How Fast Are You 6-8

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Published: August 2017

Maryann Huey Alana Linde Dan Aalbers

Drake University Drake University Hampton-Dumont High School
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Overview of Lesson
Each student collects 20 reaction-time data values using an online tool for testing reaction times
to a visual stimulus. Students display and analyze data via a free online tool, Tuva. Students first
characterize their own reaction times and then compare the results informally to a peer’s in order
to determine who is typically faster and more consistent. Secondly, students engage with formal
statistical measures to further refine their arguments. Students choose appropriate measures of
center and variation based on their data, and reflect upon the validity of results in terms of
measurement error, sample size, and other experimental design factors.

GAISE Components
This investigation follows the four components of statistical problem solving put forth in the
Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education (GAISE) Report. The four
components are: formulate a question, design and implement a plan to collect data, analyze the
data, and interpret results in the context of the original question.
This is a GAISE Level B activity.

Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice

1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
4. Model with mathematics.
5. Use appropriate tools strategically.

Learning Objectives Alignment with Common Core and NCTM PSSM

Learning Objectives Common Core State NCTM Principles and

Standards Standards for School
After an exploration activity, students CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.7. Select and use
will be able to graphically display a SP.A.2 appropriate statistical
set of data and select an appropriate Use data from a random methods to analyze
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measure of center and variation based sample to draw inferences data
upon visual inspection of the data about a population with an ● Find, use, and
distribution. In addition, students will unknown characteristic of interpret measures
interest. Generate multiple of center and spread,
be able to compare two sets of data
samples (or simulated including mean and
and identify differences in central samples) of the same size to interquartile range.
tendency and variation. Lastly, gauge the variation in
students will gain insight to design estimates or predictions.
considerations, such as sample size
and measurement error. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.7.
Use measures of center and
measures of variability for
numerical data from random
samples to draw informal
comparative inferences about
two populations.

Students should have familiarity with mean, median, IQR, MAD, and range prior to engaging in
the activity. However, they do not need to be proficient in computations related to these

Time Required
This activity will require a full 60 to 75 minute class period to complete and discuss. The
closing discussions could be completed on the second day, if class periods are 45 to 50 minutes
in duration.

Materials and Preparation Required

● Student activity sheets
● One computer for every pair of students with access to:
o Excel or another spread sheet program
o Student email accounts
o Java-enabled Internet connection for viewing video and two programs
 Reaction Time test tool
 An online data visualization and analysis tool at You can
create a “class” within Tuvalabs as the teacher beforehand by loading your
students’ email addresses. Otherwise, students can log on automatically using
a school Google or Gmail address. (note: TinkerPlots or CoreTools are viable
alternatives to Tuvalabs)

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How Fast Are You?
Teacher’s Lesson Plan
Formulate a Question
The below text in italics is a narrative of how a teacher might motivate or launch the activity:

At the 2003 World Championships in Paris, American sprinter Jon Drummond was disqualified
after a second false start in a 100-meter dash race. The reason Drummond and another man
were disqualified from their heat was because their reaction times were too fast out of the
starting blocks. Drummond’s registered reaction time of 0.053 seconds is below the 0.1 second
limit allowed in sprint races. What made this false start memorable was his protest after the
disqualification. You can show the video of Drummond’s heat from the link below. Only the
first 3 minutes or so is necessary.

Jon, other sprinters, and many fans later argued heatedly over the fairness of the 0.1 second
rule. The sprinters claimed that they were too fast to be accurately measured. For more
information on this historic debate see:

Discuss with your class why a limit might exist in sprinting related to reaction time. If an athlete
moves less than 0.1 seconds after the signal, he or she was likely reacting or moving before the
signal was heard, which is unfair to other athletes. The best reaction times recorded for sprinters
are between 0.12 and 0.14 seconds. More broadly, discuss why reaction time is important in
races. Ask: What other activities require fast reactions? Hitting a baseball, gaming, hunting,
driving safely, ping pong, etc.

