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Subject: ENGLISH


Date: March 2012

Grade: 12th grade C
Level: upper intermediate/ Straightforward
Time: 50 minutes
Lesson title: The King’s Speech – Movie Review
Topic: Speaking in public – Movie Review
Strategies: Pair-work, gap-filling, matching
Skills involved: listening, speaking and reading

By the end of the lesson the students will have been able:
1. to identify the problems that appear during speaking in public;
2. to distinguish 5 pieces of advice about speaking in public based on the film The King’s
3. to talk about the film The King’s Speech – expressing personal opinion .

Materials: handouts; power point presentation, videos, worksheets, laptop, video projector
Stages of the lesson activities:
Time: 3 minutes

Activity 1: Warm up
Aim: -to introduce the students into the atmosphere of the lesson
-to attract students’ attention on the topic
Interaction: T-Sts
Time: 10 minutes
Procedure: The teacher writes Speaking in Public on the board and ask the students to say
what emotions come to mind. Teacher gives them a handout containing 10 questions and asks
them to discuss these questions about public speaking in pairs.

1.Do you like speaking in public?

2.How do you feel when you have to speak in public?
3.When was the first time you had to speak in public? How did you feel? Did it go well?
4.Can you remember an occasion when you spoke in public and it went well? Why did it go
5.How do you prepare for speaking in public?
6.What advice would you give to someone who has to speak in public for the first time?
7.Do you know anyone who is a really good public speaker? What makes them such a good
8. Are there any politicians who you think are good speakers? What makes them good
9.Have you ever had to speak in English in public? How did you feel?
10. How would you prepare for speaking in English in public?
The teacher gets feedback from the students.
Activity 2: Presentation
Aim: - to introduce the film The King’s Speech
Interaction: lockstep
Time: 15 minutes
Procedure: Teacher asks students what they know about the film The Kings Speech and tells
them they are going to watch the trailer of the film and that they should answer these questions.
How does the king feel about speaking in public?
What problem does he have?
Are there any tips about speaking in public in the trailer?

Activity 3: Practice – Interactive power point presentation

Aim: - to help the students understand the tips for public speaking;
-to practise reading and creative thinking.
Interaction: lockstep
Time: 20 minutes
Procedure: Teacher tells the students they are going to look at a PowerPoint presentation
which gives 5 pieces of advice about speaking in public based on The King’s Speech. Teacher
asks students to speculate on what the 5 pieces of advice are. Teacher shows the students the
presentation and ask them what they think about the advice.

Evaluation and feedback (homework if there is no time left):

Teacher asks students to discuss these questions related to the 5 presentation lessons.
Lesson 1 Have faith in your voice.
How can you keep faith in yourself and what you are saying?
Lesson 2 Admit you need help.
Who can help you be a better speaker?
Lesson 3 Put the hours in.
Do you agree that there’s no substitute for hard work when it comes to improving your public
Lesson 4 Become an expert from experience.
What different ways can you think of becoming an expert?
Lesson 5 Broadcast a true version of yourself
Do you agree that our flaws are what make us human?

Marks 2 minutes

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