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REPORT #01 - 2018

PRESENTED: Regular Council Meeting – August 14, 2018 DATE: August 8, 2018
FROM: Finance Committee FILE: 1660-02-19
SUBJECT: Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin Society Funding Increase Requests

The Finance Committee met on August 8, 2018 to consider the above matter and makes the following
recommendation to Council:


That the Finance Committee recommends that the report of the Chief Financial Officer dated July 24,
2018, together with the letters from the Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin Society dated April 9 and July
13, 2018, be received and Council authorize entering into a Fee for Service agreement with the Museum
of the Cariboo Chilcotin Society in the amount of $24,000 per year for a 2 year term effective 2018 and

Respectfully submitted,

Cindy Bouchard
Corporate Officer

DATE OF REPORT: July 24, 2018

DATE & TYPE OF MEETING: August 8, 2018 Finance Committee
AUTHOR: Vitali Kozubenko, Chief Financial Officer


The purpose of this report is to present to the Council’s Finance Committee the Museum of the Cariboo
Chilcotin funding options.

The Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin supports, encourages, and facilitates the collection, conservation,
maintenance and restoration of heritage property and sites in Williams Lake and the Cariboo Chilcotin
regions. It is also a centre for historical, genealogical, and anthropological research.

The museum is located in the City of Williams Lake and recently moved its location to City owned Tourism
Discovery Centre (TDC) building.

The museum is currently supported by fee for service agreement through Central Cariboo Arts and Culture
function (joint City/CRD function). The funding is $35,000 per year for 3 year (2017-2019) term.

The museum also receives other support from the City:

• Rent-free accommodation in recently constructed modern facility (the City is also fully covers all
maintenance, utility costs, etc.)
• In 2017 the City covered 50% of the $252,000 cost to move the museum to TDC (further 50% were
covered by the grant from the Province). This amount covered the relocation of the museum and
transitional funding for one year (the City provided $25,000 through one-year fee-for-service
agreement and claimed it against the grant).

There is also an in-camera proposal to allocate over 2018-2019 further $300,000 to assist the museum
with the renovations of its new location at TDC and provide further transitional support.

A letter from the museum was presented to the COWC meeting on July 17, requesting additional funding
of $24,000 (see Attachment A). The request was referred to the Finance Committee.

There are several funding options that Financial Committee may recommend for Council’s consideration:

1) Increase to the existing fee for service agreement through Central Cariboo Arts and Culture
function. This joint function is responsible for arts and culture services that are of joint
City/Regional significance. The funding request would have to be referred to the joint function –
such referral would ensure consistent treatment of arts and cultural organisations of joint

2) Establish new City funded fee for service agreement – the City already has a number of fee for
service agreements, which are providing annually $459,600 to non-for-profit organisations, both
City focused and of joint City/Region significance. In 2017 the City provided $25,000 fee-for-
service funding to the museum, after request was denied by joint City/CRD function (3 year
request was considered, but only one year fee for service agreement approved by Council). The
City claimed this amount against the Heritage Park grant.

3) Provide grant in aid to the museum for their demonstrated financial need. Each fall the Council
considers the applications and allocates annual amount of $35,000 in grant in aid to in need non
for profit local organizations.


a. Financial Considerations – Cost and Resource Allocations:
It was estimated during the 2018 budget deliberations that, if assessment value growth is not considered,
each additional $50,000 of municipal costs is equivalent to approximately 1% residential taxation increase.

$24,000 of additional City funding to the museum will be equivalent to approximately to 0.5% residential
taxation increase to be considered during 2019 budget and financial plan deliberations.

b. Legislative Considerations (Applicable Policies and/or Bylaws):

Depending on what funding option is chosen, CRD Bylaw No. 4420, City’s Grant-in-Aid Policy or Fee-for-
Service Policy may be applicable.

c. This project most closely supports the following ICSP Priority Areas:
Distinctive Arts, Culture and Heritage

d. This project potentially conflicts with the following ICSP Priority Areas (also list mitigation

e. Environmental Considerations:

f. Social Considerations:

g. Economic Considerations:

That Council initially refer the request from the Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin for the additional fee for
service funding for the consideration by the Central Cariboo/City of Williams Lake Joint Committee (joint
City/CRD Central Cariboo Arts and Culture function);

and further that, in case Joint Committee funding increase is denied, the Council authorise the staff to
enter into one year $24,000 fee for service agreement with the museum and, once funding is spent, claim
50% of that amount against the Heritage Park grant.

