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Chiron in a natal astrology chart indicates the area from which an opportunity comes to heal the
core wound that we are born with.

The planet Chiron is not only triggering global astrological and energetic changes as it transits in the
solar system thereby supporting global change within the Earth and human consciousness, it is also
simultaneously triggering four unique and significant astrological transits in each individual’s natal
chart throughout their lifetime.

As Chiron makes its 50-year cycle of every humans natal chart, the four unique transits it creates for
each individual on the planet (which can be identified by getting an astrology chart done) affects
their personal and spiritual growth process. As such for each individual, the four Chiron transits
occurring in their lifetime indicate times of significant initiations, as well as the core issues that may
occur at these times, in order for each individual to trigger a profound healing, an opportunity to
create huge realisations and awaken latent gifts and talents.

The first Chiron transit is initiated anytime between the ages of four and 23, it creates an opportunity
to identify with our sense of self on Earth. The second transit opens one up to their life’s path. The
third transit often creates painful times of self-discovery, opening the emotions so that core wounds
can surface and heal. The fourth transit occurs for everyone at the age of 50, during this transit
Chiron returns to the exact sign and position it was located at the time of ones birth. The fourth
transit creates the ‘change of life’ syndrome that makes us finally question the meaning or purpose
of our life, thereby delegating the direction and resources to find more of our life’s purpose.

Therefore, through the astrological influence of Chiron as it transits with certain corresponding
planets, it identifies in one’s natal chart what it creates energetically in the body and reality,
energetically manifesting the internal wounding that creates painful and often karmic issues at
different times and in different ways so that all can master their limitations. The Chiron transition
process therefore, often creates feelings of limitation, grief, self-worth and other emotions, as well as
etheric weaknesses that manifest in the physical body as lightbody symptoms. This suffering process
becomes a key opportunity to heal. As you take the time to work at healing the self through the
energetic support of Chiron and its influence, you can thereby overcome core weakness and obtain a
key to clearing the genetic wounding or limitations that restrict your personal growth, long term
health and the manifestation of your spiritual gifts. Chiron’s appearance in your chart is therefore a
catalyst to open new doorways for profound healing and personal or spiritual awakening and



Once you have identified an individual’s Chiron wounding (from the table above) you can review my
unique and personal perspective in relation to each specific Chiron wounding (below) considering
how each wounding can influence an individual’s life and what gifts can be obtained by embracing
Handout: Divine Blueprint Self Mastery DB1
This wisdom was taken from the book “Beyond Doorways” By A Cartwright (2006)
It is offered to you for your insight into your Chiron Wounding.
and overcoming each wounding.

It is important to appreciate that this information is very powerful, healing and empowering. Simply
becoming aware of your wounding can significantly shift your consciousness and instigate a healing

Chiron in Aries
Key word I AM
Wounding Self-Worth and Rejection
Gift Associated Empowerment
Master Archangel Michael

If Chiron falls in Aries in your chart you have a wounding that impacts not only your sense of
identity’, but also issues regarding ‘self-worth’, fears surrounding ‘rejection’ and what I have come
to see personally on a spiritual level as issues regarding ‘energy’ and ‘power’.

With Chiron in Aries people, there is a deep wounding around the “I Am”. This creates a wounding
regarding the sense of self and brings up fears around rejection. They can struggle with feelings of
being unloved and misunderstood, not just as a child, but even throughout life experiences. These
feelings of self-worth build self-defence mechanisms and as a result they very seldom show their
vulnerability and uncertainty. Thus they are usually seen as strong and independent or sometimes
even self-righteous rather than sensitive and need to feel secure or even validated regarding their
emotions, perceptions, gifts or actions.

The wounding around self-worth can also manifest as self-pity and self judgment with some carrying
the ‘martyr syndrome’ and feeling they need to sacrifice themselves in different ways. This comes up
because of unresolved issues from the past or past lives regarding persecution and abandonment.

Through mastering your wounding to overcome these feelings of doubt, punishment or sacrifice,
you begin to embrace who you truly are, without the fear of being judged or rejected. By owning
your sense of self and strengths, you gain peace of mind, inner power, magnetism and leadership
qualities in whatever field of interest that you go into. Therefore, healing yourself opens you and
your wound up to the world, giving you a chance to help others to overcome their uncertainties of
and insecurities around being their ‘true self’.

