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The New Physics of Financial Services

Understanding how artificial intelligence is transforming the financial ecosystem

Part of the Future of Financial Services series | Prepared in collaboration with Deloitte
August 2018

Consistent with the World Economic Forum’s mission of applying a multistakeholder approach to address issues of global impact,
creating this report involved extensive outreach and dialogue with numerous organizations and individuals. They included the Forum’s
Financial Services, Innovation and Technology communities, and professionals from academia and the public sector. The outreach
involved over 200 interviews and six international workshop sessions, encouraging collaborative dialogue to discuss insights and
opportunities concerning the impact of artificial intelligence within the financial services industry.

The holistic and global content of this report would not be as rich without the support of, and contributions from, the subject matter
experts who assisted in shaping our thoughts about the future of the impact of AI on the future of the financial services industry. In
particular, we thank this project’s Steering Committee and Working Group, who played an invaluable role with their expertise and patient
mentorship. Also critical has been the ongoing institutional support for this initiative from the World Economic Forum and the leadership
of our chairman, whose vision of the Fourth Industrial Revolution has been inspirational to this work.

Finally, we are grateful to Deloitte Consulting LLP in the United States, an entity within the Deloitte 1 network, for its generous
commitment and support in its capacity as the official professional services adviser to the World Economic Forum for this project.

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The New Physics of Financial Services | 1


Editors’ note
Artificial intelligence is a critical aspect of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and has emerged as a clear focus of discussions at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting
over the past few years. Financial institutions around the world are making large-scale investments in AI, while governments and regulators seek to grapple with the significant
uncertainties and growing public trepidation as AI becomes central to the fabric of institutions and markets.
The World Economic Forum has a successful track record of providing detailed multistakeholder analysis of the changing landscape of the financial ecosystem, particularly
through our Future of Financial Services series. It was clear that a similar approach could cut through the sensationalism surrounding AI to provide valuable insights for the
private sector and policy-makers alike.
Over the past year, we have engaged in what may be the largest study of its kind into AI in financial services, and through this process we have discovered that the long-term
impacts of AI may be even more radical and transformative than we first imagined. Indeed, the central thrust of the document that follows is that the very fabric of the financial
services ecosystem has entered a period of reorganization, catalysed in large part by the capabilities and requirements of AI.
Our hope is that this document helps you and your institution make informed decisions about how to interpret the evolving role of AI in financial services and navigate the
turbulent changes on the horizon.
With regards,

R. Jesse McWaters Rob Galaski

Project Lead, Future of AI in Financial Services Global Leader, Banking & Capital Markets
World Economic Forum Deloitte Consulting

Past reports from the Future of Financial Services Series

(2015) (2016) (2016) (2017)

The New Physics of Financial Services | 2
Steering Committee

Members of the Steering Committee

Solmaz Altin Pierre-Olivier Bouée Nick Cafferillo
Chief Digital Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Technology Officer,
Allianz SE Credit Suisse S&P Global

Vanessa Colella Juan Colombas Robert Contri

Head of Citi Ventures & Chief Chief Operating Officer, Global Financial Services Leader,
Innovation Officer, Citi Lloyds Banking Group Deloitte

David Craig Alain Deschênes Rob Goldstein

President, Financial & Risk, Senior Vice President and Chief Chief Operating Officer,
Thomson Reuters Operations Officer, PSP Investments BlackRock

Rakshit Kapoor Ashwin Kumar Prof. Dr Axel P. Lehmann

Group Chief Data Officer, Group Head of Product President Personal & Corporate
HSBC Development, Deutsche Börse AG Banking, UBS

Daniel Nadler Max Neukirchen JP Rangaswami

Chief Executive Officer, Head of Strategy, JP Morgan Chase Chief Data Officer; Head of Strategy
Kensho and Innovation, Deutsche Bank

Kush Saxena Michael Zerbs

Chief Technology Officer, Chief Technology Officer,
Mastercard Scotiabank

The New Physics of Financial Services | 3

Working Group

Members of the Working Group

Secil Arslan Tim Baker Beth Devin
Head of R&D Special Projects and Global Head of Innovation, Financial Head of Innovation Network,
AI / ML, Yapi Kredi & Risk, Thomson Reuters Citi

Roland Fejfar Gero Gunkel Milos Krstajic

Executive Director – FinTech IBD, Group Head of Artificial Intelligence, Data Scientist at Allianz Group,
Morgan Stanley Zurich Insurance Allianz SE

Wei-Lin Lee Juan Martinez Lena Mass-Cresnik, Phd

Senior Director, Strategy and Managing Director – America and UK BlackRock
Growth, PayPal Region, SWIFT

Michael O’Rourke Jennifer Peve Jim Psota

Head of Machine Intelligence and Co-Head of FinTech Strategy, Co-Founder & Chief Technology
Data Services, NASDAQ DTCC Officer, Panjiva (S&P Global)

Annika Schröder Nicolas de Skowronski Chadwick Westlake

AI Program Lead, Group Innovation, Head of Advisory Excellence, Deputy Senior Vice President, Structural Cost
UBS Head, Investment Solution Group, Transformation & Lean, Scotiabank
Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd

The New Physics of Financial Services | 4

Project Team

Members of the Project Team

Project Leadership Project Authors
The Future of AI in Financial Services project leadership team includes the The World Economic Forum expresses its gratitude to the following individuals
following individuals: on the project team:

World Economic Forum LLC Deloitte Canada

R. Jesse McWaters, Lead Author, Project Lead Courtney Kidd Chubb, Senior Manager
Matthew Blake, Head of Financial and Monetary System Initiative Denizhan Uykur, Senior Consultant

Professional Services Leadership from Deloitte Special thanks for contributions from:
Rob Galaski, Co‐Author, Project Adviser Alexandra Blickling, Allianz
Thorsten Münch, Deutsche Börse

Additional thanks
The project team expresses gratitude to the following individuals for their contributions and support:

Emma Barton Jenny Pan

Gabriel Brassard Alexandra Romic
Kerry Butts Siddhant Sachdev
Alexandra Durbak Steven Siegel
Maha Eltobgy Elaine Smith
Nadia Guillot Hemanth Soni
Tiffany Hart Ferdina Yarzada
Abel Lee Han Yik

The New Physics of Financial Services | 5

Table of contents

Context and approach
7 Background

The new physics of financial services

17 Executive summary

How will AI reshape financial services?
22 Key findings

What are the opportunities and challenges for implementing

55 AI in financial services today?
Opportunities, challenges and broader societal implications

How is AI being deployed by sectors of financial services?

85 Sector explorations

How might the continued evolution of AI affect the

142 future of financial services?
Selected “what if?” scenarios for the long-term implications of AI for financial services

Concluding thoughts
153 Next steps for the financial services ecosystem

155 Additional Reading

157 Acknowledgements
Context and approach
Context and approach | History of AI

Unlike past ‘AI Springs’, the science and practice of AI appears poised to
continue an unprecedented multi-decade run of advancement
AI development over time1

Mainframes Semiconductor microprocessors Big data Cloud storage and processing “Internet of Things”
1953 – IBM unveils the IBM 701 “Defense 1971 – Intel launches the Intel 4004 chip, known 1998 – John Mashey popularizes the term “big 2006 – Amazon Web Services (AWS) launches5 2008–2009 – More “things or objects” than people
Calculator” mainframe2 as the first commercially available microprocessor3 data”4 are now connected to the internet6

Science fiction AI spring AI winter AI spring AI winter AI spring

1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010 – Present

− Alan Turing publishes − With funding from sources − Lack of computing − John Hopfield and David − Chess grand master Garry − Stanford robot wins the − 2011 – Apple releases Siri,
Computing Machinery and such as DARPA, power limits the progress Rumelhart popularize Kasparov is defeated by DARPA Grand Challenge7 the first modern “virtual
Intelligence, which posits a academics lead a boom in of AI technologies, drying “deep learning” IBM’s Deep Blue assistant”
logical framework on how AI research up funding techniques − Geoffrey Hinton and others
to build “intelligent” − Dragon Systems speech repopularize − 2016 – Google
machines and test their − Newell and Simon’s − Japanese government recognition software is “backpropagation” for Deepmind’s AlphaGo,
intelligence (the Imitation General Problem Solver invests $400 million in AI implemented on Windows deep belief nets8 trained using
Game) and related technology “reinforcement
− Joseph Weizenbaum’s − 2009 – Google Brain uses learning”, defeats Lee
ELIZA GPUs to create capable Sedol on a game of Go10
deep neural nets9

What is different now? What’s next on the horizon?

• Technology advancement: Enabling technologies have provided both the data and the • Transfer learning: Current AI technologies lack the ability of “abstraction”, which is the
access to cheap processing power that was lacking in past AI winters ability to take lessons from one area and apply them to another
• Talent and focus: AI development today is being led by technologists rather than • Efficient deep learning: Deep learning shows promise in reducing the effort required to
academics. Beyond just proofs of concept or trials, software engineers are building real apps train models by automating feature extraction. However, heavy data requirements make
for the real world, leading to myriad successful-use cases across the economy these techniques impractical for common uses. New developments will increase the
efficiency of these algorithms
• Leadership and investment: Big technology firms, with immediate-term profitability
requirements, are betting heavily on AI, demonstrating the belief that these technologies will • Unstructured learning: In the pursuit of general intelligence, advancements in
improve profitability reinforcement learning and other simulation-based modelling techniques are opening up new
areas in which AI can be used
The New Physics of Financial Services | 8
Context and approach | Focus on AI

The public discourse on AI in financial services is highly sensationalized, creating

an excess of both exuberance and fear
Tremendous excitement is driving today’s “artificial intelligence moment”

Tepid but significant

Significant cross-industry Sustained and strong A top priority for financial
investment from financial
investment investment growth service executives

~$58 billion 48% CAGR ~$10 billion 76%

Global AI investment by Global cross-sector growth in Investment in AI by financial of banking CXOs agree that
202111 AI investment through 202111 institutions by 202012 adopting AI will be critical to
their organization’s ability to
differentiate in the market13
However, this excitement is also coupled with significant uncertainty

AI investing could be the next crisis

Robots Could Steal 40% of Jobs14

Sensationalism risks dampening the benefits that AI could bring to financial services, while exacerbating the harms

The New Physics of Financial Services | 9

Context and approach | The AI effect

Conversations with global experts and business leaders reveal a lack of common
definitions for AI – this is an example of the ‘AI effect’
No one can agree on what “artificial intelligence” is or isn’t
There is a marked lack of clarity around the definition of AI, which frequently leads to confusion and outright disagreement. In our interviews with stakeholders we found
slight – and sometimes not-so-slight – variations in experts’ definitions of AI, irrespective of their technical background or formal education in computer science and computer

Selected quotes from interviews

“What we’re
“AI is really
talking about is
“Machine deep learning –
learning isn’t no one has
AI!” “Machine “Cognitive is the achieved AI”
learning is a human aspect of
subset of AI” AI”

The AI effect
This lack of definitional clarity is illustrative of a well-documented phenomenon called the “AI effect”. Essentially, this means the inability of observers to agree on what is, and
isn’t, intelligence and a tendency to conclude that the existing capabilities of computer programs are not “real” intelligence. Author Pamela McCorduck illustrates this
phenomenon particularly eloquently, saying: “It’s part of the history of the field of artificial intelligence that every time somebody figured out how to make a computer do
something – play good checkers, solve simple but relatively informal problems – there was a chorus of critics to say, ‘that’s not thinking’.”14

“Intelligence is whatever machines haven’t done yet”

– Larry Tesler, 197015

The New Physics of Financial Services | 10

Context and approach | Definition(s) of AI

So what do people really mean when they say ‘artificial intelligence’?

While no one can agree on what AI is, they clearly mean something when they use the term

When business people talk about AI, they typically are not talking about a particular technical approach or a well-defined school of computer science, rather they are
talking about a set of capabilities that allows them to run their business in a new way. At their core, these capabilities are almost always:
A suite of technologies, enabled by adaptive predictive power and exhibiting some degree of autonomous learning, that have made dramatic advances in our
ability to use machines to automate and enhance:

Pattern detection
Recognize (ir)regularities in data

Determine the probability of future events

Generate rules from specific profiles and apply general data to optimize outcomes

Generate rules from general data and apply specific profiles against those rules

Communicate with humans through digital or analogue mediums

Many applications of AI-driven technology use a combination of the above automations and enhancements

The New Physics of Financial Services | 11

Context and approach | AI and other technologies

It is important to understand that AI does not exist in a vacuum – its capabilities

will be intertwined with the development of all other technological innovations
Emerging technologies are mutually reinforcing, and the abilities of any one new technology are influenced by its interactions with other technologies

Focus on AI alone is not sufficient to understand the myriad ways in which it Several examples of mutually reinforcing interactions
could be used within financial institutions. Much like other disruptive
technologies, AI is not a panacea, and must be understood within the context of
all other technologies that will affect how businesses operate.

Advances in any one technology will increase the capabilities of all other
technologies that interact with it. For example:

• Blockchain offers a source of immutable data that does not require Block-
centralized verification, which could be critical for identity management chain
• While quantum computing holds the potential to break many encryption
methods today, it may also bring new and even stronger techniques that will
make blockchain more secure

• Advanced and different computation methods provided by quantum Decision-making for

computing will allow AI to tackle new problems that were previously smart contracts
incalculable Quantum
• AI will enable increasingly complex and automated smart contracts to be New computational
executed, allowing more blockchain use-cases to enter the mainstream Data
• Cloud computing will provide both the data storage and the processing power
necessary to train new AI models, in turn making cloud infrastructure a
critical part of organizations

The potential list of interactions is endless, and will continue to develop and Cloud AI
grow as these technologies mature and new disruptive technologies come to Processing
fruition. power

The New Physics of Financial Services | 12

Context and approach | Report purpose

Initial conversations confirmed there is an acute need to improve our

understanding of the strategic implications of the suite of technologies we call AI
Our identification of a gap in research on the strategic implications of the future of AI in financial services

While there is a huge volume of work investigating the role of AI in financial services, this work has focused mostly on observing and reporting near-term trends, or detailing
technical requirements.

Explored by numerous white papers and research efforts Covered by a wealth of technical and operation research

Trend reporting Technical foundations

Gap in today’s discourse

Strategic implications

There are a vast number of reports tracking the Computer science literature and research by leading
emergence and development of AI and reporting on institutions have produced a wealth of material on
emerging-use cases how to implement and optimize AI solutions
There is a lack of content that explores changes
to the shape and structure of financial institutions
and the competitive nature of financial markets
resulting from the increased use of AI

The New Physics of Financial Services | 13

Context and approach | Research methodology

The World Economic Forum, with support from Deloitte, has conducted one of
the world’s largest studies into the impact of AI in financial services
 200+ subject matter expert interviews with  Seven global workshops that brought together  Ten months of extensive research
leaders across incumbents and innovators* stakeholders from different backgrounds

Working with leading incumbents… …and with leading innovators & academics

Hosting interactive discussions in financial capitals around the world

San Francisco, USA London, UK Zurich, Switzerland New York, USA Hong Kong, SAR Sydney, Australia Davos, Switzerland

*See page 155 for full list of contributors

The New Physics of Financial Services | 14
Context and approach | Report scope

This report will provide executives, regulators and policy-makers with a view of
AI’s impact on operating models and competitive dynamics in financial services

This report will… This report will NOT…

− Describe how existing AI capabilities are changing the operating models of − Delve into the technical details of how the capabilities of any particular AI
financial institutions technology works

− Explore how AI is shifting the strategic priorities and competitive dynamics − Provide recommendations for how any one institution should optimize
of financial services their competitive positioning by using AI

− Raise near- and longer-term challenges that create regulatory and public − Detail implementation strategies for pursuing potential new opportunities
policy uncertainties

This report will help…

− Strategic decision-makers chart the direction for their institutions, based on a heightened awareness of how the basis of competition is changing

− Regulators understand the challenges they face and what responses are necessary to protect consumers and institutions alike

− Policy-makers weigh the benefits and threats of new technologies in financial services and craft responses

The New Physics of Financial Services | 15

Context and approach | References

1. Anyoha, Rockwell. “The History of Artificial Intelligence”, as of 28 August 2017. Retrieved from
2. “History in the Computing Curriculum”. Retrieved from
3. Osborne, Adam (1980). “An Introduction to Microcomputers. Volume 1: Basic Concepts (2nd ed.)”. Berkeley, California: Osborne-McGraw Hill. ISBN 0-931988-34-9.
4. Lohr, Steve. “The Origins of ‘Big Data’: An Etymological Detective Story”, as of 1 February 2013. Retrieved from
5. “About AWS”. Amazon. Retrieved from
6. Evans, Dave. “The Internet of Things”, as of April 2011. Cisco. Retrieved from
7. Orenstein, David. “Stanford Team’s Win in Robot Car Race Nets $2 Million Prize”, as of 11 October 2005. Retrieved from
8. Somers, James. “Is AI Riding a One-Trick Pony?”, as of 29 September 2017. MIT Technology Review. Retrieved from
9. “From Not Working to Neural Networking”, as of 25 June 2016. The Economist. Retrieved from
10. Metz, Cade. “In Two Moves, Alphago and Lee Sedol Redefined the Future”, as of 16 March 2016. Retrieved from
11. “Roundup of Machine Learning Forecasts and Market Estimates, 2018”, as of 18 February 2018. Forbes. Retrieved from
12. “Banks Are Spending Billions of Dollars on AI to Give Their Customers an Amazon-Like Experience”, as of 14 December 2017. KPMG. Retrieved from
13. “Realizing the Full Value of AI in Banking”, as of 4 April, 2018. Accenture. Retrieved from
14. McCorduck, Pamela. “Machines Who Think: A Personal Inquiry into the History and Prospects of Artificial Intelligence”. 2nd ed. Natick, Mass: A.K. Peters, 2004.
15. “CV: Adages & Coinages”. Nomodes. Retrieved from

The New Physics of Financial Services | 16

The new physics of financial services
Executive summary
Executive summary | The new physics of financial services

AI is enabling financial institutions of every kind to drive new efficiencies and

deliver new kinds of value...
Key financial services opportunities enabled by AI Deposits and lending
Improve client advisory by
Automate and augment business
The diagram on the right illustrates a wide array of sector-specific opportunities that could credit decision-making
integrating into data streams for
opportunity discovery

be enabled by the deployment of AI in financial institutions. These opportunities (and the

way institutions choose to pursue them) are the foundation that drives the key findings of Use proxy data to
insure new risk
this report. Predict defaults with greater

Process claims
In this diagram we have arranged these opportunities along a spectrum of five classes of Improve trade speed and price
using dynamic execution methods
strategies. Moving from the centre of the diagram to the periphery, the five strategy types Offer tailored, always-on
experiences across channels Introduce new pricing
and payment models
range from conservative improvements to bold bets on new capabilities, highlighted below. Deploy new order types to protect
investors from risks proactively
Reduce fraud using new
Provide personalized, practicable tools and new data
Deploy holistic market- advice in real time
surveillance services Provide predictive analytics to clients
that help them better understand their
Doing the same Doing something Develop macroeconomic
indicators using internal data
Miniaturize unsecured
lending to be use-specific
Increase the capabilities of
sales agents and advisers

Automate alert triage, Advise clients on prevention strategies

thing, better radically different investigation and reporting Triage and grade claims to increase to lower their risk exposures
Offer insights on market adjudicator efficiency
structure and risk Automate reconciliation and Provide Just-In
incident reporting to improve Time Lending Increase capital efficiency through better risk Develop modern, mobile-first
service quality and cut costs modelling and real-time risk monitoring insurance offerings
Sell internal analytics Improve underwriting, pricing
Integrate post-trade workflows to Improve scale efficiencies to enter
capabilities “as a service” efficiency and accuracy
achieve straight-through processing new markets
Automate pre-trade analysis,
Develop real-time pre- and post- due diligence and administration Automate compliance and reporting Act as the ultimate personal

Leaner, faster Tailored Ubiquitous Smarter New value trade risk-management solutions
Offer seamless Drive loyalty by offering
shopper for customers

account setup and

operations products & presence decision- propositions Use broader and better data to
Automate investment
monitoring and reporting customer acquisition
bespoke incentives and
Offer prediction “as a
service” to merchants
develop predictive risk models that
advice making drive capital savings
Create an advisory
Use predictive models to improve deal Control ballooning Digitize customer capability for
identification, pairing and sales activities back-office servicing macroeconomic trends
compliance costs
Compete to become a provider of
Improve deal identification, invisible payments infrastructure
pairing and sales activities
Equip advisers with Holistically Offer outcome-
For convenience, we divide the financial system into six sectors that together encompass Achieve better investment
performance by using
highly personalized
understand investor
preferences in real
based portfolio
Deploy real-time
surveillance capabilities
new data in opaque time
(more or less) the entirety of financial services. These are: markets
Use existing but unused platforms
for distribution Increase detection

precision to eliminate
Deposits and lending false positives
Establish passive products Share more detailed
• Insurance that track new datasets economic insights

• Payments Mimic advanced strategies Analyse vast quantities of Continuously source new
while controlling costs data at scale and exclusive datasets
• Investment management
• Capital markets Develop unique Find new and Enable users to

strategies and new unique correlations effectively manage
Market infrastructure investment products between datasets their investments

Investment management

The New Physics of Financial Services | 18

Executive summary | The new physics of financial services

...but focusing exclusively on the capabilities that AI offers risks missing the
fundamental shift that is occurring in the physics of financial services

The first-movers in the deployment

of AI are able to compound their lead

The competitive dynamics of the Accelerating early data advantages to the

financial ecosystem are being benefit of both front and back offices, deeply
upended influences firms’ strategic approach to alliances,
infrastructure and talent
The operating models of financial Driving the formation of bifurcated markets
institutions are being fundamentally where scale and agility win at the expense of
reshaped mid-scale players

The bonds that have historically held Making financial institutions more specialized,
together financial institutions are leaner, highly networked and dependent on the
weakening capabilities of a variety of technology players

Creating new centres of gravity where emerging

and established capabilities are being combined
in unexpected ways

The New Physics of Financial Services | 19

Executive summary | The new physics of financial services

Yet shared prosperity in this future is not guaranteed, and requires deeper cross-
ecosystem collaboration than that which prevails today

Workforce engagement is critical to

the large-scale deployment of AI in
financial institutions
While AI is often seen as a substitute for human Institutions must balance their
talent, establishing a workforce that views the competitive impulses against
implementation of AI as an opportunity will be collaborative opportunities
critical for anything but the most marginal Time, energy and resources must be
business transformations. Achieving this will AI offers financial institutions the ability to
require an honest and collaborative relationship
committed to resolve outstanding
fundamentally to solve a host of shared problems
between an institution’s workforce and leadership that plague the industry and its customers – but regulatory uncertainties
only if they can come together to build shared The deployment of AI across financial services AI development must serve the needs
solutions raises challenging questions about the protection of customers and remain in the best
of both consumer interests and the stability of the interest of society
financial system – addressing these challenges
will demand public-private engagement across The deployment of AI should enable a fairer,
regulators, financial institutions and beyond more accessible and more stable financial
system. Maintaining a human-centric approach to
the deployment of AI will be critical to ensuring it
serves the interests of both individuals and
society at large
The New Physics of Financial Services | 20
Executive summary | Reading guide

What is in this report?

This report is split into four sections that will address the following questions:

1 2 3 4

How will AI reshape financial What are the opportunities How is AI being deployed by How might the continued
services? and challenges for sectors of financial services? evolution of AI affect the
Key findings implementing AI in financial Sector explorations future of financial services?
Page 22 services today? Page 85 Selected “what if?” scenarios for the
Opportunities, challenges and long-term implications of AI for
broader societal implications financial services
Page 55 Page 142

Our predictions for the evolution of financial Our perspective of the near-term impact of AI Our understanding of AI applications across Our exploration of several potential
services as a result of institutions pursuing on customers, financial institutions, regulators sectors in financial services, highlighting key disruptive scenarios that may proliferate in
AI-enabled strategies and society at large AI-enabled strategies for institutions the longer term

The New Physics of Financial Services | 21

How will AI reshape financial services?
Key findings
AI is changing the physics of financial services…
weakening the bonds that have historically held together financial institutions, while
creating new centres of gravity where new and old capabilities are being combined
in unexpected ways
Key findings | Shifting competencies

AI is altering the attributes necessary to build a successful business in

financial services
The resolution of previous trade-offs will create a new wave of transformation across the global financial services industry…

Dominant institutions in the past In the future, these institutions will

were built on… be built on…
Scale of assets Scale of data
Economies of scale presented a cost As AI drives operational efficiency, economies of scale
advantage alone will not sustain cost advantages

Mass production Tailored experiences

Physical footprint and standardized products AI allows the scaled distribution of highly customized
drove cost-effective revenue growth products and personalized interactions

Exclusivity of relationships Optimization and matching

Ability to have direct access to many markets and Connections are digitized, increasing the importance
connections to investors was a critical differentiator of optimizing the best fit between parties

High switching costs High retention benefits

High barriers to switching providers drove Continuously improving product performance to offer superior
customer retention customer outcomes and new value will keep clients engaged

Dependence on human ingenuity Value of augmented performance

Processes scaled through additional The interplay of strengths across technology
labour and functional training and talent amplifies performance

This shift will have far-reaching consequences for the make-up of financial services, placing legacy business models under pressure
from those whose businesses are built around these new attributes

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 24
Key findings | Overview

The changing physics of financial services will transform the financial ecosystem
in the following ways
Key findings: AI in financial services will…

Make front- and back-office From cost centre to Institutions will turn AI-enabled operations into external services, both accelerating the rate at which these
operations look radically profit centre capabilities improve and compelling others to become consumers of those capabilities to avoid falling behind
A new battlefield for As past methods of differentiation erode, AI presents an opportunity for institutions to escape a “race to the bottom”
customer loyalty in price competition by introducing new ways to distinguish themselves to customers

Self-driving finance 3 Future customer experiences will be centred on AI, which automates much of customers’ financial lives and improves
their financial outcomes

Collective solutions for Collaborative solutions built on shared datasets will radically increase the accuracy, timeliness and performance of
shared problems non-competitive functions, creating mutual efficiencies in operations and improving the safety of the financial system

Create major shifts in the Bifurcation of market As AI reduces search and comparison costs for customers, firm structures will be pushed to market extremes,
structure and regulation of structure amplifying the returns for large-scale players and creating new opportunities for niche and agile innovators
financial markets

In an ecosystem where every institution is vying for diversity of data, managing partnerships with competitors and
Uneasy data alliances 6
potential competitors will be critical, but fraught with strategic and operational risks

The power of data Regulations governing the privacy and portability of data will shape the relative ability of financial and non-financial
regulators institutions to deploy AI, thus becoming as important as traditional regulations to the competitive positioning of firms

Raise critical challenges for Finding a balanced Talent transformation will be the most challenging speed limit on institutions’ implementations of AI, putting at risk the
society to resolve 8
approach to talent competitive positioning of firms and geographical areas that fail to effectively transition talent alongside technology

AI will necessitate a collaborative re-examination of principles and supervisory techniques to address the ethical grey
New ethical dilemmas 9
areas and regulatory uncertainties that reduce institutions’ willingness to adopt more transformative AI capabilities
Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 25
Key findings | Reading guide

This section of the report will examine each key finding, exploring the impacts
and implications of the new physics of financial services
The following slides will explore each “key finding” in three parts

These findings describe what the landscape of financial services may look like in the future, providing early signs that point to the realization of this future, and detailing how
different stakeholders might be affected

1 2 3

Description Evidence and examples Implications and uncertainties

Overview of the intricacies of each Early indicators that point to the Showcase of how the incentive
finding in terms of how it will shape the realization of this finding structures affect different stakeholders
future of the industry and what uncertainties remain to be

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 26
Key findings | Finding 1: From cost centre to profit centre

AI-enabled back-office processes can be improved more rapidly by offering them

‘as a service’ to competitors
Traditional model Back-office “as a service” model

− Institutions develop AI-driven centres of − Institutions develop AI-driven centres of

Institution excellence around certain processes, yet Institution excellence around given processes, and
Data and
have other processes that lag behind best- processing offer that process “as a service”
Activity 1 in-class capabilities External activity Fintech specialist
− These processes continuously learn and
Activity 2
− Achieving excellence across all processes External activity 3rd party incumbent improve using data from their collective
is challenging users, improving at a rate faster than could
Centre of 3rd party incumbent
Activity 3
− In the long term, competitors will move to be achieved by any one institution
replicate the efficient capabilities of a few Continuously
improving − This creates a defensible advantage in
institutions, limiting the defensibility of this process efficiency and a sustained revenue source
Data advantage 3rd party incumbent
Lead capabilities Lagging capabilities Data

The proliferation of externalized services across back-office processes is a result of both the rise in modularized operations and the data dynamics of AI

Operations are modularizing as institutions look Turning operations into service offerings As external services continue to improve, other
to commoditize their costs provides a defensible economic advantage institutions are pushed to become consumers
Cost commoditization is pushing institutions to modernize Beyond creating revenue streams, these services bring in Individual institutions will not be able to compete
their operations to make them more interoperable more data, which ensures AI models continuously improve independently with the efficiency of collective services
− Investments in modernized operations can improve the − As more institutions become users of a service and integrate − Institutions become increasingly locked into mutualized
immediate efficiency of those processes, as well as lay the their data flows, underlying algorithms learn from their data – services built on collective data. Individual institutions would
groundwork to turn those processes into service offerings continuously increasing the efficiency of the overall process need significant innovation to develop algorithms that
− These operations, particularly AI-based processes, are − This ensures institutions that move quickly to modernize overcome their comparative data deficit
increasingly built on modular and cloud-based architecture, operations have the potential to develop a sustained − Data advantages are more sustainable than algorithmic
meaning they are easy to scale to new users operational advantage advantages, as AI research is open source and new
innovations can be mimicked by competitors
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Key findings | Finding 1: From cost centre to profit centre

Existing examples of software ‘as a service’ offerings provide a blueprint upon

which a majority of AI-based services in financial institutions could be built
We observe that large-scale service offerings, such as those from BlackRock and Ping An, have demonstrated the success of this model

Across financial services, both new applications and legacy technology are moving to the cloud and microservice
Modular microservice architectures. IDC estimates that by 2021, hyper-agile architectures will be mainstream, with 80% of application
architecture at the heart of development done on cloud platforms using microservices and cloud functions.1 At the back end, cloud infrastructure makes
future banking technology up a third of all IT spending in financial services and is growing at over 20% CAGR as institutions push to migrate legacy
technology onto modern platforms.2

The Virtuous Cycle of Data3 The virtuous cycle of data is a conceptual framework proposed by the Stanford academic and former Baidu chief scientist
Andrew Ng,3 and others. It describes how institutions can set up continuously improving services using AI, in effect creating
Great product
a defensible offering with high switching costs. Google Translate, Spotify’s Discover Weekly and Facebook’s timeline
algorithm are examples of services built on AI that have been progressively improving over time as users interact with those
improves attracts
Development of products with services. Google Adwords exhibits similar virtuous data cycles for corporate customers. Competitors that start from scratch
explicit virtuous data cycles with the goal of competing with these services will face a steep uphill battle.
Data Users


BlackRock and Ping An are two examples of incumbent financial institutions that internally developed world-class services,
and decided to externalize those services to develop new revenue streams. BlackRock Chief Executive Larry Fink has
Externalization of best-in-class stated that he wants Aladdin to make up 30% of BlackRock’s revenues.4 Ping An’s OneConnect is its internal advanced
processes by incumbents technology infrastructure, covering everything from core banking technology to advanced AI capabilities. They have
transformed this technology into a service offering used by nearly 500 banks across China.5

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Key findings | Finding 1: From cost centre to profit centre

The transformation of the back office will shift the competitive basis of firms
towards the front office, and change the distribution of talent in the industry

Operational efficiency is removed Market power shifts to service Reduced redundancies and Talent will shift from financial
as a competitive differentiator providers increased concentration institutions to service providers
Back-office processes become As service provider offerings become As financial institutions become As institutions become primarily
increasingly uniform across financial increasingly efficient, institutions that collectively reliant on a diminishing consumers of capabilities, jobs will
services as most institutions will consume those services face high number of critical systems, flaws flow out of financial institutions but be
consume similar capabilities, forcing switching costs, allowing service within those systems have a recreated in service providers.
institutions to look for new areas of providers to charge high margins magnified impact on the financial Consequently, roles may look
differentiation system considerably different


How will incumbent institutions, which How will institutions protect the Given that the move to third-party Which aspects of third-party services
traditionally have not invested heavily competitive value of their proprietary services is expensive and will regulators approve of and
in research and development, build data in a world where that data must operationally burdensome for most champion, and how will outstanding
centres of excellence that are be shared with competitors to access firms, which types of service offerings regulatory and prudential concerns be
attractive service offerings? minimum requirements of efficiency? will succeed and which will fail? resolved?

