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135 Years

Volume 136 Issue 23 Friday, August 17, 2018 90 cents plus tax

INSIDE Making The Most of the Heatwave

this week


CIB Yards of
the Week

9 T
Photos by Darryl Holyk

he extreme temperatures of the past weekend had the

province under an extended heat advisory issued by
TRIBUNE Manitoba Health. With temperatures reaching over 30 C,
some chose to hide away in their air-conditioned homes
PRINTING while others headed out to enjoy the heat and soak up the
sun. Last weekend was extremely busy at Minnedosa Beach
For all your evident by a full parking lot, similar to what is seen during
printing needs the annual Canada Day celebration.
867-3816 Continued on Page 2


$35.00 per year
Visit or call (204) 867-3816
2 Friday, August 17, 2018 The Minnedosa Tribune

Busy Season For Odd Job Squad

By Hillary Miller the group during their odd group have undertaken in- ticipate in various events,
jobs goes directly to the cluded Mom’s Pantry sales, that teach them important

S ome may have noticed

the group of youths
wielding sponges and
students that worked hard
for them, allowing them
to take pride in the funds
the Fun Fest Barbeque,
strawberry picking, a Can-
ada Day glowstick sale, a
skills, as well as the impor-
tance of personal respon-
sibility, customer service,
brightly coloured tee- that they are able to earn donut drive, a Flower Fren- community engagement
shirts on the south corner throughout the summer. zy, and a window washing and teamwork. The skills
of Main Street on Friday, During the event, day. The youths also filled they learn are fundamen-
August 11th. which ran from 12 noon job orders for help in the tal to their future employ-
The local Manitoba until 4 p.m., there were ap- Fun Fest Parade, complet- ment experiences.
Youth Job Centre’s Odd proximately ten cars that ed some yard work, helped The youths did a good
Job Squad was set up in showed up to be washed. people move, as well as job washing cars that day,
the north parking lot of “We were happy with the other odd jobs. and hopefully, we will see
the Rolling River School turnout for the car wash,” The Odd Job Squad, them around Minnedosa,
Division Garage, hosting stated Kassia Hollier, is a program operated by doing more jobs this sum-
a car wash and barbeque. Youth Engagement Lead- the Manitoba Youth Job mer!
There were six members er for the local Youth Job Centre, which provides
of the squad present, but Centre. “We did not have employment support to
the Minnedosa Manito- as many customers for the youths between the ages Photo submitted
ba Youth Job Centre as a barbeque as we had hoped of 12 and 16 with a su-
whole consists of 28 youths that we would.” pervised work experience Members of the Odd Job Squad wash a truck
this year. Throughout the sum- in their community. The during their carwash last Saturday.
Any profit raised by mer, other jobs that the youths are able to par-

Tips For Extreme Heat

from Page 1
ic illness, people on certain
medications and people
living alone have a par-
pending on the severity
of symptoms.  If someone
has a high body tempera-
• The most profitable cereal crop Along the beach were ticularly high risk for heat ture, is unconscious or is
people taking full advan- illness, especially if they confused, call for help by
• Up to 37% higher yields tage of the hot rays beam- are living in an urban area
ing down, while many or do not have air condi-
dialing 911.  While wait-
ing, cool the person right
• Improved quality for the feed, food, chose to enjoy the week- tioning.  Others at greater
end under the shady trees health risks to heat include
away by moving them
to a cool place, applying
and ethanol markets between the beach and infants and young chil- cold water to large ar-
the parking lot. The water dren and people who work eas of the skin or cloth-
• Diversified risk was also a popular spot or exercise in the heat.
to hang-out with some When it is hot, take
ing, and fanning the per-
son as much as possible.
choosisng to swim, play, care of yourself and others.  Heat illnesses are
Bono hybrid fall rye stand or even just set their Regularly check on neigh- preventable.  The health
lawn chair in the water to bours, friends and older effects of heat can be
» Yields 137% of Hazlet cool down. Beyond the family members, especial- reduced by: drinking
beach area, the lake saw ly those who are ill or living plenty of liquids, espe-
» Very good lodging resistance various watercraft zipping alone, to make sure they cially water, before feeling
» Short stature; easy to harvest up and down from pow- are cool and drinking wa- thirsty;  wearing loose-fit-
erboats and seadoos, wa- ter.  Visiting is best because ting, light-coloured cloth-
terskiing and tubing or ca- it is easier to identify signs ing and a wide-brimmed
Gatano hybrid fall rye noes and kayaks. While the of heat illness that could hat; planning outdoor ac-
entire summer has been a be missed over the phone. tivities during cooler times
» Yields 124% of Hazlet busy one for the lake and Never leave people of the day; limiting alcohol
» Superior ergot resistance beach, the recent heat- or pets alone in a parked
wave was certainly one of vehicle or direct sun-
consumption; avoiding
sun exposure and cancel-
» Short straw; easy to harvest the busiest times at the lo- light.  Supervise small ling or rescheduling out-
cal tourist attraction draw- children near open win- door activities; going to a
ing both locals and out-of- dows to prevent falls. cool place such as a store,
Available at: towners. If a person has many community centre, pub-
While earlier this week of the following symptoms, lic library or place of wor-
Call JS Henry Seeds to find out which hybrid rye saw much cooler tempera- their body may be over- ship;  taking a cool shower
will give you the best profitability on your farm. tures, there is still a pos- heating and at risk of heat or bath; and blocking sun
sibility of more extremely illness or heat stroke: head- out by closing awnings,
JS Henry Seeds hot days this summer. In ache;  red, hot and dry curtains or blinds during
Oak River, MB preparation for those, here skin; dizziness; confusion; the day.
are some and valuable in- nausea; rapid weak pulse;
204.566.2422 formation tips from Mani- and a complete or par-
Brendan Brown: [email protected] toba Health on how to tial loss of consciousness. If your
Marnie McLean: [email protected] combat extreme tempera- The longer a person’s
tures: body temperature is above
Manitobans are re- 40 C (105 F), the greater
minded to take precau- the likelihood of perma-
tions to prevent heat-relat- nent effects or death.  If
18/08/31 ed illness.  Everyone is at these symptoms occur, It’s time to
The Cereal Seed Experts risk for the effects of heat.  immediately move to a renew your
FP Genetics is a trademark of FP Genetics Inc. ©2018 FP Genetics. All rights reserved. 3692-03 05.18
However, during a period cool place and drink water.   subscription
of prolonged heat, older Emergency medical
adults, people with chron- care may be needed de- Call 867-3816
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, August 17, 2018 3

Lack of Interest In Town Council Election

By Hillary Miller ting councillors may appoint begins, candidates will have to ute to register, but the feeling
an eligible person to the posi- obtain a minimum of 25 signa- of unease is undeniable. Dill-

M unicipal elections are

just around the corner,
set for October 24th, and there
tion. Eligibility requires a per-
son to be a Canadian citizen,
at least 18 years of age, a resi-
tures from people supporting
them as a candidate. This fig-
ure is a percentage of the 2,500
abough is unsure why there is
a lack of interest in the elec-
tion this year, but hopes that
is a shocking lack of interest in dent of Manitoba, and a resi- people on the voters list, com- people will put their names
filling the council and mayoral dent of Minnedosa for at least piled by the SEO. However, into the running, and that
positions amongst the citizens six months. Dillabough recommends that Minnedosa will have enough
of Minnedosa. Candidate registration is nominees collect at least 30 candidates step up so that
With the deadline for reg- currently open. Registration signatures, in case some of the ratepayers have the opportu-
istration looming, Minnedo- for mayoral candidates has people who sign are not cur- nity to vote for the candidates
sa’s Senior Election Official been open since May 1st, and rently registered on the local they want to form their next
(SEO), Donna Dillabough, registration for councillors has voters’ list. Additionally, Dill- Town Council.
worries about what might been open since June 30th, abough notes that she has also Anyone with the slightest
happen if no one puts their but still no names have been not had anyone contact her to thought of possibly running as
name forward. After read- brought forward. ensure that their name is on a candidate for Town Council
ing last week’s Tribune, she After registration, a can- the voters’ list so that they can is encouraged to contact Dill-
was relieved to see that some didate will have to file their cast their vote on election day abough at the Town Office.
current town councillors are nomination papers. Nomi- in October. There is a candidates book
considering running for re- nations begins on September Hopefully, there are peo- available and she is happy to
election, but there will still be 12th. Once a candidate has ple out there who are consid- answer any questions or con-
vacancies left to fill, including registered, they can then start ering putting their name for- cerns a possible candidate
that of mayor. campaigning and collect- ward and running for Town may have.
If a council position is not ing funds for their campaign. Council and that they are sim-
filled by the election, the sit- Once the nomination period ply waiting until the last min-

Concern Over Main Street Trees Will anyone step forward as a

By Hillary Miller including one that was di- another ten water lines be- something that would be a candidate for Minnedosa’s
rectly above the water line, fore completion. better alternative to where next mayor and council?

