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Discipline History Requests

Thu, Aug 16, 2018 at 10:57

David Arthur Walters <[email protected]>
To: ACAP Mail <[email protected]>
Cc: "Nelson, Kathryn" <[email protected]>, "Cardenas, Sharett" <[email protected]>

16 August 2018

Subject: Yours of 2018-04-10 re Boksner, Gelber, Boutsis, Winders

Dear Florida Bar Disciplinary Counsels:

Four months have passed since you indicated no inquiry had been made
into the allegations made by Rod Eisenberg regarding the conduct of public
attorneys in Eisenberg v. City of Miami Beach appertaining to
the Sadigo Apartment Hotel. Please confirm that is still the case.

Thank you,

David Arthur Walters


On Tue, Apr 10, 2018 at 6:08 AM, ACAP Mail <[email protected]>


Dear Mr. Walters:

Your emails concerning attorneys Aleksandr Boksner, Daniel

Saul Gelber, Eve A. Boutsis and Peter Jenkins Winders have
been forwarded to me for response.

Our records do not indicate an open investigation on the subject

matter you provided in your emails on any of the above-listed

Shanell M. Schuyler
Shanell M. Schuyler

Director, ACAP/Intake
651 E. Jefferson Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399
ACAP Hotline: 866-352-0707

Tue, Apr 10, 2018 at

Nelson, Kathryn <[email protected]>
10:03 AM
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Cc: "Schuyler, Shanell M" <[email protected]>, "Cardenas,
Sharett" <[email protected]>

Dear Mr. Walters:

The Florida Bar has received your recent correspondence. If you intend to file a
disciplinary complaint against a Florida lawyer, please be advised that rule 3-
7.3(c) of The Rules Regulating The Florida Bar provides: "All complaints,
except those initiated by The Florida Bar, shall be in writing and under oath.
The complaint shall contain a statement providing: "Under penalty of perjury, I
declare the foregoing facts are true, correct, and complete." You may find the
complaint form on The Florida Bar’s website,

The Florida Bar is not a legal service provider and cannot answer questions
pertaining to legal matters.

Kate Nelson

Administrative Support V

The Florida Bar, Legal Division

(850) 561-5774
[email protected]
Please note: Florida has very broad public records laws. Many written
communications to or from The Florida Bar regarding Bar business may
be considered public records, which must be made available to anyone
upon request. Your e-mail communications may therefore be subject to
public disclosure.

4 attachments
Aleksandr Boksner.pdf
Daniel Saul Gelber.pdf
Eve A. Boutsis.pdf
Peter Jenkins Winders.pdf

David Arthur Walters Tue, Apr 10, 2018

<[email protected]> at 10:28 AM
To: "Nelson, Kathryn" <[email protected]>
Cc: "Schuyler, Shanell M" <[email protected]>, "Cardenas,
Sharett" <[email protected]>

Thank you very much Ms, Nelson, for acknowledging receipt of the
information I sent you without requests for disciplinary histories.

I am an investigative reporter. I do not file complaints. I supply the police

power with Information when I find reasonable suspicion of misconduct.

I follow up later to see what if anything was done with the information.

My subject is the behavior of enforcement agencies.

Since the information you have received was publicly reported and
published by the City of Miami Beach, I believe you are permitted
to inform me at this time if The Florida Bar has or will open
up investigative files.

I am looking forward to your response.


David Arthur Walters

Tue, Apr 10, 2018 at 10:56

Nelson, Kathryn <[email protected]>
To: David Arthur Walters <[email protected]>
Cc: "Schuyler, Shanell M" <[email protected]>, "Cardenas,
Sharett" <[email protected]>

Mr. Walters:

The Florida Bar would need a signed complaint to open an investigation.

Kate Nelson

From: David Arthur Walters <[email protected]>

Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2018 10:28 AM
To: Nelson, Kathryn <[email protected]>
Cc: Schuyler, Shanell M <[email protected]>; Cardenas, Sharett
<[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Discipline History Requests

David Arthur Walters Tue, Apr 10, 2018

<[email protected]> at 11:02 AM
To: "Nelson, Kathryn" <[email protected]>
Cc: "Schuyler, Shanell M" <[email protected]>, "Cardenas,
Sharett" <[email protected]>"Walker, Francine"
<[email protected]>,
Thank you, Ms. Nelson:

Are you absolutely certain?