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Key findings | Finding 2: A new battlefield for customer loyalty

Historically important differentiators for attracting and retaining customers are

eroding, while AI is enabling new ways to differentiate offerings and win clients

Historic differentiators for attracting customers Emerging differentiators for attracting customers
AI is driving a dramatic shift in how financial
The factors that were important to financial institutions in remaining institutions should attract and retain active customers As it frees financial institutions from the need to make trade-offs
competitive are reaching equilibrium, reducing institutions’ ability to between better service and cost, AI is giving rise to a new set of
differentiate using these factors competitive factors on which financial institutions can differentiate

Price Customization
Platforms are making price discovery much easier, The ability of institutions to optimize financial outcomes
placing pressure on margins and creating a “winner- by tailoring, recommending and advising customers
takes-all” environment for the institution able to provide better will allow them to compete on value offered
the lowest price
The old methods of differentiation are becoming a
race to the bottom as AI commoditizes these methods
Capturing attention
The ability of financial institutions to engage users and
As AI and other technologies enable more and more access data through ongoing and integrated interactions
products and services to become instant and real-time, beyond financial services (e.g. offering forecasting
fast services will cease to be a differentiating factor (and services to merchants, booking repairs for vehicle
instead become table-stakes functionality) damage, etc.) will allow them to better retain customers
At the same time, AI is creating new differentiators,
driven by access to unique datasets and virtuous
cycles of data; institutions must use emerging Developing ecosystems
technologies and secular trends to remain competitive Financial institutions’ ability to bring together data from
As the move to digital distribution and servicing of
multidimensional networks that include their consumers,
financial services accelerates, extensive branch and
corporate clients and third parties will allow them to offer
broker networks are no longer needed; allowing digital
differentiated advice and improve performance
connections (e.g. via app) to become the norm

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Key findings | Finding 2: A new battlefield for customer loyalty

Financial institutions are seeking to differentiate themselves by using AI to build

new products and data ecosystems
We observe that AI is shifting the basis for competition within financial services to mimic competition within the technology sector

RBC’s investments in diversifying its digital platform have allowed it to incorporate a broader ecosystem of services. For
Financial institutions are example, RBC is piloting a forecasting tool for car dealers to predict demand for vehicle purchases based on customer data. By
offering integrated services offering this tool alongside its lending solutions, RBC gives an incentive to car dealers to offer RBC lending products more
beyond financial products frequently. Other examples, among many, include software that helps register start-ups or facilitate rentals on Airbnb. This
allows them to better compete in the race to own customers’ data and attention.6,7

Financial institutions in the UK are revisiting their core value propositions now that open banking has come into effect. Lloyds
Institutions are shifting their Banking Group’s transformation investment of $4.1 billion a year is positioning the company to combine banking and insurance
role to become ecosystem services, along with new API-enabled propositions, to compete in the digital world. This is supplemented with a major focus on
curators AI capabilities to transform the customer proposition and business operations. The aim is to be an ecosystem provider and a
“trusted guardian of data” in the age of many providers.8

Ping An has aggressively invested in building a suite of ecosystem partners, services and products to achieve a massive scale
Institutions with strong
of data beyond just financial services. Through a suite of apps in finance, medicine, cars and housing, it is able to take
multidimensional ecosystems
advantage of data from over 880 million users, 70 million businesses and 300 partners to power its core business.9 For example,
access massive scale of data
by offering apps that cover insurance, payment and telemedicine, Ping An is able to see the gaps in service and address them to
and insight
improve diagnosis efficiency and accuracy – dramatically improving the overall quality of its offerings.

Competition between
In what Google calls “Gen C”, people crave engagement over exposure, and prefer brands that create experiences that are
technology companies
relevant and valuable. Companies such as Google and Amazon harness this behaviour by developing products and experiences
foreshadows how financial
that cross sector boundaries – with the intention of using their technological advantage and scale of data to provide differentiated
institutions will compete for
and higher-quality experiences that will further attract and retain customers.10

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Key findings | Finding 2: A new battlefield for customer loyalty

Incumbents will need to radically alter the way they work and the types of
products they develop in order to compete for customers

Institutions need detailed insight Product development and a Large tech firms have distinct Margins will be squeezed for
into customer behaviour both willingness to experiment will be advantages in attracting new institutions that do not develop
inside and outside financial critical skills for institutions customers new differentiators
services To succeed, incumbents will need to The core strategies of tech Institutions that are slow to implement
Institutions will need to be highly harvest new resources and ways of companies have been highly focused new ways of differentiating their
focused on delivering what customers working, including technical AI skills, on capturing user attention (and data) products face an uphill battle
actually want. This means getting to product development capabilities, by offering free products and maintaining margins, especially after
know customers beyond just their new datasets and cultures of services. Financial services offered traditional metrics such as price and
finances and looking for opportunities innovation and experimentation by these players will benefit from the speed are normalized due to
to improve their day-to-day lives existing service shelf technology

Will incumbents be successful in What is the natural equilibrium of How will regulators manage the As financial institutions build datasets
offering value-added services that price in a platform economy and what complexity (e.g. in assessing that stretch to new industries, what
compete with existing offerings in margins can institutions expect to suitability) created by customized are the boundaries and principles that
different industries? earn without differentiation? product attributes? should be obeyed regarding customer

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Key findings | Finding 3: Self-driving finance

AI can deliver a radically reimagined customer experience by allowing customers’

finances to run themselves, and acting as a trusted adviser in moments of need
Financial advice, part of every product, is flawed A “self-driving” vision of finance could transform the delivery of financial advice

Most financial advice is generic and delivered Consumers interact with the agent for Products are provided by product
impersonally (e.g. calculator-based, with average advice and to customize their products manufacturers (e.g. financial Institutions)
Complex decisions receive advice e.g.:

Retirement Corporate
Home purchase
planning financing
Reliance on subjective advice from different Users
customer service agents leads to suboptimal Self-
driving Level of perception Products
financial outcomes
agent Routine decisions are automated e.g.:

Treasury and Bill payment, Refinancing

cash flow savings loans
Advice is based on limited information as sharing Data
of product and customer information is
ineffectual within and across institutions

AI enables self-driving finance in three key ways

Empowered platforms Mass advice and customization Continuous optimization
The ability to compare and switch between products and Advice will be increasingly personalized and products will Algorithms operating below the level of perception will
providers is critical to managing financial decisions increasingly be bespoke thanks to the use of data automate most routine customer decisions

− AI can unlock the potential of emerging multi-provider − Advanced recommendation engines can be used to − Day-to-day financial management will be automated as
platforms by defining customer experiences customize the features and price for each financial product, always-on algorithms and advisory platforms emerge
− Institution- and product-agnostic algorithms are critical in using data from a variety of sources, including customers, − For example, algorithms can optimize cash flows (e.g.
matching customers with products based on price and fit as groups and third-party sources savings rates), avoid fees, monitor for better deals and
determined by data − Automated, sophisticated advice allows for a frequent, switch providers when necessary
− Platforms can dominate the race for customers by providing proactive and personalized service that is not economical − This will result in better customer experiences around price
the best financial outcomes under traditional human-based customer service models and product

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Key findings | Finding 3: Self-driving finance

A growing number of financial institutions are applying AI to customer advice and

interactions, laying the groundwork for self-driving finance
We observe that the necessary components for self-driving finance are being developed and implemented by fintechs and incumbents alike

In the past, personal financial management apps were restricted to describing a customer’s financial situation; they were unable
to provide actionable insights and recommendations. The next generation of these services (e.g. Clarity Money, MoneyLion
Next-generation personal
and others) are using AI to offer mass advice and customization to help improve customers’ financial positions (e.g. refinance a
financial management
loan, consolidate credit card debt or cancel certain recurring payments). Similar tools are being built for corporate clients (e.g.,
institutional investor dashboards.)

Tools to consolidate Citi recently launched a mobile app that allows customers to link their accounts across providers to deliver a 360-degree view
customers’ financial lives of their financial lives across all banks and providers.11 Chat platforms such as WeChat have emerged to enable continuous
optimization of financial positions, and are offering interoperability across different financial services verticals.

Myriad new apps have emerged that are automating routine savings and bill-payment activities. On the savings side, several
Automation of savings and bill apps, such as Acorns, round up payments to the nearest dollar and transfer the balance to a savings account. For bill
payment payments, start-ups such as Tally can aggregate all of a customer’s cards into one account and pay each individual bill through
a single line of credit.

New core banking infrastructure offerings are embedding all products into a single cloud system, allowing institutions to treat
Primacy of customization in their entire product portfolio as a single balance sheet and to enable dynamic customization and pricing. For example, Thought
future banking infrastructure Machine’s core infrastructure treats products as “smart contracts”, allowing new products to be quickly customized and
deployed through a wizard or direct code.

Multi-provider platforms are increasingly looking to empower their offerings through personalized recommendations for which
Multi-provider platforms
products and features are best suited to customers. Credit Karma, which has found success as a lead generator for loans,
becoming financial managers
raised $500 million in March 2018 to build financial adviser tools and extend their control of customer experiences.12

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Key findings | Finding 3: Self-driving finance

Self-driving finance will upend existing competitive dynamics, pushing returns to

the customer experience owner while commoditizing all other providers

Owners of customer experiences The frequency of customer Product manufacturers will shape Conduct risk will be transformed
will earn the largest margins interaction will be greatly reduced themselves around the algorithms There will be a large reduction in
Ownership of customers will be sticky There will be far fewer interactions Product manufacturers will lose direct conduct risk as sales activities will be
as self-driving agents become more between providers and customers as access to customers. Competition will performed through self-driving agents
accurate as they learn and collect the customer experience is largely increasingly revolve around as opposed to sales staff. However,
more data. This will allow owners of automated. However, the interaction optimizing the algorithms of self- when misconduct does occur, it will
customer experiences to exert market points that persist will become driving agents rather than targeting be on a much larger scale due to the
power and accrue the lion’s share of increasingly important and advice- customers directly connectivity of AI
profits available centric


Will it be incumbents, new entrants or What monetization models are During what situations will human How do we ensure that algorithm-
large technology companies that necessary to ensure that the advisers need to remain involved to driven decision-making can be trusted
deliver the self-driving agent? incentives for product manufacturers meet customers’ needs? Will this and held accountable?
are aligned to the interests of need diminish over time?
consumers and self-driving agents?

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Key findings | Finding 4: Collective solutions for shared problems

Collaborative AI-driven tools, built on shared datasets, can enable a radically

safer and more efficient financial system
Example Collective Fraud Prevention Model

Traditional model Collective solution

Proactive Response

Bad actor Institution #1 Institution #2 Institution #3 Bad actor Institution #1 Institution #2 Institution #3

Operations Operations Operations

Data Data Data
Predictive AI model

Lagged Lagged Lagged Collective data

response response response

Our research suggests that AI-based collective solutions present a significant opportunity to address core challenges of the financial system

Processes such as fraud prevention and anti- There is strong potential for cross-institutional AI presents a strong mechanism to collaborate as
money-laundering controls are run suboptimally collaboration on these issues the value of shared datasets is tremendous
Due to data asymmetries, many activities today are run These inefficient processes are rarely key differentiating AI benefits from scale in data to deliver performance that is
inefficiently and ineffectively capabilities, giving institutions flexibility over execution greater than the sum of its individual parts
− Many of these systematic inefficiencies are highly correlated; − Since they would not be sacrificing strategic factors critical – Processes that often involve large datasets and flows of data
the suboptimal process at one institution has knock-on for their differentiation, institutions would be more likely to are prime targets for AI implementations
effects on other institutions and across the ecosystem collaborate and mutualize these processes – AI can recognize patterns and develop insights on threats
− If unchecked, there is a threat of a system-wide contagion − Many of these processes are sector agnostic, being run at that cross institutional boundaries
− Timely response is critical to the resolution of these threats institutions at different levels in the value chain across – As institutions move to create common utilities, new
different product categories frameworks that address talent, governance and technology
standards will emerge
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Key findings | Finding 4: Collective solutions for shared problems

AI-based solutions are emerging that could address the numerous shared pain
points of the financial sector
We observe that both private institutions and collectives are moving to use AI to address shared problems

Cumulative financial penalties for non-compliance between 2009 and 2017 totalled $342 billion globally, with 89% of industry
Increasing regulatory focus is
$342 billion executives around the world expecting continued increases in compliance costs from 2017–2019.14 Regulatory priorities stretch
cumulative financial penalties for
straining institutions’ budgets non-compliance between 2009
beyond leverage and capital-adequacy requirements, and there is also increased focus on collective issues such as financial
and 201713 crime, privacy and data security. New regulatory requirements that emerge to address these areas will place pressure on
operating budgets for institutions.

Collective institutions such as SWIFT and EarlyWarning have started developing service offerings that will leverage AI and the
collective power of data to address some of the biggest threats. SWIFT is launching a new intelligent in-network solution for
Early-stage collective utilities
fraud control that combines real-time monitoring, and alerting and blocking of sent payments, with daily reporting. The solution
are emerging, backed by key
gets “smarter” over time and is part of SWIFT’s commitment to develop leading-edge technology solutions, including AI and ML,
service providers
to help its customers address their regulatory, fraud prevention and risk mitigation requirements. EarlyWarning is a fraud and
risk-management technology company, started by a collective of the largest US banks, that employs AI.

AI-based transaction
Companies such as ComplyAdvantage and Shift Technology have demonstrated significant benefits in using AI-based
monitoring models have a
algorithms to monitor transactions. ComplyAdvantage claims to have achieved an 84% reduction in false positive alerts for AML
demonstrated advantage over
risk data, while Shift Technology is helping insurers fight claims fraud using AI.17
the status quo

Many have speculated that real-time payment brings with it “real-time fraud”. There is evidence to support this contention: the
Real-time and digitized
UK experienced a 132% increase in fraud in the year after it implemented the Faster Payments scheme15 and, thanks to
transactions are presenting
automation, insurance fraud cases are expected to double.16 Furthermore, experts have warned that the proliferation of AI
new collective risks
technologies could enable new forms of cybercrime and other threats across different industries.

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Key findings | Finding 4: Collective solutions for shared problems

New frameworks must emerge to enable shared accountability if collective

solutions are to succeed

The safety of the financial system Efficient compliance will become a Accountability and control must be Growing cyber-risks present
will be radically improved commodity renegotiated increasing operational challenges
If collective solutions succeed, real- As institutions collectivize their shared As certain processes are shifted to Institutions must develop strategies to
time scanning using full market data compliance services, they will shared utilities, institutions will seek to mitigate the increasing risk of abuse
has the potential to dramatically participate on the same competitive offload accountability to these central and leakage of highly confidential
increase institutions’ ability to react plane – removing efficiency of utilities as well, while regulators will information at a customer and
proactively to threats and catch compliance as a competitive push to hold the institutions transaction level, as well as the
malicious activities with improved differentiator accountable increased risk-sharing of sensitive
accuracy competitive information


What is the right ownership How will liability for errors and Can cross-border solutions be How will the industry ensure
framework for collective utilities to compliance failures be shared developed given a growing leadership and investment across the
ensure their interests are aligned with between utilities, collectives and divergence in financial and data financial system to overcome the
their stakeholders? individual institutions? regulations? barriers to collaboration?

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Key findings | Finding 5: Bifurcation of market structure

The economics of AI will push market structures to extremes, favouring scale

players and agile innovators at the expense of mid-sized firms
Scale players Regional / mid-sized firms Niche players


Consolidation of scale
Disappearance of mid- Proliferation of niche and
players into fewer but
sized firms agile firms
larger entities


Cause: AI will drive shifts in customer behaviour and operating economics Effect: This shift will simultaneously favour scale players and agile innovators

− Platforms will push customers more aggressively to switch to lower-cost products, as − Scale-based players have a natural cost advantage, allowing them to capture customers
price is the primary decision factor for most commoditized financial from mid-sized players, especially given increased price transparency in the industry
− Optimization algorithms will help customers find niche products that best fit their − Agile and niche players can capture under-served customers by optimizing their
unique needs, in cases where this behaviour dominates price offerings to the decision-making of algorithms and targeting unique, unmet needs
(e.g. niche insurance, unique investments). This could present an opportunity for non-bank new
− AI will allow new offerings to be built and scaled much more efficiently. Firms can use AI
entrants (e.g. tech companies)
services to establish full back offices (e.g. meeting regulatory requirements without massive
investment or the need to hire large workforces) − Mid-sized firms will struggle to make the investment necessary in AI to remain
competitive; as incumbent firms increasingly become AI service providers, firms that do not
have the capacity to build similar offerings will struggle
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Key findings | Finding 5: Bifurcation of market structure

Economic theory and market observations suggest that, as AI becomes more

important, firms will be pushed to market extremes
Evidence from economic theory

Economists have documented the power of information technology to drive firm structures to market extremes. Erik Brynjolfsson defined this phenomenon as being the result of the simultaneous creation of
long tails in product availability, combined with a winner-takes-all superstar structure.18 AI accelerates this phenomenon by magnifying the impact of several key drivers:
− Search and database technology: AI-based search algorithms can better match users with what they are looking for, making more qualitative aspects of financial services easier to search and compare
− Personalization: By enabling continuous customization, AI helps products better meet the unique needs of customers who were previously under-served
− Making niche products cheaper to build: As AI automates back-office processes, new products and offerings have a low marginal cost, improving the economics of offering niche products
− Improving returns to scale: As search costs are minimized, scale players have inherent advantages in offering the cheapest products (e.g. the lowest-rate loans or cheapest insurance premiums)

Evidence from observations

Scale players such as Vanguard have aggressively pursued a low-fee offering by taking advantage of economies of
Market extremes are already scale. In the ETF market, automated platforms (e.g. robo-advisers) have increased the ability to seamlessly optimize
developing in asset investments and fees, helping the scale players to win customers. At the other end of the spectrum, a new class of
management funds has emerged. These are led by innovative entrepreneurs who use AI and quantitative investing to deliver
differentiated return profiles that can be scaled rapidly without substantially increasing their costs or human capital

Respondents with at least one AI solution

deployed, by assets globally

25% 7% 3% Firms with fewer assets are lagging behind larger investment firms in both AI and digital transformation. A survey by
Mid-tier firms are lagging in DBR Research found that 48% of banks with more than $50 billion in assets have deployed an AI solution, compared to
48% 7% for banks with between $1 billion and $10 billion in assets. One reason for this is that mid-tier firms have tighter
technology investment
investment budgets and rely on technology vendors, resulting in limited internal capacity for innovation and a reduced
$50 billion– $10 billion– $1 billion– ability to move quickly.
$50 billion+
$10 billion $1 billion $500 million
Source: DBR Research19

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Key findings | Finding 5: Bifurcation of market structure

As institutions get pushed to market extremes, firm structures and core

competencies at either end of the spectrum will begin to look radically different

Aggressive competition will lead to Consolidation of mid-tier players Reduced costs of entry enable a Product shelves widen and
consolidation among scale players new generation of product diversify
As mid-tier financial institutions
In order to retain the favour of become less profitable, they will As more niche players enter the
recommendation algorithms, scale become acquisition targets for scale New firms will be formed by market and try to fill unique and
players will maximize their economies players to increase the size of their innovative entrepreneurs and will be under-serviced needs, consumers will
of scale, focus on key products and books able to scale rapidly. The shape of have access to new and different
divest from non-core activities in these new firms will be radically products that better fit their financial
order to improve price and different from traditional financial requirements
performance metrics institutions


How will regulators react to the As operational barriers to entry are To what degree will consolidation of How will emerging markets react to
increased consolidation of assets and reduced, will regulatory barriers scale players become a cross-border aggressive expansion of international
the risk of creating new “too big to similarly adapt to enable new phenomenon? firms into their domestic systems?
fail” entities? entrants?

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Key findings | Finding 6: Uneasy data alliances

Data partnerships emerging out of necessity will have winners and losers as
some firms are pushed to the periphery and others emerge as ecosystem hubs
In order to access the full benefits of AI, institutions will be pushed to enter into data partnerships for short-term opportunities

Depth of data Breadth of data Access to end users

Machine learning is very data hungry Diverse datasets are critical for most AI applications Institutions collect more data by being closer to users

Enables more accurate models Enables more complex-use cases Enables virtuous data cycles

However, these partnerships exhibit long-term risks, with the potential to create winners and losers

Partnership lock-in
Winner-takes-all experience Imbalance of market power Security and privacy risks Data imbalances
Institutions that become reliant on
Customer experience is winner-takes- Owners of customer experiences Increased data connectivity poses The gap in data between large techs
data flows from partnerships may
all, especially in platform and self- have strong market power and can pit security and privacy risks that could and incumbents will continue to grow,
become locked in unfavourable
driving ecosystems providers against each other break apart critical partnerships diminishing the power of asset scale

Alliance “losers” will be

Alliance “winners” will be those relegated to the
those who can successfully periphery of the ecosystem,
turn themselves into becoming interchangeable
ecosystem hubs with other data and capital

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Key findings | Finding 6: Uneasy data alliances

Partnerships are proliferating across the financial services ecosystem, but only
time will tell if these relationships drive sustained value
We observe that data partnerships are currently in the early stages of being formed, but are not yet at the stage where tensions have major impacts

The recent partnership between JPMorgan Chase, Amazon and Berkshire Hathaway to build a health insurance alliance for
Growth in partnerships their own employees demonstrates the power that can be unleashed through collaboration.20 The alliance will use big data and
between financial institutions technology to align incentives, increase customer engagement and improve targeted health plans (e.g. specialized medicine,
and technology companies smoking cessation and obesity programmes). However, many news outlets have speculated that Amazon is a challenger to
incumbent institutions and could potentially be a significant disruptive force in financial services.

As the UK Open Banking Standard and PSD2 go into effect, a number of new niche providers have emerged. Challenger banks
New entrants are expanding
such as N26 and third-party providers – for instance, Squirrel and Klarna – are rapidly expanding across Europe. These
more quickly as a result of
players are able to extract, from incumbents, the data necessary to power their operations without giving incumbent institutions
open banking
reciprocal access – essentially eroding incumbents’ data=exclusivity advantage.

Apple Pay, Google Pay and Uber’s credit card are all examples of nominally profitable but data-generating entries into
Technology companies are
financial services by technology companies. However, such affinity agreements are misaligned to shifts in the industry: data is
building products to access
an increasingly important input to differentiation, while the ability to generate meaningful profits from transaction revenue is
and generate financial data
declining. As a result, competitive tensions between technology companies and financial institutions are likely to grow.

New financial services ecosystems are emerging in Asian countries, building apps on top of existing technology platforms such
Emerging Chinese financial
as WeChat (e.g. Taikang Life). WeChat acts as the interoperability layer, connecting customer data with financial institutions,
ecosystems centre on data-
as well as institutions to each other. As they grow in size, these platforms become critical elements at the centre of these
sharing platforms
ecosystems, while the financial services providers are interchangeable based on customer preferences.

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Key findings | Finding 6: Uneasy data alliances

Incumbents are placed in a double bind: they cannot resist entering data
partnerships but these partnerships may threaten their competitive positioning

Partnership development is Large technology companies will Emerging tensions could threaten Unilateral restrictions on data-
becoming a critical competitive become critical sources of data alliance longevity sharing make forming partnerships
competency and customer experience difficult
By positioning themselves as the
Effectively developing the right data Due to their data advantage, large critical link across the ecosystem, Firms that move to prevent data-
partnerships while mitigating potential technology firms will be critical firms can turn other participants into sharing by their customers will
tensions in those relationships will components of the financial value commoditized service providers. struggle to form the data partnerships
allow firms to sustainably develop proposition. In the short term, Tensions arising from this may limit necessary to develop AI capabilities,
unique and differentiated products, incumbents will feel pressure to the longevity of emerging alliances which risks leaving them
insights and experiences partner with these firms to access uncompetitive
customers and data

How will new data regulations affect Who will retain control of the How will smaller and regional banks How will regulator-mandated data-
large tech companies, and will they customer experience in partnerships negotiate effectively with large sharing (e.g. open banking) affect the
be held to similar data-sharing between technology companies and technology companies, particularly if relative negotiating power of
standards as financial institutions? financial services firms? those technology companies already institutions in forming partnerships?
have major financial services
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Key findings | Finding 7: The power of data regulators

Data regulations will have transformative impacts on the shape and structure
of financial markets, particularly where they require increased data portability
Recent critical data regulations Influence of data regulations on market structures
The ability to use cloud-based services
The ability to use public and private cloud infrastructure, and to use the kinds of data that can be
hosted on the cloud, is critical to the development of AI applications A
Walled gardens
Impact on competitive dynamics
‒ Regulations on cloud usage by financial institutions vary globally, with stricter restrictions in
‒ Technology players in regions with more relaxed rules have an advantage in developing new
capabilities If large financial institutions maintain control over data-sharing (e.g. over
the terms of how they share customer data), they may prefer to strike bilateral
Data privacy and security partnerships with tech companies to access third-party data and AI capabilities.
Privacy and data-protection regulations (e.g. GDPR) are placing new limitations and requirements This would allow incumbents to sustain their market position while taking
on the collection, transmission and storage of personal data advantage of differentiated AI capabilities

Impact on competitive dynamics

‒ Data partnerships become increasingly difficult to manage as parties are held to stricter
‒ Consumers gain increasing control over their data, including control over who can access that
data and “the right to be forgotten” Platform-led

Data portability and open banking

Regulations in Europe (e.g. PSD2, UK Open Banking) require that incumbent institutions share
customers’ financial data with third parties (at the request of the customer)
Impact on competitive dynamics If personal financial data became hyper-portable, third parties would be able
− Large technology firms can access financial data and use it alongside a wealth of other personal to access incumbent-held customer data and build platforms, and customer data
data, giving them a head start in developing new AI applications for customers’ finances would cease to be a source of competitive differentiation. In this case,
− Financial institutions do not have the reciprocal ability to access non-financial data from third incumbents would likely compete on platform-based ecosystems, providing
parties (e.g. technology companies) commoditized products and competing against many manufacturers

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Key findings | Finding 7: The power of data regulators

Global data regulations are undergoing a period of unprecedented change as

governments move to adopt new rules to protect and empower citizens
New data regulations cover a range of issues from privacy to data protection and portability

The revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) of the European Union came into force in January 2018, with the aim of
GDPR and PSD2 are
enabling more innovative payments across Europe. In conjunction with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), this
dramatically reshaping the
means institutions have to carefully balance requirements to share data with third parties against the risk of substantial
European data economy
penalties in cases where data is mishandled.21

The UK open banking standard The UK has been one of the first jurisdictions to adopt open banking as a mandate across financial services. This push started
has the potential for major in 2016, with a report by the Competition and Markets Authority that found “older and larger banks do not have to compete hard
shifts in domestic financial enough for customers’ business, and smaller and newer banks find it difficult to grow”.22

While China does not have an open banking framework, the existing regulatory regime has been very conducive to fintechs and
Emerging Chinese ecosystems third-party providers. Proliferation of APIs (both public and private) between technology companies and incumbent institutions
centre on data platforms (e.g. WeChat and Alipay) have allowed these platforms to become interoperability layers to facilitate the flow of data across

Across different parts of the world, governments are considering radical changes to their data-openness regimes. Australia,
Singapore, Canada and Iran, among others, are actively considering some form of the open banking regulatory model, often
Globally, other countries are
mirroring the steps taken by the EU and the UK.24,25 These data regulations often extend beyond financial services and affect
considering new regulations
many different industries collectively. For example, the G20’s Anti-Corruption Working Group has identified cross-sector open
data as a priority to advance public-sector transparency and integrity.26

