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The AMA international group grew up the AMA group is currently able to To better comply with increasingly more THERMOGEL PAINT paint line.
around AMA spa, which was set up in supply component parts and equipment stringent regulations in the field of These are heat-reflecting paints
1967 by Luciano Malavolti (who is still for assembling and servicing sustainable development and containing Aerogel and other
group president) to ensure the slow-moving farm and greenery home-living well-being, AMA top-quality nano-technological
availability of accessories and spare maintenance vehicles. NANOTECH has designed a range of components, without the use of glass
parts for farming and gardening products with one-of-a-kind and or ceramic micro-spheres, which block
machinery. AMA includes AMA NANOTECH, innovative technical-performance the dispersion of energy through walls,
With its 11 production facilities and 14 belonging to the AMA COMPOSITES characteristics. Besides the line of drastically reducing thermal bridges
distribution subsidiaries in major division – based in Campogalliano nano-technological insulating products and preventing any mould/mildew
European countries, over 1,000 (MO) - design, structuring and in Aerogel - in rolls or panels - AMA without using chemical additives.
employees in 20 different countries and development for the Building & NANOTECH has recently extended its
a range of over 100 thousand articles, Construction sector. range of B&C solutions with the
a few more details

Aerogel are substances we encounter bringing both temperature and To best use the extraordinary heat
in our everyday lives! Take for instance pressure to super-critical state, the characteristics of the product, a
the meringues which pastry cooks pressure is gradually reduced: system has been patented to be able
have been preparing since time the super-critical fluid is then expelled to trap the Aerogel inside a fibrous
immemorial: meringue consists by the gel without the destructive structure, ensuring the same levels of
of whipped egg white and sugar and effects caused by surface tension. insulation, without having to do without
when baked, a feeling of heat is What remains is an Aerogel, still the the easy movement and transformation
immediately noticed. lightest solid substance existing in the of the product.
This phenomenon is due to the fact world, along with graphene, consisting Aerogel-based products have shown
that the air contained in the meringue of 98% air and 2% amorphous silica, themselves to maintain the same heat
is trapped in millions of microscopic the main component of glass. insulation performance even under
bubbles. Besides being extra-light, Aerogel is considerable mechanical stress.
As in the case of the amorphous silica an excellent heat insulator and This also makes it possible to use the
Aerogels, the air contained in the withstands very high temperatures. material in permanent and/or dynamic
meringues cannot therefore circulate Aerogel is a type of synthetically load conditions in total safety.
and exchange heat and this way it amorphous silica which differs from
becomes an excellent heat insulator. crystalline silica.
The first Aerogel molecules date back Synthetically amorphous silica has no
to 1931, the year Steven Kistler of the effects on health – as declared by the
College of the Pacific at Stockton OECD (United Nation’s Organization
in California discovered the way to dry for Economic Cooperation and
the gel without it collapsing. Development) – unlike crystalline silica,
By bringing the liquid to the which can cause respiratory diseases
super-critical state, and therefore such as silicosis.
Little space, big insulation

Aeropan® is a panel designed for the The properties of the panel - minimum PERFORMANCE LEVELS
heat insulation of those building heat conductivity, flexibility and Aeropan® is a semi-rigid insulating
structures which require a higher compression resistance, panel, made of reinforced high-density
degree of insulation in the least hydrophobicity and easy installation - fibres, completely saturated with
possible space. make it an indispensable product for nano-porous Aerogel with very low
It consists of a nano-technological providing high levels of heat insulation heat conductivity and a PP finish
insulation in Aerogel coupled with a both in new buildings and in the reinforced with glass fibre.
polypropylene breathing membrane rehabilitation of older ones. With a thickness of just 10 mm, the
reinforced with glass fibre and has This product is ideal for application on panel is able to provide heat insulation
been designed for reduced-thickness outside perimeter walls and inside between -200°C and + 200°C.
heat insulation. walls, intrados, window padding, roofs These features make Aeropan® very
With a thickness of 10 mm - and heat and for solving thermal bridges. suitable for use in a range of
conductivity of 0.015 W/mK - Aeropan® Aeropan® is the perfect choice for environmental conditions, without
allows reducing energy dispersion and outdoor and indoor restructuring, as performance levels and durability
recovering space in civil, commercial well as building recovery and historical being affected in any way.
and residential buildings. buildings subject to architectural
restraints which require top levels of
living comfort.
The CIP - Eco Innovation programme presents a consistent picture for
increasing competitive edge and innovation potential within the European
Union. The ECO Innovation section has promoted the spreading on the market
of eco-innovative technologies and/or processes through support to pilot and
first-application commercial projects.
In particular, it provides support to sustainable technologies, products and
processes which can be replicated at community level, and which, in a
synergic way, are able to reduce environmental impact and foster less and
more efficient use of natural resources, including energy.