A fter a discussion on
social media recently,
it came to light that some
which caused a safety issue
while the work was being
Recently, Town Coun-
cil’s application for pro-
vincial funds to aid in re-
the trees previously were

citizens were concerned The northbound lane paving Main Street was
about the trees that were for entire block on Main unsuccessful, but Marcino
recently cut down on the
north end of Main Street
Street was closed Monday
with traffic being re-routed
hopes that they will be
successful with their ap-
Well Water Testing Day
on the block stretching in single, north and south plication for next year. That August 21st, 2018
from Valley Motor Lodge directional lanes in the is one of the reasons the
to Farmhouse 50. southbound lane while water lines are being re- 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 p.m.
According to Kevin the replacement work was placed now, rather than in
Marcino, Public Works Su- being done. Work began the future. “We want to try ATTENTION: Residents in the Little Saskatchewan River Conservation District
perintendent for the Town early Monday morning, to get every water service within the municipalities of Oakview, Minto-Odanah, Rosedale, Yellowhead,
of Minnedosa, the trees continued through out the that hasn’t been changed Clanwilliam-Erickson, Harrison Park, Riverdale and the Town of Minnedosa.
had to be cut down as they day and finally wrapped up in the past changed out,
The Little Saskatchewan River Conservation District will be co-ordinating a well
were directly over the wa- late that evening. Marcino before new pavement goes
water testing day for these residents on August 21st, 2018. All shipping costs will be
ter lines being replaced. indicated that they plan down,” he said.
covered by the District. Three different tests are offered.
Marcino noted that they to replace the remainder While he could not
are changing out the four of the water lines along comment on whether the Test #1: $21.25 - total coliform and E.coli
water services on Main Main Street north before “hot topic” trees will be Test #2: $61.35 - total coliform, E.coli and nitrate/nitrite
Street, and the trees were winter. He estimated that replaced or not, Marcino Test #3: $126.25 - total coliform, E.coli, nitrate/nitrite, calcium,
too close to the water lines, this project could include is open to possibly finding magnesium, sodium, hardness, potassium, manganese, copper, iron, zinc, chloride,
sulphate, conductivity, pH, arsenic, barium, boron, fluoride, lead, uranium
Pick up sample bottles at the following locations before Monday, August 20th, 2018.

Subscribe to The Minnedosa Tribune Rivers – Riverdale Municipality office

Oak River – Little Saskatchewan River Conservation District office
Newdale – Municipality of Harrison Park satellite office
MAIL THIS FORM WITH PAYMENT TO BOX 930, Sandy Lake - Heritage Co-op Grocery Store
MINNEDOSA, MB R0J 1E0 PHONE 204-867-3816 Rapid City - R.M. of Oakview satellite office
Minnedosa - R.M. of Minto-Odanah office
Local Trading Area: $43.11 NAME: Erickson – Municipality of Clanwilliam-Erickson office
(Minnedosa, Bethany, Clanwilliam, Onanole – Municipality of Harrison Park office
Strathclair – R.M. of Yellowhead satellite office
Erickson, Onanole, Sandy Lake, Lake
Audy, Olha, Vista, Elphinstone,
Newdale, Rapid City, Franklin, Elphinstone – Hilltop Groceteria & Gas (closed Mondays)
Mountain Road and Neepawa) Please mark your calendars as we will ONLY ACCEPT SAMPLES
Other Manitoba collected on the morning of TUESDAY, AUGUST 21ST, 2018
from 9:00 A.M. TO 11:30 A.M.
locations: $50.31
Drop Off locations will be included in the sample bottle packages.
Other Canadian
locations: $56.01
TOWN: Any questions please contact:
Little Saskatchewan River Conservation District
PROVINCE: P.O. Box 209, 55 North Railway Street
Online subscriptions $35 at Oak River, MB R0K 1T0 POSTAL CODE: at 204-566-2270 or Toll Free 1-866-820-1512.
Fax: (204) 566-2299 Email: [email protected] (22-2)
4 Friday, August 17, 2018 The Minnedosa Tribune

Darryl a.Holyk - PublisHer anD eDitor

Around Global Affairs Canada

Town... Is Wasting Your Money
By AARON WUDRICK  ter. But you would be wrong.
By Darryl Holyk Canadian Taxpayers Federation When asked for comment on the Mexico City
cushions, a departmental spokesperson defended

New speaker…
The Minnedosa Rec Commission had to do
W ould you pay $286 for a seat cushion? How about
$117 for a wine glass? Or $1,000 for a chair?
Access to information documents obtained from
the purchase and said, “we know that taxpayers’ dol-
lars must be treated with the utmost respect.” If this is
respect, what would disrespect even look like? Worse,
some scrambling after Sports Dinner keynote speak- Global Affairs Canada by the Canadian Taxpayers arguing that these purchases “support Canadian busi-
er, Kaitlyn Lawes, had to cancel her appearance in Federation show Canada’s diplomats used your mon- nesses,” misses the point. By all means, buying Cana-
Minnedosa due to another engagement. This left or- ey to furnish embassies and consulates around the dian products where the price is comparable to other
ganizers without a speaker for their October event! world. Some will recall the fawning reception received options makes perfect sense. But paying double or
Fortunately, a new speaker has been confirmed and by a newly elected Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at triple the price is simply inexcusable.
the Rec Commission is pleased to announce that the Global Affairs Ottawa headquarters in November Common sense can also save Canadian taxpayers
Kaitlyn’s mixed doubles partner from the 2018 Win- 2015. Coming from supposedly non-partisan, neutral more than a few bucks — such as in Hong Kong where
ter Olympics, John Morris, has been booked for the government employees, it raised more than a few eye- the consulate showed in separate purchases that it
2018 Sports Dinner Keynote Speaker. John is a well- brows. No wonder they were so happy. could buy good chairs and credenzas locally at a sav-
known Canadian curler who has earned a dozen It seems Global Affairs was happy to help run up ings of 71% and 85%, respectively. This would normal-
gold medals at various levels to date along with nu- the deficit by going on a spending spree that would ly be the point where the minister responsible would
merous other awards, honours and accolades. The make a teenager blush. Nearly $25,000 for 86 seat step up and order a review of departmental procure-
21st Annual Minnedosa Sports Dinner will be held cushions for the Mexico City embassy. That’s $268 ment policies to ensure this kind of thing doesn’t hap-
on October 20th. apiece. Try asking a friend or neighbour where you can pen again. But so far, there hasn’t been a peep from
even find cushions that fancy. And just how high-end Trudeau or any of his ministers promising to put a
are the 1,000-plus pieces of crystal stemware bought stop to these kinds of outrageous expenses.
A Dog’s Sequel… by the department for a grand total of $127,000? For Some critics argue that these kinds of expenses
Following the success of the movie, A Dog’s comparison, the average cost of $117 apiece is more are a tiny drop in the vast taxpayer bucket and we
Purpose, which featured scenes shot in the Bethany than double the price of Tiffany’s crystal wine glasses. shouldn’t worry about them. But a few drips can turn
area, a sequel is currently in the works. The new film When the government could save taxpayers’ money by into a significant stream if left unchecked. More im-
titled, Molly and Max, is being shot in Manitoba shopping at Tiffany, that’s a problem. portantly, while overpaying for cushions and wine
from now through October and will again feature Or how about sixteen dining table chairs for $1,000 might not break the bank, getting it wrong on big-tick-
some local, recognizable filming locations! The apiece, shipped from Vancouver to the Canadian con- et items — such as ships and planes for our military
original film was shot in the fall of 2015 and released sulate in Hong Kong? And that’s not even counting the — certainly would.
in January 2017. Molly and Mike is expected to hit $7,500 credenza (which for those of you not fortunate Unfortunately for taxpayers, the Trudeau gov-
theatres in May 2019. enough to own one, is a glorified storage cupboard.) ernment’s failure to manage even the little expenses
At the very least, you would think having been caught doesn’t instill great confidence in their ability to man-
Blood shortage… billing taxpayers for such over-the-top purchases,
Global Affairs would apologize and promise to do bet-
age the big ones.
Canadian Blood Services has put out an urgent
call for blood. Across the country, 22,000 donors are
needed to donate blood by August 26th. Donations
will help ensure the national blood inventory can

Letters to the Editor

meet patient needs for the rest of summer.   Unfor-
tunately, local donors now have to plan ahead, take
a greater chunk of time out of their day and travel
if they wish to donate blood as the mobile health
clinics are no longer held in our rural communities,
such as Minnedosa. The return of local blood donor Letters to the Editor can be sent to [email protected] or Box 930, Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0
clinics would certainly be welcomed by many and
most likely cut down the urgent need for blood. Views expressed in Letters to the Editor are those of the writer and
are not necesarily the views of The Tribune, its owner or staff.

The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. The Minnedosa Tribune is independently owned and is the
oldest weekly newspaper in the Canadian West and has
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. does
guarantee the publication of all submitted articles and

published continuously from the same premises since photographs. These submissions, are at the discretion of the
Box 930 Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0
March of 1883.
Published Friday of each week from the premises of publisher and will appear as space permits. The Minnedosa
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. 14 - 3rd Ave. S.W. E-Mail Addresses: Tribune reserves the right to edit any submission as deemed
Minnedosa, MB. R0J 1E0 necessary by the publisher.
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Audited twice a year by Canadian Media Circulation Audit call or in person.
Phone: (204) 867-3816 All contents copyright 2018
Fax: (204) 867-5171
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, August 17, 2018 5

Council Approves MREC Site Survey

By DARRYL HOLYK survey so that everyone
involved knows the exact
with the provincial gov-
ernment regarding some
lifespan of each cell was
estimated at ten years but
Ye O l d
M innedosa Town location of the proposed of these concerns, a con- after seven years, the cur-

