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Exclusive Original Jurisdiction

Petitions for certiorari, prohibition and mandamus Actions for the annulment of the 1. All civil actions in which the subject of litigation is 1. All cases involving custody, guardianship,
against the following: judgments of RTC incapable of pecuniary estimation; legitimacy, paternity and filiation arising under the
1. Court of Appeals 2. All civil actions which involve title to, or possession of
2. Commission on Elections real property or an interest therein where the assessed 2. All cases involving disposition, distribution
3. Commission on Audit value of such property involved exceeds P20,000 and settlement of the estate of the deceased
4. Sandiganbayan outside Metro Manila or P50,000 within Metro Manila Muslims, probate of wills, issuance of letters of
5. Court of Tax Appeals except cases of forcible entry and unlawful detainer; administration or appointment of administrators or
6. CSC
executors regardless of the nature or the aggregate
3. All actions in admiralty and maritime jurisdiction when value of the property
the demand or claim exceeds P300,000 outside Metro
Manila or P400,000 within Metro Manila (2010 BEQ) 3. Petitions for the declaration of absence and
death and for the cancellation or correction of entries
4. All matters of probate (testate and intestate), where the in the Muslim Registries mentioned in Title VI of
gross value
Text of the estate exceeds P300,000 outside Book Two of the Code
Metro ManilaTextor P400,000 within Metro Manila
4. All actions arising from customary contracts
5. In all actions involving the contract of marriage in areas in which the parties are Muslims, if they have not
where there are no Family Courts (sec 5 and sec 7 of specified which shall govern their relations
RA 8369)
5. All petitions for mandamus, prohibition,
6. All cases not within the exclusive jurisdiction of any injunction, certiorari, habeas corpus, and all other
court, tribunal, person or body exercising judicial or auxiliary writs and processes in aid of its
quasi-judicial functions appellate jurisdiction

- this jurisdiction is often described as the ‘general

jurisdiction’ of the RTC, making it a court of
‘general jurisdiction’

7. All civil actions and special proceedings falling within

the exclusive original jurisdiction of the Juvenile and
Domestic Relations Court and of the Court of Agrarian

8. All other cases in which the demand or the value of the

property in controversy eceeds P300,000 outside
Metro Manila or P400,000 within Metro Manila,
exclusive of interest, damages of whatever kind,
attorney’s fees, litigation expenses and costs