OUTDOOR/INDOOR THERMAL impermeable to surface water and/or

INSULATION FINISHING immersion with water contact angle of
Heat insulation of the outdoor/indoor no less than 150°, extended on flat or
Panel size 1400x720 mm
finishing system type, for vertical and curved surfaces, vertical or horizontal,
Thicknesses 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 mm
horizontal surfaces, such as after gluing, installed on smooth and
Heat conductivity ( λ D) a 10 °C 0,015 W/m·K EN12667 overhanging balconies and the like, dry dust-free and perfect integral
Water vapour permeability 5 EN12086 consisting of a semi-rigid panel, made surfaces devoid of any roughness
Commitment limit temperature -200 +200 °C up of a layer of Aerogel silica
Compression resistance reinforced with PET fibres (felt), of the

80 KPa EN826 ®
(with 10% deformation) Aeropan type, water repellent and
Specific heat 1.000 J/kgK ASTM E 1269 breathing, supplied in 1400x720 mm
Nominal density 230 ± 10% kg/m 3 panels, with a nominal thickness of 20
Fire reaction class C S1 D 0 EN 13501-1 mm, 30 mm, 40 mm) with volumetric
Long-term water absorption
density of 230 kg/m³, heat conductivity
in case of partial immersion Wp ≤ 0,01 kg/m2 EN 1609 0.015 W/mK, heat resistance Rd 0.67
Colour grey-white m²K/W per cm of thickness,
temperature of use between -200°C
HEAT RESISTANCE /+200°C, fire reaction euroclass
CS1D0, permeable to water vapour (μ 5),
THICKNESS 10 20 30 40
R (m 2 K/W) 0,67 1,34 2,01 2,68

THE FUNDAMENTAL COMPONENTS Insulating panel Reinforcing mesh The length of the plugs will depend on
FOR PERFECT INSTALLATION AEROPAN®, has a thickness of just 10 Fibreglass mesh is used to prevent the anchor depth, on the thickness of
Plaster mm and consists of a cracks which could be created in the the old plaster, on the thickness of the
The plaster layer is fundamental for nano-technological insulation containing facade due to mechanical forces and glue and on the thickness of the
obtaining a perfectly-level substrate. Aerogel with very low heat conductivity heat fluctuations. This will have to be insulating material.
This requisite is ideal for correctly combined by die-casting with a special suitably treated to protect it against the Primer
installing a system which envisages PP covering reinforced with very alkalis contained in the smoothing Use of the primer prepares the surface
the use of a very reduced-thickness high-resistance glass fibre. product which could break it down. It and makes it uniform. This will then be
insulation. Smoothing product must also have a good gram weight, covered with the finishing coat,
Adhesive For smoothing, the same product can 160-220 g/m². The mesh must be avoiding colour irregularities due to
It must ensure perfect adhesion over be used as that for gluing. This step positioned in the third external of the different reactions between materials
time. This is only possible if use on the necessarily requires 2 coats. smoothing layer. The inner angles of and/or different absorption
worksite follows the instructions The first coat creates 2/3 of the total architraves-soffits must be reinforced possibilities.
provided by the manufacturer and the final thickness and must be applied with mesh strips and at all opening Finish
job is done in a workmanlike manner. with a 5mm American toothed spatula, angles a sweepback will have to be The system must be protected against
The adhesive must not penetrate the while the second coat must be applied placed on the mesh. the weather with finishing coats or by
joints. If necessary, these must always with a smooth spatula. Total thickness Plug painting.
be filled with the same insulating of the two smoothing coats is 4-6 mm. The insulating sheets must be Various types of products are available
material to prevent the formation of We recommend a coverage of at least mechanically fastened using plugs. on the market: silica, siloxane, acrylic,
thermal bridges and possible cracks. 1.5 Kg per mm of thickness. The plugging diagram and number of vinyl, quartzes, etc. We always
The insulating panel must be fastened plugs varies according to the type of recommend using good-quality
to the substrate in a uniform way, wall, but always respecting at least 6 products with high transpiration.
applying the adhesive over the entire plugs per square metre. The choice of
panel surface. We recommend a the correct plug will depend on the
coverage of at least 2.5-4 Kg/m². length and type of the substrate.