That information is contrary to information I have from another source at

The Florida Bar, that the Bar may acknowledge an investigation if the
subject matter at issue is already publicized.


David Arthur Walters


David Arthur Walters Tue, Apr 10, 2018 at

<[email protected]> 11:04 AM
To: "Vanstrum, Arne Carl" <[email protected]>

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: David Arthur Walters <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, Apr 10, 2018 at 11:02 AM
Subject: Re: Discipline History Requests

Tue, Apr 10, 2018 at 1:08

ACAP Mail <[email protected]>
To: "Nelson, Kathryn" <[email protected]>,
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Cc: "Cardenas, Sharett" <[email protected]>

Dear Mr. Walters:

Your emails concerning attorneys Aleksandr Boksner, Daniel

Saul Gelber, Eve A. Boutsis and Peter Jenkins Winders have
been forwarded to me for response.
Our records do not indicate an open investigation on the
subject matter you provided in your emails on any of the
above-listed attorneys.


Shanell M. Schuyler
Shanell M. Schuyler

Director, ACAP/Intake
651 E. Jefferson Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399
ACAP Hotline: 866-352-0707

From: Nelson, Kathryn

Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2018 10:04 AM
To: [email protected]
Cc: Schuyler, Shanell M <[email protected]>; Cardenas, Sharett
<[email protected]>
Subject: Discipline History Requests

David Arthur Walters Tue, Apr 10, 2018

<[email protected]> at 2:12 PM
To: ACAP Mail <[email protected]>

10 April 2018

Shanell M. Schuyler
Director, ACAP/Intake

Dear Mr. Schuyler:

Thank you very much for the new information.

I shall report that on Jan. 25, Feb. 26, and April 7, The Florida Bar
received a copy of a sworn affidavit supported by a polygraph test
alleged that one of its members committed the federal felony of
subornation of perjury along with the statement of a witness supporting
that allegation, and that other members of the Florida Bar who are public
officials were aware of this information, yet The Florida Bar chose not to
conduct an inquiry into the matter.

Please do not hesitate to explain why The Florida Bar did not open an
investigation if you wish the report to be balanced.

Best Regards,

David Arthur Walters


David Arthur Walters Wed, Apr 11, 2018

<[email protected]> at 10:31 AM

NOTE This involves the City of Miami Beach City Attorney, Commission,
and Mayor in alleged Subornation of Perjury and Misprision of Felony.
The general subject of contention has become a national hot button
issue - short term rentals. A reporter was looking into it and her
employment was terminated before she responded. I made an inquiry
without intention to file a formal complaint. Rarely does the Bar act on an
Information unless it is a referral by a judge. I arrived at that conclusion
by examining an Excel spreadsheet of so-called proactive Complaints.
According to a retired disciplinary counsel, letters of complaint are
considered as mere complaints with a small c and most are not given a
capital C and entered into the formal system. In other words, most
complaints are gotten rid of and there is no record of them kept. The
complaint process is obviously structured to reduce complaints against
attorneys by subjecting complainants to the fear of retaliation by
requiring them to be identified and to make sworn statements for which
they could be prosecuted if they make a mistake. Unless someone
knows there is a complaint, it is exceedingly difficult to find out what
determinations have been made when they are made, and if no
probable cause is found, the file is destroyed in a year, preventing the
public from ascertaining Bad Patterns of conduct not only by the
Persons of Interest but by the Bar itself. The integrated bar system itself
is a colossal conflict of interest by which a profession is expected to
discipline itself. If you steal a client's funds most likely you will be in bad
trouble. However other misconduct is generally glossed over or
punished with a hand slap. Justice here depends not on right or wrong in
many instances but on who you are. All three branches of the
government in Florida are at the mercy of one profession. Contrast the
disciplinary system here with ad of the recently reform system in Great
Britain allowing civilian control with advice from the legal profession.
That was part of the concessions allowing attorneys to form law firms
and practice outside of the chamber system. The Bar was given the
incriminating allegations and documents months ago. It was given as an
information and it was clear that there was no intention of filing a
complaint but simply an expectation that the bar would investigate. It
apparently did not. Business as usual at the Florida bar

