New Insights Towards Implications of Sea Buckthorn Oil in Human Health: A Review

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International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Chinese Medicine

ISSN: 2576-4772

New Insights towards Implications of Sea Buckthorn Oil in

Human Health: A Review

Tyagi N, Singh A, Kohli K*

Review Article
Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Jamia Hamdard University, India
Volume 2 Issue 3
Received Date: March 28, 2018
*Corresponding author: Kanchan Kohli, Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of
Published Date: May 07, 2018
Pharmacy, Jamia Hamdard University, India, Email: [email protected]

Background: The use of Sea Buckthorn oil is being promoted for a large variety of ailments and the clinical studies being
carried on the use of Sea Buckthorn oil. Hypothesis / Purpose: This review article aims at compilation of the latest
research on the process of extraction, use of Sea Buckthorn oil and various marketed preparation used in the various
Methods: The various databases like PubMed and Science Direct were used to identify, analyse and summarise the
research literature on this topic. Most of the studies were at preclinical stage. Applicability of the findings and date of the
publication were high priority factors for the studies to be included in the review.
Results: Sea Buckthorn oil has its indication in various diseases like cancer, skin problems, cardiovascular disorders,
gastric ulcer. It is a powerful antioxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-viral agent. It is used as immunomodulator and has
nutritional value.
Conclusion: Sea Buckthorn oil has immense medicinal and therapeutic potential. However, several knowledge gaps give
the way for new academic and research and development activities in the field of herbal medicines and nutraceuticals.

Keywords: Sea buckthorn oil; Clinical studies; Extraction; Side effects

Introduction extraction or Supercritical Carbon Dioxide extraction [2].

The preferred method for extraction is Supercritical
Sea buckthorn is an herb which has medicinal value and Carbon Dioxide extraction, where Carbon Dioxide is forced
used to heal various disorders ever since 12 centuries in into a liquid state. This method of extraction provides
China, Asia and Europe. Sea buckthorn belongs to the refined oil with no plant solid material. The Carbon
genus Hippophae, the most commonly used of which is Dioxide extracts the oil from the seed and berries with
Hippophae rhamnoides, belonging to Elaegnaceae their magical omega fatty acids and useful nutrients. The
/oleaster family [1]. The lipids are accumulated in the oil content found in mature seed, dried fruit pulp and
mesocarp (fleshy part of the fruits) and oil can be berries residue after juice extraction are 8-20%, 20-25%
extracted from either seed or pulp of the fruit by Simple and 15-20% respectively. The fruit oil is dark red or

New Insights towards Implications of Sea Buckthorn Oil in Human Health: A Review Int J Pharmacogn Chinese Med
International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Chinese Medicine

reddish orange and thicker than seed oil which is yellow or (omega-9 (14–18 w/w%) and eicosanoic acid (omega-9)(2
pale orange and has musky odour. Sea buckthorn oil has its w/w%) [7-8].The γ-linolenic acid present in high amount
application in treatment of asthma, heart disorders, contributes to its effect on the nutrient transport. Omega-3
arthritis, skin disorders and Cancer. The mechanism of (linolenic acid) and Omega-6 (linoleic acid) are the
action of sea buckthorn oil is decrypted in Figure 1. The oil essential fatty acids required by human body for the
extract of Sea Buckthorn has been used in cosmetic cream transport of fat soluble vitamins like Vitamin A, D, E and K.
for its anti-ageing effect [3]. The ointment containing Sea It also enhances the cognitive function and bone health.
Buckthorn oil (0.5-1%) has its implication in suppressing Seabuckthorn seed oil is the only seed oil in which Omega-
caragenin-induced edemas and passive cutaneous 3 and Omega-6 are present in the ratio of 1:1. Thus,
anaphylaxis in patient with inflammation and allergic skin Seabuckthorn seed oil can be considered as invaluable part
damages [4]. Sea Buckthorn oil has its application in of balanced diet as it contains 32% Omega-3 (linolenic
treatment of burns and infracted injuries. Sea Buckthorn acid). Seabuckthorn seed oil has known to have blood
oil cream has been shown to be anti-allergic, anti- cholesterol lowering effect due to the presence of
inflammatory and help in cell regeneration. The extract of beneficial fatty acids like Oleic acid.
Sea Buckthorn is used in cancer therapy [5]. The
composition containing Sea Buckthorn oil is used to cure Sea buckthorn seed oil contains 1 to 2% of the sterol in
eczema and burn symptoms and has moisturizing effects the seed oil and 1 to 3% in the soft parts of the fruit as
[6]. sitosterol, isofucosterol, campsterol, stigmastanol,
citrostadienol, avenasterol, cycloartenol, 24-
methylenecycloartanol and obtusifoliol. The β-sitosterol is
57-83% in Sea Buckthorn oil. The method of extraction has
an effect on the content of β-sitosterol in seed oil like
solvent extraction (746.3 mg/100 g oil), SCFE CO2 (667.8
to 748.1 mg/100 g oil) and screw pressing (635.0 mg/100
g oil). The carotenoids give the distinctive colour to pulp
oil. Seabuckthorn pulp oil has maximum quantity of
Carotenoids (527.4 mg/100 g). The main carotenoid
present is β-carotene, zeaxanthin and lycopene. The
chemical constituents are enlisted in Table 1.