Original Jurisdiction Original and Concurrent Jurisdictions
with all Civil Courts
1. Actions involving ambassadors, public 1. Petition for certiorari, 1. Actions involving ambassadors, public ministers 1. Petitions by Muslims for the constitution of a
ministers and consuls; prohibition, mandamus, quo and consuls; family home, change of name and commitment
2. Petition for certiorari, prohibition, mandamus, warranto, habeas corpus; 2. Petition for certiorari, prohibition, mandamus, quo of an insane person to an asylum;
quo warranto, habeas corpus; 2. Writ of amparo; warranto, habeas corpus;
3. Petition for habeas corpus; 3. Habeas data; 3. Petitions for writ of amparo; 2. All other personal and real actions not mentioned
4. Petition for writ of amparo; 4. Writ of continuing 4. Petition for habeas data; in paragraph #4 of the enumerated exclusive
5. Writ of continuing mandamus; mandamus; 5. Petition for writ of continuing mandamus original jurisdiction of the SDC, wherein the
6. Writ of kalikasan; 5. Writ of kalikasan; parties involved are Muslims except those for
6. Petition for freeze order on forcible entry and unlawful detainer, which shall
any monetary instrument, fall under the exclusive original jurisdiction of the
property, or proceeds Municipal Trial Court;
relating to or involving any
lawful activity as defined All special civil actions for interpleader or declaratory
under sec. 3 (j) of RA 9160 relief wherein the parties are Muslims or the property
as amended by RA 9194 involved belongs exclusively to Muslims
Appellate Jurisdiction
Judgment, final orders and resolutions against the 1. Judgments, resolutions, orders Decisions and final orders against: 1. Cases tried in the Shariah Circuit Courts within
following: or awards of: 1. Metropolitan Trial Court; their territorial jurisdiction
1. Court of Appeals A. RTC: 2. Municipal Trial Court; 2. Decide every case appealed to it on the basis of
2. Sandiganbayan - in the exercise of its original 3. Municipal Circuit Trial Court the evidence and records transmitted as well as
3. Regional Trial Court on pure questions of jurisdiction such memoranda, briefs or oral arguments as
law and in cases involving: - in the exercise of its appellate the parties may submit
a. constitutionality or validity of a law or 2. Appeal from MTC/MCTC in the
treaty, international or executive exercise of their delegated
agreement, presidential decree, jurisdiction
proclamation, order, instruction, ordinance 3. Appeal from CSC and other
or regulation bodies under rule 43
b. legality of a tax impost, assessment or 4. Appeals from National
toll, or penalty in relation thereto Commission on Indigenous
c. cases in which jurisdiction of the court People (NCIP)
is in issue 5. Appeals from the Office of the
Ombudsman in administrative
4. Court of Tax Appeals en banc cases
5. Court of Appeals, sandiganbyan and a.
Regional Trial Court in petition for writ of
6. Court of Appeals, sandiganbyan and
Regional Trial Court in petition for habeas
Concurrent Jurisdiction
With CA, SB and RTC With the SC
1. Petitions for certiorari, prohibition,
Issuance of writs of certiorari, In actions affecting ambassadors, other public ministers
mandamus; prohibition, and mandamus against: and consuls
2. Quo warranto; 1. RTC
3. Habeas corpus; 2. CSC
4. Writ of amparo; 3. Central Board of Assessment
5. Habeas data; Appeals
6. Writ of kalikasan; 4. Other quasi-judicial bodies (rule
7. Writ of injunction 43)
With CA With SC and RTC With SC and CA
Petitions for certiorari, prohibition, and mandamus Issuance of writs of certiorari, Petitions for certiorari, prohibition and mandamus, quo
against the following: prohibition, and mandamus, writs of warranto and habeas corpus against the lower courts
1. RTC habeas corpus against the following:
2. Civil Service Commission 1. Lower courts
3. Central Board of Assessment Appeals 2. Other bodies
5. Other quasi-judicial agencies
With CA and RTC With SB, SC and RTC With SC, SB and CA
1. Petitions for certiorari, prohibition and 1. Writ of amparo; Writ of amparo and habeas corpus
mandamus against the lower courts and bodies 2. Writ of habeas data where
2. Petitions for quo warranto and habeas corpus the action involves public
Note: this jurisdiction is subject to the hierarchy of data or government office
courts (sec. 9 [1, 2[1], BP 129; Art VIII)
With RTC With MTC
Cases affecting ambassadors, public ministers, and Cases involving enforcement or violations of
consuls environmental and other related laws, rules and
Ancillary Jurisdiction Ancillary Jurisdiction
All provisional remedies All provisional remedies
Special Jurisdiction
1. Criminal cases;
2. Juvenile and domestic cases;
3. Agrarian cases;
4. Urban land reforms cases which do not fall under
the jurisdiction of quasi-judicial bodies and
5. Such other special cases as the SC may
determine in the interest of a speedy and efficient
administration of justice
Exclusive Original Jurisdiction
1. Civil actions and 1. Petitions for guardianship, 1. Actions where the value of the personal Tax collection cases involving final and Cases involving violations of:
proceedings between custody of children and habeas property, estate or amount of the demand executor assessments for taxes, fees, 1. EO No. 1 (Creating the PCGG)
parties who are Muslims or corpus involving children; does not exceed P300,000 outside Metro charges and penalties: Provided, 2. EO No. 2 (Illegal Acquisition and
have been married in 2. Petitions for adoption for children Manila or P400,000 outside Metro Manila** however, that collection cases where the Misappropriations of Ferdinand
accordance with Art. 13 and the revocation thereof; principal amount of taxes and fees, Marcos, Imelda Marcos their close
involving disputes relating 3. Complaints for annulment of 2. Actions involving title to or possession of exclusive of charges and penalties, relatives, subordinates, business
to: marriage, declaration of nullity of real property or any interest therein where claimed is less than One million pesos associates, dummies, agents or
marriage and those relating to the value or amount of the property or shall be tried by the proper Municipal nominees)
a. marriage; status and property relations of interest does not exceed P20,000 outside Trial Court, Metropolitan Trial Court, and 3. EO No. 14 [Cases involving the ill-
b. divorce recognized husband and wife or those living Metro Manila or P50,000 in Metro Manila**; Regional Trial Court gotten wealth of the immediately
under this code; together under different status mentioned persons (Marcos and
c. bethrothal or breach and agreements, and petitions for 1. Maritime claims where the demand or dummies)]
of contract of dissolution of conjugal claim does not exceed P300,000 outside 4. EO No. 14-A (amendments to EO
marriage; partnership of gains; Metro Manila or P400,000 within Metro No. 14) (Sec. 2, RA 7975 as
d. customary dower 4. Petitions for support and/or Manila**; amended by RA 8294)
(mahr); acknowledgment;
e. disposition and 5. Summary judicial proceedings 2. Actions for claim of money where the
distribution of property brought under the provisions of demand does not exceed P300,000
upon divorce; Executive Order No. 209, outside Metro Manila or P400,000 within
f. maintenance and otherwise known as the “Family Metro Manila;
support, and Code of the Philippines;”
consolatory gifts 6. Petitions for declaration of status 3. Actions and probate proceedings,
*mut’a); of children as abandoned, testate and intestate, where the value of
g. restitution of marital dependent or neglected children, the property does not exceed P300,000
gifts petitions for voluntary or outside metro manila or P400,000 within
involuntary commitment of Metro Manila;
2. Cases involving disputes children, the suspension,
relative to communal termination or restoration of 4. Inclusion or exclusion of voters;
properties parental authority and other
cases cognizable under PD 603, 5. Cases covered by the Rules on
EO 56 (series of 1986) and other Summary Procedures:
related laws;
7. Petitions for the constitution of 1. forcible entry
the family home 2. Other civil cases except probate
8. Cases against minors cognizable where the total amount of the
under the Dangerous Drugs Act. plaintiff’s claim does not exceed
As amended; P100,000 outside Metro Manila or
9. Violations of RA 7610 (Special P200,000 within Metro Manila**
Protection of Children Against
Child Abuse, Exploitation and 6. Cases covered by the Rules on
Discrimination Act) Small Claims
10. Cases of domestic violence