Framing question: Do you think you are fast in terms of reaction time? Faster than your
partner? Let’s conduct an experiment to see.

Hand out the student activity sheets and discuss the items on the first page. Before starting the
activity ensure that students are in teams of two. If you have a team of three, the third person
will need their own computer for the activity and will need to choose one person to compare
results with as the activity is written for two sets of data, though doing a comparison among three
sets of data would be fine.

Students will predict if they will be faster than their peer and/or more consistent in response to
question #1.

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Collecting Data
To pursue our question we are going to collect repeated measures of reaction times for each
person. Discuss with students why doing a design involving repeatedly measuring reaction times
may be better than only recording a single reaction time.

Students will use an Internet browser to access the free web site with the reaction time test that
provides a visual stimulus and times a user’s reaction to noticing when a color changes:

Before collecting data, each student should practice with the tool three to five times to make sure
they understand know how it works. Once started, students should collect 20 reaction times in a
row. Their partner will record the times in the table provided. All values should be recorded
except trials that extend beyond one second, as these are likely errors. At times, students will
click on “stop” and the click will not register causing times that exceed one second. Once
completed, students will switch roles, so that all partners collect 20 data values.

Using a spreadsheet tool, such as Excel or Google Sheets, students should record their data in
two columns. In the first row, the headers “ReactionTime” and “Name” should appear. Students
should save their file when completed with a descriptive title, such as “ReactionTimeData”.Once
the file is saved, the students can log into Tuvalabs,, / a free online tool
designed for visually exploring data and statistics (free account required). Data can be uploaded
into Tuva (see directions and help for doing this here.)

Analyze Data
In order to compare the reaction times for each partner, they can create stacked dotplots
(directions in handout).

Through an informal analysis of the visual display of data, students should answer questions 2d-
2h on the Student Handout. These questions engage students in considering typical values and
consistency in reaction times. These are informal ways of having students make sense of a
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central tendency and variability in the data. The responses should make sense to students and be
intuitive in nature rather than relying upon formulas and computations. Students should refer
back to these responses later in order to determine the “best” choices of statistical measures.
Therefore, taking time to answer these questions in a thoughtful manner is critical and essential
for students’ learning.

After students have worked in pairs on these questions using Tuva, it be useful to stop and have a
whole group discussion about their ideas. Ideas that should come forth in the discussion include:
Central Tendency:
Estimated typical values are central tendency measures and should be “typical” or
representative of the data set. These values could be where there is a central cluster of
data or the midpoint of a data set. They should not be the extremes or exceptions in the
data set.
Responses about consistency should relate to measures of variation. Is the data spread
out or clustered in a certain region of values? Most students will have several longer or
shorter reaction times. Some students may be more consistent though. Focus students
on the trends in variation or typical spread (global reasoning) rather than attending to
unique cases or outliers (local reasoning).
Measurement Error:
Measurement error is definitely a factor with this activity. Some students may have very
low values, such as 0.1 or 0.15 seconds. These are likely measures where the students
began clicking before the color actually changed, similar to a false start in a sprinting
event. Discussing this concept with students will help those who did not “game” the
system feel better and validated. Ask if students got the error message “cheater, you
pressed too early!” during data collection? If so, how many times? If they got this
message more than once, students were likely gaming the tool or false starting. Ask,
“What else may have impacted the reaction times?” Students may say, the noise in the
room, partner talking, mouse pad clicking challenges, etc. Ask, “For the center of your
data, are the results accurate?” While there may be some extreme values both high and
low, given 20 data values, the general trend should be fairly representative, and students
should buy into this idea once all concerns are expressed and vetted.

After the discussion about informally describing the trends in the data, the students can continue
to work on the handout and explore more formal measures to make sense of center and spread.
Students can insert the mean, median, and mode on the graphical display. Let students explore
the optional measures and displays available. To see the numerical values, students should place
the cursor over each line and the value will be displayed.