Aeropan Basic is a panel made using OUTDOOR/INDOOR INSULATION Make sure, installation surfaces are
an Aerogel-based blanket. SPECIFICATION smooth, dry, not dusty, perfectly
Its flexibility characteristics and the Outdoor/indoor heat insulation, for integral and devoid of any roughness.
particular two-sided finish, made up of vertical and horizontal surfaces,
a fibreglass mesh, make it particularly spaces between walls and thermal
suitable for correcting thermal bridges, bridges, made up of a flexible panel
the heat insulation of spaces between consisting of a layer of silica Aerogel
walls (including in dry structures), or for reinforced with PET fibres (felt), of the
flat application on roofs and terraces. BASIC Aeropan type, water-repellent Panel size 1400x720 mm
The panel production ensures fast and and breathing, supplied in 1400x720 Thicknesses 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 mm
precise installation, reducing cuts and mm panels, with a nominal thickness of Heat conductivity a 10° C 0,015 W/m·K EN12667
consequent material wastes on the 10 mm (or in panels with 20 mm, 30
Permeability to water vapour (Sd) 0,005 EN12086
worksite to the utmost mm, 40 mm thickness) with volumetric
Commitment limit temperatures -200 +200 °C
It can be used for the outdoor density of 190 kg/m³, heat conductivity
insulation of window intrados, the heat 0.015 W/mK, heat resistance Rd 0.67 Compression resistance
80 KPa EN826
(with 10% deformation)
insulation of blind boxes, eliminating m²K/W per cm of thickness, working
thermal bridges inside door and temperature between -200°C / +200°C, Specific heat 1.000 J/kgK ASTM E 1269
window sub frames, facing the inside fire reaction euroclass CS1D0, Nominal density 190 ± 10% kg/m 3

radiator recesses. permeable to vapour diffusion (μ 5), Fire reaction class C S1 D 0 EN 13501-1
Thanks to its conformation furthermore, impermeable to surface water and/or
Long-term water absorption
it is suitable for insulating complex immersion with water contact angle not due to partial immersion Wp ≤ 0,01 kg/m2 EN 1609
surfaces such as, for example, below 150°, reinforced with two-sided
Colour grey-white
semi-circular or three-dimensional mesh - 155 g/sq m anti-alkali to make
elements. installation on flat or curved, vertical or Two-faced reinforcement mesh 4x4 mm UNI 9311/2
horizontal surfaces easier after gluing. Reinforcement thickness 0,5 mm UNI 9311/2
Reinforcement weight 155 g/m 2 UNI 9311/2
The pre-finished Aerogel system for interior/exterior heat insulation

