I. Judicial Department

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IV. THE SUPREME COURT(Sections 4, 7-12)
V. POWERS OF THE SUPREME COURT (Sections 5,6, 11, 16)
VII. DECIDING A CASE (Sections 4,13-15)

I. Judicial Department
Common Provisions
Independence of Judiciary

A. Composition

The Supreme Court and all lower courts make up the judicial department of our government.1

B. Common Provisions
1. Independence of Judiciary (See Section 3)
2. Congressional Oversight (Section 2)
3. Separation of Powers (Section 12)
4. General Rules (Section 14)
5. Period to Decide Case (Section 15)

C. Independence of Judiciary (2000 Bar Question)

To maintain the independence of the judiciary, the following safeguards have been embodied in the Constitution:2
1. The Supreme Court is a constitutional body. It cannot be abolished nor may its membership or the manner of its
meeting be changed by mere legislation. (art 8 §2)
2. The members of the Supreme Court may not be removed except by impeachment. (art. 9 §2)
3. The SC may not be deprived of its minimum original and appellate jurisdiction as prescribed in Article X, Section 5.
(art. 8 §2)
4. The appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court may not be increased by law without its advice or concurrence. (art.
6 §30)
5. Appointees to the judiciary are now nominated by the Judicial and Bar Council and no longer subject to confirmation
by Commission on Appointments. (art. 8 §9)
6. The Supreme Court now has administrative supervision over all lower courts and their personnel. (art. 8 §6)
7. The Supreme Court has exclusive power to discipline judges of lower courts. (art 8 §11)
8. The members of the Supreme Court and all lower courts have security of tenure, which cannot be undermined by a
law reorganizing the judiciary. (art. 8 §11)
9. They shall not be designated to any agency performing quasi-judicial or administrative functions. (art. 8 §12)
10. The salaries of judges may not be reduced during their continuance in office. (art. 8 §10)
11. The judiciary shall enjoy fiscal autonomy (art 8§3)
12. Only the Supreme Court may order the temporary detail of judges (art 8 §5(3))
13. The Supreme Court can appoint all officials and employees of the judiciary. (art. 8 §5(6))

Section 3. The Judiciary shall enjoy fiscal autonomy. Appropriations for the Judiciary may not be reduced by the legislature below the
amount appropriated for the previous year and, after approval, shall be automatically and regularly released.

(1999 Bar Question)

Fiscal autonomy means freedom from outside control.As envisioned in the Constitution, fiscal autonomy enjoyed by the
Judiciary…contemplates a guarantee of full flexibility to allocate and utilize their resources with the wisdom and dispatch
that their needs, require.

Fiscal autonomy recognizes the power and authority to (a) levy, assess and collect fees, (b) fix rates of compensation not
exceeding the highest rates authorized by law for compensation, and (c) pay plans of the government and allocate or
disburse such sums as may be provided by law or prescribed by them in the course of the discharge of their functions.

The imposition of restrictions and constraints on the manner the [Supreme Court] allocate and utilize the funds appropriated
for their operations is anathema to fiscal autonomy and violative of the express mandate of the Constitution and of the
independence and separation of powers. (Bengzon v. Drilon)

Reason. Fiscal autonomy is granted to the Supreme Court to strengthen its autonomy. 3 The provision is intended to remove
courts from the mercy and caprice, not to say vindictiveness, of the legislature when it considers the general appropriations

II. Judicial Power

Where Vested
Intrinsic Limit on Judicial Power
Grave Abuse of Discretion
Role of Legislature in Judicial Process

Section 1. The judicial power shall be vested in one Supreme Court and in such lower courts as may be established by law.
Judicial power includes the duty of the courts of justice to settle actual controversies involving rights which are legally demandable and
enforceable, and to determine whether or not there has been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part
of any branch or instrumentality of the Government.

A. Judicial Power Where Vested (1989 Bar Question)

Judicial power shall be vested in one Supreme Court and in such lower courts as may be established by law. (Section 1 par.

B. Definition of Judicial Power (1994 Bar Question)

Traditional Concept: Judicial power includes the duty of the courts of justice to settle actual controversies involving rights
which are legally demandable and enforceable. (Section 1, 2nd sentence)

Broadened Concept: Duty to determine whether [or not] there has been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
excess of jurisdiction on the party of any branch or instrumentality of the Government. (Section 1, 2nd sentence)

C. Scope of Judicial Power (1989 Bar Question)

Judicial power is the measure of the allowable scope of judicial action.5 The use of the word “includes” in Section 1 connotes
that the provision is not intended to be an exhaustive list of what judicial power is.6

An accused who has been convicted by final judgment still possesses collateral rights and these rights can be claimed in the
appropriate courts [e.g. death convict who becomes insane after his final conviction cannot be executed while in a state of
insanity] The suspension of death sentence is an exercise of judicial power. It is not usurpation of the presidential power of
reprieve though the effect is the same- the temporary suspension of the execution of the death convict.” (Echegaray v. Sec.
of Justice, 1999)

D. Limit on Judicial Power

(1) Courts may not assume to perform non-judicial functions.
(2) It is not the function of the judiciary to give advisory opinion
(3) Judicial power must sometimes yield to separation of powers, political questions and enrolled bill rule.

1. By the principle of separation of powers, courts may neither attempt to assume nor be compelled to perform non-
judicial functions.7 Thus, a court may not be required to act as a board of arbitrators (Manila Electric Co. v. Pasay
Transportation (1932). Nor may it be charged with administrative functions except when reasonably incidental to the
fulfillment of official duties. (Noblejas v. Tehankee) Neither is it’s the function of the judiciary to give advisory opinions.

2. Advisory Opinions.
An advisory opinion is an opinion issued by a court that does not have the effect of resolving a specific legal case, but
merely advises on the constitutionality or interpretation of a law.

The nature of judicial power is also the foundation of the principle that it is not the function of the judiciary to give advisory
opinion.8 If the courts will concern itself with the making of advisory opinions, there will be loss of judicial prestige. There may
be less than full respect for court decisions.

Declaratory Judgment v. Advisory Opinions.