Fatty acid (% weight ) Seed oil Pulp oil

Figure 1: Mechanism of action of Sea buckthorn oil. Palmitic acid 16:0 5-Oct 15-40
Palmitoleic acid 16:1n-7 <0.5 15-50
Stearic acid 18:0 2-Apr 1-Feb
Chemical Constituents Oleic acid 18:1n-9 15-20 20-Oct
The Sea buckthorn is a valuable plant with therapeutic Vaccenic acid 18:1n-7 2-Apr 5-Oct
value as its various parts including seed, pulp, fruit and
Linoleic acid 18:2n-6 35-40 20-35
pomace is enriched with essential oil but the content of oil
distinctly varies from variety to variety, species, parts of α-Linolenic acid 18:3n-3 20-35 5-Oct
the plant used, extraction method and stage of harvesting.
Up to 80 Up to 60
The oil content from various sources differ in physico- Folic acid
mcg mcg
chemical and bio-chemical properties as mature seeds
Total sterols 1094 721
contain 8-20% oil while 20-25% oil is present in dried
fruit pulp and 15-20% oil is derived from the residue left Carotenoids (mg/100 g ) Oct-50 100-400
after juice extraction. Tocopherols and tocotrienols
100-200 100-400
Sea buckthorn oil is enriched with saturated fatty acids Vitamin K 110-230 54-59
like palmitic acid (30–33 w/w %) and stearic acid (<1 w/w Vitamin E 207 171
%) and essential unsaturated fatty acids, mainly PUFA Vitamin C 600-1200 200-600
(polyunsaturated fatty acids) comprising α-linolenic acid Table 1: Chemical composition of oils from seed and pulp
(omega-3) (30 w/w%), γ-linolenic acid (omega-6) (35.5 of Sea Buckthorn berry.
w/w%), linoleic acid (omega-6)(5–7 w/w%), oleic acid

Kohli K. The Scope of Nano-Silver in Medicine: A Systematic Review. Int J Copyright© Kohli K.
Pharmacogn Chinese Med 2018, 2(3): 000135.
International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Chinese Medicine