In the United States, data-sharing alliances are more ad hoc than mandated, with individual banks building bilateral
US regulators are largely silent relationships with data aggregators. Regulators have not signalled an intention to implement frameworks similar to the UK and
on data regulations the EU.27 However, the US Congress has been listening to testimony from large technology companies such as Facebook,
Google and Twitter on the topic of privacy and data security, which could lead to the emergence of new rules.28

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Key findings | Finding 7: The power of data regulators

The evolution of data regulations will be the critical driver in determining the roles
and relative positioning of different players in financial services

Incumbents must play an active Data regulations formulated in the Fintechs can thrive by using AI to Digital identity systems will be
role in shaping data regulation if coming years will have long- develop unique offerings and by critical to managing personal data
they are to remain competitive lasting effects on financial markets using open banking to access data flows
Wide-reaching, cross-sector data In many jurisdictions, data regulations Increased requirements for data As consumers gain increased control
regulations affecting entire economies are still being developed. In the portability will erode incumbents’ data over how their data is used, they will
will determine whether incumbents coming years, these regulations will advantage, allowing fintechs to need a consolidated point of control
can access the necessary external solidify and financial markets will be compete more effectively for scale of to easily manage consent and
data to continue to own the customer shaped by those regulations for the data authorization; this is likely to be a
experience foreseeable future digital ID system


What form will new open banking and What norms will develop regarding How will recent consumer concerns Will it be possible to effectively trans-
data privacy rules take in Canada, international data flows, and how will regarding improper data usage and locate AI models developed in more
Australia and other countries, and divergent domestic rules affect cross- sharing by large tech firms in Western permissive data regimes to less
how will financial institutions be border data flows? countries be resolved? permissive ones, and what impact
affected? with this have on competitive
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Key findings | Finding 8: Finding a balanced approach to talent

The near-term priorities of financial institutions are mismatched with the talent
required to deliver on a longer-term vision for business transformation
Transforming talent is critical to unlocking the most impactful applications of AI, making investments in talent strategy critical to long-term competitiveness

Financial institutions must

An outsized near-term focus on optimizing current achieve a balance between An insufficient long-term focus on accelerating
environments the rapid deployment of new business transformation
technologies and the
– Using AI to optimize current activities (e.g. contact centres – Net new opportunities for talent will be created by shifts to
development of a talent
and compliance functions) offers institutions immediate new business models and competitive dynamics
ecosystem that is fit for the
benefits from small-scale investments and does not require a
more transformative changes – Success in tomorrow’s business environment will be
clear vision of the future of the institution
facing the institution predicated on talent strategies and capabilities that are
– However, these optimization projects drive value primarily distinctly different from those that exist today (e.g. roles,
through headcount reduction – reducing jobs faster than new culture, rewards)
opportunities are created
– Financial institutions that fail to evolve talent strategies
– If talent erodes without a clear vision of the institution’s future alongside business transformation risk creating hard-to-fill
it risks creating unnecessary stumbling blocks for financial gaps in their talent profiles, due to an inability to attract, train
institutions as they strive to transform and retain people with the skills and capabilities that are
complementary to machines

An imbalanced focus on talent and technology is creating significant roadblocks to the transformational agendas of firms:

Leadership is not aligned to the potential and Organization structures remain rooted in traditional Incentives continue to reward a focus on near-
pace of innovation ways of working term results
– Uncertainty about the future of financial services is – Incumbent environments of financial institutions remain – Methods of reward and recognition are competing forces
confounding views on what talent will be required, and how hierarchical, with expansive spans and layers that are working against longer-term work efforts
different capabilities can be secured
– Attempts at structural change have weeded out duplication, but – Traditional structures of employment, including work
– Financial executives know they need to change, but are have yet to reshape the operations of financial institutions arrangements, compensation structures and retention
not aligned on the areas, impacts or timing of when that strategies, are hindering financial institutions’ ability to
– A vision for structural change needs to lead the articulation of
change will take place change their businesses by diverting forces to near-term
new ways of working, and subsequent roles that are required
performance metrics

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Key findings | Finding 8: Finding a balanced approach to talent

Financial institutions need help to conceptualize the union of talent and

technology as they aspire to move forward and achieve AI-driven growth
Evidence from economic theory
Economic historian Robert C. Allen observes that the current wave of transformation – often dubbed the Fourth Industrial Revolution – bears a strong resemblance to the Industrial Revolution of the 19th
century. In particular, the reaction of talent to increased use of AI is reminiscent of “Engel's Pause”, a phenomenon where a new technology results in a worsening of circumstance followed by increased
prosperity.29 This is highlighted in a number of examples and reinforces the need for institutions to re-evaluate their understanding of, and strategies for, both talent and technology transformations:
− In the immediate term, there is risk that unemployment rates rise: As AI digitizes and automates routine roles, there will be a net displacement of talent unable to rejoin the workforce with their existing
skills; the initial rise in unemployment will create the perception that AI is worsening society rather than improving it
− In the near term, a shift in talent will drive growth: For society to overcome these harms and embrace AI, the technology must be developed to a level where it is pervasive. Although this may be
technologically feasible, there will need to be a shift in priorities to encourage innovation and longer-term thinking, within and outside formal institutions
− Over the longer term, relationships between society and business will be redesigned: The benefits of AI will be maximized only if societal structures and processes adapt to support new ways of
working. By aligning with and enabling AI innovations, while working to address challenges, institutions and social structures will likely see prosperity that justifies AI-driven growth29

We observe that the current situation in financial services highlights historic under-investment in a longer-term vision for talent and technology

In an effort to optimize processes, many institutions have started in the back office, where there are often thousands of people
processing customer requests or tackling reporting needs. At one European bank, where 70% of applications were paper-
Product improvements have based, the time spent by staff on processing forms was reduced by 70% through digitization and automation.30
been the core focus of Institutions such as Mizuho Financial Group are developing AI tools to increase efficiency across both the front and back office,
financial institutions which they say could replace 19,000 staff (around a third of their staff) and close 30 branches.31 Contact centres are an area of
focus. These are becoming disrupted by new services such as Amazon Connect, which provides cloud-based, AI-driven
solutions that replace the contact centre and the sizeable real estate, FTE and management associated with it.32

There is wide-ranging agreement that, due to under-investment and lack of foresight on technological change, financial
As an industry, financial institutions face a serious mismatch between the skills and capabilities of their current workforce and those that will be
services is playing “catch-up” required to remain competitive in coming years. Though incumbents have begun prioritizing efforts to reskill, these efforts
to create a talent pool and appear broad in their approach, though foundational steps are underway (e.g. Scotiabank, BNP Paribas, BlackRock).33, 34, 35
culture that are ready for
Beyond reskilling, financial institutions must further reshape the internal culture of their organizations to attract and retain
people with sought-after skills and capabilities. This means moving away from the command-and-control cultures that trap
individuals in narrow roles, with little autonomy, and towards employee-centred environments that embrace the future of work.
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Key findings | Finding 8: Finding a balanced approach to talent

AI is giving rise to a new discipline with regard to how financial institutions plan
for their future talent and technology needs

Institutions face a prolonged skills Investment in talent is a critical Resistance to change will lead to a People management will become a
deficit enabler of AI number of false starts competitive advantage
Efforts to reskill are lacking a clear Talent strategies need to be The most significant roadblock to Financial institutions that are able to
view on the roles and responsibilities developed within the context of a change will be created by people due proactively create new talent
that institutions need today, and how defined strategy and target operating to insufficient “runway” (time, effort and experiences through the execution of
demand for skills will change over the model, allowing the evolution of talent investment) being prioritized at the evolved policies, processes and
longer term. The lack of vision and to be viewed as a strategic enabler – onset of transformations to establish structures will lead in their ability to
coordinated strategy puts institutions from enacting change and understanding, buy-in and continued effectively execute, and accelerate,
at risk of a prolonged skills deficit dependency to earning a return on motivation for commitment business transformations
other investments

What are the specific talent profiles How can institutions balance the How can financial institutions accelerate What should the role of government
that financial services will need to domain expertise they need today transformations when training, learning be during this period of uncertainty
evolve and perform within new with the quintessentially human and adapting takes place at human and as new talent economies unfold?
business models? capabilities they will need over the speed?
longer term?

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Key findings | Finding 9: New ethical dilemmas

Mitigating the social and economic risks of AI in financial services will require
multistakeholder collaboration
Global communities have a joint interest in mitigating the risks and harms of rapid technological development

Global and regional Consumer protection and the Employment and human Experience of other
Safety of the financial system
economic growth public interest capital industries

AI creates new opportunities to AI enables the dramatic AI expands the reach of effective AI provides new opportunities to AI makes data-driven connections
more efficiently and effectively simplification of processes, decision-making through the augment performance by across industries and borders to
combat bad actors through improving the speed, quality and democratization of financial improving the productivity of deliver value in differentiated
collective action… cost of commerce… advice… workers within redesigned roles… ways…

but…. but… but… but… but…

opens up the industry to broader has the potential to polarize global might continue to subject will reduce the need for labour is susceptible to creating
risks of contagion as AI demands communities as competition segments of the population to across routine tasks, leaving some excessive concentrations of
an increasing interconnectedness around AI development becomes a unfair and inequitable exclusions workers ”lost”, without the required market power and driving income
across domestic and cross-border point of regional conflict from certain products or services skills and capabilities for new roles inequality

While the potential benefits of AI will be striking, its potential risks to societal and economic well-being are too great to be left unaddressed

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Key findings | Conclusion

Responding to the new physics of financial services will require institutions to

maintain a challenging balance between competition and collaboration

The growing role of AI in shaping the future of financial services

will require financial institutions to simultaneously…

Be first and best in the deployment of AI Collaborate with many stakeholders

Because those institutions that are able to Because unlocking the full potential of AI requires
establish an early lead in using AI as a competitive an extensive network of partnerships and only
differentiator will be rewarded by virtuous collective efforts by financial institutions,
feedback cycles that compound their advantages alongside regulators and the broader public
and leave second movers struggling to catch up sector, can ensure that the expanded use of AI in
finance benefits society as a whole

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 52
Key findings | References

1. “IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Cloud 2018 Predictions”, as of October 2017. IDC. Retrieved from
2. “Worldwide Public Cloud Services Spending Forecast to Reach $160 Billion This Year, According to IDC”, as of 18 January 2018. IDC. Retrieved from
3. From the lecture “Artificial Intelligence Is the New Electricity”.
4. “BlackRock Bets on Aladdin as Genie of Growth”. Financial Times. Retrieved from
5. “Ping An Eyes $2bn Listing of OneConnect Fintech Unit”. Financial Times. Retrieved from
6. “Big Tech Knows You Better than Your Bank Does, and that Worries RBC’s CEO Dave McKay”, as of 6 April 2018. Financial Post. Retrieved from
7. “Royal Bank of Canada Warns on Big Tech Threat to Banking”, as of 14 June 2018. Fintech Collective. Retrieved from
8. “Strategic Update”, as of 21 February 2018. Lloyds. Retrieved from
9. “从平安到平台:科技创新赢未来陈”, as of 20 November 2017. Pingan. Retrieved from
10. “The Engagement Project: Connecting With Your Consumer in the Participation Age”, as of May 2013. Think with Google. Retrieved from
11. “Citibank Announces National Digital Banking to Serve Clients Across the U.S.”, as of 26 March 2018. CITI. Retrieved from
12. “Silver Lake Is Buying a $500M Stake in Credit Karma in a Massive Secondary Round”, as of 28 March 2018. Techcrunch.
13. “Global Banking Recovery Stalls, as Risk and Regulatory Costs Bite”, as of 22 February 2018. BCG. Retrieved from
14. “Opinions on Global Financial Services Regulation and Industry Developments for the Year Ahead”. Duff&Phelps. Retrieved from
15. “Risks in Faster Payments May 2016”. Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. Retrieved from
16. “Insurance Fraud Cases Expected to Double with the Rise of Automation”, as of 15 January 2018. Medium. Retrieved from
17. AI-driven Risk Data & Next Generation Technology”. ComplyAdvantage. Retrieved from

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 53
Key findings | References

18. “Long Tails Versus Superstars: The Effect of IT on Product Variety and Sales Concentration Patterns”, as of 1 July 2014. SSRN. Retrieved from
19. “Competitive Survival in Banking Hinges on Artificial Intelligence”. The Financial Brand. Retrieved from
20. “Jamie Dimon Lays Out JPMorgan-Amazon-Berkshire Health Care Priorities”, as of 4 May 2018. Investors Business Daily. Retrieved from
21. “European Parliament Adopts European Commission Proposal to Create Safer and More Innovative European Payments”, as of 8 October 2015. European Commission. Retrieved from
22. “Background to Open Banking”. Open Banking. Retrieved from
23. “Open Banking Developments in Asia Pacific”, as of 6 February 2018. Herbert Smith Freehills. Retrieved from
24. “Australia to Force ‘Big Four’ to Open Banking Data by July 2019”. ZDNet. Retrieved from
25. “Federal Budget: Ottawa to Study Merits of ‘Open Banking,’ a Catalyst for Fintech”. Financial Post. Retrieved from
26. “G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group”. G20. Retrieved from
27. “Why Do Most U.S. Banks Shut the Door on ‘Open Banking’?”, as of 20 December 2017. American Banker. Retrieved from
28. “Facebook, Twitter and Google CEOs Summoned for a Hearing on Data Privacy by Congressional Committee on 10 April”, as of 27 March 2018. Firstpost. Retrieved from
29. “Engels Pause; Technical Change, Capital Accumulation, and Inequality in the British Industrial Revolution”, as of 8 February 2008. ELSEVIER. Retrieved from
30. “Automating the Bank’s Back Office”. McKinsey&Company. Retrieved
31. “Japan bank Mizuho eyes cutting 19,000 jobs worldwide, replacing clerical jobs with AI: Reports”, as of 30 October 2017. The Straits Times.
32. “AWS Launches Amazon Connect, Productizes Amazon’s In-house Contact Center Software”, as of 28 March 2017. Techcrunch. Retrieved from
33. “Scotiabank Invests $250M to Help Re-skill Employees for the Digital Economy”, as of 10 April 2018. BNN Bloomberg. Retrieved from
34. “BNP Paribas to Spend €3bn on Digital Transformation”. Financial Times. Retrieved from
35. “How CEOs are Helping Close America’s Skills Gap”. Business Roundtable. Retrieved from

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 54
What are the opportunities and challenges for
implementing AI in financial services today?
Opportunities, challenges and broader societal implications
Opportunities, challenges, societal implications | Summary

AI presents significant opportunities for financial institutions, but only if internal

challenges can be overcome and societal implications effectively managed
Path to AI implementation


In the near term, financial institutions can achieve substantial value by taking
advantage of AI to pursue new competitive strategies across their value chains


However, successfully executing AI strategies will require significant effort to address

challenges related to data, operations, talent and regulation

Societal implications

Stakeholders across the ecosystem will need to be ready to address a variety of

societal implications driven by the increased adoption of AI across the industry

The following three sections will explore each of these topics in detail

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AI opportunities across financial services
Cross-sector opportunities | Overview

AI presents institutions with the opportunity to change their businesses in a

multitude of ways ranging from incremental improvement to complete reinvention
Overview of AI-driven cross-sector strategies
AI investments by financial institutions are being made across a broad spectrum, from relatively conservative efforts to improve existing processes to bold bets on new
capabilities and business models
What people mean when they say AI
Pattern detection

Doing the same things, better Doing something radically different

Leaner, faster operations Tailored products and advice Ubiquitous presence Smarter decision-making New value propositions

− Using automation to improve the − Personalizing interactions to more − Making products and services − Using advanced data science to − Differentiating offerings through
efficiency of business-as-usual closely meet the unique needs of available to customers in their optimize business outcomes new operating models and ways
processes customers preferred format and channel (e.g. lower default rates) of working
− Reducing the cost of simple, − Providing convenient, − Expanding the reach of − Integrating large volumes of data − Building brand new products,
routine processes, while high-quality service, while institutions’ channels and to derive better insights across services and business models
maintaining or improving quality maintaining scalability offerings geographically and business units (e.g. better capital that use AI at the core
of experience across customer segments allocation)
The following slides will explore each strategy, highlighting examples across industries and examining their implications

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Cross-sector opportunities | Leaner, faster operations

AI allows an ever-expanding set of processes to be streamlined, improving

efficiency, decreasing costs and freeing up capacity
Why it matters
Historically dampened returns Increased regulatory burden Suboptimal customer experiences
Sustained periods of low interest rates, combined with pressure Expanded regulatory requirements have increased operating Due to the presence of labour-intensive processes that are
from new entrants (e.g. aggregators), have dampened returns, costs, and will likely continue to do so as new regulations come disconnected across the value chain, customers are provided
increasing the need for cost cutting to drive bottom-line growth into effect (e.g. GDPR) with a suboptimal experience (e.g. slow payments)

Examples of leaner, faster operations

Deposits and lending Insurance Payments Investment management

Provide “just-in-time” Improve underwriting, pricing Automate compliance and Offer seamless account setup
lending efficiency and accuracy reporting and customer acquisition
AI allows for analysis and decisions AI can increase the efficiency of AI allows for the truncation of routine tasks, AI can contextualize data from multiple
(e.g. credit adjudication) to be made underwriting by reducing error rates, reducing the friction across systems and institutions to automate portfolio construction,
instantaneously, allowing credit to be incorporating new datasets and automating increasing the speed of payments speeding up key components of customer
offered in real time risk modelling processing and compliance reporting onboarding

Example Example Example Example

Automated personal and AI-powered Intelligent data cataloguing ID verification through

business loans risk modelling for compliance image recognition

Detail on Slide 91 Detail on Slide 98 Detail on Slide 109 Detail on Slide 120

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Cross-sector opportunities | Leaner, faster operations

Streamlined operations alone will not be sufficient for most institutions,

requiring these techniques to be combined with other AI applications
Key beneficiaries of leaner, faster operations include

Institutions offering low-margin, Institutions with a high volume of Institutions facing high compliance
highly commoditized products accounts and low per-account value requirements
In the short and medium term, AI can reduce the cost of customer Institutions with sizeable middle- and
providers of commoditized products onboarding as well as customer back-office operations in relation to their
(e.g. car insurance) can use AI to service, allowing institutions with a large overall size (e.g. payment providers,
develop competitive advantages in a volume of customers (e.g. retail banks) trading desks) stand to benefit greatly
market characterized by thin margins to improve service quality and expand from leaner operations, allowing them
and cost-based competition reach, while controlling costs to refocus operational expenses on
core competitive strengths


Short-term cost cutting may spark a Customers will experience faster and The role of human labour will need
“race to the bottom” on price. While elevated levels of service as AI will to change as AI takes on a greater
institutions can improve their operating increase the digitization of processes, share of work, requiring enterprise-wide
efficiency and profit margins in the short creating more intuitive and self-service change management to transform
term, competitors can easily replicate processes, alongside human interaction talent models alongside technology, as
improvements, making the long-term when and where needed well as a societal response to workforce
sustainability of this strategy uncertain disruption

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Cross-sector opportunities | Tailored products and advice

AI resolves the traditional trade-off between cost and customization, allowing

institutions to offer tailored products at near-zero marginal cost
Why it matters
Influence of adjacent industries Increased commoditization Heightened conduct risk
Players in other industries (e.g. large tech) are able to offer Advice and personalization will become key differentiators as Since the financial crisis, trust in traditional institutions has been
highly personalized experiences, leading customers to expect platforms and competitive forces drive products to become low, increasing the need to offer high-quality, and impartial,
similar levels of tailored service from their financial institutions increasingly homogenized advice to grow and maintain customers’ confidence

Examples of tailored products and advice

Deposits and lending Insurance Payments Investment management

Provide detailed advice directly Increase the capabilities of sales Drive loyalty by offering bespoke Equip advisers with highly
to customers in real time agents and advisers incentives and rewards personalized insights
AI can analyse data across disparate AI can be used to support complex AI can be used to tailor rewards AI can automate the generation of very
sources, unlocking insights for real-time decision-making (e.g. quotes for programmes to individual customer detailed, specific insights (e.g. personal
delivery to customers, creating a high- commercial clients), supplementing sales behaviour, helping to maximize customer wealth report generation) to support
quality, self-serve experience teams’ capabilities engagement advisers’ interactions with their clients

Example Example Example Example

AI financial advice for Chatbot-support for Automated rewards Simple, ad hoc analysis
retail customers sales agents programme manager for advisers

Detail on Slide 90 Detail on Slide 100 Detail on Slide 111 Detail on Slide 117

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Opportunities Challenges Implications Sector Explorations Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 61
Cross-sector opportunities | Tailored products and advice

Institutions with large and varied customer bases will likely be the primary
beneficiaries of an increased capacity to tailor products at scale
Key beneficiaries of tailored products and advice include

Institutions with large and diverse Institutions that serve a large Institutions offering complex
product shelves volume of customers financial products and services
AI is effective in breaking down barriers High-net-worth individuals have Complex financial offerings (e.g.
between sets of data, creating an historically had access to highly mortgages) generally require a higher
opportunity for institutions with a broad personalized products and services. AI degree of human involvement; AI has
suite of offerings (e.g. insurers, full allows for similar customization to be the potential to reduce the burden on
service banks) to unlock insights across offered at a significantly lower cost, human capital, allowing talent to focus
products and business units, improving making such products and advice on higher-value activities (e.g. building
the quality of advice and creating available to mass market customers personal relationships with clients) to
opportunities to deepen relationships (e.g. retail banking clients) improve the quality of service


Customers will be offered more Advisory will be a critical competency Third-party data will become a critical
relevant advice and products, helping in securing customer loyalty, allowing resource, and the ability to set up and
individuals achieve their financial institutions to set up virtuous cycles of manage data partnerships with financial and
objectives and improve their financial data that deepen relationships with their non-financial stakeholders will be a core area
well-being as a private banking-like customers by offering continuously of expertise for institutions seeking to power
experience is extended to mass-market improving advice their tailored advisory and product offerings

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Cross-sector opportunities | Ubiquitous presence

AI can help institutions expand their reach by enabling better self-serve

applications that allow more services to be delivered digitally
Why it matters
Disconnect from underlying experience Shifting channel preferences Traction in new markets
Financial services are often a means to an end; a ubiquitous As customers’ expectations change over time, institutions need There is significant value that can be unlocked by engaging new
presence allows institutions to tie directly with customers’ to ensure they are able to engage customers through their segments of customers within untapped markets, across
ongoing experiences without distracting from their end goals preferred modes of interaction (e.g. digital direct channels) demographics and countries, through digital channels

Examples of ubiquitous presence

Deposits and lending Insurance Payments Investment management

Offer always-on personalized Develop modern, mobile-first Compete to become a provider of Use existing but unused
experiences across channels insurance offerings invisible payments infrastructure platforms for distribution
AI can be used to power always-on virtual AI can use a variety of data sources (e.g. Institutions can expand their suite of By integrating experiences into existing
agents that interact with customers images, location data, sensor data) to offerings and capture new market share by digital activities (e.g. third-party interfaces),
autonomously, providing support for enable real-time provisioning of insurance using AI to offer a seamless experience that institutions can improve their reach and
basic questions and simple tasks policies and instant claims handling automates the purchasing process level of service to customers

Example Example Example Example

Conversational Insurance app using Cashier-less Wealth platform integrated

AI agents image recognition brick-and-mortar store into Alipay

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Cross-sector opportunities | Ubiquitous presence

AI allows institutions to support customers when and where they make

decisions, but may also increase competition for customer engagement
Key beneficiaries of ubiquitous presence include

Institutions offering highly self-serve Institutions whose products are Institutions where volume is a key
products and services used to execute transactions driver of profitability
In product categories where customer Physical cards (e.g. credit, debit) are a Companies seeking to establish
engagement is self-directed (e.g. digital means to an end (i.e. acquiring a good economies of scale (e.g. ETF, life
banks), ensuring that customers are or service); integrating directly into insurance and mortgage providers) can
able to manage their finances through third-party channels (e.g. retailers) will use AI to expand the reach of their
their preferred channel will be critical to allow new opportunities to become the distribution models, enabling them to
maximizing customer satisfaction and card of choice, maximizing the share of access customer and assets
retention customers’ spend traditionally beyond their reach


Customers become more difficult Managing relationships with third Customers will have more Regulators will need to adapt to
to retain as financial interactions parties will be critical to ensure that seamless experiences with their increasing channel complexity and
increasingly occur in third-party financial product manufacturers finances, with decisions often being blurring of industry lines to
interfaces, diminishing the brand continue to have direct access to end entirely integrated into third-party continue to effectively govern
presence of financial institutions users of products experiences (e.g. e-commerce) institutions and maintain the safety
and stability of the financial system

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Opportunities Challenges Implications Sector Explorations Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 64
Cross-sector opportunities | Smarter decision-making

AI can give institutions enhanced decision-making capabilities, unlocking

novel insights that drive improved performance
Why it matters
The declining cost of comparison Saturation of traditional investment strategies Need for more accurate risk management
An ability to provide differentiated products and performance is It is becoming increasingly difficult to outperform the market and The mounting cost of compliance and risk-management
increasingly important as customers and investors defer a identify high-potential investment opportunities through activities creates the need to develop increasingly customized
broader set of decisions to algorithms common investment strategies risk profiles and allow earlier and more accurate risk estimation

Examples of smarter decision-making:

Deposits and lending Investment management Capital markets Market infrastructure

Predict defaults with greater Find new and unique correlations Improve deal identification, Improve trade speed and price
accuracy between datasets pairing and sales activities using dynamic execution methods
Inaccurate adjudication leads to higher Identify unexplored patterns to outperform Use large volumes of data to map, track Mitigate the impact of price movements and
losses on defaults and missed revenue markets where traditional active-investing and analyse companies to create market execute at the best price by using AI to
from creditworthy individuals who were strategies are less attractive for investors themes and identify buy/sell opportunities optimize trade=execution strategies
erroneously denied loans

Example Example Example Example

AI-powered Macroeconomic trends identification Machine intelligence AI prediction of trade

credit modelling through machine learning for M&A analysis price impact and cost

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Cross-sector opportunities | Smarter decision-making

Smarter decision-making can deliver new value through improved returns

and more resilient product performance
Key beneficiaries of smarter decision-making include

Institutions facing high risk of human Institutions with commoditized Institutions that compete on
error offerings performance
AI and automation can help reduce For institutions that have increasingly By using AI to make more abstract
human error (e.g. in problem detection, commoditized products (e.g. lenders, connections and test complex models,
diagnosis, planning, execution) in sectors insurers), AI can be used to drive better institutions (e.g. investment managers)
where the actions of a few individuals decision-making and ultimately create can identify and execute new
have an outsized impact (e.g. investment competitive advantages (e.g. lower outperformance opportunities and
managers, market participants, trading price, higher returns) distribute improved returns to
venues), helping prevent losses customers


Both retail and commercial Institutions will be able to more Talent strategies will become a
customers will benefit as better, AI- effectively mitigate risks as decision- source of competitive advantage as
driven, decisions improve financial making algorithms improve the financial institutions fight to attract and
outcomes accuracy of their adjudication and retain highly sought-after AI talent
underwriting activities

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Opportunities Challenges Implications Sector Explorations Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 66
Cross-sector opportunities | New value propositions

AI allows institutions to redefine their core offerings, unlocking untapped

segments and revenue opportunities through new products and services
Why it matters
Value from new sources of differentiation Entrance of new competitors New boundaries of innovation
Institutions that can distinguish their product offerings beyond The risk of entry by non-traditional competitors such as large AI-based solutions break traditional business constraints on
simple price competition will better position themselves for a technology firms is pushing institutions to bring new and scalability and efficiency, allowing institutions to develop brand
future dominated by platforms and algorithms innovative offerings to market to stay competitive new offerings that were not previously possible

Examples of new value propositions

Insurance Investment management Capital markets Market infrastructure

Use proxy data to insure new risk Develop unique strategies and Develop real-time pre- and post- Deploy new order types to protect
categories new investment products trade risk-management solutions investors from risks proactively
Introduce insurance for new risk categories Expand product shelves to address new Present profitability calculations for overall Offer products that anticipate and avoid
(e.g. cybersecurity, product-specific investment strategies or unique risk factors portfolio positions by factoring in the cost of adverse impacts from predatory strategies,
insurance) by moving past the exclusive that were previously under-served risk capital and the impact of different trade price quote instability and illegal activities
use of historical data to price policies scenarios

Example Example Example Example

Quantify cyber-risk Next-generation Pre-trade impact analysis New order types

using AI smart-beta ETFs using AI based on AI

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Cross-sector opportunities | New value propositions

By leveraging AI to drive business model innovation, institutions can better

contend with non-traditional competitors and commoditized markets
Key beneficiaries of new value propositions include

Institutions that lack proprietary Firms serving institutional clients Institutions offering simple,
ownership of customer data commoditized products
Firms underpinning capital markets,
As open banking increases the serving institutional clients and offering AI creates an opportunity for providers
portability of financial data and the complex services (e.g. investment of commoditized products (e.g. retail
ability of new entrants to compete in managers) often operate in areas with banks, P&C insurance) to build
financial services (e.g. fintechs and imperfect products and unmet customer offerings that deliver new value to
large techs), incumbent firms (e.g. needs. AI can accelerate product customers, allowing institutions to break
online payment providers) must look to innovation, allowing these institutions to out of commoditized markets and offer
develop new value propositions to make major, transformational shifts in differentiated products and services at
combat their eroding data advantage how these services are offered a premium


Underserved customers will have an Incumbents may have to shift Regulators will need to monitor
improved experience as more strategies to capture opportunities innovation closely to ensure
traditional – and non-traditional – in AI as competitors introduce new institutions remain compliant throughout
products and services become products and services that may be the race to deliver more value through
available complementary to or substitutes for new services
existing offerings

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Opportunities Challenges Implications Sector Explorations Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 68
Cross-sector challenges
Cross-sector challenges | Overview

While the potential benefits of AI to financial institutions are immense, execution

challenges and the timeline to realizing value are often underestimated
In order to unlock the full value of AI, financial institutions will need to make significant changes to ready their organizations for the deployment of these
new technologies