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To determine which measure of central tendency is more representative, students should
compare the mean and median with their answer on the third page of the Student Handout in part
2. Which one is closer to what they initially thought was the center? How are the values
impacted by outliers? If a student does not have outliers, then the mean is likely to be a good
choice in addition to the median.

When considering who is more consistent, students can explore a few measures of variability.
The range is a simple measure of variation that states the spread of the data without consideration
to density of data values. This is one consideration in terms of variation, but should not be the
only measure employed.

Inter-Quartile Range (IQR): Using Tuvalabs and the option “boxplot and dot plot”, students can
find the range of the inner half of the data. Students should again place the cursor over the
boxplot and the value of the inter-quartile range will be shown along with other measures. The
IQR is the distance between the 75th percentile of the data and the 25th percentile of the data or
the range of the middle half of the data. See below for an example:

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Unfortunately, Mean absolute deviation (MAD) is not available in Tuvalabs, but it can be easily
computed in a spreadsheet with some small amount of effort. Using Excel or Google Sheets, a
built in formula called “AveDev” computes MAD for us. Students will need to separate their
data from their partner’s as shown below and use the formula at the end of each column of data.

Remember the IQR is simply the range of the inner half of the data, whereas, MAD is the
average distance that values are away from the mean. IQR is resilient to outliers as is median,
but both mean and MAD can be heavily impacted by extreme values causing them to be less
representative when data is skewed or outliers exist.

During analyze data phase, the goal is for students to “discover” or make sense of these measures
in the context of their own data rather than being told which measures to use and why. Students
should refer back to their responses in collecting data phase while reasoning about the measures
and justifying choices.

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Again have students share out their responses to 3i) – iii). Be sure to reinforce key statistical
ideas about measures of variation during this discussion. If possible, it would be helpful for
students to have printed copies of their data distributions to refer to while sharing out answers.
The choices for the most representative measures of center and variation should relate directly to
these distributions. An alternative would be to have students take a screen shot of the displays in
order to share via email or a class website.

Interpreting Results
In the last section, students will consider the results based upon formal measures in comparison
to the data distributions’ shape and overall visual trends. It can be useful to have a whole class
discussion about their responses to all parts of question 4 on the handout.

During this phase, there are several key ideas that could be further discussed in a whole class

● Sample size: Are 20 data values enough to draw an inference or conclusion about who is
likely the fastest and most consistent? If not, how many values or trials should be
conducted? 30 would be better, and 50 would be even better. At some point, we have
enough data. Would 1000 trials be necessary? (Not likely).
● Sample: Are the data values we collected today “random” in nature? Can we draw
inferences that extend beyond the data at hand? Are you likely faster or more consistent
than your partner? Are we comfortable saying that? We can never have all the data.
● Measurement error in data collection: What values should be included? We excluded
values over 1 second. Should we lower the bar to exclude values over 0.8? Should
values below 0.1 or 0.2 seconds be considered? What is the minimum considering what
we learned about Jon Drummond and sprinters?
● Other considerations: Does the task favor right –handed students, as the clickers are
positioned for right-handedness. Do glasses or contacts impede performance, amount of
sleep during the prior night, experience with video games, prior arm and hand injuries?
Other physical considerations? How could we account for these?
● What other comparisons would be interesting? Comparing genders, age, etc.?

Franklin, C., Kader, G., Mewborn, D., Moreno, J., Peck, R., Perry, M., & Scheaffer, R. (2007).
Guidelines for assessment and instruction in statistics education (GAISE) report.
Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association.
National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School
Officers. (2010). Common core state standards: Mathematics standards. Retrieved May 17,
2016 from <>.

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Further Reading About the Topic
Bakker, A. (2004). Reasoning about shape as a pattern in variability. Statistics Education
Research Journal, 3(2), 64-83.
Bakker, A., Biehler, R., & Konold, C. (2005). Should young student learn about box plots?
Available at:
Watson, J. M., & Moritz, J. B. (1999). The beginning of statistical inference: Comparing two
data sets. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 37, 145-168.
Watson, J. M. (2008). Exploring beginning inference with novice grade 7 students. Statistics
Education Research Journal, 7(2), 59-82.