Significance of Sea Buckthorn Oil for hydroxyproline, hexosamine, DNA and total protein
Human Health contents [17]. Sea Buckthorn oil has effects in atopic skin
diseases as it increases the plasma fatty acids in plasma of
Combats cancer atopic subjects . Yang et al. 1999 conducted the study on
30 female subjects of 61 yr by giving them 4 SBA24
The Plants have the immense potential to provide capsule (2g oil) for 3 months and it was observed that
various novels, naturally occurring agents to combat there was increase in hydration and elasticity of skin and it
cancer. Sea buckthorn oil has bioactive components having was concluded that the oil has anti-wrinkle effect [18]. The
anticancer properties. The Hippophae rhamnoides extract liposoluble extract of Sea Buckthorn increase viability of
inhibits the growth of pre-existing tumor by enhancing the regenerating cells as well as provide nutrients to
immune system, antioxidant activity, arresting the cells epidermal cells in skin ulcers and wound healing. It has
proliferation in certain steps of cell cycle and anti- restorative effects with protective effects against
mutagenic effects against cancer causing agents [5]. Sea dehydration, and antiseptic effects [19].
buckthorn juice not only retard the growth of the
lymphatic leukemia (L1200) human gastric carcinoma Battles Cardiovascular System Disorders
(SGC7901) but kills both S180 and P388 cancer cells [9].
SEA BUCKTHORN juice lessens the effect of cisplatin on Sea Buckthorn oil escalate the left ventricles internal
somatic and germ cell of mice [10]. SEA BUCKTHORN pressure and maximum rate of change (dp/dt)
antimutagenic activity can be deduced from antioxidative respectively, the time from the left ventricle starting a
mechanism [11]. Sea buckthorn juice can inhibit the contraction to the occurrence of a dp/dt was reduced, the
formation of N-nitroso compounds endogenously more left ventricular pressure of the isovolumetric relaxation
efficiently than ascorbic acid resulting in prevention of phase and the diastolic pressure of the left ventricle
tumor [12]. The ethyl acetate extract has inhibitory action shortened and results in augmentation of cardiac output,
against CaCo-2 cells and augment apoptosis while the cardiac index, heart stroke index, and left ventricular
ethanolic extract has high content of phenolic and power index of the myocardium [20].
proanthocyanidin which has inhibitory effect on HepG 2
cells [13]. It abates the side effect of chemotherapy and It regulates blood lipids and help in prevention of
radiotherapy and enhances tissue regeneration. It was coronary heart diseases. It has pivotal role in treatment of
demonstrated that the cellutoxic effects of Sea Buckthorn angina. It decreases cholesterol level and has
oil on extrinsic cell strains of Human Leukemia (K 562) cardioprotective and anti-atherogenic activity. It was
[14]. found out that the Sea Buckthorn oil is useful in anti-
myocardial ischemia, decreases triglyceride, cholesterol
Platelet Aggregation and β-Lipiporotein and stabilise hyperlipemia induced in
white rats by experimental high fat diet [21].
The total flavonoids present in the H. rhamnoidesL.
(TFH) inhibits the activity of tyrosine kinase activity Treatment of Gastric Ulcer
resulting in suppression of platelet aggregation caused by
collagen. It has been found out that phosphorylation of Syk The Sea buckthorn oil’s anti-ulcer action is related to an
(Spleen tyrosine kinase) or Src (proto-oncogene of enhanced hydrophobicity of the mucosal surface
tyrosine kinase) by the collagen receptor stimulation delayingthe gastric emptying [22], inhibited peroxidation
followed by phospholipase C-gamma 2 activation. The of lipid in gastric mucosa, accelerated of the mucosal
augmentation of intracellular calcium is carried out by the repair [23], inhibited proteolytic enzyme activity in gastric
activation of Tyrosine kinase which activates liquid, fostered the wound healing processes of mucosa
phospholipids A2 (PLA2), followed by synthesis of and inhibit mucosal damage [24].
arachidonic acid from phospholipids in plasma membrane
[15]. The rate of aggregation reaction (% In comparison with negative control , carbon dioxide
aggregation/min) was diminished by Sea Buckthorn oil extracted seed and pulp oil in the dose of 7.0 ml/kg/day
supplementation [16]. showed the decrease in ulcer in water immersion (P< 0.05)
and reserpine induced (P<0.01 ) in rats. Sea buckthorn oil
Minimises or Prevents Skin Problems has both preventive and curative effects against gastric
ulcer. It decreases the index of pyrlorus ligation
Sea buckthorn oil reduces sunburn, radiation damage, inducedgastric ulcer (P<0.05) and healing process was
acne, dermatitis, dry skin, eczema, skin ulcers, protecting expedited in acetic acid induced ulcer (P< 0.01) [25]. It
mucus membrane. It also helps in healing wounds- bed smoothens and strengthens the mucous membrane of
sores, burns and cuts by augmenting wound contraction, stomach, esophagus and intestine and helps in better

Kohli K. The Scope of Nano-Silver in Medicine: A Systematic Review. Int J Copyright© Kohli K.
Pharmacogn Chinese Med 2018, 2(3): 000135.
International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Chinese Medicine

