shall
P104. The report of this committee was approved by the court on April 29, 1942 be required."
and in this order of approval the court ordered the administratrix "que se As amended by Act No. 3882, approved November 14, 1931, section
provea de fondos para pagar las deudas admitidas por la Comision de Avaluo y 714 reads:
Reclamaciones y sancionadas por el Juzgado." By reason of this order the
Realty may be sold or encumbered. — When there is no personal A. During the pre-trial conference, the parties have agreed that the following
estate of the deceased or when, though there be such, its sale facts are attendant in this case and that they will no longer introduced any
would redound to the detriment of the interests of the participants evidence, testimonial or documentary to prove them:
in the estate and the deceased has left no testamentary disposition 1. That Francisco Militante claimed ownership of a parcel of land located in the
for the payment of his debts and charges of administration, the Barrio of General Luna, municipality of Barotac Viejo province of Iloilo, which
court, on application of the executor or administrator, and on he caused to be surveyed on July 18-31, 1934, whereby he was issued a plan
written notice to the heirs, devisees, and other persons interested, Psu-99791 (Exhibit "B"). (The land claimed contained an area of 171:3561
may grant him a license to sell, mortgage, or otherwise encumber hectares.)
for that purpose real estate, if it clearly appears that such sale, 2. Before the war with Japan, Francisco Militante filed with the Court of First
mortgaging or encumbrance would be beneficial to the persons Instance of Iloilo an application for the registration of the title of the land
interested and will not defeat any devise of land; in which case the technically described in psu-99791 (Exh. "B") opposed by the Director of Lands,
assent of the devisee shall be required. the Director of Forestry and other oppositors. However, during the war with
The last paragraph of this Act provides that it "shall take effect on Japan, the record of the case was lost before it was heard, so after the war
its approval and shall be applicable to all testamentary or intestate proceedings Francisco Militante petitioned this court to reconstitute the record of the case.
pending at the time of its approval." The record was reconstituted on the Court of the First Instance of Iloilo and
The record in this case shows that the intestate proceeding of docketed as Land Case No. R-695, GLRO Rec. No. 54852. The Court of First
Mauricia de Guzman, deceased, is still pending in the Court of First Instance of Instance heard the land registration case on November 14, 1952, and after the
Nueva Ecija. trial this court dismissed the application for registration. The appellant,
The appealed order of the lower court is affirmed with costs against Francisco Militante, appealed from the decision of this Court to the Court of
the appellants. Appeals where the case was docketed as CA-GR No. 13497-R..
Malcolm, Villa-Real, Hull and Imperial, JJ., concur. 3. Pending the disposal of the appeal in CA-GR No. 13497-R and more
particularly on June 18, 1956, Francisco Militante sold to the plaintiff, Domingo
G.R. No. L-35702 May 29, 1973 Rubias the land technically described in psu-99791 (Exh. "A"). The sale was duly
DOMINGO D. RUBIAS, vs. ISAIAS BATILLER recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for the province of Iloilo as Entry
No. 13609 on July 11, 1960 (Exh. "A-1").
TEEHANKEE, J.: (NOTE: As per deed of sale, Exh. A, what Militante purportedly sold
In this appeal certified by the Court of Appeals to this Court as to plaintiff-appellant, his son-in-law,for the sum of P2,000.00 was "a parcel
involving purely legal questions, we affirm the dismissal order rendered by the of untitled land having an area Of 144.9072 hectares ... surveyed under Psu
Iloilo court of first instance after pre-trial and submittal of the pertinent 99791 ... (and) subject to the exclusions made by me, under (case) CA-i3497,
documentary exhibits. Land Registration Case No. R-695, G.L.R.O. No. 54852, Court of First Instance of
Such dismissal was proper, plaintiff having no cause of action, since the province of Iloilo. These exclusions referred to portions of the original area
it was duly established in the record that the application for registration of the of over 171 hectares originally claimed by Militante as applicant, but which he
land in question filed by Francisco Militante, plaintiff's vendor and predecessor expressly recognized during the trial to pertain to some oppositors, such as the
interest, had been dismissed by decision of 1952 of the land registration court Bureau of Public Works and Bureau of Forestry and several other individual
as affirmed by final judgment in 1958 of the Court of Appeals and hence, there occupants and accordingly withdrew his application over the same. This is
was no title or right to the land that could be transmitted by the purported sale expressly made of record in Exh. A, which is the Court of Appeals' decision of 22
to plaintiff. September 1958 confirming the land registration court's dismissal of
As late as 1964, the Iloilo court of first instance had in another case Militante's application for registration.)
of ejectment likewise upheld by final judgment defendant's "better right to 4. On September 22,1958 the Court of appeals in CA-G.R. No. 13497-R
possess the land in question . having been in the actual possession thereof promulgated its judgment confirming the decision of this Court in Land Case
under a claim of title many years before Francisco Militante sold the land to the No. R-695, GLRO Rec. No. 54852 which dismissed the application for
plaintiff." Registration filed by Francisco Militante (Exh. "I").
Furthermore, even assuming that Militante had anything to sell, the 5. Domingo Rubias declared the land described in Exh. 'B' for taxation purposes
deed of sale executed in 1956 by him in favor of plaintiff at a time when plaintiff under Tax Dec. No. 8585 (Exh. "C") for 1957; Tax Dec. Nos. 9533 (Exh. "C-1")
was concededly his counsel of record in the land registration case involving the and 10019 (Exh. "C-3")for the year 1961; Tax Dec. No. 9868 (Exh. "C-2") for the
very land in dispute (ultimately decided adversely against Militante by the Court year 1964, paying the land taxes under Tax Dec. No. 8585 and 9533 (Exh. "D",
of Appeals' 1958 judgment affirming the lower court's dismissal of Militante's "D-1", "G-6").
application for registration) was properly declared inexistent and void by the 6. Francisco Militante immediate predecessor-in-interest of the plaintiff, has
lower court, as decreed by Article 1409 in relation to Article 1491 of the Civil also declared the land for taxation purposes under Tax Dec. No. 5172 in 1940
Code. (Exh. "E") for 1945; under Tax Dec. No. T-86 (Exh. "E-1") for 1948; under Tax
The appellate court, in its resolution of certification of 25 July 1972, Dec. No. 7122 (Exh. "2"), and paid the land taxes for 1940 (Exhs. "G" and "G-
gave the following backgrounder of the appeal at bar: 7"), for 1945 46 (Exh. "G-1") for 1947 (Exh. "G-2"), for 1947 & 1948 (Exh. "G-
On August 31, 1964, plaintiff Domingo D. Rubias, a lawyer, filed a 3"), for 1948 (Exh. "G-4"), and for 1948 and 1949 (Exh. "G-5").
suit to recover the ownership and possession of certain portions of lot under 7. Tax Declaration No. 2434 in the name of Liberato Demontaño for the land
Psu-99791 located in Barrio General Luna, Barotac Viejo, Iloilo which he bought described therein (Exh. "F") was cancelled by Tax. Dec. No. 5172 of Francisco
from his father-in-law, Francisco Militante in 1956 against its present occupant Militante (Exh. "E"). Liberato Demontaño paid the land tax under Tax Dec. No.
defendant, Isaias Batiller, who illegally entered said portions of the lot on two 2434 on Dec. 20, 1939 for the years 1938 (50%) and 1959 (Exh. "H").
occasions — in 1945 and in 1959. Plaintiff prayed also for damages and 8. The defendant had declared for taxation purposes Lot No. 2 of the Psu-
attorneys fees. (pp. 1-7, Record on Appeal). In his answer with counter-claim 155241 under Tax Dec. Not. 8583 for 1957 and a portion of Lot No. 2, Psu-
defendant claims the complaint of the plaintiff does not state a cause of action, 155241, for 1945 under Tax Dec. No. 8584 (Exh. "2-A" Tax No. 8583 (Exh. "2")
the truth of the matter being that he and his predecessors-in-interest have was revised by Tax Dec. No. 9498 in the name of the defendant (Exh. "2-B") and
always been in actual, open and continuous possession since time immemorial Tax Dec. No. 8584 (Exh. "2-A") was cancelled by Tax Dec. No. 9584 also in the
under claim of ownership of the portions of the lot in question and for the name of the defendant (Exh. "2-C"). The defendant paid the land taxes for Lot
alleged malicious institution of the complaint he claims he has suffered moral 2, Psu-155241, on Nov. 9, 1960 for the years 1945 and 1946, for the year 1950,
damages in the amount of P 2,000.00, as well as the sum of P500.00 for and for the year 1960 as shown by the certificate of the treasurer (Exh. "3").
attorney's fees. ... The defendant may present to the Court other land taxes receipts for the
On December 9, 1964, the trial court issued a pre-trial order, after payment of taxes for this lot.
a pre-trial conference between the parties and their counsel which order reads 9. The land claimed by the defendant as his own was surveyed on June 6 and
as follows.. 7,1956, and a plan approved by Director of Land on November 15, 1956 was
'When this case was called for a pre-trial conference today, the issued, identified as Psu 155241 (Exh. "5").
plaintiff appeared assisted by himself and Atty. Gregorio M. Rubias. The 10. On April 22, 1960, the plaintiff filed forcible Entry and Detainer case against
defendant also appeared, assisted by his counsel Atty. Vicente R. Acsay. Isaias Batiller in the Justice of the Peace Court of Barotac Viejo Province of Iloilo
(Exh. "4") to which the defendant Isaias Batiller riled his answer on August 29,
1960 (Exh. "4-A"). The Municipal Court of Barotac Viejo after trial, decided the assignment and shall apply to lawyers, with respect to the property and rights
case on May 10, 1961 in favor of the defendant and against the plaintiff (Exh. which may be the object of any litigation in which they may take part by virtue
"4-B"). The plaintiff appealed from the decision of the Municipal Court of of their profession.'
Barotac Viejo which was docketed in this Court as Civil Case No. 5750 on June defendant claims that plaintiff could not have acquired any interest
3, 1961, to which the defendant, Isaias Batiller, on June 13, 1961 filed his in the property in dispute as the contract he (plaintiff) had with Francisco
answer (Exh. "4-C"). And this Court after the trial. decided the case on November Militante was inexistent and void. (See pp. 22-31, Record on Appeal). Plaintiff
26, 1964, in favor of the defendant, Isaias Batiller and against the plaintiff (Exh. strongly opposed defendant's motion to dismiss claiming that defendant can
"4-D"). not invoke Articles 1409 and 1491 of the Civil Code as Article 1422 of the same
(NOTE: As per Exh. 4-B, which is the Iloilo court of first instance Code provides that 'The defense of illegality of contracts is not available to third
decision of 26 November 1964 dismissing plaintiff's therein complaint for persons whose interests are not directly affected' (See pp. 32-35 Record on
ejectment against defendant, the iloilo court expressly found "that plaintiff's Appeal).
complaint is unjustified, intended to harass the defendant" and "that the On October 18, 1965, the lower court issued an order disclaiming
defendant, Isaias Batiller, has a better right to possess the land in question plaintiffs complaint (pp. 42-49, Record on Appeal.) In the aforesaid order of
described in Psu 155241 (Exh. "3"), Isaias Batiller having been in the actual dismissal the lower court practically agreed with defendant's contention that
physical possession thereof under a claim of title many years before Francisco the contract (Exh. A) between plaintiff and Francism Militante was null and void.
Militante sold the land to the plaintiff-hereby dismissing plaintiff's complaint In due season plaintiff filed a motion for reconsideration (pp. 50-56 Record on
and ordering the plaintiff to pay the defendant attorney's fees ....") Appeal) which was denied by the lower court on January 14, 1966 (p. 57, Record
on Appeal).
B. During the trial of this case on the merit, the plaintiff will prove by competent Hence, this appeal by plaintiff from the orders of October 18, 1965
evidence the following: and January 14, 1966.
1. That the land he purchased from Francisco Militante under Exh. "A" was Plaintiff-appellant imputes to the lower court the following errors:
formerly owned and possessed by Liberato Demontaño but that on September '1. The lower court erred in holding that the contract of sale between the
6, 1919 the land was sold at public auction by virtue of a judgment in a Civil plaintiff-appellant and his father-in-law, Francisco Militante, Sr., now deceased,
Case entitled "Edw J. Pflieder plaintiff vs. Liberato Demontaño Francisco of the property covered by Plan Psu-99791, (Exh. "A") was void, not voidable
Balladeros and Gregorio Yulo, defendants", of which Yap Pongco was the because it was made when plaintiff-appellant was the counsel of the latter in
purchaser (Exh. "1-3"). The sale was registered in the Office of the Register of the Land Registration case.
Deeds of Iloilo on August 4, 1920, under Primary Entry No. 69 (Exh. "1"), and a '2. The lower court erred in holding that the defendant-appellee is an interested
definite Deed of Sale was executed by Constantino A. Canto, provincial Sheriff person to question the validity of the contract of sale between plaintiff-
of Iloilo, on Jan. 19, 1934 in favor of Yap Pongco (Exh. "I"), the sale having been appellant and the deceased, Francisco Militante, Sr.
registered in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Iloilo on February 10, 1934 '3. The lower court erred in entertaining the motion to dismiss of the
(Exh. "1-1"). defendant-appellee after he had already filed his answer, and after the
2. On September 22, 1934, Yap Pongco sold this land to Francisco Militante as termination of the pre-trial, when the said motion to dismiss raised a collateral
evidenced by a notarial deed (Exh. "J") which was registered in the Registry of question.
Deeds on May 13, 1940 (Exh. "J-1"). '4. The lower court erred in dismissing the complaint of the plaintiff-appellant.'
3. That plaintiff suffered damages alleged in his complaint. The appellate court concluded that plaintiffs "assignment of errors gives rise to
two (2) legal posers — (1) whether or not the contract of sale between
C. Defendants, on the other hand will prove by competent evidence during the appellant and his father-in-law, the late Francisco Militante over the property
trial of this case the following facts: subject of Plan Psu-99791 was void because it was made when plaintiff was
1. That lot No. 2 of the Psu-1552 it (Exh. '5') was originally owned and possessed counsel of his father-in-law in a land registration case involving the property in
by Felipe Batiller, grandfather of the defendant Basilio Batiller, on the death of dispute; and (2) whether or not the lower court was correct in entertaining
the former in 1920, as his sole heir. Isaias Batiller succeeded his father , Basilio defendant-appellee's motion to dismiss after the latter had already filed his
Batiller, in the ownership and possession of the land in the year 1930, and since answer and after he (defendant) and plaintiff-appellant had agreed on some
then up to the present, the land remains in the possession of the defendant, matters in a pre-trial conference. Hence, its elevation of the appeal to this Court
his possession being actual, open, public, peaceful and continuous in the as involving pure questions of law.
concept of an owner, exclusive of any other rights and adverse to all other It is at once evident from the foregoing narration that the pre-trial
claimants. conference held by the trial court at which the parties with their counsel agreed
2. That the alleged predecessors in interest of the plaintiff have never been in and stipulated on the material and relevant facts and submitted their
the actual possession of the land and that they never had any title thereto. respective documentary exhibits as referred to in the pre-trial
3. That Lot No. 2, Psu 155241, the subject of Free Patent application of the order, supra,2 practically amounted to a fulldress trial which placed on record
defendant has been approved. all the facts and exhibits necessary for adjudication of the case.
4. The damages suffered by the defendant, as alleged in his counterclaim."'1 The three points on which plaintiff reserved the presentation of
The appellate court further related the developments of the case, evidence at the-trial dealing with the source of the alleged right and title of
as follows: Francisco Militante's predecessors, supra,3 actually are already made of record
On August 17, 1965, defendant's counsel manifested in open court in the stipulated facts and admitted exhibits. The chain of Militante's alleged
that before any trial on the merit of the case could proceed he would file title and right to the land as supposedly traced back to Liberato Demontaño
a motion to dismiss plaintiff's complaint which he did, alleging thatplaintiff does was actually asserted by Militante (and his vendee, lawyer and son-in-law,
not have cause of action against him because the property in dispute which he herein plaintiff) in the land registration case and rejected by the Iloilo land
(plaintiff) allegedly bought from his father-in-law, Francisco Militante was the registration court which dismissed Militante's application for registration of the
subject matter of LRC No. 695 filed in the CFI of Iloilo, which case was brought land. Such dismissal, as already stated, was affirmed by the final judgment in
on appeal to this Court and docketed as CA-G.R. No. 13497-R in which aforesaid 1958 of the Court of Appeals.4
case plaintiff was the counsel on record of his father-in-law, Francisco Militante. The four points on which defendant on his part reserved the
Invoking Arts. 1409 and 1491 of the Civil Code which reads: presentation of evidence at the trial dealing with his and his ancestors'
'Art. 1409. The following contracts are inexistent and void from the beginning: continuous, open, public and peaceful possession in the concept of owner of
xxx xxx xxx the land and the Director of Lands' approval of his survey plan
(7) Those expressly prohibited by law. thereof, supra,5 are likewise already duly established facts of record, in the land
'ART. 1491. The following persons cannot acquire any purchase, even at a public registration case as well as in the ejectment case wherein the Iloilo court of first
auction, either in person of through the mediation of another: . instance recognized the superiority of defendant's right to the land as against
xxx xxx xxx plaintiff.
(5) Justices, judges, prosecuting attorneys, clerks of superior and inferior courts, No error was therefore committed by the lower court in dismissing
and other officers and employees connected with the administration of plaintiff's complaint upon defendant's motion after the pre-trial.
justice, the property and rights of in litigation or levied upon an execution 1. The stipulated facts and exhibits of record indisputably established plaintiff's
before the court within whose jurisdiction or territory they exercise their lack of cause of action and justified the outright dismissal of the complaint.
respective functions; this prohibition includes the act of acquiring an Plaintiff's claim of ownership to the land in question was predicated on the sale
thereof for P2,000.00 made in 1956 by his father-in- law, Francisco Militante, superseded on August 30, 1950 by the Civil Code of the Philippines whose
in his favor, at a time when Militante's application for registration thereof had counterpart provision is Article 1491.
already been dismissed by the Iloilo land registration court and was pending Article 1491 of our Civil Code (like Article 1459 of the Spanish Civil
appeal in the Court of Appeals. Code) prohibits in its six paragraphs certain persons, by reason of the relation
With the Court of Appeals' 1958 final judgment affirming of trust or their peculiar control over the property, from acquiring such
the dismissal of Militante's application for registration, the lack of any rightful property in their trust or control either directly or indirectly and "even at a
claim or title of Militante to the land was conclusively and decisively judicially public or judicial auction," as follows: (1) guardians; (2) agents; (3)
determined. Hence, there was no right or title to the land that could be administrators; (4) public officers and employees; judicial officers and
transferred or sold by Militante's purported sale in 1956 in favor of plaintiff. employees, prosecuting attorneys, and lawyers; and (6) others especially
Manifestly, then plaintiff's complaint against defendant, to be declared disqualified by law.
absolute owner of the land and to be restored to possession thereof with In Wolfson which involved the sale and assignment of a money
damages was bereft of any factual or legal basis. judgment by the client to the lawyer, Wolfson, whose right to so purchase the
2. No error could be attributed either to the lower court's holding that the judgment was being challenged by the judgment debtor, the Court, through
purchase by a lawyer of the property in litigation from his client is categorically Justice Moreland, then expressly reserved decision on "whether or not the
prohibited by Article 1491, paragraph (5) of the Philippine Civil Code, judgment in question actually falls within the prohibition of the article" and held
reproduced supra;6 and that consequently, plaintiff's purchase of the property only that the sale's "voidability can not be asserted by one not a party to the
in litigation from his client (assuming that his client could sell the same since as transaction or his representative," citing from Manresa 10 that "(C)onsidering
already shown above, his client's claim to the property was defeated and the question from the point of view of the civil law, the view taken by the code,
rejected) was void and could produce no legal effect, by virtue of Article 1409, we must limit ourselves to classifying as void all acts done contrary to the
paragraph (7) of our Civil Code which provides that contracts "expressly express prohibition of the statute. Now then: As the code does not recognize
prohibited or declared void by law' are "inexistent and that "(T)hese contracts such nullity by the mere operation of law, the nullity of the acts hereinbefore
cannot be ratified. Neither can the right to set up the defense of illegality be referred to must be asserted by the person having the necessary legal capacity
waived." to do so and decreed by a competent court." 11
The 1911 case of Wolfson vs. Estate of Martinez7 relied upon by The reason thus given by Manresa in considering such prohibited
plaintiff as holding that a sale of property in litigation to the party litigant's acquisitions under Article 1459 of the Spanish Civil Code as merely voidable at
lawyer "is not void but voidable at the election of the vendor" was correctly the instance and option of the vendor and not void — "that the Code does not
held by the lower court to have been superseded by the later 1929 case recognize such nullity de pleno derecho" — is no longer true and applicable to
of Director of Lands vs. Abagat.8 In this later case of Abagat, the Court expressly our own Philippine Civil Code which does recognize the absolute nullity of
cited two antecedent cases involving the same transaction of purchase of contracts "whose cause, object, or purpose is contrary to law, morals, good
property in litigation by the lawyer which was expressly declared invalid under customs, public order or public policy" or which are "expressly prohibited or
Article 1459 of the Civil Code of Spain (of which Article 1491 of our Civil Code declared void by law" and declares such contracts "inexistent and void from the
of the Philippines is the counterpart) upon challenge thereof not by the vendor- beginning." 12
client but by the adverse parties against whom the lawyer was to enforce his The Supreme Court of Spain and modern authors have likewise veered from
rights as vendee thus acquired. Manresa's view of the Spanish codal provision itself. In its sentencia of 11 June
These two antecedent cases thus cited in Abagat clearly superseded 1966, the Supreme Court of Spain ruled that the prohibition of Article 1459 of
(without so expressly stating the previous ruling in Wolfson: the Spanish Civil Code is based on public policy, that violation of the prohibition
The spouses, Juan Soriano and Vicente Macaraeg, were the owners contract cannot be validated by confirmation or ratification, holding that:
of twelve parcels of land. Vicenta Macaraeg died in November, 1909, leaving a ... la prohibicion que el articulo 1459 del C.C. establece respecto a
large number of collateral heirs but no descendants. Litigation between the los administradores y apoderados, la cual tiene conforme a la doctrina de esta
surviving husband, Juan Soriano, and the heirs of Vicenta immediately arose, Sala, contendia entre otras, en S. de 27-5-1959, un fundamento de orden moral
and the herein appellant Sisenando Palarca acted as Soriano's lawyer. On May lugar la violacion de esta a la nulidad de pleno derecho del acto o negocio
2, 1918, Soriano executed a deed for the aforesaid twelve parcels of land in celebrado, ... y prohibicion legal, afectante orden publico, no cabe con efecto
favor of Sisenando Palarca and on the following day, May 3, 1918, Palarca filed alguno la aludida retification ... 13
an application for the registration of the land in the deed. After hearing, the The criterion of nullity of such prohibited contracts under Article
Court of First Instance declared that the deed was invalid by virtue of the 1459 of the Spanish Civil Code (Article 1491 of our Civil Code) as a matter of
provisions of article 1459 of the Civil Code, which prohibits lawyers and solicitors public order and policy as applied by the Supreme Court of Spain to
from purchasing property rights involved in any litigation in which they take part administrators and agents in its above cited decision should certainly apply with
by virtue of their profession. The application for registration was consequently greater reason to judges, judicial officers, fiscals and lawyers under paragraph
denied, and upon appeal by Palarca to the Supreme Court, the judgement of the 5 of the codal article.
lower court was affirmed by a decision promulgated November 16,1925. (G.R. Citing the same decisions of the Supreme Court of Spain, Gullon
No. 24329, Palarca vs. Director of Lands, not reported.) Ballesteros, his "Curso de Derecho Civil, (Contratos Especiales)" (Madrid, 1968)
In the meantime cadastral case No. 30 of the Province of Tarlac was p. 18, affirms that, with respect to Article 1459, Spanish Civil Code:.
instituted, and on August 21, 1923, Eleuteria Macaraeg, as administratrix of the Que caracter tendra la compra que se realice por estas personas?
estate of Vicente Macaraeg, filed claims for the parcels in question. Porsupuesto no cabe duda de que el caso (art.) 1459, 40 y 50, la nulidad
Buenaventura Lavitoria administrator of the estate of Juan Soriano, did likewise esabsoluta porque el motivo de la prohibicion es de orden publico. 14
and so did Sisenando Palarca. In a decision dated June 21, 1927, the Court of Perez Gonzales in such view, stating that "Dado el caracter
First Instance, Judge Carballo presiding, rendered judgment in favor of Palarea prohibitivo delprecepto, la consequencia de la infraccion es la nulidad radical y
and ordered the registration of the land in his name. Upon appeal to this court ex lege." 15
by the administration of the estates of Juan Soriano and Vicente Macaraeg, the Castan, quoting Manresa's own observation that.
judgment of the court below was reversed and the land adjudicated to the two "El fundamento do esta prohibicion es clarisimo. No sa trata con
estates as conjugal property of the deceased spouses. (G.R. No. 28226, Director este precepto tan solo de guitar la ocasion al fraude; persiguese, ademasel
of Lands vs. Abagat, promulgated May 21, 1928, not reported.)9 proposito de rodear a las personas que intervienen en la administrcionde
In the very case of Abagat itself, the Court, again affirming the justicia de todos los retigios que necesitan pora ejercer su ministerio librandolos
invalidity and nullity of the lawyer's purchase of the land in litigation from his de toda suspecha, que aunque fuere in fundada, redundura endescredito de la
client, ordered the issuance of a writ of possession for the return of the land by institucion." 16 arrives at the contrary and now accepted view that "Puede
the lawyer to the adverse parties without reimbursement of the price paid by considerace en nuestro derecho inexistente 'o radicalmente nulo el contrato en
him and other expenses, and ruled that "the appellant Palarca is a lawyer and los siguentes cases: a) ...; b) cuando el contrato se ha celebrado en violacion de
is presumed to know the law. He must, therefore, from the beginning, have una prescripcion 'o prohibicion legal, fundada sobre motivos de orden
been well aware of the defect in his title and is, consequently, a possessor in publico (hipotesis del art. 4 del codigo) ..." 17
bad faith." It is noteworthy that Caltan's rationale for his conclusion that
As already stated, Wolfson and Abagat were decided with relation fundamental consideration of public policy render void and inexistent such
to Article 1459 of the Civil Code of Spain then adopted here, until it was expressly prohibited purchase (e.g. by public officers and employees of
government property intrusted to them and by justices, judges, fiscals and
lawyers of property and rights in litigation and submitted to or handled by contains an area of 39,446 square meters, more or less. It is covered by Original
them, under Article 1491, paragraphs (4) and (5) of our Civil Code) has been Certificate of Title No. 31, which was issued on 28 December 1927 in the name
adopted in a new article of our Civil Code, viz, Article 1409 declaring such of Bacaquio (or Bakakew), a widower. No encumbrance or sale has ever been
prohibited contracts as "inexistent and void from the beginning." 18 annotated in the certificate of title.