Chiron in Aries people are seen as the warrior because of their association with Mars and the fire
element. This in itself creates issues in their lives around energy and power. They are unusually
sensitive to energy and are guided by Chiron to understand how to channel it constructively in their
lives. Therefore, if they do not work through their Chiron, they become physically depleted through
their power centre and also in their body.

Chiron can also bring about feelings of hyposensitivity and spiritual initiations regarding power and
power plays that they need to discern in and overcome.

When they do master their Chiron, they often become very powerful both energetically and
personally, becoming catalysts, leaders and teachers.

Handout: Divine Blueprint Self Mastery DB1

This wisdom was taken from the book “Beyond Doorways” By A Cartwright (2006)
It is offered to you for your insight into your Chiron Wounding.
Chiron in Capricorn

Key word: I Create

Wounding: Self Identity
Gift: The Art of Manifestation
Associated Master: St Germaine

If Chiron falls in Capricorn in your chart, there is a wounding in the ‘innerself’ and ego, in ones sense
of identity regarding the spiritual abilities they hold, as well as in the art of ‘manifestation’ and what
that truly means in one’s life. These people need to bring about their fullest potential through the
perseverance of spiritual growth, so that they can master the essence of power and pure intent, and
how it creates freedom, truth and ‘materialisation’ in one’s life.

Their ego is usually in a crisis regarding their sense of identity and how they are seen regarding their
potential. They can’t bear the pain of not being recognised in regards to what gifts they hold. There
is also a karmic crisis that they feel about not succeeding in their quest. The key here is to surrender
to the control that you feel and allow your heart rather than your head to delegate the growth and
choices in your life. Fear can sometimes create such a high level of self-expectation and desire to
succeed that your desire body takes over and you become lost in your understanding of who
you are and what you truly want out of life.

Feelings of responsibility often burden these people because they do feel a deep sense of
responsibility for others. They try to diligently balance their energies between the ying and yang.
One side of their nature is nurturing and dealing with the Earth aspect of their personality, sustaining
and providing for their family unit. On the other side is the spiritual aspect that is endeavoring to
evolve. Through this balancing process they search to reconnect more to their Higher Self,
awakening latent gifts and talents that they know are within them, which they then, through
persistence and commitment, materialise into new avenues of possibility and success.

At the heart of Capricorn is a driving ambition, a need for status, respect, power and reward, but
when Chiron is in Capricorn you can get so caught up in trying to achieve all that is possible
regarding your goals, that you never slow down to enjoy what you have accomplished. Rather than
seeking public validation of your status and success, Chiron in Capricorn compels you to
acknowledge, value, step into and own your true sense of self and the gifts that you hold. Only
through this process will you be seen, recognised, respected and heard. All needs for the security
of materialism dissolve because you do then have the power to manifest from a heart level. Only
then will you truly feel that you have succeeded and what you truly value will become fulfilled. You
can then teach others the art of manifestation through the awakening and development of their
spiritual and creative gifts and talents.

Chiron in Cancer
Key word: I Love
Wounding: Abandonment
Gift: Compassion
Associated Master: Mother Mary

If Chiron falls in Cancer in your chart, you bear the pain of the heart, what ‘love’ creates in life, as
well as the fear of ‘separation’. You are especially sensitive to ‘emotion’ and hold within you a
wound around feelings of separation, abandonment and grief.
Handout: Divine Blueprint Self Mastery DB1
This wisdom was taken from the book “Beyond Doorways” By A Cartwright (2006)
It is offered to you for your insight into your Chiron Wounding.
Because of the hyposensitivity of your own emotions, you are especially empathetic towards others.
This creates the burden of sometimes taking on, both emotionally and energetically, what others are
feeling. Thus you sometimes become overburdened with the pain of others.

Because of an inner wounding regarding abandonment, you can feel unworthy of love and thereby
give too generously to everyone else but yourself. Therefore, you can sacrifice your own needs and
pleasures to the point that you become disconnected to your own inner feelings and desires.