From the synergy of Ama Composites After installing the filled and smoothed AEROPAN FAST is perfect for indoor
and Edilteco Group, and their AEROPAN FAST panel apply suitable and outdoor heat insulation within
international patents in the heat colour finish in paste to obtain a the field of energy requalification,
insulation sector comes AEROPAN perfect workmanlike result. permitting the elimination of heat
FAST: the pre-finished Aerogel system Thanks to its pre-applied finish, bridges and the total protection of
for interior/exterior heat insulation. installation can also be performed in surfaces from adverse weather
AEROPAN FAST is a pre-finished bad weather conditions and what is conditions. It is the ideal product for
heat-insulating wall and ceiling panel more this protects the panels during applications on external perimeter
(indoor or outdoor). It consists of a worksite jobs and handling and walls and indoor walls, intrados,
nano-technological Aerogel protects them against accidental window intrados, ceilings and for
insulating product coupled with a deterioration. solving thermal bridges.
breathing membrane in polypropylene The AEROPAN FAST panel provides AEROPAN FAST is the right choice
reinforced with fibreglass. superior-level thermal performance, for indoor and outdoor restructuring
The AEROPAN FAST panel is which makes it ideal for reaching jobs, for building rehabilitation and
supplied already smoothed with energy levels suitable for certification for historical buildings subject to
drowned fibreglass mesh and side according to applicable standards architectural restraints which require
overlaps, as well as ready to even in small spaces. utmost living comfort.
accommodate fastening plugs. AEROPAN FAST makes installation In cooperation with:
The panel is also pre-prepared for on worksites fast and safe,
filling in between the various panels. considerably increasing productivity.
INTERIOR/EXTERIOR HEAT the diffusion of vapour (μ 5),
INSULATION SPECIFICATION impermeable to surface water and/or
Realization of interior/exterior heat immersion with water contact angle of
Panel size 1400x720 mm
insulation, for vertical and horizontal not less than 150°, spread on flat or
Thicknesses 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 mm
surfaces, such as overhanging curved, vertical or horizontal surfaces,
Heat conductivity ( λ D) a 10 °C 0,015 W/m·K EN12667 balconies or the like, made up of a after gluing and installed on smooth,
Permeability to water vapour 5 EN12086 semi-rigid panel, consisting of a layer dry, non-dusty, perfectly integral
Commitment limit temperatures -200 +200 °C of silica AEROGEL reinforced with PET surfaces without any trace of
Compression resistance fibres (felt), of the AEROPAN FAST roughness.
80 KPa EN826
(with 10% deformation) type, water-repellent and transpiring,
Specific heat 1.000 J/kgK ASTM E 1269 supplied in 1400x720 mm panels,
Nominal density 230 ± 10% kg/m 3 already smoothed with drowned
Fire reaction class C S1 D 0 EN 13501-1 fibreglass mesh and with overlaps
Long-term water absorption
ready for fastening plugs, for a nominal
with partial immersion Wp ≤ 0,01 kg/m2 EN 1609 thickness of 10 mm (or in panels with
Colour grey-white 20 mm, 30 mm, 40 mm thickness) with
volumetric density 230 kg/m3, heat
HEAT RESISTANCE conductivity 0.015 W/mK, heat
resistance Rd 0.67 m2K/W per cm of
THICKNESS 10 20 30 40
thickness, working temperature
R (m 2 K/W) 0,67 1,34 2,01 2,68
between -200°C /+200°C, fire reaction
euroclass CS1D0, permeable to
The plasterboard and Aerogel panel

Aerogips® is a panel designed for the Aerogips® is suitable for both verticall
interior heat insulation of building partitions and for false ceilings. With a
structures which require maximum thickness of only 20 mm and heat
level of insulation in the least possible conductivity of 0.015 W/mK, Aerogipss®
space. permits reducing energy dispersion
Aerogips® is a high-performance and recovering space in residential
insulating panel made up of a and commercial building applications. s.
nano-technological insulating Aerogips® uses coated plaster panelss
substance containing Aerogel coupled with a thickness of 9.5 mm and is
with a sheet of plaster with available in different thicknesses and d
high-density coating for excellent dimensions.
heat-acoustic comfort. It is also available in different technical
Aerogips® has been designed for the variants: standard, with vapour barrier,er,
energy requalification of existing water repellent, water repellent with
buildings, for rehabilitation and vapour barrier.
restructuring, where interior jobs have Aerogips® is an ideal product for
to be performed while safeguarding interior restructuring, building
spaces. It also permits designing new rehabilitation and historical buildings
walls in all those buildings where dry subject to architectural restraints and d
systems and lightweight walls are whenever greater living comfort is
used. required, thereby considerably
reducing installation times and costs..
INTERIOR CLADDING impermeable to surface water and/or
SPECIFICATION immersion with water contact angle
Realization of interior heat insulation, not below 150°, finished with careful
Panel size 1400x720 mm
for vertical and horizontal surfaces, filling of joints, installed on flat,
Thickness Aerogel 5/10/20/30/40 mm
such as walls, floors, ceilings or the vertical or horizontal surfaces after
Plasterboard thickness 9,5 mm like, made up of a pre-coupled rigid full-spread gluing and installation on
Heat conductivity a 10 °C 0,015 W/m·K EN 12667 panel, consisting of a layer of silica smooth, dry, dust-free and perfectly
Permeability to water vapour 10 g/smPa EN 10465 - 2008 Aerogel reinforced with PET fibres integral surfaces devoid of any
Commitment limit temperatures -90 +90 °C (felt), of the Aerogips® type, water roughness at all.
Compression resistance repellent and breathing, coupled with a
80 KPa EN 826
(with 10% deformation) sheet of coated plaster, supplied in
Specific heat 1.000 J/kgK ASTM E 826 1400x720 mm panels, with a total
Nominal density* 11,00 kg/m2 nominal thickness of 20 mm (or in
Fire reaction class A2 S1 D0 EN 13501-1 panels with thicknesses 30 mm, 40
mm, 50 mm) with heat conductivity
0.015 W/mK, heat resistance Rd 0.67
Edge finish cut
m²K/W per cm of thickness, working
Corrosion 60° C / 95% U.R./24h 0
temperature between -90°C / +90°C,
fire reaction euro class CS1D0,
*referred to panel with thickness 9.5+10 mm
Reduced-thickness panel for roofs