functioning of digestive glands. Thus, this oil aids in Anti-Atherogenic and Hypoglycemic Activity
preventing or reversing GERD and gastric ulcers.
Atherogenic index (AI) was lessened and vasorelaxation
induced by acetylcholine was reduced to an extent which
Antibacterial and Anti-Viral Agent could be restored to control values in SEA BUCKTHORN oil
Sea buckthorn oil has Antimicrobial activity against treated normally and hypercholesterolemic animals [32].
E.coli and helps in combating various bacterial and viral Sea Buckthorn diminishes blood glucose and lipid in
diseases. Sea Buckthorn soothes irritation by calming normal mice, and effect of Sea Buckthorn on
nerve-endings. CO2 extracted Sea Buckthorn seed oil helps glycometabolism may be related to the control of
in wound contractions and increase the level of gluconeogenesis [33].
hydroxyproline, hexosamine, DNA and total protein
contents augmenting the wound healing processes with no Nutritional Applications
significant side effects or toxicity in comparison to control
Sea buckthorn oil has high content of Omega-7s and
and reference control treatment with silver sulfadiazine
various Omega acids. Omega-7 also known as Palmitoleic
acid, is a rare fatty acid. It is present in all body tissues,
especially in skin and fat tissue and has nourishing effect
Antioxidant on cell membrane. It is all purpose tissue healing oil.
Sea buckthorn oil has high content of antioxidants
which help in preventing infection and enhance immunity. Pharmacological Effects of Sea Buckthorn yet
The Department of Drug technology and Pharmaceutical to Be Explored in Relation with Other Diseases
management at Kaunas University of Medicine in Lithunia
conducted the study to evaluate the potency of Sea Buckthorn is a long established herbal medicine
antioxidants of pure extracted oil which found out to be 2.4 which is indelibly used in many conditions like alleviating
times more than other oils. It has high content of linoleic cough, diarrhea, aiding digestion, revitalizing blood
and linolenic acid and high pyhtochemical content circulation reducing pain, investigating because of
including carotenoids, flavonoids and phytosterols which antioxidant activity. The fruit’s juice, syrup and oil have
corresponds to its antioxidant property [27]. It restored implications in disantheria, osteoporosis, hemorrhage,
the intracellular antioxidants such as reduced glutathione cataract, urinary stone, acne, psoriasis, sterility,
(GSH) and Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and exhibited polyneuritis, cheilosis, glossitis, baldness, analgesic, benign
inhibition of ROS/free radical production [28,29]. It prostatic hypertrophy, antiobesity, gout, and chronic
showed maintenance of mitochondrial and nuclear prostitisas a metabolism regulator in classical medicine
integrity as well as restoring the phagocytosis by [34].
macrophages [30].
Consumption Precautions &side effects of Sea
Immunomodulatory Action Buckthorn oil Pregnancy and breast-feeding
It ameliorates immune response in the broilers. Sea There is not enough scientific evidence about the risks
Buckthorn oils antagonise effects of immune suppressants. of taking sea buckthorn during pregnancy or breast-
Baoru Yang and Risto Erkkola showed that in normal and feeding process Therefore it is advised to avoid the use of
cyclophosphamide (immunosuppressant) treated mice, the Sea buckthorn oil and stay on the safe side.
Sea Buckthorn oil increases the phagocytocity of
abdominal macrophages and spleen NK cell activity as well Bleeding disorder
as SRBC primed Ab production. Sea buckthorn oil consumption has proven to slow
blood clotting. Therefore, should be a concern that it might
Dry Eye increase the risk of bleeding and bruising in people having
The meibomian gland dysfunction and abnormalities of bleeding disorders.
the tear film lipids causes dry eye. SEA BUCKTHORN oil
contains antioxidants, Omega -7 acids, linoleic acid, Low blood pressure
tocopherols and carotenoids which have beneficial effect When taken as a medicine, Sea buckthorn oil might
in dry eyes as they reduce inflammation, redness and lower blood pressure. In theory, consumption of sea
itching in eye [31]. buckthorn may cause blood pressure to dip too low in
people with low blood pressure.

Kohli K. The Scope of Nano-Silver in Medicine: A Systematic Review. Int J Copyright© Kohli K.
Pharmacogn Chinese Med 2018, 2(3): 000135.
International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Chinese Medicine