You also have a deep fear of pain, both physical and emotional, because of your hypersensitivity. At
the heart of it, Chiron in Cancer people do need to work through their emotional body and channel
this energy constructively into their daily life. This then delegates their need to nurture, have a
family and seek personal and financial security.

They’re always taking in stray animals, relatives and friends that have fallen on bad times. But with
Chiron in Cancer, they neglect their own pain. Rather than giving all your love to others, Chiron in
Cancer encourages you to learn to love yourself. Once Chiron in Cancer people concede that they
deserve to be loved back and release the fear around it, they can give to themselves even more so,
this time in a more balanced, healthy way. This way they can begin to cherish their own needs for
love and nurturing and can open themselves to the world, allowing love to flow back to them.

Cancer people draw others into their life that need to be nurtured and cared for, are humanitarian
and intuitive by nature and make great healers. As they master these gifts they embody ‘Heart
Master Energy’ and hold a space in the world for others to heal, open and deepen their emotions as
they go deeper into the inner chambers of their heart chakra.

Chiron in Taurus
Key word: I Feel
Wounding: Security
Gift: Nurturing and Creativity
Associated Master: Master Kathumi

If Chiron falls in Taurus in your chart, there is a deep wounding around ‘insecurities’ and feeling
‘safe’ and provided for in the world. This can come from feeling either emotionally or spiritually
‘deprived’ to such a point that you feel that you are never truly ‘fulfilled’.

This Chironic placement makes a person who, because of a wound around feeling neglected either
from past life or this one, (perhaps your parents were self-absorbed, closed off from you or unable
to show you love and affection), bear either mental or physical pain that weakens the spirit, body
and mind.

At the heart of a Chiron in Taurus is a yearning for security and the pleasure of sensory stimulation:
food, physical affection and nourishment. Taurus loves to indulge, but with Chiron in Taurus, you’re
never quite fulfilled in either feeling nourished in the body, sometimes sexually or with issues
regarding intimacy, through to issues of the heart relating to unfulfilled emotions. Rather than
wallowing in feelings of what you lack, Chiron in Taurus encourages you to appreciate what you
have, from your relationships through to your professional and spiritual achievements. By cherishing
gifts and releasing the need for possessions, you can free yourself up from the bonds of materialism

Handout: Divine Blueprint Self Mastery DB1

This wisdom was taken from the book “Beyond Doorways” By A Cartwright (2006)
It is offered to you for your insight into your Chiron Wounding.
and share or express your gifts and wisdom with others who struggle with the insecurities of the

With Chiron falling in Taurus you hold the power of endurance and have such a strong connection to
the inner realms of Nature and the Elemental Kingdom. You also obtain this through creative
abilities, and through the path of service, this can be channelled into both artistic and psychic gifts
for healing and transformation, so others like you can come to feel the joy of being on Earth.

Chiron in Leo
Key word: I Express
Wounding: Ego
Gift Associated: Self- Expression
Master: Master El Morya

If Chiron falls in Leo in your chart, there is a wounding in the ‘ego’ and through the influence of
Chiron, the ego can begin to refine more in nature and consciousness. One’s ‘will’, can also be
purified to enable the manifestation of pure ‘intent’. There is a purification of the lower-self and
the integration of the higher-self through the purification of the ego, will and consciousness.

Chiron in Leo also brings through a healing of the inner child, and by doing so, re-establishes the
refined emotional and spiritual qualities of the inner child back into the heart of humanity. This is
such a vital step toward self mastery and as the spiritual teaching proclaims, to enter the Kingdom of
Heaven we need to re-establish the purity and essence of the inner-child.

By healing the inner child, the need to create unnecessary drama to be seen and loved for who you
truly are, can finally be healed. Those with this sign usually have a lack of self-recognition in regards
to their gifts and talents. This placement makes for a person who feels like they’re never given a
chance to shine and believes that they’re far less talented than what they truly are. This can come
through from a past life wounding where their unique qualities and gifts could have been overseen
because of the different circumstances or events playing out in their lives at the time. Therefore, at
the heart of Leo is the quest to be adored for their gifts, talents and sense of presence.