Indeed, the nullity of such prohibited contracts is definite and The plaintiff-appellant Grace Ventura2 is the only child of Bacaquio
permanent and cannot be cured by ratification. The public interest and public by his first wife, Debsay, and the other plaintiffs-appellants, Simeon, Emilia and
policy remain paramount and do not permit of compromise or ratification. In Marcelina, all surnamed "Miguel", are his children by his third wife, Cosamang.
his aspect, the permanent disqualification of public and judicial officers and He begot no issue with his second wife, Dobaney. The three successive wives
lawyers grounded on public policy differs from the first three cases of have all died.
guardians, agents and administrators (Article 1491, Civil Code), as to whose Bacaquio, who died in 1943, acquired the land when his second wife
transactions it had been opined that they may be "ratified" by means of and in died and sold it to Catalino Agyapao, father of the defendant Florendo Catalino,
"the form of a new contact, in which cases its validity shall be determined only for P300.00 in 1928. Of the purchase price P100.00 was paid and receipted for
by the circumstances at the time the execution of such new contract. The when the land was surveyed, but the receipt was lost; the balance was paid
causes of nullity which have ceased to exist cannot impair the validity of the after the certificate of title was issued. No formal deed of sale was executed,
new contract. Thus, the object which was illegal at the time of the first contract, but since the sale in 1928, or for more than 30 years, vendee Catalino Agyapao
may have already become lawful at the time of the ratification or second and his son, defendant-appellee Florendo Catalino, had been in possession of
contract; or the service which was impossible may have become possible; or the land, in the concept of owner, paying the taxes thereon and introducing
the intention which could not be ascertained may have been clarified by the improvements.
parties. The ratification or second contract would then be valid from its On 1 February 1949, Grace Ventura, by herself alone, "sold" (as per
execution; however, it does not retroact to the date of the first contract." 19 her Transferor's Affidavit, Exhibit "6") anew the same land for P300.00 to
As applied to the case at bar, the lower court therefore properly defendant Florendo Catalino.
acted upon defendant-appellant's motion to dismiss on the ground of nullity of In 1961, Catalino Agyapao in turn sold the land to his son, the
plaintiff's alleged purchase of the land, since its juridical effects and plaintiff's defendant Florendo Catalino.
alleged cause of action founded thereon were being asserted against This being a direct appeal from the trial court, where the value of
defendant-appellant. The principles governing the nullity of such prohibited the property involved does not exceed P200,000.00, only the issues of law are
contracts and judicial declaration of their nullity have been well restated by reviewable by the Supreme Court, the findings of fact of the court a quobeing
Tolentino in his treatise on our Civil Code, as follows: deemed conceded by the appellant (Jacinto v. Jacinto, 105 Phil. 1218; Del
Parties Affected. — Any person may invoke the in existence of the Castillo v. Guerro, L-11994, 25 July 1960; Abuyo, et al. v. De Suazo, L-21202, 29
contract whenever juridical effects founded thereon are asserted against him. Oct. 1966; 18 SCRA 600, 601). We are thus constrained to discard appellant's
Thus, if there has been a void transfer of property, the transferor can recover second and third assignments of error.
it by the accion reinvindicatoria; and any prossessor may refuse to deliver it to In their first assignment, appellants assail the admission in evidence
the transferee, who cannot enforce the contract. Creditors may attach property over the objection of the appellant of Exhibit "3". This exhibit is a decision in
of the debtor which has been alienated by the latter under a void contract; a favor of the defendant-appellee against herein plaintiff-appellant Grace
mortgagee can allege the inexistence of a prior encumbrance; a debtor can Ventura, by the council of Barrio of San Pascual, Tuba, Benguet, in its
assert the nullity of an assignment of credit as a defense to an action by the Administrative Case No. 4, for the settlement of ownership and possession of
assignee. the land. The decision is ultra vires because barrio councils, which are not
Action On Contract. — Even when the contract is void or inexistent, courts, have no judicial powers (Sec. 1, Art. VIII, Constitution; see Sec. 12, Rep.
an action is necessary to declare its inexistence, when it has already been Act 2370, otherwise known as the Barrio Charter). Therefore, as contended by
fulfilled. Nobody can take the law into his own hands; hence, the intervention appellants, the exhibit is not admissible in a judicial proceeding as evidence for
of the competent court is necessary to declare the absolute nullity of the ascertaining the truth respecting the fact of ownership and possession (Sec. 1,
contract and to decree the restitution of what has been given under it. The Rule 128, Rules of Court).
judgment, however, will retroact to the very day when the contract was Appellants are likewise correct in claiming that the sale of the land
entered into. in 1928 by Bacaquio to Catalino Agyapao, defendant's father, is null and void ab
If the void contract is still fully executory, no party need bring an initio, for lack of executive approval (Mangayao et al. vs. Lasud, et al., L-19252,
action to declare its nullity; but if any party should bring an action to enforce it, 29 May 1964). However, it is not the provisions of the Public Land Act
the other party can simply set up the nullity as a defense. 20 (particularly Section 118 of Act 2874 and Section 120 of Commonwealth Act
ACCORDINGLY, the order of dismissal appealed from is hereby 141) that nullify the transaction, for the reason that there is no finding, and the
affirmed, with costs in all instances against plaintiff-appellant. So ordered. contending parties have not shown, that the land titled in the name of Bacaquio
Makalintal, Zaldivar, Castro,. Fernando, Barredo, Makasiar, Antonio and was acquired from the public domain (Palad vs. Saito, 55 Phil. 831). The laws
Esguerra, JJ., concur. applicable to the said sale are: Section 145(b) of the Administrative Code of
Mindanao and Sulu, providing that no conveyance or encumbrance of real
G.R. No. L-23072 November 29, 1968 property shall be made in that department by any non-christian inhabitant of
SIMEON B. MIGUEL, ET AL vs. FLORENDO CATALINO, the same, unless, among other requirements, the deed shall bear indorsed
REYES, J.B.L., J.: upon it the approval of the provincial governor or his representative duly
Direct appeal from the judgment in Civil Case No. 1090 of the Court authorized in writing for the purpose; Section 146 of the same Code, declaring
of First Instance of Baguio, dismissing the plaintiffs' complaint for recovery of that every contract or agreement made in violation of Section 145 "shall be null
possession of a parcel of land, registered under Act 496, in the name of one and void"; and Act 2798, as amended by Act 2913, extending the application of
Bacaquio,1 a long-deceased illiterate non-Christian resident of Mountain the above provisions to Mountain Province and Nueva Vizcaya.
Province, and declaring the defendant to be the true owner thereof. Since the 1928 sale is technically invalid, Bacaquio remained, in law,
On January 22, 1962, appellants Simeon, Emilia and Marcelina the owner of the land until his death in 1943, when his title passed on, by the
Miguel, and appellant Grace Ventura brought suit in the Court below against law on succession, to his heirs, the plaintiffs-appellants.
Florendo Catalino for the recovery of the land above-described, plaintiffs Notwithstanding the errors aforementioned in the appealed
claiming to be the children and heirs of the original registered owner, and decision, we are of the opinion that the judgment in favor of defendant-
averred that defendant, without their knowledge or consent, had unlawfully appellee Florendo Catalino must be sustained. For despite the invalidity of his
taken possession of the land, gathered its produce and unlawfully excluded sale to Catalino Agyapao, father of defendant-appellee, the vendor Bacaquio
plaintiffs therefrom. Defendant answered pleading ownership and adverse suffered the latter to enter, possess and enjoy the land in question without
possession for 30 years, and counterclaimed for attorney's fees. After trial the protest, from 1928 to 1943, when the seller died; and the appellants, in turn,
Court dismissed the complaint, declared defendant to be the rightful owner, while succeeding the deceased, also remained inactive, without taking any step
and ordered the Register of Deeds to issue a transfer certificate in lieu of the to reivindicate the lot from 1944 to 1962, when the present suit was
original. Plaintiffs appealed directly to this Court, assailing the trial Court's commenced in court. Even granting appellants' proposition that no prescription
findings of fact and law. lies against their father's recorded title, their passivity and inaction for more
As found by the trial Court, the land in dispute is situated in the than 34 years (1928-1962) justifies the defendant-appellee in setting up the
Barrio of San Pascual, Municipality of Tuba, Benguet, Mountain Province and equitable defense of laches in his own behalf. As a result, the action of plaintiffs-
appellants must be considered barred and the Court below correctly so held.
Courts can not look with favor at parties who, by their silence, delay and [G.R. NO. 142913 : August 9, 2005]
inaction, knowingly induce another to spend time, effort and expense in ESTATE OF SALVADOR SERRA SERRA (SPEC. PROC. NO. 242) AND ESTATE OF
cultivating the land, paying taxes and making improvements thereon for 30 long GREGORIO SERRA SERRA (SPEC. PROC. NO. 240), BOTH REPRESENTED BY THE
years, only to spring from ambush and claim title when the possessor's efforts JUDICIAL CO-ADMINISTRATOR LUIS ISASI, MARGARITA SERRA SERRA, FRANCISCA
and the rise of land values offer an opportunity to make easy profit at his TERESA SERRA SERRA and FRANCISCO JOSE SERRA SERRA, v. HEIRS OF PRIMITIVO
expense. In Mejia de Lucas vs. Gamponia, 100 Phil. 277, 281, this Court laid HERNAEZ, REPRESENTED BY PRESENTACION HERNAEZ BELBAR, HEIRS OF LUISA
down a rule that is here squarely applicable: HERNAEZ, REPRESENTED BY WILFREDO GAYARES, LOLITA GAYARES, JULIETA
Upon a careful consideration of the facts and circumstances, we are FORTALEZA AND ROSAURO FORTALEZA, HEIRS OF ROGACIANA HERNAEZ,
constrained to find, however, that while no legal defense to the action lies, an REPRESENTED BY LOURDES MONCERA,
equitable one lies in favor of the defendant and that is, the equitable defense DECISION
of laches. We hold that the defense of prescription or adverse possession in YNARES-SANTIAGO, J.:
derogation of the title of the registered owner Domingo Mejia does not lie, but This Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the 1997
that of the equitable defense of laches. Otherwise stated, we hold that while Revised Rules of Civil Procedure assails the March 3, 2000 decision of the Court
defendant may not be considered as having acquired title by virtue of his and of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 52817, and its April 17, 2000 resolution denying
his predecessors' long continued possession for 37 years, the original owner's reconsideration thereof.
right to recover back the possession of the property and title thereto from the The factual antecedents are as follows:
defendant has, by the long period of 37 years and by patentee's inaction and On December 27, 1967, a petition for reconstitution of alleged lost original
neglect, been converted into a stale demand. certificates of title (OCT) and owner's duplicate copies in the name of Eleuterio
As in the Gamponia case, the four elements of laches are present in Hernaez covering Lot No. 1316 of Kabankalan Cadastre and Lot Nos. 2685 and
the case at bar, namely: (a) conduct on the part of the defendant, or of one 717 of Ilog Cadastre, in the Province of Negros Occidental, was filed by his
under whom he claims, giving rise to the situation of which complaint is made successors-in-interest Primitivo, Rogaciana and Luisa, all surnamed Hernaez
and for which the complaint seeks a remedy; (b) delay in asserting the (Hernaez) with then Court of First Instance (CFI) of Bacolod City.
complainant's rights, the complainant having had knowledge or notice, of the On April 6, 1968, the CFI granted the petition and ordered the
defendant's conduct and having been afforded an opportunity to institute a reconstitution of the subject OCTs and its duplicate copies.1 Accordingly, the
suit; (c) lack of knowledge or notice on the part of the defendant that the Register of Deeds of Negros Occidental issued reconstituted OCT Nos. RO-
complainant would assert the right on which he bases his suit; and (d) injury or 10173, RO-10174, and RO-10175, for Lot Nos. 1316, 2685, and 717,
prejudice to the defendant in the event relief is accorded to the complainant, respectively. These reconstituted OCTs were cancelled on May 29, 1969 upon
or the suit is not held to be barred. In the case at bar, Bacaquio sold the land in presentation by Hernaez of a "declaration of heirship" and in lieu thereof,
1928 but the sale is void for lack of the governor's approval. The vendor, and Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) Nos. T-51546, T-51547, and T-51548 were
also his heirs after him, could have instituted an action to annul the sale from issued in their names.
that time, since they knew of the invalidity of the sale, which is a matter of law; Upon learning of the existence of the above TCTs, Salvador Serra
they did not have to wait for 34 years to institute suit. The defendant was made Serra, for and in behalf of his co-heirs, registered their adverse claim and moved
to feel secure in the belief that no action would be filed against him by such for the cancellation of the reconstituted titles. They averred that they are
passivity, and also because he "bought" again the land in 1949 from Grace holders of valid and existing certificates of title over the subject properties and
Ventura who alone tried to question his ownership; so that the defendant will have been in continuous and actual possession thereof.
be plainly prejudiced in the event the present action is not held to be barred. The trial court denied petitioners' motion to cancel the
The difference between prescription and laches was elaborated in reconstituted titles and granted instead Hernaez' prayer that they be placed in
Nielsen & Co., Inc. vs. Lepanto Consolidated Mining Co., L-21601, 17 December possession of the subject properties, which petitioners challenged before the
1966, 18 SCRA p. 1040, as follows: Court of Appeals in a Petition for Certiorari docketed as CA-G.R. No. SP-00139.2
Appellee is correct in its contention that the defense of laches On June 7, 1971, the appellate court issued a writ of preliminary
applies independently of prescription. Laches is different from the statute of injunction3 which was ordered lifted in a resolution dated August 3, 1971.
limitations. Prescription is concerned with the fact of delay, whereas laches is Petitioners' motion for reconsideration was denied, hence they filed before this
concerned with the effect of delay. Prescription is a matter of time; laches is Court a Petition for Certiorari, prohibition and mandamus, docketed as G.R. No.
principally a question of inequity of permitting a claim to be enforced, this L-34080 and consolidated with G.R. No. L-34693,4 seeking to annul the
inequity being founded on some change in the condition of the property or the resolution lifting the writ of preliminary injunction.
relation of the parties. Prescription is statutory; laches is not. Laches applies in On March 22, 1991, this Court rendered judgment the decretal portion of which
equity, whereas prescription applies at law. Prescription is based on fixed time reads:
laches is not, (30 C.J.S., p. 522. See also Pomeroy's Equity Jurisprudence, Vol. 2, ACCORDINGLY, the petitions are GRANTED. The questioned order of
5th ed., p. 177) (18 SCRA 1053). the respondent Court of Appeals lifting the writ of preliminary injunction is SET
With reference to appellant Grace Ventura, it is well to remark that ASIDE. The writ of possession issued in Cadastral Case No. 17, GLRO Records
her situation is even worse than that of her co-heirs and co-plaintiffs, in view of No. 163 is declared NULL and VOID. The records of this case and of CA-G.R. No.
her executing an affidavit of transfer (Exh. 6) attesting under oath to her having 00139 are remanded to the trial court for hearing of the motion for cancellation
sold the land in controversy to herein defendant-appellee, and the lower of the reconstituted titles. Private respondents are ordered to return to
Court's finding that in 1949 she was paid P300.00 for it, because she, "being a petitioners the possession of the properties in question. The temporary
smart woman of enterprise, threatened to cause trouble if the defendant failed restraining order issued by this Court on February 15, 1972, enjoining private
to give her P300.00 more, because her stand (of being the owner of the land) respondents from interfering in any manner, with petitioners' right of
was buttressed by the fact that Original Certificate of Title No. 31 is still in the possession of the properties in question, shall remain effective until the issue
name of her father, Bacaquio" (Decision, Record on Appeal, p. 24). This sale, of ownership and/or possession of the properties is finally settled by a
that was in fact a quitclaim, may not be contested as needing executive competent court.
approval; for it has not been shown that Grace Ventura is a non-christian SO ORDERED.5
inhabitant like her father, an essential fact that cannot be assumed (Sale de Pursuant thereto, the trial court heard petitioners' motion for
Porkan vs. Yatco, 70 Phil. 161, 175). cancellation of certificates of title and on November 25, 1998, rendered
Since the plaintiffs-appellants are barred from recovery, their judgment the dispositive portion of which reads:
divestiture of all the elements of ownership in the land is complete; and the WHEREFORE, based on the foregoing premises and considerations,
Court a quo was justified in ordering that Bacaquio's original certificate be the court hereby renders judgment in favor of the oppositors and hereby orders
cancelled, and a new transfer certificate in the name of Florendo Catalino be the following:
issued in lieu thereof by the Register of Deeds. 1) The petition filed by movants Serra Serra dated November 4, 1968 is hereby
FOR THE FOREGOING REASONS, the appealed decision is hereby DISMISSED for lack of merit;
affirmed, with costs against the plaintiffs-appellants. 2) Declaring the Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-27644 covering Lot No. 1316,
Concepcion C.J., Dizon, Makalintal, Zaldivar, Sanchez, Fernando and Capistrano, Kabankalan Cadastre and Lot No. 2685, Ilog Cadastre, Transfer Certificate of
JJ., concur. Title No. T-22344 covering Lot No. 717-A, and Transfer Certificate of Title No.
Castro, J., took no part.
T-22351, Ilog Cadastre, all issued in the name of movants Serra Serra NULL and private lands in the country. Petitioners' bare allegation that they acquired the
VOID for being issued to foreigners; subject lots from Salvador Serra Serra has no probative value lacking sufficient
3) Declaring the oppositors Hernaez as owners of Lot No. 1316, Kabankalan proof that the latter is not disqualified to own or hold private property and was
Cadastre, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 51546; Lot No. 2685, Ilog able to legally transmit to petitioners title thereto.
Cadastre, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-51547; and Lot No. 717, Petitioners' alleged possession of TCTs and actual possession of the
Ilog Cadastre, covered by Transfer Certiticate of Title No. T-51548; andlibrary subject lands, although strong proof of ownership, are not necessarily
4) Ordering the movants Serra Serra to return possession of said lots to the conclusive where the assertion of proprietary rights is founded on dubious
oppositors Hernaez. claim of ownership. They claimed that their title over the subject properties
SO ORDERED.6 emanated from Salvador Serra Serra; yet they failed to present in evidence the
Without filing a motion for reconsideration, petitioners assailed the OCT in the name of the latter. Since petitioners impugn the proprietary claim
lower court's decision before the Court of Appeals via a Petition for Certiorari. of Hernaez over the properties, the burden rests on them to establish their
On March 3, 2000, the appellate court rendered the herein assailed judgment superior right over the latter. To recall, the trial court found that the evidence
which dismissed the petition for lack of merit, pertinent portion of which reads: they presented have not established superior proprietary rights over the
In the case at bench, We find no cogent reason to disturb the assailed decision respondents' on the subject lots. It held that the non-presentation of the OCTs
denying petitioners' motion for cancellation of the reconstituted titles, cast doubt on the veracity of their claim. He who asserts must prove.
especially after the court a quo found that the evidence presented is sufficient It is also undisputed that petitioners are all Spanish citizens. Under
and proper to uphold the reconstituted certificates of title in question. A Philippine law, foreigners can acquire private lands only by hereditary
perusal of the assailed order shows that the trial court correctly applied the succession or when they were formerly natural-born Filipinos who lost their
established legal principle that in cases of annulment and/or reconveyance of Philippine citizenship. In this case, petitioners did not present proof that they
title, a party seeking it should establish not merely by a preponderance of acquired the properties by inheritance. Neither did they claim to be former
evidence but by clear and convincing evidence that the land sought to be natural-born Filipinos. On the contrary, they declare in this petition that they
reconveyed is his. are all Spanish citizens residing in Mallorca, Spain.
Petitioners (Serra Serra), however, as noted by the court a quo in its It is axiomatic that factual findings of trial courts, when adopted and
Order dated November 25, 1998, failed to present in court as evidence the confirmed by the Court of Appeals, are binding and conclusive and will not be
original certificates of title of the aforementioned lots, Lot No. 1316, Lot No. disturbed on appeal. This Court is not a trier of facts. It is not its function to
2685 and Lot No. 717. Petitioners were also found to be of Spanish citizenship examine and determine the weight of the evidence supporting the assailed
and, hence, as aliens, disqualified to acquire lands in the Philippines under decision. Moreover, well entrenched is the prevailing jurisprudence that only
the 1935 Constitution .7 errors of law and not of facts are reviewable by this Court in a Petition for
Petitioners' motion for reconsideration was subsequently denied, Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Revised Rules of Court, which applies
hence the instant petition based on the following assigned errors: with greater force to the petition under consideration because the factual
I findings of the Court of Appeals are in full agreement with what the trial court
OF THE POWER OF SUPERVISION BY THIS HONORABLE COURT, IN THAT: 17, 2000 resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 52817 are
HIMSELF OF THE WRIT OF CERTIORARI UNDER RULE 65 OF THE RULES OF Davide, Jr., C.J., (Chairman), Quisumbing, Carpio, and Azcuna, JJ., concur.
THE COURT OF APPEALS ... HAS DECIDED A QUESTION OF G.R. No. L-21489 and L-21628 May 19, 1966
SERRA v. COURT OF APPEALS, G.R. NO. L-34080, MARCH 22, 1991.8 The spouses Miguel Mapalo and Candida Quiba, simple illiterate
Petitioners assail the dismissal of their petition on the ground that farmers, were registered owners, with Torrens title certificate O.C.T. No.
they failed to file a motion for reconsideration with the lower court before filing 46503, of a 1,635-square-meter residential land in Manaoag, Pangasinan. Said
a Petition for Certiorari before the Court of Appeals. While admitting spouses-owners, out of love and affection for Maximo Mapalo — a brother of
procedural lapse on their part, they argue that the rule is subject to well-settled Miguel who was about to get married — decided to donate the eastern half of
exceptions, such as, when the questions raised before the Supreme Court are the land to him. O.C.T. No. 46503 was delivered. As a result, however, they were
the same as those which have been squarely raised and passed upon by the deceived into signing, on October 15, 1936, a deed of absolute sale over
trial court, or when the petitioner has been deprived of due process of law, or the entire land in his favor. Their signatures thereto were procured by fraud,
when the writ is urgent under the circumstances.9 that is, they were made to believe by Maximo Mapalo and by the attorney who
The petition is denied. Other than citing general exceptions to the acted as notary public who "translated" the document, that the same was a
rule requiring a motion for reconsideration as a pre-condition to instituting a deed of donation in Maximo's favor covering one-half (the eastern half) of their
Petition for Certiorari, the petitioners did not offer valid reason why their land. Although the document of sale stated a consideration of Five Hundred
particular case fall under any of the specified exceptions. (P500.00) Pesos, the aforesaid spouses did not receive anything of value for the
The settled rule is that a motion for reconsideration is a sine qua land. The attorney's misbehaviour was the subject of an investigation but its
noncondition for the filing of a Petition for Certiorari. The purpose is to grant result does not appear on record. However we took note of the fact that during
an opportunity to public respondent to correct any actual or perceived error the hearing of these cases said notary public was present but did not take the
attributed to it by the re-examination of the legal and factual circumstances of witness stand to rebut the plaintiffs' testimony supporting the allegation of
the case.10 Petitioners' failure to file a motion for reconsideration deprived the fraud in the preparation of the document.
trial court of the opportunity to rectify an error unwittingly committed or to Following the execution of the afore-stated document, the spouses
vindicate itself of an act unfairly imputed. Besides, a motion for reconsideration Miguel Mapalo and Candida Quiba immediately built a fence of permanent
under the present circumstances is the plain, speedy and adequate remedy to structure in the middle of their land segregating the eastern portion from its
the adverse judgment of the trial court. western portion. Said fence still exists. The spouses have always been in
Granting arguendo that certiorari is the proper remedy, the Court continued possession over the western half of the land up to the present.
of Appeals nevertheless did not err in dismissing the petition. Not known to them, meanwhile, Maximo Mapalo, on March 15,
Both the trial court and the Court of Appeals found that petitioners 1938, registered the deed of sale in his favor and obtained in his name Transfer
are Spanish citizens and as such, disqualified from acquiring lands in the Certificate of Title No. 12829 over the entire land. Thirteen years later on
Philippines. As a rule, only a Filipino citizen can acquire private lands in the October 20, 1951, he sold for P2,500.00 said entire land in favor of Evaristo,
Philippines and the only instances when a foreigner can own private lands are Petronila Pacifico and Miguel all surnamed Narciso. The sale to the Narcisos
by hereditary succession and if he was formerly a natural-born Filipino citizen was in turn registered on November 5, 1951 and Transfer Certificate of Title
who lost his Philippine citizenship. The records are bereft of any showing that No. 11350 was issued for the whole land in their names.
petitioners derived their title by any mode which would qualify them to acquire
The Narcisos took possession only of the eastern portion of the land Not so, however, as to the third element of cause or consideration.
in 1951, after the sale in their favor was made. On February 7, 1952 they filed And on this point the decision of the Court of Appeals is silent.
suit in the Court of First Instance of Pangasinan (Civil Case No. 1191) to be As regards the eastern portion of the land, the Mapalo spouses are
declared owners of the entire land, for possession of its western portion; for not claiming the same, it being their stand that they have donated and freely
damages; and for rentals. It was brought against the Mapalo spouses as well as given said half of their land to Maximo Mapalo. And since they did not appeal
against Floro Guieb and Rosalia Mapalo Guieb who had a house on the western from the decision of the trial court finding that there was a valid and effective
part of the land with the consent of the spouses Mapalo and Quiba. donation of the eastern portion of their land in favor of Maximo Mapalo, the
The Mapalo spouses filed their answer with a counterclaim on same pronouncement has become final as to them, rendering it no longer
March 17, 1965, seeking cancellation of the Transfer Certificate of Title of the proper herein to examine the existence, validity efficacy of said donation as to
Narcisos as to the western half of the land, on the grounds that their (Mapalo said eastern portion.1äwphï1.ñët
spouses) signatures to the deed of sale of 1936 was procured by fraud and that Now, as to the western portion, however, the fact not disputed
the Narcisos were buyers in bad faith. They asked for reconveyance to them of herein is that no donation by the Mapalo spouses obtained as to said portion.
the western portion of the land and issuance of a Transfer Certificate of Title in Accordingly, we start with the fact that liberality as a cause or consideration
their names as to said portion. does not exist as regards the western portion of the land in relation to the deed
In addition, the Mapalo spouses filed on December 16, 1957 their of 1936; that there was no donation with respect to the same.
own complaint in the Court of First Instance of Pangasinan (Civil Case No. U- It is reduced, then, to the question whether there was an onerous
133) against the aforestated Narcisos and Maximo Mapalo. They asked that the conveyance of ownership, that is, a sale, by virtue of said deed of October 15,
deeds of sale of 1936 and of 1951 over the land in question be declared null 1936, with respect to said western portion. Specifically, was there a cause or
and void as to the western half of said land. consideration to support the existence of a contrary of sale?