Council met for its arena. Council agreed and cerned citizen group, call- rent cell is filling up. This is
August meeting on the instructed the MREC com- ing themselves Save Our not due to more waste but
evening of Tuesday, Au- mittee to move forward in Lake – Friends of Lake more the fact that some
gust 7th in Council Cham- getting the survey done. Minnedosa has arisen. The people are still putting re-
bers. Mayor Orr presided Animal Control By- mayor has met with one of cyclables in the trash rath-
with Councillors Luker, law #2562 was given sec- the members of this group er than separating them
MacDowall, Saler, Wedge- ond and third reading. The and suggested that council for recycling.
wood and Taylor in atten- bylaw states that within form a citizen group simi- Council accepted the
dance. Councillor Skatch town limits, no person lar to the housing devel- quotation from Saler’s 1888 – The bridge on the trail near Tanner’s is again un-
was absent. shall have more than two opment group, MREC or Backhoe and Trucking in safe and should be attended to at once.
The meeting opened dogs and two cats over primary care centre group the amount of $17,700 for
with a delegation of Kevin the age of six months. No to discuss, plan and ob- landfill reclamation (com- 1898 – The Minnedosa sash factory is running at full
Marcino and Jon Lewis one is allowed to keep tain factual information post site) being the lowest time and doing a gratifying business. Orders are coming
to discuss Minnedosa tame pigeons or chickens on resolving some of the of two received. in at a lively rate and are being promptly filled.
Soccer’s proposal to de- or maintain a pigeon or issues surrounding the Council approved a
sign an additional field at chicken coop or aviary in lake. This group could in- request from Minnedosa
1908 – A serious fire broke out at the CPR roundhouse
the Minnedosa Regional Minnedosa. Also, no one clude at least one council- District Museum and Heri-
last Sunday, destroying the building and seriously dam-
Events Centre (MREC) shall keep or feed wildlife lor, possibly a Chamber of tage Village Corp. to es-
aging four locomotives. The fire brigade and many a will-
site. As there seems to be within town boundaries. Commerce representative tablish a fund through the
ing hand did good work to keep the fire from spreading
a few minor discrepancies Mayor Orr lead a brief and other concerned citi- Manitoba Heritage Trust
to other buildings. Damage is estimated to be not less for
between the layout plan of discussion on concerns re- zens to focus on the future Program.
the site when dealing with garding Lake Minnedosa. health and longevity of our During the recent au-
the location of proposed He mentioned five key is- lake. Council was in sup- dit of Town Financials,
arena and site for further sues to be aware of with the port of this suggestion. MNP discovered a wrong 1918 – Mr. Bullmore took his motor car from Minnedosa
soccer grounds develop- lake including the stop logs Councillor Taylor re- cheque number had been to Clear Lake and back and then to Brandon and back, all
ment, Lewis recommend- in the spillway, lake levels, ported that Evergreen recorded in Town Coun- on five gallons of gasoline.
ed that the MREC commit- silt build up, weed growth Environmental Technolo- cil minutes. A resolution
tee should have the arena and the potential for Zebra gies (regional landfill) is was passed to correct the 1928 – Dr. Maxwell Bowman of Winnipeg is the new
project contractors, Crane Mussels. While the Town looking at opening a new cheque listing at the re- municipal doctor for the R.M. of Minto. He will reside in
Industries, conduct a site is currently in discussions cell for 2019. The expected quest of the auditors. Clanwilliam.

1938 – The Minnedosa Voters List now includes 912

Credit Card Fee Reduction for Small Firms

names. This is an increase of 22 names from last year.

1948 – Ratepayers voted 96 percent in favour of the

Minnedosa District Hospital. The vote was 1,117 for and
SUBMITTED available to large firms. ident for national affairs Bill Morneau and the ma- 51 against.
The new agreements with and partnerships. “We ap- jor credit card brands for

A fter a decade of advo-

cacy work on credit
card processing fees, the
Visa, Mastercard and
American Express provide
greater opportunities for
plaud the federal govern-
ment, Finance Minister
reaching this important
1958 – The citizens of Moore Park finally won the last
round in their complaint with the postal department
regarding the mail delivery to that point. They will now
Canadian Federation of small firms to benefit from receive mail on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7:20
Independent Business lower credit card process- a.m. via way of Brandon by auto.
(CFIB) welcomes the new ing fees.”
agreements between the The fees charged by
federal government and credit card companies
1968 – The Horticultural Society has introduced a cup
to be presented annually for the best planted and cared-
major payments brands have an unseen impact on
for business premises in town. The chosen winner of this
announced recently. all levels of the economy.
new honour is The Gateway Motel.
Starting in 2020, Visa They have been estimated
and Mastercard have to total as much as $5 bil-
vowed to reduce the fees lion per year and ultimate- 1978 – The new Imperial Oil bulk station is the first busi-
they charge retailers to an ly find their way into the ness to establish in the town’s new industrial subdivi-
average annual effective prices Canadians pay for sion. Council set prices for property in this subdivision at
rate of 1.4 per cent from the goods and services. $22 per front foot for land bordering Highway #355 and
current 1.5 per cent. Amer- CFIB has been a leader $11 per foot for back lots.
ican Express announced in working to lower credit
a separate agreement to card processing fees for 1988 – Popular Minnedosa business and family man,
increase transparency and small business for many Ken Murray, was seriously injured in a motorcycle acci-
fairness. years. It was the first group dent near Clanwilliam. Ken is the proprietor of Kendosa
“These new measures to propose the Code of Engine Parts and Supplies.
build on the positive mo- Conduct, which was ad-
mentum in improving the opted in 2010. CFIB also 1998 – Lem Shuttleworth was named to the Manitoba
power balance between struck separate agree- Agricultural Hall of Fame. Throughout the years, Lem has
major card brands and ments with the payments been heavily involved in the agricultural industry, both
smaller merchants that industry, giving its mem- personally and politically, serving as Manitoba Minister
began with the adoption bers access to lower Mas- of Agriculture for a number of years.
of the Code of Conduct for tercard and American Ex- Minnedosa Youth Soccer received a grant of $5,000
the Credit and Debit Card press rates. from Minnedosa & District Foundation to purchase 2008 – A long time popular hangout along Erickson’s
Industry in Canada,” said “The measures an- a commercial grade mower to keep their fields Main Street was destroyed by fire last Thursday morning.
Dan Kelly, CFIB president. nounced today will help
“For years, CFIB has en- small businesses to be
groomed. This sport promotes healthy living Fire crews responded to a blaze at My Place restaurant
for all who take part. shortly before 4 a.m. Constructed in the 1950s, the build-
couraged the payments more competitive with ing had housed numerous businesses over the years:
industry to close the gap their larger counterparts,” For more info or to make a donation to the Foundation go to Alex’s Café, Andy’s Café, Dave’s Café, JD’s Family Dining
between the rates small said Corinne Pohlmann, and Big Sky Bistro.
businesses pay and those CFIB’s senior vice-pres-
6 Friday, August 17, 2018 The Minnedosa Tribune

A Chat With PC Candidate Floyd Martens

By Hillary Miller president of the Canadian areas. these groups, which he
School Board Association, He is no stranger to feels signifies his abilities

F loyd Martens, of Rob-

lin Manitoba, has an-
nounced his intention to
Martens feels that he has
gained a national perspec-
tive on a variety of issues.
working with policy and
governance in that role,
giving him a familiarity of
as a leader.
With such a large
and diverse riding, Mar-
seek the nomination for Since 2015, he has been fo- what he would be doing tens recognizes that this
the Conservative Party of cused on the school board if successful in his bid for will present its own set of
Canada in the Dauphin- roles that he has held, nomination. challenges. Each area will
Swan River-Neepwa rid- which has meant a high In doing this work, he bring its own set of issues
ing. degree of travel, giving him has gained a perspective and concerns. “For me, the
Martens grew up in the degree of comfort with that he feels is broader biggest focus will be to get
Morden, MB, and spent his travelling that would be re- than the community in to know one of the most
career as a minister in Ro- quired as an MP. which he was working, giv- pressing issues that people
blin for about 25 years, and Martens feels that he ing him a glance at some of have, and what the role
spent another five years would rather “do” than the larger issues at play in that the federal govern-
serving at other churches talk about what he could the riding. ment can have in playing
in the area. do, but feels that he could If successful in his in that capacity,” he stated.
Upon hearing that bring a lot of skills and as- nomination, Martens He recognizes that the role
current Member of Parlia- sets to the role. He has looks forward to hearing the conservative party will
ment, Robert Sopuck, had been a trustee for the what people in his riding have in the federal govern-
decided not to seek re- school board for 26 years, have to say. “You need to ment, be it government or
election, Martens knew it and board chair for Moun- hear their voice,” he said, opposition, will affect what
was the right time for him. tain View School Division “to be able to give them the MP will be able to ac-
“Those opportunities don’t for a number of years, as respect, and try to make complish, but he is confi-
come along very often,” he well as president of the decisions that are in the dent of what he will be able
Photo submitted
said. Manitoba School Board best interest of everyone to accomplish.
After spending many Association. Throughout at the end of the day.” He A current challenge an agricultural based envi- ers are needed.
years as a trustee for the that time, he has worked has had very positive ex- that Martens sees in the ronment,” he said, “but we Since putting his name
school board, including with many different peo- periences in working on riding is economic stabil- need to grow in other ways, forward, Martens has had
spending time on the na- ple and looked at how the different boards, and has ity. He cites that parts of and find employment in the opportunity to connect
tional level as both the group can best address the been put into positions the riding have an aging other ways. We are strug- and reconnect with many
vice president and the needs of students in those of leadership in many of demographic and the ef- gling in large parts of our people in different parts
fect this will have on jobs as area to have enough peo- of the riding. He has been
one issue. He hopes that if ple involved in trades.” He hearing a lot of positive
he is nominated, he will be would like to help people things, and feels that it has
able to help grow commu- become more engaged in been a really good experi-
nities in his riding. “We are areas where skilled work- ence.

