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Aug. 16. 2018 1:50AM Wo, 5685. 7 WARRANTLESS ARREST AKKAVIT. — IBCIZZOOS NAME, WATTS, CHRISTOPHER LEE DOB: May 16 1985 yen bourne AGENCY Frederick Police Department. (CASE NUMBER 1806743 $ DASTEAILEDS Bugust 16, 2018 CHARGES Stutute: Title: Folony/ isd 183-102 (1a) Murder in the first degree A Statute: Title: Felony /Misd 183-102 (yf) Murder in the first degree A Statutes Title: Felony isd 183-102 (If) Murder in the first degree A Statute: Title: Fotony/ Misa 8-8-6108 Tampering with deceased human body Fs Statutes Felony isd 188-6105 Vampering with deceased human body 8 Statute: Title: Felony/ isa 188.6105 “Tampering with deceased human body 8 OFFICER James, Matthew Badge No: 4698 BRING DULY SWORN UBON OATH SAYS THAT THRRE IS PROBABLE CAUSE FOR THE, WARRANTLESS ARRES! OF THE ABOVE NAMED DEUENDANT FOR THE CHARGES(S) STATED AND ‘THAT THE FOLLOWING PACTS ARF TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE RPST OF CRIME(S) ALLEGED OCCURRED ON OR ABOUT —_ 8/13/2018 AT 2825 Saratoga Trail YOWN OF FREDERICK, STATE OF COLORADO, 2. ‘The suspect was arrested at 11:02 PM. on: Wednesday, August 15, 2018 NARRATIVE, (On August 13, 2018 at approximately 1340 hours Officer Coonrod was dispatched to 2825 Saratoga Trall on @ check well-being (CWB) call. The reporting party, Nicole Utoft, called about her friend, Shanann Watts (01-10- 41984), Nicole stated she dropped Shanann off at her residence around 0148 hours (8-13-18) after returning from a business trip that took place in Arizona. Nicole stated Shanann was fifteen weeks pregnant and was not *Yeeling well during the tip. Later that moming (8-13-18) Nicole became concerned because Shanann was not answering her phone calls ‘or text messages and also missed her doctor appointment that was scheduled for 10:00 AM. Nicole went to ‘Shanann's residence and discovered her car in the garage with car seats positioned inside of it. Shanann and her husband, Christopher Watts (DOB: 05-16-85), have two daughlers, Celeste Watts (DOB: 07-17-2015) and Bella Watts (DOB: 12-17-2013). Nicole attempted to enter the front door but a latch prevented it from opening more than three inches. Nicole . WARRANTLESS ARREST AFFIDAVIT Called Christopher Watts and requested he come home to check on Shanann as she belleved Shanann may be suffering or passed out due to some medical conditions, Upon arrival, Officer Coonrod checked all windows and doors including the rear slider door and discovered all Cf them were locked with no way into the house. Officer Coonrad contacted Chris and asked for the code for the outside garage door key pad. Chris stated it didn't work but that he wae only five minutes away. When Christopher errived Officer Coonrod entered the home (with Chris’ consent) in an attempt to locate Shanann ‘and their two children but discovered they were not in the home. ‘When questioned by Oftcer Coonrod, Chris said Shanann artived home from her tip around 2:00 AM. Chris said he woke up around 6:00 AM end began talking to Shanann about martal separation and informed her he wanted to iiate the separation. Chis stated it was a civil conversation and they were not arguing but were — emotional. ‘Chris stated around 6:27 AM he backed his truck up to the garage door lo load up tools and lef for work and ‘hat Shanann was in bed when he lft. Note: A nelghbor’s video surveillance system recorded this event. Chris ‘said Shanann told him she was going toa friend's house later that day with their two children but didn't know the frenc's name. Chris, who works for Anadarko, slated he want toa job site near Hudson to check on it. ‘At Officer Conrad's request, Det Baumhover responded to the scene and arrived at approximately at 2:35 PM, Upon arrival Det. Baumhover was briefed by Officer Coonrod and also leamed Shanann’s personal effects including her cell phone, purse, wallet, and medication were located in the house, Upon entering the residence Det Baumhover observed Shanana’s purse on a kitchen island and a suit case located et the bottom of the ‘stairs leading to upstairs bedrooms. A pair