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Executive Diploma in Human Resource Management

Final Examination
Module: Human Resource Management
Duration: 1hour and 30 minutes
Date: 14th May 2017

1) Answer all 60 questions

2) Use the Answer sheet by circling the correct answers.
3) Fill up all information required on the Answer Sheet
4) The Examination Question paper must not be taken out and to
be left behind on your writing table.

Q1: The characteristics of human resources are ________ in nature

A. homogeneous
B. heterogeneous
C. ductility
D. None of the above
Q2: A measurement related to job performance is called:
A. criterion validity.
B. job sample.
C. predictor.
D. consistency of scores.

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Q3: Identify the managerial function out of the following functions of HR managers.

A. procurement
B. development
C. organizing
D. performance appraisal

Q4: Advantage of 'Management by Objectives (MBO)' is

A. avoids central tendency and biases
B. jointly agreed performance objectives
C. provides behavioral anchors
D. ongoing basis evaluation

Q5: Which of the following is an example of operative function of HR managers?

A. planning
B. organizing
C. procurement
D. controlling

Q 6: Two basic issues to address in training evaluation are

A. design of evaluation
B. things to measure
C. in-house development
D. Both A and B

Q7: The scope of human resource management includes

A. procurement
B. development
C. compensation
D. All of the above

Q8: Human resource management is normally ________ in nature.

A. proactive
B. reactive
C. combative
D. None of the above

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Q9: Which of the following factors is not an external influencing factor in wages and
salary administration?
A. Cost of living
B. Labour legislations
C. Labour market conditions
D. Ability to pay

Q10: The human resource management functions aim at

A. ensuring that the human resources possess adequate capital, tool,
equipment and material to perform the job successfully
B. helping the organization deal with its employees in different stages of
C. improving an organization’s creditworthiness among financial institutions
D. None of the above

Q11: Which of the following aptly describes the role of line managers and staff
advisors, namely HR professionals?
A. Staff advisors focus more on developing HR programmes while line
managers are more involved in the implementation of those programmes.
B. Line managers are concerned more about developing HR programmes
whereas staff advisors are more involved in implementing such
C. Staff advisors are solely responsible for developing, implementing and
evaluating the HR programmes while line managers are not all involved in
any matters concerning HR.
D. Line managers alone are responsible for developing, implementing and
evaluating the HR programmes while staff advisors are not all involved in
any matters concerning HR.
Q12: The process of developing an applicants’ pool for job openings in an
organization is called
A. Hiring
B. Recruitment
C. Selection
D. Retention
Q13: Training effects that are to be measured consists of
A. Reaction
B. Learning
C. Behaviour
D. All of above

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Q14: Insurance schemes, retirement benefits and leave travel concession are
examples of
A. indirect monetary compensation
B. direct monetary compensation
C. non-monetary compensation
D. None of the above

Q15: Which of the following is not a forecasting technique to assess the human
resource requirements of an organization?
A. Trend analysis
B. Ratio analysis
C. Managerial judgment
D. Replacement charts
Q16: Analysis to Identify specific skills needed for specific job is called
A. need analysis competency model
B. competency model
C. task analysis
D. Both A and C

Q17: Which of the following terms is not associated with job analysis?
A. Task
B. Duty
C. Position
D. Competitor
Q18: Hiring applicants without conducting background investigations may constitute:
A. negligent hiring.
B. discriminatory procedures.
C. privacy rights.
D. internal consistency.
Q19: Improving current and future management performance is called
A. job rotation
B. job training
C. lifelong learning
D. management development
Q20: Employee if rated lower in appraisal rating because of 'gender' is an example of
A. lenient/strict tendency
B. bias
C. central tendency
D. different tendencies

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Q21: The forecasting based on the subjective views of the managers on the HR
requirements of an organization is known as
A. Normal group technique
B. Delphi technique
C. Managerial judgment
D. Work study technique

Q22: The basic purpose of human resource planning is to

A. identify the human resource requirements
B. identify the human resource availability
C. match the HR requirements with the HR availability
D. All of the above

Q23: The final process of a job analysis is the preparation of two statements,
A. Job observation and job description
B. Job specification and job observation
C. Job description and job specification
D. None of the above

Q24: Job analysis is a process of gathering information about the

A. Job holder
B. Job
C. Management
D. Organization

Q25: The process of bringing together different tasks to build a job is called
A. job evaluation
B. job design
C. job classification
D. job description

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Q26: Which of the following is not a component of job design?
A. job enrichment
B. job rotation
C. job reengineering
D. job outsourcing
Q27: The basic purpose of human resource planning is to
A. identify the human resource requirements
B. identify the human resource availability
C. match the HR requirements with the HR availability
D. All of the above

Q28: Process of identifying, assessing and developing leadership is called

A. Employment planning
B. Human resource planning
C. Succession planning
D. All of above

Q29: Which of the following is the most serious problem that might arise due to
excessive reliance on internal recruitment?
A. reduced job performance
B. high labour turnover
C. lack of motivation
D. internal resistance
Q30: Internal recruitment has the potentiality to increase the _______ of the
A. Conflicts
B. Misunderstanding
C. Income
D. Morale
Q31: A prerequisite for a successful and efficient recruitment programme is to have
A. corporate policy
B. HR policy
C. recruitment policy
D. health and safety policy

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Q32: Which of the following helps the managers with the information required to
make good human resources decisions?
A. Selection
B. industrial relations
C. recruitment
D. performance appraisal

Q33: _______ is the process of estimating the quantity and quality of people
required to meet future needs of the organisation.