a. Women – which are acts of

gender based violence that
results, or are likely to result in
physical, sexual or psychological
harm or suffering to women, and
other forms of physical abuse
such as battering or threats and
coercion which violate a woman’s
personhood, integrity and
freedom movement and

b. Children – which include the

commission of all forms of abuse,
neglect, cruelty, exploitation,
violence, and discrimination and
all other conditions prejudicial to
their development
Appellate Jurisdiction
1. Over appeals from the judgments, Final judgment, resolutions, or orders of
resolutions or orders of the RTC in RTC whether in the exercise of their own
tax collection cases originally original jurisdiction or their appellate
decided by them, in their respective jurisdiction
territorial jurisdiction
2. Over petitions for review of the
judgments, resolutions or orders of
the RTC in the exercise of their
appellate jurisdiction over tax
collection cases originally decided by
the Metropolitan Trial Court,
Municipal Trial Courts and Municipal
Circuit Trial Courts, in their
respective jurisdictions
Concurrent Jurisdiction
With RTC With CIR With SC
Cases involving enforcement or violations 1. Decisions of the Commissioner of Petitions for certiorari, prohibition,
of environmental and other related laws, Internal Revenue in cases involving mandamus, habeas corpus, injunction and
rules and regulations disputed assessments, refunds of other ancillary writs in aid of its appellate
internal revenue taxes, fees or other jurisdiction, including quo warranto arising
charges, penalties in relation thereto in cases falling under EO No 1, 2, 14 and
or other matters arising under the 14-A
National Internal Revenue.