Judge Amado Santiago of the Court of First Instance of Pangasinan The rule under the Civil Code, again be it the old or the new, is that
located in the municipality of Urdaneta tried the two cases jointly. Said court contracts without a cause or consideration produce no effect
rendered judgment on January 18, 1961, as follows: whatsoever.2 Nonetheless, under the Old Civil Code, the statement of a false
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered as follows, to wit: consideration renders the contract voidable, unless it is proven that it is
(a) dismissing the complaint in Civil Case No. 11991; supported by another real and licit consideration.3 And it is further provided by
(b) declaring Exhibit A, plaintiffs in Case No. 11991 and Exhibit 1, defendants in the Old Civil Code that the action for annulment of a contract on the ground of
Case No. U-133 as a donation only over the eastern half portion of the above- falsity of consideration shall last four years, the term to run from the date of
described land, and as null and void with respect to the western half portion the consummation of the contract.4
thereof; Accordingly, since the deed of sale of 1936 is governed by the Old
(c) declaring as null and void and without legal force and effect Transfer Civil Code, it should be asked whether its case is one wherein there is no
Certificate of Title No. 12829 issued in favor of Maximo Mapalo as regards the consideration, or one with a statement of a false consideration. If the former, it
western half portion of the land covered therein; is void and inexistent; if the latter, only voidable, under the Old Civil Code. As
(d) declaring as null and void Transfer Certificate of Title No. 11350 in the names observed earlier, the deed of sale of 1936 stated that it had for its consideration
of the Narcisos insofar as the western half portion of the land covered therein Five Hundred (P500.00) Pesos. In fact, however, said consideration was totally
is concerned; absent. The problem, therefore, is whether a deed which states a consideration
(e) ordering the spouses Mapalo and Quiba and the Narcisos to have the above- that in fact did not exist, is a contract without consideration, and therefore
described land be subdivided by a competent land surveyor and that the void ab initio, or a contract with a false consideration, and therefore, at least
expenses incident thereto be borne out by said partiespro rata; under the Old Civil Code, voidable.
(f) ordering the Register of Deeds of Pangasinan to issue in lieu of Transfer According to Manresa, what is meant by a contract that states a
Certificate of Title No. 11350 two new titles upon completion of the subdivision false consideration is one that has in fact a real consideration but the same is
plan, one in favor of the spouses Miguel Mapalo and Candida Quiba covering not the one stated in the document. Thus he says:
the western half portion and another for the Narcisos covering the eastern half En primer lugar, nor interesa recordar la diferencia entre simulacion
portion of the said land, upon payment of the legal fees; meanwhile the right y el contrato con proposito fraudulento. Este aunque ilicito es real; mas el
of the spouses Mapalo and Quiba is hereby ordered to be annotated on the primero es falso en realidad, aunque se le presente como verdadero. (Manresa,
back of Transfer Certificate of Title No. 11350; and Codigo Civil, Tomo VIII, Vol. II, p. 354.)
(g) sentencing Maximo Mapalo and the Narcisos to pay the costs. And citing a decision of the Supreme Court of Spain on the matter,
IT IS SO ORDERED. Manresa further clarifies the difference of false cause and no cause, thus:
The Narcisos appealed to the Court of Appeals. In its decision on Insiste en el distingo con mas detenida descripcion la sentencia de 25 de mayo
May 28, 1963, the Court of Appeals reversed the judgment of the Court of First de 1944, en la que se argumenta:
Instance, solely on the ground that the consent of the Mapalo spouses to the Si bien es elemento fundamental de todo negocio, la declaracion de
deed of sale of 1936 having been obtained by fraud, the same was voidable, voluntad substracto de una voluntad efectiva, y la existencia de una causa que
not void ab initio, and, therefore, the action to annul the same, within four leconfiera significado juridico señalando la finalidad que con este se persigue,
years from notice of the fraud, had long prescribed. It reckoned said notice of no ha de deducirse de esta doctrina, fundamentalmente recogida en el articulo
the fraud from the date of registration of the sale on March 15, 1938. The Court 1.261 y concordantes del Codigo civil, que cualquier falta de adecuacion entre
of First Instance and the Court of Appeals are therefore unanimous that the cualquier incongruencia entre la causa expresada y la verdadera, y, en general,
spouses Mapalo and Quiba were definitely the victims of fraud. It was only on entre la estructuracion y la finalidad economica; hayan de producir la ineficacia
prescription that they lost in the Court of Appeals. del negocio, pues por el contrario, puede este ser valido y producir sus efectos
From said decision of the Court of Appeals, the Mapalo spouses tanto en el caso de la mera disonancia entre el medio juridico adoptado y el fin
appealed to this Court. practico perseguido, por utilizacion de una via oblicua o combinacion de formas
And here appellants press the contention that the document dated juridicas entrelazadas que permita la obtencion de un resultado no previsto en
October 15, 1936, purporting to sell the entire land in favor of Maximo Mapalo, los cuadros de la ley — negocios indirectos y negocios fiduciarlos, validos
is void, not merely voidable, as to the western portion of the land for being cuando no envuelven fraude de ley, como en el caso de la verdadera
absolutely simulated or fictitious. disconformidad entre la apariencia del acto y su real contenido, preparada
Starting with fundamentals, under the Civil Code, either the old or deliberadamente por las partes — negocio simulado — , ya que, cuando esta
the new, for a contract to exist at all, three essential requisites must concur: (1) divergencia implica no una ausencia total de voluntad y de acto real, sino mera
consent, (2) object, and (3) cause or consideration.1 The Court of Appeals is ocultacion de un negocio verdadero bajo la falsa apariencia de un negocio
right in that the element of consent is present as to the deed of sale of October fingido "sirulacion relativa", la ineficacia de la forma externa simulada, no es
15, 1936. For consent was admittedly given, albeit obtained by fraud. obstaculo para la posible validez del negocio disimulado que contiene, en tanto
Accordingly, said consent, although defective, did exist. In such case, the defect este ultimo sea licito y reuna no solo los requisitos generales, sino tambien los
in the consent would provide a ground for annulment of a voidable contract, que corresponden a su naturaleza especial, doctrina, en obligada aplicacion de
not a reason for nullity ab initio. los preceptos de nuestra Ley civil, especialmente en su art. 1.276, que, al
The parties are agreed that the second element of object is likewise establecer el principio de nulidad de los contratos en los que se hace expresion
present in the deed of October 15, 1936, namely, the parcel of land subject de una causa falsa, deja a salvo el caso de que esten fundados en otra verdadera
matter of the same. y licita. (Manresa, Codigo Civil, Tomo VIII, Vol. II pp. 357-358)
Sanchez Roman says: land in question he went to the house of Miguel Mapalo and Candida Quiba
Ya hemos dicho que la intervencion de causa en los contratos es and asked them if they will permit their elder brother Maximo to sell the
necesaria, y que sin ellos son nulos; solo se concibe que un hombre perturbado property.
en su razon pueda contratar sin causa. ... Aside from the fact that all the parties in these cases are neighbors,
Por la misma razon de la necesidad de la intervencion de causa en except Maximo Mapalo the foregoing facts are explicit enough and sufficiently
el contrato, es preciso que esta sea verdadera y no supuesta, aparente o reveal that the Narcisos were aware of the nature and extent of the interest of
figurada. Que la falsedad de la causa vicia el consentimiento y anula el Maximo Mapalo their vendor, over the above-described land before and at the
contrato, es, no solo doctrina indudable de Derecho Cientifico sino tambien de time the deed of sale in their favor was executed.
antiguo Derecho de Castilla, que en multitud de leyes asi lo declararon. Upon the aforestated declaration of Pacifico Narciso the following
(Sanchez Roman, Derecho Civil, Tomo IV, p. 206.). question arises: What was the necessity, purpose and reason of Pacifico Narciso
In a clearer exposition of the above distinction, Castan states: in still going to the spouses Mapalo and asked them to permit their brother
2.º. La causa ha de ser verdadera. La causa falsa puede ser erronea o simulada. Maximo to dispose of the above-described land? To this question it is safe to
Es erronea como dice Giorgi, la causa que tiene por base la credulidad en un state that this act of Pacifico Narciso is a conclusive manifestation that they (the
hecho no existente; y simulada la que tiene lugar cuando se hace aparecer Narcisos) did not only have prior knowledge of the ownership of said spouses
artificiosamente una distinta de la verdadera. La erronea produce siempre la over the western half portion in question but that they also have recognized
inexistencia del contrato; la simulada no siempre produce este efecto, porque said ownership. It also conclusively shows their prior knowledge of the want of
puede suceder que la causa oculta, pero verdadera, baste para sostener el dominion on the part of their vendor Maximo Mapalo over the whole land and
contrato. De acuerdo con esta doctrina, dice el art. 1.276 de nuestro Codigo also of the flaw of his title thereto. Under this situation, the Narcisos may be
que "la expresion de una causa falsa en los contratos dara lugar a la nulidad, si considered purchasers in value but certainly not as purchasers in good faith. ...
no se probase que estaban fundados en otra verdadera y licita". (Castan (pp. 97-98, Record on Appeal.)
Derecho Civil Español, Tomo II, pp. 618-619) And said finding — which is one of fact — is found by us not a bit
From the foregoing it can be seen that where, as in this case, there disturbed by the Court of Appeals. Said the Court of Appeals:
was in fact no consideration, the statement of one in the deed will not suffice In view of the conclusion thus reached, it becomes unnecessary to pass on the
to bring it under the rule of Article 1276 of the Old Civil Code as stating a false other errors assigned. Suffice it to say that, on the merits the appealed decision
consideration. Returning to Manresa: could have been upheld under Article 1332 of the new Civil Code and the
Figurando en nuestro Derecho positivo la causa, como un elemento following authorities: Ayola vs. Valderrama Lumber Manufacturers Co., Inc., 49
esential del contrato, es consecuencia ineludible, se reputar simulada la O.G. 980, 982; Trasporte vs. Beltran, 51 O.G. 1434, 1435; Cortez vs. Cortez, CA-
entrega del precio en la compraventa de autos, el que haya que declararla nula G.R. No. 18451-R, August 8, 1961; Castillo vs. Laberinto, CA-G.R. No. 18118-R,
por inexistente haciendose aplicacion indebida de art. 1.276 por el Tribunal December 20, 1961; and 13 C.J. 372-373, as well as the several facts and
sentenciador al cohonestar la falta de precio admitiendo se pueda tratar de una circumstances appreciated by the trial court as supporting appellees' case.
donacion, ya que la recta aplicacion del citado precepto exige que los negocios thereby in effect sustaining — barring only its ruling on prescription — the
simulados, o sea con causa falsa, se justifique la verdadera y licita en que se judgment and findings of the trial court, including that of bad faith on the part
funda el acto que las partes han querido ocultar y el cumplimiento de las of the Narcisos in purchasing the land in question. We therefore see no need
formalidades impuestas por la Ley y, cual dice la sentencia de 3 de marzo de to further remand this case to the Court of Appeals for a ruling on this point, as
1932, esta rigurosa doctrina ha de ser especialmente impuesta en la appellees request in their brief in the event we hold the contract of 1936 to be
donaciones puras y simples; de los que deduce que la sentencia recurrida al no inexistent as regards the western portion of the land.
decretar la nulidad instada por falta de causa, incide en la infraccion de los In view of defendants' bad faith under the circumstances we deem
articulos 1.261, 1.274, 1.275 y 1.276 del Codigo Civil. (Sentencia de 22 de it just and equitable to award, in plaintiffs' favor, attorneys' fees on appeal, in
febrero de 1940). (Manresa, Codigo Civil, Tomo VIII, Vol. II, p. 356) the amount of P1,000.00 as prayed for in the counterclaim.
In our view, therefore, the ruling of this Court in Ocejo, Perez & Co. vs. Flores, Wherefore, the decision of the Court of Appeals is hereby reversed
40 Phil. 921, is squarely applicable herein. In that case we ruled that a contract and set aside, and another one is hereby rendered affirming in toto the
of purchase and sale is null and void and produces no effect whatsoever where judgment of the Court of First Instance a quo, with attorney's fees on appeal in
the same is without cause or consideration in that the purchase price which favor of appellants in the amount of P1,000.00, plus the costs, both against the
appears thereon as paid has in fact never been paid by the purchaser to the private appellees. So ordered.
vendor. Bengzon, C.J., Bautista Angelo, Concepcion, Reyes, J.B.L., Barrera, Dizon, Regala,
Needless to add, the inexistence of a contract is permanent and Makalintal, Zaldivar and Sanchez, JJ., concur.
incurable and cannot be the subject of prescription. In the words of Castan: "La
inexistencia es perpetua e insubsanable no pudiendo ser objecto de G.R. No. L-31271 April 29, 1974
confirmacion ni prescripcion (Op. cit., p. 644.) In Eugenio v. Perdido, 97 Phil. 41, ROMEO MARTINEZ and LEONOR SUAREZ vs. HON. COURT OF APPEALS,
42-43, involving a sale dated 1932, this Court, speaking through Justice Cesar SECRETARY and UNDERSECRETARY OF PUBLIC WORKS & COMMUNICATIONS
Bengzon, now Chief Justice, stated:
Under the existing classification, such contract would be "inexisting" ESGUERRA, J.:p
and "the action or defense for declaration" of such inexistence "does not Petition for review by certiorari of the judgment of the Court of
prescribe". (Art. 1410, New Civil Code). While it is true that this is a new Appeals dated November 17, 1969 in its CA-G.R. 27655-R which reverses the
provision of the New Civil Code, it is nevertheless a principle recognized judgment of the Court of First Instance of Pampanga in favor of petitioners-
since Tipton vs. Velasco, 6 Phil. 67 that "mere lapse of time cannot give efficacy appellants against the Secretary and Undersecretary of Public Works &
to contracts that are null and void". Communications in the case instituted to annul the order of November 25,
Anent the matter of whether the Narcisos were purchasers in good 1958 of respondent Secretary of Public Works & Communications directing the
faith, the trial court in its decision resolved this issue, thus: removal by the petitioners of the dikes they had constructed on Lot No. 15856
With regard to the second issue, the Narcisos contend that they are of the Register of Deeds of Pampanga, which order was issued pursuant to the
the owners of the above-described property by virtue of the deed of sale (Exh. provisions of Republic Act No. 2056. The dispositive portion of the judgment of
B, plaintiffs in 11991 and Exh. 2, defendants in U-133) executed in their favor reversal of the Court of Appeals reads as follows:
by Maximo Mapalo, and further claim that they are purchasers for value and in IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING CONSIDERATIONS, the judgment
good faith. This court, however, cannot also give weight and credit on this appealed from is hereby reversed, and another entered: [1] upholding the
theory of the Narcisos on the following reasons: Firstly, it has been positively validity of the decision reached by the respondent officials in the administrative
shown by the undisputed testimony of Candida Quiba that Pacifico Narciso and case; [2] dissolving the injunction issued by the Court below; and [3] cancelling
Evaristo Narciso stayed for some days on the western side (the portion in the registration of Lot No. 2, the disputed area, and ordering its reconveyance
question) of the above-described land until their house was removed in 1940 to the public domain. No costs in this instance.
by the spouses Mapalo and Quiba; secondly, Pacifica Narciso admitted in his The background facts are stated by the Court of Appeals as follows:
testimony in chief that when they bought the property, Miguel Mapalo was still The spouses Romeo Martinez and Leonor Suarez, now petitioners-appellees,
in the premises in question (western part) which he is occupying and his house are the registered owners of two (2) parcels of land located in Lubao,
is still standing thereon; and thirdly, said Pacifico Narciso when presented as a Pampanga, covered by transfer certificate of title No. 15856 of the Register of
rebuttal and sub-rebuttal witness categorically declared that before buying the Deeds of the said province. Both parcels of land are fishponds. The property
involved in the instant case is the second parcel mentioned in the above-named The spouses Martinez replied to the order by commencing on
transfer certificate of title. January 2, 1959 the present case, which was decided in their favor by the lower
The disputed property was originally owned by one Paulino Court in a decision dated August 10, 1959, the dispositive part of which reads:
Montemayor, who secured a "titulo real" over it way back in 1883. After the "WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing considerations, the Court
death of Paulino Montemayor the said property passed to his successors-in- hereby declares the decision, Exhibit S, rendered by the Undersecretary of
interest, Maria Montemayor and Donata Montemayor, who in turn, sold it, as Public Works and Communications null and void; declares the preliminary
well as the first parcel, to a certain Potenciano Garcia. injunction, hereto for issued, permanent, and forever enjoining both
Because Potenciano Garcia was prevented by the then municipal respondents from molesting the spouses Romeo Martinez and Leonor Suarez
president of Lubao, Pedro Beltran, from restoring the dikes constructed on the in their possession, use and enjoyment of their property described in Plan Psu-
contested property, the former, on June 22, 1914, filed Civil Case No. 1407 with 9992 and referred to in their petition."
the Court of First Instance against the said Pedro Beltran to restrain the latter "Without pronouncement as to costs."
in his official capacity from molesting him in the possession of said second "SO ORDERED."
parcel, and on even date, applied for a writ of preliminary injunction, which was As against this judgment respondent officials of the Department of
issued against said municipal president. The Court, by decision promulgated Public Works and Communications took the instant appeal, contending that the
June 12, 1916, declared permanent the preliminary injunction, which, decision, lower Court erred:
on appeal, was affirmed by the Supreme Court on August 21, 1918. From June 1. In holding that then Senator Rogelio de la Rosa, complainant in the
22, 1914, the dikes around the property in question remained closed until a administrative case, is not an interested party and his letter-complaint dated
portion thereof was again opened just before the outbreak of the Pacific War. August 15, 1958 did not confer jurisdiction upon the respondent
On April 17, 1925. Potenciano Garcia applied for the registration of Undersecretary of Public Works and Communications to investigate the said
both parcels of land in his name, and the Court of First Instance of Pampanga, administrative case;
sitting as land registration court, granted the registration over and against the 2. In holding that the duty to investigate encroachments upon public rivers
opposition of the Attorney-General and the Director of Forestry. Pursuant to conferred upon the respondent Secretary under Republic Act No. 7056 cannot
the Court's decision, original certificate of title No. 14318, covering said parcels be lawfully delegated by him to his subordinates;
1 and 2 was issued to the spouses Potenciano Garcia and Lorenza Sioson. 3. In holding that the investigation ordered by the respondent Secretary in this
These parcels of land were subsequently bought by Emilio Cruz de case is illegal on the ground that the said respondent Secretary has arrogated
Dios in whose name transfer certificate of title No. 1421 was first issued on unto himself the power, which he does not possess, of reversing, making
November 9, 1925. nugatory, and setting aside the two lawful decisions of the Court Exhibits K and
Thereafter, the ownership of these properties changed hands until I, and even annulling thereby, the one rendered by the highest Tribunal of the
eventually they were acquired by the herein appellee spouses who hold them land;
by virtue of transfer certificate of title No. 15856. 4. In not sustaining respondent's claim that petitioners have no cause of action
To avoid any untoward incident, the disputants agreed to refer the because the property in dispute is a public river and in holding that the said
matter to the Committee on Rivers and Streams, by then composed of the claim has no basis in fact and in law;
Honorable Pedro Tuason, at that time Secretary of Justice, as chairman, and the 5. In not passing upon and disposing of respondent's counterclaim;
Honorable Salvador Araneta and Vicente Orosa, Secretary of Agriculture and 6. In not sustaining respondent's claim that the petition should not have been
National Resources and Secretary of Public Works and Communications, entertained on the ground that the petitioners have not exhausted
respectively, as members. This committee thereafter appointed a Sub- administrative remedies; and
Committee to investigate the case and to conduct an ocular inspection of the 7. In holding that the decision of the respondents is illegal on the ground that
contested property, and on March 11, 1954, said Sub-Committee submitted its it violates the principles that laws shall have no retroactive effect unless the
report to the Committee on Rivers and Streams to the effect that Parcel No. 2 contrary is provided and in holding that the said Republic Act No. 2056 is
of transfer certificate of title No. 15856 was not a public river but a private unconstitutional on the ground that respondents' threat of prosecuting
fishpond owned by the herein spouses. petitioners under Section 3 thereof for acts done four years before its
On July 7, 1954, the Committee on Rivers and Streams rendered its enactment renders the said law ex post facto.
decision the dispositive part of which reads: The Court of Appeals sustained the above-mentioned assignment of
"In view of the foregoing considerations, the spouses Romeo errors committed by the Court of First Instance of Pampanga and, as previously
Martinez and Leonor Suarez should be restored to the exclusive possession, use stated, reversed the judgment of the latter court. From this reversal this appeal
and enjoyment of the creek in question which forms part of their registered by certiorari was taken, and before this Court, petitioners-appellants assigned
property and the decision of the courts on the matter be given full force and the following errors allegedly committed by the Court of Appeals:
The municipal officials of Lubao, led by Acting Mayor Mariano PARCEL NO. 2 OF TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 15856 IS A PUBLIC RIVER
Zagad, apparently refused to recognize the above decision, because on AND ORDERING THE CANCELLATION OF ITS REGISTRATION BECAUSE THIS
September 1, 1954, the spouses Romeo Martinez and Leonor Suarez instituted CONSTITUTES A COLLATERAL ATTACK ON A TORRENS TITLE IN VIOLATION OF
Civil Case No. 751 before the Court of First Instance of Pampanga against said THE LAW AND THE WELL-SETTLED JURISPRUDENCE ON THE MATTER.
Mayor Zagad, praying that the latter be enjoined from molesting them in their 2. THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN REOPENING AND RE-LITIGATING THE
possession of their property and in the construction of the dikes therein. The ISSUE AS TO WHETHER OR NOT LOT NO. 2 OF TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE
writ of preliminary injunction applied for was issued against the respondent NO. 15856 REGISTER OF DEEDS OF PAMPANGA, IS A PUBLIC RIVER
municipal Mayor, who immediately elevated the injunction suit for review to NOTWITHSTANDING THE FACT THAT THIS ISSUE HAS BEEN LONG RESOLVED
the Supreme Court, which dismissed Mayor Zagad's petition on September 7, AND SETTLED BY THE LAND REGISTRATION COURT OF PAMPANGA IN LAND
1953. With this dismissal order herein appellee spouses proceeded to construct REGISTRATION PROCEEDING NO. 692 AND IS NOW RES JUDICATA.
the dikes in the disputed parcel of land. 3. THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN ORDERING THE CANCELLATION OF THE
Some four (4) years later, and while Civil Case No. 751 was still REGISTRATION OF LOT NO. 2 OF TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 15856
pending the Honorable Florencio Moreno, then Secretary of Public Works and NOTWITHSTANDING THE FACT THAT THE TORRENS TITLE COVERING IT HAS
Communications, ordered another investigation of the said parcel of land, BEEN VESTED IN THE PETITIONERS WHO ARE THE SEVENTH OF THE SUCCESSIVE
directing the appellees herein to remove the dikes they had constructed, on INNOCENT PURCHASERS THEREOF AND WHO IN PURCHASING THE SAME
the strength of the authority vested in him by Republic Act No. 2056, approved RELIED ON THE PRINCIPLE THAT THE PERSONS DEALING WITH REGISTERED
on June 13, 1958, entitled "An Act To Prohibit, Remove and/or Demolish the LAND NEED NOT GO BEHIND THE REGISTER TO DETERMINE THE CONDITION OF
Construction of Dams. Dikes, Or Any Other Walls In Public Navigable Waters, Or THE PROPERTY.
Waterways and In Communal Fishing Grounds, To Regulate Works in Such The 1st and 2nd assignment of errors, being closely related, will be
Waters or Waterways And In Communal Fishing Grounds, And To Provide taken up together.
Penalties For Its Violation, And For Other Purposes. 1 The said order which gave The ruling of the Court of Appeals that Lot No. 2 covered by Transfer
rise to the instant proceedings, embodied a threat that the dikes would be Certificate of Title No. 15856 of the petitioners-appellants is a public stream
demolished should the herein appellees fail to comply therewith within thirty and that said title should be cancelled and the river covered reverted to public
(30) days. domain, is assailed by the petitioners-appellants as being a collateral attack on
the indefeasibility of the torrens title originally issued in 1925 in favor of the
petitioners-appellants' predecessor-in-interest, Potenciano Garcia, which is that Lot No. 2 embraced in said title is bounded practically on all sides by rivers.
violative of the rule of res judicata. It is argued that as the decree of registration As held by the Court of First Instance of Pampanga in Civil Case No. 1247 for
issued by the Land Registration Court was not re-opened through a petition for injunction filed by the petitioners' predecessors-in-interest against the
review filed within one (1) year from the entry of the decree of title, the Municipal Mayor of Lubao and decided in 1916 (Exh. "L"), Lot No. 2 is a branch
certificate of title issued pursuant thereto in favor of the appellants for the land of the main river that has been covered with water since time immemorial and,
covered thereby is no longer open to attack under Section 38 of the Land therefore, part of the public domain. This finding having been affirmed by the
Registration Act (Act 496) and the jurisprudence on the matter established by Supreme Court, there is no longer any doubt that Lot No. 2 of Transfer
this Tribunal. Section 38 of the Land Registration Act cited by appellants Certificate of Title No. 15856 of petitioners is a river which is not capable of
expressly makes a decree of registration, which ordinarily makes the title private appropriation or acquisition by prescription. (Palanca v. Com. of the
absolute and indefeasible, subject to the exemption stated in Section 39 of the Philippines, 69 Phil. 449; Meneses v. Com. of the Philippines, 69 Phil. 647).
said Act among which are: "liens, claims or rights arising or existing under the Consequently, appellants' title does not include said river.
laws or Constitution of the United States or of the Philippine Islands which the II
statute of the Philippine Islands cannot require to appear of record in the As regards the 3rd assignment of error, there is no weight in the
registry." appellants' argument that, being a purchaser for value and in good faith of Lot
At the time of the enactment of Section 496, one right recognized No. 2, the nullification of its registration would be contrary to the law and to
or existing under the law is that provided for in Article 339 of the old Civil Code the applicable decisions of the Supreme Court as it would destroy the stability
which reads as follows: of the title which is the core of the system of registration. Appellants cannot be
Property of public ownership is: deemed purchasers for value and in good faith as in the deed of absolute
1. That destined to the public use, such as roads, canals, rivers, torrents, ports, conveyance executed in their favor, the following appears:
and bridges constructed by the State, and banks shores, roadsteads, and that 6. Que la segunda parcela arriba descrita y mencionada esta actualmente
of a similar character. (Par. 1) abierta, sin malecones y excluida de la primera parcela en virtud de la Orden
The above-mentioned properties are parts of the public domain Administrative No. 103, tal como fue enmendada, del pasado regimen o
intended for public use, are outside the commerce of men and, therefore, not Gobierno.
subject to private appropriation. ( 3 Manresa, 6th ed. 101-104.) 7. Que los citados compradores Romeo Martinez y Leonor Suarez se encargan
In Ledesma v. Municipality of Iloilo, 49 Phil. 769, this Court held: de gestionar de las autoridades correspondientes para que la citada segunda
A simple possession of a certificate of title under the Torrens system does not parcela pueda ser convertida de nuevo en pesqueria, corriendo a cuenta y
necessarily make the possessor a true owner of all the property described cargo de los mismos todos los gastos.
therein. If a person obtains title under the Torrens system which includes by 8. Que en el caso de que dichos compradores no pudiesen conseguir sus
mistake or oversight, lands which cannot be registered under the Torrens propositos de convertir de nuevo en pesquera la citada segunda parcela, los
system, he does not by virtue of said certificate alone become the owner of the aqui vendedores no devolveran ninguna cantidad de dinero a los referidos
land illegally included. compradores; este es, no se disminuiriat el precio de esta venta. (Exh. 13-a, p.