Bernas Primer at 336 (2006 ed.)
Cruz, Philippine Political Law, p. 237 (1995 ed).
Bernas Commentary, p 914 (2003 ed).
Bernas Commentary, p 919 (2003 ed).
Bernas Commentary, p 916 (2003 ed).
Bernas Commentary, p 921 (2003 ed).
Declarat Advisory
ory Opinions
Involves Response to a legal
real issue posed in the
parties abstract in advance of
with real any actual case in
conflictin which it may be
g presented
Judgmen Binds no one
t is a final
on the
A judicial Not a judicial act9

3. The ‘broadened concept’ of judicial power is not meant to do away with the political questions doctrine itself. The concept
must sometimes yield to separation of powers, to the doctrine on “political questions” or to the “enrolled bill” rule.10

E. Grave Abuse Clause

“To determine whether or not there has been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch or
instrumentality of the Government”

Not every abuse of discretion can be the occasion for the Court to come in by virtue of the second sentence of Section 1. It
must be “grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction.”11

There is grave abuse of discretion:

(1) when an act done contrary to the Constitution, the law, or jurisprudence, or
(2) it is executed whimsically, capriciously, arbitrarily out of malice, ill will or personal bias. (Infotech v.
COMELEC, 2004)

Again, the ‘broadened concept’ of judicial power is not meant to do away with the political questions doctrine itself. The
concept must sometimes yield to separation of powers, to the doctrine on “political questions” or to the “enrolled bill” rule. 12
(1995 Bar Question)

Rule 65 embodies the Grave Abuse Clause.13

F. Role of Legislature in Judicial Process

Although judicial power is vested in the judiciary, the proper exercise of such power requires prior legislative action:
1. Defining such enforceable and demandable rights; and
2. Determining the court with jurisdiction to hear and decide controversies or disputes arising from legal rights.14

Courts cannot exercise judicial power when there is no applicable law. The Court has no authority to entertain an action for
judicial declaration of citizenship because there was no law authorizing such proceeding. (Channie Tan v. Republic, 107 Phil
632 (1960)) An award of honors to a student by a board of teachers may not be reversed by a court where the awards are
governed by no applicable law. (Santiago Jr. v. Bautista) Nor may courts reverse the award of a board of judges in an
oratorical contest. (Felipe v. Leuterio, 91 Phil 482 (1952)).15

III. Jurisdiction
Role of Congress

Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to define, prescribe, and apportion the jurisdiction of the various courts but may not deprive the
Supreme Court of its jurisdiction over cases enumerated in Section 5 hereof.
No law shall be passed reorganizing the Judiciary when it under-mines the security of tenure of its Members.

A. Definition
Bernas Commentary, p 924 (2003 ed).
See Bernas Commentary, p 919-920 (2003 ed).
Bernas Commentary, p 920 (2003 ed).
See Bernas Commentary, p 919-920 (2003 ed).
Annotation to the Writ of Amparo.
Bernas Primer at 335 (2006 ed.)
Bernas Primer at 335 (2006 ed.)
Jurisdiction is the power and authority of the court to hear, try and decide a case. (De La Cruz v. CA, 2006)

B. Scope

It is not only the (1) power to determine, but the (2) power to enforce its determination.
The (3) power to control the execution of its decision is an essential aspect of jurisdiction (Echegaray . Sec. of Justice, 301
SCRA 96)

C. Role of Congress

Power. The Congress shall have the power to define, prescribe, and apportion the jurisdiction of the various courts. (Section

1. Congress may not deprive the Supreme Court of its jurisdiction over cases enumerated in Section 5. ( art. 8 §2)
2. No law shall be passed reorganizing the Judiciary when it under-mines the security of tenure of its Members. ( art. 8
3. The appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court may not be increased by law except upon its advice and
concurrence. (art. 6 § 30)

* Jurisdiction in Section 2 refers to jurisdiction over cases [jurisdiction over the subject matter].16

IV. The Supreme Court

Judicial and Bar Council

A. Composition

Section 4. (1) The Supreme Court shall be composed of a Chief Justice and fourteen Associate Justices. It may sit en banc or in its
discretion, in division of three, five, or seven Members. Any vacancy shall be filled within ninety days from the occurrence thereof.

Composition of the Supreme Court: Fifteen (15). 1 Chief Justice and 14 Associate Justices.

By so fixing the number of members of the Supreme Court at [fifteen], it seems logical to infer that no statute may validly
increase or decrease it.17

Collegiate Court. The primary purpose of a collegiate court is precisely to provide for the most exhaustive deliberation
before a conclusion is reached.18

B. Qualifications

Section 7. (1) No person shall be appointed Member of the Supreme Court or any lower collegiate court unless he is a natural-born citizen
of the Philippines. A Member of the Supreme Court must be at least forty years of age, and must have been for fifteen years or more a judge
of a lower court or engaged in the practice of law in the Philippines.
(2) The Congress shall prescribe the qualifications of judges of lower courts, but no person may be appointed judge thereof unless he is a
citizen of the Philippines and a member of the Philippine Bar.
(3) A Member of the Judiciary must be a person of proven competence, integrity, probity, and independence.

Qualifications of a Member of the Supreme Court:

1. Must be a natural born citizen of the Philippines
2. Must at least be 40 years of age;
3. Must have been for 15 years or more a judge of a lower court or engaged in the practice of law in the Philippines; and
4. A person of proven competence, integrity, probity, and independence.

Congress may not alter the qualifications of Members of the Supreme Court and the constitutional qualifications of other
members of the Judiciary. But Congress may alter the statutory qualifications of judges and justices of lower courts.19

It behooves every prospective appointee to the Judiciary to apprise the appointing authority of every matter bearing on his

Cruz, Philippine Political Law, p. 2333 (1995 ed).
Sinco, Philippine Political Law, p 318 (1954ed).
Cruz, Philippine Political Law, p. 268 (1995 ed).
Bernas Primer at 356 (2006 ed.)
fitness for judicial office, including such circumstances as may reflect on his integrity and probity. Thus the fact that a
prospective judge failed to disclose that he had been administratively charged and dismissed from the service for grave
misconduct by a former President of the Philippines was used against him. It did not matter that he had resigned from office
and that the administrative case against him had become moot and academic.20
Similary, before one who is offered an appointment to the Supreme Court can accept it, he must correct the entry in his birth
certificate that he is an alien.21

“A Member of the Judiciary must be a person of proven competence, integrity, probity, and independence.”