David Arthur Walters

<[email protected]>

PRESS REQUEST re Alleged Subornation of Perjury by City Attorney

2 messages

Thu, Apr 5, 2018 at

David Arthur Walters <[email protected]>
2:22 PM
To: [email protected]

5 April 2018

Mayor Daniel Gelber, Esq.


PRESS REQUEST Re Subornation of Perjury allegation


Serious allegations were brought to the attention of the Commission

during a recent Sutnick Citizen’s Forum raising reasonable suspicion
that a city attorney feloniously suborned the perjury of a material witness
on points dispositive to a federal case.

Documentary evidence was filed with the City Clerk and members of the
Commission, including a sworn statement supported by a polygraph
and court filings.

Below is a copy of the citizen’s statement at the forum transcribed to

refresh your memory.

I understand no action was taken on the information, and that one

purpose of the forum is to allow “cranks” to “blow off steam” on matters
the Commission does not intend to act on.

It appears, however, that an investigation by competent authorities was

warranted to determine if there was probable cause to conduct a
thorough investigation into the allegations to see if formal ethics and
criminal charges should be made.

QUESTION: Did you report the allegations to The Florida Bar?

QUESTION: Did you report the allegations to the U.S. Attorney or

Federal Bureau of Investigation?

QUESTION: If not reported to those agencies, why not?

The public record also shows an appeal to you as mayor in early

December 2017 to appoint an impartial special counsel and bring the
same matter before the Commission as a quasi-judicial tribunal to be
heard and inquired into, but it was not put on the regular agenda.
QUESTION: Please advise if you and/or the commission were advised
by the City Attorney’s Office not to put the appeal on the agenda, and, if
not, why not

I will of course be grateful for your answers and any comments you may
make. If I do not run the story myself, I shall forward the information to
my mainstream colleagues.


David Arthur Walters





February 14, 2018

City of Miami Beach businessman Rod Eisenberg spoke to the City of

Miami Beach Commission during Sutnick Citizen’s Forum this morning
at 8:30 AM following the rabbi’s prayer to the Sovereign of the Universe
and Commissioner John Aleman’s warning to refrain from complaints
during Lent.

The text of Mr. Eisenberg’s presentation is below, in which he asked not

to be treated as an “Enemy of the State” for bringing his complaint of
official harassment to the attention of the Commission.

The speaker following Mr. Eisenberg also asked not to be considered an

“Enemy of the State” for presenting a complaint including video evidence
against the Miami Beach Police Department that he was assaulted and
battered while bicycling by a female driver of an automobile cursing him
with homophobic speech. He said the MBPD cancelled the response to
his 911 call after the woman called her boyfriend, and then dismissed
his complaint as unfounded although he had a witness to the incident.

February 13, 2018

Former lodging owner Rod Eisenberg, addresses City of Miami Beach

Commission tomorrow and alleges “subornation of perjury”, a federal
felony, has been committed by one of its City attorneys in a case that
involved short-term rentals. The City’s legal team fraudulently changed
material facts in the case, in palpable collusion with plaintiff’s own
lawyers, which led a federal judge to issue sanctions against Mr.
Eisenberg, which resulted in the payment of $600,000 to the City. As a
result of this new evidence, the City should return the pilfered funds and
hire an Inspector General to investigate these charges.
Rod Eisenberg Email: [email protected]


To the Mayor, Commission and most importantly, the dear Citizens of


In response to your rebuke of my allegations of attorney wrongdoing, I

contend all of those court victories your legal department relies on were
the result of your attorneys repeatedly providing, with impunity, a
multitude of judges with false statements of law and fact, in blatant
violation of the Lawyer's Rules of Conduct.