Our research has identified the following as the most significant challenges to the implementation of AI in financial institutions

Institutions struggle to make available the large quantities of high-quality data

required to successfully train AI across their owned and unowned datasets

Many valuable applications of AI require complex, deep and broad-reaching

integration into the business, not just simple “bolt-on” implementations

AI fundamentally redefines the role of talent in financial institutions, and often

requires human capital to change at a pace that exceeds any past transformation

Current regulatory frameworks were built based on an increasingly outdated model

Regulation of the financial ecosystem, creating significant uncertainties for institutions seeking
to employ cutting-edge implementations of AI

The following slides will explore each area of investment, and highlight examples of key challenges across industries and examine their implications

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Cross-sector challenges | Data

Incumbent institutions possess extensive stocks of data, but often struggle to

deploy it effectively in AI applications
Data is the single most important ingredient of AI; the predictive capabilities of AI models are defined by the breadth, depth and quality of input data, as the machine-learning
methods (e.g. algorithms) themselves are relatively easy to access

Notable data challenges

Persistent data-quality issues Fragmented internal data storage Insufficient breadth and depth of data

“We must first deal with the extent of irregularities “Data is everywhere, but nowhere at the same time” “The value of AI will be seen when traditional and
created by human error” non-traditional financial services data are combined”

Incumbent institutions already own large sets of financial data, but Incumbents’ financial data is stored across a patchwork of More mature AI applications depend on insights that span across
much of it is not consistently formatted across the organization disparate systems (e.g. the proliferation of product-specific datasets, necessitating a broader diversity of data than financial
and may contain errors; this makes the data difficult for AI systems) that ingest and display data in different ways, requiring institutions have access to. To navigate this complexity, new data
applications and increases the cost of implementing new AI significant and costly data-engineering work to create large, partnerships need to be established across traditional and
capabilities across enterprise-use cases common data lakes that can serve as inputs to AI non-traditional stakeholders

Inadequate partnerships and APIs Lack of data digitalization Incomplete understanding of customers

“The future of financial services requires seamless “It is about time that paper-based and batch “We need a holistic view of customers’ data if we are
access to data from across the financial ecosystem” processes were eliminated” to use AI to optimize advice”

AI is driving the need to build real-time data flows across Many institutions remain reliant on analogue data-intake formats Advisers must be able to access customer information across
institutions to access essential data, yet the lack of (e.g. paper) that require effort to be made machine-readable. institutions and accounts to build a complete understanding of
commonly agreed standards for data-sharing is a roadblock to Digitization of these inputs will improve data governance and customer needs. Currently, this data sits in various incompatible
implementation until new partnerships and integrations increase speed, accuracy and consistency of processes systems and formats, which prevents data analysis driven by AI
are formed from reaching its full potential

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Opportunities Challenges Implications Sector Explorations Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 71
Cross-Sector challenges | Data

Financial institutions must make better use of customer data if they are to
continue to own the customer experience
Stakeholder-specific implications

Fintechs, and other new entrants (e.g., independent data providers), can carve out defensible positions by finding excludable datasets
→ The increase in data flows that accompanies the adoption of AI will make many datasets increasingly commoditized and readily available. Fintechs
can take advantage of their niche technological expertise to develop innovative and differentiated datasets that complement financial data,
positioning themselves as critical members of the financial services ecosystem

Regulators will need to cope with the increasing complexity of data management, consider their role in protecting consumers while
facilitating innovation
→ As data-sharing becomes more interconnected, the monitoring and auditing process for regulators will also become more complicated. The
increasing breadth and depth of data flows within and across organizations (e.g. through screen scrapers) increases the risk of improper use and
data breaches, potentially leading to an increased need for regulatory oversight in data management and sharing

Large technology firms have diverse data and leading-edge infrastructure. As they continue to search for complementary financial data,
they stand poised to seize the initiative in building AI-enabled financial service capabilities
→ Large technology companies such as Google, Facebook and Alibaba have positioned their enterprise strategies to acquire and use as much data
as possible. Given new regulations that make certain financial data more accessible (e.g. PSD2), these firms could move swiftly to obtain an
expanded set of financial data and apply their technology advantage to inform the development of new capabilities

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Cross-sector challenges | Operations

Legacy technology infrastructure and rigid operating models are additional

hurdles to deploying AI within incumbent financial institutions
AI capabilities must be tightly integrated with core systems infrastructure in order to drive value, but many incumbent institutions remain reluctant to prioritize core technology
enhancements that do not have immediate pay-offs

Notable operations challenges

Legacy systems and technical debt Extent of process re-engineering Intermediaries resistant to change

“Band-aid solutions will no longer be ‘good enough’ “The way things get done in financial services is built “There need to be incentives for influential parties
to remain competitive in a world powered by AI” around people. AI-enabled processes will look with strong networks and domain knowledge to form
radically different” a new ecosystem to accommodate AI”
Legacy systems operated by incumbent institutions have accrued Existing process maps in financial services are based on the Transformation of processes across value chains requires
significant technical debt and require enormous overhauls to be movement of information between people. As AI takes hold, new cooperation from institutional intermediaries, who are themselves
ready for AI implementation (e.g. configuring APIs and adapting to process maps need to take into account new steps and structures put at risk of disintermediation by this very technology. These
real-time data flows) that support the interaction between machines and humans intermediaries may resist change and attempt to direct how
operations might change

Lack of agile, cloud-based architecture Organizational structure redesign AI is narrow and task-specific

“The full potential of AI can be unlocked only by “Institutions will require a clear view of the structure “AI must be retrained for each small step it needs
building support platforms simultaneously and they need to capitalize on the benefits of AI” to take, making end-to-end transformation labour-
planning for change” intensive”
To use AI at its highest potential, institutions need to efficiently AI will render aspects of the organization obsolete, requiring AI cannot yet be applied generally, and thus models must be
store data, access processing power and enable updates with organizational structures to become more adaptable (e.g. leaner customized for each discrete-use case. This increases the need
ease – this is best enabled through core infrastructure built on and more agile) as well as change the positioning of talent to for both technical experts and domain specialists, particularly as
agile, cloud-based microservice structures adapt to new ways of working many financial services processes are highly complex and

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Cross-sector challenges | Operations

Prioritizing technology and operations investments that will not yield an

immediate return is essential to unlocking longer-term value in AI
Stakeholder-specific implications

Incumbent financial institutions must invest in costly and unglamorous core systems remediation to capitalize on the full benefits of AI
→ Although these upgrades seem daunting, incumbents must consider these investments before the transformational benefits of AI can be realized.
Incumbents can consider wholesale replacements of core infrastructure or phoenix models (e.g. establishing a challenger bank), as well as future-
proofing new infrastructure by building around microservice architectures

Successful implementation of AI will require purpose-built executions of AI capabilities

→ AI trained to perform in a certain context will not be effective or applicable to other similar environments; successful deployment of AI capabilities
will require significant forethought to ensure they can derive meaningful insight. As a result, incumbents are likely to misjudge the effort needed to
complete projects

Fintechs and large technology firms have a head start in AI capability development
→ Both small and large technology players can take advantage of their technical advantage to enter the financial services market with a strong value
proposition. On the other hand, incumbents may find it more difficult to compete, especially given that they must first invest in upgrades to core
infrastructure systems

Simplification of market infrastructure will require a collaborative effort to ensure stakeholder buy-in
→ Changes to current market infrastructure must be made to allow for effective integration of AI capabilities into financial institutions’ operations. For
example, data flows must be dynamic, uniform and easy to share across institutions. Collaboration between regulators and market participants is
required to create a common model to be adopted across institutions so that the necessary developments can be undertaken

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Cross-sector challenges | Talent

There is no playbook for how financial institutions should manage the talent
transformation that AI will precipitate in the industry
Creating an AI advantage will require a fundamental shift in how institutions respond to the changing needs of talent. There is significant uncertainty as to how organizations
should steward talent through the AI journey, and a significant risk that traditional policies, practices and cultures stand in the way of creating effective new ways of working

Notable talent challenges include

Inflexible employment relationships Mismatch of skills and capabilities Uncertain vision for change

“The traditional constraints of employment no longer “Leaders are currently crippled by the talent they do “AI transformation will require a new level of buy-in
serve the aspirations of institutions and workers” and do not have” and commitment to see change through”

Extensive effort is required to construct a new employment Not only is there a severe lack of AI talent within the market, this AI demands a scale of change across financial institutions that is
contract: one that favours flexibility over rigidity, rewards scenario is worsened by internal structures that are inefficient in difficult to define and will be even harder to maintain. Financial
productivity with protection, and structures skills and capabilities their ability to recruit, retain or transition the needs for talent institutions do not appear to have a vision of how work will
around solutions rather than functions or tasks across roles (i.e. deep domain expertise and complementary change, nor a clear vision of how to roll-out change across
attributes to machines) individual functions, teams and roles

Narrow capacity for training Incompatible corporate cultures Ill-equipped people leaders

“We know we need to train, but for what purpose, “It can’t be seen, but you can feel it. Culture is a “What got you here won’t get you…anywhere”
and to what end?” factor that builds you up or breaks you down”

Due to limited supply of “AI talent”, there is an immediate need to Rules-based environments, predicated on narrow scopes of Internal fiefdoms need to be broken down and replaced with
invest resources in more proactive forms of enterprise-wide authority and routine work arrangements, have difficulty in strategies for engagement, characterized by fluid channels for
upskilling and awareness. These efforts are helpful in driving transitioning to a future that demands agility to be a core communication and staunch standards for collaboration. The
change, but inhibited by the shortage of ‘trainers’, pace of learning competency. While culture is nebulous, it serves as an essential current capabilities of people managers to lead change are
and natural limitations of individuals’ capabilities obstacle to effective transformation inadequate, and are putting at risk the performance of teams

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Cross-sector challenges | Talent

Financial institutions often lag in recruiting and retaining people with the
knowledge, skills and capabilities needed to create an AI-enabled workplace
Stakeholder-specific implications

Fintechs have the opportunity to become suppliers of “in-demand” capabilities through strategic relationships with incumbents and/or
regulators, as these institutions attempt to dramatically “upskill” their workforce for a new world of work
→ Traditionally, high-skill technology talent has not been a priority for incumbent institutions, but they must adapt to be able to adopt AI skill sets.
Fintechs that lead now have an opportunity to form service partnerships across the financial services ecosystem to help institutions manage the
competing priorities of “running the bank” and “changing the bank”, while maximizing benefits and limiting pain

Large technology firms are taking aggressive measures to secure their talent positioning through generous compensation packages and
strategies that target non-traditional roles
→ With a limited talent pool that is fluent in AI, there is a “war for talent” as institutions across industries try to gain a competitive edge. Firms with the
best compensation and culture will attract the best talent. Incumbent financial institutions have been slow to adapt their rigid compensation
structures, while large technology firms have moved rapidly to attract top talent into entry-level roles

Regulators face a larger talent gap than private institutions, challenging their ability to take confident positions on the use of AI
→ In order to shape future regulations and conduct their macro-prudential duties, regulators must acquire an in-depth knowledge of AI and
automation to correctly gauge capabilities and predict areas of risk and impact. Slow movement in upskilling regulatory workforces will create a
chilling effect for firms seeking to drive AI applications that are both innovative and compliant

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Cross-sector challenges | Regulation

Existing regulatory regimes often struggle to keep pace with emerging

technologies, creating roadblocks in the deployment of AI capabilities
Prescriptive regulations are currently limiting the advancement of AI in financial services. Inflexible requirements and regulators’ limited resources constrain their ability to
keep up with the rapid pace of change, creating significant regulatory uncertainty for institutions seeking to use new technologies

Notable regulation challenges include

Complexity of regulatory frameworks Lack of standards for identity An undefined liability model

“Institutions must consider how to develop AI while “Increased flows of data are crucial to the “If AI-powered decisions result in amplified losses,
staying compliant, which is not the easiest path when enablement of AI, but are not without their costs” who becomes liable?”
implementing new offerings”
Interpreting regulatory requirements for AI-based solutions is Realizing the benefits of AI requires the continuous flow of AI introduces ambiguity into responsibility in the event of loss or
complex, as these frameworks were not designed with AI personal data across institutions. Robust authentication and negative outcomes. Institutions are hesitant to use third-party
applications in mind; this exposes institutions to making mistakes verification methods that are standardized across institutions are services for AI systems as regulators will likely hold the primary
in the adoption of AI necessary to ensure security and privacy, and minimize the risk of institutions responsible if there are damages to recover
fraud or other undue harms

Fragmented data-sharing regulations Auditability of new systems Tendency to avoid risk

“The success or failure of firms’ global ambitions will “Algorithm-driven AI solutions are often complex “Uncategorized risks introduced by AI into the
be determined by the regulatory environment of their black boxes even to the creator” ecosystem are intimidating to tackle”
local geographies”
The fragmented nature of regulation across nations segments the While regulators require audits of new processes (e.g. to verify Regulators are continuously challenged to create the optimal
pace of AI innovation and the structure of financial services by independence), many AI processes are not easy to audit balance between enabling innovation and mitigating risks.
region. Strategic national competition also makes regulatory (e.g. traditional interim working steps are often skipped entirely), However, the complexity surrounding AI, combined with
coordination difficult, creating barriers for adoption and stalling raising questions around when an audit is or isn’t necessary regulators’ natural tendency to be cautious, suggests that
investment regulatory frameworks are likely to lean in favour of risk mitigation

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Opportunities Challenges Implications Sector Explorations Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 77
Cross-sector challenges | Regulation

Unlocking the full potential of AI will require financial institutions and their
regulators to co-create new approaches and solutions
Stakeholder-specific implications

As institutions invest in AI, they will run into data-sharing, privacy and liability concerns; the fear of mis-steps will slow down the
implementation of AI capabilities
→ Complex and fragmented regulations pertaining to data-sharing and privacy make it difficult for incumbents to pursue AI projects with confidence.
Falling foul of emerging regulations comes at the cost of punitive measures and/or loss of customer trust. Regulators face increasing pressure to
quickly understand developing trends and develop stringent policies that protect consumers, yet still leave room for innovation

While the principles underlying consumer financial protection and fairness continue to remain sound, they will need to be reinterpreted
for a financial system built with AI at its core
→ The principles on which financial regulation was established remain relevant and apply to emerging AI technologies. However, the interpretation of
these principles is not clearly defined, and regulators must adapt “black-letter” regulations to remove redundant requirements while adopting new
rules to protect against new risks

Diverging regional data-sharing regulations make international coordination on macro-prudential oversight harder
→ Differences in data standards and regulation are apparent across regions. This challenges institutions that operate globally and necessitates
international frameworks to manage common systemic issues that would have an impact across jurisdictions. Risks such as rogue trading, capital
adequacy and cybersecurity require cross-border collaboration to reach a resolution

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Societal implications
Societal implications | Overview

As AI transforms the financial system, it will create unintended consequences for

society at large that require public-private cooperation to address fully

Emerging societal issues magnified by the use of AI in financial services

Workforce disruption Ethics and discrimination Systemic risk

The onset of AI has created a fear of The enigmatic nature of AI As AI takes an increasingly critical
large-scale labour displacement; technology may seem like “magic” to role in the day-to-day operations of
strategies must be developed to outsiders, but understanding its the financial system, it poses a new
effectively manage the forthcoming behaviour is critical to detecting and source of systemic risk that has the
talent shift and transition large preventing models that discriminate potential to disrupt national and
portions of the workforce through the against or exclude marginalized global economies, necessitating new
Fourth Industrial Revolution groups and individuals controls and responses

The following slides will explore the broader challenges faced by society as a result of AI innovation in the financial services industry

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Societal implications | Workforce disruption

The effects of AI on the labour market are a significant concern globally,

especially the implications for those in low- and middle-complexity roles
Discussions of AI’s impact on the financial workforce often feature competing utopian and dystopian narratives. Neither of these visions is accurate – rather, understanding
the true impact on labour requires a deeper examination of how the financial ecosystem is changing

Current scenario Predicted labour market evolution Future scenario

Supply of current capabilities Complexity of workforce transformation and different experiences of talent

Displacement in demand for some

traditional capabilities
Roles being replaced because of a near-term Supply of new roles
emphasis on operational efficiencies

Demand for new skills but uncertainty about the Future skills replacing old modes of
purpose and positioning of roles required in the future Characterized by new roles, B operating
structures and ways of working
Within traditional institutions Displacement by a reduction in low-level opportunities

Within supporting industries

C Growth of roles in new members of the
financial ecosystem
New roles in supporting industries

A Displacement in demand for some traditional B Future skills replacing old modes of C Growth of roles in new members of the
capabilities operating financial ecosystem
As institutions pursue efficiency and cost-cutting strategies, Institutions need to source more technical skills to develop The role of third-party providers outside the ecosystem
routine low- and middle-complexity roles are likely to be AI solutions, as well as more high-value abilities to (e.g. large technology firms, fintechs, new entrants) that
displaced (e.g. back office). Since these roles constitute a complement them (e.g. creativity, ingenuity, insight). In supply services to financial institutions will grow, and these
significant portion of jobs in financial services, there is a order to unlock the full potential of this workforce, roles are likely to look radically different. They will require
risk of a net decline in overall roles available, especially in institutions must effectively re-task existing talent as well as new skill sets (e.g. technical backgrounds), have different
the nearer term source new external talent cultures and have different compensation models

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Societal implications | Ethics and discrimination

The use of AI in financial services introduces new ethical pitfalls and risks
unintended bias, requiring the industry to reflect on the ethics of new models
While the benefits of AI are clear, the potential unintended consequences are less easy to visualize. This demands proactive collaboration between institutions and regulators
to identify and address potential sources of bias in machine decisions and other exclusionary effects

As AI introduces new decision-making methods, there is potential for discrimination that will test societies’ moral obligations if decisions adversely affect disparate groups

Bias in input data Bias in development Post-training drift towards discrimination

Bias present in input data, as well as incomplete or Subconscious bias or lack of diversity among development As AI systems self-improve and learn, they may acquire
unrepresentative datasets, will limit AI’s ability to be teams may influence how AI is trained, carrying bias new behaviours that have unintended consequences
objective forward

Input Model Continuous learning

Furthermore, AI may make it harder to explain solutions, compounding the impact of potential discrimination by making safeguards more difficult to establish

Uncertainty over input use Unpredictability of models Auditability

Some methods of AI training may obscure how data is As market conditions evolve, it may be difficult to predict Regulators often lack the technical expertise to inspect
used in decisions, creating the potential for discrimination how models will respond, with the resulting portfolio and algorithms, especially if development is improperly
(e.g. using race or gender data in credit decisions) macro implications documented or there are persistent, system-wide gaps in

Note: Despite these risks, most AI used today is not a “black box” and, depending on the use case, the ability to explain solutions is not always a critical factor. For the most
complex AI applications, parallel models can also be run that either predict or create confidence in the behaviour of the AI model

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Societal implications | Systemic risk

Without proper oversight, AI innovation could introduce new systemic risks into
the financial system and increase the threat of contagion
As AI models become a pervasive part of the financial ecosystem, they will transform the landscape of existing systemic risks while potentially adding new, unexpected risks.
Areas of particular concern include the potential for herd behaviour among AI systems and the increased vulnerability of financial operations to cyberattacks

Herd risk and consolidation Increased cyber-risk

Risks of contagion, where losses from negative market events Increased interconnectivity as AI demands increased digitization
may be increased by a shared algorithm passing decisions across and linkages across institutions, creating more opportunities for
multiple institutions cyberintrusion

Systemically important technology and third-party data providers

Increased risk of errors as model miscalibration would impact on
are critical in developing AI systems, increasing the reliance on
many institutions simultaneously (e.g. miscalculating credit risk)
previously unregulated stakeholders

No one institution, government or regulatory body can address and prepare for these challenges alone, necessitating increased engagement and collaboration
across all parties in the global financial system

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Opportunities Challenges Implications Sector Explorations Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 83
Opportunities, challenges, societal implications | Conclusion

AI is likely to have a transformative effect on the global financial system – the

task of the ecosystem will be to maximize benefits while mitigating harms

Regardless of sector, AI presents opportunities for financial institutions across their value chains: from
meaningful improvements to business-as-usual processes to radical, industry-changing plays

Incumbent institutions face significant challenges, across their operating environments, to achieving
Challenges the full value of AI. Overcoming these obstacles will require significant investment and discipline to
deliver on the ambitions of AI-driven agendas

As the global financial system undergoes transformation, institutions, regulators and policy officials
Societal implications must be proactive to manage the large-scale displacement of labour, as well as develop modern tools
to manage new ethical uncertainties created by automated decision-making

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 84
How is AI being deployed by sectors of financial
Sector explorations
Sector explorations | Overview

Our views on emerging competitive dynamics are informed by a detailed

examination of AI-enabled strategies across every sector of financial services
Each sector will follow the four-section narrative below, which provides a detailed
Over the following slides, we will explore the following six sectors in detail
overview of high-potential AI strategies

1. Sector overview
Deposits and lending Insurance A high-level overview of the sector, its emerging trends
and the key challenges that it faces

2. AI’s anticipated impact on the sector

An overview of the impact AI is poised to have on the
sector and an introduction to selected strategies that AI
is poised to enable or accelerate
Payments Investment management
3. Selected strategies enabled and enhanced by AI
A detailed review of each high-potential AI strategy,
including evidence of its importance as well as specific
opportunities observed in the marketplace today
Note: Examples range from automation techniques (which may not meet some
readers’ bar for what constitutes “AI”) through to advanced AI techniques. These
examples are intended to highlight key industry and technological trends and
should not necessarily be taken to represent the best or most advanced practices

Capital markets Market infrastructure

4. Looking forward
A summary of key implications for various stakeholders
(e.g. individuals, financial institutions and regulators)

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 86
Deposits and lending
Sector exploration
Deposits and lending | Sector overview

Core banking margins are under significant pressure, caused by increased

regulatory burdens, accommodative monetary policy and new competitors
Overview of the sector Issues facing the sector

Sector description and chapter scope Increasing pressures on − 48% expected annual growth rate of marketplace lending
traditional players from from 2016‒20241
Deposits and lending are the core offerings of the retail and commercial banking sector. Institutions new competitors
− Two out of every three bank executives believe PSD2
receive deposits (by offering customers accounts) and use these deposits to finance both secured
will have a negative impact on profit margins because of
loans (e.g. mortgages) and unsecured loans (e.g. credit cards).
new entrants2
This chapter focuses on this banking value chain; transactions that facilitate these products are
covered in the Payments and Capital markets chapters. Sustained low trust and − Only 54% of individuals globally “trust” financial
consumer confidence institutions, making it the lowest-rated sector in 20183
Chapter scope

Sustained cost − Major global markets (e.g. United States, European

Distribution Deposits Lending Risk-taking Transactions pressures across banking Union, China, Japan) are all expected to increase interest
operations rates to Q1 2019,4 resulting in pressure on balance sheets
• Branch • Savings • Fixed-term • Secured • Balance • P2P
• Phone • Spending • Current • Unsecured sheet • B2B, C2B, B2C − 75%‒80% of bank IT spend is on maintaining existing
• Digital • Borrowing • Securitization
core banking systems, and is expected to continue to
Retail customers
hinder profitability5
Small and medium-sized business customers
Corporate customers − 89% of industry executives globally expect the cost of
compliance to continue increasing from 2017‒20196
Sector trends

→ Upward interest rate trajectory as global economic confidence continues to recover and Significant global − Almost 40% of adults globally do not have a bank
central banks begin to tighten monetary policy unbanked and account, or access to a financial institution7
underbanked populations
→ Growth in low-principal financing (e.g. microfinancing and SME lending) as the cost of − 67% of bank regulators in 143 jurisdictions have a
servicing loans decreases, resulting in low-value credit products becoming more attractive mandate to promote financial inclusion8
→ Focus on customers as changing customer preferences for digital and personal advice results
in changing revenue models for depository and lending institutions High costs of misconduct − Regulators in the US and Europe have fined banks
→ Shift in financing to capital markets (particularly in mortgages) as regulatory and supervisory $342 billion since 2009 for misconduct, and this is likely
bodies continue to emphasize the de-leveraging of depository institutions to top $400 billion by 20209

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Dep. & lend Insurance Payments Inv. mgmt. Capt. mkts. Mkt. infra. Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 88
Deposits and lending | Strategies summary

AI can improve banks’ profitability through the delivery of personalized advice at

scale and the transformation of lending operations
The rise of AI will initiate and accelerate the following changes in deposits and lending:

The line between deposits and Lending products will become The cost of funds in lending will The range of potential customers
lending will become blurred as smaller and more agile as they are increase as deposits become more will increase as
cash-flow management will be customized to specific uses expensive to service, putting non-traditional data makes it
delivered “as a service” pressure on net interest margins possible to serve new customers
and operate in new regions

Key AI-enabled strategies in deposits and lending include:

Strategy A Strategy B Strategy C

Focus retail banking on improving Increase the efficiency and scale of Offer automated working-capital
customer outcomes retail lending solutions for commercial clients


→ E.g. use machine learning to predict → E.g. streamline the end-to-end → E.g. use advanced analytics to
cash-flow events and proactively onboarding process to more efficiently understand a broader set of data to
advise customers on their spending evaluate and issue new loans better adjudicate commercial lending
and saving habits

The following slides will explore each strategy, detail the components and highlight key examples

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Dep. & lend Insurance Payments Inv. mgmt. Capt. mkts. Mkt. infra. Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 89
Deposits and lending | Strategy A: Focus retail banking on improving customer outcomes
AI is allowing institutions to deliver advice at scale and at the moment of
need, redefining the value proposition of the retail banking experience
Why improved customer outcomes matter

Increasing conduct risk is threatening credibility New savings offerings threaten fee revenue New entrants are providing differentiated offerings
As banking institutions lose the trust of customers,10 New entrants with new products are promising higher The next generation of personal financial management
loyalty will decline, making it harder to retain deposit interest for on-demand deposits and eliminating fees to apps are aligning their service and compensation with
levels and fend off new entrants attract more volume customers’ financial outcomes, threatening ownership of
the retail banking customer experience
Observed opportunities
Provide personalized, practicable advice in real time Offer tailored, always-on experiences across channels
Pain point Pain point
Customers lack access to timely, clear and relevant financial information Often, financial advice is generic and delivered by generalist staff during limited
Current online and offline channels have limited ability to provide insights to customers on their interaction points
financial habits, and the impact of those habits on their future financial needs. Lack of clear and readily Generalist staff (e.g. branch employees, phone advisers) are limited by the hours when they are
accessible information through online and offline channels leads customers to make suboptimal available and their limited personal interaction with customers. This limits the ability of these staff to
decisions on the allocation of funds, resulting in worse financial health deliver always-on personal advice to the mass market

New capabilities New capabilities

 Insights generated  A true single-  Process automation  Continuous  Intelligent employee dashboards can  Automated interactions provided by “chat
from third-party data customer view can improves connectivity monitoring of generate insights from past customer bot” solutions allow customers to access and
(e.g. social, mobile) be achieved by and accuracy across accounts held across interactions (e.g. analysis of calls) and receive always-on advice through the
connect advisory to intelligently scanning business functions different institutions provide recommendations to front-line staff expanding network of digital channels
the day-to-day reality internal data held and accounts can raise proactive
of retail customers across silos alerts
AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples

Albert’s “genius” product compiles financial data Clarity Money integrates account balances, bills Personetics, Fini by Clinc and other conversational agents allow financial institutions to automate
within and across institutions to suggest next and credit scoring to help customers understand rote and common interactions, enabling them to provide personalized and responsive information and
best actions (e.g. switching utility providers to their complete financial story and actively advice through digital channels
more cost-effective options) manage their accounts

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Dep. & lend Insurance Payments Inv. mgmt. Capt. mkts. Mkt. infra. Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 90
Deposits and lending | Strategy B: Increase the efficiency and scale of retail lending
AI can deliver smarter and more nimble workflows that improve the
productivity and reach of lending operations
Why efficiency and scale matter

Agile innovators are rewarded with higher profitability Expectations for real-time access Pressures to improve inclusion
Margin positions, even in high-competition lending Connected and agile workflows, as well as the removal of Institutions are expanding market share in mature and
markets, are improving for institutions that effectively non-additive customer interactions, are reducing the time emerging markets by ingesting data to better predict the
reduce manual efforts in the back office11 it takes to access credit risk of default, improving confidence in lending decisions

Observed opportunities
Provide “just-in-time” lending Miniaturize unsecured lending to be use-specific Predict defaults with greater accuracy
Pain point Pain point Pain point
Loan origination can take days or weeks due to fragmented Unsecured lending is not adjudicated or priced based on the Inaccurate adjudication results in increased default costs and
data storage and manual entry purpose of an intended-use case missed revenue due to denials of creditworthy individuals
Data is stored across multiple internal and external systems, and is Lending products (e.g. lines of credit) do not adapt to individual Adjudication is often based on a limited dataset (e.g. credit
often manually entered. This increases the number of inaccuracies purchases (e.g. buying a coffee vs. purchasing a new computer); ratings), limiting the reliability of creditworthiness calculations,
and creates delays in response time, resulting in slow, opaque and making loans use-specific would allow for dynamic pricing based particularly for specific segments of the population such as non-
unresponsive processes on the risk profile of a given transaction residents and unbanked or underbanked groups
New capabilities New capabilities New capabilities
 Natural language  Dynamic sourcing of data  Third-party data analysis  Automated decision-making  Advanced credit-decision  Alternative data sources can
processing allows faster and from disparate sources (e.g. SKU level data) can aid can adjudicate customers in models that use machine be used in place of traditional
error-free document reading to eliminates the need for manual understanding of how real time and at low cost, learning can improve the credit scores to assess
support activities such as data entry – opening the way transactions affect the allowing tailored lending (e.g. confidence of lenders to creditworthiness in segments
information verification, user for scalable digital onboarding creditworthiness of an custom repayment terms) at extend credit, reducing for which data is not readily
identification and approvals and servicing channels individual the point of purchase defaults and expanding reach available
AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples

Kyckr cleanses, monitors and Upstart aims to streamline the Affirm provides businesses with financing solutions for their Qudian makes personalized ZestFinance uses alternative
remediates data to meet KYC entire loan-origination process by customers, offering credit at the point of purchase; Affirm settles the credit accessible online for data and machine learning to
obligations, and increases automating activities from data full amount with businesses and then customers pay Affirm back mobile consumers who need build credit models, allowing
onboarding efficiency entry to verification tasks over time, with interest access to small loans for lenders to gain confidence in
discretionary spending lending to new segments
Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Dep. & lend Insurance Payments Inv. mgmt. Capt. mkts. Mkt. infra. Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 91
Deposits and lending | Strategy C: Offer automated working-capital solutions for commercial clients
AI is launching a commercial banking renaissance through improved data
integration and analytics tools that unlock a vast underserved market
Why better commercial lending matters

Threat of new entrants Bloated commercial processes Underfunded commercial lending markets
Accounting and invoicing platforms are integrating lending The high cost of commercial lending operations has cut Commercial lending for small and medium-sized
into their business services platforms, encroaching on the the profitability of incumbents and is pushing customers in businesses is under-served,12 particularly in emerging
traditional market share of incumbent institutions some regions into capital markets for financing markets13

Observed opportunities
Improve client advisory by integrating into data streams for opportunity discovery Automate and augment business credit decision-making
Pain point Pain point
Incumbents have no real-time visibility with regard to the financial situation of their clients Business credit decision-making is significantly more costly than retail credit decision-making
Lenders struggle to adopt sophisticated credit models that incorporate detailed considerations of due to the need for manual analysis of business financial documents
growth, profitability and liquidity into calculations, because they lack access to the detailed, real-time Commercial lending products are costly to originate as applications must be reviewed manually to
and contextualized (e.g. industry-specific) data required. As a result, borrowers are left on their own to determine creditworthiness. Financial information is reported in non-standard documents (e.g. income
determine their own financing needs and navigate the lengthy, opaque process of commercial lending statements), making verification of these documents a manual and time-consuming process, especially
for SMEs
New capabilities New capabilities
 Integration into client Enterprise Resource  Predictive algorithms can assess and  Augmented analytics tools allow  Natural language processing and
Planning (ERP) and data sources to access anticipate client borrowing needs in real time, underwriters to customize their credit analysis automated dashboards can collate
real-time raw data, enabling lenders to get a allowing advisers to dynamically generate rapidly, using a variety of data sources to important statistics by deciphering complex
deeper understanding of client fundamentals offers and extend funds seamlessly increase their certainty of creditworthiness and non-standard financial documents,
and offer more customized advisory services and ultimately credit adjudication extracting relevant information in summary
form for underwriter review
AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples

Amazon Lending has made over $3 billion in Tradeshift and HSBC are partnering on a OakNorth’s “ACORN Machine” analyses alternative data to quickly originate bespoke loans for
loans to small merchants globally,14 enabled by platform solution to extend working capital to small and medium-sized businesses. It has grown its loan book to £800 million in just two years and
insight into the revenue flows of merchants that companies by viewing and analysing the entire is offering its cloud-based adjudication technology “as a service” to other lenders16
are part of its e-commerce platform supply chain of commercial clients15

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Dep. & lend Insurance Payments Inv. mgmt. Capt. mkts. Mkt. infra. Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 92
Deposits and lending | Conclusion

Looking forward

1 As customer experiences are increasingly informed by algorithms, deposit accounts may no longer form the
centre of the banking experience for customers

2 The emerging ability of platform solutions to deliver digital advisory may make them the natural owners of
customer relationships in retail banking

3 As roles in advisory and adjudication functions become re-engineered, the shape of teams and the
composition of talent in these areas will be transformed

4 New decision-making models will make lending decisions more accurate, but will also raise ethical
questions regarding potential biases and decision opaqueness

5 A reliance on data for financial decision-making will raise questions about the treatment of personal
identifiable information

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Dep. & lend Insurance Payments Inv. mgmt. Capt. mkts. Mkt. infra. Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 93
Deposits and Lending | References

1. “P2P Lending Market In Numbers”, as of 29 September 2017. Getline. Retrieved from
2. “European PSD2 Survey, as of October 2017”. Deloitte. Retrieved from
3. “Customer Trust: Without It, You’re Just Another Bank”. EY. Retrieved from$FILE/ey-trust-
4. “Interest Rate – Forecast – 2018–2020”. Trading Economics. Retrieved from
5. “When Legacy Is Not Enough”. Deloitte. Retrieved from
6. “Opinions on Global Financial Services Regulation and Industry Developments for the Year Ahead”. Duff&Phelps. Retrieved from
7. “39% of the World’s Population Does Not Have a Bank Account”, as of 21 November 2016. Gomedici. Retrieved from
8. “The Foundations of Financial Inclusion”. Worldbank. Retrieved from
9. “U.S., EU Fines on Banks’ Misconduct to Top $400 Billion by 2020: Report”, as of 27 September 2017. Reuters. Retrieved from
10. “The Relevance Challenge”. EY. Retrieved from
11. “The Digital Disruptors: How Banking Got Agile”. Accenture. Retrieved from
12. “Small Businesses Becoming More Satisfied with Fintech Lenders: Survey”. American Banker. Retrieved from
13. “Eying Emerging Markets, Lenders See A Wealth of Opportunity”, as of 2 March 2015. Pymnts. Retrieved from
14. “Amazon Loans More than $3 Billion to over 20,000 Small Businesses”, as of 8 June 2017. Business Wire. Retrieved from
15. “HSBC and Tradeshift Join Forces to Revolutionise Working Capital Financing”, as of 30 March 2017. HSBC. Retrieved from
16. “Entrepreneur-Focused Bank Oaknorth Hits ‘Unicorn’ Status in Funding Deal”, as of 13 October 2017. Business Insider. Retrieved from

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Dep. & lend Insurance Payments Inv. mgmt. Capt. mkts. Mkt. infra. Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 94
Sector exploration
Insurance | Sector overview

Insurance is highly sensitive to AI-driven transformation, particularly due to the

rising influence of new entrants
Overview Issues facing the sector

Sector description and chapter scope Poor consumer perception − Insurers are less trusted than banks, supermarkets, car
of insurers manufacturers and online shopping sites2
At its core, insurance is a means to protect the discretionary income of customers by spreading or
− Consumer reports outline negative practices that
externalizing risks. Insurance is one of the sectors that receives the most attention from both
highlight the perceived conflict of interest between
investors and disruptors looking to challenge the traditional order of business. Thus far, traditional
consumers and insurance companies3
insurers and carriers have maintained their positions of strength due to the complexity of products
and advantages of scale, which allow them to better pool and hedge risk.
Customer expectation of − 57% of global insurance consumers, across all product
increased interactions types, prefer to hear from their providers at least semi-
Chapter scope
annually; only 47% receive that level of contact currently2
General / P&C Retirement /
Reinsurance Life insurance Distribution
insurance annuities
Rising involvement from − Alibaba and Tencent purchased stakes in Ping An
• Life • Whole life • Retail and • Brokers • Covered in large technology players Insurance in a $4.7 billion deal in 20144
• Non-life • Term life commercial • Digital Investment
• Insurance- • Motor platforms Management − Amazon announced a health insurance joint venture with
linked • Health • Comparison JPMorgan and Berkshire Hathaway5
securities • Home websites
• Marine
Consolidation in property − AXA acquired XL Group for $15.3 billion, March 20186
Sector Trends and casualty insurance
− AIG acquired Validus for $5.6 billion, January 20187
→ Autonomous vehicles will change the automotive property and casualty insurance landscape, − Allianz acquired significant stakes in Euler Hermes and
likely shifting risk-coverage responsibilities from drivers to automotive manufacturers LV’s general insurance business, February 20188
→ “Insurtech” disruptors have been more successful than fintechs in other sectors, particularly
within the distribution space, where new business models and platforms are scaling rapidly1 Growth potential − 2x–3x growth of South-East Asian life and non-life
concentrated in non- insurance markets compared to the global average9
→ Commoditization of common personal lines, such as property, automotive and health, are
traditional markets
pushing incumbents to look for volume in new types of insurance − 80% growth in gross written premiums in China between
2010 and 20159
→ Distribution networks are becoming more complex to meet customer expectations for
increasingly digital and omni-channel experiences − 3.7% average real growth of the global insurance industry
from 2016–201810
Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Dep. & lend Insurance Payments Inv. mgmt. Capt. mkts. Mkt. infra. Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 96
Insurance | Strategies summary

AI will help insurers predict risk with greater accuracy, customize products and
use enhanced foresight to rapidly deploy new products
The rise of AI will initiate and accelerate the following changes in insurance:

Customers will get more for their Insurance will be more Distribution will permeate devices Brokers, back-office underwriters
money as policies will become connected, more real-time and and geographies in order to cover and adjusters will be at risk of
cheaper and coverage will be more more accurate as new algorithms the situational needs of customers disruption as operations across
complete and new data take hold functions become streamlined

Key AI-enabled strategies in insurance include:

Strategy A Strategy B Strategy C Strategy D Strategy E

Streamline operations to Develop a differentiated Improve and expand Insure against new types Offer add-on services that
win on price claims experience distribution strategies of risk in new ways complement insurance

→ E.g. use natural language → E.g. use image recognition and → E.g. use predictive analytics → E.g. use alternative data and → E.g. use real-time monitoring to
processing and advanced fraud detection to speed up and new data sources to dynamic behavioural pricing to advise clients on risk-exposure
decision trees to improve claims processing improve sales efficiency and develop unique insurance strategies to lower risk
underwriting and capital expand into new markets products that cover new risk
efficiency categories
The following slides will explore each strategy, detail the components and highlight key examples

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Dep. & lend Insurance Payments Inv. mgmt. Capt. mkts. Mkt. infra. Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 97
Insurance | Strategy A: Streamline operations to win on price
AI is driving efficiencies in underwriting and risk monitoring to give insurers
a competitive edge, particularly in commoditized markets
Why winning on price matters

Low ratios for commercial insurance Commoditized retail P&C insurance Rising interest rates create headwinds
The high cost and involved nature of commercial risk The rise of platforms and policy standardization has left Rising interest rates will depress bond portfolio yields,
assessments are threatening the profitability of price as the only differentiator for retail products such as hurting P&C insurers and requiring better capital and
commercial P&C insurers car and home insurance portfolio management11

Observed Opportunities
Improve underwriting, pricing efficiency and accuracy Increase capital efficiency through better risk modelling and real-time risk monitoring
Pain point Pain point
Even in digitized systems, underwriter workflows often require manual review or data entry for Back testing and model validation is a high-cost process whose outcome has significant
non-standard cases and exceptions impacts on balance sheets and overall insurer profitability
Even in modern underwriting engines, there are “complex” or slightly irregular cases that are not Risk modelling is an imperfect process as our nascent and evolving understanding of risk limits the
explicitly programmed. These require manual review, which is often rote but requires a high level of productivity of data scientists, making this critical process highly labour-intensive. The costs for
domain-specific knowledge on the part of increasingly costly talent insurers are compounded by changing regulatory requirements for modelling

New capabilities New capabilities

 Optical character recognition (OCR) can  Non-static and complex decision trees can  Automated modelling using machine-  New and unstructured data can be used in
read, verify and standardize supporting be built with machine learning by analysing learning systems allows institutions to run risk analysis using machine learning, allowing
documents, eliminating the need for manual past cases, allowing for automated thousands or millions of trial models a day, for a wider variety of situational simulations.
review underwriting and pricing of complex and reducing the cost of meeting regulatory This results in more accurate levels of
irregular cases requirements liquidity capital

AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples

Cytora analyses unstructured datasets using AI Fukoku Mutual Life increased payout Swiss Re is using IBM Watson to Concirrus Quest Marine OmniScience enables faster
to find new risk patterns. This helps insurers to calculation efficiency by 30% using AI, breaking analyse the impact of broad provides live marine weather, model runs for insurers – reducing
improve loss and expense ratios, and to identify even on the cost of its investment in automation market trends on its portfolio and fleet and port data to insurers the cost of risk management and
profitable segments for commercial insurance in less than two years12 better price risk13 (e.g. warning when a vessel improving overall risk metrics
enters an exclusion zone)
Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Dep. & lend Insurance Payments Inv. mgmt. Capt. mkts. Mkt. infra. Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 98
Insurance | Strategy B: Develop a differentiated claims experience
AI is being used to evaluate claims, creating workflows that are more
accurate and responsive to customer needs
Why claims experience matters

Avoid poor claims experiences New entrants digitizing claims Claims fraud is a major cost centre
Incumbents can address reputational concerns by offering Platforms and direct players are developing innovative Some estimates put fraud at 10% of all claims filed.14
differentiated claims-handling stories that result in positive claims channels, including online and interactive digital Given that the average profit margin is 6% (US),15
customer outcomes claims solutions, to gain market share lowering fraud is a major profit opportunity

Observed opportunities
Triage and grade claims to increase adjudicator efficiency Process claims instantly Reduce fraud using new tools and new data
Pain point Pain point Pain point
Claims processing often requires manual review of complex Any wait time for claims adjudication results in a poor Fraud is a major avoidable cost for insurers
documents, which slows response time customer experience Since claim forms are self-attested, there is high potential for fraud.
Claims documents are long and time-consuming to read and Responding to claims is a lengthy process that involves numerous Fraud losses shrink insurers’ profit margins and are sometimes
interpret, requiring highly skilled underwriters to evaluate injury or steps and approvals. Often this means customers must pay out of passed on to customers in the form of higher overall premiums
damage and determine whether it is covered by a policy pocket and wait with uncertainty about timelines and outcomes

New capabilities New capabilities New capabilities

 Rank claim severity using  Provide adjudicators with  Use of new data to verify damage (e.g. photographs, IoT  Analytical models using  Analysing large quantities
deep learning to read claims summaries and statistics sensors, weather data) the moment a claim is filed allows external data (e.g. news of data efficiently using
documents and score their that enhance their decision- institutions to extend initial funds that can immediately address reports, social media) can machine learning allows for
urgency, severity and making and can increase the customer needs, while reducing the chance of fraud more accurately flag cases of in-depth review of every
compliance to expedite triage efficiency of individual fraud, reducing losses while submitted claim for fraud
underwriters increasing throughput
AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples

Zurich Insurance is using AI to Tractable uses image Ping An’s “Smart Fast Claim” Axa’s “Fizzy” uses self-executing Shift Technology uses AI to find patterns of fraud in deep claims
review paperwork (e.g. medical recognition to support triaging uses image recognition and parametric contracts to datasets, which can then be applied to incoming claims in order to
reports), speeding up processing and validate repair-cost pricing algorithms to recognize compensate customers for flag potential instances of fraud
times from hours to seconds16 estimates automatically automotive damage, improving delayed flights, eliminating the
claims efficiency by over 40%17 need for a claims process18
Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Dep. & lend Insurance Payments Inv. mgmt. Capt. mkts. Mkt. infra. Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 99
Insurance | Strategy C: Improve and expand distribution strategies
AI is augmenting the capabilities of new and existing distribution channels,
allowing insurers to expand their reach and scale
Why distribution matters

Importance of channel mix Simplifying the complexities of insurance Opportunities in emerging markets
By introducing better exploration and search tools into Insurance products and clients are increasingly complex. Digital and scalable channels are best positioned to
direct digital channels, institutions can reduce costs while Augmented tools allow agents to manage those capture the high growth of insurance sales in developing
interacting with customers through their preferred channel customers’ needs in a cost-effective way markets

Observed opportunities
Increase the efficiency and capabilities of sales agents Use mobile and experience-driven insurance delivery Improve scale efficiencies to enter new markets
Pain point Pain point Pain point
Lead generation and client acquisition is a labour-intensive Insurance purchases are disconnected from the underlying High upfront costs have stymied growth opportunities in
process with a lot of tedious work assets and experiences they protect traditionally under-served markets
The best insurance salespeople spend a significant portion of their Currently, insurance policies are largely purchased through a For example, expanding into life insurance markets in countries
time generating leads, casting a big net with lots of churn and different channel from the asset or experience they are protecting, such as India has traditionally been uneconomical due to the need
wasting time on cold leads requiring customers to go through an unnecessary purchase cycle to do an upfront health check with a doctor
that is divorced from what is being insured
New capabilities New capabilities New capabilities
 Predicting lead quality using  Correlating sentiment and  Automated decision-  Integrations with third-party  Non-traditional data can be  Advanced visual
machine learning by analysing usage patterns with historic making can provide instant apps and points of sale can used as a proxy in place of recognition can
external data (e.g. sentiment sales data can predict the pricing and underwriting to seamlessly integrate physical doctor check-ups, automatically validate official
analysis on social media) can likelihood of policy quote, bind and issue insurance purchases into the reducing the cost of verifying documents (e.g. medical
improve sales efficiency cancellations or renewals personalized policies in real asset purchase at the point of a life insurance application forms and doctors’ reports)
time sale
AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples

Allstate is using its personal lines agent network to sell Cover uses image recognition to offer quotes on insurance Baidu has launched a joint venture with Chinese insurers to use
commercial lines products. It has developed an internal chatbot policies based on a picture taken via the mobile app. It connects to data and AI capabilities to develop an AI-powered underwriting
that agents can use to provide accurate quotes and valuable a wide number of insurers for a broad set of insurable assets engine. This can expand digital originations at low cost20
advice for complex commercial clients19 including cars, homes, phones and pets

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Dep. & lend Insurance Payments Inv. mgmt. Capt. mkts. Mkt. infra. Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 100
Insurance | Strategy D: Insure against new types of risk in new ways
AI allows institutions to be more agile, enabling them to deploy new
products in response to emerging risks
Why new risks matter

Prohibitive cost of speciality insurance Evolution of motor risk Margin compression across traditional lines
Unique, hard-to-insure cases have led to an expensive Self-driving cars will shift property and casualty markets to Insurers seeking to maintain existing profit margins will
specialty insurance market that limits access to protection commercial insurance, leading to falling margins for need to find new risk areas where insurance products are
for customers insurers less saturated and rates are at a premium

Observed opportunities
Use proxy data to insure new risk categories Develop modularized policies Introduce new pricing and payment models
Pain point Pain point Pain point
Insurers and actuaries rely on historical cases when Insurance policies are predefined and rigid, and cannot be Static payment models are not matched to customer needs
assessing risk probabilities and pricing insurance customized without significant cost Traditional insurance policies restrict users and insurers to single
When there is a lack of historical data, or when the risk models are Insurers have difficulty bundling and unbundling their products as upfront payments to cover risk terms and force a renewal period.
not robust enough, risk categories go uninsured (e.g. cybersecurity insurance policies are sold as rigid and fixed entities. This limits the Yet emerging insurtechs have demonstrated a market desire for
and product-specific insurance such as for laptops) level of customization and modification that can be offered over the more flexible pricing models (e.g. pay-per-mile car insurance)
life of the policy
New capabilities New capabilities New capabilities
 Alternative data sources can be used as proxies for damage  Dynamic pricing and  Automated underwriting  Dynamic behavioural pricing methods can correlate risk and
data (e.g. repair bills, sentiment analysis of news) in order to underwriting models allow reduces the marginal cost of damage data to a variety of data feeds (e.g. time-series) in real
correlate risk with damage and build actuarial tables different components of a originating, allowing for time, in order to correctly price and underwrite Insurance
policy to be priced, bundled or dynamic underwriting at no policies whose prices and coverage vary by usage patterns and
sold separately (e.g. additional cost (e.g. policies behaviour
insurance on a per-use basis) on an hourly basis)
AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples

Cyence uses AI to quantify the financial impact of cyber-risk by Trov allows users to purchase miniature insurance policies for State Farm has run a “proof of concept” competition through
analysing technical and non-technical data sources to understand specific electronic devices, and allows them to turn that coverage Kaggle to develop a program that uses computer vision and photos
the cyber-risk of portfolio companies on and off at will, offering users the ability to dynamically control to identify distracted drivers. This data can be used to micro-target
their risk exposure safer drivers and offer lower premiums21

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Dep. & lend Insurance Payments Inv. mgmt. Capt. mkts. Mkt. infra. Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 101
Insurance | Strategy E: Offer add-on services that complement insurance
AI allows insurers to make use of their internal data and provide unique
service offerings that complement their product shelves
Why new services matter

Declining customer engagement Large techs changing insurance value propositions Digitization is lowering margins
Customer engagement is becoming more difficult as Technology players that integrate insurance into other As more activities in insurance are digitized and margins
traditional touchpoints (e.g. selling, claims) are service offerings are changing the core value of insurance shrink, institutions will need to find new high-margin
increasingly automated and self-service and pushing incumbents to compete in unfamiliar areas revenue pools if they are to maintain profitability

Observed opportunities
Provide predictive analytics to clients that help them better understand their risk Advise clients on prevention strategies to lower their risk exposures
Pain point Pain point
Customers have limited ability to understand their own risk exposure, which affects their ability Customers’ limited ability to analyse the effectiveness of risk-mitigation strategies increases
to plan for the future risk exposures and associated insurance premiums
Assessing risk exposures is a complex task for insurers, let alone for their customers. Yet insight into Risk-prevention measures, such as regular upkeep and behaviour adjustments, can reduce expense
future risk is a core input into planning and forecasting, particularly for commercial clients that may ratios for insurers while improving net outcomes for customers, but customers lack clarity about how
need to adapt their business decisions or make major investments based on their changing risk profile proactive measures will impact their risks, costs and activities in the future

New capabilities New capabilities

 Detailed insight generation using AI allows  Real-time monitoring provides insurers with  Ecosystem analytics allow insurers to  Personalization at scale allows insurers to
insurers to visualize risks in an intelligible individualized insights that can be sent to combine data from their customers, from tailor advice on how to reduce risk exposure,
way, allowing them to pass more information customers, enabling them to learn about their suppliers and from the market to deliver in very specific circumstances, that provides
to their clients (e.g. the probability of flooding behaviours and how associated risk changes targeted advice to customers faster and more actionable, non-generic insights
in various areas) efficiently

AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples

FM Global has developed RiskMark, a service Manulife Vitality is a unique service offering Zendrive measures driving behaviour and Roc Connect uses IoT data from customers’
that analyses photos and notes to provide that uses health data from wearables to present produces safety insights that coach drivers to homes to enable insurers to offer solutions that
insights for real estate clients on the riskiness of customers with insights into their health risks improve behaviour make homes safer proactively, rather than by
various properties across their portfolios22 and help them track activity23 simply being reactive to events

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Insurance | Conclusion

Looking forward

1 As insurance becomes more personalized, customers will enjoy better prices and coverage. However, this
raises challenges for those who are priced out or excluded by more individualized models

2 AI will push insurance to be more connected, more real-time and more accurate, but incumbents will start
from a position of disadvantage on the data battlefront compared to large technology firms

3 Current regulatory frameworks will need to adapt to enable the issuance of dynamic policies and coverage

4 As AI reinvents processes across the insurance value chain, many roles will be displaced, necessitating a
plan to transition those displaced into new functions

5 Dynamic insurance policies and real-time claims processing will necessitate new approaches to mitigating
the potential for increased fraud

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Insurance | References

1. “Infographic: The Incredible Growth of Fintech”, as of 5 March 2018. BankingTech. Retrieved from
2. “2014 Global Consumer Insurance Survey”. EY. Retrieved from
3. “How Insurance Companies Deny, Delay, Confuse and Refuse”. American Association for Justice. Retrieved from
4. “Alibaba, Tencent Chairmen Invest in China's Ping An Insurance”, as 2 December 2014. Reuters. Retrieved from
5. “Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase & Co. to Partner on U.S. Employee Healthcare”, as of 30 January 2018. Business Wire. Retrieved from
6. “AXA to Buy Insurer XL Group for $15.3 Billion”, as of 5 March 2018. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from
7. “AIG to Buy Reinsurer Validus for $5.56 Billion”, as of 22 January 2018. Reuters. Retrieved from
8. “Allianz Completes 49% Acquisition of UK General Insurer LV”, as of 29 December 2017. Reinsurance News. Retrieved from
9. “Insurance Promises Asia Much More than Peace Of Mind”. Financial Times. Retrieved from
10. “Global Insurance Trends Analysis 2016”. EY.$File/ey-global-insurance-trends-analysis-2016.pdf
11. “Property & Casualty Insurance: 2017 Industry Primer”. Morgan Stanley. Retrieved from
12. “Japanese Company Replaces Office Workers with Artificial Intelligence”. The Guardian. Retrieved from
13. “Swiss Re to Work with IBM Watson to Harness the Power of Big Data for Reinsurance”, as of 22 October 2015. Swiss Re. Retrieved from
14. “Insurance Fraud and How It Costs You”, as of 10 July 2015. Nasdaq. Retrieved from
15. “U.S. Property and Casualty Insurance Industry”. NAIC. Retrieved from
16. “Zurich Insurance Starts Using Robots to Decide Personal Injury Claims”, as of 19 May 2017. Reuters. Retrieved from
17. “Ping An Financial OneConnect Unveils “Smart Insurance Cloud” to Over 100 Insurance Companies, as of 6 September 2017”. CISION PR Newswire. Retrieved from
18. “AXA Is Using Ethereum’s Blockchain for a New Flight Insurance Product”, as of 13 September 2017. AXA. Retrieved from

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Insurance | References

19. “Allstate Business Insurance Agents Speed Up Quoting with Context Sensitive Help System”. Early. Retrieved from
20. “Chinese Search Giant Baidu Forms New Online Car Insurance Business”, as of 8 June 2016. South China Morning Post. Retrieved from
21. “State Farm Distracted Driver Detection”. Kaggle. Retrieved from
22. “How Commercial Insurer FM Global Uses Data Science to Reduce Client Risk”, as of 9 December 2014. Fortune. Retrieved from
23. “The Manulife Vitality Program”. Manulife. Retrieved from!ut/p/z0/04_Sj9CPykssy0xPLMnMz0vMAfIjo8zivQx9TTwc3Q18DPwsLA0cXQID

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Sector exploration
Payments | Sector overview

Payments service providers face sustained margin pressures that threaten their
traditional business models
Overview Issues facing the sector

Sector description and chapter scope Shrinking margins due to − 10% decrease in debit card interchange fees in the US
increased competition and from 2013‒20172
The payments industry includes all institutions that facilitate the exchange of money between merchant pressure
parties, across all channels (e.g. cheque versus card).
This chapter focuses on the end-to-end payments value chain, from payee to payer; this chapter Growing complexity and − The second-fastest-growing category of APIs is for
also includes dialogue on the underlying payments infrastructure supporting the flow of money on a difficulty in ensuring payments and financial services; APIs increase
national and global level. interoperability fragmentation and interoperability complexity3
− 271 mobile money solutions existed across 93 countries
International payments networks as of 2015, with very few being interoperable, even within
International funds transfer (e.g. correspondent banking) the same country4
Increasing customer − “Faster service” is the second most important factor in
Domestic payments networks expectations for instant retaining customers, according to payments institutions5
Merchant Merchant Payment Issuer Instrument
Payer − Only 51% of UK payment providers believe they will be
acquirer processor network processor issuer able to send real-time payments globally by 20206
Method: Cash, cheque, credit card, debit card, prepaid, ACH, money transfer, other
Disintermediation as a − 200% growth in P2P payments expected from
result of P2P payments 2016‒2018 globally7
Sector trends
− Payments modernization efforts (e.g. PSD2, UK Open
→ Open data flows are compressing the payments value chain and enabling unified mobile Banking Standard) are opening access to payments
payments experiences infrastructure to third parties
→ Increasing competition on rewards and benefits has led to a focus on premium cards in
developed markets1 Growing burden of − 53% of institutions report increased costs in fighting
financial crime and fraud economic crime over 2014‒20168
→ Increasing accessibility via mobile channels has dramatically expanded the presence of digital
payments in emerging markets − 246% increase in global credit card fraud loss from
→ Innovation in blockchain-based payment systems raises uncertainty about the future of
centralized payment networks − US institutions were fined $12 billion for failing to meet
financial crime requirements from 2009‒20159

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Payments | Strategies summary

AI presents new tools to fight fraud, respond to the shifting form of payments and
draw valuable insights from data
The rise of AI will initiate and accelerate the following changes in payments:

Data becomes the most valuable An accelerating shift away from The risks of real-time payments Payments customer experiences
aspect of payments businesses cash in favour of mobile payment are overcome as new AI-led continue to disappear as AI
as AI unlocks opportunities to create interfaces, in all markets, as digital pattern-detection methods make removes the need for manual effort
new insights payments are bundled with value- significant inroads against financial from customers (e.g. automated
added services crime (e.g. real-time fraud) fraud detection and handling)

Key AI-enabled strategies in payments include:

Strategy A Strategy B Strategy C

Reduce fraud and malicious activity in Unlock the power of payments Respond to the disappearing moment
the payments system insights of payment

→ E.g. Use machine learning to → E.g. payment providers using payment → E.g. use image recognition to
significantly reduce false positives in data to provide machine learning- authenticate and transact point-of-sale
fraud detection based merchant analytics “as a payments

The following slides will explore each strategy, detail the components and highlight key examples

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Payments | Strategy A: Reduce fraud and malicious activity in the payments system
AI is increasing customers’ confidence when making payments by enabling
real-time interventions and responses to criminal activities
Why reduced malicious activity matters

Speed of payments Growing, high-cost processes Emerging cyberthreats

Institutions’ lack of confidence in their ability to combat the As regulators increase security and privacy requirements Institutions must invest in new methods for protecting the
increased velocity and volume of fraud has slowed down (e.g. GDPR), the cost of processing payments for payments system to keep pace with the sophistication of
the implementation of real-time payments institutions will grow cybercriminals