Competence. In determining the competence of the applicant or recommendee for appointment, the Judicial and Bar Council
shall consider his educational preparation, experience, performance and other accomplishments of the applicant. (Rule 3 Section
1 of JBC Rules)
Integrity. The Judicial and Bar Council shall take every possible step to verify the applicant’s record of and reputation for honesty,
integrity, incorruptibility, irreproachable conduct and fidelity to sound moral and ethical standards. (Rule 4, Section 1 of JBC
Probity and Independence. Any evidence relevant to the candidate’s probity and independence such as, but not limited to,
decision he has rendered if he is an incumbent member of the judiciary or reflective of the soundness of his judgment, courage,
rectitude, cold neutrality and strength of character shall be considered. (Rule 5 Section of JBC Rules)

C. Judicial and Bar Council (1988, 1999 Bar Question)

Reason for Creation

Section 8.
(1) A Judicial and Bar Council is hereby created under the supervision of the Supreme Court composed of the Chief Justice as ex officio
Chairman, the Secretary of Justice, and a representative of the Congress as ex officio Members, a representative of the Integrated Bar, a
professor of law, a retired Member of the Supreme Court, and a representative of the private sector.
(2) The regular members of the Council shall be appointed by the President for a term of four years with the consent of the Commission on
Appointments. Of the Members first appointed, the representative of the Integrated Bar shall serve for four years, the professor of law for
three years, the retired Justice for two years, and the representative of the private sector for one year.
(3) The Clerk of the Supreme Court shall be the Secretary ex officio of the Council and shall keep a record of its proceedings.
(4) The regular Members of the Council shall receive such emoluments as may be determined by the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court
shall provide in its annual budget the appropriations for the Council.
(5) The Council shall have the principal function of recommending appointees to the Judiciary. It may exercise such other functions and
duties as the Supreme Court may assign to it.

Composition of JBC:
1. SC Chief Justice (ex officio Chairman)
Ex officio Members
2. Secretary of Justice
3. Representative of Congress
Regular Members (Term of 4 years appointed by President with the consent of CA)
4. Representative of IBP
5. Professor of Law
6. Retired Member of SC
7. Representative of private sector

The Clerk of the Supreme Court shall be the Secretary ex officio of the JBC.

Representative from Congress. Such representative may come from either House. In practice, the two houses now
work out a way of sharing representation. 22 A member from each comes from both Houses but each have only half a

Function of JBC. JBC’s principal function is to recommend to the President appointees to the Judiciary. It may exercise
such other functions and duties as the Supreme Court may assign to it.

Rationale for Creation of JBC. The Council was principally designed to eliminate politics from the appointment and judges
and justices. Thus, appointments to the Judiciary do not have to go through a political Commission on Appointments.24

D. Appointment

Section 9. The Members of the Supreme Court and judges of lower courts shall be appointed by the President from a list of at least three
nominees prepared by the Judicial and Bar Council for every vacancy. Such appointments need no confirmation.
For the lower courts, the President shall issue the appointments within ninety days from the submission of the list.

In re JBC v. Judge Quitain, JBC No. 013, August 22, 2007.
Kilosbayan v. Ermita, G.R. No. 177721, July 3, 2007. This was the case of Justice Gregory Ong of the Sandiganbayanwho was being promoted to the
Supreme court. Ong, however, remains in the Sandiganbayan.
Bernas Primer at 356 (2006 ed.)
Bernas Commentary, p 984 (2003 ed).
Bernas Primer at 357 (2006 ed.)
For every vacancy, the Judicial and Bar Council submits to the President a list of at least three names. The President may
not appoint anybody who is not in the list. If the President is not satisfied with the list, he may ask for another list.25

Why at least 3? The reason for requiring at least three nominees for every vacancy is to give the President enough leeway
in the exercise of his discretion when he makes his appointment. If the nominee were limited to only one, the appointment
would in effect be made by the Judicial and Bar Council, with the President performing only the mathematical act of
formalizing the commission.26

Judges may not be appointed in an acting capacity or temporary capacity. 27 It should be noted that what the Constitution
authorizes the President to do is to appoint Justices and judges and not the authority merely to designate a non-member
of the Supreme Court temporarily to sit as Justice of Supreme Court.28

ASM: Do you know that when there is a vacancy in the Supreme Court, the remaining members of the Tribunal vote and
make a recommendation to the Judicial and Bar Council.

E. Salaries

Section 10. The salary of the Chief Justice and of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court, and of judges of lower courts shall be fixed
by law. During their continuance in office, their salary shall not be decreased.

The prohibition of the diminution of the salary of Justices and judges during their continuance in office is intended as a
protection for the independence of the judiciary.29

The clear intent of the Constitutional Commission was to subject the salary of the judges and justices to income tax. (Nitafan
v. CIR, 1987)

F. Tenure

Section 11. The Members of the Supreme Court and judges of lower courts shall hold office during good behavior until they reach the age of
seventy years or become incapacitated to discharge the duties of their office. The Supreme Court en banc shall have the power of discipline
judges of lower courts, or order their dismissal by a vote of a majority of the Members who actually took part in the deliberations on the
issues in the case and voted thereon.

Security of Tenure is essential to an independent judiciary.

G. Removal

By Impeachment. The Members of the Supreme Court are removable only by impeachment. They can be said to have
failed to satisfy the requirement of “good behavior” only if they are guilty of the offenses which are constitutional grounds of

The members of the Supreme Court may be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of:
1. Culpable violation of the Constitution;
2. Treason;
3. Bribery;
4. Graft and Corruption;
5. Other High Crimes
6. Betrayal of Public Trust(Article XI, Section 2)

A Supreme Court Justice cannot be charged in a criminal case or a disbarment proceeding, because the ultimate effect of
either is to remove him from office, and thus circumvent the provision on removal by impeachment thus violating his security
of tenure (In Re: First Indorsement from Hon. Raul Gonzalez, A.M. No. 88-4-5433)

H. Prohibition

Section 12. The Members of the Supreme Court and of other courts established by law shall not be designated to any agency performing
quasi-judicial or administrative functions.