2. Inactions of the Commissioner of

Internal Revenue in cases involving
disputed assessments, refunds of
internal revenue taxes, fees or other
charges, penalties in relation thereto
or other matters arising under the
National Internal Revenue Code or
other laws administered by the BIR,
where the NIRC provides a specific
period of action, in which case the
inaction shall be deemed a denial

Special Jurisdiction With RTC With SC, CA and RTC

Petition for habeas corpus in the absence Petitions for the issuance of writ of amparo
of all RTC judges in the province or city Decisions, orders or resolutions of the and writ of habeas data
RTC in local tax cases originally decided
or resolved by them in the exercise of
their original or appellate jurisdiction

Delegated Jurisdiction With Commissioner of Customs

Cadastral or land registration cases
covering lots where there: Decisions in cases involving liability for
1. is no controversy or opposition; or customs duties, fees or other money
contested but the value does not exceed charges, seizure, detention or release of
P100,000 property affected, fines, forfeitures or
other penalties in relation thereto, or
other matters arising under the Customs
Law or other laws administered by the
Bureau of Customs
With Central Board of Assessment
Cases involving the assessment and
taxation of real property originally
decided by the provincial or city board of
assessment appeals
With Secretary of Finance
Customs cases elevated to him
automatically for review from decisions
of the Commissioner of Customs which
are adverse to the Government under
Sec. 2315 of the Tariff and Customs
With Secretary of Trade and Industry
and the Secretary of Agriculture
Case of non-agricultural product,
commodity or article, and the Secretary
of Agriculture in the case of agricultural
profuct, commodity or article, involving
dumping and countervailing duties under
Secs. 301 and 302, respectively, of the
Tariff and Customs Code, and
safeguard measures under RA 8800,
where either party may appeal the
decision to impose or not to impose said
To achieve an expeditious and inexpensive determination of To provide a simpler and more inexpensive and expeditious To effect an amicable settlement of disputes among family
the cases defined to be governed by the Rules on Summary means of settling disputes involving purely money claims than and barangay members at the barangay level without
Procedure the regular civil process judicial recourse and consequently help relieve the courts
of docket congestion (Preamble of PD 1508) (1999 BEQ)

Where to File
1. Metropolitan Trial Court 1. Metropolitan Trial Court 1. For disputes between residents of the same
2. Municipal Trial Court in Cities 2. Municipal Trial Court in Cities barangay; the dispute must be brought for settlement
3. Municipal Trial Court 3. Municipal Trial Court in the said barangay
4. Municipal Circuit Trial Court 4. Municipal Circuit Trial Court
2. For disputes between residents of different but
adjoining barangays and the parties agree to submit
their differences to amicable settlement: within the
same city or municipality where any of the
respondents reside at the election of the complainant

3. For disputes involving real property or any interest

when the parties thereto agree to submit their
differences to amicable settlement by an appropriate
lupon therein shall be brought in the barangay where
the real property or larger portion thereof is situated
4. For disputes arising at the workplace where the
contending parties are employed or at the institution
where such parties are enrolled for study shall be
brought in the barangay where such workplace or
institution is located
Civil Cases Covered
1. All cases of forcible entry and unlawful detainer Small claims cases – civil claims which are exclusively for the All disputes involving parties who actually resides in the
irrespective of the amount of damages or unpaid payment or reimbursement of a sum of money not exceeding same city or municipality may be the subject of the
rentals sought to be recovered. Where attorney’s fees P100,000 exclusive of interest and costs, either: proceedings for amicable settlement in the barangay.
are awarded, the same shall not exceed P20,000; and 1. Purely civil in nature where the claim or relief prayed
2. All other civil cases, except probate proceedings, for by the plaintiff is solely for payment or
where the total amount of plaintiff’s claim does not reimbursement of sum of money; or
exceed P100,000 outside Metro Manila or P200,000 2. The civil aspect of criminal actions, either filed before
within Metro Manila, exclusive of interests and costs the institution of the criminal action, or reserved upon
the filing of the criminal action in court, pursuant to
Rule 111 of the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure

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