Observed opportunities
Deploy real-time surveillance capabilities Increase detection precision to eliminate false positives Automate compliance and reporting
Pain point Pain point Pain point
Institutions lack resources to identify the breadth of threats Back-office resources are plagued by false positive results Costs of resolving and reporting on criminal activity
Traditional “flagging” methods predominantly place the onus on Significant resources are spent on analysing and auditing false System limitations and data inaccuracies that require manual entry
manual review, limiting the ability to screen a high volume and positive results generated by rules-based systems. These systems slow down the process of understanding, responding and reporting
increasing velocity of transactions. As a result, institutions have provide limited insight into the root cause, risk-ordering and on malicious events. This requires ever-increasing staff levels to
placed dollar thresholds on the screening of transactions and have response required vis-à-vis flagged transactions meet regulatory and customer expectations
slowed the speed of settlement to combat risk10
New capabilities New capabilities New capabilities
 End-to-end resolution engines can use machine learning to  Looking for patterns in  Complex relationship  Dynamic data-gathering using  Automated reporting can
detect patterns in transactions and proactively intervene with new datasets (structured mapping using machine AI to validate and transmit source, sort, generate and
increased confidence to stop abuse before a transaction is and unstructured) can learning can recognize more transaction details enables the store reporting
settled. This can allow for threshold limits to be expanded while provide precise detail and complex patterns, as well as automation of downstream back- requirements to maintain
limiting losses due to abuse context on the potential for understand results from past office processes and streamlines audit trails, risk logs and
abuse investigations workflows reports
AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples

FICO’s Falcon Platform uses AI-driven predictive analytics to Feedzai generates fraud insights by integrating data from across Alation automatically catalogues all business data and indexes it
provide fraud-detection services to institutions. Falcon learns from channels to generate hyper-precise risk profiles. It also uses machine for easy reference, using machine learning to learn the lexicon of
case dispositions in real time and integrates merchant-owned data learning to process transactions in real time. Feedzai detects 61% the business. Alation also proactively makes smart
into continuously updated “behavioural profiles” for every individual more fraud earlier and without increasing false positive rates11 recommendations to support compliance-reporting processes

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Payments | Strategy B: Unlock the power of payments insights
AI enables payments providers to generate new revenue streams by using
their datasets to provide unique insights
Why payments data matters

Declining margins demand diversification Access to excludable, high-value data Source of unique customer insights
Margins in payments may continue to decline if regulators Payments information is point-in-time and flow-based, Participants across the payments value chain
continue to impose interchange fee caps and customers allowing data holders to develop precise analytics that (e.g. issuers, retailers) are seeking access to payments
expect fee free solutions provide unique insights capable of being put into action data to better understand customer needs

Observed opportunities
Act as the ultimate personal shopper for customers Offer prediction “as a service” to merchants Create an advisory capability for macroeconomic trends
Pain point Pain point Pain point
Time-consuming data collection and analysis Many institutions have insufficient data-analytics capabilities Traditional economic data is often generic and infrequent
It is difficult for customers to make optimal decisions based on their Small and medium-sized business in particular struggle to keep Macroeconomic data (e.g. demographics, consumer spending) is
personal financial constraints, for both routine and high-value pace with rising data flows, affecting their ability to draw insights, usually produced infrequently (e.g. quarterly or annually), is not
transactions, due to the time and effort required to source take action or make meaningful decisions (e.g. targeted granular, nor provided in machine-readable formats. This limits the
comparative information promotions) ability of third parties to derive deep, product-specific insights

New capabilities New capabilities New capabilities

 Optimization engines can  Analysis of  Bespoke analytics solutions can combine payments  Advanced analytics can  Build dashboards that
generate highly specific and third-party datasets (e.g. providers’ unique datasets with machine-learning capabilities to automatically generate core use deep learning and
accurate recommendations by personal data, available provide targeted insights for merchants and other clients. This macroeconomic indicators and visualization to allow users
using machine learning to market information) can in turn can provide contextual and specific recommendations provide real-time statistics to to drill into data in a simple
analyse and predict shoppers’ provide insights into the (e.g. next best action) for services, products and personalized satisfy various client requests and easy-to-use format
behaviour needs of shoppers promotional campaigns.
AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples

Spotify uses AI to analyse the Dynamic Yield provides PXP Solutions’ AnyPay Upserve supplies merchants Mastercard’s SpendingPulse uses near-real-time purchase data
listening habits of its personalized recommendations provides smart analytics that with data-analytics, marketing to build customer reports on macroeconomic trends on up to a
100 million users to generate to shoppers that maximize allow smarter resourcing and and loyalty tools built on credit weekly basis for a wide variety of industries and geographical
playlists of suggested songs12 revenue for leading retailers marketing decisions13 card transactions areas, from retailers to national governments

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Payments | Strategy C: Respond to the disappearing moment of payment
AI provides valuable tools for payment providers to preserve relevance as
the moment of payment disappears
Why seamless payments matter

Payments are becoming automatic background events Ability to influence adoption Choice of payment will be made by algorithms
Modern commerce solutions skip over the payment process Payment providers are hard-pressed to differentiate As platforms and invisible point-of-sale payments solutions
(e.g. Amazon one-click-to-order), meaning fewer themselves in ways that can improve the “stickiness” of take hold, the decision about which payment method to use
interactions between customers and their cards customers as the point of payment disappears will increasingly be made by optimization algorithms

Observed opportunities
Drive usage of payment products by offering bespoke incentives and rewards Compete to become a provider of invisible payments infrastructure
Pain point Pain point
The app ecosystem is creating a winner-takes-all environment among card providers Payment providers risk losing control of the merchant environment as “invisible commerce”
Whether through digital wallets or decision-support systems, customers are making fewer choices becomes more important
about which card or payment method to use at a point of transaction. Instead, they are tending to use Large technology players are introducing radically new point-of-sale solutions for merchants, moving
one of a few cards that have been onboarded onto these payment platforms (e.g. Uber and Apple Pay). the transaction below the level of perception. If widely adopted, invisible payments could eliminate the
This is limiting the ability of card issuers to influence customers’ top-of-wallet decisions interaction between payment providers and customers, perhaps even replacing traditional card
networks with new payment rails
New capabilities New capabilities
 Niche and custom reward offers can be  Real-time benefits optimization can  Seamless authentication can be introduced  Automated checkout can be delivered “as a
generated using machine learning, optimizing intelligently maximize benefits for customers by payment providers using image service” by payments providers using image
the reward rates for different purchasing through time-based events such as travel or recognition and/or biometrics to verify recognition to compile shopping carts and
categories based on each customer’s unique promotions identities without disrupting the customer determine when to collect payment, removing
purchasing patterns experience the “point of payment” as a separate event
that requires conscious effort from customers
AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples

Mogl accesses data from Visa, Mastercard and American Express in real time to offer customers Alipay’s Smile to Pay uses facial recognition as Amazon Go is a cashier-less store that tracks
personalized, time-based cashback rewards at nearby restaurants (based on how busy the restaurant a method of authentication and consent, offering what visitors have put in their cart and
is, menu promotions etc.), optimizing benefits for both customers and restaurants retail customers a frictionless checkout automatically charges them using their preferred
experience payment method when they exit the store

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Payments | Conclusion

Looking forward

1 Data is quickly emerging as a critical source of value in the payments sector, raising challenging questions
around ownership and privacy

2 The complexity of today’s fragmented payment networks means automation frameworks will be increasingly
necessary to facilitate interoperability

3 Collective efforts to combat payments fraud and other abuses through the pooling of data would serve the
interests of individual institutions and improve the safety and security of the broader financial system

4 AI-enabled AML and fraud-management tools will make real-time domestic payments safer, but regulations
on cross-border data flows may constrain faster international transfers

5 In order to mitigate the risk of system-wide outages and the potential for broader contagion, the stability and
reliability of new payments infrastructure must be validated before it fully displaces legacy rails

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Payments | References

1. “Regulation II (Debit Card Interchange Fees and Routing)”. Federal Reserve. Retrieved from
2. “Data, Financial, Analytics API Categories See Big Growth as of May 21, 2018”. Programmable Web . Retrieved from
3. “Solving payments interoperability for universal financial access”. World Bank. Retrieved from
4. “Redrawing the lines: FinTech’s growing influence on Financial Services”. PwC. Retrieved from
5. “The Road to Faster Payments”. ACI Worldwide. Retrieved from
6. Linden, Todd. “What the Introduction of a Faster Payments Scheme in the US Means for Payment Service Providers”, as of 22 June 2018. Paysafe. Retrieved from
7. “Global P2P Mobile Payments Value Set to Grow by 40% in 2017”, as of 10 May 2017. Payments Cards & Mobile. Retrieved from
8. “2017 Global Payments Insight Survey: Merchants and Retailers”. ACI Worldwide. Retrieved from
9. Stabe, Martin, and Aaron Stanley. “Bank Fines: Get the Data as of July 22nd, 2018”. Financial Times. Retrieved from
10. McLaughlin, David. “Artificial Intelligence Can Cut Money Laundering’s ‘acceptable Losses’ as of April 21st, 2017”. PaymentsSource. 21 Apr. 2017. Retrieved from
11. “Modern Payment Fraud Prevention at Big Data Scale”. Feedzai. Retrieved from
12. “Spotify expects nearly 100 million paid users by year’s end... and more losses as of March 28th, 2018”. The Industry Observer. Retrieved from
13. “10 Payments Companies Competing in Analytics as of January 14, 2015”. MEDICI. Retrieved from

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Investment management
Sector exploration
Investment management | Sector overview

Investment managers are adapting their customer experience and product

offerings in response to new competition
Overview Issues facing the sector

Sector description and chapter scope Customer expectations of − 62% of consumers find cross-channel switching important3
digital channels are
− 48% say they speak to a person only when online services
Investment management is a diverse sector made up of a variety of services provided by a broad increasing
aren’t good enough3
group of financial institutions. Typically, investment management firms will offer a combination of
asset management (i.e. direct investing), brokerage (i.e. facilitating transactions) and advisory (i.e.
financial planning) services.

Ageing adviser talent pool − 51 is the average age of financial advisers in the United States,
Chapter scope and this is set to increase in the coming years as the industry
Flow of funds struggles to recruit younger advisers4
Investors Asset owners Asset managers Capital markets

E.g. Individuals, E.g. Wealth E.g. ETFs, hedge Risk of new entrants − Two-thirds of millennials are open to trying financial
corporations / managers, robo- funds, investment owning customer services from trusted brands (e.g. Nike, Google and
commercial entities advisers, pension funds, institutional experiences Apple)5
funds asset managers

Advisory fee and revenue − 8% fee compression is expected over the next three years,
compression with analysts forecasting up to a 50% fall in fees6
Sector trends

→ Shift from high-fee active to low-fee passive investments. As consumers and institutions
become increasingly fee-conscious, assets under management (AuM) are flowing to low-fee Large global unmanaged − $50 trillion in global wealth is earning no return7
passive investments − $17 trillion of potential new AuM in China by 2030 (14%
→ Regulatory scrutiny of wealth managers (e.g. Financial Conduct Authority’s review of wealth CAGR)8
managers’ suitability practices in the UK1)
→ Saturation of investment strategies, particularly traditional discretionary investment strategies,
has reduced profitability due to overuse Growth in demand for − 63% increase in the share of systematic trading strategies
alternative investments as a percentage of all hedge funds from 2011‒20169
→ Intergenerational wealth transfer in developed markets will move trillions of dollars in assets
across customers ($30 trillion over the next 30–40 years in North America2) − $940 billion AuM in quant funds10

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Investment management | Strategies summary

AI is enabling investment managers to adapt their business models by altering or

replacing core differentiating capabilities
The rise of AI will initiate and accelerate the following changes in investment management:

Investments will be increasingly Passive products will develop Wealth management in emerging Alpha-seeking arbitrageurs will
personalized as investment firms active characteristics as models markets will rapidly develop as be pushed to new horizons as
ingest new data about their mimic complex strategies or develop digital distribution bridges existing systematic investors make greater
customers their own gaps use of advanced data science and
alternative data sources

Key AI-enabled strategies in investment management include:

Strategy A Strategy B Strategy C Strategy D Strategy E

Enhance and expand wealth Become a hyper-efficient, Offer more customized Pioneer emerging markets Use data to generate alpha and
advisory low-fee investment manager investment portfolios and low-income wealth differentiate returns

→ E.g. provide clients with a → E.g. use machine learning to → E.g. use new data sources to → E.g. use digitized account setup → E.g. use deep learning and
branded chatbot that make macroeconomic analysis better inform and articulate and management to expand other cutting-edge techniques
seamlessly integrates with faster and cheaper than investor profiles and access for lower-net-worth to innovate in the creation of
existing advisory relationships traditional methods preferences clients investment strategies

The following slides will explore each strategy, detail the components and highlight key examples

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Investment management | Strategy A: Enhance and expand wealth advisory
AI is allowing wealth advisers to provide personal and targeted investment
advice to mass-market customers in a cost-effective manner
Why improved advisory matters

Cost of service Demand for differentiated experience Pressure to become self-service

AI and automation solutions have the potential to Improved wealth-management advice can serve as a As self-service tools become more sophisticated and easy
decrease the cost of serving customers through reduced differentiator for mass-market customer segments that are to use, advisers are seeking to change their value
human capital costs and faster timelines traditionally under-served by advisers proposition for customers

Observed opportunities
Equip advisers with highly personalized insights Share more detailed economic insights Enable users to effectively manage their investments
Pain point Pain point Pain point
Over-the-counter financial advice is limited in scope Advisers struggle to differentiate advice and retain customers Impulsive and uninformed decisions result in poor outcomes
Branch advisers are ubiquitous but limited in their ability to serve With limited access to data, wealth advisers are unable to provide Mass-market investors sometimes fall into “beginner traps” (e.g.
customers with tailored financial advice due to the size of their detailed and specific financial advice, resulting in generic advice buying high and selling low, impulse investing, tax inefficiencies),
books. This gap is often extended by other disconnects (e.g. age, and a lack of differentiation among advisers. This, in turn, leads to because the oversight afforded to higher-net-worth clients – such
lifestyle) between advisers and their clients low customer stickiness as private bankers – is not available

New capabilities New capabilities New capabilities

 Advanced analytics dashboards provide detailed insights  Econometric indicators can combine economic datasets and  Cross-product analysis can use machine learning to look
about clients’ needs and enable easy calculations to optimize market events to provide customers with relevant insights and across a customer’s financial products and automatically
products, services and advice. This can expand the branch data on macroeconomic trends; customers will tend to stay with optimize areas of improvement (e.g. suboptimal savings
adviser role by enabling junior and non-dedicated financial the platform that houses their historic data and consequently allocations)
advisers to provide personal – and potentially niche – advice to delivers stronger insights
clients (e.g. portfolio modelling)
AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples

Right Capital provides easy-to-use financial-planning software Addepar offers software to ForwardLane has introduced an Albert combines customers’ financial data across insurance,
tools (e.g. tax projections) to aid financial services employees in wealth managers that integrates API through which investors can deposits, lending and wealth management to provide personalized
performing ad hoc analysis that helps clients make decisions and customers’ financial information query the firm about how strategies financial advice that considers the individual’s holistic financial
plan their finances to generate detailed and specific and wider market-related events position
reports in real time can affect their portfolios
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Investment management | Strategy B: Become a hyper-efficient, low-fee investment manager
AI is taking on a growing portion of investment management
responsibilities, delivering high-quality service at a lower cost
Why being low-fee matters

Win price competition against peers Changing benchmarks for success Maintain performance quality
Combining high efficiency with low fees allows institutions Passive strategies have changed the basis of competition It is critical for hedge funds and other high-end investment
to reduce expense ratios and remain competitive in an among investment managers from “generating alpha” to products to maintain risk-adjusted return performance
environment of low interest rates and anaemic growth “having low fees” while they engage in cost-cutting

Observed opportunities
Control ballooning back-office compliance costs Establish passive products that track new datasets Mimic advanced strategies while controlling costs
Pain point Pain point Pain point
Reviews and disclosures are performed manually Passive products are limited to tracking established indices Funds with specialized strategies tend to have high fees
Investment institutions have often implemented tactical stop-gap Current passive products are built on the same set of assets and Firms that attempt to differentiate based on financial performance
solutions using manual processes and paper documents to meet data, which are easy to analyse and readily available. Many new data must invest heavily in talent, increasing the fund’s operating costs
regulatory requirements. This results in high operating costs and sources are unstructured, requiring cleansing and normalizing, which and requiring it to charge higher performance fees
the need for more labour-intensive work with each regulatory is labour-intensive and thus unappealing
New capabilities New capabilities New capabilities
 Data-gathering  Image  Automated legal  Parsing unstructured data (e.g. voice, text, images) at scale  Automation of data analytics through machine-learning
automation can recognition can disclaimers and using machine learning can open up new data sources that can technologies and cloud processing significantly increases the
be employed to be used to digitize boilerplate text can be indexed to market trends. Trading strategies based on these analytics throughput of talent, allowing a small number of
find information to compliance be generated indices offer differentiated return profiles at lower costs professionals to replicate what previously took an army of
generate reports documents and using machine analysts
extract key figures learning
AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples

Fundapps tracks position limits, Fortia Financial Solutions Vortexa, iSentium, RavenPack and many others are packaging Wealthfront has launched a risk-parity fund to mimic
disclosure requirements and automates compliance alternative data (e.g. Twitter feeds or satellite data) as trading Bridgewater’s “all-weather fund” without the $100 million account
investment restrictions to create processes for fund managers signals for hedge funds, suggesting a strong demand to use this minimum and lower fees, allowing it to extend differentiated return
warnings and regulatory filings data for new investment strategies profiles to its non-traditional client base11

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Dep. & lend Insurance Payments Inv. mgmt. Capt. mkts. Mkt. infra. Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 118
Investment management | Strategy C: Offer more customized investment portfolios
AI-driven personalized portfolio management enables more tailored
customer experiences and better investment outcomes
Why customization matters

Differentiated financial outcomes for clients Extend a unique customer experience Potential to reduce attrition via product availability
Customized advice and portfolio management ensures Customization allows institutions to position themselves As new products such as smart-beta ETFs become more
that personal finances are aligned to the objectives of as the smarter, more understanding and more caring popular, stagnant investment managers risk losing
the client money managers customers and AuM

Observed opportunities
Holistically understand investor preferences in real time Develop unique strategies to customize portfolios Offer outcome-based portfolio modelling
Pain point Pain point Pain point
Current methods for understanding customers’ investment Existing investment strategies are simplistic and merely Portfolio optimization is product-focused instead of customer-
needs are inaccurate and onerous for customers adjust asset allocation across a limited product shelf focused, leading to a mismatch between goals and outcomes
Customers are presented with simplistic risk-profile surveys that do Building customized hedging strategies or risk exposures is a high- Often, wealth managers separate customers into preset risk
not develop nuanced, quantitative profiles of their tolerances, cost activity that requires high-skill investment professionals to buckets that fit standardized portfolios; this model is easier for
leading to individuals feeling that their investment manager does make value judgements. This means that institutions are not able wealth managers but risks misalignment with customers’
not truly understand their needs to offer these services to some or all of their clients financial goals
New capabilities New capabilities New capabilities
 Analysing new data  Achieving continuous  Building  Analysing new  Correlating new  Integrating customer views  Modular offerings can
sources, including monitoring in real time by personalized risk exposures data with market can personalize financial provide goal-driven solutions
transaction and third-party building data feeds that asset-allocation can develop proxy performance using advice in the context of a rather than product-driven
data, using machine learning, monitor clients’ finances and models, despite portfolios for machine learning broad set of potential client life bundles
allows for the generation of detect immediately when their complexity, to common risk areas allows development goals (e.g. holidays, starting a
personalized risk factors rebalancing is necessary expand products (e.g. real estate) of customized business)
AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples strategies AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples

Decipher Finance analyses CleverNudge uses machine Fidelity and BlackRock’s Clarity AI quantitatively tracks Fountain Money combines bot-based and human-based advice to
data to reveal investment needs learning to generate contextual products give low-cost investors the social responsibility of firms, build bespoke investment plans for clients that focus on the
and provide tailored advice to triggers and customer segments access to strategies such as which can be used by fund specific life goals of the investor
wealth clients multifactor weighting and have managers to optimize socially
over $100 billion AuM12 responsible portfolios
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Investment management | Strategy D: Pioneer emerging markets and low-income wealth
AI enables institutions to serve low-income markets in a cost-effective
Why new markets matter

Opportunities in high-growth markets Growth in developed markets Lower switching costs

Divergent global growth rates promise a boom in the Increasingly, small deposit amounts can be Digital tools are making it easier for investors to change
wealth of emerging markets, where existing wealth- profitably managed, allowing for continued growth in their investment and advisory providers, creating the
management solutions do not meet customer demand mature markets opportunity for firms to access new customers

Observed opportunities
Seamless account setup and portfolio construction Explore existing digital platforms for distribution Digitize customer servicing
Pain point Pain point Pain point
Opening investment accounts is a complex process The cost of opening and servicing small-cap accounts today Dependency on human advisers increases the cost of
Legal and regulatory requirements mean that opening an outweighs the potential revenues operating channels
investment account often involves completing and signing It is often uneconomical for institutions to target low-net-worth Inflexible and unresponsive user experiences limit digital channels
numerous forms and documents. This forces customers to dig for accounts in emerging middle-class segments even though their to a predefined set of actions and recommendations, requiring
information that is not readily available (e.g. status of other wealth is significant and rapidly growing investors to access high-cost phone or in-person channels for
investments), as well as make time to be present in-person personalized answers or recommendations
New capabilities New capabilities New capabilities
 Data normalization allows  Digital identity solutions  Building integration points  End-to-end automation  Voice search allows clients  Intelligent dashboards adapt
institutions to access data can be bolstered by AI using allows account setup and allows straight-through to ask questions using natural to every interaction that
from disparate sources, image recognition to reduce servicing to be connected to processing of accounts language when they do not advisers have with their
increasing the scalability of uncertainty of identity digital platforms that hold opened on digital channels, at have certainty over where to customers to make critical
digital channels verification deposits (e.g. payment apps) low marginal cost find a particular answer information accessible

AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples

Onfido uses image recognition to verify ID documents, as well as Yu’e Bao is built into the Alipay platform and allows Alipay UBS Companion is a pilot project, developed with FaceMe, which
facial recognition to facilitate cross-border ID verification – customers to invest their leftover balances. This has led to AuM of allows wealth management clients to pose any economic question
increasing the global scalability of onboarding $235 billion in four years, making it the world’s largest money to a virtual avatar of the firm’s chief investment office and receive
market fund 13 answers from UBS’s chief economist14

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Investment management | Strategy E: Use data to generate alpha and differentiate returns
AI can be used to generate products with new return profiles that are
uncorrelated with established strategies
Why differentiated return profiles matter

Fund performance is a clear differentiator Arbitrage is increasingly fleeting Traditional investing strategies are saturated
Overall perceived skill as a fund (e.g. ability to earn alpha) As data is commoditized and algorithms operate at high It is increasingly difficult to generate alpha and identify
is a core factor for investors and enhancing this skill will speed, the window to profit from new strategies shrinks, investment opportunities with high potential through
result in capital inflows forcing arbitrageurs to be more innovative typical strategies

Observed opportunities
Analyse vast quantities of data at scale Continuously source new and exclusive datasets Find new relationships using advanced analysis methods
Pain point Pain point Pain point
The capabilities of data scientists are limited by imagination, Defending proprietary datasets is increasingly difficult Most funds’ returns are closely correlated with each other
creativity and the volume of data that can be parsed It is difficult for institutions to differentiate themselves on the basis Across many financial markets, it is increasingly difficult to
Many market correlations are non-linear or convoluted, making of data as it becomes commoditized by service providers. generate alpha through traditional investment strategies. Markets
them difficult to analyse and turn into useful signals. Traditional However, the exponential growth of data suggests that there is an are becoming increasingly efficient as more investors make use of
analysis techniques are also time-consuming and costly opportunity in continuously sourcing new and excludable data a broad suite of sophisticated investment approaches

New capabilities New capabilities New capabilities

 Automate the collection and  Employ modern data  Parse unstructured data  Develop general-purpose  Use cutting-edge algorithms (e.g. deep learning) to identify
structuring of data to support storage architecture to using advanced-learning analysis technologies that previously unexplored patterns and correlations that support
efficient investment decision- make large datasets algorithms to continuously can derive insights from a investment decision-making to generate alpha for investors
making (e.g. by automatically accessible (i.e. searchable and economically build new wide variety of types of data
summarizing key insights) and sortable) datasets that can support (e.g. social, quantitative) and
investment analysis formats (e.g. audio, text)
AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples

Two Sigma and Renaissance Technologies are hedge funds Eagle Alpha offers asset managers exclusive datasets and an WilmotML uses machine learning to offer advisory and investment
that differentiate their return profiles using quantitative methods analytics platform to assist in the analysis of alternative data tools, using emerging secular trends (e.g. connected cities,
and have attracted $50 billion AuM each15 across 24 categories (e.g. mobile app usage, satellite and weather, designer genes) to develop a deep understanding of the macro
reviews and ratings) environment and inform investment decisions

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Investment management | Conclusion

Looking forward

1 There is interest in capturing unmanaged and “dead” cash to increase individual wealth globally, but
supervisory bodies must ensure this is coupled with customer education and informed consent

2 The consolidation of institutions and algorithms will deliver lower prices for customers due to automation
and price competition, but it will also create new systemic risks in the event of failure

3 Wealth advisory will increasingly become the centre of customers’ financial lives as it gains access to
increasing volumes of data, allowing it to expand reach and take control of financial products

4 Participants must consider the risks associated with poor algorithmic decisions and the potential exposure
that comes from an increasingly centralized infrastructure for investment management (e.g. shared

5 The shape of conduct risk will change given that individual mistakes by wealth-advisory algorithms can
impact large sets of clients, while mistakes by individual advisers are more frequent but also more

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Investment management | References

1. “TR15/12: Wealth Management Firms and Private Banks: Suitability of Investment Portfolios”, as of 13 October 2016. Financial Conduct Authority. Retrieved from
2. “The ‘Greater’ Wealth Transfer: Capitalizing on the Intergenerational Shift in Wealth”. Accenture. Retrieved from
3. “Customer Experience: Innovate Like a FinTech”. EY. Retrieved from$FILE/ey-gcbs-customer-experience.pdf
4. “43% of Advisors Nearing Retirement, Says Cerulli”, as of 17 January 2014. Financial Advisor. Retrieved from
5. “The Future of Customer Experience in Financial Services”. Akamai. Retrieved from
6. “Tackling the Cost Challenge – Latest Trends & Opportunities”. Morgan Stanley Global Asset Management.
7. “$50 Trillion of Cash on the Sidelines Could Be Good News for Stocks and Gold”, as of 5 November 2016. Business Insider. Retrieved from
8. “China’s Assets Under Management to Hit $17tn by 2030”. Financial Times. Retrieved from
9. “The Rise of Quantitative Hedge Funds”. Novus. Retrieved from
10. “Quant Hedge Funds Set to Surpass $1tn Management Mark”. Financial Times. Retrieved from
11. “Investing Just Got Better with Wealthfront”, as of 22 February 2018. Wealthfront. Retrieved from
12. “Smart Beta Funds Pass $1tn in Assets”. Financial Times. Retrieved from
13. “Ant Financials Yu’e Bao Caps Daily Investment at $3,000”, as of 7 December 2017. Reuters. Retrieved from
14. “AI and avatars set to alter wealth management”, as of 4 July 2018. Financial Standard. Retrieved from
15. “Two Sigma Rapidly Rises to Top of Quant Hedge Fund World”. Financial Times. Retrieved from

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Capital markets
Sector exploration
Capital markets | Sector overview

Strict regulations, flat global growth and lukewarm trading volumes have hurt
profitability for most actors in the capital markets ecosystem
Overview Issues facing the sector

Sector description and chapter scope Falling revenues across − 26% fall in fixed-income trading revenue across the top
core services 12 investment banks in the five years leading to 20162
Capital markets are composed of the buyers and sellers of assorted financial securities (debt,
equities, derivatives etc.), as well as the intermediaries that facilitate these transactions.
This chapter will focus on active parties in transactions and the deal-making process. Post-trade
functions, such as clearing and settlement, are covered in the Market infrastructure chapter. High cost of − $9.79 billion in fines paid by the largest ten investment
Processes Market participants non-traditional risk banks globally in the first eight months of 20163
Deal-making process Debt and equity market Derivatives market

• Research and analytics • Corporate issuers •

Corporate issuers
Chapter scope • Pre-trade analytics and (investment banks) (investment banks)
services • Asset owners
• Sales and trading (asset managers)
• Risk and finance support Increasing reliance on − About 80% of the global derivatives reporting markets

• •
and OTC

Buyers and sellers Buyers and sellers

Clearing and settlement
systematically important is handled by DTCC’s Global Trade Repository4
Covered in Market (e.g. hedge funds, (e.g. hedge funds,
infrastructure providers
• Execution and post-
pension funds) commercial banks) − 70% of all global ETF assets are managed by the three
chapter • Investment banks • Investment banks
trading services largest ETF providers5
Sector trends

→ Macroeconomic uncertainty stemming from Brexit, rising interest rates and moderate yet volatile
growth are dampening trading volume on a global scale
Difficulty accessing − 12% of global private capital investment goes to
→ New regulations such as the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II are decoupling opportunities in emerging emerging markets, despite the fact that they account for
banking services and research fees markets most of global GDP growth6
→ Declining fixed-income trading revenue is slowing down industry revenue growth in the short
→ Increasing maturity and rising complexity of Asian and other emerging economies are creating
new markets and institutions that are becoming integrated into the capital markets ecosystem
Pressure on derivatives − Ten-year low in gross market value of outstanding over-
→ Crypto-assets (e.g. ICOs) are allowing non-traditional players to introduce new capital-formation
and hedging markets the-counter (OTC) derivatives as of July 20177
methods, the future and regulatory treatment of which is unclear
Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Dep. & lend Insurance Payments Inv. mgmt. Capt. mkts. Mkt. infra. Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 125
Capital markets | Strategies summary

AI has the potential to democratize access to capital across the global economy
by unlocking greater efficiency, safety and performance in capital markets
The rise of AI will initiate and accelerate the following changes in capital markets:

Specialized digital tools will Deal-making and investor Financial models will become Capital and risk management will
proliferate across the deal- matching will be increasingly more accurate, improving the ability be a differentiator, as firms
making value chain, shifting the automated, reducing the defensible to extend financing to early-stage or specialize in new margin
workload of bankers in both the front advantage of the “best-connected” distressed companies calculations and offsetting tools
and the back office firms and requiring new core

Key AI-enabled strategies in capital markets include:

Strategy A Strategy B Strategy C

Improve investment performance Deploy advanced capital and risk-

Simplify the deal-making process
through research insights management solutions

→ E.g. use predictive analytics to → E.g. use machine learning to pinpoint → E.g. use machine learning to detect
automate due diligence deal prospects based on non-traditional and report anomalies in stress-testing
or unstructured datasets results

The following slides will explore each strategy, detail the components and highlight key examples

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Capital markets | Strategy A: Simplify the deal-making process
AI can perform administrative tasks faster and better than humans,
enabling the latter to focus on higher-value activities
Why simplifying processes matters

Need for fast and responsive experiences Scope of market offering Prediction of falling revenues
As commercial due-diligence tools become more Lean operations allow for opportunities to service smaller Fees in the global IPO market have declined from $12
important in the digital environment, firms will need to deals and clients, improving the accessibility of otherwise billion in 2007 to $4.3 billion in 2017,8 pushing institutions
enable faster decision-making on possible deals high-cost capital market offerings to look to cost savings for profit growth

Observed opportunities
Automate pre-trade analysis, due diligence and administration Automate investment monitoring and reporting
Pain point Pain point
There are a large number of manual and low-value tasks throughout pre-deal analysis, which Investors want to receive information in near-real-time on investment and deal performance to
are often completed by highly trained investment professionals track how key financial metrics are developing
Due diligence, prospectus preparation, roadshows, pricing and other processes are labour-intensive Most communications with clients require report preparation and data extraction from different sources.
and slow, yet they must be handled by highly skilled staff. Many rote tasks in these processes, such as This slows client service as the information will not always be ready for communication immediately,
analysing documentation and legal requirements, can be automated, freeing up banker capacity to and manual work is required to source data and prepare reports. This process can stretch a single
focus on higher-value interactions update request to many days
New capabilities New capabilities
 New document-preparation tools and  Digitized information sharing enables  Automated investor reports can streamline  Voice assistants allow clients to ask an
platforms allow for the large-scale automation content such as reports, performance data, the valuation process at scale through the institution specific questions and receive
of key services such as due-diligence pitch decks and legal documents to be easily collection, normalization and analysis of personalized answers 24/7/365, reducing the
documentation and routine preparatory tasks circulated with deal prospects in open and financial data using document recognition reliance on manual work for rote question and
automated virtual data rooms answer

AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples

Goldman Sachs’ Deal Link digital interface has CENTRL‘s automated due-diligence platform, Clearwater automates data aggregation for Deutsche Bank and IBM Watson have
enabled it to automate half of the 127 steps of Assess360, provides a central repository for all investment accounting and reporting by announced a partnership to implement a
informal IPO checklists9 diligence content, where all parties can view risk automating data intake and making it easier to cognitive advisory tool to support clients and
profiling and detailed analytics produce necessary reports instantly advisers in internal and external processes10

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Capital markets | Strategy B: Improve investment performance through research insights
AI can help discover promising investment opportunities by tracking down
patterns that are not detectable through conventional research methods
Why advanced research insight matters

Reliance on tacit information Growth in quantitative buy-side processes Risk of new entrants
Investors often over-rely on relationships to identify deal Sell-side institutions struggle to provide services to New players are automating relationship-based processes
opportunities, even through data-driven, analytical quantitative investors, particularly when pitching private and mining public data to find companies and teams with
approaches are now available companies where data is less available unique features

Observed opportunities
Achieve better investment performance by using new data in opaque markets Use predictive models to improve deal identification, pairing and sales activities
Pain point Pain point
Market and deal analytics for growing companies (e.g. IPO stage) is slow and labour-intensive Historically, the capital-raising process has been highly intermediated, driven by referrals and
There is notably less data available for venture capital firms to analyse target companies, compared to face-to-face networking, making it labour-intensive and inefficient
later-stage organizations. Furthermore, many investments happen in frontier industries where rules Firms are reliant on, and limited to, the knowledge of brokers, resulting in suboptimal pairing of
and trends are often unpredictable. Even for later-stage companies with predictable financials, scaling investors and investments. This reduces the overall efficiency of capital markets and performance,
analytics is challenging when certain information is missing (e.g. audited financials) both for investors and growing companies

New capabilities New capabilities

 Analysis of unstructured data (e.g. old  Increased speed of analysis using machine  Synthesis of deal prospects and “partners  Algorithmic matching systems can support
deals, total money raised, founding-team learning allows institutions to test correlations most likely to invest” using machine learning the creation of pitch books by determining the
background etc.) using machine learning can in a more automated way. This reduces the can improve sales efficiency. Proprietary data most important factors that investors consider
generate indicators of future success effort required to build models, freeing from investment banks can be used to and synthesizing key points, which will better
resources to do more qualitative analysis understand the views and preferred identify and match deal prospects and deal
(e.g. interviews) opportunities of different investors opportunities
AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples

HOF Capital, Hone Capital, Correlation Ventures and others are adding quantitative analysis to JPMorgan introduced the “Emerging Kognetics uses a system to find and catalogue
venture financing by building tools to filter for deal prospects using criteria such as number of PhDs, Opportunities Engine”, which helps identify data, to identify attractive acquisition candidates
founders who worked at successful technology companies, and tier-one university team members. clients best suited for follow-on equity offerings in the technology industry
Datasets can be pulled from public sources such as Crunchbase and analysed at low cost via automated analysis of financial positions,
market conditions and historical data11
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Capital markets | Strategy C: Deploy advanced capital and risk-management solutions
AI allows institutions to track their risk exposure more accurately and
optimize capital reserves in real time
Why better risk management matters

Pressure from new regulatory requirements Need for more accurate risk management Increasing margin costs
There is mounting pressure to increase capital margins, Increased customization of risk profiles allows for earlier Dealers have changed the way they price OTC derivatives
requiring more sophisticated capital-optimization and more accurate risk estimation, which can limit to reflect funding costs (e.g. funding initial margins for
techniques unwanted exposure non-centrally cleared derivatives)

Observed opportunities
Develop real-time pre- and post-trade risk management solutions Use broader and better data to develop predictive risk models that drive capital savings
Pain point Pain point
Inefficient calculation of initial margins ties up capital and increases costs, particularly when Excess capital must be kept to meet liquidity requirements due to risk-model inaccuracies from
regulatory frameworks are increasingly focused on risk mitigation and de-leveraging limited use of data
Initial margin-optimization processes are a function of several variables, such as counterparties and Accurate risk measurement is highly dependent on the quality of data used by risk models, as well as
underlying assets. Standard optimization algorithms are limited in their ability to take a complex mixture the risk methodology itself. A limited number of datasets are currently used compared to the wealth of
of parameters into account without significant effort unstructured and semi-structured datasets available, which could help validate risk models

New capabilities New capabilities

 Pre-trade risk analysis can determine the  Continuous risk modelling enables  Scrutinizing alternative datasets with  Analysis of new risk parameters that
impact of different trade scenarios on overall institutions to automate risk models, machine-learning algorithms can improve the influence initial margin requirements via
portfolio positions and factor in the cost of risk understand changes to exposure in real time coverage and granularity of risk models, as machine learning (e.g. offsetting pairs of
capital in profitability calculations and recalibrate capital levels well as improve the quality of data fed into the trades, offsetting strategies at the same
system overall dealer, and innovation in trades from one
dealer to another)
AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples

DTCC is testing services that inform clients of Kinetica provides investment firms with tools for JPMorgan has redesigned its Standard Chartered published Natixis’s equity derivatives
the capital-ratio impact of trading strategies near-real-time tracking of risk exposure, Market Risk platform, which now a paper outlining cases where AI business uses machine learning
before, rather than after, trades are completed enabling the continuous monitoring of capital manages over one billion risk outperforms standard algorithms to detect anomalous projections
requirements sensitivities and provides for optimizing margin valuation generated by its stress-testing
visibility 17 times faster12 adjustment13 models14
Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Dep. & lend Insurance Payments Inv. mgmt. Capt. mkts. Mkt. infra. Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 129
Capital markets | Conclusion

Looking forward

1 While increased efficiency in deal-making may have clear benefits for the global economy, supervisory bodies
will struggle to keep pace with innovation, creating potential gaps in macro-prudential oversight

2 AI will be core to the matching of buyers and sellers, in both listed exchanges and over-the-counter markets

3 As portfolio management is increasingly digitalized and customized to the individual, sell-side institutions
may consider the opportunity to engage investors and consumers directly without intermediaries

4 Market participants must ensure an ethical, transparent and explainable distribution of capital, which may
require new tools and processes when these decisions are aided by AI

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Capital markets | References

1. “Wall Street Banking Revenue Is in Free Fall, and Here's Why”, as of 19 April 2016. CNBC. Retrieved from
2. “What’s $27 Billion to Wall Street? An Alarming Drop in Revenue”. The New York Times. Retrieved from
3. “Investment Bank Fines on Course to Rebound”. Financial Times. Retrieved from
4. “Policymakers Left with Problem in the Wake of London Whale”. Financial Times. Retrieved from
5. “The Three Largest Players Have A 70% Market Share In $4 Trillion Global ETF Industry”, as of 17 May 2017. Forbes. Retrieved from
6. “Private Equity in Emerging Markets Changes and Pitfalls for Private Equity Firms”, as of August 2016. INSEAD.
publications/documents/IE2-PEinEM-PitfallsandChancesforPEfirms-RaphaelVantroost- FINALSep16.pdf
7. “Statistical Release: OTC Derivatives Statistics at end June 2017”, as of November 2017. Bank for International Settlements. Retrieved from
8. “Goldman’s Rise of the IPO Machines”, as of 14 June 2017. Bloomberg. Retrieved from
9. "As Goldman Embraces Automation, Even the Masters of the Universe Are Threatened”, as of 7 February 2017. MIT Technology Review. Retrieved from
10. “Deutsche Bank Jumps on IBM Watson for Germanic AI Ambitions”, as of 12 October 2017. Banking Technology. Retrieved from
11. “Machine Learning Is Now Used in Wall Street Dealmaking, and Bankers Should Probably Be Worried”, as of 4 April 2017. Business Insider. Retrieved from
12. “JP Morgan Is Targeting Silicon Valley”, as of 4 April 2017. Business Insider. Retrieved from
13. “Evolutionary Algos for Optimising MVA”. Retrieved from
14. “Model Risk Managers Eye Benefits of Machine Learning.”

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Dep. & lend Insurance Payments Inv. mgmt. Capt. mkts. Mkt. infra. Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 131
Market infrastructure
Sector exploration
Market infrastructure | Sector overview

The shift of service offerings beyond trade facilitation exposes infrastructure

providers to new strategic and operational challenges
Overview Issues facing the sector

Sector description and chapter scope Uneven growth across − 6% annual revenue gains for market infrastructure
geographies providers in Asia-Pacific vs. 3% in the US and 1% in EMEA
Market infrastructure refers to all entities providing venues, information, networking and IT, custody, in 20173
clearing and settlement services to capital market participants engaged in trading (i.e. services to
broker-dealers, and sell-side and buy-side actors).
New entrants and fintechs − 15% of global fintech venture capital was invested in
This chapter will focus on underlying infrastructure products and service providers, while active entering exchange services capital market infrastructure fintechs in 2016, up from less
financial market participants are discussed in the Capital markets section of this report. than 1% in 20114
Covered in Capital
Chapter scope
markets − 61% of World Federation of Exchanges members
believe start-ups and large technology companies will have
Pre-trading and Post-trading Core technology Information and Deal-making the most impact on market infrastructure in the next five
execution processing infrastructure data process years4
• Order • Clearing • Data • Primary market
management • Custody management data reporting Certain asset classes lag in − Just 19% of the trading volume of investment-grade
• Price discovery • Settlement • Network and IT • Surveillance of moving to electronic corporate cash bonds is conducted electronically in the US
• Market making activities trading as of early 2018,5 compared to around 90% for equities
• Risk and forex spots6

Sector trends Increasing competition − 45% of Intercontinental Exchange’s revenue was

with information providers generated by data services as of 2017, up from 22%
→ Increasing use of central counterparty clearing as more countries impose central clearing in 20147,8
obligations and gradually extend them to new types of derivatives and counterparties
→ Continued appetite for consolidation of exchanges in spite of rising political and regulatory Concentration of trading − 95% of OTC interest rates derivatives are handled by
hurdles to cross-border deals1,2 among critical providers LCH.Clearnet9

→ Increasing competition in data markets as infrastructure providers have aggressively − 98% of credit default swap clearing is conducted by
diversified beyond trading activities and into data and analytics products Intercontinental Exchange9

→ Gradual outsourcing of data hosting and non-core functions to technology service providers, − 88% of financial resources, including initial-margin and
based on rising confidence in the security and operational benefits offered by cloud operators default funds, sit in ten central counterparty clearing
houses (CCPs), raising concerns from regulators10

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Market infrastructure | Strategies summary

AI can bolster the resilience and efficiency of market infrastructure while allowing
providers to augment their value proposition through new services
The rise of AI will initiate and accelerate the following changes in market infrastructure:

Speed of transactions for most New asset classes will move to Data services will be a core part Supervision of the financial
asset classes is likely to electronic trading as AI overcomes of the infrastructure provider system will be reshaped as
accelerate as straight-through data-sharing and risk-management business model as automated advanced fraud-detection and
processing increases the speed of challenges for illiquid securities processes enable high-quality security features limit the ability of
settlement content production that is both faster malicious actors to act without
and lower cost detection or retaliation

Key AI-enabled strategies in market infrastructure include:

Strategy A Strategy B Strategy C Strategy D

Streamline post-trade processes and Offer advanced compliance and risk Develop value-added data and Introduce new order and settlement
increase cost efficiency management “as a service” analytics services types

→ E.g. use image recognition and → E.g. use machine learning to develop → E.g. use AI to compute economic → E.g. use predictive analytics to
robotic process automation to services that track down potentially indicators and swiftly compile optimize order execution in unstable
reconcile trade data fraudulent trading activity and filter out marketable trading data and reports market conditions
false positive flags

The following slides will explore each strategy, detail the components and highlight key examples

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Market infrastructure | Strategy A: Streamline post-trade processes and increase cost efficiency
AI allows institutions to automate reporting and better integrate workflows,
reducing manual labour and improving straight-through processing
Why streamlining matters

Speed of settlement Support for automated processing Increasing risk awareness and regulations
Clients are increasingly demanding faster, more Firms today are more open to automated post-trade Increasing focus on risk management is motivating market
connected and more tailored functionality from market solutions that were previously deemed too sensitive to participants to seek solutions that address inefficiencies in
infrastructure providers operational risk to change post-trade processing

Observed opportunities
Integrate post-trade workflows to achieve straight-through processing Automate reconciliation and incident reporting to improve service quality and cut costs
Pain point Pain point
Post-trade processes are slow and costly due to the amount of disparate systems, requiring Reporting and reconciliation of irregular transactions often requires manual investigation,
manual operation and input regardless of the severity of the abnormality
Post-trade processes involve several disconnected trading and back-office systems as well as external Post-trade processes are one of the largest sources of errors in both trading and operational risk
interfaces across institutions and vendors, which limits straight-through processes. The fragmented management due to the level of manual intervention required in processes such as trade life-cycle
nature of capital markets creates many breakage points where systems are not interoperable management, position reconciliation, trade fails management and reporting

New capabilities New capabilities

 Data normalization can detect input and  Robotic process automation allows  Automation of review and reconciliation of  Analysis of process failures using machine
output type, facilitating interoperability across institutions to automate systems integration trades can reduce manual efforts in workflows learning allows firms to search for patterns in
different systems with different data with external workflows with limited and optimize cycle times, generating greater incident data to predict future incidents and
standards, headers and reporting frequencies reprogramming, simplifying the development efficiencies and minimizing operational costs prepare advanced incident and exception
of automated multi-vendor platforms management

AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples

DTCC-Euroclear Global Collateral, a joint venture between Euroclear and the Depository Trust & truePTS, owned by the exchange trueEX, is a post-trade-processing platform using robotic process
Clearing Corporation (DTCC), and NEX, announced a new partnership to streamline and improve OTC automation, NLP and other automation techniques to automate manual post-trade processes. It offers
derivatives margin-call processes. This manages the entire margin-call process on the triResolve matching and validation engines as well as AI voice deal-capture technology
Margin platform, achieving greater straight-through processing11

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Dep. & lend Insurance Payments Inv. mgmt. Capt. mkts. Mkt. infra. Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 135
Market infrastructure | Strategy B: Offer advanced compliance and risk management ‘as a service’
AI is creating new opportunities to develop software ‘as a service’ solutions
that address the regulatory and compliance pressures faced by clients
Why efficient compliance matters

Increasing regulatory pressure Constraints of traditional service offerings Ever-changing regulatory requirements
New regulatory programmes are increasing reporting Infrastructure providers’ “core” product shelves are Institutions are continuously working to comply with new
requirements, creating the opportunity to market limited, creating the opportunity for internal capabilities to regulations. Technology services have the opportunity to
standardized and scalable solutions generate new revenue streams centralize this effort

Observed opportunities
Deploy holistic market-surveillance services Automate alert triage, investigation and reporting
Pain point Pain point
Market surveillance is performed inefficiently, with work duplicated across many institutions A significant number of compliance costs arise due to regulatory reporting requirements for
Rules-based approaches to detect market abuse are based on retrospective flagging of transactions transactions that have been flagged as suspicious
using individual institutions’ incomplete transaction histories. While every financial institution needs to Every positive alert in today’s market-surveillance engines needs to be validated, classified and
adhere to certain surveillance requirements, systems that are built internally cannot use insights from documented. This is often a manual process that requires the collation of data from various sources in
transaction patterns across institutions, limiting the accuracy of internal systems order to complete paper reports that will be submitted to regulatory bodies and risk groups

New capabilities New capabilities

 Advanced surveillance systems using  Modularized and digital systems with  Score alerts based on severity and potential  Automated report drafting can allow draft
machine learning can bring together straight-through processing can be deployed exposure of the client or the institution to risk. reports to be issued upon signal of an alert,
providers’ “whole-market” order data and as market surveillance “as a service” for Institutions can use this scoring to ensure reducing the processing time from when each
other unstructured data (e.g. traders’ clients, reducing their infrastructure and analysts prioritize the most pressing alert is generated through to completion of a
messages) to increase accuracy and reduce implementation requirements while increasing investigations report and action, if required
false positive rates surveillance accuracy
AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples

Nasdaq’s SMARTS uses AI to deliver “360- Software AG’s market-surveillance system Sybenetix’s real-time decision-support tools flag B-Next’s CMC:Suite uses speech analytics to
degree surveillance” for buy- and sell-side analyses real-time and historical data across suspicious market activity to compliance teams search and analyse trading voice-call recordings
clients, covering significantly higher global asset classes and markets to create flags for and provide analytics to detect false positives and expedite investigation capabilities
market standards12,13 positive and negative trading patterns

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Dep. & lend Insurance Payments Inv. mgmt. Capt. mkts. Mkt. infra. Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 136
Market infrastructure | Strategy C: Develop value-added data and analytics services
AI is allowing infrastructure providers to introduce new insights by
experimenting with their unique access to trade data
Why new services matter

Emergence of a new data market Value-chain diversification Excludability of data ownership

Increasing demand for data, combined with new Potential new revenue streams exist through the provision Providers that operate in multiple markets across asset
technologies, will lead to accelerated product of multifaceted datasets, tools for pre-trade insights and classes are in a unique position to create valuable and
development and sharpened competitiveness predictions, and other services proprietary datasets and insights

Observed opportunities
Develop macroeconomic indicators using internal data Offer insights on market structure and risk Sell internal analytics capabilities “as a service”
Pain point Pain point Pain point
Market participants use imperfect indicators for valuation Market microstructure presents risks and costs that often go Customized insights solutions that use internal and external
Macroeconomic indicators are often presented as periodic unaccounted data are difficult to build
indicators based on surveys. This means there is a delay in Information contained in order books often goes unanalysed as Data necessary for next-generation insight services will need to
factoring rapid shifts in macroeconomic data into market models, institutions lack the access, expertise or resources to effectively combine market data (e.g. pricing and order data) with non-
creating a risk of mispricing for capital markets participants understand the data traditional external data sources (e.g. news analysis) alongside
expertise, and AI tools
New capabilities New capabilities New capabilities
 Macroeconomic forecasting using machine learning, and the  Real-time transaction cost and analytics can be calculated  Flexible data integration  Advanced analytics engines
depth of price and order data within infrastructure providers, using machine learning to understand how certain trades or can generate unique and and proprietary tools capable
can allow the provision of new analytics services that can trading strategies will affect a variety of indicators (e.g. liquidity, customized insights using of interpreting raw data can
predict market performance in real time bid/ask spreads). Participants (e.g. high-frequency traders) internal data, third-party data offer unique insight into the
could use these analytics to plan their trading strategies sources and data from clients behaviour of different classes
of traders
AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples

ICE Data Services brings together data from the Intercontinental Deutsche Börse is expanding its data service to provide high- S&P Global has acquired Kensho, a provider of machine-
Exchange, New York Stock Exchange and the International Data volume raw data from across the order life cycle with low latency, learning and analytics tools, allowing S&P to deepen its presence
Corporation that can be used in economic analytics, valuation and error rates and noise15,16 in customer value chains and connect with clients during the deal-
connectivity solutions14 discovery and pre-trade analysis processes17

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Dep. & lend Insurance Payments Inv. mgmt. Capt. mkts. Mkt. infra. Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 137
Market infrastructure | Strategy D: Introduce new order and settlement types
AI allows institutions to deploy new order types and settlement methods
that protect long-term and risk-averse investors
Why better execution matters

Competing on best execution Unique order-history data Better segmentation of customers

The proliferation of complex and opaque trading practices Infrastructure providers’ unique access to full trade Long-term investors have different requirements and risk
across traditional public exchanges has increased histories means they are best positioned to model the appetites to arbitrageurs when it comes to the speed and
demand for transparency and fairness impact of order types and design new products price of execution

Observed opportunities
Deploy trade-protection models for long-term investors Enable dynamic order types Use dynamic execution to improve trade speed and price
Pain point Pain point Pain point
Investors are exposed to adverse order outcomes Limited order types restrict strategy options for investors Signals created by orders can adversely affect execution price
Market-surveillance activities are retroactive rather than proactive, Market design can mean the outcomes of transactions and Institutional clients create market signals when they undertake
exposing risk-averse investors to negative effects from illegal auctions have a significant effect on the market. By limiting order portfolio or sector rotation, or make changes that require large
activities, predatory trading strategies or price quote instability (e.g. types to a simple set, market designers are actively restricting the market transactions. These signals can be used by traders to profit
from high-frequency trading) goals that investors can seek from a changing order book, resulting in worse prices for
institutional clients and often slower and more uncertain execution
New capabilities New capabilities New capabilities
 Predictive market-surveillance models using machine  Trade-optimization engines can be used to execute trades in  Real-time price-impact  Trade fragmentation using
learning can anticipate adverse impacts from predatory, high- market auctions with the goal of optimizing certain metrics (e.g. modelling can apply machine AI can divide a large order into
frequency trading strategies and protect orders from retail or volume, price or speed) learning to predict the price smaller orders placed over a
long-term investors impact of a given order, and longer time horizon to best
the resulting transaction costs mitigate price movements and
execute at the best price
AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples AI and/or Advanced Automation Examples

IEX Trading has introduced machine-learning techniques to create Google uses machine learning in its real-time advertisement- JPMorgan is testing a system called LOXM in its European
new order types that protect trades from execution during unstable, placement marketplace. This allows companies to place ad orders equities business. It learns how to execute client orders with
potentially adverse conditions (e.g. best bid or best offer is about to on the Google AdWords network based on additional objectives maximum speed at the best price (e.g. how best to offload big
decline or increase)18 (e.g. to maximize conversion) as opposed to only price19 equity stakes without moving market prices)20

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Dep. & lend Insurance Payments Inv. mgmt. Capt. mkts. Mkt. infra. Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 138
Market infrastructure | Conclusion

Looking forward

1 New service offerings will make infrastructure providers more resilient and improve participants’ access to
analytics, yet they will also raise questions about ownership of data and conflicts of interest

2 Increased automation will make global trading much more streamlined. However, participants risk being
exposed to further malicious activity from new participants integrated into digital trading networks

3 As market infrastructure becomes increasingly global, digital and complex, institutions will struggle to track
their fragmented regulatory requirements

4 As data-service providers become critical to the functioning of the financial markets, new standards may be
necessary to ensure the quality, accuracy and availability of data

5 Increasing the speed of transactions and the velocity of money will challenge institutions and regulators to
address the increased risk of financial contagion during market turbulence

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Dep. & lend Insurance Payments Inv. mgmt. Capt. mkts. Mkt. infra. Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 139
Market infrastructure | References

1. “Death of Global Exchange M&A? Not if CME’s Duffy Can Help It”, as of 28 March 2018. Bloomberg. Retrieved from
2. “Nasdaq CEO Says Era of Exchange Consolidation Is Over”. Financial Times. Retrieved from
3. “Capital Markets Infrastructure: An Industry Reinventing Itself”. McKinsey&Company. Retrieved from
4. “Capturing the Opportunity in Capital Markets Infrastructure”. World Federation of Exchanges. Retrieved from
5. “MiFID II Poised to Increase Electronic Trading, Tighten Spreads in European Fixed-Income Market”, as of 15 March 2018. Greenwich Associates. Retrieved from
6. “Electronic Trading in Fixed Income Markets, as of January 2016.” Markets Committee.
7. “Delivering Vital Infrastructure and Information to Transform Global Markets”. Theice. Retrieved from
8. “Intercontinental Exchange Fourth Quarter & Full Year 2014 Earnings Presentation”, as of 5 February 2015. Intercontinental Exchange. Retrieved from
9. “What if a Clearinghouse Fails?”, as of 6 June 2017. Brookings. Retrieved from
10. “CCP Study Raises Concentration Concerns”, as of 5 July 2017. Reuters. Retrieved from
11. “DTCC-EUROCLEAR Global Collateral and NEX Partner to Further Streamline Margin Call Processes”, as of 11 April 2018. DTCC. Retrieved from
12. “SMARTS Trade Surveillance System for the Sell-Side”. Nasdaq. Retrieved from
13. “Best Market Surveillance Product: Nasdaq SMARTS”. Retrieved from
14. “ICE Data Services”. Theice. Retrieved from
15. “Future of Fintech in Capital Markets”, as of 20 June 2016. Deutsche Börse Group. Retrieved from
16. “The Value of Data for the Financial Industry”, as of 5 March 2018. Deutsche Börse Group. Retrieved from
17. “S&P Global to Acquire Kensho; Bolsters Core Capabilities in Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing and Data Analytics”, as of 6 March 2018. CISION PR Newswire.
Retrieved from

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Dep. & lend Insurance Payments Inv. mgmt. Capt. mkts. Mkt. infra. Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 140
Market Infrastructure | References

18. “5 Things You Should Know About IEX”, as of 16 June 2016. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from
19. “Adwords Smart Bidding Playbook”, as of May 2017. Google. Retrieved from
20. “JP Morgan Develops Robot to Execute Trades”. Financial Times. Retrieved from

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Dep. & lend Insurance Payments Inv. mgmt. Capt. mkts. Mkt. infra. Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 141
How might the continued evolution of AI affect the future
of financial services?
Selected “what if?” scenarios for the long-term implications of AI for financial services
Future scenarios | Overview

The continued evolution of AI will enable new leaps in capabilities, causing

further disruptions in financial services
Overview of AI-driven future scenarios
AI’s development is unpredictable and, through our research, we encountered several future scenarios that may not be feasible given the technology currently available and
the existing regulatory structures. Nonetheless, these scenarios represent fundamentally different ways of thinking about financial services that merit consideration in the
public and private sectors alike

Selected future scenarios

Death of deposit Insurers act as “lines A central claims fraud utility Disappearance of Rise of a master
accounts of defence” is formed funds insurance model

Illiquid assets are tokenized Everything is managed wealth Online platforms become debt A central anti-money-laundering
warehouses utility is formed

The following slides will explore these scenarios across sectors, examining their implications as well as degree of possibility

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 143
Future scenarios | Death of deposit accounts

What if… cash was continuously and automatically allocated across

financial products, leading to the death of deposit accounts?
What if…? What would be the implications?
Common deposit accounts, where money sits idle earning no interest, cease to exist:
Customers’ financial health is radically improved through optimized savings
• Wealth managers move to become the centre of the retail customer experience, managing all flows of
rates and automated loan repayments that minimize interest expenses
money for customers
• Funds flow to the “optimal” account, including debt, savings and spending categories – matching Deposit accounts are no longer the locus of control for customers as the
customers’ “mental accounting” of their overall budgets and accounts centre of the retail customer experience shifts to financial-management platforms,
Manual decisions reducing interaction points between large banks and customers
required Reducing debt
Demand deposits shift further into the capital markets and wealth industry and
Current Savings and wealth away from the balance sheets of retail banks
state Deposit Item Deposit
(e.g. pay cheque) account Day-to-day expenses The cost of funds for lenders increases significantly as liquid deposits become
increasingly scarce

The demarcation between spending, borrowing and wealth management

Automatic decisions allow for
uninterrupted flow of funds to end user Reducing debt breaks down as one service-based offering manages the flow of customers’ money
across multiple accounts
Future Savings and
state Current regulatory frameworks, largely focused on liquidity and leverage,
Account deposit
AI-powered need to be adjusted for a new banking model that is not centred on demand
(e.g. pay cheque) Day-to-day expenses
wealth manager deposits

Why might this happen? WHY HASN’T THIS HAPPENED?