The provision merely makes explicit an application of the principles of separate of powers.30

Take note of the other tasks given to SC or the Members of SC by the Constitution:
1. SC en banc as Presidential Electoral Tribunal (art 7 §4)

Bernas Commentary, p 985 (2003 ed).
Cruz, Philippine Political Law, p. 234 (1995 ed).
Cruz, Philippine Political Law, p. 237 (1995 ed).
Bernas Commentary, p 985 (2003 ed).
Bernas Commentary, p 986 (2003 ed).
Bernas Commentary, p 991 (2003 ed).
2. Chief Justice as presiding officer of the impeachment Court when the President is in trial (art. 11 §3(6)).
3. Chief Justice as ex officio chairman of the JBC. (art. 8 §8(1)).
4. Justices as members of Electoral Tribunals (art. 6 §17).

V. Powers of Supreme Court

General Power
Specific Powers
Original Jurisdiction
Appellate Jurisdiction
Temporary Assignment of Judges
Change of Venue or Place of Trial
Rule-Making Power
Appointment of Court Personnel
Administrative Supervision of Courts
Disciplinary/Dismissal Powers
Contempt Powers
Annual Report

Section 5. The Supreme Court shall have the following powers:

1. Exercise original jurisdiction over cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and over petitions for certiorari,
prohibition, mandamus, quo warranto, and habeas corpus.
2. Review, revise, reverse, modify, or affirm on appeal or certiorari as the law or the Rules of Court may provide, final judgments and orders
of lower courts in:
(a) All cases in which the constitutionality or validity of any treaty, international or executive agreement, law, presidential decree,
proclamation, order, instruction, ordinance, or regulation is in question.
(b) All cases involving the legality of any tax, impost, assessment, or toll, or any penalty imposed in relation thereto.
(c) All cases in which the jurisdiction of any lower court is in issue.
(d) All criminal cases in which the penalty imposed is reclusion perpetua or higher.
(e) All cases in which only an error or question of law is involved.
3. Assign temporarily judges of lower courts to other stations as public interest may require. Such temporary assignment shall not exceed six
months without the consent of the judge concerned.
4. Order a change of venue or place of trial to avoid a miscarriage of justice.
5. Promulgate rules concerning the protection and enforcement of constitutional rights, pleading, practice, and procedure in all courts, the
admission to the practice of law, the Integrated Bar, and legal assistance to the underprivileged. Such rules shall provide a simplified and
inexpensive procedure for the speedy disposition of cases, shall be uniform for all courts of the same grade, and shall not diminish, increase,
modify substantive rights. Rules of procedure of special courts and quasi-judicial bodies shall remain effective unless disapproved by the
Supreme Court.
6. Appoint all officials and employees of the Judiciary in accordance with the Civil Service Law.

Section 6. The Supreme Court shall have administrative supervision over all courts and the personnel thereof.

Section 11
xxxThe Supreme Court en banc shall have the power of discipline judges of lower courts, or order their dismissal by a vote of a majority of
the Members who actually took part in the deliberations on the issues in the case and voted thereon.

A. General Power

Judicial Power (§1)

B. Specific Powers

Specific Powers of the Supreme Court under Article VIII:

1. Original Jurisdiction
2. Appellate Jurisdiction
3. Temporary Assignment of Judges
4. Change of Venue or Place of Trial
5. Rule-Making Power
6. Appointment of Court Personnel (§5)
7. Administrative Supervision of Courts (§6)
8. Dismissal/ Removal Powers (§11)
(Section 5(1) and (2) refer to the irreducible jurisdiction of the Supreme Court while Section 5 (3 -6) and Section 6 provide of
auxiliary administrative powers.)

Other Powers of SC:

1. Jurisdiction over proclamation of Martial law or suspension of the writ of habeas corpus; (art. 7 §18)
2. Jurisdiction over Presidential and Vice-Presidential election contests; (art. 7 §4)
3. Jurisdiction over decision, order, or ruling of the Constitutional Commissions. (art. 9 §7)
4. Supervision over JBC (art. 8 §8(1))
5. Power to Punish Contempt

C. Original Jurisdiction

Section 5(1). The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction over:

1. Cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls.
2. Petitions for certiorari, prohibition, mandamus, quo warranto, and habeas corpus.31

Note that under international law, diplomats and even consuls to a lesser extent, are not subject to jurisdiction of the courts of
the receiving State, save in certain cases, as when immunity is waived either expressly or impliedly. In such instances, the
Supreme Court can and probably should take cognizance of the litigation in view of possible international repercussions.32

The petitions for certiorari, mandamus, prohibition, and quo warranto are special civil actions. The questions raised in the first
three petitions are questions of jurisdiction or grave abuse of discretion and, in fourth, the title of the respondent. The petition
for habeas corpus is a special proceeding.33

Concurrent Jurisdiction.
The Supreme Court has concurrent original jurisdiction with Regional Trial Courts in cases affecting ambassadors, other
public ministers and consuls. (BP 129 § 21(2))
The Supreme Court has concurrent original jurisdiction with the Court of Appeals in petitions for certiorari, prohibition and
mandamus against the Regional Trial Courts. (BP 129 § 9(1))
The Supreme Court has concurrent original jurisdiction with the Court of Appeals and the Regional Trial Courts in petitions for
certiorari, prohibition and mandamus against lower courts and bodies and in petitions for quo warranto and habeas corpus.
(BP 129 §9(1), §21(2))

Principle of Judicial Hierarchy

Under a judicial policy recognizing hierarchy of courts, a higher court will not entertain direct resort to it unless the redress
cannot be obtained in the appropriate courts. (Santiago v. Vasquez, 217 SCRA 167) Thus, while it is true that the issuance of
a writ of prohibition under Rule 65 is within the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, a petitioner cannot seek relief from the
Supreme Court where the issuance of such writ is also within the competence of the Regional Trial Court or the Court of
A direct recourse of the Supreme Court’s original jurisdiction to issue writs should be allowed only when there are special and
important reasons therefore, clearly and specifically set out in the petition. (Mangahas v. Paredes, 2007)

Q: What cases may be filed originally in the Supreme Court?

