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HMO Benefit Plan

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Sykes HMO Benefit Plan

 Features of the Plan

Sykes health plan aims to provide its employees access to the services and facilities of medical institutions for
their healthcare and medical needs. The program provides for preventive, diagnostic, and treatment services of
Intellicare-accredited and affiliated medical providers to all qualified and accepted members.

 Definition of Terms
Intellicare Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator — first contact doctor for primary consultation.
Issues referral slip to other affiliated physicians/specialists for consultation/treatment, for prescribed
out-patient diagnostic evaluations, and for hospital confinement

Out-patient Case — any condition which does not require hospital confinement

In-patient Case — continuous confinement in a hospital for at least six (6) hours except in an
emergency case

Elective Case — non-emergency case that needs no urgent treatment and may be deferred
without endangering the member’s life

Emergency Case — a condition where a trained medical professional diagnoses that the
member’s life or health would be put at serious risk if no immediate attention is provided. Examples:
heart attack, stroke, poisoning, loss of consciousness, convulsion, severe dehydration, etc.

Relative Value Scale (RVS) — schedule of charges as agreed upon between the Association of
Health Maintenance Organizations of the Philippines, Inc. (AHMOPI) and various Medical Societies
using the Philippine College of Surgeons book.

Maximum Benefit Limit (MBL) — the maximum amount payable per illness per member per year.
It shall include consultations, diagnostic procedures, and hospitalization

Dreaded Diseases- a generally chronic and irreversible condition requiring frequent and/or
prolonged hospitalization, including those requiring continuous confinement for fifteen (15) days or
o Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) or Stroke, Paralysis, Epilepsy
o Spinal Cord Injury, Major Head trauma
o Central Nervous System Lesions (e.g. poliomyelitis, meningitis, encephalitis, neurosurgical
o Cardiovascular Diseases (Coronary/Valvular/Heart Disease, Hypertensive Heart Disorder,
Myocardial Infarction,Cardiomyopathies, Coronary Heart Disease)
o Chronic Pulmonary Disease (Asthma/Bronchitis/Emphysema)
o Chronic and Acute Liver Parenchymal Diseases (e.g. liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, new growth)
o Chronic Gastro Intestinal Diseases
o Collagen Immunologic Disease (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, systematic lupus erythematosus)
o Endocrinologic Disease (e.g. diabetes mellitus, thyroid disorders, adrenal diseases);
o Cancer/Malignancies Blood Dyscrasia (e.g. Leukemia, Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic
o Coma requiring the use of a mechanical respirator
o Brain tumors (Benign or Malignant)
o Aneurysm of the Aorta
o Aorta Dissection or tear in the aortic wall
o Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
o Aplastic Anemia
Sykes HMO Benefit Plan

o Sepsis or infection of the blood Second degree burns or Partial Thickness Burns involving
10-20% TBSA (Total Body Surface Area), and Third Degree Burns or Full Thickness Burns
>10% TBSA;
o Any illness other than the above which would require intensive care unit confinement

Pre-Existing Condition (PEC) — an illness or disease the member already has (with or without
their knowledge) that has been diagnosed before enrollment or during the member’s first year of
coverage. These are illnesses or diseases that do not develop over 24 hours. PEC list includes but
is not limited to the following:

o Hypertension
o Thyroid disease, Goiter
o Cataracts/Glaucoma/Pterygium
o Eye, ear, nose, and/or throat conditions requiring surgery
o Hemorrhoids and anal fistulae
o Tumors
o Uterine myoma, ovarian cyst,endometriosis
o Buerger’s disease
o Asthma
o Tuberculosis
o Chronic cholecystitis/cholelithiasis and other forms of calcification
o Hernia
o Prostate disorders
o Varicose veins
o Scoliosis
o Arthritis
o Chronic allergies
o Gastric and Duodenal ulcers
o Dreaded diseases
Sykes HMO Benefit Plan

Membership Coverage

I. Membership Eligibility: Who may enroll under the healthcare program?

Principal member — full time probationary and regular employees at least 18 and up to 65 years