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How Fast Are You? An Activity of Reaction Times
Student Handouts

In the 100-yard dash, the race is often

decided by who can react the fastest from
the racing blocks. To the left is a picture of
runners reacting as fast as they can during
the men’s 100-yard dash in the 2012
Olympics held in London, England. (image

In game shows, like Family Feud with Steve

Harvey on the right, reacting quickly with an
answer could win you and your family
thousands of dollars. (image from:

In NASCAR racing, reaction time is critical

for both winning and avoiding major injury.
Shown to the left is Danica Patrick, one of
the most celebrated female drivers in
NASCAR history. Danica, born in
Wisconsin and raised in Illinois, is one of
only two females who have completed both
the Indianapolis 500 and the Daytona 500.
(image from:

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Question: How fast is your reaction time compared to others?

1. Formulating a Question
Working with a partner, make a prediction about who you think will have the faster reaction time
and the most consistent reaction time. Note: You don’t have to agree with your partner!

________ Fastest Reaction Time ________ Most Consistent Reaction Time

2. Collecting Data
2a) Go to the web site

Before collecting data, practice with the tool 3 to 5 times to make sure you know how it works.
Then, collect 20 reactions times. Have your partner record each time in the table below for you.
Discard any trials that extend beyond 1 second. Once completed, switch roles.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

2b) Upload data: Using a spreadsheet tool, enter your data and your partner’s data into a
spreadsheet. In the first row, type the word “ReactionTime” into
column A. In column B, type the word “Name”. In row two, start
entering the actual data. Enter one person’s data first using the format
shown below for all 20 values in the rows 2 through 21, with the
reaction times in the first column and name in the second. Once
completed, enter the other person’s data in rows 22 through 41. Save
your file when completed with the title, “ReactionTimeData”.

Only one computer is needed per team of two. Logon to Tuvalabs,, go to
“My Data Sets”, and upload your spreadsheet file, ReactionTimeData. Go here for help in
uploading data

2c) Represent data: Select a “Dot” representation for a dot plot. Drag the “Name” attribute to
the y-axis and the “ReactionTime” attribute to the x-axis. Two stacked dot plots should be
visible for you and your partner. Click on the text box to edit the title.

2d) Looking at your data, what does a typical reaction time seem to be for you?______________
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Why did you choose this value?____________________________________________________

2e) Would you revise your prediction in from part 1 regarding who is faster? __Yes __No

Say why or why not:____________________________________________________________

2f) Looking at your data, would you say that your reaction time was consistent? __Yes __No

Say why or why not:____________________________________________________________

2g) Would you revise your prediction from part 1 regarding who is more consistent? __Yes

Say why or why not:____________________________________________________________

2h) Do you think the reaction times recorded are accurate for you? __Yes __No

Say why or why not:____________________________________________________________


3. Analyzing Data
3a) Typical reaction time: You can insert the mean, median, and mode by clicking on the
symbol with three stacked lines, as well as other features. Explore these choices and features.
To see the exact values, place your cursor over the lines. Record both the mean and median of
your data and your partner’s below:

______ secs (My mean response time) ______ secs (Partner’s mean response time)

______ secs (My median response time) ______ secs (Partner’s median response time)

Say which measure is more representative or typical of the data and why below:


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Based on the measures of center that are most representative, which person is typically faster
according to the data recorded?

____________ is typically faster.

3b) Variation of the data: Analyze the variation in your data and your partner’s in the following

3i) Range: Recall this is the largest value minus the smallest value

_________ secs (My range) ______ secs (Partner’s range)

3ii) Inter-Quartile Range (IQR): Using Tuvalabs, you can find the range of the inner half of
the data using the box-plot feature. Place your cursor over the boxplot and the value of the
inter-quartile range will be shown. The IQR is the distance between the 75th percentile of the
data and the 25th percentile of the data or the range of the middle half of the data.