A: Only petitions for certiorari, prohibition, mandamus, quo warranto, habeas corpus, disciplinary proceedings against
members of the judiciary and attorneys, and affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls may be filed originally
in the Supreme Court. (Rule 56, Section 1, Rules of Court)

D. Appellate Jurisdiction

Section 5(2). The Supreme Court has the power to review, revise, reverse, modify, or affirm on appeal or certiorari as the
law or the Rules of Court may provide, final judgments and orders of lower courts in:
a. All cases in which the constitutionality or validity of any treaty, international or executive agreement, law, presidential
decree, proclamation, order, instruction, ordinance, or regulation is in question.
b. All cases involving the legality of any tax, impost, assessment, or toll, or any penalty imposed in relation thereto.
c. All cases in which the jurisdiction of any lower court is in issue.
d. All criminal cases in which the penalty imposed is reclusion perpetua or higher.
e. All cases in which only an error or question of law is involved.

Irreducible. This appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court is irreducible and may not be withdrawn from it by Congress.34

Final Judgments of lower courts. It should be noted that the appeals allowed in this section are from final judgments and
decrees only of “lower courts” or judicial tribunals. Administrative decisions are not included.35

The lower courts have competence to decide constitutional questions. Section 5(2)(a) provides that Supreme Court has
appellate jurisdiction over “final judgments and orders all cases in which the constitutionality or validity of any treaty,
international or executive agreement, law, presidential decree, proclamation, order, instruction, ordinance or regulation is in

Review of Death Penalty. Section 5 requires a mandatory review by the Supreme Court of cases where the penalty
imposed is reclusion perpetua, life imprisonment, or death. However, the Constitution has not proscribed an intermediate
review. To ensure utmost circumspection before the penalty of death, reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment is imposed, the
Rule now is that such cases must be reviewed by the Court of Appeals before they are elevated to the Supreme Court.36
Note, however, that the rule for the review of decisions of lower courts imposing death or reclusion perpetua or life
imprisonment are not the same. In case the sentence is death, there is automatic review by the Court of Appeals and
ultimately by the Supreme Court. This is mandatory and neither the accused nor the courts may waive the right of appeal. In
the case of the sentence of reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment, however, although the Supreme Court has jurisdiction to

See Rule 65, 66 and 102, Rules of Court.
Cruz, Philippine Political Law, p. 252 (1995 ed).
Cruz, Philippine Political Law, p. 252 (1995 ed).
Cruz, Philippine Political Law, p. 255 (1995 ed).
Cruz, Philippine Political Law, p. 256 (1995 ed).
People v. Mateo, G.R. No. 147678-87. July 7, 2004; People v. Lagua, G.R. No. 170565, January 31, 2006.
review them, the review is not mandatory. Therefore review in this later cases may be waived and appeal may be

In Republic v. Sandiganbayan, 2002, it was held that the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court over decisions and final
orders of the Sandiganbayan is limited to questions of law. A question of law exists when the doubt or controversy concerns
the correct application of law or jurisprudence to a certain set of facts; or when the issue does not call for an examination of
the probative value of the evidence presented, the truth or falsehood of facts being admitted.

Section 5(2), (a) and (b) explicitly grants judicial review in the Supreme Court. (Judicial Review will be discussed in the next

E. Temporary Assignment of Judges

Section 5(3). The Supreme Court has the power to assign temporarily judges of lower courts to other stations as public
interest may require. Such temporary assignment shall not exceed six months without the consent of the judge concerned.

Rationale of the Provision. The present rule bolsters the independence of the judiciary in so far as it vests the power to
temporarily assign judges of inferior courts directly in the Supreme Court and no longer in the executive authorities and
conditions the validity of any such assignment in excess of six months upon the consent of the transferred judge. This will
minimize if not altogether eliminate the pernicious practice of the rigodon de jeuces, or the transfer of judges at will to suit the
motivations of the chief executive.38

Purpose of Transfer. Temporary assignments may be justified to arrange for judges with clogged dockets to be assisted by
their less busy colleagues, or to provide for the replacement of the regular judge who may not be expected to be impartial in
the decision of particular cases.39

Permanent Transfer. Since transfer imports removal from one office and since a judge enjoys security of tenure, it cannot be
effected without the consent of the judge concerned.40

F. Change of Venue or Place of Trial

Section 5(4). The Supreme Court has the power to order a change of venue or place of trial to avoid a miscarriage of justice.

This power is deemed to be an incidental and inherent power of the Court. (See People v. Gutierrez, 36 SCRA 172 (1970))

G. Rule Making Power

Power to Promulgate Rules
Limits on the Rule Making Power
Nature and Function of Rule Making Power
Test to Determin Whether Rules are Substantive
Rules Concerning Protection of Constitutional Rights
Admission to the Practice of Law
Integration of the Bar
Congress and the Rules of Court

1. Power to Promulgate Rules

The Supreme Court has the power to promulgate rules concerning:
1. The protection and enforcement of constitutional rights;
2. Pleading, practice, and procedure in all courts;
3. The admission to the practice of law,
4. The Integrated Bar;
5. Legal assistance to the underprivileged. (Section 5(5))

2. Limits on SC’s Rule Making Power

1. Such rules shall provide a simplified and inexpensive procedure for the speedy disposition of cases.
2. They shall be uniform for all courts of the same grade.
3. They shall not diminish, increase, modify substantive rights.

Rules of procedure of special courts and quasi-judicial bodies shall remain effective unless disapproved by the Supreme

3. Nature and Function of Rule Making Power

For a more independent judiciary. The authority to promulgate rules concerning pleading, practice and admission to the
practice of law is a traditional power of the Supreme Court. The grant of this authority, coupled with its authority to integrate
the Bar, to have administrative supervision over all courts, in effect places in the hands of Supreme Court the totality of the

People v. Rocha and Ramos, G.R. No. 173797, August 31, 2007.
Cruz, Philippine Political Law, p. 259 (1995 ed).
Cruz, Philippine Political Law, p. 259 (1995 ed).
Bernas Commentary, p 967(2003 ed).
administration of justice and thus makes for a more independent judiciary.