Dependents of the principal member - following the hierarchy rule, enrollment of dependents
shall strictly follow the order indicated below:
o Single Employees – employees who were never married, or legally annulled with no
 Parents - up to 65 years old
 Siblings - unmarried, unemployed; from 90 days - 21 years old. Enrollment of siblings
must be in order of age, starting with the eldest to the youngest

o Single Parent Employees – Employees who are legally annulled, or were never married
but have biological or legally adopted children
 Children — biological, legitimate, or legally adopted; unmarried, unemployed; from 60
days - 21 years old. Enrollment of children must be in order of age, starting with the
eldest to the youngest

o Married Employees – Employees, who are legally married, widowed, divorced, annulled,
informally separated and legally separated.
 Legal Spouse — up to 65 years old
 Children — biological, legitimate, or legally adopted; unmarried, unemployed; from 60
days t-21 years old. Enrollment of children must be in order of age, starting with the
eldest to the youngest

For exceptions to the hierarchy rule, employee needs to indicate reason in their enrollment for not
following the hierarchy and provide supporting documents:
o Dependent is deceased - Death Certificate of Dependent
o Dependent is overage - Birth Certificate of Dependent
o Dependent is enrolled in another HMO - Photocopy of HMO Card with effective date of
o Dependent is living abroad - Any valid document that will prove that dependent is living
o Dependent is a Sykes Employee - Photocopy of Sykes ID with Employee Number
o Others - Notarized affidavit stating the reason
Sykes HMO Benefit Plan

II. Number of Dependents allowed to enroll and premium coverage

Dependent's Premium
No. of Dependents
Hire Date Status
Allowed to Enroll Company Paid Employee Paid

Single with Parents as Dependents 4 None 4

Hired on or before April
14, 2003 Single Parents/Married with
6 4 2
Spouse/Child/ren as Dependents
Sykes Asia
Single with Parents as Dependents 2 None 2
Hired April 15, 2003
onwards Single Parents/Married with
4 ***First 2 Dependents Next 2 Dependents
Spouse/Child/ren as Dependents
Below Supervisor : Below Supervisor :
Single with Parents as Dependents 2
Hired on or before July 50% 50%
3, 2010 Single Parents/Married with Supervisors & Above: Supervisors & Above:
No limit
Legacy Spouse/Child/ren as Dependents 100% Free
SMSI Single with Parents as Dependents 2 None 2
Hired July 3, 2010
onwards Single Parents/Married with
4 ***First 2 Dependents Next 2 Dependents
Spouse/Child/ren as Dependents

***For employees hired starting January 1, 2012, premium for first two dependents of Single
Parents/Married employees is FREE but subject to compensation tax which will be shouldered by employees.
Corresponding tax is payable within the year.

Terms of Payment: The cost of employee share premiums shall be paid within the year via salary
deductions over a period of eleven (11) months (22 payrolls for staff and 11 payrolls for managers).
Sykes reserves the right to adjust the amount of amortization as necessary to complete the annual
premium payments by December 31 payroll.

III. Enrollment Period

Dependent of Newly Hired Employee – enrollment should be completed within 15 days from
effective date of coverage of the principal member. Enrollment should be completed online
via Intellicare Web Tool. Submission of supporting documents should also be completed
within 45 days from effective date of coverage.

New members approaching age of ineligibility (65 for parents and spouses, 21 for children and
siblings) must be enrolled at least 6 months prior to reaching ineligibility age.

Life Events
o New born child – enrollment should be made within 90 days from child’s date of
birth. Enrollment should be completed online via Intellicare Web Tool

o Spouse of newly married employees – enrollment should be made within 90 days

from date of marriage. Change in principal’s civil status along with the enrollment of
spouse is completed by submitting the manual HMO Updates Report.

o New born siblings – enrollment should be made within 90 days from child’s date of
birth. Enrollment should be completed online via Intellicare Web Tool
Sykes HMO Benefit Plan

IV. Cancellation of Enrolled Dependents

Dependents coverage is co-terminus with the principal. Once enrolled, cancellation of dependents will
only be allowed on the following instances:
o Single employee change in marital status. Existing dependents parents coverage will
automatically revoked.
o Death of a dependents
o Dependents migrated abroad or OFW
o For other reasons, employee will be allowed to cancel on the next renewal period.