of women’s shoes were located near the front door Upstairs Det. Baumhover observed the bed in the master bedroom had been stripped ofits bedding, which was lying on the oor. Officer Coonrod and Det. Baumhover both checked the bedding for sions of fou play but found nothing. in a loft area located between the bedrooms was Shanann’s cell phone that Det. Baumhover later learned was found between two cushions of a sofa located in the loft area, (On scene Det. Baumhover asked Chris to walk me Unrough the period of time when he tast saw Shanann, Chris said Shanann arrived home from the airport at approximately 1:48 AM (8-13-18), At approximately 4:00 AM he informed Shanann he wanted to go through with a separation and they were both upset and crying, Chris sald ‘Shanann told him she was going to a friend's house that day. theceafler drove off toa worksite near Hudson. Neighbor, Nathaniel Trnastich’s home video surveillance shows Nicole's vehicle leaving at 1-48 AM. At5:27 AM Chris’ truck fs observed Backing into the driveway and leaving a short time later. Chris said at approximately 5:27 AM Chris backed his work truck into the driveway to load a tools and shorty Chris provided consent to check Shanann's phone and utimately surrendered it to allow Del. Baumhover to examine it for Information leading to Shanann’s (and daughters) whereabouts, Det. Baumhover transported the phone to the Frederick Police Department where it has remained since Det, Baumhover collected it. ‘Anneighbortiood canvas was conducted for several hours later that evening by patrol and a check well-being BOLO was initiated through dispatch. On 8/14/18 at approximately 0700, Det. Baumhover learned neither Shanann nor the gis had returned to the residence. Det. Baumhover requested an immediate pross release be issued and iniliated assistenee from CBI and ultimately the FE ‘A two day investigation revealed Chris was actively involved in an affair with @ co-worker which he denied in revious inte tna subsequent interview Chris sed to speak with his father, who was present al the police department, Chris sald he would tell the ruth after speaking with his. Tray, Augeot 16, 2018 i WARRANTLESS ARREST AFFIDAVIT : i dad. After being allowed to speek with his father, Chris stated after he told Shanann he wanted a separation he ‘walked downstairs for a moment and then returned to his bedroom to speak with Shanann again. While in the bedroom, via baby monitor located on Shanana’s night stand, he observed Bella “sprawed’ out on her bed and blue and Shanann actively sirangiing Celeste. Chris said he went into a rage and ukimately strangled Shanann to death. Chris said he loaded all three bodies onto the back seat of his work truck and took them to an oll work sile identified as CERVI 319 with GPS coordinates 40.21624374, -104.36667. Chris said he buried Shanann ‘ear two ol tanks and dumped the girls inside the oils tanks, ‘Chris was-presented an aerial photograph of the tank bettery area and identiied three separate locations in which he placed the bodies Prior to Chris’ confession investigators arrived at CERV1 319 (with consent) to initiate a drone search of the area. At approximately 4:15 PM investigators spotted a bed sheet in the field near the tank battery. The sheet ‘matched the paltern of several pillow cases and a top sheet recovered from a kitchen trash can from the Watt's residence eaily that day. Thal searched was conducted with prior consent provided by Chris. The drone search also revealed fresh movement of dirt consistent with a clandestine give near the cil tanks. xh Rast « Affiant's Signature JARED R BAKES ~ eqhQTaRy PUBLIC Subscribed and sworn to before me this Joy of. Lapect 1g eqiStest oameiann | SIN EXPIRE OMRON 2, 202 Expiration date: B)afeorr Aira: am sth het Feanenek Co Bonn After reviewing the above Affidavit in support uf Warrantless Arrest, 1 fin There is probable cause for the arrest. There is not probable cause for the arrest and the Defendant is released from custody. o Date Judge Thurs, Amgust 16, 2018 5 ~ Page 3of3

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