Aeroproof is a panel designed for The Aeroproof panels are usually

heat insulation and the preparation of applied to the roof by gluing or
the substrate for the subsequent mechanical fastening; after installation,
Panel size 1400x720 mm
waterproofing of all types of flat and waterproofing is completed by
Thickness Aerogel 10/20/30/40 mm
pitched roofs, for civil and industrial recovery of the underlying sheath by
buildings. means of the application of one or Heat conductivity a 10 °C 0,015 W/m·K EN 12667

Aeroproof is a high-performance more layers of bituminous membrane, Permeability to water vapour 0,05 g/s2/24h DIN EN ISO 12572
insulating panel made of a either standard of self-protected. Commitment limit temperatures -90 +90 °C
nano-technological insulating product Compression resistance
80 KPa EN 826
containing Aerogel coupled with a (with 10% deformation)
bituminous membrane able to ensure Specific heat 1.000 J/kgK ASTM E 826
excellent heat insulation, compression Nominal density 1.600 g/m 2

resistance, dimensional stability and a

Fire reaction class C S1 D0 EN 13501-1
first waterproof layer.
Long-term water absorption
Aeroproof is suitable for being with partial immersion Wp < 0,01 Kg/m2 EN 1609
subsequently flamed to allow the
Colour grey-white
application of successive layers of
bituminous sheathing.
FLAT OR PITCHED ROOF installation surface, installing the panel
Realization of heat insulation and
Reinforcement Fibreglass
waterproofing of flat or pitched roofs
Weight 2 Kg/m2 EN 1849-1
made up of a pre-coupled, semi-rigid
Heat conductivity a 10 °C 0,2 W/m·K EN 12667 panel consisting of a layer of silica
Impermeability 60 KPa EN 1928-B Areogel reinforced with PET fibres
Cold flexibility -25 °C EN 1109 (felt), of the Aeroproof type, water
Traction elongation 2% EN 12311 repellent and breathing, coupled to a
Heat capacity 3,90 KJ/K
bituminous sheath reinforced with
fibreglass weighing 2 Kg/m², supplied
Permeability to water vapour 100.000 g/m2
in 1400x720 mm panels, with a total
Fire reaction class E EN 13501-1
nominal thickness of 10 mm (or in
Colour black panels with thicknesses of 20 mm, 30
mm, 40 mm) heat conductivity 0.015
W/mK, heat resistance Rd 0.67 m²K/W
per cm of thickness, working
temperature between -90°C / +90°C,
impermeable to surface water and/or
immersion with water contact angle not
below 150°, installed on flat, horizontal
or pitched surfaces after preparing the
Energy evolution