In the event of employee separation from the company (whether voluntary or involuntary) or cases
enumerated above, employee shall remain liable for the applicable pro-rated premium. Amount will be
computed based on below formula but the HMO will be cancelled.

o If total utilization is more than the premium

Annual Premium- total paid by the employee via salary deduction = payable by the employee
Example: 9,819.38 – 5000 = 4,819.38 to be deducted to the employee

o If total utilization is less than the premium

Annual Premium * 85% * Number of Month’s Stayed / 12 + Admin cost

9,819.38 * 85% = 8,346.47 * 7 months stayed with Sykes = 58,425.31 / 12 = 4,868.78

If your total paid premium for your dependent at the time of separation is only 3,000, then the
difference between the 4,868.78 and 3,000 plus the administration cost shall be deducted from your
final pay.
Sykes HMO Benefit Plan

Health Coverage


Maximum Benefit Pre-Existing Condition Congenital
Hire Date Disease Limit
Limit (MBL) (PEC) Diseases
Hired Before July 3, 2010
Non-Managers 110000/illness/yr
Up to MBL Up to MBL Up to MBL
Sykes Managers & Above 120000/illness/yr
Asia Hired on July 3, 2010 onwards
Non-Managers 110000/illness/yr
Up to MBL Up to MBL Up to MBL
Managers & Above 120000/illness/yr
Hired Before July 3, 2010
Below Supervisors 150000/illness/yr
Up to MBL Up to MBL Up to MBL
Legacy Supervisors & Above 200000/illness/yr
SMSI Hired on July 3, 2010 onwards

Non-Managers 110000/illness/yr
Up to MBL Up to MBL Up to MBL
Managers & Above 120000/illness/yr
Sykes HMO Benefit Plan


Maximum Benefit Dreaded Disease Limit Pre-Existing Condition Congenital

Hire Date
Limit (MBL) (DDL) (PEC) Diseases

Hired prior Jan. 1, 2010

Dependent of Married/Single
Parent Em ployees
= Covered up to DDL

Non Managers 110000/illness/yr Dependents of Single

Em ployees
1st yr = 40,000
Up to MBL (Subject to
Up to MBL 2nd yr = 70,000
PEC Limit)
3rd yr = Up to DDL
For 3rd yr of coverage, up to DDL
provided that the pathogenesis of
the illness did not start prior to or
Managers & Above during 1st tw o years of
membership, otherw ise upto
120000/illness/yr 70,000/yr
Hired prior Jan. 1, 2010 to Dec. 31, 2010
1st yr = 40,000
Asia Non Managers 110000/illness/yr
2nd yr = 70,000
3rd yr = Up to DDL
For 4th yr of coverage, up to DDL
Up to MBL (Subject to
Up to MBL provided that the pathogenesis of
PEC Limit)
Managers & Above 120000/illness/yr the illness did not start prior to or
during 1st tw o years of
membership, otherw ise upto
Hired Jan. 1, 2010 onwards
Non Managers 110000/illness/yr 1st yr = 40,000
2nd yr = 70,000
3rd yr = Up to DDL
For 4th yr of coverage, up to DDL
Up to MBL (Subject to
Up to MBL provided that the pathogenesis of
Managers & Above 120000/illness/yr the illness did not start prior to or
PEC Limit)
during 1st tw o years of
membership, otherw ise upto
Hired before July 3, 2010

Below Supervisosrs
Up to MBL (Subject to
120000/illness/yr Up to MBL Up to MBL
PEC Limit)
Supervisors & Above

Hired on July 3, 2010 onwards

1st yr = 40,000
SMSI 2nd yr = 70,000
Below Supervisosrs 110000/illness/yr
3rd yr = Up to DDL
For 4th yr of coverage, up to DDL
Up to MBL (Subject to
Up to MBL provided that the pathogenesis of
PEC Limit)
the illness did not start prior to or
Supervisors & Above 120000/illness/yr during 1st tw o years of
membership, otherw ise upto

Renewing members who will become ineligible within the year will have pro-rated PEC based
on remaining eligible period only.
Sykes HMO Benefit Plan

Schedule of Benefits

 Preventive Healthcare Maintenance Benefits

Routine immunization (except cost of vaccines)

Management of health problems
Record-keeping of medical history
Medical seminars/wellness programs
Annual Physical Examination, conducted in site or Aventus Clinics (for Principal and Enrolled
o Physical examination
o Complete blood count (CBC)
o Urinalysis
o Fecalysis
o Chest x-ray
o Electrocardiogram (for members 35 years old and above, or if indicated by the
attending physician)
o Pap smear (for female members 35 years old and above, or if indicated by the
attending physician)