For those with Chiron in Leo, constituently seeking attention for recognition sometimes only
disconnects them more from their true selves and creates over time, even more frustration. So
rather than pitying yourself for not being realised for your potential, Chiron in Leo encourages you
to believe in yourself and express the talents that you have. By cultivating and cherishing your
talents you are able to open yourself up to the world and share what you’ve learned, giving others
the opportunity to also believe in themselves and express those aspects and qualities that they
hold dear.

Chiron in Libra
Key word: I Balance
Wounding: Injustice
Gift Associated: Inner-Harmony
Master: Goddess Athena

Handout: Divine Blueprint Self Mastery DB1

This wisdom was taken from the book “Beyond Doorways” By A Cartwright (2006)
It is offered to you for your insight into your Chiron Wounding.
If Chiron falls in Libra in your chart, there is a need to find ‘harmony’ and fulfilment regarding issues
around the heart and specifically relationships. There is also a strong desire for ‘equality’ and
‘respect’ and a tendency towards ‘idealism’ as well as viewpoints regarding the injustices that occur
in one’s life and the world in general.

The key for those born with Chiron in this sign is to maintain balance in the emotions, thereby
sustaining feelings of ‘inner-harmony’, and through doing so creating a sense of order at times of
chaos. These people do have to constantly look at their emotions and work at the karmic issues that
occur within relationships. By becoming stronger in their emotions they can find and feel the
essence and beauty of ‘true love’. It is also through relationships that they learn to overcome issues
that create feelings of personal disempowerment so that they can become stronger and hold a
torch for independence and equality between and with others in the world around them.

They can’t bear the pain of dependence and idealism regarding love. They can either see their
partner through rose coloured glasses or, on the other hand, not see them for who they are. It is like
they hold the ‘twin flame’ syndrome within their relationships. They attract very karmic and
sometimes consuming issues regarding relationships and through reflection and resolutions made
regarding these issues, they become more whole and complete within themselves. Until this point
however, the issues that arise within these more karmic relationships can almost at times break
their spirit, until they can get clearer and stronger in regards to their beliefs and sense of self. Those
who cannot achieve this continue to attract similar circumstances by endlessly forming and
destroying relationships that fail to live up to their standards or expectations.

Rather than always demanding harmony, perfection and expectation in relationships, Chiron in
Libra compels you to understand that conflict and resolutions made can lead to greater intimacy,
love and more of a feeling of completeness. By learning independence and fostering healthy,
balanced relationships (by working through karmic issues and emotions), you are able to open
yourself to the world and share that by working through emotions regarding your relationships, you
can find balance, fulfilment, harmony, love and also independence and equality in life.

Chiron in Scorpio
Key word: I Transcend
Wounding: Fear
Gift Associated: Death & Rebirth
Master: Buddha, specifically the Tibetan ‘Book of the Dead’ teachings

If Chiron falls in Scorpio in your chart, you bear the pain of ‘fear’: fear of the unknown, loss,
persecution, death or even fear of ‘change’. Quite often there has been past life wounding around
struggles concerning the use of your ‘power’, so in this life time you are encouraged to understand
and reconnect to it. Therefore, you can attract power issues into your life.

This sign also encourages you to awaken more to the depth of your emotions so that you can heal on
an emotional level and evolve. You can either experience birth trauma, illness or even the loss of a
parent or friend at an early age. The resulting emotion of grief connects you to your emotions and
spirituality. One of your quests is to release the fear of feeling.

You can also be drawn into struggles involving sex or power, either dealing with issues regarding
your sexuality or being put in situations to test your power and how to use it. Sexuality is also a
driving force in your life because you are energetically encouraged to activate the kundalini so that

Handout: Divine Blueprint Self Mastery DB1

This wisdom was taken from the book “Beyond Doorways” By A Cartwright (2006)
It is offered to you for your insight into your Chiron Wounding.
you can be supported in the awakening of your psyche and latent gifts, creating spiritual

You can feel so deeply that the fear of loss can make you possessive, dominant, uncertain or even
jealous. You can also draw others to you that feel the same uncertainties, forcing them to let go of
control and release the fear of looking at and resolving painful emotions. It is through breaking
through the boundaries of fear based emotions that your emotions can transform, change and
evolve in such a way that you can own your wisdom. Healing takes place when you can surrender to
a transference shift and allow change and transformation into your emotional body, consciousness
and reality.