This is especially disheartening due to the fact when the government

walks into a courtroom it is given the presumption of correctness by the
judge. However, with that presumption comes a solemn responsibility to
be honest, ethical and truthful to the court. In my case, your legal
department has been none of these.

As I do not have time to discuss all of the attorney malfeasance at this 3

minute gathering, some of it centered around:

1. A tacit agreement between the opposing counsels to allow a city

attorney to engage in subornation of perjury, a Class-E federal felony, of
a former code enforcement officer, who was told to state during a
deposition that he was not briefly present (when he actually was) during
an Art Basel shutdown of my former establishment due to operating
unsafely without sprinklers and a hotel license.

There was even a big hearing on it where a federal magistrate was

interested in whether the code enforcement officer solicited a bribe from
the plaintiff in the case. That explains why the City sought to erase Mr.
Alberto's brief presence that fateful night. Subsequently, this was one of
the material points in the judge's sanction order. I enclose Mr. Alberto's
polygraph and Sworn Affidavit.

2. Another material allegation in the case related to a fire marshal

corresponding with my former lender at the time, wrongfully telling them
I am operating an "illegal hotel" due to a lack of a hotel license. Your
lawyers, in asking for sanctions, said not only are these allegations
false, my lawyers even admitted to this, unbeknown to me, by filing a
"Notice of Withdrawal" of the specific allegation paragraph #38 in the
complaint. However, the truth now coming out of a court case initiated
against me by my former lawyers, the Tampa-based Smolker

Bartlett law firm, shows that the lawyers colluded and deceived the
Court by suppressing evidence which proved the withdrawn allegation
#38 is actually true, as phenomenal as it sounds.

As a result of the scheming between the lawyers, truthful statements

were illicitly transformed into "false allegations" that were either later
conceded or withdrawn by the ethically challenged lawyers. As a result,
the judge ruled sanctions were warranted against me. That resulted in a
payment of $600,000 to the City, as well as a federal judge thinking Rod
Eisenberg is a liar.

Every citizen who loves their country has a duty to make sure our fragile,
democracy endures, rather than have it turn into a plutocracy where only
the rich and well-connected get treated with kid gloves, while all the rest
of us have to suffer under a system that has only cares about its own

Lastly, Mr. City Manager: a citizen, like me, who complains about an
government harassment is not an "enemy of the state", but rather just a
citizen who is complaining of government harassment.

Thank You and Have a Nice Day.

Rod Eisenberg
[email protected]

Jose Alberto Affidavit and Polygraph.pdf


David Arthur Walters Thu, Apr 5, 2018 at

<[email protected]> 2:26 PM

Jose Alberto Affidavit and Polygraph.pdf


David Arthur Walters

<[email protected]>


1 message

Fri, Apr 6, 2018

David Arthur Walters <[email protected]>
at 8:59 AM

message ---------
From: David Arthur Walters <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, Apr 6, 2018 at 1:56 AM
Subject: PRESS REQUEST re Alleged Federal Felony
To: "Boksner, Aleksandr" <[email protected]>

6 April 2018
Alexsandr Boksner
Senior Assistant City Attorney
Miami Beach, Florida

PRESS REQUEST: Your Alleged Federal Crime

Dear Mr. Boksner:

You certainly must have been appalled by Rod Eisenberg’s Speech at the
Sutnick Citizen’s Forum in February and his earlier plea to Mayor Gelber in
December asserting that you committed the federal crime of subornation of
perjury. He supported his allegation with sworn affidavits and a polygraph

If you feel the affiants perjured themselves, did you report it to law enforcement
and/or the State Attorney?

