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the one page strategic plan

Edward Wright, Ph.D., Drake Fowler, M.B.A., & Hollye Moss, Ph.D.

A strategic plan defines how a

business (or business unit)
will achieve its goals. It provides a
The consultant leads the group
in a process that generally follows
these steps: (see page 4 for chart)
5. The group plans for contingencies.
The management team subsequently
monitors performance and implements
framework for decision-making. By corrective action as needed to stay on
creating a one page document, you Typical Strategic Planning track following the planning stage.
can avoid common pitfalls and Process
facilitate the communication and The entire process generally takes
1. The CEO and senior staff create from a few days to a week to
execution of a company’s strategic
or revise the Vision, Mission, and Core accomplish.
Values statements.
Typical Scenario Typical Shortcomings
2. The group brainstorms and lists
It is early fall and the CEO and There are several shortcomings
all of the external factors that are
members of the senior staff have to the traditional strategic
currently affecting the business.
come together to begin the planning process. Senior
strategic planning process. The 3. The group determines a strategy leadership teams often work
previous plan was emailed to based upon a Strengths, Weaknesses, together, live in the same city, and
everyone along with a reminder of Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) are exposed to similar news and
the importance of strategic analysis of the business. reports. The issue here is the risk
planning and the need for of groupthink (the pressure to
innovative thinking. One or more 4. The group outlines the programs preser ve group harmony and
consultants are present to facilitate and budgets necessary to implement the teamwork) that may compromise
the meeting and to provide strategy. debate and the expression of
structure and a framework for conflicting views. The leadership
discussions. team may not be aware of new
Typical Strategic Planning Process

1 2 3 4 5
Vision Environmental Strategy  Strategy Evaluation &
Mission Scanning Formulation Implementation Control
Core Values *Understanding what affects *SWOT *Programs *Monitoring
your organization Analysis *Budgets Performance

trends in technology, social- advantage instead of seeking employees is to create a one page
economic changes, or pending customer segments and their document that succinctly
legislation. needs. summarizes it. Post this in
Outsourcing the identification of The biggest pitfall of strategic conspicuous places (such as above
environmental factors to a capable planning is not that plans are poor a copier). The intention is for the
research team can eliminate this but rather that plans are all too one-page strategic plan to become
danger. Pick one with access to a soon forgotten. Generally, once part of daily life of the firm.
university or research library to the senior leadership team has Strategic decisions and supporting
compile a situational analysis updated the strategic plan, it is programs became part of the
report who will summarize the communicated to managers and everyday conversation. The one-
latest economic, social, political, employees. Programs and page strategic plan will impact
technology, and ecological trends. objectives are developed. Budgets employees’ decisions and
The report would also include are derived. Specific goals trickle behaviors.
industr y growth rates, success down to all levels of the
factors, and risks that can be found organization. However, even Getting to One Page
from US Census Bureau data. carefully planned rollouts with all- 1. Evaluate the strategy to determine
Using this objective data for staff assemblies and colorful what areas of the business (functions,
consideration rather than the posters may fade from the minds budgets, or programs) are impacted. If
brainstormed opinions of a small of the workers. One underlying it seems that the overall plan contains
leadership group has obvious cause of this frequent occurrence too many strategic elements, abstraction
advantages for strategic planning. is that many plans are too may be required to roll up initiatives
Another shortcoming of complex. Without a brief and into broader, higher level strategies. The
traditional strategic planning is the easy-to-digest document, it very goal is to end up with 3 to 5 major
reliance upon a SWOT analysis to well may be that the next time the strategies.
determine strategy. In a SWOT plan will be referenced may only
analysis, internal strengths of a firm be a few days before year end 2. Identify the key programs or tactics
are identified and treated as a performance reviews. Mark Twain that will be used for each element.
differentiator or advantage to famously said “I didn’t have time These are action-oriented items that
strengthen the company against to write you a short letter, so I focus on the key steps to achieve the
competition. But just because a wrote a long one.” There is power overall plan.
company has a strength is no in simplification.
guarantee that it is something that 3. Reduce the number of words used
the market actually wants. Many The One Page Strategic Plan to describe the strategy and tactics.
firms have been led astray by The solution to communicating a Break longer statements into their core
focusing upon an internal strength complex strategic plan and meanings.
and seeking to maximize its keeping it in the minds of

4. Weed out repetition and overlap from employees. Putting these
the list. If an item shows up in two places, declarations in the one-page plan
pick the one most appropriate place. will reinforce the importance of the
Repeating an item does not make it more strategic plan in achieving the
important, it just makes it redundant. envisioned future for the company
and how the vision will be achieved.
5. Parse each statement to remove Mission and Vision serve as guiding
adjectives, adverbs, and superlatives. light statements that influence how
Identify static nouns and replace them the strategic plan should be
with action verbs. interpreted.

Presentation 3. Core Values: Clearly stating the

There is no simpler way to express company’s core values constrains
this important step except to say that the many choices that may be
“design matters”. Once the strategic available for realizing the strategic
plan. It is helpful to define those Dr. Edward Wright is a Professor
plan is distilled to its essence, a
few positive values that are most of Management and Strategy at
graphic designer may be helpful to
important for the company. Western Carolina University. His
create a layout that expresses the plan
prior experience includes twenty-
simply. The use of color and shape, 4. Plan Statement: This is a very five years as a senior executive in
font, and even the spacing between short statement that encompasses the medical device industry as Vice
letters (kerning) can help convey the the spirit of the plan. One President of Marketing and
full intent of the plan. Dieter Rams, company’s battle cry was “pursue Business Development (SunTech
industrial designer at Braun, said, growth markets, be internationally Medical - Morrisville, NC) and
“Good design is making something recognized, and be profitable.” The Vice President and General
intelligible and memorable. Great plan statement was simple and to Manager (Welch Allyn -
design is making something the point. Skaneateles Falls, NY). Dr. Wright
memorable and meaningful.” The
teaches a variety of courses in
design of the one page strategic plan 5. Major Strategies: List the
should create something that has major strategies as concisely as
meaning to every member of the possible.
Drake Fowler is Chief Business
organization. It is the company’s
6. Outcomes: The tactics that Officer and Chief Operating
road map to success. It should be
will be employed for each strategy Officer for the North Carolina
clear, concise, power ful, and
should be written as future Arboretum in Asheville, NC. He
outcomes. For example: “Build a received his MBA from Western
Elements to include in the one page consistent team and reduce Carolina University.
strategic plan: turnover.” These outcomes are the
1. Brand: The brand represents signs of success in each strategic Dr. Hollye Moss is a Professor of
who and what the company is about. area. (see page 6 for example) S Management and Strategy at
V Western Carolina University
This piece should be designed with
all elements of the brand including where she teaches a variety of
logo, colors, fonts and tag line. courses in management. She
received her Ph.D. from Clemson
2. Mission and Vision: It is University in Industrial
always desirable to reinforce the Management.
company’s mission and vision with

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