From the evolution of Aeropan® comes Application requirements are few: a The Aktivepan panel is available in a
the Aktivepan, heat-radiation panel, wall and a connection to the power broad range of sizes and either with
able to combine maximum insulation mains, i.e., all features which a standard or customized texture.
performance with the quickest and standard building normally offers. Thanks to this finish, Aktivepan
most innovative heating system. The The time required for installation, which appears like a photographic print, but
insertion of a reduced-thickness (60 can also be performed by an interior while it decorates the environment, it
micron) carbon-based film permits decorator, is short, but benefits are helps heat it like a traditional heat
combining an effective increase in the evident and long-lasting. source and with the added advantage
thermal performance of the walls with The Aktivepan heat-radiating system of energy saving.
an innovative and non-invasive package consists of a plaster
low-voltage (24V/36V) electric radiation covering, as conductor, a hicoTHERM
system. Aktivepan permits overcoming, heating film as heat source integrated
once and for all, any problem in an Aeropan® insulating panel, a heat
associated with thermal bridges and sensor, a transformer, a cable, an
mould, and all this with a non-invasive ON/OFF switch and a thermostat.
and in fact aesthetically appealing Once the substrate is ready for
integration in the existing home heating installation, i.e., when it is smooth and
system. The Aktivepan anti-mould dry, the panel is normally installed, just
heat-radiating system is able to like traditional insulation and, once
overcome mould problems once and connections have been made, these
for all with a series of positive collateral simply have to be connected to the
effects, such as improvement of health, transformer, the switch and the
property value and quality of life inside thermostat. The last stage envisages
the home. plaster-based surface smoothing.
lato radiante riscaldato TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS
Mains voltage 230 V AC
Power supply for each toroid transformer of 300W 1,3 A
Power (heating film) 220 / 134 W/m2
Secondary voltage 24/36 V
Protection 16 A
Max number of heating leads per power circuit 10

Radiating material heating film in polyethylene of carbon and charged

Temperatura superficiale: 76°
Protective measure 30 mA
Nominal limit temperature +70% °C
lato a contatto con la parete
Minimum processing temperature +5% °C
Transformer primary line 1,5 mm2

Transformer secondary line (max 2 m) 1,5 mm2

Heating film width 59 / 62 / 54 cm

Max transmission resistance Rλ 0,15 m2 K/W

Texture customizable

Temperatura superficiale: 32° pannello Aktivepan™

The evolution of the species of Aerogel-based insulating products

AMA AEROGEL® represents a new residential buildings, providing the excellent shape and project Industry
major step in the development of silica very highest values of heat resistance performance recovery even after any - insulation of pipes, ducts and tanks
Aerogel-based nano-technological – thickness being equal - compared to load compression. - insulation of engines
insulating products. insulating materials of conventional Its specific composition also ensures - insulation of refrigerators, ovens
It consists in a fibreglass-based type. the best fire resistance performance - insulation of lift shafts
flexible insulating matrix and a high Its use permits achieving major results (Euroclass A2) thus permitting use - insulation of bulwarks and heat
concentration of nanoporous in complex situations, e.g., in insulating even in very heavy-duty conditions and shields
aerogels, able to ensure the very best windows or roof sections, resulting in where superior performance levels are - insulation of metal elements
heat performance in any condition of an effective increase in the total energy required. - insulation of bonnets, bodywork and
application. efficiency of the building with excellent the interiors of vehicles in general
In the quest for utmost heat protection, heat and acoustic insulation results. FIELDS OF APPLICATION - insulation and protection of power
AMA AEROGEL® stands as an Building supply batteries
essential insulating product thanks Thanks to maximum R values per unit - floor insulation - insulation and protection of
to its unique properties: extremely of surface compared to any other - roof insulation drainpipes
low heat conductivity – 0.016 W/(m*K)-, insulating material, AMA AEROGEL® is - thermal bridge insulation on beams
superior flexibility, compression the ideal covering for achieving and/or pillars
resistance, hydrophobicity and ease of extremely high energy performance in - lift shaft insulation
use. AMA AEROGEL® can be used making dry walls, under floors and - insulation of radiator recesses
within a temperature range of roofs, mock frames and window - insulation of frames, wall ends and
-200°C e +450°C. frames. cornices
AMA AEROGEL®, available in Unlike rigid and preformed insulation, - insulation of window blind boxes
thicknesses of 3. 6 or 10 mm, permits AMA AEROGEL® adapts perfectly to - insulation of doors, armoured doors
optimizing interior spaces in building any shape or design: the blanket is and swing doors
applications for commercial and flexible, physically sturdy, but with - insulation of dry plasterboard walls
AMA AEROGEL® is available in 3
different thicknesses depending on
Roll width 1500 mm
application needs and required
Thicknesses 3 / 6 / 10 mm performance levels, and 2 different
Heat conductivity a 10°C 0,016 W/m·K UNI‐EN 12667:2002 sizes; wherever very low dust levels are
Permeability to water vapour 0,05 m EN12086 required, typical of aerogel-based
Commitment limit temperatures
products, a specific version is available
-200 +450 °C
with two-sided anti-dust treatment.
Compression resistance
80 KPa ASTM 165
(with 10% deformation)
- AMA AEROGEL® in rolls, available in
Specific heat 1.000 J/kgK ASTM E 826
3, 6 and 10 mm thickness.
Nominal density 200 ± 10% kg/m3 - AMA AEROGEL® in panels available
Fire reaction class A2 EN 13501-1 in 10 mm thickness
- AMA AEROGEL® in panels with
Colour white
two-sided anti-dust treatment available
in 10 mm thickness.
Flexible Aerogel insulating blanket