 Out-Patient Care Benefits : Without Access to Healthway Clinics & St. Luke’s Global City

Referral to Specialists covered up to PEC Limit

Regular consultations & Treatment (Except Medicines) up to PEC Limit
EENT Treatment covered up to PEC Limit
X-ray and Laboratory Procedures covered up to PEC Limit
Cataract extraction (excluding cost lens) up to MBL
Speech and physical therapy Covered up to 16 sessions to PEC Limit
Laser treatment for glaucoma and retinal detachment except for cases of myopia or correction
of error of refraction covered up to PEC Limit
Pre & Post-natal consultations except Laboratories covered up to MBL
Cauterization of warts (from neck down except genital warts) covered up to MBL at Aventus
1st dose of anti-rabies, anti-venom and anti-tetanus is covered up to Php10,000
Free consultation fee of the following doctors (Gen Surgeon, OB, Pedia, Family Med, Gen
Internist, Gen Practitioner) at Aventus Clinics
For enrolled parents of newly hired employees effective January 1, 2015, out-patient
services (consultations and laboratory services) will be on a clinic-based program.
Parents can avail OP services at accredited Intellicare clinics only (not in hospitals and
Healthway Clinics).
Sykes HMO Benefit Plan

 In-Patient Care Benefits : Without Access to Healthway Clinics & St. Luke’s Global City

No deposit upon admission

Regular Private Room and Board
Use of Operating Room and Recovery room
Services of Specialists
Services and medical for general/spinal anesthesia and other anesthesia deemed necessary
for surgical operation
Fresh whole blood product transfusions and intravenous fluids
X-ray and Laboratory examinations
Administered medicines
Dressing, sutures and plaster casts and other items related to management of the patient
ICU Confinement
Radioactive Iodine Therapy
Hepatitis B (except if sexually transmitted)
Modern therapeutic and interventional surgical procedure such as but not limited to
Cholecystectomy/ adrenalectomy and lithotripsy/ESWL
CT Scan/ MRI and ultrasound/Chemotherapy/ Radiotherapy/ Dialysis
Human blood products and its screening /processing except gamma globulin for Kawasaki
disease up to MBL per year
Work-related illness/accidents except those in the exclusions
Congenital illnesses (e.g. AV Malformation, Mitral Valve Prolapse, Indirect Inguinal Hernia)
Open heart surgery (except cost of pacemaker) including angioplasty and the like
Sleep disorder covered up to Php20,000.00 per member per year
Slipped disc, scoliosis, spondylosis and spinal stenosis
Admission kit including wee bag during confinement
Stereotactic Brain Biopsy
Gamma Knife Surgery (based on cobalt/ radiotherapy)
Transurethral Microwave Therapy of Prostate
Cryosurgery covered up to Php 1,000 per area subject to PEC Limit
Hyperventilation syndrome covered up to Php 10,000 per year for Principals only
New modalities, diagnostics & treatment procedures for conditions with established etiologies
and its use is only alternative to the conventional methods
Laboratory/ancillary services for conditions whose pathogenesis is not yet fully established in
Medical Science Professional fee for assisting physician in surgical procedures
Assistance of Patient Relation Officers
All other items related to the management of the case
Angiography (e.g. coronary, cerebral, retinal, pulmonary, GI, etc.)
Serum Chemistry panels (e.g. Chem 23, Spec M etc.)
Pulmonary Perfusion Scan
Tests involving use of Nuclear Technologies (e.g. Radionuclide Ventriculography/ Thallium
Stress Testing/ Radionuclide/ Thyroid Scan, etc.) Nuclear Technologies such as
Pyrophosphate Scintigraphy, Positron Emission Tomography, Radio Isotope Scanning etc.
Sykes HMO Benefit Plan

Electromyography, Nerve Conduction Velocity Studies

24-Hour Holter Monitoring, 2-D Echo and Doppler
Treadmill Stress Test, Myelogram,Mammography and Sonommagram, Bone Densitometry
Diagnostic Endoscopy (including 1 video), Diagnostic Athroscopy, Diagnostic Hysterscopy,
Adrecortical Function, Plasma/urinary cortisol, Plasma Aldoster one, Adrenocortical Function
Immunologic studies, anti-nuclear antibody ana, c-reactive protein, lupus cell exam
Genetic studies