In Mercado v. Municipal President of Macabebe, 59 Phil. 592, it was 52, respondents record of exhibits)
also said: These stipulations were accepted by the petitioners-appellants in
It is useless for the appellant now to allege that she has obtained the same conveyance in the following terms:
certificate of title No. 329 in her favor because the said certificate does not Romeo Martinez y Leonor Suarez, mayores de edad, filipinos y
confer upon her any right to the creek in question, inasmuch as the said creek, residentes en al Barrio de Julo Municipio de Malabon, Provincia de Rizal, por la
being of the public domain, is included among the various exceptions presente, declaran que estan enterados del contenido de este documento y lo
enumerated in Section 39 of Act 496 to which the said certificate is subject by aceptan en los precisos terminos en que arriba uedan consignados. (Exh. 13-
express provision of the law. a, ibid)
The same ruling was laid down in Director of Lands v. Roman Before purchasing a parcel of land, it cannot be contended that the
Catholic Bishop of Zamboanga, 61 Phil. 644, as regards public plaza. appellants who were the vendees did not know exactly the condition of the
In Dizon, et al. v. Rodriguez, et al., G.R. No. L-20300-01 and G.R. No. land that they were buying and the obstacles or restrictions thereon that may
L-20355-56, April 30, 1965, 20 SCRA 704, it was held that the incontestable and be put up by the government in connection with their project of converting Lot
indefeasible character of a Torrens certificate of title does not operate when No. 2 in question into a fishpond. Nevertheless, they willfully and voluntarily
the land covered thereby is not capable of registration. assumed the risks attendant to the sale of said lot. One who buys something
It is, therefore, clear that the authorities cited by the appellants as with knowledge of defect or lack of title in his vendor cannot claim that he
to the conclusiveness and incontestability of a Torrens certificate of title do not acquired it in good faith (Leung Lee v. Strong Machinery Co., et al., 37 Phil. 664).
apply here. The Land Registration Court has no jurisdiction over non- The ruling that a purchaser of a registered property cannot go
registerable properties, such as public navigable rivers which are parts of the beyond the record to make inquiries as to the legality of the title of the
public domain, and cannot validly adjudge the registration of title in favor of a registered owner, but may rely on the registry to determine if there is no lien
private applicant. Hence, the judgment of the Court of First Instance of or encumbrances over the same, cannot be availed of as against the law and
Pampanga as regards the Lot No. 2 of Certificate of Title No. 15856 in the name the accepted principle that rivers are parts of the public domain for public use
of petitioners-appellants may be attacked at any time, either directly or and not capable of private appropriation or acquisition by prescription.
collaterally, by the State which is not bound by any prescriptive period provided FOR ALL THE FOREGOING, the judgment of the Court of Appeals
for by the Statute of Limitations (Article 1108, par. 4, new Civil Code). The right appealed from is in accordance with law, and the same is hereby affirmed with
of reversion or reconveyance to the State of the public properties fraudulently costs against the petitioners-appellants.
registered and which are not capable of private appropriation or private Makalintal, C.J., Castro, Teehankee and Muñoz Palma, JJ., concur.
acquisition does not prescribe. (Republic v. Ramona Ruiz, et al., G.R. No. L- Makasiar, J., is on leave.
23712, April 29, 1968, 23 SCRA 348; Republic v. Ramos, G.R. No.
L-15484, January 31, 1963, 7 SCRA 47.) G.R. No. L-24732 April 30, 1968
When it comes to registered properties, the jurisdiction of the PIO SIAN MELLIZA vs. CITY OF ILOILO, UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES and THE
Secretary of Public Works & Communications under Republic Act 2056 to order COURT APPEALS
the removal or obstruction to navigation along a public and navigable creek or BENGZON, J.P., J.:
river included therein, has been definitely settled and is no longer open to Juliana Melliza during her lifetime owned, among other properties,
question (Lovina v. Moreno, G.R. No L-17821, November 29, 1963, 9 SCRA 557; three parcels of residential land in Iloilo City registered in her name under
Taleon v. Secretary of Public Works & Communications G.R. No. L-24281, May Original Certificate of Title No. 3462. Said parcels of land were known as Lots
16, 1961, 20 SCRA 69, 74). Nos. 2, 5 and 1214. The total area of Lot No. 1214 was 29,073 square meters.
The evidence submitted before the trial court which was passed On November 27, 1931 she donated to the then Municipality of Iloilo, 9,000
upon by the respondent Court of Appeals shows that Lot No. 2 (Plan Psu 992) square meters of Lot 1214, to serve as site for the municipal hall. 1 The donation
of Transfer Certificate of Title No. 15856, is a river of the public domain. The was however revoked by the parties for the reason that the area donated was
technical description of both Lots Nos. 1 and 2 appearing in Original Certificate found inadequate to meet the requirements of the development plan of the
of Title No. 14318 of the Register of Deeds of Pampanga, from which the municipality, the so-called "Arellano Plan". 2
present Transfer Certificate of Title No. 15856 was derived, confirms the fact
Subsequently, Lot No. 1214 was divided by Certeza Surveying Co., site. Nonetheless, it ordered the remand of the case for reception of evidence
Inc. into Lots 1214-A and 1214-B. And still later, Lot 1214-B was further divided to determine the area actually taken by Iloilo City for the construction of
into Lots 1214-B-1, Lot 1214-B-2 and Lot 1214-B-3. As approved by the Bureau avenues, parks and for city hall site.
of Lands, Lot 1214-B-1 with 4,562 square meters, became known as Lot 1214- The present appeal therefrom was then taken to Us by Pio Sian
B; Lot 1214-B-2, with 6,653 square meters, was designated as Lot 1214-C; and Melliza. Appellant maintains that the public instrument is clear that only Lots
Lot 1214-B-13, with 4,135 square meters, became Lot 1214-D. Nos. 1214-C and 1214-D with a total area of 10,788 square meters were the
On November 15, 1932 Juliana Melliza executed an instrument portions of Lot 1214 included in the sale; that the purpose of the second
without any caption containing the following: paragraph, relied upon for a contrary interpretation, was only to better identify
Que en consideracion a la suma total de SEIS MIL CUATRO CIENTOS the lots sold and none other; and that to follow the interpretation accorded the
VEINTIDOS PESOS (P6,422.00), moneda filipina que por la presente declaro deed of sale by the Court of Appeals and the Court of First Instance would
haber recibido a mi entera satisfaccion del Gobierno Municipal de Iloilo, cedo y render the contract invalid because the law requires as an essential element of
traspaso en venta real y difinitiva a dicho Gobierno Municipal de Iloilo los lotes sale, a "determinate" object (Art. 1445, now 1448, Civil Code).
y porciones de los mismos que a continuacion se especifican a saber: el lote No. Appellees, on the other hand, contend that the present appeal
5 en toda su extension; una porcion de 7669 metros cuadrados del lote No. 2, improperly raises only questions of fact. And, further, they argue that the
cuya porcion esta designada como sub-lotes Nos. 2-B y 2-C del piano de parties to the document in question really intended to include Lot 1214-B
subdivision de dichos lotes preparado por la Certeza Surveying Co., Inc., y una therein, as shown by the silence of the vendor after Iloilo City exercised
porcion de 10,788 metros cuadrados del lote No. 1214 — cuya porcion esta ownership thereover; that not to include it would have been absurd, because
designada como sub-lotes Nos. 1214-B-2 y 1214-B-3 del mismo plano de said lot is contiguous to the others admittedly included in the conveyance, lying
subdivision. directly in front of the city hall, separating that building from Lots 1214-C and
Asimismo nago constar que la cesion y traspaso que ariba se mencionan es de 1214-D, which were included therein. And, finally, appellees argue that the
venta difinitiva, y que para la mejor identificacion de los lotes y porciones de sale's object was determinate, because it could be ascertained, at the time of
los mismos que son objeto de la presente, hago constar que dichos lotes y the execution of the contract, what lots were needed by Iloilo municipality for
porciones son los que necesita el Gobierno Municipal de Iloilo para la avenues, parks and city hall site "according to the Arellano Plan", since the
construccion de avenidas, parques y City Hall site del Municipal Government Arellano plan was then already in existence.
Center de iloilo, segun el plano Arellano. The appeal before Us calls for the interpretation of the public
On January 14, 1938 Juliana Melliza sold her remaining interest in instrument dated November 15, 1932. And interpretation of such contract
Lot 1214 to Remedios Sian Villanueva who thereafter obtained her own involves a question of law, since the contract is in the nature of law as between
registered title thereto, under Transfer Certificate of Title No. 18178. Remedios the parties and their successors-in-interest.
in turn on November 4, 1946 transferred her rights to said portion of land to At the outset, it is well to mark that the issue is whether or not the
Pio Sian Melliza, who obtained Transfer Certificate of Title No. 2492 thereover conveyance by Juliana Melliza to Iloilo municipality included that portion of Lot
in his name. Annotated at the back of Pio Sian Melliza's title certificate was the 1214 known as Lot 1214-B. If not, then the same was included, in the
following: instrument subsequently executed by Juliana Melliza of her remaining interest
... (a) that a portion of 10,788 square meters of Lot 1214 now in Lot 1214 to Remedios Sian Villanueva, who in turn sold what she thereunder
designated as Lots Nos. 1214-B-2 and 1214-B-3 of the subdivision plan belongs had acquired, to Pio Sian Melliza. It should be stressed, also, that the sale to
to the Municipality of Iloilo as per instrument dated November 15, 1932.... Remedios Sian Villanueva — from which Pio Sian Melliza derived title — did not
On August 24, 1949 the City of Iloilo, which succeeded to the Municipality of specifically designate Lot 1214-B, but only such portions of Lot 1214 as were not
Iloilo, donated the city hall site together with the building thereon, to the included in the previous sale to Iloilo municipality (Stipulation of Facts, par. 5,
University of the Philippines (Iloilo branch). The site donated consisted of Lots Record on Appeal, p. 23). And thus, if said Lot 1214-B had been included in the
Nos. 1214-B, 1214-C and 1214-D, with a total area of 15,350 square meters, prior conveyance to Iloilo municipality, then it was excluded from the sale to
more or less. Remedios Sian Villanueva and, later, to Pio Sian Melliza.
Sometime in 1952, the University of the Philippines enclosed the The point at issue here is then the true intention of the parties as to
site donated with a wire fence. Pio Sian Melliza thereupon made the object of the public instrument Exhibit "D". Said issue revolves on the
representations, thru his lawyer, with the city authorities for payment of the paragraph of the public instrument aforequoted and its purpose, i.e., whether
value of the lot (Lot 1214-B). No recovery was obtained, because as alleged by it was intended merely to further describe the lots already specifically
plaintiff, the City did not have funds (p. 9, Appellant's Brief.) mentioned, or whether it was intended to cover other lots not yet specifically
The University of the Philippines, meanwhile, obtained Transfer mentioned.
Certificate of Title No. 7152 covering the three lots, Nos. 1214-B, 1214-C and First of all, there is no question that the paramount intention of the parties was
1214-D. to provide Iloilo municipality with lots sufficient or adequate in area for the
On December 10, 1955 Pio Sian Melliza filed an action in the Court construction of the Iloilo City hall site, with its avenues and parks. For this
of First Instance of Iloilo against Iloilo City and the University of the Philippines matter, a previous donation for this purpose between the same parties was
for recovery of Lot 1214-B or of its value. revoked by them, because of inadequacy of the area of the lot donated.
The defendants answered, contending that Lot 1214-B was included Secondly, reading the public instrument in toto, with special
in the public instrument executed by Juliana Melliza in favor of Iloilo reference to the paragraphs describing the lots included in the sale, shows that
municipality in 1932. After stipulation of facts and trial, the Court of First said instrument describes four parcels of land by their lot numbers and area;
Instance rendered its decision on August 15, 1957, dismissing the complaint. and then it goes on to further describe, not only those lots already mentioned,
Said court ruled that the instrument executed by Juliana Melliza in favor of Iloilo but the lots object of the sale, by stating that said lots are the ones needed for
municipality included in the conveyance Lot 1214-B. In support of this the construction of the city hall site, avenues and parks according to the
conclusion, it referred to the portion of the instrument stating: Arellano plan. If the parties intended merely to cover the specified lots — Lots
Asimismo hago constar que la cesion y traspaso que arriba se 2, 5, 1214-C and 1214-D, there would scarcely have been any need for the next
mencionan es de venta difinitiva, y que para la major identificacion de los lotes paragraph, since these lots are already plainly and very clearly described by
y porciones de los mismos que son objeto de la presente, hago constar que their respective lot number and area. Said next paragraph does not really add
dichos lotes y porciones son los que necesita el Gobierno municipal de Iloilo to the clear description that was already given to them in the previous one.
para la construccion de avenidas, parques y City Hall site del Municipal It is therefore the more reasonable interpretation, to view it as
Government Center de Iloilo, segun el plano Arellano. describing those other portions of land contiguous to the lots
and ruled that this meant that Juliana Melliza not only sold Lots aforementioned that, by reference to the Arellano plan, will be found needed
1214-C and 1214-D but also such other portions of lots as were necessary for for the purpose at hand, the construction of the city hall site.
the municipal hall site, such as Lot 1214-B. And thus it held that Iloilo City had Appellant however challenges this view on the ground that the
the right to donate Lot 1214-B to the U.P. description of said other lots in the aforequoted second paragraph of the public
Pio Sian Melliza appealed to the Court of Appeals. In its decision on instrument would thereby be legally insufficient, because the object would
May 19, 1965, the Court of Appeals affirmed the interpretation of the Court of allegedly not be determinate as required by law.
First Instance, that the portion of Lot 1214 sold by Juliana Melliza was not Such contention fails on several counts. The requirement of the law
limited to the 10,788 square meters specifically mentioned but included that a sale must have for its object a determinate thing, is fulfilled as long as, at
whatever was needed for the construction of avenues, parks and the city hall the time the contract is entered into, the object of the sale is capable of being
made determinate without the necessity of a new or further agreement building, machinery and equipment of Bormaheco, Inc. and are adjacent to the
between the parties (Art. 1273, old Civil Code; Art. 1460, New Civil Code). The property of Villonco Realty Company situated at 219 Buendia Avenue.
specific mention of some of the lots plus the statement that the lots object of In the early part of February, 1964 there were negotiations for the
the sale are the ones needed for city hall site, avenues and parks, according to sale of the said lots and the improvements thereon between Romeo Villonco of
the Arellano plan, sufficiently provides a basis, as of the time of the execution Villonco Realty Company "and Bormaheco, Inc., represented by its president,
of the contract, for rendering determinate said lots without the need of a new Francisco N. Cervantes, through the intervention of Edith Perez de Tagle, a real
and further agreement of the parties. estate broker".
The Arellano plan was in existence as early as 1928. As stated, the In the course of the negotiations, the brothers Romeo Villonco and
previous donation of land for city hall site on November 27, 1931 was revoked Teofilo Villonco conferred with Cervantes in his office to discuss the price and
on March 6, 1932 for being inadequate in area under said Arellano plan. terms of the sale. Later, Cervantes "went to see Villonco for the same reason
Appellant claims that although said plan existed, its metes and bounds were until some agreement" was arrived at. On a subsequent occasion, Cervantes,
not fixed until 1935, and thus it could not be a basis for determining the lots accompanied by Edith Perez de Tagle, discussed again the terms of the sale with
sold on November 15, 1932. Appellant however fails to consider that Villonco.
the area needed under that plan for city hall site was then already known; that During the negotiations, Villonco Realty Company assumed that the
the specific mention of some of the lots covered by the sale in effect fixed the lots belonged to Bormaheco, Inc. and that Cervantes was duly authorized to sell
corresponding location of the city hall site under the plan; that, therefore, the same. Cervantes did not disclose to the broker and to Villonco Realty
considering the said lots specifically mentioned in the public instrument Exhibit Company that the lots were conjugal properties of himself and his wife and that
"D", and the projected city hall site, with its area, as then shown in the Arellano they were mortgaged to the DBP.
plan (Exhibit 2), it could be determined which, and how much of the portions Bormaheco, Inc., through Cervantes, made a written offer dated
of land contiguous to those specifically named, were needed for the February 12, 1964, to Romeo Villonco for the sale of the property. The offer
construction of the city hall site. reads (Exh. B):
And, moreover, there is no question either that Lot 1214-B is
contiguous to Lots 1214-C and 1214-D, admittedly covered by the public BORMAHECO, INC.
instrument. It is stipulated that, after execution of the contract Exhibit "D", the February 12,1964
Municipality of Iloilo possessed it together with the other lots sold. It sits Mr. Romeo
practically in the heart of the city hall site. Furthermore, Pio Sian Melliza, from Villonco Villonco Building
the stipulation of facts, was the notary public of the public instrument. As such, Buendia Avenue
he was aware of its terms. Said instrument was also registered with the Register Makati, Rizal.
of Deeds and such registration was annotated at the back of the corresponding Dear Mr. Villonco:
title certificate of Juliana Melliza. From these stipulated facts, it can be inferred This is with reference to our telephone conversation this noon on the matter
that Pio Sian Melliza knew of the aforesaid terms of the instrument or is of the sale of our propertylocated at Buendia Avenue, with a total area of 3,500
chargeable with knowledge of them; that knowing so, he should have examined sq. m., under the following conditions:
the Arellano plan in relation to the public instrument Exhibit "D"; that, (1) That we are offering to sell to you the above property at the price of P400.00
furthermore, he should have taken notice of the possession first by the per square meter;
Municipality of Iloilo, then by the City of Iloilo and later by the University of the (2) That a deposit of P100,000.00 must be placed as earnest money on the
Philippines of Lot 1214-B as part of the city hall site conveyed under that public purchase of the above property which will become part payment of the
instrument, and raised proper objections thereto if it was his position that the property in the event that the sale is consummated;
same was not included in the same. The fact remains that, instead, for twenty (3) That this sale is to be consummated only after I shall have also
long years, Pio Sian Melliza and his predecessors-in-interest, did not object to consummated my purchase of another property located at Sta. Ana, Manila;
said possession, nor exercise any act of possession over Lot 1214-B. Applying, (4) That if my negotiations with said property will not be consummated by
therefore, principles of civil law, as well as laches, estoppel, and equity, said lot reason beyond my control, I will return to you your deposit of P100,000 and the
must necessarily be deemed included in the conveyance in favor of Iloilo sale of my property to you will not also be consummated; and
municipality, now Iloilo City. (5) That final negotiations on both properties can be definitely known after 45
WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is affirmed insofar as it days.
affirms that of the Court of First Instance, and the complaint in this case is If the above terms is (are) acceptable to your Board, please issue out the said
dismissed. No costs. So ordered. earnest money in favor of Bormaheco, Inc., and deliver the same thru the
Reyes, J.B.L., Actg. C.J., Dizon, Makalintal, Zaldivar, Sanchez, Castro, Angeles bearer, Miss Edith Perez de Tagle.
and Fernando, JJ., concur. Very truly yours,
Concepcion , C.J., is on leave. SGD. FRANCISCO N. CERVANTES
G.R. No. L-26872 July 25, 1975 The property mentioned in Bormaheco's letter was the land of the
VILLONCO REALTY COMPANY vs. BORMAHECO, INC., FRANCISCO N. National Shipyards & Steel Corporation (Nassco), with an area of twenty
CERVANTES and ROSARIO N. CERVANTES thousand square meters, located at Punta, Sta. Ana, Manila. At the bidding held
on January 17, 1964 that land was awarded to Bormaheco, Inc., the highest
AQUINO, J.: bidder, for the price of P552,000. The Nassco Board of Directors in its resolution
This action was instituted by Villonco Realty Company against of February 18, 1964 authorized the General Manager to sign the necessary
Bormaheco, Inc. and the spouses Francisco N. Cervantes and Rosario N. contract (Exh. H).
Cervantes for the specific performance of a supposed contract for the sale of On February 28, 1964, the Nassco Acting General Manager wrote a
land and the improvements thereon for one million four hundred thousand letter to the Economic Coordinator, requesting approval of that resolution. The
pesos. Edith Perez de Tagle, as agent, intervened in order to recover her Acting Economic Coordinator approved the resolution on March 24, 1964 (Exh.
commission. The lower court enforced the sale. Bormaheco, Inc. and the 1).
Cervantes spouses, as supposed vendors, appealed. In the meanwhile, Bormaheco, Inc. and Villonco Realty Company
This Court took cognizance of the appeal because the amount continued their negotiations for the sale of the Buendia Avenue property.
involved is more than P200,000 and the appeal was perfected before Republic Cervantes and Teofilo Villonco had a final conference on February 27, 1964. As
Act No. 5440 took effect on September 9, 1968. The facts are as follows: a result of that conference Villonco Realty Company, through Teofilo Villonco,
Francisco N. Cervantes and his wife, Rosario P. Navarra-Cervantes, in its letter of March 4, 1964 made a revised counter- offer (Romeo Villonco's
are the owners of lots 3, 15 and 16 located at 245 Buendia Avenue, Makati, first counter-offer was dated February 24, 1964, Exh. C) for the purchase of the
Rizal with a total area of three thousand five hundred square meters (TCT Nos. property. The counter-offer was accepted by Cervantes as shown in Exhibit D,
43530, 43531 and 43532, Exh. A, A-1 and A-2). The lots were mortgaged to the which is quoted below:
Development Bank of the Phil (DBP) on April 21, 1959 as security for a loan of
P441,000. The mortgage debt was fully paid on July 10, 1969. VILLONCO REALTY COMPANY
Cervantes is the president of Bormaheco, Inc., a dealer and importer V. R. C. Building
of industrial and agricultural machinery. The entire lots are occupied by the 219 Buendia Avenue, Makati,
Rizal, Philippines for breach of contract would be filed against Bormaheco, Inc. (Annex G of
March 4, 1964 Stipulation of Facts).1äwphï1.ñët
Mr. Francisco Cervantes. On that same date, April 7, 1964 Villonco Realty Company filed the
Bormaheco, Inc. complaint (dated April 6) for specific performance against Bormaheco, Inc. Also
245 Buendia Avenue on that same date, April 7, at eight-forty-five in the morning, a notice of lis
Makati, Rizal pendens was annotated on the titles of the said lots.
Dear Mr. Cervantes: Bormaheco, Inc. in its answers dated May 5 and 25, 1964 pleaded
In reference to the letter of Miss E. Perez de Tagle dated the defense that the perfection of the contract of sale was subject to the
February 12th and 26, 1964 in respect to the terms and conditions on the conditions (a) "that final acceptance or not shall be made after 45 days" (sic)
purchase of your property located at Buendia Ave., Makati, Rizal, with a total and (b) that Bormaheco, Inc. "acquires the Sta. Ana property".
area of 3,500 sq. meters., we hereby revise our offer, as follows: On June 2, 1964 or during the pendency of this case, the Nassco
1. That the price of the property shall be P400.00 per sq. m., including the Acting General Manager wrote to Bormaheco, Inc., advising it that the Board of
improvements thereon; Directors and the Economic Coordinator had approved the sale of the Punta lot
2. That a deposit of P100,000.00 shall be given to you as earnest money which to Bormaheco, Inc. and requesting the latter to send its duly authorized
will become as part payment in the event the sale is consummated; representative to the Nassco for the signing of the deed of sale (Exh. 1).
3. This sale shall be cancelled, only if your deal with another property in Sta. The deed of sale for the Punta land was executed on June 26, 1964. Bormaheco,
Ana shall not be consummated and in such case, the P100,000-00 earnest Inc. was represented by Cervantes (Exh. J. See Bormaheco, Inc. vs. Abanes, L-
money will be returned to us with a 10% interest p.a. However, if our deal with 28087, July 31, 1973, 52 SCRA 73).
you is finalized, said P100,000.00 will become as part payment for the purchase In view of the disclosure in Bormaheco's amended answer that the
of your property without interest: three lots were registered in the names of the Cervantes spouses and not in the
4. The manner of payment shall be as follows: name of Bormaheco, Inc., Villonco Realty Company on July 21, 1964 filed an
a. P100,000.00 earnest money and 650,000.00 as part of the down payment, amended complaint impleading the said spouses as defendants. Bormaheco,
or P750,000.00 as total down payment Inc. and the Cervantes spouses filed separate answers.
b. The balance is payable as follows: As of January 15, 1965 Villonco Realty Company had paid to the
P100,000.00 after 3 months Manufacturers' Bank & Trust Company the sum of P8,712.25 as interests on the
125,000.00 -do- overdraft line of P100,000 and the sum of P27.39 as interests daily on the same
212,500.00 -do- loan since January 16, 1965. (That overdraft line was later settled by Villonco
P650,000.00 Total Realty Company on a date not mentioned in its manifestation of February 19,
As regards to the other conditions which we have discussed during our last 1975).
conference on February 27, 1964, the same shall be finalized upon preparation Villonco Realty Company had obligated itself to pay the sum of
of the contract to sell.* P20,000 as attorney's fees to its lawyers. It claimed that it was damaged in the
If the above terms and conditions are acceptable to you, kindly sign your sum of P10,000 a month from March 24, 1964 when the award of the Punta lot
conformity hereunder. Enclosed is our check for ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND to Bormaheco, Inc. was approved. On the other hand, Bormaheco, Inc. claimed
(P100,000.00) PESOS, MBTC Check No. 448314, as earnest money. that it had sustained damages of P200,000 annually due to the notice of lis
Very truly yours, pendens which had prevented it from constructing a multi-story building on the
VILLONCO REALTY COMPANY three lots. (Pars. 18 and 19, Stipulation of Facts).1äwphï1.ñët
(Sgd.) TEOFILO VILLONCO Miss Tagle testified that for her services Bormaheco, Inc., through
CONFORME: Cervantes, obligated itself to pay her a three percent commission on the price
BORMAHECO, INC. of P1,400,000 or the amount of forty-two thousand pesos (14 tsn).