A. Demand forecasting
B. Supply forecasting
C. Environmental forecasting
D. None of the above

Q34: Which of the following is not true about training?

A. It is a short-duration exercise.
B. It is technical in nature.
C. It is primarily for managers and executives.
D. It is concerned with specific job skills.

Q35: In which type of analysis are corporate goals and plans compared with the
existing manpower inventory to determine the training needs?
A. Organization analysis
B. Operation analysis
C. Individual analysis
D. None of the above

Q36: Training concentrates on

A. coaching the members of an organization how to perform effectively in their
current jobs
B. expansion of the knowledge and skills of the members of an organization
C. preparing the employees to take on new responsibilities.
D. none of the above.

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Q37: __________ is the process of forecasting an organisations future demand for,
and supply of, the right type of people in the right number.
A. Human Resource Planning
B. Recruitments
C. Human Resource Management
D. Human Capital Management

Q38: When an international firm follows a strategy of choosing only from the
nationals of the parent country, it is called
A. polycentric approach
B. geocentric approach
C. ethnocentric approach
D. None of the above

Q39: Which of the following factors state the importance of the Human Resource

A. Creating highly talented personnel

B. International strategies
C. Resistance to change and move
D. All of the above

Q40: Laboratory training is also known by the name

A. sensitivity training
B. job instruction training
C. apprenticeship training
D. none of the above

Q41: A process that is used for identifying and developing internal people with the
potential to fill key business leadership positions in the company is called ______.

A. Highly talented personnel creation

B. Investing in human resources
C. Succession planning
D. None of the above

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Q42: Providing equal pay for jobs of equal nature based on job evaluation ensures
_______ in compensation administration.
A. external equity
B. internal equity
C. neutrality
D. None of the above

Q43: Payment of cash rewards for the work extracted from the employee is normally
A. direct compensation
B. indirect compensation
C. non-monetary compensation
D. None of the above

Q44: The poor quality of selection will mean extra cost on _______ and supervision.
A. Training
B. Recruitment
C. Work quality
D. None of the above

Q45: Performance management is viewed as a process carried out as a(n)

A. once-a-year task
B. twice-a-year activity
C. ongoing process or cycle
D. None of the above

Q46: Performance evaluation can be defined as a process of evaluating

A. past performance
B. present performance
C. future performance
D. past and present performance

Q47: The 360-degree performance feedback involves the evaluation of employees

A. HR managers
B. Employees
C. Supervisors
D. all who are directly in contact with the ratee

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Q48: Which of these is the most important external factor governing recruitments?
A. Sons of soil
B. Labour market
C. Unemployment rate
D. Supply and demand

Q49: A major internal factor that can determine the success of the recruiting
programme is whether or not the company engages in ______.
A. Human Resource Planning
B. Selection
C. Induction
D. None of the above

Q50: Teaching by a wise and trusted superior on a one-to-one basis is called

A. In-basket training
B. Behaviour modelling
C. Mentoring
D. Action Learning

Q51: Step in recruitment process in which candidates are shortlisted fulfilling

minimum requirements of job is classified as

A. placement screening
B. pre-employment screening
C. compensatory screening
D. affirmative screening

Q52: Trainees forming teams and assuming managerial roles in two or more
imaginary but rival companies is part of the _______ development technique.
A. university-based programmes
B. external coaching
C. in-house development centres
D. None of these

Q53: Systematic process through which an accurate picture of job is given to
applicants job is classified as
A. realistic job preview
B. realistic job placement
C. realistic job criterion
D. realistic job administration

Q54: The initial training effort to inform the new managers about the company, the
job, and the work group is known as
A. Action learning
B. Behaviour modelling
C. Executive coaches
D. Executive orientation

Q55: In predictors combination, approach in which scores from each predictor is

added to compensate lower score of any of predictor is classified as

A. multiple hurdles
B. collective approach
C. compensatory approach
D. none of above

Q56: Reason that why employers are moving to performance management is

A. total quality
B. appraisal issues
C. strategic planning
D. All of above

Q57: Aim of performance appraisal is to

A. fire employee
B. motivate employee
C. counsel employee
D. hire employee

Q58: Advantage of 'BARS' system
A. is simple to use
B. avoids central tendency and biases
C. end up with predetermined rating figures
D. provides behavioral anchors

Q59: An interview in which supervisor and subordinate review appraisal is called

A. structured interview
B. unstructured interview
C. appraisal interview
D. hiring interview

Q60: Method of keeping and reviewing record of employees undesirable behavior at

different time intervals is
A. critical incident method
B. forced distribution method
C. alternation ranking method
D. paired comparison method

End of Question Paper


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