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Sem /Year : V / III


1. Define Software Engineering in terms of IEEE term and list out its characteristics?

2.Differentiate system engineering and software engineering?

3.What is the need to study software engineering? who are the stake holders of software

4. Give any two examples for management myths, customer myths and developers myths.

5.List the umbrella activities in the software process

6.List and explain various phases in software development life cycle?

7. What are the different software development models?

8. Define Prototype? List out the benefits of prototype & mention the types?(def-2,benefits-1
anytwo type-1)

9. Advantages and disadvantages of all process model

10. Define Agile process and features of agile

11. Mention any five agile development process principles?

12. What are the work products at the end of the requirement elicitation?


1. a) i)Compare waterfall, incremental and spiral model. (6)

ii)Explain the phases of RUP And write the types of RUP iteration.(6)


b)i)Explain Agile principles in detail. (6)

ii)Explain the four types of process flow with an appropriate diagram. (6)
2. Explain iterative waterfall and spiral model for software life cycle and discuss various
activities in each phase.
3. List several software process paradigms. Explain how both waterfall model and
prototyping model can be accommodated in the spiral process model.
4. Explain in detail Boehm's spiral model for software life cycle and discuss various
activities in each phase.
5. a) Which is more important-the product or process? Justify your answer. (4)
6.b) Identify the umbrella activities in software engineering process. (4)
c) With suitable illustration explain SPIRAL model evolutionary software
development . (8)
7. Compare and contrast waterfall and agile process model.
8. List some of the desirable characteristics of a good SRS document. Discuss the
relative advantages of formal requirement specifications. List important issues which an
SRS must address.(12)
9. How iterative enhancement model is helpful during maintenance? Explain various
stage cycles of this model with a neat diagram.
10. What is rational unified process model with its four phases with the diagram.

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