(Sgd.) FRANCISCO CERVANTES After trial, the lower court rendered a decision ordering the
That this sale shall be subject to favorable consummation of a property in Sta. Cervantes spouses to execute in favor of Bormaheco, Inc. a deed of conveyance
Ana we are negotiating. for the three lots in question and directing Bormaheco, Inc. (a) to convey the
(Sgd.) FRANCISCO CERVANTES same lots to Villonco Realty Company, (b) to pay the latter, as consequential
The check for P100,000 (Exh. E) mentioned in the foregoing letter- damages, the sum of P10,000 monthly from March 24, 1964 up to the
contract was delivered by Edith Perez de Tagle to Bormaheco, Inc. on March 4, consummation of the sale, (c) to pay Edith Perez de Tagle the sum of P42,000
1964 and was received by Cervantes. In the voucher-receipt evidencing the as broker's commission and (d) pay P20,000 as to attorney's fees (Civil Case No.
delivery the broker indicated in her handwriting that the earnest money was 8109).
"subject to the terms and conditions embodied in Bormaheco's letter" of Bormaheco, Inc. and the Cervantes spouses appealed. Their
February 12 and Villonco Realty Company's letter of March 4, 1964 (Exh. E-1; principal contentions are (a) that no contract of sale was perfected because
14 tsn). Cervantes made a supposedly qualified acceptance of the revised offer
Then, unexpectedly, in a letter dated March 30, 1964, or twenty-six contained in Exhibit D, which acceptance amounted to a counter-offer, and
days after the signing of the contract of sale, Exhibit D, Cervantes returned the because the condition that Bormaheco, inc. would acquire the Punta land
earnest money, with interest amounting to P694.24 (at ten percent per within the forty-five-day period was not fulfilled; (2) that Bormaheco, Inc.
annum). Cervantes cited as an excuse the circumstance that "despite the lapse cannot be compelled to sell the land which belongs to the Cervantes spouses
of 45 days from February 12, 1964 there is no certainty yet" for the acquisition and (3) that Francisco N. Cervantes did not bind the conjugal partnership and
of the Punta property (Exh. F; F-I and F-2). Villonco Realty Company refused to his wife when, as president of Bormaheco, Inc., he entered into negotiations
accept the letter and the checks of Bormaheco, Inc. Cervantes sent them by with Villonco Realty Company regarding the said land.
registered mail. When he rescinded the contract, he was already aware that We hold that the appeal, except as to the issue of damages, is
the Punta lot had been awarded to Bormaheco, Inc. (25-26 tsn). devoid of merit.
Edith Perez de Tagle, the broker, in a letter to Cervantes dated "By the contract of sale one of the contracting parties obligates
March 31, 1964 articulated her shock and surprise at Bormaheco's turnabout. himself to transfer the ownership of and to deliver a determining thing, and the
She reviewed the history of the deal and explained why Romeo Villonco could other to pay therefor a price certain in money or its equivalent. A contract of
not agree to the rescission of the sale (Exh. G).** sale may be absolute or conditional" (Art. 1458, Civil Code).
Cervantes in his letter of April 6, 1964, a reply to Miss Tagle's letter, "The contract of sale is perfected at the moment there is a meeting
alleged that the forty-five day period had already expired and the sale to of minds upon the thing which is the object of the contract and upon the price.
Bormaheco, Inc. of the Punta property had not been consummated. Cervantes From that moment, the parties may reciprocally demand performance, subject
said that his letter was a "manifestation that we are no longer interested to sell" to the provisions of the law governing the form of contracts" (Art. 1475, Ibid.).
the Buendia Avenue property to Villonco Realty Company (Annex I of "Contracts are perfected by mere consent, and from that moment the parties
Stipulation of Facts). The latter was furnished with a copy of that letter. are bound not only to the fulfillment of what has been expressly stipulated but
In a letter dated April 7, 1964 Villonco Realty Company returned the also to all the consequences which, according to their nature, may be in keeping
two checks to Bormaheco, Inc., stating that the condition for the cancellation with good faith, usage and law" (Art. 1315, Civil Code).
of the contract had not arisen and at the same time announcing that an action "Consent is manifested by the meeting of the offer and the
acceptance upon the thing and the cause which are to constitute the contract.
The offer must be certain and the acceptance absolute. A qualified acceptance Bormaheco's acceptance thereof was subject to the terms and conditions
constitutes a counter-offer" (Art. 1319, Civil Code). "An acceptance may be embodied in Bormaheco's letter of February 12, 1964 and your (Villonco's)
express or implied" (Art. 1320, Civil Code). letter of March 4, 1964" made Bormaheco's acceptance "qualified and
Bormaheco's acceptance of Villonco Realty Company's offer to purchase the conditional".
Buendia Avenue property, as shown in Teofilo Villonco's letter dated March 4, That contention is not correct. There is no incompatibility between
1964 (Exh. D), indubitably proves that there was a meeting of minds upon the Bormaheco's offer of February 12, 1964 (Exh. B) and Villonco's counter-offer of
subject matter and consideration of the sale. Therefore, on that date the sale March 4, 1964 (Exh. D). The revised counter-offer merely amplified
was perfected. (Compare with McCullough vs. Aenlle & Co., 3 Phil. 285; Goyena Bormaheco's original offer.
vs. Tambunting, 1 Phil. 490). Not only that Bormaheco's acceptance of the part The controlling fact is that there was agreement between the
payment of one hundred ,thousand pesos shows that the sale was conditionally parties on the subject matter, the price and the mode of payment and that part
consummated or partly executed subject to the purchase by Bormaheco, Inc. of the price was paid. "Whenever earnest money is given in a contract of sale,
of the Punta property. The nonconsummation of that purchase would be a it shall be considered as part of the price and as proof of the perfection of the
negative resolutory condition (Taylor vs. Uy Tieng Piao, 43 Phil. 873). contract" (Art. 1482, Civil Code).
On February 18, 1964 Bormaheco's bid for the Punta property was "It is true that an acceptance may contain a request for certain
already accepted by the Nassco which had authorized its General Manager to changes in the terms of the offer and yet be a binding acceptance. 'So long as
sign the corresponding deed of sale. What was necessary only was the approval it is clear that the meaning of the acceptance is positively and unequivocally to
of the sale by the Economic Coordinator and a request for that approval was accept the offer, whether such request is granted or not, a contract is formed.'
already pending in the office of that functionary on March 4, 1964. " (Stuart vs. Franklin Life Ins. Co., 165 Fed. 2nd 965, citing Sec. 79, Williston on
Bormaheco, Inc. and the Cervantes spouses contend that the sale was not Contracts).
perfected because Cervantes allegedly qualified his acceptance of Villonco's Thus, it was held that the vendor's change in a phrase of the offer
revised offer and, therefore, his acceptance amounted to a counter-offer which to purchase, which change does not essentially change the terms of the offer,
Villonco Realty Company should accept but no such acceptance was ever does not amount to a rejection of the offer and the tender of a counter-offer
transmitted to Bormaheco, Inc. which, therefore, could withdraw its offer. (Stuart vs. Franklin Life Ins. Co., supra).
That contention is not well-taken. It should be stressed that there is The instant case is not governed by the rulings laid down
no evidence as to what changes were made by Cervantes in Villonco's revised in Beaumont vs. Prieto, 41 Phil. 670, 985, 63 L. Ed. 770, and Zayco vs. Serra, 44
offer. And there is no evidence that Villonco Realty Company did not assent to Phil. 326. In those two cases the acceptance radically altered the offer and,
the supposed changes and that such assent was never made known to consequently, there was no meeting of the minds of the parties.
Cervantes. Thus, in the Zayco case, Salvador Serra offered to sell to Lorenzo
What the record reveals is that the broker, Miss Tagle, acted as Zayco his sugar central for P1,000,000 on condition that the price be paid in
intermediary between the parties. It is safe to assume that the alleged changes cash, or, if not paid in cash, the price would be payable within three years
or qualifications made by Cervantes were approved by Villonco Realty Company provided security is given for the payment of the balance within three years
and that such approval was duly communicated to Cervantes or Bormaheco, with interest. Zayco, instead of unconditionally accepting those terms,
Inc. by the broker as shown by the fact that Villonco Realty Company paid, and countered that he was going to make a down payment of P100,000, that Serra's
Bormaheco, Inc. accepted, the sum of P100,000 as earnest money or down mortgage obligation to the Philippine National Bank of P600,000 could be
payment. That crucial fact implies that Cervantes was aware that Villonco transferred to Zayco's account and that he (plaintiff) would give a bond to
Realty Company had accepted the modifications which he had made in secure the payment of the balance of the price. It was held that the acceptance
Villonco's counter-offer. Had Villonco Realty Company not assented to those was conditional or was a counter-offer which had to be accepted by Serra.
insertions and annotations, then it would have stopped payment on its check There was no such acceptance. Serra revoked his offer. Hence, there was no
for P100,000. The fact that Villonco Realty Company allowed its check to be perfected contract.
cashed by Bormaheco, Inc. signifies that the company was in conformity with In the Beaumont case, Benito Valdes offered to sell to W Borck the
the changes made by Cervantes and that Bormaheco, Inc. was aware of that Nagtahan Hacienda owned by Benito Legarda, who had empowered Valdes to
conformity. Had those insertions not been binding, then Bormaheco, Inc. would sell it. Borck was given three months from December 4, 1911 to buy the
not have paid interest at the rate of ten percent per annum, on the earnest hacienda for P307,000. On January 17, 1912 Borck wrote to Valdes, offering to
money of P100,000. purchase the hacienda for P307,000 payable on May 1, 1912. No reply was
The truth is that the alleged changes or qualifications in the revised made to that letter. Borck wrote other letters modifying his proposal. Legarda
counter — offer (Exh. D) are not material or are mere clarifications of what the refused to convey the property.
parties had previously agreed upon. It was held that Borck's January 17th letter plainly departed from
Thus, Cervantes' alleged insertion in his handwriting of the figure the terms of the offer as to the time of payment and was a counter-offer which
and the words "12th and" in Villonco's counter-offer is the same as the amounted to a rejection of Valdes' original offer. A subsequent unconditional
statement found in the voucher-receipt for the earnest money, which reads: acceptance could not revive that offer.
"subject to the terms and conditions embodied in Bormaheco's letter of Feb. The instant case is different from Laudico and Harden vs. Arias
12, 1964 and your letter of March 4, 1964" (Exh. E-1). Rodriguez, 43 Phil. 270 where the written offer to sell was revoked by the offer
Cervantes allegedly crossed out the word "Nassco" in paragraph 3 or before the offeree's acceptance came to the offeror's knowledge.
of Villonco's revised counter-offer and substituted for it the word "another" so Appellants' next contention is that the contract was not perfected
that the original phrase, "Nassco's property in Sta. Ana", was made to read as because the condition that Bormaheco, Inc. would acquire the Nassco land
"another property in Sta. Ana". That change is trivial. What Cervantes did was within forty-five days from February 12, 1964 or on or before March 28, 1964
merely to adhere to the wording of paragraph 3 of Bormaheco's original offer was not fulfilled. This contention is tied up with the following letter of
(Exh. B) which mentions "another property located at Sta. Ana." His obvious Bormaheco, Inc. (Exh. F):
purpose was to avoid jeopardizing his negotiation with the Nassco for the
purchase of its Sta. Ana property by unduly publicizing it. BORMAHECO, INC.
It is noteworthy that Cervantes, in his letter to the broker dated April March 30, 1964
6, 1964 (Annex 1) or after the Nassco property had been awarded to Villonco Realty Company
Bormaheco, Inc., alluded to the "Nassco property". At that time, there was no V.R.C. Building
more need of concealing from the public that Bormaheco, Inc. was interested 219 Buendia Ave.,
in the Nassco property. Makati, Rizal
Similarly, Cervantes' alleged insertion of the letters "PA" ( per Gentlemen:
annum) after the word "interest" in that same paragraph 3 of the revised We are returning herewith your earnest money together with interest thereon
counter-offer (Exh. D) could not be categorized as a major alteration of that at 10% per annum. Please be informed that despite the lapse of the 45 days
counter-offer that prevented a meeting of the minds of the parties. It was from February 12, 1964 there is no certainty yet for us to acquire a substitute
understood that the parties had contemplated a rate of ten percent per property, hence the return of the earnest money as agreed upon.
annum since ten percent a month or semi-annually would be usurious. Very truly yours,
Appellants Bormaheco, Inc. and Cervantes further contend that SGD. FRANCISCO N. CERVANTES
Cervantes, in clarifying in the voucher for the earnest money of P100,000 that President
Encl.: P.N.B. Check No. 112994 J Coordinator approved the award on March 24, 1964. It is reasonable to assume
P.N.B. Check No. 112996J that had Cervantes been more assiduous in following up the transaction, the
That contention is predicated on the erroneous assumption that Nassco property could have been transferred to Bormaheco, Inc. on or before
Bormaheco, Inc. was to acquire the Nassco land within forty-five days or on or March 28, 1964, the supposed last day of the forty-five-day period.
before March 28, 1964. The appellants, in their fifth assignment of error, argue that
The trial court ruled that the forty-five-day period was merely an Bormaheco, Inc. cannot be required to sell the three lots in question because
estimate or a forecast of how long it would take Bormaheco, Inc. to acquire the they are conjugal properties of the Cervantes spouses. They aver that Cervantes
Nassco property and it was not "a condition or a deadline set for the defendant in dealing with the Villonco brothers acted as president of Bormaheco, Inc. and
corporation to decide whether or not to go through with the sale of its Buendia not in his individual capacity and, therefore, he did not bind the conjugal
property". partnership nor Mrs. Cervantes who was allegedly opposed to the sale.
The record does not support the theory of Bormaheco, Inc. and the Those arguments are not sustainable. It should be remembered that
Cervantes spouses that the forty-five-day period was the time within which (a) Cervantes, in rescinding the contract of sale and in returning the earnest
the Nassco property and two Pasong Tamo lots should be acquired, (b) when money, cited as an excuse the circumstance that there was no certainty in
Cervantes would secure his wife's consent to the sale of the three lots and (c) Bormaheco's acquisition of the Nassco property (Exh. F and Annex 1). He did
when Bormaheco, Inc. had to decide what to do with the DBP encumbrance. not say that Mrs. Cervantes was opposed to the sale of the three lots. He did
Cervantes in paragraph 3 of his offer of February 12, 1964 stated that the sale not tell Villonco Realty Company that he could not bind the conjugal
of the Buendia lots would be consummated after he had consummated the partnership. In truth, he concealed the fact that the three lots were registered
purchase of the Nassco property. Then, in paragraph 5 of the same offer he "in the name of FRANCISCO CERVANTES, Filipino, of legal age, married to
stated "that final negotiations on both properties can be definitely Rosario P. Navarro, as owner thereof in fee simple". He certainly led the
known after forty-five days" (See Exh. B). Villonco brothers to believe that as president of Bormaheco, Inc. he could
It is deducible from the tenor of those statements that the dispose of the said lots. He inveigled the Villoncos into believing that he had
consummation of the sale of the Buendia lots to Villonco Realty Company was untrammelled control of Bormaheco, Inc., that Bormaheco, Inc. owned the lots
conditioned on Bormaheco's acquisition of the Nassco land. But it was not and that he was invested with adequate authority to sell the same.
spelled out that such acquisition should be effected within forty-five days from Thus, in Bormaheco's offer of February 12, 1964, Cervantes first
February 12, 1964. Had it been Cervantes' intention that the forty-five days identified the three lots as "our property" which "we are offering to sell ..."
would be the period within which the Nassco land should be acquired by (Opening paragraph and par. 1 of Exh. B). Whether the prounoun "we" refers
Bormaheco, then he would have specified that period in paragraph 3 of his offer to himself and his wife or to Bormaheco, Inc. is not clear. Then, in paragraphs 3
so that paragraph would read in this wise: "That this sale is to be consummated and 4 of the offer, he used the first person and said: "I shall have consummated
only after I shall have consummated my purchase of another property located my purchase" of the Nassco property; "... my negotiations with said property"
at Sta. Ana, Manila within forty-five days from the date hereof ." He could have and "I will return to you your deposit". Those expressions conveyed the
also specified that period in his "conforme" to Villonco's counter-offer of March impression and generated the belief that the Villoncos did not have to deal with
4, 1964 (Exh. D) so that instead of merely stating "that this sale shall be subject Mrs. Cervantes nor with any other official of Bormaheco, Inc.
to favorable consummation of a property in Sta. Ana we are negotiating" he The pleadings disclose that Bormaheco, Inc. and Cervantes
could have said: "That this sale shall be subject to favorable consummation deliberately and studiously avoided making the allegation that Cervantes was
within forty-five days from February 12, 1964 of a property in Sta. Ana we are not authorized by his wife to sell the three lots or that he acted merely as
negotiating". president of Bormaheco, Inc. That defense was not interposed so as not to
No such specification was made. The term of forty-five days was not place Cervantes in the ridiculous position of having acted under false pretenses
a part of the condition that the Nassco property should be acquired. It is clear when he negotiated with the Villoncos for the sale of the three lots.
that the statement "that final negotiations on both property can be definitely Villonco Realty Company, in paragraph 2 of its original complaint,
known after 45 days" does not and cannot mean that Bormaheco, Inc. should alleged that "on February 12, 1964, after some prior negotiations, the
acquire the Nassco property within forty-five days from February 12, 1964 as defendant (Bormaheco, Inc.) made a formal offer to sell to the plaintiff
pretended by Cervantes. It is simply a surmise that after forty-five days (in fact the property of the said defendant situated at the abovenamed address along
when the forty-five day period should be computed is not clear) it would be Buendia Avenue, Makati, Rizal, under the terms of the letter-offer, a copy of
known whether Bormaheco, Inc. would be able to acquire the Nassco property which is hereto attached as Annex A hereof", now Exhibit B (2 Record on
and whether it would be able to sell the Buendia property. That Appeal).
aforementioned paragraph 5 does not even specify how long after the forty- That paragraph 2 was not, repeat, was not denied by Bormaheco,
five days the outcome of the final negotiations would be known. Inc. in its answer dated May 5, 1964. It did not traverse that paragraph 2.
It is interesting to note that in paragraph 6 of Bormaheco's answer Hence, it was deemed admitted. However, it filed an amended answer dated
to the amended complaint, which answer was verified by Cervantes, it was May 25, 1964 wherein it denied that it was the owner of the three lots. It
alleged that Cervantes accepted Villonco's revised counter-offer of March 4, revealed that the three lots "belong and are registered in the names of the
1964 subject to the condition that "the final negotiations (acceptance) will have spouses Francisco N. Cervantes and Rosario N. Cervantes."
to be made by defendant within 45 daysfrom said acceptance" (31 Record on The three answers of Bormaheco, Inc. contain the following affirmative
Appeal). If that were so, then the consummation of Bormaheco's purchase of defense:
the Nassco property would be made within forty-five days from March 4, 1964. 13. That defendant's insistence to finally decide on the proposed sale of the
What makes Bormaheco's stand more confusing and untenable is that in its land in question after 45 days had not only for its purpose the determination of
three answers it invariably articulated the incoherent and vague affirmative its acquisition of the said Sta. Ana (Nassco) property during the said period, but
defense that its acceptance of Villonco's revised counter-offer was conditioned also to negotiate with the actual and registered owner of the parcels of land
on the circumstance "that final acceptance or not shall be made after 45 days" covered by T.C.T. Nos. 43530, 43531 and 43532 in question which plaintiff was
whatever that means. That affirmative defense is inconsistent with the other fully aware that the same were not in the name of the defendant (sic; Par. 18
aforequoted incoherent statement in its third answer that "the final of Answer to Amended Complaint, 10, 18 and 34, Record on Appeal).
negotiations (acceptance) will have to be made by defendant within 45 In that affirmative defense, Bormaheco, Inc. pretended that it
days from said acceptance" (31 Record on Appeal).1äwphï1.ñët needed forty- five days within which to acquire the Nassco property and "to
Thus, Bormaheco's three answers and paragraph 5 of his offer of negotiate" with the registered owner of the three lots. The absurdity of that
February 12, 1964 do not sustain at all its theory that the Nassco property pretension stands out in bold relief when it is borne in mind that the answers
should be acquired on or before March 28, 1964. Its rescission or revocation of of Bormaheco, Inc. were verified by Cervantes and that the registered owner of
its acceptance cannot be anchored on that theory which, as articulated in its the three lots is Cervantes himself. That affirmative defense means that
pleadings, is quite equivocal and unclear. Cervantes as president of Bormaheco, Inc. needed forty-five days in order to
It should be underscored that the condition that Bormaheco, Inc. "negotiate" with himself (Cervantes).
should acquire the Nassco property was fulfilled. As admitted by the appellants, The incongruous stance of the Cervantes spouses is also patent in
the Nassco property was conveyed to Bormaheco, Inc. on June 26, 1964. As their answer to the amended complaint. In that answer they disclaimed
early as January 17, 1964 the property was awarded to Bormaheco, Inc. as the knowledge or information of certain allegations which were well-known to
highest bidder. On February 18, 1964 the Nassco Board authorized its General Cervantes as president of Bormaheco, Inc. and which were admitted in
Manager to sell the property to Bormaheco, Inc. (Exh. H). The Economic Bormaheco's three answers that were verified by Cervantes.
It is significant to note that Bormaheco, Inc. in its three answers, We hold that the trial court did not err in adjudging that Bormaheco,
which were verified by Cervantes, never pleaded as an affirmative defense that Inc. should pay Miss Tagle her three percent commission.
Mrs. Cervantes opposed the sale of the three lots or that she did not authorize WHEREFORE, the trial court's decision is modified as follows:
her husband to sell those lots. Likewise, it should be noted that in their separate 1. Within ten (10) days from the date the defendants-appellants receive notice
answer the Cervantes spouses never pleaded as a defense that Mrs. Cervantes from the clerk of the lower court that the records of this case have been
was opposed to the sale of three lots or that Cervantes could not bind the received from this Court, the spouses Francisco N. Cervantes and Rosario P.
conjugal partnership. The appellants were at first hesitant to make it appear Navarra-Cervantes should execute a deed conveying to Bormaheco, Inc. their
that Cervantes had committed the skullduggery of trying to sell property which three lots covered by Transfer Certificate of Title Nos. 43530, 43531 and 43532
he had no authority to alienate. of the Registry of Deeds of Rizal.
It was only during the trial on May 17, 1965 that Cervantes declared 2. Within five (5) days from the execution of such deed of conveyance,
on the witness stand that his wife was opposed to the sale of the three lots, a Bormaheco, Inc. should execute in favor of Villonco Realty Company, V. R. C.
defense which, as already stated, was never interposed in the three answers of Building, 219 Buendia Avenue, Makati, Rizal a registerable deed of sale for the
Bormaheco, Inc. and in the separate answer of the Cervantes spouses. That said three lots and all the improvements thereon, free from all lien and
same viewpoint was adopted in defendants' motion for reconsideration dated encumbrances, at the price of four hundred pesos per square meter, deducting
November 20, 1965. from the total purchase price the sum of P100,000 previously paid by Villonco
But that defense must have been an afterthought or was Realty Company to Bormaheco, Inc.
evolved post litem motam since it was never disclosed in Cervantes' letter of 3. Upon the execution of such deed of sale, Villonco Realty Company is
rescission and in his letter to Miss Tagle (Exh. F and Annex 1). Moreover, Mrs. obligated to pay Bormaheco, Inc. the balance of the price in the sum of one
Cervantes did not testify at the trial to fortify that defense which had already million three hundred thousand pesos (P1,300,000).
been waived for not having been pleaded (See sec. 2, Rule 9, Rules of Court). 4. Bormaheco, Inc. is ordered (a) to pay Villonco Realty Company twenty
Taking into account the situation of Cervantes vis-a-vis Bormaheco, thousand pesos (P20,000) as attorney's fees and (b) to pay Edith Perez de Tagle
Inc. and his wife and the fact that the three lots were entirely occupied by the sum of forty-two thousand pesos (P42,000) as commission. Costs against
Bormaheco's building, machinery and equipment and were mortgaged to the the defendants-appellants.
DBP as security for its obligation, and considering that appellants' vague SO ORDERED.
affirmative defenses do not include Mrs. Cervantes' alleged opposition to the Makalintal, C.J, Castro. Fernando, Makasiar, Antonio, Esguerra, Muñoz Palma,
sale, the plea that Cervantes had no authority to sell the lots strains the rivets Concepcion Jr. and Martin, JJ., concur.
of credibility (Cf. Papa and Delgado vs. Montenegro, 54 Phil. 331; Riobo vs. Teehankee, J., is on leave.
Hontiveros, 21 Phil. 31).
"Obligations arising from contracts have the force of law between [G.R. No. L-36083. September 5, 1975.]
the contracting parties and should be complied with in good faith" (Art. 1159, Spouses RAMON DOROMAL, SR., and ROSARIO SALAS, and Spouses RAMON
Civil Code). Inasmuch as the sale was perfected and even partly executed, DOROMAL, JR., and GAUDELIA
Bormaheco, Inc., and the Cervantes spouses, as a matter of justice and good VEGA, Petitioners, v. HON. COURT OF APPEALS
faith, are bound to comply with their contractual commitments.
Parenthetically, it may be observed that much misunderstanding SYNOPSIS
could have been avoided had the broker and the buyer taken the trouble of The co-owners of a parcel of land sold their 6/7 share thereof to petitioners for
making some research in the Registry of Deeds and availing themselves of the P115,250. The deed of sale, however, stated that the purchase price was only
services of a competent lawyer in drafting the contract to sell. P30,000. The lower court found that the "consideration of P30,000 only was
Bormaheco, Inc. and the Cervantes spouses in their sixth placed in the deed of sale to minimize the payment of registration fees, stamps
assignment of error assail the trial court's award to Villonco Realty Company of and sales tax." Private respondent, who was admittedly, a 1/7 co-owner of the
consequential damage amounting to ten thousand pesos monthly from March property, was informed of her co-owner’s proposal to sell the land in question,
24, 1964 (when the Economic Coordinator approved the award of the Nassco but was "never notified, least of all, in writing, of the actual execution and
property to Bormaheco, Inc.) up to the consummation of the sale. The award registration of the deed of sale." When private respondent, in the exercise of
was based on paragraph 18 of the stipulation of facts wherein Villonco Realty her right as legal redemptioner, sought to redeem the property, and tendered
Company "submits that the delay in the consummation of the sale" has caused the sum of P30,000 in cash, petitioners refused to accept the payment. Hence,
it to suffer the aforementioned damages. private respondent filed the instant case. The trial court dismissed the
The appellants contend that statement in the stipulation of facts complaint and further condemned private respondent to pay attorney’s fees,
simply means that Villonco Realty Company speculates that it has suffered and moral and exemplary damages. The Court of Appeals reversed the
damages but it does not mean that the parties have agreed that Villonco Realty judgment. On petition for review, the Supreme Court sustained the Court of
Company is entitled to those damages. Appeals.