The Minnedosa Rotary Club would

like to thank all those who
purchased tickets for our
Annual Club 400 Dinner and Draw


$200 (10) $500 (4)
Ron & Gaileen Kingdon
Jim & Lynne Burgess Julie & Paul Pomehichuk
Mac & Marg Davidson Maxwell McNabb
Ray & Debbie Morgan Derrick & Trish Turner
Wayne & Tillie Johnson Dan Onyshko
Callie Mendrikis
Wilf & Myrna Jordan $1000 (2)
Mel & Alexis Harvey Tim & Shari Saler
Katrina Thompson Carol & Bill Lonsdale
Allan & Angie Dmytriw

Tuesday at 12 Noon
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, August 17, 2018 7

Do You Remember Newdale News

The Teachers by Raven’s Glen WI of the game, well done Jor-
ja! We all wish Jorja luck,
to the winners by President
Helen Caird. The Delgaty
the Sandy Lake Drop-In
on Sunday August 8th. The

From ’68? W e offer our apologies that she’ll be selected for Plaque for most points sing-song is a friendly get
to Katelynn, Jordan, the U-16 Magic team next won in the “Gladiola” cate- together for anyone that
Toby and Taylor Klassen season! gories was Barb Pedersen. loves to sing the old-time
for trying to rename them Kevin, Tara, Lucas and The door prize winner was gospel songs. The event
By DARRYL HOLYK Reimer in our Fair Day Josie accompanied daugh- Eva Merry and the 50/50 is hosted by Gary and Do-
News. ter Jorja to Edmonton to winner of $32 was Donna reen Stapleton and Sunrise
F ifty years ago, local students were preparing to head
back to class on September 3rd. The 1968-1969
school year was reportedly the first under the new uni-
Jorja Pedersen and the
to watch her play ball. While
in Alberta they visited Rog-
Hogg of Minnedosa. The
silent auction prizes were
Credit Union.
Trevor and Tanis
U-14 Westman Magic soft- er and Nancy Young and won by several lucky peo- Wareham and family from
tary system which had been approved by ratepayers the ball team she plays for out family at Canmore along ple. There was no judg- Invermere, BC were visit-
previous winter. of Brandon on winning with some sightseeing ing category for town and ing parents Terry and Ruth
The school year also saw the addition of sixteen the Silver Medal at the along the way. rural gardens or grounds Wareham at Shoal Lake
new teachers for the Minnedosa education system Western Canadian Cham- The Newdale Horti- because of lack of entries. and grandma Dot Ware-
which included four schools: North, South, Crossley pionship Finals held in culture Society held their The members served cof- ham and other relatives in
and Minnedosa Collegiate. MCI is the only one of these Edmonton the long week- 90th Annual Flower Show fee and dessert during the the area last week.
schools still in existence and for those who may not re- end in August. Following a on August 8th in the com- afternoon. We send out “over 80”
call the other schools, the South School was located on good home season, in the munity hall. There were Kelsey Howard and his birthday wishes to both
the property now occupied by Town View Manor while round robin they were able 151 exhibits of flower vari- friend John from Winnipeg Bob Young on August 14th
the North and Crossley Schools where in the Northwest to beat both Calgary and eties, garden produce and were visiting his grandpar- and Gordon Clark on Au-
corner of town, where the playground is located at the in- Edmonton, who were the home baking and canning. ents Margaret and Fred gust 16th.  These two have
tersection of Fourth Avenue and Second Street. Alberta provincial cham- Winner of the Best Potted Howard and other fam- celebrated their birthdays
If you taught or were a student in Minnedosa fifty pion and runner-up teams. Plant was Eileen Bradley ily members over the long together since they were
years ago you will probably recognize many, if not all, of They played the host River (orchid); Best Gladiola weekend in August. kids!
the names listed below. City Hornets in the final spike was Barb Pedersen; Several from Newdale Hot enough for every-
The elementary school system was under the su- game. In their round robin Best Flower Arrangement attended the Western Days one? Remember this when
pervision of Mr. K. Chorneyko as Principal with Mr. M. win over Oxbow, SK (10 to was Helen Caird. Trophies weekend and the Western we also complain about
Schatz (Principal) and Mr. H. Neufeld (Vice Principal) at 1), Jorja was named player and prizes were presented Days “Sing Song” held at -35 in January!
Minnedosa Collegiate.

South School Staff: Mrs. W. Sanderson (Grade

One), Miss D. Svoboda (Grade Two), Miss S. MacPherson
(Grade Three), Mrs. C. Alexander (Grade Four), Mrs. E.
Oliver (Grade Five) and Mr. M. Chisholm (Grade Six). Mr.
Cadurcis News Tribune Founder
William Gibbens
Born - 1854 at London, England
Chisholm also served as Assistant Principal for the year.
by DoReen TRoTT Died - February 20, 1932
North School Staff: Mrs. H. Comrie and Mrs. R. Ped- at Cornwall, Ontario
erson (Grade One), Miss J. Snyder and Miss L. Thompson
(Grade Two), Mrs. E. Wallace and Mrs. W. McLaughlin M ike, Maria, Rosemary and Jasper Lea of Winnipeg
visited on Sunday with Malcolm and Shirley Rose.
Janice and Ava Melson from Australia who have been
(Grade Three), Mrs. H. Bailey and Miss S. Brook (Grade
Four), Mrs. H. Boyd and Mrs. D. Shorrock (Grade Five), visiting with Doug and Karen Northam and other rela-
Miss L. Ferguson and Mrs. D. Nylen (Grade Six). Mrs. tives returned home on Thursday.
Nylen also served as Assistant Principal. Mrs. B. Chor- Briand Moore of London, ON visited with his
neyko taught the “Educatable Mentally Handicapped”. Northam cousins last week.

Crossley Staff: Miss K. Frohwerk (Kindergarten),

Mrs. C. McCartney, Miss L. Pollock, Mr. R. Lepischak,
Mr. R. Wagner, Mr. G. Parry and Mr. W. Cheslock (Grade
Seven and Eight). Mr. Wagner also served as Assistant
Minnedosa Collegiate Staff: Mrs. V. Averill (Grade
Minnedosa Golf Club
Eleven and Twelve History), Mr. B. Brooking (Grades
Expansion Committee
Nine to Twelve Math), Miss F. Bothe (Typing and Busi- Cash Calendar Draw Winners
ness Principles), Miss C. Boyd (Grade Nine and Ten His- for the Month of July 2018
tory, Geography and English), Mrs. A. Caughell (Grade Lottery License #MGCC3945RF
Eight Occupational Entrance), Mr. P. Friesen (Grades Ten
to Twelve Geography and Grade Twelve Economics), Bev Kreller $250
Mrs. M. Funnell (Grade Nine Occupational Entrance), Reg & Sharon Nylen $50
Mr. A. Cabriel (Grades Ten to Twelve French and Grade
Diane Facey $30
Ten History), Mr. K. Gillies (Grade Eleven and Twelve
English), Mr. R. Hay (Grade Nine to Twelve Guidance and Tom Carlisle $30
Grade Nine Language Arts), Mr. C. Landrie (Grade Ten Glenn & Bobbie Parrott $30
Science, Grade Eleven and Twelve Biology), Mr. T. Lumb
(Grade Nine and Ten Science, Grade Eleven and Twelve Marilyn & Michael Shields $30
Physics), Miss M. Macdonald (Librarian and Grade Elev-
en English), Mr. R. Oliver (Grades Ten to Twelve Universi-
$20 Winners
ty Entrance Math), Mr. A. Powers (Grade Nine Language • Grant Burton • Tom Instance
• Ray Pritchard • Rachel Charles
Arts and Grade Ten English), Mrs. I. Ranson (Grade Nine • Ken Cook • Jordan & Kirsten Nelson
French, Art and Grades Nine to Twelve Girls Guidance), • Janice Jenkins • Maurice Tryhuk
Mr. Ranson (Grades Seven to Twelve Boys Physical Edu- • Ray and Barb Pettinger • Ken Jenkins
cation and Grade Ten General Business), Mr. R. Smith • Skip Jacobson • Adam Reid
(Grade Eleven and Twelve Chemistry and Physical Sci- • Greg Gulas • Gwen Leboutillier
• Betty Brunel • Tracy Kingdon
ence), Miss N. Stanley (Grades Nine to Twelve Girls Phys- • James Anderson • Orville & Shirley Grills
ical Education and Grade Eleven and Twelve Biology), • Breanne Mains • Brooklyn Nylen, Rajan &
Mrs. M. Vint (Trainable Mentally Handicapped), Mrs. V. • Rea Hendry Sahil Dalrymple
Wayne (Grade Eleven and Twelve Business) and Mr. H. • Wayne Tegg • Wilf & Irene Ross
Neufeld (Grades Nine to Twelve English). • Josh Kolesar • Norm Gamble
8 Friday, August 17, 2018 The Minnedosa Tribune

Clinic Expected To Be Completed Next Month

By Hillary Miller

T he Dr. Ajai Khandelwal

Primary Care Centre is
moving ahead at a steady
pace and nearing comple-
tion. After a hardworking
team took on the fundrais-
ing initiative, there is still
some ways to go until all
required funds are avail-
able, but they are well on
Photo by Hillary Miller
their way.
Gord Lane, Chair of
Gord lane (l) and John Mendrikis (r) pose the fundraising commit-
by the exterior wall of the building. tee for the Primary Care
Centre, hopes that in the
coming weeks there will be
a final push towards the to-
tal amount required, after
somewhat of a lull in the
summer months. Photo by Hillary Miller
The main floor of the The reception area and hallway showing the entrances to
new Primary Care Centre exam rooms in the new clinic.
is almost complete with
just a few finishing touches tion for use. and it is looking great. note that current staff at
that need to be completed. Outside the building, Lane suspects that Minnedosa Medical Group
Additionally, the finishing workers are completing the total completion for the is very eager to get moved
is currently being complet- base that will go beneath clinic will be close to the in to the new building and
ed on the basement suite. the pavement. When driv- middle of September, but continue to serve the area’s
Once this is completed, the ing past the Primary Care could not confirm when health care needs from
Photo by Hillary Miller entire place will undergo a Centre, it is apparent that the clinic will be up and the new facility, across the
good cleaning in prepara- progress has been made, running. He did, however, street for the hospital.
The kitchen of the basement physicians suite.