Spaceloft ® is a flexible nanoporous Spaceloft® is a tested insulating THE MAIN ADVANTAGES • Spaceloft® repels water but allows
Aerogel insulating blanket able to blanket, effective in buildings thanks to • Superior heat performance: up to 5 vapour transpiration.
reduce energy dispersion and save maximum R values compared to any times better compared to other
interior space in building applications, other insulating material, for highest insulating products. • Safe for the environment: disposable
for commercial and residential energy performance in walls, floors, through standard waste dumps, it does
buildings. roofs, frames and windows. • Reduced thickness and profile: same not lose its fibres and the long-fibre
The one-of-a-kind properties of heat resistance in a fraction of the fabric is not breathable.
Spaceloft® - extremely low heat thickness.
conductivity, superior flexibility,
compression resistance, • Easy to cut and form in complex
hydrophobicity and ease of use - make shapes, to adapt to narrow corners
it a must for anyone seeking utmost and limited-access spaces.
heat protection.
Thanks to patented nano-technology, • Spaceloft® is soft and sturdy but with
the Spaceloft® blanket combines excellent recovery of shape and heat
amorphous silica gel with reinforced performance even after compression
fibres in order to obtain heat of over 50 psi.
performance at industrial level in an
ecologically safe and easy-to-use • The low volume of the material, the
product. high density of the packaging and very
low reject rate can cut logistics costs Sole distributor for Italy products
by 5/10% compared to preformed and
rigid insulation.
FLOOR INSTALLATION This insulation adds excellent walkover
SPECIFICATION acoustic insulation thanks to the high
Realization of floor heat insulation by mass. Dynamic Rigidity 51 MN/m³.
Thickness 5/10 mm
means of a geo-synthetic flexible Possible installation of a concrete
Heat conductivity ( λ D) a 10 °C 0,015 W/m·K EN12667 blanket, consisting of a layer of silica sand/cement walkover screed or
Water vapour permeability 5 EN12086 Aerogel reinforced with PET fibre (felt), self-levelling, with minimum thickness 4
Commitment limit temperature -200 +200 °C of the Spaceloft, water-repellent, cm reinforced with mesh or fibre.
Compression resistance breathing type, supplied in 145 cm
80 KPa EN826
(10% deformation) high rolls, with a nominal thickness of
Specific heat 1.000 J/kgK ASTM E 1269 10 mm or in panels with height 1400
Nominal density 150 ± 10% kg/m3 mm and width 720 mm, with volumetric
Fire reaction class C S1 D 0 EN 13501-1 density of 150 kg/m³, heat conductivity
Long-term water absorption 0.015 W/mK, heat resistance Rd 0.67
Wp ≤ 0,01 kg/m2 EN 1609
for partial immersion sq m K/W per cm of thickness, working
Colour grey temperature between
-200°C / +200°C, fire reaction
Euroclass CS1D0 permeable to the
diffusion of vapour (μ 5), impermeable
to surface water and/or immersion with
water contact angle of not less

a.m.a. composites S.r.l. Tel. +39 - 059 - 851754

Via Repubblica, 7 Fax +39 - 059 - 5221161
41011 Campogalliano
Modena - Italy

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