Respectfully submitted,

Milo Macdonald
Chief Administrative Officer

This report has been prepared in consultation with the following: Initials
Director of Development Services
Corporate Officer

Attachment A – Letter from the Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin dated July 17, 2018.
Excerpt from the July 17, 2018 Committee of Whole Council Minutes

1. Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin Society re Funding Increase Requests

Moved by Councillor Nelson

Seconded by Councillor Zacharias

That the letters from the Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin Society dated July 13,
2018 and April 9, 2018 requesting additional financial support from the City be
received and referred to the Finance Committee for further consideration.


Attn: Shelly/Vitali for Finance Meeting Agenda

File: 1660-02-19
17 July 2018 Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin

Dear Mayor and Council,

Thank you for allowing us to meet with you on July 17th. We appreciate this opportunity to
continuously work towards a sustainable and positive relationship with the municipal
government for the betterment of the heritage sector in Williams Lake and the Cariboo-Chilcotin
more broadly. In many ways, the Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin reflects the image of
Williams Lake through space and time, educating our visitors in an informal setting about the
many experiences that have shaped this community. The museum fosters a sense of pride and
awareness that are vital and necessary for civic-mindedness in the twenty-first century.

Over the past year our museum has been working to adjust to our new space in the Tourism
Discovery Centre (TDC). It has been a great opportunity to showcase the community’s history to
locals and tourists alike. Local businesses and other arts and culture organizations have been
extremely supportive of our transition. We have also been met with overwhelmingly positive
feedback on both our new exhibitions and our educational programming since December and I
am looking forward to continuing that trend.

This process has however not been without its challenges, some of which we noted in our
previous letter to council in the spring. While we are enjoying more visitors on average than we
did at our old site, this has unfortunately not translated into more revenue. We have regrettably
seen a noticeable drop in revenue from the loss of admissions and the gift shop, the values of
which are noted in that previous letter. This prompted me to request that council provide a
commensurate $9000 to top up the museum society’s fee for service agreement via Central
Cariboo Arts and Culture for the next 5 years, which is the minimum period of our tenure at

To follow up, I would like to add to this request to reflect our ongoing transition costs. I
requested the annual supplement of $9000 in early April under the assumption that renovations
were imminent and that we were going to have a fully completed downstairs exhibit space for the
summer tourism season but, given that we do not even have a budget for the renovations at this
time and there are no formal agreements in place for our tenancy at TDC, I am looking at 12
months before I have a sustainable operation. Due to the lack of electrical work in the building
we have been unable to offer potential customers the use of our debit machine for the past year
though we continue to pay the lease on it. We are also working hard to advertise our presence at
the new location to dispel any confusion about where the museum is located.
17 July 2018 Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin

The location change has also left us with a lot of collections work to do. Since we moved last
June, much of the information about our collection has been rendered obsolete and was never
corrected during the moving process. With 25,000 artifacts, tens of thousands of archival
documents, and well over 20,000 photographs in the collection, the task of updating the current
location data and condition quality is daunting. The professional conservators from Fraser
Spafford-Ricci wrote down all the items that they moved to the TDC last spring but they never
updated our dataset to reflect the location changes. We are hoping to overcome these challenges
by developing new collections policies and strategic plans to ensure that no data is lost but lack
all the necessary resources to enact the changes. We have already committed over $21,000 in
payroll for summer students this year, all of whom are working diligently to make some of the
necessary corrections but they will not even remotely finish by the end of August. We need long
term help to finish this project. We are allocating just over $32,000 for a new employee this fall
but we cannot reach that without help. To this end, we request that council provide us with an
additional $15,000 on top of the annual $9000 to bring us up to the just below the total amount
that council provided us last year as part of a transition package. This support would mean that
the museum could hire a second employee to continue with the collections work, ensuring that
we can maintain a correct, detailed, and systematic dataset for the long term.

We thank mayor and council for taking the time to assess our needs. Please find attached a wage
calculation document and budget, beginning in the museum’s new fiscal year that starts on 1
October 2018. Ultimately, the preservation and presentation of the community’s history is
dependent on the museum’s ability to care for the collection, which has become all the more
important at the new location. This support will be instrumental in the long-term care for the
community’s history.