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The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, August 17, 2018 9

CIB Recognizes Yards of The Week

By Hillary Miller

T he Minnedosa Communities in Bloom (CIB)

group has wrapped up its 2018 Yard of the Week
recognition, having chosen winners for each of the
last four weeks.
The honourable yards belong to Dr. George Ong
and Michelle MacKay in the southeast corner, Ray-
mond and Vivian Bazin in the northeast corner, Barb
Wade in the southwest corner and Allan and Sandra
Hall in the northwest corner.
Names are put forward by members of the CIB
committee, usually by members in each quadrant of
town. The group then reviewed and discussed the
suggestions and chose a yard they felt was most wor-
thy of the “Yard of the Week” title.
Some of the criteria, local CIB members consid-
ered was neatness, weed free, a trimmed lawn, and if
ray and Vivian Bazin allan and Sandra Hall
there are any additional items such as statues or or-
naments on display in the yard. Yard highlights that
stood out to the group included water features, a lot of
colour and yards that look like the owners are proud
of them. While some yards have beautiful back yards,
the group focuses on front yards only, and how they
appeal to the community overall.
Linda Bertram, President of Minnedosa CIB, not-
ed that some yards are obvious winners due to their
beauty, but other times there are a few yards that are
contenders for the winning spot. Each year, different
yards are considered, giving people opportunity to
improve their yards in hopes of having their yard se-
lected next year.

Dr. George Ong and Michelle MacKay

Barb Wade

M U SE U M & H





H Day
Bring the Family! Join the Fun!
• Pioneer Church Service (11:00 a.m.)
 BBQ lunch (12 noon) SUND
 Tour the Historic buildings AUGU AY
11:00 T 19
 Live Music
 Pioneer Demonstrations
 Aboriginal Dancing
- 3:00
 Classic Cars
 Brandon Circle Eights Square Dance Club
Admission by Donation with all proceeds benefiting the
Minnedosa District Museum and Heritage Village
Minnedosa Heritage Village is located 5+ blocks east of Main Street on 3rd Avenue. N.E.
10 Friday, August 17, 2018 The Minnedosa Tribune

Stewardship Motivates Northam Family to Restore Wetlands

By Ian HItcHen their property to a natural habitat bring wildlife that
Ducks Unlimited canada state by restoring drained delight the family—ducks,
  wetlands, in their case as geese, eagles, cranes, peli-

T o say their land is im-

portant to Tom and
Valerie Northam would
part of a DUC conserva-
tion agreement.
  Under DUC’s Con-
cans, owls, moose, deer,
and even bears.
Plus, the shallow ba-
be an understatement. To servation Agreement pro- sins provide livestock at
them, they and their land gram, landowners receive their farm with water dur-
are one. a one-time lump sum pay- ing drought, and prevents
The Rapid City area ment if they agree not to flooding of downstream
couple’s home is on land break or drain wetlands or neighbours by slowing
that has been farmed by surrounding habitat. The runoff.
Tom’s family for nearly 90 agreement is permanent, The Northams’ con-
years. remaining even if the land servation work with DUC
As a boy, Tom enjoyed is sold, but there’s flex- will directly benefit their
trips to the local swim- ibility to allow for haying, farm too, as they intend to
ming hole, and biked to lo- grazing, and cultivation of buy a tractor with the in-
cal marshes to watch song certain wetlands during centive payments they re-
birds in the reeds. Valerie dry periods. ceive.
home schooled three of   A growing number But it’s stewardship
their four sons, and their of Manitoba landowners that really motivates the
property was their outdoor are signing conservation couple. As landowners,
classroom. The eldest son agreements with DUC. Photo submitted they believe they’re re-
now studies biology and Last year alone, more than Valerie and Tom Northam stand beside one sponsible for preserving
chemistry at university. 30 signed up and pro- of the wetlands at their Rapid City area farm. As part of a conservation nature and encourage oth-
“Some day, who tected about 7,000 acres agreement with Ducks Unlimited Canada, the couple is ers to do the same.
knows, maybe our sons will (2,832 hectares) of habi- “Together, we can all
restoring eight wetlands and protecting another 20.
have it,” says Valerie, refer- tat. While payments vary, make a difference. I know
ring to their farm. “But the last year the average land- owners $1,500 per acre   As part of their agree- Tom says their conserva- that may sound like a
thing is, we want to protect owner payment for a con- when they sign a 10-year ment, the Northams are tion agreement strikes the speech, but it’s true,” Val-
it no matter what.” servation agreement was wetland restoration agree- restoring eight wetlands right balance between na- erie says.
The Northams are $92,000. ment. Ponds and marshes covering more than nine ture and agriculture. Western Manitoba
among the latest Manitoba   Now, more land- are restored by plugging acres (nearly four hect-   “You’re protecting the landowners interested in
landowners to access DUC owners will get the same drainage ditches with ares). They’ll permanently wetlands for the future, working with DUC can
programs that help them chance to restore nature as small, natural-looking protect another 20 basins, and it provides income.” contact its Brandon office
restore and conserve natu- DUC has recently received earthen dams. and preserve some grass- The wetlands on the at 204-729-3500.
ral areas on their property funding for wetland res-   Incentives are greater land where their livestock family’s property have pro-  
while earning extra mon- toration through the Lake for landowners if restora- graze. vided fond memories and
ey. The couple is working Winnipeg Basin Program. tion is done with a conser-   For them, though, this enriched their lives.
with DUC to return parts of DUC currently pays land- vation agreement. isn’t about the money. The marshes and their

Homemade Vinyl Tub Cleaner

and although this method To revive old cereal Otherwise, thanks for the first.
seemed to be more suc- (or crackers); spread them good tips. Rhonda Reena Nerbas is a
Solutions and cessful, it was far too time onto a cookie sheet and popular motivational pre-
Substitutions consuming. Is there an-
other more effective and
bake on low heat for a few
minutes. Take them out of
Fresh Fruit Hints for
Everyday Life
senter for large and small
groups; check out her web-
By easier method I can use the oven when crisp, and site: Ask a ques-
REENA NERBAS to remove the embedded
lint? I would be grateful for
eat. Save pumpkin seeds,
they are high in protein
tion or share a tip at reena.
any helpful advice. Tanya Dear Reena, and low in fat. Clean off
My house was infested flesh (or leave on) and sea-
Dear Reena, stores where bandages Dear Tanya, with ladybugs and I could son with seasoning salt.
We replaced our bath- are sold) and 2 tbsp. liq- Fabric softeners and not get rid of them until I Bake on greased baking
tub and surround with a uid dish soap or shampoo. other laundry products do read your column a year sheet at 300 degrees for
molded unit made of vinyl. Scrub tub with a green leave a thin layer of film ago that gave advice on about one hour or until myCommunity
Neighbours Indeed
It was purchased about scrubby pad and rinse. on dryer sheets. Soak the ladybugs in the home. I golden brown. Add to trail
Be a Neighbour...
three years ago. The clean- Store remainder in a plas- lint dryer screen in a bath caulked around the win- mixes or eat separately. And announce
of warm, soapy water for dows just as you suggested Revive old apples by these special events
ing instructions said not to tic bottle. to your community
use any substance or mate- about 15 minutes; then and now my ladybug prob- peeling and cutting into
●Birth of Child
rial that would scratch the Dear Reena, use a stiff scrub brush/nail lem is gone! Martin them into chunks. Soak ●Wedding
surface and we should just I have always cleaned brush to remove the lint. them in cold apple cider or ●Wedding Anniversaries
Rinse all the soap from the Hi Reena, juice for 30 minutes in the 25th, 40th, 50th, 60th
wipe out after each use. my dryer screen after each ●New home residency
This is fine when the show- load, to promote efficiency screen in 50/50 vinegar Just read your hints for refrigerator. You may qualify for a
er is used, but I cannot get of the drying process, long- and water and air dry over- making a sink not smell Keep apples longer by personalized keepsake
gift offer compliments
rid of the ring around the life of the heating element, night, prior to use. so bad, but I believe you storing them, without hav- of local business and
overlooked one possible ing them touch each other. professional sponsors
tub. Is there a non-abrasive and safety. But I find that
way to clean the tub? Anna there is some embedded Dear Reena, source. On the side of the Minnedosa Pharmacy
Glenndosa Glass 1990 Ltd.
lint that does not seem to I have a box of cereal sink with a disposal,  the Note: Every user as- Minnedosa insurance Services
that tastes stale. Is it gar- underside of the rubber sumes all risks of injury Kim’sQuality Foods
Dear Anna, budge, even after I have Integra Tire
Here’s a great recipe vacuumed the screen and bage, or is there a way to flaps can get rather nasty, or damage resulting from Heritage Co-op
Minnedosa Tribune
that I like to call, Mist and then used a toothbrush make it taste good again? depending on what you the implementation of Gateway Motel
Shout: Mix together half (dry and then wet) to try Louisa run through it, therefore any suggestions in this
Be part of your Community!
cup baking soda, 2 tbsp. and remove it. I have even you must clean under- column. Test all products
Dear Louisa, neath the rubber flaps. on an inconspicuous area Contact Tillie Johnson
glycerin (found in grocery tried using a toothpick, 204-867-3414
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, August 17, 2018 11