Rather than fearing change and holding on so tightly to what you have, Chiron in Scorpio compels
you to appreciate what loss can teach you about life and living. By realising this, you are able to
open yourself up to the world and share the wisdom of overcoming fear, embracing the depth of
emotion, creating opportunities for empowerment, reconnecting to the psyche to understand more
about the unknown, awakening the kundalini and to ultimately release the fear of times of
transference and of death/rebirth itself. It is through this process that you truly heal and become

Chiron in Virgo
Key word: I Heal
Wounding: Control
Gift Associated: Self-Healing
Master: Master Hilarion

If Chiron falls in Virgo in your chart, you bear the pain of ‘compulsiveness’ which can create
unnecessary stress. You also like to be in ‘control’ as much as possible regarding the circumstances
within your reality and you are usually a ‘perfectionist’ in whatever you apply yourself to. These
attributes can make you too analytical or even critical at times, not only with others but also
yourself. The key here is to lighten up and feel the joy of just being in the moment. You are very
conscious of your body and appearance, and have an interest in health and physical wellbeing.

Your interest in health is however, sometimes based on fear regarding illness in the body. Therefore,
you can become quite fearful about issues around your health and can constantly worry about
ailments and symptoms.

On a more positive note, if you can work through this fear regarding your health, you channel your
interest into healing of all kinds, specifically the Earth or alternative healing modalities, as well as
orthodox medicine. Some are also drawn into understanding energy and how it works on a healing
level within the body. You are being encouraged by the universe and are therefore drawn into
practicing a healing modality that supports your own healing process, as well as others’. This then
becomes a vital key into your awakening and enlightenment process.

Being such a perfectionist does give you a tendency for wanting to control people and circumstances
around you, and a desire to constantly fix things, as well as having high expectations of not only
yourself but others. This can create the ‘pressure to perform’ in those you are associated with.

Handout: Divine Blueprint Self Mastery DB1

This wisdom was taken from the book “Beyond Doorways” By A Cartwright (2006)
It is offered to you for your insight into your Chiron Wounding.
Chiron in Virgo encourages you to realise what your imperfections teach you about healing,
thereby supporting your awakening process into higher consciousness. By appreciating the lessons
of healing, you are able to open yourself up to the world to be able to give others the resources
and knowledge to be able to learn how to heal themselves. This is the biggest gift of all, the Holy
Grail itself - the gift of self-healing.

Chiron in Sagittarius
Key word: I Believe
Wounding: Restriction
Gift Associated: Belief System
Master: Lord Sananda

If Chiron falls in Sagittarius in your chart, you fear the pain of ‘confinement’ and search for a sense of
‘freedom’ to follow your ‘passion’ in life. You also search for ‘truth’ and are therefore pushed to
break through your internal limitations and reconnect to your Higher Self and find ‘meaning’ on a
spiritual level. You have also had, in past lives, battled over issues around ‘religion’ and spirituality,
you therefore struggle in this life regarding such matters. You also yearn to ‘explore’ and ‘travel’ so
that you can obtain a greater meaning out of life.

At the heart of Sagittarius is the need to be free. By exploring the world, its cultures, religions and
the ideals of its people, you can come to understand more about the diversity of human nature, the
psyche and belief systems. However there is a frontier for you to cross to release yourself from the
chains of Earthly religions and live a spirituality that is more delegated through and from your Higher
Self. This process is supported by the universal energies and teachings that energetically encompass
or are incorporated within all living matter within our dimension, and can only be
accessed through higher consciousness. This is your quest: to establish your own belief system. It is
intangible yet obtainable through the heart and delegated by the Higher Self.

When Chiron is in Sagittarius, you can become resentful that you are underestimated or not
recognised for your spiritual gifts and wisdom by those around you. Rather than resenting that you
are seen as average and therefore destined for a mundane fate, Chiron in Sagittarius compels you
to acknowledge and utilise the wisdom and gifts that you hold personally, because of your own
spiritual journey and awakening process. Through mastering your Chiron, you can reach a state of
spiritual empowerment and fulfilment that is obtained by your own internal journey and
reconnection to the universe and all the knowledge and powers that be. By healing and then
opening yourself up to the world, you can integrate these new and divine practices, wisdom and
spiritual gifts. You are able to then live your beliefs and help others to find theirs, by supporting
them in their quest for divine healing, insight, reason and truth.