Thank you

Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin Delegation

17 July 2018

Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin

B-1660 Broadway Ave S
Williams Lake, BC
V2G 2W4
[email protected]
7/11/201810:41 AM Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin
Profit Loss Budget
by LDW October
2018- September 2019

Revised Projected
Budget Budget
Ordinary Income/Expense 2017-2018 2018-2019
(H) Income
(H) Fundraising Income
Christmas tea 1,800 1,800
Cowboy Christmas 8,800 Major Fundraiser at Gibraltar Room
Fire Relief Donations 1,500 BC Wildfire T Shirts Fundraiser Donation -
Event Donations 500 At events 500 At events
Silent Auction income/Loonie Auction 600 600
Cowboy Gala dinner & dance -
Cowboy Coffee houses 2,000 2,000
Total (H) Fundraising Income 6,400 13,700

(H) Grants etc

CCACS - equipment grant 1,000 New computer system -
CCACS Fee for service 35,000 35,000
City income top up 1 - 9,000 NEW REQUEST - covering loss of Admission & GS
City wage top-up in late 2017 12,500 Half of total top up from 2017 -
City income top up 2 15,000 NEW REQUEST - contribution helping catalog collection
Red Cross fire loss 7,300 -
Event grants
BC-Canada 150 Project Grant 18,800 Carried fwd for project -
Canada Summer Jobs -Student 3,825 9 wks @ $11.35/hr 8,904 2 students
Young Canada Works students 10,290 top up 2 students
Gaming Grant 30,000 30,000
Total (H) Grants etc 108,425 108,194

(H) Museum Income

Admissions & Tours 2,000 2,000 Admission by donation
Cowboy Hall of Fame 1,500 1,000 Cowboy Heritage Society donation
Gift Shop Income (sales) 500 500
Membership Income 1,600 1,600
Pictures, Photos Not Display
US Exchange income
(H) Museum Income - Other 12,000 Carried fwd Sep 2017 500 Carried fwd Sep 2018

Total (H) Museum Income 17,600 5,600

(H) Other Income

Donations Income 4,000 4,000
Foreign Exchange
Interest Income
PST Commission 30 30
BC-Canada 150 Project Grant-Museum portion 3,150 Restricted funds 2016 -
Total (H) Other Income 7,180 4,030

Total (H) Income 139,605 131,524

(H) Advertising & Promotion
Advertising 5,000 4,000
Meals 100 100
(H) Advertising & Promotion - Other 200 200
Total (H) Advertising & Promotion 5,300 4,300

Fund raising events

Cowboy Coffee House

C:\Users\reception\Documents\Budget\Budget 2018-2019\Budget for Meeting with Council July 2018\Budget 2018-2019 COWC 1 of 3
7/11/201810:41 AM Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin
Profit Loss Budget
by LDW October
2018- September 2019

Revised Projected
Hall rental 600 600
Entertainers 600 600
Posters & tickets 100 100
Food 400 400
1,700 1,700
Cowboy Christmas
Hall rental 800
Entertainers 2,400
Advertising 950
Supplies 1,000
Food 600

(H) Bus Taxes, Membership, Dues

License/Membership/Subscription 600 600
Non-refundable GST expense
(H) Bus Taxes, Membership, Dues - Other 400 400
Total (H) Bus Taxes, Membership, Dues 1,000 1,000

(H) Operating Expenses

Display Development 2,500 2,500
Display Supplies 1,000 minimum annual 1,000 Min annual
Pictures & Photographs
Research books 500 500
Education outreach-Canada 150 Grant 23,500 Use carried forward amounts -
Collections Management System (PastPerfect) 3,000 Purchase and set up CMS 1,200 needed for tracking hist/edu program artifacts and archives
Miscellaneous expense 30,500 5,200
Total (H) Operating Expenses

(H) Insurance 5,200 5,200

Insurance Bus & Liab - -
WCB Expense - see payroll 5,200 5,200
Total (H) Insurance

(H) Interest & Bank Charges 200 200

Bank charges & interest 250 250
merchant fee (cr/dr cards) 450 450
Total (H) Interest & Bank Charges

(H) Office Expense 1,200 1,200

Computer related expenses 1,800 1,800
Office Supplies 2,200 350
Computer equipment
(H) Office Expense - Other 5,200 3,350
Total (H) Office Expense