BY PHONE Call 204-867-3816
Hours to place, correct or cancel ads: Beets for Sale. Albert and
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advertisement. The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. shall not be PERRIN
responsible for any loss or damage to any advertiser or third Serving Manitoba 2008 custom built Megan, Dan and big brother
party resulting from the failure of an advertisement to appear province-wide 1100’ bungalow on 56’x132’ Elliott are pleased to
in The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. or from any error or omission in for 25 years! level lot with 22’x62’ front announce the arrival of
any advertisement which is published. concrete drive.  Open con- ADLEY IRENE KARILYN
[email protected] cept with vaulted ceilings.  7 lbs, 15 oz and 20 ½ inches.
RATES 1-800-758-6924 4 bedrooms, main floor Proud grandparents are Karen
and Ingvar Johnson and
laundry, 2 bathrooms. 
$9.00 for first 40 words, additional words .10 each. FOR SALE GETTING READY FOR
Basement fully developed.  Marilyn and Roger Perrin.
Repeat ads - Half Price. EFA furnace, AC, CV,  HRV, x
Classified Display - $9.00/col. inch each insert. (Incl. logo, box & 2012 Dodge Journey. WS, EHWT, ICF founda-
Have an Event to promote?
tion, wrap around deck
bolding, and centering). 122,000 kms, fully loaded,
TV in back for the kids,
Province Wide Classifieds
16’x10’, 10’x8’ garden shed.  COMING EVENTS
Happy Snaps: (Birthday, Engagement, Wedding, Birth, & reach over 400,000 readers
$6,800.00. 2010 Chevy Im- Home is wheelchair friend-
Graduation) - $16.00 for the first 20 words and the picture. weekly. Call this newspaper
pala. Fully loaded, 150,000 ly.  $327,500  Ph/text 204 The Elphinstone Lions
NOW or email classified@
Obituaries: - $6.50 per col. inch. kms, $5,500.00. Both are safe- for more details.
867 0821 for info or view- Park annual Flea Market. Sat-
tied and detailed. Located in ing. (21-2) urday, August 18th from 10:00
Reach the entire province (50 weekly newspapers) $189.00
Westman and Eastman: $119.00 Brandon. Call 204-867-7990. Sell your item through a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Lunch avail-
(23-2) x The Tribune Classifieds. Word able. Tables are $10.00 each.
All Ads plus 5% G.S.T. ads starting at $9.00. Call 204- ANNIVERSARY For more info contact 204-
867-3816 or email class@
Bird cage, measures 13 625-5223. (21-3) x
in. wide x 17 in. long x 22 in. Come and Go tea in
Classified advertisements must be submitted no later high. Bottom pull-out tray for celebration of Ron and Beryl Dunrea Flea Market
than noon Tuesday for insertion in the following Friday’s cleaning. 2 wooden perches, BATTERIES FOR EVERY- Parrott’s 65th Anniversary. - Rain or Shine! Antiques,
edition. All classified advertisements must be prepaid BEFORE various feeders and toys. THING. Automotive, farm, Saturday, August 18th from Collectibles and More! Over
insertion. $20.00. Call Darryl at 204- construction, ATV, marine, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. at the Franklin 75 vendors. Admission $3,
867-3816 or email editor@ motorcycle, golf carts, phones, Hall. (22-2) x 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday, Sep-
The Minnedosa Tribune is not responsible for tools, radios, computers etc. tember 2nd, Fair Grounds,
typographical errors published AFTER the first insertion, nor
does it assume responsibility for errors published as a result of
Reconditioned, obsolete and BABY Boissevain MB.
an advertisement placed, changed, or cancelled, by telephone.
Round bale wagon.
Holds 22 bales. 1999 Chev S10
hard-to-find batteries. SOLAR
equipment. The Battery Man.
SHOWER Heritage Day at the
To ensure your advertisement appears correctly please submit pick-up. 4x4, extended cab, Winnipeg. 1.877.775.8271 Minnedosa Heritage Village,
it in person, by fax, mail, or email. Please join us for a
3rd door, 161,000 kms, new Come and Go baby shower Sunday, August 19th, 11 a.m.
tires, not safetied. Call 204- Honouring to 3 p.m. Pioneer Church Ser-
874-2152. (23-2) x Looking for a gift that vice, Classic Cars, Live Music,
AUCTIONS Pre Emission
continues to give all year long?
(Proud parents are Kristen Square Dancing, Aboriginal
How about a one-year gift sub- Dancing, BBQ Lunch, Home-
2003 Freightliner Hyde and Tavis Clark). Sun-
scription to Western Canada’s made Pie, Open Air Market,
Cabover Argosy day, August 26th, 2018 from
Oldest Weekly Newspaper, Pioneer Demonstrations and
C-15 Cat 550HP 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. at 224 – 9th
The Minnedosa Tribune. Call more! Admission by dona-
6NZ Engine Ave S.E. Minnedosa, MB. For
204-867-3816 or email class@ tion.
with 105,000 miles more info call Amanda at 204- for
on rebuild 441-0909 or Sharlene at 204-
rates and more details. Have an upcoming
Current Safety, 867-3225. (22-3) x
event? Wanting good atten-
18 speed trans. 244” Parts and full trailer re- Have an dance? Let our readers know
WB, 390 rear ends pair, trailer safeties and Au-
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Well maintained by neck and utility trailers and The Classifieds! 867-3816 or email your ad to
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204-867-7259 Trailer, Hwy #1 MacGregor, ADVERTISE FOR com
MB. 1-888-685-3127. AS LOW AS $9.00
[email protected]
12 Friday, August 17, 2018 The Minnedosa Tribune


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us! If you have a passion for hospitality, is organized and thorough,
Acres Cultivated. Contact Newspaper in the Canadian West!
Doug @ 306-716-2671 or and can build rapport with guests you may be successful in the position
[email protected] of:
The Minnedosa Tribune is accepting
Housekeeper applications for a
Restaurant Server FULL-TIME REPORTER
Trouble Houseman One year maternity leave position
Walking? Front Desk Agent (part time) commencing September 2018
Hip or Knee
If you have strong verbal and written
Restrictions in daily Affordable staff housing can be provided, if needed.
activities? Please indicate the position you are applying for when sending your resume communications skills, enjoy attending
$2,500 [email protected] | events and meeting new people, this
Tax Credit 1.866.355.4676 | 204.848.2802 position may be for you!
$40,000 PO Box 40, 3 Mooswa Dr E, Onanole, MB R0J1N0
refund cheque/
rebates For more information or to apply,
Disability Tax WEST REGION CHILD & FAMILY SERVICES INC. contact Darryl Holyk at
Credit. invites applications for [email protected],
204-453-5372 (2) CHILD & FAMILY SERVICES POSITIONS; 204-867-3816 or in writing at
CFS WORKER & CFS WORKER (INTAKE) Box 930, Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0.
EMPLOYMENT Waywayseecappo First Nation

WRCFS is a mandated First Nations child and family services Agency responsible to
provide a full range of services, including statutory services, voluntary services and MINNEDOSA CARD OF THANKS
prevention services to the children and families of its nine First Nations, residing on and
off reserve. The purpose of the programs of WRCFS is to sustain, support, and enhance
I would like to thank Dr.
- Paid pick, drops, family and community life. Heibesh and Brandon Hos-
layovers and stat pay
Reporting to the Community Based Team Supervisor, the workers will be responsible to pital and Dr. Snoki, nurses
- Multi drop runs Part Time/Full Time Phase II and staff at the Minnedosa
- Cell usage work as part of a team in delivering a full range of child and family services utilizing a
- Benefit package community based model of service delivery, with emphasis on prevention and resource Dental Assistant, Hospital for the excellent
- Dedicated truck
- Sign on bonus
services as a frontline approach. required for the Minnedosa Dental Clinic. care and to all for the cards
- Quarterly and annual DUTIES INCLUDE: and visits. Special thanks
bonus • Provision of a full range of statutory child welfare services Clinic hours are to Mabel Stebeleski for tak-
- Reset at home
- Weekend home time
• Provision of individual and family counseling Monday - Friday ing me to Brandon Hospital
• Establishment of good working relationships with other community services and and then back to Minneodsa
- Paid training
resources 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Hospital, Jack Douglas for
- Referral program
Contact Derek @
• Facilitating treatment and support groups at the community level Please send resume to bringing me home and John
204-793-7465 QUALIFICATIONS: Makowaychuk for bringing
Centennial • BSW with at least two years related experience preferably in First Nations Child
[email protected] me communion. God Bless.
Transport & Leasing Ltd. & Family Services. An equivalent combination of training and experience will or mail to Walter (Wally) Woychyshyn.
Dream Job! Live in care-
be considered. Minnedosa Dental Clinic X
• Must have a commitment to First Nations Child & Family Services, community
giver/housekeeper. Summers based planning, and service delivery. Box 1200
We would like to send
in Winnipeg and winters in • Knowledge of and appreciation for Ojibway culture and aspirations are essential. Minnedosa, MB out a huge thank you, to the
the tropics. Call 204-997- • The ability to speak Ojibway will be considered a definite asset.
4629. • Must have demonstrated ability to work as part of a team and within a
R0J 1E0 Minnedosa Personal Care
multi-disciplinary approach. or drop off at office 150 - 2nd Ave. S.W. Home staff for the love and
MEDICAL TRANSCRIP- • Must have computer training and/or knowledge of Microsoft Office. (23-2) companion shown to Isaac
TION! In-demand career! during his stay there. To
The successful applicant must provide WRCFS with a current Criminal Record Check that
Employers have work-at- Nathan and his staff from
includes a Vulnerable Sector Search, Child Abuse Registry Check, Prior contact check and
home positions available. Driver’s Abstract prior to the commencement of employment. Travel is required. A valid TENDER Minnedosa Funeral Services
Get online training you need driver’s license and access to means of reliable transportation for work is a condition of for helping us through this
from an employer-trusted employment. Must be willing to relocate to the local area. difficult time. To Elgin, Elwin,
program. Visit: CareerStep. KITCHEN AND BANQUET HALL ASSETS FOR SALE BY TEN- Eleanor and the Pallbearers
SALARY: Commensurate with experience and training and according to Provincial pay DER. Liquidation of all the assests at Sacred Heart Parish Kitch-
ca/MT or 1-855-768-3362 to for your part in the Service. To
start training for your work- en and Banquet Hall located at 46 - 3rd St. N.W. Erickson, MB. the Legion ladies for the great
Please submit resumes to: Featuring dinnerware, flatware, serving bowls and platters, lunch after the funeral and
at-home career today!
Ina Tanner, BISW, MSW, RSW glassware, roasters, pots, variety of cooking utensils, folding to all who visited, called and
Community Based Team Supervisor tables, stacking chairs, benches, table coverings, coffee urns, made sure we were well fed.
West Region Child & Family Services, Inc. serving carafes, plus other articles used in banquet set ups. Thank you from the bottom
Box 280
ERICKSON, Manitoba R0J 0P0 Fax: (204) 636-6158
We thank all who apply, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. 5:00 p.m. Submit Tenders to: SACRED HEART PARISH. BOX
607, ERICKSON, MB. R0J 1E0 or hand delivered to any one of
the following contact people for viewing or information: Lorne
or Leona Mackedenski 204-636-2573 or Alen or Irene Ko- STEEL BUILDING
peechuk 204-636-2249. (23-2) x CLEARANCE ... “SUMMER
$5,845. 25x27 $6,588. 30x31
$9,564. 33x35 $9,833. 35x35
$11,955. End Wall Included.
Pioneer Steel 1-855-212-7036.
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, August 17, 2018 13