I will be pleased to have your comments on the subject to include in my press



David Arthur Walters



Speech, Affidavits, Polygraph

Eisenberg Speech Affidavits Polygraph.pdf

David Arthur Walters
<[email protected]>

RE BOUTSIS ESQ: Press Request re Alleged Subornation of Perjury

in Federal Case
1 message

David Arthur Walters

Fri, Apr 6, 2018 at 8:40 AM
<[email protected]>

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: David Arthur Walters <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, Apr 6, 2018 at 1:37 AM
Subject: Press Request re Alleged Subornation of Perjury in Federal
To: [email protected]

6 April 2018

Eve A. Boutsis, Chief Deputy City Attorney

City of Miami Beach

PRESS REQUEST: Alleged Subornation of Perjury by a City Attorney

Dear Ms. Boutsis:


I refer you to the attached Speech and Affidavits and Polygraph Results
submitted along with other exhibits to the Mayor and City Commission by Rod
Eisenberg for the Sutnick Citizens Forum held 14 February 2018.

Public records indicate that Mr. Eisenberg submitted similar information to

Mayor Gelber, in an appeal to him in his capacity as the chair of the city
commission acting as a quasi-judicial tribunal, to appoint independent counsel
to investigate allegations supported by the evidence that a city attorney
suborned the perjury of a material witness involving dispositive issues in his
federal civil rights case against the city.

It seems from the records that he advised you that all he wanted was a return of
sanctions paid to the city under duress before he discovered the court had been
defrauded, and did not want to go to the expense of having the case reopened
and litigated.

The record suggests that you or another city attorney advised the mayor as the
city’s legal counsel not to hear Mr. Eisenberg’s plea as a tribunal. I will be
pleased to have a copy of that advice.

It appears that sufficient evidence was presented by Mr. Eisenberg to cause a

reasonable person to suspect that a federal felony and a violation of professional
ethics may have been committed, and that an independent inquiry should be
made by competent authority to ascertain if probable cause could be found to
bring formal charges.

Did you report the matter to The Florida Bar and the Federal Bureau of
Investigation or the U.S. Attorney? If not, why not?

If you believed the affiants perjured themselves, did you report that to law
enforcement or the State Attorney? If not, why not?

I shall be delighted to include your response in my press report.


David Arthur Walters



Eisenberg Speech, Affidavits and Polygraph

Eisenberg Speech Affidavits Polygraph.pdf

David Arthur Walters

<[email protected]>

88860 Peter Winders Inquisition

8 messages

David Arthur Walters Sat, Apr 7, 2018 at

<[email protected]> 12:00 PM
To: "Cardenas, Sharett" <[email protected]>, "Walker, Francine"
<[email protected]>, "Vanstrum, Arne Carl"
<[email protected]>

Florida Bar Investigators

Did this member of the Florida Bar fail to report reasonable suspicion of
subornation of perjury in the federal court and engage in a cover up on
behalf of the City of Miami Beach?


---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: David Arthur Walters <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, Apr 6, 2018, 7:32 AM
Subject: Alleged Subornation of Perjury by Miami Beach City Attorney
To: <[email protected]>

6 April 2018

Peter J. Winders
General Counsel,
Carlton Fields Jorden Burt, P.A.,
Corporate Center Three at International Plaza
4221 W. Boy Scout Boulevard
Suite 1000 Tampa, Florida 33607-5780
[email protected]

Re: Alleged Subornation of Perjury by Miami Beach City Attorney

Dear Mr. Winders:

I have been reporting on the government affairs of the City of Miami Beach for
ten years. One of my themes has been the selective enforcement or non-
enforcement of laws to favor members of the city’s power elite, vested interests,
and those who pay bribes.

During the course of my investigation into the unlicensed operation of a hotel

on Espanola Way owned by Scott Robins, a close friend and business partner of
former Mayor Phil Levine, I discovered that one Rod Eisenberg had been
arrested and jailed for a similar operation of the Sadigo Hotel, which was shut
down by the police power on two occasions, although Scott Robins, with the
knowledge of city officials, was allowed to continuously allowed to operate the
historic Espanola Suites for three years without paying local resort taxes,
without getting permits for extensive renovations, and without installing
required fire suppression equipment.

It was only after I continuously begged askance of Hernan Cardeno, Esq., the
local code enforcement director, and, presented photographic and advertising
evidence to him because he said it was difficult to get evidence of misconduct,
that Espanola Suites was cited, and the matter went to the special magistrate.