Enhances the capacity to render justice. It also enhances the Court’s capacity to render justice, especially since, as the
Supreme Court has had occasion to say, it includes the inherent authority to suspend rules when the requirement of justice
Moreover, since it is to the Supreme Court that rule making authority has been given, rules promulgated by special courts
and quasi-judicial bodies are effective unless disapproved by the Supreme Court.

4. Test to Determine whether the rules diminish, increase or modify substantive rights
1. If the rule takes away a vested right, it is a substantive matter.
2. If the rule creates a right, it may be a substantive matter.
3. If it operates as a means of implementing an existing right, then the rule deals merely with procedure. (Fabian v.

Illustrative cases where the rule merely deals with procedure:

Maniago v. CA, 1996

The rule that unless a reservation to file a separate civil action is reserved, the civil case is deemed filed with the criminal
case is not about substantive rights. Whether the two actions must be tried in a single proceeding is a matter of procedure.

Fabian v. Desierto, 1998

The transfer by the Supreme Court of pending cases involving a review of decision of the Office of the Ombudsman in
administrative actions to the Court of Appeals is merely procedural. This is because, it is not the right to appeal of an
aggrieved party which is affected by law. The right has been preserved. Only the procedure by which the appeal is to be
made or decided has been changed.

People v. Lacson, 400 SCRA 267

(This is quite confusing because of the dates)
Facts: Respondent was charged with multiple murder. He filed a motion with the trial court for judicial determination of
probable cause. On March 29, 1999, the trial court dismissed the cases provisionally. On December 1, 2000, the Revised
Rules on Criminal Procedure took effect. Section 8 of Rule 117 allowed the revival of the case which was provisionally
dismissed only within two years. On June 6, 2001, the criminal cases against respondent were refilled. Respondent argued
that the refilling of the cases was barred. The prosecution argued that under Article 90 of the Revised Penal Code, it had
twenty years to prosecute respondent.
Is the rule merely procedural? Yes, the rule is merely procedural. Section 8, Rule 117 is not a statute of limitations. The
two-year bar under the rule does not reduce the periods under Article 90 of the Revised Penal Code. It is but a limitation of
the right of the State to revive a criminal case against the accused after the case had been filed but subsequently
provisionally dismissed with the express consent of the accused. Upon the lapse of the period under the new rule, the
State is presumed to have abandoned or waived its right to revive the case. The prescription periods under the Revised
Penal Code are not diminished.
Is the refilling of cases barred in this case? No. A procedural law may not be applied retroactively if to do so would work
injustice or would involve intricate problems of due process. The time-bar of two years under the new rule should not be
applied retroactively against the State. If the time-bar were to be applied retroactively so as to commence to run on March
31, 1999, when the prosecutor received his copy of the resolution dismissing the cases, instead of giving the State two
years to revive the provisionally dismissed cases, the State would have considerably less than two years to do so. The
period before December 1, 2000 should be excluded in the computation of the two-year period, because the rule
prescribing it was not yet in effect at that time and the State could not be expected to comply with it. 41

Illustrative cases where the rule deals with substantive matter:

PNB v. Asuncion, 80 SCRA 321

Facts: Petitioner filed a collection case against several solidary debtors. One of them died during the pendency of the
case. The court dismissed the case against all the defendants on the ground that the petitioner should file a claim in the
estate proceedings. Petitioner argued that the dismissal should be confined to the defendant who died.
Held: Article 1216 of the Civil Code gives the creditor the right to proceed against anyone of the solidary debtors or some
or all of them simultaneously. Hence, in case of the death of one of them, the creditor may proceed against the surviving
debtors. The Rules of Court cannot be interpreted to mean that the creditor has no choice but to file a claim in the estate of
the deceased. Such construction will result in the diminution of the substantive rights granted by the Civil Code.42

Santero v. CFI, 153 SCRA 728

Facts: During the pendency of the proceeding for the settlement of the estate of the deceased, respondents, who were
children of the deceased, filed a motion asking for an allowance for their support. Petitioners, who were children of the
deceased with another woman, opposed on the grounds that petitioners were already of majority age and under Section 3
of Rule 83, the allowance could be granted only to minor children.
Held: Article 188 of the Civil Code grants children the right to support even beyond the age of majority. Hence, the
respondent were entitled to the allowance. Since, the right to support granted by the Civil Code is substantive, it cannot be

Jacinto Jimenez, Political Law Compendium 344 (2006 ed.)
Jacinto Jimenez, Political Law Compendium, 342 (2006 ed.)
impaired by Section 3, Rule 83 of the Rules of Court.43

Damasco v. Laqui, 166 SCRA 214

Facts: Petitioner was charged with grave threats. The trial court convicted him of light threats. Petitioner moved for
reconsideration because the crime of which he was convicted had already prescribed when the information was filed.
Held: While an accused who fails to move to quash is deemed to waive all objection which are grounds to quash, this rule
cannot apply to prescription. Prescription extinguishes criminal liability. To apply the said rule will contravene Article 89 of
the Revised Penal Code which is substantive. The rules promulgated by the Supreme Court must not diminish, increase or
modify substantive rights.44

Zaldivia v. Reyes, 211 SCRA 277

On May 30, 1990, a complaint was filed with the provincial prosecutor against petitioner for violating an ordinance by
quarrying without a mayor’s permit. The information was filed in court on October 2, 1990. Petitioner moved to quash on
the ground that under Act 3326, violations of municipal ordinances prescribe in two months and the prescriptive period is
suspended only upon the institution of judicial proceedings. The prosecution argued that under Section 1, Rule 110 of the
Rules on Criminal Procedure, the filing of a case for preliminary investigation interrupts the prescriptive period.
Held: If there is a conflict between Act No. 3326 and Rule 110 of the Rules on Criminal Procedure, the former must prevail.
Prescription in criminal cases is a substantive right.45

Illustrative case where retroactive application of a ruling will affect substantive right:

LBP v. De Leon, 399 SCRA 376

Facts: The Supreme Court ruled that in accordance with Section 60 of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law, appeals
from the Special Agrarian Courts should be made by filing a petition for review instead of merely filing a notice of appeal.
Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration, in which it prayed that the ruling be applied prospectively.
Held: Before the case reached the Supreme Court, petitioner had no authoritative guideline on how to appeal decision of
Special Agrarian Courts in the light of seemingly conflicting provisions of Section 60 and 61 of the Comprehensive Agrarian
Reform Law, because Section 61 provided that review shall be governed by the Rules of Court. The Court of Appeals had
rendered conflicting decisions on this precise issue. Hence, the decision of the Supreme Court should be applied
prospectively because it affects substantive right. If the ruling is given retroactive application, it will prejudice the right of
appeal of petitioner because its pending appeals in the Court of Appeals will be dismissed on a mere technicality thereby,
sacrificing their substantial merits.46

5. Rules Concerning the protection and enforcement of constitutional rights; Rules Concerning pleading, practice
and procedure in courts

Power to Make Rules; Writ of Amparo.