_________ secs (My IQR) ______ secs (Partner’s IQR)

3iii) Mean absolute deviation (MAD): Using Excel and a built in formula called “AveDev”,
we can calculate the MAD for your data and your partners. First, move your partner’s data to
a new set of columns, as show below using “cut” and “paste”. Then, insert the formulas
below, and save the file.

_________ secs (My MAD) ______ secs (Partner’s MAD)

Say which measure is more representative or typical of the variation in the data and why below:

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Based on the measures of variation that are most representative, which person is usually more
consistent with their reaction time according to the data recorded?

________________ is usually more consistent.


4. Interpreting results:

4a) Looking at the data displays in Tuvalabs, do your conclusions about who is typically faster
and who is usually more consistent make sense?

Describe how the shapes of the data distributions either support or contradiction your analyses in
part 3. Be sure to speak to both conclusions in your response.



Most consistent:________________________________________________________________


4b) Do you think that this analysis is representative in general of you and your partner? Would
these results or similar results likely occur again if you were to repeat the activity?
__Yes __No

Say why or why not:____________________________________________________________

4c) What could be causing a difference between you and your partner besides your reaction

4d) If we wanted to find out for sure who was fastest and most consistent, what additional steps
would you recommend?

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How Fast Are You? Exit Slip

Name: ……………………………………… Date: …………………

Below are 20 reaction times for two students, Elise and Bryce.

Elise has a mean reaction time of 0.426 seconds and a median reaction time of 0.3875 seconds.
Bryce has a mean reaction time of 0.471 seconds and a median reaction time of 0.4325 seconds.

1) Based on the stacked dot plot representations of the data, who would you say is typically
faster and why?

2) Again using the stacked dot plot representations, who would you say is typically more
consistent in terms of reaction time and why?

3) What measure of center and variation do you think represents the data better?

Elise: ___Mean OR ___ Median ___IQR OR ___ MAD

Bryce: ___Mean OR ___ Median ___IQR OR ___ MAD

Say why:____________________________________________________________
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Student Handout
Sample Solutions

1) Students will predict if they will be faster than their peer and/or more consistent in response to
question #1.

2c) To create a stacked dot-plot, students will drag the “Name” attribute to the y-axis and the
“ReactionTime” attribute to the x-axis. Two stacked dot plots should be visible. Students can
then, click on the text box to edit the title of the graph. To “color” the dots, click on the “Name”
attribute and then a dot. This will also compress the view of the screen a bit, which is helpful
and will add a legend on the right hand side. At this point, the graph should look like the one

2d) – 2h) Through an informal analysis of the visual display of data, students should answer
these questions. The responses should make sense to students and be intuitive in nature rather
than relying upon formulas and computations. Students should refer back to these responses
later to in order to determine the “best” choices of statistical measures. Therefore, taking time to
answer these questions in a thoughtful manner is critical and essential for students’ learning.

Sample answers for the previous graphical display for “Partner” are provided below:
2d) Looking at your data, what does a typical reaction time seem to be for you? 0.43 seconds

Why did you choose this value? This is where I had a lot of reaction time values.

2e) Would you revise your prediction from part 1 regarding who is faster? _X_Yes __No

Say why or why not: Sometimes I am fast, but not usually compared to my peer.
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2f) Looking at your data, would you say that your reaction time was consistent? __Yes _X_No

Say why or why not: My peer had values that were all below 0.5 seconds, but mine varied from
.36 to .84.

2g) Would you revise your prediction from part 1 regarding who is more consistent? __Y _X_No

Say why or why not: I expected that I would have a variety of reaction times.

2h) Do you think the reaction times recorded are accurate for you? __Yes _X_No

Say why or why not: No, sometimes the program changed colors really fast when I wasn’t quite
ready, and that’s when I got the higher values. Sometimes the colors were faint, and I didn’t
realize they had actually changed. My partner was talking a lot too, and that didn’t help. I think
I could do better if I had a chance to work in a quiet location by myself.