Introduction to Shellfish
Part 1 of 3
August 31st, 1962 –
August 5th, 2018

It is with great sadness

that the family of Michael Ron- at the same speed as the ex-
ald Parrott announces his pass-
ing at the age of 55, after his Cooking posed body and tail flesh.
When working with or
courageous battle with cancer.
Michael’s strength will be for- With eating whole crab or lobster,
the stomach in both cases is
ever remembered by his wife of
5 years Carol Anne Reese Parrott,
his parents Glenn and Roberta,
CHEF DEZ located just behind the eyes,
and should be removed and
discarded. With crabs, the
his brothers Glenn (Kimme), Stuart feathery gills located on each
(Joan), Lawrence (Colleen), children side of the body under the
Mark and Mackenzie, and his step-son
James Kilpatrick. He is also remembered by his many nieces,
nephews, extended family, and good friends. Born in Winnipeg,
In Loving Memory
of a great Husband, W hether it’s steak and
lobster or linguine and
clams, shellfish is a popu-
of boiling water to kill it in-
stantly. Crabs are then boiled
for approximately six to ten
shell are also discarded.
Dad, Grandpa and Papa. Dear Chef Dez,
and having grown up in Minnedosa, Michael graduated from BOB THURSTON lar choice at market seafood minutes depending on their
  I know it’s better to buy
Brandon University with a BSc with the Class of 1983. After who left us August 21st, 2015 counters and restaurants. size, and lobsters are usually
live shellfish, but our grocery
university, Michael worked for Acklands (6 years), Nestle (14 Shellfish can be divided into five to six minutes per pound.
store only offers frozen crab
years), and Siemens (3 years). For over 10 years, Michael was Those special memories of two main categories; Crusta- Due to the labour required of
legs. Are they cooked already?
a valued employee of ADP Canada as Manager of IT Services you will always make me ceans and Mollusks, and due picking the dispersed meat
For a nice crab dinner, how do
Americas Region. smile, to the vast size of this topic from crabs, they are almost
I cook them and for how long?
Michael has always had an affinity for adventure. An avid this will be the first of three always cooked this way rath-
If only I could have you back Harold
runner, Michael ran 19 marathons all over the globe, including for just a little while. instalments. I will discuss er than trying to extract raw
one on each of the seven continents. His wife and his family ac- the main aspects of these two flesh which is more difficult.
Dear Harold,
companied him on many of these races and vacations around Then we could sit divisions without focusing on Another option for killing
  Usually frozen crab legs
the world. From walking on hot coals to battling the ice of Ant- and talk awhile one particular type of shell- lobsters is to hold it down
are already cooked prior to
arctica, Michael never shied away from a challenge. After facing Just like we used to do. fish in too much detail. This firmly on a cutting board and
freezing, and the easiest way
cancer, his greatest challenge yet, Michael peacefully moves on You always meant column and the next instal- plunge the tip of a chef’s knife
of preparing them is in a
to his next adventure. so much to me ment will concentrate on the into the head before cooking
steamer. Submersing them
The family would like to thank the many doctors and and always will do too. aspects of crustaceans and it. This should be done im-
in boiling water, which is a
nurses of the Brampton Civic and Princess Margaret Hospitals, a third column will focus on mediately before cooking it to
preferred technique for live
especially: Dr. Martin Chasen, Dr. Roddy Davey, Dr. Parneet The fact that you’re no longer mollusks. ensure optimal freshness and
crabs, will cause more fla-
Cheema, and Palliative Care Ward nurse Kelvin Karoki. here, always causes me pain. All shellfish are inverte- flavour, as the rule of thumb
vour loss with frozen crab
In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to But you’re forever in my heart, brate sea creatures, meaning for raw crab or lobster is to
legs rather than steaming. The
the Princess Margaret Foundation, The Hospital for Sick Chil- un til we meet again. that they do not have an in- cook it in the live form. Raw
amount of cooking time will
dren, The Terry Fox Foundation, and Prostate Cancer Canada. ternal bone system like fish crab and lobster flesh both
depend on the size of the crab
A celebration of life was held at Scott’s Funeral Home – Bramp- Forever loved and which are called vertebrates. deteriorate very rapidly.
legs. Bring a couple of inches
ton Chapel (289 Main Street North, 905-451-1100) on Saturday, very sadly missed by Almost all shellfish have a Lobsters are also very
of water to a full boil in a pot
August 11th, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. Visitation was held on Friday, wife Donna and family. hard outer shell that protects tasty if split in half and
while in the meantime arran-
August 10th from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Interment x their soft bodies from preda- opened up, brushed with oil,
ging your crab legs as evenly
to follow in Winnipeg at a later date. You are welcome to sign tors and the environments lemon juice, and seasonings
as possible in a steamer bas-
Michael’s book of online condolence at
BUILD UP they thrive in. Crustaceans is
the grouping that represent
and then grilled on the bar-
be-que. When splitting in
ket. Once the water is boiling,
place the filled steamer over
IN MEMORIAM YOUR crabs, lobsters, shrimp, cray-
fish, etc. I will focus on crabs
half, you can cut right through
to serve as two halves, or cut
the water and immediately
cover with a lid. Normally the
In Loving Memory In Loving Memory of CLIENTELE and lobsters in this column,
while leaving the discussion
from the underside but not all
the way through the top shell
cooking process should take
anywhere from six to ten min-
Pvt. MURRAY JAMES WALTER SAMBORSKI on shrimp, prawns and cray- and serve as a whole split lob-
utes, but the safest way is to
MCTAVISH who passed away on fish for the next. ster. If prepared in this man-
use an instant read thermom-
August 19th, 1978 August 15th, 2017 Buying shellfish live is ner, you will want to weigh
eter. There is almost always
almost always preferred, but down the tail portion as it will
a cracked part of the shell to
May angels hold you tenderly many don’t have this option curl up and lose contact with
allow for the thermometer to
And lift you up at their marketplace. When the grill. Another way to avoid
be inserted. Find the thick-
on graceful wings, live is an option, it is usually this is to cut the tail section
est flesh to do this with, and
And carry you among the only crabs and lobsters in the completely through while
serve when the internal tem-
stars, crustacean family that are leaving the body halves con-
perature reaches 170 degrees
And sing to you available. nected by the top shell. With
Fahrenheit. They are best
of lovely things. There are many ways to either grilling option, the
served simply with dishes of
May the winds of cook a live crab or lobster. The large claws should be cracked
warming melted butter for
time blow softly, most common way is to sub- beforehand as this will as-
Just enough that you can hear,
How much we love
Advertise in merse it headfirst into a pot sist in cooking the claw meat


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14 Friday, August 17, 2018 The Minnedosa Tribune


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Closed cell Polyurethane Spray foam
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Concrete forms, Rebar, Wire Mesh,
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Gateway Street All at Competitive
Onanole, MB
Open prices Jon Kowal
8:30 -6:00
Howard Wirch, C.G.A*
9-515 4th Ave. 116 Main Street
110A 867-0145 Custom
Shoal Lake, MB
Minnedosa Fertilizer Minnedosa
Floating Credit Union
Dauphin Office -
15 1st Ave. S.W.
204 867-5550 ● Roofing ● Decks
Call today to book your
Phone: 204-638-3005
● Fencing ● Exterior ● Finishing spring floating needs!
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*Denotes Professional Corporation AUTO [email protected]
Robert - 204-867-7113 204-867-6350
204-868-5980 or 204-867-5544 Brad Ross
CatharineÊ Terry McLenehan
MÊ GijsbersÊ Susan Glasgow
Chartered Professional BACKHOE & TRUCKING 204-867-6353
Accountant Inc.
MinnedosaÊ Dunwoody
● AC
REAL ESTATE Debbie Strelczik
Ê 213ÊÊ 2ndÊ StÊ NEÊ Ê -Ê Ê BoxÊ 385Ê Ê (48-4)
T:Ê 867-3884Ê Ê Ê C:Ê 867-0190Ê Dan Quesnel
Email:Ê Ê [email protected]Ê
M&M CALL ME... FOR ALL YOUR GRAIN 204-867-6359
Donna Dowsett
HAULING 204-867-6361
BDO Canada, LLP All Auto Body Repairs Candice Brown
Chartered Accountants Ph: 867-2083
and Advisors 5 Main St. North
Brian Horner Alayna McTavish
Farm, Business & Individual Grain & Fertilizer Kim Robinson
Professional Services: Hauling 204-867-6352
Joanne Clarke
~ Tax
~ Accounting
Book this spot PETER HARRISON 204-867-6364

~ Farm Programs $5.52/week Phone/Text 867-5444 Gaylene Johnson

Sarah Campbell, CGA Fax
39 Main Street South Call 204-867 3816 204-867-6391
Minnedosa 867-2957
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, Jul;y 17, 2018 15