Chiron in Gemini
Key word: I Know
Wounding: Intellect
Gift Associated: Knowledge and Awareness
Master: Master Serapis Bey

If Chiron falls in Gemini in your chart, you bear a pain of doubting or emphasising your ‘intellectual’
and mental capacities. You ‘like to think’ and are sometimes too much in the mental plane, being
very sensitive psychologically to others and what they say. You are highly attuned to the

Handout: Divine Blueprint Self Mastery DB1

This wisdom was taken from the book “Beyond Doorways” By A Cartwright (2006)
It is offered to you for your insight into your Chiron Wounding.
intellect and consciousness, and the patterns of those around you. When you have worked through
your Chiron and your feelings of self-doubt intellectually, you are conscientious about wanting to
shift or create more awareness in others regarding the ideals that they carry or believe in.
There are some who have a past life wounding relating to mental illness or even an inability to
complete writing or establishing information regarding the sciences, philosophy and literature.
Through pursuing this field of interest in the past or even in this lifetime, you are able to not only
heighten your own sense of awareness, but to also shift global awareness and support the evolution
of the mind and consciousness of humanity.

You believe on some level deep within that people co-create their realities by how they think, and
have an amazing ability to pursue and alternately enhance their knowledge regarding the skills or
interests that they pursue. This position therefore enforces you to exhaustively seek knowledge, but
until you have mastered more, you can become resentful of those who seem naturally gifted
intellectually or with words and ideas.

At the heart of Gemini is a need to be heard and understood, and to also be in the middle of
everything. They love to talk and have people listening intently, or to have in-depth conversations.
But with Chiron in Gemini, you feel as though your ideas fall on deaf ears or, if they are heard, are
victim to ridicule. You could even feel frustrated because you are pioneering in your thoughts and
reach levels of awareness that others cannot comprehend.

Rather than feeling ignorant or misunderstood regarding what you feel you know or don’t know,
Chiron in Gemini encourages you to believe and trust in what you know, enhance that knowledge
and release the fear to express that wisdom to others. By cherishing your natural talents,
perceptions, instincts and ideals, you are able to open yourself up to the world. By doing so you
show others how to release their fear around their capacity to think, learn or believe in their
intellectual abilities and allow them to appreciate that everybody thinks differently.

Additionally through your own specific intellectual gifts, you can enable others to open up to new
levels of awareness, consciousness and wisdom.

Chiron in Pisces
Key word: I Reconnect
Wounding: Spiritual Sacrifice
Gift: Faith
Associated Master: Lady Nada

If Chiron falls in Pisces in your chart, you bear the pain of disconnection from Spirit or that divine
aspect of self that established itself at the time of disconnection from the God/Goddess. There is a
wounding in your ‘faith’.
Therefore you can lack faith in not only yourself, but also in others and the universe. These people
have suffered or sacrificed in the past for their faith and have gone through such extreme tests of
faith, some having been crucified for it, that they now feel the fear of reconnecting to their faith
once again. However they do feel deeply driven to reconnect to Spirit and their faith, resurface their
hidden spiritual potential and then utilise their ‘spiritual gifts’ in this incarnation.

There can be a past life wounding usually related to feelings of abandonment by the God/Goddess at
times of spiritual sacrifice for the sake of others. One profound example is the events that played out
regarding Joan of Arc at the time of her inquisition and ‘burning at the stake’ because of her divine

Handout: Divine Blueprint Self Mastery DB1

This wisdom was taken from the book “Beyond Doorways” By A Cartwright (2006)
It is offered to you for your insight into your Chiron Wounding.
powers. Therefore, you could have suffered at the hands of others or religious institutions because
of your spiritual gifts and powers.

For others, there could also be a wounding that you remember deep on a cellular level from your
final disconnection from The Light or Spirit when you became embraced in matter at the time of
your original incarnation into our dimension and Earth itself.