 Emergency Care Services : Without Access to Healthway Clinics & St. Luke’s Global City

Professional services of emergency room physicians

Medicines administered during treatment or for immediate relief (except cost of vaccines)
Oxygen and intravenous fluids, dressings, plaster casts, and sutures
Laboratory tests, x-rays, and other diagnostic examinations directly related to the emergency
management of the patient
Ambulance service is covered - Php2,500/member/year

If the member is treated in :

o An accredited hospital with an affiliated physician – Patient is 100% covered

o A non-accredited hospital or areas without accredited hospitals - Intellicare shall

reimburse 100% of hospital bills including professional fees of attending doctors
(based on Intellicare’s Relative Value Scale), but not to exceed MBL

o A foreign territory - Intellicare shall reimburse the member on what should have been
paid had the member been confined in an accredited hospital in the Philippines (based
on Intellicare’s Relative value scale), but not to exceed MBL
Sykes HMO Benefit Plan

 Additional Benefits

Latest Modalities of Treatment and Special Procedures : Should an Intellicare-affiliated

physician/specialist prescribe or require any of the following treatments and/or procedures,
these limits will apply (inclusive of professional fees and related incidental expense)

PEC Limit
Heart Surgery/Angiography/Angiogram 50000.00
Transurethral Microwave Therapy 35000.00
Percutaneous Ultrasonic Nephrolithotomy 35000.00
Lithotripsy 30000.00
Laparoscopic Procedure 30000.00
Arthroscopic Procedure 30000.00
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) 6000.00
Nuclear Radioactive Isotope Scan 5000.00
Neuroscan 7000.00
Perfusion Scan 5000.00
Dialysis PEC Limit
Chemotherapy/Radiotherapy PEC Limit
Gamma Knife Surgery(based on cobalt/radiotherapy) PEC Limit
CT Scan PEC Limit
Ultrasound(except for maternity cases) PEC Limit
Thallium Scintigraphy PEC Limit
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy PEC Limit
2D-echo with Doppler PEC Limit
24-hour Holter Monitoring PEC Limit
Herniorraphy PEC Limit
Electromyography PEC Limit
Treadmill Stress PEC Limit
Myelogram PEC Limit
Video Gastroscopy PEC Limit
Mammography/Sonomammogram PEC Limit
Bone Densitometry Scan(Dexascan) PEC Limit
Sykes HMO Benefit Plan

 Dental Care Services

Dental examination
Twice a year prophylaxis (scaling / polishing); Deep scaling once a year
Simple tooth extractions
Temporary fillings
Permanent amalgam filling (2 teeth per member/year)
Light cure Fillings (3 teeth per member/year)
Re-cementation of jackets, crowns, inlays, onlays
Treatment of minor gum problems, mouth lesions, wounds and burns
Orthodontic consultations (for braces and malposition of teeth)
Temporary mandibular joint consultation (for clicking of jaws)
Pre-natal check of teeth and gums
Emergency dental treatment for the relief of pain

 Financial Assistance

Natural death 10,000.00

Death due to accident 20,000.00
Loss of both hands/feet/eyesight 10,000.00
Loss of one hand & one foot 10,000.00
Loss of one hand & sight of one eye 10,000.00
Loss of one foot & sight of one eye 10,000.00
Loss of one hand/foot/eyesight 5,000.00
Sykes HMO Benefit Plan

Important Provisions

 Co-Payment

Applicable to dependents of Legacy SMSI employees hired before July 1, 2010 onwards & SAI
employees hired January 1, 2011 onwards.

A fee collected prior to discharge if confined in the following hospitals:

Php1,500.00 – Makati Medical Center, St. Luke’s Medical Center, Cardinal Santos Medical
Center, The Medical City, Asian Hospital Medical Center

Php750.00 - Cebu Doctors Hospital

 Philhealth/ECC Provision

Intellicare’s benefits under Philhealth/Employees Compensation Commission (ECC) will be

deducted first from the amount otherwise payable. Intellicare will not pay or advance the costs of
such benefits, nor will Intellicare be responsible for filing any claims under Philhealth or ECC.
Philhealth members must file all required Philhealth forms and documents prior to hospital
discharge as well as Philhealth-required out-patient procedures. Non filing or late filing would
mean payment of the Philhealth portion by the member.