3a) Typical reaction time: You can insert the mean, median, and mode by clicking on the
symbol with three stacked lines, as well as other features. Explore these choices and features.
To see the exact values, place your cursor over the lines. Record both the mean and median of
your data and your partner’s below:

_.386__ secs (My mean response time) __.471__ secs (Partner’s mean response time)

_.384_ secs (My median response time) _.4325__ secs (Partner’s median response time)

Say which measure is more representative or typical of the data and why below:
Either could be used for my data, but the median is better for my partner’s. She had outliers, so
the mean is higher than the main cluster of data and doesn’t match up with the center.

Based on the measures of center that are most representative, which person is typically faster
according to the data recorded?
I am faster regardless of which measure you use. Hooray!

3b) Variation of the data: Analyze the variation in your data and your partner’s in the following

3i) Range: Recall this is the largest value minus the smallest value

.48-.32 = .16 secs (My range) .84-.364=.446 secs (Partner’s range)

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3ii) Inter-Quartile Range (IQR): Using Tuva, you can find the range of the inner half of the
data using the box-plot feature. Place your cursor over the boxplot and the value of the inter-
quartile range will be shown. The IQR is the distance between the 75th percentile of the data
and the 25th percentile of the data or the range of the middle half of the data.

0.0495 secs (My IQR) 0.048 secs (Partner’s IQR)

3iii) Mean absolute deviation (MAD): Using Excel and a built in formula called “AveDev”,
we can calculate the MAD for your data and your partners. First, move your partner’s data to
a new set of columns, as shown below using “cut” and “paste”. Then, insert the formulas
below, and save the file.

0.03065 secs (My MAD) 0.07114 secs (Partner’s MAD)

Say which measure is more representative or typical of the variation in the data and why below:
For my data, I feel like the MAD is more representative, because the central cluster of data is
about 0.035 wide on each side of the mean and median. So, the MAD captures this well. For my
partner’s data, the center cluster is about 0.04 seconds wide, so we feel like the IQR is a better

Based on the measures of variation that are most representative, which person is usually more
consistent with their reaction time according to the data recorded?
I am a little more consistent according to the measures, but really the only difference is that I
don’t have any outliers and my partner does.

4a) Looking at the data displays in Tuvalabs, do your conclusions about who is typically faster
and who is usually more consistent make sense?

Describe how the shapes of the data distributions either support or contradictyour analyses in
part 3. Be sure to speak to both conclusions in your response.

Fastest: Yes, for the graphical display, you can see that my reactions times are clustered at lower
values compared to my partner’s.

Most consistent: Yes, my values are not as spread out across the chart as hers are either.

4b) Do you think that this analysis is representative in general of you and your partner? Would
these results or similar results likely occur again if you were to repeat the activity?
_X_Yes __No

Say why or why not: Yes, I do. Some values are inaccurate, but with 20 values total, we have
the general conclusions in the data. If we did it again, there might be fewer outliers, but I think
the center would not change much.
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4c) What could be causing a difference between you and your partner besides your reaction
times? My partner might not be trying as hard as me or maybe she is not as used to using a

4d) If we wanted to find out for sure who was fastest and most consistent, what additional steps
would you recommend?
We should both practice one day, and then the next day repeat the process 100 times, just to be
sure about the data.

Assessment: Exit Slip Answers

1) Elise is faster in terms of both measures, which you can also see on the graph.
Her data is shifted left to quicker values than Bryce.
2) Bryce appears to be more consistent because most of his data is in one tight cluster, even
though the values start at 0.36 seconds and go up to 0.84. Elise’s data also has a cluster,
but she has more values below and above that cluster. So, she has more variation.
3) What measure of center and variation do you think represents the data better?

Elise: ___Mean OR _X_ Median __X_IQR OR___ MAD

Bryce: ___Mean OR _X_ Median __X_IQR OR___ MAD

Say why: Because of the outliers, median and IQR would be better for both.

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