• Customers’ desire to manage their money better, and a behavioural understanding of "mental • Ensuring that an offering can automatically make optimal choices on behalf of customers
accounting”, are the drivers behind this development, which allows better personal financial management. requires the development of AI solutions that can consider a broad set of financial and non-
By clearly articulating spending categories and allocating funds directly to accounts, this trend helps financial information to understand customer contexts comprehensively
customers realize their aims better than they could through manually managing their own cash flows
• Institutions are restricted by regulation in their ability to transfer funds across other
• Increasing levels of automation allow institutions to optimize deposits in real time (e.g. pay debts to institutions and across accounts without explicit, per-transaction customer consent, limiting
cut interest expenses), reducing the need for customer interaction the ability to automate flows of money

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 144
Future scenarios | Insurers act as ‘lines of defence’

What if… insurers transition to becoming providers of ‘lines of defence’ in

addition to ‘funders of last resort’?
What if…? What would be the implications?
Insurance becomes focused on preventing risk, in addition to pooling risk as a last resort, by:
Customers experience fewer property losses as the new focus on prevention at
• Using internal and external datasets (e.g. real-time sensor data), allowing insurers to predict loss events insurers reduces their risk exposure
with greater accuracy and pre-emptively deploy loss-avoidance services
• Prompting users with actionable recommendations based on real-time data (e.g. IoT devices, weather
feeds), detecting when clients are not covered by their current insurance policy and “nudging” them to Policyholders have increased transparency with regard to policies and
purchase additional insurance coverage as they are updated on the risks to which they are exposed and alerted to
situations for which they are not covered

Insurer – lines of defence

Insurers focus on creating positive touchpoints with customers, in addition to
minimizing negative touchpoints that are associated with claims and damages

Risk prevention and advisory

Future e.g. “Alert: you left your window open in the rain”
New monetization models emerge as reduced loss rates lead to declining prices,
Proactive policy augmentation and revenue is instead generated by prevention services
e.g. “Hurricane season approaching – would you
like to add flood insurance?”
Claims and recovery The ethics of data use and targeted pricing in insurance products need to be
e.g. “We’ve deposited $500 in response to water revisited as highly accurate models create “risk pools of one” and potentially price
we detected in your basement” certain segments out of the insurance market

Why might this happen? Why hasn’t this happened?

• The continued proliferation of connected devices in homes, cars and public spaces creates a large • Current analytical tools are not sophisticated enough to enable the precision and accuracy
breadth and depth of data that – in conjunction with advanced predictive models – is used to provide required to provide customers with valuable preventative advice, or to augment policies, in
proactive, real-time advice to prevent losses real time. Access to the required data is not yet easily available to insurers
• Modularization and commoditization of common individual general lines leads insurers to seek new • Insurers have historically been unable to demonstrate to customers the benefit of
differentiators and sources of loss-ratio optimization connected devices, as these are often seen as punitive features (e.g. telematics devices
punishing bad drivers) rather than as being in customers’ best interests

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 145
Future scenarios | A central claims fraud utility is formed

What if… all insurance claims were routed through a central fraud-
prevention utility before payments were made?
What if…? What would be the implications?
A central fraud-prevention utility for insurance claims is formed, to which all claims are sent, by:
Improved claims experience for customers since a central utility would decrease
• Consolidating claims data across insurers into one central utility, which uses an advanced, AI-based
false positives and reduce the processing time for investigations
model to more accurately identify fraud and reduce false positive rates
• Filtering out fraudulent claims and approving legitimate claims for policy issuers to pay damages
Reduced cost of handling claims for insurers as the utility more efficiently
identifies fraud and removes the need for expensive fraud investigations. Insurers
1 2 3 4 5 may pass on these savings to customers through lower premiums
Back and
Current forth
state Customer Loss Customer files Verifications are Insurer Reduced fraud losses because the central utility can more accurately identify fraud
purchases occurs claim with insurer conducted provides
insurance recovery
and blacklist malicious actors across the entire insurance environment
External sources of data
Time Insurers need to find new differentiators as differences in operating efficiency
Content across institutions partially normalizes due to the central claims fraud utility,
increasing focus on more direct modes of competition
3rd-party data
Future 1 2 3 4 A larger number of the insurance workforce may be displaced as many current
state claims-verification personnel across different institutions are made redundant
Central analytics
Customer Loss Customer files engine Regulators become critical to the development and ongoing monitoring of the
purchases occurs claim with
insurance fraud utility Utility validates claim and provides central utility to ensure the system is fair and to develop safeguards against abuse
refers back to insurer recovery

Why might this happen? Why hasn’t this happened?

• Fraud is a systemic issue as malicious actors often target multiple institutions with similar methods. The • AI solutions are not yet able to fully automate the claims fraud prevention process, which
development of collective intelligence allows institutions to dramatically reduce the financial cost of fraud relies heavily on manual analysis and human judgement
• The focus on fraud protection distracts institutional investment and executive focus from more pressing, • Connectivity and sensor data for insured goods (e.g. vehicles, homes) is not ubiquitous and
competitively significant priorities. A collective utility would provide institutions with greater certainty that will not be for several years, until IoT adoption matures, inhibiting the immediate availability
they are protecting themselves from excess loss of high volumes of reliable primary data
• Financial institutions are wary of sharing sensitive customer data with third parties in the
current regulatory environment, reducing the willingness to collaborate
Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 146
Future scenarios | Disappearance of funds

What if… a digital wealth manager invented a platform that built ‘funds of
one’ for each of its clients?
What if…? What would be the implications?
An asset manager, focused on self-serve clients, invents an algorithm that can invest in the full market,
akin to an ETF but at an individual level, by: Customers see lower fees and increased customization through the
disintermediation of several layers of asset management
• Allowing individual investors to directly own portfolio assets, with custom portfolio weights determined by
their investing needs, effectively eliminating intermediary mutual funds, ETFs or other aggregated
investment vehicles, and thereby reducing fees considerably Front-end wealth managers need to quickly develop new core
• Allowing investment managers to automatically create optimal asset allocations for investors, in a fashion capabilities as they now need to own and harvest core asset-management
similar to current robo-advisers, but by investing directly in market assets. This offers dynamic investment capabilities akin to funds
strategies capable of being customized, as opposed to relying on retail funds
Investments Asset managers face the disappearance of funds as hedge funds, ETFs
Investments investments and other asset managers go out of business and are replaced with a new
Current form of asset ownership
state Returns Returns
minus fees Wealth
Retail investors managers Returns
minus fees General funds Investment securities Regulators see increased herd risk as few platforms and a limited set of
algorithms eventually grow to have an outsized influence on the market

state Individual retail Algorithm-driven Returns Independent robo-advisers face a fierce competitive response as
investor platform established asset managers pursue further vertical integration to compensate
for the erosion of their legacy ETF business
Investment securities

Why might this happen? Why hasn’t this happened?

• Independent robo-advisers can disintermediate asset managers from the investment process, reducing • AI is not yet robust enough for sensitive and high-impact processes (e.g. risk management
the cost of managing portfolios for clients and bolstering their low-fee value proposition and capital adequacy) to function without human oversight, nor can it integrate with non-
• Integrated asset managers (e.g. Vanguard, BlackRock) have an opportunity to act as first movers and electronically traded asset classes
deploy research and development capabilities that disrupt robo-advisers • Transaction costs at the venue level need to fall so that bulk trades and individual trades
become comparable with respect to cost
• Legal requirements for filing and disclosing within funds need to evolve or be automated to
facilitate individual-level funds
Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 147
Future scenarios | Rise of a master insurance model

What if… an insurer builds a master AI solution that incorporates claims,

policy issuance, pricing and other activities into a single model?
What if…? What would be the implications?
Insurers implement AI to integrate pricing, distribution and claims data into a single real-time
decision-making engine that executes all decision-making by: Increased short-term variance in pricing for customers as prices are not static
and prone to change in real time – making it more difficult to compare policies
• Using claims data to inform and optimize underwriting in real time, ensuring that pricing engines
incorporate new information immediately and have the most accurate view of risk
• Developing “profiles of one” in underwriting through dynamic risk assessments rather than static risk Insurers’ competitive focus moves to developing the best-in-class AI data-
tables, creating a self-learning pricing engine rather than one that requires manual updates from actuaries science capabilities, as model accuracy is a greater determinant of profitability
than scale of distribution or composition of risk pools

Current Multi-line insurers can more accurately price risk as their access to a wider
Visibility across processes is limited breadth of data makes them better positioned to build more sophisticated and
state accurate models

Pricing data and Claims data and

decisions decisions Displacement of talent as the need for actuarial skills in underwriting is replaced by
the need for technical and AI talent to build and maintain integrated insurance
Policy pricing
Distribution Master insurance model Claims
state New ethical questions surrounding discrimination arise as near-perfect risk
profiling may price certain individuals out of the market and risk creating “risk pools
Servicing of one”

Why might this happen? Why hasn’t this happened?

• Insurance pricing is inherently a function of the probability and severity of potential claims with a given • Claims and policy applications are usually run using very different systems and datasets,
policy, yet today pricing and underwriting engines are segregated from claims-adjudication functions. requiring complex data-integration efforts to make this functionality available
Connecting these datasets in real time gives insurers improved pricing efficiency that leads to improved
• Risk-based pricing is heavily regulated; many insurers are not ready to switch to a fully AI-
driven model due to uncertainty over performance, auditability and potential for bias
• AI-driven solutions are already being used in pricing and claims processes, in addition to AI-based data-
integration solutions. The next step is packaging these in a comprehensive, integrated system • While the cost of building such a system would be expensive, the magnitude of rewards
from improved accuracy are uncertain, thus requiring institutions to make a big investment
with undefined rewards
Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 148
Future scenarios | Illiquid assets are tokenized

What if… illiquid asset classes were fully digitized using AI and distributed
ledger technology, introducing liquidity and easy trading?
What if…? What would be the implications?
A variety of illiquid assets (e.g. infrastructure, real estate, private equity/venture capital) were fully
digitized and easily tradeable, as a result of: A dramatic increase in the liquidity of alternative assets as these asset classes
become available to a broader range of investors
• A tokenized system supported by AI that validates information about the underlying assets, as well as
managing the exchange of ownership of capital and assets. This enables more optimal and democratized The creation of new connections between capital and assets, allowing new
price discovery, settlement and clearing processes, minimizing the need for manual oversight pools of capital to access alternative assets
Sources of capital Intermediaries Alt. assets
Reduction in financial crime as increased transparency and liquidity leads to
Infrastructure easier anomaly detection
Retail Brokers
state Salespeople
and agents
Private equity Increased price and market efficiency as increased trading activity leads to lower
and traders
(who provide price (who facilitate spreads and more accurate pricing
discovery etc.) information flow) Real estate
Increased cross-border complexity since the characteristics of many illiquid
assets vary significantly by region
Sources of Capital Alt. Assets
Disintermediation of firms that act as brokers and information vendors, as
Direct access to alternative assets, facilitated by:
Infrastructure more investors gain direct access to alternative asset classes, reducing the need for
Future specialized intermediary players
state Private equity
AI-based price Tokenized information The need for standards bodies to act as venues for collaboration on the
Institutional discovery engine exchange Real estate governance of token exchanges

Why might this happen? Why hasn’t this happened?

• AI can be used to analyse unstructured data to quantitatively evaluate assets (e.g. pricing), reducing the • AI is not yet fully able to build models from tacit knowledge to assess the financial metrics
information asymmetries that characterize illiquid assets. This limits the need for specialized players who of alternative assets (e.g. trust, political risk etc.)
facilitate the flow of information (e.g. brokers, aggregators etc.)
• Existing blockchain-based digital markets are impeded by both scalability and latency,
• Technology is already being used to democratize access to asset classes (e.g. crowdfunded equity), limiting the efficiency that can be delivered by decentralized versus centralized solutions
suggesting customers are willing to use automated solutions to make investments in complex products
• Information required to enable the tokenization of illiquid assets is often private and not
available through digital channels, with limited proxy data available

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 149
Future scenarios | Everything is managed wealth

What if… all accounts and balances of cash, regardless of where they are
held, earned a return commensurate with their risk?
What if…? What would be the implications?
Technology-enabled asset managers (e.g. robo-advisers) transform low-value balances into value- Fragmentation of holdings and minimization of “dead cash” as customers hold
adding investments for their customers by: funds in many interest-bearing accounts, across institutions. This increases the
• Using algorithms that automate the process of managing money, operating at little or no marginal cost average return on money for customers
• Striking individual agreements with companies across industries, offering to unlock leftover balances on
payments and e-commerce platforms, margin accounts and excess working capital
• Allowing institutions to earn a cut of the interest income, and passing on earnings to their customers Wealth managers lose customer and asset ownership as wealth management
becomes a subsidiary of the experience offered by other products

Increasing omni-channel complexity as navigating a multitude of investment
delivery channels becomes a key capability for firms seeking to grow AuM

E-commerce Payment Pre- Excess

working Deposits
Future platforms apps payments
Low-value Scale of assets is no longer a dominant competitive advantage as there is a
state multitude of sources of investment returns outside traditional asset managers

Regulators need to manage an increasingly complex, fragmented ecosystem

as the number of investment accounts and investment firms to which an individual is
Financial markets tied increases

Why might this happen? Why hasn’t this happened?

• Modern payments infrastructure allows for faster and cheaper movement of money, enabling • Ensuring the suitability of investments across different institutions requires advancements
institutions to seamlessly move funds across accounts using automated solutions to optimize customer in AI to process real-time data feeds and relate unstandardized datasets
• It is more cost-efficient to manage funds in a single institution, as high transaction costs
• Expanded access to data (e.g. through open banking) allows individual institutions to build a make scale a critical requirement (i.e. to receive exchange-level volume deals). And with
comprehensive understanding of customers’ finances, even if they do not hold the funds themselves. the current infrastructure, funds cannot flow quickly enough to fully unlock “dead cash”
Furthermore, portfolio construction is a relatively well-understood field and increasingly becomes a
commodity, allowing for institutions to automate the process

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 150
Future scenarios | Online platforms become debt warehouses

What if… e-commerce and business software platforms become the main
point of lending for both retail and commercial borrowers?
What if…? What would be the implications?
E-commerce and B2B software “as a service” platforms (e.g. Amazon, QuickBooks) enter the lending
space by: Borrowers are granted highly customized terms as a result of better analytics but
have to entrust more data to fewer, larger organizations
• Absorbing the loan-adjudication function, allowing them to price and underwrite loans based on their own
proprietary methods
• Originating and temporarily warehousing loans on their books, selling them to the highest bidder through Platforms offer deals to encourage customer retention as they can bundle
securitized and unsecuritized channels selective credit deals (i.e. low-margin products) with higher-margin products (e.g.
subscription services, retail products)
Current and personal data
Platforms earn the majority of lending profit pools by developing negotiating
state Payment Borrower Adjudication Loan power over traditional lenders, giving them the ability to negotiate favourable deals
Loan Lender function asset
Retailer with the lowest bidders

Capital markets Lenders lose customer ownership and become balance sheet providers to
Interest minus spread
Retailer investor platforms, in effect having to compete directly with capital markets participants to
Highest bid secure loan assets
Future Loan and goods Non-depository
state Borrower Interest
Adjudication function
Regulatory bodies need to quickly deploy new capabilities to assess risk and
Bank compliance within commercial platforms as well as banks
Loan assets balance sheet
Debt warehouse

Why might this happen? Why hasn’t this happened?

E-commerce platforms (e.g. Amazon, Alibaba) own the market because they outperform financial • AI-driven pricing and underwriting algorithms that use alternative data are nascent and
institutions when pricing and underwriting loans: have not demonstrated sufficient increased accuracy over traditional methods to warrant
• They have greater access to broad datasets, modern infrastructure and more mature AI capabilities, wholesale switching
which cumulatively lead to more accurate and precise lending than traditional underwriting and pricing • Regulations upholding the separation of banking and commerce (e.g. the US under the
models Bank Holding Company Act) need to adapt to allow additional lending responsibilities to be
• As platforms’ relative accuracy increases, financial incumbents reach a tipping point where they earn absorbed by non-financial commercial entities
higher net interest margins by participating in platforms and paying a spread or fee

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 151
Future scenarios | A central anti-money-laundering utility is formed

What if… anti-money-laundering (AML) surveillance were provided to all

institutions by a centralized and collectively owned service provider?
What if…? What would be the implications?
Instead of managing AML on an institution-by-institution basis, a central utility is formed by: Increased financial inclusion as institutions and regulators become more confident
• Consolidated data-sharing and analytics models that allow for new, more robust prevention systems with in servicing customers with limited financial histories, or from more risk-prone
more accurate detection and insight geographical areas
• Development of “collective intelligence” to protect against money laundering, terrorist financing and other
systemic threats, particularly threats employing transactions across multiple institutions that would Positive impact on financial institutions’ bottom lines through cost savings in
otherwise be difficult to detect for any one institution managing AML. Spillover benefits include the reduction in associated prices and a
Central AML utility External data sources
potential revenue uplift from targeting untapped markets

A consistent consumer-consent model is required as current privacy regimes

Co-owned repository Third-party Social Public may restrict the creation of a central utility and cross-border data movement
and analytics engine data

A redefined liability model is required to clearly identify and define the legal and
Shared Shared Shared
Future Results
data Mobile Digital ID
financial responsibility structure for when AML requirements are breached
Increasing concentration of risk as a single false positive or false negative from a
central utility is propagated through the entire financial ecosystem

Risk of displacement for a large number of financial professionals as many

Financial institutions current AML personnel across individual institutions are made redundant

Why might this happen? Why hasn’t this happened?

• Sharing data to form a central utility would allow institutions to access more advanced capabilities than • Current solutions are not sophisticated enough to derive meaningful insights from these
even the most sophisticated incumbents could develop independently; machine-learning systems would fragmented cross-institution data feeds, which lack standardization and normalization
be able to work on a more complete view of the transaction landscape, allowing institutions to identify
• Financial institutions are wary of sharing sensitive customer data with third parties, due to
suspicious patterns that may be spread across the environment
security, regulatory and competitive risks
• Institutions would be able to collectively decrease costs through the commoditized service, removing
efficient compliance as a source of competitive differentiation and allowing them to focus investment on
more critical areas of expertise (e.g. investments in customer experience)

Key Findings Cross-Sector Impact Sector Explorations Wild-Card Scenarios The New Physics of Financial Services | 152
Concluding thoughts
Next steps for the financial services ecosystem
Concluding thoughts

AI’s impact on the physics of financial services will demand increased

collaboration to address emerging uncertainties
AI will introduce several uncertainties to the global financial services ecosystem

1 Systemic safety: As AI creates new types of risk in financial services systems (both at national
and international levels), new risk-management and mitigation strategies will be required

2 Consumer protection: As AI automates decision-making processes, new methods of protecting consumers and
ensuring the public interest is sheltered will be required

3 Human capital: As AI creates new forms of labour needs and displaces portions of the labour force, collective action by
institutions and regulators will be required

The World Economic Forum will continue to explore outstanding questions and create venues for collaboration among stakeholders

1 Bring together diverse groups of stakeholders to explore the potential for collaboration, which can overcome key barriers
to unlocking the value of AI

2 Convene industry leaders, regulators and public policy organizations to explore and address emerging societal issues

The New Physics of Financial Services | 154

Additional reading
Additional reading

Additional reading
The following texts were instrumental in shaping the perspectives of the project team. For those interested in exploring further and learning more detail about the topics
covered in this report, we highly recommend reading the following documents:

Social Networks, E-commerce

Prediction Machines Platforms, And The Growth Of The Seven Deadly Sins of
Ghosts in the Machine
Ajay Agrawal, Avi Goldfarb, and Digital Payment Ecosystems In Predicting the Future of AI
Baker McKenzie China
Joshua Gans Rodney Brooks
Better Than Cash Alliance

When Will AI Exceed Human

Artificial Intelligence,
The New Moats Performance?
Bank of the Future Automation, and the Economy
Jerry Chen and Greylock Katja Grace, John Salvatier, Allan
CITI GPS Executive Office of the President,
Partners Dafoe, Baobao Zhang, and
Obama White House
Owain Evans

Artificial Intelligence: Potential Artificial Intelligence And Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and
Machine Platform Cloud
Benefits and Ethical Machine Learning In Financial Enhanced Data Stewardship
Considerations Services Andrew McAfee and Erik
The Information Accountability
European Parliament Financial Stability Board Foundation

Outlook On AI in the AI in Payments: The Last Mile

Humans Wanted Intelligent Automation
Enterprise in Efficiency
NarrativeScience Pelican and Finextra

The New Physics of Financial Services | 156

Acknowledgements | Contributors

Contributors (1 of 6)
The project team would also like to express its gratitude to the following subject matter experts who contributed their valuable perspectives through interviews and by
participating in workshop and roundtable discussions (in alphabetical order):

Mikaal Abdulla 8 Securities André Bourbonnais Public Sector Pension Investment Board
Raul Abreu HSBC Andre Boysen SecureKey
Jeremy Achin DataRobot Jon Bradford Motive Partners
Mukul Ahuja Deloitte LLP, Canada Lise Estelle Brault Autorité des Marchés Financiers
Elena Alfaro BBVA James Breeze XL Catlin
Dr. Larisa Angstenberger AIM Macro Bressan Satellogic
Thomas Ankenbrand Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts Stephen Bulfer StreamLoan
Martin Arnold The Financial Times Claire Calmejane Lloyds Banking Group
Anthony Bak Palantir Marcelo Camara Banco Bradesco
Lee Baker Seldon Graeme Carmichael Deloitte LLP, UK
Jo Ann Barefoot Barefoot Innovations Anna Celner Deloitte AG, Switzerland
Rainer Baumann Swiss Re Management Soumak Chatterjee Deloitte LLP, Canada
Mariano Belinky Santander InnoVentures Rohit Chauhan Mastercard
Brad Berning Craig-Hallum Capital Group Chris Cheatham RiskGenius
Ayan Bhattacharya Deloitte Consulting LLP, US Marie Chinnici-Everitt DTCC
Alain Biem S&P Global Calvin Choi AMTD Group
Michael C. Bodson DTCC Moses Choi Orange
Greg Bonin XOR Data Exchange Diwakar Choubey MoneyLion
Laurence Boone Axa Investment Managers Nelson Chow Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Victor Botlev Iris AI Rob Claassen Camp One Ventures
Josh Bottomley HSBC Andrew Connell HSBC

The New Physics of Financial Services | 158

Acknowledgements | Contributors

Contributors (2 of 6)
The project team would also like to express its gratitude to the following subject matter experts who contributed their valuable perspectives through interviews and by
participating in workshop and roundtable discussions (in alphabetical order):

Michael Cooper BT Adena Friedman Nasdaq

Jean-Philippe Courtois Microsoft Dennis Gada Infosys
Jason Crabtree Fractal Industries Jan Coos Geesink Thomson Reuters
Bill Dague Nasdaq Bisesti Gennaro Generali Insurance
Ray Dalio Bridgewater Associates Avi Goldfarb University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management
Andrew Davidson Salesforce Zor Gorelov Kasisto
Charlie Delingpole ComplyAdvantage Adam Gottlieb True Accord
Adam Dell Clarity Money Andrew Graham Borrowell
Thomas J. DeLuca AMP Credit Technologies Gero Gunkel Zurich Insurance
Alain Demarolle My Money Bank Ashish Gupta BT
Kees Dijkhuizen ABN AMRO Bank Paul R. Gupta Reed Smith
Daniel Drummer JP Morgan Chase Peter Hafez RavenPack
Christian Faes Lendinvest Marianne Haneggi Zurich Insurance
Moad Fahmi Autorité des Marchés Financiers Kevin Hanley RBS
Michael Fei PingAn OneConnect Oli Harris JP Morgan Chase
Sira Ferradans Fortia Catherine Havasi Luminoso
Dr. Finian Tran Vickers Venture Partners Mark Hawkins Salesforce
Dawn Fitzpatrick Soros Fund Management Jonathan Hayes Julius Baer
Martin L. Flanagan Invesco Daniel Hegarty Habito
Dr. Catherine Flick De Montfort University Greg Hendrick XL Group
Barry Freeman Pintec Takashi Hibino Daiwa Securities Group

The New Physics of Financial Services | 159

Acknowledgements | Contributors

Contributors (3 of 6)
The project team would also like to express its gratitude to the following subject matter experts who contributed their valuable perspectives through interviews and by
participating in workshop and roundtable discussions (in alphabetical order):

Gary Ho Yunfeng Financial Group Ling Kong Dianrong

Rich Hochron Morgan Stanley Dilip Krishna Deloitte & Touche LLP, US
Jeff Holman Sentient Technologies Fabio Kuhn Vortexa
Ian Horobin Swift Shameek Kundu Standard Chartered Bank
Matthew Howard Deloitte MCS Limited, UK Angela Kwok China Broadband Capital
John Hucker Swiss Finance & Technology Association Christian Lanng Tradeshift
Stephan Hug Credit Suisse Laurence Latimer IEX Group
Patrick Hunger Saxo Bank Ian Lee IDEO Colab
Timothy Hwang FiscalNote Rob Leslie Sedicii
Jeremy Jawish Shift Technologies Joaquim Levy The World Bank
Cédric Jeannot Aprivacy Ting Li Yunfeng Financial Group
Gurpreet Johal Deloitte MCS Limited, UK Luca Lin Domeyard
Mark Johnson Descartes Labs Wayne Liu AMTD Group
Husayn Kassai Onfido Kevin Lynch BMO Financial Group
Boris Khentov Betterment Justin Lyon Simudyne
Reza Khorshidi AIG Sunil Madhu Socure
Shirine Khoury-Haq Lloyd’s of London Neeraj Makin Emirates NBD
Martin Kilmer Fiscal Note Tameryn Mallet Westpac
Dan Kimerling Silicon Valley Bank Promoth Manghat UAE Exchange
Christer Kjos Canica International Jason Mars Clinc
Michael Kollo AXA Rosenburg Inma Martinez Deep Science Ventures

The New Physics of Financial Services | 160

Acknowledgements | Contributors

Contributors (4 of 6)
The project team would also like to express its gratitude to the following subject matter experts who contributed their valuable perspectives through interviews and by
participating in workshop and roundtable discussions (in alphabetical order):

Vim Maru Lloyds Banking Group Felix Niederer True Wealth

Jonathan Matus Zendrive Matt Ober Third Point Capital
Máxima of the Netherlands Dutch Royal Household Kevin O’Donnell RenaissanceRe Holdings
Ofer Mendelevitch LendUp Robert Palatnick DTCC
Francois Mercier Autorité des Marchés Financiers Harry Pang Fountainhead Partners
Armen Meyer Lending Club Diana Paredes Suade Labs
Greg Michaelson DataRobot Mark Patterson Deloitte MCS Limited, UK
Jerry Miller Guggenheim Partners Ana Pinczuk Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Ross Milward Quantifeed Hans Ploos van Amstel Adecco
Mauricio Minas Banco Bradesco Jayne Plunkett Swiss Reinsurance Company
Rebecca Minguela Clarity Christina Qi Domeyard
Hans Morris Nyca Partners Andy Rachleff Wealthfront
Craig Morrow Atom Bank Vinoth Raman ING Netherlands
Sophia Mouhoub Fortia James Ramirez Essentia Analytics
Peter Moyo Old Mutual Emerging Markets Aki Ranin Bambu
Brody Mulderig Wells Fargo Arun Rao Starbutter
Patrick Murk Berkman Center at Harvard University Sunil Rawat Omni-Science
Prakash Nanduri Paxata Anne Richards M&G Investments (Prudential Financial)
Krishna Nathan S&P Global Ellen Richey Visa
Michael Natusch Prudential Financial Hans-Juergen Rieder UBS
Thomson Nguyen Square Capital Nils Rode Schroder ADVEQ

The New Physics of Financial Services | 161

Acknowledgements | Contributors

Contributors (5 of 6)
The project team would also like to express its gratitude to the following subject matter experts who contributed their valuable perspectives through interviews and by
participating in workshop and roundtable discussions (in alphabetical order):

Philippe Roger Donnet Generali Stephanie Steele Shift Technologies

Anne Rush Liberty Mutual Jon Stein Betterment
Kirsty Rutter Barclays UK Nathan Stevenson ForwardLane
Koby Sadian Viking Global Investors Homer Strong Cylance
Jacob Safra J. Safra Group Shalini Sujanani ING Bank
Mark Salmon Cambridge University Michael Sullivan Point72 Asset Management
Ohad Samet True Accord Tom Swaan Zurich Insurance
Satyen Sangani Alation Malcolm Sweeting Clifford Chance
Gautham Sastri iSentium Gert Sylvest Tradeshift
Sri Satish Ambati Stefan Teis Deutsche Börse
Andrew Schlossberg Invesco Perpetual Andy Tong MPFA
Cameron Schuler Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute Carlos Torres Vila Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria
Jennifer Zhu Scott Radian Partners Luis Valdich CitiVentures
Rob Sears BBVA Aneesh Varma Aire
Michael Shaver Deloitte LLP, Canada Dominique Velter Compagnie Financière Tradition
Brian Shniderman Deloitte Consulting LLP, US Guillaume Vidal Walnut Algorithms
Sanjaya Shrestha Barclaycard Ajay Vij Infosys
Travis Skelly CitiVentures Anna Wallace Financial Conduct Authority
Sean Slotterback Decipher Finance Lara J. Warner Credit Suisse
David Spreng Crescendo Ventures Michael Weinberg Mov37
John Stackhouse RBC Matt Wettlaufer Scotiabank

The New Physics of Financial Services | 162

Acknowledgements | Contributors

Contributors (6 of 6)
The project team would also like to express its gratitude to the following subject matter experts who contributed their valuable perspectives through interviews and by
participating in workshop and roundtable discussions (in alphabetical order):

Andrew Patrick White FundApps

Andrew White Wealthfront
Aric Whitewood WilmotML
Grant Wilson eTrading Software
Greg Wolfond SecureKey
Ray Yang Marathon Ventures
Jennifer Yi Qin Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP, China
Janet Yuen HSBC
Snejina Zacharia Insurify
Ryan Zagone Ripple
Brian Zboril CME
Eunice Zehnder IPM
Bryan Zhang Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance
Nina Zhou Credit Ease
Martin Zielke Commerzbank
Ori Zohar Sindeo

The New Physics of Financial Services | 163

Contact details
Contact details

For additional questions, please contact:


R. Jesse McWaters Rob Galaski

Project Lead, Financial Services Global Leader, Banking & Capital Markets
World Economic Forum Deloitte Consulting
[email protected] [email protected]

Matthew Blake Courtney Kidd Chubb

Head of Financial & Monetary System Initiatives Senior Manager
World Economic Forum Deloitte, Canada;
[email protected] [email protected]

Denizhan Uykur
Senior Consultant
Deloitte, Canada;
[email protected]

The New Physics of Financial Services | 165

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