Surgery clotting. It has antagonistic effect with Aspirin, Clopidogrel,

Diclofenac (Voltarex), Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin),
Sea buckthorn might cause extra bleeding during and
Dalteparin (Fragmin), Naproxen (Anaprox, Naprosyn),
after surgery as it slows down blood clotting when taken
Enoxaprin (Lovenox), Warfarin (Coumadin), Heparin.
as a medicine. Therefore, it is recommended to stop using
sea buckthorn about 2 weeks before any scheduled
Doses of sea buckthorn oil are dependent on an
Interactions individual’s age, health status, nutrition and several other
conditions. No scientific information is there for
Sea buckthorn oil cannot be co-administered with anti-
determination of appropriate range of doses of sea
coagulant or anti-platelet drugs as they decrease blood
buckthorn oil.
Sea Buckthorn Market Products Table 2
S.No. Product Name Manufacturer’s Name
1. Inlife Sea Buckthorn oil capsule Inlife Pharma Pvt. Ltd. (India)
2. Sea Buckthorn Berry oil Natures natural (India)
3. Sea Buckthorn cosmetic oil MNC (India)
4. Sibu Sea Buckthorn berry oil Sibu, Sea berry therapy co.,ltd. (North America)
5. Sea Buckthorn seed oil capsule Wutai mountain sea buckthorn co.,ltd.(China)
6. Natural Sea Buckthorn oil Siboos, Grow Up Trading Company (India)
7. Sea Buckthorn effervescent tablets Nanjing union biotech co.,ltd.(China)
8. Menova heyeqianzi slimming herbs capsule Panda international trade co., ltd.(China)
9. Sea Buckthorn Herbal Capsules Mart Fitcare (India)
10. Seabuck wonders Weleda (Germany)
11. Sea Buckthorn galic softgel (psg) Perfect co., ltd.(China)
12. Sea Buckthorn oil softgel Fraken biochem co., ltd.( China)
13. Spirulina Dechen nutrachem co.,ltd.(China)
14. Deve herbes pure Sea Buckthorn oil Deve Herbes (India)
15. Sibu Sea Buckthorn fruit oil Sibu, Sea berry therapy (North America)
Table 2: List of available Sea buckthorn market preparation

Patents on Sea buckthorn and its variety Table 3 illustrates an updated report on therapeutic
application of sea buckthorn.

Patent No. Title Publication date Ref.

US20060222724A1 Reproductive cell system 2000 [3]
US20050214394 Hippophae Rhamnoides compositions for cancer therapy 2005 [4]
US20070178061A1 Therapeutic blended oil composition and method 2007 [6]
Composition including sea buckthorn oil extract and antioxidant
US6524561 2003 [35]
and/or a UV filter
Sea buckthorn compositions and associated methods. 2004 [36]
WO2004091368 A2
US 6576269 B1 Treating open skin lesions using extracts 2003 [37]

US 20150079011 A1 Dermatological Product 2015 [38]

US 20160184375 A1 Sea buckthorn compositions and associated methods 2016 [39]

US 20140147522 A1 Gastric health supplement and methods thereof 2014 [40]

Table 3: Updated list on Patents of Sea Buckthorn.

Kohli K. The Scope of Nano-Silver in Medicine: A Systematic Review. Int J Copyright© Kohli K.
Pharmacogn Chinese Med 2018, 2(3): 000135.
International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Chinese Medicine

Summary 5. James Dao, Tom Dao, David Tong (2012) Compositions

of botanical extracts for cancer therapy.
Sea Buckthorn oil has a medicinal and therapeutic value.
Sea Buckthorn oil extracted with the technique 6. Marco Venturin, Tara Vengturi-Jackson (2007)
Supercritical CO2 extraction gives the high yields due to its Therapeutic blended oil composition and method.
high solvating power and effective penetration through
raw material as compared to cold pressure which give low 7. Kallio H, Yang B, Peippo P (2002) Effects of different
yield and disadvantage of solvent residue. It has high origins and harvesting time on vitamin C, tocopherols,
content of PUFAs, tocopherols, polyphenols, Fatty acids and tocotrienols in sea buckthorn (Hippophae
which help in the prevention and treatment of various rhamnoides) berries. J Agric Food Chem 50(21): 6136-
disorders. It is an antioxidant property which help in 6142.
prevention of Cancer and used as supplementing agent in
8. Beveridge T, Li TS, Oomah BD, Smith A (1999) Sea
treatment of Cancer. The various clinical trials are carried
buckthorn products manufacture and composition.
to study the effect in various ailments. The fatty acids help
Agric Food Chem 47(9): 3480-3488.
in resorting skin elasticity, skin hydration, thus finding its
implication as anti-wrinkle and in various other skin 9. Teng BS, Lu YH, Wang ZT, Tao XY, Wei DZ, et al. (2006)
diseases. Sea Buckthorn oil has calming effect on nerve In vitro anti-tumor activity of isorhamnetin isolated
ending soothes the irritation. It has high content of Omega- from Hippophae rhamnoidesL. Against BEL-7402 cells.
7 acids which help in tissue regeneration and tissue Pharmacological Research 549(3): 186-194.
healing. It decreases Triglycerides and cholesterol level
and acts as anti hyperlipidemic agent. It decreases blood 10. Armen N, Rafael M (2004) Sea-buckthorn juice
clotting antagonise the effect of anti-coagulant and anti- protects mice against genotoxic action of cisplatin.
platelet drugs. The various products are available used for Experimental Oncology 26(2): 153-155.
gastric ulcer treatment and skin diseases. The numerous
patents on Sea Buckthorn oil composition, preparation of 11. Bhatia A, Arora S, Nagpal A, Singh B, Ahuja PS, et al.
formulation and uses are granted in the recent years. (2007) Evaluation of in vitro antimutagenic activity of
Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoidesLinn.) in Ames
Conclusion assay. Journal of Chinese Clinical Medicine 2(8).