Appellants' contention is correct. As rightly observed by their
counsel, the damages in question were not specifically pleaded and proven and SYLLABUS
were "clearly conjectural and speculative". 1. PURCHASE AND SALE; LEGAL REDEMPTION; NOTICE IN WRITING SHOULD BE
However, appellants' view in their seventh assignment of error that NOTICE OF ACTUAL EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF DEED OF SALE. — For
the trial court erred in ordering Bormaheco, Inc. to pay Villonco Realty purposes of the co-owner’s right to redemption granted by Article 1620 of
Company the sum of twenty thousand pesos as attorney's fees is not tenable. the Civil Code, the notice in writing which Article 1623 requires to be made
Under the facts of the case, it is evident that Bormaheco, Inc. acted in gross and to the other co-owners and from receipt of which the 30-day period to
evident bad faith in refusing to satisfy the valid and just demand of Villonco redeem should be counted is a notice not only of a perfected sale but of the
Realty Company for specific performance. It compelled Villonco Realty actual execution and delivery of the deed of sale. This is implied from the
Company to incure expenses to protect its interest. Moreover, this is a case latter portion of Article 1623 which requires that before a register of deeds
where it is just and equitable that the plaintiff should recover attorney's fees can record a sale by a co-owner, there must be presented to him an affidavit
(Art. 2208, Civil Code). to the effect that the notice of sale had been sent in writing to the other co-
The appellants in their eighth assignment of error impugn the trial owners. A sale may not be presented to the registrar of deeds for registration
court's adjudication of forty-two thousand pesos as three percent broker's unless it be in the form of a duly executed public instrument. Moreover, the
commission to Miss Tagle. They allege that there is no evidence that law prefers that all the terms and conditions of the sale should be definite
Bormaheco, Inc. engaged her services as a broker in the projected sale of the and in writing.
three lots and the improvements thereon. That allegation is refuted by 2. ID.; ID.; ID.; PERIOD FOR REDEMPTION DOES NOT COMMENCE UNLESS
paragraph 3 of the stipulation of facts and by the documentary evidence. It was NOTICE OF DISPOSITION IS MADE AFTER FORMAL DEED OF SALE HAS BEEN
stipulated that Miss Tagle intervened in the negotiations for the sale of the DULY EXECUTED. — Article 1619 of the Civil Code bestows unto a co-owner
three lots. Cervantes in his original offer of February 12, 1964 apprised Villonco the right to redeem and "to be surrogated under the same terms and
Realty Company that the earnest money should be delivered to Miss Tagle, the conditions stipulated in the contract," and to avoid any controversy as to the
bearer of the letter-offer. See also Exhibit G and Annex I of the stipulation of terms and condition under which the right to redeem may be exercised, it is
facts. the best that the period therefor should not be deemed to have commenced
unless the notice of disposition is made after the formal deed of disposal has
been duly executed. Where it is beyond dispute that the legal redemptioner paid (but understated for tax evasion purpose) since the law will not aid
has never been notified in writing of the execution of the deed of sale by either party in pari delicto but will leave the parties where it finds them, or
which the buyers acquired the subject property and has never been shown a more accurately, where they have placed themselves. Manifestly, the law will
copy of the deed through a written communication by either any of the not aid the buyers as against the redemptioners who had no part in their
purchasers or any of her co-owners-vendees, it is immaterial when the legal illegal and criminal conduct.
redemptioner might have actually come to know about said deed.
the price actually paid for a parcel of land is P115,250, but "the consideration Petition for review of the decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R.
of P30,000 only was placed in the deed of sale minimize the payment of No. 47945-R entitled Filomena Javellana v. Spouses Ramon Doromal, Sr., Et. Al.
registration fees, stamps and sale tax," the redemption price should be that which reversed the decision of the Court of First Instance of Iloilo that had in
stated in the deed of sale. The Supreme Court will not sanction the buyers’ turn dismissed herein private respondent Filomena Javellana’s action for
pragmatic posture that the redemption price should be the price actually redemption of a certain property sold by her co-owners to herein petitioners
paid. Being patently violative of public policy and injurious to public interest, for having been made out of time.
the seemingly widespread practice of understanding consideration of The factual background found by the Court of Appeals and which is
transactions for the purpose of evading taxes and fees due to the binding on this Court, the same not being assailed by petitioners as being
government must be condemned and all parties guilty thereof must be made capricious, is as follows:
to suffer the consequences of their ill-advised agreement to defraud the "IT RESULTING: That the facts are quite simple; Lot 3504 of the
state. cadastral survey of Iloilo, situated in the poblacion of La Paz, one of its districts,
4. ID.; PARI DELICTO; UNDERSTATING PURCHASE OF PRICE TO EVADE PAYMENT with an area of a little more than 2-1/2 hectares was originally decreed in the
OF TAXES. — Where the vendors and purchasers understate the purchase name of the late Justice Antonio Horilleno, in 1916, under Original Certificate
price of the things sold to minimize the payment of registration fees, stamps of Title No. 1314, Exh. A; but before he died, on a date not particularized in the
and sale tax. They are in pari delicto in committing tax evasion and should record, he executed a last will and testament attesting to the fact that it was a
not receive any consideration from any court in respect to the money paid co-ownership between himself and his brothers and sisters, Exh. C; so that the
for the sale. Their situation is similar to that of parties to an illegal contract. truth was that the owners or better stated, the co-owners were; beside Justice
Horilleno, ‘Luis, Soledad, Fe, Rosita, Carlos and Esperanza,’ all surnamed
TEEHANKEE, J., concurring:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library Horilleno, and since Esperanza had already died, she was succeeded by her only
1. PURCHASE AND SALES; LEGAL REDEMPTION; PURCHASER BOUND BY THE daughter and heir herein plaintiff. Filomena Javellana, in the proportion of 1/7
PRICE STATED IN THE CONTRACT OF SALE. — Where it is admitted in the undivided ownership each; now then, even though their right had not as yet
record that the buyers and sellers had criminally understated and falsified been annotated in the title, the co-owners led by Carlos, and as to deceased
the contractual price in the deed of sale as registered with the Register of Justice Antonio Horilleno, his daughter Mary, sometime since early 1967, had
Deeds to be P30,000 instead of P115,250 as "actually paid" by the buyers, wanted to sell their shares, or if possible if Filomena Javellana were agreeable,
admittedly for the illegal and criminal purpose "to minimize the payment the to sell the entire property, and they hired an acquaintance Cresencia Harder,
registration fees, stamp and sales tax," the legal (and moral) right of the pro- to look for buyers, and the latter came to interest defendants, the father and
indiviso co-owner to exercise the right of legal redemption granted by the son, named Ramon Doromal, Sr. and Jr., and in preparation for the execution
Civil Code is unassailable. of the sale, since the brothers and sisters Horilleno were scattered in various
2. ID.; ID.; RIGHT OF LEGAL REDEMPTIONER TO BE SUBROGATED UPON THE parts of the country, Carlos in Ilocos Sur, Mary in Baguio, Soledad and Fe, in
SAME TERMS AND CONDITIONS STIPULATED IN THE CONTRACT. — The Mandaluyong, Rizal, and Rosita in Basilan City, they all executed various powers
criminal and illegal conduct of the buyers and sellers in understating the of attorney in favor of their niece, Mary H. Jimenez Exh. 1-8, they also caused
purchase price in no way entitles the buyers to claim callously against the preparation of a power of attorney of identical tenor for signature by plaintiff,
legal redemptioner who is merely exercising her legal right of redemption "to Filomena Javellana, Exh. M, and sent it with a letter of Carlos, Exh. 7 dated 18
be subrogated, upon the same terms and condition stipulated in the January, 1968 unto her thru Mrs. Harder, and here, Carlos informed her that
contract, in the place" of the third-person buyers (Article 1619 and 1620, Civil the price was P4.00 a square meter, — although it now turns out according to
Code) that she may redeem the property from them by paying the larger Exh. 3 that as early as 22 October, 1967, Carlos had received in check as earnest
amount that they had actually paid the co-owners for their 6/7 share of the money from defendant Ramon Doromal, Jr., the sum of P5,000.00 and the price
property. Such criminal tax evasion can, in no way, be abated if the courts therein agreed upon was five (P5.00) pesos a square meter, — as indeed in
and the law would yet pay heed to the plea of tax evaders that they had another letter also of Carlos to Plaintiff in 5 November, 1967, Exh. 6, he had
falsely understated the contract price and the courts should order the told her that the Doromals had given the earnest money of P5,000.00 at P5.00
redemptioner to pay them — not the contract price — but the larger amount a square meter, — at any rate, plaintiff not being agreeable, did not sign the
they had actually paid but illegally understated in order to evade the taxes power of attorney, and the rest of the co-owners went ahead with their sale of
justly due to the government. A party to an illegal contract cannot come to their 6/7, Carlos first seeing to it that the deed of sale by their common attorney
court and ask it to help carry out his illegal objects. in fact, Mary H. Jimenez be signed and ratified as it was signed and ratified in
3. ID.; ID.; COURTS WILL NOT SANCTION TAX EVASION. — For the tax evaders Candon, Ilocos Sur, on 15 January, 1968, Exh. 2, then brought to Iloilo by Carlos
to invoke in the court their very act of tax evasion and to ask the courts to in the same month, and because the Register of Deeds of Iloilo refused to
sanction the same by declaring that the understated stipulated price was only register right away, since the original registered owner, Justice Antonio
for purposes of tax evasion but for the exercise of legal redemption, the Horilleno was already dead, Carlos had to ask as he did, hire Atty. Teotimo
redemptioner must be ordered by the courts to pay them the larger amount Arandela to file a petition within the cadastral case, on 26 February, 1968, for
they had actually paid, but falsely understated in the deed would be to put a the purpose, Exh. C, after which Carlos returned to Luzon, and after compliance
premium on criminal conduct and rank cynicism in gross derogation to the with the requisites of publication, hearing and notice, the petition was
law, morals, good custom and public policy. approved, and we now see that on 29 April, 1968, Carlos already back in Iloilo
4. ID.; ID.; PURCHASER TAKES THE RISK OF UNDERSTATING PURCHASE PRICE. went to the Register of Deeds and caused the registration of the order of the
— Where the buyers falsely understated the contractual price of their cadastral court approving the issuance of a new title in the name of the co-
purchase from the legal redemptioner’s co-owners, they did so at their own owners, as well as of the deed of sale to the Doromals, as a result of which on
risk and with full knowledge of redemptioner’s right to redeem the property that same date, a new title was issued TCT No. 23152, in the name of the
for the price stated in the contract. Horillenos to 6/7 and plaintiff Filomena Javellana to 1/7, Exh. D, only to be
5. ID.; ID; ID.; PARI DELICTO. — By virtue of the rule of in pari delicto, the buyers cancelled on the same day under TCT No. 23153, Exh. 2, already in the names
cannot even seek recourse against the co-owners-buyers to refund to them of the vendees Doromals for 6/7 and to herein plaintiff, Filomena Javellana, 1/7,
the difference between the redemption price and the much larger amount and the next day 30 April, 1968, the Doromals paid unto Carlos by check, the
that they actually paid to the co-owners. If, say, there were no question or sum of P97,000.00 Exh. 1, of Chartered Bank which was later substituted by
redemption but that they had a valid cause for rescission of their purchase check of Phil. National Bank, because there was no Chartered Bank Branch in
and brought suit therefor (so that the suit were strictly between the buyers Ilocos Sur, but besides this amount paid in check, the Doromals according to
and their sellers), the courts would order the return of only the price as their evidence still paid an additional amount in cash of P18,250.00 since the
officially stated in the deed and not the larger amount that they had actually
agreed price was P5.00 a square meter; and thus was consummated the Upon these facts, the Court of Appeals reversed the trial court’s
transaction, but it is here where complications set in. decision and held that although respondent Javellana was informed of her co-
On 10 June, 1968, there came to the residence of the Doromals in owners’ proposal to sell the land in question to petitioners she was, however,
Dumangas, Iloilo, plaintiff’s lawyer, Atty. Arturo H. Villanueva, bringing with him "never notified . . . least of all, in writing", of the actual execution and
her letter of that date, reading. registration of the corresponding deed of sale, hence, said respondent’s right
to redeem had not yet expired at the time she made her offer for that purpose
‘P.O. Box 189, Bacolod City thru her letter of June 10, 1968 delivered to petitioners on even date. The
June 10, 1968 intermediate court further held that the redemption price to be paid by
respondent should be that stated in the deed of sale which is P30,000
Mr. & Mrs. Ramon Doromal, Sr. notwithstanding that the preponderance of the evidence proves that the actual
and Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Doromal, Jr. price paid by petitioners was P115,250. Thus, in their brief, petitioners assign
Dumangas, Iloilo the following alleged errors:
The bearer of this letter is my nephew, Atty. Arturo H. Villanueva, Jr., of this NOTICE IN WRITING OF THE SALE CONTEMPLATED IN ARTICLE 1623 OF THE
City. Through him, I am making a formal offer to repurchase or redeem from CIVIL CODE REFERS TO A NOTICE IN WRITING AFTER THE EXECUTION AND
you the 6/7 undivided share in Lot No. 3504, of the Iloilo Cadastre, which you REGISTRATION OF THE INSTRUMENT OF SALE, HENCE, OF THE DOCUMENT OF
bought from my erstwhile co-owners, the Horillenos, for the sum of SALE.
P30,000.00, Atty. Villanueva has with him the sum of P30,000.00 in cash, which II
he will deliver to you as soon as you execute the contract of sale in my favor. THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN NOT HOLDING THAT THE
Thank you very much for whatever favorable consideration you can give this AGAINST THIRD PERSONS INCLUDING CLAIMS OF POSSIBLE REDEMPTIONERS.
Brief for Petitioner, page 74-Rec.)
Mrs. FILOMENA JAVELLANA’ p. 26, Exh, ‘J’, Manual of Exhibits. We cannot agree with petitioners.
and then and there said lawyer manifested to the Doromals that he Petitioners do not question respondent’s right to redeem, she being
had the P30,000.00 with him in cash, and tendered it to them, for the exercise admittedly a 1/7 co-owner of the property in dispute. The thrust of their first
of the legal redemption, the Doromals were aghast, and refused, and the very assignment of error is that for purposes of Article 1623 of the Civil Code which
next day, as has been said, 11 June, 1968, plaintiff filed this case, and in the provides that:
trial, thru oral and documentary proofs, sought to show that as co-owner, she "ART. 1623. The right of legal pre-emption or redemption shall not
had the right to redeem at the price stated in the deed of sale, Exh. 2, namely be exercised except within thirty days from the notice in writing by the
P30,000.00 of the same; but defendants in answer, and in their evidence, oral prospective vendor, or by the vendor, as the case may be. The deed of sale shall
and documentary sought to show that plaintiff had no more right to redeem, not be recorded in the Registry of Property, unless accompanied by an affidavit
and that if ever she should have, that it should be at the true and real price by of the vendor that he has given written notice thereof to all possible
them paid, namely, the total sum of P115,250.00, and trial judge, after hearing redemptioners.
the evidence, believed defendants, that plaintiff had no more right, to redeem, The right of redemption of co-owners excludes that of adjoining
because, owners."
‘Plaintiff was informed of the intended sale of the 6/7 share the letters sent by Carlos Horilleno to respondent and dated January
belonging to the Horillenos.’ 18, 1968, Exhibit 7, and November 5, 1967, Exhibit 6, constituted the required
and that, notice in writing from which the 30-day period fixed in said provision should be
‘The plaintiff have every reason to be grateful to Atty. Carlos computed. But to start with, there is no showing that said letters were in fact
Horilleno because in the petition for declaration of heirs of her late uncle received by respondent and when they were actually received. Besides,
Antonio Horilleno in whose name only the Original Certificate of Title covering petitioners do not pinpoint which of these two letters, their dates being more
the Lot in question was issued, her uncle Atty. Carlos Horilleno included her as than two months apart, is the required notice. In any event, as found by the
one of the heirs of said Antonio Horilleno. Instead, she filed this case to redeem appellate court, neither of said letters referred to a consummated sale. As may
the 6/7 share sold to the Doromals for the simple reason that the consideration be observed, it was Carlos Horilleno alone who signed them, and as of January
in the deed of sale is the sum of P30,000.00 only instead of P115,250.00 18, 1968, powers of attorney from the various co-owners were still to be
approximately which was actually paid by the defendants to her co-owners, secured. Indeed, the later letter of January 18, 1968 mentioned that the price
thus she wants to enrich herself at the expense of her own blood relatives who was P4.00 per square meter whereas in the earlier letter of November 5, 1967
are her aunts, uncles and cousins. The consideration of P30,000.00 only was it was P5.00, as in fact, on that basis, as early as October 21, 1967, Carlos had
placed in the deed of sale to minimize the payment of the registration fees, already received P5,000 from petitioners supposedly as earnest money, of
stamps, and sales tax.’ pp. 77-78, R.A., and dismissed and further condemned which, however, mention was made by him to his niece only in the later letter
plaintiff to pay attorney’s fees, and moral and exemplary damages as set forth of January 18, 1968, the explanation being that "at later negotiation it was
in few pages back, it is because of this that plaintiff has come here and increased to P5.00 per square meter." (p. 4 of petitioners’ brief as appellees in
contends, that Lower Court erred: the Court of Appeals quoting from the decision of the trial court.) In other
‘I. . . . in denying plaintiff-appellant, as a co-owner of Lot No. 3504, words, while the letters relied upon by petitioners could convey the idea that
of the Iloilo Cadastre, the right of legal redemption under Art. 1620, of the Civil more or less some kind of consensus had been arrived at among the other co-
Code. owners to sell the property in dispute to petitioners, it cannot be said definitely
II. . . . as a consequence of the above error, in refusing to order the that such a sale had even been actually perfected. The fact alone that in the
defendants-appellees, the vendees of a portion of the aforesaid Lot No. 3504. later letter of January 18, 1968 the price indicated was P4.00 per square meter
which they bought from the co-owners of the plaintiff-appellant, to reconvey while in that of November 5, 1967, what was stated was P5.00 per square meter
the portion they purchased to the herein plaintiff-appellant. negatives the possibility that a "price definite" had already been agreed upon.
III. . . . in admitting extrinsic evidence in the determination of the While P5,000 might have indeed been paid to Carlos in October, 1967, there is
consideration of the sale, instead of simply adhering to the purchase price of nothing to show that the same was in the concept of the earnest money
‘P30,000.00, set forth in the pertinent Deed of Sale executed by the vendors contemplated in Article 1482 of the Civil Code, invoked by petitioner, as
and co-owners of the plaintiff-appellant in favor of the defendants-appellees. signifying perfection of the sale. Viewed in the backdrop of the factual milieu
IV. . . . in dismissing the complaint filed in this case.’ pp. 1-3, thereof extant in the record, We are more inclined to believe that the said
Appellant’s Brief, which can be reduced to the simple question of whether or P5,000 were paid in the concept of earnest money as the term was understood
not on the basis of the evidence and the law, the judgment appealed from under the Old Civil Code, that is, as a guarantee that the buyer would not back
should be maintained;" (Pp. 16-22, Record.) out, considering that it is not clear that there was already a definite agreement
as to the price then and that petitioners were decided to buy 6/7 only of the
property should respondent Javellana refuse to agree to part with her 1/7 on the other hand, after some reflection, this Court can not but have to bear in
share. mind certain definite points.
In the light of these considerations, it cannot be said that the Court 1st — According to Art. 1619
of Appeals erred in holding that the letters aforementioned sufficed to comply ‘Legal redemption is the right to be subrogated, upon the same
with the requirement of notice of a sale by co-owners under Article 1623 of the terms and conditions stipulated in the contract, in the place of one who
Civil Code. We are of the considered opinion and so hold that for purposes of acquires a thing by purchase or dation in payment, or by any other transaction
the co-owner’s right of redemption granted by Article 1620 of the Civil Code, whereby ownership is transmitted by onerous title.’ pp. 471-472, New Civil
the notice in writing which Article 1623 requires to be made to the other co- Code,
owners and from receipt of which the 30-day period to redeem should be and note that redemptioner right is to be subrogated
counted is a notice not only of a perfected sale but of the actual execution and ‘upon the same terms and conditions stipulated in the contract.’
delivery of the deed of sale. This is implied from the latter portion of Article and here, the stipulation in the public evidence of the contract,
1623 which requires that before a register of deeds can record a sale by a co- made public by both vendors and vendees is that the price was P30,000.00;
owner, there must be presented to him, an affidavit to the effect that the notice
of the sale had been sent in writing to the other co-owners. A sale may not be 2nd — According to Art. 1620,
presented to the register of deeds for registration unless it be in the form of a ‘A co-owner of a thing may exercise the right of redemption in case
duly executed public instrument. Moreover, the law prefers that all the terms the share of all the other co-owners or any of them, are sold to a third person.
and conditions of the sale should be definite and in writing. As aptly observed If the price of the alienation is grossly excessive, the redemptioner shall pay
by Justice Gatmaitan in the decision under review, Article 1619 of the Civil Code only a reasonable one.’ p. 472, New Civil Code, from which it is seen that if the
bestows unto a co-owner the right to redeem and "to be subrogated under the price paid is ‘grossly excessive’ redemptioner is required to pay only a
same terms and conditions stipulated in the contract", and to avoid any reasonable one; not that actually paid by the vendee, going to show that the
controversy as to the terms and conditions under which the right to redeem law seeks to protect redemptioner and converts his position into one not that
may be exercised, it is best that the period therefor should not be deemed to of a contractually but of a legally subrogated creditor as to the right of
have commenced unless the notice of the disposition is made after the formal redemption, if the price is not ‘grossly excessive’, what the law had intended
deed of disposal has been duly executed. And it being beyond dispute that redemptioner to pay can be read in Art. 1623.
respondent herein has never been notified in writing of the execution of the ‘The right of a legal pre-emption or redemption shall not be
deed of sale by which petitioners acquired the subject property, it necessarily exercised except within thirty (30) days from the notice in writing by the
follows that her tender to redeem the same made on June 10, 1968 was well prospective vendor, or by the vendor as the case may be. The deed of sale shall
within the period prescribed by law. Indeed, it is immaterial when she might not be recorded in the Registry of Property, unless accompanied by an affidavit
have actually come to know about said deed, it appearing she has never been of the vendor that he has given written notice thereof of all possible
shown a copy thereof through a written communication by either any of the redemptioners.’ p. 473, New Civil Code,
petitioners-purchasers or any of her co-owners-vendees. (Cornejo Et. Al. v. CA if that be so that affidavit must have been intended by the
Et. Al., 16 SCRA 775.) cd lawmakers for a definite purpose, to argue that this affidavit has no purpose is
The only other pivotal issue raised by petitioners relates to the price to go against all canons of statutory construction, no law mandatory in
which respondent offered for the redemption in question. In this connection, character and worse, prohibitive should be understood to have no purpose at
from the decision of the Court of Appeals, We gather that there is "decisive all, that would be an absurdity, that purpose could not but have been to give a
preponderance of evidence" establishing "that the price paid by defendants clear and unmistakable guide to redemptioner, on how much he should pay
was not that stated in the document, Exhibit 2, of P30,000 but much more, at and when he should redeem; from this must follow that notice must have been
least P97,000, according to the check, Exhibit 1, if not a total of P115,250.00 intended to state the truth and if vendor and vendee should have instead,
because another amount in cash of P18,250 was paid afterwards." It is, decided to state an untruth therein, it is they who should bear the
therefore, the contention of petitioners here that considering said finding of consequences of having thereby misled the redemptioner who had the right to
fact of the intermediate court, it erred in holding nevertheless that "the rely and act thereon and on nothing else; stated otherwise, all the elements of
redemption price should be that stated in the deed of sale." library equitable estoppel are here since the requirement of the law is to submit the
Again, petitioners’ contention cannot be sustained. As stated in the affidavit of notice to all possible redemptioners, that affidavit to be a condition
decision under review, the trial court found that "the consideration of P30,000 precedent to registration of the sale therefore, the law must have intended that
only was placed in the deed of sale to minimize the payment of the registration it be by the parties understood that they were there asking a solemn
fees, stamps and sales tax." With this undisputed fact in mind, it is impossible representation to all possible redemptioners, who upon faith of that are thus
for the Supreme Court to sanction petitioners’ pragmatic but immoral posture. induced to act, and here worse for the parties to the sale, they sought to avoid
Being patently violative of public policy and injurious to public interest, the compliance with the law and certainly refusal to comply cannot be rewarded
seemingly wide practice of understating considerations of transactions for the with exception and acceptance of the plea that they cannot be now estopped
purpose of evading taxes and fees due to the government must be condemned by their own representation, and this Court notes that in the trial and to this
and all parties guilty thereof must be made to suffer the consequences of their appeal, plaintiff earnestly insisted and insists on their estoppel;
ill-advised agreement to defraud the state. Verily, the trial court fell short of its 3rd — If therefore, here vendors had only attempted to comply with
devotion and loyalty to the Republic in officially giving its stamp of approval to the law, they would have been obligated to send a copy of the deed of sale unto
the stand of petitioners and even berating respondent Javellana as wanting to Filomena Javellana, — and from that copy, Filomena would have been notified
enrich herself "at the expense of her own blood relatives who are her aunts, that she should if she had wanted to redeem, offered no more, no less, that
uncles and cousins." On the contrary, said "blood relatives" should have been P30,000.00, within 30 days, it would have been impossible for vendors and
sternly told, as We here hold, that they are in pari-delicto with petitioners in vendees to have inserted in the affidavit that the price was truly P97,000.00
committing tax evasion and should not receive any consideration from any plus P18,250.00 or a total of P115,250.00; in other words, if defendants had
court in respect to the money paid for the sale in dispute. Their situation is only complied with the law, they would have been obligated to accept the
similar to that of parties to an illegal contract. 1 redemption money of only P30,000.00;
Of course, the Court of Appeals was also eminently correct in its 4th — If it be argued that foregoing solution would mean unjust
considerations supporting the conclusion that the redemption in controversy enrichment for plaintiff, it need only be remembered that plaintiff’s right is not
should be only for the price stipulated in the deed, regardless of what might contractual, but a mere legal one, the exercise of a right granted by the law,
have been actually paid by petitioners. In that style inimitable and all his own, and the law is definite that she can subrogate herself in place of the buyer,
Justice Gatmaitan states those considerations thus: ‘upon the same terms and conditions stipulated in the contract,’ in
"CONSIDERING: As to this that the evidence has established with the words of Art. 1619, and here the price.
decisive preponderance that the price paid by defendants was not that stated ‘stipulated in the contract’ was P30,000.00, in other words, if this be
in the document, Exh. 2 of P30,000.00 but much more, at least P97,000.00 possible enrichment on the part of Filomena, it was not unjust but just
according to the check, Exh. 1 if not a total of P115,250.00 because another enrichment because permitted by the law; if it still be argued that plaintiff
amount in cash of P18,250.00 was paid afterwards, perhaps it would be neither would thus be enabled to abuse her right, the answer simply is that what she is
correct nor just that plaintiff should be permitted to redeem at only seeking to enforce is not an abuse but a mere exercise of a right; if it he stated
P30,000.00, that at first glance would practically enrich her by the difference, that just the same, the effect of sustaining plaintiff would be to promote not
justice but injustice, the answer again simply is that this solution is not unjust
because it only binds the parties to make good their solemn representation to demanded the refund of the earnest money of P1 million which petitioner gave
possible redemptioners on the price of the sale, to what they had solemnly to respondent BARRETTO REALTY.
averred in a public document required by the law to be the only basis for that On 31 August 1988 respondent BARRETTO REALTY sold to Asiaworld
exercise of redemption;" (Pp. 24-27, Record.) Trade Center Phils., Inc. (ASIAWORLD), Lot 2, one of the two (2) consolidated
WHEREFORE, the decision of the Court of Appeals is affirmed, with lots, for the price of P23 million. On 13 October 1988 respondent BARRETTO
costs against petitioners. REALTY executed a deed transferring by way of dacionthe property
reconsolidated as Lot 1 in favor of UCPB, which in turn sold the property to
ASIAWORLD for P24 million.