Mr. Robins was given a generous continuance as his hotel continued to operate,
and he eventually complied with the law. He was not fined, did not pay back
taxes, did not pay permit fees for previous renovations, and his total expense
other than legal fees to resolve three years of violations was, I believe, $100 in
“court” costs.

Yet Mr. Eisenberg had been jailed, and his expenses, because he did not
cooperate because he believed state law allowed him to operate his hotel with
fire suppression equivalency, ran into the many hundreds of thousands of
dollars in cold cash. In sum, he fought city hall and lost.

As you know, Mr. Eisenberg alleged that an overture was made to him by an
enforcement officer, Jose Alberto, to the effect that he, Mr. Eisenberg, could not
resolve his issue in courts of law, and gave him the impression that bribes
should be paid to make the legal problems go away.

That rang a bell because I was informed by Antonio Halabi of Venezuela, then
the owner of a restaurant situated under Espanola Suites, that he was advised he
should pay a bribe. Mr. Halabi of Venezuela had complained of the selective
enforcement of codes on Espanola Way, which had damaged his business; Scott
Robins retaliated with an eviction attempt as threatened in writing, resulting in
protracted litigation. Mr. Halabi sold the restaurant, and complained, after
extensive investigation of the records of the administration’s code enforcement
behavior that it was as “Third World” than Venezuela’s.

In December 2017, Mr. Eisenberg begged Mayor Dan Gelber to have the city
commission, as a quasi-judicial tribunal, hear his plea for the return of $600,000
sanctions imposed by the federal court as part of a settlement he was allegedly
coerced into making in order to sell the Sadigo Hotel, and to appoint a special
independent counsel for the investigation of the matter.

Subsequent to the dismissal of the case and the sale, he professedly discovered
that a city attorney had suborned the perjury of a material witness, one Jose
Alberto, on issues dispositive to the federal case for civil rights violations. That
gentleman signed an affidavit under penalties of perjury supported by a
polygraph to the effect that he had perjured himself previously at the behest of
the city attorney in collusion with his own attorney. Mr. Eisenberg submitted
that evidence and his own affidavit as a reputable businessman to the mayor and
several commissioners in early December of last year. By the way, I have found
Mr. Eisenberg to be a honest man and not the “convict” the city makes him out
to be, and not well that the only reason he pled guilty to the charges against him
was on condition that the arrest and conviction record be expunged if he won
his Sadigo Hotel case.

Apparently in January 2017 City Attorney Eve Boutsis advised the mayor and
commission not to hear Mr. Eisenberg, wherefore he took advantage of the
Sutnick Citizen’s Forum on 14 February to publicly expose his predicament
before the commission, submitting the affidavits and polygraph (attached) along
with court filings that demonstrated that the federal judge had been defrauded
by attorneys into dismissing his case. One purpose of the citizen’s forum is to
allow citizens including so-called cranks blow off steam for an hour. To the
best of my knowledge, nothing was done.
Now it is my understanding from the public records that you were aware of Mr.
Eisenberg’s allegations and his evidence of subornation of perjury that he
submitted to you because your firm represented the city in the case, but on 28
March 2017 you declined to act on the basis that the witness who passed the lie
detector test was impeachable, that his attorney would deny that he colluded
with the city attorney in the commission of a felony, and of course the accused
attorney would also deny he committed a crime.

It seems, however, from the circumstances, the affidavits, and the polygraph,
that a reasonable person would suspect a felony was committed and that an
investigation should be conducted by competent authorities to determine if
there is probable cause to bring criminal and ethic complaints against the city
attorney who allegedly suborned perjury.

Now it occurs to me that you may have reported the matter to The Florida Bar
and to the Federal Bureau of Investigation or the U.S. Attorney. Further, since
you believed the witness lied under oath, to state law enforcement or the State

It is with that in mind that I ask you whether or not you did report the matter,
and, if not, why not? I shall be glad to include that and any comments you
might make on the matter in my press report.


David Arthur Walters


Eisenberg Speech, Affidavits, Polygraph


2 attachments
Eisenberg Speech Affidavits Polygraph.pdf
Winder Letter04052018.pdf

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