WAHOSKI G ORD K E L LY Lakeside St. Alphonsus
Septic Service
Drivers Licenses, Autopac MECHANICAL LTD. Plumbing & Heating Catholic Church
General Insurance Gas Fitting 142
142 4th
4th St, NW.
St, NW. • Lawn Mowing & Trimming
PLUMBING Potable water Minnedosa,MB
MB 867-3831
Cheri McTavish – Broker ph: 867-2084 Minnedosa, 867-3831 • Dandelion Spraying -
867-3946 HEATING cell: 867-0346 delivery. Licensed Pesticide Applicator
Mass Sunday 9:00 a.m.
Book your portable • Fertilizer Application
GAS FITTING toilets. • Licensed Arborist Service
LEGAL AIR CONDITIONING SELF-HELP Erle Jury & Family • Hedge Trimming
• Yard Clean Up
204-867-3121 867-2416
Alexander or A.D.A.M. Cory Johnston ▪ Minnedosa
204-476-5185 Cell: 867-7558
Jackson Anxiety Disorders People Helping People (204)Ê 476-4705Ê
Law Office - Committed to Caring -
B-116 MainSt.St
of Manitoba RAINKE'S
RAINKIES Phone (204) 857-6100
Minnedosa, MB Support Group Sewage Service Fax (204) 857-8389 Prairie Mountain HVAC/R
867-3981 Plumbing & Heating JIM BEAUMONT
[email protected]
Meetings are held at Ventilation/Air quality Neepawa Library 3rd Tuesday of 476-2483
Ty Burton the month 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Owner/Operator
Air Conditioning

Burgess Law
204-868-5358 For more info call:
Debbie Fisch
Cell: 476-6591 Kitchen Equipment
Commercial Gas Fitter
Office (204) 725-8550 Dennis: 476-2766 Commercial & Residential
service specialist
51 Main Street S
ALCOHOLICS 23 Hour Service Walk-ins
Kent Brown
Minnedosa 75 Main Street South
867-2935 Plumbing & Heating
ANONYMOUS 1-204-724-7465 1-204-867-7346
If you like to drink and can
Summit Septic Haircuts, Hot Shaves,
[email protected] • Construction •
That's your business
If you want to stop and can't ServiceS Beard Trims & Hair Tattoos LEONA’S
204-867-5458 That's our business. Minnedosa and surrounding areas Studio Of Image
Frank r. Ford and Darwin
SIMS & COMPA N Y [email protected]
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L a w O ffi c e PLUMBING & HEATING
Russ Huyghe
or 867-3966 penny Ford TV AND APPLIANCE •Eminence Facials
Alanon - 210-0433 & Product
Norman H. Sims, Q.C. 204-868-6376 Alateen - 867-5121 Owner/Operator SALES AND SERVICE • Pedicures & LCN Nails
7 6 Ma i n S t r e e t S o u t h CONSTRUCTION 867-3401 Minnedosa 204-210-0158 Your Shaw Direct,
MINNEDOSA • 867-2717 Cody Huyghe LG, Samsung, Bell • Spray Tanning
Mtg. Times: 8:00 pm Tuesdays Cells
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• Eyelash Extensions
204-868-6886 Narcotics
email: [email protected] Systems, Monitors &
67 Main St.
Anonymous can help Minnedosa, MB
TRADING Waterpals Phone 867-3164
BURTON PAINTING Meetings every Potable Water Delivery E-mail: [email protected]
Tuesday & Minnedosa and area Ventures Inc.
Myrna Alexander
Charles Health Inspected
Cell: 868-5503
Cell: 868-5503
FRONTIER Saturday at 7 p.m. No Job is too small!!! Lake Audy Meats Waste
at Calvary Temple, Also now Paying Cash on Management &
Farm Raised Animals
221 Hamilton Street, Scrap Metal Pick up!!
Lorne or Ian Arnold Contracting
Neepawa, MB 204-868-5674 204-848-2205 (204)476-0002
Book 867-5551 Garbage Removal
This Spot Gently Used Furniture Cells: 204-867-7380 Bin Rentals
Construction Demolition
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Household clean up
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Estate Sales
PIRATE SALVAGE 204-210-0740
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per CARPET CLEANING Cash on Pick-up Electrolysis
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Burlington Place, Shoal Lake, MB week!
16 Friday, August 17, 2018 The Minnedosa Tribune

Around the Region…

Carberry News Express – A resident of Stockton the Best Baba or Gido contest where children wrote about class served up refreshments, tacos in a bag and cup-
came home after being away for work and found items in their grandparents. After great success last year, the Best cakes.
his home scattered about, cupboards and drawers hav- Borscht competition returned with several tasty entries.
ing been rummaged through. A black marker was used Roblin Review – A “Kickin’ Up The Dirt” fastball re-
to draw a swastika on his front door. He also found a Deloraine Times and Star – Work on the new com- union and slo-pitch tournament was held at the Asessip-
hole in his roof which he believes is the way in which the munity complex is progressing with finishing touches pi Beach and Campgrounds. About 250 people attended
suspect(s) entered. underway and it is expected to open in September. The the reunion and one of the highlights was a semi-trail-
main hall will accommodate up to 350 people with com- er full of memorabilia including old uniforms, jackets,
Melita New Era – Antler River Recreation had its third mercial kitchen and washrooms over 50 feet in length. gloves, balls, trophies, photos, newspaper articles and
summer of Theatre Camp which ended with a perfor- The curling club will have its own bar area, lounge with a more.
mance of Beauty and the Beast. Although originally ad- viewing area and locker rooms.
vertised for only 30 students ages seven and up, registra- Boissevain Recorder – Local resident, Duane Lat-
tions filled up and numbers were raised to 35 students Reston Recorder – Due to cooler than usual weather, imer, competed in his first Ironman Canada race at Whis-
plus an additional 10 on a waiting list. a recent Music in the Park event, hosted by Senior Help- tler, BC. He started at 6:20 a.m. and finished at 10:51 p.m.
ing Hands, was relocated to the school. The “Music in the The race included swimming, biking and running during
Dauphin Herald – The 53rd edition of Canada’s Na- School” event saw a crowd of approximately 75 people. a challenging day which saw temperatures burning up to
tional Ukrainian Festival saw attendance and camping This was the largest crowd of the season. The 2019 grad 34 degrees. Many competitors did not finish due to heat
numbers which were up from last year. New this year was exhaustion.

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*We deliver within town limits Monday - Friday at 4:00 p.m
($2 charge - $10 minimum order)
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PC™ pop asstd ........................................................................... 2lt ............. $0.99 Guiseppe mini deluxe/pepperoni bacon pizzas ...................738g ............. $5.99
Kelloggs Rice Krispies/Corn Pops/Froot Loops cereal. 320-440g ............. $3.49 Guiseppe pizzas asstd ........................720-900g ...... $5.99
Glad plastic wrap cling ............................................................ 30m ..........2/$3.00 PC™ icecream shop of flavours asstd .... 946ml ...... $2.99
KD original ..............................................225g ...... $0.99 PC™ frozen yogurt asstd............................................................ 2lt ............. $3.99
Heinz beans, pasta canned asstd ........................................ 398ml ..........4/$5.00 Nestle ice cream asstd ............................................................. 1.5lt ............. $5.99
Kraft salad dressing asstd..................................................... 475ml ............. $2.79 Haagen Daz ice cream coffee/vanilla ................................. 500ml ............. $5.99
Heinz ketchup squeeze/upside down .......................... 750ml-1lt ............. $4.29 Drumstick asstd .............................................................396-520ml ............. $5.49

Bulls Eye BBQ sauce asstd ................................................... 425ml ............. $2.99
Tim Hortons original coffee ....................................................930g ........... $17.99
Uncle Ben’s Fast & Fancy asstd...............................................165g ..........3/$4.00
Uncle Ben’s Bistro Express asstd ............................................250g ............. $2.99
Uncle Ben’s long grain perfection/wholegrain brown rice .1.6kg ............. $6.97
PC™ salad dressing, croutons asstd .......... 475ml .. 2/$4.00 NN™ canton egg rolls meat, CP ..........................................1.25kg ............. $7.99
PC™ mustard sweet wheat dijon ........................................ 325ml ..........2/$4.00 PC™ chicken strip breaded, nuggets.....................................800g ............. $5.99
PC™ salsa white corn black beans mild ............................. 650ml ............. $2.99 Pork loin chops centre cut ....................................................................... $2.99/lb
PC™ dipp fudge chocolate peanut free .................................618g ............. $5.79 Inside round beef roast ............................................................................ $4.39/lb
PC™ popcorn extra butter .................................................... 3x99g ............. $1.79 Top sirloin beef steak ........................................ $5.99/lb
PC™ bath tissue ......................................................................12ea ............. $5.99 Whole fresh chicken ................................................................................. $2.99/lb
Nestle Pure Life ............................... 12x500ml ...... $1.99

Robin Hood quick/minute oats................................................1kg ............. $2.49
Smuckers jam asstd .......................................................310-500ml ............. $4.25
Jif creamy peanut butter............................................................1kg ............. $4.25
Sunrype juice boxes asstd .................. 5x200ml ...... $1.59
Nutella spread med .................................................................375g ............. $3.49 FM nectarines, peaches box .................................................. 2-3lb ............. $4.99
Minigo strawberry/banana/vanilla...................................... 6x60g ............. $2.49 Peppers - orange,red ................................................................................ $2.49/lb
Source yogurt asstd .................................................................650g ............. $2.49 Romaine hearts..........................................................................3pk ............. $3.49
Yoplait tubes asstd .................................. 8x60g ...... $2.49 Celery ...................................................................... $1.49
Cracker Barrel natural cheese slices marble cheddar ..........240g ............. $4.99 Strawberries ............................................................................... 1lb ............. $2.99
Amooza twisits mozza mozza.................................................252g ............. $4.99 Lettuce iceberg .............................................................................................. $1.49
PC™ baby chocolate chip cookie dough ...............................468g ..........2/$4.00
PC™ shreds triple cheddar.....................................................320g ............. $5.49


OPEN 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM, 7 DAYS A WEEK • 70 Main Street South, Minnedosa 867-2821

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