The Rules on the Writ of Amparo is promulgated by the Court based on its power to promulgate rules for the protection and
enforcement of constitutional rights. In light of the prevalence of extra legal killing and enforced disappearances, the
Supreme Court resolved to exercise for the first time its power to promulgate rules to protect our people’s constitutional

Writ of Amparo (1991 Bar Question)

a. Etymology. “Amparo” comes from Spanish verb “amparar” meaning “to protect.

b. Nature: A writ to protect right to life, liberty and security of persons.

c. Section 1 of The Rule on the Writ of Amparo: “The petition for a writ of amparo is a remedy available to any person
whose right to life, liberty and security is violated or threatened with violation by unlawful act or omission of a public
official or employee, or of a private individual or entity. The writ shall cover extralegal killings and enforced
disappearances or threats thereof.” (Note that not all constitutional rights are covered by this Rule; only right to life,
liberty and security)

Writ of Habeas Data. The writ of habeas data is a remedy available to any person whose right to privacy in life, liberty or
security is violated or threatened by an unlawful act or omission of a public official or employee, or of a private individual or
entity engaged in the gathering, collecting or storing of data or information regarding the person, family, home and
correspondence of the aggrieved party. (Section 1, The Rule on the Habeas Data)

In Re: Request for Creation of Special Division, A.M. No. 02-1-07-SC (2002): It was held that it is within the competence
of the Supreme Court, in the exercise of its power to promulgate rules governing the enforcement and protection of
constitutional rights and rules governing pleading, practice and procedure in all courts, to create a Special Division in the
Sandiganbayan which will hear and decide the plunder case of Joseph Estrada.

Regulation of Demonstrations
Facts: Petitioner applied for a permit to hold a rally in from of the Justice Hall to protest the delay in the disposition of the

Jacinto Jimenez, Political Law Compendium, 343 (2006 ed.)
Jacinto Jimenez, Political Law Compendium, 343 (2006 ed.)
Jacinto Jimenez, Political Law Compendium, 343 (2006 ed.)
Jacinto Jimenez, Political Law Compendium, 345 (2006 ed.)
cases of his clients. The mayor refused to issue the permit on the ground that it was prohibited by the Resolution of the
Supreme Court dated July 7, 1998, which prohibited rallies within two hundred meters of any court building. Petitioners
argued that the Resolution amended the Public Assembly Act in violation of the separation of powers.
Held: The existence of the Public Assembly Act does not preclude the Supreme Court from promulgating rules regulating the
conduct of demonstration in the vicinity of courts to assure the people of an impartial and orderly administration of justice as
mandate by the Constitution. (In re Valmonte, 296 SCRA xi)

Requirement of International Agreement

Facts: The Philippines signed the Agreement establishing the World Trade Organization. The Senate passed a resolution
concurring in its ratification by the President.
Petitioners argued that Article 34 of the General Provisions and Basic Principles of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects
of Intellectual Property Rights is unconstitutional. Article 34 requires members to create a disputable presumption in civil
proceedings that a product shown to be identical to one produced with the use of a patented process shall be deemed to
have been obtained by illegal use of the patented process if the product obtained by the patented process is new or there is
a substantial likelihood that the identical product was made with the use of the patented process but the owner of the patent
could not determine the exact process used in obtaining the identical product. Petitioners argued that this impaired the
rule-making power of the Supreme Court.
Held: Article 34 should present no problem. Section 60 of the Patent Law provides a similar presumption in cases of
infringement of a patented design or utility model. Article 34 does not contain an unreasonable burden as it is consistent with
due process and the adversarial system. Since the Philippines is signatory to most international conventions on patents,
trademarks and copyrights, the adjustment in the rules of procedure will not be substantial. (Tanada v. Angara, 272
SCRA 18)47

Power to Suspend Its Own Rules. Section 5(5) of the Constitution gives this Court the power to "[p]romulgate rules
concerning the protection and enforcement of constitutional rights, pleading, practice and procedure in all courts." This
includes an inherent power to suspend its own rules in particular cases in order to do justice.48

6. Admission to the Practice of Law

Rule on Conduct of Officials. Section 90 of the Local Government Code which prohibits lawyers who are members of a
local legislative body to practice law is not an infringement on the power of the Court to provide for rules for the practice of
law. The law must be seen not as a rule on practice of law but as a rule on the conduct of officials intended to prevent conflict
of interest. (Javellana v. DILG, 1992)

Bar Flunkers Act. After the Supreme Court has declared candidates for the bar as having flunked the examinations,
Congress may not pass a law lowering the passing mark and declaring the same candidates as having passed. This would
amount to not just amending the rules but reversing the Court’s application of an existing rule. (In re Cunanan , 94 phil 534

Nullification of Bar Results. In 2003, the Court nullified the results of the exams on Commercial Law when it was
discovered that the Bar questions had been leaked. (Bar matter No. 1222, 2004)

7. Integration of the Bar

a. Bar - refers to the collectivity of all persons whose names appear in the Roll of Attorneys.

b. Integration of the Philippine Bar - means the official unification of the entire lawyer population of the Philippines. This
requires membership and financial support (in reasonable amount) of every attorney as conditions sine qua non to the
practice of law and the retention of his name in the Roll of Attorneys of the Supreme Court. (In re Integration of the Bar of the

c. Purpose of an integrated Bar, in general are:

1. Assist in the administration of justice;
2. Foster and maintain, on the part of its members, high ideals of integrity, learning, professional competence, public service and
3. Safeguard the professional interests of its members;
4. Cultivate among its members a spirit of cordiality and brotherhood;
5. Provide a forum for the discussion of law, jurisprudence, law reform, pleading, practice, and procedure, and the relation of the Bar
to the Bench and to the public, and public relation relating thereto;
6. Encourage and foster legal education;
7. Promote a continuing program of legal research in substantive and adjective law, and make reports and recommendations
thereon; and
8. Enable the Bar to discharge its public responsibility effectively (In re Integration of the Bar of the Philippines)

d. In re: Atty. Marcial Edillon. In this case, Atty. Edillon objects to the requirement of membership in the integrated bar as a
pre-condition to the practice of law. This gave the Court the opportunity to ventilate some basic notions underlying bar
1. The practice of law is a privilege that is subject to reasonable regulation by the State;
2. Bar integration is mandated by the Constitution;
3. The lawyer is not being compelled to join the association. Passing the bar examination already made him a member
of the bar. The only compulsion to which he is subjected is the payment of annual dues, and this is justified by the

Jacinto Jimenez, Political Law Compendium, 347 (2006 ed.)
Lim et al v CA, G.R. No. 149748, November 16, 2006.
need for elevating the quality of legal profession;
4. The Constitution vests in the SC plenary powers regarding admission to the bar.

e. Letter of Atty Arevalo, 2005. Payment of dues is a necessary consequence of membership in the Integrated Bar of the
Philippines, of which no one is exempt. This means that the compulsory nature of payment of dues subsists as long as one’s
membership in the IBP remains regardless of the lack of practice of, or the type of practice, the member is engaged in.49

8. Congress and the Rules of Court

Bernas Primer: Rules issued by the Supreme Court may be repealed, altered, or supplemented by Congress because
Congress has plenary legislative power. The silence of the Constitution on the subject can only be interpreted as meaning
that there is no intention to diminish that plenary power. In fact, RA 8974 which requires full payment before the sate may
exercise proprietary rights, contrary to Rule 67 which requires a deposit, was recognized by Court in Republic v. Gingoyon,
2005. (An earlier obiter dictum in Echegaray v. Sec. of Justice, 1999, said that Congress has no power to amend Rules. This
was repeated by Puno and Carpio in dissent in Republic v. Gingoyon)50

Nachura (2006): Congress cannot amend the Rules of Court. “The 1987 Constitution took away the power of Congress to
repeal, alter or supplement rules concerning pleading and procedure. In fine, the power to promulgate rules of pleading,
practice and procedure is no longer shared by this Court with Congress, more so with the Executive.” Echagaray v. Secretary
of Justice (1999)

ASM: Follow Bernas’ view. Article XVIII, Section 10 provides: “The provisions of the existing Rules of Court, judiciary acts,
and procedural laws not inconsistent with this Constitution shall remain operative unless amended or repealed by the
Supreme Court or the Congress”

H. Appointment of Court Personnel

The authority of the Supreme Court to appoint its own official and employees is another measure intended to safeguard the
independence of the Judiciary. However, the Court’s appointing authority must be exercised “in accordance with the Civil
Service Law.”51

Note that Section 5(6) empowers the Supreme Court not only to appoint its own officials and employees but of the Judiciary

It should also be recalled that courts may be given authority by Congress “to appoint officers lower in rank.” (art. 7 §16)

I. Administrative Supervision of Courts

Strengthens Independence. Section 6 provides that the Supreme Court shall have administrative supervision by the
Supreme Court over all lower courts and the personnel thereof. It is a significant innovation towards strengthening the
independence of the judiciary. Before 1973 Constitution, there was no constitutional provision on the subject and
administrative supervision over the lower courts and their personnel was exercised by the Secretary of Justice. 52 The
previous set-up impaired the independence of judges who tended to defer to the pressures and suggestions of the executive
department in exchange for favorable action on their requests and administrative problems.53

Exclusive Supervision. Article VIII, Section 6 exclusively vests in the Supreme Court administrative supervision over all
courts and court personnel, from the Presiding Justice of the Court of Appeals down to the lowest municipal trial court clerk.
By virtue of this power, it is only the Supreme Court that can oversee the judges’ and court personnel’s compliance with all
laws, and take proper administrative action against them if they commit any violation thereof. No other branch of government
may intrude into this power, without running afoul to the doctrine of separation of powers. (Maceda v. Vasquez)

Ombudsman and SC’s Power of Supervision. The Ombudsman may not initiate or investigate a criminal or administrative
complaint before his office against a judge; the Ombudsman must first indorse the case to the Supreme Court for appropriate
action. (Fuentes v. Office of Ombudsman, 2001)

Administrative Proceeding, Confidential. Administrative proceedings before the Supreme Court are confidential in nature
in order to protect the respondent therein who may turn out to be innocent of the charges. (Godinez v. Alano, 1999)

According to Bernas, the power of administrative supervision of the Supreme Court, includes the power [sitting en banc] to
discipline judges of lower courts, or order their dismissal.54

J. Disciplinary Powers

Section 11

Letter of Atty. Cecilio Y. Arevalo, Requesting Exemptions from Payment of IBP Dues, May 9, 2005.
Bernas Primer at 352 (2006 ed.)
Bernas Commentary, p 979 (2003 ed).
Cruz, Philippine Political Law, p. 264 (1995 ed).
Bernas Commentary, p 979 (2003 ed).
The Members of the Supreme Court and judges of lower courts shall hold office during good behavior until they reach the age of seventy
years or become incapacitated to discharge the duties of their office. The Supreme Court en banc shall have the power of discipline judges
of lower courts, or order their dismissal by a vote of a majority of the Members who actually took part in the deliberations on the issues in the
case and voted thereon.

1. Power to Discipline
The power of the Supreme Court to discipline judges of inferior courts or to order their dismissal is exclusive. It may not be
vested in any other body. Nor may Congress pass a law that judges of lower courts are removable by impeachment.55

2. Disciplinary Actions

Bernas Commentary, p 988 (2003 ed).

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