 On-Site Clinic Doctor Authorization

Sykes company/clinic doctor is authorized to issue out-patient referral forms and laboratory
request forms for simple laboratory exams (urinalysis, stool exam, chest x-ray, FBS, CBC, ECG)
to be done at accredited clinics

 Exclusions & Limitations

Services rendered by non-affiliated doctors except with the prior written authorization of an
Intellicare Coordinator or in emergency cases

Hospital charges for special or private nursing services, supplemental foods and medicines
like vitamins and minerals (unless prescribed), extra accommodation and non-medical
personal appliances such as radio, television, telephone, computer, and refrigerator

Health/Annual/Pre-employment check-ups for other companies, government requirements,

insurance purposes, or travel abroad
Sykes HMO Benefit Plan

Recuperation such as confinement in a sanitarium or convalescent home, rehabilitation

medicines, custodial, domiciliary care, government-imposed quarantines

Medical certificates

Professional fees in medico-legal cases

Refusal to undergo recommended treatment or demanding treatment for which Intellicare-

affiliated doctors believe a professionally acceptable alternative exists

Vaccines for immunization, anti-rabies, anti-venom, steroid injection

Out-patient medicines and medical supplies except in emergency cases

Procurement or use of eye glasses, special braces, steel implants, wheelchairs, or prosthetic
appliances including but not limited to items such as artificial limbs, hearing aids, crutches,
intra-ocular lens, contact lenses, artificial hips or joints, pacemakers, mesh (for hernia), stents,
and ventilating tubes

Determining/ruling out PEC during the first 12 months of membership if result is positive

Circumcision, infertility or fertility and virility/potency (erectile dysfunctions), artificial

insemination, sex change

Laser eye surgery for myopia or error of refraction

Acupuncture, chiropractic treatment, iridology, chelation, cell implant therapy

Reconstructive surgery (except to treat a functional defect directly caused by accident or

illness covered herein), cautery of warts, milia, xyringoma, facial moles, aesthetic, cosmetic or
beautification alterations

Hypersensitivity tests to check for allergies and desensitization

Sleep study (unless directly related to an organic illness covered up to Php 5,000)

Blood screening

Organ transplants or acquisition of an organ

War-like or combat operations, government-declared acts of rebellion, active participation in

riots or demonstrations, strikes or labor disputes, terrorism, provoked criminal acts, violation of
a law or ordinance, commission of a crime whether consummated or not, serving in the
military, naval, or air forces of any country or international authority, unnecessary exposure to
imminent danger, active participation in setting of and/or handling pyrotechnic materials,
attempted suicide, self-inflicted injuries

Participation in hazardous activities such as skydiving, motor sports, judo, karate, boxing,
taekwondo, wrestling, bungee jumping, scuba diving, snorkeling, horseback riding, polo,
Sykes HMO Benefit Plan

hunting, mountain climbing, rock climbing, hang gliding, spelunking, ballooning, gymnastics, or
partaking as a paid professional or semi-professional in any sport

Government-declared epidemics, complete or partial destruction of hospital by fire, flood, or

other perils, earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption, acts or order of government, brownouts

Aviation or aeronautics use or sea travel other than as a fare-paying passenger on a licensed
aircraft/vessel operated by a recognized airline/operator

Congenital abnormalities such as neonatal hernia, indirect hernia, hemangioma, phimosis,

harelip,clubfoot, cerebral palsy, renal diseases such as medullary sponge kidney, pediatric
cardiovascular work-up and the like Neuro-developmental disorders such as Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD), autism, genetic disorder which may result to mental retardation
(e.g. Down Syndrome), and other conditions which may require speech/physical and other
related therapies

Sexually-transmitted diseases, AIDS and AIDS-related conditions

Substance addiction or reaction to use of prohibited drugs, alcoholism, alcohol intake, anxiety
reaction, psychiatric and psychological illnesses, neurotic and psychiatric behavior disorders,
or accidents arising from these conditions

Guillain-Barre syndrome

Developmental delay

Any illness or disability which may have affected a dependent prior to the 30th day after birth

Pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage, pregnancy-related illnesses, abortion, post-natal care.

Philhealth/ECC Provision

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