[G.R. No. 126812. November 24, 1998] On 12 December 1988 Logarta again wrote respondent Que
GOLDENROD, INC., vs. COURT OF APPEALS, PIO BARRETTO & SONS, INC., demanding the return of the earnest money to GOLDENROD. On 7 February
PIO BARRETTOREALTY DEVELOPMENT, INC., and ANTHONY QUE 1989 petitioner through its lawyer reiterated its demand, but the same
DECISION remained unheeded by private respondents. This prompted petitioner to file a
BELLOSILLO, J.: complaint with the Regional Trial Court of Manila against private respondents
In the absence of a specific stipulation, may the seller of real estate keep the for the return of the amount of P1 million and the payment of damages
earnest money to answer for damages in the event the sale fails due to the fault including lost interests or profits. In their answer, private respondents
of the prospective buyer? contended that it was the agreement of the parties that the earnest money
Pio Barretto and Sons, Inc. (BARRETTO & SONS) owned forty-three (43) parcels of P1 million would be forfeited to answer for losses and damages that might
of registered land with a total area of 18,500 square meters located at Carlos be suffered by private respondents in case of failure by petitioner to comply
Palanca St., Quiapo, Manila, which were mortgaged with the United Coconut with the terms of their purchase agreement.
Planters Bank (UCPB). In 1988, the obligation of the corporation with UCPB On 15 March 1991 the trial court rendered a decision[1] ordering
remained unpaid making foreclosure of the mortgage imminent. private respondents jointly and severally to pay petitioner P1,000,000.00 with
Goldenrod, Inc. (GOLDENROD), offered to buy the property from BARRETTO & legal interest from 9 February 1989 until fully paid, P50,000.00 representing
SONS. On 25 May 1988, through its president Sonya G. Mathay, petitioner unrealized profits and P10,000.00 as attorneys fees. The trial court found that
wrote respondent Anthony Que, President of respondent BARRETTO & there was no written agreement between the parties concerning forfeiture of
SONS, as follows: the earnest money if the sale did not push through. It further declared that the
Thank you for your reply to our letter offering to buy your property in Echague earnest money given by petitioner to respondent BARRETTO REALTY was
(C. Palanca) Quiapo. intended to form part of the purchase price; thus, the refusal of the latter to
We are happy that you have accepted our offer except the two amendments return the money when the sale was not consummated violated Arts. 22 and
concerning the payment of interest which should be monthly instead of semi- 23 of the Civil Code against unjust enrichment.
annually and the period to remove the trusses, steel frames etc. which shall be Obviously dissatisfied with the decision of the trial court, private
180 days instead of 90 days only. Please be advised that we agree to your respondents appealed to the Court of Appeals which reversed the trial court
amendments. and ordered the dismissal of the complaint; hence, this petition.
As to your other query, we prefer that the lots be reconsolidated Petitioner alleges that the Court of Appeals erred in disregarding the
back to its (sic) mother titles. finding of the trial court that the earnest money given by petitioner to
Enclosed is the earnest money of P1 million which shall form part of the respondent BARRETTO REALTY should be returned to the former. The absence
purchase price. of an express stipulation that the same shall be forfeited in favor of the seller
Payment of the agreed total consideration shall be effected in in case the buyer fails to comply with his obligation is compelling. It argues that
accordance with our offer as you have accepted and upon execution of the the forfeiture of the money in favor of respondent BARRETTO REALTY would
necessary documents of sale to be implemented after the said reconsolidation amount to unjust enrichment at the expense of petitioner.
of the lots. We sustain petitioner. Under Art. 1482 of the Civil Code, whenever
Kindly acknowledge receipt of the earnest money. earnest money is given in a contract of sale, it shall be considered as part of the
When the term of existence of BARRETTO & SONS expired, all its purchase price and as proof of the perfection of the contract. Petitioner clearly
assets and liabilities including the property located in Quiapo were transferred stated without any objection from private respondents that the earnest money
to respondent Pio Barretto Realty Development, Inc. (BARRETTO was intended to form part of the purchase price. It was an advance payment
REALTY). Petitioners offer to buy the property resulted in its agreement with which must be deducted from the total price. Hence, the parties could not have
respondent BARRETTO REALTY that petitioner would pay the following intended that the earnest money or advance payment would be forfeited when
amounts: (a) P24.5 million representing the outstanding obligations of the buyer should fail to pay the balance of the price, especially in the absence
BARRETTO REALTY with UCPB on 30 June 1988, the deadline set by the bank of a clear and express agreement thereon. By reason of its failure to make
for payment; and, (b) P20 million which was the balance of the purchase price payment petitioner, through its agent, informed private respondents that it
of the property to be paid in installments within a 3-year period with interest would no longer push through with the sale. In other words, petitioner resorted
at 18% per annum. to extrajudicial rescission of its agreement with private respondents.
Petitioner did not pay UCPB the P24.5 million loan obligation In University of the Philippines v. de los Angeles,[2] the right to
of BARRETTO REALTY on the deadline set for payment; instead, it asked for an rescind contracts is not absolute and is subject to scrutiny and review by the
extension of one (1) month or up to 31 July 1988 to settle the obligation, which proper court. We held further, in the more recent case of Adelfa Properties,
the bank granted. On 31 July 1988, petitioner requested another extension of Inc. v. Court of Appeals,[3] that rescission of reciprocal contracts may be
sixty (60) days to pay the loan. This time the bank demurred. extrajudicially rescinded unless successfully impugned in court. If the party
In the meantime BARRETTO REALTY was able to cause the does not oppose the declaration of rescission of the other party, specifying the
reconsolidation of the forty-three (43) titles covering the property subject of grounds therefor, and it fails to reply or protest against it, its silence thereon
the purchase into two (2) titles covering Lots 1 and 2, which were issued on 4 suggests an admission of the veracity and validity of the rescinding party's
August 1988. The reconsolidation of the titles was made pursuant to the claim.
request of petitioner in its letter to private respondents on 25 May Private respondents did not interpose any objection to the
1988. Respondent BARRETTO REALTY allegedly incurred expenses for the rescission by petitioner of the agreement. As found by the Court of Appeals,
reconsolidation amounting to P250,000.00. private respondent BARRETTO REALTY even sold Lot 2 of the subject
On 25 August 1988 petitioner sought reconsideration of the denial by the bank consolidated lots to another buyer, ASIAWORLD, one day after its President
of its request for extension of sixty (60) days by asking for a shorter period of Anthony Que received the broker's letter rescinding the sale. Subsequently, on
thirty (30) days. This was again denied by UCPB. 13 October 1988 respondent BARRETTO REALTY also conveyed ownership over
On 30 August 1988 Alicia P. Logarta, President of Logarta Realty and Lot 1 to UCPB which, in turn, sold the same to ASIAWORLD.
Development Corporation (LOGARTA REALTY), which acted as agent and broker Article 1385 of the Civil Code provides that rescission creates the
of petitioner, wrote private respondent Anthony Que informing him on behalf obligation to return the things which were the object of the contract together
of petitioner that it could not go through with the purchase of the property due with their fruits and interest. The vendor is therefore obliged to return the
to circumstances beyond its fault, i.e., the denial by UCPB of its request for purchase price paid to him by the buyer if the latter rescinds the sale,[4] or when
extension of time to pay the obligation. In the same letter, Logarta also the transaction was called off and the subject property had already been sold
to a third person, as what obtained in this case.[5] Therefore, by virtue of the
extrajudicial rescission of the contract to sell by petitioner without opposition public auction more than two years ago on February 14, 1967 under the writ of
from private respondents who, in turn, sold the property to other persons, execution issued by Judge Cruz’ court in the first case. On the following day,
private respondent BARRETTO REALTY, as the vendor, had the obligation to May 21, 1969, Bernabe deposited with the sheriff the sum of P33,817.28 as the
return the earnest money of P1,000,000.00 plus legal interest from the date it redemption price (P15,987,00 per lot plus interests), who issued a certificate of
received notice of rescission from petitioner, i.e., 30 August 1988, up to the redemption. Bernabe then registered on the following day, May 22, 1969, the
date of the return or payment. It would be most inequitable if respondent sheriff’s certificate of redemption with the register of deeds, who in turn
BARRETTO REALTY would be allowed to retain petitioners payment cancelled the entry of the execution sale in favor of Aurora, as well as registered
of P1,000,000.00 and at the same time appropriate the proceeds of the second on one of the properties covered by T.C.T. No. 94986 a deed of first mortgage
sale made to another.[6] executed on May 20, 1969 by Bernabe in favor of one Antonio de Zuzuarregui
WHEREFORE, the Petition is GRANTED. The decision of the Court of to secure a loan of P130,000.00. Aurora’s motion of May 28, 1969 in the second
Appeals is REVERSED and SET ASIDE. Private respondent Pio Barretto Realty case to set aside the order and certificate of redemption and registration of
Development, Inc. (BARRETTO REALTY), its successors and assigns are ordered mortgage on the ground of lack of jurisdiction was denied by Judge Salvador,
to return to petitioner Goldenrod, Inc. (GOLDENROD), the amount who ruled in his order of June 23, 1969 that "there is no question that this Court
of P1,000,000.00 with legal interest thereon from 30 August 1988, the date has jurisdiction to hear and determine this case which questions the regularity
of notice of extrajudicial rescission, until the amount is fully paid, with costs and legality of the auction sale of properties held on February 14, 1967, hence
against private respondents. the authority granted by the Court to redeem said properties within the
SO ORDERED. redemption period in order to write finis to the pending case." 1 Hence, this
Davide Jr. (Chairman), Vitug, Panganiban, and Quisumbing JJ., concur action for certiorari filed by Aurora impleading the sheriff and the register of
deeds for the annulment and setting aside for lack of jurisdiction of the
[G.R. No. L-30871. December 28, 1970.] questioned orders of Judge Salvador’s court as well as of the challenged
AURORA P. DE LEON, v. HON. SERAFIN SALVADOR, as Judge of Branch XIV of the actuations of the other respondent officials pursuant thereto. As prayed for,
Court of First Instance of Rizal (Caloocan City), and EUSEBIO BERNABE, ALBERTO the Court issued a writ of preliminary injunction enjoining said respondents
A. VALINO, Special Deputy Sheriff of the Office of the Provincial Sheriff, Province from doing or taking any other act in connection with the said properties.
of Rizal, and the REGISTER OF DEEDS for Caloocan City, Respondents. On May 30, 1969, Aurora also filed in the first case before Judge
Cruz’ court a motion with proper notice for consolidation of title and for the
[G.R. No. L-31603. December 28, 1970] court to order the sheriff to issue in her favor a final deed of sale over the
EUSEBIO BERNABE, v. THE HONORABLE JUDGE FERNANDO A. CRUZ subject parcels of land. Judge Cruz’ order of September 5, 1969, granting
DECISION Aurora’s motion over Bernabe’s opposition that he had redeemed on May 21,
TEEHANKEE, J.: 1969 the said properties by virtue of Judge Salvador’s order of May 20, 1969 in
Joint decision of two special civil actions which were ordered the second case and ordering Bernabe to surrender his owner’s duplicates of
consolidated since they involve the same properties and the common issue of title for transfer to Aurora, in turn gave rise to Case L-31603 filed by Bernabe.
conflict of jurisdiction of the two Caloocan City branches of the Court of First After Bernabe’s motion for reconsideration urging Judge Cruz to hold in
Instance of Rizal. abeyance Aurora’s motion for consolidation of title until this Court’s decision in
Case L-30871 arose from the following facts: A judgment for Case L-30871 "which will end once and for all the legal controversy" over the
P35,000.00-actual, moral and exemplary damages obtained by Enrique de Leon conflict of jurisdiction between the two courts, was denied by Judge Cruz’ order
against private respondent Eusebio Bernabe in Civil Case No. C-189 of Branch of January 8, 1970, he filed this action for certiorari, impleading the sheriff, for
XII of the Rizal court of first instance, Caloocan City branch presided by Judge the annulment and revocation of the questioned orders of Judge Cruz, on the
Fernando A. Cruz, having become final and executory, a writ of execution was ground of the latter’s lack of jurisdiction to issue the same. As prayed for, the
issued by said court. Pursuant thereto, the city sheriff, on November 8, 1966 Court also issued a writ of preliminary injunction against the enforcement of
levied on execution on two parcels of land of 682.5 square meters each Judge Cruz’ orders, until the conflict between the parties could be finally
registered in the names of Bernabe under T.C.T. Nos. 94985 and 94986 of resolved.
Caloocan City. At the execution sale held on February 14, 1967, the city sheriff The decisive issue at bar is a simple one of jurisdiction: which court,
sold the said properties to herein petitioner, Aurora (sister of the judgment Branch XII presided by Judge Cruz or Branch XIV presided by Judge Salvador has
creditor) as the highest bidder for the total sum of P30,194.00, (the property exclusive jurisdiction to set aside for alleged irregularities the execution sale
then being subject to an existing mortgage lien in the amount of P120,000.00). held on February 14, 1967 by virtue of the writ for the execution of the final
The sheriff executed the corresponding certificate of sale in her favor, which judgment in the first case (No. C-189) issued by Judge Cruz’ court and to order
was duly registered on February 21, 1967 with the Caloocan City register of a new auction sale — which was the relief sought by the judgment debtor in
deeds. the second case (No. C-1217) in Judge Salvador’s court?
On February 7, 1968, just about two weeks before the expiration of It is patent that such exclusive jurisdiction was vested in Judge Cruz’
the one-year period to redeem the properties sold in execution, the judgment court. Having acquired jurisdiction over Case No. C-189 and rendered judgment
debtor Bernabe filed a separate civil action docketed as Civil Case No. C-1217 that had become final and executory, it retained jurisdiction over its judgment,
against his judgment creditor Enrique de Leon, herein petitioner Aurora P. de to the exclusion of all other co-ordinate courts for its execution and all incidents
Leon as purchaser and the sheriff as defendants for the setting aside or thereof, and to control, in furtherance of justice, the conduct of its ministerial
annulment of the execution sale on February 14, 1967 "for being anomalous officers in connection therewith. 2 Execution of its judgment having been
and irregular," and for the ordering of a new auction sale. This second case, carried out by the sheriff with the levy and sale of the judgment debtor’s
instead of being referred to Judge Cruz presiding over Branch XII which had properties, Eusebio Bernabe as judgment debtor could not in the guise of a new
issued the writ of execution, was assigned to Branch XIV, the other Caloocan and separate second action (Case No. 1217) ask another court of coordinate
City branch of the Rizal Court of First Instance presided by Judge Serafin jurisdiction, Judge Salvador’s court, to interfere by injunction with the
Salvador, who issued on February 19, 1968 a writ of preliminary injunction execution proceedings, to set them aside and to order the holding of a new
enjoining therein defendants, particularly the sheriff to desist "from taking execution sale — instead of seeking such relief by proper motion and
further proceedings against the properties of the plaintiff [Bernabe] that were application from Judge Cruz’ court which had exclusive jurisdiction over the
sold at public auction on February 14, 1967, and from issuing a sheriff’s deed execution proceedings and the properties sold at the execution sale.
of sale at the expiration of the period of redemption on February 21, 1968 in As early as 1922, in Cabigao v. del Rosario, 3 this Court laid down
favor of defendant Aurora P. de Leon." Aurora moved to dissolve the injunction the doctrine that "no court has power to interfere by injunction with the
and to dismiss this second case on the grounds of laches and lack of jurisdiction judgments or decrees of a court of concurrent or coordinate jurisdiction having
of Judge Salvador’s court to interfere with the execution proceedings pending power to grant the relief sought by injunction," pointing out that" (T)he various
in the first case before Judge Cruz’ court which is of equal and co-ordinate branches of the Court of First Instance of Manila are in a sense coordinate
jurisdiction, but Judge Salvador denied the same for not being indubitable and courts and to allow them to interfere with each other’s judgments or decrees
tried the case, notwithstanding Aurora’s pleas before and after the trial to by injunctions would obviously lead to confusion and might seriously hinder the
resolve the issue of his court’s lack of jurisdiction. administration of justice." virtua1aw library
Pending his decision, Judge Salvador issued on May 20, 1969 an The Court similarly ruled in Hubahib v. Insular Drug Co., Inc., 4 with
order granting two ex-parte motions of Bernabe of May 12, and May 15, 1969 reference to Branch II of the Cebu court of first instance having taken
and ordering the sheriff to allow Bernabe to redeem the two properties sold at cognizance of an independent action for the annulment of a writ of execution
issued by Branch III of the same court which has rendered the judgment, that law. The suit does not terminate with the judgment; and all proceedings on the
"the institution of said action was not only improper but also absolutely execution, are proceedings in the suit, and which are expressly, by the act of
unjustified, on the ground that the appellant had the remedy of applying to the Congress, put under the regulation and control of the Court of which it issues.
same Branch III of the lower court, which issued the orders in question, for It is a power incident to every Court from which process issues, when delivered
reconsideration thereof . . . or of appealing from said orders or from that to the proper officer, to enforce upon such officer a compliance with his duty."
denying his motion in case such order has been issued. The various branches of 11 Any and all questions involving the execution sale concerned the
a Court of First Instance of a province or city, having as they have the same or proceedings in Judge Cruz’ court and had to be raised and determined in that
equal authority and exercising as they do concurrent and coordinate court, subject to review by the higher courts. They could not be improperly
jurisdiction, should not, cannot, and are not permitted to interfere with their passed upon by another co-ordinate court — behind the back, as it were — of
respective cases, much less with their orders or judgments, by means of Judge Cruz’ court.
injunction." Judge Salvador’s order of May 20, 1969 granting two ex-parte
In National Power Corporation v. De Veyra, 5 the Court, through motions of the judgment debtor Bernabe and directing the sheriff to allow the
former Chief Justice Bengzon, thus explained that the garnishment or levy of redemption of the properties notwithstanding that the one-year redemption
property on execution brings the property into custodia legis of the court period had already lapsed more than one year ago on February 21, 1968 (one
issuing the writ of execution, beyond the interference of all other co-ordinate year after registration on May 21, 1967 of the sheriff’s sale of May 14, 1967)
courts, thereby avoiding conflicts of power between such courts:" (T)he was equally untenable. It must be noted that Bernabe’s action in Judge
garnishment of property to satisfy a writ of execution ‘operates as an Salvador’s court filed on February 7, 1968 two weeks before the expiration of
attachment and fastens upon the property a lien by which the property is the redemption period sought to set aside the execution sale and to have a new
brought under the jurisdiction of the court issuing the writ." It is brought into auction sale ordered, on the grounds that the sheriff had allegedly sold the two
custodia legis, under the sole control of such court. Property is in the custody parcels of land jointly instead of separately, and that the total sales price of
of the court when it has been seized by an officer either under a writ of P30,194.00 was shocking to the conscience, alleging that the two parcels, if sold
attachment on mesne process or under a writ of execution. A court which has separately, could easily be sold at P235,000.00 and P150,000.00. Pending
control of such property, exercises exclusive jurisdiction over the same. No decision and without ruling squarely on his court’s lack of jurisdiction over the
court, except one having a supervisory control or superior jurisdiction in the properties, Judge Salvador peremptorily issued his redemption order on
premises, has a right to interfere with and change that possession." Bernabe’s bare manifestation that" (he) has but barely two days left of the one
The Court in striking down the Baguio court’s issuance of a writ of (1) year period granted by law to redeem" and that" (he) is now ready and
preliminary injunction against the Baguio City sheriff’s garnishment of cash willing to redeem" the properties.
funds of Baguio City deposited in the Baguio branch of the Philippine National Aside from the basic lack of jurisdiction of Judge Salvador’s court to
Bank pursuant to a writ of execution issued by the Manila court of first instance issue the redemption order, the order per se suffered from other grave flaws.
for the satisfaction of a final judgment rendered in favor of the National Power Bernabe’s motions in effect amounted to an abandonment of his position on
Corporation, and its assuming cognizance of the separate complaint filed with the alleged irregularity of the execution sale, and the logical consequence
it, duly indicated the proper procedure in such cases and the fundamental thereof which have been the dismissal of his suit. (Thus, soon after Aurora’s
reason therefor:" (T)he reason advanced by the respondent court of Baguio City filing of her action for certiorari in this Court, Bernabe filed his so-called "Urgent
that it should grant relief when ‘there is apparently an illegal service of the writ’ Motion to Dismiss" of August 27, 1969 with Judge Salvador’s court praying for
(the property garnished being allegedly exempt from execution) may not be the dismissal of the very case filed by him on the ground that having redeemed
upheld, there being a better procedure to follow, i.e., a resort to the Manila the properties, "the case can therefore be considered closed and terminated
court, wherein the remedy may be obtained, it being the court under whose considering that defendants [Aurora, Et. Al.] did not interpose any appeal" from
authority the illegal levy had been made. Needless to say, an effective ordering the redemption order) But Bernabe’s motions were presented on May 12 and
of legal relationships in civil society is possible only when each court is granted May 15, 1969 and it was self-evident from the record that the one-year period
exclusive jurisdiction over the property brought to it." 6 for redemption had long expired more than a year ago on February 21, 1968 as
The Court time and again has applied this long established doctrine above stated and that Bernabe’s allegations that he had two days left — of the
admonishing court and litigant alike last year in Luciano v. Provincial Governor redemption period was a gratuitous one. Nothing in the record indicates that
7 that a judge of a branch of a court may not interfere with the proceedings Bernabe had ever timely made a valid offer of redemption so as to safeguard
before a judge of another branch of the same court. his right thereto prior to his filing his separate action questioning the validity of
The properties in question were brought into custodia legis of Judge the execution sale. It was therefore void and illogical for Judge Salvador to rule,
Cruz court and came under its exclusive jurisdiction when they were levied in denying Aurora’s motion for reconsideration, that "there is no question that
upon by the sheriff pursuant to the writ for execution of the judgment rendered this Court has jurisdiction to hear and determine this case which questions the
by said court. The levy is the essential act by which the judgment debtor s regularity and legality of the auction sale of properties held on February 14,
property is set apart for the satisfaction of the judgment and taken into custody 1967, hence the authority granted by the Court to redeem said properties
of the law, and from such time the court issuing the execution acquires within the redemption period in order to write finis to the pending case." For
exclusive jurisdiction over the property and all subsequent claims of other Judge Salvador thereby begged the basic prejudicial questions of his court’s lack
parties are subordinated thereto, irrespective of the time when the property is of jurisdiction and the expiration over a year ago of Bernabe’s alleged right of
actually sold. 8 The execution sale having been carried out upon order of Judge redemption, not to mention that any grant of such right to redeem could not
Cruz court, any and all questions concerning the validity and regularity of the be decreed in a summary unreasoned order but would have to be adjudged in
sale necessarily had to be addressed to his court which had exclusive a formal decision reciting the facts and the law on which it is based, and which
jurisdiction over the properties and were beyond interference by Judge may not be immediately executed, without a special order therefor. Under
Salvador s court. Justice Cruz court alone had jurisdiction — subject only to the Judge Salvador’s void orders, all that a judgment debtor whose properties have
supervisory control or appellate jurisdiction of superior courts — to rule upon been sold at execution sale but who does not have the funds to effect
the regularity and validity of the sale conducted by its ministerial officers from redemption has to do to unilaterally extend the one-year redemption period
the sheriff’s office, and his affirmative ruling thereon could not be interfered would be to file a separate action before another court of co-ordinate
with by injunction of, nor sought to be foreclosed by, the challenged orders of jurisdiction questioning the regularity of the execution sale and upon his getting
Judge Salvador’s court. the funds, notwithstanding the expiration of the redemption period, get an
Bernabe’s contention that "he does not attempt to annul or nullify order of redemption and ask the court "to write finis to the pending case" —
the judgment or order issued by (Judge Cruz’ court) . . . If (Judge Salvador’s which should have been dismissed in the first instance for lack of jurisdiction.
Court) finds the allegations of the complaint to be true, then it has the The doctrine cited that a court or a branch thereof may not interfere
jurisdiction to order a new auction sale, which has nothing to do with the with the proceedings before a judge of another court or branch of the same
judgments or decrees issued by Judge Cruz’ court)" 9 is untenable. As above court since they are all courts of equal and co-ordinate jurisdiction is an
stated, the properties upon being levied on and sold by virtue of Judge Cruz’ elementary doctrine that has been established with the very system of courts.
order of execution were brought into the exclusive custodia legis of Judge Cruz’ Understandable as Bernabe’s plight and financial predicament may be, still it is
court This is but in accordance with the established principle that "A case in incomprehensible why he should futilely resort, as he did, to filing his separate
which an execution has been issued is regarded as still pending, so that all action with Judge Salvador’s court which patently lacked jurisdiction over the
proceedings on the execution are proceedings in the suit" 10 and that" (A)n properties sold in execution instead of questioning the regularity of the
execution is the fruit and end of the suit, and is very aptly called the life of the execution sale before Judge Cruz’ court as the court of competent and exclusive
jurisdiction, and properly applying, if he had just grounds, for extension of the them to file their printed record on appeal within sixty (60) days from receipt
redemption period. of said notice. This 60-day term was to expire on January 17, 1969.