At some time in your life, you have been let down by the world or by some belief you have held very
dearly. You may have shut down your emotions and become fearful of life itself, but once you open
your heart and overcome the resentment, fear and pain of sacrifice, your faith and love for Spirit and
humanity will emerge.

Those with Chiron in Pisces need to follow their intuition and inspiration, and understand the deeper
motivations of the human spirit and the universe. Remember that maintaining resentment regarding
the matters of the heart or disillusionment regarding your faith does restrict you from reconnecting
to the universe and the spiritual potential that you hold. Rather than turning your back on others
and your beliefs, Chiron in Pisces compels you to realise that things happened for a reason, that
the universe works in mysterious ways, that you do not need to suffer or sacrifice yourself and
that your path is divinely orchestrated for you in this incarnation.

Once you realise that your suffering has not been in vain, and by reconnecting to your spiritual
powers and faith, you become enriched in so many ways. As you open yourself to the world you are
able to live and experience the gifts that your faith provides. You become a spiritual instrument or
channel to support others in their re-connection to Spirit and the spiritual planes, and most
importantly, you help in establishing their faith so that they too, can also feel the blessing that Spirit

Chiron in Aquarius
Key word I Unite
Wounding Separation
Gift Associated Uniqueness
Master Lord Maitreya

If Chiron falls in Aquarius in your chart, you bear the pain of alienation, of feeling isolated or even a
fear of betrayal by those around you. There is a real wounding around feeling comfortable or even
safe in being part of a group, whether in a family unit, community or industry at large. These people
can be very ‘ungrounded’ and are considered ‘air heads’ simply because they find it difficult to stay
conscious at times when they feel overwhelmed. They are so unique or even eccentric in nature that
they become very conscious of what people think about them. They find it exceptionally difficult to
hold their light in group situations and are constantly fighting for their sense of self. They are so
oversensitive in regards to their differences that they need to be constantly reassured, accepted and
recognised for their gifts, to the point that they cannot just simply ‘fit in’ and feel the joy of
participating with others in a unified and complete way.

In past life they have been isolated, discriminated against or have even felt betrayed by a group,
whether it was by an organisation or community. Therefore, there is a deep sense of lack of trust
and even fear of not feeling valued by others. This is why they are consistently seeking to own and
hold their power or sense of self with those around them. However, these emotional dynamics that
they feel and are playing out in different degrees, can create difficulties simply because it does

Handout: Divine Blueprint Self Mastery DB1

This wisdom was taken from the book “Beyond Doorways” By A Cartwright (2006)
It is offered to you for your insight into your Chiron Wounding.
involve others or groups in general, and it is only through that group situation and others that they
can heal their Chiron wound and manifest their gifts.

It is their uniqueness that they need to embrace and then they can bring forth their ‘true sense of
self’ and release the need to create conflict through staying separate, consequently being able to
emanate such beautiful and interesting diversity within the organisation so that the group or
organisation is seen for its uniqueness as a whole.

At the heart of Aquarius is the need to belong to a group and feel part of some larger significant
force that is creating change in the world. When Chiron is in Aquarius, you feel so outside of things,
eccentric and therefore uncomfortable, self consciousness and almost inadequate, to the point that
you become ungrounded and almost disempowered. Because of that sense of feeling lost in the
crowd, you may pull back completely, or create power issues and become aloof. However, in effect,
you are yearning to be involved with people and share your energy and gifts. Rather than pulling
away or creating drama or conflict through your need to be accepted or even pretending to be
someone you're not, Chiron in Aquarius compels you to be yourself, reflect and cherish your
uniqueness and eccentricity, and share your input with others.

Once you own your individuality, you open yourself up to the world and encourage others to also
express their individuality. You can also then support groups to reflect the diversity of their
enterprise and what they can give to the world, release the pain of separation, and for those who
master, enable something significant to be created within our reality that goes beyond
comprehension at the time, simply because of the uniqueness of its nature, thereby shifting global

Handout: Divine Blueprint Self Mastery DB1

This wisdom was taken from the book “Beyond Doorways” By A Cartwright (2006)
It is offered to you for your insight into your Chiron Wounding.

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