(H) Other Expenses

Cash Over/Short 250 250
Postage & Freight 250 250
Total (H) Other Expenses

(H) Payroll
Employee Benefits -Health & Dental 1,992 1 person & 3 mths new empl 2,426 2 full time
Gaming account -Musuem co-ordinator 30,000 30,000
Payroll from General account 11,600 For previous assisstant + ED top up -

Payroll - Assistant (Full Time) - 32,529 35 hrs/wk ($15.50/hr)

Payroll - Summer student #1 6,900 35hrs/wk x 14 wks 6,900

C:\Users\reception\Documents\Budget\Budget 2018-2019\Budget for Meeting with Council July 2018\Budget 2018-2019 COWC 2 of 3
7/11/201810:41 AM Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin
Profit Loss Budget
by LDW October
2018- September 2019

Revised Projected
Payroll - Summer student #2 6,900 6,900
Payroll - Summer student #3 7,550 extra for Sep employment 6,900
Payroll - Merc's (Summer students) 2,215 2,193 2 students
Payroll -Employer’s MERCs 8,983 7,071
Total (H) Payroll 76,140 94,919

(H) Professional Fees

Accounting 4,600 1,500 QB renewal & support
Accountants review 2,000 -
Professional Development - 600
Professional Fees 300 300 museum consultants
Total (H) Professional Fees 6,900 2,400

(H) Repairs & Maintenance

Building R & M
Display R&M 1,500 1,500 minimum annual amnt
Janitor Services
Security Expense
Total (H) Repairs & Maintenance 1,500 1,500

Cowboy Hall of Fame

Stampede Parade 350 350
Stampede Grand Entry 300 300
Phots & Plaques - -
Kamloops Cowboy Music Festival table 480 500
110 110
Total Cowboy Hall of Fame 1,240 1,260

(H) Supplies & Small Tools

Gift Shop
GS resale
Gift Shop Purchases - Other 300 300

Total Gift Shop Purchases 300 300

Hospitality Expense 450 City Birthday tea 450 City Birthday tea
Outdoor Exhibits
Storage Supplies 200 200
Supplies - Event
Supplies - Misc
Total (H) Supplies & Small Tools 650 650

(H) Telephone & Utilities

Internet Expense 350 350
Telephone 1,800 1,800
Total (H) Telephone & Utilities 2,150 2,150

Travel Expense 600 600

Total Expense 139,080 130,979
Net Income 525 545

C:\Users\reception\Documents\Budget\Budget 2018-2019\Budget for Meeting with Council July 2018\Budget 2018-2019 COWC 3 of 3

FISCAL PERIOD OCT 1, 2018 TO SEPT 30, 2019 by LDW

Museum Assistant
**Note: this calculation is an average per month and not done by pay periods
Note this calculation covers period Oct 1, 2018 to Sept 30, 2019

Salary Gross $28,210 3,436 2,351 2,351 2,351 2,351 2,351 2,351 2,351 2,351 2,351 2,351 2,351 $29,295
VACATION 4% $1,128 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 $1,128
WCB 0.27% $76 0 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 $70
CPP 4.95% $1,279 156 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 $1,328
EI 1.66% $682 83 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 $708
HEALTH BEN $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

PAYROLL & BENEFITS $31,375 $3,769 $2,615 $2,615 $2,615 $2,615 $2,615 $2,615 $2,615 $2,615 $2,615 $2,615 $2,615 $32,529
Higher costs in first month to cover for absent MC

35 hrs per week, 5 day week, 7 hour day, BI-WEEKLY P/R


Exempt -
0.04 0.0027 0.0495 0.0166
Wages 70 $15.50 $1,085.00 $43.40 $1,128.40 $3.05 $49.19 $18.73 $1,060.48


Wages 40 $15.50 $620.00 $24.80 $644.80 $1.74 $25.25 $25.25 $10.70 $14.99 $608.84 $686.78

Wages 70 $15.50 $1,085.00 $43.40 $1,128.40 $3.05 $49.19 $49.19 $18.73 $26.22 $1,060.48 $1,206.86 Full time 2 wk vacation relief

HEALTH BENEFITS Increase Per mth
At Feb 2018 Per mth $ 112.78
Est increase 2 - 3% 2.5 $ 115.60

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