As to the alleged gross inadequacy of the price of P30,194.00 paid Allegedly under date of January 15, 1969, the petitioners allegedly sent to the
by Aurora when according to Bernabe the properties could have been easily Court of Appeals and to counsel for the respondent, by registered mail allegedly
sold for a total price of P385,000.00, Bernabe has admitted that there was an deposited personally by its mailing clerk, one Juanito D. Quiachon, at the Makati
existing mortgage lien on the properties in the amount of P120,000,00 which Post Office, a "Motion For Extension of Time To File Printed Record on Appeal."
necessarily affected their value. This question was not raised at all before Judge The extension of time was sought on the ground "of mechanical failures of the
Cruz’ court nor did Judge Salvador rule thereupon, since he merely issued his printing machines, and the voluminous printing jobs now pending with the Vera
void order of redemption. Suffice it to state on the basis of the record, however, Printing Press. ..."
that the failure of Bernabe to timely sell the properties for their fair value On February 10, 1969, the petitioners filed their printed record on
through negotiated sales with third persons either before or after the execution appeal in the Court of Appeals. Thereafter, the petitioners received from the
sale in order to be able to discharge his judgment debt or redeem the respondent a motion filed on February 8, 1969 praying for the dismissal of the
properties within the redemption period, or to raise the necessary amount appeal on the ground that the petitioners had failed to file their printed record
therefrom to so effect redemption notwithstanding that they have been on appeal on time. Acting on the said motion to dismiss the appeal, the Court
collecting the substantial monthly rentals thereof of P2,500.00 monthly even of Appeals, on February 25, 1969, issued the following resolution:
up to now 12 can be attributed only to his own failings and gross improvidence. Upon consideration of the motion of counsel for defendant-appellee praying
They cannot be cited in law or in equity to defeat the lawful claim of Aurora nor on the grounds therein stated that the appeal be dismissed in accordance with
to give validity to the void orders of Judge Salvador’s court. The applicable rule Rules of Court, and of the opposition thereto filed by counsel for plaintiff-
on forced sales where the law gives the owner the right of redemption was thus appellants, the Court RESOLVED to DENY the said motion to dismiss.
stated by the Court in Velasquez v. Coronel: 13 "However, while in ordinary Upon consideration of the registry-mailed motion of counsel for plaintiffs
sales for reasons of equity a transaction may be invalidated on the ground of appellants praying on the grounds therein stated for an extension of 30 days
inadequacy of price, or when such inadequacy shocks one’s conscience as to from January 15, 1969 within which to file the printed record on appeal, the
justify the courts to interfere, such does not follow when the law gives to the Court RESOLVED to GRANT the said motion and the printed record on appeal
owner the right to redeem, as when a sale is made at public auction, upon the which has already been filed is ADMITTED.
theory that the lesser the price the easier it is for the owner to effect the On March 11, 1969, the respondent prayed for a reconsideration of
redemption. And so it was aptly said: ‘When there is the right to redeem, the above-mentioned resolution, averring that the Court of Appeals had been
inadequacy of price should not be material, because the judgment debtor may misled bythe petitioners' "deceitful allegation that they filed the printed record
reacquire the property or also sell his right to redeem and thus recover the loss on appeal within the reglementary period," because according to a certification
he claims to have suffered by reason of the price obtained at the auction sale.’" issued by the postmaster of Makati, Rizal, the records of the said post office
Bernabe’s petition challenging the jurisdiction of Judge Cruz’ court failed to reveal that on January 15, 1969 — the date when their motion for
to issue its orders of September 5, 1969 and January 5, 1970, confirming extension of time to file the printed record on appeal was supposedly mailed
Aurora’s acquisition of title to the properties by virtue of the execution sale and by the petitioners — there was any letter deposited there by the petitioners'
ordering Bernabe to transfer possession thereof to her, because of the separate counsel. The petitioners opposed the motion for reconsideration. They
civil action filed by him in Judge Salvador’s court, must necessarily fail — since submitted to the appellate court the registry receipts (numbered 0215 and
said orders were within the exclusive competence and jurisdiction of Judge 0216), both stampled January 15, 1969, which were issued by the receiving
Cruz’ court. clerk of the registry section of the Makati Post Office covering the mails for the
ACCORDINGLY, in Case L-30871, the writ of certiorari prayed for his disputed motion for extension of time to file their printed record on appeal and
granted; respondent Judge Salvador’s court is declared without jurisdiction the affidavit of its mailing clerk Juanito D. Quiachon, to prove that their motion
over Civil Case No. C-1217 other than to dismiss the same and the writ of for extension was timely filed and served on the Court of Appeals and the
preliminary injunction of February 19, 1968 therein issued and the orders of respondent, respectively. After several other pleadings and manifestations
May 20, 1969 and June 23, 1969 therein issued, as well as respondent sheriff’s were filed by the parties relative to the issue raised by the respondent's above-
certificate of redemption issued on May 21, 1969 are set aside and declared mentioned motion for reconsideration, the Court of Appeals promulgated on
null and void; and the writ of preliminary injunction issued by the Court on June 28, 1969, its questioned resolution, the dispositive portion of which reads
September 2, 1969, is made permanent. In Case L-31603, the petition as follows:
for certiorari is dismissed and the writ of preliminary injunction issued by this WHEREFORE, the motion for reconsideration filed on March 11,
Court on February 11, 1970 is dissolved. No pronouncement as to costs. 1969 is granted and appeal interposed by plaintiff-appellants from the
judgment of the court below is hereby dismissed for their failure to file their
Reyes, J.B.L., Dizon, Makalintal, Zaldivar, Fernando, Barredo, Villamor and printed Record on Appeal within the period authorized by this Court. Atty.
Makasiar, JJ., concur. Patrocino R. Corpuz [counsel of the petitioner] is required to show cause within
Concepcion, C.J., concurs in the result. ten (10) days from notice why he should not be suspended from the practice of
Castro, J., did not take part. his necessary investigation against Juanito D. Quiachon of the Salonga,
Ordoñez, Yap, Sicat & Associates Law Office, Suite 319 337 Rufino Building,
G.R. No. L-31018 June 29, 1973 Ayala Avenue, Makati Post Office, to file the appropriate criminal action against
LORENZO VELASCO AND SOCORRO J. VELASCO, vs. COURT OF APPEALS them as may be warranted in the premises, and to report to this Court within
thirty (30) days the action he has taken thereon.
CASTRO, J.: The foregoing desposition was based on the following findings of the Court of
This is a petition for certiorari and mandamus filed by Lorenzo Appeals:
Velasco and Socorro J. Velasco (hereinafter referred to as the petitioners) An examination of the Rollo of this case, particularly the letter
against the resolution of the Court of Appeals dated June 28, 1969 in CA-G.R. envelope on page 26 thereof, reveals that on January 15, 1969, plaintiffs
42376, which ordered the dismissal of the appeal interposed by the petitioners supposedly mailed via registered mail from the Post Office of Makati, Rizal their
from a decision of the Court of First Instance of Quezon City on the ground that motion for extension of 30 days from that date to file their printed Record on
they had failed seasonably to file their printed record on appeal. Appeal, under registered letter No. 0216. However, in an official certification,
Under date of November 3, 1968, the Court of First Instance of the Postmaster of Makati states that the records of his office disclose: (a) that
Quezon City, after hearing on the merits, rendered a decision in civil case 7761, there were no registered letters Nos. 0215 and 0216 from the Salonga,
dismissing the complaint filed by the petitioners against the Magdalena Estate, Ordoñez, Yap, Sicat & Associates addressed to Atty. Abraham F. Sarmiento, 202
Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the respondent) for the purpose of compelling Magdalena Building, España Ext., Quezon City, and to the Court of Appeals,
specific performance by the respondent of an alleged deed of sale of a parcel Manila, respectively, that were posted in the Post Office of Makati, Rizal, on
of residential land in favor of the petitioners. The basis for the dismissal of the January 15, 1969; (b) that there is a registered letter numbered 215 but that
complaint was that the alleged purchase and sale agreement "was not the same was posted on January 3, 1969 by Enriqueta Amada of 7 Angel, Pasillo
perfected". F-2, Cartimar, Pasay City, as sender, and Giral Amasan of Barrio Cabuniga-an,
On November 18, 1968, after the perfection of their appeal to the Sto. Niño, Samar, as addressee; and that there is also a registered letter
Court of Appeals, the petitioners received a notice from the said court requiring numbered 216; but that the same was likewise posted on January 3, 1969 with
E.B.A. Construction of 1049 Belbar Building, Metropolitan, Pasong Tamo,
Makati, as sender, and Pres. R. Nakaya of the United Pacific Trading Co., Ltd., of the fact that said registry receipts are printed in accordance with the
79, 6 Chamo, Nakatu, Yokohari, Japan, as addressee; (c) that on January 15, standard forms prescribed by the Bureau of Posts, committed as follows: the
1969, the registered letters posted at the Makati Post Office were numbered above-named accused John Doe, on the date above-mentioned approached
consecutively from 1001-2225, inclusive, and none of these letters was and induced the accused Malindog, a letter-carrier at the Makati Post Office, to
addressed to Atty. Abraham F. Sarmiento of to the Court of Appeals; (d) that in postmark on Abraham Sarmiento in Quezon City, and the other to the Court of
Registry Bill Book No. 30 for Quezon City as well as that Manila, corresponding Appeals, Manila, and the accused Malindog, acceding to the inducement of,
to February 7, 1969, there are entries covering registered letters Nos. 0215 and and in conspiracy with, his co-accused John Doe, did then and there willfully
0216 for dispatch to Quezon City and Manila, respectively; however, such and feloniously falsify said registry receipts of the Makati Post Office on January
registry book for February 7, 1969 shows no letters with such numbers posted 15, 1969, thereby making it appear that the said sealed envelopes addressed
on the said date. to Atty. Sarmiento and the Court of Appeals were actually posted, and causing
The Acting Postmaster of the Commercial Center Post Office of it to appear that the Postmaster of Makati participated therein by posting said
Makati, Rizal, further certifies that "Registry Receipts Nos. 0215 and 0216 mail matters on January 15, 1969, when in truth and in fact he did not so
addressed to Atty. Abraham F. Sarmiento of the Magdalena Estate, Quezon City participate.
and the Honorable Court of Appeals, respectively, does not appear in our The petitioner contend that in promulgating its questioned
Registry Record Book which was allegedly posted at this office on January 15, resolution, the Court of Appeals acted without or in excess of jurisdiction, or
1969." with such whimsical and grave abuse of discretion as to amount to lack of
From the foregoing, it is immediately apparent that the motion for extension jurisdiction, because (a) it declared that the motion for extension of time to file
of time to file their Record on Appeal supposedly mailed by the plaintiffs on the printed record on appeal was not mailed on January 15, 1969, when, in fact,
January 15, 1969 was not really mailed on that date but evidently on a date it was mailed on the record on appeal was filed only on February 10, 1969,
much later than January 15, 1969. This is further confirmed by the affidavit of beyond the time authorized by the appellate court, when the truth is that the
Flaviano Malindog, a letter carrier of the Makati Post Office, which defendant said date of filing was within the 30-day extension granted by it; (c) the adverse
attached as Annex 1 to its supplemental reply to plaintiffs' opposition to the conclusion of the appellate court are not supported by the records of the case,
motion for reconsideration. In his said affidavit, Malindog swore among others: because the said court ignored the affidavit of the mailing clerk of the
'That on February 7, 1969, between 12:00 o'clock noon and 1:00 petitioners' counsel, the registry receipts and postmarked envelopes (citing
o'clock in the afternoon, JUANITO D. QUIACHON approached me at the Makati Henning v. Western Equipment, 62 Phil. 579, and Caltex Phil., Inc. v. Katipunan
Post Office and talked to me about certain letters which his employer had asked Labor Union, 52 O.G. 6209), and, instead, chose to rely upon the affidavit of the
him to mail and that I should help him do something about the matter; but I mail carrier Malindog, which affidavit was prepared by counsel for the
asked him what they were all about, and he told me that they were letters for respondent at the affiant himself so declared at the preliminary investigation
the Court of Appeals and for Atty. Abraham Sarmiento and that his purpose was at the Fiscal's office which absolved the petitioners' counsel mailing clerk
to show that they were posted on January 15, 1969; that I inquired further, and Quiachon from any criminal liability; (d) section 1, Rule 50 of the Rules of Court,
he said that the letters were not so important and that his only concern was to which enumerates the grounds upon which the Court of Appeals may dismiss
have them post maker January 15, 1969; an appeal, does not include as a ground the failure to file a printed record on
'That believing the word of JUANITO D. QUIACHON that the letters appeal; (e) the said section does not state either that the mismailing of a motion
were not really important I agreed to his request; whereupon, I got two (2) to extend the time to file the printed record on appeal, assuming this to be the
registry receipts from an old registry receipt booklet which is no longer being case, may be a basis for the dismissal of the appeal; (f) the Court of Appeals has
used and I numbered them 0215 for the letter addressed to Atty. Abraham no jurisdiction to revoke the extention of time to file the printed record on
Sarmiento in Quezon City and 0216 for the letter addressed to the Court of appeal it had granted to the petitioners based on a ground not specified in
Appeals, Manila; that I placed the same numbering on the respective envelopes section 1, Rule 50 of the Rules of Court; and (g) the objection to an appeal may
containing the letters; and that I also post maker them January 15, 1969; be waived as when the appellee has allowed the record on appeal to be printed
'That to the best of my recollection I wrote the correct date of posting, February and approved (citing Moran, Vol. II, p. 519).
7, 1969, on the back of one or both of the registry receipts above mentioned; Some of the objections raised by the petitioners to the questioned
'That the correct date of posting, February 7, 1969 also appears in resolution of the Court of Appeals are obviously matters involving the correct
the Registry Bill Books for Quezon City and Manila where I entered the subject construction of our rules of procedure and, consequently, are proper subjects
registered letters; of an appeal by way of certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, rather
Of course, plaintiff's counsel denies the sworn statement of than a special civil action for certiorari under Rule 65. The petitioners, however,
Malindog and even presented the counter-affidavit of one of his clerk by the have correctly appreciated the nature of its objections and have asked this
name of Juanito D. Quiachon. But between Malindog, whose sworn statement Court to treat the instant petition as an appeal by way of certiorari under Rule
is manifestly a declaration against interest since he can be criminally 45 "in the event ... that this Honorable Supreme Court should deem that an
prosecuted for falsification on the basis thereof, and that of Quiachon, whose appeal is an adequate remedy ..." The nature of the case at bar permits, in our
statement is self-serving, we are very much inclined to give greater weight and view, a disquisition of both types of assignments.
credit to the former. Besides, plaintiffs have not refuted the facts disclosed in We do not share the view of the petitioners that the Court of Appeals acted
the two (2) official certifications above mentioned by the Postmakers of Makati, without or in excess of jurisdiction or gravely abused its discretion in
Rizal. These two (2) certifications alone, even without to move this Court to promulgating the questioned resolution.
reconsider its resolution of February 25, 1969 and order the dismissal of this While it is true that stamped on the registry receipts 0215 and 0215
appeal. as well as on the envelopes covering the mails in question is the date "January
On September 5, 1969, after the rendition of the foregoing 15, 1969," this, by itself, does not establish an unrebuttable presumption of the
resolution, the Court of Appeals promulgated another, denying the motion for fact of date of mailing. Henning and Caltex, cited by the petitioners, are not in
reconsideration of the petitioner, but, at the same time, accepting as point because the specific adjective issue resolved in those cases was whether
satisfactory the explanation of Atty. Patrocino R. Corpuz why he should not be or not the date of mailing a pleading is to be considered as the date of its filing.
suspended from the practice of the legal profession. The issue in the case at bar is whether or not the motion of the petitioners for
On September 20, 1969, the First Assistant Fiscal of Rizal notified extension of time to file the printed record on appeal was, in point of fact,
the Court of Appeals that he had found a prima facie case against Flaviano C. mailed (and, therefore, filed) on January 15, 1969.
Malindog and would file the corresponding information for falsification of In resolving this issue in favor of the respondent, this Court finds,
public documents against him. The said fiscal, however, dismissed the after a careful study and appraisal of the pleadings, admissions and denials
complaint against Quiachon for lack of sufficient evidence. The information respectively adduced and made by the parties, that the Court of Appeals did
subsequently filed against Malindog by the first Assistance Fiscal of Rizal reads not gravely abuse its discretion and did not act without or in excess of its
as follow: jurisdiction. We share the view of the appellate court that the certifications
That on or about the 7th day of February 1969, in the municipality issued by the two postmasters of Makati, Rizal and the sworn declaration of the
of Makati, province of Rizal, and a place within the jurisdiction of this Honorable mail carrier Malindog describing how the said registry receipts came to be
Court, the above-named accused, conspiring and confederating together and issued, are worthy of belief. It will be observed that the said certifications
mutually helping and aiding with John Doe, whose true identity and present explain clearly and in detail how it was improbable that the petitioners' counsel
whereabout is still unknown, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and in the ordinary course of official business, while Malindog's sworn statement,
feloniously falsify two registry receipts which are public documents by reason which constitutes a very grave admission against his own interest, provides
ample basis for a finding that where official duty was not performed it was at payment of the additional P20,000.00 to complete the P30,000.00 the
the behest of a person interested in the petitioners' side of the action below. defendant refused to accept and that eventually it likewise refused to execute
That at the preliminary investigation at the Fiscal's office, Malindog failed to a formal deed of sale obviously agreed upon. The plaintiff demands P25,000.00
identify Quiachon as the person who induced him to issue falsified receipts, exemplary damages, P2,000.00 actual damages and P7,000.00 attorney's fees.
contrary to what he declared in his affidavit, is of no moment since the findings The defendant, in its Answer, denies that it has had any direct
of the inquest fiscal as reflected in the information for falsification filed against dealings, much less, contractual relations with the plaintiff regarding the
Malindog indicate that someone did induce Malindog to make and issue false property in question, and contends that the alleged contract described in the
registry receipts to the counsel for the petitioners. document attached to the complaint as Annex A is entirely unenforceable
This Court held in Bello vs. Fernando1 that the right to appeal is nota under the Statute of Frauds; that the truth of the matter is that a portion of the
natural right nor a part of due process; it is merely a statutory privilege, and property in question was being leased by a certain Socorro Velasco who, on
may be exercised only in the manner provided by law. In this connection, the November 29, 1962, went to the office of the defendant indicated her desire
Rule of Court expressly makes it the duty of an appellant to file a printed record to purchase the lot; that the defendant indicated its willingness to sell the
on appeal with the Court of Appeals within sixty (60) record on appeal approved property to her at the price of P100,000.00 under the condition that a down
by the trial court has already been received by the said court. Thus, section 5 payment of P30,000.00 be made, P20,000.00 of which was to be paid on
of Rule 46 states: November 31, 1962, and that the balance of P70,000.00 including interest a 9%
Sec. 5. Duty of appellant upon receipt of notice. — It shall be the duty of the per annum was to be paid on installments for a period of ten years at the rate
appellant within fifteen (15) days from the date of the notice referred to in the of P5,381.32 on June 30 and December of every year until the same shall have
preceding section, to pay the clerk of the Court of Appeals the fee for the been fully paid; that on November 29, 1962 Socorro Velasco offered to pay
docketing of the appeal, and within sixty (60) days from such notice to submit P10,000.00 as initial payment instead of the agreed P20,000.00 but because
to the court forty (40) printed copies of the record on appeal, together with the amount was short of the alleged P20,000.00 the same was accepted merely
proof of service of fifteen (15) printed copies thereof upon the appelee. as deposited and upon request of Socorro Velasco the receipt was made in the
As the petitioners failed to comply with the above-mentioned duty which the name of her brother-in-law the plaintiff herein; that Socorro Velasco failed to
Rules of Court enjoins, and considering that, as found by the Court of Appeals, complete the down payment of P30,000.00 and neither has she paid any
there was a deliberate effort on their part to mislead the said Court in grating installments on the balance of P70,000.00 up to the present time; that it was
them an extension of time within which to file their printed record on appeal, only on January 8, 1964 that Socorro Velasco tendered payment of P20,000.00,
it stands to reason that the appellate court cannot be said to have abused its which offer the defendant refused to accept because it had considered the
discretion or to have acted without or in excess of its jurisdiction in ordering offer to sell rescinded on account of her failure to complete the down payment
the dismissal of their appeal. on or before December 31, 1962.
Our jurisprudence is replete with cases in which this Court dismissed The lone witness for the plaintiff is Lorenzo Velasco, who exhibits
an appeal on grounds not mentioned specifically in Section 1, Rule 50 of the the receipt, Exhibits A, issued in his favor by the Magdalena Estate, Inc., in the
Rules of Court. (See, for example, De la Cruz vs. Blanco, 73 Phil. 596 (1942); sum of P10,000.00 dated November 29, 1962. He also identifies a letter (Exh.
Government of the Philippines vs. Court of Appeals, 108 Phil. 86 (1960); B)of the Magdalena Estate, Inc. addressed to him and his reply thereto. He
Ferinion vs. Sta. Romana, L-25521, February 28, 1966, 16 SCRA 370, 375). testifies that Socorro Velasco is his sister-in-law and that he had requested her
It will likewise be noted that inasmuch as the petitioners' motion for to make the necessary contacts with defendant referring to the purchase of the
extension of the period to file the printed record on appeal was belated filed, property in question. Because he does not understand English well, he had
then, it is as though the same were non-existent, since as this Court has already authorized her to negotiate with the defendant in her whenever she went to
stated in Baquiran vs. Court of Appeals,2 "The motion for extension of the the office of the defendant, and as a matter of fact, the receipt for the
period for filing pleadings and papers in court must be made before the P10,000.00 down payment was issued in his favor. The plaintiff also depends
expiration of the period to be extended." The soundness of this dictum in on Exhibit A to prove that there was a perfected follows: "Earnest money for
matters of procedure is self-evident. For, were the doctrine otherwise, the the purchase of Lot 15, Block 7, Psd-6129, Area 2,059 square meters including
uncertainties that would follow when litigants are left to determine and improvements thereon — P10,000.00." At the bottom of Exhibit A the following
redetermine for themselves whether to seek further redress in court forthwith appears: "Agreed price: P100,000.00, P30,000.00 down payment, bal. in 10
or take their own sweet time will result in litigations becoming more unreable years."
than the very grievances they are intended to redness. To prove that the Magdalena Estate, Inc. had been dealing all along
The argument raised by the petitioner — that the objection to an with him and not with his sister-in-law and that the Magdalena Estate, Inc. knew
appeal maybe waived, as when the appellee allows the record on appeal to be very well that he was the person interested in the lot in question and not his
printed and approved — is likewise not meritorious considering that the sister-in-law, the plaintiff offers in evidence five checks all drawn by him in favor
respondent did file a motion in the Court of Appeals on February 8, 1969 of Magdalena Estate, Inc. for payment of the lease of the property. ....
praying for the dismissal of the below of the petitioners had not yet filed their There does not seem to be any dispute regarding the fact that the
record on appeal and, therefore, must be considered to have abandoned their Velasco family was leasing this property from the Magdalena Estate, Inc. since
appeal. December 29, 1961; that the Velasco family sometime in 1962 offered to
In further assailing the questioned resolution of the Court of purchase the lot as a result of which Lorenzo Velasco thru Socorro Velasco
Appeals, the petitioners also point out that on the merits the equities of the made the P10,000.00 deposit or, in the language of the defendant 'earnest
instant case are in their favor. A reading of the record, however, persuades us money or down payment' as evidenced by Exhibit A. The only matter that
that the judgment a quo is substantially correct and morally just. remains to be decided is whether the talks between the Magdalena Estate, Inc.
The appealed decision of the court a quo narrates both the alleged and Lorenzo Velasco either directly or thru his sister-in-law Socorro Velasco
and proven facts of the dispute between the petitioners and the respondent, ever ripened into a consummated sale. It is the position of the defendant (1)
as follows: that the sale was never consummated and (2) that the contract is
This is a suit for specific performance filed by Lorenzo Velasco unenforceable under the Statute of Frauds.
against the Magdalena Estate, Inc. on the allegation that on November 29, 1962 The court a quo agreed with the respondent's (defendant therein)
the plaintiff and the defendant had entered into a contract of sale (Annex A of contention that no contract of sale was perfected because the minds of the
the complaint) by virtue of which the defendant offered to sell the plaintiff and parties did not meet "in regard to the manner of payment." The court a quo
the plaintiff in turn agreed to buy a parcel of land with an area of 2,059 square appraisal of this aspect of the action below is correct. The material averments
meters more particularly described as Lot 15, Block 7, Psd-6129, located at No. contained in the petitioners' complaint themselves disclose a lack of complete
39 corner 6th Street and Pacific Avenue, New Manila, this City, for the total "agreement in regard to the manner of payment" of the lot in question. The
purchase price of P100,000.00. complaint states pertinently:
It is alleged by the plaintiff that the agreement was that the plaintiff 4. That plaintiff and defendant further agreed that the total down payment
was to give a down payment of P10,000.00 to be followed by P20,000.00 and shall by P30,000.00, including the P10,000.00 partial payment mentioned in
the balance of P70,000.00 would be paid in installments, the equal monthly paragraph 3 hereof, and that upon completion of the said down payment of
amortization of which was to be determined as soon as the P30,000.00 down P30,000.00, the balance of P70,000.00 shall be said by the plaintiff to the
payment had been completed. It is further alleged that the plaintiff paid down defendant in 10 years from November 29, 1962;
payment of P10,000.00 on November 29, 1962 as per receipt No. 207848 (Exh. 5. That the time within the full down payment of the P30,000.00 was to be
"A")and that when on January 8, 1964 he tendered to the defendant the completed was not specified by the parties but the defendant was duly
compensated during the said time prior to completion of the down payment of
P30,000.00 by way of lease rentals on the house existing thereon which was
earlier leased by defendant to the plaintiff's sister-in-law, Socorro J. Velasco,
and which were duly paid to the defendant by checks drawn by plaintiff.
It is not difficult to glean from the aforequoted averments that the
petitioners themselves admit that they and the respondent still had to meet
and agree on how and when the down-payment and the installment payments
were to be paid. Such being the situation, it cannot, therefore, be said that a
definite and firm sales agreement between the parties had been perfected over
the lot in question. Indeed, this Court has already ruled before that a definite
agreement on the manner of payment of the purchase price is an essential
element in the formation of a binding and unforceable contract of sale.3 The
fact, therefore, that the petitioners delivered to the respondent the sum of
P10,000 as part of the down-payment that they had to pay cannot be
considered as sufficient proof of the perfection of any purchase and sale
agreement between the parties herein under article 1482 of the new Civil Code,
as the petitioners themselves admit that some essential matter — the terms of
payment — still had to be mutually covenanted.
ACCORDINGLY, the instant petitioner is hereby denied. No
pronouncement as to costs.

Makalintal, Makasiar and Esguerra, JJ., concur.

Fernando, J., took no part.

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