Sea buckthorn oil has extensive medicinal and 12. Li Y, Liu H (1991) Prevention of tumour production in
therapeutic potential. However, it is needful to extract rats fed aminopyrine plus nitrite by sea buckthorn
pure Sea Buckthorn oil. The various knowledge gaps give juice. IARC Scientific Publications 105: 568-570.
the way for new academic and research and development
activities in the field of herbal medicines and 13. Grey C, Patrick A (2010) Antiproliferative effects of
nutraceuticals. Sea Buckthorn extract on human colon and liver
cancer cell lines. Journal of Food Chemistry 120(4):
14. Patel CA, Divakar K, Santani D, Solanki HK, Thakkar JH,
1. Xing J, Yang B, Dong Y, Wang B, Wang J, et al. (2002)
et al. (2012) Remedial prospective of Hippophae
Effects of Sea Buckthorn seed and pulp oils on
rhamnoides Linn. (Sea Buckthorn). ISRN
experimental models of gastric ulcer in rats.
Fitoterapia 73(7-8): 644-650
15. Cheng J, Kondo K, Suzuki Y, Ikeda Y, Meng X, et al.
2. Yang B, Kellio H (2002) Composition and physiological
(2003) Inhibitory effects of total flavones of
effects of Sea Buckthorn lipids. Trends in Food Science
Hippophae rhamnoidesL on thrombosis in mouse
and Technology 13(5): 160-167.
femoral artery and in vitro platelet aggregation. Life
3. Lisa Herichkoof, James Herichkoof (2000) Sciences 72(20): 2263-2271.
Reproductive cell system.
16. Johansson AK, Korte H, Yang B, Stanley JC, Kallio HP, et
4. James Dao, Tom Dao, David Tong (2005) Hippophae al. (2000) Sea buckthorn berry oil inhibits platelet
rhamnoides compositions for cancer therapy. aggregation. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry
11(10): 491-495.

Kohli K. The Scope of Nano-Silver in Medicine: A Systematic Review. Int J Copyright© Kohli K.
Pharmacogn Chinese Med 2018, 2(3): 000135.
International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Chinese Medicine

17. Yang B, Kalimo KO, Mattila LM, Kallio SE, Katajisto JK, 27. Narayanan S, Ruma D, Gitika B, (2005) Antioxidant
et al. (1999) Effects of dietary supplementation with activities of seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides)
sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) seed and pulp during hypoxia induced oxidative stress in glial cells.
oils on atopic dermatitis. Journal of Nutritional Molecular and CellularBiochemistry 278(1-2): 9-14.
Biochemistry 10(11): 622-630.
28. Geetha S, Ram MS, Mongia SS, Singh V, Ilavazhagan G,
18. Erkkola R, Yang BR (2013) Sea Buckthorn oils: et al. (2003) Evaluation of antioxidant activity of leaf
Towards healthy mucous membranes. Women’s extract of Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoidesL.) on
Health. Agro Food industry hi-tech 14(3): 53-57. chromium (VI) induced oxidative stress in albino rats.
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19. Kapoor D (2017) A review on pharmacognostic,
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20. Mingyu X, Xiaoxuan S, Jinhua C (1989) The medicinal 56(9): 463-467.
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22. Xing J, Yang B, Dong Y, Wang B, Wang J, et al. (2002) (Hippophaearhamnoides) seed oil. Phytomedicine
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Kohli K. The Scope of Nano-Silver in Medicine: A Systematic Review. Int J Copyright© Kohli K.
Pharmacogn Chinese Med 2018, 2(3): 000135.

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